1 minute read

Sending sunshine to youngsters with PH

Boxes of Sunshine is a registered charity, posting boxes of goodies to children and teenagers who have been nominated to receive a gift in this way.

The only criteria is that they must live with a long-term health condition, and here at the PHA UK, we’ve provided a grant to cover the cost of boxes sent specifically to youngsters with pulmonary hypertension.

The exact contents are kept secret, but they can include things like card games, bird seed, bubble bath, socks, and sweets – simple things, designed to raise a smile.

The thoughtful scheme was set up by Kev and Lynsey Hill, who lost their daughter Kirsten to Leukemia at the age of just 14.

She also suffered with chronic fatigue syndrome, and inspired by her request for a ‘box of sunshine’ as her final Christmas present, the pair founded the charity in her memory.

To nominate a child with PH to receive a box, visit

Kev & Lynsey

Founders, Boxes of Sunshine

Little phighter Connie Price received a box last month, and mum Jane said it ‘made her day’. The smile says it all!

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