The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023

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Connecting Communities - Inspiring A New Generation


To many in the business community, Paul Cadman is the larger than life character that loves Birmingham and everything about it.

Someone who is renowned for his business prowess, and even moreso his ability to connect people and make the amazing happen.

But underneath his business acumen is an incredibly humble man, who right at the beginning of this interview stressed how he wanted to highlight the charities he works with and supports. There are no airs and graces here.

Born in Bordesley Green in November 1966, Paul was raised in back to back houses from a very impoverished background, “We genuinely didn’t have enough food to put on the table, despite mum working three jobs, a dinner lady, cleaner and keeping someones books.”

“Dad would always have multiple jobs too, so that mindset was instilled for both me and, my sister Deborah Cadman, Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council, her mindset and my mindset are the same, and our work ethic is pretty immense”

Continued on Pages 4+5

Check out all the highlights from the 2023 Birmingham Signature Awards on Pages 34-35 Experience the Elegance, Beauty and Grace of Swan Lake - Centre Pages


At the start of 2022, as we were beginning to come to grips with the devastations of Covid-19, and starting to make plans for possibly brighter prospects for the rest of that year as economies slowly began opening up, we were to be hit with another sudden international event with dreadful and disturbing consequences.

This was the War in Ukraine. Within months, the consequences of this conflict started having significant impact on the British economy and general society.

One year on, the country is still feeling the effects of this war. The three related areas of military build-up, energy prices and food price increases, are likely to continue affecting the British economy and society.

Following weeks of military build-up of Russian forces on the border of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin, finally launched a military operation on Thursday Feb 25 2022.

The President had earlier claimed that Ukraine (or at least part of the country) was historically part of Russia. There were also fears that the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was expanding, thereby leaving the once powerful Soviet Union, in a vulnerable position.

There are also claims that Putin simply wanted to engage in expansionist programme across Europe as part of his antiWestern agenda.

Whatever the reasons, debates or theories put forward to explain the justification and origin of this conflict, the war has affected Britain and many other countries.

The war in Ukraine has resulted in Britain’s Prime Minister having to consider the difficult question of deciding when, or if to send weapons to Ukraine for their soldiers to use in defence against Russian attacks.

The Prime Minister recently announced that the UK would happily provide assistance to any country that is able to provide Ukraine with fighter jets.

The UK’s Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace also announced that the country would export a further 600 Brimstone radarguided missiles to Ukraine.

These, he claimed, would be important in helping Ukraine to dominate the battlefield. These measures, however, suggest that the UK and possibly other NATO forces, will be engaged in


warfare against Russian forces, albeit in a non-NATO country. One immediate impact of this conflict that everybody felt was the increases in fuel costs.

The irony here, however, is that while these costs resulted in suffering for many working people in Britain, oil companies have recorded enormous profits.

EDF for example, returned to profit last year at its UK business precisely because the war has continued to push up the cost of wholesale energy.

The French based company said it made profits of £1.12billion, compared with a loss of £21million in 2021.

According to a recent report by the Mail Online, rising energy prices could push up to 141

million people worldwide into extreme poverty.

Even though oil prices have slowly begun to go down, these are still significantly above where they were before the conflict started.

If people are not feeling the direct impact of increased oil prices, the rise in the costs of certain foods would not have gone unnoticed.

A variety of factors have caused these price increases, such as rising transport costs, and rising commodity prices like corn and wheat.

Ukraine and Russia represent around 10 per cent and 20 per cent, respectively, of global wheat production, and nearly 30 per cent of all wheat exports

come from these two countries.

Most of this wheat is imported by countries in the Middle East and North Africa. It is precisely because of the integrated nature of the global economy, that one major catastrophe in one part of the world, can have serious consequences in another.

Sadly, the longer this war continues, many countries, especially Britain, which depend on imports such as oil, will remain in a fairly volatile and vulnerable state.

The duration of this conflict is uncertain, and while that remains the case, for those of us in Britain, the economic turbulence will looks like remaining part of everyday life for the foreseeable future.

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Almost 180 women who are leaders from 25 countries will voyage on two ships to Antarctica in November to ensure the sustainability of the planet.

The women are part of the Homeward Bound global initiative, which was set up to elevate the visibility of women leading with a STEMM background (science, technology, engineering, medicine and maths). “Antarctica is the inspiration for collaboration for these leaders, a place to be inspired to work together,”

Homeward Bound CEO Pamela Sutton-Legaud says.

“Seeing first-hand this dramatic landscape under attack from the climate cements the intention for the women to collaborate as leaders.” The Homeward Bound participants have completed an 11-month virtual leadership program prior to the life-changing three-week voyage to Antarctica.

The women who are voyaging come from a diverse range of STEMM fields and from every continent including Australia, Panama, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Germany. The group includes a shark behaviorist, a space engineer, and an emergency physician.

Examples of projects the participants have previously collaborated on include:

• a global review of gender inequality in STEMM;

• ANTARCTICA NOW, a group of alumnae who are lobbying for new Marine Protected Areas in


• a scientific paper on the effects of the big increase of plastic pollution during the COVID-19 pandemic on marine life and human health.

Homeward Bound was literally a dream by leadership expert Fabian Dattner in 2015 and developed in collaboration with Australian co-founders: conservation ecologist Dr Justine Shaw and polar marine ecologist Professor Mary-Anne Lea.

Ms Dattner says the COVID pandemic had a measurably negative impact on women’s leadership globally, “despite the fact that we know, in 12 out of 16 well-researched leadership capabilities, women excel”.

“I have been staggered to learn the very real and present challenges for many women to rise up in the STEMM fields, above and beyond what women face generally,” Ms Dattner says. “At a time when evidenced based decisions matter, more women leading is crucial.”

In 2016, the Homeward Bound

idea became reality when 76 women and an all women faculty voyaged to Antarctica. The first voyage was featured in a documentary.

International figures who have are part of Homeward Bound include global climate change leader, Christiana Figueres (Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2010 – 2016) and Musimbi Kanyoro, former president and CEO of the Global Fund for Women.

So far, more than 600 women from 80 countries have participated in the program which is now in its eighth year.

There are two voyages to Antarctica in November: one will depart Ushuaia, Argentina on November 3, and the other will depart Puerto Madryn, Argentina on November 12.

ACCIONA has supported Homeward Bound since 2018, sharing the common goal of supporting female leadership talent in key STEMM disciplines to meet future challenges.

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Continued from Front Page “My upbringing was awful, I had nothing, didn’t understand school, and the way they dealt with things in school back then was just corporal punishment.”

Undiagnosed dyslexia was the bane of Paul’s childhood, “I had a really tough gig, couldn’t find my place in life, being punished and beaten at school, people would probably be locked up for what went on back then in this day and age, but that’s what it was.

“I’m a Professor now, I’ve got doctorates and degrees, and people think I’ve had this privileged education but it certainly wasn’t anything like that. If I couldn’t recite

my times tables, somebody would cane me, so probably 3 or 4 days a week I’d be off to someone to receive corporal punishment.”

By looking at him, a 6ft3in 19.5stone ex professional rugby player and ex mixed martial arts champion, you wouldn’t have thought that as a child he was, in his own words, “small and weedy, and had very bad health. When you realise you’re living in the inner city next to a paint factory with acetone, it’s no wonder everyone had so many health conditions.”

“My childhood however was fabulous, we were a very loving family, used to go and play on the rail lines, and walk along them all the

way to Birmingham New Street. We were all so thin we could squeeze through the gaps in the gates and sneak into Birmingham City Football Club!”

When Paul’s father was called out of work because Paul was about to be expelled, he’d had enough and dragged him to the local boxing club. “It gave me a purpose, discipline and kickstarted my fitness journey.”

Running from Bordesley Green to Birmingham every morning and night to train, with school and work in between, alongside the odd ‘marathon and a half’ around the NEC because he was bored on a Sunday, Paul’s fitness skyrocketed.

Leaving school with absolutely nothing, Paul leant on his upbringing, everyone chipping in with the cooking, and a family history of culinary expertise to apply to the College of Food. “Despite having no qualifications, they gave me a shot based on my attitude and character.

I graduated as a qualified chef, and left to work at the Swallow Hotel.”

“Last year I was given a fellow of University College Birmingham so from someone going there with absolutely nothing, to being given fellow I think that says a lot about your journey, never giving up. It doesn’t matter what is put in front of you, never give up, it’s what my family has always lived by.”

After 6 months, he left to join the fire service, which was the place where he was finally diagnosed with dyslexia. Once he had that and the support, he started passing exams, and gaining qualifications in law and engineering alongside a few others. After 20 years there, amid cuts to the service, Paul left and entered a middle management position at Bibi Group.

“The adjustment from a disciplined environment to office work took some getting used to,” Paul laughed. “I went to Bibi Holdings and was part of the mergers and acquisitions team, so we spent about £350m investing in different companies.

“I only did that for about 5 or 6 years, and I was offered an opportunity to work for a car design company. It was a family-owned business, the dad was a lovely guy, the sons were convinced they could do better, the business was turning over about 12/13k and I wrote a strategy that the dad hated and said wouldn’t go anywhere but the sons loved.

“They invited me back to do some work, about 5 years later and Futura is close to £50million turnover, I’m the groups CEO over 5 international companies, a global brand in automotive transport design.”

Paul decided that he had a bit of a flair for making things happen, he’s got a mindset and reputation of be-

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ing one step ahead in business. Regardless of what work he has been doing, he’s always been focused around giving back.

“People often ask me why I do so much charity work, in the back-toback houses where I grew up, there was a Sikh family on one side, a Punjabi family on the other, then a Jamaican family, a Hindu family, and we were all together in that area.

“When we didn’t have enough food, we all used to go round to each other’s houses, we didn’t think anything of it, but there might be 10 or 12 kids at Mr Singhs house on a Thursday night, my dad got paid on a Friday, and on the Friday night there might be those same 10 or 12 kids at our house for dinner. There was this giving and sharing nature that was in our DNA.

“I think the reason I give back is that we’ve been hurt so many times, and things have gone wrong, and in those moments of darkness there have been people there that have reached out and helped, and while we’re up today, we want to give back to people and raise them up too.”

After working at Futura for Paul had a feeling that he just didn’t want to work for other people anymore, so now he’s a director of the Technology Supply Chain. “It’s

a growth hub but a company on steroids, we have the most experienced, professional people dealing with companies, doing deep dives into them, my co director Dr Richard Fallon, as a strategic business advisor he’s as good as it gets in this country. We’ll send out referrals, connect you and make things happen.”

“One of my fortes in life is that I’m connected. Andy Street described me as ‘the most connected person in the region’ and that if he needs advice or connections he’ll speak to me. I think it’s around having a ‘black book’ but not looking to gain or take advantage, always wanting to help.

“Last year I was awarded Brummie Of The Year, IOD Chairs Award, Jamaican Government Sustainable Award, and this year I was recognised in the top 32 non-exec directors in the country. Supporting the 3rd sector, and making things happen for them has been my driver, it’s what gets me out of bed.”

Paul is currently involved in the health tech/medtech quarter. He’s the strategic advisor to Professor Luigi ‘Gino’ Martini of the Precision Health Technologies Accelerator (PHTA) at the University of Birmingham, a £300m investment with up to 10,000 jobs.

Gino was introduced to Paul af-

ter about 6-9 months of being in the city and within 3-6 months the Prime Minister, Andy Street, and the Leader of the council had visited. On a massive 10.5 acre site, it’s a huge sector that they’re bringing to Birmingham.

