The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023

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Check out the fantastic celebrations in Birmingham for the Lunar New Year! - Page 8 CELEBRATING

most organisations and institutions, whether in the public or private sector, there will always be a few bad apples.
the UK we have heard of cases of bad, or even corrupt staff who have abused their power, responsibility and trust.
or sectors, starting with ministers in Parliament, through to staff in teaching and
been tainted.
the main reasons
restriction laws.
recent times,
police force has been
nursing have
one of
for the former Prime
demise and departure
office, was the breaking of the law, or apparent abuse
however, the
on the receiving end of much criticism.
Continued on Page 2
Pages 34-35 Register for the Born To Heal Me Book Launch!


Continued from Front Page

The cases of police officers, David Carrick, Jack Addis and Jeremy Laxton shocked the nation.

They managed to engage in abuse of power for years. Surely it is time to ensure those in power, especially the police, do not get away with such behaviour.

According to the report by the Public Perceptions of Policing in England and Wales (2018) Prepared for: Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service and published in 2019, satisfaction with local police is relatively high.

Over three-fifths of respondents (61%) say that they are satisfied, and only 12% are dissatisfied.

This certainly paints a positive picture of the peoples’ satisfaction with the police.

This perception, however, would have probably changed, especially in light of three recent reports of police sexual abuse.

A serving officer, David Carrick, admitted to 49 criminal charges, including 24 counts of rape against 12 women.

What was particularly shocking was that he had been carrying out these acts over an 18 year period. He has subsequently been sacked by the police.

As bad as this case was, it was sadly not an isolated example. Just days after we heard of the case of Carrick, news broke of two other retired police officers, charged for sharing images of child sex abuse.

Jack Addis, 63, of no fixed address and Jeremy Laxton, 62, from Lincolnshire, are set to appear at the Westminster magistrates' court on 9 February 2023.

Laxton is charged with conspiracy to distribute or

show indecent images of children. Addis is charged with conspiracy to distribute or show indecent images of children.

Both left the Metropolitan Police Force more than ten years ago, but, until now had not been found out for the crimes they had committed.

The responses to these crimes have been prompt and damning.

Both the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak and Metropolitan Police chief, Sir Mark Rowley promised action to prevent another case like the absolutely despicable David Carrick.

The Prime Minister also promised reforms to make sure rogue police officers have ‘no place to hide following the abuse of power by serial sex offender Carrick.

At the same time, the Home Office announced all police forces have been asked to check their officers and staff against national police databases to “identify anyone who has slipped through the net”.

Despite the Prime Minister’s words, of ‘no place to hide’, it seems, that is exactly what these police officers had been doing for years.

It has to be asked were these officers hiding or being deliberately hidden by a culture of we must protect our own.

The case of the Mangrove Nine in 1970 and the inquiry following the murder of Stephen Lawrence, both found the police officers involved, to be racially motivated.

The cases of Carrick, Addis and Laxton, demonstrate that some of these issues of police abuse are deep rooted and will require root and branch changes. Changes in education and training, as well as changes in attitudes as well as regular and systematic assessments and scrutiny of all officers will be needed, otherwise the cover ups and corruption will continue.

Editors Note

The Phoenix Newspaper is optimistic that the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis Sir Mark Rowley will continue on his campaign to root out the mix of dishonesty, violence against women and girls and domestic abuse and sexual offences.

We have to appreciate that of course we value law and order and our police officers, this is addressing an issue that is of great importance to the wider community.

We have approached West Midlands Police on a number of occasions over the years to give a balance and to work with us in the community, but to date they have never taken us up on our offer.

The door is always open to WMP, the PCC And Metropolitan Police for ongoing engagement.

We also invite the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis Sir Mark Rowley and the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan to engage with us as we all seek to improve.

He was a serving officer with the Mark Duggan case so infact call me please.

Over the next 12 months, we are looking to engage directly and more closely with these establishments to provide you the reader with an honest and non biased approach to alleviate the negativity that surrounds our essential services.

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Ayoung footballer who had to put his sporting ambitions on hold when he was diagnosed with a brain tumour has received a bravery award.

Aston Barnett, nine, from Wolverhampton was due a visit from Aston Villa talent scouts but instead had to undergo treatment

after collapsing in August. The ardent Villa fan said: "Having cancer has changed a lot of things but there's no point in negativity." Cancer Research UK chose him for its Star Award to reward his courage. Aston's parents, Jess Huckerby and Andy Barnett, had been told their son's constant headaches, vomiting and extreme

tiredness were due to long Covid. When he collapsed on 13 August, he was taken to Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital for an MRI scan and a tumour was discovered. He had surgery three days later, a course of chemotherapy and underwent radiotherapy in December.

It meant he was undergoing

treatment through his ninth birthday and Christmas, but he said: "I'm hoping the treatment I'm having is going to make those tumours explode and go away. Negativity drags you down, but positivity picks you up."

Aston said he loves school and missed his friends and teachers, but most of all he misses playing

in goal for his club Paget Rangers. His mum said: "It would be easy to dwell on feeling angry at the delays to Aston's diagnosis but feeling like that doesn't really help anyone.

"Instead, we prefer to draw on Aston's own positivity and feel hopeful about the future."

The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 - Page 3 @PhoenixNewsUK NEWS CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922 SEE PAGE 17 FOR
MORE! Don't Miss Street Cred For All Your Ents News


We all know that we have to overcome struggles in our lives, and Michael-Don Smith is no different, however when he suffered a stroke in 2016, Michael’s life turned on its head, but through carefully building himself back up, through setbacks and a pandemic, he is now about to release his 7th book, this time co-authored by 7 other inspirational people who have all overcome the odds.

Michael was born on a palindrome, 16/3/61 in Kingston, Jamaica, and while he doesn’t remember much about life in the island paradise, what he does remember are all good memories.

Unfortunately for Michael, this paradise was soon swapped for the grey skies of the UK, as his family moved to the UK.

“We settled in what, to my childhood eyes, was ‘hell’” laughed Michael, “From sunny Jamaica to Mansfield in Nottinghamshire, paradise to a coal mining village in the East Midlands! It was definitely a shock to the system.”

Growing up, Michael didn’t really get along with formal education, meaning he had in his words, ‘a very troubled childhood’.

“At the same time however, I was very much a bookworm, I loved to read everything, and if I read a book I had to read the author, so science fiction I read everything by EE Doc Smith, Heinlein, Arthur C Clarke, I just loved that sort of thing.”

“I was one of 3 African Caribbean boys in Mansfield that went to one of the top grammar schools there in the days of the 11+ at Adams Grammar in 1972, I represented the school on Radio Nottinghamshire talking about diversity.

"I remember one thing I said that day which was that as students we were “United by our Segregation”, so I’ve been speaking publicly since the age of 11.”

Despite his troubled childhood, Michael had big dreams of being a Lawyer, and up

until the point of vocalising this dream while at school to his teacher Mrs Brotherhood, who had been a staunch supporter of his, always standing up for him and building him up, he was set on it, however she took him aside with concern.

“She said she was worried about my choice to be a lawyer, told me it’s really extensive, you’ll have to study really hard, and I think you’re setting your sights too high, so have a think about something else you want to do. My dreams were shattered.”

So as many other boys that age did, he decided he wanted to be in the armed forces. “The army was a bit too rough for me and I wasn’t very fit or athletic, I didn’t fancy being on the sea for long periods as I get seasick so the Navy was out, leaving the RAF as the best choice!”

Michael joined the RAF after leaving school at 16, being forced to wait until the day of his 17th birthday to sign up. “It ended up being more through necessity than choice, the choice was join the Armed Forces or go to a Young Offenders Institution at 17,” Michael remembered.

“I loved the Air Force, it defined me as a person, everything I am today honestly I can say the Air Force made.”

Joining the Avionics section as an L Tech AC, Michael fixed the radios on the planes, and soon began to spread his wings in the RAF.

“I always loved engineering and technology, and was part of RAC Cosford Computer

Club. We had a computer with punch tapes in the mid 70’s, and I learned to program with those.

"I realised being the geek that I was, I decided I was going to become a sportsman, but I was terrible at football, couldn’t hit the shuttlecock in Badminton, so scientifically and purposefully chose Basketball.

“I ended up running the Air Force team at Cosford, and represented the Air Force at Athletics, Basketball and was their Heavyweight Boxing Champion.”

Michael was posted to RAF Germany, spending 3 years there, got his driving license to go to RAF Wildenwrath, and a brand new car at 19. “I was on 19 Fighter Squadron dur- ing the

Falklands, and as I was on an active station I wasn’t sent to war.”

“When I came back to the UK from Germany and returned to Cosford, the only job for my trade was as a lecturer or instructor.

"Because of my boxing I was sent to a station and got promoted to Corporal early, so that I could be with the boxing team, and that is what brought me to the West Midlands area in 1984/85.”

Having gone to Germany as a boy, and coming back as a man, Michael then spent 5 years as an Electronics and Avionics Lecturer at RAF Cosford until his 11 year stint in the RAF came to an end.

“Compared to the child I was before joining the RAF, I’m very balanced now, I’ve got a chip on both shoulders!,” he said, laughing heartily.

Michael then joined Mercury Communications, having been in the Air Force, he saw what was happening with fibre optics and integrated circuits. “It was the first opposition post-deregulation to BT. I worked in London and was promoted quite quickly. One of my claims to fame was I was project manager for International Fibre Optic Metro Network.

“I remember having one of those big suitcase phones, calling my mum from outside her house and her not being able to understand how until she finally came out to see for herself.

“I remember her saying ‘Yeah it’s very nice and all, but no ones going to want to be carrying that around. It’ll never catch on.’”

“It was an exciting time for me, I was headhunted by AT&T UK and learned there that a lot of people were very much looking forward to

Page 4 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS SPOTLIGHT - MICHAEL-DON SMITH Send your stories in to
l Michael's journey, top to bottom, from 1979, to 1999, to 2019

the future.”

He walked away to run his own company, X-Tec Ltd, an independent management consultancy that he started during the 'dot com' boom in the late 1990s.

This organisation was developed and transformed into his current award winning personal and business development companyMindstyle.

“I studied speaking and inventing, I wanted to help people as a professional speaker and coach, I was Specsavers Motivational Speaker for 2 years, speaking at new franchises, and on external days.

In 2008 life changed drastically for Michael, he ended up getting divorced and also losing his mother, losing his father the year after too.

“From 2008 to 2016 it was very stressful for me for various reasons, until I ended up having a stroke in 2016. Honestly without my boys I don’t think I’d have had a reason to make it through.

“My children are my rock, and when I had the stroke they were 20 and 15/16, and they helped me immensely, both mentally and physically.

“Just as I was building myself and my business back up again, the COVID Pandemic hits and the world locks down.”

It turned out though that this was a blessing in disguise for Michael, as travel was a nightmare for him as a stroke survivor, so switching all of the meetings to virtual via zoom saved him not only time and money, but energy too, on top of being able to easily record and give feedback to his clients.

“I’ve realised that I’m the weakest point in my business, being a one man

business means my health is of the utmost importance, so I’ve decided I was going to cut down my hours and not work all hours of the day anymore.

“’Craft Your Signature Speech’ CYSS Speakers Club started last November, but prior to that I was the president of the Birmingham International Speakers Club and also part of the Professional Speakers


“The pandemic has forced me to work smarter. I feel younger people have slipped into it far easier than I have, my reflex is still old world, ‘lets meet up somewhere’ rather than ‘lets book a zoom call’.

Michaels current focus is his new co-authored book, Born To Heal Me, “it’s 8 stories that are uplifting, inspirational and motivational for everyone, it’s a warning and also an example that even if something like these things does happen to you, there is a future.

“The honesty and vulnerability of these messages are individually powerful and moving, emotionally and spiritually... together they will ignite your deepest, strongest and bravest self belief like nothing you have ever read before.”

The book features the stories of Keith Trubshaw, Faith Gakanje-Ajala, Des McCabe, Maria Dayton, Barbara Emmanuel, Naomi Watson and Michael’s sister, Sharon Smith, and is launching in February this year.

On the back of the book going live, there will be an official launch at Chung Ying, check out the flyer for details and how to sign up to attend!

“We’d love to see people from across Birmingham and the West Midlands, as well as nationwide who wants to come and take part, everyone and anyone from every

community and background is more than welcome.”

Michael’s thought for the our readers is – “Refuse to let others put limits on your vision for your future, based on their fear of their future.

“People will always come to you and say it’s not possible, sometimes it could be positively meant, they’re

trying to protect you, but sometimes you need to push forward and make your own future.

“You regularly see centurions asked what they regret, and usually it’s not something that they did, but all the things that they didn’t get to do. Don’t live your life with regrets!

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Birmingham Libraries

Declare Amnesty On Late Fees For All

PEOPLE USING the city’s libraries will not have to pay outstanding fees on overdue books, it has been announced.

As Birmingham City Council, working with its partners, continues to support residents during the cost-of-living crisis – an amnesty on fees for books returned late at all city libraries is running (from December 2022) until 31 March 2023. Fees will not be accrued during this period.

Citizens currently registered as library members who may have outstanding fines will no longer be required to pay these during this period – with all library members welcome to re-


Along-serving officer and founder member of the WMP Black and Asian Police Association was awarded a King's Police Medal (KPM) this year.

Andrea Reynolds was recognised for her role in policing and wider community in the New Year Honours List. She joined the West Midlands Police force as a PC in the 1990s before retiring earlier this year with a host of achievements behind her.

turn any overdue books without any charges.

Birmingham’s libraries continue to be open across the city with various activities taking place each week. Warm Welcome spaces can now be found at eight of the city’s libraries – Birchfield, Handsworth, Library of Birmingham, Shard End, South Yardley, Stirchley, Sutton Coldfield and Yardley Wood.

People do not need to be a member to visit and enjoy the city’s libraries. A number of our libraries will be offering art therapy sessions over the next few weeks, which will also be free to access.

Alongside BAPA (The Black and Asian Police Association), she also became an executive member of the National Black Police Association and was also awarded a lifetime achievement award from them last year.

On Twitter, the West Midlands Police wrote: ‘@WMPolice #AWARD | A long-serving officer & founder member of the WMP Black & Asian Police Association has been awarded a King's Police Medal (KPM). Andrea Reynolds has been recognised for her role in policing & wider community in the New Year Honours.’

It’s one of a number of awards that Andrea has received including a Chief Constable's Award during her time with us. As part of her many actions Andreawho was part of neighbourhood policing in Birmingham - helped

l Andrea Reynolds, founder member of the WMP Black and Asian Police Association

develop a training programme to build stronger relationships between policing and diverse com-


“Congratulations to Andrea on her KPM,” West Midlands Po-

lice said, continuing: “We're very proud!”

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Win A 'GREAT VA£UE With GRACE' Hamper!

Grace have just launched their "GREAT VA£UE with GRACE" campaign in January and will run through to March.

In the 6-part video recipe series


Amemorial plaque was unveiled on Moathouse Lane East shops in Wednesfield in honour of a popular member of the local community.

William ‘Bill’ Jones, who sadly passed away in January, aged 89, was a shopkeeper and business owner in the area between 1960 and 2008.

At different times over the decades Bill ran a wool shop, mini supermarket, cake and sweet shop, and an off license, with his wife, Winnie. He also served as a Governor at Moat House Primary School.

On December 13, 2022, Councillor Bhupinder Gakhal, the Council’s Cabinet Member for City Assets and Housing, and Wednesfield South ward councillor, joined Bill’s widow and their family to unveil the plaque outside Tipplers & News LTD General Store, which used to be Bill’s shop. His (Bill’s) granddaughter, Amy Sharkey, said: “It’s not been a good year as grandma

has also been unwell so the fact this has been made possible is wonderful.

“My grandad and grandma spent the majority of their lives in those shops and loved it. They made many friends and they always supported those in need when they were struggling to afford groceries.

“I grew up there with them both – me, my siblings and cousins were always in and out of grandad and grandma’s shop.

“Grandad was the best of the best; there’s no-one like him. He gave his all to the community and it’s great to see that recognised. I can’t tell you how proud he’d be to see this plaque – my grandma was lost for words.”

Councillor Gakhal added:

“The Council own the building where Bill was a shopkeeper for decades and I’m delighted we have been able to facilitate this lasting tribute to him. As the plaque says, Bill was a pillar of the Wednesfield community, and it was an honour to join Winnie and their family to unveil it.”

campaign, they have teamed up with their friends @chefdefour and @ksnice_n_spice to show consumers how to create delicious dishes at home, and how to make their Grace Foods ingredients and products go that little bit further

during the current cost-of-living challenges we are all facing, including tips and recommendations on meal-prep, batch-cooking and family-friendly, great value nutritious meals which can all feed 4 for under £10! (in many cases for even less!) 3 of which you can see below!

Grace are offering 3 Hampers that will include

the products and ingredients from Grace/Dunn's River needed to make the "GREAT VA£UE with GRACE" recipes!

people can the Great Value with Grace meals for £10 feed?

CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 - Page 7 @PhoenixNewsUK
l Andrea Reynolds, founder member of the WMP Black and Asian Police Association
Send your stories in to COMPETITION To have a chance of winning one of 3 hampers of GREAT VA£UE with GRACE goodies, answer this question! How many
a) 2 b) 4 c) 10 Just email your answer, with your name, address, and contact number to with the subject “Great Value With Grace Hamper”. Competition closes at 23.59 on February 19th 2023 There is no cash alternative.



Arecord breaking 46,000 people welcomed in the Year of the Rabbit at Lunar New Year celebrations across the city this weekend.

Over Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 January, Birmingham Chinese Festival Committee and Birmingham Hippodrome produced a weekend packed with free performances, craft activities and much more to celebrate the new year.

In partnership with Bullring & Grand Central, the festival kicked off on Saturday with the much


loved lion procession from the iconic Bull, leading into the centre to treat shoppers to an afternoon of performances, including traditional singing, dancing and music, high energy drum performances and Shaolin Kung Fu demonstrations. Visitors were also able to take a break from their shopping to enjoy calligraphy and painting workshops.

The festivities continued at Hippodrome Square in Southside on Sunday to mark the official New Year’s Day. Starting with Dim Jing - the traditional waking of


the lion – visitors to Southside enjoyed a variety of performances on the main stage, including classical fan dances, lion dances, and face changer performances alongside dance and music from the local community. A spectacular fireworks finale closed the day’s celebrations.

James Wong, Chair of the Birmingham Chinese Festival Committee said: “Kung Hei Fat Choy! What a fantastic weekend of lively, colourful celebrations across the city. We are all delighted that our Lunar New Year festival brought so many different people together as well as shining a spotlight on the incredible talent within our local communities. A huge thanks to our partners and sponsors who worked with us to deliver such a special weekend for Birmingham.”

Dan Murphy, General Manager at Bullring & Grand Central, add-

ed: “What a great way to celebrate the Lunar New Year! We work with Birmingham Hippodrome, throughout the year to deliver a curated programme of cultural events celebrating the different cultures and communities within our wonderful city, so it was brilliant to see so many people join us for these festivities. It will definitely be a weekend to remember.”

