Home Matters English

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IN THIS ISSUE A CHANCE TO WIN Amazon Vouchers with some fun competitions TOP Tips • DIY • Saving money • Safety tips SHARE... Have you got a story you’d like to share in our resident magazine? head to page 3 to find out more. AUTUMN / WINTER 2022
ClwydAlyn is a Charitable Registered Society
YOUR WELCOME Contents: YOUR WELCOME 3 Editors welcome – Laura Mckibbin 3 InfluenceUs YOUR NEWS 4-5 Meet your committee member Shelia Powel Resident stories: 6-7 Resident DIY repair trial 8-9 Success for Kick Start Trainee 9 BITC – Mid-Career Review webinars
COMMUNITY 10-13 Community round-up – resident day 14-15 Resident fun day 16-17 Development 18 Affordable homes YOUR HOME 19 Upcycle and DIY tips by Laura 20-21 Gardening tips Keep Wales Tidy - claim some free seeds from #InflunceUs 22 Ways to stay warm - Warm Wales 24 Winter safety tips for your home – Chris Roberts YOUR RECIPE 25 Resident recipe YOUR LOOK INTO... 26-27 Your look into a day in the life of… Our Engineers 29 Mailbag - Your questions answered YOUR
30 A chance for you to win £25 in Amazon vouchers 2

Your Editors Welcome

to the Autumn & Winter edition of Home Matters.

As the year comes to end, I often reflect and for me personally, this year has flown by! It has been a busy year too and starting my new role as Resident Involvement Officer has played a big part in this.

I’ve had the pleasure of getting out and about and meeting so many lovely residents. We also had the residents’ fun day which was incredible. Thank you to all those who attended, it was great to mingle and get to know you all.

In each edition we try and include useful information for you: there has been a lot of concern surrounding the current cost of living crisis and we are trying to support all residents the best we can. Now that the weather is getting colder, we will be spending more time at home and indoors. We have included some tips and information to help during these hard times.

What is a #Helper?

Being a #Helper will suit you if you have less time to give, or if you want a lower level of involvement. You can help out by completing surveys via text or post, or by social media.

What is a #Reviewer?

As a #Reviewer you will have more involvement, this may be attending meetings/video conferences. We want our #Reviewers to look at what is in place now, whether this meets resident needs, and to make recommendations for improvement.


Hello all and welcome back
can I sign up to be a #Reviewer or a #Helper?
resident involvement
easy way
let us
our services. We’re looking for #Helpers and #Reviewers. All #Helpers and #Reviewers that take part in our monthly surveys will be entered into a prize draw of £100 shopping vouchers! You have to be in it to win it! Have you got a story you’d like to share in our resident magazine?
Laura x
influenceus@clwydalyn.co.uk Direct message us on Twitter or Facebook @ClwydAlyn Visit www.clwydalyn.co.uk/influence-us #InfluenceUs is the face of
and an
know what
think about
We’d love to hear more about you or your community. It could be a personal story, top tips or a great activity that took place. It can be anything from a few sentences, a couple of pictures through to a full article that we’ll help you write. Please get in touch: email Laura.Mckibbin@clwydalyn.co.uk or you can call/WhatsApp me on 07880431004

MEET YOUR Resident Committee Member

What made you want to join the Resident Committee?

Through my life I’ve gained a lot of knowledge, both personally and through work. I really enjoy giving back to my community and this opportunity with ClwydAlyn has given me the platform to share and develop new skills

Had you sat on any other Boards or Committees before?

Yes, I’ve sat on many boards and committees over the years, all of which have had close links to my personal experiences. Being part of these boards has been amazing, allowing me to help residents empower themselves and be a voice for those underrepresented.

Which aspects of the role do you enjoy the most?

The most enjoyable part of being on the resident committee is getting to know the staff at ClwydAlyn and getting out there to meet the residents. I’ve really enjoyed discovering what’s important to our residents and working with staff to find solutions that will benefit people’s lives.

Was there anything that surprised you?

It’s nice to know that even at my age, I can still be surprised. Surprised because ClwydAlyn are fully open and receptive to all the ideas and criticisms that I put forward. I’m treated with the utmost respect here, and that goes a long way when everyone sees each other as equals. Smiles all the way.

