Perfect Diver Magazine 11 issue

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astonishing discoveries at

lednica in

2020 sardinia a piece of cake

No. 11 5(11)/2020


Price 7,90 â‚Ź Tax included



the foreword

Wojciech Zgoła


Summer is almost gone, at least in Europe. So there are even more reasons to grab our Magazine and share it with your friends. It's always good to have a positive springboard and take at least a virtual dive. All the divers among us know perfectly well just how relaxing water is for us when we finally descend. So before you get immersed in what we have prepared for you, read our opening article. Astonishing discoveries in the Lednica lake in Poland. Including a sword with a golden cross, an axe encrusted with silver, spears, arrow tips, crossbow bolts and many more. And above all – remains of a bridge from the times before the Polish state was formed. Incredible artifacts for both the European and global community. We are even more excited as Mateusz Popek, a member of our editorial team, was among the explorers. Congratulations! Since its beginning, Perfect Diver has been committed to protecting our Planet. On numerous occasions we were involved in cleaning various water bodies (in 2020, after signing an letter of intent with the Our Earth Foundation [Fundacja Nasza Ziemia], we facilitated one of the great finals of the campaign at the Strzeszyńskie lake in Poznań), we wrote about microplastic, opposed the idea of dolphinariums and objected to cutting sharks’ fins to cook soup. Sharks, those amazing sea creatures, almost at the very end of the food chain, are disappearing... The problem is very serious. An emotional text by Laura Kazimierska and a photographic account from Karolina Sztaba provide an explicit outlook of one the largest fish markets of this kind in the world. This issue is bustling with numerous interesting topics. Grzegorz Białas has made his photographic debut in our magazine, by picturing the magic Christine mine, described by Irena Kosowska. We're wrapping things up with some hints on how to get it on with cutting... See for yourselves and enjoy. Donations are always welcome, should you whish to support our editors. You may order our paper issue at:

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


ta b l e o f co n t e n t s




ArchAeology 10

Astonishing discoveries at Lednica in 2020!

rookie's eye

travels 39 16

Sardinia. Northwest, Alghero


Tremiti Islands


What about an Adriatic Safari


Głębokie Lake near Międzyrzecze

planet earth 44

knowledge 36


A travelling diver, part 2

Safety and emergency situations in water

Crested divers


Lumpfish – picture story


Baltic sea horses


A fish worth more than gold


Cleaning the world

caves 52

Christine mine. An enchanted place


Kantyna Quarry

Publisher perfect diver wojciech zgoła ul. Folwarczna 37, 62-081 Przeźmierowo ISsN 2545-3319


editor in chief columnist underwater archaeology freediving photographer publicist, photographer english language translators

Wojciech Zgoła Irena Kosowska Mateusz Popek Agnieszka Kalska Jakub Degee Bartosz Pszczółkowski Agnieszka Gumiela-Pająkowska Arleta Kaźmierczak Reddo Translations Sp. z o.o.

legal care graphic design and composition

Adwokat Joanna Wajsnis Brygida Jackowiak-Rydzak

the magazine was folded with typefaces

Montserrat (Julieta Ulanovsky) Open Sans (Ascender Fonts) Spectral (Production Type) printing

Wieland Drukarnia Cyfrowa, Poznań,


tips & curiosities 68

dive centers, online store

Get it on with underwater cutting

68 cover photo

Bartosz Pszczółkowski model

Seahorse (Hipocampus Sp.) place

Capo Galera Bay, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy

The Editorial Office does not return unsolicited materials, is not responsible for the content of advertisements and reserves the right to shorten, edit, title the submitted texts and select illustrative materials. Reprinting of articles or parts thereof, copying only with the consent of the Editorial Board. Editors are not responsible for the form and content of advertisements.

If you like this issue, donate any amount! Donation is voluntary. PayPal.Me/perfectdiver perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


e d i to r i a l t e a m

Wojciech Zgoła

irena kosowska

jakub degee

He often repeats that he travels by diving and that

Regional Manager Divers Alert Network Polska,

Polish photographer, winner of awards and dis-

is his motto. In 1985 he obtained a yacht sailor's

diving and first aid instructor, technical diver and

tinctions in world underwater photography com-

license, and only in 2006 began to dive. In the fol-

cave diver. In love with all flooded, dark, cold,

petitions, has already dived all over the world: with

lowing years he improved his skills by obtaining

tight places and invariably from the beginning

sharks and whales in South Africa, with orcs be-

the Dive Master degree. He completed nearly

of the diving route – in the Baltic. Implementing

hind the Arctic Circle, on Galapagos with hundreds

650 dives in various climatic conditions. Since

the DAN mission, he conducts a series of lectures

of hammerhead sharks and humpback whales in

2007, he has been taking photographs underwa-

”Dive safely” and Diving Safety Laboratory, so field

the Tonga Islands. He participates in specialist

ter, and since 2008 he has also been filming. As

research of divers for scientific purposes.

photographic workshops. He has been diving for

an independent journalist, he published dozens

27 years, he started at the age of 12 – as soon as

of articles, mainly in journals dedicated to diving,

it was formally possible. He was the first in the

but not only. Co-author of photo exhibitions in

world to use the Hasselblad X1d-50c camera for

Poland and abroad. He is passionate about and

underwater macro photography. Recently, in the

propagator of diving.

remote Chincorro archipelago on the border be-

Since 2008 he has been running his own website

tween Mexico and Belize, he did it again, taking On the basis of extensive

a successful attempt to photograph the eye of

experience, in August 2018 he created the new

a crocodile with a macro lens with an additional

Perfect Diver Magazine.

magnifying lens, which is the world's largest photo of the crocodile's eye living in the wild (in terms of pixel count, print size, quality).

Mateusz Popek

Agnieszka kalska

Bartosz Pszczółkowski

”My passion, work and life are under water.” He has

”I can't imagine living without water, where in a free

That's my name and I come from Poznań. I have

been diving since 2009. Since 2008, he's walking

body I experience freedom of the spirit.”

been associated with water practically from birth

in caves. Underwater archeologist by education. He participated in numerous projects in Poland and abroad. He has been engaged in professional diving since 2011. In 2013 he obtained the qualifications of a 2nd class diver. Has experience in underwater work both at sea and inland. Since

• founder of the first freediving and swimming school in Poland – FREEBODY, • Apnea Academia International and PADI Master Freediver freediving instructor, • world record holder in freediving (DYN 253 m),

and with diving since I learned to walk. My grandfather instilled my passion for the underwater world, a CMAS*** instructor taking me to the lakes at any free time. I obtained my first qualifications in 1996. A year later I went to Croatia and literally went crazy at the sight of blue wa-

2013 he has been diving in caves, especially in the

• record holder and Polish champion, member

ter, octopus and colorful fish;) I bought my first

mountains, and since 2014 he is a diving instruc-

of the national team in freediving 2013–2019,

underwater camera – Olympus 5060 and started

tor CMAS M1. In June 2020, he obtained a doctor-

• winner of the World Championships in freed-

the adventure with underwater photography.

al degree in underwater archeology.

iving 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2018,

I acquired my diving experience in the Canary

• multimedalist of the Polish Championships

Islands, Sardinia, Norway, Maldives and in Polish

and a member of the national team in swim-

lakes. I am currently a Padi and ESA instructor,

ming in the years 1998–2003,

I train diving enthusiasts in Europe and pass my

• passionate about freediving and swimming.

passion on to others. I invite all lovers of the underwater world and photography to Beediver (FB) – see you soon.

o u r au t h o r s

wojciech a. filip

anna sołoducha

wojciech jarosz

Has more than 8000 dives on his account. He has

A graduate of Geography faculty at the University

A graduate of two Poznan universities, the Acad-

been diving for over 30 years, including over 20

of Wrocław and an incurable optimist… with a per-

emy of Physical Education (coaching specializa-

years as a technical diver. He is a professional with

manent smile on her lips! It was probably Destiny

tion – handball) and the University of A.Mickiew-

great theoretical and practical knowledge. He is

that led her to Activtour… and she's been here

icz, Faculty of Biology (specialty of experimental

an instructor of many federations: GUE Instructor

on permanent basis. She passionately fulfils the

biology). He connected his professional life with


dreams of many, organizing diving trips around

this first university trying to influence the direc-

TMX Gas Blender. He participated in many diving

the world, and she has already been diving for

tion of development of future professionals on

projects and conferences as a leader, explorer,

more than half of her life. Each year she explores

the one hand, and on the other planning and

originator or lecturer. These included the Britan-

a different ‘piece of the ocean’, pinning another

implementing research, pushing laboriously in

nic Expedition 2016, Morpheus Cave Scientific

pin to her diving world map. In winter she chang-

the right direction of the stroller called science.

Project on Croatia caves, GROM Expedition in

es fins into her beloved skis and gets away into

In his free time he spends his time actively – his

Narvik, Tuna Mine Deep Dive, Glavas Cave in Croa-

the Alps. A recipe for life? ”The only a dead trunk

main passions are sailing (sea helmsman), skiing

tia, NOA-MARINE. Professionally, he is a technical

flows with the current – the explorer's canoe flows

(downhill skiing instructor), riding a motorcycle,

director at TecLine in Scubatech, and a director of

up the river!”

recreational diving and many other activities, as

training at TecLine Academy.

well as photography, mainly nature.;;

margita ślizowska

agata turowicz-cybula

grzegorz białas

aka "Mermaid". NAUI, EFR (premedical first aid)

Since I was a child, I had dreamed of becoming

My diving adventure began in 1998 in the “Me-

and DAN oxygen rescue instructor. Actress and

a marine biologist and I managed to fulfill that

duza” shipyard divers' club at the Gdynia Ship-

singer. Versatile woman.

dream. I did a degree in oceanography, where

yard S.A. Here, I performed underwater work:

Diving is her passion and a way to help every

I recently started my doctoral studies. My diving

ship hull inspections, cleaning of propellers and

person with whom she works above and below

adventure began when I was 12 years old. I love

others. I have been diving on a closed circuit for

water. In her opinion, diving is not only exploring

observing the underwater life up close and I try to

almost 5 years. I dive in wrecks, in quarries, flood-

the underwater world. It is also getting to know

show other divers how fascinating the underwa-

ed mines or caves. For over a year, underwater

and integrating with your own "I", building trust

ter, Baltic creatures are.

photography has become my second passion and

in yourself and a way to develop the skills neces-

I try to take the camera wherever possible, thus

sary to overcome all life problems. Specialist for

showing places that few can see.

"difficult" students and children.

On a daily basis I deal with mechanics and per-

Owner of XDIVERS – Your Diving School. Trimix,

form welding work on the construction and repair

cave and gas blender diver. Her biggest under-

of fishing boats in The Netherlands. I have also

water love are caves, and diving priority – SAFETY.

lived here for over 12 years. As a diver I am DM,

and I have CCR Cave, Full TMX CCR certificates.

o u r au t h o r s

laura kazimierska

karolina Sztaba

paweł vogelsinger

Laura Kazimierska is currently working as PADI

Karolina Sztaba, and professionally Karola Takes

An amateur filmmaker, a lover of diving in rivers,

Course Director at TrawanganDive Center on the

Photos, is a photographer by education and pas-

a photographer and researcher of the underwa-

Indonesian island of Gili Trawangan. Founder of

sion. She is currently working at the Trawangan

ter world. A discoverer of the secrets small wa-

the Divemastergilis portal.

Dive Center on a tiny island in Indonesia – Gili

terbodies. Also the propagator of the new Wild @divemastergilis

Trawangan, where she moved to live four years

Aquarium movement in Poland, which is involved

For over 7 years she has lived and discovered the

ago.She photographs above and below the wa-

in reconstruction of biotopes of Polish waters in

underwater world of Indonesia. She is not only

ter. In addition, she creates photographic proj-

aquariums. Most of his free time he spends fol-

an avid technical diver, but also the face of the

ects against littering the oceans and polluting

lowing his diving passion, gaining knowledge and

Planet Heroes platform and the ambassador of

our planet with plastic ("Trapped", "Trashion"). He

experience in practice. He has made more than

the Ocean Mimic brand. She actively contributes

cooperates with NBO organizations dealing with

100 short wildlife films. His goal is not only to as-

to the promotion of the protection of corals and

environmental protection and actively partici-

tonish the spectators with the underwater views,

the natural environment of fish and marine an-

pates in pro-ecological actions (coral protection,

but above all, making them aware of nature and

imals by taking part in scientific projects, cam-

coral planting, cleaning the world, protection of

the necessity of its protection. The motto of his

paigns against ocean littering and cooperating

endangered species). He is also the official pho-

work is the message "Get to know and love nature

with NGOs in Indonesia.

tographer of Ocean Mimic – a brand that creates

to protect it".


swimwear and surfwear from rubbish collected

All videos are available on Youtube Channel Nan-

on the beaches of Bali. She cooperated with many

tai Tv.

brands of diving equipment for which she created advertising campaigns. In 2019, she became the ambassador of the Polish company Tecline. She has been a technical diver for two years.

damian marcinkowski

Łukasz kielaszewski

I live actively and I do a lot of things that make

Passionate about water and its secrets. From

me feel alive. Diving was not my dream, I did the

an early age it was hard to get me out of it. In

first degree of OWD to increase my chance of

high school I got my hands on horror stories by

getting into service in the fire brigade, which was

H.P. Lovecraft. Dark? Cold? Ancient gods? I'm in!

not given to me. Currently I serve as a soldier and

Currently during the Divemaster course. I am pre-

diving has become one of my main passions. It

paring to "take on the glove" as a military diver.

gives me the opportunity to see a piece of the

The underwater world that I visit the most is the

world reserved for the few. Communing with the

darker and less known one.

underwater nature and its wild side is amazing.

a r c h a e o l og y

Astonishing discoveries at

Lednica in 2020!