Lunar New Year was produced by Birmingham Chinese Festival Committee and Birmingham Hippodrome. The Saturday programme was produced in partnership with Bullring & Grand Central Birmingham. The Sunday programme was sponsored by Uber Eats, in association with Southside District and supported by The Arcadian. The fireworks finale was sponsored by Ming Moon and the signage sponsor was Hollywood Monster.

Single-Use Cutlery And Plates To Be Banned In England

SINGLE-USE ITEMS like plastic cutlery, plates and trays is now banned in England, the government confirmed.

It wasn’t originally clear when the ban will come into effect, but it followed similar moves already made by Scotland and Wales. Environment Secretary Thérèse Coffey said the move would help protect the environment for future generations.

Campaigners welcomed the

ban but called for a wider-ranging plastic reduction strategy. Government figures suggest that 1.1 billion single-use plates and more than four billion pieces of plastic cutlery are used in England every year. Plastic waste often does not decompose and can last in landfill for many years. Although it might be useful in terms of food hygiene, it can also end up as litter, in turn polluting soil and water.

l Dancers on main stage at Southside l Welcome from James Wong, Anna Yip and Toto Guo at Bullring & Grand Central.
Page 8 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922 NEWS For further information contact: Email: The Pattie Shop 248 Wellington Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B20 2QL Call: 0121 356 7317 Introducting The New Menu, Now Available Daily At
l Lion dancers on mains stage at Southside Photos by Simon Hadley
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Twenty-seven businesses and individuals are vying for awards success at Sutton Coldfield, Lichfield & Tamworth and Cannock Chase Chambers of Commerce annual dinner and awards.

The eight category winners will be announced at the awards dinner, taking place at the Drayton Manor Hotel on Friday 3 February 2023.

Amazon is supporting the event as headline sponsor.

Judges whittled down a record number of entries, with three businesses or individuals being shortlisted in each category, apart from Large Business of the Year where there are six firms in the running.

The judging panel was chaired by head of the Solihull Chamber of Commerce, Samantha Frampton (pictured), who said: “The judges were very impressed by a tremendous cross-section of entries from across Sutton Coldfield, Lichfield, Tamworth and Cannock Chase, which naturally made the shortlisting process a very difficult one.

“We congratulate the businesses and individuals who have made the shortlist and look forward to celebrating their achievements on the night.” The judging panel also featured Michelle Spaul of Delta Swan, Visit Knowle’s Kim Hulse,

Business & Finance

‘The Lighting Rod’ of Business Environmental Sustainability by

The awards shortlist is as follows:

Sutton Coldfield Micro Business of the Year

Meta4 Business Coaching Ltd

The Community Games by Inspire Activity

X2 Workspaces

Lichfield & Tamworth Micro Business of the YearSponsored by Lichfield

District Council


JPF First Aid

Softext Ltd

Sutton Coldfield Small Business of the Year

3D Facilities Support

Ark Media

The ReUsers and The Wood Shack

Lichfield Small Business of the Year - Sponsored by Crown Highways

Hyde Engineering Ltd inLIFE

The Listening Centre

Tamworth Small Business of the Year

Cloud Accounting Support Ser-

Readout Of The Chancellor’s Discussion With Business Leaders


Jeremy Hunt met with business leaders at the Treasury, he confirmed that the Treasury will announce the conclusion of the review of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme in the House of Commons, which outlined support for businesses when the current six-month scheme ends in March 2023.

The Chancellor praised the

resilience of the business community in the face of an unprecedented increase in energy prices, caused by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Government has protected businesses this winter from these high energy costs through the £18 billion Energy Bill Relief Scheme - one of the most generous support packages in Europe. However, no Government can

vices (CASS)


Fleet Evolution

Cannock Chase Business of the Year

Chocolate Treasures

Wentworth James Group

Wordy Bird Limited

Sutton Coldfield, Lichfield & Tamworth and Cannock Chase

Large Business of the Year

- Sponsored by GMK House Business and Events Centre

Arthur Terry Learning Partnership

Crown Highways

Legionella and Fire Safe Services

Lichfield Garrick Theatre

Moor Hall Hotel & Spa

United Carpets

Sutton Coldfield, Lichfield & Tamworth and Cannock Chase

Young Professional of the Year

Danielle Bayliss - Legionella and Fire Safe Services

Graham Allsopp - Ark Media

Madeleine Williams - Adcocks Solicitors Limited

In addition to the eight awards categories, three President’s Awards will be handed out by the presidents of the Sutton Coldfield, Lichfield & Tamworth and Cannock Chase Chambers.

permanently shield businesses from this energy price shock.

The Chancellor was clear that this level of support is unsustainably expensive and that the current scheme was always time limited to six months. Extending the scheme at current levels could cost tens of billions of pounds, with costs potentially doubling or tripling if international energy prices increase further than expected. It is vital that taxpayer’s exposure to volatile international energy prices is reduced.

Over the past decade, Libyanborn, Dr. Mustafa Megrahi, has led the Wales-headquartered Atlantis Consultancy & Training Limited (ACTL) in the ‘environmental engineering and education services’ field.

The firm’s speciality covers water and wastewater management, radiological assessment and international development. Its education services provide capacity building through tailored solutions to clients -nationally and internationally.

Atlantis typifies a modern approach towards environmental education strategies that are conducive to the sustainability of firms in the UK and the Middle East and North African (MENA) Region combined.

As an independent consultant in waste management also, Dr. Megrahi believes in sound environmental policies as the basis for sustainability.

“We need quality human resources and infrastructure to counter the formidable challenges that impede progress in finding practical solutions to sustain the operations of private and public sector establishments.

"We must therefore imbed state-of-the-art systems that are certifiable in meeting environmental regulatory standards that can be implemented by local regulatory authorities”.

Much emphasis is placed on improvements in the food hygiene and tourism hospitality sectors in North Africa where the ‘handling’ of consumer products impacts on the environment. Behavioural issues around safety, control,

monitoring and generally quality assurance, are vital to the way in which businesses are managed.

Atlantis’ interventionist role in business environmental processes are also reinforced by its allied provision that includes:-

• Environmental Impact Assessment.

• Water and Waste Management.

• Environmental Management.

• Radiological Assessment.

• Quality Assurance.

• Education and Training.

• Research and Development.

The firm is comprised of professionals and experts in research, education, translation, project management, environmental protection, environmental engineering and related disciplines such as auditing and management systems.

In 2023 and beyond, Dr. Megrahi insists that postCOVID 19 economic policies will have to deal with ongoing challenges to the human, financial, technical and natural habitat, overall.

“There is no doubt, that, nationally and internationally, all governments and other public sector bodies, will have to identify policies that reflect proper ethical standards in the way we utilise our resources –human, financial, technical and other.

"In this way, we will be able to tackle resource waste/ wastage and to deal with the complexity of cultural and social issues that also impede human progress”.

Atlantis’ role in contributing

to improvements in business environmental standards are best reflected in its scope of projects in Wales, Europe and other parts of the world.

These initiatives constitute material recycling facility implementation, waste audit and resource efficiency enhancements, impact assessment of waste management facilities, integrated waste management strategy and the provision of natural occurrence radioactive material services for the petroleum industry.

As the effects of the pandemic continue to affect large swathes of the world population, state and local officials will have to integrate ethical, solutions-based and viable environmental policies to reinvigorate business, the professions, sciences, civic/ civil and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) sectors respectively.

It is in this natural vein, that Dr. Megrahi and members of his Atlantis team, are working assiduously to realise this illusory, but ultimately, attainable mission. CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS Send your stories in to
a r d - w I n n I n g journalist, editor and publisher Dr Christopher Johnson writes his monthly column in The Phoenix aiming to inform, educate and entertain. l Founder & Director of ACTL Dr Mustafa Megrahi Amy Jacklin from Virgin Money and Omar Rashid, HR expert and co-president of the Asian Business Chamber of Commerce.

Cycle parking racks used at Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth

Games venues during the summer have been handed out to 50 community groups, local authorities, and businesses.

A wide range of organisations, from schools and residents’ associations to health centres and housing developers are benefitting from this Games legacy and helping to boost cycling rates in their areas. Transport for West Midlands (TfWM), which is part of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), bought and set up 100 bike racks and cycle storage facilities at 13 venues creating more than 25,000 cycle parking spaces as part of the wide- ranging transport offer for Birmingham 2022.

And as a local legacy TfWM offered the racks to organisations across the region through an open application process which was hugely over-subscribed. 49 groups have now received between one and seven of the ‘toast racks’ each. One of the recipients is the Sparkbrook Islamic Centre in Birmingham.

Jamshed Khan, of Sparkbrook Islamic Centre, said: “We didn’t have bike racks prior to this so we’re very pleased and overjoyed these have been provided to us. We care about the environment and a lot of our people cycle to the centre. Before, they had to clip their bikes to the railings. Now we have a proper stand everyone feels more comfortable to cycle in.”

Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands and WMCA Chair, said: “After the spectacular Bir-


Search Begins For First West Midlands Tech Commissioner

APPLICATIONS have opened in the search for the West Midlands’ first-ever Tech Commissioner to help maintain the region’s place as a leading UK tech hub, with the aim of supporting the creation of thousands more jobs and growing the local economy by almost £3billion by 2025.

The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is creating the part-time, voluntary role in a partnership with Birmingham Tech, a not-for-profit community initiative (CIC) which aims to raise the profile of the region’s tech scene.

Once in post, the Tech Commissioner will have a high-profile role spearheading an international network of West Midlands Global Tech Ambassadors. They will be tasked with ensuring the region’s tech sector retains its position as the UK’s fastest growing, as it has proudly been for the past two years, valued at £15.3 billion, up from £11.5 billion in 2021.

l Mayor of the West Midlands Andy Street with members of the Sparkbrook Islamic Centre who have been presented with their bike racks to support the legacy of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games

mingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, I was determined that our entire region would see a tangible legacy from the Games for months and years to come.

“Repurposing equipment left

behind after the Games is just one of the ways we’re delivering on that mission – including with these bike racks. By reaching out to the grassroots right across the West Midlands through these

‘Games giveaways’, I hope we will make a real difference and serve as a catalyst for change in local communities.”

West Midlands Cycling and Walking Commissioner’s Adam

Tranter, said: “TfWM colleagues did a brilliant job of keeping the region moving during the Commonwealth Games. I’m delighted the infrastructure has now been repurposed and donated for the good of local communities so they can also reap the benefits of active travel.”

The successful candidate will be expected to advocate for the region as a place that national and international ‘big tech’ firms should relocate to or have a presence in, engage with key influencers in the sector to understand their barriers to growth, and champion new investment in start-ups and those looking to scale up.

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McCarthy Stone Opens Its Doors To Age UK Solihull Members

Age UK members in Solihull were recently welcomed to McCarthy Stone’s Wheatley Place Retirement Living Plus development to host their annual Christmas party celebration.

Age UK got to enjoy Wheatley Place’s stylish communal lounge and Bistro and McCarthy Stone also put on a two-course meal for

them to indulge in. They also managed to finish off their festive celebrations with a glass or two of fizz.

David Meachem, Divisional Sales Director for McCarthy Stone said: “For many of us, Christmas is a time to come together and spend time with others, and we wanted to bring that Christmas spirit to the members at Age UK.

“It was wonderful to welcome

Age UK Solihull to Wheatley

Place and to see everyone having such a good time. The event was a roaring success, and we look forward to opening our doors for even more events in the future.”

Amanda, Clubs and Activities Coordinator, Age UK Solihull

(AUKS) commented: “We were struggling to find suitable venues, and within our budget, to hold our Christmas parties for our club clients this year. Not only did McCarthy Stone offer their new development to host the parties, they also generously covered the whole cost.

“Our clients have had the most amazing time ever, we cannot thank McCarthy Stone enough –how will we top it next year! As a local charity we are so grateful to them for helping to make Christ-

WRAP Appoint New CEO


WRAP recently announced the appointment of Harriet Lamb as its new CEO.

Ms Lamb is an experienced CEO including having built the global movement Fairtrade which fights for better conditions and fair prices for smallholder farmers and workers across the developing world.

She said: “I am thrilled to be joining the ace-team at WRAP given their impressive track record of finding solutions, bringing partners together and dialling up the impact.

“I look forward to scaling WRAP’s respected programmes tackling the issues of waste, carbon and water while promoting the circular economy. We can be at the forefront of making the good life, everyone’s life. It’s an enormous opportunity to unite the public, businesses and governments behind tackling climate change head-on.”

WRAP’s Chair Sebastian Munden said: “Appointing a CEO is one of the most important things a Chair and Trustee board do, and we are incredibly excited that Harriet is joining us. She brings a wealth of experience at CEO level and has demonstrated across her career so far that she can bring people together to scale positive change.

“Our purpose at WRAP is to tackle climate change and protect our planet by changing the way things are produced, consumed and disposed of. To bring this about we need to increase our reach and the practical support we can give stakeholders like governments

mas a little brighter for many older Solihull residents who often find the festive season lonelier than ever.”

Declan Fishwick, Marketing Manager at McCarthy Stone, said: “The event was a huge success and none of it would have been possible without the help of Elior who catered for the event and supplied staff free of charge to assist with food preparation and serving. Our thanks also go to Bidfood who gave a generous donation towards the cost of the food.”

Exclusively for the over-70s, Wheatley Place offers a collection of beautifully-finished, low maintenance, apartments which provide all the home comforts you could ever need, with a choice of social and leisure activities right on your doorstep.

and businesses, internationally and in the UK, to achieve their sustainability goals. I have every confidence that Harriet’s appointment will accelerate our impact.”

Interim CEO Richard Swannell said: “I very much welcome this appointment and look forward to working with Harriet. Her experience of working in the food system at Fairtrade, and working in both the UK and internationally on climate issues will be invaluable to WRAP going forward.”

Ms Lamb has always worked for social and environmental issues, including 15 years with Fairtrade, as CEO of the UK Fairtrade Foundation and then of Fairtrade International. Fairtrade is a certification scheme that sets standards to make trade fairer, working with producers in the developing world as well as thousands of companies and retailers and creating a vibrant grassroots movement.

She is currently CEO of Ashden, which promotes just climate solutions including sustainable energy in the UK and globally. Prior to that she led International Alert, a peacebuilding organisation.

She has won a number of awards including a CBE, Orange Businesswoman of the Year and Cosmopolitan EcoQueen. She was also the first woman Honorary Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Page 12 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922 NEWS

The Millennium Point Trust recently announced that it has given over £3.25m in STEM support to organisations across the West Midlands throughout 2022. Commercial activity that takes place in the Millennium Point building feeds back into the Millennium Point Charitable Trust. This enables the charity to donate to, invest in, and facilitate STEM-related projects, events and initiatives in the West Midlands. This has included over £360,000 in STEM grants to schools, not-for-profits and charities in Greater Birmingham and the Wider West Midlands. In addition, the trust funds £16,650 in STEM degree scholarships annually, in partnership with Birmingham City University. The 2023 Scholarship programme launches on January 9th next year.

Abbie Vlahakis, CEO of Millennium Point said: “Promoting STEM education across the region is what we do - increasing the opportunities for the next generation via some of the most exciting career paths available.

“As a meeting and events space, it’s fantastic to have had such a busy year of activity, including hosting Luke Jerram’s Gaia in February, Kenya House for The Commonwealth Games in August, St Basils Big Sleepout, and an amazing SciSport Show.”

Opened in 2001, Millennium Point is a landmark public building in the Eastside of Birmingham city centre. Inside, it is home to 17 versatile event spaces including a 354-capacity auditorium, meeting rooms and offices, and tenants, including ThinkTank and Birmingham City University (BCU).

Millennium Point Charitable Trust announces £3.25m in STEM support for 2022

Chancellor responds to ONS quarterly GDP revisions

THE CHANCELLOR of the Exchequer responded to the ONS' revised GDP estimates for July-September.

Jeremy Hunt said: “High inflation driven by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is slowing economic growth across the world. No country is immune, least of all Britain. “Getting prices down so people’s wages go further is my top priority, which is why we are holding down energy bills this winter and providing extra cost of living payments for the most vulnerable.

“To get the British economy back on track, we have a plan that will help to more than halve inflation next year, while laying the foundations for long-term growth through record investment in infrastructure and new industries.”

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Pupils and teachers are celebrating the successful completion of a £1m-plus expansion of their school.

A new, purpose-built block has been provided for Reception and Nursery pupils at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School in Penn, in the West Midlands, while internal refurbishments have been carried out to the old nursery and reception areas. The school hall has also been extended. The work has increased the number of places at the Ofsted Outstanding-rated school from 315 to 420 and means that, by Septem-

ber 2027, the school will be able to take up to 60 children in each year group.

Councillor Chris Burden, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Work, said: "We have been delighted to work in partnership with the St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust on this important project.

"St Bartholomew's CE Primary School is very popular with families and is heavily oversubscribed, and these additional places will help ensure more families are allocated

‘New Year, New Job’ Boom As Registrations On Staffing Platform Double

THE START OF THE new year has seen the number of people looking for a new job double, data released by Indeed Flex, the online staffing platform for temporary work, has revealed. Indeed Flex, which is regularly used by more than 100,000 people across the UK to find temporary work, saw the number of workers registering for the first time rise by 102% during the first two days of January 2023, compared to the same period last year. This followed a 55% year-on-year surge during the five-day Christmas period starting on Christmas Eve, and a rise of 75% on New Year’s Eve.

The boom in registrations soared even higher on Monday 2nd January, which recorded a 114% increase compared to the same day in 2022.

Previous Indeed Flex research found that a third (36%) of people were considering taking up a temporary job over the festive season. Of those already looking for, or about to look for, seasonal temp work, nearly three out of five (57%) said they were doing so to top up their income because of the rising cost of living.

Novo Constare, CEO and Co-founder of Indeed Flex, said:

“‘New Year, new job’ is a promise many people make to themselves at this time of year, and our data shows the traditional January boom in jobseeking started early, with the number of people registering to work through Indeed Flex surging even on Christmas Day.

“But the jump in new registrations we’re seeing now, compared to this time last year, suggests the type of work people want is changing too. Our platform is dedicated to temporary work, and many of those joining us for the first time already have a job but are keen to boost their income by adding a day or two of temping to their working week.

“Others are retired or working part-time, but one thing they have in common is that they are all attracted to the flexibility of temping. Temporary work allows you to choose where and when you work, enabling you to fit regular temp shifts around your lifestyle or an existing job, or to dip your toe back into the world of work if you’ve been out of the loop for a while.

“There’s plenty of choice too, as many employers are increasingly opting to use temps rather than seeking permanent staff.”

their preferred school."

Headteacher Rachael Kilmister said: "We are absolutely delighted with our new Early Years building.

"The modern, purpose-built design has enhanced our provision further as the space enables all aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum to be delivered and accessed seamlessly.

“The youngest children who attend our school will benefit immensely and it is wonderful to see them learning and playing in such a fantastic environment."