As a resident what is the most important thing for you?

As a resident myself, I wish I could get more residents to join the group. All residents need to have a say, find out what rights they have and how to obtain the things they need. I would love to see residents who would normally lock themselves away and try to ignore problems to come forward, and tell us their worries or tell us how we could further help them or their neighbours.

What are your hopes and ambitions for ClwydAlyn?

I have lived in all three social housing providers within Flintshire, and I’m not shy of standing up for myself or others who feel they are unable to do so for themselves. I can honestly say, hand on heart, ClwydAlyn are the best. They care about their residents. You may say ‘well I’ve been waiting for…….’, but I can assure you, this is not due to complacency on ClwydAlyn’s side, this is due to a lot of outside pressures that they have little or no control of.

If I can help pave the way for ClwydAlyn to become the best social housing provider in all the UK, I will. They are the only social housing provider that I’ve come across who are continually looking for and implementing ways to improve the lives of their tenants. They never forget who pays their wages. They are never seen sitting back on their laurels. ClwydAlyn have already led the way within social housing with lots of new initiatives, implementing the Residents Committee being a case in question which has been recognised nationally in TPAS Cymru Awards for the way the Resident Committee was established and incorporated within their governance structure.


I have no sage words of advice for anyone wishing to join the Residents Committee, just a word of welcome. YOU can do it. WELCOME to all.

We notice that you and your son helped out at the recent resident fun day, did you enjoy it, what do you like about these kind of events?

I loved the fun day, mostly because my son came with me and was welcomed with open arms. Ben, my son has Downs Syndrome, he is 25 and loves helping. Ben aimed straight for the entrance stall which was manned by the CEO and a few of the senior staff, all women. Now to me, this reiterates all I’ve been saying about them being for the residents.

I was able to leave Ben helping and go off and do my Resident Committee stuff. I was told Ben was very helpful, polite, and only had four or five extra burgers. I don’t know where they got this child from, but I don’t think it was my Ben. Ben was able to call the bingo numbers and he went down a storm. The best thing about this day was, we all got together for a fun filled day out, it was safe and it met all our needs. We did not have to say, “Oh I can’t do it will cost a fortune”, ClwydAlyn had this covered. We got to meet people from other areas of the organisation, had some fun and a lot of sun. May I say, a lot of my ideas for this fun day were listened to and implemented. So, if you did not like parts of the day, please blame me and not ClwydAlyn.

Is there any advice you would share with someone considering joining the Resident Committee in the future?


A few months ago we shared with you our plans to run a pilot scheme that allowed members from Influence Us to complete their own minor repairs in their own homes.

As part of the trial, residents who joined in were given the opportunity to carry out basic repairs themselves and ClwydAlyn provided them with the materials where required.

It gave those trialling the pilot the opportunity to beat the queue and avoid the waiting times to sort out those small jobs.

Following their feedback it has been agreed that the DIY Resident Repairs scheme will be rolled to all ClwyAlyn residents.

ClwydAlyn’s Operations Manager, Carl Taylor said: “ The initiative was suggested by a member of the Resident Committee, offering residents the opportunity to complete basic repairs themselves, with us providing them with the materials or parts either delivered or arranged to be collected.

“ The initial pilot was a great success with members from the Residents Committee and Influence Us carrying out small DIY tasks they had in their homes whilst feeding back on their experiences to us.”

Gemma Minards is one of our residents that took part in the pilot and carried out several repairs in her garden.

She said: “ It was so simple. I took photos of the minor repairs that needed doing to my garden gate and fence and sent them to a member of the Maintenance Team. They then provided me with the parts I needed and after the parts arrived it took me about 20 minutes to fit 2 hinges and a lock on my gate, and my husband repaired the fence.

All the parts I received were correct, and for me the service was very convenient, not having to wait in for staff to do the repairs, which suited me as a mother of 3 young children. I also got my repair done quickly!

This was a great experience for me, and I was happy to take part in the pilot. I was impressed with how quickly the Maintenance Team responded to my initial self-repair request and I’m proud of what I’ve achieved on my own. I really think this will give people the confidence to carry out more of their own small repairs in their homes. “



The Maintenance Team is always busy and throughout the year the demand on this service can vary depending on a variety of things such as bad weather. This means our residents may have to wait a bit longer than we’d like in order to get a repair done.