Text mateusz popek

All European nations have their foundational myths or stories on their origins. They often concern a particular person or place. About such places one may say: “This is were it all started. The history of our nation began here”.

Photo Paweł Stencel



nd the same goes for Poland. The historical beginnings

related with its first rulers – Mieszko I and Bolesław the Brave.

of our country are strongly connected with an island and

For almost 40 years, underwater archeologists from Nicolaus

a lake that surrounds it. Ostrów Lednicki at the Lednica lake

Copernicus University in Toruń, in cooperation with the Muse-

witnessed the most important events of Poland's early history

um of the First Piasts at Lednica, have been revealing traces of


Ostrów Lednicki is the largest island on the Lednica lake, located in its widest part. There is a significantly smaller island Ledniczka located to the south-west from it and a tiny island called Ptasia Wyspa [Birds' Island] located to the north. On the first two islands the archeologists found traces of medieval gords and buildings. First settlers arrived at Ostrów by the end of the 9th century. A small gord (fortified wooden settlement) was built there at that time. We call it “tribal times”, as there is no evidence of state structures in this period. Perhaps the gord on the island was a residence of the local tribe's chief. However, information regarding this period is rather scarce, as later investments destroyed traces of life from that period. Around the year 950, huge investments were made on the island. A large fortified gord with a palas and chapel was built. A church was erected next to the palas. Workshops and merchant stalls appeared within the settlement beyond the gord walls. Life on the island was flourishing. Investments also included water infrastructure – two bridges leading onto the island were built. The engineering concept behind them was very bold. The first bridge headed towards Gniezno and was 180 meters long, whereas the second led towards Poznań and was as long as 430 meters. There was also a third bridge, which had been built slightly earlier, leading to the little Ledniczka island. One thousand years later the remains of those bridges will be in the spotlight of underwater archeologists.

human activity in that lake. These are often everyday objects, but some of them were used during wars and skirmishes. But let’s start from the very beginning...

Photo Mateusz Popek

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


Exploration of the early medieval sword Photo Filip Nalaskowski

the lance of St. Maurice, Bolesław also received the golden throne of Charles the Great, which unfortunately fell from the bridge into the water during transport. After Bolesław the Brave died, Mieszko II became the ruler. The beginnings of his reign were not easy and several years after he ascended the throne his country was overran by his neighbor, Bretislav I, duke of Bohemia. His army took over many gords and arrived at Ostrów Lednicki. A huge battle was fought on the bridges and the lake. Archeologists are finding its traces until today. Explorers have extracted more than Archaeologist exploring a spearhead Photo Marcin Trzciński


140 axes, around 50 spear tips, with three of them completely preserved, 8 swords, a nasal helmet and a chain mail. This is

All these investments were made by one person, the duke

one of the largest collections of early medieval weapons in

Mieszko I, who is considered to be the first historical ruler of

Europe. However, science usually offers many interpretations.

Poland. He turned Ostrów Lednicki into one of the central

Some scientist claim that armor and other objects found in

points of his newly established state. Perhaps it was there that

the water are not remnants of a battle but are connected with

the symbolical baptism of Poland, that all Poles learn about at

rituals performed on the island.

school, took place. Baptismal pools located in the palace chapel

Following those events, Ostrów Lednicki lost its importance.

may indicate that. After Mieszko’s death his son, Bolesław the

Although it has never again become the center of the state,

Brave, became the ruler. He is mostly associated with numer-

many events took place there. The island was used as a cem-

ous wars, but he also took part in more peaceful events in

etery and castellany – a local administrative center. On the

the European arena. In the year 1000 he met with Otto III and

smaller island there was also a residence of a local knight’s

surprisingly it was the German emperor who visited Bolesław.

family and a bridge. Interestingly, archeologists found trac-

He went on a pilgrimage to the grave of St. Adalbert of Prague

es of a skirmish on the bridge remains. A large number of

in Gniezno. Unfortunately, the cathedral over the saint’s grave

arrow tips and crossbow bolts suggests that the bridge also

was not finished, so most probably the duke received his guest

witnessed some fights. Numerous axes and spears from the

on Ostrów Lednicki. There is a legend saying that apart from

14th/15th century (the time of the knightly residence) were


found there. The history of the islands on Lednica lake ends with that period. Later they were used as pastures and palas ruins were the fabric of legends. Ancient researchers were also interested in it. But the objects in the lake were forgotten. From time to time local fishermen mentioned snugging nets on some piles. In 1959, a local clerk decided to check these stories and asked scuba divers to explore the lake. They found remains of bridges and numerous relicts, including the previously mentioned helmet. In 1982, scientists from ToruĹ„ started to explore the lake and still conduct their research there as the Underwater Archeology Center at Nicolaus Copernicus University in ToruĹ„. It is not possible to mention all the relicts and present all research results, as it took several books and numerous scientific articles to hold them. In short, for almost 40 years archeologists have revealed the remaining elements of the bridges, studying their design and the materials used to build them. During their works they found numerous historical objects. These included everyday objects, farming tools and armor. Objects made of organic materials such as leather, wood or plant fibres are particularly valuable for archeologists. They were preserved thanks to the anaerobic sludge environment. This allowed us to learn what shoes looked like, how ropes were made, what spoons or bowls people used to eat at that time. Despite regular research, the lake surprises scientists every year. In the last few years many interesting historical objects were found there. One of Photo Andrzej Kowalczyk advertisement

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


Belts and arrows from the bridge on Ledniczka Photo Mateusz Popek

Medieval hilt of a sword Photo Mateusz Popek


Medieval sickle at the place of finding Photo Paweł Stencel

the most important discoveries was the bridge on Ledniczka

an uncommon finding. The object was extremely fragile, so it

island, previously unknown. Even more surprising was the fact

was quickly taken to the preservation department for further

that it was built before the great investments made by Mieszko

analysis. It turned out that a golden cross is sculpted on the

I. In recent years archeologists’ works focus on this area.

sword. Scientist were largely surprised. Other axes, arrow and

And so it was this season. However, the year 2020 was ex-

spear tips were found later during the season, but one axe

ceptional even for the team working there, who are used

was very special. Not only was it encrusted with some other

to seeing unique historical objects. During the first dive at

metal, but also extremely rare – similar items were found in

the site one of the scuba divers discovered a sword. This is

the territories of Polabian Slavs and in Scandinavia. This was


Article author extracting a spearhead Photo Hubert Marecki

another piece of knowledge about this place and the early

are not giving up and are still looking into the mysteries of

Polish state. It was not only a center of power, but it also had

this dark lake.

contacts with distant countries. The Lednica lake poses new challenges for scientists ev-

Both the island and the collections of relics are available for you to see

ery year and generates new mysteries to be solved: What

while visiting the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica (http://www.ledni-

was the meaning of the cross on the sword? Where did the 3D models of historical objects found during this research

richly decorated axe come from? Who build the bridge to

season are available from the Skerchfab platform (

Ledniczka island before Mieszko I? Finding an answer to these


questions requires many hours of office work and probably

If you want to be up-to-date with the work of archeologists, you may

many seasons of fieldwork. Scientists form the Underwater

find them on Facebook (,

Archeology Center at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

or Instagram (@cua_ncu).


perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


t r av e l s

Sardinia Northwest, Alghero

Text and photos Bartosz pszczółkowski

On the west coast of Sardinia, in the area of Alghero, there are limestone cliffs. They are rock formations majestically hidden in the blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, full of mysterious caves with the famous Neptune's Grotto. There are more than 350 steps that lead to the cave, and inside it can fit the whole orchestra, which has already taken place before.

Capo Galera Diving Center, fabulous and unique location of the diving center


his cave is located in the Capo Caccia massif, which is sep-

Capo Galera is a bay and a place where there has been a div-

arated from another interesting place, Punta Giglio, by the

ing center on the cliff for over 35 years. A magical and unique

extensive Porto Conte Bay. In this bay, on a beautiful beach

place, in which you mainly dive in the surrounding caverns and

with white sand, you can eat a grilled sea brass (spiaggia mu-

caves. There are over 20 different diving spots where you can

gone) while enjoying the view of the open sea.

feel the atmosphere of cave diving, and it is a great opportunity

The entire west coast of Alghero is dotted with smaller coves where local people come to rest during the weekend. My story is about one of these coves.


for those who want to develop in this direction in the future. You have to remember that for such diving you need flashlights, which you can rent or buy in the center.


Barracudas from La Madonnina, Capo Caccia

Octopus spreading its body

Diving in closed spaces, tunnels and caverns is also fascinat-

closest reef in the bay that is like a kindergarten for underwa-

ing because of the unique fauna. Congers, all kinds of crabs,

ter animals. The bay is famous for the presence of seahorses

moray eels like the crevices in the rocks where they live and

(cavalucio marino, hipocampus sp.), but you can often find oc-

often stick their heads out when a diver passes by. Groupers

topuses, young barracudas, interesting monkfish (pece prete),

and barracudas are also a common sight during diving explo-

and even rays or electric rays.

rations, and more perceptive divers will be able to spot an octopus and tiny nudibranchs. At Capo Galera, the dives are exciting, starting from the

The dive centre takes divers daily with its wooden Patrizia boat which is very comfortable and spacious. Years earlier, it had taken tourists to the Neptune's Grotto. Currently, in

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


Atlantic stargazer, kind of stonefish




Seahorse from Capo Galera bay

16 minutes, Patrizia reaches the nearest dive site called Grota di Enyo Falco (the Falcon Cave). An inconspicuous breach in the cliff, underwater, reveals itself as a majestic cavern with a sump leading to the dry part, with beautifully decorated walls and karst formations on the ceiling. Stalactites, stalagmites and columns create the image of a beautiful dripstone form, which is actually only available to divers. Here you can also admire the red coral (gold of the Mediterranean) already at a depth of 5 meters. It creates clusters of twigs up to the size of a human hand. Among such twigs, you can meet nudibranchs and various invertebrates. Alghero, along with the rest of the west coast of Sardinia, has been called the coral riviera for centuries, and the history of the exploitation of red coral dates back to ancient times. Underwater, the huge limestone blocks detached from the cliff and resting on the bottom just before entering the cave make a great impression. You can swim between them and, with a bit of luck, meet a spiny lobster waving its long antennae. Tunas flow here as well, but if it comes to a meeting, it lasts several seconds :). They are beautiful, large and very fast fish. After twenty-minute navigation on Patrizia, we reach the Punta Giglio massif. At this point, we can dive in Grota del Stalatiti (the Stalactite Cave), where at the end of a large tunnel

Flabellina sp., gorgeous but a small nudibranch perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


Red coral in the ceiling of the Nereo Cave

Blue lobster in one of the caves

Falco, red coral at a depth of 15 m


there is a lake where you can ascend, and returning to the exit

a species that is no longer present in Sardinia. According to the

in the upper part of the tunnel, we observe very interesting

research of scientists, these fossils are evidence of a bridge

cave formations.

between the island and the continent.

