MArch Y4 - Parthernope: PORTFOLIO

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LAVINIA PENNINO The University of Westminster - MArch Architecture Year I DS11: The Intrinsic | Extrinsic City – Binaries Opposed. 17.05.2021




Semester 1 Biniaries Opposed - Short Projects + + + + +

0 - 0 _ Partial Autonomy / [Individual] 0 - 1 _ Game Plan / [Group A] 1 - 0 _ Dolled Up / [Individual] Typology Study 1 - 1 _ Opus Aggredi / [Group A]

Group A - L.Pennino (1), J. Mason (2), S.Viriato (1), G. Kular (2)

City Reasearch + City at a Distance + CIty Up Close_The Festival + Urban Explorations Group A - L.Pennino (1), J. Mason (2), S.Viriato (1), G. Kular (2)

House of Work + Research + Interior and Views + Location


Le Corna

O’ Scartellato

O’ Curniciello

Chatterbox XVI-XVII c. AC



I-II c. AC


San Gennaro

The Sacred Blood



Semester 2 Masterplan + Identity and Connectivity / [Identity Group] Identity Group - L.Pennino (1), R. Kelly (1), D. Al-Khammach (1) J 3 I


2 G 1 F






Site 1 - Dana Site 2 - Lavinia Site 3 - Rebecca

1 2 3

Station S. Giovannin al Mare Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri Ospedale delle Bambole S. Filippo e Giacomo / S. Nicola al Nilo Universita Federico II di Napoli Santa Chiara Galleria del Mare Castel Nuovo Basilica Reale Pontificia San Francesco da Paola


Proposal + + + + +

Site Proposal Design development Drawings Technical Studies


Sunday was a special day. I would wake up at around 9:00am. The sun was shining through the curtains of my brother and I’s bedroom, I knew it was going to be a good day. Time to get up. I left the room, rubbing my eyes trying to understand what the plan for the day was. What plan? It’s Sunday. There is no plan. Sundays are always the same. In a good way. We both slowly walked to the kitchen to have some breakfast, while mom encouraged us to be quick as shortly after we would leave the house to go to Church. There always was an amazing smell in the house on a Sunday. I would have stayed in the kitchen all day. But Sunday mornings were all about Church. We would eat whatever my mother had baked the night before and run to the bathroom to shower. We had to dress nicely and be fresh and clean for Church. Shower done, shirt and nice shoes on, we would leave the house together with my aunt and walk to the Church. It would start at 11. It would last one hour or so, but I never felt like it was that long (or maybe short?). After the ceremony we would spend some time in the front yard playing with friends from catechism lessons while mom would spend some time chatting to my friends’ parents. Everyone was there. Younger brothers, older sisters, aunts and grandparents. It was a day for the family. Shortly after we would have celebrated Lord’s Day all together with an amazing banquette at home. -PVP




Semester 1 Biniaries Opposed - Short Projects + + + + +

0 - 0 _ Partial Autonomy / [Individual] 0 - 1 _ Game Plan / [Group A] 1 - 0 _ Dolled Up / [Individual] Typology Study 1 - 1 _ Opus Aggredi / [Group A]

Group A - L.Pennino (1), J. Mason (2), S.Viriato (1), G. Kular (2)

City Reasearch + City at a Distance + CIty Up Close_The Festival + Urban Explorations Group A - L.Pennino (1), J. Mason (2), S.Viriato (1), G. Kular (2)

House of Work + Research + Interior and Views + Location


Le Corna

O’ Scartellato

O’ Curniciello

Chatterbox XVI-XVII c. AC



I-II c. AC


San Gennaro

The Sacred Blood



Semester 2 Masterplan + Identity and Connectivity / [Identity Group] Identity Group - L.Pennino (1), R. Kelly (1), D. Al-Khammach (1) J 3 I


2 G 1 F






Site 1 - Dana Site 2 - Lavinia Site 3 - Rebecca

1 2 3

Station S. Giovannin al Mare Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri Ospedale delle Bambole S. Filippo e Giacomo / S. Nicola al Nilo Universita Federico II di Napoli Santa Chiara Galleria del Mare Castel Nuovo Basilica Reale Pontificia San Francesco da Paola


Proposal + + + + + +

Site Proposal Design development Drawings Technical Studies Visuals


Biniaries Opposed - Short Projects

0 - 0 _ Partial Autonomy Pietrificare | Rianimare

Project Brief


The aim of this project was the one to think and create our own Autonomous Object, reflecting on the notions of ID, EGO and SUPEREGO. Is this object made up of parts? All seemingly placed in a harmonious unison to create a complex object. It’s syntax is legible, each piece serving a (greater?) purpose, subservient and obedient to the whole? Having its own laws? Or, is the sum greater than the worth of its parts? There. Partial. Not there. What makes it Autonomous? Is it the ID or the EGO? Does this Meta-Object replace its original subject to take a life of its own and become Autonomous through their union? essentials: fast start / decisiveness / intuitive response