“ It’s great we’re able to roll out this initiative to all our residents, which will play a key role in improving our service, as well as giving our residents the opportunity to carry out minor repairs such as fixing radiators, doors, and fencing etc.”

By completing your own minor repairs, you can reduce the time you wait for a repair to be carried out and you can carry out the repair at your own convivence. In some cases, this might reduce the need for you to take time off work to allow the repairs team access.

If you are interested in completing your own self repair, please get in touch with ClwydAlyn’s Contact Centre on 0800 1835757 where a member of the team will talk you through the process.

Carl Taylor added:


A kickstart trainee has been offered a full-time role after completing a 6-month placement with us. Sasha Davies, 22 years old, took up a trainee role with ClwydAlyn through the government funded Kickstart scheme. Designed to enable 16–24-year-olds who are in receipt of Universal Credit, and at risk of long-term unemployment, high quality work placements across the UK.

Sasha trained as an Assistant Project Worker at Wrexham Foyer one of ClwydAlyn’s supported living projects that supports young people from 16+ who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Sasha said:

She talked to us about how she came into the role, her amazing progress since, and how working for ClwydAlyn has inspired her to plan her future career with us.

It all started while I was at university studying Mental Health and Wellbeing. I decided to take a year out during the pandemic as I had childcare responsibilities. During that time, I came across the government-funded Kickstart scheme and felt it would be a great opportunity for me to develop new skills and experiences that would help me find work after completing the programme.


I started with ClwydAlyn in March, and began by supporting residents with their daily lives, for example with life skills, budgeting, and signposting to relevant agencies. As I became more comfortable in the role, I was confident enough to carry out support sessions, working 1:1 with residents.

“ During my placement I also organised and led tenant participation events, which gave me the opportunity to really get to know the people I worked closely with through taking parts in events such as games nights and cooking sessions.

“ My 6-month period with Kickstart came to an end earlier this week, and I’m thrilled to reveal that I’ve been offered a permanent contract as a Project Worker with ClwydAlyn, which is fantastic news. It’s a really rewarding job and It’s great to know that I’m helping residents and changing their lives.”

Senior Project Officer at ClwydAlyn Sarah Davenport said:

“ Employing our Kickstart trainee, Sasha, has been amazing for the service. During her time here she has gained knowledge, confidence, experience, and a good understanding of the role as well as built up a great working relationship with staff and residents alike.

Business in the Community (BITC) are leading a movement to create a fair and sustainable world in which to live and work.

Business in the Community’s Mid-Career Review webinars offer an opportunity for individuals in Wales aged 50+ who are in work or seeking work to reflect and take a fresh look at their life, helping them make and put plans in place for a positive future.

It has been a pleasure to have her on board and to watch her develop her skills; she has become a valued member of the team and I have no doubt she will excel in her new role. The Kickstart experience has been invaluable.”

Sasha added:

My advice to anyone starting out is that if they see the Kickstart opportunity, I’d say grab it with both hands. Don’t let fear take over; this role is great and completely different to anything I expected. I’m really enjoying it, and I’d like to progress in the company and see where it goes. I’m so happy with what I’m doing now.”

These free webinars, which last around one hour, provide an overview of key topics relevant to work, finances along with health and wellbeing as we get older. The webinars aim to help attendees feel more informed and confident about choices that will impact their future. BITC share a resource pack with further information and tools to help you in planning for your future.

You can find out more and register for one of the upcoming dates for the Mid-Career Review webinars here - www.bitcni.org.uk/age-at-work-wales-mid-career-review



Community has never been so important, so it is good to highlight some of the great work that our staff and residents do within our communities. If you’d like to share a story or an event, send it over to communications@clwydalyn.co.uk


On Friday 14 October Jean Schofield, a resident at Llys Raddington celebrated her 100th birthday!

A party was held at the scheme and Jean, with her family, friends and other residents, had a wonderful afternoon on this most special of birthdays!

Jean has lived at Llys Raddington since it opened in 2018, and has fantastic support from her sons, Neil and Andrew, and her daughters in law, Linda and Tricia.

