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T ask: The dev elopment of coastal z one planning in Podstrana

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Conclusion: Podstrana is beutiful place whit big develop potential in turism. To full ll potential it´s need to be solve comlicated spatial problems, carefully pick place for services and protect area agains enviromental treaths.

T his m aps s how s the heightr ela on in the s tated loc a on .

C on c us ion : T his m ap s how s the s pa alter rain heights d is tribu on in d ic a n g w her e ar e the s pots s uitable for beac hes an d w her e n ot.Steeper ter rain is har d er to ad optfor havin g s table beac h s lope, an d ther efor e s om e ad d i on alc on s truc on s have to be m ad e.In the ar eas s lightly pr otec ted fr om the m ain w ave d ir ec on by the c oas talgeom etry, s om e y ac htor atleas tloc alm ar in e c an be plan n ed .

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D etail: H ere you cansee the detail how to seg reg ate the area for dierent uses. This is very im portant because ofthe narrow character ofthis wonderfulplace ofPodstrana.

Private occupied area houses, hotels and g ardens

Very im portant part is to separate the bik e track s from car roads, because these reg ion ofC roa ancoast is not enoug h bik e friendly. This k ind ofvery long con nuous coastalzone with rela vely m ild heig hts presents g ood poten alfor developing bik e tourism , where planned bik e track s m ig ht also be used for dierent inline sports. This would also induce the usag e ofenvironm ent friendly usa transporta onreducing the em issionlevels and park ing spaces problem .

Design of waterbreak p r o ble m w hit a lo t o fw a te r br e a k istha t the y a r e just e m p ty sp a ce . T hisisp o sible so lu o n ho w gr o w a r e a f o r p e o p le w hich like e nyo u le isur e a r o und se a in thisna r r o w p la ce . M a te r ia ls: qua r r y sto ne -ba sic co nstr uc o n co ncr e a te -w a lka ble sur f a ce a nd stra ir s ja to ba o r te r m o -m o d iďŹ e d w o o d -f o r lo unge r ; tho se w o o d sha sbig r e siste nce

sca le 1:100

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