Peregian Springs News November 2017

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Peregian Springs News Inform know grow Volume 3. Issue 2

November 2017

TRAFFIC WOES: Genevieve, Ava, Claire, baby Piper and Sara are among many local residents concerned about the safety of the intersection of Yarran Rd and Emu Mountain Rd at the southern end of the Peregian Breeze Estate.

It’s only a matter of time RESIDENTS exiting the southern end of the Peregian Breeze Estate on to Emu Mountain Rd from Yarran Rd fear a major accident is only a matter of time. The intersection is situated in close proximity to the major roundabout exit

from the Sunshine Motorway heading towards Peregian Beach, and at peak times in particular, traffic volumes and speeds present a scary proposition, particularly for anyone contemplating turning right to head towards Peregian Springs from the Estate. Continued Page 4

Peregian Springs News, November 2017

From the Ed’s desk We’re in the new Queensland State seat of Ninderry created by the boundary realignment earlier this year. Peregian Springs is now one state government electorate (previously we were split down the middle) however the state boundary sits partly along Emu Mountain Road-the road that links Peregian Springs to Peregian Beach, past the southern Peregian Breeze intersection entry. We have a story on the grave concerns residents and locals have about that road and intersection and have asked local State candidates how they will help improve the state controlled road. Also the “footpath to nowhere” (aptly coined by One Nation candidate for Ninderry Barry Ward) out of Peregian Breeze is also on the agenda for many local residents with local connectivity by foot and bike on the wishlist for many wanting more active travel to and from Peregian Breeze to local schools, shops and play locations at Peregian Beach and Peregian Springs. See our story on pages 4-6. The intersection and the issue of pedestrian connectivity drew lots of comments on our Facebook page


(see peregianspringsnews) for details. Very disappointing to see vandalism at the playground at Brindabella Avenue in Ridges. The ropes dome has been cut apparently with a knife or saw. With Sunshine Coast Council opening public comment on the new youth playspace at the Recreation Fields incorporating a possible half basketball court and skate park, I hope any new facility will be well looked after and appreciated by locals ever vigilant against vandalism and poor behaviour (see pages 16 and 17). Anyone with information about the Brindabella Park damage please contact Coolum police on 131 444. Also, with school holidays coming up, kids will no doubt be looking for things to do. We’d like kids aged 8 and up to 14 years to write up to 200 words on issues that are on their mind or that matters to them for the chance for one entry to win a double movie pass. For entry conditions, see Finally... A favour. If you value this publication and local news matters to you please consider using our advertisers for your goods and services and tell them you saw them in Peregian Springs News.


Local News

Vandals wreak havoc on ropes SUNSHINE Coast Council officers have been left to clean up the mess left by dim-witted vandals who appear to have taken a knife to the ropes structure in the playground at Brindabella Park this month. A Council spokesperson said the team had re-laced, cable-tied, taped and meshed rolled the rope to secure it again so the equipment can continue to be used safely. While Council will continue to monitor the park to ensure it remains safe to play, they have also said it would cost more than $11,000 to replace the equipment and an estimated three month delivery timeframe.

Local residents are encouraged to report anyone behaving strangely in our parks to the Coolum Police via the Police Link line on 131 444 and to alert the Peregian Springs Neighbourhood Watch team at or online via social media at facebook/PSNHW

Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Local News— Peregian Breeze road challenge

Road draws ‘grave’ concern Continued from page 1 Concerns about the safety of the Yarran Rd / Emu Mountain Rd intersection have hit a nerve in the community with a facebook post on our Peregian Springs News site attracting more than 40 comments from people wanting to have their say. In a subsequent interview, Claire said: “As a resident of Peregian Breeze with two small children who attend a local school, I am gravely concerned about the intersection from the Estate onto Emu Mountain Road. “The intersection does not allow cars to exit safely, with most users of Emu Mountain Road not following the speed limit and the volume of traffic being consistently high. “I am also very disappointed that we are essentially a locked suburb with no pedestrian or bike access to either Peregian Beach or Peregian Springs. “The Sunshine Coast Council has approved this estate with no consideration to its rate payers and has essentially forced people to use their cars when there is no need with the short distance to both of these destinations. Fellow Peregian Breeze resident, Sara, voiced similar concerns with the traffic at the entrance to the estate, especially when turning right towards the Sunshine Motorway. “It’s a speed limit of 60 in that stretch - but from what I can see, most are around the 80km mark. There is a clear 60 (km) sign coming from Peregian to the Motorway, however I cannot see a 60 sign coming off the motorway heading to Peregian. “I have felt so frustrated with the speeding I have felt like installing a 4