“What I’d like to do here is create a Life Sciences Quarter, where we’ve got the Gun Quarter, the Jewellery Quarter and such, we want the Life Sciences Quarter. We’re already talking to companies that are working on vaccines and cancer research to come to Birmingham.”

“I’m hugely passionate about Birmingham, it’s an incredible place and I want it to be on the global map, and following the Commonwealth Games, the profile raising, it’s working brilliantly for us.”

One of Paul’s schoolmasters once said of him, ‘Paul Cadman seldomly takes things seriously, but when he does, men will follow him,” and that is particularly notable in his charitable endeavours.

Paul is Vice President of Acorns, “Toby Porter who is the old CEO reached out to me about 6 years ago saying they wanted to raise the profile of Acorns, which is itself an amazing wonderful charity, £11m-£12m charity that only gets about a third of what it needs from the government, the rest has to be raised through charitable endeav-


“They own some shops and do some strategic fundraising, he thought that they lacked in profile, and over the last 4 or 5 years hopefully you’ll agree that it’s more visible.”

Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight is also a patron of Acorns, so you many find it interesting to check out his new series ‘This Town’, keep your eyes open and you may spot a familiar face!

“St Basils is also very close to me, I’m a Board Member and Trustee, every young person deserves a safe environment to live, somewhere safe and warm and with something to eat. We can’t say that as a city. Depending on how you carve the statistics up, about 65% of children live below the poverty line in our city, which is awful, and that echoes nationally as well.”

Paul is also Patron of Employability UK, as he stated “That is very much around don’t give somebody something to eat today, but give them a job and skills to set them up for life.’

“I’m the chair of Birmingham Youth Sports Academy, that’s a 20 year old grassroots football club. They have 3-400 kids playing in parks across the city in some of the most deprived inner city areas each week.

“It’s about getting kids into physical activity. We’ve now got our own sports ground which is the Ackers Community Hub, we’ve started a new foundation, and been given permission to use the coat of arms from the city council. So we are now the City of Birmingham Foundation.

“We’ve got over 150 muslim girls playing football which is virtually unheard of. By Christmas we expect that to reach 1000 kids playing football in our own safe hub.”

“I’m also the Chair of Steps to Work, next year we’re 25 years old, getting people into work. Last year our impact report came back, over 1,000 long term unemployed people are now back into work. That’s good, but I need it to be better, I need it to reach 2000 people.”

Steps To Work is an overarching charity that has trading arms, and has donated over £800,000 from them.

Paul was also instrumental in the creation of the artwork, entitled 'Forward in Unity', a giant mural that paid tribute to Birmingham’s collective spirit in response to the COVID-19 pandemic located on

Meriden Street in Digbeth.

Paul, alongside Landscape Architecture alumnus and co-founder of Melting Pot Birmingham Nathaniel Hanna came together to create charitable collective Art for Charity, and worked with Gent 48 to produce the impressive artwork.

“I only sleep about 4 hours a night, so I’m up at about half 3 or 4am, and I’m renowned for sending emails at that time and I’ve been like that for 25 years. By 7 o clock in the morning, I’ll probably have already sent nearly 70 emails!”

Paul is lovingly endorsed and recommended by many people who know him, one glowing message from Vice Chair of Steps To Work, Sally Beavan about how he joins up the dots, he is a true entrepreneur who aligns all his charity work to support the region and its people.

Looking to the future, Paul would love to grow a sustainable future for BYSA, and to see charities work together more, he also wants to double the reach that the charities he is

involved with made last year, never resting on his laurels.

“I’m apolitical but I do support Andy Steet, I think he’s an amazing guy doing incredible work. Ian Ward of Birmingham City Council is an unsung hero, personally he has brought billions of pounds of investment into the city and raising the profile of the region nationally and globally.

“We’re the youngest city under 25 now, the young mindsets drive and will deliver. The old minds that think they know better, you don’t! You need to engage with and utilise the youth of the city to help shape the future of everything we do.”

Pauls motto is “Connect enthusiastically, give relentlessly, and Lead bravely. Do that and the future is yours.”

He added “Have some boldness and confidence and lead, if you think of it, go for it, you can do it.”

Inspiring words from an absolute stalwart of the region, we think you’ll agree.

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Football Legend Cantona Launches Art Exhibition


Three statues thought to be the first sculptures depicting Black British people on display in England are set to return to Brixton station later.

The life-size bronze figures, called Platforms Piece, were first installed on the platform in 1986 before being removed in 2016 for refurbishment.

Created by Kevin Atherton, it depicts three Brixton residents of the time and is Grade II listed. The original statues will be joined by a new one named Joy II.

Joy II depicts Joy Battick, one of the south Londoners featured in the original artwork. Platforms Piece, which was commissioned by the Public Art Development Trust on behalf of British Rail,

also shows two other Brixton residents, Karin Heistermann and Peter Lloyd.

Historic England said the artwork was believed to be the first sculptural representation of British Black people in England in a public art context.

Joy Battick was 26-years-old when the first statues were cast.

She was working at the Brixton Recreation Centre at the time and initially declined the offer of being a model, but changed her mind to get away from the poolside.

Ms Battick said the process of creating the statue was more meaningful the second time round.

"There was more interaction," she said, adding that she felt "more like I've achieved something".

Ms Battick was recovering from

cancer at the time, which she said made the process "more poignant. Although she no longer lives in Brixton, she still goes there frequently and said she felt the statue "fits in the culture more now".

"It's crazy - when I first said yes, I didn't expect anything important, but now I'm part of something historical, especially as a woman of colour." Mr Atherton said that it was heartening being reunited with Joy.

When he created the first sculpture of her in 1986, the artist made the first body cast by hand, but for Joy II he incorporated 3D scanning and printing into the process. He reflected that, much like the technology, the meaning of the sculptures had also changed.

"It has always been about time

and travelling, but now it's about time travel," Mr Atherton said. "Joy is looking at her younger self, but she's also looking at herself that's yet to be."

Mr Atherton described the statues the best-kept secret of the area and said that commuters had told him they loved seeing the figures, even if they never got out at Brixton station. He also reflected on the significance of the statues, saying that when he was first choosing models it was a "no-brainer" that the artwork had to represent the demographic of Brixton. He said: “I was delighted that the sculptures were returning and I hoped for another 35 years of the two Joys looking at each other".

EX-MANCHESTER UNITED star Eric Cantona has launched an exhibition on sporting heroes and their impact on society. The football legend helped to curate the show, which also features artist Michael Browne's depictions of soccer icon Diego Maradona, boxer Muhammad Ali and Olympic athlete Jesse Owens. Browne said he wanted to highlight those who have been fighting against injustices throughout the world. Cantona said he hoped the display would encourage interest among children.

The 56-year-old said he wanted the sport-themed artworks at Manchester's National Football Museum to introduce youngsters to wider issues in society. "Now I can do nothing but maybe the kids can help us in the future, so it's important to bring the kids," he said.

Cantona said: "At this time, when the planet and climate is in danger, we have to be careful every minute. It seems that money can buy everything. But it's not only in sport, it's in


The ex-footballer, who spoke out about the staging of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, said he felt the commercialisation of the game meant he "would support a club in [the] second division". The former French international, who also played for Leeds United, Auxerre and Marseille, said: "Of course I have my point of view, but what can I do? I can do an exhibition like this."

However, he added: "I love the atmosphere of football, I love the soul of football." Cantona retired from professional football in 1997 before becoming involved in film acting and production. He met Browne, who was born in Manchester's Moss Side neighbourhood, for a painting depicting his return to football after he infamously kicked a spectator who had verbally abused him during a match in 1995.

From Moss Side to Marseille: The Art of Michael Browne and Eric Cantona will be open to visitors until June at the National Football Museum in Manchester.

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The Midlands region of Azets, the UK Top 10 accounting firm, has raised £30,000 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, following the announcement of their support for the charity, 18 months ago.

The team have pulled together to do a range of fundraising activities such as abseiling down the Park Regis building in Birmingham, competing in an Inflatable 5k, Wing Walking, cycling from London to Brussels, running marathons and sponsoring the popular Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity Dragon Boat Race.

The money will support innovation, development, research and world-class care for the children and families in the care of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Paul Clifford, Regional CEO at Azets commented: “We pledged our support to Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity 18 months ago, as we acknowledged the incredible work they do for children across the UK.

As a company, we’re immensely proud of the efforts of the team who’ve rallied together to raise

this incredible amount and look forward to continuing to support the hugely important cause throughout the rest of 2023. As a company, we encourage our people to connect with local communities and this fundraising effort showcases our commitment to supporting those around us.”

Head of Corporate Partnerships at Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, Helen Miles, said: “The team at Azets have really championed our charity and we can’t thank them enough for their incredible continued support and dedication.

"The funds they raised have helped us do more and create better experiences for countless young people and sick children, through the improvement of our hospital environment and helping to fund new equipment and research.”

Azets is the UK’s Top 10 accounting firm and focuses on delivering a highly personalised service, though a local office network and proprietary digital workplace technology. Career opportunities are available at Azets, visit www. to find out more.

Council Finances Given Clean Bill Of Health

THE CITY OF Wolverhampton Council has been backed for the way it manages public funds by independent auditors.

An annual report into the council’s financial statements has revealed it provides value for money with strong governance procedures in place and no significant weaknesses over its financial sustainability

The report by auditors Grant Thornton also found that the council has effective arrangements in place for delivering economy, efficiency and effectiveness in services to local residents. External auditors are required by law to deliver the annual report which was taken to the Council’s Audit and Risk Committee Meeting on Monday (23 January, 2023).

Chair of the Committee, Councillor Craig Collingswood, said: “This is an extremely positive report that shows the council is delivering value for money when it comes to managing public funds.

“It’s anticipated the council will be given an Unqualified Opinion on its financial statements – which in simple terms means a clean bill of health and shows the council manages its money well. This report is important for transparency and shows how the council operates. I’m pleased that our committee, along with the work of the auditors, will reassure the people of Wolverhampton and provide public confidence in how the council manages its money.”

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l Paul Clifford (Azets) and Helen Miles (Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity)
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Professor Alex de Ruyter, political economist and Director of the Centre for Brexit Studies at Birmingham City University has said that a move by UK Gov to revise or erase EU legislation is represents an erosion of individual freedoms fundamental to democracy.

The academic’s comments follow the passing of the controversial ‘post-Brexit bonfire plan’ bill in the House of Commons last night.

The professor said: “Brexit was always sold by its zealous advocates as the ‘freedom’ to ‘take back control’. But in reality this means removing any vestiges of EU law that might impinge on the ability of certain individuals or businesses to undercut minimum standards.

“The idea that thousands of pieces of legislation affected or underpinned by EU law could be revised or erased in a matter of months before they are expunged is farcical and impractical. Rather, it reveals the potential that any expunged laws could be replaced by something cobbled together on ministerial discretion, with minimal parliamentary oversight.

“That laws affected by this include areas such as employment rights, environmental and consumer protection, clearly pose

l Professor Alex de Ruyter

clear cause for concern; as the recent spectacle of water companies being able to discharge sewage into our rivers and onto our beaches by an Act of Parliament demonstrates.

“In its rush to enact the Retained EU Law (REUL) Bill, Sunak is continuing to kowtow to the fanatical right wing of his party, given his own insecure position. Although the Bill has passed the Commons it will most likely face defeat in the House of Lords, but this would only delay its enaction rather than scupper it entirely.

