Portfolio Petr Skala

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Petr Skala Por olio



Curriculum vitae .

Personal information Name: ing.arch. Petr Skala Adress:

Fritzova 893 ; Trutnov 541 01 ; ​ Czech rep.








Skills and interests:

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Erasmus study fellowship University of Split ;Faculty of Civil engineering, Architecture and Geodesy subject: Architecture and urbanism – master degree october.2014-july.2015 ČVUT FAKULTA STAVEBNÍ (CTU Faculty of Civil Engineering) subject: Architecture and Civil Engineering - bachelor and master degree (Bc.+Ing.arch) september.2010-june.2014+ september.2014-june.2016

Other interest:

ČVUT FAKULTA ARCHITEKTURY (CTU Faculty of Architecture) subject: Architecture and Urbanism - bachelor degree (Bc.) september.2008-březen.2010

Competitions and workshops

Santiniho jazyk

- parametric workshop 2017

Stavby s vůní dřeva 2014

- competition 2014

NASA 3-D Printed Habitat Challenge

- competition 2015

Coop himmelblau – Wien

- transportation workshop 2014

Watchtower workshop 2016

- workshop 2016

Czech (native) English (B2) German (A2) Rhinoceros Grasshopper (Karamba+Ladybug+Kangaroo..) C# Archicad MicroStatinon PowerDraft Autocad Revit, Dynamo Arion (Rhino live) Adobe Photoshop Excel and Word

Traveling (​Most of Europe and South Asia​)

Driving licence B


Working experiences Europrojekt, spol. s r. o. Leader​: ing. arch. Jan Abt Position: architect Workload:

. (3-8. 2010)+(9.2016-now)

creating project documentations (industry halls, shopping malls, etc.)… coordination of multi-discipline design team 20 specialists handover project documentation presentation to client and construction site GEMBA walk visualisations building site survey architectural concept

Architecture studio Kubíček Leader​: ing.arch. Břetislav Kubíček Position: architectural intern Workload:


Architecture design Coordination of multi-discipline team Energetic sustainability design of buildings Parametric structural analysis Robotics in architecture Architectural models Photography

skiing, climbing, cycling, hiking…

. .


(7-8. 2013) + (7-8.2014)

architectural studies visualisation on-site work​(​ mainly surveying and controlling accordance of hotel projects​) creating project documentation​(​ hotels​, ski resort ect.​ ), …

Thanks for reading.


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