Peregian Springs News May 2020

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Peregian Springs News Inform know grow Volume 5. Issue 7

May 2020

Students on way back to classrooms


Anzac Day 2020 in pictures - p6 THE Coronavirus recovery continues with schools set to reopen to our youngest and oldest students from May 11. The State Government chose Labor Day to announce all Kindy, Prep, Year 1, Year 11 and Year 12 students will return for onsite learning from May 11. They’ll join children of essential workers, vulnerable children and children in designated indigenous communities being present at schools already. The Education Queensland website says as of May 4 that the return of primary and secondary

students from Year 2 to Year 10 to onsite learning could go ahead from May 25, however that depends on COVID-19 transmission rates remaining low. Until then, the State Government is urging students in Years 2 to 10 who are able to be “supervised from home and learn from home to stay home, except for vulnerable students and children of essential workers”. For more information on the policy statement see Be on the look out for specific information for your school from your school administrators. Peregian Springs News, May 2020

We welcome our new councillor - p8

Top tips for studying from home - p20

From the Ed’s desk:

What a year this month has been! This Facebook meme’s just one of many that well sums up the pace and level of change in a short while brought on by Covid 19. Who knows what we’ll take from this time of Coronavirus but one thing is a renewed sense of us. This time continues to affect us, all of us in different ways. It reminds us we are vulnerable but reassures us we can act for the good for others to start again differently. That sense of new beginnings and acting for the good was made all the more poignant with Easter and Anzac Day occurring at this month when many remembered the Gallipoli sacrifices at commemorations from their front driveways- a show of solidarity while separated. See our pictorial of the ways we remembered on page 6. School also looks different this month, and with our local schools delivering classroom instruction remotely for the majority of their students.

Peregian Springs News

Our local Principals deserve to be applauded for navigating this really difficult time for students and their families, for knowing their school communities and seeing some of the positive opportunities the situation brings. One piece of school news to land just as we went to print, is that Peregian Beach College has announced a Sunshine Coast Sports Academy will be integrated into the College’s education program with Phase 1 seeing junior members of Sunshine Coast Fire Football Club being integrated into Year 3 to 6 classes, mirroring successful programs operating in the English Football League. I wish you a steady month, look after yourself so you can be there for others when you feel you can be. Please support our local businesses, including those who have advertised and continue to advertise in this magazine. With a local government election also having occurred, we have a new Division 9 Local Councillor - Maria Suarez. Maria shares her initial aims for the local community on page 8. Until next time, Rebecca

Inform know grow

Peregian Springs News thanks our readers and asks you to please show support for the businesses whose advertising dollars allow us the space to share your stories. ADVERTISING DEADLINES FOR NEXT TWO EDITIONS: Edition Booking & Copy deadline Distributed from date June: May 25 Friday, June 5 July: June 22 Friday, June 26 Phone: 0422 215 648 (leave a message). Email: Copies are delivered to letterboxes in Peregian Springs* and Peregian Breeze without no junk mail signs, and bulk dropped at the Pool Café, and the shopping centre.

For Advertising cost and dimensions: Peregian Springs News - independently produced and published by Rebecca J Crockett T/As Peregian Springs News (ABN 49865205676). Those making advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to the publication undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Cth as amended from time to time or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to this, these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, costs, claims and/or judgments. *No hand delivery in Sentosas or Pavilions occurs.


Local News

Skate park quickly taking shape

WHILE the COVID-19 restrictions have kept things quiet around the Recreation Fields for organised sport this month, the small crew working on Stage 2 of the skate park were able to push ahead working from either end of the site. As of May 4 it appeared most

of the concreting had been done for the park, with work commenced on setting the base for turfing and landscaping. The park is expected to be open for action in July this year, weather permitting.