“Meanwhile individual freedoms – fundamental to democracy

IoD Launches Initiative To Connect And Advance British Asians In Business

THE IOD (Institute of Directors) has launched a major initiative to highlight and support the UK’s thriving Asian business community.

The British Asian Business Community Special Interest Group (SIG) is led by insurance broker Abid Khan, chair of IoD Coventry and Warwickshire.

Businesses led by ethnic-minority entrepreneurs contribute £74 billion a year to the UK economy according to a report by OPEN, a London-based think-tank that focuses on migration and diver-

The Net Impact Of The UK Food Sector and the Support Needed

The latest estimates by Mintel (2022) suggested that the UK food market was worth £21.37 billion, with this year’s forecast showing an increased value of £22.04 billion.

– are being eroded by the Sunak government, with the anticipated Public Order bill seeking essentially to outlaw all forms of protest, to the extent that even writing articles about the right to protest could be deemed unlawful.

“Freedom post-Brexit then, is freedom for the powerful and the rich, whilst ordinary people in the UK face increasing restraints on fundamental individual rights and hardship in the everyday cost of living. The REUL bill will only increase the ability of the rich and powerful to evade democratic scrutiny.”

Despite its apparent buoyancy, numerous challenges are afflicting key segments of this industry; namely in agriculture, manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing and catering. Issues range from conflict, war and famine, post-COVID reverberations as well as the consequential effects of changes within global distribution and supply chains. Between 2021 and 2022 (GOV.UK), there were market variables that accounted for the following indices: -

• The agri-food sector contributes £116.2 billion (2020).

• 4.1 million people worked in this sector (2022).

• A price increase of 4.1% was registered for food/non-alcoholic segments (2022).

• Consumers expended £240 billion on food, drink and catering (2021).

• The value of food and drink exports was £20.2 billion (2021).

• Approximately 8,285 SME food firms had a turnover of un-

sity issues.

The SIG’s objectives are built around the three components of the IoD’s member value proposition: Connect, Develop and Influence. The group will facilitate connections between directors through live and online panel events, networking and social gatherings.

It will promote knowledge sharing, especially around diversity and inclusivity, through working groups, mentorships and an ambassador programme to foster talent. The SIG will also

ensure directors’ views are promoted to government and media through the IoD’s influential policy unit.

Abid Khan is also known for forging connections between people through the successful Chutney and Chat business networking forums in the West Midlands.

der £22 billion (2022).

• Firms employed 148,000 staff that accounted for 78% of business activity.

• Less than 30% of these firms create bakery products

Unknown to millions of consumers, the UK supplied in 2021 only 58% of food whilst the EU (23%), Africa (5%), North America (4%), Asia (4%) and South America (3%), provided the remaining share of the food consumed in the country respectively. Yet, there are major concerns across the food industry, with consumer studies highlighting major fault lines in one of Maslow’s key ‘hierarchy’ of human needs (Figure 1 below).

Questions such as, ‘How do we tackle strategic and operational management issues affecting the overall food industry in the UK’, continue be raised. In Regions where there are ‘hot spots’; that is, economic deprivation and social exclusion, sitting side by side with spurts of local business formation, positive action has been suggested.

In the absence of any appreciable data on the number of businesses especially ethnic firms that may have benefited from the government’s ‘energy relief support package’ and more, tailored intervention by local and

state officials is urgently needed.

A menu of technical assistance and enterprise support should be activated along these lines.

• 12-month interval measures using a technical assistance/enterprise support model.

• Costing of all interventionist measures should illustrate current budget flexibility.

• Delivery mechanisms should include, local/regional, public, private and civic bodies.

• Areas identified must include ‘under-performing’ and ‘at risk’ food firms.

• There should emphasis on the utility of local facilities and public spaces.

• Food clusters should be specific to catering, retailing and light food manufacturing.

• Recruitment of outreach personnel is vital to any form or type of policy intervention.

• Aims and objectives must be linked to policies at central, regional and local levels.

• Each type of intervention must also imbed ‘Value for Money’ principles.

Undoubtedly, the above set of recommendations will be of immense benefit to the food industry including policy/decision-makers, food specialists and firms overall. CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS Send your stories in to Business
Aw a r d - w I n n I n g journalist, editor and publisher Dr Christopher Johnson writes his monthly column in The Phoenix aiming to inform, educate and entertain.
by Dr. Christopher A. Johnson l Figure 1: Key concerns affecting the UK Food Industry (Source: ‘Food statistics in your pocket’, GOV.UK, 22 February 2023)


Birmingham Airport

(BHX) has celebrated its 10 millionth customer of this financial year.

To mark the moment, Turkish Airlines joined colleagues from BHX to present two free business class tickets to any destination on Turkish network to our 10 millionth customers - a couple called Tony and Jen.

This milestone represents a story of steady recovery for BHX, which emerged from the COVID-19 deep-freeze back in March 2022, when travel restrictions were lifted. Compared to the previous financial year (2021/22), 2022/23 has so far seen a 269% uplift in passengers flying going through BHX.

Tony and Jen were approached today by Turkish Airlines and BHX colleagues who unveiled the wonderful surprise. Tony said: “It’s fantastic to be the 10 millionth customers of Birmingham

airport and we look forward to flying with Turkish Airlines.”

Tom Screen, BHX aviation director, said: “If this time last year you’d have told me that BHX will deliver 10 million passengers in the next 12 months, I would not have believed you.

“Coming out of COVID-19 travel restrictions was tough, but I think I speak for everyone here at BHX when I say that we are thrilled to be welcoming our 10 millionth passenger today. My heartfelt thanks go out to all the staff at Birmingham Airport, and the handling agents, caterers, aircrew, travel agents and customers that have got us to this point.”

Omer Faruk Alier, general manager of Turkish Airlines at BHX, added: “We are so pleased to be giving away this fantastic prize to BHX’s 10 millionth passenger.

"Turkish Airlines ended last year in a great position thanks to its operational ability to meet increasing

demand, with its highly skilled workforce and wide flight network. In addition, the close co-operation with Birmingham Airport has contributed to our success, especially during peak season.”

LTN Zone Makes £2m In Fines Over Four Months


has made almost £2m in four months from driving penalties in Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) zones. The north London council handed out more than 60,000 penalty charge notices between September and December 2022.

Three LTNs were introduced by the council last year on a trial basis, aimed at reducing pollution and boosting walking and cycling. However, some residents have protested against the schemes and say LTNs increase pollution on nearby roads.

Tottenham MP David Lammy was among those calling for changes to be made to LTNs in the borough, after revealing constituents had contacted him about delays to journeys and concerns over the impact on local businesses. LTNs use a combination of

enforcement cameras and physical barriers to stop through-traffic from using residential streets.

By law, surplus revenue from penalty charges must be reinvested by councils in transport schemes such as highways maintenance work and funding for concessionary travel. The LTN revenue figures were revealed by the council in response to a Freedom of Information request by the chair of Tottenham Young Conservatives, Angelos Tsangarides.

Mike Hakata, the council's deputy leader and cabinet member for climate action, environment and transport, said: "We introduced low-traffic neighbourhoods because we want to reduce the overall volume of traffic in and around the area so that the whole community can benefit from cleaner air and safer streets."

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l Tony and Jen are awarded their prize as BHX’s 10 millionth passenger, alongside Tom Screen, Aviation Director, Omer Faruk Alier and Ceren Albayrak from Turkish Airlines.


Preet Chandi became the first woman of colour to complete a solo expedition across Antarctica.

An Army physiotherapist, the 32-year-old travelled over 700 miles in 40 days, in temperatures

of -50C, she faced 60mph winds while pulling a 90kg sled and suffered from exhaustion, as well as persistent sickness. She said she set the challenge because she wanted to inspire others to push boundaries.

Hailing from Derbyshire, in the Midlands, Preet’s training included pulling a tyre along Derby streets and a 27-day trip to Greenland to help become accustomed to the extreme weather conditions, before her polar trek, which included specialist communications equipment to send audio and photos to family during her mission.

Going under the name "Polar Preet", after completing her epic voyage, Capt. Chandi turned to social media, saying: "I made it to the South Pole where it's snowing.

"Feeling so many emotions right

now. I knew nothing about the polar world three years ago and it feels so surreal to finally be here. It was tough getting here and I want to thank everybody for their support.

"This expedition was always about so much more than me. I wanted to encourage people to push boundaries and believe in themselves." Ms Chandi now becomes the third fastest woman to trek across the continent, and the first person to reach the South Pole on foot in two years.

So, what’s next for Polar Preet?

James Webb Telescope’s Amazing Images Show The Universe As Never Before

IT WAS THE $10bn gift to the world. A machine that would show us our place in the Universe.

The James Webb Space Telescope was launched exactly a year ago, on Christmas Day. It had taken three decades to plan, design and build. Many wondered whether this successor to the famed Hubble Space Telescope could actually live up to expectations.

People had to wait a few months while its epic 6.5m primary mirror was unpacked and focused, and its other systems tested and calibrated. But, it was everything they said it would be. The American, European and

Canadian space agencies held a party in July to release the first colour images.

What you see on this page are some of the pictures subsequently published that you may have missed. The first thing you have to remember about James Webb is that it is an infrared telescope. It sees the sky at wavelengths of light that are beyond what our eyes are able to discern.

Astronomers use its different cameras to explore regions of the cosmos, such as these great towers of gas and dust. The Pillars were a favourite target of Hubble. It would take you several years travelling at the speed of light to traverse this entire scene. Page 12 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922 NEWS

Bentley Motors has taken the next step on its journey to become the world’s most sustainable luxury automotive manufacturer with a ground-breaking ceremony for its new Launch Quality Centre and Engineering Technical Centre.

The new facility at Bentley’s headquarters in Crewe, England, will be integral to the brand’s preparations for future Battery-Powered Electric Vehicle (BEV) production and to set a new benchmark in next generation, digital, flexible and high-value manufacturing operations.

Taking a first step, the new buildings will include a replica BEV assembly line as preparation for the introduction of Bentley’s first BEV in 2026.

Furthermore, reinforcing this as a hub for future model development, it includes a software integration centre, prototype workshop, metrology testing and a dedicated area focusing on future materials development.

To mark the occasion, Peter Bosch, Member of the Board for Manufacturing and Dr. Matthias Rabe, Member of the Board for R&D, signed a key structural column – one of 101 such columns in the building.

Costing £35 million to construct, the centre forms part of a £2.5 billion, ten-year investment programme in future products and at the Pyms Lane factory in Crewe, where all Bentley models are handcrafted.

Transforming Crewe into


a ‘Dream Factory’ is key to Bentley’s industry-leading Beyond100 strategy, which will see the company reinvent its entire product range to support an electrified future, while achieving carbon neutral status by 2030.

This digital, zero environmental impact, flexible and high-value manufacturing facility will introduce a go-to-zero approach on the environmental impacts of manufacturing and lead the luxury car industry in next generation digital applications.

The new Launch Quality Centre will take up two floors, each covering 4,000 square metres.

The in-house Metrology team will be located on the ground floor, responsible for measuring every part of a Bentley to the highest standards of precision; the team’s role is fundamental to the quality, performance and longevity of every luxury car that comes off the production line.

The second floor will be home to virtually a complete production proving ground, comprising a laboratory for future materials testing and a mini assembly line to test future BEV assembly.

The Engineering Technical Centre will also be located across two floors, covering a total of

13,000 square metres. The centre will house a prototype workshop for models of the future, materials development and a software integration centre.