University To Host UK’s Most Powerful NMR Instrument

A CONSORTIUM led by the University of Warwick has been awarded £17M to procure the UK’s most powerful Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) instrument at 1.2 GHz. There are only seven such machines currently operating around the world. The funds have been awarded to a consortium of six UK Universities through the UKRI Infrastructure Fund. Other Universities in the consortium are Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, Southampton and St Andrews.

In the UK and at Warwick University, researchers are using NMR technology to improve green infrastructure by expanding their knowledge of how to make more efficient plant biofuels, to improve batteries and solar cells.

The instrument will also be used in research on anti-microbial resistance and drug design and delivery. Scientists from around the country will be able to use the facility and students at Warwick and other universities will gain invaluable experience on the state-of-the-art NMR instrument enabling them to compete at the cutting edge of scientific research.

Professor Steven Brown, from the University of Warwick's Solid State NMR Group, commented: “It is exciting that Warwick has been selected as the site for this world-class NMR instrumentation. I look forward to working with the consortium partners and the UK community to deliver this world-class resource for UK science.” Page 14 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS THE FUNERAL OF MOMMA JEN
As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting the positive and inspirational individuals and organisations in our communities, The Phoenix Newspaper presents Promoting Excellence - a closer look at our role models, entrepreneurs, community figures and success stories.
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l Back row, left to right, Early Years Foundation Stage Lead Practitioner Laura Benbow, Headteacher Rachel Kilmister, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Work Councillor Chris Burden and Brenda Wile, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Deputy Director of Education, celebrate the opening of new classrooms with pupils at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School.


Are you thinking about your future? Then find out what learning opportunities Adult Education Wolverhampton has on offer at one of its open days taking place next week.

Applications are now being taken for new courses launching this year. They include Teaching Skills, Skills for Work and Self-employment, English, Maths, Health and Social Care, Computer and Digital Skills, Business and Office Skills, Children and Teaching Assistants, Traineeships, Cake Decorating and Sugar Craft, Arts Crafts and Creative Media, and many more. Please visit https:// for full details.

Adult Education Wolverhampton will be holding a series of open days next week where prospective learners can meet curriculum staff, view the facilities and speak to the Student Services team.

Information sessions about English and English for Speakers of Other Languages courses will be held in the first week of February.

Councillor Chris Burden, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Work, said: “Every year thousands of people from across the city join classes with Adult Education Wolverhampton, so why not make 2023 the moment that you take the first steps towards further study, employment, a new job, a promotion or better health and wellbeing?”

Meanwhile, Adult Education Wolverhampton has launched its new Alumni Wall of Fame, to showcase the distance travelled by their students, to celebrate individual success and to inspire others. It highlights past students who have gone on to do great things at university, in their communities or in the workplace and can be viewed on the open days.

l Bourne Elsea Park CofE Primary Academy pupils with the kit bags donated by Barratt and David Wilson Homes

Lincolnshire Homebuilder Helps Pupils Glow On The Go This Winter

PUPILS AT BOURNE Elsea Park C of E Primary Academy in Bourne have received a donation of hi-vis kit bags from Barratt and David Wilson Homes, to help them shine bright while walking to and from school this winter.

The Lincolnshire housebuilder has given the school 70 kit bags for its pupils to wear, ensuring they can be easily seen on the roads as the darker nights draw in. According to figures from the 2021 National Travel Survey (NTS) and 2020-2021 Active Lives Survey (ALS), the number of children walking or cycling to school is falling.

In 2021, 46% of children aged between five and 16 walked or cycled to school, a decrease from 50% in 2020. Barratt and David Wilson Homes aims to help children safely commute to school on foot and supports the Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy.

Alex Worrall, Year 6 Teacher at Bourne Elsea Park C of E Primary Academy, said: “The kit bags are absolutely brilliant and the children love using them to help them stay safe when out and about in the dark.”

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Celebrated broadcaster and Olympic athlete Dame Denise Lewis DBE is advocating that more inclusion and representation at senior management and board level must occur in UK sport, whilst attending a graduation ceremony to receive an honorary doctorate from Birmingham City University (BCU).

The West Bromwich-born presenter, gold medal-winning heptathlete and President of Commonwealth Games England also gave an emotionally-charged speech to graduates and academics, as the University’s highest accolade was conferred on her at Birmingham’s Symphony Hall – just days after here damehood announcement in the New Year Honours list.

“I am beside myself with pride and joy to be receiving an honorary doctorate from Birmingham

City University, she said. “The city has played an integral role in my life and my career to this point so to be receiving the honorary degree means everything to me, its full circle, like I’ve come home and so I’m absolutely thrilled.”

Dame Denise continued: “One of the benefits of athletics is that it is inclusivity and diversity on the field of play.

“We’re trying to change that as we go higher, at board and senior management level. It’s important to encourage people to think differently, to inspire change making, and to consider inclusivity and lived experience.

"We always say that sport is for all. However, sport hasn’t actually delivered that – in many sports and areas – so it is time for change!

“There have been a lot of conversations had, now it’s time for action.” Dame Denise won gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympics and subsequently being inducted into the UK Athletics Hall of

Fame in 2011.

She has twice been runner-up in the BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year awards (in 1998 and 2000) and received an OBE in the 2000 New Year Honours as well as becoming a Dame this year. She used her speech to congratulate students on their achievements during the pandemic, encouraging them to go on to ‘have fruitful lives’, saying: “Being authentic to who you are is important, be true to yourself.

“Also have courage too!” A Strictly Come Dancing and The Masked Singer finalist, Dame Denise Lewis DBE, a Woman of exceptional Excellence, is also a brand ambassador for Next, with new activewear range launching this year, and has worked with multiple brands including L’Oréal, Haven and Purple Bricks. Page 16 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS Send your stories in to



Burna Boy apologises for late performance at concert IN LAGOS

Nigerian Afrobeats sensation Burna Boy has apologised to fans after being criticised for a late performance at a concert that saw him take to the stage in the small hours of the morning.

In a statement on Instagram, the musician blamed organisers for his lateness at the Love Damini Concert held in Lagos. "The organisational structure and infrastructure are not there for the

complexities of my audio and production needs," the musician said.

He added: "I apologise to my fans for how hectic it was, thank you for staying and weathering the storm with me." He said he would be working with investors to build world-class infrastructure in the Nigerian entertainment business.

The singer is one of the most successful African musicians in the world. Page 18 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT THE HOTTEST ENTERTAINMENT SUPPLEMENT /streetcredmagazine /streetcredmagazine Send your stories in to

Mourners Still Reeling After Death Of Earth, Wind & Fire Drummer, Fred White

THE DEATH OF EARTH, Wind & Fire drummer, Fred White, has left family friends and fellow-band members reeling.

The Chicago-born child drumming prodigy was one of the first members to join the group founded by his older brothers Maurice and Verdine.

The jazz fusion outfit was one of the best-selling groups of all time, with more than 90 million records sold worldwide. Their best-known hits include September and Boogie Wonderland.

White began drumming at nine years old, and featured on his first gold record, Donny Hathaway's Live, at just 16. In 1974, he joined the band, who, over the years, won six Grammys and four American Music Awards, as well as entering the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000, and gaining a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

His death was announced on Instagram by his brother, and fellow-band member and coEarth, Wind & Fire founder, Verdine (White), who wrote: "Our family is saddened today with the loss of an amazing and talented family member, our be-

First look at the cast of The Way Old Friends Do

loved brother Frederick Eugene 'Freddie' White.

“As well as his drumming success, White was a wonderful brother who was "always entertaining and delightfully mischievous. We could always count on him to make a seemingly bad situation more light-hearted!

“He will live in our hearts forever, rest in power beloved Freddie!"

Earth Wind & Fire shot to fame with its triple platinum album That's the Way of the World, before continuing on with an illustrious music career worldwide.

Fred White was 67.

(Jupiter’s Legacy) and Rose Shalloo (Call The Midwife).

This wonderfully uplifting play also features the voices of two of the UK’s best-loved performers, Miriam Margolyes and Paul O'Grady. In 1988, two school friends tentatively come out to one another: one as gay, the other - more shockingly - as an ABBA fan.

Birmingham Rep and James Seabright have released a set of first look images featuring the full cast of Ian Hallard’s brand-new play, The Way Old Friends Do, which receives its world premiere at The Rep from 17 Feb – 4 Mar 2023.

Simultaneously tender and laugh-out-loud funny, this heartfelt story, written by and starring Ian Hallard (The Boys In The Band) is directed by Mark Gatiss (Sherlock, Dracula, Doctor Who, The League of Gentlemen).

The cast includes Donna Berlin (Doctors) James Bradshaw (Endeavour), Sara Crowe (Olivier Award winner for Private Lives), Andrew Horton

Nearly thirty years later, a chance meeting sets them on a brand-new path and they decide to form the world’s first ABBA tribute band - in drag! But can their friendship survive the tribulations of a life on the road which includes platform boots, fake beards and a distractingly attractive stranger?

A story that will appeal to anyone who understands how it feels to be a fan: of ABBA or of anyone. Following its run at Birmingham Rep, The Way Old Friends Do will embark on a tour of the UK, which will include its London premiere at The Park Theatre.

The Way Old Friends Do, which receives its world premiere at The Rep from 17 Feb – 4 Mar 2023. To book tickets visit, call 0121 236 4455 or visit the box office during opening hours.

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Scentscational Valentines gifts

JUST AS WE’RE getting over the festive period, Valentine's Day arrives with everyone’s finances feeling the pinch. People, thought, might be interested in some luxury for less for any gift guides you’re pulling together.

Fragrance company

Noted.Aromas specialises in designer dupes, so think scents inspired by Le Labo, Chanel and

some of Tom Ford's finest but without the designer price tag. Just in case you're wondering it was Monte Carlo - a dupe of Molly Mae's fave Baccarat Rouge which is cheaper than the original.

When you're thinking; 'just another PR and their too good to be true perfumes...' these are pretty epic!

Celebrate Valentines

AS THE UK emerged from recurring lockdowns, research from Barclaycard in 2022 revealed that seven in 10 Brits living with a partner (70%) and nearly twothirds (62%) of people in a relationship, but living separately, intended to celebrate Valentine's Day with their other half. And, in 2022, Brits spent approximately £1.37 billion celebrating the calendar

Top TikTok recipes ideas to surprise your Valentine

WITH THIS YEAR’S Valentine's Day being free from lockdown, we are expecting to see around 90% of the UK celebrating with gifts, dates, and much more. Resulting in £1.3 billion+ being spent on this holiday of love!

NEXT home has scoured the internet searching out the most romantic TikTok recipes to recreate at home, for your significant other, kids, or even yourself. With tasty breakfast recipes such as Pesto Eggs and Japanese Soufflé

Pancakes right through to the taste Delgona coffee and desserts like Hot chocolate bombs- there really is something for everyone! Using some of the most viral TikTok recipes, you could treat your valentine to breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks - all from the comfort of your own home! Next Home has created a TikTok recipe index containing the most popular recipes on TikTok alongside their nutritional values, the ingredients and a stepby-step guide to recreate at home.

Recipe trends such as Feta Pasta and Dalgona Coffee have taken the internet by storm, with some TikTok recipe videos seeing as many as 3.2 billion views (and counting). But what are the world’s favourite TikTok recipes and how can they be recreated in your home kitchen? Next Home has looked at the number of TikTok views, Google search volume for the recipe, Instagram hashtags, the number of ingredients and the prep and cooking time to uncover the easiest and most pop-

occasion, popularly associated with love and romance, according to figures from Wunderkind. Whilst 'Valentine's Day' and 'date night' remain popular DesignMyNight searches in London for this year's celebrations, it appears that people are looking for something different, with 'quirky date ideas' currently topping the list of Valentine's Day queries.

ular TikTok recipes to recreate at home.

The top 10 easiest and most popular TikTok recipes to make for your Valentine are:

1. Dalgona Coffee (583M views)

2. Cloud bread (3.2 billion views)

3. Hot chocolate bombs (308.7M views)

4. Angel Milk (24.8M views)

5. Shakshuka (37.4M views)

6. Oreo Mug Cake (144.8M views)

7. Nature's Cereal (924.7M views)

8. Breakfast Sandwich (192M views)

9. Twisted Bacon (14.4M views)

10. Frozen Corn Syrup (59.1M views) Page 20 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT Send your stories in to FOR THE chocolate lover this Valentine's Day, it has to be Darts Farm's Cow & Cacao Chocolate Lover's Hamper. Darts Farm is one of the few UK producers to craft chocolate from bean-to-bar at their in-house chocolatier, Cow & Cacao. This hamper contains an incredible selection of hand-crafted treats; including a box of truffles, Milk Chocolate Dipped Oranges, a Milk Chocolate & Raspberry Heart Lolly and expert chocolatier Louise's favourite Single Origin Bar! It is available to collect at Darts Farm or order online for nationwide delivery.
This Valentine's Day
With Chocolate
It's never too late to create the perfect date night

Food & Fine Dining


Evenings are still dark and there is nothing more romantic than a cosy night in!

What is unromantic is spending all your time in the kitchen, so Mandira's Kitchen are determined to keep romance alive – and spicy without time out in preparation.

Mandira's Kitchen have put together a romantic Indian meal for two that can be delivered frozen to any UK Mainland address. It can be heated from frozen in just 4 minutes so there is no need to waste ages in the kitchen.

Every menu comes with a Bollywood playlist, a Kama Sutra sheet and a movie suggestion. Bringing some spice to Valentine's Day, Mandira's Kitchen have prepared a set menu which includes: - Classic Meat dishes or Vegetarian or Vegan options with crispy samosas and pakoras and a se-

lection of dishes cooked with love.

Gulabi Pulao (a fragrant basmati rice cooked with beetroot to give it a delicate pink hue). Shah Jehani Dal (from the dining table of Emperor Shah Jehan, a mix of lentils and spices cooked with coconut milk) with sweeting endings of Gajar Halwa – a mouth-watering carrot pudding, Masala Chai and Chilli Chocolates.

Mandira Sarkar, owner and founder of Mandira's Kitchen is very keen to spread a little love at this special time of year with her delicious food and says: “You cannot love well if you have not dined well goes the old saying. So, our Valentine's Day menu woos your eyes and your tastebuds.

“Clearly all designed to recreate the perfect romantic meal at home.” All items can be ordered online and either collected from Mandira's Kitchen at The Silent Pool Guildford or delivered to any UK Mainland address.

New liqueur made available for your Valentine

THIS VALENTINE'S DAY, you can celebrate the love in your life with Devon Cove's Passion Liqueur. Unique and delicate, Passion Liqueur is made by combining fresh passion fruits with Cove's luxuriously smooth Devon potato vodka and the result is enchanting, exotic and absolutely delicious.

Try Cove Passion Liqueur over ice with a twist of grapefruit, with cloudy lemonade or in the crowd-pleasing Pornstar Martini cocktail. Presented in a stylish bottle with a wooden cork, so you can easily reseal the bottle after use, although it tastes so good you might not need to.

Commenting on this unique prod-

Celebrity Chef Lagasse Named Carnival Cruise Line’s CCO

Carnival will feature two iconic talents in the food and dining industry, Guy Fieri and Emeril Lagasse, across its fleet.

“Food is key to the fun of a Carnival cruise,” said Christine Duffy, president of Carnival Cruise Line, announcing the appointment of famed celebrity chef and restauranteur Emeril Lagasse as cruise line’s Chief Culinary Officer.

“Emeril’s restaurants on our two new ships have been a great addition to our dining offerings and guests rave about the food, which will also be on Carnival Jubilee come next December. With Emeril’s culinary expertise and broader profile on our ships, along with our wildly popular partnership with Food Network star Guy Fieri, Carnival will feature two iconic talents in the food and dining industry across our fleet,” Duffy added.

A restaurant concept created by Emeril Lagasse, Emeril’s Bistro, is already popular on two of Carnival Cruise Line‘s most innovative ships, Mardi Gras and Carnival Celebration, and now the famous chef’s culinary talents will be utilized fleetwide. In conjunction with this announcement, Carnival also announced that Carnival Jubilee will also feature an Emeril’s Bistro when it arrives in Galveston, Texas in December 2023.

uct, Devon Cove Founder, Leanne Carr says: “Tired of the synthetic alternatives, I had wanted to create a liqueur using fresh Passion Fruits for a long time and I am simply thrilled with the result. Those who try it are too, enjoying it on its own over ice as a lighter alternative to a whisky digestive, as well as with mixers or as part of a cocktail.”

The expansion of their range of liqueurs is also offering Devon Cove the chance to increase their range of cocktails kits for customers to make at home. Leanne is somewhat of a master mixologist and has relished the opportunity to feature Cove Passion Liqueur in new cocktail kits such as the Cove Passion

Fruit Martini Kit. This is their take on the ever-popular Pornstar Martini cocktail and combines their luxuriously smooth vodka with their Passion Liqueur, vanilla, pineapple and lime to create a tantalising treat. Stylishly presented with a box of delicious macarons, this kit would make the perfect Valentine's Day gift.

The Cove Passion Fruit Martini Kit offers four servings and includes one 20cl bottle of Cove Vodka, 20cl Cove Passion Liqueur, 20cl Monin Vanilla Syrup, 20cl Pineapple Juice, simple instructions and a box of 6 delicious macarons from Pretty Little Pastries.

As Chief Culinary Officer, Lagasse will support Carnival’s skilled chefs with guidance on food trends and techniques as well as advise on future menu items and dining concepts. Guests will also see his input on the menus of main dining rooms fleetwide, including entrées designated as “Emeril recommends” picks.

“I’ve been creating and operating restaurants for many years but developing my restaurants with Carnival and learning about the cruise industry has been an exhilarating experience. I love Carnival’s focus on food and fun and the many great dining options they offer their guests. I’m looking forward to building on our success at sea with Carnival’s exceptional culinary team,” said Lagasse.

The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 - Page 21 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS FOOD

RuPaul’s DragCon

sashayed back to London on 6th January, welcoming thousands of excited fans, over 150 extraordinary drag queens from around the world and celebrity fans including Chloe Burrows, Duncan James, Louisa Harland and Samira Mighty to its new home of ExCeL London.

Created by RuPaul and World of Wonder Productions, RuPaul’s DragCon UK, returned bigger and fiercer than ever before.

On the first of the three-day spectacular event, RuPaul’s Drag Race host and Emmy® Award-winner, RuPaul, ceremoniously cut the coveted pink ribbon with Michelle Visage and queens from across the global franchise by his side, ringing in the “Ru year” and the hotly awaited three-day extravaganza in style.

As the ribbon was cut, RuPaul said: “It’s so lovely to be back in England! We love you all so much and to be here for DragCon one more time is such an honour. Michelle Visage is here, the Queens are here, and we are going to have a good time. I want to christen this DragCon by saying this: Everybody say love! Now let’s get this DragCon started!”

