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It’s time to stake your claim!
from July/August 2023
by PHAM News
This year’s Energy Saving Awards is open for entries, and with 16 categories to choose from there’s plenty of opportunities for companies and industry leaders to demonstrate why they might be considered a worthy winner. Read on to find out how to be a contender for one of this year’s trophies.
The Energy Saving Awards, organised by PHAM News in partnership with our sister publication Energy in Buildings & Industry (EiBI), have been created to acknowledge the important work that has been achieved by manufacturers, installers, contractors, suppliers and organisations, to reduce carbon emissions and become more energy efficient. This year’s event will take place at the Park Plaza on the London Riverbank on 1st December.
How to
Entries for the 2023 Energy Saving Awards can be submitted until 14th August using the simple online entry portal. There are 16 categories to choose from and entrants are invited to put forward their case for winning in no more than 250 - 500 words, although this can be backed up with attachments, multiple images and links to video content and websites. Nominations are also highly encouraged and can be submitted using the same online form.
Subject to meeting the necessary criteria, each entry and nomination will then proceed to the judging stage – evaluated by an independent panel of industry experts – before shortlisted finalists will be announced.
The Energy Saving Awards are free to enter and companies and individuals can enter for an award in more than one category. However, it is not permitted to enter the same product or project for multiple categories.
Here’s a list of this year’s categories and a guide to what the judges will be looking for in each category:
Domestic Installation of the Year
The award will go to the company behind any domestic refurbishment project that can be shown to have helped householders or tenants to reduce their energy consumption. Whether it involves the installation of a completely new heating system or an upgrade to an existing system, the winning project will need to demonstrate how it has enabled the users to save on energy while maintaining or enhancing their comfort levels.
Commercial Installation of the Year
The winning case study will be a commercial or industrial project that can be shown to have significantly reduced an organisation’s building or process energy use. Competition entries will need to demonstrate success in reducing energy consumption but also additional benefits.
Commercial Heating Product of the Year
To be awarded to the manufacturer or supplier of an innovative commercial heating product that will help energy managers to reduce an organisation’s heating bills. The winning product could be a complete system, individual unit or component, but entrants will need to demonstrate how it is more energy efficient than other similar products on the market.
Domestic Ventilation Product of the Year
The importance of indoor air quality has been widely acknowledged in recent years, but an effective ventilation solution needs to improve IAQ without wasting energy. This award is open to any manufacturer or supplier of an innovative energy saving domestic ventilation product.
Commercial Ventilation Product of the Year
Open to any manufacturer or supplier of an innovative energy saving ventilation product or system designed for commercial, industrial or public sector projects. The product should demonstrate a design for greater energy efficiency but also benefits in improved indoor air quality.
Water Saving Domestic Product of the Year
With the UK’s population growth and climate change likely to put an increasing strain on the country’s water supplies, this award will look to highlight any products that might help to reduce a household’s water usage.
Water Saving Commercial Product of the Year
To be awarded to the manufacturer or supplier of an innovative product for the commercial, industrial or public sector that can be shown to help users reduce water usage.
Lighting Product of the Year
To be awarded to the manufacturer or supplier of a new energy efficient lighting product that helps to lower electricity bills without compromising on performance, as well as helping improve light quality in a commercial or industrial building.
Energy Awareness Campaign of the Year

The winner of this award will have demonstrated that an energy-saving campaign has had a measurable effect on changing attitudes and behaviour.
District Energy System Project of the Year
With district energy and heat networks forming a key element of carbon reduction, the winning entry should demonstrate not only carbon and energy saving but also wider benefits to a business and commercial area or residential properties.
Education Sector Project of the Year
With the education sector under pressure to cut costs the winning entry will show how a school, college or university has saved money through an innovative use of technology and demonstrated how this could be applied to other similar institutions.
Hospital & Health Service Project of the Year
The National Health Service has a target of hitting net zero by 2045. The winning entry will be an innovative example of how this target can be met and show the way for other health services.
Energy Saving Influencer of the Year
The award winner will be active in communicating energy saving ideas. They may have a high profile on social media platforms, be part of a commercial or public sector organisation or a leading light in a trade body or government department.
Domestic Energy Saving Product of the Year
To be awarded to the manufacturer or supplier of an innovative domestic energy saving product that will help users reduce their energy use. The winning product can be a complete system, individual unit or component.
Smart Buildings Product of the Year
The smart buildings market is booming. The organisation winning this award will have to show that their product not only saves energy but also brings wider benefits to building occupants.
Special Recognition Award
To be awarded to an individual who has been most active within the energy efficiency industry over a period of many years helping to raise awareness about the importance of energy saving.
Find out more
To enter and find out more about this year’s awards, please visit: www.energysavingawards.co.uk

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