Coolum News September 2020

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Coolum News Inform know grow Volume 1. Issue 2

September 2020


Veteran honoured on VP Day - p6 Dancer Reina Takeuchi sways through the artwork of Manning Daly Art for a short film produced by local team, Pluggas for Horizon Festival 2020.

First Bay plays home to art A team of five were up at the crack of dawn in early August using rakes to convert the sandy canvas of First Bay at low tide into a temporary art work as part of a multidisciplinary project for this year’s COVID-safe Horizon Festival. Yandina-based artists Glen Manning and Kathy Daly guided the creation of their work, designed to mimic the appearance of microscopic phytoplankton, a vital part of our ocean ecosystem, too small to be seen with the naked eye.

The work, called Transience, represents the power a tiny organism can have on the health of our environment. While usually they work with a crowd present as part of the events schedule – this year’s installation was instead filmed in the making and converted to a short film that can be watched online at au/event/transience. Other shows from the two week long festival can be seen online at www. Coolum News, September 2020

Tasty recipes in two languages - p8

Wetlands are well worth a visit - p18

From the Ed’s desk:

Thank you for the warm welcome for the first edition of Coolum News in August. While it’s fair to say we’re still very much in the launch phase, working out the best way to distribute the publication and who might be interested in having a stand for readers to pick it up from if they miss it in their letterbox - I’d like to say a big shout out to The Shop, Coolum Bowls Club and the team at Aussie Coolum who all had copies of the magazine this month and have agreed to have them for readers from here on in. When it comes to distribution, we are an A5 size so we fit in the letterbox and we aim to land only in those letterboxes in the Coolum postcode that do not have a no junk mail sign anyone with a sign interested in receiving the magazine each month can email me at and

I’ll arrange a drop. This month we’ve introduced a new column from our local police with Senior Constable Maria O’Brien taking a look at the crime stats for August and sharing the results with our readers. We also have columns from all three levels of government representing the area, a once a month chance for our elected representatives to let you know what they have been doing to keep Coolum as a wonderful place to live now and into the future. While I have a lot of work to do to get around to meeting everyone, I have heard from Coolum and North Shore Coast Care whose 2021 fundraising calendar, featuring local photographers, is now available to buy for $10 from shops including, Barber & Bella, Birtwill Physio, Compound Surf, Mitre 10, The Shop, Red Zoo, Ma Boulange Café, and Richardson & Wrench. Well worth a look. Until next month, Geoff - 0413988333

Inform know grow

Coolum News

Coolum News thanks our readers and asks you to please show support for the businesses whose advertising dollars allow us the space to share your stories. ADVERTISING DEADLINES FOR NEXT TWO EDITIONS:

Edition October: November:

Booking & Copy deadline September 28 October 26

Distributed from date Friday, October 9 Friday, November 6

Phone: Geoff on 0413 988 333 or Email: Copies are delivered monthly as a combination of residential letterbox deliveries (to those that do not carry a no junk mail sign) and bulk drop locations in the Coolum area including The Shop, Aussie Coolum, Coolum Bowls Club and the newsagent near Woolworths. Coolum News - independently produced and published by Your Community Media Pty Ltd atf G.E. Investment Trust T/As Coolum News (ABN 80 382 001 417). Those making advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to the publication undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 CTH as amended from time to time or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to this, these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, costs, claims and/or judgments.


Coolum News, September 2020

Local News—State Election 2020

Three candidates so far in Ninderry WITH the 2020 State Election looming large on the calendar for October 31 time is running out for people to put their hands up to represent the seat of Ninderry for the next four years. L to R: Andrea Newland (IMOP), Melinda Dodds (Labor), Dan Purdie (LNP) As at August 30, three people have put their names up for our Melinda worked as a physiotherapist votes - LNP member Dan Purdie, in Melbourne and Cairns before joining Labor candidate Melinda Dodds and the Queensland Police in 1999. She Informed Medical Options Party has lived at Mt Coolum for 10 years. (IMOP) candidate Andrea Newland. Andrea has lived on the Sunshine Dan is a former police officer who Coast for 18 years and raised three won the seat of Ninderry in the 2017 boys here. election, after preferences with 58.4% Under current legislation the of the votes vs Labor’s then candidate Queensland Government will go to Bill Gissane with 41.6%. caretaker mode on October 5.