Grota del Cervi (the Deer Cave) is a fascinating place for

The pearl of Punta Giglio is the place considered to be the

a palaeontologist. You enter the chamber through a rather

Cenote of the Mediterranean. Grota del Fantasmi (the Ghost

narrow S-shaped tunnel and emerge inside the rock massif

Cave) is a unique place that attracts crowds of divers. The com-

in a small lake, you can breathe fresh air. In the cave there

pletely white walls of the cave inside reflect the light of the

is meter-thick sediment with an accumulation of deer bones,

flashlight and create an amazing play of light and shadow in

The Stalatiti Cave

The Deer Cave

Entrance to the Stalatiti Cave


Ghost Cave, lots of a spacious chamber

illuminates the underside of this mineral layer with a flashlight to show how the light shines through its structure. The final stage of the trip is the Blanco Tunnel, a white tunnel leading divers to the initial parts of the cave. Outside, sun rays shine through the blue waters of Punta Giglio and on the way to the boat we can meet groupers and schools of barracudas searching the surface layers of water looking for food. Once on the boat, divers usually begin to experience, share their impressions and get excited about this magical place. For everyone, this diving leaves an unforgettable memory of cave adventures. After a successful day, we return to the Capo Galera diving center, unload the boat, putting the cylinders and personal equipment on the elevator. At the base, taking care of the equipment, we rinse everything in fresh water and Final parts of the Nereo Cave

make an appointment for another day. You can eat here and rent a room.


such a way that it feels like someone or something is lurking

Another amazing dive site is Grotta di Nereo (the Nereo

around the corner. There is practically no life in this cave. From

Cave), called the mother of all caves. About 30 minutes of nav-

time to time you can see a stray crawfish or moray eel. This

igation on Patrizia from the diving center, the grotto is located

place is liked by an interesting fish called brotula (a small fish

in the Capo Caccia massif near the Neptune's Cave. The Nereo

that normally lives in the depths of the sea at about 200 m).

Cave is a long and spacious horseshoe-shaped tunnel. Inside,

There is a place in the cave where you can admire a trans-

you can observe huge congers swimming next to divers, and

parent, alabaster tongue, orange in colour. Sometimes a guide

lobsters live in the bottom rock crevices. Twigs of red coral


Slipery lobster

cover the ceiling of the tunnel. On the wall you can sometimes see a slipper lobster or a crawfish. This dive site is so large that you can make four dives here and each dive will be different. The cliff walls go down to 40 meters deep, and at 30 meters there is a great entrance to the Kidneys Cave that is called Trasversale Bassa. At a depth of 15 meters is the heart-shaped main and most popular “cuore” entrance to the cave, and on the way back you can take a shortcut across Trasversale Alta to the exit. In the final part of the cave we go through Archi di Nereo – these are huge rock arches through which the light shines into the dark corridors of the Nereo Cave. You definitely have to dive here :) Diving around Alghero is unusual. The entire area is under protection and constitutes a national park. Thanks to this, the multitude of fish is noticeable with each dive. The vertical walls of limestone cliffs, perforated like Swiss cheese, as a result of karst processes, have left behind a magical landscape that is accessible to divers of all skill levels. Experienced divers will certainly benefit the most from the charms of these undersea wonders, but also beginners will be able to enjoy diving in the cavern space of many caves. The experiences they live will be remembered for a long time. To be continued...

t r av e l s

Tremiti Islands Text and photos wojciech zgoła

September is one of my favorite months to spend time in the Mediterranean. If you combine it with a hitherto unknown piece of Italy and the memory of the taste of their ice cream, hidden deep in the taste buds, it can turn out to be a wonderful adventure.


have targeted Gargano. Rarely frequented for diving, but with a diversified shoreline.

The internet screamed. Fortunately, he obeyed and

The Internet worked at peak speed. I was looking for a va-

opened a few windows. There were indeed two dive centers.

riety of dive centers near Vieste. It turned out that there are

I wrote to both stating when I would like to dive and how

not many of them, and this side of the Italian shoe is one of

many times. I decided to get involved with those who will

the less frequented in terms of diving. The Adriatic Sea here is

react faster.

characterized by the fact that the visibility under water often fails, which I have repeatedly confirmed by snorkeling. Determined, I wrote to my friend from DAN – Cristian. He responded enthusiastically to take a look at the Tremiti Islands. There are 2 diving centers there, and the dives will not disappoint me. Thanks to him (thanks Cristian!) I found out about the existence of islands in the Adriatic – belonging to Italy. After all, it is known that the Adriatic islands are Croatia – on the other side of the water.


And here is such a surprise!

Now I was checking ferry connections. From where to get to the Island , how long does it take to get there, how often and for how much. A positive surprise again. During the season, ferries run from every major town on the Gargano coast. Holidays started to fall into place. The Diving Center wrote back. The offer was interesting. Joy in the heart unrestrained. What can I say, I like discovering the underwater secrets of new places. The plane had one of the longest delays in my flying career. Finally, however, it touched the ground at the airport in Bari,


from where I rented a car to the suburbs of Vieste, where I was stationed for a week. The Gargano peninsula with the Gargano National Park covers about 2,000 km2. The interior is upland, but the coast is sandy, gravel or cliff. It is in the vicinity of Vieste, a beautiful city that was built years ago on a small hill, with wide, sandy beaches. I snorkeled here. A dozen or so kilometers from here there is a diving center with which I had an appointment for 2 dives next day. They called (luckily) in the evening and said there was a storm at night and the visibility was terrible. There is no point in diving. The next day they called again that the sea still hadn't settled down and there was no point in diving. The next day they found that they were actually finishing the season and didn't have time for diving... Fortunately, there were also the Tremiti Islands. I bought a return ticket and went on the ferry the next morning. There

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were few people, a bit swinging, but after about an hour and a half, we reached another pearl of the Mediterranean Sea. I took a dry foot on the mainland of the Tremiti Islands. This mini archipelago consists of 5 islands, 2 of which are inhabited. Only in the summer season, the islands are visited by 100,000 tourists. When looking at its surface with the naked eye, the crowd must be wild and inexhaustible In that time! That's why I like September, among other things ;) The route from the marina to the diving base took 5 minutes, because I was looking around. A bit uphill to the right and I was already in Tremiti Diving Center. I just chose them. Not everyone spoke English, but as it is in Italy, they spoke, smiled and were friendly. After completing the formalities with a group of 8 Italians, I found myself on the zodiac. We were supposed to dive between the islands of San Domino and San Nicola. A rollover and salty, blue water cooled the body tired from traveling. It was great because I was under the water. I immediately noticed that there is a lot of life here, and the shape of the water rocks is very varied. We met 4 species of nudibranchs, rockfish, moray eels and barracudas. There were, of course, the crabs and drobica characteristic of this sea. The second dive was in a smaller group. It turned out that the older men who are here on vacation often dive only once a day. We descended to a depth of over 25 meters. The water




temperature at the bottom was 20°C. At the surface of 27°C. We dived while admiring the landscape. At one point, I noticed two small rockfish sitting on a rock shelf with their mouths facing each other. I stopped and watched because this is the first time this picture happened to me. After a while it turned out that these two fish are fighting for territory. They pressed against each other, jumped back and rested. I don't know how long it lasted and how it ended. As a straggler from the end of the peloton, I was called to a group whose beginning I have not seen anymore. This is how only one in the group tries to take pictures. After a day of break and sunbathing, I went back to the base to dive around the Tremiti Islands. This time we were diving with the base owner, nice Antonio. He showed us narrowings, tunnels, caves and crevices. Very diverse landscapes, full of life. Here I saw a snail with a "house" the size of an adult's hand. The second dive took place in a place with a slight breeze. The currents herald larger fish. Mostly. We met a large grouper. It was a good meter in length. Herds of barracudas that initially kept their distance and then flashed very close to us. Thousands of chestnut chromis, sarpa salpa fish, oblad and others swam around. Foaming waves could be seen above us. Big blue accompanied us at the safety stop, and on the surface it turned out that from this side of the island the waves reach 1.5 heights. After a while we breathed a breath in the port. It stopped swinging and my thoughts wandered to the restaurant... I was delighted to hand over the newest issue of Perfect Diver Magazine to the owners and put our sticker on it. When you had no idea for another trip, I sincerely recommend the Tremiti Islands. Very positive dive, with a good, friendly atmosphere. I liked it so much that I would like to go there for the whole week. Out of season, of course. It could be in September. I like September on the Mediterranean Sea 

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


t r av e l s

What about an Adriatic Safari

Text anna sołoducha

Photos łukasz metrycki

Alfred Hitchcock claimed that the sunset seen from the Zadar seaside promenade is more beautiful than anything he had admired over the years in California.


he naturally setting sun is seen more than once or twice,

our Croatian sunsets in an atypical way – from the deck of

but only in July and August. At this time, you can join thou-

a boat during a diving safari, crossing the waters of the Adri-

sands of Zadar inhabitants who, after turning off the electric


atic Sea.

lighting, gather with candles at dusk, celebrating the fading

The Dalmatian coast, which was created by the flooding of

rays of the sun under the cloudless summer sky... We admired

mountains parallel to the shoreline, is dotted with a system of


safari gives you the opportunity to penetrate the diving sites around the islands – both from the coast and the open sea. We started the expedition in the small port of Sukošan, located about 10 km from Zadar, in North Dalmatia, on Vranjak 1. It is a steel, 27 meter ship, built by divers... for divers. The boat has 10 air-conditioned double cabins with bathrooms, a living room with dining area, a diving deck and a sundeck. There is cleanliness and order everywhere. Delicious meals! The organisation of dives is impeccable: short and specific check-ins, smooth filling of cylinders, peace of mind and relaxation. The opposite of a diving safari in Egypt – we do not get up at 5.30 and do not dive at 06:00! Here the time flows slower and calmer. Due to quite deep dives, there are 2 descents underwater during the day and one night dive during the whole week. Tomislav – the owner, a diving instructor and our diving guide, from the very first moment introduces us to the climate of safari and tells about the specifics of diving in the Adriatic. Here, each of us is an independent diver. We do not dive blindly following our guide, we do not descend to the depth to which our group descends, but only to the depth to which our powers and well-being allow us. Kind of obvious, and yet I have the impression that diving in different places in the world strictly under the care of diving guides, we forget to "think" underwater on our own. The first evening and night we spend on the island of Ugljan. Kukljica – the village where longitudinal islands and peninsulas. They are small or large,

we were located is often called "gates" to the Kornati National

rocky or covered with forests and aromatic herbs, uninhabited

Park and the Telašćica Landscape Park, and the island itself

or with traces of ancient civilisations. More than a thousand

is a kind of a suburb and garden of Zadar. We spend time in

Dalmatian islands surrounded by the turquoise Adriatic Sea

the shade of century-old pines, the air smells of olive water,

enchant with natural beauty and old stone towns. A diving

and the setting sun announces that tomorrow we start diving!

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We had several routes to choose from: the northern route

spot on the wreck is 38 m, but if we want (and can) examine

(Zadar – the Kornati National Park – Dugi otok – Premuda), the

the stern and the propeller thoroughly – we have to descend

southern route (Zadar – Rogoznica – Žirje – the Kornati Nation-

to about 60–65 m. The wreck impresses with its size and splen-

al Park), a combination of the northern and southern routes

dour, and is beautifully covered with yellow sponges. If you

(Zadar – Tribunj – Zlarin – Vodice – Žirje – the Kornati National

are lucky, you will be able to see brittle stars, scorpion fish or

Park), the Vis and Kornati tour, and the Hvar and Trogir tour.

colourful starfish! Unfortunately no more than a third of the

We choose the Vis and Kornati route, which is designed to

shipwrecks can be seen during recreational no-decompression

meet the expectations of recreational divers, as well as those

diving, so it is definitely a treat for technical divers!

who can go deeper  During World War II, the island was the

Vassilios T is probably my best memory when it comes

headquarters of the Tito guerrilla command. Here you can visit

to diving safaris! A wonderful wreck ship, 107 m long. It sank

the cave that still bears the marshal's name, as well as the

in 1929, carrying a cargo of coal, which was mined by the in-

headquarters of the former Yugoslav navy, which has been

habitants of Komiža and for a long time heated the houses

made available to foreigners since 1989. We, however, focus

of the islanders. The wreck of this Greek steamer can be ad-

on what is most interesting for divers, namely wrecks, because

mired at a depth of 22 m. The propeller is at a depth of 45 m,

Vis is famous for shipwrecks and planes scattered along the

and the port side touches the bottom at 55 m at the deepest

entire coast.

point. Beautifully covered with yellow and orange sponges,

Brioni is a shipwreck that is a passenger and cargo vessel.

the masts, the funnel and the handrails tempt you to stay un-

The steamer sank in 1930 in the section between Split and Vis

derwater even longer! The dangling anchor chain of the wreck

during a storm, due to poor visibility and heavy rainfall, hitting

makes a phenomenal impression. The penetration of Vassilios

the rocks. It carried wine and tobacco on board. The wreck lies

at a perfect visibility allows us to see nudibranchs, orange scor-

on the port side, with the stern facing the coast. The shallowest

pion fish, swinging anemones, starfish and sea urchins. While


sailing around the wreck, you can look into the spacious holds, admire the huge anchor and the impressive propeller. In several places we meet shrimps, lykopods or a beautiful, brown octopus! My impressions after diving? Priceless! The wreck of Teti is also worth mentioning. It is a wreck of a steamboat which, when hitting the islet of Mali Barjak, landed at a depth of 35 m in 1930. The most remembered feature of this wreck is the spare steering wheel, luxuriantly covered with yellow and purple sponges. The ship was carrying paving stones, which were scattered on the sandy bottom around the wreckage. Teti lies at a depth of 11 to 36 m. It is definitely more damaged than the aforementioned Vassilios T. The area around the wreck is covered with grass, moray eels and slipper lobsters, and we are surrounded by a charming school of rainbow wrasses, parrot fish and cuckoo wrasses. "Abandon all hope you who enter here" – this was the inscription on the gates to hell in Dante's Divine Comedy. The heroes of one of the songs are the lovers Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta. The couple were murdered by Francesca's betrayed husband and Paolo's brother, Giovanni Malatest. After their death, the lovers ended up in the 2nd circle of hell,



intended for those who sinned with sensuality. The souls of

"On the last day of creation, God wished to crown his work

the damned are torn by a hurricane wind which is supposed

and then created the Kornati Islands out of tears, stars and

to remind them of their unstable feelings... And it is on the

breath," wrote Bernard Shaw, delighted with their austere

wreckage named after the aforementioned heroine of Divine

beauty. Strong words, but it is hard not to admire this place.