Key to the facility’s harmonious integration is a structured, comprehensive application of skills in training, testing and launch preparation for all software and electrical, digital high-voltage systems.

All of these departments will be relocated from their current homes in the A1 building, which is the oldest existing building at the Pyms Lane site and which will be transformed to BEV as-

Unclaimed Benefits Worth More Than £500,000 Unlocked During Special Cost Of Living Advice Sessions

UNCLAIMED benefits and grants worth £500,000 have been identified in less than three months by council staff during special sessions for citizens at two Birmingham Neighbourhood Advice and Information Centres.

sembly in time for production to commence in 2026. In total, the Launch Quality Centre and Engineering Technical Centre will be home to approximately 300 Bentley colleagues and is planned for completion by the end of 2023.

The creation of a ‘Dream Factory,’ is part of Bentley’s forward-thinking Beyond100 strategy, the boldest plan of its kind in the sector. Key to this ambitious programme is the Five-in-Five plan, which commits the British brand to launching a new electric model each year, before 2030.

Since November, the sessions – specifically for cost of living issues – have been held in Erdington and Northfield, with 283 people assisted to maximise their income during these tough times through benefits and grants worth a combined, estimated, total of £509,919. It means each person the council’s expert staff have been able to help could be better off to the tune of £1,801 per year, equivalent to £34 per week that they previously didn’t know they had a legitimate entitlement to.

In some cases, five-figure fees have been unlocked for people that have been supported. Those being helped are a mixture of pre-booked appointments, “walkins” during the sessions or people that council staff have proactively called because they have recently been in receipt of other types of support such as local welfare provision.

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Total People – one of the North West’s largest apprenticeship providers - is set to receive £500K from Aldi to support up to 72 new apprenticeship opportunities across multiple sectors this year.

The news was welcomed by Total People during this year’s National Apprenticeship Week which celebrates apprenticeships focusing on new ‘skills for life’ – the theme of this year’s celebration.

This new funding pledge tops up previous pledges to Total People from Aldi which funded an incredible 92 new apprenticeships with 42 employers, across multiple sectors including hospitality, childcare, health & social care, hairdressing, engineering, pharmacy and professional services. All pledged levy funds will be used to support apprenticeship schemes run by small to medium businesses across the

country, in sectors such as early years education, operations management and hospitality.

Lisa Murphy, Learning & Development Director at Aldi UK said:

“Apprenticeships play a crucial part not only in our sector, but in helping people across the UK, at all levels, reach their full potential.

“Last year, we recruited over 150 of our own apprentices across our Store, Logistics and National Buying teams, and enrolled over 50 existing colleagues onto apprenticeship programmes to help them gain industry-recognised qualifications and develop their skills through practical hands-on experience. We’re really excited to see how our investment will be used by Total People in the communities we serve to help people gain employment and develop new skills.”

Managing Director for Total People, Mel Nicholson, comments:

Edgbaston Gears Up For Ashes With Recruitment Drive

NEXT SEASON promises to be one of the most thrilling in Warwickshire’s history as The Ashes returns to Edgbaston and the Vitality Blast launches in spectacular style with the Blast Off. And you could be part of the action as a member of the Bears family!

The Club has created exciting new roles and is recruiting across various departments which means there is a range of opportunities to join the team at Edgbaston. Operations Director Claire Daniel, said: “There’s never been a better time to join the Bears family. We’ve got ambitious expansion plans at the stadium which will cement our position as a world-leading cricket and conference venue and a focal point of the community.

“Two of the jobs – the Bar Manager and Sous Chef positions – are newly-created roles to support our successful, expanding hospitali-

ty and events business. It’s a great place to work – our latest internal survey showed a 98 per cent job satisfaction rate among our employees – and we’re committed to investing in, developing and supporting our staff.”

The Club has created a new Head of People & Culture role to help further enhance the positive working environment at Edgbaston and drive our culture and values. You don’t need to have worked in a sports setting: we’re looking for an experienced HR professional who’s passionate about people.

The Club is also looking for someone to provide a minimum of nine months’ maternity cover for the Head of Governance position. The role delivers governance processes and administration support to the Board, sub-committees and senior management team.

“This pledged levy transfer will fund nearly 100 new apprenticeship opportunities; providing an opportunity for individuals to gain new skills, knowledge and behaviours as part of their apprenticeship programme.

Apprenticeships are a fantastic way of mastering the practical skills and knowledge in the industry that you work in, together with creating invaluable opportunities for employers to upskill their staff base. We are grateful to Aldi for being a strong partner and providing this important funding.”

Total People, part of LTE group, is one of the largest providers of work-based learning in the Northwest, directly supporting more than 2,000 employers and 6,000 learners with courses. Total People works with a significant number of major employers across a number of vocational areas.

University Business Manager Named Regional Rep For Knowledge Transfer

A UNIVERSITY of Wolverhampton business manager has bagged the role of regional representative for a national innovation agency.

Emma Pearson, Knowledge Transfer Manager (KTP) in the University’s Business Engagement team, has been invited to be the KTP Regional Representative by Innovate UK –representing all West Midlands Universities at national KTP meetings. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships is a UK-wide programme that has been helping businesses for the past 40 years to improve their competitiveness and productivity through the better use of knowledge, technology and skills that reside within the UK Knowledge Base.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships aim to meet a core strategic need and to identify innovative solutions to help businesses grow. KTP often delivers significant increased profitability for business partners as a direct result of the partnership through improved quality and operations, increased sales and access to new markets. Social enterprises see improved results, too. Page 14 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS THE FUNERAL OF MOMMA JEN
As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting the positive and inspirational individuals and organisations in our communities, The Phoenix Newspaper presents Promoting Excellence - a closer look at our role models, entrepreneurs, community figures and success stories.
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It’s an ongoing – and hugely disturbing – trait that’s sweeting social media and other outlets as seemingly respectable women, who are outside junior and/or infant school gates to pick up their children, are seen physically attacking defenceless children, striking them with

blows, the likes of which you would cringe at if it was directed at another adult.

After one widely seen post, an off-duty police officer is facing an assault probe after a pupil was allegedly slapped outside a school in Birmingham. Footage of the incident, posted online, shows a uniformed boy being

hit across the face by the woman near the Nishkam High School.

"Our investigation is in its early stages”, a West Midlands Police spokesperson said, “and we will be interviewing an off-duty police officer at the earliest opportunity”. The off-duty officer is due to be quizzed shortly, West Midlands Police confirmed, with the matter also to be referred to the Independent Office of Police Conduct.

At the nearby Ark St Alban's Academy, in Highgate, a boy was said to have been "restrained" by an officer inside the school, which is under investigation, it has emerged. It's alleged that the 14-year-old pupil was hurt as he reportedly "had to be restrained" during a disagreement.

An initial probe into the incident found no wrongdoing on the part of the officer. However, the boy's father was said to have appealed the decision which was upheld. It seems, though, abuse at school is ongoing.

At Smith’s Wood School, in the West Midlands, Year 9 student, Iniahya, was said to have been physically assaulted by a number of girls, age rage 14 to 16. A knife-wielding Year 11 girl was also said to be involved. “I kept

my daughter away from school before the alleged accused was arrested,” said the mother, “and before the accused received a 2-day exclusion.

Diagnosed with ADHD and conduct disorder, Iniahya was placed in isolation for her own

How Indians Crack One Of The World's Toughest Exams

FOR CLOSE to three years, Gamini Singla stayed away from friends, did not go on a vacation and avoided family meetings and celebrations. She stopped bingeing on takeaways, going to the cinema and stepped away from social media.

Instead, at her family home near the northern Indian city of Chandigarh, she woke up at the crack of dawn, pored over text books and studied for up to 10 hours a day. She crammed, did mock tests, watched YouTube videos of achievers and read newspapers and self-help books. Her parents and brother became her only companions.

protection. Police was said to have not got involved for 2 weeks; saying there wasn't enough evidence. It is understood that her mother contacted Ofsted, and the school governors, but was still waiting for a reply.

"This loneliness allows you to grow," Ms Singla, 24, says. She was preparing for the country's civil service exams, one of the toughest tests in the world. Rivalled possibly only by gaokao, China's national college-entrance exam, India's Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exams funnel young men and women every year into the country's vast civil service.

She qualified to become a part of the elite IAS (Indian administrative service), which mostly runs the country through collectors of India's 766 districts, senior government officials and managers of state-owned companies. Successful candidates get to choose the state where they prefer to work.



GreenSquareAccord, one of England’s largest housing and care providers recently appointed Maxine Espley MBE into the new post of Chief Operating Officer (COO). She will be leading a joined-up operations function which will provide services for more than 54,000 housing customers across central and south west England, covering 25,000 homes, and within more than 100 care and support services.

As COO Maxine will oversee the delivery of the services within the Operations Directorate at GreenSqaureAccord including repairs and maintenance, customer service, homes and communities, asset management and all care and support services. She brings over 30 years of senior operational experience across housing, health and care and an in-depth knowl-

edge of GreenSqaureAccord with her into this crucial new role.

“I am delighted to have been appointed as the Chief Operating Officer”, says Maxine. "I have spent my whole career striving to deliver high quality and customer-focused services and I carry this same ambition and determination into my new role. I am looking forward to working with our many passionate and committed colleagues, our customer panel and our stakeholders to ensure we continue to improve our services and deliver the very best we can for our customers.”

Chief Executive at GreenSquareAccord Ruth Cooke adds: “I am pleased to confirm that Maxine Espley will be stepping into our Chief Operating Officer role. We believe it is more important than ever to bring colleagues in our crucial operational functions together to ensure we can continue

to improve the quality of services for our customers.

“Maxine brings more than three decades of operational experience across the housing, health and care sectors and a huge breadth of knowledge of our business to this new post. She also has a track record of delivering transformational change in complex organisations and I am confident she will deliver positive outcomes for both our customers and colleagues.”

As a Board member of the National Care Forum, a member of the National Housing Federation Health and Housing Group and a Board Director for the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership, Maxine is a well-established voice within the housing and care and support service sectors. In 2022, she was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s New Year Honours list for services to health and social care.

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Example and more announced for final Back 2 Festival lineup

Back for the 7th year running, the UK’s most nostalgic festival, Back 2 Festival, is proud to announce the final lineup for this year’s throwback extravaganza.

Superstar DJ Example and pop rock band The Hoosiers among others will join headline acts Boyzlife and Basshunter on Thursday 30th June – Sunday 3rd July 2023 for a riotous celebration of 00s finest.

Adding to a weekend of banging head-bobbers, Back 2 Festival’s epic lineup of childhood sweethearts will blast gems across the park from the vibrant 80s, 90s and 00s music scene.

New on the bill, Example is the

multi-talented singer, songwriter, rapper, and record producer behind global hits like ‘Changed the Way You Kissed Me’ and ‘We’ll Be Coming Back’.

Also familiar with chart-topping success, The Hoosiers inject bright and bold tunes before delivering their fourth studio album, and first in eight years, in 2023.

Joining the lineup for the festival’s largest year yet are Bristol’s Showhawk Duo, Spanish DJ and Record Producer DJ Sammy, the world’s number 1 Whitney Houston tribute Belinda Davis, British radio and TV presenter Pat Sharp, local singer Kelly Llorrena, Italian Eurodance group Livin Joy, TV talent Gareth Gates, impersonators Kevin & Perry, drum and

bass’ Nicky BlackMarket, singer Marcella Woods, the godfather of oldskool Slipmatt and much more alongside forty of Bristol’s elite DJs.

