Peregian Springs News April 2016

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Peregian Springs News Inform know grow Vol 1. Issue 7

APRIL 2016

0422 215 648

Dig deep for charity FOR most local Mums, Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 8, will be a chance to relax and enjoy a carefree change of pace with family. But for those Mums of kids with cystic fibrosis there is no room for diversion from strict routine. The debilitating genetic condition, for which there is no cure yet, requires relentless daily treatment and frequent hospital admissions for sufferers whose life expectancy is around 37 years. On Saturday, May 7, a group of Mums with children afflicted by cystic fibrosis will run in a 65 kilometre treadmill relay at Jetts Peregian Springs to raise funds and awareness. Many teams will also participateholding their own walk, run, row or cycle events at other locations.

FUND RUN: Sonia Marshall, Donna O’Neill, Rainer and Laura Stoll- parents of kids with Cystic Fibrosis, will run 65 km’s to raise funds and awareness. To learn more contact Donna O’Neill on 0414 942 408 or go to to donate.

Have your say on golf land bid MONEY for “ongoing community based activities” is on offer by FKP Residential Developments Pty Ltd in its latest bid to gain Council support for golf land rezoning. However, details of what activities or the amount of funding, which FKP proposes to “offset any perceived loss of sport and recreation land”, were not given by FKP in its recent documents to Council.

The proposed rezoning of just over 1 hectare of golf course land from sport and recreation to residential, if approved by Council, will allow a contract of sale of that land from the Golf Club owner Peregian Springs Golf Club Limited to the developer FKP to proceed which both parties say will give cash flow to the club, saving it and the course from possible closure. Story continued, page 4

Peregian Springs News, April edition 2016.

Local News From the Ed’s desk WITH Mothers Day May 8, Anzac Day (April 25) and a wealth of worthy causes right here such as Peregian Shares and Cares, Peregian Lions and the May 7, Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser, your chance to give to receive the gift of community is now. Giving your view and submissions to Council on the Golf Course land rezoning is also coming up (see our page 1 story). If you’re giving any of our featured people and businesses support, thank you! If you saw them in Peregian Springs News please let them know. The State Government is also giving with Local Independent State MP for Nicklin Peter Wellington saying up to $250,000 per project is on offer to possibly fund activities deemed eligible through the Ignite Ideas Fund. Online applications close on 22 April — see Advance Queensland website for info. The next edition is about shopping and services with your chance to tell us where you get your goods and services — this all helps inform planners about local needs. Also, save Saturday, May 28 for the action-packed St Andrew’s Anglican College Family Fair featuring fantastic food, rides, entertainment, stalls and fireworks! Discounted ride wristbands on sale April 25, at KZKF or at the regular price on the day. More to come. Until next time,

Rebecca 2

New look shop attracts a crowd COLES created a carnival atmosphere for the launch of it’s revamped store on March 19. Colourful facepainting, fun balloon twisting, plump sizzling sausages from Peregian Lions and rocking tunes from Sea FM all added to the festivities celebrating the newly laid out store. The changes added extra grocery lines, an in-store bakery, new cheese and olive bar and a flat bread flipping hotplate - only one of three in Queensland ensuring a future of fresh feasting for locals.

Local News…

Dogs and hoops first up on the agenda COUNCILLOR Stephen Robinson has been returned to represent Division 9 and has the dog off leash area and a half basketball court at the top of his list for Peregian Springs. Cr Robinson said construction of the dog off-leash park would start shortly as the tender process had been finalised. “Council has also undertaken a preliminary study of possible locations for a half basketball court with 3 locations identified.” He said he would meet with key community groups to discuss the locations and had also asked Council to review its region-wide policy on public use of leased public amenities.

“I would like to thank the residents of Peregian Springs for giving me the opportunity to serve you for what will be my second term,” Cr Robinson said. “I appreciate there are some challenging issues ahead but you have my ongoing commitment that I will work with you all to get the best possible community outcomes.” Cr Robinson acknowledges and congratulates “..Scott Larsen and Angela Wilson for their drive, determination and courage to nominate for the role of Councillor Division 9. ..I am a firm believer that the democratic process becomes all the more stronger through a tough competitive process and both Scott and Angela provided that.”

Peregian Springs News, April edition 2016.