The infamous Queens Walk saw

2023 Begins with Glitz & Glamour

visitors cheer on the arrival of over 150 queens from across the RuPaul’s Drag Race franchise including UK, USA, Canada, Down

Under, Thailand, Philippines, Holland, Espana, Italia and France, who made their grand entrance by strutting down the legendary pink

carpet. All UK winners including The Vivienne (Season 1) Lawrence Chaney (Season 2), Krystal Versace (Season 3), Blu Hydrangea

(UK vs the World) and the newly crowned winner of Season 4, Danny Beard as well as international winners such as Carmen Farala (Drag Race España Season 1), Precious Paula Nicole (Drag Race Philippines Season 1) as well as recent winner from Canada vs World, Ra’Jah O’Hara to name but a few.

RuPaul’s DragCon UK also featured iconic performances from an array of UK and international queens, including one of the UK’s fiercest girl groups the Frock Destroyers.

DragCon’s biggest highlight were the meet and greet opportunities and panel discussions. Social media blew up with visitor’s sharing their pictures with the queens as well as videos of the performances.

Fans travelled from all around the world to meet their favourite queens all in one place. The Main Stage, sponsored by WOW Presents Plus, featured two outstanding DJ sets by RuPaul as well iconic performances by Drag Race fan-favourites while the dedicated Kids Zone sponsored by ‘Wild-

Brain’s’ Teletubbies provided fun for the whole family throughout the three-day celebrations, allowing kids (and kids at heart) to meet and greet the Teletubbies.

Beauty lovers enjoyed a sponsored Anastasia Beverly Hills Makeup competition judged by RuPaul’s very own make-up artist Raven, president of ABH Norvina and Season 1 winner of BBC Three’s Glow Up: Britain’s Next Make-Up Star Ellis Atlantis.

Audible hosted an exclusive panel with Fenton Bailey - Executive Producer of RuPaul's Drag Race, Co-Founder of World of Wonder and author of ScreenAge: How TV Shaped Our Reality from Tammy Faye to RuPaul’s Drag Race (Ebury Press).

In conversation with Graham Norton, Fenton discussed topics from his literary debut, as well as all things Drag Race.

Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato, Co-Founders of World of Wonder, said: “We are so excited that DragCon UK is back. Huge thanks to the more than 150 queens from the Drag Race Universe who participated, and to everyone who came out to see them.

A special shout out to the legendary and iconic Teletubbies who are reminders of the spirit of love and inclusiveness that DragCon represents.

It was great to be able to celebrate the new year and new season of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 15 in person, and we look forward to serving up more fresh originals on WOW Presents Plus until we see each other again.”

In a series of in-conversation specials, The Phoenix Newspaper is proud to talk to some of the most iconic queens in attendance including Ginny Lemon, Baby, Black Pepper, Le Fil, Ra’Jah O’Hara, Tia Kofi and more. Look out for these in the coming issues.

RUPAUL’S DRAGCON UK took place at ExCeL London from 6-8 January 2023. Tickets are on sale now for RUPAUL’S DRAGCON LA on 12th and 13th May 2023.

Season 15 of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ is currently available exclusively in the UK via the streamer of all things drag, WOW Presents Plus, with new episodes dropping on Saturdays at 2AM GMT. Page 22 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT
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l World of Wonder Productions - Getty Images - Dave Benett
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India Celebrating Historic Golden Globe Win With Epic ‘RRR’

INDIANS ARE celebrating after Telugu-language epic action drama, ‘RRR’ created history by winning a Golden Globe - a first for the country. The film's catchy musical number, Naatu Naatu, was awarded best original song, beating heavyweights like Taylor Swift and Rihanna.

The hit song was filmed in front of Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky's official residence in 2021. Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi expressed the country’s joy, saying: "This prestigious honour has made every Indian very proud".

Oscar-winning music composer AR Rahman described the win a "paradigm shift", while Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan wrote on Twitter that he "danced to Naatu Naatu" to celebrate the news.

Written and directed by SS Rajamouli, ‘RRR’, which

stands for Rise, Roar, Revolt, is a historical fantasy that tells the rollicking story of two revolutionaries who fight against British rule in India - superstars Ram Charan and Jr NTR play the lead roles. A Hindi-language version of the film on Netflix was among the platform's Top 10 most watched titles in the US for weeks when it released in May 2022.

On twitter, one fan wrote:

"This is history in making for Indian cinema at global platform". Telugu superstar Chiranjeevi Konidela, who is also Charan's father, called it a "phenomenal, historic win".

RRR was also nominated in the Best Non-English Language Film category at the Golden Globes, but lost to Argentine historical drama film ‘Argentina, 1985’.

Mimi’s highly anticipated debut album, Amelia, will feature 12 tracks including her smash hit “House On Fire,” and latest single “Ghost of You.”

The album is titled after her full first name, Amelia, which will give fans insight into both sides of the budding star- Amelia, the girl from the UK countryside who loves to be at home with her family, friends, and dogs; and Mimi, the pop artist who loves to be up on stage traveling the world. Amelia is available for pre-order now.

Mimi’s powerful vocals and lyrics are brought to life in the music video for Red Flags, directed by Drew Kirsch, as she takes viewers on a journey of hindsight, revenge, and reclaiming power that every scorned lover dreams about.

The song was written by Mimi Webb, Connor McDonough, Toby McDonough, Ryan Daly, Castle, Cirkut, and produced by Connor McDonough, Ryan Daly, and


Mimi continues her ascent as one of the biggest artists to watch as she garnered a nomination for Best New Artist at the 2023 BRIT Awards.

Following the album’s release, she will hit the road for her 2023 headline tour, The Amelia Tour.

The 31-date tour will make stops across Europe and the UK, kicking off on March 11 in Madrid, Spain at Shoko continuing with stops in Berlin, Oslo, Paris, Manchester and more before concluding on April 24 in London, UK at O2 Academy Brixton. Multiple shows have already soldout including Dublin and all UK dates. Full tour routing below. Tickets are available now at

In just two years the breakout artist has racked up over 852 million global streams to date, and multiple hit tracks including “House on Fire” and “Good Without.” Mimi’s performed at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in London, opened for Children Page 24 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922 ENTERTAINMENT

In Need, has played numerous festivals such as Capital FM’s Summertime Ball, Isle of Wight Festival, and Montreux Jazz Festival, and on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and ELLEN. She has garnered praise from

Madonna Announces 3rd & 4th London Dates

DUE TO PHENOMENAL demand, Madonna adds two extra dates to her The Celebration Tour in the UK, performing a total of four nights at London’s

The O2. Saturday 14th, Sunday 15th, Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th October 2023.

Produced by Live Nation, the 35-city global tour will kick off in North America on Saturday, July 15th at Rogers Arena in Vancouver, BC with stops in

the likes of British Vogue, Rolling Stone, Harper’s BAZAAR,, and Billboard.

Mimi shows no signs of slowing down as she gears up for the release of her debut album.

Detroit, Chicago, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, and more before making its way to Europe where she will hit 11 cities throughout the fall, including London, Barcelona, Paris, and Stockholm, among others. The Celebration Tour will wrap in Amsterdam, NL on Friday, December 1st at Ziggo Dome.

The Celebration Tour will take us on Madonna’s artistic journey through four decades and pays

respect to the city of New York where her career in music began. “I am excited to explore as many songs as possible in hopes to give my fans the show they have been waiting for,” states Madonna.

The Celebration Tour will offer a one-of-a-kind experience with special guest Bob the Drag Queen a.k.a. Caldwell Tidicue across all dates on the global tour.

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Consumer rights champion Justin Gutmann’s unprecedented lawsuit against Apple is moving forward.

The hearing has now been set by the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) to commence from Tuesday 2 May 2023 until Thursday 4 May 2023 to determine whether the case should be certified as a collective action and proceed to a full trial.

Following a case management conference which took place on 22 November 2022, the CAT has confirmed that the CPO Hearing will take place to consider:

• If Mr Gutmann is suitable to act on behalf of the proposed class and if he should be certified to bring the claim.

• If the claim itself is eligible to be brought as a collective action and should proceed to a full trial.

If Mr Gutmann is successful, around 25 million UK customers who bought an iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus, SE, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus and X models would be entitled to approximately £768 million collectively in compensation for each model owned. As an optout claim, members of the class will not need to actively join the case to seek damages. Instead, they will be part of the claim unless they decide to opt out.

Members of the proposed class have until 20th January 2023 to object to Mr Gutmann as a class representative or object to the

Hearing Date Set For Legal Claim Against Apple

claim itself. Anyone with an interest in the claim going ahead can make oral and/or written submissions to the Tribunal.

Justin Gutmann says: “I am pleased to announce that the Competition Appeals Tribunal (CAT) has listed a hearing for my application for a Collective Proceedings Order (CPO) for 2nd - 4th May 2023. This is the first important stage in the case affecting millions of iPhone users in the UK who have had poor phone performance as a result of Apple’s abusive conduct. I will now be working with my legal team to prepare for the hearing to ensure our claim is certified so that we can move this claim forward.”

The CPO Hearing is in respect of a claim launched on 17 June 2022 by Justin Gutmann, formerly of Citizens Advice, on behalf of millions of iPhone users who have allegedly suffered loss due to being misled by iOS updates - claiming they would improve their iPhone’s performance when in fact it reduced it by up

to 58% in some cases.

Apple sold iPhones with batteries that were unable to cope with new iOS processing demands, which caused sudden shutdowns. Rather than undertaking a product recall and repair process to replace the batteries, Apple instead encouraged users to install iOS updates which had a pow-

er management tool concealed within them.

Affected iPhone users can receive more information on the legal proceedings by visiting The iPhone Claim - The iPhone Throttling Claim. The hearing can be attended or viewed via livestream at https://

Catherine Cohen set for UK tour

FRESH FROM HER critically acclaimed Netflix special The Twist…? She’s Gorgeous, New York sensation and Edinburgh Comedy Award winner Catherine Cohen is set to embark on a tour of the UK for the first time with her eagerly anticipated second show, Come For Me.

Catherine Cohen’s charismatic persona shines through once more in Come For Me, an openly glamorous, decidedly horny musical exploration of what it means to enter your thirties as a woman online, in love, and inspired to romanticize the prospect of freezing your eggs. Emotionally prepare yourself for sexy stand-up & songs about finding your purpose, filling the void and sending nothing but love and light to anyone who isn’t addicted to your personality.

Catherine Cohen is best known for her hit Netflix comedy special The Twist…? She’s Gorgeous, which aired on the streaming giant globally earlier this year. The same live show won her the cov-

eted Dave’s Edinburgh Comedy Award for Best Newcomer at the festival in 2019. Soon she can be seen in the Paramount+ feature film, At Midnight, and in the upcoming Hulu series What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding. She featured in Comedy Central's Awkwafina is Nora From Queens, and she joined the cast for Season 3 of FX’s critically acclaimed series What We Do In The Shadows. She can also be seen leading the indie comedy Dating & New York, opposite fellow comedian Jaboukie Young-White which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and was acquired by IFC Films. Her other on-screen credits include Netflix’s series Special, and Michael Showalter’s feature The Lovebirds, Disney+ reboot of Home Alone, HBO’s High Maintenance, Comedy Central’s Broad City and TBS’s Search Party.

In 2021, she published her first book entitled God I Feel Modern Tonight, which is her collection of comedic poetry. Page 26 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922 ENTERTAINMENT


London’s ExCel played host to one of the world’s largest international Drag conventions featuring Drag Queens from every franchise including USA, UK, Canada, Philippines, Thailand, Down Under, Italia, Holland, France and Espana in January 2023 and The Phoenix Newspaper was there to experience it all and chat to some of the most iconic drag queens in the world.

In this edition, we chat to US star Ra’Jah O’Hara and UK star Ginny Lemon about how they got into drag in the first place, hardships they have faced, inspiring the next generation and looking forward to 2023.

Ra’Jah O’Hara

Rah’Jah O’Hara is a seasoned queen who has appeared in three different RuPaul Drag Race franchises including US Season 11 finishing 9th. She then appeared in US All Stars and was promoted to runner-up and most recently won the highly praised ‘Canada vs The World’.

Speaking to The Phoenix about how she started in the world of drag, Ra’Jah O’Hara tells us “I got into drag as a dare from my friends for Halloween. I am a Halloween Queen! I won the competition and then I fell so in love with drag and the response I got – I was like ‘oh girl I need this in my life a little bit more’. So I dove head first into it”.

You are one of the hardest working Queens out there having been on three different Drag Race shows and going straight to the top and winning the most recent. What drove you to return to such a highly competitive and intense competition?

What drove me to come back was to make another season of great TV. The expectation for returning was never to win but I knew that winning was absolutely my goal because I just barely missed out on the crown in All Stars 6 so I thought it was my time to come back and shine.

And that’s exactly what you did because you won and you are still shining and will do forever more! It takes a lot of guts to be a person of colour

to do what you are doing. Society isn’t always accepting.

What is your advice to the LGBTQIA+ kids of colour who may be struggling with their confidence in doing drag?

I would say that confidence really starts with yourself. It’s the things that you tell yourself in the mirror that hype you up to walk into any room and be confident in who you are and be capable of. But then also having the talent

where you are then there is nobody that can deny what you can do”. Wise words from a worthy winning Queen – thank you Ra’Jah O’Hara.

Ginny Lemon

Ginny Lemon competed on Season 2 of Drag Race UK and made a huge cultural and societal impact in one of the first discussions on being ‘non binary’ on British television with fellow racer ‘Bimini’. We discuss the uniqueness of their drag, the non-binary conversation and what’s ahead.

Ginny Lemon, you are one of the most beloved queens to have ever graced Drag Race. You are so unique, what inspired you to do your form of drag?

“My drag origin story is a bit of a depressing one. My sister passed away in 2016 and drag was a way for me to escape grief and it allowed me to step outside my own life and my own personality and create this character.

"Yellow is a traditional colour of healing and it is also the non-binary colour so I decided to surround myself in yellow and create this face and character for people and it was a way for me to hide behind my grief. I went out and did my shows.

"I’ve appeared on X-Factor, I did Drag Race and I did quite well for myself and all this time I didn’t realise I was doing alright. I was just grieving. That’s my origin story. My inspirations are very mixed.

episode, everyone was talking about it – schools, colleges, universities and workplaces. It was so inspiring what you and Bimini talked about. Did you ever think it would have the impact it went on to have?

Absolutely not. I had no idea until the producer rang me a few days before saying you have a hard episode coming up and I said ‘what do you mean?’ I thought it was about how I got into drag.

The conversation I had with Bimini was a conversation that up until it aired, I didn’t remember having because it was just a hu-

man moment between two non-binary people talking about what it is like being non-binary.

That was the first time ever on British TV where that has been done but I didn’t think about it twice. Bim and I were great friends before hand and still are.

The impact it had, well Bim and I were not prepared for any of it really but I went on to just make people laugh, be a fool, be controversial and be silly but in the end

I ended up melting people’s hearts and I really wasn’t expecting that! I am very grateful that us sharing that story has helped so many people.

Thank you for sharing that Ginny Lemon because you and Bimini really touched our hearts

Looking ahead what is 2023 looking like for you?

Not only am I going on tour with ‘Sister Sister’ in February – tickets are on sale now by the way, but it is going to be the year of positivity for me.

When I am going out, instead of being anxious all the time and assuming people are going to hate me from the off, I am going to go out there and assume I am going to have a good time and open myself to new things.

Coming to DragCon I was very nervous and thought am I really a Ru Queen? I am but don’t always feel that I am.

Coming here and seeing all these amazing queens and fans from all over the world is overwhelming and amazing so I am going to take this positivity and bring it in for 2023 and keep it going!

We wish you well Ginny Lemon! Look out for more chats with iconic queens in future editions of The Phoenix Newspaper!

and skill to back that confidence up because once you actually walk up on that stage – that’s how they know for sure you are talented and that there is no doubt that you belong.

I will say that for black and brown kids, it is already hard enough being black and brown growing up so I would say lean into that struggle and lean into the toughness that builds in your skin because when you make it to

"On one side I am inspired by British comedy – Victoria Wood, Julie Walters, Kathy Burke and Sue Pollard and on the other, artists such as Kate Bush, Bjork, Tori Amos and Enya. I am also inspired by my sister and the women in my family. What a great way to celebrate the women in your family!

The conversation you had with Bimini about gender identity was groundbreaking and it was one of the first conversations of its kind in the public arena. Following that

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Unleashing THE DBS 770 Ultimate

Bentley Seeks Extraordinary Talent For Team

BENTLEY MOTORS today announced a recruitment drive creating 200 new roles as the luxury marque accelerates its forward-thinking Beyond100 strategy, the boldest plan of its kind in the sector.

Working across multiple disciplines to support delivery of the ambitious Five-in-Five plan, which commits Bentley to launching five new electric models by 2030, the growth will help redefine Bentley’s credentials as the benchmark manufacturer in sustainable luxury mobility.

Further information on the current vacancies can be found at with applications opening today. Whilst the positions cover multiple departments, approximately 50 per cent are focused on electrical competencies as Bentley aims for full electrification of its product range within seven years.

Long associated with cars of exquisite style and intoxicating performance, the DBS nameplate has been attached to some of Aston Martin’s finest flagships.

Since 2018 the DBS has stood at the pinnacle of Aston Martin’s series production range; a Twin-Turbo V12 powerhouse blessed with ferocious performance and unmatched style. With production of this current generation DBS nearing its end,

Aston Martin is proud to introduce a DBS to surpass all others; the DBS 770 Ultimate.

As its name suggests, the DBS

770 Ultimate is an emphatic last word. The most powerful production Aston Martin ever, and the fastest and most powerful DBS to date, extensive design and engineering enhancements ensure the DBS 770 Ultimate is an unforgettable and highly-collectible celebration of Aston Martin’s flagship Super GT. Available in both Coupe and

Volante form, DBS770 Ultimate will be built in strictly limited numbers – 300 Coupes and 199 Volantes – with all examples sold ahead of release.

DBS 770 Ultimate features a ferocious iteration of Aston Martin’s quad-cam 60-deg 5.2-litre V12 engine. Now developing 770PS at 6500rpm and a colossal 900Nm of torque from just 1800rpm to 5000rpm, propelling DBS 770 Ultimate to a top speed of 211mph, this magnificent engine benefits

from modified air and ignition pathways together with a 7% increase in maximum turbo boost pressure. Precise tuning of power and torque curves gives the driver a sense of boundless performance, with an intoxicating blend of exceptional response, outstanding in-gear acceleration and the authentic V12 soundtrack.

Power is fed through a ZF 8-speed automatic transmission and mechanical Limited-Slip Differential (LSD) mounted at

the rear of the car. In addition, DBS 770 Ultimate receives a unique transmission calibration to enhance shift speeds and driver interaction, contributing to a truly connected driving experience. Such is the inherent capability of Aston Martin’s Carbon Ceramic Braking (CCB) system that the DBS 770 Ultimate uses the same 410mm x 38mm front discs and 360mm x 32mm rear as fitted to the DBS.

Although roles are based at Bentley’s headquarters in Crewe, the company has introduced hybrid working - a blend of onsite and remote working. Within brand new engineering offices, following multi-million pound investment, Bentley has added collaboration zones to promote interaction, and moved to hot desks or no individual offices, to both save space and encourage more impromptu discussion and greater teamwork. Page 28 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS MOTORS To Advertise 0208 865 1922

Ferrari celebrates its 30th anniversary in China

Ferrari is celebrating its 30th anniversary in mainland China by unveiling a one-of-a-kind Tailor Made Ferrari Roma.