Combined with a lineup that has already won the hearts of a generation, Boyzlife make audiences swoon with their highly-anticipated collaboration: Boyzone and Westlife. Phone torches will be ablaze for their roster of heart-throbbing ballads.

Returning to the stage for another weekend at the park are two of Back 2 Festival’s most-loved artists: dance legend Basshunter and energetic German trio Cascada will deliver an array of much-requested dancefloor anthems.

These musical pioneers joined

the first phase lineup with pop favourites A1 and 911, Welsh comedy rap group Goldie Looking Chain and much more.

With four monumental stages in total, including two brand-new stages for 2023, Back 2 Festival is welcoming its biggest year yet in style.

Whether you are hunting out the hidden entrance to The Secret Rave Arena, falling into a thumping dance tent hosted by Birmingham’s biggest LGBTQ+ night club, or finishing on a high at Saturday’s Passion tent and the longest-running trance brand in the UK, this year is set to smash expectations like never before.

Catton Park, located next to local gem Catton Hall, is in the heart of the National Forest and equidistant from London, Manchester and Norwich, making it the ideal location for festival goers from across the UK. Page 18 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT THE HOTTEST ENTERTAINMENT SUPPLEMENT /streetcredmagazine /streetcredmagazine Send your stories in to

In The Night Garden Live Arriving At Birmingham Hippodrome

CELEBRATING its 14th Birthday, the smash-hit In the Night Garden Live returns to the stage in 2023 with a fourth major tour of UK theatres, arriving at Birmingham Hippodrome from Monday 8 May –Wednesday 10 May.

As the UK’s favourite family show with all the enchanting characters magically brought to life on stage, In the Night Garden Live is the perfect musical theatre experience for the entire family.

Children’s favourite CBeebies stars – Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka and friends – are all brought beautifully to life in a specially written story - Igglepiggle’s Busy Day - using full-size characters and magical puppets with enchanting music and dancing.

This delightful classic, which premiered in 2010 before becoming a summer entertainment fixture, is a firm favourite with pre-schoolers and their


Seen by over 1.2 million people, the critically acclaimed production has established itself as a must-see first theatre experience for young children.

The 2023 tour will also feature the amazing flying Pinky Ponk, which soars over the heads of In the Night Garden Live audiences – the first time an effect like this has been used in theatres anywhere in the UK.

The Pinky Ponk uses cutting-edge, patented aerodynamic technology pioneered by the specialist German company, Airstage, who have designed and built similar Air Orbs all over the world, including for the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics.

Child Sensation, Kairo Mclean, Leads Array Of Superstars For Juno Reggae Award

with Jah Love. Another Clarendon-reared singer is Ammoye, who earned her 6th nomination for the album Water, which was co-produced by Jamaican producers Natural High.

This is the second nomination for producer Finn, while this is the fifth nomination for Kirk Diamond who is originally from Spanish Town. He won the award in 2018 for Greater.

The 52nd annual JUNO Awards, Canada's equivalent to the Grammys, is scheduled to take place on March 23 at Rogers Place, in Edmonton, in Alberta, and will be aired live on the Canadian Broadcasting Commission (CBC).

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Bar celebrates after winning three trophies in annual awards

Atop Birmingham bar scooped a hat-trick of coveted trophies in a glitzy, stage show-style awards ceremony in the city.

Velvet Music Rooms won ‘Best Bar’ of the year, its general manager Steve Emmison won ‘Best Bar Manager’ of the year, and stafff member Hili Fletcher won ‘Employee of the Year’ at the Wonders of Westside Awards –otherwise known as the WOWs.

The WOWs are hosted annually by Westside Business Improvement District (BID) to recognise individuals and businesses that go the extra mile for customers.

The awards were made on stage at The Crescent Theatre, in the city centre.

Mike Olley, general manager of Westside BID, said: “Staff at Velvet have excelled themselves this year, not only emerging healthily from Covid but also successfully adapting themselves to a changing marketplace.

“As well as being a great Irish bar, Velvet has developed itself as a new magnet for culture in the city, holding two successful art exhibitions on their premises to attract a new and diverse audience.

Velvet has also re-established itself as one of the city’s best major live music venues following the pandemic, hosting the popular

Birmingham Rocks session every Sunday and Henry’s Blueshouse every Tuesday.

“The venue truly deserves its ‘Best Bar’ of the year trophy, and Steve Emmison is a very worthy winner of the ‘Best Bar Manager’ award, while we were also pleased

to recognise Hili Flether as ‘Employee of the Year’.” Sisters and co-bar owners Dani Hadley and Eilis Collins enjoyed a night out to celebrate the awards with their staff.

Ms Hadley said: “We’re thrilled to have won these three top tro-

phies and feel chuffed to have been recognised once again at the WOWs.” Ms Collins added: “Out staff not only deserved these awards but they also very much earned their very own night out and we were delighted to party and celebrate with them.”

The awards were even more special this year with top singer-songwriter Andy Bennett, once part of Ocean Colour Scene, treating the audience to a dazzling musical performance along with local singer Lorraine Olley.

Scott Confirmed To Join Formula 1 STC Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2023 Weekend Line-Up

THE SAUDI Motorsport Company (SMC) – Promoter of the Formula 1 STC Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2023 – is thrilled to confirm that multiple Grammy nominated US rapper, Travis Scott, will perform at this year’s event taking place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia from 17th-19th March 2023. The concert will take place on the Main Stage of the Jeddah Corniche Circuit, F1’s longest and fastest street circuit. With over 40 billion total streams, dozens of gold, platinum, and multiplatinum certifications and eight GRAMMY award nominations to his name, Travis Scott is deserved of the title ‘global phenomenon’.

Last year’s edition of the Formula 1 STC Saudi Arabian Grand Prix proved to be one of the races of the season while the post-race entertainment on the Main Stage ensured the adrenaline kept flowing long after the last car returned to the pits. With Travis Scott now confirmed as the first major headliner of the weekend, it is clear that the Formula 1 STC Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2023 will guarantee three days of non-stop thrills and excitement. It is definitely not to be missed! Page 20 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT
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l Velvet Music Rooms winning ‘Best Bar’ - Photo by Jas Sansi Travis

Food & Fine Dining

Orchards shows support with launch of 2023 Breakthrough Cider Maker Awards

Sandford Orchards is delighted to launch the 2023 Breakthrough Cider Maker Awards.

Now in its third year, these unique awards are free to enter and offer aspiring cider makers advice, guidance and guaranteed listings with the on and off trade. This year, the competition is open to cider makers making up to 50,000 litres a year. The closing date for applications is 28th February 2023.

Barny Butterfield, Chief Cidermaker at Sandford Orchards explains: “We created the Breakthrough Cider Maker Awards three years ago to support the future of our precious UK cider industry.

We aim to seek out Britain's most talented cider makers and provide them with invaluable exposure, mentoring, advice and technical help as well as guaranteed listings in both the on and off trade.

Winning this award provides small scale cider makers with the help and opportunities that they need to progress their business to the next level!”

The 2023 prize includes: business strategy mentoring with Barny Butterfied, founder of Sandford Orchards, a retail listing at Darts Farm, Devon, on-trade listing with one of The Stable restaurants and The London Cider House, £500 to spend with equipment and consumables supplier, Vigo limited, mentoring from Sandford Orchards' cider makers, and a Sandford Orchards winner limited edition cider. Two silver winners will receive a £200 voucher to spend with The Bag in Box Shop. Moreover, everybody who enters will receive thorough,

detailed, actionable feedback on their entry.

The winner will be chosen by a panel of expert judges. Tom Oliver, owner of Oliver's Cider and Perry and one of last year's judges commented: “It was a real honour to be able to taste some of the more forward thinking and progressive cider makers at last year's Breakthrough Cider Maker Awards. The amount of discussion that ensued between the judges was a great indication of

the quality of the cider but also of the many aspects that cider makers need to cover. They must want to grow, whether it is in size or quality, must give great attention to labels, both legally and design wise. They must leave the judges feeling that they really do want to “make a go of things”. If you think as a maker this is you, then this is the award to go for."

Barny adds: “I am so proud that Sandford Orchards has been able to make these awards a reality.

It feels great to be able to give something back to the industry that has given me so much. Bringing cider makers together is always brilliant for sharing ideas and dreaming up plans which we all hope will bring the joy of cider to more and more people. By supporting the energetic future of cider across the country we hope to reach out to curious wine, beer and spirit drinkers and grow the love for this marvellous drink.”

The Breakthrough Cider Mak-

Extra Funding To Support Food Provision Projects

ALMOST A quarter of a million pounds in grant funding is being made available to organisations that help provide struggling families with food. Birmingham City Council is offering grants of up to £3,000 each via the Affordable Food Infrastructure Fund for 75 projects across the city, with £225,000 available in total. This follows the Emergency Food Aid scheme which gave grants to food banks and other providers to buy food and other essential supplies.

er Awards were launched by Sandford Orchards at the end of 2019 and aim to recognise and celebrate excellent quality whole juice ciders from around the UK. They are free to enter and open to cider makers producing between 3,000 and 50,000 litres of cider per year who can enter now at

Damascene Rose Bubbly is Luscombe's 'Drink of Choice' for Mother's Day

CELEBRATE Mother's Day this Spring with Luscombe Damascene Rose Bubbly.

The jewel in Luscombe's crown, organic Damascene Rose Bubbly combines Damascene Rose, Muscat grape juice and Sicilian lemons with sparkling Dartmoor spring water to create a delicious Champagne alternative, perfect for a springtime family gathering to celebrate Mother's Day with loved ones.

Damascene Rose Bubbly is a

delicately fragranced drink to be enjoyed on its own in a flute and garnished with a single strawberry but also pairs perfectly with a variety of canapés or light seafood dishes such as scallops and white fish.

Luscombe is proud to be the first drinks brand to have gained organic accreditation from the Soil Association and like all of the drinks in Luscombe's range, Damascene Rose Bubbly contains no artificial additives,

sweeteners or concentrates. It is available in a box of 12 x 27cl bottles, £26.50 from luscombe. with free UK delivery on all orders over £60.

Awarded a Royal Warrant, Luscombe has been producing beautifully crafted drinks on a farm in Devon since 1975. The range now includes organic fruit juices, crushes, bubblies, tonic waters and mixers plus a traditional organic Devon cider.

The infrastructure fund is aimed at increasing the capacity of the city’s food projects so they can provide more food that is nutritious, hot where appropriate, safe and culturally appropriate to more people in ways that enable dignity and choice and could allow for more socialisation. The money can be used for infrastructure and equipment, such as fridges, freezers, thermal boxes, shelving, other food storage solutions and smaller equipment such as chopping boards.

Councillor Mariam Khan, Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health, said: “Far too many people suffer from a lack of access to nutritious food due to a lack of money and other resources.

“This creates poor diets, low vitamin and mineral intakes which has a negative impact on adults' and children’s health. There can also be knock-on effect on mental health and can lead to poor educational attainment in children.

“While this type of project should be unnecessary in one of the richest countries in the world, it is vital to continue to support food providers who are doing amazing work to help communities. We hope that this funding will help build capacity of food projects to further support Birmingham’s citizens.

“I would therefore urge organisations supporting our vulnerable citizens to consider applying for this fund if they meet the criteria.” Details of how to apply can be found on the dedicated web page.

The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 - Page 21 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS


A BALLOT has opened for 10,000 free tickets for a star-studded concert at Windsor Castle to mark the King's coronation.

