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Journey of Faith (2) - Khorn Sophut

By: Khorn Sophut (Permai Cambodia Church)

Hi. My name is Khorn Sophut. I’m 18 years old. I’m the second son among 5 children.


I left my family when I was 11 years old to study in a church in Phnom Penh and I accepted Jesus during my stay in that church. My hometown is about 160 km from Phnom Penh.

After that, I went on to study in Oddar Meanchey Province in early 2016. I stayed in Permai Cambodia Church. While I was there, God really worked in my life. He always protected me and provided for all my needs. Sometimes, when I sought Him in prayer, He immediately answered me. Sometimes, God worked in me through the people around me.

In my journey of faith, sometimes I feel far away from God - when I am lazy to read the Bible due to my hectic daily schedule. I realise that when I don’t have a right relationship with God, no matter how hard I try to treat people around me well, they cannot accept my attitude. This made me realise that when I don’t have a right relationship with God, I also fail to have a right relationship with other people and my own self.

When I really put my trust in God, I never think about what to gain or lose. For I believe in God and acknowledge that He is a true God. He saves me from my sin. He never allows me to perish in hell.

Khorn Sophut , a member of Permai Cambodia Church.

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