Peregian Springs News September 2017

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Peregian Springs News Inform know grow Volume 2. Issue 12

September 2017

TRAFFIC HELP: Peregian Springs State School P & C Committee is calling for volunteers to help keep traffic moving at the school’s drop off & pick up zone.

Call for green zone help THE ongoing challenge of clearing traffic on the The Avenue during the morning and afternoon rush hour at Peregian Springs State School is back in the news this month with the school’s P & C calling for volunteers to help solve the problem. With the school student population now over 1040 children, congestion and safety remain a concern for all, with some parents and carers sitting at the drop off zone before pick up time and failing to move on through the

zone correctly and in a timely manner at both drop off and pick up times. Things are getting to the point where if people don’t learn to use it properly, Council traffic engineers have indicated they’ll consider removing the zone all together and turning it into additional parking. To encourage better Green zone use, Council is changing the signage from “2 minute parking” to “no parking” and a “Look Out” program has been recommended for Peregian Springs Continued page 2

Peregian Springs News, September 2017

From the Ed’s desk WOW, where has that time gone! This time two years ago we gently put our feet into the local magazine publishing business with an 8-page glossy magazine designed to bring the people of Peregian Springs, news, information and stories about the suburb we share and the place we call home. It has been a fascinating ride as I’ve learned about the challenges of publishing, met some wonderful people and had the privilege of sharing their stories and becoming part of their lives. Every month I Iearn something new about the area, and the wonderful achievements of our residents, local schools, their students and the business people who have been brave enough and willing enough to take their ideas and have a go. On the news front, highlights have included supporting the community in its bid for an off-leash dog area near the Duck Pond Park on the Avenue (read about it’s first birthday on page 25), and reporting on the challenges faced by our local golfers as the Club they loved went through a tumultuous period in its history. Out of adversity community spirit has grown though, with the Peregian Springs Residents Association having just held its second AGM (see page 22). While we still definitely face some challenges in the area, especially around our rapid population growth and the flowon effect on local roads and amenities, Peregian Springs is a fantastic place to live, and together, we’ll keep making it better. Last, but by no means least, an enormous thank you to all of our advertisers - we couldn’t do it without you!

Rebecca 2

FROM PAGE 1... State School aiming to educate parents and carers on how to correctly use the Green Zone. P & C Vice president Dave Williams says the School needs “around 10 volunteers from the community to assist at drop off and pick up times, answer parents questions and distribute information and instructions”. Council response officers will regularly attend to assist and possibly issue warnings or fines to anyone not following road rules. If you are available to volunteer for 20 minutes each morning and afternoon for a month or so at the beginning of next term (from October 3), please register at the school office. “Let’s all work together as a community to ensure the safety of our children and ourselves,” Mr Williams said. The “Look Out” program has been “successfully implemented” at Brightwater State School. “They were experiencing the same congestion and delays as us, and now pick up and drop off times run smoothly,” Mr Williams said. The latest push follows a meeting on August 5 with the School P&C, the SafeST Committee, Peregian Springs Resident’s Association, QLD Education, Council, the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and Principal Gwen Sands. A number of suggestions came out of the meeting including new fencing to deter random road crossing, a traffic warden directing traffic, making The Avenue one way during peak and possibly having another green zone at the northern end of the school off Ridges Boulevard. The idea to convert the Green Zone to car parking was opposed by the PSRA, and school representatives in favour of further education of parents & carers.

Local News

Future doctors could train close to home LOCAL high school students like Jack Brownlee and Margot Hulse, pictured right, from St Andrew’s Anglican College, Peregian Springs, could be among the first to enrol at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH) medical school to be operated by Griffith University in 2019. The dream of studying medicine close to home was sealed this month with the Federal government committing to fully fund 50 medical placements at the SCUH in 2019. Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien, who campaigned with Fisher MP Andrew Wallace for the medical student placements, said graduating doctors are more likely to live and

work in the region where they studied and families could save thousands of dollars while their child studies locally. St Andrew’s Grade 12 student Margot Hulse said she was interested in studying medicine and thrilled by the prospect of staying on the Sunshine Coast. “That would be awesome, to be able to live at home with my parents and get that support system and hopefully save a bit of money,” said Margot.

Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Local News

New vote likely for PBC committee RESIGNATIONS by corporate representatives on the PBC committee since the June 20 Ridges AGM, opens the field once again for residents to gain a seat on the head table. Following the June 20 AGM, legal action was launched by the resident subsidiaries in the Office of the Body Corporate Commission challenging the appointment of PBC committee reps on the basis that the PBC committee consisted of six corporate owner nominees. The resident-led subsidiaries argue this is too many and a breach of body corporate law. Since the legal action was launched, three of the seven corporate/developer representatives elected to the PBC committee have resigned and Ernst Body Corporate Management has


foreshadowed holding an Extraordinary General Meeting to vote on replacement committee members. It is not known if the legal action prompted the resignations. There is no ruling by the BCCM as yet and PSN had not had a reply from Ernst or the PBC Secretary prior to going to print. The resignations leave Doug Merritt as Chair, Troy Thompson as Secretary and Seamus O’Connor, a general committee member as corporate owner nominees for FKP Residential / Aveo and Trent McLaughlan as a Sunland Developments corporate nominee. The positions of Treasurer and two general committee member positions are vacant. We’ll update the readers on any EGM details as they come to hand.

Local News

Pots and Pans coming soon FINAL touches are being added to the hospitality site at the corner of Balgownie Drive and Peregian Springs Drive preparing for Pots & Pans Kitchen and Bar’s opening later this month. General Manager Amara Bains and her partner, chef Matt Whittaker, recently moved to Peregian Springs from Brisbane. Matt has 20 years experience as a chef and is originally from North Wales and Amara from Sydney-both also lived in Bali for a time. “Our vision for Pots & Pans Kitchen and Bar is to be a community hub - a place where people can enjoy a great meal, good coffee, perhaps even a

cold beer or a glass of wine,” Amara said. Planning to offer an uncomplicated menu including full cooked breakfast, takeaway, lunch and a tapas menu -they will open for dinner on Friday and Saturday nights to start with. Amara said they would shape the menu over time with customer feedback and offer meet and greets before officially opening . See their Facebook page for more.

Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Ninderry candidates Q & A so far... We now have 4 candidates confirmed for the State Seat of Ninderry that takes in Peregian Springs, Peregian Breeze along with our neighbours Coolum, Verrierdale and more. We’ve asked them a few questions about themselves to help our readers learn about the people wanting their vote. Labor is yet to confirm their candidate for the seat - and there are longer answers from the four candidates here on our website at for those interested in learning more. Why are you running for Ninderry? BARRY WYATT: I have a passion for the Sunshine Coast, and particularly the availability of organic food, and the green environment offered through Eumundi and Doonan, Peregian Springs and Bli Bli down to Mons, Kuluin and Forest Glen and the beach side beauty of Coolum. I was drawn to politics after watching values that brought affluence and pride to Australians being rapidly eroded. For the past decade, I have watched the Qld


Government achieve little for prosperity, and seen the region encompassing the seat of Ninderry, where I live, and the Sunshine Coast suffer through being ignored. RICHARD BRUINSMA: Ninderry needs a leader dedicated to serving the local community and not tied to the internal wishes of a political party. I am experienced in politics and, with my work in the community as a journalist and newspaper editor, I have the skills to take the next step as the dedicated leader needed in

Barry Wyatt One Nation

Sue Etheridge Greens

Ninderry, who will work with government to genuinely address local needs. DAN PURDIE: I’ve nominated as the LNP candidate for Ninderry to fight to retain our way of life here on the Sunshine Coast. My wife is a local primary school teacher and together we have two beautiful young girls. They are the primary motivating force behind my decision to nominate. I want my girls to grow up in an environment where they don’t live in fear or being a victim of crime. I want them to be able

Richard Bruinsma Independent

Dan Purdie LNP

to enjoy our pristine environment, to surf at our stunning beaches. Most importantly, I want to see my girls be able to live the entirety of their lives in our beautiful region - be it getting an education, pursuing a career and even starting a family of their own. SUE ETHERIDGE: Future generations deserve a better world. The Greens have a vision for the long term and for standing up for what matters. This is why I joined the Greens and is why I am your Greens candidate for Ninderry.

Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Local News

Have your say on Body Corp law changes QUEENSLAND’S Body Corporate Laws have been under review and now you can have your say on the recommendations made by QUT’s Commercial and Property Law Research Centre. The QUT team reviewed the Body Corporate and Community Management Act (1997) (BCCM) on behalf of the State Government and made a number of recommendations. Recommendation 17 of the QUT report is of particular relevance to the local Ridges community as it provides for an increase to the maximum number of committee voting members for layered schemes to include at least one representative for each subsidiary scheme. If the recommendation


receives public support there’s more chance Ridges resident owners who are on their Village subsidiary body corporate, could get on the Principal Body Corporate to have a greater say on issues such as the running of the area, what residents levies are spent on and the Recreation Club’s future. To read the QUT report and have your say on it’s recommendations go to corporate/community-consultation/ community-consultation-activities/ current-activities/review-of-propertylaw-in-queensland#current and see “Body Corporate Procedural issues”. Public Consultation closes on Friday October 6, 2017.

Peregian Springs News, September 2017



Local Profile—Brian Evans

Music man shines a light on the hits THE “Music Man”, aka Brian Evans, is someone you would love to know as he offers you a window to understand yourself through a deeper appreciation of music. And this appreciation is resonating with Residents at the Aveo Peregian Springs Country Club, where Brian also resides, through his popular “Music Appreciation” sessions at the Club twice a week. Every Sunday afternoon Brian offers two hours of music in the Club’s theatre that rotates between Classical, Golden Oldies and Jazz (his favourite), sourced from his massive and well-ordered personal music library, as well as You Tube. Then each Friday he caters for those who want a deeper understanding of the great Classical works and delves into the history of the piece featuring a video of the major work and winds up with some popular classics. Growing up in Tasmania, Brian always had a love of music and at the age of 18 was taught to play the piano by a blind man. This later assisted his career in community radio which went on to span more than 30 years. In that time Brian operated, produced and presented for a Tasmanian College

and later with 7RPH (Radio for the Print Handicapped) and it was there he pioneered music programs for the listeners, forever altering programming previously dominated by the spoken word. Aside from being a music appreciation facilitator and an accomplished musician, Brian is a keen chess player, ballroom dancing enthusiast, avid nature photographer. former wedding photographer and videographer, voracious reader of stories and poetry and is also a philanthropist. He passes all resident donations he receives for his music appreciation sessions to the RSPCA. Brian also enjoys magnet making as a hobby. Brian came to Aveo Peregian Springs Country Club from Tasmania recently to be closer to his daughter who lives in Eumundi.

Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Local News—In Brief Better mobile coverage in the air PEREGIAN GOLF NEWS - 5417 5400 MOBILE phone coverage in Peregian Springs including around Augusta Circuit and Gracemere Boulevard is being addressed by Telstra. Sarah Kenny-Brand, Telstra Metro South-East Customer Service Manager said consultation with a number of residents in the area has occurred and there’s a plan to install two “innovative small cells” which “will deliver more of our state of the art superfast 4GX service to the region.” “This will allow residents to use a range of modern technologies, whether it’s fast internet browsing, video streaming, social media or a mobile office. Customers with VoLTE compatible handsets and devices will also have access to a better calling experience, with clearer sound and faster connections, all while continuing to use fast mobile internet,” she said.