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Local News

Planning in place for bus stops DOING the bus stop is a little bit easier now for Peregian Springs residents using Route 622 in the vicinity of Peregian Springs State School at Ridges Boulevarde. Ninderry MP Dan Purdie said community feedback had been instrumental in helping deliver the new bus stops, after residents raised the issue with him last year. A Translink spokesperson said “TransLink understands Sunshine Coast Council conditioned the construction of bus bays along Ridges Boulevard (formerly Yarran Road), Ridgeview Drive, Brindabella Circuit and Havana Rd West as part of the local Master Plan (image, right). These bus stops are not currently serviced by bus route 622 which operates in the


area. Route 622 services Peregian Springs between Peregian Springs and The Avenue, travelling along Ridges Drive and Ridges Boulevard as far as Peregian Springs State School.” “While the current bus route benefits the majority of public transport users in Peregian Springs, TransLink acknowledges that customers south of The Avenue have a greater walk distance to access this service. “TransLink continues to investigate opportunities to enhance the Peregian Springs bus network and gather local feedback, while noting that any extension to service the new stops would add distance to the route, impact on passengers through longer journey times and require additional funding.”

Local News

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Local News

ANZAC Day WHILE the rules of social distancing and the challenges of handling the COVID-19 pandemic meant traditional Anzac Day marches and ceremonies were not allowed to happen this year, the spirit of the day was well and truly captured by local residents. From as early as 5.30am people gathered on their driveways with candles, poppies, rosemary, flags and artwork on display and radio or television coverage of ceremonies including the Last Post were heard playing in the background. Across Peregian Springs, musicians took to the streets too, performing the Last Post for their local neighbours on cue at 6am, including Dad and daughter team Sam and Nadia Wedgwood who stood in the middle of the Recreation Field and played the trumpet fanfare after the two minutes’ silence. It was certainly an Anzac Day like no other. We asked people to upload their photos of the morning to Peregian Springs News’ facebook page, a selection of these follow.


Anzac Day 2020

brings the community out

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Local News

First priorities for new Councillor Maria Suarez has been confirmed as of utmost our new Councillor for Sunshine importance. Once COVIDCoast Council Division 9. We asked her a few questions about her plans 19 restrictions have eased, I What are your first priorities? will spend time Covid19 recovery issues require Council’s at various immediate attention to assist businesses locations across and residents who have been impacted Division 9 to financially, professionally and socially. discuss issues Other immediate tasks include budget with individuals via a mobile office, I will planning and preparing for a review of the attend community association meetings as Town Plan. Locally to Peregian Springs, I often as practicable, individuals and groups have identified a community centre for are welcome to organise to meet with me Peregian Springs as a project I wish to at the council offices and I will continue to pursue, along with tasks that will require meet with residents and groups at their State assistance such as connectivity various locations. between Peregian Springs, Peregian Breeze In the meantime, Division 9’s support and Peregian Beach, traffic issues and fire officer Sue can set up an online meeting management practices and initiatives. for any groups of individuals that would like to have a visual chat. Additionally, Where will your Divisional Office be? people are welcome to contact myself or The Divisional Office for Division 9 has Sue for any issues related to Division 9 in been relocated from Nambour to 10 First the following ways: Ave, Maroochydore. I am planning to Division 9 office email – secure a location to meet with residents in Peregian Springs on a regular basis, in the Division 9 office phone – (07) 5451 6503 form of a mobile office. Division 9 councillor email – Will you be accessible for constituents, I’m looking forward to working on behalf and how? Accessibility to the community is of the the Peregian Springs community.


Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Local News

Top sites hit market for millions THE concept of a local tavern to be built on land at 12 Koel Circuit, between the roundabout at Peregian Springs Shopping Centre and Arcare, is up for sale for offers over $8 million with Forde Property. The agency’s website describes the opportunity as follows. “This 2.15 acre development site is a substantial piece of prime land with pre-lodgement held and council support indicated for a 3 level tavern complex including gym and offices and for 84 upmarket townhouses. “Exciting opportunity for developers to meet the rising demand for new townhouse dwellings and also cater for the strong recreational demand evident amongst the 10k plus residents of Peregian Springs. “Expressions of interest in writing for offers over $8M. The property is being marketed by Tom Forde on 0417 333 335. See buying/QLD/Sunshine-Coast/Peregian -Springs/Land/1P2101 Images attached to the sale show a three level commercial building, including a tavern, close to the entry road into Coles and a series of townhouses at the back of the block, closer to the rear of existing houses on Koel Circuit and the northern boundary of Arcare heading across to Ridgeview Drive. They also show a recreational buffer between the commercial building and the townhouses across the middle of the block. A Sunshine Coast Council spokesman said; “Council has not received a development application for Lot 3291 in Peregian Springs. “If an application for a tavern is 10