Coolum News, September 2020


Local News

Development Watch appeal lodged The highest court in Queensland is being asked whether it will give permission for an Appeal on whether the Sekisui Development should proceed. Two months after its loss in the Planning and Environment (P&E) Court, Community Group Development Watch Inc has now filed an application in the Supreme Court of Queensland’s Court of Appeal for leave to appeal the P & E Court’s decision of May 25 which effectively paved the way for Yaroomba’s Sekisui Development to proceed, with conditions. The Development involves a long standing plan by Sekisui House which in March 2015 lodged an application to Sunshine Coast Regional Council to amend the planning scheme to allow for a staged development at Yaroomba comprising a 5 star resort complex of around 220 hotel rooms, separate conference and meeting spaces, commercial use, paths, parks and around 133 serviced units (temporary and permanent) around 537 apartments and 71 townhouses in buildings between five and seven storeys high. Because a reconfiguration of lot and material change of use was required, the development went to public consultation and in total Council received 11,692 properly made submissions, largely in opposition to the development, on grounds including adverse impact on turtle nesting, visual amenity concerns and inappropriate development for the area. Council approved the development 4

sparking public controversy around the integrity of the Planning Scheme, and the value of public objections in the public consultation process. Development Watch and Sunshine Coast Environment Council Inc appealed Council’s decision to the Planning and Environment Court and, after hearing evidence between November 2019 to April 2020 on 25 May, their appeal was dismissed. Development Watch Inc is now challenging the Sekisui development this time in the Supreme Court and in Supreme Court Documents obtained from the Court Registry under media application by Coolum News, the Development Watch Inc Appeal, filed on 24 July, names Sunshine Coast Regional Council, SH Coolum Pty Ltd and Sunshine Coast Environment Council Inc as First, Second and Third Respondents respectively. Development Watch Inc’s solicitor, Ray Barber, lists the reasons justifying the groups’ leave to Appeal application which centre around what the group sees as “errors or mistakes of law” the Planning and Environment Court judge, Her Honour Judge Kefford, made which “materially affected” the soundness of that decision. Development Watch Inc’s grounds of Appeal largely centre around Judge Kefford’s interpretation and application Building Height and Structural provisions in Council Codes, Coolum Local Plan provisions and Council provisions which maintained character / identity of areas across the Sunshine Coast. Development Watch further alleges

Coolum News, September 2020

Local News

Fundraising appeal kicks off via Friends of Yaroomba As Development Watch’s legal team awaits a hearing date from the Supreme Court, local community organisation Friends of Yaroomba has been quick to mobilise in support of the application announcing the appointment of Kathryn Hyman as the new spokesperson for the Save Yaroomba campaign, setting up a GoFundMe page for donations, and filming a high standard video in support of the case. FOY president Daryl Maudsley said the group was pleased to welcome Kathryn to the team after her recent success lobbying against the Twin Waters West development which was

knocked back by Sunshine Coast Council. Kathryn said that 9000 written objections do matter and should be taken seriously by the three very experienced judges in the Supreme Court. “Development Watch does not waste its time on frivilous cases and their legal advice is that they have a chance of winning and they should go for it,” Ms Hyman said. To see the video or donate go to and search for Yaroomba.

in their Supreme Court action that Judge Kefford failed “to give adequate reasons” as to why Development Watch’s “properly made submissions opposing” the Sekisui House development, “were not soundly based”, “were not deserving of considerable weight”, were “of lesser significance than the substance of the objections” and why their submissions were deemed “out of step” with the Planning Scheme and “not evidence of reasonable expectations [of the community]” . Development Watch also alleges in their leave to appeal document that Judge Kefford didn’t give proper consideration that their submissions were “evidence” of a number of factors

centreing around the suitability of the Development to the area, whether there was a “need” for the development in the area and whether the evidence of a key Development Watch witness was not considered correctly. As we went to print, a search of the Supreme Court online Registry indicates the Respondents are yet to file a response. Read the Planning and Environment Court’s Decision of 25 May 2020 at Watch Inc & Anor v Sunshine Coast Regional Council & Anor [2020] QPEC 25 (25 May 2020) Coolum News will follow Court Developments in next month’s edition.

Coolum News, September 2020


Local News

Soldiers’ sacrifices honoured with VP Day plaque FOR the soldiers of WWII August 15 every year holds a special place in the calendar, marking the formal end of the war and Victory in the Pacific. In 2020, it also marked 75 years since the Japanese surrendered to the Allied Forces in the Pacific, a date Coolum-Peregian RSL has honoured with a new plaque at its Cenotaph on David Low Way. While COVID restrictions meant a large ceremony was not an option, the RSL, along with Federal Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien and a number of RSL members did hold a ceremony on the day to honour the approximately 40,000 Australians who died during the War and the 60,000 injured. They also honoured 95-year-old veteran Frank McGreevy (pictured above with Ted O’Brien and right in enlistment images from the National Archive) with a Commemorative Medallion to reflect the service and sacrifice of our living Second World War Veterans. Frank, who has lived in Coolum since he was discharged from the Army in January 1946, lied about his age in 1942 in order to be able to enlist to fight. He enlisted in 6

Rockhampton, and served with 29 Infantry Training Battery and then the 19th AIF Field Ambulance where he served at Merauke in Dutch New Guinea and Bougainville. He was wounded in action (by shrapnel) on 6th February, 1945 - sent to Rabaul for treatment and had recovered and returned to his unit by 15th August 1945 when peace was declared.