PEREGIAN CHALLENGE: Peter Meggitt won the latest instalment of the Peregian Challenge with his score of +7 in the PAR event. There were many great scores of +4 on the day. The next event is on Saturday, September 30. SUPER SERIES ROUND 5: Competition rounds played on Saturdays. Best performed through to November will share in over $500 worth of prizes in an Order of Merit Competition. See MENS PENNANTS: Peregian Golf is currently taking Expressions of Interest for any players wishing to enter the Mens Pennants for the upcoming season. COACH’S CORNER: Craig will hold a Putting Masterclass at 10am, Sept 15.

Local News

Local broker takes out national award AUSSIE Coolum mortgage broker Trevor Ryan has won the prestigious ‘Senior Mobile Broker of the Year’ award, presented at Aussie’s biennial Sales Conference on the Gold Coast in August. Held at The Star, the gala awards evening was attended by almost 800 Aussie brokers, franchisees, lenders, team members and industry experts. Trevor, pictured right with John Symond, took the title after his stellar performance for the 2017 financial year. He said: “I am thrilled to win this award and be recognised amongst my peers, lenders and industry greats like John Symond. “I get so much enjoyment out of helping people secure finance for their homes and investment properties. I always strive to provide an outstanding home loan service to the Sunshine Coast community, so this accolade is a great sign that I’m on the right track,” he added. Celebrating the achievements of Aussie mortgage brokers across Australia, the ‘Aussie Oscars’ awards are an initiative by Aussie to recognise and acknowledge its top

mortgage brokers and the exceptional service provided to Aussie’s customers over the last year. Chief Executive of Aussie, James Symond, said: “Rewarding and recognising top performance is something we’re focused on at Aussie, and it’s always a delight to present these prestigious awards to our top brokers. “Trevor shows what’s possible when you put a great brand, training, products and support together with motivated, engaged and passionate business professionals. He is leading our national team in providing what I believe is some of the highest service standards of any mortgage broker in Australia, and this award was earned amid very hot competition within the market, so it’s really an accolade to be very proud of,” he concluded.

Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Local News—


Local News

Local stars to shine in Fiddler on the Roof TWO talented youth from Peregian Springs will feature among a stellar cast of upcoming actors in “Fiddler on the Roof” - the latest production from accomplished local theatrical group Little Seed Theatre Company. Opening at The J in October, the heartwarming and heart wrenching tale is set in 1905 in Russia and delves into one family’s struggle and explores the timeless theme of tradition clashing with change. Director David Williams, who has international and long-standing theatrical experience, said the production focuses on three of five headstrong daughters with definite ideas about their future and a dad trying to keep the family values together despite unstoppable outside influences and the daughters wanting to marry for love rather than arrangement -which changes the course of their lives forever. Peregian Springs’ Jack Ryan, pictured above left, who recently won the Best Male Supporting Actor award

FIDDLER ON THE ROOF  Where: The J, Noosa Junction, Fri 13 and Sat 14 Oct   

2017 Time: Fri 13 Oct - 6.30pm, Sat 14 Oct - 1.30pm and 6.30pm Prices: $30 Adult /$25 Concession /$20 Child / $85 Family (2 adults/2 children) / $22.50pp Groups 10+ To book see or for more info about Little Seed Theatre Co and their dance and acting programs see

at the Sunshine Coast Theatre Festival and fellow actor William Laws, pictured above right, a previous Best Actor winner in the Festival, have featured in major parts with previous Little Seed productions, and play the love interests of two of the daughters in “Fiddler”. Heather Groves, Production Manager, says Little Seed has a brilliant creative team with a wealth of experience in direction, production, music, sound and lighting and says an aim of the company is to show performances that “stay with you forever”. “There’s a great cast chemistry at Little seed because the actors act together all the time,” Heather said. “We see so much potential in the actors ..we enjoy supporting young local actors and pushing future stars forward.”