The new Roma draws inspiration from traditional Chinese aesthetics and craftsmanship through the many personalisation options offered by the Ferrari Tailor Made programme, and is a tribute to the brand’s milestones over the last thirty years.

The launch of the new Tailor Made Ferrari Roma marks not only three decades since the first Ferrari order was placed in Beijing in 1992, but also the start of the marque’s fourth decade in


The one-of-a–kind Tailor Made Roma was designed by Ferrari in collaboration with the prominent Chinese designer Jiang Qiong’er through the Ferrari Tailor Made programme, which provides a unique customised experience featuring a diverse array of specification options and bespoke design solutions.

Clients are assisted by a team of Ferrari designers to create a model that reflects their individuality and taste, while upholding the aesthetic standards of the Ferrari brand.

Jiang Qiong’er, who has developed an international reputation,

Rate Of Growth In Electric Vehicle Ownership Falls

THE RATE OF GROWTH in electric vehicle ownership has fallen for the fourth consecutive quarter as the cost of living and higher electricity costs has taken its toll, according to official DoT data analysed by car leasing comparison website LeaseLoco.

The latest Department of Transport (DoT) and DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) electric vehicle registration figures published this week, reveal that private BEV (battery electric vehicle) registrations across the UK increased just 9.8% between Q2 2022 and Q3 2022. This compares to an 11.6% increase in EV registrations between Q1 2022 and Q2 2022, and a 15.5% increase between Q4 2021 and Q1 2022.

Looking at the comparable period in 2021, electric vehicle registrations increased by 18.8% between Q2 2021 and Q3 2021, almost twice the rate of growth (9.8%) seen between Q2 2022 and Q3 2022. The latest figures also reveal that despite London Mayor Sadiq Khan announcing earlier in the

No Charge For Home Charger

year that he was planning to expand the ULEZ zone, London has still seen the slowest uptake of electric vehicles of any UK region over the past 12 months.

John Wilmot, CEO of car leasing comparison website LeaseLoco comments: “These latest figures from the DoT show the impact that the cost of living crisis is having on electric vehicle registrations. Although demand is there, and sales of electric cars are growing, the rate of growth has slowed noticeably as the higher cost of electricity means more car owners are likely making the decision to delay switching to electric.

“The Government has set itself ambitious “Road to Zero” targets and can’t afford a prolonged downward trend in the rate of EV uptake. The spanner in the works could be the end of the energy price guarantee in April 2023. This is hardly an incentive for car owners to switch to electric in the coming months, knowing that home charging costs could spiral.”

is much sought after for her work with its roots in the subtlety, beauty and heritage of Chinese culture. Her design vision and distinctive insights, together with her deep understanding of traditional Chinese culture, mirror the aspiration of Ferrari to craft a special Roma for commemorating the special occasion. Together, Ferrari and Qiong’er took inspiration from classic Chinese aesthetics and fused concepts and expertise to

achieve a synthesis of Italian design philosophy and Chinoiserie Chic.

This Tailor Made Roma embodies the fundamental art and design principles shared by both sides: a devotion to detail, a respect for heritage and tradition, and above all a commitment to exquisite craftsmanship that creates a design language of timeless elegance and simplicity.

MINI IS helping encourage emission free motoring by offering MINI Electric customers a complimentary home charger as part of their new vehicle purchase.

Available to all MINI Electric orders from 1 January to 31 March 2023 inclusive, the offer gives customers access to a complimentary Pod Point home charger and installation, for easier, more efficient charging at home.

After home installation by an expert, the home charger offers three times more efficient charging than a standard main plug and boosts the battery from

0-80% in just three hours.

Customers will also have access to the handy Pod Point App, allowing them to view their charging activity, track costs, view charging history and schedule charging for off-peak hours, when tariffs are typically cheaper.

The offer is valid for all MINI Electric orders placed by 31 March, and includes vehicles bought via Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) and Personal Contract Hire (PCH). For those customers who already have a home charger, a £750 deposit contribution is offered.

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5 British Asian comedians who are on the rise in 2023

British Asian comedians are making waves with their funny standup routines that mock South Asian stereotypes and situations.

From curries to sex to cheating finances, these comedians don’t hold back. Using accents, sound effects and comical movements, they command the stage and provide audiences with bellies full of laughter.

So, here are five top British Asian comedians to keep your eye on.

Preet Singh is a comedian, radio host and podcaster who has been

on a meteoric rise since emerging in 2018. He has quickly established himself as a formidable act, mainly through his success in Gong shows. His witty back and forth play out the event hilariously and recreates memories of South Asians in the audience. Away from comedy, Preet is the creator and host of Samosa Chats, a podcast dedicated to Desi individuals and tackling serious issues.

Tej Dhutia is one of the most promising British Asian comedians. The West Midlands-based comic’s bubbly personality and willingness to speak about women’s bodies, marriages and family life are brave but so humorous. She also has a knack for speaking about her sex life in the most candid way.

Leaving onlookers in hysterics, Tej is a unique personality within the comedy landscape.

Daman Bamrah is quickly becoming a household name amongst British Asian comedians, whose imaginative storytelling

and cultural writing provide raw, heartfelt and exciting shows to audiences.

His carefully crafted stand-ups have secured him top spots across the UK such as Angel Comedy Club and The Museum of Comedy. Daman is already making immense strides in the game.

Sukh Ojla is probably one of the most recognisable British Asian comedians within the industry. She’s had stints on Jonathon Ross’ Comedy Club as well as The Comedy Guide to Life on channel Dave. Her magical delivery, time stamps and break between jokes flow effortlessly.

Raul Kohli hails from Newcastle Upon Tyne and has had a great impact in representing this modern surge of British Asian comedians. His northern hometown serves as one of the focal points of his jokes, famously stating “a lot of people aren’t expecting this accent coming from this complexion”. His energy creates a buzzing atmosphere in every one of his stand-ups. Each stand-up is fuelled by each comic’s unique personality, and they all bring different aspects to their performances. From accents to hilarious interactions with the audience, if you’re looking for a laugh, check these British Asian comedians out.

11-Year-Old Piano Prodigy Described As “Mozart-Like”

AN 11-YEAR-OLD autistic boy has got the attention of the music - and wider - world, after he so quickly, and naturally, developed a talent that has been described as "Mozart-level."

Jude Kofie, from Colorado, in the USA, has an extraordinary music talent. He picked up piano playing without any tuition, and with a high competence, would freely hammer away at the keyboards, developing his cords, melodies, and solos.

When his father, Isaiah, heard sounds emerging from the basement of their family home - where they kept an old keyboard - he realised Jude was in his happily. He knew his son had a natural aptitude for the instrument, and how to play exceptionally well all by himself.

According to Isaac, none of his family, originally from Ghana –

which he though including Judeknew how to play the piano. Kofie described it as a miracle. ''It's a miracle,'' he said about his music skills.

When asked if he thought it was a miracle, he (Kofie) added: ''That's what I prefer''. Isaac soon purchased a larger keyboard for his son, and before long, the boy's skills were improving rapidly. He was able to pick up almost anything by ear.

On hearing about the extraordinary ability, inspired piano tuner Bill Magnusson offed a $15,000 grand piano, which would soon arrive at the Kofies' home, as well as, in addition, has offered to tune the piano once a month for as long as he was able to.

A benevolent Bill has also offered to pay for professional lessons to really advance Jude's skills. Page 30 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT To Advertise 0208 865 1922

The Saudi Motorsport Company (SMC) –Promoter of the Formula 1 STC Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2023 –have confirm that legendary Grammy Award-winning recording artist, producer, and DJ, Afrojack, will perform at the third successive F1 grand Prix taking place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia from 17th-19th March.

The concert will take place on the Main Stage of the Jeddah Corniche Circuit, F1’s longest and fastest street circuit.

One of the world’s most sought-after artists, Afrojack continues to shatter boundaries that push music into bold new directions.

Since making his breakthrough with the multi-platinum selling single ‘Take Over Control’, the Dutch-born, genre-bending musician has lent his production skills to tracks including David Guetta’s number one smash ‘Titanium’ feat. Sia).

Known as a versatile producer and music artist who is able to move effortlessly across genres from electronic music to hip-hop and pop, he is as respected and known for his work producing tracks for other artists as much as he is known for his own music.

Just some of the tracks he has helped produce include Beyonce’s Run The World (Girls),

Afrojack To Light Up

The F1 STC Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2023 Weekend

Madonna’s Revolver with David Guetta and Ne-Yo and Pitbull’s Give Me Everything.

Afrojack won a Grammy for his 2011 remix of Madonna’s Revolver (David Guetta's One Love Club Remix) shared with David Guetta for the Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical. He’s been nominated a total of 4 times for remixing Collide with Leona Lewis; producing

Look at Me Now with Chris Brown and producing Give Me Everything with Ne-Yo, Pitbull and Nayer.

Most recently in 2022 he has collaborated with Guetta, Missy Elliott, Doechii, and Bia for the song "Trampoline." He also released "Worlds on Fire" with R3hab and Au/Ra and also announced his "Jack to the Future" US tour.

February Gig Listings

Afrojack joins a star-studded entertainment line up at the Formula 1 STC Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2023 that also includes a live show by hip-hop superstar, Travis Scott, ensuring that fans will be treated to 3 whole days of world-class racing featuring the world’s greatest drivers as well as entertainment from the biggest names in music.

19-20 Craft, Hobby + Stitch


February 01-02 The Planets: CBSO and Kazuki Yamada (SH)

03 An Evening With Phil Rosenthal from Somebody Feed Phil

03 Belinda Carlisle: The Decades Tour 2023 with The Christians (SH)

04 David O’Doherty: whoa is me

05 Ex Cathedra 2022/23 Byrd's Great

06 B:Classical 2022/23: Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra (SH)

07 Julian Siegel Jazz Orchestra Tales from the Jacquard (SH)

08 CBSO Rush Hour Concert (SH)

09 Transatlantic Sessions (SH)

10 Licence to Thrill: The Very Best of Bond with the CBSO (SH)

11 An Evening of Music and Dance with Birmingham Royal Ballet and the Royal Ballet Sinfonia (SH)

11 John Cale

13 Lunchtime Organ Concert with Thomas Trotter

14 The Musical Box: Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (SH)

16 CBSO plays Bartók's Concerto for Orchestra (SH)

17 Daniel Sloss

18 Dream Theater (SH)

20 Lissie: Carving Canyons Tour 2023

22 CBSO plays Prokofiev & Sibelius (SH)

23 B:Classical 2022/23: Armenian State Symphony Orchestra (SH)

25 Lloyd Griffith: One Tonne of Fun

26 CBSO Youth Orchestra plays Berlioz (SH)

26 Asian Spring 2023

27 Lunchtime Organ Concert with Thomas Trotter, Czech Mate: A programme of music by Czech composers

27 KT Tunstall (SH)

28 Barnardo’s National Choral Competition (SH)

The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 - Page 31 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS BIRMINGHAM O2 ACADEMY February 01-03 Paul Smith - Joker 03 The Brian Jonestown Massacre 03 Green Street Café 04 Nirvana UK (Tribute) 05 Man Fi Get Bun 08 Rebecca Black 11 HAMMERFEST XIV 14 "Weird Al" Yankovic 15 Wednesday 15 7.00pm 16 Thursday 16 7.00pm 16 half•alive 17 Sticky Fingers 18 Alive - A Tribute to Pearl Jam 18 Winter Carnival Birmingham 23 Esprit D'Air 24 Space - Spiders and Tin Planet 25th Anniversary Tour 24 Inhaler 27 Dream State O2 INSTITUTE February 03 Tove Styrke 03 DVSN: Working On My Karma Tour 04 Bassman & MC Trigga: SDC Valentines Ball 2023 07 Clinton Kane 09 Reverend And The Makers 09 Stephen Lynch: The Time Machine Tour 10 Karnivool: The Regeneration Tour 10 Sainté 10 Jazzcat 11 Mom Jeans 11 Carly Rae Jepsen 13 Spacey Jane 15 DYLAN 16 Black Veil Brides 17 Rimzee 18 Catapult Club Presents Embers 18 Jack Banting 19 Mogwai 20 BANNERS 21 Beast In Black - DARK CONNECTION TOUR 2023 22 Meekz 23 The Academic 24 Kelsea Ballerini 24 Catapult Club presents Cherry B 25 Dry Cleaning 28 The Comet Is Coming 28 We Are Scientists: Show Lobes Tour RESORTS WORLD ARENA February 04 The Arenacross Tour presented by Fix Auto 11-12 Birmingham International Tattoo 2022 18 Yungblud With support from Neck Deep 19 Under the Influence Tour 2023 Chris Brown
UK Athletics Indoor Championships
Birmingham World Indoor Tour Final
February 18-19
NEC February 05-08 Moda 05-08 Spring
15-16 Packaging Innovations & Empack
16-19 BoatLife
21-26 Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show 2023
24-26 bunkered Live 26-28 Printwear & Promotion
Send your stories in to ENTERTAINMENT
l KT Tunstall graces the Symphony Hall Stage on the 27th


Digital display experience platform, Raydiant, is now offering an exciting new virtual try-on solution to their fashion retail customers.

Virtual try-on is brought to stores by Zyler, fashion technology that allows customers to see themselves in any outfit without having to physically try them on. This means that retail spaces can be transformed, maximizing space and making use of the latest innovations in fashion. When

customers see themselves in items before purchase, they are more excited about the products, their confidence is boosted, and the brand becomes more inclusive.

Customers shop and buy more, and are less likely to return the products they purchase. Retailers who wish to introduce the technology to their customer experience can sign up directly from the Raydiant marketplace.

Raydiant is excited to offer this new virtual try-on offering in combination with their digital signage

solutions. The introduction of this type of technology will boost footfall, encourage customer engagement, and allow their clients to promote in style.

CEO of Zyler, Alexander Berend, comments: “We have partnered with Raydiant to help brands

Grammy-Winning Pointer Sister, Anita, Announced Dead

racial unrest in the US, became the album's breakout hit. And in 1975, their hit song, Fairytale, won a Grammy award for Best Country Vocal Performance. The win remains a rarity in a category dominated by white acts.

take control of their in-location experience. We have seen a massive impact with stylists helping their customers find perfect items with our virtual try-on solution, and now it’s easier than ever to get set up in-store”.


world are still mourning the passing of Grammy-winning Pointer Sisters, Anita (Pointer), who died surrounded by her family at her home in Beverley Hills, in California. Her family said that they were deeply saddened by her passing.

"Heaven is a more loving beautiful place with Anita there," they said in a statement. The second oldest of the four sisters, Ms Pointer and her siblings rose to fame with hits including Jump (For My Love) and Fire. With a blend of funk, soul and R&B, the group released their eponymous debut album in 1973. Yes We Can Can, a funky tune which called for unity and tolerance at a time of

The group almost disbanded in 1979 after Bonnie Pointer left to pursue a solo career, but the remaining sisters regrouped and went on to shed their previously retro image for a modern pop sound. Throughout the 1980s, they remained a powerhouse in the US charts, and their hits, which included He's So Shy, Jump (For My Love) and Neutron Dance, have stood the test of time, remaining heavily streamed to this day. But Pointer's personal life was marked by tragedy. In 2003, her only child - Jada Pointerdied from cancer aged just 37. She went on to raise her granddaughter Roxie McKain Pointer. Her family said that they were comforted in knowing that she is now with her daughter Jada and her sisters June & Bonnie and at peace. She was 74. Page 32 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922 ENTERTAINMENT

The Professional Business Speaker


Craft Your Signature Speech [CYSS] - how to instantly connect, easily captivate and effortlessly influence, turning public speaking from a feared obstacle into a valuable opportunity!

If you're feeling frustrated with your lack of progress in reaching your speaking goals, join me in this conversation to learn what's holding you back and how to remove those barriers and sticking

points for good, find inspiration, and achieve clarity as you improve your ability to get the results you want.

To succeed in the modern world of 24/7 attention-stealing distractions and media clickbait madness, one must master the ancient art of speaking and presenting, and know how to tell stories that move people.

This column will regularly bring you practical, useful and entertaining, professional infor-

mation and insights on how to make networking work and business presentations convert while guaranteeing your path to personal and professional success.

The CYSS Professional Business Speaker Column provides an engaging, structured and fun destination to develop your speaking and presenting skills.

With me, you will share, uncover/discover and develop your 'speaking objectives'.

Your CYSS family will help you shape your goals and ambitions, using 'The World's No1 Public Speaking Framework' to provide you with the resources for you to achieve them.

Over the coming months our topics will include:

• How to plan and construct your speeches

• Using your passion to open and engage your audience

• What goes on behind the

scenes of a successful public presentation

• The power of images, videos, and humour over Bullet Points on Slide shows

• The storytelling secrets of the professionals

• Classic rhetorical techniques like:

• The 5 Cannons

• The 4 Arguments

• The 3 Modes of Persuasion

• How to earn your audience's trust

• How to connect and land your key points

• How to keep your audience's attention through the entire speech

• And of course, the wealth of common sense practical principles, insights and wisdom that our Readers, like you, ask me to cover.

The Professional Business Speakers Club

2000 Years Of Rhetoric

In today's world, rhetoric plays a vital role in shaping our daily interactions and understanding of the world around us.

As a society, we are constantly bombarded with various forms of communication, from advertising and political speeches to podcasts and social media rants. However, many of us may not be aware of the true significance of rhetoric and its impact on our daily lives.

Rhetoric, at its core, is the art of persuasion. It is the ability to use language effectively and persuasively in order to influence others.

From the earliest days of ancient Greece, rhetoric has been a fundamental tool for shaping public discourse and decision-making.

In classical Greece, rhetoric was a structured system of teaching public speaking and written composition, and its principles continue to be used today in various forms of communication.

In next months column, "The CYSS Professional Business Speaker" we will delve deeper into the world of rhetoric and explore how it allows us to persuasively share our ideas, thoughts, and dreams with our audience.

We will also examine how rhetoric can be used to constructively challenge poor or bad communication and how it enables diversity and rich range of excellent communication in human life.

So, stay tuned and learn how to sharpen your rhetoric skills to be an effective communicator in professional and personal life.

As well as my regular Phoenix Column you will have the opportunity to meet up in the real world for speeches, debates and discussions linked to business focussed topics and presentation techniques…

Meet World Class Guest Speakers Exciting and engaging professional guest speakers are invited regularly to inform, educate and entertain our club members.

Come and join us, You are Welcome The Craft Your Signature Speech Club (CYSS) Professional Business Speakers Club is not only for people who are already public speakers, trainers or coaches.

Our sessions are engaging,

fun, impactful and focused, welcoming corporate and small business presenters, teachers, community leaders and anyone who wants to deliver competently, persuasively and authentically, to move an audience to action.

@PhoenixNewsUK Send your stories in to


The leadership of the Nishkam Group had a vision, a dream, a passion to make health more equitable in a deprived inner-city area of Birmingham.

