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Meet Harry Mackinnon, the 10 -year-old who honoured his grandad 's memory by cycling 100 miles for our charity during March. And he didn't let the Scottish snow stop him...

Harry chose to cycle the distance between his home in Insch and Perth, where his grandad Brian Robertson was originally from. He pedalled in stages throughout the month, and when winter weather made cycling outside impossible, determined Harry simply jumped on his grandma’s indoor spin bike instead.

Q. Hi Harry! Why did you decide to take on this challenge?

A. Because I like to help charities and help make a little difference.

Q. Can you tell us about some of the weather you faced?

A. I did have some sunny days but mostly rain, hail and snow.

Q. What was your favourite part of the challenge and why?

A. I enjoyed all of it and when my friend came out on his bike with me.

Q. What was the hardest thing?

A. The hills! We live in quite a hilly village but the downhill was good fun.

Q. How do you feel now the challenge is over?

A. Tired - haha! But happy because I've raised so much money. I think it's great and I'm really happy and thankful that people donated.

Q. What are your favourite memories of your grandad?

A. My grandad was a great person. He was funny, kind and loved us all so much. Because of his illness he wasn’t able to do lots of things with us but he did have a great stash of sweeties. My favourite memories are when he taught me how to play chess and how funny he was!

Harry collected £450 in sponsorship, with £80 in Gift Aid taking his total to over £500!

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