Peregian Springs News, September 2017



Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Chappy’s Column—Family Focus

Don’t forget to be positive I HAVE been running a program this term for some Grade 10 students. Last week I gave them a very challenging team building activity. They were quite negative about the task, during their pre-attempt discussions, complaining about how hard it was. For about 30 minutes they tried a number of attempts with little success. I pulled them up and suggested they change their mentality and consider being more positive toward the activity and with each other. The group dynamic changed considerable and within 10 minutes they had completed the task successfully. Never underestimate what difference a positive mindset can make to your situations. What mindset do you have from day to day, when your facing challenges, problems etc.? Do you entertain negative thinking and self -talk or do adopt a positive mindset and attitude? Strangely enough most of us, if were honest, entertain far too much negative thinking (about ourselves, situation, goals, accomplishments) which hinders our potential, affects our emotional wellbeing and impacts our life in general. One of my favorite quotes is; “tell the negative committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up”. Positive self-talk is encouraging or motivating internal conversation with our self. It focuses on statements like ‘I can’ and ‘I will’ that are repeated in our minds to influence how we feel and act. 18

Doing this contrasts our negative thinking and focuses us on looking for what is right in what we are doing. It helps builds belief, hope and improves our self-esteem and general wellbeing. It is also proven to greatly reduce symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions. Keys to making positive self-talk effective is to use it immediately a negative thought enters our mind. Becoming aware of our thoughts is a skill and requires practice. Identify your strengths and embrace compliments for your achievements. Develop positive affirmation statements about your goals, dreams, challenges etc. keeping them short, believable and focused. When you have negative thoughts counteract them with positive truths about yourself. Be on the guard against negative influences that may be influencing your negative self-talk. Make a choice today to keep a positive mindset as your reality is greatly affected by what you think. By Chappy Mark Mark Horsfall - Chaplain, Coolum High

Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Local Heart COOK’S CORNER with Elisabeth from Purple Copper at the Golf Course

Prosciutto and Zucchini rolls (serves 4)  2 large Zucchini cut length wise into 5 mm

thick slices 160 gm Proscuitto thinly sliced 400 gm Mozzarella 24 basil leaves salt, pepper 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 cup tomato passata Directions:  Preheat oven to 180 C.  Fry the zucchini slices on both sides, drain on paper towel.  Salt and pepper on both sides.  Top each zucchini slice with a piece of prosciutto, a slice of mozzarella cut to fit, and 2 basil leafs.  Roll each stack into a pinwheel and spear with a toothpick to hold it together.  Place tomato passata (tomato sauce) into a baking dish and arrange the roles (pinwheel side down) side by side in the dish.  Bake until the cheese is bubbling 10 - 12 minutes.  Before serving remove the toothpicks and garnish with basil. Bon appetite !

     

HAVANA NIGHTS PEREGIAN SPRINGS MARKETS: at the Rec Club carpark, 222 The Avenue, will be held on Saturday, September 23 from 4.30-8.30pm. The market includes Street Food, Artisan stalls, Kids entertainment, seating and live music, with The Pool Cafe open for drinks and cocktails. For more information, see havananightsperegianspringsmarkets on Facebook. PEREGIAN SPRINGS FAMILY FUN SPRING FAIR: ARCARE is hosting a Spring Fair on Saturday, 16th September from 10am to 1pm; There will be an animal farm, horse rides for $2 and ‘Peanut’ the donkey to say hello too. Face painting (gold coin donation) and a sausage sizzle and drink for $2, plus a $2 ‘Jumble Sale’ stall with a bit of everything—donations accepted now. PLAYGROUPS A PLENTY: See our web page for playgroup details and updates BOOK LAUNCH: Long time Noosa Local Edward Dregg (Bobby Lees) will chat about his latest book “No-one in Particular” at 6pm on Thursday, September 28 outside Annie’s Books at Peregian Beach. For more author info see KIDS CORNER: LITTER FREE LUNCH

Justice of the Peace : Coolum LibraryWednesday, 9am - 12pm; Noosa CivicTuesday, 1pm - 4pm Thursday, 9:30am 12:30pm and Friday 9:30am - 12:30pm; Noosa Library-Tuesday and Saturday, 9am - 12pm; Noosa Courthouse - Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9am - 4pm. 20

From plastic bottles to aluminium cans they all have one thing in common, they all go into landfill and take about 100 years to break down. You’re probably wondering, how can I help? Well you can help by packing a Nude Food lunch box. Nude Food is a healthy, package free lunch. Some things you could put in the lunch include fruit, vegetables, sandwiches and dairy. I hope you share the same passion as me of trying to make the world a better place..

