Apostolic reformation... time to upgrade!

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ARTICLES by ELSE & PHILIP DUPONT Why accuracy and sharpness are vital? From beach to boat From Beatles to Bible Leave the Blessing Club Why do business and church not mix? Crossing over Know your destiny How relevant is the eternal life? Fathers and sons Do you really live in the New Covenant? Meet the Suckers! Systemic shift It's time for the prophetic and apostolic The transitional challenge From trends to truth



Accuracy and sharpness enhance your power If the axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed but skills bring success (Eccl 10,10). A true believer doesnʼt haste. When do we rush? We rush in 2 diametrical opposite situations. In times of no breakthrough, when things believed for donʼt work yet... whatever the reasons might be. In times of beginning breakthrough, when we get so excited that our soul becomes inaccurate. The battle is not over, the transition is not fulfilled, the territory is not subdued, the victory is not established... and we think we are there already. Then our shouts of premature celebration generate deceiving echoes, which are the soil where unclear discernment and wrong decisionmaking will develop and bear fruits. To rush is a sign that we donʼt trust Godʼs ability to create the expected breakthrough. It's to make things work or to keep things moving right and strong. We precipitate a development. We force God, ourselves and others... and we might get what we aim at. But what we want might not be what is right. The Israelites asked for meat and they got it... but they stayed unchanged and died in the wilderness. They didnʼt make the transition into their final destiny and role. Intensity, sharpness and acceleration were established in them. Sharpness must precede and accompany acceleration. Acceleration accompanies the rise of intensity in our inner man and in the house. We need them all to build strong lives and strong churches. We need them all to bear genuine and lasting fruits. We need them all to affect our contemporary society in a relevant way. The fake comes often before the authentic. The fake comes often before the authentic Before Jesus came, there had been other messiahs. Before the apostles there had been other guys doing things... like Theudas who rallied 400 men and he was killed and all disappeared... like Judas the Galilean who also had disciples and was killed and all were dispersed (Acts 5,33-39). Before David came Saul, a false king before the authentic one. Jonathan in his isolation and hunger for connection and brotherhood connected to a fake fatherhood... and he missed a powerful and lasting connection to the house of David and he died on the wrong battlefield (1Sam 14; 18,1-4; 20,42 and 31,1-4). Before Jesus comes back people will say that Christ is here and Christ is there (Matt 24,23). There are prophetic warnings of Kingdombreakthroughs on earth. God is sending prophetic signals and even precise words regarding the near future. Why? The main reason is that we must be informed so we can take accurate basic decisions and ask Him to position us so we can partner with His Spirit in fulfilling the agenda of the Father. God has initiated a mighty work. The main effect will be the rise of the church in unprecedented life, power and influence. The ultimate goal is to invade the nations with righteousness, peace and joy. But we can be sure of Satanʼs furious attempts to resist, fight or divert Godʼs agent on earth, the church. What I believe is this: as God reveals His plans there will be people who will carry and work to fullfill God's plans but with wrong motives and means. Fullfilling Godʼs supernatural agenda through natural resources will never work and the message will be discredited. Moses himself ran into this very situation as he tried to take the Jewish people out of Egypt through his own ability. Was he not called for this? Yes he was! But Moses was inaccurate, unsharp and it cost 40 years before God could fulfil His plans in His own way. There is no alternative to Godʼs way. The need for accurate and sharp instruments God had to work on Moses. Listen: Godʼs method is always men. Not systems, not manuals, not charts. We want God to move through us

but we resist or ignore Godʼs work in us. Mainly because we are reluctant to changes. We want the new things but in old format. We resist Godʼs work with us and by doing this we amputate what he does through us. Before true apostolic churches rise in the power of the Spirit there will be human attempts to produce identical results. As prophetic light shines and apostolic patterns and power are released, some will try to catch it without having established the platform for it... or the inner dynamic to propagate and develop it... or the type of life to carry it. We quote: Arise, shine! (Is 60,1). But in order to be able to rise and shine in stead of rise and decline, our light must come first. What goes out must first go in and transform us. The angel came to Mary and instructed her... her answer was powerful: “Be it done to me according to your word!” The key-thing is done to me. Not through me... yet! She picked up very quickly that she "had to be made". It had very little to do with systems and procedures and everything to do with her as a person. Therefore itʼs essential to take notice of the prophetic word. But itʼs even more essential to ask God to let it be done to us. The church must be “done”. We must be clear. The 4 main Kingdom platforms They are: believers, families, churches and nations. This new move of God will build on a new type of believers, a new type of families and a new type of churches and all 3 are on the way. God will raise them up and they will break the religious mould and become a powerful sign of invincible life and hope for our cities and nations. Three platforms: Kingdom-believers, Kingdom-families and Kingdom-churches... then nations will change. But we must not and cannot rush into it. There is a place of active and determined waiting on unfolding revelation and accurate instructions while we walk with him. This place is a real painful thing for efficiency-champions, for activists and superficial egoperformers. Two fresh revelations from the heart of God The first one is about the order of fatherhood and son-ship (nothing with gender here). Itʼs about transgenerational blessing, about impartation and acceleration, about spiritual genes and legacy. The second is about apostolic churches and networks. Both are scriptural, shaped inside the Fatherʼs heart. Prophetic words and prophetic teaching about these are quite common in various sectors of the church worldwide. So no alarm so far. Amos prophesied that God never does anything without telling His prophets (Am 3,7). But just as supernatural as His warnings and revelations are, just as supernatural their outworking will and must be. God will be zealous because these tools are very powerful and connected with strong promises. He will not let man mess it up or pervert them. For this very reason God had to park Moses away in the desert and pacify him until he was “made” for the fulfilment of the plan. God hindered an exodus initiated by human power. He didnʼt tolerate a move directed through leadership skills taught by pyramid builders and upheld by sun worshippers. Even Moses was a very skilled person and his time at the Pharaonitic court was God-ordained. God faces 2 challenges with His people To get them to do what He wants them to do... things they donʼt want to do. To hinder them in doing what He wants them to do... things they want to do, but without Him!



From beach-believer to boat-believer: a peoplemovement Jesus had walked down from the mountain (Matt 8,1) and people were in a state of deep amazement (Matt 7,28). The authority, the stature of Jesus was shocking. They had never heard anything like this, met anybody like him. Then He walked through the cities by the lake and crowds followed him. His disciples were around Him. He performed healings, he blessed and helped people (Matt 8,2-17). There was a people-movement around Him. I am sure the disciples enjoyed it. They were His crew. They might get some of the attention, praise and admiration too. They explain, gave reports, had press conferences, coped with the medias, made all the arrangements, sold T-shirts and CD-series. They were in! Itʼs time to move from charismatic to apostolic, from good vibrations to right impartations and true invasions But suddenly Jesus gave an order (Matt 8,18): letʼs cross over to the other side of the lake. All were shocked. Why? And why now? Healing crusades could be arranged, these beaches could become the epicenter of a massive explosion of the supernatural. They could all settle there. Heaven was open over them. This could be the right place for a national and even international Jesus-headquarters. Care-groups could be organized, barbecues for singles could be arranged, seminars and workshops, programs for the children as well as Christian fishing-businesses and prison-visitation. Can you imagine a beach covered by thousands of people... a beach-revival. But no. Jesus commanded them to cross the lake. He decided to leave the beach-life to enter boat-life. Few people, hard work, unpredictable weather, no roof if the storm rises... and it did rise. Beach is the charismatic life. Boat is the apostolic... sent on a specific track, commissioned for an assignment, with a mandate to break up, clean up, conquer and keep new territory. The disciples focused on people and their needs, Jesus focused on destiny. They focused on enjoying the move of God, He focused on extending it. They focused on blessings, He focused on building. They focused on keeping the territory and Godʼs position, He focused on invading a whole new region and challenging the devilʼs positions in Decapolis. Major extension in Jesusʼ communication Until then Jesus had called them, talked with them, talked to them... and now He goes to a new level. He gave orders. Our relationship with God must include this. In the future God will give orders. Prophetic decrees will come from the heavenly headquarters. We want a governing church but we donʼt know how to receive orders. We think that all what can do God is to suggest and propose.His communication-specter will be enlarged and new dimensions of communication will be added. One of them is: commands. Remember God gave Ten Commandments, not ten propositions. He gave us a new commandment about love, not a new suggestion added to other suggestions which we can consider until we make our mind. There will be issues in the future when God has made His mind and we must obey him in order to be trained for rulership with him. Propositions are for charismatic beach-life: Choose between barbecue and kite flying. Orders are a part of the training-program for apostolic boat-life. Jesus gave even orders to nature and affected meteorology. How can we exercise authority if we are not under authority ourselves? An other shift takes place in His communication. He went into the boat and his disciples followed Him. Here there are no words. He just moved and the disciples were so attentive that they caught the nonverbal message. Action speaks. He moved, then they moved. This is a new tool. We have been so low in the Spirit that we need a word of

knowledge for everything, in every meeting. God had from time to time to scream into our ears close-range for us to hear. Or letters of fire on the wall. In the future He will sometimes move and He will trust that we are so connected, so well tuned that we pick it up and move with Him. No words, no orders, no instruction, no screaming, no prophecy... just an action. Settled. And we are in the boat with him. Fantastic! Can we reach that stature... yes we can. I am convinced that God has so much to say but we are not positioned to hear it and receive it. We are so feeble, so unsharp and inaccurate that only soft suggestions can be received. Beach is rest, boat is test and best Being on the beach is just flowing with the move, with the crowds, lay back and see what happens, maybe fighting with the fears and unbelief of people, maybe coping with the coincidences of life and relationships. Being in the boat is breaking the waves, pushing through uncarted waters, forming the future, overcoming the spirit of abortion, facing death alone or with few, fighting your own fears and unbelief. On the beach you enjoy the rest God has created. In the boat you have to recreate the rest the devil has destroyed. Charismatic miracle and apostolic disaster at the same time Jesus commanded the storm to be still. This has been the source of many messages about miracles. Was it a miracle? Yes it was. But it was a survival-miracle and God had to intervene to rescue them from disaster. They didnʼt pass the test as they were formed by restmentality. Jesus was not pleased with them, it was not a successstory. He had to correct them strongly. They didnʼt have to settle the storm, they had to row (storm or not) and get to the other side. Charismatic mentality wants to remove difficulties, ignore or avoid them. Apostolic mentality trains people to breakthrough in all types of circumstances and environments. What about an ending like: “Hello guys, how was the trip?” “Oh a little turbulence but we managed. We didnʼt want to wake you up, it was not that serious!” “Thank you, I really slept and now I am fit for fight... letʼs invade Decapolis and take back the territory.” You will be tested on your “home-ground” Interesting to see that these fishermen are tested and stretched beyond their limits on their home ground, the lake! Without God we cannot make it. No talent can do it. It takes more than empathy, more than leadership-charisma, more than musicality, or administrative or money-making talent. If the grain doesnʼt fall to the ground and dies... you know the rest. I remember the time where God told me that teaching would not do it. Everybody loved my teaching ministry. Some didnʼt believe in my leadership but at least in my teaching capacity. But God said: let go! It will not work. Like saying to the musical virtuoso: forget being in the worship-team. Or to the rich businessman: forget your money, it will not make any difference. God doesnʼt want our skills, talents and charisma... He wants us. “Come, follow me and I will make you...” Leave the beach and jump into the boat. You will lose your life but you will get His. And become like Him and you will be qualified to represent Him and bear His supernatural fruits. You will reach the place called FULFILLED DESTINY! We all have a Decapolis to invade, a NO-GO zone waiting for us. Watch out, a very imperfect storm and demonic forces might hit you. So donʼt do it alone... you need to be in the right boat and connected to the right captain! See you on the lake!



From Beatles-believer to Bible-believer Have you ever heard somebody say: “There is no love in this church!”. I have. The first time I heard it I went home discouraged, burdened by feelings of guilt and inability to create the type of environment or atmosphere people liked or expected. The pressure grew and became very personal. “Maybe I am not a loving person... maybe I am not a pastor as a real pastor loves his sheep.” What to do then? Resign? Then the pressure was on to make decision so love could be there and people could feel it and be happy to come. I had to produce love. The meetings had to be saturated with love. I knew I loved people. But the problem was that some felt very loved and accepted and others didnʼt. Who was right and who was wrong? I felt torn into pieces and their problems became my problem. When it happens you cannot be a part of the solution. But God came with revelation. You shall understand the truth and the truth shall set you free, he said. Not the truth generally speaking, but the specific and practical truth, which the Spirit helps you to understand and settle the matter. God was so clear: itʼs not about love but about life. In a split of second the inner storm was gone; clarity hit me and set me free. And I knew what to do. All you need is love... sounds good. Is it right? No itʼs not! We must discern between right and good. All good is not right. But all what is right is either good or will become good. Our minds and our understanding have been polluted because we have been drinking from the wrong or from the polluted sources. It was water, good water but there was something in it. Let me give you some bible-words: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it.” (John 1,1-5) “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth... I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God... Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruits, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.” (Rev 21,1-2 and 22,1-2) All we need is actually not love. Itʼs life. The river of life, the tree of life, the Spirit of life, the Word of life. In the life of God everything is included. When it bears fruit, guess what grows forth: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and selfcontrol. When we get it, nothing remains the same. Revolution hits our whole existence. Everything is possible. As you come alive in the Spirit, you have no enemies any longer, no wounds; no offenses... life swallows up all death and its demonic fruits. What the world needed was life. It still does. What Jesus brought was life, true life. As people left Him and He asked His disciples what they would do, Peter answered very clearly: to whom should we go to, you have the words of eternal life. Peter knew that this was the primary issue. In that life there is light for mankind. In that life there is love. In that life there is joy: we donʼt need to make people feel happy, we donʼt need pep talk in our meetings, we donʼt need slogans, we donʼt need motivational tricks. Some Christians look like they were drinking vinegar from morning to night.

Pep talk will provide a little "sugar", then they will go home from the meeting and continue to drink vinegar. But minister life to them! Impart the spirit of life, speak words of life, bring them to the God of life. Our focus on love is contaminated It is more Beatles than Bible! Letʼs face it. We are more influenced by the spirit of the Age than by the Spirit of God. Our minds have been polluted. Legitimized by a dying charismatic move. The charismatic move brought a renewal of the Spirit... not of love. But as its Spiritfocus was lost, Spirit-life stagnated. Soul-dynamics took over and filled the void. And contaminated it. Soulish love, soulish prophecies, soulish relationships, soulish unity, soulish fellowship. What comes next? When the soul is not corrected, realigned and kept under the rule of the spirit, an other spirit begins to rule it. The spirit of religion. Our focus on peace is contaminated too Peace was also one the slogans of the 60ʼs. Peace-movement and peace-manifestations, which turned into, open violence and streetwars with the police. What is peace? Peace is not the absence of war, or conflicts. This could be death. A lot of peace in a cemetery! Peace comes from the river of life. As it flows into your spirit, peace emerges as divine order is established or restored. Supernatural peace, which surpasses understanding. It means that it goes beyond the rational. You shouldnʼt be at peace but actually you are. The storm is raging, outside or inside or both... but you are at peace. Establishing the life of the Spirit or restoring the life of the Spirit in a situation, in a personʼs life or in a church will bring peace. But maybe phase no 1 is chaos or confusion or war. Why is that? Because death is not dead. Death is alive and will fight the emerging life. Then people might say: it cannot be God because He is a God of peace. It might be God, because God is a God of life before He is a God of peace. But His life will always bring true real peace. Our human peace is just a cover for unsolved conflicts, compromises, sin, disobedience... the list is long. Most Christian unity is based on false peace, false grace and false reconciliation. But as pressure will come in the years to come all falsehood will be uncovered and it will finally be the season for the true and authentic. What kills life? Rev 21,7-8 is very clear and helpful. Let me go through it very shortly and ask you to do some homework for yourself. These are killers: Cowardness: timidity is not a cute thing. Timidity is a destructive force in your life and must be coped with as such. Be violent and overcome it! Unbelief is a killer, but obedience to revelation is a major key to the flow of supernatural life Wickedness: there are attitudes in us and among us which are wicked and must be confronted as such, even in our own lives... like jealousy for instance. Murderers: quite obvious isnʼt it? Sexual immorality: itʼs beyond any doubt. And there might be more uncleanness in the house and in the ministry than we think. An other side of it is what you could call connecting and drinking from 2 sources, lying in 2 beds. Or covering legitimate needs by illegitimate means... which can have effects in sexual issues... but not necessarily. We have lost the revelation of covenant, we have lost covenant thinking and patterns. God must intervene. Witchcraft or call it manipulation, soul-ties, wrong dependency, control Idolatry: wrong priorities. What has the strongest influence on your life and your decisions? What you bow for is your master, your idol? Much idolatry has been clothed in Christian outfit. Faith for financial prosperity can be polluted by materialistic greed. The desire to serve God can be

contaminated by power-greed. Joining a church can be because of a personal agenda. All this is idolatry. Lies. Or covering up, verbal makeup, religious wardrobe, or just explanations Kill the killers! Murder the murderers! Scare the fears! Repent from dead works of love... and get a life! There is only one cure. Repent from soulish religiosity, forsake the dirty spirit of the 60始s, which brought so much destruction and deceit into the western world. Repent from charismatic religion and its effect on your mind and mentality. Ask for forgiveness and get a life, get the life! Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Let correction and re-alignment take place. You will be shocked about how much has been polluted and how strong the pollution has been. But be of good courage, you can be set free from this demonic deceit. Jesus corrected Peter very strongly as Peter had moved into a human level disconnected from the Spirit. Re-connect with God, hear and meditate on words of life, be overwhelmed by the Spirit of life, be selective concerning your primary source of spiritual input.



Get out of there! Blessings are Godʼs acts towards us expressing his goodness, his generosity, his grace and care for us. We have to understand that these acts have nothing to do with us. They are exclusively from Him and speak of him. The desire has been born out of love in His heart. The gifts are from him, there are no traps in them, no hooks, nothing evil or hidden, no hidden agenda. They are clean and there are no expectations attached to them. He is the Giver and we are the receivers. Very simple. It certainly should bring about two responses in us: gratefulness and the desire to know the Giver better. Unfortunately, it is not always the case. Nevertheless, God is still happy to give. In itself, to give is a pleasure. It is absolutely good to live on the blessing level. God enjoys so much to give and to bless. Actually, the very first act God did for mankind after having created them as male and female... He blessed them (Gen. 1:28). How then can I give this article the title “Leave the Blessing Club?” It's because the Club is a comfortable place to stay. But we are not settlers and comfort is not any longer a fundamental need. The Club is also a place where no demands are made. But we have come to love challenges, we want to be stretched. The Church is not a Club but a training-place. God has much more for us than a place of comfort, entertainment and unending blessings. There are other levels of life and relationship with him...levels other than the blessing level. There are other levels of function, there are other dimensions waiting for us. Remember that God not only blessed Adam and Eve, but He talked to them. There was so much on His heart. The baby level At the most fundamental level, God blesses and gives, without us asking for it. He speaks without us asking for anything. We have not even sought him, he looked for us. This is how our common love story with him started. The Bible confirms that no one seeks after God, not one! He has sought us before there was anything on our side. We did not ask for His love, but while we were still sinners, He loved us. When our children were babies we gave to them without their asking. They did not ask us to dress them with clothes, nevertheless we did. And we changed their clothes when they got wet. They did not ask us if they could go with us on holidays. We simply took them with us and gave them the best we afforded. That is why the bible mentions that God lets His sun rise on both the righteous and unrighteous; He gives rain to both the righteous and unrighteous: to the Christian and the Hindu, to the believer and the atheist, to the wounded and the healed, to the offended and the offender. But there is another level that is even more satisfying both to God and to us. The adult level Each level has its own dynamics. Paul is writing: when I was a child, I thought like a child, spoke like a child and acted like a child...but when I grew up...we can guess the rest. Or read 1Cor 13. What kind of dynamics do we find here? Jesus told His disciples: pray and you shall have, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Now, it does not come automatically. In order to receive, we need to pray. To find, we must first seek. You have to knock on the door before it can be opened. Doors are no longer just opening up. That's the next chapter in your life. And it's not even the end yet. Itʼs time to ask relevant adult questions

Most Christians have the understanding that God speaks all the time and when we tune into His channel we hear what He says. Some times we hear better than other times. It is far from the truth. God is definitely not a senile old man who speaks all the time and when we get close to Him, we hear what he says. No. That is how it is with babies. We talk to them all the time while they are lying on the changing table, playing with their own fingers or smiling at the photos on the wall behind them. They do not understand anything but we talk anyway. We could just as well read from a law book, or from the phone book or from the thesis of a scientist... and they would enjoy it. At this stage, it is not the content, but the person that speaks that is important. But we are no longer at this stage! In the same way, God will not accept that any longer. He is waiting for relevant adult communication and intelligent questions. Previously, we reaped without having sown because God had been there before us. Now this is over! Now we reap because we sow. He who doesn't work shall not eat, Paul wrote. A new level means new dynamics, new relationships. It demands new inner patterns. Itʼs time for an upgrading of the gifts of the Spirit. The prophetic gift has been given for encouragement, exhortation and guidance. But babies need none of these, only a bottle, a diaper, loving words and physical contact. A baby needs no encouragement. A baby is not depressed and weighed down by the world situation! He is happy no matter where and when he was born. A baby needs no exhortation or guidance. That will come later on. But when the time comes, it has to be something that has substance to it. No more: “Thus says the Lord: you are the apple of my eye.” or “I see a tree and an apple and the sun is shining on it” or “I see you dancing in a flower field.”, or “Thus says the Lord, come and sit on my lap.” The babies do not need this, it does not make any sense to them. Parents do these things without telling them. Later, by the time children actually understand, the parents have stopped. The children are too big. Otherwise, we are talking about traumatized children. Let true encouragements be heard in the House for Godʼs adult sons who are involved in the mission of the House, who are partakers of the inheritance and the responsibility. Let there be relevant exhortations and guidance so that the sons know the both the what's and the how's, the when's and the who's. Let there be true and accurate instructions so order will come where there is disorder. The move of God in and with the House must continue unhindered and unlimited, getting momentum. Have you enjoyed the level of blessing? Good! Are you walking withthe Blesser? Even better! Now you have to get to know the Blesser and let Him lift you to a new level with new dynamics, new relationships, new flow, new responsibility, new tasks. Leave the stage of childhood. Get out of the Blessing Club!