Local news Public comments about to open on golf land From page 1 … Concerned residents say any rezoning of land from sport and recreation to residential will set a precedent for further rezoning. However, as reported by Peregian Springs News in March, club Director Keith Carrott indicated the proposal is the last of its kind, telling a public meeting “there is no other land” to sell. Residents are also concerned with the design of the proposed 12 lot development and a new access road which is likely to proceed if the rezoning is approved, fearing greater risk of ball strike for pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles and residents. In documents to Council, FKP says the development’s design and existing natural vegetation will give a barrier to ball strike and if safety becomes an issue the Golf Club “will install nets at that time”. If the rezoning is approved, FKP will reportedly pay the Golf Club around $900,000 for about 10,000 sqm of golf course land to develop into housing. FKP sees numerous public benefits from rezoning. It says allowing the development to proceed on a “small part of the golf course” to give “cash flow to the Golf Club so it can continue operations” will see benefits such as enabling the Club to continue catering for the social and recreational needs of golfers, providing employment for over 30 people, providing golf scholarships in association with “Peregian Christian College” and offering “free golf clinics for children to enhance their skills” and a public meeting place. FKP documents also say golf club monetary sponsorship, charity golf days and local events have provided 4

“financial and promotional support to a range of local charities and organisations” including Lion’s Club, Anglican Foster Children’s Fund, cancer charities and Surf Lifesaving. The Club faced possible closure in December when, after being the major financial supporter of the club for over 10 years, FKP withdrew from that role. However, Golf Club CEO Declan McCollam said on ABC local radio on March 7, that media reports suggesting administration of the Club was imminent were not true. “The situation now is that, the club isn’t on the brink of closing and there is some funding coming to the club via the way of the developer, at least over a short period of time,” Mr McCollam told the ABC . The developer still has “a lot of golf frontage land to sell” Mr McCollam told the ABC and “it’s to their benefit the golf club is operational and in good condition and is open for play to be able to sell that land at it’s proper price.” He also said the Club was currently speaking to a third party about purchasing the Club and indicated to ABC radio journalists talks were about the golf course, “with or without the development applications.” Public comment on the proposed development starts in the coming weeks. See Council’s website at http:// (ref numbers REC16/0012 and REC16/0011) for more information and how to make a submission. Peregian Springs Supporters group, who oppose the rezoning and proposed development have started a petition which has over 550 signatures as at going to print. For more news and relevant links see

Peregian Springs News, April edition 2016.


Local news

ANZAC Day tradition alive at Country Club MANY residents of Peregian Springs Country Club have a proud tradition of serving their country and Anzac Day on April 25 is our chance to pay our respects to their service. Country Club resident John Stephen Hill (Commander-Royal Australian Navy) (Rtd) has served in both Naval and vice-regal positions during a career of leadership, management and diplomacy. With maritime logistics his specialty, highlights included two years RN Exchange on Fleet Commander’s Staff in Singapore, training at Greenwich and Old Sarum, Wiltshire and a stint at Australia House, London looking after international military delegations. He was promoted to Commander in 1981 and finally came to HMAS

Moreton, Brisbane as Chief Staff Officer at NHQ in 1985. In naval life, Steve met his wife Jane, a Lieutenant Nursing Officer. Retiring from the Navy in 1986, he was appointed Comptroller, Queensland Government House by Sir Walter Campbell AC, QC to manage the Governor’s property, security, transport and VIP guests. In 1996 he transitioned to the corporate executive arena working nationally and internationally. Since retiring to the Country Club in 2012 Steve and Jane have enjoyed its lifestyle and facilities and Steve has been very active in community life, including organising Commemoration services at the Club’s Memorial. See for more…


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Peregian Springs News, April edition 2016.