The televised show will be on 7 May, the day after King Charles is crowned at Westminster Abbey. The BBC has promised the lineup will feature "musical icons and contemporary stars".

There are 5,000 pairs of tickets in the ballot, which opened at 07:00 GMT on Friday and will close on 28 February. Each applicant in the ballot will be able to nominate a guest.

People must be 18 or over to apply for a ticket, with the guests required to be over 11. The tickets would be allocated based on the geographical spread of the UK population, the BBC said, with those successful notified by late April.

The castle's east lawn would see "a world-class orchestra play in-

Due to phenomenal demand Babatunde Aléshé adds a 3rd autumn

terpretations of musical favourites fronted by fantastic entertainers, alongside performers from the world of dance and the arts", the BBC said. It "will also feature a selection of spoken-word sequences delivered by stars of stage and screen", a statement added.

The evening event will last for two to three hours, with the full line-up to be confirmed later. More tickets will be made available to a range of charities and the event will be broadcast on BBC TV, radio and online.

BBC chief content officer Charlotte Moore said: "The coronation concert on the BBC will bring the nation together to mark this momentous occasion and we are thrilled to be able to offer the public the opportunity to be part of the event at Windsor Castle through a national ballot, as well as providing audiences with exclusive coverage across TV and radio."

leg to his UK headline tour

Babatunde Aléshé is one of the fastest rising stars in British Comedy.

After recently warming the hearts of the nation with his incredible stint in the jungle as part of I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!, he today announces an third Autumn leg of his massive Babatunde Aléshé: Babahood debut UK headline tour due to phenomenal demand. The tour kicked off last night in Brighton.

Cementing his phenomenal rise, September and October’s dates will see Babatunde perform his biggest headline show to date, at London’s Hackney Empire on September 22nd.

A powerhouse performer, his

stand up presents a hilariously fresh perspective, oozing charisma whilst showcasing impeccable stagecraft and comic timing.

A firm TV favourite, the hugely popular award winning comedian, actor and podcaster has appeared in shows including Guessable (Comedy Central), House of Games (BBC), Sorry I Didn’t Know (ITV), The Stand Up Sketch Show (ITV2), Rhod Gilbert’s Growing Pains (Comedy Central), Comedians Giving Lectures (Dave) as well as a cast regular in the BAFTA nominated Celebrity Gogglebox (C4).

In 2022 Babatunde’s Mission Imagination podcast series won a prestigious ARIAS Award. Page 22 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT To Advertise 0208 865 1922
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Lizzo Gets Her First Wax Figure At Madame Tussauds Las Vegas

Lizzo has become the latest star to be immortalised as a wax figure in Madame Tussauds.

The American singer, rapper and flutist revealed on her social media that she had got her first wax figure in the famed waxwork museum’s Las Vegas branch, alongside a video of her going in for a kiss with the wax replica of herself.

Following her instalment, she wrote on social media; “Single handedly one of the most terrifyingly meta moments of my life.

“Thank you @MadameTussauds – now I know what a twosome with Lizzo is like.”

The figure is wearing a replica of the white Atelier Versace dress Lizzo wore to the 2020 Grammy Awards.

Lizzo also shared a photo of herself posing with the figure, as well as other videos. “Introducing WAXXO,” she captioned one of the videos.

In a separate TikTok, she cheekily asked a user, “What would

What A Spectacular

you do with 2 Lizzos?” Madame Tussauds Las Vegas also recently added figures of Missy Elliott, Beyonce and RuPaul.

Lizzo also recently secured a trademark for the phrase “100 per cent that bitch”, which was first made iconic in her 2017 single ‘Truth Hurts’. The song became a sleeper hit in 2019 and she had been trying to make the phrase a trademark ever since but was rou-

tinely turned away by the US Patent and Trademark Office. She emerged victorious this week, however, when the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board ruled that “100 per cent that bitch” is, as a phrase, inexpli cably linked to Lizzo. The artist just performed at both the Gram my and BRIT Awards.

Scene production was on point, as the beautiful swans were gliding gracefully across it, with Miki Mizutani (Odette), and César Morales (Siegfried) especially exciting to watch, with their exquisite talent clearly on show.

During the interval we met with two delightful lovers of the theatre and the arts, none other than Lord Lieutenant of the West Midlands, John Crabtree and his wife. They enjoyed every mo-

It prepared us for what was an evening of love, death and total drama, however the death of both lovers had me Page 24 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922 ENTERTAINMENT

Spectacular Night!

My guest, a kidney transplant recipient, absolutely loved the production.

This was The Phoenix's way of saying 'keep strong' and allowing her time out to enjoy the delightful experience of ballet, the unspoken words of storytelling in action.

Swan Lake is often touted as ballet's greatest love story, Princess Odette, transformed into a swan along with her ladies in waiting by the evil villain Baron von Rothbart, is allowed to return to a human form at midnight.

When Prince Siegfried, who is in the process of being forced to pick a partner by his mother, falls in love with her, the evil Baron schemes to thwart their romance.

For those of you who have never experienced the ambiance of the ballet, it’s time to get those slippers off and pirouette your way to the next production by the Birmingham Royal Ballet!

World's Richest Man Promotes Daughter To Head Dior

THE WORLD'S RICHEST man, Bernard Arnault, has appointed his daughter to head up fashion house Dior.

Mr Arnault promoted Delphine Arnault, 47, as part of a reshuffle at LVMH, Europe's most valuable company. It owns a portfolio of high-end brands including Fendi and Louis Vuitton and is worth about £336bn.

The outgoing head of Dior, Pietro Beccari, will move to replace longtime Louis Vuitton chief executive Michael Burke. “Ms Arnault and Mr Beccari are well respected", said Credit Suisse analyst Natasha Brilliant. “So these are logical promotions within the group."

All five of Mr Arnault's children hold management positions at brands in the group. The changes, which come into effect in February, follow the recent appointment of Antoine Arnault, Bernard Arnault's

eldest son, to head the family's holding company.

Alexandre Arnault, 30, is in charge of products and communication at Tiffany, while Frederic Arnault, 28, is chief executive of another group brand, Tag Heuer. The youngest child, Jean Arnault, 24, heads marketing and product development for Louis Vuitton's watches division.

Mr Arnault's companies sell goods including luxury suitcases by Louis Vuitton and Moet and Chandon champagne. "Succession planning in strategic roles has been instrumental to the success of LVMH's key brands over the past 20 years, hence today's moves are significant," said Thomas Chauvet, an analyst at Citi.

Christian Dior's catwalk presentations in Paris are attended by global celebrities including K-pop

star Jisoo and singer Rihanna, drawing enthusiastic crowds of fans. Delphine Arnault will leave her position as LVMH's executive vice president for Louis Vuitton, which she has held since 2013. Louis Vuitton set new sales records under Ms Arnault's leadership, LVMH said. Similar succession plans have happened at other major fashion companies in recent years. High Street fashion giant Inditex, which owns brands including Zara and Massimo Dutti, appointed the founder's daughter as its new chairwoman in 2021. Marta Ortega was 37 at the time.

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Close up Photos by Emma Kauldhar, Swans photo by Bill Cooper

Spanning classic jazz to world beats, the 2023

Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival will again attract visitors from around the world as the lineup includes international, local and Caribbean music.

Genres include Afro beats, jazz, gospel, Soca, reggae, Zouk, pop and an array of cultural beats and exciting rhythms. The iconic and historic Pigeon Island National Park is the waterside backdrop for the open air performances.

“The 2023 Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival promises to be the best yet, as we continue our tradition of hosting the Caribbean's premier jazz and arts event,” said Minister of Tourism, Hon. Dr. Ernest Hilaire. “The Festival will showcase music, the performing arts, fine arts, creole cuisine and the effervescence of Saint Lucia's creative industries.”

As of January 25, 2023, the musical lineup is as follows, with more details to be announced:

• Friday, May 5 - Kick-Off: Caribbean genres with some of the biggest names from the region headlined by reggae superstar Shenseea and Kes the Band

• May 6-9 - Entertainment & Community Jazz: Explore authentic Saint Lucian culture and people through an eclectic mix of local events

• Wednesday, May 10 - Kingdom Gospel Night: A riveting, inspiring showcase of praise and worship with some of the best names in Gospel, to be announced at a later date

• Thursday, May 11 - Pure Jazz:

2023 Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival announces headliners

Sting, Shaggy and more

Corey Kent Releases Moving, Autobiographical Track For

‘Man Of The House’

RCA Nashville/Sony Music

Nashville signee, Corey Kent, releases his deeply personal, heartfelt and autobiographical track, “Man Of The House”.

The track was produced by Jay Joyce (Eric Church, Cage The Elephant) and written by Kent, Austin Goodloe, Joybeth Taylor and Lydia Vaughan.

about his real life and other people saying, “that’s how I feel, too.” That’s the power of music.”

The track comes on the heels of Kent’s debut at the Grand Ole Opry earlier in January. Kent performed his explosive single RIAA certified platinum single, “Wild As Her.”

Grammy winner, pianist, and composer Gustavo Casenave and special tribute to Saint Lucia's Luther François, the godfather of Saint Lucia jazz

• Friday, May 12 - Caribbean

Fusion: Featuring Buju Banton, Bunji Garlin, Fay Ann Lyons

• Saturday, May 13 - World

Beats: Journey the globe with the best of Afro beats with Rema, Ayra Starr, CKay and Kizz Daniel

• Sunday, May 14 - The Ultimate Celebration and Culmi-

nation on Mother's Day: The most distinctive and influential musician of the century, 17-time Grammy Award winner Sting will headline the evening with Shaggy

The arts scene in Saint Lucia is also celebrated at the Festival. Beginning May 5, there will be community-based events across the island, emphasizing the jazz and arts scenes throughout key communities.

The Arts component of the Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival will be

held under the theme “Art and the City” from May 7-11. The Arts will include visual art, literary art, theater, fashion, an Icon Series, craft and souvenir markets, and a variety of events at the Derek Walcott Square, William Peter Boulevard, Constitution Park, Pointe Seraphine, and Serenity Park. From the visual arts to the theatre, visitors will be immersed in the creativity and vibrancy of Saint Lucia.

Earlier this month, Kent released a special acoustic performance video of the track after receiving love from his fans when he teased the track across his social media platforms.

“’Man of the House’ is the most therapeutic & heartfelt song of my career,” says Kent. “I had no idea that people would connect with it the way they have already.

"The thousands of people sharing their stories in the comment section of the teasers have blown my mind. It’s just a kid talking

The free-spirited and high-energy track has garnered over 190 million on-demand streams, landed Kent his first-ever entry onto the Billboard Hot 100, reached #15 on the Hot Country Songs Chart and is currently inside the Top 20 at Country Radio. Watch the “Wild As Her” music video. He also released two additional tracks in 2022, “Hood of That Car” and “How You Know You Made It” as well as his ’22 Tapes EP which was a collection of 4 songs that Kent wanted to share with his fans Page 26 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922 ENTERTAINMENT

Behind The Make Up: Meet Lujane Oud –an inspiring next geN drag queen

Back in January, London’s Excel played host to one of the world’s largest international drag conventions featuring iconic international drag queens across the RuPaul’s Drag Race franchise as well as upcoming rising stars hoping to make it big in the world of drag.

In the second part of our ‘Behind The Make Up’ series The Phoenix Newspaper is excited to talk to newcomer to the scene ‘Lujane Oud’ about her cultural heritage, hardships, inspirations and dreams for the future.

You have exotic roots as your drag name suggests, what is your cultural background?