Comedy where we do another dive! Francesca da Rimini is

The Kornati National Park was founded in 1980 on an area of

a wreck of a German transport ship located off the coast of the

234 km2. It covers the Kornati archipelago – one of the most

island of Kaprije. The ship was probably torpedoed by passing

beautiful in the Mediterranean Sea, with about 140 islands and

British fighters in 1944. The deck of the wreck, more precisely

islets, while the park is protected by 89 islands and reefs that

the stern part, begins at a depth of 38 m and descends to

make up 2/3 of the Kornati archipelago. Almost 537 species

the bow to 45 m. The maximum depth is 65 m. The wreck

of invertebrates live here, about 160 species of fish, and one

stands on the keel, slightly tilted to the port side. Apart from

type of turtle. The landscape is captivating and constantly en-

the damage caused by torpedoing and two broken masts, the

chanting! We sail between rocky islands devoid of vegetation.

wreck is well preserved. The diving itself is hmm… dark. The

Due to the harsh conditions, the vast majority of the islands

view under the water does not knock you to your knees; it is

are uninhabited. The islands are privately owned and the

dark and cloudy, although there is certainly something to see.

owners are mainly inhabitants of the islands of Murter and

The remnants of the explosion that caused the ship to sink

Sali. The individual plots are separated by stone walls, and

lead to cargo holds filled with ammunition. The missiles were

the mosaic that forms them is one of the most interesting

secured with steel bars and cement bags. The wreck is covered

cultural attractions of the National Park. The chain of islands is

with sponges, multi-coloured bryozoans and polyps of yellow

named after its largest island – Kornati. The name is associated

corals. With a bit of luck, you can find single sea basses and

with the famous phenomenon that of the park – the crown.

lobsters. Diving ends with... a lot of deco diving. This wreck’s

This is what the steep cliffs on the outer side of the island

name… a coincidence? I don't think so 

that run deep into the sea are called. All of this is the result

of extensive geological activity as the African tectonic plate slipped beneath the Eurasian tectonic plate to conquer part of the Earth's surface. The surface of the islands is dominated by karst formations composed of limestone and dolomite, caves, hollows and valleys that are partially underwater. Diving here is pure pleasure! The water seems more crystalline and the marine life is richer! The vertical walls fall to a depth of several dozen meters, and in the rock crevices we had the opportunity to see crawfish, scorpion fish, octopuses and moray eels, which were so numerous here! During one dive we managed to see at least six at the depths of 20–30 m! In the Kornati islands,

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it is hard to get bored underwater. The stunning walls are covered with giant fans of purple and red gorgonians! We will also see the underwater wealth of many varieties of snails, echinoderms and anemones with a huge variety of colours, shapes and sizes. In addition, we have got there crystal clear water as befits a national park! At shallower depths we watched sea cucumbers, octopuses, anemones, swinging crinoids, starfish or bristle worms. What is more, it was during dives in the Kornati National Park that I saw the famous Peter fish! It is a very distinctive fish, strongly flattened with a distinct black eye in the centre of the lateral surface of the body. Legend has it that St. Peter while still being an apostle of Jesus caught this fish on Christ's command to get a gold coin out of its mouth. Before joining Christ, however, he was a blacksmith, so his hands were always dirty and black because he was constantly working with metal. When he caught the fish, two black spots remained on it from his fingerprints. In this way, the fish was called Peter, or the fish of St. Peter. The Adriatic Sea can really surprise you! Days flow like waves. On the penultimate evening we got to a small settlement with a stone pier called Levrnaka. Besides two fantastic dives during the day, we also did a night dive.


– which can change its colour by adjusting to the colour of the surroundings... It is here that I was able to see the conger for the first time in my life! It is a predatory sea eel resembling a moray eel with a different mouth. Its head resembles a dog's snout; it has large, blue-grey, glassy eyes, which we most often see first in the reef crevice where it hides. The goal was achieved, we could go home  The undeniable advantage of a diving safari in Croatia is the opportunity to see different diving regions during the week, as well as evening stays in the marinas. Every afternoon or evening, we moored in a port chosen by the captain, including Vodice, Rogoznica, Vis, Komiža or Primosten, plunging into narrow stone alleys leading between old town buildings. You can feel the magic of summer in the air. We spend every evening walking, admiring local monuments or tasting Croatian delicacies in atmospheric restaurants. This is how we can live! The sunset from the top of Lavrnaki is breath-taking. The landscape reminds me of the National Park Komodo (Indonesia). We are slowly saying goodbye to the crystal waters of the Adriatic Sea. Once again, I found out that diving allows you to release everything that is best in you, and a diving safari shows that Croatia, so known to us all, can be rediscovered. You just have to change your perspective sometimes. "We do not need better technology, better phones anymore. We need more feelings and sunsets."


Life was bustling underwater! Crabs, crawfish, sea urchins, shrimps, cuttlefish

k n ow l e dg e

A travelling diver Part 2


hether you are taking a 23-hour flight to the oth-

Why does this concern travelers? Whether you are travel-

er end of the world or a 23-minute trip to the lake,

ling by car, bus, train, plane or boat, you may be lacking proper

there's a journey of some kind behind each and every dive.

access to drinking water. Travelling by plane is especially de-

That is why safety is crucial aspect of our mission here at

hydrating, as air on planes is very dry.

DAN. This smart guide is a fast and easy tool to help you

What should you do? Prevent dehydration, taking one or

prepare for a diving trip to local and remote destinations.

two bottles of water with you. When travelling, keep an eye out

In the first part of the guide, we discussed issues concerning

on the color of your urine. In properly hydrated people, it is

logistics and documents; today – a few words about health,

light, almost clear. If it is dark, drink something right away. Avoid

flights and equipment.

alcohol and coffee! We recommend still drinks, tepid natural isotonics (e.g. water with honey, lemon juice and a pinch of salt

Health while travelling Most divers are aware that in order to dive safely, you need to keep fit. We also know how to avoid hazards in the water and

or water 1:1 with natural apple juice). If you feel very thirsty, are unable to pee, have dry skin, feel dizzy or disoriented, refrain from diving and seek medical assistance immediately.

learn how to be environmentally neutral – “leave nothing but bubbles, take nothing but memories”. Yet before travelling, you need to consider several other “nice-to-know” factors.

Deep Vein Thrombosis – DVT What is it? DVT happens when clots develop in the deep veins of your body. They usually develop in the legs. This may

Dehydration What is it? happens when the amount of water in the body and other bodily fluids decreases. It can impair our body’s ability to function properly.


lead to life-threatening conditions, like a pulmonary embolus or brain stroke. Why does this concern travelers? Long periods of idleness which hinder normal blood circulation.

What should you do? Whether you drive or fly, remember to

Vector diseases

stand up and straighten your legs from time to time. If you know

What is it? Vector diseases are diseases transmitted by

you are at an increased risk of DVT, wear compression stock-

mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and other insects. Vector-borne diseas-

ings and ask your doctor about taking anticoagulants. Find more

es include tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease (the tick is the

information in the DAN online library and at

vector), malaria, West Nile fever, Dengue fever (the mosquito is the vector).

Foodborne diseases What is it? Foodborne diseases are conditions where food incubates the bacteria, transmits it between humans or from

Why does this concern travelers? These do not concern travelers as such but rather they are endemic to some areas of the world. One should be aware of the threat.

animals to humans or when other toxic substances (as in the

What should you do? Learn whether there is a risk of a vec-

case of poisonous fish) are transferred. In extreme cases, it

tor disease related to your destination and take appropriate

may lead to death or cause life-threatening symptoms.

safety measures that may include vaccination, insect repellents

Why does this concern travelers? According to the CDC,

or avoiding particular behavior or certain places.

diarrhea is the most frequent condition in travelers and may occur in even as many as 50 percent of people travelling abroad. It is often caused by inappropriately processed food or water that had not been purified.

Our advice Check for all endemic diseases and special conditions you may be exposed to, especially if you are planning to travel abroad.

What should you do? Avoid raw or undercooked meat or

These may include different conditions, from malaria to heat-

seafood, raw fruits and vegetables, unpurified water and ice

stroke. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( are

cubes, as well as any dishes you suspect they might have been

a perfect source of comprehensive information on the current

prepared without regard for sanitary conditions.

alerts and common diseases at your destination.

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


Take DAN with you DAN is available for you 24/7, every day, wherever you are. If you need information on emergency medical assistance, visit or dial the medical hotline number provided on your DAN card. In case of an emergency, this is what you should know before you call: • Remember! Give your name and surname • Name and surname of the injured person • Your location • Telephone number to call back • Description of the emergency or accident • Names of prescription medicines taken by the injured person (if possible) • All previous health problems or concerns (if possible) Remember: DAN provides help in case of dive incidents but also travel assistance or support in sudden illnesses not related to diving, including medical evacuation. Flying after diving Our advice

Flying before diving to the destination located close to the sea level entails almost no risk. Flying after diving, howev-

Whether you are travelling locally or abroad, check the avail-

er, increases the decompression burden, as the plane cabin

ability and location of emergency medical services at your desti-

pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure at ground

nation. Adjust your diving plan accordingly and have a realistic

level. During travel, DAN recommends adhering to the fol-

emergency plan for emergencies.

lowing guidelines: Diving equipment As divers, we all know the requirements concerning travelling with diving equipment. Fortunately, regular maintenance

Dive profile

Minimum interval before flight

Single non-decompression dive

12 hours or more

Multiple dives throughout the day

18 hours or more

Several days of diving

18 hours or more

er’s recommendations and to perform annual maintenance.

Dives with mandatory decompression stops

more than 18 hours

Before you travel, check all elements of the equipment for

and carful storage of your equipment may not only make your diving experience safer, but also help you plan your travel. Remember to thoroughly flush and dry your equipment (not in direct sunlight!), to store it according to the manufactur-

proper functioning and after diving make sure you collect all your equipment from the boat or center.