Why church and business don't mix I have realized that there are certain categories of people who donʼt fit very well (or at all) in the church: business-people is one of them. There are others... let me mention people with high education, influential people, artists, men... and evangelists. There are very specific reasons for this. It will be the topic of a new HOT-article. And now to our topic: the business-people and the pastors. They donʼt mix very easy or at all. A provoking statement? A very relevant one though, believe me. I have asked myself: why are pastors either very reserved or hyper-active and even manipulative in their relationships with business-people? Could it be the same reasons that keep business-people at a ”damage-limiting distance” from pastors and involvement in their churches? Here comes some answers... at least some observations and reflections. Ishmael-churches and the Kingdom-church God wants to see Kingdom-churches rise. Nothing else. There is only one church which matches His plans... because there is only one God. God is still visiting places we call churches. Whatever we do which doesnʼt correspond accurately to this will be a falsification. It will be an Ishmael-church. Ishmael was the son of Abraham but he got him through a servant. It was born out of labour and work, not promise, not supernatural. Are Ishmael-churches bad churches? No, not at all. Will God ignore them, curse them and turn His back on them. No, God is not like that. By the way letʼs see how God treated Ishmael the son of his friend Abraham: - God gave him a name, Ishmael which means ”God hears”. Does God hear and answer the prayers of Ishmael-churches? Surely, God will hear the prayers of such churches (Gen 16,11). - God promised to bless him: ”I will surely bless him” (Gen 17,20). Will Ishmael-churches be blessed by God? Yes, they will have healings, strong meetings and conferences, good offerings, miracles and successes. - God will make him fruitful: ”I will greatly increase his numbers” (Gen 17,20). This is truly very good news for pastors: numerical growth. Ishmael-churches will grow in numbers and write books and hold seminars about it. - God will give him descendants: ”he will be the father of 12 rulers” (Gen 17,20). Ishmael-churches will see new leaders grow up in their midst. - God will give him territory and power: ”I will make him into a great nation” (Gen 17,20). Ishmael-churches will build strong organisations, strong denominations and networks, have finances and property. But there is but. God said: ”But...” Listen, He said: ”But my covenant I will establish with Isaac.” After God delivered these words, He left Abraham. Kings and priests?! I remember the days where there were sermons about being ”kings and priests” (expression mentioned both in Exodus, the 1st letter of Peter as well as in Revelation). Through human interpretation it took the meaning that the priests were the pastors (they have the vision) and the kings were the business-people (they have the provision). It sounds good and right but is it? I doubt. At least itʼs not very scriptural as we are all priests to God and we are all kings, called to rule on different territories and levels. Now letʼs make one thing clear. Jesus didnʼt say that he will build churches, businesses, schools, rehab-centres, bible schools,

orphanages. He said that He would build His church. Nothing else. So both the kings and the priests are inside the House. There is nothing like a church and a business on the same level partnering together. There is only one House: the Church. Period. The Church is for everybody, low and high, poor and rich, schooled and unschooled, kings and priests. The issue is power-play The worst wars are the internal. Both inside our minds (or inner man), inside the home and family or inside the church. As God restores the church as His House all power-play must come to an end. The church is a family, Godʼs family. Not an orphanage, not a slave-house, not a mafia-community. But Godʼs family on earth, to change it through righteous lifestyles and government. Business-people must come home Is 60,4-9 speaks very strong words about sons and daughters coming home with the wealth of the nations... a passage which put dollarsigns in the eyes of every pastor. For different reasons businesspeople have been abused and harmed in church-life. And returning home will cost something: to move from an ego-mindset to a Kingdom-mindset. God speaks about times where people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to parents etc. This spirit of the age is at work and we are living under its influence and infiltration. What God says about people like that is: they will not get very far. Maybe far enough to impress themselves and their friends, maybe far enough to impress and intimidate their pastor... but not far enough in Godʼs eyes and not far enough compared to how far they would have reached with a Kingdom-mindset. The ego has to die. The business-people God wants to raise are a new generation with a new spirit. They will give without any other agenda than the advancement of the Kingdom. Not to get influence, not to please the pastor or to control him... or to get rid of his hungry look... They will invest with revelational wisdom and accuracy, not blindness and stupidity. to move from an orphan-mindset and victim-mindset to a son-mindset. They need to recognize who is their spiritual father and where is their spiritual home... and come home. Because it is only this type of connection which can really bring them into the fullness of their destiny. They must be healed from the abuse of pastors, churches or denominations. They must step out of their small ghettos where they can agree about the poor condition of pastors and churches. What future or destiny is there in that? Then the vital question is then: where are the churches and where are the pastors with true Kingdom-mindsets (mentality, thought-patterns, lifestyles, training)? Therefore my next point. Church and pastors must be redefined, re-formed and re-trained Itʼs time to grow up! Is 60 which mentions that sons and daughters will come home from afar also describes what is ”home”. Home to what? Read Is 60,1-2 and realize that there are conditions here. People donʼt come back to a miserable house full of fear and intimidation, with wrong dynamics, power agendas, abuses, soulish dynamics. To build the right ”home” has a price: Pastors must move out of fear and intimidation and grow up as sons of God. They must stop drinking of the wells of success, numerical dreams, reputation, wrong dependencies, feelings of inferiority towards wealthy and influential people, towards educated and highly skilled people. Drinking from these contaminated waters will destroy them from within. Unsecure pastors are weak pastors who become

manipulative or controlling. They will flirt with them; greet them first after the Sunday morning meeting to cultivate a relationship which could be beneficial later on. They will call them during the week; smile to them, flatter them. They might offer them a seat in the leadership, invite them to their birthdays. Sowing and reaping... or just dirty manipulation by dysfunctional pastors. Pastors must treat wealthy people as anybody else in the house... actually they must challenge them more than others on the area of finances because thatʼs the place where God has invested in them. Pastors must become fathers and raise sons. They must repent from seeing only the wallet or the bank-account in certain people in the church and consider them as Godʼs answers to their financial challenges. It's child-abuse. They must rise the next generation in the House. Pastors must cross over from projects and people-focus to Kingdombuilding. Remember: God pays what HE orders. What we order, you must pay! There is so much manipulation in the church. Listen to the ”motivational” pep talk regarding the offerings, or the beating-up. Think about the partnership-trend in conferences. Watch all the work to get people to finance projects which might not be from God at all, watch the humiliating fund-raising done by missionaries. Read the newslettersʼ desperate appeal for more money. Watch the churchprogram and look at the special meeting for business-people. Why a special meeting for them? Itʼs time for pastors and other types of ministry to seriously repent and clean their hearts. Join forces for the advancement of the Kingdom on planet earth There are some conditions: one is Kingdom-mentality in the pastor and the business-peopleʼs lives and agenda... the second is true and clean connection between the two. Or else fear, intimidation, control and manipulation will go on from both parts and spoil them, and hinder a true joining of forces for serious advancement in cities, regions and nations. The world has not then answers, God has and He will make them available for His house. Do we qualify? With you for a serious, genuine and lasting breakthrough...



Crossing over... to take over

Oh, you donʼt like the word ”order”?

Read the story of Jesus crossing over from the west side of the lake and over to the region of the Gadarenes, also called Decapolis. These events are deeply prophetic for the church in Europe in 2006. In Europe we have had moves of God. This continent has been privileged by being exposed to the Gospel short after the major breakthrough in Jerusalem and the supernatural birth of the church there. All the letters of the New Testament are letters to churches in Europe: Rome, Galatia, Ephesus, Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi... the letters of John were sent to 7 different churches in Greece and Turkey. Oh yes, Europe has received good biblical teaching (Matt 5-7). But false religion (dead works, worship of saints and of Mary etc) crept in like leprosy... but God intervened and healed (Matt 8). True faith was restored as well as healings and miracles (Matt 8). But what now?

So, you have had a dominating father, a controlling mother, a dictatorial schoolteacher, an abusive pastor or a manipulative teamleader? Please stop whining! Get over it, forgive, be restored, shake off the offence, let God your healer and comforter intervene in your situation and set you free. We all have a life story. Donʼt let the past form your future! Or else your future will be even more depressing and disappointing than your present. Choose life and reject death! ”But Philip, I am doing so well, our church is growing, the worship is loud and vibrant!” Wonderful! Jesus and his disciples were doing well, too. Maybe even better than you are. But the order came. Doing well is not a point of attention or focus, doing right is. Jesus was not doing well in Getsemane as he was sweatening blood, or in the court of Pilate where he was butchered... but he was doing right . He was functioning under orders. ”Not my will...” he said, but the will of the Father. If you go for the well, prosperity will be temporary. If you go for the right, prosperity will become permanent. Make the good a launching pad for the right. Donʼt stay where you are, cross over with Him, there is much more land to take! His orders will uncover the nature and the level of... ... your love for Him ... your commitment to Him ... your righteousness in Him ... your death in Him ... your response to Him

#1 The ability to function under the government of God must be desired, established, loved, cultivated and developed ”When Jesus saw the crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake.” (Matt 8,18) The Spirit says... ... to the church: itʼs time to cross over ”to the other side” and conquer new territory. Not because nothing is happening on ”this side”. Good things happened for Jesus and his disciples and good things happen in our days. Teaching, restoration, faith, healings, even crowds some places... even though it is not very common on this continent. Why then cross over? Because God says so. Being prophetic is not limited to words of prophecy and words of knowledge but it also means understanding the times and know what to do. It means an understanding of the priorities in Godʼs agenda and the chronology of action. Didnʼt Jesus care for the crowds? He definitely did. Actually, it is when he saw the crowd around Him that he gave new orders. It is also when he saw the crowds that he went up the mountainside and sat down (Matt 5,1). In both situations Jesus acted and the disciples had to align. In Matt 5 it is recorded that when Jesus went up on a mountainside and sat down, they came to him. In Matt 8 it is recorded that when Jesus got into the boat, his disciples followed him. We need to rediscover the Kingdom of God. Itʼs not an association, itʼs not a group of people, itʼs not primarily a fellowship... itʼs a Kingdom... a Kingdom! Itʼs essential that we realize we have walked away from a basic and vital revelation. John the Baptist didnʼt preach repentance, he preached the Kingdom. And people repented. Jesus didnʼt preach the gospel of salvation, or the gospel of deliverance, or the gospel of healing, or the gospel of financial prosperity or church planting and growth... but He preached the gospel of the Kingdom. In these years God begins to give orders. Man has been in charge for too many years. Now God will take back his legitimate position and role. We know when God shares, when God gives, when God speaks. But we will know when God gives orders. A King gives orders and it doesnʼt make him a dictator. Things are going to change dramatically... Itʼs already happening. God is rising and his enemies will be scattered. Make sure, that you are a Kingdom-person and that you align. Make sure, you as a pastor come to Him when He goes up on a mountainside and sits down to teach you. Make sure, you as a believer follows Him when he gets into the boat and cross over to the other side. Make sure, you donʼt stay back on the beach with your ministry and your fruits and your projects and initiatives and your crowds.

Itʼs not about balance, but about order, Kingdom order. Order creates harmony. Balance generates compromises, dilution and separation. A married man does not keep a balance between his wife and other women. His ”yes” to her means ”no” to all others. Itʼs not balance, but order and harmony. Children donʼt keep a balance between home and the neighboursʼ family. Home is home. Even when the neighboursʼ toys are better. Your destiny, the divine track for your life, the mandate of your church is not negotiable; the blueprints for apostolic churches and for ministry are not for discussion and human experiments. As little as the force of gravity and the tracks of the planets. Inside the frame of Kingdom order anything can happen, nothing is impossible or too wonderful. The importance of priority and chronology Order brings priorities. If there is no order, no agenda, everything has same importance. This is not the way to irreversible breakthrough but the certain way to inevitable breakdown. You must have priorities. When you have priorities, chronology is important. First conception, then pregnancy and then birth. Mess this up and you have disaster. First ploughing, then sowing, then watering, then fertilizing, then harvest. Mess this up and you have poverty. Oh, Christians hate that. But when they have an accident they are happy that the service of emergency, the nurses and the surgeons know about order and priorities. Elsewhere, they might be put in a box in stead of in a bus home. But in the name of charismatic improvisation and spontaneity which are camouflage for laziness, disorder and rebellion- we have called order for control, lack of creativity, absence of God. #2 Make up your mind: choose between security and rest! ”Then a teacher of the law came to him and said: ”Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied: ”Foxes have lairs and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (Matt 8,19-20) This teacher of the law was a good man, he was a disciple. Matthew wrote that the next person asking Jesus a question was ALSO a disciple. So this one was mentioned as a disciple. But Jesus sees

behind words, also sincere words. And the coming assignment demanded more than sincere willingness and faithfulness. So Jesus who knows even what we donʼt know wanted to help him to align his soul-life in order to position him for what was going to happen in the near future. The issue here is the soulish dynamics in the inner man. Let me mention certain components of these dynamics: 1. how much pressure can you take? 2. how dependant are we to certain sources of security, like comfort, material things, money, things? 3. how dependant are we on people: family, friendships, meetings... even the pastor? Jesus said in other words: ”All these issues will be shaken and challenged... so make up your mind! Can you change? Can you align? Can you walk with me in freedom? Can you trust me and live from my rest?” You know, soulish issues donʼt suddenly become a problem. They are mostly like dormant viruses which are triggered and stirred in a specific situation.

locked into a death-spiral. You know what? I thank God for a joyful, Jesus-focused and determined s pirit which can revitalize our soul-life. I thank God for a spirit well-fed on the Word of God so we have guidelines of protection. Shimei (2 Sam 16,5-8) was a man offended by the rise of David to kingship. He belonged to the house of Saul and believed that David had usurped royal position. And when David had to leave Jerusalem under the attacks of his own son Absalom, Shimei ran after him and cursed him, threw stones after him. He had carried family offences for a long time and it had accumulated, and were never brought into order by the Word of God. Moses said: You must not curse a prince in your people.” (Ex 22,27). This Word could have settled the matter, calmed the storm.

3. Lawless emotions are the architect behind certain strongholds Absalom carried a dangerous virus. It might be considered as legitimate, as his sister had been raped by her brother and his brother. But whatever the legitimate reasons for this emotional wave, it originated a quiet, cool and murderous stronghold in his mind. He 1. Uncontrolled soulishness is a violent and destructive force committed premeditated murder on his brother. But the wave didnʼt I am conscious that this is a strong statement. I have seen people stop there, it rose higher. He planned to steal the heart of his fatherʼs strong in the spirit carrying a tremendous potential, used by God in people. Then he built a cold-blooded conspiracy against his father. awesome ways, be messed up by an uncontrolled soul-life. When soul Lawlessness spread from emotions to his mind - and he made is mentioned, it covers 3 areas: the intellect (the reason, the mind), the demonic plans - and to his will - he fulfilled all of them, didnʼt turn right emotions and will (the ability to take decisions and stick to them). So a or left -. A fire burned in his bones, his emotions. And a stronghold was soulish person is a person whose inner man is dominated, formed and built in his mind. His will became controlled by the intellect, or by emotions or by will (stubbornness and their slave. This inner cocktail almost devastated the whole family and stiffness). accelerated uncontrollably to the point where the whole Kingdom of Study 1 Cor 2 and 3 and it will hit you. Let me give you a list of the his father was on the verge to collapse. But finally the soulish tsunami misery which is the consequence of uncontrolled soulishness in a was stopped... by a tree. We have to watch over our souls, we have to church: throw the anchor of our soul into the presence of God... so no carnality (chapter 2) lawlessness rises inside of us, chaotic, rebellious, unchallenged and childishness (chapter 2) uncontrolled. immaturity (chapter 2) spiritual ignorance (chapter 2) So, you want to conquer new territory? comparison and jealousy (chapter 2) Do you still need crutches, your teddy bear and your pacifier? wrong admiration for ministry, pastors or guest-speakers (chapter 3) Hey listen! God knows what it takes to re-conquer lost territory, He is rebellion and rejection of fatherhood (chapter 4) totally conscious of the fact that the devil will not let it happen the easy gross sexual immorality (chapter 5) way. He will fight. As they crossed over a violent storm rose without aggressive and self-righteous behaviour (chapter 6) any warning and threatened their lives. As soon as Jesus sat his feet disorder in marital life (chapter 7) on Decapolis-soil two multi-demonized men threatened Him. Welcome anarchic use of spiritual equipment (chapter 12 to 14) to Decapolis! So you want to conquer new territory? Aha, you want your church to affect the city and the region? You know Did they have a strong spirit? Yes. what? It is possible! Actually, it is Godʼs ultimate plan for this time. The Were they equipped with supernatural gifts? Yes yes. Kingdom of God is going to break out on the European continent. Were they full of Godʼs presence? Yes yes yes. Islamic totalitarism behaviour will collapse and thousands of Muslims Were they rich in revelation and understanding? Definitely. will come to God and be added to His house. Yes thousands of But uncontrolled soulishness developed an internal storm in their humanists will enter the Kingdom. Yes we are going to see an hearts and in the house which threatened their very existence and explosion of signs and wonders, unusual in character and in numbers. mission. The enemy was not outside, but inside. They were their worst Yes church buildings will be packed with passionate believers and our enemies, not the devil. Sometimes Satan doesnʼt need to destroy our post modernsociety will be penetrated by Kingdom-carriers, in all lives or the church... we do it ourselves. And we do it well. sectors and on all levels. Yes tremendous wealth will flow into the house of God to fulfil its mandate. But it will definitely not happen 2. Your spirit is a stabilizing, vitalizing, healing and protecting factor in through mediocre, religiously contaminated, compromising, wussy your inner man Kumbaya-singing beach boys. Nobody is listening to James wrote in his letter (1,21) that we must receive the word which is them. In this pluralistic environment people donʼt believe in God. But it planted in us and which has the capacity to save our souls. Salvation doesnʼt mean that they believe in nothing, it means that they believe in here goes far beyond being born again. Another helpful scripture is: anything. In this case believers must have something, carry something ”Let us run fixing our eyes on Jesus... For consider him who has beyond ”anything”. God is calling his church. Leave the beach and endured such hostility by sinners against himself, so that you will not cross over... there is a lot of new territory to conquer together with the grow weary and lose heart.” (Heb 12,1-3) which tells us how to keep King of kings. But... watch your soul-life. Let God crash-test your inner our souls strong, protected from mental and emotional exhaustion. man. When you are in the boat and the storm is violent and the waves What are the symptoms? Our thoughts are tired and cannot keep on are high, itʼs too late to cope with addictive patterns. You are in track. Our emotions are affected by the words, the faces and the danger, you bring others in danger and the success of the mission is reactions of people... and develop an emotional climate of depression. in danger. The time is for accurate alignment, training and positioning. Our will is paralyzed and we are

#3 Spiritual order in the inner man

Three men carrying the same soulish genes

”Another disciple said to him: ”Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” But Jesus told him: ”Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.” (Matt 8,21-22) Did Jesus have a problem with this disciple going back and participate in his fatherʼs funeral. I am sure he didnʼt. The words of Jesus to him had to do with what was going on in this manʼs life... his inner man. The point here is that soulish disorder had to be fixed. Remember: this man is a disciple, not Mr. Anybody in the crowd. He was a good man and totally determined to keep following Jesus... even to cross over to the other side of the lake. It means that in this process of transition internal issues must be settled. There must be spiritual order in our inner man. Otherwise we become a dangerous person... for ourselves, for others and for the mission. Jesusʼ words were radical: follow me, cut this emotional tie off! It doesnʼt mean that there is no room for emotions. It means that emotions or other soulish dynamics must not rule our inner man. Our spirit must be in charge. People ruled by their soul must stay out of spiritual leadership. Because the internal disorder they carry will go external. Thatʼs how marriages break down, thatʼs why churches fall apart. God is speaking to us to redefine such vital issues. Redefinition when understood and implemented will reposition us so we can rise to the challenges of the future.