Growing up in Norfolk she worked as a switchboard operator in London during WW2, then moved to Flint, north Wales with her husband Joe who worked for aircraft production firm, Hawker Siddeley.

They then set up a family business running the garage on Flint Mountain, and after Joe sadly passed away in 1981, she continued to run the family buisness with her sons, making many friends and contacts in the local community.

She loves living at the scheme as she feels safe, and all the carers give amazing care. She enjoys doing crosswords, fresh air, and watching people come and go from her balcony.

Staff and residents were happy to celebrate such a milestone birthday with her and sent their heartfelt congratulations to Jean and all the family.


Fundraising for



Residents enjoyed their Macmillan coffee day and raised a fantastic £640!

A big thank you to the helpers, the cake makers and everyone that supported by making the day so successful.


A big thank you to the volunteers from Colwyn Bay FC Juniors who came along to help us with our litter pick for Keep Wales Tidy at Colwyn Bay Beach.

Lots of rubbish collected. Well done all!!



Our residents at Cae Glo enjoy a coffee morning twice a week in their communal lounge.

This is a great way for our residents to stay social, to see what’s happening within the community and just enjoy a good cuppa and a chat.




The story is set in the beautiful mountains of Snowdonia, the underbelly of Manchester’s crime scene and Albania’s mafia country.

Peter Maroc, the protagonist, is an ex-SAS officer, and at the beginning of the novel returns from Germany to his home village in Snowdonia. Three years previously, his wife had banished him from his home, her father, Max Southwell, resenting him for the neglect of his daughter.

On his return, he finds his father-in-law has been left to die by his grasping sons, and with his wife trapped in an African hospital and powerless to help, Maroc makes it his mission to return Max Southwell to health and regain his wife’s affections.

On the writing of the novel Keith says, “ I began the first draft in 2017, and it took me 9 months to write. I then let it hang fallow for the next 3 and a half years and started editing it 9 months ago. The whole process of writing and editing took 18 months, and the book is 437 pages long.

“ Being a retired psychotherapist, I had previously written several self-help books, and this is my first novel. I published it age 79, and last week my achievement was featured in the local press! The libraries in Conwy also have a copy, with WH Smith also interested!”

The book has been released to 5-star reviews, with one reader saying, ‘Maroc deserves break out status, because, in my opinion, it is a novel ripe for adaptation into a Hollywood blockbuster film, and an appearance on the New York times bestseller list. It is a well-crafted novel worthy of a place on your bookshelves!’

‘Maroc: A Snowdonia Thriller’ is available now in paperback and Kindle options from amazon.co.uk.



It’s great seeing the young and the old coming together and experiencing a wonderful connection through reading

Thank you St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Colwyn Bay for visiting our residents at Merton Place.


Over the summer, Housing Officer Jenny Toner decided to have a competition in Mold with who could grow the tallest sunflower.

Many residents took part but the winner was Ozzy who managed to grow an impressive 9ft sunflower. Wow!! Ozzy was impressed with his prizes, which was a bug house, some seeds ready for next year and a bee toy on a wooden stick.



Residents, Alison, John and Sandra from Hafan Cefni have been raising funds to help those affected by the war in Ukraine through arranging crafts events and having a craft stall.

They’re target was to raise £1,000 which they reached and will be donating the money to the British Red Cross.



We had a great day at our Resident Fun Day!

Thank you to the organisers and partners who helped make the day possible.



Work is progressing on the development of Neuadd Maldwyn, located on Severn Road, Welshpool, into independent living apartments for older people. The historic Neuadd Maldwyn building is being restored and sympathetically extended as part of the programme.

The scheme will feature 66-, one- and two-bedroom high quality apartments for rent, for individuals aged 60 years and over, with an assessed care or support need. The scheme will include communal facilities for events and activities, a restaurant, on-site parking and landscaped areas.

Housing management and ancillary services will be provided by ClwydAlyn, whilst Powys County Council will take responsibility for the provision of on-site domiciliary care. Priority will be given to residents of the Welshpool area or have close connections to the Welshpool area.