flashing speed limit sign so people take notice. “I am not sure what can be done to rectify the situation - obviously a roundabout there would assist. “It would be awful if they made it a ‘left turn only’ exit... making us go up the road, around the next roundabout and then back... if that happened it would increase the traffic going the other way up Old Emu Mountain Road (past the College).” Soon-to-be resident Lauren said: “I am currently building in the Breeze so am constantly visiting the progress of the house coming along. I live in the Springs at the moment so I'm having to turn right when exiting. I dread it upon entering the exit, I've had a man on one occasion yelling / waving hands out the window due to me not making a dash in between cars quick enough for his liking. “My partner insists I'm to turn left and do a loop around the roundabout, this isn't ideal, but when I have myself and my child onboard I fear for my safety. Cars travel so quickly along there and the visibility when trying to look left for cars is not adequate enough. I'm all for changes to happen to improve this exit, I will soon be a permanent Breeze resident and I really don't look forward to this intersection..” Yarran Road (also known as Old Emu Mountain Rd) is a Sunshine Coast Council controlled road and Emu Mountain Road (connecting Peregian Springs to Peregian Beach) is state controlled. A Transport and Main Roads spokesperson said “safety on our roads is our number one priority” and

Local News

ROAD CONCERNS: Yarran Rd/Emu Mountain Rd intersection. Image: Google Maps that available crash data shows “no reported injury crashes” at the intersection in the last five years, noting however there is “typically a delay of 3-6 months before details of a crash are available to us” and vehicle damage only crashes are not captured in their crash data. “Funding for any future upgrades at this intersection will be subject to competing state-wide priorities..We will continue to monitor the intersection,” the spokesperson said.

With a State Election due on November 25, we asked our local candidates to respond on this issue for our election coverage. Read their responses from page 6. To read their full responses on the intersection issues see our website at www.peregiansprings Also, pedestrian connectivity is a concern for Peregian Breeze residents looking for more active ways to access schools, shops and recreation at Peregian Springs and Peregian Beach. See our website for the candidates’ response for better connection.

Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Local News

Candidates vow to lobby for a better result NINDERRY candidates have told PSN what they thought of the Yarran Rd / Emu Mountain Rd challenge and all who responded acknowledged something needed to be done and committed to finding out more. LNP candidate Dan Purdie said he’d written to Transport and Main Roads and the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning for more information but the government depts were in caretaker mode due to the upcoming election and unable to respond. He also sought information from Police and was told there had been no complaints or traffic accidents reported for this section of road or intersection. Independent candidate Richard Bruinsma said he’d support residents in their bid to have the situation improved. “Anyone using Yarran Rd into or out of


Peregian Breeze knows how hairy it is. The intersection is regularly sprinkled with glass, so, obviously the incidents here are mounting and, it’s not hard to conclude, potentially deadly.” Greens candidate Sue Etheridge said she would lobby initially for “better signage” for the road and then for further improvements as part of road funding rounds. Labor’s Bill Gissane said he’d work with residents and other relevant government departments to find a better result, and Barry Ward of One Nation said “if elected I would definitely support obtaining funding, and I believe a merge lane similar to the southern Peregian Springs motorway entry could be implemented well north of the roundabout.” Mr Ward said greater police activity, or a fixed speed camera could help too.