received, council will assess the application against the planning scheme and it will be considered on its merits at the time of lodgement. “A tavern application would require an impact assessment under the current planning provisions and trigger public notification where the community would have an opportunity to lodge a formal submission for council consideration.” Lot 3291 was bought by Billy Lids Pty Ltd as Trustee in June 2018, along with the adjacent Lot 3292. Lot 3291 is earmarked in the masterplan for the area as a village centre, designed to be set aside for developments such as a community centre, library,retail, office, tavern, restaurants or childcare centre. Concept planning for both Lots by the existing owner and presented in early plans for Lot 3292 incorporated the idea of a tavern and mixed commercial spaces in one building and residential use at the rear for Lot 3291 and a four storey unit development with several shops on Lot 3292 (which is the lot to the motorway side of Koel Circuit). While a development application for Lot 3291 has not yet been lodged., development plans for Lot 3292 have been under consideration since June 2018. These plans, which have had one public notice period, remain active in Council with the developer having until May 8, 2020 to respond to Council’s most recent requests for further information. Meanwhile, Hilltop land in the Pavillions precinct has also hit the market for $5.5 million. It is earmarked for a 51 townhouse development. We will have more on this next month.

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Local News

Money flows for COVID relief THE federal government has committed an extra half a million dollars to the Sunshine Coast region in Emergency Relief funding to help local organisations providing relief to people suffering financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien said the first wave of additional funding – $228,100 – would be delivered this financial year. “There are many people in our community doing it tough right now, which is why I am pleased the Morrison Government is delivering this much-needed funding to support emergency cash payments, food, everyday bills, transport and school supplies,” Mr O’Brien said. “Many people reaching out to these


services may have never needed this type of assistance before, so we need to make sure we have the right supports in place to help people through this period and bounce back stronger when it’s over.” A further $268,353 has been allocated for the 2020-21 financial year. Food relief providers including Foodbank, OzHarvest and SecondBite will all benefit from this funding. Minister for Families and Social Services Anne Ruston said the funding injection would enable Sunshine Coast organisations to streamline supply chains, increase workforce capacity and help increase local support and outreach services. For a list of providers see https://

Peregian Springs News, May 2020



Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Business spotlight - Tish Hair & Beauty

It’s back to business at Tish’s WHEN the rules around social distancing stepped up and COVID-19 challenges loomed large in April, local hairdresser Tish Sullivan opted to shut the doors on her home salon for several weeks to be extra safe for her customers and her family. The good news for her army of regulars, and anyone else in danger of needing to cut their own hair after nearly two months of isolation, is that Tish re-opened her doors on May 1, and is back, ready to help. Tish, who has more than 20 years experience in hairdressing in Australia and the United Kingdom, has run her small boutique Hair Salon from home here in the Springs for just over three years. Peregian Springs Hairdresser Tish with a happy She offers all services customer at her home salon. related to hair and has a passion for colour as a colour specialist. shampoo, treatment, restyle and blow “I made the decision to close my salon wave. “All you have to do is post your for one month during the Covid-19 crisis, nominated person on my Facebook page to protect my clients and help stop the so I can select the winner. spread. “The total value is usually $60. I wish “Now I am back to business with a huge every carer, mother, grandparent and focus on hygiene. anyone raising a child a very Happy “I always offer a one to one personal Mother’s Day.” service, work stations carry hand “I feel lucky to live in such a beautiful sanitizers. community and value my clients ongoing “I disinfect between each client so all support. Thank you.” my clients can be fully assured in their For an appointment, phone Tish on protection.” 0446 595 572. To celebrate the re-opening and give For prices and other details, see Tish something back, Tish is offering one Hair and Beauty on Facebook at ‘Frontline’ worker a free service of a free 16