Asahel and Abishai were just like Joab. David appreciated them and loved them highly. He gave them positions, honour and responsibilities. But he was scared of them. Asahel? He ran like a wild gazelle... and he chased Abner even though the battle was over. But inside of him something was not over. A fire was still burning, a violent storm was raging. He couldnʼt stop. Something took over and drew him into self-destruction. Two times Abner asked him to drop it. No he had to go and ran into death. Like Judas. Abishai? No difference, the same genes. Donʼt come close to his sword. Read about him in 2 Sam 16,5- 14 and 19,17-24. He raised his spear and killed 300 men. Oh yes, he was a mighty man for David. Again and again David had to correct them: ”What do you and I have in common, you sons of Zeruiah?” Now guess who killed Absalom even though David had explicitly forbidden anybody in his army to touch his son? And he made it very clear for Joab and Abishai. But Joab killed Absalom. Was one javelin plunged through Absalomʼs heart enough? No. Joab used three javelins. Itʼs time to re-establish spiritual order... ... in our lives and in the church... and in the leadership. Soulish dynamics can be tools in the hands of murderous demons. To destroy God-set ministry, to remove fathers from their positions or bring discredit over their lives. There are too many spiritual orphans around dreaming about being fathers and trying to act like fathers. There are too many offended people in Godʼs house carrying the seed of betrayal. There are too many people affected by grief.

Let me introduce Zeruiahʼs 3 sons 1 Chron 2,16 says that one of king Davidʼs sisters was Zeruiah and she had 3 sons. All three were warriors in the army of David. What to say about these 3 brothers? They were powerful men, well- trained, well-equipped and very skilled. Actually Joab was the commander-inchief. Asahel was as fleet-footed as a wild gazelle... this is the report of the Bible. Abishai was totally fearless. All three were loyal servants of the king, ready to die for him or for Godʼs purposes for his life and the nation. The dream of every pastor. But there is more to it... A tragedy took place, a terrible mistake happened. Abner, the commander-in-chief of late King Saul, a key-man decided to leave the house of Saul and join king David. King David received Abner and made peace with him but Joab could not take it and killed him. After the funeral David said to his men: ”Do you realize that a prince and a great man has fallen in Israel this day? And today, though I am the anointed king, I am weak, and these sons of Zeruiah are too strong for me.” What a statement! David was devastated. How could it happen? Such good men, powerful and skilled. And a prince, a statesman had been killed. Death in the boat Oh yes, itʼs possible. King David had 3 men in his ”boat”. Good but dangerous men. Even though David was anointed as the national leader, he feared them, he felt weak and in danger. We can have death in our ”boat”. Good people, powerful and skilled... but they carry soulish dynamics which can spread death at the worst moment of our common journey. There can be people like this in churches, in leadership- teams. By the way their motherʼs name was Zeruiah which means ”wounded”. A preacher said recently: ”Offended people carry the seed of betrayal.” This violent virus can be dormant for months and years. But suddenly it is activated. Was Joab, who assassinated Abner a bad guy? Listen: he won tremendous victories for his king. He was so loyal that in a certain situation he let David come and receive the honour of a victory he just won in order not to take the glory for himself. What a man! But he carried a virus. And his brothers did too. At the very end of his life, as David gave the throne and the crown to his son Solomon, he told him about Joab and advised him to get rid of him (1 Kg 2,5).

Jesus said: FOLLOW ME! Redefine your priorities, ask God to heal you and deliver you from the poisonous bite of the snake of offence, get rid of soulish disorder and re-establish Kingdom-order in your inner man. This is a time of grace for the house of God. There is territory waiting for us on the other side. But the transition requires inner order. Make sure it happens. #4 Develop a storm-mentality ”Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat.” (Matt 8, 24) It is about our capacity to handle storms. The question is not if the storm comes, but rather when the storm comes. How do we manage the time before the storm hits our lives and our churches, how do we manage during the storm. What do we do after the storm? What do we do if itʼs a disaster and what do we do if we have triumphed? First things first. Remember the first three keys: Learn to function under Kingdom government From security to rest Spiritual order in the inner man Why? If you do not live in a certain measure of Kingdom government... If you drink from the polluted waters of human security instead of coming to rest in Him... If you carry spiritual disorder in your inner man, if you are outside of father-son order, if you live in an orphanage... ... then do not join this destiny-fulfilling, territory-conquering, devilthreatening and power-releasing journey. Stay on the beach and learn about government, learn about the true rest that will keep you away from panic, manipulation and the sin of dead works, establish order in your inner man and in your life. In other words: get some values, spine and muscles! This is not for chickens, itʼs for eagles! God can make you one. Jesus said: ”Come, follow me and I will make you...”

Learn how to read the situation and keep focused The situation here is that Jesus slept! How to cope with that? As long as the sea is still and the weather nice, there is no problem... let Him sleep. However, everything explodes and he is still sleeping. Let me help you: He watches you! He is not in the spot, you are. How do you react, or how do you act? How do you speak? How do you relate with your boat-fellows? How is the emotional life doing: has the external storm become an internal one, shaking your inner man? How is the spirit of obedience now... He said: let us cross over! Are you still obeying? Can you keep on track? Or do you swim back to your mother, or your pastor? Or jump over board after hitting, blaming or even cursing your boat-partners? The question here is: can you read the situation? They could not. How do we read these events? This is the way: If Jesus was worried, there would have been all good reasons to worry and he would take them with Him into the battle But Jesus was sleeping, so there was no danger whatsoever... keep rowing! In other words, the size of the waves are not the measure, you and your emotions are not the measure... God is. If God is at peace, you can be at peace and work. If God is on alert, be too. Therefore, we must learn how to read a situation! That is the reason we must be prophetic, in order to discern what and who is working behind the scene. That is the reason why we must become apostolic so we can measure accurately after the truth God has built into our spirit. The threshold of pain must rise There is no growth without pain. There is no change without pain. But we live on a continent where pain is removed, denied or just ignored. In addition, a certain category of faith teaching, a polluted one, has fuelled this spirit working in western society. Preaching to EastEuropean or Asian believers is very different from speaking to Danish Christians. Listen, we must learn to take and carry more. Put away your Italian suit and crocodile-gloves and get sweaty, dirty and bloody. This is not for boys. Not because of a stupid religious martyr dream... you are not a Muslim, you are a son of God! You have a destiny in God, a race to run and you are determined to cross the finishing line, you carry a conviction of a changed city and nation. You have seen in your spirit God breaking through in factories, schools, universities and office-towers because he placed some of his best sons and ambassadors there. I bought a book in one of the many airports I am going through; the book turned out to be quite pathetic but the title was good: ”Shut up, stop whining and get a life!”. Just loved it! A wrong word from somebody at church, the leader of the kids's-church has not showed sufficient attention to your wonderful kids, somebody took your chair, the pastor didnʼt greet you the way you expected, nobody has discovered your amazing powerful spiritual gift. How much can you take? Learn how to turn every trauma into a trainingopportunity! Decide to be a pit bull... ... not a puddle! Puddles donʼt like being in a rocking boat on a stormy lake, away from mum and dad, becoming wet and the captain of the boat is sleeping. Puddles hate to get out in the wild, test their stormskills, take a demonic bull by the two horns... or just do something besides complaining or have your hair teased at the salon. Your soonto-be ex-puddle-buddies might freak out when they realize you have left them in their pink, air-conditioned doghouses to step into the boat, without them, cross over and conquer your God-given new territory. They do this because you shame them, you remind them of the passion they once had and of the mediocre, comfortable and boring doghouse-life in their Feng Shui gardens. And they might try to force on you their fears and their balanced and lukewarm compromises so you become like them again and go back to your or their disinfected

puddle-cell groups, where they debate irrelevant issues, going nowhere and doing nothing. Learn how to handle... .. fears. The inner wars are tougher than the outer wars. Have and develop a strong spirit. Love God, it will destroy your fears. ... criticism well. Select accurately who is talking into your life. Donʼt pay attention to all voices. Realize that not everybody speaks Kingdom-truth! Know that the most important critic is time. Donʼt react, act strongly with great courage and accurate wisdom. Love and bless everybody but keep moving forward as you cross over to the other side. ... defeats. Turn every defeat into a feast: God is still in the boat of your life. Grow stronger, grow mature, be an adult son of God. ... successes. Donʼt go hype, stay sober and accurate. Thank God for the breakthroughs -small and big- , rejoice and keep walking in destiny! With you for a serious, genuine and lasting breakthrough...



Know your destination! The question is not ”How are you doing?” but ”Where are you going?” It became so clear to me that you can do and feel bad but at the same time be on the right course with your life. And you can do and feel very well while you literally go nowhere at all. Self-righteousness and complacency can creep on us. Peace is turned into passivity. We feel well, we are blessed, God cares for us, the church is OK, the offerings are increasing, a couple of healings and a couple of conversions, we got a promotion or a raise -praise the Lord!- but are you moving towards your destination? Listen, wherever God is, something is moving, developing, growing, changes are taking place, and storms rise, status quo is challenged, the nature and the stature of our works is tested... and itʼs normal. First of all: know your destination! As a shift of generation took place, Joshua, the new national leader, knew exactly the track and the destination. He didnʼt need to improvise or have some charismatic inspiration. Moses is dead, God said. Thatʼs the track. Get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I have already promised the fathers. Many times in Josh 1 you read expressions like ”as I promised Moses”, ”as I was with Moses”. There is a track. When Jesus came there was a track: ”Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (Matt 1,1). What is your track? As you are accurate with the track, you will reach your destination. You will not have to fight to get there; the track will take you there. The fight is to stay on track. The fight is to stay accurate. In times of defeats and in times of success. Especially in times of success! A window of grace for wholehearted, radical and irreversible action There is a major difference between willingness and obedience. We have often emphasized willingness and prayed, ”God, create in me a willing heart” which is a highly necessary and God-pleasing prayer. But willingness must become action. We can be willing to marry a certain person but one day a wholehearted radical and irreversible ”yes” must be heard in church. We can be willing to go to school but one day we must wave goodbye to mom and dad and sit down on a chair and get started with 1st grade. You can dream about being an astronaut but one day you must sit in the cockpit and let yourself be launched towards space. We have often been strongly challenged by God to act with boldness and determination. We had to step out of ecclesiastical correctedness and simply do what God had told us to do. Many people carry for years things given by Go... but they have never stepped out into any of them. How many times do we need to hear that the church of God is a sleeping giant before we wake up? How many times have you known that the church was a willing giant... but still doing nothing? As the people of Israel came to the border of the Promised Land (Numb 14), they didnʼt translate their willingness and faith in the promises into action. There was a window of grace, a window for action. But they missed it and the next one came 40 years later. Later Joshua had to challenge them again: ”How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the Land that the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you?” (Josh 18,3). There is always a window of Godʼs grace, a window for action according to revelational truth. Inferiority and fear has to be broken So many believers, so many pastors and so many churches carry a phenomenal potential but because of traditions, inferiority, peerpressure, fear, comparison with others it remains a potential. Maybe

because of the worries and challenges of everyday life. Apathy and passivity creeps into our minds. The everythingʼs-going-to-be-all right mentality overwhelms us and the fire and the passion in our hearts and spirit fade away. But we heard God say: NOW IS NOW! We must make up our mind and decide to trust in Him, not in human optimism or positivism. Fear is a powerful thing, which can paralyze us and keep our potential unreleased. And our mission will be unfulfilled. Fear of death, fear of defeat, fear of risk, fear of rumours, fear of fear, fear of friends and family, fear of lacks and incapacity, fear of loneliness. ”God here I am, use another!” Not all missions and projects are successful but because of vision, passion and determination, scientists have produced the unimaginable. Man has walked on the moon, surgeons have performed the extraordinary, and satellites have reached unreachable places in the universe... and sent photos home. Therefore... ... since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus... These are the words in Heb 1,1. Action 1: throw off all hindrances Action 2: overcome sin that entangles Action 3: run your God-given race Action 4: be persevering Action 5: fix your eyes on Jesus who overcame! With you for a serious, genuine and lasting breakthrough...



How relevant is eternal life? Every Christian - dead or alive - knows the words of John 3,16 saying that God sent His Son, so we could have eternal life. For most people eternal life is about two things, which both are important but irrelevant for us in these days, where God wants to build His house, the church, who is going to be His agent and representative here on the earth. A power-house carrying and using its governmental mandate to turn the course of nations and bring this planet back to its creator and owner. What is eternal life then about? For most Christians it is about place and duration. The location Because we are so tired of living here on this earth. “God has to do something about it soon and take us home... we are on our way to heaven! Oh yes, letʼs get out of here, Heaven is waiting. Let us sing about the Pearl Gate!” Interesting but irrelevant. Have you ever considered that Godʼs agenda is about heaven invading earth, not bringing worldly christians into heaven? When Jesus came, heaven penetrated the until then almost impregnable world. The devil had governed unchallenged, hit hard when situations became a too serious threat to his regime, made sure that the prophets were murdered when they came to Jerusalem, the capital of religiosity. The deceitful silence must not be disturbed, and the people were kept in darkness. But when nobody expected it any longer - except a couple of elderly people and an anonymous company of people, who had succeeded in connecting to heaven and thus being well informed of Godʼs plans and calendar - Jesus left heaven and broke into the earthly and demonized scene. Moreover He came as a baby born of a virgin. Could it be smaller or more vulnerable? No. But it was powerful and very relevant!

Why is it so important to us to know how heaven looks like, when we will be taken home, who is the beast, and what is the meaning of 666, or whether we are in the time of the 3rd trumpet? What if we were not taken home at all . . . what then? Does God not still have the power, the resources and the life and freedom to keep us up for 7 years of trials? He has done it before and he can do it any time. What if we can no longer withdraw money from our bank account because we are Christians? Wow! What a disaster? Actually some of us might not even now . . . because the credit-limit has been crossed. The duration Oh yes, an eteeeeeeernal life. Interesting, but totally irrelevant. There are so many things, to which we have no explanation. Time is one of them. By the way there is no time in heaven. Time is just the emasure of our mortality. What is then eternity seen from heavenly perspective? “Oh, we must be there from eternity to eternity.” Yes, and what does that mean? What is the difference from being there ”eternally” and from “eternity to eternity”? Philosophers have grumbled about eternity, and mathematicians have researched the infinite. Some have even become insane because of it. . . the human brain cannot catch it, nor embrace it. Nevertheless, God has put eternity in the heart of man. These two concepts of eternal life connected to location and a duration are totally irrelevant to us. To be honest it is even a little scary. . . but God cares for both. What is eternal life then about? Eternal life is imperishable life . . . which means that:

It cannot be controlled when it expands It cannot be kept back when it is moving It cannot be stopped when it steps forward It cannot be kept down when it is growing and raising It cannot be intimidated or shaken when threatened It cannot be conquered when attacked It is not indecisive or wavering when challenged It cannot be overtaken when chased It cannot be compared when looked at It cannot falter, even under hostile circumstances THIS is Godʼs gift to us! THIS is eternal life! Do we want to live this life? Do we want to let our mentality and our inner man be formed by this life? Yes we do. We will explain this later. Then we will become invincible and fulfil our mission for Godʼs Kingdom. This is VERY relevant to me and to our Church. In the same way it is VERY relevant to you if you want to be part of the work, God is going to accomplish in this decade of destiny. We will really breakthrough and see Godʼs church rise in the full power of the eternal life. One question before we continue... What does Stephen Hawking, late Michael Petrucciani, and Joni Earecson... and you and me have in common? Let me then introduce these 3 persons for you. Stephen Hawking is one of the most influential contemporate researcher and pioneer in modern physics. Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942) in Oxford, England. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics but ended doing Physics instead. After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree in Natural Science. Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology, there being no-one working in that area in Oxford at the time. After gaining his Ph.D. he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. His many publications include The Large Scale Structure of Spacetime with G F R Ellis, General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, with W Israel, and 300 Years of Gravity, with W Israel. Stephen Hawking has three popular books published; his best seller A Brief History of Time, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays and most recently in 2001, The Universe in a Nutshell. About his sickness he says: “I am quite often asked: How do you feel about having ALS (Motor Neurone Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)? It was a great shock to me to discover that I had motor neurone disease. Before my condition had been diagnosed, I had been very bored with life. There had not seemed to be anything worth doing. But shortly after I came out of hospital, I dreamt that I was going to be executed. I suddenly realised that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do if I were reprieved. Another dream, that I had several times, was that I would sacrifice my life to save others. After all, if I were going to die anyway, it might as well do some good. But I didn't die. In fact, although there was a cloud hanging over my future, I found, to my surprise, that I was enjoying life in the present more than before. I began to make progress with my research, and I got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde, whom I had met just about the time my condition was diagnosed. That engagement changed my life. It gave me something to live for. But it also meant that I had to get a job if we were to get

married. I therefore applied for a research fellowship at Gonville and Caius (pronounced Keys) college, Cambridge. To my great surprise, I got a fellowship, and we got married a few months later.