Coolum News, September 2020

Coolum News, September 2020


Local Profile - Marion Birkenbeil

Sharing the sweet tastes of Germany FOR Coolum’s Marion Birkenbeil a request for a recipe that her Mum used to make set the wheels in motion for a publishing project somewhat removed from her normal career as a landscape architect. “Recently a friend in Germany wanted to get a certain cake recipe from my mum, which she still remembered from many years ago,” Marion said. “And as my Australian nieces always ask me to bake my ‘special cheesecake’ whenever we have a family gathering, I suddenly go the idea to create a baking book with my favourite recipes in both English and German”. Simply titled Bake a Cake (Backe einen Kuchen in German) the recipe book captures a range of favourites including apple crumble, cherry chocolate cake, cheesecake and a selection of Marion’s own recipes created after experimenting with different flavours. “One of our friends is a Vegan and therefore I also experimented with some Vegan and raw recipes. I would like to thank my friend Chris for her wonderful assistance, her proofreading of my English text and her testing of my samples!” It’s not Marion’s first foray into publishing though. In 2013 she wrote an adventure and crime book in German that is set on the Sunshine Coast, and on the food front Marion published Scheherazades FINGER FOOD in German which focuses on dips and finger food - with hints about edible flowers. For Marion, plants have played a big part in her life. She has a background in horiticulture and has worked on the 8

Sunshine Coast for the past 13 years as a landscape designer on projects ranging from private residences to schools, streetscapes and residential developments. Marion’s face will be familiar to local residents of Sundale where she has been a regular volunteer visitor for the residents for the past five years along with her Border Collie. Asked to pick a favourite recipe to share, Marion suggested her AlmondOrange-Muffins (Vegan). Ingredients (makes 6) 100g castor sugar 100g almond meal 100g flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 4 tablespoons vegetable oil Juice of a small orange (5 or 6 tbsps) Preparation: Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Place six patty pans into a muffin pan. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and knead to a smooth dough. Divide dough into six and fill patty pans. Bake for about 20 minutes on the second lowest rack. Allow to cool for at least 10 minutes. Bake a Cake – Backe einen Kuchen, published by Books on Demand, Germany, is available for purchase as paperback - ISBN 9783750440937 and as E-Book - ISBN 9783751946940.

Coolum News, September 2020

Coolum News, September 2020


POLICE NEWS with Snr Const Maria O’Brien

Expect to see extra Police on the road We are lucky to have Coolum Police officer Senior Constable Maria O’Brien sending us a summary of police matters relating to our area each month and an update on policing matters. For the month of August 2020, there have been a total of 83 reportable Police occurrences for the Coolum Beach suburb. This is not the number of jobs Police have attended, this is only the number of reportable occurrences. • 34% of these occurrences are for traffic related offences, including drink driving; • 13% are property related occurrences, including stealing offences, lost property and found


property; • 11% are reportable traffic crashes; 11% relate to Domestic Violence incidents; • 6% are wilful damage offences; • and the remaining 25% includes stalking, public nuisance, assault, drug related occurrences and health related occurrences. Due to the high percentage of traffic related occurrences, Police would like to remind motorists to follow the road rules and remember the fatal five speeding; drink/drug driving; fatigue; seat belt use; and driver distraction/ inattention. Residents will be noticing a higher volume of traffic Police in the area, so please drive with care and caution.

Coolum News, September 2020

Coolum News, September 2020



Coolum News, September 2020

Coolum News, September 2020


FAIRFAX update: Federal Member Ted O’Brien VP DAY

On August 15, we commemorated the 75th Anniversary of VP Day (Victory in the Pacific), the day Australia celebrated the end of WWII. I had the privilege of unveiling a memorial plaque alongside Mr Francis (Frank) McGreevy, the last surviving WWII veteran in the Coolum-Peregian RSL sub-branch and was delighted to present him with a Commemorative Medallion honouring his service.


A year ago the communities of Peregian Springs, Peregian Breeze and Peregian Beach were devastated by fire. I want to again thank our firefighters and other emergency personnel who kept our community safe. The way everyone pulled together, then and now - like raising funds for the Verrierdale Rural Fire Brigade - is to be commended.