In partnership with:




For many of our residents, living in our independent living schemes has changed their lives and they have never looked back. Here’s what some of our residents think about living in our schemes…

Mike at Llys Raddington, Flint

“ I’ve been here since the scheme opened 4 years ago, and my 1-bedroom flat is perfect for me. The best things about living here are that I’m never on my own, the scheme is so near the shops, and I enjoy taking part in the activities such as bingo, etc. I also want to thank the carers for being there for me recently when I needed them. It is brilliant to have that support on site and I’m really glad I moved here.”

Mona at Maes y Dderwen, Wrexham

I moved into my apartment last November. I have made several new friends and enjoyed the company and the banter that goes on at the coffee mornings and at mealtimes! Although I don’t need any extra care myself, I find the staff are very friendly and caring to those that do. I have no regrets concerning my move although it was a wrench having to leave my house and garden but the experience of living here far outweighs. My family have peace of mind knowing that I am in a safe and secure environment.”


• Hafan Gwydir, Llanrwst, Conwy

• Tan y Fron, Llandudno, Conwy

• Plas Telford, Wrexham

• Maes y Dderwen, Wrexham

• Llys Eleanor, Shotton, Flintshire

• Llys Raddington, Flint, Flintshire

• Gorwel Newydd, Rhyl, Denbighshire

• Hafan Cefni, Llangefni, Anglesey

• Neuadd Maldwyn, Welshpool, Powys

– In development


You might be interested in living in one of our independent living schemes yourself or you could be thinking about somewhere for a family member or friend to live. Why not find out more, and register your interest in the scheme, call 0800 183 5757, email: help@clwydalyn.co.uk



What is an intermediate rent property?

Intermediate rent is housing which intends to provide an additional rental choice for lower income households, providing secure, affordable, good quality homes at below market rents. ClwydAlyn have intermediate rental properties across North Wales and these are allocated through Tai Teg’s Affordable Homes Register.


• You are aged 18 or over

• In employment and have an Annual gross household income between £16,000 to £45,000 (can include benefits)

• A first-time buyer or your current home is unsuitable and does not meet your family’s needs You are unable to afford to rent on the open market and / or buy a property that suits your needs



Register with Tai Teg by:

• Visiting www.taiteg.org.uk

• Click on ‘register with Tai Teg’

• Complete the application form Click on ‘submit application’ Tai Teg will assess your application

• If you meet the criteria and are approved you can then apply for properties

If you have an annual gross household income between £16,000 and £45,000 (can include benefits) and you are in need of affordable housing, you could be eligible for the Intermediate Rent scheme.

If you would like to know if you or someone you know is eligible, please go to: www.taiteg.org.uk

Website: www.taiteg.org.uk

Phone: 03456 015 605 Email: info@taiteg.org.uk


I’m back and with a new DIY plinth, I copied this from a trend I’d seen on Instagram. This was super cheap and super easy to make, here’s my simple steps below.


To begin you will need to purchase or use preloved bowls, a bin, or plant pots… whichever helps you get your desired shape.


Next you will need to secure your shape by gluing these together, I used a cheap glue from Home Bargains but this did take a long time to stick, I left this to dry for 24 hours


Now we want to paint, I wanted a textured look; I mixed bicarbonate of soda into my paint. I covered the bowls using a sponge, working between the two colours, again this was to get a textured finish.


I let it dry before adding the top, I used an old microwave plate I had spare, but you can use any plate you have available, circle chopping board or some even chose to have no top and used it as plant pot…. It’s your choice


Send them over to me Laura.Mckibbin@clwydAlyn.co.uk or WhatsApp your image on 07880431004.

You could win £30 home shopping vouchers of your choice!

SHOPPING LIST 4x mixing bowl £3.20 1x bicarbonate of soda £1.00
glue £1.49
Tester pots £3.50 Total £9.19


It may seem as though nature has gone to sleep at this time of year, when the clocks change, and the nights draw in. But as the daylight hours shorten, it is even more important to wrap up and get outside to enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunlight to lift our mood.

Even if it’s cold or damp, I try to get outside and smell the air. It’s believed that people who spend two hours per week, or roughly 20 minutes per day outdoors in nature feel physically and mentally healthier than those who don’t. Life is always lighter when I have spent time in nature.