Considering Naples (the site for this year’s projects) and my own family connections to the city, I have elaborated a meta-object that reflects and represents the cuture of the place and its origins. The research analysis considered Lacan’s, Plato’s, Pirandello’s, the Neopolitan’s Carnival metaphors ans Surrealist’s vision of reality to develop my own conclusion. ID






The Column The unconscious system The signifier The structue

process: reading, thinking, drawing, experimenting EGO final piece(s): made-implied-worded-suggested

The Mask The pleasure principle The narcissism The ornament SUPER-EGO The Union The Interpretation The will to enjoy Censorship The moral agency that judjes and censures The tricking

The teasing

The talking

The convincing

The appropriation CONTEXT Context gives the super-ego a ground to play. What doest it mean for the character in the image? What does it mean to the viewer? Are the views different?

for full project development please follow the QR code





Column Pulcinella The Super-Ego The mask is a representation of the EGO in all of us. The same way the ornament of the capital of a column distinguishes one from another, the ID, our true essence, is taken over by the mask, our representation in society. The super-ego is the combination of the two, what we decide to show or not show, the censorship of ourselves. Pulcinella is a traditional neopolitan mask, representing the neopolitan population. 6

Biniaries Opposed - Short Projects

0 - 1 _ Game Plan Pietrificare | Rianimare

Project Brief


Following the first individual project, this second brief was carried out as a group. The intention of this task was to analyse and reflect upon the concept of randomness and choice. The challenge was carried out through the Game of Bocce. Using the meta-objects from the first project as ‘inhabitants’ of the pitch grid, the game establishes a connection between the bocce and the boccino (joker ball). The result of the throws is random, the effect of the boccino on the characters near to it is the result of choice. What will happen? Will the inhabitants get petrified or will they survive the game?

Preparation The partual autonomus objects are collected, organised at first by the alphabetical order of the individual maker.

Player 02 A

process: reading, thinking, drawing, experimenting final piece(s): made-implied-worded-suggested




Sixteen words were selected at random From the Oxford Dictionary of Architecture and paired to the objects following the order. They will assume a new identity.



















Game The game of bocce places the meta-objects in a relationship with one another based on the random position the ball lands in space and time. The hierachy of the objects changes as they are either forced to share a square or operate over multiple locations when split via the grid. Each object, no matter its possition, is forced to have a relationship with the joker ball: The closer the character is to the boccino, the more alive it will become, the further away, it will get petrified.

Player 03

Player 01

essentials: fast start / decisiveness / intuitive response




Player 04

ANIMATOR AGENT Curtain - Ambitus (12) ALIVE Fire - Cottage (16) Doll - Eave (14) Metronome - Armature (5) PETRIFIED Altar - Accumulation (13) Shadow - Quattrocento (7) Fountain - Turrent (9) Portal - Addiction (15) Tunnel - Dagger (1)

Petrified 13





























The collage is a conceptual vision of the game of life where objects became petrified based on their position from the joker ball. This has similarities to the cities of Naples that where destroyed based on their random location from Mt. Vesuvius. A video was also created to represent the same concept.

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1 - 0 _ Dolled Up Transitorio | Lavoro

Biniaries Opposed - Short Projects

Project Brief


The task set by this brief is to select a ‘Trans Space’ or ‘Trans Object’ to record with photogrammetry.Then, after this process, to reanimate our petrified ‘object’ or ‘space’ through a carefully narrated image.

Preparation The process started from choosing such Transobject. I chose the Red Chilly, a symbol of good luck for Neopolitans and for myself too. The Chilli embodies the notion of a Trans-object, an object that is still, but yet moves, a simple object for many but one full of meaning for others. It works transitorily between reality and ultra-reality, between ordinary and magic.

“Puppets, mannequins, waxworks, automatons, dolls, painted scenery, plaster casts, dummies, secret clockworks, mimesis and illusion: all form a part of the fetishist’s magic and artful universe. Lying between life and death, animated and mechanic, hybrid creatures and creatures to which hubris gave birth, they all may be likened to fetishes. And, as fetishes, they give us, for a while, the feeling that a world not ruled by our common laws does exist, a marvellous and uncanny world… “ -Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel

Process 98 pictures of the object were taken to produce a digital impression on the cilli. They were then uploaded to a digital ssoftware to proces. Result

This short project is meant to remove us from the ‘active’ process of design and conceptualisation. We become (passive?) observers, voyeurs, gazers.