- Genevieve, 9 years

Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Local News

Resident’s Assocation AGM summary AROUND 40 people turned out to hear the year’s highlights and upcoming matters of attention for Peregian Springs at the second Peregian Springs Resident’s Association AGM. The crowd, hosted by the Pool Café, included Federal government local rep Ted O’Brien (LNP for Fairfax), Ninderry State LNP candidate Dan Purdie and Sunshine Coast councillor Steve Robinson. They heard from PSRA President Bob Joubert (who was elected for another year term) that the PSRA has been actively advocating for the local area again this year with more recreation and sport land rezoning opposed by the group, and details


provided on a submission on local Peregian Springs parking to help inform Council policy. The proposed sale of the shopping centre was also discussed, as was the proposed Youth play space coming to the Rec fields. Council’s draft Livability strategy was also discussed with Mr Joubert saying “We’re pleased to see it mentions the desire to build a community hall and more parks to the west of Peregian Springs. Council seems alert to our needs as a large new community.” Councillor Robinson highlighted the need for groups like the PSRA to help government understand the voice of the community and have confidence that views are strongly represented

PSRA AGM highlights across the community. PSRA Committee member Dave Williams spoke about Peregian Springs State School traffic congestion and detailed the suggested improvements that came out of a meeting at the School in early August between Council, school and state government department reps. Ridges Body Corporate issues of an apparent lack of resident owner representation on the Principal Body corporate and the alleged administration fund deficit were mentioned, as was the fact that resident subsidiary members had met with LNP representatives to seek change with the meeting told that the political representatives will now meet with developer representatives on 13 September to further discuss Ridges Body Corporate issues.

PSRA Secretary Greg Smith resigned as Secretary to focus on his Presidency of the peak Sunshine Coast Resident Association, OSCAR. Residents at the meeting asked government representatives to provide another fire break, to look into cleaning the pond at the end of the Avenue and resident Mark Chapman outlined his efforts to clean up the local area and expressed desire for the community to focus on things we can be involved in. PSRA Treasurer Grant Thomas said there were around 214 members of the PSRA but more were needed as funds were depleted “fighting off� the first golf land rezoning application last year- Indicating to be effective the PSRA needs more members to join. For details on joining the PSRA email

Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Coochie HydroGreen—advertising

Happy healthy lawns are now easier than ever before COOCHIE HydroGreen is a business offering and installing organic based lawn products that are not available in any stores or online, giving you and your home a wonderful healthy lawn and landscape, using the best, safest and most advanced soil and lawn nutrient solutions available today. We’ve designed and developed our own earthy range of unique lawn products tailored to suit your local climate and environmental conditions, producing and delivering great results and lawn quality, enhancing outdoor living spaces and increasing property values. We provide a free 10 point lawn inspection service where we will arrange a time with you to call out, inspect and at no charge make recommendations on lawn improvement. You’ll have no more wasted time sourcing, buying, mixing and interpreting various and wide ranging lawn maintenance products that are confusing to use, have complex application rates and have limited support offered. Our aim is to build up your soil organic matter levels and improve your soils water and nutrient holding ability for longer, remove the weeds and lawn grubs from your lawn and make it easier to simply enjoy your lawn quality and appearance. Phone 1800 245 955. 24


Coochie HydroGreen’s Luke Kendall treating a Peregian Springs lawn.