organization that has collected and donated over 14,000 free wheelchairs to 53 developing nations. - Host of "Joni and Friends," a daily inspirational radio program reaching over 850 broadcast outlets providing hope and Up to 1974, I was able to feed myself, and get in and out of bed. Jane encouragement to other people with disabilities and their families. Has managed to help me, and bring up the children, without outside help. been on the air for 20 years, with 5000 programs, and was the However, things were getting more difficult. This lasted until I caught National Religious Broadcasters' "Radio Program of the Year" in 2002. pneumonia in 1985. I had to have a tracheotomy operation. After this, I - Serves on several boards, including the Lausanne Committee for had to have 24 hour nursing care. Before the operation, my speech World Evangelisation, the Board of Reference for the Christian had been getting more slurred, so that only a few people who knew Medical and Dental Society, the American Leprosy Mission, the me well, could understand me. But at least I could communicate. I National Institute on Learning Disabilities, Love and Action, and wrote scientific papers by dictating to a secretary, and I gave seminars Christian Blind Mission International. through an interpreter, who repeated my words more clearly. However, - Holds honorary Doctorates in Humanities, Humane Letters and the tracheotomy operation removed my ability to speak altogether. For Divinity. a time, the only way I could communicate was to spell out words letter by letter, by raising my eyebrows when someone pointed to the right Somehow there is something in this woman, which could not be kept letter on a spelling card. It is pretty difficult to carry on a conversation down. like that, let alone write a scientific paper. However David Mason fitted a small portable computer and a speech synthesizer to my wheel So whatʼs the point? chair. This system allowed me to communicate much better than I could before. I can manage up to 15 words a minute. I can either As I meditate upon these 3 personsʼ life-stories I cannot but admire speak what I have written, or save it to disk. I can then print it out, or the capacity God has laid into every single human being to fight, to call it back and speak it sentence by sentence. Using this system, I overcome, to focus on the positive, to mobilize faith and hope in the have written a book, and dozens of scientific papers. I have also given darkest hour, to more than survive but to pioneer, penetrate and break many scientific and popular talks. They have all been well received. I new ground against all types of odds... even the most resistant. Two of have had motor neurone disease for practically all my adult life. Yet it them are not believers, one is. As far as we know. has not prevented me from having a very attractive family, and being successful in my work. This is thanks to the help I have received from Now my point is: if there is so much God-deposit even in the fallen Jane, my children, and a large number of other people and nature, how much more is there when the new life in Christ is birthed organisations. I have been lucky, that my condition has progressed into the human spirit? Do you understand? This is the life Jesus had more slowly than is often the case. But it shows that one need not lose from heaven, even in a human vessel. This life couldnʼt be overcome hope.” by darkness. Even when he died and when he passed through the kingdom of darkness nothing could hold him there. Obviously there is something in this man, which cannot be kept down. Michel Petrucciani was a famous jazz-pianist. Thirteen albums have Eternal life is imperishable life . . . which means that: been produced. Michel was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as "glass bones," a disease that stunted his growth (he was It cannot be controlled when it expands only three feet tall and weighed barely 50 pounds) and weakened his It cannot be kept back when it is moving bones. But he gave his first concert as a professional when he was It cannot be stopped when it steps forward 13. Within a few years, Michel had worked with some of the best It cannot be kept down when it is growing and raising jazzmen and rhythm sections in the world. In 1994 he was made a It cannot be intimidated or shaken when threatened knight of the Legion of Honour in Paris. Michel Petrucciani was a It cannot be conquered when attacked national hero in France, and his records were best sellers in Europe. It is not indecisive or wavering when challenged French President Jacques Chirac was among the many who paid It cannot be overtaken when chased tribute to him, praising his ability to "renew jazz, giving himself up to It cannot be compared when looked at his art with passion, courage and musical genius." He called him an It cannot falter, even under hostile circumstances "example for everyone." On January 6th, 1999, Michel Petrucciani passed away in Manhattan at the age of 36, from a pulmonary infection. "My philosophy," said Michel Petrucciani, "is to have a really good time and never to let anything stop me from doing what I want to do." Obviously there was something in this artist, which could not be kept down. Joni Earecson might be known of many Christians. In 1967 a diving accident left her quadriplegic in a wheelchair unable to use her hands. In 2003 she received The Lifetime Achievement Award by ECPA (Evangelical Christian Publishers Association). A record of her outstanding contribution shows the following: - Author of more than 30 books, including the ECPA Gold Medallion Award winning "Tell Me the Promises" and "Tell Me the Truth." Her book "Joni" has over 3,000,000 copies in print in more than 45 translations. - President and founder of Joni and Friends, a disability outreach

This is one of the cornerstones on which a breakthrough-life and a governing church can be raised. Beside this there is no hope for breakthrough, there is no hope for spiritual influence, even less for spiritual government. Eternal life is imperishable... and it means: It cannot be controlled when it expands As Jesus was born in Bethlehem there was an immediate reaction in Jerusalem. From two companies of people: the political and the religious. Two types of controlling systems. Herod felt threatened and with him all Jerusalem and he found new allies in the Pharisees and religious leaders as they felt threatened too. And they perceived the situation totally right but they refused to align and resisted the move. As soon as the new move of God was launched the controlling system were challenged and had two options: to surrender and align or to attempt to control, either individually or through alliances. But what had been born was loaded with eternal life and no control could take

over or even affect what God had launched. It cannot be kept back when it is moving

As you can see “eternal life” is much more than where in the universe we will spend eternity and about how long is eternity. It is here and now!!!

Jesus died on the cross, and the next 3 days he went through both paradise and hell... but death could not keep Him back. Life cannot be kept back by any form of death.

Have regular and strong God-encounters!

I wish you a divine time of homework as you consider these vital issues seriously before God! There are people waiting on the other side of your breakthrough. Come alive, download words of life, and be Therefore after the resurrection Jesus sent His Spirit... life moved on. continuously filled with the Spirit of life. Pray life, prophecy life, Resurrection was not the final point. It was the foundation for what had proclaim life, display life, arise and shine life! to happen. God initiated the next phase of the mission. Fire came and became a fire-storm swallowing up sin, passivity, childishness, death, perversion, religion. As the Spirit hit 120 human lives on earth, it became a killer-wave which wrecked the works of the devil in that keycity. The devil tried to abort the whole thing and the apostles were very close to quit and go back to the old life and level. But life stepped forward, jumped forward... and nothing could stop it. It cannot be stopped when it steps forward

It cannot be kept down when it is growing and raising Even when things are hidden from public eyes, the things of God can develop behind the scene. Even as Elijah felt alone, isolated and threatened, God had moved outside his horizon. Seven thousand were moving forward, growing, rising under cover. They were called, shaped, taken through processes until the day of their release. As John the Baptist lived alone with God and proclaimed the prophetic word in the wilderness, God was developing something behind the scene. And as John went on with God, people began to come out to him in the desert. Until it was in the thousands. It cannot be intimidated or shaken when threatened Oh yes, intimidation can jump on us and mistreat us badly. We can be shaken. We can be threatened but it will only be short term. The life of God inside of us, in our mandate cannot be shaken or intimidated. In these days everything will be shaken in our lives, in our ministries, in our churches, in leadership, in structures... and what can be shaken will fall apart and fall off. And what is birthed by God, sustained by eternal life, loaded with Kingdom-power will stay unshaken. On the contrary it will become even more established, sharpened and clarified. Should I go on? I could but I wonʼt. Can I challenge you with some apostolic homework? Go through the next 5 points and let God speak to you and develop them. They go like this: It cannot be conquered when attacked It cannot be indecisive or wavering when challenged It cannot be overtaken when chased It cannot be compared when looked at It cannot falter, even under hostile circumstances The final shaking and scary question Now the HOT-question is: why are good things falling apart, why do Holy Spirit waves stop rolling, why do churches stay on the same level, why do our lives go in circles in stead of following prophetic lines, why do churches go from revival t o funeral, why do things which start in the Spirit end in flesh, why are Godʼs gifts stolen from us... when eternal life is like God says it is? Maybe we have more traditions than real life and the Word of God has been made of no power. And our churches have lost its prevailing mentality. And its fruits and governmental influence.



Fathers and sons Let the boys live! “The women give birth before the midwives arrive!” These were the words of Shiphrah and Puah when Pharaoh asked why the Hebrew boys were not killed (Ex 1,15-20). The numbers were increasing... even though the fathers had died. “Now Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation had died, but the Israelites were fruitful and multiplied greatly and became exceedingly numerous, so that the land was filled with them.” (Ex 1,6-7) Pharaoh was impressed by numbers, like most Christians. But there was not much to fear, as long as there were no fathers. But even then, God was working and numbers rose dramatically. Somewhere a new day was dawning However, numbers cannot do it alone! More had to happen... God had to raise a new father for the people. “Now a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son.” (Ex 2,1) The Bible also says that the baby was “fair in the eyes of God” (Acts 7,20). So there was a house somewhere where a new thing was going on, something that Pharaoh couldnʼt control or destroy. A place where life was so strong that births took place without any human help and absolutely nothing could interfere with it. Even the midwives came too late. Things were moving and happening after another order, under another authority and with another pace. Something was rising which would transform a numerically strong mob of slaves into a stronger threat than Pharaoh could think of. Overruled! Pharaoh tried to make a murderous alliance with the Hebrew midwives in order to stop what was about to happen. But he didnʼt know that something was going on which had roots back all the way to Abraham and which would one day culminate with the coming of the Son of God and the rise of Godʼs house. Many years later king Herod tried to make a similar alliance with the Pharisees and the magiʼs from the East but without success. He was totally overruled by Godʼs move. So he sent his armed “midwives” or butchers to kill all the baby-boys less than 2 years. Listen: there is something rising in all the nations of the world, inside the house of God... fathers and sons. The school of fatherhood First Moses lived in his fatherʼs house, for 3 months. Circumcision made him a true son of the house of Levi. The frequency and the destiny were settled for the rest of his life. But God didnʼt want him to be raised in a slave environment. Why? Because slavery affects not only the external landscape but the internal as well. So God let him be raised as a statesman, as a son to Pharaohʼs daughter and he was educated in all Egyptian wisdom and he was “powerful in speech and in action.” (Acts 7,21-22) . But as he was 40 years old, destiny began to rise seriously inside of him (Acts 7,23-29) even to the point of killing an Egyptian... and Pharaoh tried to kill him so Moses fled. After being at the Pharaoh school for 40 years God took him to the Fatherhood school for 40 years. God had taken him out of external slavery, but now it was about the internal. God had to work on him now... to make him a father. Fathers are not made in human palaces and schools but in the divine deserts. In Godʼs Kingdom only fathers can become statesmen and raise sons to carry on the royal mandate.

Nobody can hinder... ... God in raising fathers and sons. Nobody can keep you away from your God-given spiritual father, and nobody can keep you away from raising sons. If your mind is set, the issue is settled... it cannot fail. As the fathers died and the sons became slaves God launched his plan and raised a father for the nation. And they became Godʼs sons (Ex 19,3-6 and Deut 1,29-31). Because the order of fatherhood has been violated and broken down in the house of God, He has been forced to limit His blessings. But nobody can hinder what God is doing on the surface of the earth as He begins to fulfil the amazing words of Malachi about fathers and children. No present Pharaoh will be able to hinder the Moses of our days... fathers will rise from the ashes of religious slavery and humanistic manipulation. No present Saul will hinder the Davids of our days... sons will rise from the ashes of religious control and humanistic rebellion. God will bypass the political-religious alliances between the heroes and the pharisees of our days... as He did in those days. The birth and the death of the Son... ... show some similarities. At both events the devil attempted to interfere but God is in total control. Before His birth God totally overruled all the devilʼs attempts to contaminate the human seed in order to prevent Jesus from coming. At His birth God dismantled the devilʼs plans by sending the magiʼs home by another way and later He sent the little family to Egypt under angelic protection and guidance. At His death the devil was totally unable to kill Jesus... Jesus gave His life and again dismantled the plan of the devil and took back the authority Adam had given him. A new generation of believers... ... after a new order is rising. Some might still work in the religious mud-holes of slavery but the spirit of sonship is alive and burning inside of them. Others might sit on the humanistic benches of the royal schools but the spirit of sonship is alive and burning inside of them. Others might live in the divine deserts of intensive fatherhood training. But nothing will be able to interfere this move of God which will break the curse over our nations. Fathers will rise and sons will come home. A supernatural house will emerge from the ashes of the church and take cities and nations back to God. Thank God, Jesus came and overcame! You can be a son of God and He will provide for spiritual fatherhood. Manhood and fatherhood... not a time for boys “Woe to you, O land whose king was a child and whose princes feast in the morning. Blessed are you, O land whose king is of noble birth and whose princes eat at a proper time - for strength and not for drunkenness.” (Eccl 10,16-17) There are times and assignments in Godʼs Kingdom which are not for children! The Joshuaʼs, the Calebʼs and the Estherʼs are for a time like this... The days of Esther were a time of national transition and God needed a new generation for a time like that. A new generation means a new breed, a new type of believers, different people. It was not a time for Barbie-girls, but for adult women -like Esther- with a prevailing mentality and moving forward according to a divine mandate. What was the background for the raise of Esther? The words of the king: “Let the royal position be given to someone better than Queen Vashti!”

So Ester was better!!! It was not a time for Barbie-girls. The days of Joshua and Caleb were a time of national transition. They were not boys. They didnʼt take the land because they had a certain age, read: young or old. They had a different spirit (Nb 14,24). At least it is what God tells us in the Bible. The rest is human rhetoric and charismatic pep talk. What was different in Joshua and Caleb was not their ages, their talents, their education, their personalities... but their spirit. It takes more than talents and skills, it takes spirit. The rest is irrelevant.

walk... then learn to carry burdens and fulfil assignments. Learn to manage wealth and wisdom. Love Him and love His house. Itʼs not a time for romance. Be in His headquarters. What about trusting His love so much that you let Him rule your life and you throw yourself into His plan? What about the church getting over religious emotionalism and throwing herself into Godʼs plan to rule the nations? What about dismantling the Devilʼs plans and plundering his house? Jesus was not more than 12 years when he said: Didnʼt you know that I had to be in my Fatherʼs house? (Lk 2,49). But Mary and Joseph didnʼt understand what he said to them. Do we? Then he went home with them for training.

Joshua and Caleb were descendants of Joseph and Judah... not boys. Esther was adopted by Mordecai -as her parents died- and strongly Remember the words of Agur about the nations! raised by her (Est. 2,5-7,20)... not a girl. These were definitely not times for boys and girls. But a time for the Joshuaʼs and the Estherʼs! He wrote in Prov 30,22 that under 3 things the earth trembles. One of them is: “A slave who becomes a king.” Paul helps us to understand: a In the years to come the house of God will be full of the Evan child is like a slave until “the time set by his father” (Gal 4,1-2). We can Robertsʼ, the Aimee McPhersonʼs, the John Alexander Dowieʼs, the then translate Agurʼs words into: a boy who rules make the earth Oral Robertsʼs, the Kathryn Kuhlmanʼs and John G Lakeʼs. tremble. Boys who rule make the church tremble. Boys who rule make parliaments and governments tremble. Itʼs time for the adult sons of Safari-duo... God to rise. Caleb actually belonged to the same “Joshua-generation”. He had a different spirit. Not a different age... read: old. Both had the same spirit, the same prevailing mentality. They were not a duo on a safari but they were leading millions of men, women, children and grandparents with animals and tents into the re-conquering of a lost nation to re-establish it under the government of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Not really a mandate for boys. They were not village mayors but statesmen, the ambassadors of Godʼs Kingdom. ... Or Kingdom terminators Caleb could take more. As Joshua became old God had to pay him a visit and shake him and challenge him to make sure that the mission was fulfilled (Josh 13,1). He had settled and accepted an unfulfilled mission. Caleb had not: “I am still as strong today as I was in the day Moses sent me; as my strength was then, so my strength is now, for war and for going out and coming in. Now then, give me this hill country...” (Josh 14,11-13). Caleb was more than a pioneer, he was a terminator. He wanted his full inheritance released whatever the price, the road map, the conditions or the hindrances. He was possessed by Godʼs promise about the destiny and the mandate for him and his house. He was ready to confront the giants and fulfil a change of regime. Definitely not a task for boys. Childishness is an embarrassment 1Cor 13 is not the Bibleʼs answer to “Make love, not war!” Itʼs a strong exhortation to leave childhood and move into adulthood. Children love the gifts; adults know the Giver and love Him. Thatʼs why they can function in the gifts in the way the Giver intended them to do. From this relationship of an adult son to his Father, supernatural dimensions and dynamics of the Spirit are released and become operational. The son has become an heir. Are we babies, then we are as slaves (Gal 4,1-7). The inheritance is there, but as a potential. It is real but not reality yet. Therefore Paul was labouring so Christ emerged in them. Not baby-Jesus in the manger smiling to the cow and the donkey, but Christ the Anointed ruling, carrying the sceptre and governing in peace, the King whose judgments bring joy to the nations. Back in the 80ʼs and 90ʼs we needed the revelation of God the Father and of us as His children. But this is 20 years ago! How come that we still have the picture of ourselves sitting on the lap of God the kissing loving Father? Our 4 children are still our children but they donʼt sit on my lap anymore. Both they and I have greater things to do... and they have their kids on their laps. Jump off Godʼs lap! Grow up, learn to

In other words: leave boyhood and Barbie-romance. Let God grow you up and become an adult son!

What did Malachi exactly see? Fathers and sons If you long for authentic spiritual fatherhood you are on the right track. In the end times the Elijah anointing will be released. One of its characteristics will be the capacity to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. The effects of this turning on the lives of people, on churches and even on the nation will be mind-blowing, after what Malachi saw and wrote. From slaves to children Be attentive to the fact that it is the hearts of the children which will be turned to the hearts of the fathers. Why? Because only childrenʼs hearts can be turned to fathersʼ hearts. Godʼs heart has always been turned towards mankind. Since the fall of Adam, His son, God has worked on the restoration of His relationship to mankind and making them His sons. The most powerful part of this work is that the Father sent His Son to open the way back to Him. But the problem is that many believers who have been transferred from the Kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of His beloved Son, keep their slave-life unaffected by God their Father: identity, mentality, behaviour, lifestyle and relationships. But God cannot be and refuses to be the director of a slave camp. Slaves are fatherless, and everything in them rejects fathers even though they desperately long for them. Slavesʼ only ways of relating is false submission for personal survival and true rebellion for personal identity and position. Through the work of the Son of God this alienating work of the devil can be destroyed so every believer can become a true child and son of God through the miraculous process of inner transformation where slaves become children and sons. Then and only then their hearts can be turned by the Holy Spirit towards the hearts of fathers... if there are any. From Pharaohs to fathers Pharaoh dominated the Jews in Egypt. They were the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but he made them slaves. Slaves need Pharaohs and Pharaohs need slaves. They are two sides of the same picture, just like fathers and sons are. Saul behaved like a Pharaoh.

As the Israelites refused the divine fatherhood-sonship order they bought the heathen king order (1Sam 8). Or the Pharaoh system. Saul wanted even to kill his son Jonathan. He looked for brave young men and kept them to himself. David came in into his stall and the first thing his new ”father” Saul did, was to forbid him go back to Jesse, his father. Pharaohs abuse their slaves and keep them poor, weak and low so they can use them as platform for their own success and celebrity. Fathers raise their sons so they can do better than themselves. Saul never got any genuine sons; therefore he built a statue to be remembered. Absalom rebelled against his father and had no sons so he also built a statue, a monument. Samuel didnʼt need a statue, his son David lived and reached his destiny. David didnʼt need the temple to be remembered. He had a son. Pharaohsʼ only ways of relating is abuse for identity and murder for position. Through the work of the Father this alienating work of the devil can be destroyed so every believer can become a true father through a miraculous process of inner transformation where Pharaohs become fathers. Then and only then their hearts can be turned by the Holy Spirit towards the heart of the sons... if they have any. The turning of hearts Listen: itʼs not the age, or the grey hair or the life experiences. Itʼs not becoming fatherly, a little bit overweighed and slow. Itʼs a heart-thing. But not in a soulish way. The hearts of the fathers are turned by the Holy Spirit towards the hearts of the children. Letʼs talk about the children: itʼs not the desire to learn, the need of security or wise advices. Itʼs a heart-thing: the hearts of the children are turned by the Holy Spirit towards the hearts of the fathers. It is a Spirit and a heart-thing. Please, keep it that way. Donʼt mess it up with mentoring, or dilute it with discipleship training. If the Spirit is not at work and the hearts are not affected... itʼs not at all what Malachi saw and wrote about. And the mighty effects he prophesied about will not be there at all. So please donʼt walk through the church supermarket asking the wiselooking loving grey- haired: ”do you want to be my father?” You might end on the lap of a spiritual child abuser. And why walk through the conference supermarket asking the gifted young people: ”Do you want to be my son?” You might end carrying a spiritual suicide bomber on your shoulders. Desperate for a father? Donʼt let desperation turn into panic, offended isolation or inaccurate alliances. Samuel grew up away from his biological father, came into the temple where there was decayed fatherhood... but he grew strong before God and men. So donʼt panic, God is in charge and will set you into the father-son order. David was taken away from his biological father, Jesse, and forced into Saulʼs abusive and murderous fatherhood. But God gave him a father, Samuel at Ramah. Jonathan on the contrary never got out of the glued soulish - and sometimes even demonized - web of his father. So trust God, donʼt rush. Listen to the ”voice” because the voice is formed inside the heart. And the same Spirit who turned the fatherʼs heart so you heard a fatherʼs voice will turn your heart towards his. Clear the ground Here are some options: The person who lead you to Christ A person who has been around you in times of crisis, or generally

speaking cared for you, or gave you godly advices A person with whom youʼve had strong common spiritual experiences A person who prophesied over you A person with similar gifting and anointing who has success in ministry or just doing well... a relevant person to be around as it might profit your growth A person who is over you, organizationally or hierarchically, in a denomination or a Christian organization A person who has certain skills which you need All these options have some relevance or legitimacy. But are they Godʼs patterns? Is it Godʼs father-son order? Itʼs not. So donʼt rush. Especially if you are not clear. Donʼt connect. Have a friendship going on. Give it time. Let God speak and check your own spirit. Father, stay out of mixture! Watch out for the Saul-spirit inside of you. By the way, who is your spiritual father? How can you reproduce something you never had? How can you impart something which was never imparted in you? Saul never connected to Samuel while he could and never sought him before it was too late. Then he used a witch to speak to the man who could have been his father and connect him to his destiny. No wonder he couldnʼt handle Jonathan, no wonder he couldnʼt handle David. Son, watch your soul! Donʼt throw yourself in the arms of a caring person because you have walked down the alley of loneliness, hurt and abuse and now you miss a shoulder to cry. Here is my advice: make one -a shoulder- and cry at it. Or you long for a safe bed to lie without a gun under the pillow. Here is my advice: keep your Holy Spirit gun as not everybody out there is clean. Not every person offering a free ice cream at the school gate is the parent of the child. Donʼt connect because of benefits: employment, a position or free flight tickets to conferences, or reduction on the web shop. God will help you and you will know beyond any doubt. But let your spirit talk and your soul be silent. Because God will give you what you need to reach your destiny but not necessarily what you want to cover your needs. But donʼt misunderstand me: true spiritual fatherhood and sonship is going to be restored in all its divine purity, its multiplication capacity, its generational power and national implications. But it is a God-thing!