What to look out for when buying a property MORTGAGE MATTERS with Trevor Ryan Aussie Home Loans Phone: 0411 211 401 YOU’VE found your dream home at the right price, in the right location. But don’t take things at face value. Some additional research can confirm if there’s more to your new home than meets the eye. Here’s a few tips to get you started. Have the contract of sale reviewed by a professional.. A property’s contract of sale can sometimes be hard to understand, so it may pay to have the contract reviewed by a solicitor or conveyancer before you sign on the dotted line. This can identify any restrictions, covenants or easements (which give someone else the right to cross or use the land) that may impact your property. Building and pest reports A building inspection report can identify serious defects like a dodgy roof or problems such as rising damp, which could see you facing budgetbreaking repair bills. To be sure you won’t be sharing your new home with creepy crawlies, it can

also be wise to think about a pest inspection. Strata Report If you’re planning to buy an apartment or townhouse, think about organising a strata inspection report. As an apartment owner or homeowner in Ridges Peregian Springs, you’ll also be a member of the ‘owners corporation’ or ‘body corporate’, which is responsible for the maintenance of common property and the overall building. This means paying corporation fees and levies, and potentially contributing cash to a capital works fund covering longer term repair bills. A strata inspection report will show the quarterly levies you’ll be up for as well as current or proposed special levies to meet the cost of future building works. Investigations to undertake yourself.. Finally, it is also a good idea to take a good look through the local council’s website, which can outline major infrastructure developments planned for the community as well as lists of current development applications for the area you’re looking at.

Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Ninderry ‌ the final countdown We now have 6 candidates confirmed for the State Seat of Ninderry that takes in Peregian Springs, Peregian Breeze along with our neighbours Coolum, Verrierdale and more. With the election due on November 25, we’ve asked them for their top priorities for our area and printed their answers below. As you have been talking to residents what are the top 4 topics Peregian Springs and Peregian Breeze residents have raised with you and how will you help fix those things? BARRY WARD (One Nation) Without a doubt the issue of power costs is impacting the most broadly across the residents and businesses of Ninderry. This stretches from people not able to afford their power bill, to those cutting back on food, and with others, the services that small businesses in Ninderry provide like lawn mowing, pool cleaning and gardening. The impact is direct and indirect.


One Nation will tackle that first by eliminating the $1.3B gouged by the state Government out of every Ninderry resident and business, and secondly by utilising Qld’s abundant coal and gas and developing cheaper electricity with a new coal fired North Qld power station. The cost of living is being impacted by power costs, the cost of registration, and the lack of any growth in spending power for wage earners. Pensioners are literally struggling and rapidly slipping in their living standard and while the state unemployment numbers have decreased, most of this has been through CBD based public service numbers increasing, to the point Qld now has 25% more public servants per capita than Victoria. Now all we are hearing

in election promises is 5000 more public service jobs, not ground level jobs growth within electorates like Ninderry. One Nation has a policy to completely review welfare spending, pass on sizeable increases in pensions to all pensioners, and encourage small business to the Sunshine Coast through freezing payroll tax, and relocating public servants to regional Qld. The topic of Safe Schools is frequently raised as a serious concern by the parents in Ninderry. While some schools are resisting this gender diversity movement, it is entering other schools under the radar. One Nation is against the Safe Schools program, and has a policy to provide no funding for Safe Schools. RICHARD BRUINSMA (Independent):  Lack of political leadership and directionless political parties  Lack of parking around Peregian Springs State School

 Rising cost of living  The need for more facilities for youth in Peregian Springs – skate bowl etc Other issues included a need for a service station so residents don’t always need to drive to Coolum or Peregian Beach to get fuel, a need for parking at the end of Havana Street West for Coolum State High School (need for a footpath from the motorway overpass back to Brushbox Way to keep kids off the roads), and a lack of shelters on Peregian Springs bus stops. In Peregian Breeze the main issues:  An overpass to Peregian Springs  Speeding drivers down Old Emu Mtn Road  The need for “a path to the pub”/ “a path to the beach” at Peregian Beach  The dangerous entrance from Yarran Road into Emu Mountain Road  Other issues raised in the Breeze are: poor political leadership, the rising cost of living, the Yaroomba Beach development by Sekisui, affordable housing/rents costs, and the need for public transport (buses) in the Breeze. Continued page 10

Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Local News— State Election Top Issues… From page 9... My aim is to actually raise important community matters with the ministers, departments and the authorities that are responsible. As an independent, I can actually take action on what the people of Ninderry need, rather than having to check with the heads of the political parties as to what I can or can’t do. One repeated concern here was the lack of leadership, and/or self-centred political leadership – this will not be an issue with me, an independent, in the Parliament. I’ll be there to represent the people, simple as that. DAN PURDIE (LNP): The top 4 topics that have come up in my discussions with local residents have been the rising cost of living, exorbitant energy prices, the lack of efficient public transport and concerns about crime. In relation to cost of living and energy prices the LNP has a well researched set of policies that are aimed at helping families with the cost of living including the plan to freeze car registration price rises if the LNP is elected to Government. The LNP also has a comprehensive set of energy policies, which will see increased competition between the big power companies and result in energy bills decreasing by $160 a year in the first two years, followed by up to $460 a year less from 2020 onwards. In relation to public transport, I hosted a Ninderry Public Transport Policy forum in September, where the key issue was the lack of direct public transport routes from different areas on the Coast. I have taken this up with Andrew Powell, Shadow Minister for Transport and Main Roads who advises the last Public transport review by TMR for the Sunshine Coast was in 2013. He agrees that a new review of public transport will be a top priority for an LNP Government. A recent spate of Break and Enter offences around Peregian Springs had locals concerned for their safety. I immediately took this up with 10

the Officer in Charge of the Coolum Police Station and was happy to inform the local residents that Detectives had promptly apprehended a number of juvenile offenders and solved all the offences. Another issue I have been working to resolve is a more specific issue relating to the body corporate schemes within the different Peregian Springs communities. SUE ETHERIDGE (Greens): Electricity Prices: Cost of living and electricity prices are a concern for everyone. The Greens have a plan to put retail, generation, and distribution back into public hands which would reduce the average Queensland household electricity bill by 40% - $526 per year. This amount is the combined profit and the cost of doing business for these privatelyowned energy retailers. Roads/Traffic Issues: Interconnectivity and access issues are consistently being raised by residents. The duplication of the Sunshine Coast Motorway (from Pacific Paradise to Peregian Springs) and the duplication of the heavy rail Line from Beerburrum to Nambour would address some of these issues. A cheaper and more effective Public Transport system would reduce the volume of cars using our roads. The Greens have a fullycosted plan for $2 flat fares for the Sunshine Coast and free public transport for under 18’s. Other specific concerns have been addressed separately: Development: Property developers, gambling corporations and mining corporations get billions of dollars’ worth of favourable decisions from the Queensland Government. If elected, a Greens MP will move to overhaul our broken system in the first hundred days of the new Parliament. The Queensland Greens will: Ban for-profit corporate donations; Stop ‘cash-for-access’ meetings with government ministers; Give our corruption watchdog, the CCC, real power and stop politicians from walking into lobbyist jobs.

Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Local News—State Election - Candidate Q&A Adani: The Adani mega-mine proposed for the Galilee basin is a focus of huge concern for voters everywhere. The coal in the Galilee Basin is the very worst in Australia with poor quality and high emissions. It needs to stay in the ground for another million years, so it can mature into a responsibly useable commodity. BILL GISSANE (LABOR): My Dad was a long time resident at Aveo before he became in need of full time care. In those years, I noted that the issues that really annoyed people were mainly around traffic and accessibility. School times were a particularly difficult period (an issue we share at Coolum State School). Because he didn't drive, accessibility to the shops via the footpath was also pretty terrible. I would also mention that my conversations with many of the young families in the district revolved around the security of payments for sub-contractors. This has been a big issue all around the Coast. For that reason, I approached Mick de Brenni, the minister for housing and I'm really pleased to say that legislation passed in the last fortnight that will protect subbies from getting done over by unscrupulous businesses. Transport generally is always a huge issue (Bruce Highway, rail duplication come to mind). How do I fix these issues? Good question. The people of the new seat of Ninderry have a unique opportunity to get some government attention to these pressing issues. It's no secret that the Coast is neglected because we have become recognised as a place where the LNP has representation top to bottom. There is just no incentive for government to pay attention to the area (despite the big promises made at election time). As a Labor member for Ninderry things will change dramatically.