Community gives

Lions on the prowl for fundraising ideas SIZZLING sausages at a BBQ or meeting friends for catch up at a family friendly venue and solving a problem or two in the process would no doubt make up much of the social life of many locals. If that sounds like you, why not meet up with the Peregian Lions at the Coolum Beach Hotel twice a month to help solve some wider community issues and give some sizzle to a sausage or two at a Lions BBQ to raise money for the many worthy causes the Lions support. After organising the Peregian Beach Carols for the last two years and creating and running the Peregian Beach Food and Fashion Fiesta previously, Peregian Lions is focusing fundraising efforts on regular sausage sizzles and the annual pre-loved furniture and homewares Bargain Hunt (slated for later this year)-all funding local people needing a hand. Peregian Lions have helped many locals over time with vouchers for local foster kids, prizes for School students, equipment for special needs children and much more. The

Lions and the NAB also recently sponsored local heats of the Lions “Youth of the Year” -an Australia wide youth public speaking and debating competition, with St Andrew’s Anglican College student Abigail Ellerton making the Zone finals. If meat and fire is not your thing, then there are many other initiatives that Lions do on a local, national and international level with many activities from collection of used eye glasses for third world countries, to helping out at the regular Coolum High School Pancake Breakfast and everything in between going to help the cause. Peregian Lions welcomes people of all ages and stages of life wanting to make friends and make a difference. Email Peregian Lions–

TERMINATE THE TERMITES WITH GECKO PEST CONTROL  Gecko Pest Control owner Mark Davies has almost 20 years’ experience in the Pest Control Industry.  He has all pests covered with termite treatments a specialty. He is licensed by QBCC to offer this service.  The Peregian Springs owned & operated family business serves the local community and surrounds.

Phone - 0488 121 276


Community gives

Building our village culture IN Fiji there are two words for ‘love’ one is for romantic love and the other is ‘Loloma’ – a more compassionate love shown towards someone needing a hand. And with Peregian Springs being a new community with everyone coming from somewhere and perhaps not having strong family or social bonds in place, the time for Loloma is now to help shape the future culture. Loving and compassionate village life is what Tarn Davies and her family have experienced over 15 years of visiting and living within Fijian villages. They have seen the strong connections villagers experience which helps them enjoy the good times, and weather the bad, with optimism and resilience knowing there are people there to share the load. “We always say, it takes a village to raise a family,” she says. Tarn wanted to give locals the avenue to help other locals in whatever way resonates with them and so she set up the Facebook page “Peregian Shares and Cares” aimed at connecting locals needing a break with other locals offering help to build a sharing caring community. Tarn said in the first four weeks the page was up, from November last year, around 60 families were reached with various helping hands offered by locals including meals made, houses cleaned and presents delivered. “It can be anything you can do to help, “ Tarn said. She and others,

some who have had just an hour to give, have moved furniture and sold goods online and donated the proceeds. Others have made cakes and dinners or given grocery or personal care items for donation. One resident cleaned out her pantry and brought over all the dry goods for donation. Peregian Springs business has also been generous with Pizza Capers, the Essential Grain, Coconut and Lime Interiors and many others helping out. Tarn said she doesn’t even need to be the facilitator of the giving – she hoped the spirit of Peregian Shares and Cares would inspire others to have a giving mindset and just act on it independently too. When a bit of help does come, many say ‘other people need it more than me’. Tarn said it’s not about being “needy” or “disadvantaged”. “Sometimes we all just need a break and to know someone cares,” she said. So the culture can build, Tarn would like to know of any locals needing a boost. Visit the page at personal message Tarn from there.

Peregian Springs News, April edition 2016.


Arts and Entertainment

Kabi Kabi share their story via events LOCAL Aboriginal traditional owners, the Kabi Kabi people, have shown culture and heritage is thriving with a number of recent events held locally to foster education and understanding. 'Booin Gari', was a free event celebrating Aboriginal culture with song, dance, crafts and food held at Noosaville Lions Park on April 5. United Synergies facilitated the event which included the Gubbi Gubbi dancers (pictured). As part of Queensland Women’s Week, Bridgette Davis, a local Kabi Kabi Traditional Owner, hosted workshops where people could learn more about her life experience growing up on the Sunshine Coast as an Aboriginal Woman and dreamtime stories about how our landscapes and coastal waterways came to be — through the movements of two dreamtime serpents, known as the 'moontoogutta' and the 'carblamoonta', who helped shaped icons like Mount Coolum and the Glasshouse Mountains.

People attending learned how they could assist through volunteering and helping with upcoming projects or aboriginal heritage site recording, weaving workshops and advocating for a Traditional Owner Ranger program to assist education about Aboriginal Culture and boost `info’ and `eco’ tourism, including on the Sunshine Coast. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for upcoming events. In the meantime see http:// sunshine_at_the_end_of_the_tunnel.