Are we really living and operating according to... … the New Covenant or are we still in the Old with bloody animals, sweaty priests and religious slavery? Why the question? Let me turn it around. To be honest the believers and the churches in the Acts of Apostles were having a life, we donʼt really know about. We definitely need some reality-therapy and face the situation. Could it be that we have been ”hijacked” and on a way to a wrong destination? Could it be that we have left the track and come to a place where the Kingdom of God is seldom present or even absent and we have become fossils... we missed the transition into a totally new era and landed in a hostile and alien place where our only goal is to survive and somehow ”do something for God”. We remind our communities of something, which has been powerful, which has influenced continents and formed civilizations, which had the favour of many and was feared by some. Could it be that we are the debris of something, which was on the course of greatness but collapsed? How come the lives of Christians and churches could bring the Roman Empire to its knees and 2000 years later, we are so diluted that people donʼt even know where our church-buildings are. The first generations of Christians used their creativity to escape and hide away from the ferocity of a perverted society and lunatic emperors but our contemporary churches use its creativity to be found by people who donʼt even look for them. How come one single bible verse about righteousness could threaten the well-established religious system of penance and generate a move of God all over Europe called Reformation with global societal repercussions... but todayʼs evangelical and Pentecostal churches which have roots back to Reformation, are impotent and contaminated by religion and humanism, denying the power of true repentance and a life in the Holy Spirit aligned with Godʼs Word. Yes, we have been hijacked Yes, New Covenant Christianity has become hijacked and we are reproducing Godless Old Covenant life and ministry. You know, dead works are not ugly works. Good and highly talented works can be dead works. It is the case. And there is no use blaming ourselves or each other, circumstances or our political leaders and parliaments, or our church-leaders. Letʼs just face reality and repent, which means turn around and walk in a new direction. Just as simple as that. Which direction? There is only one: we must become Kingdom believers again, connected together to be Kingdom churches living in the power, freedom, purity and simplicity of the new Covenant established by Jesus, the crucified, resurrected and glorified Son of God, who is the firstborn of many brothers. Jesus lived by the power of the new Covenant while John the Baptist was the transitional figure. Men and women are mentioned in the Old Testament who lived and operated after New Covenant dynamics, mindsets and technology. Abraham, Moses and David were living a New Covenant life in Old Covenant times. We are not even living Old Covenant lives and we are in New Covenant times. There is a lot of sweat and blood in our personal and church lifestyles. A lot of performance, a lot of unnecessary burdens and very little rest in God, a lot of wrong wars and casualties. Could it be that we today -which means in New Testament times- live and operate after Old Covenant dynamics, mindsets and technology and God is not there anymore? Old Covenant is dead entertainment

The fruits are mess and chaos, an atmosphere of inferiority and shame, vulnerability to condemnation - just ask the church how many read the Bible daily, pray daily and speak about the Kingdom on a daily basis and you will see the cloud of condemnation come over people. Other fruits: feelings of rejection, jealousy, performance, comparison with others. Exhaustment and burnouts are common among church members. And among leaders and pastors. All these fruits are growing inevitably and regularly on lives and ministries rooted in an expired Old Covenant and its perverting spirit. Thatʼs why worship turns into concerts expressing more talent than anointing. Preaching builds on charisma and eloquence rather than on revelation. Sunday morning becomes like a TV-show, offerings are often a mixture of distorted biblical understanding and motivational pep talk and emotionalism. Or just cool calculation: leaders order and have fun... members pay or run! Then the multimedia expert and the light-man might become more important than the Holy Spirit. And my goodness, people like it. They donʼt like it because God is present, moving, and working. They like it because they know it. From where? From BBCʼs Breaking News or from the last U2-concert they attended. Actually, Bono is better in the offering stuff and talking with presidents and people in high positions than most preachers, even than solid faith preachers are. And Steve Balmer -one of the CEOs at Microsoftis better than most pastors in motivating people. Think, non-believers could run the church, if they are just talented enough. Itʼs amazing how quick we replace anointing with good talent. To be alive in New Covenant times... ... is such a privilege. But living in New Covenant times and operating after expired Old Covenant patterns is a gross sin committed by believers, churches and even ministers. Jesus Christ fulfilled a total redemption to set mankind free from the Kingdom of darkness and the power of sin and flesh. Why then do we place ourselves under the curse of the Law when God wants us to migrate and establish us into the powers of the worlds to come, which can already be operating in our age. The New Covenant is the force of the Kingdom and its fundamental dynamic. If we donʼt preach the gospel of the Kingdom, we will produce proselytes and slaves. And we will become their slave masters. People who join churches who neither preach nor live the Kingdom, are drawn into legalism, performance (dead works), eternal condemnation and immaturity, powerlessness and barrenness. Oh yeah, churches can still grow as we study secular management and develop intelligent marketing strategies. And there can still be signs and wonders... because God is good... all the time... and to all! And the offerings are on the way up... yeah because God is faithful to His Word and He is a Giver. Oh by the way, God can prophesy through a donkey. But it doesnʼt make donkeys Godʼs prophets. Stones can worship, which doesnʼt make a heap of them a worship band. We must go back to go on... Not back to Alexander Dowie or Martin Luther or even Chrysostomos. Back to Jesus the Son of God introducing and carrying the Kingdom, back to the explosion He released from His new position in heaven into a company of people whose lives and mode of operation launched a new era. But during centuries, we have lost it. But we can and will regain all of it, bit by bit. But still, some essential and extremely powerful bits of the picture are tragically missing. So we must go back to go on! The New Covenant is about... ... connecting with the throne of God in heaven ... limitless supernatural resources in our lives and families ... high level of authority and efficiency ... ruling with Christ on earth

... negotiating the future of cities and regions ... extraordinary wealth in order to fulfil destiny ... the end of the power of sin and self ... irreversibly destroying the works of the devil ... restoring Eden situations and environments ... unstoppable explosion of the supernatural ... people added by God to His house in the 100始s and 1000始s In 3 words: heaven on earth!



Meet the Suckers!


Donʼt withdraw, donʼt fear and donʼt compromise or negotiate... face them. Here are some of them, your suckers. Identify them and kick them out of your life. God will help you.

How come blessed people can complain? How come the Israelites who had been delivered by the mighty hand of God, who received food and drink, whose shoes and clothes were never torn into pieces, whose healer was God himself... could complain all the time and dream about slavery, whips, inhuman work? Hard to believe. Christians can have 80% of their prayers answered in a supernatural way, but they only focus and get depressed about the unanswered 20%. The married ones complain about the challenge of sharing everything with a husband/wife, the complexity of cooperating and developing marital relationships, the shocking reality of the amount of work related to raising children, the noise in the home. Meanwhile the unmarried ones dreams day and night about the privilege of sharing everything with a husband/wife, the absence of cooperation and opportunity of developing relationships, they miss children and hate the silence in their homes. The young want to be older, the aged want to be younger. Men seek after their feminine identity and women dream about manhood.

Soulishness Our soul is a gift from God as well as our spirit and body. But soulishness is a sucker. What is our soul? Our reason (or intellect), our will and our emotions. Soulishness is when our soul rules our inner man. But our spirit should be the dominating factor. Emotions can still take over, as well as our reason or our will. Paul wrote to the Corinthians: ”A soulish person cannot receive from God.” Quite straight statement. But true as God is spirit and communicates from Spirit to spirit. Our soul can become the place from where the flesh will fight what our spirit has received from God. The absence of genuine spirit life -or just a weak spirit- creates a ground for religious emotionalism and humanistic thinking. Sometimes the one is a reaction to the other and vice versa. But both are suckers of true spirit life. Rationalism has its methods and calculations, theological analysis and intellectual constructions... and all of them justified by bible-verses. Humanistic Christians often quote the famous Berea-issue. Oh yeah... these believers went home to check if things brought by the apostles were scriptural (Acts 17,11). So they do the same, desiccate the word of God until all life-changing power has left it. But what the brains of these rational believers have overlooked is the fact that these nobleminded believers had already received the word of the apostles with great eagerness (NAS), inclination of mind (Amp) or readiness of mind (KJ). Emotionalism has its fake sweetness and compassion, hallow faith slogans, unity dreams, pseudo spirituality and anti intellect... particularly present and hyperactive in Pentecostal and charismatic environments. Stubbornness and indecisiveness are the fruits of an untransformed soul. Itʼs mocking God. Israel was indecisive at Kadesh Barnea and God taught them a strong lesson (Nb 14,22-23). Jesus was simple and direct as he spoke to Jerusalem: ”How often I wanted... but you would not have it!” He wanted but they refused. Saul was confronted with the same lesson: rebellion is like divination and insubordination/ arrogance is like idolatry. Yes, soulishness is a sucker So you still want to tolerate its presence? Read the words of the apostle Paul (1Cor 3)... welcome your future: Childishness Carnality Retardation Jealousy Competition Split and pain Muddered relationships Superficiality, fake behaviour Flattery and prejudices Exaggerated admiration of leaders ... and even grave sexual sins So you still want to host these things? No, get rid of them by letting your spirit rise strong and true.

Yes, complaining is a sucker; rejoice, you are alive in a time like this. Turn every situation into thankfulness and a training opportunity! Criticism Some people always put their noses in othersʼ lives. They donʼt do much about their own, so they supervise and patronize others. If you walk with God, let people be people. The smaller a dog is, the bigger the noise. Donʼt let the puddle bother you. Walk strong, build stability and maturity into your lifestyle, be determined and focused. Let me close with this phenomenal statement of Paul: ”You are the temple of God and God lives in you. Whoever destroys Godʼs temple, God will destroy him. For Godʼs temple is holy and you are His temple.” (1Cor 3,16-17) Donʼt withdraw, donʼt fear and donʼt compromise or negotiate... face them. Here are more of them, your suckers. Identify them and kick them out of your life. God will help you. Jealousy If you compare with others to consider certain issues in your own life, you will learn something important which will animate your growth. But if you compare with others to compete with them or to measure yourself you are childish. You will mess up relationships and most of all harm yourself. Feelings of inferiority, condemnation and rejection will creep into your mind and emotions. Jealousy will show its ugly face and spread its poison into your veins. So watch your heart as you compare. Self-consciousness is a sin which demands serious and consistent repentance until you are free. Jealousy is a sucker and can become a killer. Metrosexuality In the soulish environment of the spiritually gifted Corinth-church serious sexual sins were committed. Shocking! Can we learn something here? We should. Soulishness brings sexual distortions and one of the most creepy ones in our modern world is the metro sexual culture. Metrosexuality doesnʼt have to do with sexuality but mainly with distorted masculinity. In the Bible, men are men and women are women... and demons get defeated. Godʼs plan can be found in the Bible, book one, chapter one. As Adam stopped ruling, protecting and fighting, the dragon entered their sphere and hijacked his wife Eve (and not Steve) and destroyed their common governmental destiny. They were immediately put out of their unique

relationship with God, as well as of their position and mission. Watch out! The dragon is still alive. Misandry (man-hatred) is one of the basic trends in western postmodern culture. And it has penetrated the emotional church world. Listen, God never intended man to get in touch with their feminine side, but to fulfil His God-designed assignment as a man, a husband and a father... as a leader and a conqueror. Metrosexuality is a sucker... let men be men and boys be boys! Man-pleasing Jesus called us to be the salt of the earth. And He told His disciples that He expected them to be salt, elsewhere they were nothing. Wherever you land in the Bible you will find Godʼs ambassadors with attitudes and actions which are corrosive to their culture. Their words didnʼt bring them awards, but they protected their nation from moral rot and religious decay. Believers, pastors and churches that donʼt stand for biblical truth commit spiritual suicide and effectively marginalize themselves from Kingdom agendas. The prophetic capacity of believers and churches to hear, receive, align to the Word of God... and stick to it must be dramatically and seriously enlarged. Manpleasing has its source in selfishness, also called me-monkey religion. But such a life will be a farce and never a force able to shake our post modern world. Man-pleasing will make you a lukewarm and mediocre believer with no real impact on neither your world nor other peoples world. Man-pleasing is a sucker... and must be identified and removed from our lives. Suckers in Corinth The church in Corinth was an awesome church with tremendous gifts of the Spirit, talented in speech, brilliant in knowledge (1Cor 1,4), a lot of prominent speakers (1,12), a congregation with a huge potential, and a powerful father, Paul himself. But there is a but. And Paul had to sharpen his pen and write a couple of strong letters to them to close some doors as soulishness had creeped into the house. He mentioned a whole list of life-suckers: soulishness, childishness, jealousy, wrong admiration of ministers, identity-hunting, gross sexual immorality... and he wrapped them all up in one word: carnality! Paul doesnʼt clap their shoulders; play buddies with them and speaks what pleases them. Because he is a true father. True fathers donʼt play games. They help their children to identify the suckers so they can get rid of them before itʼs too late. Before the gangrene of intellectualism or emotionalism has produced an irreversible decay in their lives and their relationships. Suckers give birth to more suckers When soulish dynamics are tolerated they will self-increase. Jealousy will produce more jealousy. Man-worship will produce man-worship. Emotional dependency will produce more of the same kind. Identityhunting will accelerate. Pastors and parents: be fearless, break the mould and do your job! Itʼs time to re-conquer lost territory; itʼs time for believers, families and churches to rise like never before. With prophetic clarity and apostolic sharpness and determination. Remember: suckers give birth to more suckers. Stop the decay and turn the situation around. Seek and implement wisdom, repent and remove the garbage. Prioritize your relationships... not all of them upgrade, sharpen you and make you better and stronger. Some are just sucking. Do something and have a breakthrough in stead of a breakdown. Suckers create sucking atmospheres and environments These things donʼt only harm our lives. They also infiltrate relationships in the family and in the church. They creep into the lives

and ministry of pastors and our churches become an environment where strong godly values are avoided. Worship is emotional and empty for any genuine Spirit-move, meetings turn into TV-shows. Leaders are buddies. Truth is called fanatism. External unity is proclaimed even though there is no evidence of genuine common destiny. Numbers and buildings become important. Comparison, imitation and competition are making the agenda. Materialism, manipulation, co-dependency, emotionalism, tricky agendas have become normal. What about re-creating a genuine Kingdomenvironment built on clean Kingdom values, dynamics and patterns? Can we do anything about it? Yes we can. Should we do anything about it? Yes we should. Immediately! Because these issues suck Spirit-life out of us, abort our destiny in God, keeps us from excellence... and they make us a doormat for a foolish world which is longing for the men and women of God to deliver it from the Dragonʼs lethal tyranny.



A systemic shift World-history shows that fundamental change in the inner system of a nation is a very difficult process. Either it happens through the rebellion of its masses, or through more peaceful processes, it will have major consequences for the citizens of the country. In the very moment a dictator or the basic idea of a system disappears, the structure of society collapses. The justice, the order of the nation and its infra-structure which have been based upon the ruling ideology will desintegrate. It creates great confusion, insecurity and people are left in a vacuum as well as with huge human and financial losses. Most often changes take place because people want better life-conditions (more freedom f.ex) but a high price will have to be paid for the transition. We see this also in the history of the Kingdom of God. It was difficult and it took a long time for the israelites to move from a slaveexistence in Egypt into the conquest of the land they were called to rule. Even though they had to migrate to a far better position and a better life, the change created many problems. It was difficult for them to stand on Godʼs promise. Slavery had stolen their national consciousness and broken them. They didnʼt have a mentality which matched with the challenge and the situation although they had lived miraculously on a daily basis. A generational shift was necessary. When is a shift optimal? Actually itʼs difficult to say. If things go well, why change? If things go bad, we lack the resources. Israel could have left Egypt many years previously, while things were OK. They knew they had to leave. But it happened when God initiated it, at His moment. The greatest shift took place in the transition between Old and New Covenant. Malachi wrote the last book in the Old Testament and at that time a whole religious system had been raised. Jerusalem was a reality as well as the temple. The glory of God filled it on the day of its dedication... but the life and presence of God was not there anymore. He didnʼt want to give them new life again, but He wanted to change the whole system. It started with a strong love-declaration and His determination to fulfill His destiny for them. Then God expressed his disapproval and what they had to bring into order. He told them what He wanted to do and how they could get out of the mess. He wanted to cleanse them, and destroy the controllers, the liars, the abusers and those who dishonored Him. But He was faithful and gave everyone a chance to repent and change. A clear and true message is necessary for a genuine shift to take place Then John the Baptist came as a voice in the wilderness. The message was about repentance to God, so they could receive forgiveness for their sins. They had to be prepared for the shift. Now the Kingdom was near. For the 1st time God would make the Kingdom accessible for everybody. The hills had to come down and valleys had to be filled. The message brought a new revelation of God. Now people would see truth and grace. In a shift a clear and true message is vital... words from God that you can connect to, live in and stand upon until the word becomes reality. Jesus came after John; He was the fulfillment of the message. His words were the same as Johnʼs. And the people who believed John and his message recognized Jesus. Immediately as they heard his voice they connected to Him. They took heaven by storm (Matt 11,12). Jesus confronted the selv-appointed system ...