The resulting image is a point could, unrecognizable until all dots are merged to for a final image.

The resulting images lend themselves to a multitude of interpretations; they are something in between a mental image and a photograph. Trans-Image, Ambiguous, Process of becoming, Suggestion essentials: careful reflection, hunt, camera, computer, software process: thinking, drawing, experimenting, recording final piece(s): procedural, authored, rational, implied

Main Path Off Path Direction

Total Pictures: 98 Latitude: 51.488472 Longitude: -0.077844

for full project development please follow the QR code


O’ Curniciello In adulthood the notion of a “transitional object” may be represented by Comfort Objects. They can include representations of one’s family, home, and culture. It is personal to the individual and gives strength and assistance. These objects can include photographs, memorabilia, cultural objects and charms. With the increase in movement away from home or immigration, it is very common for people to carry these items with them. People may ‘use’ these objects for support during transitional periods in life or specific events. Bacecause of my father-side Neopolitan origins, my chosen object is the Red Chilli, or as they say in Neopolitan: O’ Curniciello It is a symbol of Good Luck, it is generally a gift from others as it is this way that the power of Protection and Good Luck is transmitted, it has a very personal soul, it is red, generally made by tradition in coral, it is a symbol of prosperity and power that comes from the ‘Cornucopia’, the Ancient Greek mythological symbol of wealth and abundance, it has to be “Tuosto, stuorto e cu ‘a ponta” (hard, twisted and with a sharp point) and it is the quintessential mix of Sacred and Profane.


Biniaries Opposed - Short Projects

1 - 0 _ Dolled Up Transitorio | Lavoro

In the traditional culture of Naples and in the ethnological one, Sacred and Profane were two separate entities, but still very connected to each other. The element that combines the ‘Human’ to the Sacred are rites, that are ‘appointed’ from the Sacred.

Naples cultural beliefs largely comes from its history and the mixture of cultures that have over time contamined its terrirory. Objects and antique beliefs are part of the everyday life of the city and constitute its symbols and culture.

In Mythical-Ritual cultures, the presence of the Sacred is continuous, daily, constant and nothing is intended as not vowed to the Sacred. These cultures are based on the Myth and the Rite: the Sacred assists man in his powerlessness, from small accidents to great tragedies.

Some good luck symbold include the hunchback, the horn gesture, garlic and the red chilli. Some bad luck symbols/events are: the iettatore, standing or walkinf under a ladder, the black cat, spilling oil on the floor, hat on the bed, spilling salt on the table and number 17, especially on a Friday.

The figure of the Sacred, or we shall say, the Powerful, occupies a central role and the Sacred Image, is not the latter (sacred) because it rapresens such, but because it is the house of the Power, were he lives and thrives.

The chilli is the most commonly use object associated with good luck.It has an extraordinary power if you believe in it’s magic.

Every culture has its own concept of reality, and its owm cultural universe and beliefs, which can be intended as systems of symbols: natural and cultural.

“San Gennaro, san Girolamo, San Crispino, San Giustino usa il mio cornetto, dagli fuoco, dagli vento. San Gennaro, San Girolamo, usa il mio cornetto. San Crispino, san Giustino, fammi vincere il quattrino. Sant’Eufemia, sant’Assunta, non tremate nell’aggiunta. Nel borsello il mio quattrino, il cornetto al santino” (Italian prayer that calls upon both Saints and the Chilli, and asks the Saints to ‘use’ the chilli and give power to it)

Bad Luck

Good Luck

O’ Scartellato

Le Corna


O’ Curniciello

La Scala


Il Cappello

Il Gatto Nero

Lo Iettatore

Il Sale Caduto

L’Olio Versato 10

House of Work

1-1- Opus Aggredi | Typology Study The Temple

Project Brief


The following project considers the notion of ‘House of Work’ and how this can be interpreted. What is a house of work and which building typologies can embody this meaning? As a group, we chose to analyse the Temple as house of work, identifying the different spaces as public or private, based on the ‘work’ that takes place within and who performs the action.

Project 1-1 comprised of a group typological investigation into the temples of Italy. From the analysis an understanding of rituals and the effects they can have on the arrangement of a building aided in the interpretation of a program and developed concept section - re-imagining a secret modern place of worship. Following the typology study, we researched the types of work related to the Temple. Most importantly, we focussed on the self and collective work of keeping faith alive through community actions such as religious processions and personal pilgrimage. We analysed the route of the Procession of San Gennaro that takes place in Naples 3 times a year and speculated on a possible individual pilgrimage route to the discovery of ones own belief.

for full project development please follow the QR code


Pilgrimage and Procession

All the typologies share a common theme, generating a threshold from the public and private. The extremes of this barrier vary from each typology, but St Peter’s Basilica has the most obvious. Tourists, pilgrims and worshippers are all restricted to the forecourt area and only a few chosen individuals may enter its gate to the halls beyond.

