Peninsula Kids Summer 2024/25

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1 GIVE YOUR FINANCES A CHECK-UP Start by knowing where you’re at. It might not be pretty, but it’s crucial.


et’s face it, the 'new year, new you' mantra doesn’t just apply to gym memberships and wardrobe reorganising; it’s prime time to get those family finances whipped into shape too.

So, how about giving 2025 a big, warm welcome with some rocksolid money goals? Here’s a no-nonsense guide to setting family financial goals.

Gather all your bills and bank statements. What’s coming in? What’s going out? Are there any surprise expenses lurking around the corner? A financial health check-up will help set the scene for goals that are realistic—and actually achievable!

2 DREAM BIG (BUT BE REALISTIC) Alright, now it’s time to decide what you want to save for. Keep it simple. Think about short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. Maybe you want to save for a family holiday or a home deposit. Perhaps you'd like to pay down debt or start an investment portfolio. These goals don’t have to be fancy or overwhelming; just make sure they fit into your lifestyle and are easy enough to commit to.

3 START AN EMERGENCY FUND We all know that life throws curveballs when you least expect it. (Hello, car breakdowns and lost teeth). That’s why an emergency fund should be non-negotiable. Aim to tuck away three to six months’ worth of essential expenses for those “just-in-case” moments. You don’t want a broken washing machine eating up your holiday fund, right?

4 KEEP IT REAL WITH A FLEXIBLE BUDGET When it comes to budgeting, think realistic, not restrictive. A budget that feels too tight can be hard to stick to, so make sure it aligns with your lifestyle and allows for a little flexibility. Start by setting up a simple spreadsheet or explore online budgeting tools that make tracking expenses easy and visually clear. Remember, budgets aren’t set in stone; you can revisit and adjust them as needed. Aim for a budget that balances your financial goals with everyday life, so that it’s sustainable and keeps you motivated to stay on track.

20 Peninsula Kids – Summer 2024/25

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