... of leaders without imparted authority but who nevertheless lead people through their understanding of the Law. The greatest change took place as Jesus revealed Himself to all people. Their lives with God had to be a life in the Spirit. They had to live in the supernatural, they had to bring and manifest the Kingdom here on earth. Time is in to shift from natural to supernatural Itʼs time to go from natural to supernatural. Elsewhere the Kingdom will not break out here on earth and the church will exist without having any influence. We have to consider our more or less christian lives before God. We must seek Him og sort out things. Maybe we will have to zero all of it in order to get what He has for us. When Jesus said (Matt 9) than the new wine has to be put in new wineskins He meant that a new wineskin was required. A new vessel, a new system which could carry the new wine. A mixture of religious and humanisitic, of human and divine thinking will not work. Only divine mentality works in a supernatural system. Our greatest challenge today is not to get a new renewal which will fade out. Itʼs not time to import new methods and ideas, but to get Godʼs idea, His thoughts, so we can proclaim that the Kingdom is near and demonstrate how it works. In order to live in the supernatural we must live in the world of the Spirit... because it is Godʼs real world. And it must become just as real for us. Only what is born of the Spirit (it means revealed by him), understood and seen in the Spirit, has the life and the power of God built into it. A life in the supernatural is not only about being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. This is only the entrancepoint. The Holy Spirit must be present in our lives all the time, in such a way that we continuously receive new understanding of the Word and the Kingdom of God is manifesting more and more through us. Itʼs time for serious consideration A system will always be regulated by an ideology or a thought-system about how things must function. The idea settles the expression, the form. Therefor itʼs vital that we get Godʼs accurate blueprint about what church should be. Elsewhere it will never be an authentic church of God, but a human variant. If we donʼt have or donʼt get other blueprints or thoughts than we have now, how then can we build the church of God? It doesnʼt happen through listening to somebody because itʼs their turn to preach, or somebody who has been selected to preach in order to have a little encouragement. It doesnʼt happen through more activities and new methods to entertain, which have a little bit gospel in it. It doesnʼt happen by importing ideas which work in other places. Not even if we have a great vision and a big goal. Itʼs time for serious consideration and asking relevant questions: - Do we have anything to offer? - What is a church-member? - What is the difference between a church and an association? - What is Godʼs opinion about what we do? - How much does God do compared to us? There is a lot of leaven in todayʼs preaching We surely all agree that God is truth and we have to align with it, and not vice versa. As we understand truth, the truth we understand will set us free. There is freedom, power and light in truth. As we align our lives to truth, everything can change. Jesus spoke truth and he was connected to His Father and was empowered by Him. This impressed people, in comparison with the pharisees. When we have neither truth nor empowerment, all we can do is to tell people how to behave, that they have to love each other etc. Nothing is put into them in such a

way that life comes from within. There is no inner government. Or when we speak out our thoughts and encourage people to use it for whatever they like... and forget it, if they donʼt like it... the choice is theirs. But Godʼs Word works in a other way. When God speaks, there will always be a reaction. Either the Word is received and it creates something new, life, faith, health etc. It will have power inside of it to initiate a change. It will never be neutral. We will have to consider it and respond. If we donʼt receive it, resistance will emerge, more or less visible. The opposition of the pharisees was visible and obvious. They planned to destroy Jesus and the Word. What is not from God in people will always react. The phariseesʼ reaction was strong because they thought they had all truth and all understanding. But what they had was contaminated. Jesus called it “leaven”. The worst aspect of leaven is that it is impossible to remove it. Things cannot be separated anymore. There is a lot of leaven in todayʼs preaching and it makes the Word of no power. We must find out what God really wants and how He wants it so we can be able to function as God intended. Let me explain the difference between the 2 systems: Natural christianity

Supernatural christianity

Good ideas

Godʼs ideas

Big effort, moderate effect

Small effort, big effect

To create unity

Unity in the Spirit

Fellowship, activity to keep people

The Word and the Spirit connects people together

Activity, production

Worship and seeking God

Works and results


We build Godʼs church

God builds His church

Membership, numbers

Membersʼ connection with God

Members, followers

Descendants, sons

Leaders and the rest

Fathers and sons

Create a seeker-sensitive environment

To create a Holy Spirit environment

Inspiring thoughts


Good and bad

Right and wrong

Faith in God

To know God and get faith

Find out what God does It doesnʼt mean that the concepts I just categorized under “natural christianity” are not useful. They will just never work in the supernatural, if God doesnʼt speak and initiate things. There is nothing wrong with human help, goodness, ideas and other things we can do, men itʼs just human. When we implement divine truth there will be a greater vindication. The supernatural is something beyond all expectations and limitations. Something divine, innovative, miraculous, beyond any explanation. If we want to experience it, we must firstly get some spiritual stature and secondly be connected to God in such a way that we know Him and His will. A good idea will only have the effect of a good idea. It will be a human fruit. But Godʼs idea and Word have the power in itself to fulfill. When we get ideas and methods from other churches we might obtain a certain effect. But not the ultimate. A divine idea is birthed through the Godprocesses taking place in peopleʼs lives. It comes from their commitment and their level in the Spirit, from their seeking and questioning God. When the idea is birthed by a person on a high spiritual level and somebody else uses it, it will just work on the userʼs level. If it is low, the effect will be low too. This is the way it is with all our activities and efforts to do Godʼs work. If we do it on our premisses, and by our own efforts, the result will be small. But if we do it on Godʼs premisses we will have totally different fruits. For Jesus one single word brought miraculous results. He lived in the world of the Spirit. He saw and heard accurately what God meant and wanted. We must use more time to find out what God says and does... the effect will then be divine. In the first church-era... ... it was not the church-system which kept people connected through programs and activities. No, the Word of God was so strong and relevant, the Holy Spirit was so present that people kept themselves connected to the fellowship, to the prayers and the teaching of the apostles. What they had received brought so much meaning and it was so precious, so lifegiving and lifechanging that they kept connected at any cost. Can you imagine if people came because there is such a presence of God and so much liberating truth that they couldnʼt get enough. It is imperative for us to revide all our activities. Why do we have them? Has God initiated them? What do we build through them? I am totally convinced that most of them could easily be dropped and we could have better results if we used the spared time to seek God and ask Him questions about His plans. We are so busy with building the church with input from all over the world in stead of building after a plan, Godʼs plan. We must seek God for every single point, every single step until we find out where and how we begin... and what must be corrected. We might need help from outside but this help must bring new understanding to what God is already doing. Then we are helped and we build at the right time and after the right chronology. No house can be built well if there is no plan. But we do anyway. Often we arrange meetings with preachers who passed coincidentially through the city. The messages pointed in all directions and they spoke of all kinds of issues. Can you imagine building a house where the masons, the carpenters and plumbers and electricians come in random chronology and they build and spread things all over the house. If we are lucky there will be a sink in the kitchen.

To build or to have meetings In the book of Psalms God says that He will build a house for Himself. He built it in a very accurate way and we must build in the same accurate way, right after the plan He has for His church. David wanted to build God a house but God refused. God wanted to build it Himself. When the temple was finalized the glory of God came. When Jesus came, the Kingdom of God came near and it broke out when He reached maturity and when He got stature to carry the Kingdom. This is the reason why we must stop thinking in terms of meetings but rather in terms of building. The church is made of people. God has to restore His order in the house. He will give us fathers who can teach us the truth so we can have a strong foundation, raise in maturity in such a way that the church will have a “system” and become a vessel which can bear the glory. It is not enough to have the visit of the glory from time to time, just because God is gracious and for the purpose of survival. It is scary to read how strong revivals declined after a certain period of time. People are not just members who have to work and minister. People must become a vessel to be filled by the Holy Spirit until the point of overflowing. People must become Kingdom-carriers. The condition is a Spirit-filled environment where people can really connect to God and His glory and be built up and filled up. Then activities can stop and fruits break out. Fruits come because the God-life in us is strong and destroys all limitations. They break out and bring food, help and life to others. But there are conditions. We must be willing to go though the processes. Willing to turn back to God and get rid of everything which doesnʼt come from Him. Willing to repent from sin so itʼs forgiven and removed before it gets roots. Willing to live in worship and thankfulness to God and communicate with the Holy Spirit. Willing to die from self and decide to connect to God. Willing to invest in the Word of God and become able to separate spirit from soul.

in Him and draw from Him. The Holy Spirit must come into the picture from the very beginning and give a genuine understanding of our lives without God, so sin can be confessed, forgiven and removed. Then people will be able to come very close to God and experience Him and all His fantastic promises. In the process of helping people we try to avoid suffering. There is a suffering we have to go through. Itʼs not sickness, pain, condemnation etc. But there is a suffering when we die from self and go through a process where we constantly must grow and change. We must go from being a servant to be a friend of God and become his adoptive son whom He can trust with His power and glory. Jesus had the same experience as we: He was baptized and the Father expressed his satisfaction and empowered Him. Why did it take 30 years before He could begin to minister when He had been Godʼs Son all the time? Today we see that most people who get saved stay on the servantlevel and they often serve a system or a church. Fortunately God is gracious to us and we can experience His intervention and salvation in spite of everything. But the time has come when God seeks those whose heart is totally connected to Him, those who are dependent on Him, love truth and are determined to follow Him and His plans in spite of their life-experiences. Followers or descendants

The difference between a follower and a descendant is important. Jesus had many who followed Him but they could also drop Him if He said something they didnʼt like. A follower is somebody who follows, somebody who is there and does what others do without understanding why and how. Itʼs somebody who lives on somebody elseʼs life in God. A follower can walk away when there is disunity, or because they prefer something else. There is no connection or common commitment. A descendant is a son, who carries the same genes, somebody who feels responsible just by the fact that they are born into the same family. There is a deeper relationship upheld by It means that we must not just believe in God but God must be alive in more than a task or a vision or an agreement. There is a bond. Then us and we in Him. There are many people who believe in God but it there will be reproduction and an increase of what we are and have. It doesnʼt mean that it has any effect on their lives. We can believe in the has always been Godʼs thought that we as a church should be a Bible, in God and in divine things like healing without having any reproduction of Jesus and even do greater things than He did. In this experiences. The worst is that we can heal, prophesy and do other situation we are all sons and have therefore the same rights and same things and still be confronted one day by the words of Jesus: I donʼt inheritance. know you! The supernatural christian life doesnʼt need certain methods or a This is about knowing God, hear what He says, get faith in Him so we family-friendly, seeker-friendly environment. Itʼs a life which cannot be are convinced about what we donʼt see yet. And not just believe that hidden and which is influential independently on where and what. It He exists. When we seek His presence and His Word we know His destroys alle boundaries, all suspicion and all resistance. It crosses all thoughts, plans, power, love, joy, peace... all who He is. We come to natural and cultural limitations because itʼs supernatural. Godʼs life is know because we have seen and heard that it is real. The world of the relevant for people. Jesus was loved and relevant for people as He Spirit is the real world. We know and we believe that it will become began to function after what His Father did. He could gather big reality for us. We must know Him and from there life, faith and crowds, not only because of his miracles but because of His wonders flow. Itʼs a consequence of knowing Him. We must know who preaching. When John Wesley came close to city, people discovered He is and what He wants for us and the church. who God was. There are many examples like this in revivals. Jesus said that we could know Him by His voice. Itʼs therefore vital that we can hear. There is a major difference between believing in God and getting faith from God. It is our privilege and responsibility to be connected to God, to hear and see... and do exactly what we hear and see. God does the rest. He even helps us to will and to do. Itʼs almost effortless. To fly around for people or to raise sons We have focused on flying around for people and tried to remove their problems more or less successfully. We must help people but the help Jesus gave people was supernatural and brought total restoration and healing. Our ultimate ministry is to help people to connect to God, live

God is truth... .... and truth can either be accepted or rejected. In our humanistic days it is a provocation to say that there is only one truth. And Christians are influenced by this thinking. We have a strong tendency to choose and reject after what suits us and our personality, or what we like. And a tendency to think that all faiths and all words are equally important. We and our feelings judge what comes from God. We believe that truth is comfortable and nice, that we must focus on people. In the human system all opinions are equally good. Nevertheless if we believe that God is truth and supernatural, it is not a question of good and bad but of right and wrong. A truth doesnʼt need to be nice but we must receive it and not only be inspired by it.

We must assimilate it. If God says something, it is right. But if He doesnʼt say anything and we act anyway, we will be totally wrong. Itʼs that simple. We have nothing to give if we have not focused on God and received something divine to give away. We have many explanations regarding why things donʼt work or why they are irrelevant today. We separate things and put them together again so they fit our ideology and thought-patterns. We do this because we donʼt live in the Spirit and donʼt understand. We donʼt see and donʼt discover how things work. We donʼt even know who we are before God sets us free. We need a new understanding of what a supernatural church is all about. Itʼs the house of God here on earth. We need new words and concepts, because God wants something different from what we have seen so far. Time has come for God to build His church, his house. A shift is not easy, but fantastic Jesus knew all the time that He wonʼt find much supernatural. He is asking if He would find faith on earth when He returns. We must seek God and first of all know Him and His thoughts. We must be reprogrammed. This process is for everybody and it takes time. It means transformations and a high cost. Itsʼ not easy but necessary. In the beginning itʼs difficult but later it becomes fantastic. Our future depends on what we prepare now, based on what we receive from God. We must hear His voice and stop experimenting with new ideas and build on activities and productivity. God must come on the scene. He has the concept, He has the power. The glory belongs to him. I wrote... ... because God spoke clearly to me at the beginning of a Sunday worship meeting. He said that it was time for a systemic shift in His church. I had never thought of this expression applied to the church. Yes, it is time to hear his voice. It is strong and clear and carries an important message about turning back to God, to His plan and agenda. All of it is available to us. He is full of truth and grace and this is what we must build upon. Our future depends on what we choose today. Choose right.

Else Dupont



It's time for the prophetic and the apostolic Paul was right! Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Romania, Denmark, East and West... the same everywhere. Paulʼs words are of global significance: there will be no building of the Spirit-house called the church except on the apostolic and prophetic as a foundation. The church can do a lot and is achieving a lot... but there are certain dimensions, certain results, certain resources and a certain influential power which she will not even come close to, unless this foundation is built. The pastoral and doctrinal There is no sweeter picture of Jesus than the Good Sheperd. There is no greater teacher than him. And Israel was ruled by the teachers of the Law. My statement is that we as pastors, churches and denominations have built the church on the foundation of the pastoral and doctrinal. Basically, we have cared for people and we have taught them. When new persons gave their life to God we welcomed them in the church, cared for them and taught them. We blessed their children, prayed for a work, or a husband. We visited them in the hospital, we blessed their finances and businesses. Then we taught them about prayer, tithing, a happy marriage. And we asked them to bring their friends and neighbors to the meetings and we did everything possible to not offend them with too loud singing in tongues, too challenging preaching and too long meetings. Because weʼd like them to become good church members so we could... care for them and teach them. Then we initiated some leadership training so they in turn could care for others and teach others as we have cared for them and taught them. I am sure youʼve got the picture. Yes, we have built our congregations on the foundation of the pastoral and the doctrinal. We have scanned our membership list and we have found a person with a sweet and a big heart, always smiling, good to people, maybe a little intraverted... he will be a good shepherd. Then we find a schoolteacher or somebody a little intellectual and with a structured mind and a good concordance... and he could definitely become a good Bibleteacher. A little boring but so what... teachers are boring anyway but somebody must do it. But send him to a Bible school first. So he knows what to teach.

Oh, I forgot the evangelists! What about them? We love them... at a distance. When there are evangelists in the congregation they are tolerated. Surely because they are both energetic and zealous -which everybody is happy for and proud about - but they are also irritating... reminding the pastor and the teacher about the lack of numerical growth of the congregation. So we tolerate them because they are the hope of the church who wants to grow numerically. But evangelists can become frustrated and they start a church which will grow. But then it hits them: somebody has to care for them and somebody has to teach them. So we must find a sweet person with a big heart and a teachertype of person. If it is not obvious then we take the whole church through a process of discovering your gifts. The problem with these ”discovering your gifts schemes” is that they tell you who you have become, not who God called you to be. Back to the evangelists: if they donʼt start a church and cannot live in the narrow-mind ed sphere of a local church their only option for survival is a Ministry. But they still need the churches -even the churches they couldnʼt live in- because they need a place to recruit staff and raise finances. See, this is a tricky mess. When there are no evangelists in the congregation the problem can easily be solved with money. A black or South American evangelist can do it! Then he heals the sick and people give their lives to God. And we love him and we pay him for the good job of bringing new people into the house and now we can... care for them and teach them! See you next year!

New races in the house... Let me mention three: the managers, the media-people and the marketing-people. What on earth did we do before e-mail and Powerpoint presentations were invented? What did Paul and Peter do... not to mention John on the island of Patmos with no Christian TV around to record his future revelation? How could God even consider trusting a prisoner in a totally remote area with important information about the global future of the world? Was it a smart disposition? Is management important? Are medias important? Is marketing useful? I certainly believe they are all VERY important.

Is it wrong? Yes and no. The managers The pastoral is essential Jesus was the Good Pastor (read: shepherd) and he really cared for people. He loved people and touched people, he intervened powerfully in their lives, families and bodies. But no, the Bible doesnʼt tell us that the church of God is to be built on the foundation of the pastors, or the pastoral dimension of Christʼs ministry. The doctrinal is vital A church having unclear and unhealthy doctrine will never grow strong and will develop wrong practice and lifestyles which can ultimately destroy the spiritual life of the congregation and badly harm individuals and families. Many churches of pentecostal observance, because of the lack of education of their members, feelings of intellectual inferiority, and fear of brain power have despised sound doctrine and found themselves in plain stupidity and even heresy. Remember that the 12 years old Jesus was able to nail the teachers of the Law to the ”wall”. Donʼt forget that many nationsʼs success or disaster have been formed by somebodyʼs words and ideology. But no, the Bible doesnʼt tell us that the church of God is to be built on the foundation of the teachers or the doctrinal dimension of Christʼs ministry.

As the church grows, the managers are introduced. Because the pastors are not good administrators -they are good at people- the teachers have their heads into big concordances and study the Greek New Testament, and: have anybody here seen the evangelist? Of course he is out somewhere chasing the unsaved. Right, we need the managers to make some smart programs, teaching strategies, establish a good flow of information, keep a precise record of attendancy. Do we need good administration? Absolutely! But no, the church of God is not built on the foundations of good management. The medias and marketing God has always made sure that relevant technology was available to serve His agenda. The printing technology was discovered at the very time the Bible had been translated and made available for laity... and the priestsʼs control of the minds of people was broken. Anybody could read the Bible and learn to know the will of God. The priestly control of knowledge was irreversibly broken. The cassette tapes came when God released a wave of Bible teaching. Then the CD-technology came and worship rolled over the whole globe. And the list continues with the internet, e-mails, Skype and video conferences. And it surely

is only the beginning. Both for good and evil. Letʼs use technology for the advancement of the Kingdom! What about marketing and ads? Itʼs so refreshing to see stylish Christian ads and tastefully designed church buildings after decades of ugly facilities and tracts looking like The Watchtower. Oh yes they were the effects of religious mentality and poverty thinking. Look at the environment God has created for man. How awesome! What an ad for His Kingdom and its excellence and supremacy and majesty. But no the church of God is not built on the foundation of the media and marketing experts!

the instruments of the Kingdom are the believer, the family and the church. But our problem is that we want it but in the existing format. It is a deception. We must let go the present mode of life and operation, the present wineskins. Letʼs learn the art of deleting and forgetting... and letʼs welcome temporary disorder and confusion on the way to fresh revelation and the restoration and establishment of permanent Kingdom-order. There is disorder in our lifestyles, in our church programs, in the structure and function of our leadership, in the mode of operation of the ministry, in relationships... let us welcome Kingdomorder and get to love the process which will get us there.

The foundation of the New Testament church... ... is made by the powerful combination of the apostolic and prophetic. We must differentiate the foundation from the rest of the house. Paul was right, totally right! So we do need some revelation triggering a revolution in our minds and creating a true reformation in our ministries. Itʼs not back to Luther, itʼs back to Acts and Paul... and Christ! Isnʼt it interesting that... ... it seems like we do everything we can to avoid the straightforward instruction given to us by God through the words of Paul: the church of the living God is to be built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets? We try with all our energy to raise a house for God and we do it accordingly to our own secular ideas and based on talents, while we surely know that God will only fill the house with glory which He has built after His own dynamic, blueprints and order.

It is obvious that Jesus created disorder in the religious leadershiporder of his days. The Pharisees were confused by the lifestyle of the disciples as they were in a training process towards apostleship. Jesus didnʼt introduce a revised version of high priests, Pharisees, doctors of the Law... but he brought a new order of leadership to earth. Therefore, the system reacted to what they perceived as interference and threat. They asked questions, but their questions were out of the picture... about washing hands. They didnʼt catch what was about to happen and already taking place, right there before their eyes. Mainly because Kingdom issues are not taught but caught. 2. ... take us through storms which will uncover our poverty, blindness and nakedness... and qualify us for wealth, position and vision. The Kingdom provides wealth, position and vision (Rev 3,17-18). Actually it is one of the very first statements of Jesus: Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things will be given to you as well (Matt 6,33).

The re-introduction and restoration of the apostolic and prophetic will...

We are so used to a painless, unradical and casual lifestyle that the very thought of storms will make most Christians compromise or swim 1. ... create disorder and pave the road towards a new Kingdomback to the charismatic Kumbaya beach. At least here in the western order, so serious church-building can take place, a house for Him world. Go to other nations and continents and you will be shocked by and people. the storms (they call them normal life) people and believers are going through. Financial storms, national storms, social and emotional Whatever order we have now in our lives or in churches is disorder in storms... all kinds. In our part of the world most Christians would Godʼs eyes, unless it is born, formed and developed by the life and the rather choose being a loser than a winner in order to avoid pain, power of the Holy Spirit. The confusion or disorder that God creates is sacrifices, financial giving, responsibility, isolation, criticism or losses absolutely good. When it doesn't feel good or comfortable or of friendships. I believe that we cannot ”cross to the other side” appropriate, it is still right and therefore necessary. A house without without rowing through all storms. We cannot walk with God in proper foundation or with serious hidden deficiencies can look great everything he has for us without walking away from certain but is dangerous. Nobody should live there. And it's not a place for the relationships. And then we discover who we really are and what we next generation to grow up. really have. Kingdom-order creates a strong platform for consistency, solidity, boldness and longevity. We want to go high, therefore we must let God go deep. We donʼt only build for ourselves but for the coming generations. However, the changing process will be messy but the result will be a house where people can live safely. When the apostolic and prophetic is restored as the foundation of the church and the believerʼs lives, itʼs true order. Sickness in our bodies or minds is disorder. Restoration is about the original order and a wonderful thing even when chaotic and painful. We can live with disorder and dysfunction for so long that we don't remember how it should be. We can get so used to it and even come to love it in such a way that we will hate the change. We prefer sickness. But God wants to make the feeble strong, straighten the crooked and heal the disabled. The question is: how desperate are we to see the original plan restored for mankind, societies, and nations. God loves mankind! And

As Jesus reached the end of the training of this new type of leaders, it became obvious that the final storms uncovered their poverty, nakedness and blindness. But Jesus still loved them and helped them to break through all limitations. He came to raise them and establish a New Covenant, a new leadership, a new company of people, a new dynamic, a new move of God on planet earth. Even Peter was finished (Joh 21): he was poor, naked and blind. But Jesus was there, supervising the process and He gave him wealth, position and vision. As Peter ”died”, resurrection took place. In Jerusalem the dynamic and power of the New Covenant was launched for the first time, releasing the Kingdom, birthing the church and the 12 ”resurrected” apostles moved into a new type of function and role. They were partners with God in building His House and immediately the new believers connected with them by devoting themselves to apostolic teaching and fellowship. 3. ... call for a necessary and scriptural re-definition of life, church and ministries which will liberate them and bring religious

traditions and worldly patterns to an end.