My father is from Kuwait and my mum is Moroccan - Amazigh, who are indigenous to north Africa, so my roots are mixed Arabian and African.

My parents live in Kuwait though my mum's side of family lives in Morocco. Some of my siblings were raised in Morocco. However, I was raised in Kuwait.

I live and work in the UK and my day-to-day job is regulatory affairs specialist which is basically a fancy way of saying liability specialist for pharmaceutical industries. During the weekends, I am a drag performer.

Who inspired you to do drag?

I have been doing drag since November 2021 however I didn't start performing until 2022. Some of the drag queens who inspire me include Jaida Essence Hall, Pangina Heals, Symone and Valentina.

Something about them using their ethnicity and race as the main theme of their drag got me so inspired to utilize Arabian and North African fashion and drag it up. Being so niche maybe be unique in the drag community.

Watching Jaida Essence Hall on RuPaul’s Drag Race during lockdown got me motivated to start experimenting with make-up and then I started doing drag.

Thinking about your ethnic, religious and cultural background, is there a conflict with doing drag?

A lot, obviously culture and religion have been very cherry picked and people who follow it can make contradicting life choices such as drinking alcohol and committing dreadful crimes that doesn't represent the religion and culture.

This clouded my relationship to my religion and culture. Since I come from two ethnic backgrounds, it was interesting to see how both backgrounds stereotype

each other.

There were times when I was younger where I felt forced not to feel proud of myself, which to some extent even made me wish I was white and this narrative was enforced with beauty standards in social media.

That's when drag and said drag queens (above) came into my life and helped me improve myself and my image not only as a queer but as an Arab and as North African. I perform once or twice a month.

My drag seems to appeal mostly to cis women or people of colour/ BAME which is so beautiful to see. Most of my fans are people of colour and they keep pushing me to put my name out there as they always feel represented even though they aren't Arabs.

What is the meaning behind your drag queen name

‘Lujane Oud’?

Because I tend to focus a lot on folklore fashion, I wanted an archaic Arabic word; so ‘Lujane’ is an old classic Arabic word meaning molten silver. ‘Oud’ means agarwood, the same wood that luxury brands use to create Arabian fragrances.

Usually, Arabian fragrances are associated with luxury and opulence, so I wanted to use the word ‘Oud’. Which gives the name ‘Silver Agarwood’ or ‘Luxury Folklore’.

Tell us about your stunning picture

This was a photoshoot that I did in December last year. I was going through all my custom-made Arabic outfits, and this is my favourite and the classic Lujane Oud, very Bedouin, very unfiltered when it comes to her identity and tradition and very niche. This picture was taken by a good friend of mine name Stuart.

When we met at DragCon you were filming a documentary, what can you tell us about it?

I sought political asylum in UK. My father comes from an established background and being his first child, I had a lot of expectation to live up to his name and his father's name.

I became a best-selling author at age 15 in Kuwait where I wrote an abstract book about modern slavery. This started the path of being in the media's spotlight for a while.

My homosexuality and "lifestyle" were found out when I was studying in Ireland. This made my parents do damage control including therapy and keeping me away from media.

It was not until 2019 where I made the headlines for one of my

books and again, I had reporters digging into my life.

I decided to take the step and seek asylum in UK and avoid any contact from family and Kuwait and live my life without fear and dropping all that I had to oblivion. This is what the documentary wanted to explore. Thank you for being so open. You have overcome so much in your life. What are your dreams for the future?

Living my life in it's ultimate form. I really want to be first person of colour winner of Drag Race UK. And I really want to advocate on social political platforms for migrant workers in the Middle East and promote access to health care in low-income countries, as this is my job.

I want to incorporate my drag into a world where I create a bridge of communication between the queer community and aiding people through poverty and access to health.

It's always interesting to me that queer community solely like to talk about LGBTQ issues but ignore greater issues such as topics like young girls been taken out of education because of lack of funding and access to resources; access to sanitary water supplies in rural regions of low-income countries, malaria vaccine accessibility and child labour.

What would you say to people from similar backgrounds who are battling with their identities and would like to do drag but may be afraid to?

Excellent question. Do it for yourself first, honestly exploring your identity isn't a sin nor a race so don't rush it. Take your time.

Be safe even within our community, start by going on the drag scene ‘privilege to guide them through resources to help them explore their identity.

I will also repeat, be safe above all else.

Thank you so much Lujane Oud, we wish you the very best for the future!

To follow Lujane Oud on Instagram, use the handle ‘lujane_oud’. Look out for more chats with iconic queens in future editions of The Phoenix Newspaper Tickets are on sale now for RUPAUL’S DRAGCON LA on 12th and 13th May 2023.

Season 15 of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ is currently available exclusively in the UK via the streamer of all things drag, WOW Presents Plus, with new episodes dropping on Saturdays at 2AM GMT.

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Aston Martin opens its doors to ambitious women and girls on International Women’s Day

Aston Martin is to cast open its doors to women and girls as part of an event to inspire the next generation of talent and highlight employment opportunities in the automotive sector on International Women’s Day.

Celebrating International

Women’s Day on Wednesday 8

March, Aston Martin will invite ambitious women and girls from across the country to visit Aston Martin Works, its iconic heritage site in Newport Pagnell, and experience a day in the life of an Aston Martin employee.

The day will include a tour of the Newport Pagnell facility and heritage dealership, as well as a conversation and panel event in partnership with the Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula OneTM team. Guests will also have the chance to hear from female leaders across Aston Martin’s business, before enjoying a meeting with Aston Martin Formula OneTM team Chief Information Officer, Clare Lansley. The event is aligned to Aston Martin’s Racing.Green sustainability strategy announced in 2022, with the British ultra-luxury brand setting bold targets across all aspects of the business, from tackling climate change,

creating a better environment and building a stronger, more diverse, and more inclusive company. A key component of the strategy is a goal for 25% of all leadership roles at Aston Martin filled by women within the next five years. The company continues to work towards its women in leadership target, while also supporting ongoing efforts to create equitable spaces for all.

Aston Martin Chief People Officer, Simon Smith, said: “Aston Martin is passionate about increasing female leadership at the company as well as inspiring girls to consider the huge career opportunities within the automotive sector. Through initiatives like this event on International Women’s Day and our successful Graduate/Apprenticeship programmes, we are confident that

we can find the right talent for the future of Aston Martin.”

Clare Lansley, Chief Information Officer of Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula OneTM team said: “This year the Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant F1TM team joins forces with Aston Martin in a bid to Embrace Equity and offer opportunities to ambitious women and girls. We are excited to host the event at Aston

Dacia Celebrates A Decade Of Redefining The Essentials In The UK

Dacia is popping good value, but excellent quality, champagne as it begins celebrations for its 10year anniversary since its official launch in the UK in 2013.

The brand is marking a decade of redefining the essentials and providing the nation’s drivers with an unprecedented blend of value and quality.

When Dacia launched, David Cameron was the UK’s Prime Minister and the last word in tech was the release of the Apple iPhone 5S and 5C.

2013 would also be memorable for the birth of Prince George of Wales and Sir Alex Ferguson retiring as Manager of Manchester United.

Martin’s heritage site Aston Martin Works in Newport Pagnell and look forward to the future generations of women and girls joining our organisations – as we continue to drive an inclusive workplace for all.”

Open to women and girls, the day is aimed at those wanting to find out more about career opportunities within the ultra-luxury automotive sector.

To tease its arrival in the UK, Dacia used the 2012 Goodwood Festival of Speed to unveil the now iconic Duster ahead of official arrivals the following year. Soon after the event, Dacia opened online pre-orders which saw 2,000 consumers invest in a brand that was new on the scene. Later the same year, ahead of January 2013 registrations, pre-orders also opened for the Dacia Sandero.

A trailblazer at the time, and now a mainstream volume brand, Dacia launched at a perfect time. Page 28 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS MOTORS To Advertise 0208 865 1922


As the rude rebel of the automotive industry, Lynk & Co sets out to do things…differently. The head office in Gothenburg, Sweden, is no exception.

When entering the brutalist headquarters, you’re immediately struck by the out-of-this-world aesthetics.

The crude concrete floor, the dotted centerpiece sofa, the giant smiley face that bursts through the wall. And in the far back – the 01 car. It’s a creative mix of the raw and the elaborate, with a constant element of surprise.

“Lynk & Co is here to disrupt the automotive industry, not to align with it. Having a boring office is out of the question. It needs to be wow! If we don’t live and work in a non-conformist fashion, then we’re not truthful to the brand.

"It’s all about honesty and authenticity. We must stay true to the vision, and it must permeate everything from the offer to the office. I think our design team has outdone themselves,” said Alain Visser, CEO at Lynk & Co.

Wrong in just the right way

“Urban traces” has been a mantra for Lynk & Co’s design team and the local, Gothenburg based, New Order Arkitektur firm when choosing sustainable materials, picking out the re-used office furniture and creating the interior. The spaces were designed to feel lived-in. As if they already had a history. And in a sense, they do. When putting up the concrete walls the team told the craftsmen

to leave their measurements and scribbles on the walls and stop before they were done. Looking at the walls now, they still bare traces of the design process. And that’s the point. Doing things differently to inspire the creative minds that work there.

“When picking out the floor for the building, we really got on the contractor's nerves. Whichever floor they showed us, it was too neat. Too nice-looking. We wanted raw. And when they took us to a warehouse to show what a botched concrete floor looked like, we fell in love. For them it was wrong. For us, it was wrong in just the right way,” said Alain Visser.

Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust Replaces Entire Rapid Response Fleet

Rolls-Royce Spectre: Hot Weather Testing


ROYCE’S genre-defining all-electric super coupé, has now covered almost two million kilometres as it completes the third phase of the most rigorous testing programme ever devised in the marque’s 118year history.

This has already surpassed every Rolls-Royce testing programme before it – and it is still far from over.

Spectre is currently undergoing extreme hot weather tests in two locations in South Africa: Augrabies in the Northern Cape; and Franschhoek, the ‘French Corner’ in the Western Cape winelands.

The stable yet contrasting climates provide some of the finest summer-weather driving in the world, with dry and extremely hot conditions in the north and more humid, Mediterrane-

an-style, conditions in the south. At its hottest, temperatures can exceed 50°C, while the southern region hosts a great variety of surfaces and terrains, including twisting country roads replete with gravel, dust and dirt. Truly testing conditions, by any measure.

During this stage, engineers are observing and refining every system, hardware item and software protocol that has been developed over the course of almost two million kilometres of continuous testing.

Only through such painstaking assessments can Rolls-Royce’s technical experts achieve the exacting levels of ride refinement that are so central to the experience beloved by clients, and successfully translate the marque’s defining ‘Magic Carpet Ride’ to the new all-electric paradigm.

Škoda’s flagship Kodiaq SUV is continuing to prove its worth on the frontline, with Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust set to add 106 specially modified vehicles to its Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) fleet.

The 106 Kodiaqs will take over from the much-loved cohort of Octavia Scouts that have been run as rapid response vehicles for six years. The Octavia Scouts clocked-up 90,000 miles of service on average, with some being used for up to 130,000 miles due to location.

Taking on emergency response duties, the Kodiaqs have been

converted by Pressfab EVO Limited to carry a comprehensive range of medical equipment and supplies to support frontline operations. As well as 360-degree lighting, bespoke storage, livery, all the vehicles are equipped with emergency services’ communication equipment.

The Trust covers an area of nearly 6,000 square miles, and in 2021-22 it responded to nearly 850,000 incidents, making its rapid response vehicles a vital resource when responding to the needs of patients in an emergency.