So, 10 years ago the Nishkam Healthcare Trust (NHT), based on Soho Road, Birmingham was launched.

The NHT’s proposition is unique – it was not vying to compete with the NHS, but to compassionately complement it and enable services to be more accessible to so many disenfranchised residents who feel out of touch.

In line with its values, to mark the momentous occasion of being one decade old, celebrations will be held on Wednesday 18th January for all, which will include free health checks and the opportunity to speak to dentists, GPs and pharmacists and integrative counsellors about healthy living, and an array of refreshments.

Since its launch in 2013, Nishkam Healthcare Trust has made great strides by innovatively improving the health and wellbeing of its local population in Handsworth, which is in top 1.6% most deprived neighbourhoods in the country. The NHT, which forms part of the Nish-

kam Group of Organisations, was launched with the ethos of faith-inspired, values-led care embedded in clinical practice, and houses a dental service, pharmacy and mental and emotional wellbeing service for the local community, in order to deliver holistic person-centred care. Collaboration is key to achieving better equality and making sure no one is left out. Nishkam Healthcare Trust have spent the last decade partnering with national and local healthcare organisations and charities to ensure joined-up thinking. An example of this is the partnership with Modality & Peoples Health Partnership on an innovative project to reduce cardiovascular risk as well to address other social determinants of health. A Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Service offering blood pressure checks and blood glucose testing takes place at Nishkam Pharmacy on a daily basis, and this includes weekly group consultations run by GPs volunteering to serve the local population.

Nishkam Healthcare Trust was launched to address the communication and cultural gap between clinical practitioners and patients, and the motto underlining the services has been ‘Caring with compassion,

Helping with humility and Listening with love’.

This principle has proved immensely successful with a busy community pharmacy, and a paywhat-you-can-afford dental service designed to appeal to the goodness in humanity and where clinical staff work on a volunteer basis, dedicating their time and expertise to provide high quality expert dental care for our patients.

Between January and June 2022, Nishkam Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Service delivered 189

free sessions of counselling to nearly 40 service users, demonstrating the unique ways in which faith-based organisations can deliver on responsibilities in their local communities.

Dr Manvir Kaur Hayer, Renal Consultant and chair of Nishkam Healthcare Trust said: “This is a major landmark for the Nishkam Healthcare team and I am proud to say, they are doing an amazing job. The team goes above and beyond to help improve health outcomes and assist other partners to address deep-rooted health inequalities.

l Bhai Sahib Bhai Dr Mohinder Singh l Directors Mr Ranjit Sondhi CBE and Prof Steve Field l Dr Manvir Kaur Hayer l Councillor Chaman Lal, soon to be Lord Mayor Page 34 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF THE NISHKAM HEALTHCARE TRUST To Advertise 0208 865 1922
l Rev Dr Carver Anderson and Air Commodore Dr Marcia McLaughlin

“The model created is ambitious, innovative and, right now, very much needed. We need greater access into communities, the whole ethos of the Integrated Care System is to do what is being modelled right here in Birmingham – we are trail-blazing as always.

"I wish all of the Nishkam Healthcare team every success for the coming decades.” On their 10th anniversary celebration event, Nishkam Healthcare Trust sent an open invitation to all – "No RSVPs are required, just turn up and see what is being done. We look forward to seeing you there."

The evening saw a gathering of key stakeholders, staff, supporters and friends over delicious refreshments, and heard from some of the senior leadership team as to their thoughts on the decade past, and also on the future ahead.

Nishkam Healthcare Trust Directors, Prof Steve Field, GP & Chairman of Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust & Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, and Mr Ranjit Sondhi CBE, former Chair of Heart of Birmingham PCT, vice-chair of the former Sandwell

and West Birmingham CCG, and lay member of the former Black Country and West Birmingham CCG spoke passionately about the decade of successes, and the one major target still not met, that of a GPs onsite, and both married the idea of Nishkam ‘Selfless Service’ and what the NHS was set up to do in the first place.

Finally Bhai Sahib Bhai Dr Mohinder Singh spoke to everyone about the hard work that had created the Nishkam Healthcare

Trust back in 2013.

He spoke warmly of the ongoing work to ensure that the communities that call Handsworth home can have high quality healthcare with a fully rounded approach.

He then cut the celebratory cake alongside the youngest person at the event!

We wish the Nishkam Healthcare Trust all the best for the next 10 years and beyond!

The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 - Page 35 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF THE NISHKAM HEALTHCARE TRUST Send your stories in to


Children’s care professionals and experts have criticised a report that claims adoption saves the UK economy

£4.2bn a year.

The Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies (CVAA) commissioned report is based on data from 2021 and claims the savings were made through improvements to adopted children’s health, education and employment prospects.

It specifically claims that children who are adopted have improved outcomes when compared with “staying in care or living in special guardianship placements.

But Andy Elvin, chief executive of fostering agency Tact Care, has branded the research as “egregious and divisive.

“The CVAA is claiming that adoption will save lots of money and we should be pushing more children through for adoption in order to achieve these savings,” he wrote in a blog CYP Now. “Reading this report took me back to the depressing and false ‘adoption is best’ gold standard arguments.”

He also dismissed the CVAA research’s claim that adopted children have superior long term outcomes, than children in care.

Senior social policy lecturer at Newham University, Birmingham, Keith Bishop is concerned that the research’s conclusions perpetuate a “dangerous rhetoric that children in foster or residential care are a drain on the public”.

He said: “The CVAA-commis-

Foster Care

In A State Of Emergency

Since Pandemic

FOSTER CARE is said to be in an emergency, as the number of referrals rockets while the number of people looking to take children in has halved since the coronavirus pandemic, a charity has warned.

Barnardo’s, one of the UK’s largest fostering agencies, recorded a 44 per cent rise in foster referrals to its service during the public health crisis, with the figure increasing to 2,349 between 1 March and 23 April 2022, compared with 1,629 for the same period the year before.

Over the same period, the number of enquiries from people looking to become foster parents for the charity fell from 302 to 161 – a 47 per cent drop, sparking fears that hundreds of children referred to Barnardo’s will not be placed with a family.


sioned report highlights a number of interesting findings and provides a helpful starting-point for further debate.

“One of its main conclusions and the one which has been most widely cited is the claim of substantial financial savings associated with adoption, when compared to other permanence options.

“Framing this in purely financial terms, runs the risk of perpetuating the dangerous rhetoric that children in foster or residential care are an unwelcome drain on the public — a rhetoric that care experienced campaigners have spent decades trying to undo.”

He added: “Should money be the deciding factor in what is in

the best interest of children? I do not think that it should. Adoption is absolutely right for some children; for others (as the report rightly identifies), there are more suitable options.”

Elsewhere, adoption agency Adoption Matters highlighted the scale of the benefits of adoption to society and children present-

Adoptive Parents And Foster Carers Receive Excellent Support From Council Services

ed in the report but added that adoption is only right for a small number of children who cannot remain with their birth families. It also warned that any benefits of adoption to children is declining each year due to a fall in the number of children being adopted.

Agency Celebrates Unsung Heroes At Special Foster Carer Awards


First’s Independent Fostering Agency celebrated the work of their foster carers by acknowledging the achievements of the agency’s foster carers, as well as thank them for their dedication, time, love and support shown to the children and young people in their care and sticking through hard times they face.

Taking place at the Stoke Place, in the Berkshire town, it saw the organisation’s director, Carol Douch, open the event by expressing just how grateful she was to all who was involved. She said: “Sometimes children show their gratitude towards you in the words they say and sometimes it can be tough to keep going but the support from the team can make a difference.”

Along with foster carers and Slough Children

First’s staff and board members, the Mayor of Slough, also present was the town’s Mayor, Councillor Dilbagh S. Parmar and Mayoress Amarjit Parmar, who showed their own gratitude to SCF’s foster carers and staff. Special honours also went out to those who reached long service milestones on their respective fostering journey.

Expressing his appreciation towards the agency’s foster carers and home from home carers, the Mayor said. “I’m very grateful for the great work you do. You do everything for the welfare of our children. You provide a safe, secure and suitable environment for everyone so the children can be protected and achieve their potential.”

PEOPLE CONSIDERING adopting or fostering a child with Norfolk County Council receive excellent support and training from specialist services which are leaders in their field, according to reports accepted by the council’s cabinet this week.

Cabinet members will be updated on the performance of the Adoption Service and Fostering Service when they discuss Annual Reports and Statements of Purpose summarising performance and challenges over the last year.

Councillor Daniel Elmer, deputy cabinet member for Children’s Services, said: “Our Adoption Service is rated outstanding by Ofsted and is a leading light in our regional Adopt East Alliance. And our fostering service has recently transformed, launching a New Deal for its foster carers with an improved payment structure and a much wider range of specialist support.

“We have hundreds of children and young people in our county in need of new forever homes or placements in family settings – it’s really important people in Norfolk considering becoming adoptive parents or foster carers know that we have high quality services offering them excellent support to do something really special in offering a child a home.”

Norfolk Adoption Service approves prospective adopters, prepares children for adoption, matches adopters with children, and provides post adoption support.

Last year it placed 42 children in care, 30 of whom were individual children and six sibling groups of two children.

The eldest children were six and the youngest five months old at the time of adoption placement.

Page 36 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS
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Blaze Studio Birmingham is inviting members and non-members alike to join their Winter Run Club for free every Tuesday and Thursday.

Blaze is a high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout like never before that’s 45 minutes in duration, with three intense zones of cardio, strength and combat using the disciplines of running, strength training and boxing skills. Synced to high-energy music and

cutting-edge light effects to power you through your workout. Heartrate monitoring from MyZone helps users track performance every step of the way.

Open to all abilities, the Winter Run Club is designed to improve your running technique, endurance

and overall fitness which is why for a limited time only, it is free to book in your place via the Blaze Studio App. The sessions run at lunchtime and all locals have to do to get involved is register on the app and book in their place.

Report Proves Olive Oil Goes The “Extra ml” For A Healthy Heart

A NEW REPORT has scientifically proven the benefits of raw olive oil for improving heart health compared with other oils such rapeseed and sunflower.

The report builds on an initial study by Glasgow University, funded in the final stages by Filippo Berio, which found it does not matter whether it is extra virgin or “regular” olive oil, as long as people consume 20ml in its raw form each day - all olive oils produce a beneficial effect in coronary artery disease (CAD).

The distinctive methodology used in the study measured tiny levels of protein in urine which are indicators (biomarkers) of heart health – long before any symptoms are detected.

By measuring these biomarkers there is now data to show that only extra virgin and “normal” olive oil have a positive impact on heart health. The latest study shows no other edible oils achieve this.

Dr Bill Mullen, University of Glasgow, carried out both the olive oil study and the follow-up study to test sunflower and rapeseed oils. He explained: “The initial olive oil

study was carried out in Glasgow because the Glasgow population had such a low intake of olive oil that it was like painting on a blank canvas. Glasgow was also the heart attack capital of the UK, if not Europe.

“We tried to recreate the olive oil study using the two other oils. We recruited volunteers within Glasgow once again as we assumed that this would match as close as possible to the olive oil study. It was a surprise to us to find that neither oil provided any beneficial effect for heart health.”

“Olive oil has long been viewed as a healthy oil because of its association with the Mediterranean diet”, says UK managing director, Filippo Berio. Walter Zanré, went on: “However, this theory has previously only been based on correlation - for example, those who live in the Mediterranean have a lower incidence of heart disease (CAD) than in the UK.

“But this research by the University of Glasgow not only proves correlation between olive oil, in any form, and improving heart health - it also shows it's the only oil that delivers these benefits.”

The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 - Page 37 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS Send your stories in to HEALTH AND WELLBEING


Alzheimer’s Society Launch Crucial Programme

To Support Football Fans, Players And Coaches

ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY has partnered with the Birmingham County FA to offer help and hope to anyone who has been diagnosed with dementia or caring for a loved one in the county.

The new referral pathways into Alzheimer’s Society services make it easier and quicker for players, coaches, referees and support staff across the West Midlands to access support or guidance needed when concerns arise about themselves or a loved one.

Participants will benefit from practical and emotional support from Alzheimer’s Society frontline specialists, helping them live well with dementia while preparing better for the future. Alzheimer’s Society services have been used more than 4.2 million times in the past year across the UK, proving to be a lifeline for thousands. Birmingham County FA are responsible for the governance of football in Birmingham and work with 5190 teams.

Birmingham County FA Facility & Investment Lead, Joe Robinson said “The partnership with Alzheimer’s Society will enable us to better support our employees, referees and those who coach or play when concerns are raised. Anyone involved with football

across the county can be referred towards Alzheimer’s Society for memory assessments, further support and guidance.

“Having first-hand support is vital when navigating through the dementia journey, and Birmingham County FA are happy to be that first comforting and supportive contact for anyone within our football community. Professional Football Clubs across the West Midlands are doing a lot to support those living with Dementia. If you’d like to find out more about these services, then you can do so by contacting”

Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Society, Kate Lee, added: “Sport should be unforgettable. We want to make sure those who are part of the beautiful game are not sidelined due to their diagnosis and can continue to live fulfilled and meaningful lives by receiving the right support from day one. Noone should face a dementia diagnosis alone, nor suffer in silence, which is why we are proud to be working closely with Birmingham County FA to embed our services and make sure thousands more have somewhere to turn to during one of the most frightening and toughest times in their lives.”

There is good news from the medical community for longtime sufferers of acid reflux disease, which is the most common gastrointestinal disease in the Caribbean and across the globe.

Gastroenterologist Dr. Sunil K. Mathai of Health City Cayman Islands says the Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF) is now available to treat acid reflux and other symptoms associated with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in patients who do not respond to lifestyle modi-

fications and medication.

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, GERD is a chronic medical condition caused by the flow of contents from the stomach upwards into the esophagus resulting in both symptoms and complications.

The most common symptoms of GERD are heartburn and regurgitation. Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest behind the breastbone whereas regurgitation is a feeling of fluid or food coming up into the chest.

Some patients may experience

both symptoms. Complications of GERD include esophagitis, esophageal stricture, and precancerous changes to the esophagus.

The Senior Consultant Gastroenterologist, with more than 25 years of experience treating gastrointestinal disease, confirms that during the procedure, the interventional gastroenterologist reconstructs the valve between the stomach and esophagus by using a special TIF device along with an endoscope.

Dr. Mathai explained that “folding the fundus (around the opening between the stomach

and esophagus) with stitches prevents stomach acid from coming up into the esophagus and this creates a new barrier to reflux from the stomach.”

Apart from offering endoscopic tightening of the gastroesophageal junction, the Health City Cayman Islands gastrointestinal department also provides 24hour wireless esophageal pH capsule monitoring (BRAVO) for determining the frequency and duration of reflux events and esophageal manometry for the diagnosis of motility disorders of the esophagus.

HEALTH AND WELLBEING To Advertise 0208 865 1922 Page 38 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS
l Simon Ruscoe (on right) and son Alex at a match

Charity Urges People To Go Public’ In Raynaud’s Awareness Month

THIS MONTH, Raynaud’s Awareness Month, the charity Scleroderma and Raynaud’s UK (SRUK) will be raising awareness of the potentially devastating impact the UK’s cost of living crisis is having on people with Raynaud’s and asking those with the condition to share their stories.

For people with Raynaud’s, cold temperatures and stress trigger painful attacks. This is when the blood temporarily stops flowing to the body’s extremities, most commonly the hands and feet. These attacks can happen without warning and affect fine motor skills, making simple everyday tasks almost impossible.

In more severe cases, they can affect a person’s independence – things like cooking, washing utensils, bathing, walking and driving can become much more difficult – and leave them in immense pain. Well-known names, including Davina McCall, Jenni Falconer and Louise Minchin, all live with this chronic condition.

Raynaud’s cannot be cured, but the risk of attacks can be minimised. One of the best ways to prevent them is to keep your body warm, but SRUK warns that many are struggling because of high energy prices and it is jeopardising their health and wellbeing.

A survey by the charity towards the end of last year found that some are even choosing to buy less food to prioritise their energy bills.

During February, the charity will be encouraging people with Raynaud’s to write to their MPs and share their stories to raise awareness of the issue. SRUK will also be calling on the government and energy companies to help find a solution.


The Midlands Legends Charity Golf Day and Dinner will return on Thursday 30 March 2023, and will again support West Bromwich based charity, the Kaleidoscope Plus Group. The star-studded event will take place at Forest of Arden Marriott Hotel and Country Club and will feature teams made up of ex-professionals representing the Midlands' eight biggest football clubs on the golf course, as well as the opportunity to enter your own team.

If you are a keen golfer, a group of friends, or a local company, there are a limited number of places available to join and represent your favourite club in a four-ball alongside a club legend. On the world-famous Arden course, the former British Masters and English Open venue, anyone interested in participating can gain those all-important supporter bragging rights in a once in a lifetime experience.

The Midlands Legends Charity Golf Day and Dinner will see Aston Villa, Leicester City, Birmingham City, Wolves, Nottingham Forest, Derby County, WBA and Port Vale! Ex-players such as Stephen Warnock, Matt Jarvis, Shaun Teale, Nigel Jemson, Dave Edwards and Stephen Hunt are all set to feature with many more names being announced.

Last year saw local favourites like Chris Brunt, Peter Odemwingie, Russell Hoult and Lee Naylor all take part. The money raised will enable the Kaleidoscope Plus Group to provide life-changing services, promoting positive health and well-being, challenging the stigma around mental health, and creating inclusive communities.

The Kaleidoscope Plus Group have five decades of experience and helps thousands of people across the UK each year and offers a range of services for people in need, struggling with their emotional health and well-being.

The charity celebrates their 50th anniversary this year, with the Midlands Legends Charity Golf Day and Dinner one of their first events of the year

Monica Shafaq, CEO at the Kaleidoscope Plus Group said: “We are delighted to be a part of The Midlands Legends Charity Golf Day in 2023. This is a fantastic event raising much need funds to provide vital life-changing support to people across the region. All funds raised will go to services that provide crucial mental health support for those in need.”

Organiser Mike Watson from Encore Sports Group added: “We are absolutely thrilled to be working alongside the brilliant Kaleidoscope Plus Group for

The Midlands Legends Golf Day in 2023.

"The team do so much great work, and the support they offer to so many people across the UK with their emotional health and well-being is invaluable.

“The work they do is so im-

Concern Over Drop In

HPV Vaccine Coverage

THE LATEST UKHSA report on the routine adolescent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation programme for 2021/22, which is primarily delivered in schools, shows that coverage in years 8 and 9 pupils is yet to return to pre-pandemic levels across the country, including the West Midlands region.

The HPV vaccine is offered to all 12-13-year-olds in school years 8 and 9 and follows a two-dose schedule. The UK HPV Vaccination Programme is one of the most successful in the world, with high uptake and millions of doses given since its launch in 2008.

Dr Mamoona Tahir, UKHSA West Midlands Health Protection Consultant leading on sexual health, said: “Getting the vaccine when recommended will help protect young people during their teenage years and beyond. If you miss either of your HPV vaccine doses, speak to your school immunisation team or GP surgery and make an appointment as soon as possible.”

portant to remove that stigma surrounding mental health. We are proud to work alongside such a fantastic group of people and we look forward to raising more money in 2023. Roll on March 30th at Forest of Arden.”