... because there is something on the way! Or better: there is somebody on the way, the church of the living God, the powerful New Jesus didnʼt release an update of old software, version The Covenant House, the new company of breakthrough believers. Goliath old had expired and was contaminated by religion, it was dead and mocked Godʼs house but God laughed in heaven because somebody dangerous. Playing with it was a lethal game. Jesus brought Kingdom- was on the way. function and role, introducing and establishing the apostolic and The church of the living God is on the way, made of ordinary people prophetic. It was already there in the Old Covenant but only as doing extraordinary things. They are rightly built by the Son of God on shadows, now the genuine had been launched. David, Samuel the foundation of apostolic and prophetic dynamics, well connected functioned in the apostolic and prophetic. together in the Spirit and accurately raised after divine blueprints. The elders came to Samuel (2Sam 8,1) and complained about the fact that the order established by God didnʼt work. So they wanted what all the other nations had. And God gave them the permission to have it. God has also let us have the lives and the churches we wanted. But Godʼs plan A is still plan A. Plan B feels nice short term but it will harm us and we will suffer... until we come back to Him and to the original Kingdom track and His blueprints for His awesome House, the church.

This will be the end to the exhaustment of hardworking and unfulfilled pastors, the end of the confusion of teachers and the end of the frustrations of evangelists, the end of the barrenness and sleeping around of the church crying ”Give me a son or I die!”, the end of the lukewarmness and unemployment of awesome believers sitting on chairs applauding the superstars and paying their bills through the offering buckets.

As God restores these 2 dimensions and functions a lot has to be redefined. Even the nature, the function and role of the church will have to be corrected. Why? Because the vision and the definition of the church spoken by Jesus (Matt 16,18) was revealed through the Spirit to... apostles and prophets (Eph 3,2-6). I am concerned that the church has been defined by pastors, teachers, evangelists, managers, TV-hosts and marketing experts. Without prophetic and apostolic capacity, vision and understanding we will never get the true and powerful picture of what church is about. Oh yes we will build God a house and our intentions and hearts are the best. But Jesus said: I will build MY house! King David also said: God, I will build you a house... and God was shocked.

Yes, the end is near!!! The end of slavery, confusion, disorder, fatherlessness and shame! Yes a new day is dawning, God is restoring the master-builders and His awesome house will rise from the ashes.

What we have built has bound people in religious slavery, and brought them into life-threatening places because of the lack of true foundation. It has been unable to protect people from the spirit of secular humanism. Young people have been hurt and lost. Ministries have been distorted. Godʼs children have become vagabonds. And all suffer from it. Even God is in pain as he sees a crooked and bleeding church, feeble, limited, hurt, barren and defenselessly exposed to the devilʼs schemes... and the world whom God highly loves is still living in increasing and destructive darkness, nations are collapsing in war, poverty and global repeated catastrophes.

True freedom is on the way. People will seek God, cities and nations will be turned around and God will again walk with man and man will again walk with God and represent Him. Build the church and I will fill it! This was a title of a Christian book I saw in a bookshop. I didnʼt buy it as titles can be very deceitful. Christians, pastors and churches have worked for 2 millenniums on building what we call church. I have the scary but firm and exciting conviction that what we have is not the church God wants. At all. Because what we have built is going nowhere, itʼs feeble and anaemic, and suffers from serious handicaps and various deficiencies. And we work hard to fix it instead of letting it go and invite God into the picture This discovery is SO exciting! Now there is hope for our modern societies, for dying nations and a planet falling apart. There is hope: God will get human mankind and the earth back to Himself. Both have belonged to Him all the time. Like in the first days the prophetic and the apostolic will...

God laughs... 1. ... challenge us to repent and re-align Psalm 2 2:1 Why do the nations rebel? Why are the countries devising plots that will fail? 2:2 The kings of the earth form a united front; the rulers collaborate against the Lord and his anointed king. 2:3 They say, “Letʼs tear off the shackles theyʼve put on us! Letʼs free ourselves from their ropes!” 2:4 The one enthroned in heaven laughs in disgust; the Lord taunts them. 2:5 Then he angrily speaks to them and terrifies them in his rage, saying, 2:6 “I myself have installed my king on Zion, my holy hill.” 2:7 The king says, “I will announce the Lordʼs decree. He said to me: ʻYou are my son! This very day I have become your father! 2:8 Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your personal property.

We have developed an ability to be open and positive but without receiving and aligning to the Word of God. This pattern will obviously generate hypocrisy. We listen, we smile, we think, we like the person speaking, but keep a distance to what God says through him/her. When we do that, we make the Word of no power in our lives. If we really long for the right foundation in our lives and churches to be built, if we are truly desperate to see the House which Jesus saw when He proclaimed: ”I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her”, if we want to walk on a road where the power of God will be released without limitation... then we will have to respond by accurately repent and align. Or re-align. Imagine a house built on no foundation or on a wrong foundation. As the foundation is built or rebuilt a lot of the existing parts of the house will have to be re-aligned. If possible. As the apostolic is introduced into the church and into our lives, we will have to repent and let our stuff die and everything will have to be aligned or re-aligned. Nothing can stay the same. A non-prophetic church will have to repent and align.

What is a non-prophetic church? It is a church without direction or multi-directional. A church with a 10 points-vision has not necessarily a prophetic direction. A prophetic church has a destination and therefore a certain course. The introduction of the prophetic will create serious problems. Because charismatic mentality is, that multiplicity means multidirectional. But itʼs not the case. To fly an aircraft multiple functions are necessary: pilot, co-pilot, stewards etc. The aircraft has one destination. Churches pretend to be broadminded and boast about the multiplicity of ministries and departments but itʼs a camouflage for the fact that they have no direction. They lack prophetic revelation and understanding and cover this serious and vital deficiency with nice words. A non-apostolic church will have to repent and align. What is a non-apostolic church? It is a church built on charisma, personality, talent and anointing/giftings but without apostolic dynamics and insight. Most churches are built on pastoral care with people in the centre... which is seriously wrong. Or around a personality or around an anointing. As the apostolic is introduced or re-introduced all this will have to be removed or aligned. Suddenly people are not in the centre anymore, God becomes the centre. His agenda is the highest priority; His mandate is the force in all efforts of ministry. People will react to this and turn against the leaders and accuse them of having become cold, loveless, and distant. People have been raised in an addictive way. In some churches the pastor has become the slave of the house. He has turned into a pleasing machine. As this is corrected addicted people will scream after their pastoral ”heroin”. In other churches or in ministries the leader has become the god of the House. Or its Pharaoh. Repentance and re-alignment are necessary! It will be the challenge of most pastors, evangelists and teachers. But what is the challenge of apostles and prophets then? To be master-builders, people of stature, spiritual fathers, reformers and strategists, revelational leaders. Not dictators and manipulators, managers and CEOʼs, bureaucrats or technocrats. Moses became a father after 40 years on the backside of the wilderness. God formed him and gave him the blueprints to build. His father-in-law tried to impress upon him secular wisdom but God had better patterns. 2. ... position us for a totally new era in the history of the church. The time of endless and fruitless debates and planning which often ended in frustrations will be over. The seasons of looking inward, analyzing and re-analyzing ourselves, our motives, detach otherʼs hearts and minds will fade away. The charismatic chaos which nobody took hold of because of fear of being categorized with the worst label in Christian circles: dominating, unloving, arrogant and ambitious pastor. The psychologising of sin, rebellion, selfishness and childishness will come to an end and a spade will be called a spade. What an era it will be! These dynamics will put an end to an immensely long and contaminated chapter of church-history. Therefore Paul wrote about the mysteries revealed to the apostles and prophets, of whom he was the greatest. Because of the absence of the prophetic and apostolic we have walked in ignorance. Mysteries have remained mysteries, not accessible to human intelligence, religious guesswork, or committee debates. Godʼs house will now be built after Godʼs blueprints, with wisdom and accuracy. And God will fill the house He has built, because itʼs His house. He will live in it. And what about the houses we have kind-ofbuilt. Oh yeah! He came to visit it and left. It never became habitation but visitation. A new era is about to break out for those who have the courage to let

the prophetic and apostolic invade their hearts, minds and spirits... and churches. As they begin to be rooted, they will start regulating and forming (read: reforming) everything. And God will move in. What kind of courage is that? Simple: the courage to die from religious ego, manmade agendas and dreams and strategies promoting man, his achievements, strength and systems. And his talents, gifting and anointing. 3. ... establish a new order which will be the foundation and frame for the explosion of divine unlimited variety of giftings expressing richly Godʼs grace and His power to fully finalize His plans But there is a but. We must know Godʼs plans, Godʼs order. Moses saw the detailed blueprints of Godʼs House as he stayed in Godʼs presence on the mountain. King David had received the Spiritdynamics about Godʼs house and he gave them to his son Solomon. As the house was built accordingly to the plan the multiplicity of ministries was explosive and totally unknown in their societies and nations. But like for computer software there is something called ”Read Me First!”. God has the full and detailed blueprints for a Kingdom church, the only authentic church worth living and dying for. Therefore these articles about the prophetic and apostolic. Interesting enough as Jesus came to introduce a totally new era in world- and Kingdomhistory He came to His own but they didnʼt receive Him. He had come to them many times previously by sending prophets to them, but they killed the prophets. How do we respond to the urgent and intensive call of the Father and the Spirit in our days about raising the House? Do we kill the prophetic? Do we replace the apostolic by secular wisdom and intelligent planning? We have thought that people will grow, develop and flourish if we cared for them and taught them. The reality of life and ministry tells us that itʼs not the case. Modern society is full of people cared for and taught... but unfulfilled, never reaching their potential and seeing their dreams come true. What about church? Not much different. Even after the purpose-driven wave, sad enough. It takes more than gimmicks and formulas. It takes the 5 fold dynamics to activate and develop the potential God has laid in every believer. And it takes the prophetic and apostolic to build the foundation, to establish the frame where this process can take place safely and strongly. Every single organ and every single cell in the human body has a specific function. But without perspective and order there will be no functionality, no coordination... and nothing will be achieved, designed, written or produced. Churches can express the variety and plurality of giftings... but if it is without accurate prophetic direction and authentic apostolic culture it will develop into a mess which can become self-destructive. The words of Jesus in Matt 7 are very unpleasant for charismatic ears. He said that there are supernaturally gifted people whom He doesnʼt know. Jesus pushed these offending words even further as He explicitly mentions 3 categories: people with gifts of prophecy and people with gifts of healings and deliverances. I didnʼt say that, Jesus did. WWYD? It means: What Will You Do? Interestingly enough these are the gifts Christians are pilgrimming to enjoy, be thrilled and blessed by. Arenʼt these gifts of the Holy Spirit? Surely they are. Shouldnʼt they be in full

operation? Surely they must be in operation. But on Godʼs premises. But we must ”Read Me First”... check the manual before use.



The transitional challenge Read Lk 24, John 21 and Acts 1 Jesus had just done it! Jesus had died, went through the kingdom of darkness and overcome the devil. He took from him the ruling authority which he had received from Adam. Now He was on His way to heaven where He had to present His blood and cleanse heaven as the first sin was committed in heaven by Lucifer. Then Jesus sat on the right side of the Father and released an outpouring of the Spirit over the apostles and the others in the upper room. Why? So they could be true sons as He was Son and so they could carry the same mandate, supernaturally empowered to extend Godʼs government (Kingdom) by their words and their lives -as it takes lives to affect lives-. They would shake cities, regions and nations. Then He could really be called the firstborn of many brothers. Itʼs not about magic and picnic Oh yes Jesus walked through the walls. Was it to impress them? Divine tricks? No, not at all. He lived on a new level. New dimensions were operating in his life, just as simple as that. Did he show up because He missed them... so He planned a picnic on the beach with the unlucky fishing boys? It couldnʼt be more wrong! Did He show Himself here and there, appearing and disappearing as if the Father played circus-games with the disciples like pulling a rabbit out of a hat and make it disappear again. And all the children said: “WOW... what a God!” No itʼs none of this. The church is not a Jay Leno show. All heaven stood still No it was a very critical moment and much was at stake. Do we realize that God had prepared this for centuries with great accuracy? Since God said to the snake: ”I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head and you will strike his heel.” Then from time to time prophets saw into heaven and spoke of things which were evolving and pointing at a certain moment of world-history where Jesus would be “launched”... in the fullness of time. Centuries of divine accurate preparation, as God doesn't work through inspiration but through design. Then the arrival of Jesus on earth. Angels singing in the skies and the mothers of slaughtered baby-boys screaming in the streets. Three years of serving the crowds as well as three years of intensive investment, training and building into the disciples. The major confrontation with all the powers of religious hell bringing Jesus to His redemptive death on the cross and His powerful resurrection. Think also of the salvation of billions of people since. Think about the destiny of nations and continents. I am sure ALL HEAVEN stood still. John 21,1 tells us that Peter disconnected and went back fishing. And seven apostles -not disciples- went with him. Was there much at stake? Oh yes. So close to the most important transition in world-history and it looked like everything was going wrong. So God intervened and made sure the operation would be a total success. Oh no it was not about picnic or magic! Moses positioned Joshua so he could migrate In Egypt the yoking-technology was inexistent. The people had been slaves for 430 years. Their lives were not about connection-technology but mainly about survival-technology. Moses walked with God in an unusual intimate way... even God said so. So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and made prophetic declarations right in his face. But the

Jewish leaders were not equally yoked with them, they had different agendas. Not agendas of exodus but of survival. So they spoke to Pharaoh on a totally different level (Ex 5). Aaron was doing OK so far. But later, as Moses went on the mountain of Sinai Aaron walked off almost immediately, disconnected from Moses and connected with the mob of slaves. During the journey towards the Promised Land Moses faced a regular struggle at the top. The yoking technology was not working. First Aaron, then Miriam turned around, then others. Even after Moses took his best men into the very glory of God and they ate and drank and saw Him. What a leadership-conference! They didnʼt even have to worship so God could come... they walked into the cloud of glory. No announcements, just one speaker, not 10. But what a speaker: God Himself came. But it still did not work. Even when they all saw the Promised land and its fruits. In the middle of this God raises a new generation, Joshua. Aaron was called but not raised... as Miriam and all the leaders. Joshua was raised, well-connected to heaven (he stayed close to the tent) and to Moses (whom he served). And behind the scene something new emerged which would revolutionize and upgrade all leadership. When Moses died Joshua entered a dimension of leadership Moses never got into. Joshuaʼs team was totally and equally yoked to him as he was yoked with God. They said to him: keep yoked with God and we will keep yoked with you. And if anybody doesnʼt walk with the house in this, drop us a note with a name and an address... and consider the issue settled. So Joshua functioned better than Moses. He had made the transition! Leave the religious robot-life I want to give you 8 dynamics and challenge you to migrate in God without loosing momentum or being hurt or intimidated somewhere in the process. Why become a fossil? Why live blessed in the wilderness when you can die with Him and resurrect and enter your full inheritance? Why just survive when you can overcome? Why stay lukewarm when you can become HOT? Why enjoy life when you can live, give life and reproduce life? Why be a religious robot when you can become a son and connect with a strong house? Why be a religiously programmed chip in stead of being a sheep following the Good Shepherd?

Letʼs go through the points: #1 Resist spin-offs! Much was at stake as we have seen previously. And things didnʼt look very good. Peter went back fishing and seven other apostles followed him off-track. Two others had just left Jerusalem on their way to Emmaus. Humanly speaking the project was falling into pieces. Fortunately Jesus could move around quickly and catch them as they were all spinning off. In transitional times you might be tempted to withdraw or as we often say ”take a break”. This is the most dangerous thing you can do. When churches go through transitional times some members drop out. Their identity and their security are in status quo. ”We know what we have but we donʼt know what weʼll get!” Why do we have to do this? No other church does like us? People who join because the church has an awesome worship will leave when the worship migrates to the next level. People who join the church because there is a good team around the pastor to equalize him will leave when the leadership has to migrate to the next level. Who joined David when he was in the cave of Adullam? First of all his father and brothers and their household. His house! Have you ever noticed 400 warriors also joined David at the cave? It was definitely not the peak in Davidʼs life and destiny, it was the deepest bottom. Members come when things go well and leave in transition, the house joins whatever the immediate circumstances -good or bad... it makes

no difference- and pushes through. They are equally yoked and get the supernatural breakthrough. Actually members join but housepeople are added. Later in Davidʼs life thousands were added both as he had withdrawn in the desert (1Chr 12,1-18), at Ziklag (12,19-22) and at Hebron (12,23-40). What a difference to the spin-off mentality of these days! We have to revise our membership-thinking. Our churches are associations more than houses. We have leaders and instructors but not fathers. We have members in stead of sons. Have you been added to a house or did you join? Joiners will not make the transition... check up on your self. Pastors, get revelation wisdom and build accurately. Elsewhere the fire of transition will uncover the reality of your ministry. Believers get revelation wisdom and build accurately. Elsewhere the same fire will uncover the truth about your life. Now watch yourself and your decisions as spin-offs are serious: see how quick Peterʼs eyes were mudded. Jesus was there and he didnʼt recognize Him. Few days and the cutting-edge-disciple couldnʼt see and hear clearly anymore.

fishing together. But not migrating together to the next level. Jesus had to show up and He came! Pastors, if you donʼt migrate you will not be able to take your church to the next level. If you donʼt go into the Holy of Holies and have strong regular encounters with the risen Christ who is the Head of the Church... how can you lead your church farther, or away from the present level, through transitional processes and into a higher level of connection, function and reproduction. #4 Tangible supernatural experiences Itʼs not about the spectacular. Itʼs not about religious spooky manifestations. Itʼs all about real genuine experiences with a living God. Abraham had, Moses had, Isaiah had. Both temple-dedications were sealed by Godʼs manifested glory. Jesus had during the 3 years transition between Old and New Covenant. Moses and Elijah, 2 strong transitional profiles came and they talked.