As part of my role at Keep Wales Tidy, I’m very lucky to be able to help community groups to improve their local environment.

By tackling litter through our Caru Cymru project or creating spaces for people and nature to thrive, with our Local Places for Nature grant packages. For me, this time of year is as important for planting as the spring and early summer, and I can often be found out in my wellies planting trees.

Not everyone has the space to grow a forest or even an orchard, but we can all get the benefits of growing, whether it be food for the family, florals for the soul or a cactus in the kitchen.

At this time of year, I like to take stock in the garden. I think about what the family and I enjoyed growing and eating this year, what grew well, or not so well, what I could have done to improve my yields, and most importantly, I get excited about the beautiful and delicious things I would like to grow next year!

I still have a few hardy crops keeping us going through the winter, such as Swiss chard, kale, and sprouts. Late autumn and early winter are an ideal time to plant garlic and some varieties of onions for harvesting next summer. While my veg bed is less full, I like to weed and top dress with well-rotted manure, leaf mould or homemade compost to improve the soil structure and replenish nutrients for the following season.

Most of all for me, this time of year is about reflection, like the falling golden leaves, I take pleasure in my own senescence, rest, recharging and get ready for the next spring to burst into life.

For more information about Keep Wales Tidy projects in your area, or how to get involved, visit our website www.keepwalestidy.cymru

FREE SEEDS Contact #InfluenceUs to get your free pack of seeds. Let us know if you would like veg, fruit, general planting seeds, this can be for indoor or outdoor. Email your request to InfluenceUs@clwydAlyn.co.uk or call 07880431004

Residents in LLYS ERW, RUTHIN

Residents in Llys Erw, Ruthin have started to enhance their communal area, after being successful in gaining a grant.

Resident volunteers and Keep Wales Tidy started by installing new raised beds and a greenhouse. We can’t wait to see the finished result!




shares some useful tips on how to heat your home for less this winter.

Hello, my name is Aled Jenkins and I’m the Project Co-Ordinator for the Healthy Homes People Lives and Communities (HHPLC) project. I’ve been working for Warm Wales since January 2022, prior to this I worked as a project worker at Hurst Newton Hostel in Wrexham. I trained as a project manager with support from ClwydAlyn and was successful in my application for the HHPLC Project Co-Ordinator position.

The HHPLC project is a collaborative project between Warm Wales, ClwydAlyn and TGP Cymru’s Team around the tenancy. The project aims to support vulnerable people across North Wales to be warmer, safer and healthier, by providing a holistic approach that recognises the links between fuel poverty, avoidable health inequalities and well-being. The project delivers a package of solutions that are tailor made to the households’ needs ensuring the root causes are identified and addressed.

How we can help you:

Our team of Community Workers offer a range of advice, support, and referral options tailored to the needs of the household. We offer support to all ClwdyAlyn resident but is subject to demand.

You can apply for support hereshorturl.at/sIQS4


 Turn your thermostats down by 1 degree, or more: Most people find between 18�C and 21�C comfortable  Know your appliances  Wash full loads of laundry when possible: Try 30-degree washes instead of 40 degrees  Only fill the kettle with the amount of water you need. The average UK household puts the kettle on 1,500 times a year  Avoid vampire electricity: Turn electricals off stand-by, unplug gadgets and turn lights off  Insulate and draught proof your home: By using shop-bought or homemade draught excluders you can reduce the draughts around windows, doors, cat/dog flaps, loft doors.  Avoid drying clothes directly on the radiator: This makes them work harder to provide the same level of heating, use a clothes airer instead 

Bleed radiators: This removes air pockets to make them run more efficiently  Install a smart meter (free from your energy supplier): A smart meter will send meter readings to your supplier so your bills are accurate, and the in-home display will show you exactly how much energy you’re using 

If you don’t have a smart meter, provide regular meter readings to your supplier: This will help avoid estimated bills that can be incorrect.