A big shout out to some local sporting champions. Coolum surfer Ellia Smith along with Mt Coolum water polo player Tass Majoros and athletics rising star Kobi Higgins have all been recognised as local sporting champions. The AIS program provides grants of between $500 and $750 for competitors aged 12-18 participating in state, national or international championships. You can find more information at lsc.


Recently we celebrated Seniors Week. With input from my Fairfax Seniors Advisory Council, this year we wanted to encourage young people to talk to their grandparents and hear their wonderful stories, so we launched the #hiddenlegends campaign. Children, including students from SAAC, showcased a special senior in their life. You can view their heart-warming submissions on my website


When it comes to COVID-19 job losses, the Sunshine Coast region has been among the hardest hit. To tackle this issue your State MP Dan Purdie, together with the Member for Buderim Brent Mickelberg and myself are hosting a jobs forum. You are welcome to join us Tuesday 15 September from 5:30-6:30pm at Lifepointe Baptist Church in Buderim. Please see my website for more details and to RSVP.


As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any Federal issues, concerns or enquiries on 5479 2800; or send them through via email at or visit us at 17 Southern Drive, Maroochydore.

COVID concerns put Rotary’s annual bookfest back to 2021 For Sunshine Coast booklovers the annual Rotary Noosa Daybreak Noosa Bookfest has been an institution for the past 16 years. Normally held in May, it 14

was postponed until October, and last week the decision was made to put it off again until 2021 amid concerns over crowds and COVID. Ph 1300 791 226.

Coolum News, September 2020

Coolum News, September 2020


Ninderry update:

State Member Dan Purdie


Congratulations to the Coolum Surf Lifesaving Club, who have received $34,990 to upgrade their first aid room in the latest round of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. Across the electorate, our local community clubs and groups shared in more than $90,000 in this latest round, which is a great outcome, particularly in the current economic climate. The next round of funding closes at the end of this month. If you would like more information about eligibility or making an application, give me a call or email


In recent weeks, it seems the issue of speeding and hooning in our suburban streets has flared up again, with one group of residents so fed up they have sent a petition to Council. These residents are rightly concerned that someone will end up injured, or worse, if no action is taken, and are calling on Council to install traffic calming devices in their local streets. There’s no doubt this a serious concern and something that is unfortunately being experienced across many parts of the Coast. I have reached out to the divisional 16

Councillor, Maria Suarez, as any solution requires a collaborative approach between Council and the State Government. Not only does it include enforcement, but also driver education and awareness, as part of an overall road safety campaign. With around half of all serious speeding crashes occurring at less than 10km/hr about the speed limit, it’s a timely reminder for everyone to be aware of the speed limit, and always drive to the conditions. Even driving at just 5km/hr about the speed limit in urban areas is enough to double the risk of a casualty. I encourage everyone in the community to be mindful of road safety, and observe the speed limits. They are there for a reason.


To talk to myself and the team phone 5406 7900 or drop by the office at 11 Heathfield Rd, Coolum Beach. Email

Coolum News, September 2020

Coolum News, September 2020


Division 9 update – Councillor Maria Suarez

Have you heard about the Yandina Creek Wetland within our Blue Heart on the Maroochy River? It has been transformed into a birdwatcher’s delight, with Unitywater completing a new trail walk and bird viewing hide back in March. I recently attended the official opening, which was rescheduled due to COVID restrictions. Our Blue Heart initiative is a longterm partnership project between Council, Unitywater and the Queensland Government. It will bring about many benefits for our community including protecting the most critical areas of the Maroochy River floodplain; establishing a regionally-significant complex of wetland and floodplain ecosystems; helping to manage water quality in our much loved Maroochy River, where people fish, swim and enjoy other water activities; helping to manage current and future impacts of coastal hazards, such as tidal inundation; establishing new uses for existing rural lands, including economic opportunities for landowners; and facilitate ecotourism opportunities. Unitywater opened the wetlands in 18

2017 and since then has been working to return this former cane farm land back into a natural wetland. The wetland removes nutrients and sediments from the river, which helps to improve the long term river health Thanks to the completion of the 1.7km walking trail and bird hide, our community can begin to enjoy the Blue Heart of the Sunshine Coast. I found it so peaceful and the many birdsongs calming. It’s definitely a lovely place to connect with nature. Our Blue Heart, and the Yandina Wetlands demonstrate that there are still plenty of opportunities for land on a floodplain if we are innovative in our thinking and approach. You can access the trail walk at 362368 River Road, Yandina. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me on 5475 9810, or via email at maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld. or via my Facebook page. Cheers, Cr. Maria Suarez Division 9 – Sunshine Coast Council