Strong encounters will take you into the realm of supernatural experiences. ”He presented himself... by many convincing proofs...” Let me tell you this: transitional are important times for the Kingdom. Therefore God is ready to invest a lot. He will mobilize and release #2 Transitions uncover soul-dynamics supernatural help. God doesnʼt help us to die from our flesh... God didnʼt help Jesus in the dying process. But as we die and live with Him, He will Why did Jesus have to do surgery on Peter? As He turned to Peter the resource us and coordinate the progress of the Kingdom by involving whole atmosphere froze and He asked the worst question. Peter was new Spirit-dimensions. Have you noticed that in all major transitional digesting both a blatant denial and a serious spin-off. Oh no Jesus, seasons in the Kingdom of God, angelic ministry is activated? When not Peter, not now. He is in the process of recovery; we had to have Jesus was born angels were all over the place talking (to Simeon and counseling with him etc etc. But Jesus went for it. And Peter survived. Anna), praising (from heaven above the shepherds), giving names (to All felt released, Peter passed the test. But Jesus went on. Was one Zachariah), explaining processes (to Mary), warning and guiding (the time not enough? Two times were not enough. Jesus had to get under magis), sending away (Joseph, Mary and Jesus)... this is high-level all the junk of soulish zeal, personality, skills and correct and align angelic activity. As the Kingdom had to go from Jewish to non-Jewish Peterʼs life. No, itʼs not a game! Revival is not a game for spooky territory angels had to be in charge and speak to Peter, speak to Christians; church is not a game for amateurs. God will find a Cornelius. playground for them to have fun with other spiritual babies under the supervision of adequate angelic staff. Why? To keep them out of the We are at the threshold of such a season of high-level angelic serious business until a serious and lasting breakthrough is a tangible intervention and coordinating help. We need that. An angel came and reality... then they can join again and enjoy the result without having ministered to Jesus in the garden of Getsemane. Itʼs not about the any chance to affect it. The transitional challenge is serious and foundation of our Christian lives and ministry. The foundation is a person sensible, the move is strong but people are still vulnerable. Thatʼs why and not experiences, even not the strongest ones. Itʼs the supernatural the house of God must be built on apostolic and prophetic ministry resources which are available for Kingdom-builders and city-takers. with Christ as the cornerstone. Jesus checks up on Peterʼs connection to Him. Soulish connections will be torn apart; soulish control will be Jerusalem was not a fish market but the epicentre of a Kingdom challenged until it breaks. Parties inside the house will be recognized, storm! hidden dynamics will emerge. Jesus had died, went through the kingdom of darkness and overcame #3 Strong encounters with the risen Christ the devil. He took from him the ruling authority which was given him by Adam. Now He was on His way to heaven where He had to present His Examples: Lk 24,15,36 Joh 20,6,19,26 Joh 21,1. blood and cleanse heaven as the first sin was committed in heaven by Lucifer. Then Jesus received a seat at the right side of the Father who Acts 1,3 says: ”To these He presented himself alive...” In transitional immediately released an outpouring of the Spirit upon the apostles and times we need more than motivational junk-talk. ”I can do it, you can the others in the upper room. So they could be true sons as He was do it, we all can do it!” Yeah right! You and I need personal strong Son. encounters with the risen Christ. Moses knew that in the transitional safari through the desert an angel will not be enough. He wanted God The goal was that they could carry the same mandate, supernaturally Himself to walk before them. Not even a book was enough, nice empowered to extend Godʼs government by their voices and their lives prayers are not enough, and sweet I-love-you-Jesus-feelings will not as it takes a voice and a life to affect lives. They would shake cities, be of much help. It will all melt like chocolate in the heat. Like all your regions and nations. Peter decided to go back fishing. But Jerusalemʼs CD-series from all the conferences you have attended, all the how-to- destiny was not to be a fish market and a place for the financial and do-it pastoral books and church growth-manuals. Burn them all and let professional breakthrough of Peterʼs compromised agenda. But the yourself fall in the consuming hands of God. Let fire come and hit your epicentre of a major Kingdom storm. whole person and life anew. In transitional times we need one thing more than anything else: more of Him. The strong memories of 3 Yes everything can be lost in transitional times. So God had to years of miraculous walking with Jesus could not help them migrate. intervene. Jesus showed himself as the resurrected One. Not even their friendship helped them. It could not reach further than

# 5 Strong and lasting focus on the Kingdom Act 1,3 says: “He appeared to them over a period of 40 days and spoke about the Kingdom of God.” Jesus had been through a lot of events the previous weeks. Let me quote from his agenda: - confrontations with the religious and political systems - total collapse of the teamʼs prayer - betrayal of his key man - suicide in the apostle team - the trial in the courtrooms - violent torture at several occasions - false witnesses - death on the cross - days in the bosom of Abraham and in hellʼs headquarters - some of his best men plan to leave the track and go back fishing. Quite a sharp program, you may say. And now He faced quite an unsharp church. But He showed up on the scene again and didnʼt talk about any of what he went through or what they went through. What did he speak about? The kingdom. There is no shadow of doubt in Him, no insecurity, no postponing... in other words: He is totally focused and on the move! No hesitation... at all! He is there, present, among his unsharp but still on track followers and He is so accurate, totally confident in the capacity and power of the Spirit, in the agenda of the Father and in the destiny of his apostles. And he kept forcefully speaking undiluted Kingdom issues... for days. We have been too easy preys for the devil. When something doesnʼt work first time, or if the transition is too demanding we drop everything and everybody. And our destiny is aborted. Remember: the first 400 men who came to David at the cave of Adullam joined him when he hit the bottom of his life. Then he took them from the pit to the peak. David was chased but focused. He was a Kingdom-man, shaped by God. How could he keep this way, sharp and focused? Because of his connection to heaven and to Samuel and his Kingdom base in Ramah. Stay Kingdom focused and connect with Kingdom focused people and a Kingdom focused house. We all need it to migrate. If we donʼt build this in peace times it will not be available in war times or in transitional times.

#6 Align! “Lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” Good morning! The disciples had their agenda, their hopes and plans, their calendars, their home developed concepts and their calculations. And Jesus cut through it all. “Not your business!” Transitional times demand accuracy and power! God has both and you will get them both if you align! God will not align because God doesn't need to correct, develop, change and upgrade. But if you want more of God, if you want to hit a totally new level, if you want to enter your next season... you must migrate. You must align. Everything in us must align accurately. Elsewhere we might be harmed or we might not make it. When you cross a street all of you must cross over. Your thoughts must not waver. The worst place is to be caught and stuck in the middle of the traffic. You can be hit from both sides. The cost of alignment might be high but itʼs worth because successful transition is the entrance point to new territories and new seasons in God. Jesus said: forget all your considerations about Israel, stay here in Jerusalem until supernatural power hits you and sets you on fire, change you and send you! And all had to align! And they all got it... all of it... so much that they almost couldnʼt take it! #7 Qualify for strong and convincing supernatural experiences

“They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.” What does it mean? That alignment positions you and makes you a strong candidate for more supernatural. As they stood there, totally focused, determined to align and obey... the next event took place. More angelic ministry was released. You know, we can walk from supernatural to more supernatural in stead of from little supernatural to even less supernatural. This is how systems are formed. A loss of focus, a compromised life or inaccurate alignment... and you will see a major decrease of fire, of power and supernatural fruits from generation to generation. In the transition you leave the supernatural. But we can also go from strength to strength and from little supernatural to more supernatural, from bad to good and from good to much better... and from better to unbeatable! This is the type of transitional process which God has designed for us. Our lives can upgrade or we can fossilize. 2005 is a year of acceleration. For both good and evil, for darkness and light! “Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” If we donʼt migrate we will come under the pressure and power of increasing darkness only clothed and equipped with natural stuff. But if we rise and migrate we will walk in increasing light and supernatural glory. God is willing... what about you?

Keep reading Acts 1... we are not through yet! #8 Clear spiritual instructions... ... which will often be orders “I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen.” Act 1,2. In transitional times and processes we need clear instructions, we need as much clear upgraded truth as possible. In the previous article I wrote about alignment. How can you align if you donʼt have clear insight? Here I am not talking about choosing between 2 marks of toothpaste in the supermarket... I am talking serious stuff, about destiny, about migrating to more intensity and more spiritual authority, to more supernatural fruitfulness and breakthroughs. I am talking about coming into a place where the church is seriously affecting the city and the region, a place in your life where you are forecefully drawing people to the Kingdom and channelling Godʼs miraculous power into their lives. I am talking about a place whereto supernatural resources of finances and manpower flow abundantly. Do we need clear instructions? Yes we definitely do. Word-ministers must be revelational people and speak out, sharp and strong so people know. Many many believers want to know, they are hungry but only milk is provided. Because many pastors still drink milk themselves. Only encouragement and care is provided. Because many pastors still live by encouragement and care themselves. But watch out and be prepared: sometimes these clear instructions will be orders! Jesus didnʼt give them a proposition but an order: “Do NOT leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised.” Was that clear? Sir, yes sir! European Christians are cerebral people. We have to think about it, we have to analyze and dissicate. But this

desire is seldom genuine, it often covers reluctance, resistance and even rebellion. “Thank you pastor, awesome thoughts. I will think about it. I donʼt take it personally!” No, not thoughts... words proceeding from the mouth of the Father hitting and stirring your spirit, calling for resonance and immediate response. No, not think about it... a strong decision. And finally: please take it VERY personally! Pastors: in times of major transition in your churches, resist the temptation of going silent. Get fresh revelation and stand up and speak out with clarity. That clarity will make people with wrong agendas manifest and the real house-people walk with you and grow in God.

decisive point of the whole project. But he continued to build into them with determination, trust and accuracy not letting the devil have any room for infiltration. Even when people make mistakes, have setbacks, go through confusion the best remedy is to invest even more in them.

#9 Unshakable determination to stay together in keeping the track

#11 To focus without being distracted

“Then they returned to Jerusalem... When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room where they were staying... These all joined together constantly in prayer along with the women and Mary, the mother of Jesus and his brothers. In those days Peter stood up among the believers...” Firstly, your strong and firm decision must be loaded with divine determination. Be as determined as God was when He planned to save and restore mankind to its original destiny. Quit superficiality, laziness, apathy and lukewarmness... and make up your mind. He speaks and you connect. You follow Him when He says come. Keep the track which He has settled for you. Back to simplicity! Secondly, who are you walking with? Who is walking on the same track? Keep close to them too. There is no room for a charismatic cowboy standing alone in the upper room in order to be the God-man for the hour. God is building a house, God is raising the “tribes” and will bring them together. This is much bigger than you and me. When the frequency is clear, people respond quickly and accurately. In this alignment they join, something clicks. Like magnets... because of something inside of them. As soon as the angel left Mary after having given her instructions she got ready and hurried up to Zechariahʼs home and greeted Elisabeth. Why did she do that? Who knows? The Bible is silent but if you are familiar with Spirit-dynamics you know what took place. These 2 women found each other, connected and walked together because what/who they both carried had linked destinies. This cannot be planned nor arranged or systematized. This strong determination to stick together has nothing to do with military obedience or loyalty to a system or emotional/financial dependency. It builds on an clear awareness that God has spoken and placed a company of people on a certain track. Then people can really stick together until breakthrough is a reality, until the transition is successful. #10 Consciously turn away from flesh-and-blood Because of the process of events going on since Jesus died, because of his words, because of the track taking them to their destiny... because of all this they were willing to cope rightly with flesh-andblood, it means with human imperfections and weaknesses and mistakes. People, their ways, their history, their strengths and weaknesses. There was surely resistance and reservation towards bigmouth-Peter, there was grief because of the death of Judas. His partner back in Lk 10 was surely still there. But transition into destiny is bigger than strengths and weaknesses.

A long article? Yes, but essential. If I just had known this some years ago! But now I know and teach the next generation so they are stronger, more accurate, more determined, more passionate and more fruitful.

... to keep the conviction that whatever God has begun, He has the power to finish by providing all necessary help. Jesus said to the disciples: stay in Jerusalem, receive the Spirit and you will become witnesses... Jesus was so focused all the time, never distracted, never sidetracked. Just after the resurrection he greeted the disciples who immediately worshipped him... and He said to them: “Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” We can read about what happened in Galilee as it is recorded by Matthew in Matt 28,16-20, called the Great Commission. In Acts 1 Jesus is following the Fatherʼs “road-map”, step by step. We live in an era of information. The Christian world is no exception. Distractions can be counted in the thousands. Complexity is self-accelerating. In our days Christians are talking so much about merging, networking, coaching and synergy. Watch out! Keep the simplicity of a life in revelation and wisdom! Noboyuki Idei (former CEO of SONY) once said: “I donʼt understand the fame of synergy.” Most merges never worked, most synergies bring more complexity than simplicity. Christians are some of the worst imitators. We pick up secular wisdom but we are so slow and so naive that as we pick it up, it is almost already dropped by others. We need revelation and wisdom. The thing is that sometimes things have not worked. When it is the case we should press on and seek more because what comes from God WILL work. But we act like children: if it doesnʼt work we throw it away and pick up something else. This is exactly what happened in the days of Samuel. The elders of the people came to Samuel and told him that they wanted a king because Samuel was old and his sons were not doing well. Godʼs wisdom was sons raised by a father to inherit and carry on the mandate. But it didnʼt work in Samuelʼs home. In stead of keeping on track, holding their conviction in divine wisdom, trusting God for more revelation and help, they deviated. They looked at the nations around them and picked up secular wisdom. As they rejected Godʼs revelation and supernatural technology they rejected God himself. And they reaped the harvest in the disastrous regime of Saul. Donʼt let anybody or anything sidetrack you or draw you away from the purity and simplicity of the Gospel. Itʼs so liberating to read about the words of Paul: “One thing I do...” Paul was passionate, he was almost everywhere, he tasted almost any kind of circumstances but he was so focused. One thing I do... What if it doesnʼt work? Check up one more time if it is from God. Donʼt look around to other Christians, donʼt imitate other churches, donʼt seek management books for inspiration, and donʼt draw on the world... draw on God. If it is from God, it will work. Press on, seek God, and ask questions... He will answer. #12 To identify and cast out the demonic power of rejection.

Turning from flesh-and-blood is also turning from it in ourselves. I am sure that Peter had to overcome self-disappointments and shame as his mistakes were public. He was watched and heard. In transitional times we have to turn away from flesh-and-blood. Even Jesus had to face their failures and weaknesses at the most vital and

Peter had to. After what happened in his life the recent days, there was very little to boast about. But he had to cope with it. The internal battles are much worse than the external, my wife said once. So true! Peter had to overcome rejection. Both the rejection which he could assume the others might have in their hearts and the rejection he

might carry himself. Self-rejection, shame, embarrassment. He had to kill that demon of rejection. If he had not done that, he would for the rest of his life and ministry have affected others seriously with his talk. A leader who has not overcome rejection is a very dangerous person! There is not space enough here to explain why... but meditate on the statement. Matthias had also to overcome rejection. He was chosen through casting lots. Can you imagine? The others were chosen by Jesus himself, through praying and talking with the Father. Jesus was gone. He had to replace a suicider and be selected through lots. What kind of calling is that? He could have felt a 2nd choice and the feeling could be quite legitimate, to be honest. What should he say to his wife, or his neighbours? He had to overcome. He was chosen. Chosen is chosen. And feel happy, be honoured and fulfil his destiny. What then about Joseph? Nominated, and then dropped. Why did they not choose one? Why 2 candidates? Better no expectation than disappointed expectation. A lot of thoughts could run around in Josephʼs mind. And what about the day after. Matthias was functioning in his new role and mandate but he was just a disciple... like all the others. Oh yes, rejection had to be overcome. Or it would be chaos, mentally, emotional and relational. Whatever happens, or doesnʼt happen... watch the demonic power of rejection. Resist it. If it enters your heart get rid of it as soon as possible. Donʼt feed it, donʼt spread it or it will grow and destroy your inner man. It will then devour your relationships, even the best ones. Comparison and jealousy will come. You will compete in stead of complete. Rejection is ugly. In a leaderʼs heart itʼs demonic. So you want to migrate, you want to go from level to level, from glory to glory, from strength to strength? You want to go high? Study these 12 points, meditate on them, and use them as a light on your walk with God and let His Spirit work deep. And I can tell you: you will go far in God. Let me repeat these 12 issues about transitional challenge: 1. Resist spin-offs 2. Transitions uncover soul-dynamics 3. Strong encounters with the risen Christ 4. Tangible supernatural experiences 5. Strong and lasting focus on the Kingdom 6. Align! 7. Qualify 8. Clear spiritual instructions 9. Unshakable determination to stay together and keep the track 10.Consciously turn away from flesh-and-blood 11.Focus without being distracted 12.To identify and cast out the demonic power of rejection



A truth is not the truth The truth is all the truth. God has sent His Spirit to guide us to all truth, the whole truth. Hitler clothed in Armani is still Hiter! What about the apostolic? I certainly believe in an apostolic revolution and reformation. With all my heart. Both the prophetic and the apostolic are essential and absolutely necessary. There will be no authentic house of God unless apostles and prophets come strongly into the picture. The 3 other ministry gifts and anointing cannot replace these 2. There will be no influential Kingdom church without apostolic and prophetic anointing upon all its members. Actually, it takes all 5 ministry gifts for Godʼs leaders to build the church and it takes all 5 Spirit dimensions carried by members to be fully the church and function as such. Be ready for godly disorder before godly order comes Godly order will mess-up our human order. Godless human order is disorder in the eyes of God. Godly order is not an improvement of human order or a perfected version of it. The re-introduction of the apostolic anointing as well as the rise of true apostles will create mess in the church world and ministry world. How come? Because there is disorder. For Godly order to come and be established, human order must be dismantled. Our problem is that we long for and want the new wine... but in the old wineskins. We have the church wineskins which operate more like franchise than like the New Testament models. We have also the Ministries wineskins which function like secular companies. God will have to turn around all this in order to establish his Kingdom patterns among us in such a way that we will see Kingdom results. Like in the Bible! What about that! The pastoral, doctrinal and evangelistic have compensated for the absence of the prophetic and apostolic... ... and therefore there will be a mess in our man-made structures and patterns when these 2 vital kinds of anointing are restored and launched. Things will have to be re-defined and to re-align. Nothing will be the same. Fantastic! A new day is at hand... We have done without apostles and the apostolic... ... therefore: why do we need them? This is the thinking of most Christians. When people are cared for by pastors, taught by teachers and evangelists save our neighbours... what is left undone? The whole issue could be turned around: what have we achieved without apostles and prophets? How far have our churches reached with prophetic and apostolic anointing upon its members? Churches in Europe are quite lifeless, powerless and childless. Trends cannot do it. We need New Testament truth and power. The ultimate goal... ... is neither the prophetic nor the apostolic but the full Jesusanointing. The ultimate goal is not an apostolic church but the full Christ, Head and Body. A genuine Kingdom church here on earth. We must leave the trend mentality behind us and get a truth mentality. Prophetic truth and apostolic truth. Building truth (1 Cor 14,28 and Eph 2,10) The medias, the information age and us

We live in an information age... the medias play a major role in contemporary society. It affects our thought patterns. And our thoughts will form our decisions which will be expressed in our lifestyles. This evolution is also to be found deep inside the church and in its leadership. But information and knowledge are different. Information and revelation are definitely different. I believe that in connection with every major move of God there is a release of technology to facilitate the propagation of the move, in order to produce an expansion of the Kingdom. An increase of Godʼs government. At the same time we must know the limitations and even the pitfalls of the medias and of technology.

1 One pitfall is the distortion of truth. By this I donʼt mean that Christian programs lie. The problem is not in the sending part but in the receiving part. The people might be encouraged by what they see and listen to. But the opposite can happen: people might feel condemned, intimidated or even begin to blame their church and maybe even the pastor and the leadership. Or blame themselves. People might think that they are born on the wrong continent; they might think that all American churches are like the one they watch... which is far from the case. They might think that this and this church or ministry are perfect. 2 Another pitfall is the electronic membership. No need for commitment. If the program is not as good as last week, then we can change channel or just shut down the TV. We donʼt need to respond, we can keep a religiously correct distance to what is going on. Open and positive but deciding nothing and doing nothing. Maybe send some money... then everybody is happy. God is not. In his heart and plans there is nothing like the “perfect universal virtual church”, a TV church or an internet church with no frustration, good worship, good preaching, no relational conflicts or animosity. 3 A third pitfall is the absence of fatherhood and brotherhood. I will write more on this issue in the next HOT-article. 4 A fourth danger is what this UPDATE is all about: trend-thinking. We lack revelation so we seek after inspiration and information. We watch other churches and get new ideas. What about trying this... or that? Or both? There is an enormous difference between a God-idea and a good idea. The air is saturated with Alpha, Saddleback, Willow Creek, G12, house churches... and if none of this work then letʼs try a black healing evangelist and have some miracles which we can put on national television or on our website. Letʼs get a high profile. Letʼs draw on secular expertise. Then maybe revival will hit the place. 10 years ago we had coffee bars, Christian radios, “from minus to plus”. But we are still in the same place. We have been there many times before... nevertheless the next trend will just stir most of us again. We repeat the same pattern, from trend to trend and expect different results! How come? Because of lack of true identity and revelation. Lack of truth. When identity is settled and revelation begins to flow... then medias can become a phenomenal tool in the hands of God to propagate His move... when and if He wants. Actually He can actually easily do without. Time to go from trend to truth When you hear prophetic and apostolic truth you will have a track. Not a trend. And you will come to a place of rest in God. You will not work to achieve results...you will rest and from this track of peace your work will bear phenomenal fruits.

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