Note that each increase of altitude – even using ground trans-

We hope our advice and guidelines will help improve the

port (e.g. travel through mountains) – increases the decompression

preparations for your diving expeditions even further. Find


more articles, not only on travelling, at

r oo k i e ' s e y e

SAFETY and EMERGENCY sytuations in water Text margita Ślizowska

Photos wiktor zdrojewski

Number one is the surface diver's attendant. It is a person

Even the best swimmers, snorkelers and divers can experience emergencies above and below the water. Therefore,

who knows how to help, in the event of a threat, has access to a first aid kit, and knows how to provide first aid. A person who sits on the shore, observes people swimming or snorkeling and knows the procedures for dealing with a drowning or calling for

it is worth remembering to observe the

help. Remember that the safety of the rescuer is the most im-

safety rules. Even if it takes effort.

portant. This means that if we are going to save a drowning (or panicked) person, we must have equipment that we throw at the drowning person, while remaining at a safe distance from


the person in need. It can be a lifebuoy on a rope or a safety

y guess is that some of you have already thought: "gee,

buoy (swimming, rescue buoy). You can buy such a buoy in any

how boring, talking about safety again, and it was so

good sports store. Another topic every water user should be fa-

nice...". But please think that it is better to learn from someone

miliar with is knowing watermarks. This will allow you to avoid

else's mistakes than to experience later a difficult and some-

the dangers of shipping traffic and read information that is on

times dramatic situation that cannot be reversed. We usually

the surface of the water. We do snorkeling (diving) in a permit-

feel the seriousness of matters related to safety when we wit-

ted place, away from the waterway. A partner is compulsory

ness or participate in an accident. Then the approach to the

in such cases. Before entering the water, we set a snorkeling

matter changes dramatically. Therefore, please – let's do it in

plan (time, direction, communication method, etc.), and while

advance. Let's not wait for an accident. Let's minimize its risk.

on the water we keep an eye on each other and communicate

And let's promote a safe way to spend time on and under water.

if everything is OK. Additionally, the place of snorkeling (diving)

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020



should be marked with a signal buoy, informing that there

ter after drinking alcohol. We also know that we do not enter

are snorkelers (divers) on the surface (or below it).

the water when exhausted. We bathe in permitted and secured

Another important topic is the realistic evaluation of our

places. We don't go far from the shore. Because the waves, the

swimming skills. If we swim with the feeling that we must

whirls, the currents, etc.... We know about it, off course, BUT...

have the ground under our feet – additional sources of buoy-

do we personally practice safe behavior in the water? Unfortu-

ancy are necessary, which of course do not allow us to lose

nately, it is often similar to the commonly practiced "duck dive"

vigilance or to swim far away from the shore. It can be a snor-

into unknown water. Everyone knows that we shouldn't do it,

keling wetsuit, which thanks to its structure ensures low buoy-

and every year there are more and more alarming statistics

ancy. It can be a buoy that has a storage compartment for dry

about drownings after alcohol or permanent spine injuries...

things or a drink, and it can be used as a support if we want to

Water emergencies. A fairly dangerous and frequent water

rest. It is worth attaching a whistle to the buoy, used to sum-

emergency is cramps. Most often we get a cramp in legs, be-

mon help. But if you have any doubts about your swimming

cause when swimming in fins work different groups of muscles

skills – I recommend you to snorkel in a well-fitting and com-

than those we use on a day-to-day basis. What to do then? You

fortable lifejacket. This is by far the safest option. Especially at

must act immediately. Don't wait for the pain to go away. So we

sea. We cool down in water much faster than on land, so after

act. First, we signal the snorkeling partner that we have a prob-

snorkeling (diving), we immediately take off the wetsuit and

lem. The partner immediately appears next to us and gives us

wipe ourselves dry. Let's not forget about the ears, which, like

assistance. We lean on the buoy or partner, grab the fin at the

the sinuses, are extremely sensitive. It is worth having a thin

end of the leg (in which the cramp has occurred) and stretch

hat that will protect them from the wind or excessive cooling.

firmly: first foot, knee, whole leg – until the leg straightens. It

And now an issue that we all know about. There is a lot of

hurts and is very unpleasant. But necessary to get rid of the

said about it and... what? We know that we do not enter the wa-

bothersome pain that can worsen and spread, making it even

rookie ' s eye

more dangerous. Stretch the leg, breathe slowly and calmly. After a while the pain should subside... An even greater risk is panic. We absolutely cannot allow it to happen. If for any reason we feel a growing nervousness – let's act immediately. Immediate action is necessary to ensure that stress or fear does not turn into panic, because in panic one does not act rationally. A panicked man is a threat to our health and life, because they only act instinctively. A panicked person does not pay attention to whether their behavior will harm someone. How to prevent panic? We signal the partner that we need help. We can lie on the water on our back and relax in our own ways. Or we can use the very simple breathing procedure. We focus on breathing as slowly as possible in order to breathe out properly. We focus on counting the seconds of the breath. Breathe in counting to four, breathe out counting to five. We repeat the procedure a few or several times. It often helps to close your eyes and hold your partner's hand. It is especially important to breathe out thoroughly to get rid of the carbon dioxide in the lungs. It is worth training the entire procedure on the surface (to develop a habit) and testing it under various stress conditions. It really works  Finally, familiarize yourself with the basic diving signs so that you can communicate with your surface assistant without using your voice. And you must know the signal of calling for help on the water, which is a wide wave of arms and hitting open palms on the water surface. But the most important thing is to plan everything to avoid any dangers before going snorkeling. And have a great time with our snorkeling partner while enjoying the stunning beauty of the water. I wish you safe snorkeling! advertisement

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


sponsored article

Głębokie Lake near Międzyrzecze


łębokie Lake is one of the most interesting lakes in the Lubusz Lakeland. It is located in

in the neighboring resorts. High standards of recognized diving organizations such as PSAI or SSI guarantee a safe

the northern, landlocked part of the tunnel valley, which

and responsible approach to diving.

runs longitudinally from the village of Rojewo through the

The underwater infrastructure, both the training

villages and settlements of Głębokie, Św. Wojciech, all the

one and the one that is an attractive adventure during

way to Kęszyca. Głębokie lake represents the classic type

summer or winter dives, reaching far beyond the area of

of a closed lake – without any surface inflow or outflow. It

both diving bases, is probably one of the most extensive

is the largest landlocked lake of the Lubusz Lakeland.

and attractive of all natural reservoirs in our country.

This is how you can briefly and encyclopedically describe this

If not all family members got infected with diving, Głębokie

beautiful part of the Lubusz Voivodeship. However, this de-

Lake is the perfect choice. Fishing, a vast beach with plat-

scription does not reflect the tourist and diving values

of this place, nor does it show the magnificent vegeta-

tion covering the varied relief of the lake bottom, nor tells us anything about the wonderful transparency of the water, which attracts dozens of divers every year.

forms, water equipment rentals, a cafe, a restau-

rant and a relatively short distance from Międzyrzecz give them the opportunity to spend their time and prevent boredom. For those who love hiking in the forest or picking mushrooms Głębokie offers a beautiful high forest with

Both beginners and advanced divers will find their

a predominance of deciduous trees, rich in berries

diving Eldorado here. The very well-equipped

and mushrooms, and history lovers will find not

Extreme-Dive Base run by Jacek Mich-

only the old dugout canoe submerged in the

no, located on the eastern shore of the

area 125 ha

lake, but also the Piast castle and museum

lake, offers a place to put up a tent or oth-

2280 m long

in Międzyrzecz, as well as bunkers of the

er accommodation on its own premises or

825 m wide

Międzyrzecki Fortified Region in Pniewo.

max. 25.4 m deep



Organizujemy: Kursy nurkowania Wyjazdy nurkowe

No matter where you travel from, you will surely come across Głębokie without any mistakes. It is enough to leave the S3 road at the Międzyrzecz Północ junction, and then take the municipal asphalt road (former DK3) in the direction of Skwierzyna (roundabout at the Orlen petrol station). After driving about 3 kilometers, we turn left and we are next to Głębokie lake, ready for a dive.

See you soon!

a także: Spływy kajakowe Paintballa Jazdy Quadami Kursy wspinaczkowe Imprezy integracyjne

tel.: +48 693 353 262 e-mail:

planet earth

Crested divers Text and photos wojciech jarosz

Red eyes are a hallmark of great crested grebes, like many other grebes species

Grebes are typically aquatic birds. Their evolutionary bond with the aquatic environment


rebes are a group of nineteen species living in different parts of the world (we have already managed to say

goodbye irrevocably to three species and are on our way to enlarging this group), most often in the vicinity of freshwater

is so strong, that in case of danger they do

reservoirs. In this article, I will focus on the most common great

not fly away, like most of their bird cousins,

crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus), but many of its features are

but simply dive! Below the surface they feel… like a fish in water (using any other term here is simply out of the question!).

common to all grebes. Coming back to diving, the adaptations of these birds to life in and out of the water are truly delightful. Their body structure allows them to move extremely efficiently on the surface of a lake, pond or lagoon, but above all they become truly brisk under the water surface. Grebes are


planet earth

Eating plumages is one of the grebe's habits

birds that use their legs to propel them-

right body temperature, the more that the feathers are real-

selves under water, as do cormorants

ly dense, even resembling fur in some places. All this makes

and loons, rather than wings, which is

grebes perfect divers. From the first moments of their lives

the case with gannets. They do not have

they dive, and with time they gain skill that allows them to

a webbing between the digits, but in-

descend to twenty or even thirty meters. As a rule, they spend

stead have lobe-shaped, scale-covered

several dozen seconds under water, actively looking for food

projections that increase the surface

during this time. The grebe menu includes fish, amphibians,

area. Thanks to this, each finger moves

crustaceans and even insects. With their pointed beak, devoid

separately, which eliminates unneces-

of teeth and projections, skillfully catch rather small fish and

sary resistance. What's more, the legs

only those that cannot escape. Thus, they play the role of a se-

are clearly shifted towards the back of

lection factor, thanks to which fish populations have a chance

the body, which is better for speeding up

to preserve those gene variants in the gene pool that may

in the water, but prevents normal walking on land. Grebes are

translate into better adaptation to environmental conditions.

certainly not walkers – they avoid the land as much as they can.

Concluding the culinary thread, it is worth mentioning an inter-

If they are forced to walk on land, they do so by swaying from

esting custom of grebes, consisting in eating feathers. Parents

side to side and helping themselves to keep their balance by

also give feathers to their chicks. The reasons for this behavior

flapping their wings, and they still experience a hard "touch-

have not been fully explained. The most frequently mentioned

down" with every step (some individuals then give up and try

theory suggests that feathers protect the stomach from the

to crawl in a seal-like manner). Another adaptation to moving

bones of eaten fish, but also help to form pellets, which are

in water is the long neck and streamlined body shape. In addi-

a fairly common way for birds to get rid of undigested remains.

tion, grebes have an efficient uropygial gland and eagerly use

How to recognize a grebe? It is easiest during the breeding

it, lubricating their feathers which, thanks to these treatments,

season, when grebes have characteristic ruffs and crests on

become nonabsorbable. This helps the birds to maintain the

their heads. The presence of this feature has been recorded

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


Grebes are constantly vigilant during a slumber in a shady place, and in case of danger they dive under the water

When males compete for the favor of the opposite sex during the mating season, they often assume such positions to frighten one another

emphasize interest in a partner and build a bond. The most common features in choreography are head-shaking, feather-nibbling, raising crests and ruffles, and even making gifts in the form of a bunch of seaweed (yes, it is not our species that invented giving the opposite sex a bouquet of flowers). All this takes place when the female has already chosen her mate. Earlier, males organize duels consisting of spectacular rearing and running on the water towards each other with raised

How to recognize a grebe? It is easiest during the breeding season, when grebes have characteristic ruffs and crests on their heads. The presence of this feature has been recorded in the names of selected species: the great crested grebe, the horned grebe, and the little grebe.

feathers (especially on the head, of course). All this so that the ladies could assess the qualities of the suitor and choose the only one who will be allowed to hand them over the aforementioned bouquet. After accepting each other, the couple begin building the nest. From a distance it appears to be just a small pile of aquatic plants, but this is only an illusion. Grebes build a sizable nest floating in the water, most of which is under water (sometimes allowing its peculiar anchoring). The nest carries the eggs and the bird brooding them, provides a good camou-


in the names of selected species: the great crested grebe, the

flage in the absence of parents (then the eggs are additionally

horned grebe, and the little grebe. In our part of the world

covered with vegetation) and additionally thermally protects

it is easiest to meet the first of these species. This species is

the comfort of the eggs, which is due to the decay processes

considered the most "dressed up" grebe, because the bunch-

taking place inside the nest. It is a bit similarly to crocodiles,

es of feathers in shades of black and brown that appear be-

but in the case of grebes, their presence in the nest is, how-

fore courtship undeniably add to its charm. Observation of

ever, necessary for the proper development of unhatched

characteristic behaviors will also help identify a grebe. During

chicks. When the young hatch after less than a month, they

courtship, grebes perform a whole range of dance moves to

are almost immediately ready for their first diving attempts.

planet earth

Sexual dimorphism in the Great Crested Grebe is practically non-existent – it is difficult to distinguish between the female and the male

However, they would not do without their parents who look after them until they learn to hunt efficiently and become fully independent. Before this happens, the young take refuge under their parents' wings, literally! The parents of young grebes carry them on their backs, and it happens that they even dive with them. The coloration of young birds is different from mature birds. In addition to the characteristic stripes, young grebes have featherless spots near the head. Bird behavior researchers found that the young use these spots to send signals to their parents. When the spots swell or change color, it is a signal that adolescents want a snack, play or fulfill some other life need. After about 10 weeks, young grebes resemble adults, although they may retain some traces of juvenile coloration. At the end of the season, as it gets colder and colder, the grebes begin to remember what it was like to flap their wings, because most of them will fly south and west where they will spend the cooler part of the year. Seeing a grebe in flight is a real treat, because most often it is possible to see a flying grebe just during migration. During the season they fly reluctantly. They choose diving! Fish are often featured on the grebes' menu