Tiny toes ready to twinkle into Term 2 THE Dance Centre Peregian Springs’ Tiny Toe Programme welcomes children, ages 3-4 years, to the fun world of dance and music. Classes are based on specially created syllabi that provides the perfect progression of age appropriate dance skills combined with magical weekly themes taken from beloved Disney films and Fairytales. Each week numbers, animals and the alphabet are interwoven with the class 10

so that multifaceted learning is taking place on several levels. Classes are designed to introduce creative movement exercises that foster body coordination, rhythmic awareness, and a path to explore their own imagination. A graduation ceremony complete with a tiara takes the child to the next level 'Little Dancer Programme.' Phone 0400 029 198 to register.

Peregian Springs News, April edition 2016.


Business spotlight— music

Take a chance and find your voice BALLADS in the shower, kids lullabies, national anthem at public gatherings- song is all around us and is a unique expression of how we feel. But if you love music but avoid singing thinking you’re no good - take heart. Peregian Springs musician, songwriter and vocal coach, Mary Anderson says everyone can sing in tune, they just have to know how. “David Bowie, Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen all have one thing in common- they don’t have classically beautiful voices but they all sing in pitch and can connect with an audience,” Mary says. With over 30 years experience in the music industry in various forms, Mary began performing aged 15 as a band singer in her native New Zealand spending many years performing as well as writing her own songs– releasing an album of originals in 2003, with much airplay, and regularly judging talent quests and the New Zealand National Country Music Awards. She also worked with schools doing voice and songwriting workshops for upper primary and secondary students and implemented her own music programs for early childhood centres and recorded a CD of well known and original children’s music. On moving the family to Australia from New Zealand around 7 years ago, she and her husband began performing as a duo, however, it was her work with students that sparked her to start “Learn to Sing” from her home in Peregian Springs . 12

Mary enjoys working with people of all ages with “Learn to Sing” clients aged from 6 years to 76 and upwards and works with individuals rather than groups making the person feel more comfortable enabling her to understand the singer’s aims, what music they like and get to know their voice better. “Some people pick it up quicklyothers take’s all about breath control and developing a musical ear, “ Mary says. She plays piano by ear and takes people across the board musically to find a genre suiting their voice and says the result often surprises people. She says she enjoys seeing the confidence clients gain by singing well, especially children with self esteem issues or difficulty expressing themselves. To find out more about voice and songwriting call Mary at Learn to Sing, 5448 1083 or see

Chappy’s column … Family focus

Find a life outside of Facebook time IF you were to use a stop watch and calculate the time you spend on Facebook or social media, I wonder how much time would it add up to? Australian statistics highlight that the average Australian will spend 4-8 hours a week on Facebook and teenagers will spend 8+ hours. Remember that this is not even considering the other forms of social media like Twitter and Instagram. I wonder could this be having a Mark Horsfall and his family. Photo by negative affect on us and teenagers? Tara—Sunshine Coast Videography Last month’s column highlighted how too much screen time can cause when social media is the platform for poor sleeping patterns, headaches, relationships. eyestrain and obesity. Many studies So what can we do about it? show that Facebook and social media, Australian health recommends that when used excessively, can also have we limit our total screen time to 2 a negative impact on relationships and hours a day. Set boundaries around the brain. Studies highlight that when the use of social media which will there is one on one and group greatly benefit your teen even though interaction with others, fundamental they may not like it. Encourage brain development and social skilling balancing social media with physical is occurring. The studies are showing sports, activities and hobbies. that personal relationships are Encourage social interactions with declining in teens due to social media peers without social media devices. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) Spend time to educate your teen influences. on what is appropriate empowering When you log off from Facebook them to make the right choice. that doesn’t mean your brain does. For about a year now my wife and I Too much social media causes the have cut back on Facebook and brain to stay in a heightened sense of hardly use it. I have found that I don’t awareness- it does not shut down and even miss it. rest like it should. The brain learns to Whether you’re a teenager or stay in a state of expectation waiting parent, and spend more than 30min a for that next post or tweet which is day on social media, why don’t you highly detrimental to the development have a go at cutting back too? Chappy — (Mark Horsfall) of a teen’s brain. Chaplain -Coolum State High School Studies also show that skills like eye contact, body language, social Ed’s note - More information and links at cues in relationships are also hindered Peregian Springs News, April edition 2016.