If you would like more information, head over to the Warm Wales website here www.warmwales.org.uk to heat your home for less: TIPS & TRICKS Kettle (2200W)* 6.37p each boil Fridge (126 litre) 13.6p a day Microwave (800W) 2.78p 5 Minutes Washing Machine (8Kg)* Low efficiency model 30.6p each cycle Tumble Dryer Condenser (8Kg) Low efficiency model £1.19 each cycle Game Console** 24p a day COST OF USING HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES * Calculation based on filling kettle to maximum capacity ** PS4 two hours a day usage and left on standby Based on October 2022 price guarantee (34 pence per kWh) Source: sust-it.net 23



Our Head of Compliance and Building Safety, is also a retained, on-call fire fighter. Chris has been working alongside North Wales Fire and Rescue Service to encourage fire safety awareness for our staff and residents.


It is important to keep the following safety advice to help you reduce the risk of fire in your home as you take additional measures to keep warm.

 Take care around open fires. Use a fireguard and make sure your chimney is clean.

 Keep portable heaters away from curtains and furniture and never cover them.

 Store electric blankets flat or rolled up, never fold. Do not use if the wiring is old or damaged.

If you are struggling to afford to heat your home the Welsh Government have funding to help.

 Keep candles upright, in a suitable holder and never leave unattended. Always extinguish properly.

If you experience a power cut and you have mains powered smoke alarms, check that its battery back-up is working.

In the event of a fire, get out, stay out and call 999 immediately.

Please follow the link to read more and apply (https://gov.wales/wales-fuel-support-scheme-2022-2023)

You can also speak to your Housing Officer or call us on 0800 1835757. We are here to help.


This winter will be difficult for many to keep warm, with that in mind, many organisations are coming together to offer a warm space through the offering of a warm shelter, a chat or a cup of tea.

Croeso Cynnes - Menter Mon have created a map where you can see where a warm space is local to you. www.mentermon.com/en/croeso-cynnes/

Did you know that many council libraries are offering a warm space too, here you cannot only enjoy a warm friendly environment, you can learn something new, use their online facilities and can socialise through groups too. www.libraries.wales


Tomato Soup


2½ tbsp sunflower oil

4 cloves of garlic

1 onion

½ tsp thyme (optional)

3 tins of chopped tomatoes

4 tsp brown sugar or any sugar you’ve got in the cupboard

½ tbsp balsamic vinegar

20ml vegetable stock ½ tsp salt


Chopping board

Sharp knife

Large saucepan

Measuring jug Wooden spoon or any other utensil you use for stirring Hand blender, or normal blender


1. Peel the garlic cloves and thinly slice, set aside on your chopping board.

2. Peel and roughly dice the onion, set aside on your chopping board, separate from the garlic.

3. Heat the oil in a pan, add the onions and fry over a medium heat for 4-5 minutes until golden, stirring continuously to make sure they do not stick to the pan.

4. Next. add the garlic and continue to cook for a few minutes. Keep an eye on the garlic as it can burn very quickly.

5. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for 30-40 minutes. if you notice the soup bubbling too vigorously. lower the heat and continue to cook.

6. Finally, blend until smooth with a hand blender. or maybe you have a smoothie blender - use this, works perfectly.

Serves 4



KNOW… healthy food is nearly three times more expensive than unhealthy food?

At Well-Fed, they are working to make good food affordable, keep children healthy and help more people cook from scratch at home.

Follow Well-Fed on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @CanCookWellFed for more updates on what they are up to!


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Jennifer Burk /

look into a day in the life of… Our Engineers

“ I came to the role after working for 8 years with M A COOPER PROJECTS (MACP) as a fully qualified Plumbing Engineer. During my time at MACP I helped to install the plumbing and heating system at Llys Raddington extra care scheme. Whilst on site I also carried out further work for my current manager, Nigel Blackwell.

I saw the job advertised and thought it looked really good and applied. Coming from a commercial background, it was a big decision, but I’ve been here 5 months now and am loving it.

I visit people’s homes all over North Wales to carry out work and enjoy talking to residents. If you’re stuck on a job, the team is always there to support you, and I can’t think of a better place to work.

I also have a great work-life balance, and working 1 weekend out of 5, this is ideal for my home life. I would encourage anyone 100% to apply, I and can definitely recommend ClwydAlyn.”

“ After 10 years working on the railways, I saw the job as a Trainee Groundworker with ClwydAlyn on the Indeed website and applied.

I’m so glad I did. Since January I have worked across North Wales, helping residents with repairs, general maintenance and I also deal with drainage issues too.