A typological comparison is one manner of exploring the similarities and differences that make the temple typology, but as all the typologies lie in Southern Italy how the spaces are utilised by humans, tradition and religion can also be analysed. processions and pilgrimages are a very common way to experience the ‘House of Work’ of the temple in Naples. They are held multiple times a year and spread throughout the whole city. The temple is the city that guides the worshippers in a journey in search of the divine connection. From below to above. 11

Sunday was a special day, A day to plan nothing, to be in the moment , a day of prayer and family, Faith Stolen away through technology, the world or order and chaos shattered and broken, humanities pure identity a trans-existance, Forgotten The masses march, during the festive pastimes but only a few know the truth, The object of sacrid memory. The veins of the city guide us, Through the dark passages we take him, the physical burden ours to bear, Struggle We reach the summit, born a new through pain, escaping the world of chaos for mere moments, until again when we tread, The hidden path of meaning.


City Studies City at Distance: The Research City Up Close: The Festival


City at Distance

City Studies

Demography and Anthropology

Project Brief Territorial investigations at a city and landscape scale are part of the following study. City at Distance explores the ‘affordances’ (and deprivations) of Naples identified as topographic, climatic, situational, geological and those which relate to other human factors including education, skills, knowledge, culture, wealth and (in)equalities.

Emigration The Italian Diaspora The Homes They Left Where They Went People With Full or Significant Italian Ancestry Colonial Italy Cholera Epidemic Recent Emigration

Art + Culture (literature, film, painting, poetry, dance, rituals, festivals)


History (city development, growth, decay; through maps and other related material / moments)

First People - Tribal Fusion Immigration in Italy Immigration and Foreign Policy in the 80s The Division Between North and South Present Immigration in Naples Italy’s Changing Demographic Relationship Between Immigration and Crime in Italy Immigration Influence on Religion

Economy (agriculture, industry, production, consumption) Demographics (emigration, immigration, anthropological studies)

Anthropological Study Religion A Culture of Food Ancient Pilgrimage See Naples and Die Built on the Gates of Hell Past Markets Meta-Objects Appendix Age

Demography and Anthropology


Art and Culture


Group A - L.Pennino (1), J. Mason (2), S.Viriato (1), G. Kular (2)

Group B - J. Aguilar (1), W. Wong (2), R. Kelly (1), A. Saynor (2)

Group C - D.Al-Khammach (1), A.Grant (1), L. King (2)

Group D - T. Baldwin (1), J.Chan (2), M.Dziuba (1), A.Manza (2)

Key Project-Informative Points

Key Project-Informative Points

Key Project-Informative Points

Key Project-Informative Points

+ Immigration History and deriving cultural richness. + Anthropological studies describing the creation of

+ Expansion and urbanisation of the city + Urban Fabric development and future projects

+ The visible and Invisible cultural traditions and gestures + Artistic richness and interest that make up the life of the

+ Tourism impact and transportation methods + Economical importance of cultural exchange

rituals and traditions.

for full project development please follow the QR code



City Up Close Festival

Project Brief Since we weren’t able to take our annual studio trip, and explore the city up close, we decided to dedicate a week to activities, explorations and reflections related to Naples and its history. Together with some other students, we put together a festival booklet programme that explains every event and its origins. This experience was helpful to understand the city’s life and feel its atmosphere, even if virtually. We also participated in some lectures with Universita’ Federico II of Naples and the Planning Department, and Studio Vulcanica who gave us an insight into the masterplan scheme currently ongoing.

City Studies

The Festival | Schedule Thursday 7th January 2021 Festival Launch Urban Exploration - Rome Film Night - Bicycle Thiefs Friday 8th January 2021 Intellectual Coffee Drinking + WEBCAM Spying Pizza Masterclass Saturday 9th January 2021 Intellectual Coffee Drinking + WEBCAM Spying Reading - Crime Novels Game Night - Tombola Sunday 10th January 2021 Intellectual Coffee Drinking + WEBCAM Spying Reading - On Theory Film Night - La Dolce Vita Monday 11th January 2021 Conference with Universita’ Federico II di Napoli Planning Department Talk withStudio Vulcanica from Naples

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Physical Urban Exploration Rome During my walk around Rome I tried noticing aspects on the urban fabric that might help me analyse the city of Naples virtually. I noted:

+ Building Typology + Activity + Building Period 1. The Villa 2. Late 1800s Early 1900s Buildings 3. The Largest Green Space 4. Historic Center 5. Waterfront

1. Villa Torlonia 2. Quartiere Trieste / Coppede’ 3. Villa Borghese 4. Trinita’ dei Monti / Centro 5. Lungotevere

6. Campo de Fiori 7. Piazza Navona / Pantheon 8. Piazza Barberini / Via Veneto 9. Universita’ / San Lorenzo / Tiburtina

6. The Market 7. Historic Piazza and Churches 8. Night Life 9. University 16

Virtual Urban Exploration Searching for similar Urban Areas in Naples | Recreating my route in Rome through Typology and Function While composing this virtual walk map I tried to recreate my journey in Rome through typology and function. I noticed a difference in the way the identified areas are organised around the historic center. In Naples, the journey couldn’t be walked in the same order as these typologies are spread differently around the city and there is very little trasport links in between them. These factors will help me indentify needs and possibilities for Semester 2 masterplan aims. How can we re-unite the socio-political, cultural and economical hotspots of the city?

1. The Villa 2. Late 1800s Early 1900s Buildings 3. The Largest Green Space 4. Historic Center 5. Waterfront

1. Villa Torlonia 2. Quartiere Trieste / Coppede’ 3. Villa Borghese 4. Trinita’ dei Monti / Centro 5. Lungotevere

1. Parco Villa Floridiana 2. Riviera di Chiaia 3. Bosco di Capodimonte 4. Via Toledo 5. Mergellina

6. Piazza Mercato 7. Santa Chiara 8. Via dei Mille 9. Via Mezzocannone / Universita’ Federico II

6. Campo de Fiori 7. Piazza Navona / Pantheon 8. Piazza Barberini / Via Veneto 9. Universita’ / San Lorenzo / Tiburtina

6. The Market 7. Historic Piazza and Churches 8. Night Life 9. University 17



Semester 1 Biniaries Opposed - Short Projects + + + + +

0 - 0 _ Partial Autonomy / [Individual] 0 - 1 _ Game Plan / [Group A] 1 - 0 _ Dolled Up / [Individual] Typology Study 1 - 1 _ Opus Aggredi / [Group A]

Group A - L.Pennino (1), J. Mason (2), S.Viriato (1), G. Kular (2)

City Reasearch + City at a Distance + CIty Up Close_The Festival + Urban Explorations Group A - L.Pennino (1), J. Mason (2), S.Viriato (1), G. Kular (2)

House of Work + Research + Interior and Views + Location


Le Corna

O’ Scartellato

O’ Curniciello

Chatterbox XVI-XVII c. AC



I-II c. AC


San Gennaro

The Sacred Blood



Semester 2 Masterplan + Identity and Connectivity / [Identity Group] Identity Group - L.Pennino (1), R. Kelly (1), D. Al-Khammach (1) J 3 I


2 G 1 F






Site 1 - Dana Site 2 - Lavinia Site 3 - Rebecca

1 2 3

Station S. Giovannin al Mare Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri Ospedale delle Bambole S. Filippo e Giacomo / S. Nicola al Nilo Universita Federico II di Napoli Santa Chiara Galleria del Mare Castel Nuovo Basilica Reale Pontificia San Francesco da Paola


Proposal + + + + + +

Site Proposal Design development Drawings Technical Studies Visuals


Religion Binomy: Sacred - Profane Church - Symbols

Land Binomy Under - Over Underground - City

Life Binomy Alive - Petrified Port - Underwater City

Death Binomy Under - Over Underwater - Vesuvious

Parallel Universes of Space and Time | Naples Hidden Reality The collage is a re-presentation of the group work carried out previously. It establishes the connection between underground and overground, sacred and profane, and ties a connection between these elements that are a focal point of Neopolitan Culture.


Philosophy, Literature, Art and Culture Interpretation of Reality and the Real

Loud Traditions Ancient Alive City

In the traditional culture of Naples and in the ethnological one, Sacred and Profane were two separate entities but still very connected to each other. They both define reality. The element that combines the ‘Human’ to the Sacred are rites, that are ‘appointed’ from the Sacred. The figure of the Sacred, or we shall say, the Powerful, occupies a central role and the Sacred Image, is not the latter (sacred) because it represents such, but because it is the house of the Power, were he lives and thrives. Every culture has its own concept of reality, and its own cultural universe and beliefs, which can be intended as systems of symbols: natural and cultural.

The word opera, comes from Latin and means work. Through the years this word has been used to describe theatres and performance spaces collaborating with singers, dancers, actors and musicians. When we assist to a performance we are transported into a different reality, imaginary most of the times, but what if this invented world is the true reflection of real life and society? Then what is reality and what do we intend of it?