Consultant Epidemiologist at the UK Health Security Agency, Dr Vanessa Saliba, said: “Children and young people who have missed out on their HPV vaccinations should contact their school nurse, school immunisation team or GP surgery to arrange a catchup – they remain eligible until their 25th birthday.” In addition to HPV vaccination of young people, all women aged 25 and over in England are offered cervical screening which can detect early signs of disease and so also prevents cancers and deaths.

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l Former West Bromwich Albion favourite, Chris Brunt at the 2022 Midlands Legends Golf event

Rents Reach Record Highs As Demand Continues To Outweigh Supply

NEW DATA from leading flatshare site SpareRoom reveals that the current chaos in the UK rental market shows no sign of resolving itself, with rents in Q4 2022 reaching an all-time high yet again as housing supply continues to dwindle, with little sign of things changing anytime soon.

In a year dominated by the cost-of-living crisis, data reveals UK rents increased by 13%, comparing Q4 2022 with Q4 2021. As of December 2022, the average UK room rent was £731.

The average cost to rent a room in Greater London went over £900 per month for the first time ever in September 2022 and has continued to increase, with the average rent in December at £949 per month.

Comparing Q4 2022 with Q4 2021 the Capital saw the biggest increase in room rents across all UK regions. Scotland was the only UK region to experience a decrease (-6%) in average rents, however this is due to rents being inflated in Q4 2021 in the Glasgow area due to the Cop26 summit.


Leading developer David Wilson Homes is answering the needs of homebuyers seeking properties with character at its New Lubbesthorpe development on the outskirts of the city of Leicester.

The housebuilder is currently building new homes at the development, which are being developed in accordance with a range of unique designs.

Ricky Smith, Senior Architectural Technician at David Wilson Homes East Midlands, said: “These new designs will feature unique elevations and colours on a number of properties around the fringes of the development, which have been named ‘Parkland Edge’ homes.

“Other properties that are bookending road junctions at the development will also feature distinctive colour styles such as grey doors and window frames.

"Weatherboarding has also been introduced to many of the properties with eight different colours available, providing

BPF Launches New Toolkit To Boost Affordable Homes Delivery

THE BPF HAS launched a practical guide to support the increased delivery of affordable homes.

This ‘toolkit’ aims to demystify partnership models, learning from those that have taken place, and assist the industry in evaluating effective ways to increase the delivery of much needed affordable housing.

Rob Beiley, Chairman of the British Property Federation’s Affordable Housing Committee and Partner, Trowers & Hamlins, said:

“We have launched this toolkit as a practical guide to facilitate effective and long-term partnerships between investors and housing associations.

"We know that against a backdrop of inflationary pressures and increased investment in existing stock, Housing Associations are having to pare back their development programmes.

"New partnerships with institutional investors offer Housing Associations new ways to maintain or enhance their delivery of much needed affordable homes and meet their wider social objectives.

"Partnerships are not just about the exchange of funds, however, but the exchange of knowledge, skills, and ways of working can also be very beneficial.”

a distinct look to the street scenes.

“Selective use of chimneys will also be featured and additional windows to properties in key areas will be implemented to provide further visual interest.”

The development features an impressive selection of two to five bedroom homes ready for property seekers to reserve.

Rachael Harrison, Sales Director at David Wilson Homes East Midlands, said: “The new homes being developed at New Lubbesthorpe feature our popular conventional house types with a twist to create a unique look across the development.

“All properties at the development are constructed to the highest quality and specification by our expert construction team, and we’d encourage any house hunters who are looking for a new home in the Leicester area to get in touch with our sales team to book a viewing appointment.”

There’s a home for everyone in the peaceful hamlet on the outskirts of the city.

The launch of the toolkit follows the release of a report ‘Delivering a Step Change in Affordable Housing Supply’ from the BPF and Legal & General (L&G) last year, which found without the creation of a new funding structure, there will be a shortfall of 95,000 new affordable homes each year.

The toolkit analyses the different structures for partnerships between housing associations and for-profits or investors and identifies several challenges that should be addressed in order to speed up the creation of partnerships between housing associations and the newer for-profit social housing operators:

• More holistic market data around valuations to help partners understand whether disposals / acquisitions are appropriate.

• More standardisation of management agreements for the management of social housing by housing associations for for-profits, to speed up and simplify the process of putting these agreements in place.

• A code of governance for for-profits, along the lines of the existing code for housing associations, to build confidence in for-profit registered providers as partners.

• Support for the regulator having more resources to help bulk up their ability to work through new applications and on-going oversight more fully.

• Resolution, or at least clarification, of the different tax and grant treatment faced by housing associations and for-profits.

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l A computer-generated street scene image of David Wilson Homes’ New Lubbesthorpe

The Hindu festival of lights — Diwali - is one of the most important dates in the religious calendar in India, which is celebrated by more than a billion people across different faiths around the world. Seeing families and friends get together to share conversations and meals, conduct rituals, light traditional lamps and burst fireworks, this latter element of the festivities has, especially in the plains of northern India, meant that Diwali comes with the inevitable drawback of an alarming dip in air quality. In 2020, the Central Pollution Control Board of India said that “almost all pollutants reported higher values on Diwali Day and pre-Diwali day.” It has now become its own sort of tradition that each year the air quality in Delhi and the surrounding regions plunges into the “severe” category, with firework smoke adding on top of the already toxic soup of winter smog caused by factors including crop burning in neighbouring states, traffic pollution, major industries and a boom in construction work after the monsoons.

The air pollution crisis has led some Indian states including Delhi to ban fireworks altogether in recent years, or mandate that only “green” crackers with reduced emissions are used. With gift-giving, feasts and decorations a key part of any family’s Diwali, businesses that benefit from this expenditure are adapting to the demand from customers for eco-friendly options. Instead of sending out plastic-wrapped Diwali gifts, there is a clear trend among business owners to opt for sustainable packaging. People hold placards to raise awareness on air pollution caused by firecrackers used during the celebrations for the upcoming Hindu festival of Diwali.


CofE Apologises For Funding Link To Slave Trade

THE ARCHBISHOP of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has apologised after research revealed that the Church of England's investment fund has links to the slave trade. The investigation, initiated by the Church Commissioners, a charity managing the Church's investment portfolio, revealed that for more than 100 years the fund invested large sums of money in a company responsible for transporting slaves.

The fund, known in the 18th century as Queen Anne's Bounty, has now developed into a £10.1bn investment trust. It was formed in 1704 to help support poor clergy. An examination of its accounts in 1739 showed £204,000 (estimated to be worth £443m today) had been invested in the South Sea Company.

The South Sea Company had an exclusive contract to transport slaves from Africa to Spanish colonies in South America for more than 30 years from the 1710s. It shipped tens of thousands of slaves, with the research suggesting that an estimated 15% of them died en route. Church investments in the South Sea Company continued well into the 19th century.

The senior bishop and a principal leader of the Church of England said: "This abominable trade took men, women and children created in God's image and stripped them of their dignity and freedom."

“As much as we love to put on extra lights during this festival, our family has decided to take the traditional route this year by putting up multiple sustainable diyas (a small cup-shaped oil lamp made of baked clay) and save electricity,” says Raagini Mehta, who hails from New Delhi.

“Our community has also strictly banned the use of fireworks as

Thousands Gather For Funeral Of Pope Benedict XVI

HAVING DRAWN thousands of people for his funeral, Pope Benedict XVI was buried in a crypt beneath St Peter's Basilica - which holds the tombs of more than 90 of his predecessors - according to Benedict's final wishes.

Beginning in a traditional ceremony at St. Peter’s Square, in Vatican City, he was named pope emeritus during the funeral, as

the language of some prayers was different because he was not the reigning pope when he died. Although it was marked by simplicity – as per the wishes of the former pope - some 200,000 people paid their respects to the pontiff during his lying-in-state over the last three days before the funeral, according to the Vatican. Benedict died on New Year's Eve at the age of 95, nine years after

the last few years has caused our city a lot of harm.”

This year the residents of Siliguri in West Bengal protested to raise awareness of the air pollution spike caused by Diwali fireworks. They held placards with slogans like “say no to crackers”, and “fireworks can be scary” while walking down the street.

he retired as pope, becoming the first pontiff in 600 years to do so.

Led by Pope Francis, mourners dressed in black poured in, ahead of the Mass as Pope Francis presided. The ceremony began with a prayer by Francis for Benedict, and readings were made in Spanish, English and Latin.

As Hymns were sung by the Sistine Chapel Choir included Psalms 23 and Hallelujah, prayers were also said in German, French, Arabic, Portuguese and Italian. Because Benedict was no longer a head of state when he died, only two countries, Italy and his native Germany, sent official delegations to the funeral. But other world leaders and royals attended in a private capacity.

Church historian at Kean University, in the U.S.A., Christopher Bellitto, said: “The life of Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict and post Pope Emeritus Benedict, are all linked by one virtue, and that is humility.” The Pope’s decision to resign citing his ailing health may have changed the office of the pope forever, experts said. “The decision was part-and-parcel of his belief that ‘the office’ is bigger than any one human being”.


Holiday and Travel

“This was my father’s philosophy and what would become the mantra for the standard of hospitality excellence,” said Adam Stewart, Executive Chairman of Sandals and Beaches Resorts, remembering Gordon “Butch” Stewart’s guiding vision.

Sandals Resorts was founded by his late father, and Adam is only the second Chairman in the company’s 40-year history. He assumed the role after working alongside his father for more than 2 decades, serving as Chief Executive Officer of Sandals Resorts International and, most recently, Deputy Chairman, leading the brand’s transition to its now Luxury Included® signature and overseeing a period of great expansion that also introduced the region’s first over-the-water accommodations and adding resorts in the new destinations of Curaçao and Saint Vincent.

“More than that, we have demonstrated that some of the industry’s most exciting and lasting hospitality innovations are created in the Caribbean.”

“Butch” Stewart blazed trails in the hospitality industry, and it all began with one resort and a big dream. Forty years later, he turned that dream into the World’s Only 5-Star Luxury Included Vacation. Today, there are 20 Sandals and Beaches Resorts on 10 islands across the Caribbean — in Jamaica, Antigua, Saint Lucia, Bahamas, Grenada, Barbados, Curaçao, Turks & Caicos, and Saint Vincent.

Adam concluded: “We wrap up


Sandals40 – a multi-layered celebration of 4 decades of innovation, trust, and love that all stemmed from this philosophy – while also reflecting on our milestones within the past 12 months – from the multimillion-dollar refurbishment of Sandals Royal Bahamian; the opening of Sandals Royal Curacao, a stunning new resort in a new destination; Caribbean-inspired uniforms for our team by the legendary Stan Herman; our Sandals Foundation’s 40 for 40 initiatives for our communities; and our launch of Future Goals in partnership with AFC Ajax –demonstrating our commitment to out-performing ourselves, with my dad’s DNA on everything we touch.”

FIFA World Cup Put Morocco Tourism Back On The Map

Morocco tourism had sustained a significant shock in the wake of the COVID-19 economic crisis. But the country’s rising popularity in the FIFA World Cup 2022 turned the tables and now the tourism sector is reaping its benefits.

Hailed as the tournament “underdog”, Morocco’s World Cup performance in Qatar served as a massive marketing campaign for the country’s tourism sector and attracted the attention of fans all over the world.

Morocco made history this year by becoming the first African or Arab country to reach the semi-final of the world’s biggest football competition. The rise in tourism activities was especially noted by booking agencies, as they reported a spike in hotel reservations

Dubai Scraps Alcohol Tax To Boost Tourism

SKY-HIGH BOOZE prices often prompt Dubai residents to travel to neighbouring emirates, where alcoholic beverages cost less

Any resident of Dubai, who wants to consume, transport or stock alcohol is legally required to possess a liquor license. The liquor licenses may only be issued to persons aged 21 or older, and cost 270 dirham ($73) a year, each.

There’s also a 30% tax on alcoholic beverages collected by Dubai government. In Dubai, known as the Gulf’s “party capital,” the price of one bottle of beer often tops $10, while a bottle of wine may easily cost over $100. The skyhigh booze prices often prompt Dubai residents to travel to neighbouring emirates, where alcoholic beverages cost less.

following the end of the World Cup.

Some of the tourists who visited Morocco after the World Cup had never even heard of the country while some of them had heard of the country but were never encouraged to visit it.

Tourism is of vital importance to Morocco’s national economy, contributing 18.9% to the county’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2019. The sector is a prime source of foreign currency in the country.

At the end of October 2022, tourism earned MAD 71.1 billion or $6.77 billion, a significant 148.9% year-on-year increase in activities. The country recorded 7.7 million tourist arrivals and 13.3 million overnight stays in registered accommodation facilities over the first nine months of 2022.

According to an announcement from two major UAE retailers, as of this Sunday, Dubai government has eliminated a 30% tax on alcohol and 270-dirham fee for liquor licenses, making them free to obtain. In a series of posts on Instagram, Maritime and Mercantile International (MMI), one of the largest alcohol stores in Dubai, praised the move as “BIG BIG NEWS,” celebrating that people “no longer need to make trips across the country to stock up on favourite drinks.”

“With the removal of [the] 30% municipality tax and free alcohol license, buying your favourite drinks is now easier and cheaper than ever!” MMI declared. Another major Emirati booze vendor, African + Eastern, confirmed the new. However, a 5% VAT rate still applies to alcoholic beverage purchases, the retailer added.

New regulations came into force yesterday, but it is not clear whether they are here to stay on a permanent basis. According to local media reports, new changes in alcohol trade laws are in their trial phase and will remain in effect for a year for now.

The decision to cut taxes on alcoholic drinks comes after Dubai approved a new tourism strategy in November in a bid to boost its competitiveness and attract 100 billion dirham ($27 billion) in additional investment by 2031. According to a chief economist of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Dubai government’s decision “should further support the tourism and hospitality sectors.”

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The Caribbean could be losing billions of dollars in tourism revenue by not fully harvesting the enormous value of diverse markets in North America and beyond.

Historically underrepresented African American, Asian American, Caribbean American, Hispanic American and other markets present a wealth of opportunity to reap rewards for the region, and 2023 is a good time to refocus on growing demand for a Caribbean travel experience among these populations and meeting their expectations once they arrive on our shores. Tourism stakeholders have observed that much of the region’s economic activity during the pandemic and beyond can be attributed to African American travellers.

Black Americans spent an estimated US$129.6 billion on domestic and international leisure travel in 2019, according to a survey created by MMGY Travel Intelligence on behalf of Black travel advocacy organizations.

U.S. Hispanics, the fastest growing demographic in the United States, spent US$113.9 billion on domestic leisure travel in 2019

and accounted for 13% of all domestic leisure travel that year, according to MMGY.

Diversity is part of the North American landscape and destinations ought to regularly include diverse imagery in their advertising and develop communications strategies that resonate with these important communities.

The Caribbean is replete with cultural touchpoints that make diverse travellers feel at home, but we must work harder to ensure they receive the same hospitable treatment accorded to our traditional visitors. Elevating our customer service levels across the board must be a top priority in 2023 if we are to compete with tourism destinations around the world.

It is time to get serious about demographics and psychographics vis-à-vis emerging markets, which also includes the upwardly mobile and influential South Asian community, whose purchasing power and love for Caribbean travel is strong and growing. Smart, culturally sensitive strategies are needed to allow us to grasp the new opportunities that are within our reach.


Guinea Unveils New Brand Identity

AS A NATIONAL symbol, Nimba encapsulates an entire gamut of good things and represents Guinea’s ubiquitous position in West Africa. In a grand ceremony in Palais du Peuple in Conakry, in the presence of the President of the Transition Col. Mamadi Doumbouyahe, the Republic of Guinea unveiled a new national branding today.

The new country brand identity to showcase a new perspective of the nation to the world as the `source’ of great beginnings for West Africa, symbolized by the Nimba, the most loved Goddess, icon of good tidings. The event was attended by ministers of the Guinean government, ambassadors, and members of the civil society.

“The Nimba encapsulates an entire gamut of good things that make life a celebration of abundance, fertility, strength, and responsibility”, said the Prime Minister and Head of Government, Dr. Bernard Goumou.

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APakistani man, who has three wives, has reportedly become a father for the 60th time and has no plans to stop.

In a tweet, 50-year-old Sardar Jan Mohammad Khan Khilji welcomed a son and named him Haji Khushhal Khan. Jan is a doctor who lives near the Eastern Bypass of Quetta City. He is married to three women and is known in the community for his massive family.

Despite having 60 children

with his three wives, Jan hopes to marry again and is now looking for a fourth wife. He stated that five of his children had passed away. Meanwhile, all of his other children are well. Jan said: “I have asked all my friends to help me find a girl for my fourth marriage.” He went on to say that he looks forward to having more children, with a preference for more daughters than sons.

Despite his search for a new wife, his three other spouses said that they are happy to have more children with Jan. A tweet read:

“According to him, his three wives are still willing to give birth to more children.

“The new father added he wants to have more children, so he is looking for a fourth marriage.” The Pakistani man reportedly has a clinic at his home. In addition to expanding his family even more, Jan wants to have a house that can accommodate his entire family.

However, the rise in inflation levels in Pakistan has taken a financial toll on Jan. He said:

“Business has come to a standstill. The prices of all basic

The Solution Is...

“Know Your Change Agents”

What if those who you place all confidence in to change a crucial situation for the better, end up making it worst?

things including flour, ghee and sugar have tripled.

“For the last three years, all Pakistanis, including the whole world, are facing difficulties, including me.” But he is determined to meet the expenses of his children and wives.

With dreams of taking all of his children around Pakistan, Jan said: “If the government gives me a bus, I can easily take all my children to Pakistan.” When asked how he remembers so many children’s names, he joked: “Why not?”

In the first instance of problem solving, the voice of caution once again speaks to the pursuit of knowledge enhanced by understanding and the ability to analyse this problem for an informed intervention.

The comfort of solving the problem resides in conscientiously placing oneself in a position to be understood. After an understanding of your problem has been gained through informed knowledge, a decision on how to solve it made.

Is this what Covey (2006) really wanted to say?

The preparation for change is noted in Weiss (1995) Theory of Change. This theory sets out why there needs to be a change in the first place, what it will take to bring about that change, and how to sustain that hard earned change.

In adopting this theory, the impact of the change must be instant. Consequently, one must be able to instantly identify the change being desperately sought, and embrace it, once it comes to consciousness.

The old adage: Change does not happen overnight, points to the work that must be undertaken in order to effect the change one craves.

The words of one of my favourite poems from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, strengthens the point and reminds us that: “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.” Change requires consistent work. There is no place for passivity in the process of change – even if one is being assisted by an “expert”. These experts or change agents that are entrusted to deliver your Theory of Change are your employees, not the other way around.

Be purposeful in sticking to your end-goal by clearly defining what impact this change should make. Keep in focus your mission of predicting and crafting a better future for yourself and possibly for others through the theory!