News from Glen Elmes’ office …

Leaders stepping up

I RECENTLY attended the investiture of the School Leaders at Coolum State High School and my congratulations go to each and every student who has been elected to these responsible roles. This experience will be an exciting highlight of their school career and provide them with skills they can use in life after school. I also met recently with the Acting Principal, Dr Burton Ree, pictured with Janaida Ford and Lincoln Parson, who is also deserving of congratulations as she manages her position with great charm and ability. We discussed the challenges facing a growing population and what it means for the local High School and I hope to be able to assist where possible in helping Coolum High achieve its goals and ongoing excellence.

Tip of the times 4…

- Glen

Business strategy with Brian Irving

Planning to succeed Business success has two parts Excellence in yourself: your attitude, beliefs, positivity and mindset and Excellence in the business: “Operational Excellence”. Achieving Operational Excellence needs a well-executed Business Execution System - a Strategic Management plan. Plans need Business, Marketing and Financial elements that will integrate four building blocks: Strategy Deployment, Performance Management, Process Excellence and High Performance Work Teams. Sole business operators to larger employers need strategies in objective/goal setting, marketing and business planning to succeed 14

I hope that those who live in the Noosa Electorate have received my information pack on the Glen Elmes Noosa Electorate Queensland Day Awards for 2016 – if not, please make contact with my office or visit the links below. You can read my speeches on my website, get updates from my facebook or follow Question Time live at For more see or

The steps to success can be broken down through teasing out Corporate Strategy vs. Business (Unit) Strategy. Corporate Strategy is the "what", "where", "when" and “why” of the business. Business Strategy is the "how." It is about building a sustained competitive advantage and establishing the strategies to do so. Help is at hand with the steps and guidance on the journey in goal establishment, mentoring, understanding positivity and system development. Get in touch with Irving & Assoc-Business Coaching, Strategic Management and Mentoring for your mindset — email

Business profile— Coconut & Lime

A taste of the exotic in interior design COCONUT and Lime conjures the carefree fun of the beachy, summery tropics. For creative local Mother and Daughter team, Patricia and Sarah, that feeling captures the essence of their Peregian Springs-based homewares and interior design and styling service Coconut and Lime Interiors, which started out November 2014. Their products range from soy wax candles, melts, tea lights, car fresheners, reed diffusers, cushions, quilt covers, Turkish beach towels and beach bags. Each lovingly hand poured into refillable votives in medium or large size the candles come in 8 scents – like coconut lime, Singapore Orchid, Black Raspberry, Orange Bitter Chocolate, Caramalised Crimson Pear and Vanilla bean and more - the depth of complex yet subtle spice has to be smelled to be believed. The team can personalise labels at no extra cost for candles and diffusers for a unique gift idea or wedding offering. A memorable example was a client’s classmate who was leaving. “We made a going away candle with the girls names and “best friends forever” printed on with hearts,“ Patricia said. Local business people are also loving the range including Your Move Property Managing Director and Principal Nicole Tilling and Agent 4573, Jodie Curran. Nicole says she enjoys supporting local businesses and has given gifts to clients from the range: “Patricia and Sarah have created a wonderful brand

TOP GIFT: Coconut & Lime’s hand poured candles are a real treat for those who love to colour their house with sweet smelling scents. in Coconut and Lime. I love their products from the candles and diffusers through to the turkish towels and beach bags to give as gifts to my Clients. They source only the best quality products and they are such a pleasure to work with.” Hampers of products can be arranged, as can gift vouchers for the interior designing or styling services from the pair, who each hold a Diploma of Interior Design. They are able to help with new home design, from tapware to tiles and fans to flooring and fencing, gardens to gates. to jazzing up a tired room or two. Don’t forget Mothers Day coming up on May 8th. See Coconut and Lime’s range at online at . Patricia and Sarah, whose range will also be on sale at a new Eumundi store soon, have shared some tips on to get the most out of your candles too. These tips and more information at

Peregian Springs News, April edition 2016.