Benefits of Coochie HydroGreen:  Saves time and potential DIY disappointments: Easy and convenient alternative to DIY, a gardener, the hardware stores or plant nurseries for all your lawn products, installation and application.  Your lawn- our responsibility: When on a Coochie HydroGreen maintenance program your lawns are our responsibility (apart from physical lawn practices, such as regular lawn mowing, watering and the use of specialised machinery (i.e. for coring, aeration, any topdressing soils and/or de-thatching, should this be required)  We are focused: We are a specialised lawn products and application service - NOT a lawn mowing business  We are experienced: Operating for 23 years in Queensland and 17 years on the Sunshine Coast and serving over 30,000 customers a year nationwide.  You have peace of mind: We provide you with a full service warranty and back up of all our treatments so if you were to have any issues or questions we will simply call out and inspect at no extra charge. With no lock in contracts we offer the ease of pay per treatment.

Doggy Park Diaries

Doggy birthday a hit with the pups THANKS to those who came to celebrate the Doggy Park’s First Birthday on August 19 with special Doggy cake and cookies. They were actually human edible but were far too low in sugar and chocolate for my liking so the treats were literally “for the dogs” .. but they loved them! Pictured right, are Milky, Tor and Ted itching for a piece of the party action. Since it opened the Dog Park has been a hub for human and doggy socialising with many new friends being made. One reader has asked when are the most popular times to go to get chatting to the most doggies and owners. So far our facebook

responses point to 4-5pm in the afternoon.. When do you go to the Dog Park? Let us know via email and we’ll share:

GETTING TO KNOW DR BARB... Tell us a bit about your early training and background: I graduated from the University of Queensland in 1996 and have worked solely in Small Animal Practice since then, including 12 years in the UK. My husband and I were lucky enough to move from Melbourne to Peregian Springs at the end of 2015. What animals you treat? I treat mainly dogs and cats but we certainly see some smaller creatures like Guinea Pigs and birds. What do you love about being a Vet? I feel very lucky to have the job that I have and I still enjoy it after 20+ years in practice.

Peregian Springs Vet Dr Barbara Kingston

Vet is so rewarding and it's difficult to get bored. The day can vary from seeing a new puppy or kitten for it's first vaccination to taking an xray, doing surgery or dentistry through to helping animals and their owners at the end of their pet's life. I love the relationship you build not only with the animal but with their owner. Shop 13 Peregian Springs Shopping Centre PHONE: 07

Peregian Springs News, September 2017

5471 2006 25

“Safe, Inclusive and Connected Neighbourhoods and Online Communities” September 2017 update

Increase in break-ins THERE has been an increase in break-ins in Peregian Springs since our last report. Police are urging residents of Peregian Springs to lock their windows and doors and keep an eye out for suspicious behaviour. Most people don’t need to be reminded how to secure their home but do you know what suspicious behaviour looks like? Below is a list of examples of suspicious behaviours; if you see similar activities occurring, we recommend that you need to call and report it to Police.  A person carrying property; such as electronic equipment, stereo, office equipment, or a locked bike, at an unusual time or location.  Someone going door-to-door in an office building or residential area without the appropriate identification; or a vehicle cruising the streets repeatedly; this person may be looking for an opportunity to steal unattended property from unsecured offices or homes.  Anyone forcing their way into a locked vehicle; especially at night.  Transactions being held at a vehicle or a high volume of traffic going to and coming from a home on a daily basis.  One or more people sitting in a parked car checking out the area; they may be lookouts for a possible crime in progress, a burglary or robbery or planning a crime.  Someone being forced into a vehicle; this could be domestic violence or an abduction. 26

COOLUM 10 COMMITTEE Area Coordinators: Paula Lyall, Leigh Boggis Treasurer: Bob Joubert Secretary: Vivienne Collins You can contact us at: or at For immediate police assistance Phone Police on 131 444 or in an Emergency call 000  A person showing unusual mental or physical symptoms; he or she may be injured, have been in an accident, be under the influence of illegal drugs or prescribed medications, or need other medical or psychiatric help.  Unusual noises; alarms, gunshots, yelling, fighting sounds, dogs barking incessantly. Until next time, Leigh ..... Crime Stats July 12 to Sept 9 The heat map gives you an indication of where crimes are occurring. Not all statistics were available at time of printing. 4 traffic and related offence 3 unlawful entry 4 other property damage 1 Other offence 2 good order 5 other theft 1 drug offence 3 assault