Naples cultural beliefs largely come from its history and the mixture of cultures that have over time contamined its terrirory. Objects and antique faiths are part of the everyday life of the city and constitute its symbols and culture.

“Napule è ‘nu paese curioso: è ‘nu teatro antico, sempre apierto. Ce nasce gente ca senza cuncierto scenne pe’ ‘e strate e sape recità.“ -Eduardo De Filippo

Some good luck symbols include the hunchback, the horn gesture, garlic and the red chilli. Some bad luck symbols/events are: the Iettatore, standing or walking under a ladder, the black cat, spilling oil on the floor, placing a hat on the bed, spilling salt on the table and the number 17; especially on a Friday. At the same time Campania, the region within Naples is situated, as most of Southern Italy’s regions, is amongst the most religious areas in the country, going against the seemingly popular and profane beliefs that consititute a huge part of the city’s culture.

Eduardo De Filippo is the father of the Neopolitan Theatre, who defined Naples as an open air theatre, an antique theatre, always open: street vendors, folklore, authentic and proud culture exhibited with loud traditions and symbols. Good luck charms, puppets, masks, statues, art and food. A play that is worthy of being exhibited all over the world in which the everyday man is the most unique actor.

O’ Scartellato

Le Corna

O’ Curniciello Chatterbox

“That all desire is the desire of the Other [...], something that comes from ‘out there’, beyond one’s control. Also, it is often noted that individual comes to desire what i desired by those around them”. -Lacan



San Gennaro

The Sacred Blood


For Plato things in ‘reality’ are a copy or projection that though experience lead to knowledge. They are the non-physical essence of all things. Reality is the projection of idea of real. For Pirandello reality is a ‘Trap’. There is no way to the absolute truth, we all wear a mask to hide our true selves. For Neopolitans, reality about society was represented by masks. Pulcinella is the oldest Italian mask. It has Neapolitan origins and is the representation of the typical lazy, tight-lipped middle-class character, not necessarily cultured but witty. Reality can also be intented as the everyday life we lead regardless of its truth. 20



I-II c. AC


Views from the Lighthouse Curated Views between Underground and Overground | Section Identifying the elements of Naples: The Underworld The Threshold | The water-city link The City The Volcano

The Greek-Roman Ruins - History as a foundation In between Life and Death - Location Culture, Rites, Religion and Superstition - Everyday Life Fear as Habit - Views of an uncontrollable Power 21

The Volcano

The City

Mount Vesuvius is a somma-stratovolcano located on the Gulf of Naples in Campania, Italy, about 9km East of Naples and a short distance from the shore. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD destroyed the Roman cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplontis and Stabiae, as well as several other settlements. More than 1,000 people are thought to have died in the eruption. Vesuvius has erupted many times since, and it is regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world because of the population of 3,000,000 people living near enough to be affected by an eruption, with 600,000 within the danger zone, making it the most densely populated volcanic region in the world.

The city is situated on the Gulf of Naples, on the Western coast of Southern Italy; it rises from sea level to an elevation of 450 metres (1,480 ft). It lies between two notable volcanic regions, Mount Vesuvius and the Campi Flegrei. The islands of Procida, Capri and Ischia can all be reached from Naples by hydrofoils and ferries. Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast are situated South of the city, whilst the Roman ruins of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplontis and Stabiae, which were destroyed in the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD, are also visible nearby. The port towns of Pozzuoli and Baia, which were part of the Roman naval facility of Portus Julius, lie to the West of the city.


The Threshold Naples sits in, above and below the sea level making it a unique feature of the city. The threshold is constituted by the coast line that defines what is above and below. Naples has elements that sit underground, the old Neapolis and the catacombs, and underwater such as the submerged city of Baia and Gaiola. These elements that symbolize the death binomies, are juxtaposed by the liveliness of the city above and the dangerous active nature of the volcano.

The Underworld The Underwater Park of Gaiola is located in the Gulf of Naples on the North-West side of the city, where the Campi Flegrei meet the Mediterranean Sea. The underwater park is next to a land-bound archeological area in the Neapolitan district called Posillipo. The Villa Imperiale Pausilypon and the Parco Archeologico di Posillipo are connected in history to the now-submerged Roman remains. The park, covering 42 hectares of the bay, along 2 kilometers of coastline, has an ancient port, aristocratic villas and temples all lying below the waves.


Views from the Lighthouse Site Location Plan The Lighthouse points in the direction of all four elements.