Business spotlight—opinion

Changes to assets test flow to Age Pension WEALTH NEWS with Tom Wigzell & Aaron Cross Patersons Peregian Springs Phone: 5409 6120 FROM 1 January 2017, Government changes to the Age Pension are likely to reduce pensioner entitlements. It’s important that you understand how the changes could affect you. The increase in the Assets Test threshold... The Assets Test threshold is the amount of assets pensioners can hold before their pension starts to reduce under the Centrelink Assets Test. The table below shows the new thresholds from 1 January 2017. Assets Test thresholds from 1 January 2017

● Single, homeowner $250,000 ● Single, non-homeowner $450,000 ● Couple, homeowner $375,000 ● Couple, non-homeowner $575,000 The increase in the ‘taper rate’...

The Assets Test thresholds have increased but so too has the taper rate. The taper rate is the rate at which the Age Pension reduces as assets increase. From 2017 the taper rate will increase from $1.50 a fortnight to $3 a fortnight. This means the maximum Age Pension a pensioner can receive will be reduced by $3 per fortnight for every $1,000 of assets they hold above the Assets Test threshold. How the changes could affect your Age Pension The higher Assets Test thresholds will generally mean that Age Pension recipients with assets above the threshold are likely to see a reduction in their Age Pension – in some cases to zero – as a result of the increased taper rate. The changes to the Age Pension can affect pensioners in a number of ways. To find out more about the likely impact of these changes on your entitlements and to explore strategies to help reduce the impact, speak to Tom or Aaron at Patersons.

Need help navigating the aged-care maze? Our comprehensive Aged Care Advice Package can help. Talk to one of our Accredited Aged Care specialists today.

Tom Wigzell (07) 5409 6120

Aaron Cross (07) 5409 6100

Patersons Peregian Springs, Suite 4, 2 Balgownie Drive, Peregian Springs 4573 Patersons Securities Limited ABN 69 008 896 311 AFSL No. 239 052


PAULA JOINS THE SYNERGY TEAM SYNERGY Physio welcomes our new team member, exercise physiologist Paula Magrani. Paula, pictured, has been working as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist since 2011. She has also worked in various health clubs and fitness studios across Brazil and Australia, teaching Pilates, Yoga and Functional Training. Paula joins Synergy Physio with a wealth of experience offering exercise rehabilitation that can be bulked billed for those eligible with medicare referral, small pilates groups and her 6.30pm Monday night yoga-lates class. Her classes are in addition to our popular Rise and Shine morning yoga with Amber and Physio-Pilates classes with Jess. Bookings essential! Please phone 07 5448 3369 for bookings.

Synergy Health Tips... Pain on the outer hip area? Pain to lie on your hip at night? Or hip pain with walking long distances? It could be your gluteal tendons! A common problem in women, gluteal tendinopathy is a condition where the tendons as they attach onto the outer hip bone start to wear. This is often a result of weakening in the tendon and needs a very specific strengthening program to assist the tendon in repairing. Quick tips are to stop all outer hip and buttock stretches! This can make the tendon worse. Avoid sitting cross legged or on low chairs. Further advice can be found on Synergy's online education videos or for further advice on the management of your pain please contact our friendly reception team to make an appointment with Jess or Niky on 07 5448 3369.

Peregian Springs News, April edition 2016.


Business spotlight—home loans

How do I know if I should refinance? MORTGATE MATTERS with Trevor Ryan Aussie Home Loans Phone: 0411 211 401 THE days when people would take out a loan and stay with the lender for the full term are long gone. Most homeowners now change their loan every four or five years, because they’re looking for a better deal. I’ve listed below a few of the key factors to consider when trying to decide if it is worth refinancing your loan or not. Up-front costs vs long-term savings Refinancing is only worth doing if it saves you money over the long term, but there will most likely be some up-front costs. Make sure you’re clear on what those costs will be so you can be certain that the amount you’ll save in interest will be more than the cost of making the change.

Fixed-rate loans Fixed-rate loans are usually more expensive to change than variable rate loans. The cost depends on how far into the fixed term you are, but they can be considerable. Check with your mortgage broker or bank to get clear on what the costs (if any) will be. Interest rates As a simple rule of thumb, if you regularly see rates advertised that are more than 0.5% less than your current rate, you should think seriously about making a change. Your goals and plans Your situation in life is always changing so it’s worth checking to make sure your mortgage matches your needs. There are lots of different loans on the market with lots of different features, like offset accounts, redraw facilities or even interest-only loans for your investment property.