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


planet earth

Photos bartosz pszczółkowski

We've received many signals that after meeting the lumpfish in No. 3(9)2020, you want more. We'd like to make it up to you in our photo essay. Here's the lumpfish, here are lice, here's the party :) Editing team


planet earth

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


planet earth

Baltic sea horses Text agata turowicz-cybula

Photos paweł Vogelsinger

In the shallow waters of Puck Bay (the Baltic Sea), among the sea grass growing in the undersea meadows, there are fish that resemble a blade of grass.



hese are a broadnosed pipefish

the dorsal fin, has no other fin, while the

in the case of seahorses, during spawn-

(Syngnathus typhle) and a straight-

broadnosed pipefish also has tiny pec-

ing the male of broadnosed pipefish

nosed pipefish (Nerophis ophidon),

toral fins and a small caudal fin. Apart

develops a special brood pouch. This

which many refer to as Baltic sea horses

from the shape of the mouth, it is thanks

phenomenon is called male viviparity

because they belong to the Actinopte-

to the presence or absence of a caudal

and is the only known example of male

rygii group, which includes seahorses

fin that the two species can be easily dis-

pregnancy in the animal world to date.

and Syngnathidae.

tinguished from each other. The broad-

Such a method of reproduction means

Carl Linnaeus was the first to describe

nosed pipefish has a narrow, stretched

that the size of the body of the individual

both of these families in the first edition

snout, the length of which is half that of

plays a significant role in reproduction.

of Systema Naturae. Syngnathidae differ

the head. The snout of a straightnosed

According to scientists from the Jagi-

from sea horses in body shape and, un-

pipefish, on the other hand, is shaped

ellonian University, both females and

like seahorses, some species can inhab-

into a tube, strongly flattened lateral-

males prefer larger partners. This is be-

it fresh and brackish waters. Their body

ly, with a length of more than half the

cause females of smaller sizes produce

is very narrow and elongated, and the

length of the head.

a small number of small diameter eggs

color varies from green to dark brown.

The most remarkable, however, is the

compared to larger females. In contrast,

The straightnosed pipefish, apart from

reproduction cycle of these small fish. As

large males can incubate more embryos,


Michelangelo i Donatello komputery do nurkowania / freedivingu. To idealne komputery do sportów podwodnych, dzięki możliwości dezaktywacji funkcji „nurkowanie” , która pozwala wyłączyć niepotrzebne alarmy podczas snorkelingu lub pływania.

Donatello Straightnosed pipefish Source Wikimedia Commons

which results in greater reproductive success. The male of the straightnosed pipefish, however, does not form a brood pouch, but carries spawn glued to the underside of its body. The males of both of these species take care of their eggs until they hatch, which makes them, next to the shorthorn sculpin and lumpfish (described in previous issues), the best Baltic fathers. They are peaceful fish that usually do not run away even from very curious divers. It often happens that they themselves get tangled up in a diver's gloves. They mainly eat small zooplancton. Due to climate change, there are fewer and fewer pipefish in the Baltic Sea. It is related to the disappearance of underwater meadows and the extinction of seagrass (Zostera marina). Therefore, both of these species in Poland were under strict species protection for a long time. However, the condition of their population began to improve and therefore they have been under partial protection since 2014. In addition to the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea, they can be found along the coasts of Europe, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Azov Sea, and also in the Atlantic Ocean. It is best to look for them at shallow depths, above


a sandy bottom, among seagrass or algae growing on underwater structures. +48 58 711 76 85 Kaszubska Droga 13 80-209 Chwaszczyno

c av e s

Christine mine

an enchanted place Text irena kosowska


Photos grzegorz białas



Dortmund Christine Mine

The Christine mine has been tempting us for quite a long time. Shrouded in mystery and inaccessible, with a gloomy feel and wellpreserved equipment dating back to its golden times, yet at the same time luring with perfect visibility and very well-prepared corridors.


he Christine mine is a slate mine located in Willingen,

ing in Christine are absolutely strict about this – in order to dive

Sauerland in Germany, which has been operated for over

there you need to book a date, which is only possible if you

100 years. One can explore its four massive beds, 2 to 20 me-

present the necessary documents – appropriate diving certifi-

ters thick and 350 to 400 million years old. After it was closed

cates issued by recognized diving federations (only certificates

in 1971, the mine’s passages were opened for visitors. One of

from a few international federations are accepted), medical

the interesting aspects of the area is that even today you can

and insurance documents. This place is all about the famous

find churches, houses or walls made of slate originating from

German order and there are no exceptions – any inaccuracies

Christine. In the passages, as well as in the water, the tempera-

will prevent you from diving in Christine.

ture is maintained at a constant low – about 8 degrees – all

When planning a dive in this mine, bear in mind that it is

year around; a visit requires sufficiently warm clothing, while

located at a skiing resort, in the mountains, so you need to take

diving there will surely require a sufficiently warm undersuit

into account altitude differences both during your dive and

and a drysuit!

when going back home through the mountains.

Apart from appropriate clothing, the right equipment will

Yet before you start diving, your first challenge will be to

also be needed for this overhead dive. The staff managing div-

locate the mine entrance – behind some buildings, in a tight

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020




passage, leading through a door that looks like it’s leading into a cellar. This is where the vestibule is located, which offers a place to prepare your equipment. Only a few stairs separate the vestibule from the water surface, leading along sloping

Mine diving is an exciting experience. The flooded labyrinth of passages is

rails, through a flooded corridor to the first chamber of the

over 1.2 km long on the “upper” level –

mine. There is no compressor or any facilities on site – you

reaching a depth of 23 meters, and the

unpack your car directly onto the benches and it’s best to exit

“lower” level – reaching 41 meters.

directly to the car park. Mine diving is an exciting experience. The flooded labyrinth of passages is over 1.2 km long on the “upper” level – reaching a depth of 23 meters, and the “lower” level – reaching 41 me-

tunnel, on the first level, which is vast and broad, with nu-

ters. Passing the corridors meter by meter, you can still find

merous side chambers and an impressive amount of under-

shoes, bottles, tools, minecars, railways and many other rem-

water artifacts. The main corridors are very well-prepared,

nants from the operation and excavation times.

with guidelines stretching along their length – but should you

The mine’s renowned, astonishing visibility begins already after passing the first flooded, rather muddy, steep entrance

choose to stray from the main path and explore the side corridors, you’ll need need to put up your own line.

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


Christine didn’t disappoint us. The lower level uncovered some of its most intricate secrets before our eyes, unraveled by our incredible guide and the author of the photos for this article. It was documented not only in our memories but also in the eye of his camera. While on the upper level, we were shocked by the unbelievable condition of the chambers, tools, artefacts from the days of the mine’s past glory, as well as the very arrangement of corridors, bridges spanning above them, rock formations of the walls and astonishing colors that – together with the crystal clear water – made the mine the leader in our subjective list of the most beautiful places. Many thanks to our guide and photographer for his trust and showing us around this beautiful place that we will certainly visit again.



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c av e s

Kantyna Quarry Text and photos Damian Marcinkowski and Łukasz Kielaszewski



Kantyna Quarry

First day of September. The weather was not good. It was gloomy and rainy, but... the desire to leave and get to know a new place undoubtedly outweighed.


ogether with Łukasz, we decided to go and get to know a completely wild lake and now I can

admit that it is also dark. This former quarry, where granite was mined, is now an abandoned excavation in the hands of nature. Trees grew, rainwater and groundwater



flooded it. Interesting cracking systems can be observed on

as we had to take into account the possibility of encountering

the vertical walls protruding from the water. The longitudinal

a large number of fallen trees and their branches.

slots are often filled with veins of pegmatite, quartz and aplite.

We managed to spend 58 minutes underwater, but we

The quarry is located in the town of Chwałkowo. Access was

did not find sunken cars. Regarding life in the quarry, we en-

deliberately difficult due to previous accidents that took place

countered a few small perches and crayfish. This quarry has

there. We did a reconnaissance and it turned out that you need

its dark charm, which could be felt, but that's our passion!

to walk about 40 meters from the stopping point of our car.

We will definitely come back there with better lighting and in

We cleared the equipment and, dressed, went to one of the

better weather

two possible, safe walks to the water surface. Now is the time to explore the underwater world. After submerging the dive, visibility to a depth of 4 m was poor 3 m, and below 4 m visibility fell to a meter. I think the weather contributed to it, for our safety we decided to sail around the whole area, sticking to rock ledges at different depths. After passing the thermocline at 4 meters, we found it dark and cold, the water was about 8 degrees. We descended to a maximum depth of 17 meters. Reportedly, according to the internet, the maximum depth is 32 meters, but it was not possible to verify this. Due to the lack of good lighting, we did not go deeper,

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


planet earth

AÂ fish worth more than gold

Text laura kazimierska Photos karolina sztaba


planet earth

Due to the fact that I spend most of my time underwater in the company of these beautiful creatures and I am fascinated by the underwater world of the ocean, I delayed my visit to the infamous market as long as I could. After 7 years of living on Gili Air and Trawangan islands, it was finally time to face the fear and get to know the dark side of paradisal Indonesia, which is known to most, but few want to remember it on their dream vacation. An additional motivation was the cooperation with the organization The Dorsal Effect, which aims to provide an alternative lifestyle for fishermen from the Tanjung area. We woke up before sunrise, accompanied by the morning prayer coming from the mosque. In half-asleep, together with Karol (a photographer known under the pseudonym Karolatakesphotos), we got ourselves into a motorboat to get to Lombok. The driver was already waiting for us there. The goal was to reach the market at the same time as the fishermen returning from their catch. Three hours by car amidst the picturesque landscape of Lombok full of green coconut trees (seen from behind the car window) and we were there. Many warned us about the musty smell of fish decaying in the hot sun. However, in reality the stench exceeded all my expectations. The odour of the market could be felt long before entering the parking lot, so our driver did not even have to say that we were almost there. I covered my face with a handkerchief to prevent the irritating scent from going straight to my

Tanjung Luar fish market, Lombok. It sounds

nose, but it was impossible to escape the stench. At first glance, Tanjung Luar fish market looks like an or-

exotic and encouraging, and for someone

dinary bazaar. Women sell fruit, vegetables and the so-called

who loves seafood, it might seem like a great

"catch of the day" of mackerel, octopus, squid and other small-

highlight of a trip. An hour away from the

er fish. Due to my passion for diving, I prefer to see fish alive

popular tourist destination of Kuta Lombok, it seems like a unique attraction as well as a great place to have a local lunch.

than dead, so I have long since dropped all fish products from my diet. Even at the sight of a dead octopus, being aware of its intelligence and camouflage abilities, I feel my heart breaks and tears flow into my eyes. As you walk towards the larger market hall, it's hard not to


admire the sight of colorful fishing boats, families living off the

ut is it worth it? What's the truth behind the tempting tour-

sea for generations, and the sun's rays reflecting from the bay.

ist attraction?

However, I was quickly brought to the ground by the sight of

Tanjung Luar is a small town whose inhabitants for gen-

dozens of sharks lying just like that, on a concrete platform,

erations have lived off fishing. The bay is a starting point for

waiting for the most precious part of their body – their fins –

a trip to the picturesque Pink Beach, as well as a base for

to be cut.

divers, those with cylinders and those with only basic ABC equipment. I, as well as most of the Gilis dive instructors, know this

Suddenly it dawned on me that right here, in front of my eyes, I have a defiled, disrespectfully treated, innocent and extraordinary specimen of the evolution of nature.

place from the darker side. The Tanjung Luar Fish Market

Developed young sharks poured out of their ripped bel-

is one of Indonesia's biggest selling and exporting points of

lies. ALIVE!!! In the future, they would bring in several hundred

sharks, rays and other great and endangered species.

thousand dollars from diving tourism in Indonesia. Today they

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


will end up in the gutter or as food for stray dogs. A shark is not as black as it is painted... Various species of sharks die at the hand of man before we can study them and understand their enormous value for our ecosystem. Hammerhead sharks, Common threshers, Wobbegongs, Black and Whitetip Sharks and many others, often given to traders for less than $ 100. Later they end up on tables in restaurants for tourists. A shark. Many of us tremble with fear at the mere thought. Negative marketing, including films such as ‘Jaws’, ‘Meg’ and ‘Shark Invasion’, as well as many others, equally idiotic productions, contributed to this. Polish

are a perfect example of the evolutionary precision, harmony

names (Blacktip Shark, Blue Shark) of these majestic kings of

and beauty of nature. Despite their surprising intelligence and

blue, also do not evoke sympathy and bring rather negative

domination, they are not able to protect themselves from hu-

associations. However, it is worth realizing that more people

mans. They often accidentally fall prey to commercial fishing,

die from toasters, falling coconuts or car accidents than from

and entangled in fishing nets they end their distant sea esca-

shark attacks. But nobody panics when they see a coconut

pades. Over the past several decades, we have managed to

palm tree or a toast with cheese for breakfast.

annihilate almost 90% of the shark population, and the catch

Sharks appeared on our planet even before the dinosaurs.


is still going on.