Coolum News, September 2020

Coolum News, September 2020


Local Heart LOCAL CHURCH CONTACTS (limits to onsite services during COVID. Contact Churches directly for information on resuming “in person” services)

LOCAL BUSINESS CONTACTS Coolum Business & Tourism - 5440 9870,,

Coolum Beach Anglican Church -Cnr Perry St & Beach Rd Coolum Beach 0447 002 573 email Or see Coolum Beach Baptist Church 1912 David Low Way -call 5446 1957 or St Peter’s Catholic Church 28-32 Elizabeth St, Coolum 5443 3488 Coolum Christian Family Church 2 Arcoona Rd (Coolum Beach Christian College) or call 5446 1295. Coolum Uniting Church, Cnr Elizabeth St & Heathfield Rd ,Coolum or 5446 1815 Salvation Army, Meeting Rooms 127, Greenoaks Drive Coolum. Call Warren or Denise 0400 797 480 / 0418 214 723.

QUICK REFERENCE PHONE NUMBERS Alcoholics Anonymous – 1300 222 222 Alcohol & Drug Information Service 1800 177 833 Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636 Crime Stoppers - 1800 333 000 DVConnect Womensline - 1800 811 811 DVConnect Mensline - 1800 600 636 Eheadspace (12-25 years) - 1800 650 890 Kids Helpline - 1800 551 800 Lifeline - 131 114 MensLine Australia - 1300 789 978 Narcotics Anonymous Australia - 1300 652 820 Policelink - 131 444 Smart Recovery Australia - 02 9373 5100

GOVERNMENT REP CONTACTS Coolum – Local Sunshine Coast Councillor Maria Suarez, office (Division 9) Tel – 5441 8086 State (Ninderry) - Dan Purdie (Liberal National Party) Tel - 5406 7900 Federal (Fairfax) Ted O’Brien (Liberal member of Liberal National Party) Tel- 5479 2800 LOCAL SCHOOL CONTACTS Coolum State High School - Havana Rd East, Coolum Beach - 5471 5333. Coolum State Primary School - School Rd, Coolum Beach - 5471 9300 Coolum Beach Christian College - 2 Arcoona Rd, Yandina Creek - 5446 4780


UPCOMING EVENTS Sept 13: 8am to 11am - Noosa Kids & Baby Market - Coolum Primary School, School Rd. New and second hand children’s clothing and goods. September 24 from 6pm: Coolum Business & Tourism will host and After Work Social Event at Canteen Kitchen + Bar. To RSVP call 5440 9870 or email .au September 27 - 8am to NOON - Food stalls, coffee, and a wide range of stalls from local artisans, foodies, growers and musicians. Held at Coolum Primary School. October 4—11.30am to 4.30pm Sunday Session on the Green at Coolum Peregian RSL, David Low Way. Food, drinks & music.Family friendly.

* If you’d like to add your upcoming community club events here, email

Coolum News, September 2020


FOR THE ANSWERS, TURN TO PAGE 22 Coolum News, September 2020


Health event— Marcoola— September 26, 2020 Find yourself when you didn’t know you were missing… women and menopause WHEN long time Personal Trainers Lyn Miller and Jacinta Alkin found themselves in their 40’s, over tired, gaining weight and feeling way out of sorts they set about a journey of discovery. Since this journey began of finding themselves 1000s of women now too are benefiting from transforming their passage of Menopause into a vital new phase of life. After establishing through study and research that Hormone Imbalances were the cause, Lyn and Jacinta have set about developing a Wellbeing Program ‘Hormonal Health Support’ to not only improve their own wellbeing but other women’s too as they transition into, and enjoy, a new phase of their life.

Once again, Lyn and Jacinta will be joining forces and launching an introductory Seminar at Marcoola for women to come together and learn more about a holistic, wellbeing tailored approach to Menopause and their Hormones. Jacinta, who specialises in Hormonal Health Support and is conducting the seminar, said the event is at Surfair, Marcoola, on Saturday, September 26, commencing at 2pm. RSVP September 9th. Tickets are available for the earlybirds at $39.95 each or $49.95 for last minute bookings. Bookings are available via https;// or by calling Jacinta on 0427 375 840. Additionally to the seminar, Jacinta has joined with IKATAN SPA who will also be launching their new ‘Hormonal Wellness Experience’ at the Seminar. All tickets bought for the Seminar will go into the draw for a $300 IKATAN DAY SPA voucher.



Coolum News, September 2020

Local Connect

Coolum News, September 2020



Coolum News, September 2020

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