The Thesis Programme explores the future vision of a flooded Yorkshire, taking on the challenge of searching for new building typologies, lifestyles and production methods.
Living Crisis: Land will become scarce as there will be less land to live and work on. Many communities will have their homes flooded and will need to relocate to new, future-proof homes.
Response: Compact Communities
Industry Crisis: The main economic drivers of most yorkshire coastal regions will be reduced. With food securityscarcity becoming an increasingly unreliablepossible scenario and homes flooding, a shift in economic and industrial solutions is unavoidable.
Response: Automated and Hyper-efficient Production and Distribution.
Energy Crisis: The environmental and political scenarios of the twenty-first century are proving to be dangerous balancing act between economics and environment, demonstrating the need for small towns to have
a degree of self-sufficiency and sustainability.
Response: Self-Sustained Community