Are you getting a great interest rate on your loan?

Trevor Ryan can help! Trevor has been Aussie’s top broker in Queensland for the past 5 years, and always No. 1 on the Sunshine Coast.

Phone now on 0411 211 401 18

Business spotlight— real estate

Sabine joins Ray White Peregian RAY WHITE Peregian has recently welcomed a new sales agent to their team, Sabine Freitag, who will be working closely with Principal Robbie Neller and colleagues to deliver exceptional service and outstanding results to local property owners in the Peregian region. Attracted to Peregian’s relaxed lifestyle, natural beauty and sense of community; Sabine and her partner relocated from NEW AGENT: Sabine Freitag is ready for a challenge. Brisbane where she was a successful agent for Ray White’s top trained, extremely driven, personable performing Queensland office in New and thorough, Sabine is the consummate Farm. Sabine brings with her an professional, and we are delighted to impressive skill set including outstanding have her on the team,” said Robbie. negotiation skills, a proven track record Originally from Germany and with a in securing optimum outcomes for her Canadian partner, Sabine understands clients, and she also holds a full real both the joys and challenges of estate license. relocating, and quickly establishes a Well-known third-generation Robbie good rapport with people from all Neller, one of Ray White’s youngest backgrounds. Principals, said he is really excited to Sabine is a mother for four children aged have Sabine on the team, and is from 32 to 17, and a grandmother of one; confident that she will quickly establish when not working, she loves to keep herself as one of the area’s most active – kite surfing, motorbike riding, esteemed agents. Latin dancing and travelling. “Sabine comes to us with a great Starting from our next edition, Sabine will pedigree, having achieved consistently be contributing an update on the impressive results during her six years Peregian property market; we look with Ray White New Farm; highly forward to her input.

Ray White Peregian 11, 224 David Low Way, Peregian Beach, 4573. Phone 5471 4000 Peregian Springs News, April edition 2016.


“Safe, Inclusive and Connected Neighbourhoods and Online Communities”

APRIL 2016 update

A MESSAGE FROM YOUR AREA COORDINATORS WHAT a great month we have just had! I hope everyone had an enjoyable easter break with friends and family. Our second NHW meeting for the year will be held on Wednesday 4th May, 4.30pm – 5.30pm at the Peregian Springs Golf Club. I encourage you to attend if you have children/teenagers at home using the internet. There will be a presentation on “keeping kids safe online” which will provide you with some useful tips and tools. Coolum Police Crime Prevention Officers will be on hand to discuss local crime as well as provide details of presentations to be held in May entitled “Building safer communities – Sex, Drugs and Alcohol”. We recently applied to become an incorporated association (not for profit). This is exciting as it give us access to government funding/grants which gives us more opportunities to provide services

Peregian Springs News ADVERTISING DEADLINES FOR NEXT EDITION: Copy and advertising art is

due by NOON, May 6. Phone Rebecca on 0422 215 648.

COOLUM 10 COMMITTEE Area Coordinators: Paula Lyall Leigh Boggis Treasurer: Bob Joubert Secretary: Vivienne Collins You can contact us at: or at

needed in our community. If you would like to have a say on what our community needs why not come along to our next meeting and let us know! Wednesday 4th May, 4.30pm – 5.30pm. Check our facebook pages for up to date information, including agenda. Hope to see you there… Until next time, stay safe. Leigh and Paula (Area Coordinators) POLICE STATISTICS 13/2/16 to 7/4/16 Drug Offences x 5 Unlawful Entry x 4 Other Theft x 3 Traffic Offences x 2 Assault x 2 Other Property Damage x 1

Inform know grow Copies are delivered to letterboxes in Peregian Springs without no junk mail signs, Benchmark, the Pool Café, Peregian Fish and Chips and the shopping centre.

Peregian Springs News is independently produced and published by Rebecca J Crockett T/As Peregian Springs News (ABN 49865205676). Those who make advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to the publication undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to the above mentioned, these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, claims or judgements. 20

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