Religion Binomy: Sacred - Profane Church - Symbols

Land Binomy Under - Over Underground - City

Life Binomy Alive - Petrified Port - Underwater City

Death Binomy Under - Over Underwater - Vesuvious

Re-Presentation Four Binomials





Semester 1 Biniaries Opposed - Short Projects + + + + +

0 - 0 _ Partial Autonomy / [Individual] 0 - 1 _ Game Plan / [Group A] 1 - 0 _ Dolled Up / [Individual] Typology Study 1 - 1 _ Opus Aggredi / [Group A]

Group A - L.Pennino (1), J. Mason (2), S.Viriato (1), G. Kular (2)

City Reasearch + City at a Distance + CIty Up Close_The Festival + Urban Explorations Group A - L.Pennino (1), J. Mason (2), S.Viriato (1), G. Kular (2)

House of Work + Research + Interior and Views + Location


Le Corna

O’ Scartellato

O’ Curniciello

Chatterbox XVI-XVII c. AC



I-II c. AC


San Gennaro

The Sacred Blood



Semester 2 Masterplan + Identity and Connectivity / [Identity Group] Identity Group - L.Pennino (1), R. Kelly (1), D. Al-Khammach (1) J 3 I


2 G 1 F






Site 1 - Dana Site 2 - Lavinia Site 3 - Rebecca

1 2 3

Station S. Giovannin al Mare Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri Ospedale delle Bambole S. Filippo e Giacomo / S. Nicola al Nilo Universita Federico II di Napoli Santa Chiara Galleria del Mare Castel Nuovo Basilica Reale Pontificia San Francesco da Paola


Proposal + + + + + +

Site Proposal Design development Drawings Technical Studies Visuals


PARTHENOPE In Between History and Future The proposal’s intent is to bring to light the intrinsic and fundamental elements of Naples upon which the Neapolitan culture is funded. The schemel integrates a museum space with a new arrivals terminal for national and international cruise ships, bringing together culture and tourism. The visitors are introduced to the culture through a series of spaces curated in order to enhance the city’s roots but not substituting its real-life experience. The objects in the exposition are all elements that are usually forgotten, are particular and difficoult to understand, often not taken into consideration when the city is visited. Naples is complex and extravagant, rich in culture, traditions and history. The scheme exposes all these elements and presents them in a new light to both locals and externals. The programme is part of a larger speculative masterplan that takes into consideration, together with culture and tourism, the socio-political and economic realms. The plan sits onto a pier that is currently part of the industrial section of the port. -1/1/2 0 0/1/2 3 1/4

Remind Imagine Discover Explain Live

The History The Future New Findngs The Culture The View

The Underworld Landscape The City Room The Archive The Soul Room The Rooftop 28

0-0 Petrificato | Rianmare Partial Autonomy

0-2 Transitoro | Lavoro Game Plan

2-0 Transitorio | Lavoro Dolled Up

The aim of the masterplan is to bring back to life the social, political, and economic realms in the historic center of the city. Re-animating the portside, enhancing the culture and history forgotten throughout the years will be the objective of the scheme. The most famous “Decumano” in Naples (horiztonal axis), Spaccanapoli is the stemming point of the circulation routes and functions as the outer north edge of our action zone. The result is enhanced “Cardos” (vertical axis) that start from the decumano and reach the port. This allows for an interlink between the old city and the proposed renewal of the portside.

The proposed action plan is to preserve the Neapolitan infrastructure, maximise circulation routes and create way finding points throughout Naples (identity). This is done through the interlink between the horizontal and vertical axis. Extending the vertical axis to the portside will allow the better circulation the public circulation near the port. The horizontal axis stretches from Piazza del Plebiscito to the train station, this ensures that whenever one arrives in Naples, they are directed throught the main Decumano and Cardos into the schemes.

The integration of the 3 schemes into the urban fabric if crucial. The identity of the surrounding urban fabric and its typologies is a way to create way finding to the sites. We are identifying iconic buildings in the city taht can guide the user through its journey.


J 3 I


2 G 1 F






Site 1 - Dana Site 2 - Lavinia Site 3 - Rebecca

1 2 3

Station S. Giovannin al Mare Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri Ospedale delle Bambole S. Filippo e Giacomo / S. Nicola al Nilo Universita Federico II di Napoli Santa Chiara Galleria del Mare Castel Nuovo Basilica Reale Pontificia San Francesco da Paola


2-2 Opus Aggredi City at Work | Identity Masterplan Wayfinding to the sites through the recognition of well known landmarks and location in the city.


Masterplan Area

Directly Influenced Buildings

Localising the site within a designated area. The site is located in the port area of Naples, a short walk from the station, the historic center, the main shopping street, the university and many other landmarks.

The buildings that will directly be impacted from the re-development of the area can identify an horizontal axis that leads from the end of the tuoristic port to the main square in the historic center.