There are over 1,000 species of sharks and rays in the ocean.

This is not just a Third World countries' problem. Spain and

From tiny hand-sized ones to floating giants. Some of them,

the UK continue to contribute to the export of fins and shark

such as the Great White Shark, are also leading predators, con-

products. You can often find them in the cult "fish'n'chips",

tributing to the balance of the ecosystem. We can meet them

fish oil, heavily advertised by pharmaceutical companies in

at the depths ranging from 5 to several thousand meters. They

Poland, and many other products. However, the greatest in-

planet earth

fusion has healing powers. It prevents cancer, is a source of sexual potency and restores the so-called Qi energy (the body's balance). However, this is in no way supported by scientific knowledge, but rather by beliefs. Given the enormous mercury content of shark meat, it is hard to believe that it has any therapeutic value. Quite the contrary. Even so, it is still a symbol of wealth and prestige, often served at banquets and weddings to show class superiority. Since the 1980s, the development of the economy in China and its economic importance have stimulated the appetite of the new rich for the cult delicacy. The result is an enormous demand for the product, leading to the death of up to 100 million sharks per year. The question is whether it is worth it? Answer for yourself. The fisherman has to catch something When I look at the fishermen in Tanjung Luar, I get angry, infuriated, frustrated and impotent. The annihilated species for which I would donate my fortune to admire them while diving, are rotting trivially in the hot, tropical, Indonesian sun. Having been divers for years, Karol and I are able to say out loud that it is more and more difficult to meet these wonderful animals in their natural environment. We are here at the market to witness how fin after fin is torn out without much effort with a sharpened machete. Day after day the same ritual. If you have a camera, fishermen are eager to pose for photos, smiling, not realizing that they are contributing to a global ecosystem collapse. Lack of education and any alternative and come comes from exporting the product to China, Hong Kong and Japan.

tempting earnings prompt them to go fishing much further. Most of them do not understand why their catch is less than

And this is only so that they are an addition to soup, which

that of a few years ago, and the caught specimens are getting

does not even add flavor, but is rather only decoration and

smaller. When you ask "What will they do when the sharks fi-

a manifestation of prosperity and affiliation to a privileged class.

nally run out?" They laugh in the eyes and say: "Sharks will never run out, because they have been in the waters forever, and

So much noise about soup

always will be". That's their vision. Oh how wrong they are!!!

Shark fin infusion was first mentioned in China in the 10th century, during the Song Dynasty. It has become a symbol of wealth, status, hospitality and all prosperity. Available only to the chosen and richest members of the community, it quickly became a symbol of class superiority. Between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries, with the increase in wealth, it gained in popularity and at the same time became much more accessible. Since the 17th century, the demand for this unique delicacy has been growing steadily with the rapid population growth. With China's 60 million inhabitants during the Sang Dynasty compared to 1.4 billion today, shark fishing to get this regional specialty has become a serious environmental threat. The broth-like soup is made with chicken or pork, and the valuable fin is only for decoration. Many believe that the in-

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ever, we need to understand that the profit they get is only a tiny part of the value of the commodity that smart traders buy and sell. Currently, the value of a dead shark on Tanjung Luar ranges from $ 70 to $ 100. The profit is distributed among the fishing families who have no other job alternative. Sometimes the only thing fishermen get in return is one or two pieces of fish to provide them with food. Importers, on the other hand, estimate the value of the fins in the range of $ 400 per kilogram, not to mention that for whale shark fins or the Basking shark fins, the price can even reach $ 10,000 or $ 20,000 apiece. Simple fishermen don't realize that the same ALIVE shark would make more profit than a dead shark. Divers from all over the world come to Indonesia to admire these majestic specimens of nature and leave a huge amount of money for the state budget. However, this has no bearing on the lives of families like those of Tanjung Luar. The government is doing nothing to support them financially or to create a substitute kind of income. Hope is in us!!! Our captain and guide was a fisherman from Tanjung Luar. Today he is looking for blacktip reef sharks for us. His smile and excitement reach its zenith as he pulls our hand with all his strength to make us swim faster because he notices three young sharks on the reef nearby. It's hard to believe that someone so delighted to see them now, in the past stood in the same hangar with a machete in hand, ready to dismember and desecrate these wonderful and at the same time severely endangered species. The Dorsal Effect, with whom we went on an educational trip, Project Hiu, Divemastergilis and many other non-governmental organizations operate in Indonesia and take the initiative to transform fishing boats into eco-tourist boats, giving fishermen Indonesia has an extremely diverse underwater ecosystem

and their families funds for a new type of income. This is one

and is at the forefront of the world when it comes to diving

way to protect our precious species from extinction. Many of

conditions. There is a huge number of species of fish, aquatic

them are eager to swap their fishing nets, fins, mask and tube

mammals, turtles and all kinds of other underwater creatures.

to offer snorkeling and excursions to the lovely Pink Beach.

To understand the economic situation, we must pay attention

Those who succeeded greatly appreciate this kind of income

to its geographical location. More than 17,000 islands make up

and say that they will never come back to fishing for sharks,

this wonderful and so religiously and morally diverse country

because they finally have time for their family and the profits

of Southeast Asia. Many coastal communities have lived off

are better. The lucky ones are still few.

fishing for generations. Even though the demand for fins in

The Indonesian government is slowly (very slowly) begin-

Indonesia only started in the 1980s (with China's economic

ning to see the true value hidden beneath the blue of the water

growth) it has quickly made Indonesia one of the largest ex-

surrounding every bit of land. Meanwhile, the only protected

porters of shark products in the world.

shark species is the Whale Shark. The introduction of new rules

It is easy for us to blame the fishermen that if they did not go to sea, the sharks would not be in danger either. How-


and policies for the protection of endangered species in the country and in the world must take place much faster.

planet earth

I am concerned about the current situation. I even have a dream, I go under the water and there is Nothing, no sharks,

no rays, NOTHING! As a result, we will soon be gone too, but maybe that would be better... I have been teaching diving in Indonesia for years and more and more often I notice environmental degradation for short term gain. Fishing boats with their huge nets appear on protected coral reefs and diving sites. More than once I had to cut fish, corals and myself from ropes and nets carelessly left at the bottom of the sea. I keep asking myself if anyone will notice that we've just caught the last shark in the world? Why is financial profit more important than the millions of species that had lived in harmony with nature before we appeared? People, intelligent, thinking, sensitive, emotional… supposedly. Is it worth visiting places like Tanjung? Absolutely! But visit them consciously. Sometimes you have to experience a shock and see with your own eyes a tragedy that you read about in newspapers or see in movies. It provokes reflection and action. Each of us can give something back by supporting organizations such as The Dorsal Effect or other local initiatives, and on your dream vacation, check what is really hidden behind a tempting tourist attraction. Taking people underwater and showing how wonderfully diverse and fascinating the world below is is my contribution to protecting our planet. The more people see that the ocean is not just a flat, blue surface, but a vibrant, hidden cosmos and an amazing ecosystem, the more people will appreciate it and therefore protect it.

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020


planet earth


For the th time, Our Earth Foundation cleaned Poland... on land and under water On September 18, 19 and 20, 2020, that is traditionally

Saturday of September 2020 to be SATURDAY FOR EARTH.

on the third weekend of September, the Our Earth Foun-

We cleaned up the beautiful Lasek Pilczycki in Wrocław. Among

dation set off on field campaigns to Warsaw, Wrocław and

the Friends of the Our Earth Foundation: the Vice-President of

Poznań, not only to clean, but also for the 27th time to

Wrocław, Adam Zawada, the EKO UNIA Association, the Akcja

coordinate the largest ecological action Cleaning the world

Miasto Association, residents of Pilczyce and Maślice districts

– Poland. Our Earth Foundation team collected over a ton

and employees with families representing Kaufland, we col-

(1025 kg) of waste during the final field actions.

lected over 440 kg of rubbish.

Ambassador's march

Underwater garbage

On September 18, on the first day of the finals, under the

On the third day of the final, we dived in the beautiful Lake

leadership of HE Ambassador of Australia, Mr. Lloyd Brodrick,

Strzeszyńskie in Poznań. Together with 20 divers invited by

together with representatives of 23 Embassies, we cleaned the

the Perfect Diver Magazine, we took out 65 kg of rubbish

banks of the Vistula River. Our field action resulted in over

in less than an hour, with very limited visibility. Shoes,

half a ton (525 kg) of rubbish. With this symbolic gesture, we

sunglasses, beach accessories accompanied traditional waste

announced that the matter of Mother Earth is an international

such as glass and plastic bottles or a car tire. There was also no

matter and there is something to be concerned about. Glass

shortage of intentional waste, such as concreted plastic pots,

and plastic bottles, disposable grills and chips packaging dom-

which are a carefree human action. You can see underwater

inate the banks of the capital's river. Volunteers even fished

debris is no different from land debris.

out a sunken scooter. Our Land volunteers Saturday For Earth


Friday is also the day when schools all over Poland set off on

On the second day of the final, we encouraged Poles to

their field campaigns. As at the end of 27 editions of the Cam-

clean up their piece of Poland. This year we invited the third

paign, 1,534 local group coordinators were registered. They are

planet earth

usually teachers, but also heads of hobby and neighborhood groups. Due to the pandemic, schools could also choose, in accordance with the restrictions and internal regulations related to the Covid-19 pandemic: either a field action or an educational project prepared by the methodological team of the Our Earth Foundation. We are waiting for the Coordinators' reports from field actions carried out in Poland until the end of September and then we will know the results of the entire Action. The slogan of this year's Action: Plastik? I resign. I reduce. I segregate. The graphic was close with the excellent poster by Andrzej Pągowski, who has been supporting the Our Earth Foundation for 25 years as an ambassador and donor. We hope that the slogan of 27 Actions will inspire Poles to change in everyday life, and when going on a trip, vacation, picnic or for a walk, we will take back with us and properly dispose of all

More information:

used and unnecessary waste: from a drink bottle to disposable wipes. Because in parks, forests and beaches, we should take

Beata Butwicka,

a break from nature and not kill it with our waste.

Chairman of the Board, Our Earth Foundation

Our Earth Foundation is a non-governmental organization that has

rated with the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta and a Man of

been operating continuously since 1994. The foundation was estab-

Polish Ecology, but also the Patron of the Primary School in Żdżary. The Our

lished by Mira Stanisławska-Meysztowicz. From the very beginning, the

Earth Foundation, which she founded, can boast many prestigious awards,

Foundation has been coordinating the largest, ecological Action, Clean

such as the Golden Leaf of the Minister of the Environment, the European

Up the World – Poland. To this day, it is a flagship point in the Foun-

Award of the Ford Foundation or the Flag of the Republic of Poland. In the

dation's daily work for the protection of the natural environment. The

year of the 25th anniversary of the Our Earth Foundation, she received the

founder of the Foundation and the initiator of the Action Cleaning the

Ekolaur of the Polish Chamber of Ecology 2019 for all activities for the pro-

World-Poland is, inter alia, a laureate of the Order of the Smile, deco-

tection of the natural environment.

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020



& curiosities ACADEMY

Get it on with underwater cutting Text Wojciech A. Filip

Photo Bartłomiej Trzciński


efore you start grinning, let’s take a look at the history of

Did you ever wonder why a diver needs a knife? You must have several ideas. 30 cm long, with a blade covered with sharp, saw-like teeth at one end and a steel “hammer” at the hilt’s end? The knife rests in a sturdy rubber sheath that may be attached in the calf area.

diving, which will somewhat change your perception of this

large piece of diving equipment. Once upon a time, a diving knife had several purposes: • during underwater searches it was used as a small “shovel” for testing the bottom; • the toothed side was used for cutting strings and cords of large nets; • the hilt with a steel head was useful for opening air tank reserve valves; • it was used as a small axe to prepare wood for a bonfire.


tips & curiosities


Sounds somewhat exotic? Several decades ago, divers often went for multi-day trips, diving camps and underwater searches. It was always an Adventure. Everybody knows that adventures are very often somewhat dangerous  For a good many years, brave men guarded their camps with various weapons, and being a diver meant that you were silently allowed to carry a really large knife  Grinning yet ? Then you are in for a surprise: today, almost every traveler and many people leading a sedentary lifestyle use EDC knives*. Even though I only ever used my old trusty knife to whittle a stick to roast sausages in the fire, I was always prepared to fight underwater monsters – perhaps they all have given me Photo Bartłomiej Trzciński

a wide berth when they saw my knife and that is why I never fought in a blood-curdling duel that seems to be bread and butter for protagonists in books and movies ?