* Information provided via website

Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Legal Matters

Putting the super in superannuation LEGAL MATTERS with Fiona Allen BCom, LLB, LLM, TEP Phone: 5302 7933 $2.259 Trillion. According to Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, Australian’s have $2.259 Trillion invested in superannuation. Despite this super-duper amount, it can often, and inexplicably, be overlooked when estate planning. Consider this possibility – a young person with superannuation of say $5000 probably isn’t too concerned about estate planning as that’s something ‘old’ people do. If however the young person has a life insurance policy within superannuation, the $5000 balance can be significantly increased. Who then gets the supersized superannuation? The young person’s mother - who the young person was living with? The young person’s disabled father – who the young person was supporting financially? The young person’s high-school sweetheart? The young person’s younger sibling – who the young person paid school fees for? The short answer is that unless the young person completed a valid binding death benefit nomination, the superannuation trustee is likely to have discretion as to who gets what. The superannuation trustee needs to follow detailed legislation and can only distribute to ‘superannuation beneficiaries’ – however the point is this – it is the trustees decision. 28

Given a large number of trustees are institutions who are highly unlikely to have known the young person, the trustees decision may not have been what the young person would have wished. To remove the discretion, most superannuation funds allow a binding death benefit nomination to be completed. This nomination removes the trustee’s discretion and forces payment to the person or people nominated by the young person – provided they are superannuation beneficiaries. So while the young person may have thought that their $5000 was a drop in the bucket of the $2.259 Trillion invested in superannuation – it could be more. Careful and considered estate planning can try and ensure that the superannuation is paid in accordance with the young person’s wishes. Fiona is a Senior Associate with Dore and Webb Lawyers. The information in this article is general and for specific advice on your Wills and Estate situation call Fiona on 5302 7933.

Peregian Springs News, September 2017


Finance Matters with ...

Our Wealth Management Approach... OUR goal is to build and protect your wealth by designing a customised portfolio with a sophisticated mix of investments, diversified across and within asset classes. But first, we need to develop a thorough understanding of who you are and where you’re headed. 1. Understand your situation, goals and tolerance to risk: We’ll ask questions about your family, your current financial situation, your cash flow needs, your goals and ambitions, and the level of service you require from us. As all financial strategies involve some level of uncertainty, we’ll also discuss your attitude towards risk. Your answers will help us build a solid foundation on which to structure our advice. 2. Advise on an appropriate investment strategy: Your Wealth Adviser will carefully consider your investment objectives keeping your personal financial goals front-of-mind; they’ll evaluate your options and prepare a detailed statement of advice that clearly outlines their strategic recommendations.

Patersons team: Tom, Aaron & Antonia 3. Explore Opportunities to add value to your financial planning: Your Wealth Adviser will also look for opportunities to further optimise your financial planning strategies. This might involve a review of your retirement planning, estate planning and/or insurance strategies with a view to offering advice on how they could be improved. 4. Review Your strategy as your circumstances change To keep you on track to achieving your goals, your Wealth Adviser can formally review your portfolio with you at agreed intervals. They can talk with you to see if your circumstances or objectives have changed since your last review and may recommend adjustments to your investment strategy or asset allocation.

Need help navigating the aged-care maze? Our comprehensive Aged Care Advice Package can help. Talk to one of our Accredited Aged Care specialists today.

Tom Wigzell (07) 5409 6120

Aaron Cross (07) 5409 6100

Patersons Peregian Springs, Suite 4, 2 Balgownie Drive, Peregian Springs 4573

Patersons Securities Limited ABN 69 008 896 311 AFSL No. 239 052


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Peregian Springs News is independently produced and published by Rebecca J Crockett T/As Peregian Springs News (ABN 49865205676). Those who make advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to the publication undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Cth as amended from time to time or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to this, these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, costs, claims and/or judgments. *Pavilions and Sentosa - no hand delivery occurs

Peregian Springs News, September 2017



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