Action Zone Around the Site

Urban Realms

The central location of the site determines an action zone that axpands and connects to the main routes and attactions of Naples. The action zone is established with the intent of bringing the same urban recognition and care that is found throughout the historic center, to the touristic, commercial and industrial port.

The scheme sits between other two proposals. The central role of the cultural influence of my programme functions in accordance with the socio-political and the economic realms of the adjoining strategies. They build a solid connection with the existing urban fabric though the socio-political proposal’s location and expands all the way to the end of the touristic embankment where the third proposition sits. This links the new Cardo to the rail station.


Original Semester 1 Location

Semester 1 New Location Upon further investigation of the context and site, I have dicided to move the location of my Semester 1 proposal within the port of Naples establishing a connection between the Lighthouse and the new proposed Scheme. The tower will be located at the entrance of the bay; a new identity icon for the city.




Programme in the Game Connections of spaces through the elements The spaces share notions of multiple elements at one time, delineating a complex game and journey through the building. Adjacent spaces influnece one another creating multiple interpretations of the same objects.












Underground Landscape


Cafe’ Restaurant

Exhibition Rooms

Study Rooms

Arrivals Teriminal

Central Hall




Shop 37







Parthenope DesignStudy 1 - LOWER GROUND






+ Underground Lanscape + Archive

+ + + + + +

+ + + +

+ Archive + Study Rooms + Service Area

+ Soul Room + Volcano Room + Relax Area

+ Rooftop Space + Viewing Platform

Entrance Hall Archive City Room Shop Cafe’ Restaurant

Archive Study Rooms Offices Storage


Section AA - Long Section 39

Lower Ground Floor Plan 1:500 N 40

Ground and 1st Floor Plan 1:500 N 41

2nd and 3rd Floor Plan 1:500 N 42

Roof Plan N 43

Section BB - Cross Section 44




















The concrete slabs and backfill gravel are removed from the center of the pier

The piles are extended to the height of the first set of foundations. A secondary sheet pile system is applied to create lateral containing walls. These are braced through double C steel beams and bolted on.

The clear space is filled with backfill gravel and fine sand/soil once again. A triple beam system is used to form the structure for the lower ground floor. The beams sit onto the concrete piles and between the sheets. The cross beams are welded to both the other beams and the sheeting

The lateral piles are further extended to the ground floor level and the steel sheets braced through internal tie rods

The lateral void is filled again with backfill gravel and fine sand/soil

The floor system is placed onto the piles to form the ground floor of the building. Concrete walls line the interior of the central void

Cleansing Solution Contamined Soil




Recycled Water


Recycled Alcohool

PurifiedSoil Organic Waste

Waterproofed Concrete

Stainless Steel

Backfill Gravel


Purifying Process

ATS Pier Intervention Pier Building Stategy in Naples The way docks, embankments and piers are built for the most part in the South of Italy, is through the implementation of a system that uses sheet piling to create a caisson that is then filled up with material (usually backfill soil/sands/gravel) deriving from local excavation sites or the dredging soil from the site itself, after buing cleansed from the polluting hydrocarbons. The foundation piles arrive to the most solid layer of the terrain, the Vesuvian Tuff, a volcanic rock that formed subsequently from the explosion of the Vesuvius through the years.

Environmental Impact and Material supply As regulated by the planning department, when building a or on a pier, the reclaim of the seabed and seafront area is always part of the scheme. The excavated land is cleared of the hydrocarbons that pollute the soil/sand and subsequently the sea. All the backfill land use in the construction comes from local mines and excavations and from the site itself after being purified. This has a positive impact on the carbon footprint of the process and helps in some way the sustainability and affect this has on the environment. The use of local stone and sand is significantly more sustainable than other pier building techniques that involve large concrete fills. 46





Insulation Block Flashing Tie Rod Bolting Steel Connector Reinforced Concrete Sheet Piling Panels

Insulation Block Isometric

Flashing C Beams


Bolting Reinforced Concrete Sheet Piling Panels

Backfill Gravel

Sheet Piling Panels Flashing Insulation Block Reinforced Concrete Reinforced Concrete Deckig Panels Shear Studs Cross I Beam Welding Welding Concrete Masonry I Beam Fire Proofing Flashing Welding

Void is left for ventilation and drainage of condensation caused by the humid environment

Long Span Beam Steel Plate Bolts

Concrete Pile

C Beam Bracing

Triple Beam System

Tie Rod Connection



LAVINIA PENNINO The University of Westminster - MArch Architecture Year I DS11: The Intrinsic | Extrinsic City – Binaries Opposed. 17.05.2021


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