I love the working environment here and the way every job is different. The in-house training is fantastic, there is loads of support and there is much more to working at ClwydAlyn than I thought.

I would recommend the job to anyone as the work is guaranteed and is great for stability. I have found the company goes above and beyond to help struggling families, and my managers always take the time to explain things, which really reduces stress.

Most of all I like helping people and am looking forward to working more in the role, more training, and I’m excited to see where it takes me.”

CLWYDALYN BENEFITS PACKAGE We offer a benefits package including membership of a pension scheme with employer matched contributions up to 8%, cycle to work scheme, eye care vouchers, retail and leisure discounts, a financial wellbeing package, 25 days holiday plus Bank Holidays leading up to 30 days, life assurance, EAP programme and a comprehensive training package, all in a values-based organisation with a great culture! BENEFIT PACKAGE 26


DFN Project Search

This year, our maintenance team will be offering a variety of placements to both programmes to give the learners experience in trades such as Plumbing, Electric, Painting and Decorating, Joinery and Ground Maintenance.

Working in partnership with HFT, Flintshire County Council and ClwydAlyn, DFN Project Search offers young people with learning disabilities and/or autism vital work-based learning opportunities to help them secure meaningful, paid employment.

WeMindTheGap offer male residents of Flintshire, aged 18-25, who are under-served, disadvantaged or vulnerable in some way, 6 months employment. Alongside this, they offer life coaching, maths and English skills and meaningful work experience.

We are looking forward to welcoming interns from both programmes to our maintenance team.

ClwydAlyn are proud to support Project Search and WeMindTheGap for several years.
We Mind the Gap
SAVE UP TO £230 Are you a family receiving free school meals? With the cost of living still increasing some of our customers may struggle to afford essentials over the summer period. We are here to help, with up to £230 off your water bill. If you’re in receipt of any of the following benefits you could be eligible for financial help: Pension Credit Income-based Jobseeker ’s Allowance (JSA) Income Support Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Child Tax Credit Working Tax Credit Universal Credit Housing Benefit Council Tax Reduction/Support Our friendly advisors are ready when you are to talk in confidence. Call us to talk through your options 0800 052 0145 Visit us online for more information dwrcymru.com/HelpWithBills YOUR LOOK INTO... 28
Question Resident Who can residents contact for support when we are financially struggling? Your questions answered Mailbag If you have a question you would like answering in the newsletter then please email us at communications@clwydalyn.co.uk Answer ClwydAlyn - Janice Peterson ClwydAlyn has a Welfare Rights & Money Advice Team who offer a free, confidential service to all our residents and staff to assist with claiming benefits and to discuss money problems. We encourage everyone to do a benefit check at least once a year, this will also identify if you are eligible for any cost-of-living support payments.Thank You Below are a few useful links; you can do a benefit check, get debt advice and see what credit unions are all about If you need further advice, please contact us and one of the team will get back to you. Call 0800 1835757 Email help@clwydalyn.co.uk JANICE PETERSON WELFARE RIGHTS AND MONEY ADVICE OFFICER YOUR OPINION... 0800 138 1111 www.stepchange.co.uk SCAN ME 0333 2000 601 www.cambriancu.com SCAN ME www.entitledto.co.uk SCAN ME 29

Your Competition

Enter our Autumn / Winter DIY & craft competition

Enter our competition by sharing your DIY and craft work with us. This can be anything such as: baking, arts and crafts, DIY decorations and putting up your Christmas tree.

To be in with a chance of winning, send us your pics! Send your entries by email to InfluenceUs@clwydalyn.co.uk or WhatsApp them over to 07880431004 Closing date for entries is 22 December 2022

You can also enter by colouring our Autumn / Winter picture and sending it over to our head office, or again take a picture of your colouring work and send it over by email or WhatsApp.

To be in with a chance of winning; Write your full name, telephone number, email address and address. Send in to our Head office address72 Ffordd William Morgan, St Asaph Business Park, St Asaph, Denbighshire LL17 0JD Text to: 07880 431004 or email InfluenceUs@clwydalyn.co.uk

A chance for you to win £25 in Shopping vouchers
Colouring competition @ClwydAlyn

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