Local News

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


NINDERRY update: State Member Dan Purdie Online learning

COVID 19 update

Locals deserve a huge pat on the back for their great efforts in adhering to the public health directions around staying home, and social distancing. As a result, we are well ahead of where health experts predicted we would be – with an infection rate of below 1%. As we see restrictions starting to ease, just a reminder to use common sense, and adhere to the latest public health directions. There’s light at the end of the tunnel if we all continue to do the right thing. And don’t forget, we’re all in this together! It was great to join Coolum Tennis Club’s head coach Andrew Ash earlier this month (pictured above), when they were able to reopen their doors. While there are strict safety and social distancing rules in place, it’s reassuring to see people able to get back out and start enjoying some of their favourite activities. 18

I’ve been receiving plenty of feedback from local parents in relation to online learning in the past couple of weeks. It’s a real credit to our teachers to see how much hard work they have put into making the process of learning from home as easy as possible, however there are many parents who are struggling, trying to juggle the demands of working from home and supervising their children’s learning. The health experts and the Prime Minister have all agreed that schools are safe to reopen to all students. I am concerned that until this happens, there are some children who will be left behind. Parents should have the right to determine if their children should be at school, and I will be strongly encouraging the Government to reopen schools as soon as possible, so that no one misses out.

New role

Late last month, I was honoured and humbled to be appointed the Shadow Minister for Police, Counter Terrorism and Corrective Services. I’ve made no secret of my passion for law and order, safer communities and protecting the vulnerable, so this new role will give me a stronger voice to continue to advocate for harsher penalties that ensure victims rights are put ahead of offenders, and rebalance the scales of justice. In the meantime, I will continue to work hard for the residents of Ninderry, to listen to your concerns and fight for our fair share of funding. If you have a local issue you would like to raise, give me a call on 5406 7900 or email

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


FAIRFAX update: Federal Member Ted O’Brien Whether it’s working from home, schooling the kids around the kitchen table or having your usual lifestyle put on hold, COVID-19 is still dominant in our lives, but can I say, we are getting there and it’s because of you. Thank you to everyone for taking social distancing seriously and for doing your bit to flatten the curve. EASING RESTRICTIONS: Because of the drop in Coronavirus cases some restrictions are being eased. Families can relax at the beach and picnic in the park again. The National Cabinet has also eased restrictions on elective surgery and IVF procedures. It’s likely that more restrictions will be lifted towards the end of May, but that will depend on levels of community transmission so please, even as things ease, stay mindful of social distancing and keep sanitising and/or washing your hands. COVIDSafe APP: One new tool we have which allows us to start easing restrictions is the COVIDSafe app which I have already downloaded and activated on my phone. It is available from your usual app store for both iOS and android devices. It works by using the same Bluetooth technology that searches for your headphones or car speakers. Your mobile phone securely and anonymously takes note of other COVIDSafe App users that you come


within 1.5 metres of for a period of 15 minutes or more. The information is then encrypted and stored locally on the phone, even you can’t access it, and it’s only held for 21 days before it gets permanently deleted. Importantly though, if in that 21 days you’ve been near someone who tests positive for coronavirus, the information stored on that person’s phone can be sent to health authorities who can notify you quickly and easily. JOBKEEPER PAYMENT: Shortly after the last edition of the Peregian Springs News, the Federal Government announced a third stimulus package - $130 billion to help keep people in jobs. Businesses, including sole traders, that are losing 30% or more of their revenues due to Coronavirus, are able to claim a fortnightly payment of $1,500 per eligible employee which is to be passed directly onto their employee. For the latest updates and information head to GET IN TOUCH As always, if you have any Federal issues, concerns or inquiries please get in touch on 5479 2800, email or visit 17 Southern Drive, Maroochydore.