In the context of a spate of misdeeds which have brought a spate of no confidence in both the financial and health sectors in the past couple of years, individuals who are struggling to make ends meet feel a sense of vulnerability.

Though faith is dwindling, one

can take heart in the reality that, you can disrupt that sense of unease through a made-up mind.

Such a mind-set should only be reached based on facts and figures of your own research and findings. Get involved with the heavy lifting. Know how much money is sitting in your account.

Have some knowledge of the cost to maintain a healthy lifestyle and relationship.

When engaging a change agent to fight your battle hinged on a quantitative approach, the “who feels it knows it” approach may appear redundant, as that individual’s life experiences, and socialisation can be completely different from yours. Unnecessary empirical data and flawed interpretation will lead to poor or undesirable results. You must have the right information –never argue without having your facts. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches must be used to consider and effect the necessary change envisioned.

As you ascribe definitions to the issues causing the problem, it is important to understand why people do what they do, and how what they did caused you the problem in the first place.

You should also understand how what they did has affected you and your view of a particular issue. Once these preliminaries are established, those pillars now become a reference point for the change. It is your blame if you allow yourself to be swept into a realm of risk-taking discomfort.

Whether financial (investments or loans) or health (relating to an operation that has more negative probabilities) or even in your relationship relating to quality time and shared responsibilities, your facts and your comfort level are your beacons.

Be reminded, change is inevitable. Therefore, be conscious that Systemic changes which includes: Governance restructure or even Compliance and Data protection policy changes can reduce the level of familiarity or front-end banter you and your trusted entity both once shared. This may lead you to assume that a relationship which has been built over the years now has failed you.

With all that said, without a thorough Theory of Change and competent change agents onboard, taking on misunderstood problems can be daunting and unwise which will leave you ill-informed of any instant change.

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Google Alleges CCI Of 'Copied' EU Order: Report

GOOGLE HAS alleged that India's competition watchdog "copied" parts of an EU ruling in its order to fine the firm, Reuters has reported.

The tech giant said this in a filing to an Indian appeals tribunal, the report said. The tribunal will hear Google's appeal against the penalty on Wednesday.

In October, the Indian regulator fined Google 13bn rupees ($157m; £131m) for using its Android platform to dominate the market. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) had accused Google of entering into "one-sided agreements" with smartphone makers to ensure the dominance of its apps.


After five years, Ghanaian music and cultural festival Afrochella will not return, its organisers have said. The shock announcement was made at the very end of the two-day festival.

"This is the last Afrochella," said co-founder Abdul Abdullah to the thousands of people still in the ElWak stadium in the capital, Accra. He did not give any reason.

However, in October California-based music festival Coachella sued the organisers for trademark infringement. Mr Abdullah made the announcement just after headline act Burna Boy had closed his set, wowing the crowd with hits such as Last Last, Angelina and Dangote.

Although the stadium was still packed with thousands of people, the news that it was the final Afrochella escaped the attention of some, especially given that it was

almost 03:00. One African American woman I spoke to had missed the announcement as she was trying to beat the rush to get home.

Those who did notice were very upset. "I couldn't believe it when they said Afrochella is over," said one woman.

Afrochella is heavily promoted to African Americans and many of those in the crowd had. And this year's festival was certainly a huge success.

Stonebwoy, Asake and Gyakie thrilled fans with amazing performances. Although it wasn't smooth for everyone.

Nigerian artiste Oyinkansola

Sarah Aderibigbe, also known as Ayra Starr, fell on stage while performing her hit song. She blamed the organisers for the incident, posting: "Afrochella next time y'all should clean your stage after every artist's performance, that fall was very unnecessary and


The event also saw performances from other talented musicians. British-Ghanaian musician, Juls, said: "It was amazing, so good to play for my people, making sure that everyone is getting a good time. Everyone has fun."

Singer Aerostar was excited about her performance: "The energy was amazing, the crowd was amazing too and the band did so well," she said. While the end of Afrochella will certainly leave a gap in the jam-packed calendar of events in Ghana, known as "Detty December", tourists and visitors alike will still be able to enjoy a wide range of programmes.

For example, the Afro Nation festival wraps up on Friday night with performances by British-Nigerian artist, Skepta, Franco-Congolese singer Dadju and Ghana's rising star Black Sherif, to name just a few. And the BHIM con-

cert, Tropical Fiesta, Mozama Disco, Lamajo fest will all be back next year.

But Afrochella will be sorely missed. It was among events that authorities in Ghana hoped would continue attracting tourists, especially from the African diaspora, to the country as part of its "Beyond Return" initiative.

Reuters reported that according to the filing made to the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Google said that the CCI's investigations unit deployed "evidence from Europe that was not examined in India". It has also said that there were "more than 50 instances of copy-pasting" from the European Commission's ruling.

Reuters said it had reviewed the filing, which has not been made public. The CCI did not respond to requests for comment from Reuters. The BBC has also contacted CCI representatives for a response.

While announcing the fine on 20 October, the CCI had said that Google was "abusing" the licensing of its Android operating system for a range of smartphones, web searches, browsing and video hosting services. It

said that Google was entering into forced agreements with players in the space to ensure that its bouquet of apps - such as Google Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps and others - were used.

This, the CCI said, was stifling competition and gave Google continuous access to consumer data and lucrative advertising opportunities. Google is facing a series of anti-trust cases in India and authorities are also probing its conduct in the smart TV market and its in-app payments system.

The Android-related inquiry was started in 2019, following complaints by consumers of Android smartphones. The case is similar to the one Google faced in Europe, where regulators in 2018 imposed a record fine on the company for using the Android platform to cement its search engine's dominance.

In September last year, Google lost an appeal it had filed in court against the order. Days after the 20 October order, the CCI imposed another fine on Google for anti-competitive practices. Google has appealed against this as well.

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Thousands Line Santos Streets As Legend, Pele, Is Laid To Rest


lined the streets as Brazilian football icon Pele was laid to rest in Santos, the city of his former club.

Pele had been lying in state for 24 hours in the centre of the pitch at the club's Urbano Caldeira stadium for the public to pay their respects.


Rugby League action will be coming to Birmingham’s Alexander Stadium complex after a partnership was agreed by the Midlands Hurricanes and Birmingham City Council.

The Hurricanes, who compete in League One, will play their home fixtures during the 2023 season at the Perry Barr venue –starting with a tie against Cornwall on February 19. The club will utilise the community pitch adjacent to the main stadium. Season tickets are on sale, with

both the club and council optimistic the deal will generate new interest in a sport that has been under-represented in the city.

Greg Wood, Midlands Hurricanes CEO, said: “Our ambition as a club is to grow the sport in the Midlands and by having such a prestigious venue as our hub, it gives a real focal point for the team, community and hopefully the region to get behind. We look forward to the growth of the sport and the club and see the move as a key part of this as it gives us the infrastructure to grow the game within other areas such as wom-

en’s and wheelchair rugby.

The Hurricanes join a growing roster of partners and uses secured by the council for the revamped stadium – designed to give the venue a year-round purpose after it hosted the athletics programme and the Opening and Closing Ceremonies for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. Other organisations set to have a presence at the stadium include Birmingham City University, UK Athletics and the likes of Birchfield Harriers Athletics Club.

Councillor Ian Ward, Leader of

Birmingham City Council, said: “We are delighted to welcome the Midlands Hurricanes to the Alexander Stadium.

“The Hurricanes have an ambition to grow the sport in the city and wider region, which is something that reflects our own aims to improve levels of participation in sport and physical activity. The stadium will provide the club with a world-class base for their operations, adding to our growing roster of partnerships and I wish them the very best for the season ahead.”

People crowded the streets as his coffin was carried on a fire truck to a private family funeral.

Arguably the world's greatest ever footballer, he had been receiving treatment for colon cancer since 2021. Brazil's government declared three days of national mourning after his death, and the country's new president - Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - travelled to Santos to pay his respects.

Covered with a Brazilian flag, Pele's coffin was carried on a fire truck through the packed roads of fans, who were celebrating his life to the loud, emotionally-filled sounds of typically Brazilian Samba and Capoeira beats. The procession also passed by the house where his 100-year-old mother, Celeste Arantes, still lives.

Santos FC said more than 230,000 people had attended his 24-hour wake in the Vila Belmiro stadium, where a steady stream of mourners continued through the


The funeral cortege ended at the port city's Memorial Cemetery, where a Catholic funeral service was held before Pele was interred in a 10-storey mausoleum that holds the Guinness World Record as the tallest cemetery on Earth. His coffin was paraded through Santos on a fire truck - as is the Brazilian tradition - while fans accompanied the cortege chanting "Pele, 1,000 goals". Hundreds of people waved huge banners and were wearing the number 10 shirt he made so famous.

This was a day of mourning for the man Brazilians call their King, but it was clearly a moment to celebrate him too. There was joy and happiness on the streets that Pele was - and will always be - Brazil's biggest source of pride.

Page 46 - The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS SPORT - WITH STEVE WILLIAMS To Advertise 0208 865 1922

Sixes Social Cricket lands in Leicester

LEICESTER HAS become only the fourth city in the UK to welcome the popular Sixes Social Cricket brand. The sports-themed concept combines the game of cricket with top-notch hospitality for a great night out.

Re-imagining cricket for the modern socialite, guests can look forward to precision sports technology alongside burgers, sharing plates and wood-fired pizzas. Quality food and drink is at the heart of what Sixes offers, making it a great night out with or without the sports!

When it comes to the cricket, guests can prepare for adrenaline fuelled batting as you take to the nets placed throughout the venue. From cricketing novices through to the professionals, guests can simply grab a bat, select their level and swing for the boundaries. Sixes’ cutting-edge technology bowls out soft cricket balls, with points scored depending on which targets you hit.

Sure to bring out everyone’s competitive side, it’s the perfect activity for groups and corporate events as well as an evening out with friends.

The ambitious plan for a pioneer top quality golf course built near the world-renowned Africa’s premier national park of Serengeti was unveiled, with an 18-hole golf course being constructed within 400 acres at Fort Ikoma, an area that serves as a buffer zone for Serengeti District and the Serengeti National Park. It will be among the world’s few golf courses within or near a national park.

Billed to be one of the world’s exclusive and longest golf courses with an array of challenging features, new golf course promises the ultimate African golfing experience, where golfers share fairways with giraffe, zebra, impala and monkeys, while viewing a bigger game behind the park. During a round of 18 holes, golfers are likely to encounter aquatic life at various watering holes, while majestic, yet inquisitive giraffe, zebra, cheetah nonchalantly observe their swing from their unique vantage points.

William Mwakilema, the Deputy Conservation Commissioner in-charge of Conservation and Business Development at TANAPA, said: “At the Serengeti National Park’s golf course, they will enjoy fresh air, birds singing, awe-inspiring wildlife migration, breath-taking landscapes, peace


multiplier effects to a critical mass of poor people around. Laying the foundation stone, the TANAPA Board Chair, retired General George Marwa Waitara, said the proposed ultra-modern Serengeti National Park’s golf course is part of the nation’s comprehensive strategy for diversify its mainstream tourism products as it seeks to boost tourist numbers, extend length of stay and revenue.

Representation Is Everything

WITH ONLY 6 months to go to the Netball World Cup in Cape Town South Africa, the announcement of a Tri -series England Roses ranked third in the world and Netball Jamaica

Sunshine girls ranked fourth in the world, this was always going to be an exciting head-to-head for both teams and fans alike.

These teams last met in December of 2021 and before going into the Commonwealth Games. In that series England defeated Jamaica taking the series two games to one, with Jamaica winning the last game of that test series quite convincingly despite losing their first two games of the series to England.

The Sunshine Girls travelled to the Tri- series with their Head Coach Connie Francis, but without Support Coach Rob Wright, and without key players due to availabilities.

This team would give Coach Francis a chance to look at her squad ideas for the Netball World Cup; and court time and experience to future stars of the Sunshine Girls.

England Netball Coach Jess Thirlby and her Roses squad, who had a disappointing Commonwealth Games, not able to retain

their Commonwealth Championship status, on home soil, needed this win following their series defeat to Australia in October.

With the popularity of the sport growing the pre show games showcased the England Mens team, now lovingly known as The Thorns' v England Development team; The Futures.

This was a great demonstration of the growth in the game, which now sees the England's men team come under the umbrella of England Netball Association.

The men had travelled to their first international series to Australia in October 2022, and this now bodes well, to hopefully see more boys and young men taking up the sport.

The first game in the series didn't disappoint. It was a thrilling first encounter, and at one point the Jamaica Sunshine girls led by 10 goals, only to see England Roses be rejuvenated by the home crowd, which saw them runaway winners of the first game of the series 73 - 52.

At the second fixture, with her team up for the task, Fowler displayed a master class in the shooting circle, to help Netball Jamaica tie the series, with 100% accuracy, scoring all of her 56 attempts on

and tranquillity that we all crave for.”

The golf course project bankrolled by the TANAPA Investment Ltd, a commercial wing of the conservation agency, to the tune of Sh7.5 billion ($3.2 mil-

goal, to help her team seal a 61 -58 victory in the second game, and levelling the series.

The deciding game had the arena on their feet, and it could have gone either way, with the Sunshine Girls leading by one goal at half time.

England Roses ranked third in the world, with athlete's on full time professional programs, needed this this series win, and fought hard to pip the Commonwealth Silver Medalists by 63-59; to take the series 2-1. Much to the delight of Captain Natalie Metcalf who breathed a sigh of relief at the final whistle, saying “I feel really emotional; to secure the series on home soil, I’m really proud. Jamaica are an incredible team, playing against them is so hard every time".

This victory was a confidence booster as England Netball left for the Quad Series in South Africa,the next day.

Coach Connie Francis with a delighted with the performance of her squad; stating with a mix of experience and the call up to senior level, Francis was most impressed with was the way her younger players Crystal Plummer, Tafiya Hunter, and Abigaile Sutherland and Roxonna McLean (who made her debut in the team's winning game of the series) embrace the challenges the team faced.

England Roses Layla Guscoth from Birmingham, took the Player of The Series Award for England, whilst Netball Jamaica's Player of The Series, went to Kadie-Ann Dehaney.

The Sunshine Girls now returned to their full time professions, and taking the positives that they need for Netball World Cup 28th July -6th August 2023.

Not long until the Vitality Super League, and the Suncorp Super Netball League commence. #NetballOnTheRise

lion), is expected to be completed in June 2023. Environmental Impact Consideration, feasibility study and business plan have concluded that the Serengeti National Park’s golf course ticks all the boxes as a viable project.

Mr. Mwakilema said the golf course would attract around 3,000 global golfers annually, who, in turn, will leave behind an average of $857,632.93, equivalent to Sh2 billion and leapfrog other economic sectors with substantial

Chair of Tanzania Golf Union, Mr. Gilman Kasiga, welcomed the project, appreciating TANAPA Investment Ltd, for the great innovation, saying the recreational facility would go a long way in spurring sports tourism in the country. The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) says tourism and sports are interrelated and complement each other.

The Phoenix Newspaper - February 2023 - Page 47 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS Send your stories in to SPORT - WITH STEVE WILLIAMS


The Indian Cricket Board (BCCI) have announced that five new franchises are set to compete in the inaugural season of the 2023 Women's Premier League (WPL).

Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Delhi, Lucknow and Mumbai are the successful host cities, with a combined £465m input from new team owners - five of which currently oversee the IPL's Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore franchises.

Jay Shah, BCCI secretary, said: "This is a historic day for cricket as the bidding for teams of inaugural WPL broke the records of the inaugural men's IPL in 2008. This marks the beginning of a revolution in women's cricket and paves the way for a transformative journey ahead not only for our wom-

en cricketers but for the entire sports fraternity."

The tournament's introduction meets calls for a women's competition having seen a three-team Women's T20 Challenge coincide with the men's IPL since 2018. President of the BCCI, Roger Binny, said: "I congratulate the winners for making successful bids to own teams.

“The WPL will pave the way for development at the grassroots level with the inclusion of more women cricketers.

I'm confident that the league will help our women cricketers shine on the global stage." The BCCI has already sold the tournament's media rights for the next five years to Viacom 18 for $117m which translates into per-match-value of $870,393.

World Champion Holloway to take on 60m Hurdles at Birmingham World Indoor Tour Final


60m Hurdles champion Grant Holloway (USA) has been confirmed to race in the short sprint hurdles at the Birmingham World Tour Final on Saturday 25 February 2023.

The 2022 indoor season was a huge success for Holloway as he broke Colin Jackson’s long-standing world record when he clocked 7.29s in Madrid. It sliced 0.01s off the Briton’s time from 1994 to re-write the record books. Following his record-breaking exploits, the American went on to win his maiden world indoor title in Belgrade.

The time set in Spain came just a few days after the American had won at the World Indoor Tour meeting at the Utilita Arena in Birmingham, so Holloway has form when it comes to success in the West Midlands. He will be looking to produce another special display in the second city in 2023.

Further to his indoor successes, the 25-year-old has an impressive CV with two World Championship 110m Hurdles gold medals to his name from Doha and Oregon, and he is also an Olympic silver medallist from the Tokyo Games.

Holloway will also face 2018 World Indoor champion Andrew Pozzi in Birmingham. The Stratford-upon-Avon athlete finished second to the American at last year’s event and he has a very strong history on this track as he sealed the world title at this Arena five years ago.

WBBL Announces New Board Structure

THE WOMEN’S BRITISH Basketball League (WBBL) has announced a new board structure as the league enters its most exciting phase in its history. Current WBBL Chair, Jim Saker, will continue in his role, with two other Independent Directors and two representatives from the league’s clubs making up the remainder of the new structure.

Siobhàn Prior (Nottingham Wildcats) and Mark Clark (London Lions) have been elected by the WBBL clubs as the League's two representatives to join the newly formed board.

Both carry exceptional knowledge of the landscape of the women’s game and British Basketball, leaving no doubt they are the perfect representatives for the

league to achieve its long-term goals. The WBBL will aim to fill the remaining two Independent Director positions in the early part of 2023.

The new board structure comes off the back of a hugely successful 12 months for women’s basketball in the UK, which saw record attendances at WBBL fixtures, including an incredible 10,928 fans at last season’s play-off finals. The move to restructure the existing makeup of the WBBL board will be crucial to the league’s growth as it enters its most exciting period of development to date.

Speaking on the formation of the new board, Chair, Saker, said: “I’m delighted with the progress being made with the restructuring of the Governance of the WBBL.

I look forward to working with Siobhàn and Mark in taking the league forward in its next stage of development.” Prior added: “I’m excited and grateful to have been elected to the new WBBL Board and will work hard to represent the clubs and move the league forward. As a league, we have to take these opportunities and build so we are ready to optimise on further chances in the future.”

Clark went on: “I’m delighted to have been elected to the new Board of the WBBL. The League, with great support from the BBL, has made significant strides since its formation.

“The WBBL has to grab those opportunities and build a fully professional league. I’m confident that is what we will do.”

Thousands Line Santos Streets As Legend, Pele, Is Laid To Rest - Page 46 Pioneering new quality golf course set for Africa Page 47 To advertise

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