Now, it’s time for a test 

But wait a moment – a diver is at risk of getting tangled

Prepare a diving knife and one meter of a fishing line.

in a fishing line or a net – and what are they supposed to

Catch the fishing line in one hand and try to cut is with the

do then?

other, using your knife. Do not give up too quickly.

*EDC knife – a knife for everyday use, not only for travelling (EDC = every-

A fishing line hanging loosely is almost impossible to cut! Even

day carry)

a true samurai would have serious problems with it. “Yes, but underwater it is another matter!”

This article will tell you what you can cut underwater and

You are right of course. Now, it is time for a water test.

how to do it. We will touch upon safety, various cutting

It would be best to conduct it in a perfectly controlled environ-

tools and how to tell when cutting is really necessary.

ment. You can do it in a basin, a bathtub, a swimming pool or


shallow lake water. It turns out that water density doesn’t make a difference

Let’s start from the most important topic.

– a fishing line is hard to cut anyway.

When may a diver need to use a knife?

Be creative – the diving equipment market offers many cut-

Many of you may have heard about divers that got tangled in

ting tools.

a net or a fishing line.

Cutters or an easycut will increase your chances, but it still will

Could a knife be useful in such a situation?

be less than ideal.

It could, but you should be aware that using a knife may also really worsen the situation of a diver entangled in these obstacles. Why? Cutting yourself out should be enough to get unstuck.

Photo Bartłomiej Trzciński

Well, it's actually all about this “cutting”. To cut a single fishing line that we can clearly see, we need to catch it and stretch it, take out a cutting tool and find the fishing line with it. It often turns out that the device is more suited to cutting ropes, and it is not as good at cutting fishing lines... You will surely say “It isn’t so – I can cut any fishing line with my special forces titanium knife”.

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Now, it’s time to test your imagination.

that is holding them. They try to cut it. The knife gets stuck on

You will need a comfortable chair and possibly Internet access.

something and falls out of their hand. The diver is prepared for

Imagine a diver diving in the Baltic Sea and exploring an inter-

that eventuality, as you need to have several cutting tools in the

esting wreck (if you are having trouble at this point, try to find

Baltic Sea. They pull out another tool that is attached to their

some pictures on the Internet).

forearm – special anvil cutters, efficient at cutting fishing lines.

The diver has their entire equipment and uses a drysuit that

They reach above their head, which is not easy because the dry-

protects them from the cold. They dive at 25 meters, which

suit restricts their movement. The diver does not give up – they

is not very deep, but it is getting rather dark and the visibility

cut behind their back with the cutters, not sure what they are

is “good for a Baltic Sea”, which means around 3–4 meters.

cutting. Even if they reach a line that is holding them back, they

The diver moves carefully, as they do not want to disturb the

have no way of telling. Now, their breathing gets rapid, they

all-pervading sediment and further restrict visibility. They turn

do not have the time to control buoyancy, so they start to sink

around for a moment to see their partner. The partner is a little

to the bottom. Something stops them – fishing lines. They tug

above them. They try to go back to exploring the wreck, but...

with the hand holding the cutters, as it got stuck. When turning

something grabs them from behind. It feels as though some-

around, the strap of their mask gets hooked on a fishing line

one tied a rubber line to some part of their equipment...

and the mask quickly fills up with water. The diver than decided to inflate their jacket/wing, as they are highly buoyant. They

PAUSE – pause for a moment and take a good look at the diver.

manage to reach the inflator, presses it, start to ascend and...

Their tank valve got caught on a single fishing line – a sim-

get stuck after two meters. It gets more and more difficult to

ple matter!

breathe and the mask is entirely filled with cold water.

To unhook it they need to stay still and wait for their partner, who can pull the line from the valve handwheel with one finger.

STOP – turn off your imagination.

Then they may continue their exploration.

Time for some facts.

PLAY – see what the diver does instead.

You won't be able to cut through the net holding you on

They do not stay still and signal that they have a problem. They

your own.

try to see what grabbed them and start to turn around. They get

It will inevitably lead to getting even more entangled, which

caught on another fishing line. They try to tug free. Visibility is

will prevent even a well-trained technical diver from reaching

decreasing and the they start breathing faster. The diver pulls

the surface.

out their knife and tries to reach above their head to the thing

Each year, there are news about fatal solo diving accidents due

Photo Marcello di Francesco

to entanglement. Let’s think about the line cutting test for a moment and consider the matter carefully. You surely came to the following conclusions: 1. Cutting a single fishing line is difficult even in a perfectly controlled environment. 2. Cutting a single fishing line is much more difficult when it is placed behind your back. 3. Underwater, a diver usually gets a part of their equipment on their back caught on a single fishing line. 4. An attempt to cut through it on your own may lead to an accident with serious consequences.


tips & curiosities


What you can do in case you get entangled then? How to

something when swimming forward, try to move back-

deal with it? What can be used to cut it?

wards very slowly;

You may have realized that entanglement is not the root of

• if your attempt is unsuccessful, signal a problem to your

the problem. It all starts with getting caught on something and

partner with the “Attention” sign, i.e. slowly moving your

only then you get entangled in lines or a net, when you try to

light, stay still and breathe very calmly;

turn around or cut.

• your partner should approach you carefully and assess

Procedures applied by wreck divers that explore wrecks with

• they detach the fishing line/net, and cuts it if required*,

the situation, trying to identify the entanglement point; abundant nets.

moving really slowly the whole time to avoid getting entangled themselves;

Prior to your dive, collect the following information:

• continue diving.

1. What are the conditions on the wreck • visibility;

*if a fishing line needs to be cut, it is much safer if done by your partner than

• net type;

by yourself. Your partner can see what they are cutting, can use both hands

• current;

and the fishing line is usually a little stretched.

• thermocline/mixing of fresh and salt water (or other phenomena that may reduce visibility). 2. Teamwork

Let’s wrap up this section: The best way to cut through an obstacle is to ask your

• never dive with a random person;

diving partner to do it.

• move slowly;

In 9 out of 10 cases, they will not even need any tool to help

• if you get caught on something, stay still and maintain

you free yourself from entanglement, or more precisely – get-

neutral buoyancy; • make one careful attempt at breaking free, by retracing your last step, e.g. if you fell that you got caught on

ting snagged. However, they should have an easily removable tool that can easily cut what is needed, should the need arise. Photo Wojciech A. Filip



Where to attach your cutting tool?

You surely noticed than we use various kitchen knives?

We cut using our hands, which is why the tool should be at-

They differ not only in form and size according to their func-

tached in a place that can be easily reached without making

tion, but also in color and decorative elements. Cooking enthu-

wide movements (and risking entanglement).

siast usually have their favorite knife. Why?

It seems that the optimal location is in the front, from the

This one cuts better, dulls less, fits well in their hand or they

waist up.

just like it better – they can slice tons of soft tomatoes with

It certainly should not be attached to your leg !

it* 

Secondly, you need to consider the way of pulling out the tool

A diving knife should be your favorite knife. Don’t buy it online,

in preparation for cutting.

because it may not fit in your hand at all. You need to touch

Both the place of attachment and the manner of securing our

it, put on a diving glove and ensure that you can use the knife

tool should fulfill two conditions:

effectively. Find a good diving store and go there to “try it on”.

1. ensure easy removal;

No one can stop your from buying your dream knife , but it

2. making the tool hard to lose when not in use.

may be a good idea to also buy a knife that will work well when

Small cutting tools may be attached to forearms or har-

underwater. If this is not the same knife, well the good news

ness straps.

is – you will have two knives from the start 

It is a good idea to make sure that attaching the device to the

As with any other part of your equipment, you need to verify

computer strap, for example, will not cause the strap to be cut,

a cutting tool yourself.

while you pull out/sheath the tool.

Just because your instructor uses a Jedi sword, it does not

Where do experienced divers attach their tools?

mean you have to use it as well!

More on this in the training section.

Why!? It’s simple: your Jedi Knight certification is still pending 

Which tool is the best?

Photo Bartłomiej Trzciński


tips & curiosities


On a serious note: listen to advice, but do not buy impul-

It may be a platform: your partner holds a piece of a line

sively – check if the selected knife is truly the one you

(the same as on your spool) and you get in front of them.

need. If your instructor’s knife were always the best, every

Then, try to imagine where would you like to have your cutting

diver would use the same knife 

tool attached so it is easily removable. Repeat the movement a few times.

*test your knives in the kitchen – a soft tomato test should do it. Place a to-

Now, pull out a tool from the place that you chose while being

mato on a chopping board (the tomato must be soft). Use the knife to try to

on the surface and consider, whether it is comfortable (if not,

slice as thin a slice as possible without putting a lot of pressure – check also

find a better place while underwater).

kitchen knives and replace or sharpen them 

Pull it out carefully, especially if your knife has a very sharp tip – you may easily puncture a glove or your drysuit.


The tool should be easily removable – without having to tug

Just having a cutting tool does not mean that you know how

and search for it.

to use it.

When you determine the most convenient location, practice

Have you ever heard of practicing cutting underwater?

pulling it out and putting it back many times every time when

Slim chance. But you have surely heard that you need as many

diving. This way you will build muscle memory.

as three cutting tools when diving in the Baltic Sea! It’s sort of like carrying around language books with yourself so they can

The next step is cutting a thin fishing line. With your partner,

help you speak, for example, in Japanese, if needed 

prepare several pieces of fishing line with ends tied to sticks.

Does no one practice underwater cutting techniques?

That way, it will be easier to hold them during your tests and

They do. For example, GHOST DIVING, a group of divers that

practice exercises. Pull out your cutting tool smoothly and try

dive close to abandoned nets and specialize in recovering

to cut a fishing line held by your partner. Do it gently so as


to check the effectiveness of a tool. It does not matter, if you

Cutting nets that are to be recovered is a hard task, which re-

use a knife, cutters or another tool – it should cut through

quires a lot of experience and the appropriate tools. Surprising-

the line easily.

ly, the knives used by Ghost Diving members resemble those

Be ready to face that your tool may not meet your expecta-

30-cm-long ones mentioned at the beginning of the article.

tions. In such a case, you will absolutely need to replace it for

Ghost Diving groups that rid the underwater world of abandoned nets function in many countries – see for yourself whether there is such a group in your area and get to together to train. You don’t know how to find them? See here: https://www. Apart from this, practice with your partner. How to do it (where do the experienced divers attach their cutting tools)? Start from practicing in the most comfortable conditions available.

Photo Bartłomiej Trzciński

perfectdiver No. 5(11)/2020



Photo Mariusz Czajka

one that may be used effectively and help you in a danger-

• Learn communication with light and always dive with your flashlight on.

ous situation.

• Find out how to use the breathing resistance adjustment Finally, some other useful information for you – in no particular

wheel on your regulator to limit gas consumption – if you


get entangled in a net, all that matters is that you have

• Cutting tools often get lost, both underwater and on the

sufficient gas to last until your partner helps you.

surface, so you need to think through how much you want

• Underwater cutting is not always a way to solve problems

to spend on your knife. It will be easier if you assume that

sometimes, you will need to mark something with a line,

it will get lost at some point 

which will have to be cut or tied for that purpose (ask your

• You will not cut anything underwater if your position is not

instructor how to do it). It is a good idea for a practice

stable – the most important skill to practice when diving in

exercise that will involve several matters discussed in

places, where you can encounter fishing lines and nets, is

this article.

buoyancy control. • Three pieces of equipment that most often got hooked on a line or net are:

Are you interested in safety when cutting tools have to

ÌÌ tank valve,

be used?

ÌÌ manometer,

Would you like to make sure that your configuration is

ÌÌ fin strap.

safe for wreck diving?

• If you want to dive wrecks, find a good instructor with ex-

...or perhaps you would like to try out various cutting

tensive wreck-diving experience and, first and foremost,

tools ?

learn as much as possible about the configuration you will

Tecline Academy is here to help – contact us, bring your

need for such activities.

diving friends along, visit us and learn about safe diving!

Tecline Academy:




Worldwide 24/7 Emergency Assistance

Exclusive access to Diving Insurance Plans

Medical Advice & Specialist Referrals


Participation in Diving Medical Research Programs

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