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Chappy’s Corner with Mark Horsfall

Ideas for remaining focused Over the last week I have been talking to students about their learning from home experience. Many of them are finding it challenging to remain focused during the day. Those who are working from home are facing a similar challenge. How then do we remain focused and on task? Establish a routine. Each student’s school may have set this up, but if not, help your kids to design a school day that works for them. Set times for starting and finishing, when and how long breaks are, what subjects to focus on. I have a friend that walks around the block in his work uniform before starting work in order to shift his mind into work mode. Set up a dedicated learning/work space away from distractions to help maintain focus. Review your expectations. Be honest and realistic about what you can and can’t achieve. In most cases students won’t be able get the same amount of work done as when they are at school. It could also be true for work as we face an ever changing landscape of conditions. Guard against procrastination. We will have challenging tasks in our day that we procrastinate about. Mark Twain writes “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” In other words, try dealing with the most critical and challenging tasks first then the rest of the day will be easier.


Take breaks. Research proves that your brain will function at a higher capacity if you take breaks, 5-10 minute every hour. Walk outside and stand in the sun, do 50 star jumps or have a cup of tea. This will help you freshen up and regain focus. Set goals for the day and rewards for achieving them. If I finish my maths then I can spend my break on Tic Tok. Ask for help! I still remember the first zoom meeting I facilitated. People couldn’t hear me or see me, I couldn’t share my screen and it was a flop. I got some help, from the younger tech savvy generation and have now figured it out. I know firsthand that the teaching staff at schools are going above and beyond to help students embrace learning from home so if you are experiences challenges, seek help. You can do it! Stay safe and healthy!

Mark Horsfall - Chaplain Coolum State High School

Peregian Springs News, May 2020



isolation is over. Call Denise or Warren on 5442 4218 for more.

(no onsite services during COVID-19 call churches for their alternative services - eg zoom services or videos) Coolum Beach Anglican Church -Cnr Perry St & Beach Rd Coolum Beach 0447 002 573 Or see Noosa Anglican Church- 5449 8009 & Sunshine Beach (Bicentennial Drv) or Peregian Springs (in St Andrew’s , 40 Peregian Springs Dve) Coolum Beach Baptist Church 1912 David Low Way -call 5446 1957 or St Peter’s Catholic Church 28-32 Elizabeth St, Coolum 5443 3488 Coolum Christian Family Church 2 Arcoona Rd (Coolum Beach Christian College) or call 5446 1295. Coolum Uniting Church, Cnr Elizabeth St & Heathfield Rd ,Coolum or 5446 1815 C3 Church Noosa, Noosaville State School Hall, 75 Beckmans Rd, Noosaville. See Salvation Army, Meeting Rooms 127, Greenoaks Drive Coolum. Call Warren or Denise 0400 797 480 / 0418 214 723. Wave Church, The Cavern Theatre. Sunshine Beach State High. Ph: 5353 5152. Weekly events for youth, children and adults. WORSHIP MEETING The Salvation Army Coolum Beach-Mid Week Worship meeting is usually held on the Second Thursday of each month. Call Denise / Warren for details of when it might be renewed after COVID-19 24

GOVERNMENT REP CONTACTS Peregian Springs– Local Sunshine Coast Councillor Maria Suarez, office (Division 9) Tel – 5441 8086 State (Ninderry) - Dan Purdie (Liberal National Party) Tel - 5406 7900 Federal (Fairfax) Ted O’Brien (Liberal member of Liberal National Party) Tel- 5479 2800 Peregian Breeze— Local Maria Suarez (Division 9) State (Ninderry) Dan Purdie – see above Federal (Wide Bay) Llew O’Brien (National member of the LNP) Tel - 1300 301 968 PEREGIAN FAMILY & FRIENDS COMMUNITY GROUP., or peregianfamilyandfriends. Phone 0400 053 444. SIGN UP TO HELP OUT - STORM SEASON Would you like to help your community and learn some new skills along they way? Coolum State Emergency Service is looking to grow its volunteer base and has numerous roles to be filled for people of all ages and experience. Email for more. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE United Synergies at 12-14 Ernest St, Tewantin, is offering emergency relief assistance to people experiencing financial hardship from COVID-19. Help includes food vouchers, emergency payments and temporary accommodation. Phone 5442 4277 and selection option 3 or email

Peregian Springs News, May 2020



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Peregian Springs News, May 2020



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