Much as I admire the independents and minor parties, you have to have a voice at the table of government to get things done. Voters of Ninderry, here's your chance to cause a real stir in Brisbane and let the government know we're here. JAMILA RILEY (Animal Justice Party): Jamila has answered our questions on her background and why she believes she is qualified to get your vote. See our website for details. We have asked her about the top 4 issues of concern for Peregian Breeze and Peregian Springs residents and how she will fix them along with questions on the Peregian Breeze intersection and connectivity issues but no response was received before going to print. We’ll put the response on our website if and when it is received. To read more about Jamila see her Animal Justice for Ninderry facebook page. Eds note– Some responses here in print have been edited for length to ensure similar word count for each candidate. For full candidate responses to the question on the top 4 topics of concern for Peregian Springs and Peregian Breeze and how they will help fix these issues see Also, in the last month the Labor Party’s Bill Gissane and the Animal Justice Party’s Jamila Riley have been endorsed by their parties to run for Ninderry. To help you get to know them and why they say they are qualified to get your vote, we’ve put to them the questions we’ve previously put to the other candidates. For their response– see our website. The response of the earlier nominated candidates for the other parties are also on our website so you can get a picture of who’s vying for your vote.

Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Local News— State Election— where to vote

POLLING BOOTHS— State Election November 25 DON’T forget voting is compulsory. Enrol to vote, or update your details go to Voting has changed for state elections to a full preferential system. Voters have to number every box on the ballot paper, starting with a 1. Pre-poll (early voting): You're welcome to vote early - no special reason needed! Pre-poll starts Monday, 13 November and closes Friday, 24 November 2017. For pre-poll centre locations see elections/2017-State-general-election Other voting options: See https://


Unable to pre-poll or vote on election day? Here are some other voting options: Postal voting, Overseas / interstate voters, telephone voting. Conditions and date restrictions apply. Phone the Electoral Commission Queensland on 1300 912 782 to register or for more information or see their website. Voting on Election Day: Local Booths:  Peregian Springs (Peregian Springs State School), 191 The Avenue, Peregian Springs (full wheelchair access  Peregian Beach (Peregian Beach Community Kindergarten) Rofous Street, Peregian Beach (assisted wheelchair access)  More locations on the ECQ website

Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Local News

Playspace feedback called for PEREGIAN Springs residents are invited to provide feedback on a draft concept plan for a multi-purpose active play space developed by Sunshine Coast Council. The plan was developed following previous consultation that determined the Coolum Ridges Sports Complex at Ridgeview Drive as the community’s preferred location and gathered ideas on preferred activities for the space. Division 9 Councillor Steve Robinson said the new play space would provide additional recreation opportunities for the community. “The Peregian Springs community came to council requesting a new play area for older children to be active outdoors and I’m pleased to deliver an initial design for their


review,” Cr Robinson said. “The proposed design has incorporated the community’s priorities for the play space and includes a multi-sports court, rebound wall, skate facilities, seating and shade trees. “Following this consultation on the concept design, council will consider the community’s feedback and proceed to detailed design in 2018.” The active play space will be delivered in two stages, subject to future budget deliberations. Have your say on the concept design by 5pm, December 8 by emailing ParksCapital

or by mail to: Sunshine Coast Council, Locked Bag 72, Sunshine Coast Mail Centre, QLD 4560.

Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Chappy’s Column—Family Focus

Digging deep brings great rewards I HAD just turned up for my first day back at school this year, and was wandering past the canteen. There were a number of parents around and one approached me and asked, "Are you the school chaplain?". "I am" I replied. She then gave me a hug and explained that she had received one of the Christmas hampers from the school. "Thank you so much for the hamper. We were doing it really tough and it gave us some hope and joy”. This time every year staff, parents, students and members of the community donate food to Coolum High for us to make Christmas hampers. We give hampers to families who are in need, doing it a bit tough or just need a bit of Christmas cheer. Every year we hear stories like this one about what a difference they make to families. We can only do this because of the community’s generosity. Being generous gives a feeling of fulfilment and satisfaction that comes from knowing that you have made a positive difference to someone's day. It shifts our focus from ourselves to others, helping us to look beyond the four corners of our own world.

Peregian Springs News ADVERTISING DEADLINES FOR NEXT EDITION: Copy and advertising art is due by NOON, Dec 1, Ph 0422 215 648 Email

A Harvard study showed people who spent money on others were happier than those who spent money on themselves. Results showed that those who are generous have significantly less chance of depression and mental health issues. Their stress levels were reduced, their immune system was stronger as subjects were less sick and their sense of purpose was greatly enhanced. I am continually amazed at the generosity of our community at Christmas time but can you imagine how great it would be to live in this community if we were generous all year round? If we helped carry the shopping bags for the parent juggling kids and pram to the car, feed the homeless person in the dunes, mowed the lawns of a single parent, joined a committee of a sporting or community group… Let’s make it a habit in 2018 to be generous and help others whenever we can. May you and your family have a truly blessed Christmas and festive session and I will be back in the New Year. By Chappy Mark Mark Horsfall - Chaplain, Coolum High

Inform know grow Copies are delivered to letterboxes in Peregian Springs* and Peregian Breeze without no junk mail signs, and bulk dropped at the Pool Café, and the shopping centre.

Peregian Springs News is independently produced and published by Rebecca J Crockett T/As Peregian Springs News (ABN 49865205676). Those who make advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to the publication undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Cth as amended from time to time or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to this, these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, costs, claims and/or judgments. *Pavilions and Sentosa - no hand delivery occurs. Responsibility for election comment is taken by Rebecca Crockett of The Avenue, Peregian Springs.


Peregian Springs News, November 2017



Doggy Park Diaries

Hello Mojo! WHO: Mojo the Miniature Daschund Lindsay Nowoselsky, pictured right with Mojo, and her husband Jay have had Mojo almost 18 months. A Peregian Springs resident for 7.5 years, Lindsay previously lived in Canada (Jay’s home) and England. Lindsay says: “he (Mojo) makes us laugh every day...he is a great characterDogs are affectionate no matter what. “They are constantly happy, they find joy in the simple things in life- they are very forgiving and consistent. “Mojo sits on my knee, he’s a great companion dog. He also loves me working from home– he gets a lot of affection from my clients who love him.” Lindsay has her own Peregian Springs

home-based Holistic Therapy and Beauty business, Mondial Beauty Services, offering a wide range of therapies and services, specialising in Dermalogica facials and product sales. She has 30 years experience in the beauty industry, with over 7 years of teaching Beauty and Holistic Therapies in England and Canada. After almost 5 years of working at a Peregian Beach salon, she opened her professional home salon in March 2017. Mojo has his own claim to fame with an Instagram tag of @sunnycoastmojo.

Peregian Springs News, November 2017



Local News

Fun bubbles up at the Country Club

CHEERS: Carolynn and John Leyman AS the $20 million final stage of the Peregian Springs Country Club retirement community, Beachgrass, has now been completed, Aveo put on a Champagne and Swing Dance event on October 21 to celebrate. The new stage includes 34 modern villas and is now being sold. Aveo Peregian Springs Community Manager, Sharon Bateman said the final stage’s completion marks a significant milestone and is thrilled to share the new release with the

FUN NIGHT: Mary, Tom, Pauline & Roger community. “The Beachgrass villas are a beautiful combination of modern style and coastal living influences, filled with natural light, white walls and soft wooden tones to create an elegant yet relaxed home environment,” Ms Bateman said. A new gym with state-of-the-art equipment is open and a new arts and crafts room for the artistic and creative residents is opening soon, Ms Bateman said.

Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Local Heart SUMMER SURF GIRL: Peregian Springs Sports Physiotherapist Aimee Ting is the Coolum Beach Summer Surf Girl entrant. Check out the Coolum Beach Summer Surf Girl FB page for some great event details and huge prize fundraiser coming in January. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: Coolum LibraryWed, 9am - 12pm; Noosa Civic- Tue, 1pm - 4pm, Thurs, 9:30am - 12:30pm and Fri 9:30am - 12:30pm; Noosa Library-Tue and Sat, 9am - 12pm; Noosa Courthouse Mon, Wed & Fri 9am - 4pm. HAVANA NIGHTS PEREGIAN SPRINGS MARKETS: are held at the Rec Club carpark, 222 The Avenue, are on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. The next two markets are on November 25 and December 9 from 4.30 -8.30pm. The market includes Street Food, artisan stalls, children’s entertainment, seating and live music, with The Pool Cafe open for drinks and cocktails. See Facebook/ havananightsperegianspringsmarkets. The markets support Regain Hope. STORIES OF HOPE: The next event will be held at the Sands Tavern from 7pm on Tuesday, November 28 featuring guest speakers Darron Eastwell and Asha Butler. Darron shares his story of learning to live again after a mountain biking accident that nearly took his life. Asha talks about the challenges she faced in keeping her family together and helping her husband as he battled severe depression. To find out more about the event, search Facebook for the Stories Of HOPE group and read the speaker’s bios. They are always inspirational. SUNSHINE COAST COUNCIL AUSTRALIA 24

DAY AWARDS: Nominations are now open for the 10th anniversary Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards. The awards celebrate the achievement and contribution of individual and community organisations in our region. Everyday people are encouraged to apply – with Council looking for the unsung heroes of our region. Categories open for this year’s awards include:  Citizen of the Year, sponsored by 7 News Sunshine Coast  Young Citizen of the Year, sponsored by USC  Senior Citizen on the Year, sponsored by Maroochy RSL  Community – Group or Organisation, sponsored by Sunshine Coast Daily  Environment, sponsored by Living Smart Sunshine Coast  Creative, sponsored by TAFE Queensland  Sport and Recreation, sponsored by Sunshine Coast Sports Federation Nominate now via council’s website ausdayawards. Nominations close on Monday 4 December 2017. TOY AND CRAFT CHARITY DAY— YOU’RE INVITED: Throughout the year a group of crafty ladies (Aveo Peregian Springs County Club Residents) get together weekly to create beautiful toys and crafts for their annual Toy Charity Day. This year, the event will be held on Friday, November 24 from 9.30am at Aveo Peregian Springs Country Club. All proceeds raised will go towards Katie Rose Cottage with many toys and craft items donated to hospitals and local charities. Each year the sales team proudly donate a beautiful Christmas hamper to be raffled to assist with the extraordinary fundraising efforts, with

Local Heart tickets selling at 3 for $5. Come along and shop for a great cause. PEREGIAN SPRINGS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION: The next management Committee meeting will be held on December 5, at 7:30pm , Peregian Beach Community House. The PSRA is the local residents association and for more information on membership and what the PSRA does in the community email or see their FB page. BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL aims to boost local member businesses and the Coolum chapter (including some Peregian Springs businesses) meets at The Pool Café every Thursday. Places are limited and by invitation. Call BNI’s local Exec Director Charity Warburton on 0434 218 641 for more information.

BUSINESS MENTORING: Business mentoring Noosa offers “Business Success Workshops” to help new and existing businesses. See PEREGIAN GOLF: Show off your course to your friends and take advantage of the special guest rate of $59 for up to 3 of your friends. Limited time so contact the pro shop on 5471 5400. Super Series- The 10th and final round will be held in 2 weeks’ time on the 18th of November. Prize entry details on the Peregian Golf website Coaches corner: Craig Goodall, Peregian Head Coach, (Ph: 5471 5400) offers regular video tips on the Peregian Golf Facebook Page for swing improvements . Par Bar– Cash Box lotto at time of print was over $800 . On Friday’s at 4pm, come see if you can make a dash with the cash.

Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Legal Matters

Is your estate planning “super”? LEGAL MATTERS with Fiona Allen BCom, LLB, LLM, TEP Phone: 5302 7933 I HAVE previously written about the $2.259 Trillion Australians have in superannuation and how despite this super-duper amount, superannuation can often be (and inexplicably often is) overlooked when estate planning. For those that read last month’s column, you’ll recall that superannuation may not be distributed in accordance with a person’s Will – rather the superannuation trustee is likely to have discretion as to who benefits from the superannuation. This discretion can usually be removed by completing a binding death benefit nomination. If you wish to remove the trustee’s discretion, consideration needs to be given as to who should benefit – bearing in mind that only ‘superannuation beneficiaries’ can benefit from superannuation. Broadly ‘superannuation beneficiaries’ are spouses (including same sex spouse), children, financial dependents and a ‘legal personal representative’ (i.e. an estate). You should note - Siblings, parents, friends and nieces and nephews are generally not superannuation beneficiaries. If your intended beneficiary is a

‘superannuation beneficiary’ you also need to consider if they will be a taxation beneficiary (meaning tax may need to be paid on some or all of the superannuation they receive). Spouses are generally taxation beneficiaries however adult children are generally not. Like all tax, this is complicated, and depends on a number of factors. Assume a person has $300,000 in superannuation and a $600,000 home. The person has two adult children from a previous relationship and a spouse, who isn’t the parent of their children. The person wants to leave everything to their spouse and adult children. One approach is to leave everything in thirds, with the spouse receiving $100,000 from superannuation and $200,000 from the house. Alternatively the spouse could receive 100% of the super and nothing from the house. Before choosing which option is ‘best’, consideration should be given to any ‘challenge’ risk as well as the taxation consequences. The important thing is to ensure that consideration is given to superannuation in estate planning. Fiona is a Senior Associate with Dore & Webb Lawyers. The information in this article is general and for specific advice on your Wills and Estate situation call Fiona on 5302 7933.

of hard workers. 42% of residents are working 40 hours or more a week, The latest employment statistics are 9.9% are working 16 to 24 hours a out from the Australian Bureau of week and 14.4% are now working 1 to Statistics and they show we’re a bunch 15 hours each week.

Fast facts: Peregian Springs...


Peregian Springs News, November 2017


Finance Matters with ...

Investing for children and grandchildren YOU may have been considering investing in shares for your children or grandchildren. For many parents and grandparents, investing in shares for your children or grandchildren is not only a great way for you to help build a nest egg for them in Patersons team: Tom, Aaron & Antonia the future, but also a positive step towards educating them in the sharemarket and the value of investing in a portfolio. When the child gets the over the long term. company’s annual report and other The starting point is to balance the size correspondence, there will be greater of the gift versus transaction costs, and affinity with that company and as a finding some shares that are going to be customer, they get to experience firstgood long term performers. And hand the offerings of the company they hopefully, picking some companies that part own. your child of grandchild will be able to Participating in a dividend reinvestment identify with. plan (DRP) makes sense for a long term We would recommend selecting a investment held on behalf of a child or basket of shares from a diverse set of grandchild as it helps simplify a set and industries/sectors, in names that should forget investment philosophy, are a form be around in many years’ time, which of forced saving and, most importantly, most likely will be blue chip, growth they provide the benefit of compounding. companies paying franking dividends. There are a couple of options for acquiring shares on behalf Choosing companies the child might of minors, which can have different tax consequences for associate with because they buy or use you and your minor. We recommend you seek professional the companies’ products or services, is a advice from a qualified tax agent and/or solicitor before you big part of the story. open an account to invest. The information contained above The child’s bank, the supermarket is general in nature and you should seek professional advice where you shop, mobile phone provider for your particular circumstances. etc., can be good companies to start with

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