1 minute read

Say hello to our refreshed logo

The PHA UK logo has had an eye-catching update, and we hope you love it as much as we do!

The design has been modernised to suit increased usage online, and the addition of the arrow reflects our charity’s mission to keep driving forward ways of supporting people with PH. There will be a phased introduction of the new logo, so you might still see the old one on some of our materials for a while.

PH support group brings people together in Cambridge

A PH support group is holding regular meet-ups in Cambridge for anyone affected by the condition.

Organised by Mel Lee, head of the patient support group at Royal Papworth Hospital, the informal gatherings are for everyone – regardless of which specialist centre you attend. Family, friends and carers are all welcome too. Meet-ups take place every three months (the photo shows the first one earlier this year), and there are plans to introduce online gatherings too, so that even more people can get involved.

For more information, please contact Mel at pulmonary.hypertension@outlook.com

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