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The interior space was designed by Lynk & Co’s own design team and New Order Arkitektur, and the art is made by the Swedish artist EKTA. It was recently awarded Gold for Best Interior Design at the Architecture Collection awards.


It’s the perfect midweek evening out, where creative wordsmiths, from across a wide metropolis, gather to delight in the arts of poetry, singing, comedy, African drumming, drama and all-round edu-tainment.

‘Wednesday Mic Fever’ has been delighting audiences from near and far afield, for seven years now, as

a cross-section, cross-generational wide communities delight in the art of the spoken word, as poets, rappers and, well, just great speakers are afforded the perfect platform so that they can accentuate the skills and talents they have within, but has never before had the opportunity to express openly.

Taking place on the first Wednesday of every month, marking its 7th anniversary this year, the non-funded community event, held at the Legacy Centre of Excellence, in Birmingham, is giving people far more than what they bargained for in an evening out, as the added mixture of music, dance and first-class company makes this show hard to miss.

Created by the incredibly stoic, incredibly successful poet and performer, who was also one of the 12 designated 2012 London Olympics Games Poets, and performed for the Jamaican Olympics team at Symphony Hall.

Ita Gooden, aka ‘Miss Culture Jam’ took the concept of the spoken word as an entertainment art form, before adding the extra ingredient of inviting some of the region’s most established jazz artists, drummers and singers, to give all ‘a little bit of this, and ‘a little bit of that’, plus extra for all to want far, far more.

Herself a celebrated poet, she has always yearned for the perfect avenue to share her love of the spoken word, having started the concept in 2016. “Having performed with my poetry for so long in many venues, in many cities” Ita says, “Wednesday Mic Fever came about when I was approached by the then Mango Lounge proprietors, Justin and Juliet, who were looking for a midweek

poetry session.

“I agreed to create a platform for established and up-and-coming artists of varying genres, and I suggested that I would start off with poetry, jazz singing, African drumming – with more to come. The irony being that Justin at the time, said he did not like jazz! He’d soon change his views there.”

“I spoke to international jazz singer, Judith Rowe a.k.a ‘Miss Emeline’, Chester Morrison and Michael George, who were poets and African drummers and asked them if they would be part of this team – They all gave a resounding “YES!!!”

We were originally looking for a Thursday event, however that was already taken. The next slot available was a Wednesday. The question was; ‘what was I going to call the event?’ I agonised over the title for days until my daughter Michelle came up with ‘Wednesday Mic Fever’.

She created a simple flyer, which was in use until March 2022, when MRC Media got involved and created the current design.

During the Mango Lounge period, other artists came onboard the team, such as fellow-poet, Sue Brown, who was also a figurehead to a writing group, called Writers Without Borders’ and now serves as Artist coordinator at Wednesday Mic Fever. Other artists was then co-opted, such as poet Predencia Dixon, musician/drummer Asher Barnes, drummers John Bailey and Spicy Fingers. There was also videographer David Rollerson. The audience numbers were about thirty to forty to start, by 2020 it grew to standing room only.

With regular filming and sound

recording of all shows, prominent DJ Chicken George, followed by Fitz and a brief stint by Rass Man and current resident DJ Gee Tee would get on board and become very much integral to the growth of Wednesday Mic Fever - there was even the added bonus of Miss Culture Jam giving away free mangos to raffle winners whilst at the Mango Lounge.

“The last performance there”, Ita remembers, “was January 8, 2020. The then-coming 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games meant that the Mango Lounge had to be knocked down” and a new venue was needed. Having been based at the Mango Lounge since 2016, the vast attention on the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games, and the Covid lockdown, saw change for Ita and her growing band of poets, which then relocated to the Legacy Centre of Excellence. The first show at Legacy was in March 2020.

“We then missed out on a couple of years,” Ita said, “because of the pandemic, so, the next show wasn’t until April 2022.

Judith, since, got married and moved to US before touted jazz performer, Mabowunje took her pace. A regular running-order in place, and open mic slots provided opportunities for all generations of artists, and the chance for the audience to have a great and unique experience.

But, despite this, for a poet, writer and recording artist and author, Miss Culture Jam: “The team has grown since relocating - with a core membership of 13 individuals with various skill sets. As the only club of its sort in Birmingham, people are said to travel from as

far as Manchester and London to be part of it. Now you can see and hear singers, dancers, and comedians added to what is a very special night, with the likes of established saxophonist Millicent Stephenson and up-and-coming, Tiny Sax, Dub poet, More Culture, has performed there before, and supports the gig with his presence on a regular basis.

“I don’t do boring,” Ita says. Furthermore: “Now I’m on a mission for more young performers, it’s about seeing people excel.”

With regular artists, the likes of singer, D’Aggro, Jacqui & Clifford, JudiBlu, Miss P, Vivian Yates, Kokumo, saxophonist Janice Pryce (a.k.a. A# Sharp), Nubian Salsa Kings & Queens, plus WMF drummers – Chester as lead drummer and John and Michael – who were the main attractions for the February showcase.

Also playing integral parts were the photographer and videographer, the Carty brothers, Dorell and Mark respectively. Mark is also a stagehand. Other team members include admin volunteer Michelle Gooden, steward, Glen Mc-Ewan, frontof-house pair, Sylvia Gooden and Patricia Minott, plus the addition of volunteer, Jackie, who stands in when required.

Ita was recently absent from the scene, due to bereavement, during which Mabowunje and Chester jointly hosted the event and the entire team kept the show running. The numbers were down, but, since her return, is back up to capacity.

Wednesday Mic Fever provides a platform for established and upand-coming artists and is a place for people to socialise and make new friends. And, there are several stallholders are in situ, selling the very

best of their fineries, tempting the audience with their wares

An ideal place to tackle mental health issues, at a time when there is so much pressure, there’s something for anyone aged 16 years and over who enjoys an affordable and welcoming environment with a variety of entertainment. It’s a place to entertain and be entertained! Page 30 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT To Advertise 0208 865 1922

Sir Tom Jones announces Cardiff Castle headline show

It has been 21 years since he last headlined in the Welsh capital, but legendary icon

Sir Tom Jones has confirmed a date at Cardiff Castle this summer, as part of his ‘Ages and Stages’ tour.

The star will perform live in the castle grounds on Friday 21st July 2023. The announcement follows on from his appearance alongside the Stereophonics at two sell-out dates at the Principality Stadium last year. Organisers DEPOT Live are encouraging people to register early for ticket updates.

Sir Tom’s remarkable music career spans more than six decades in the business, and at the age of 82, he is without a doubt one of the most famous singers on the planet. He has sold over 100 million records, with thirty-six Top 40 hits in the United Kingdom and nineteen in the United States, including It’s Not Unusual, Kiss, Delilah, What’s New Pussycat, I’ll Never Fall In Love Again and If I Only Knew. The highest-selling album of

Jones' career, Reload, reached number one in the UK Albums Chart in 1999 and again in 2000, and spawned the huge anthems

Mama Told Me Not to Come, Sex Bomb and Burning Down the House. But he has received the best reviews of his career for his more recent albums, including Long Lost Suitcase, Spirit In The Room and Praise & Blame.

His 41st studio album Surrounded By Time was released in April 2021 to wide critical acclaim, cementing him as “an ongoing triumph of hope and experience.”

- The Independent. The album made him the oldest male to claim a Number 1 spot on the UK Official Album Chart with an album of new material, overtaking Bob Dylan.

Nick Saunders, founder of DEPOT Live said: “We are absolutely thrilled to be bringing the Voice from Pontypridd back to the Welsh capital this summer; we know it’s something that people have waited a long time for."

MARCH Gig Listings




09 Beth Hart (SH)

10 BBC Radio 2 Sounds of the 80s: The Live Tour (SH)

11 Lost In Music: One Night at the Disco (SH)

11 Dick And Dom In Da Bungalow Live (TH)

12 CBSO Family Concert: Film Favourites (SH)

13 Lunchtime Organ Concert with Thomas Trotter: The Pride of Birmingham - A History of Town Hall (TH)

13 Sound and Vision From StratfordUpon-Avon College: Bond Rocks (TH)

15 CBSO plays Romeo and Juliet (SH)

16 Neighbours: The Celebration Tour (SH)

17 Josh Pugh (TH)

17 Nathan Carter and his band (SH)

18 BANFF Mountain Film Festival

World Tour 2023: Blue Film Programme (TH)

18 BANFF Mountain Film Festival

World Tour 2023: Red Film Programme (TH)

20 Magdalen College School Presents an Orchestral and Choral Concert (SH)

21 Suede (SH)

21 Choir!Choir!Choir! The Epic 80’s Singalong! (TH)

25 Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers with Live Brass Band (TH)

26 Darren Hayes: Do You Remember Tour (SH)

27 Lunchtime Organ Concert with Daniel Moult (TH)

27 140 Years of KEHS: An Evening Celebration (TH)

28 Gordon Buchanan: 30 Years In The Wild Tour (TH)

31 Firedance: Gorka Marquez & Karen Hauer (SH)

The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 - Page 31 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS
ACADEMY March 02 Nova Twins 03 Punk Rock Factory 03-04 Fatboy Slim 07 Bullet For My Valentine 08 Loyle Carner - The 'Hugo' Tour 09 The Backseat Lovers 10 Lamb of God: State of Unrest UK/ EU Tour 10 The Slow Readers Club 11 Stiff Little Fingers 11 The K's 12 Cassyette 17 BERWYN 18 Beartooth 18 Joesef 19 I Prevail 23 PENGSHUi 23 A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie 23 Tom Walker 24 Spiral City 25 The Lancashire Hotpots 26 Blackberry Smoke - You Hear Georgia Tour 26 Black Honey 27 Clavish 28 Sam Ryder 29 Kranium: WI DEH YAH UK TOUR 30 Fearless Vampire Killers O2 INSTITUTE March 02 Self Esteem 03 Hundred Reasons 04 Eliza 04 Isaiah Rashad: LIL SUNNY’S AWESOME EUROPEAN VACATION 11 Olivia Dean 11 Napalm Death 11 The Jettys 12 ARON 14 James TW 14 Sleeping With Sirens 17 The Answer 17 The Lathums 18 Iridium 21 Death Cab For Cutie 23 Babatunde Aléshé: Babahood 23 Sungazer 26 Jack Garratt 25 The Rushmore 27 Lovejoy 29 The Ghost Inside 30 Rainbow Kitten Surprise 30 Quinn XCII: The People’s Tour 31 Bloodywood 31 The Steve Hillage Band 31 Home Schooling RESORTS WORLD ARENA March 09-12 Crufts & Best In Show 2023 21 Chris Brown 23 Peter Kay 26 Elton John 28 Snoop Dogg I Wanna Thank Me Tour UTILITA ARENA March 03 Michael starring Ben 04 Panic! At the Disco 09 Lizzo The Special Tour 10 Tom Grennan 14-19 YONEX All England Open Badminton Championships 2023 24 Don Broco + Very Special Guests Papa Roach + Dance Gavin Dance 29 Give ‘Em What They Want Tour Jim Jefferies 30 Micky Flanagan If Ever We Needed It... NEC March 03-05 The National Wedding Show 03-04 What University? & What Career? Live 04 The Midlands New Home Show 04-05 The National Equine Show 09-12 Crufts 16-19 Fashion & Embroidery 16-19 Sewing For Pleasure with Fashion & Embroidery 16-19 The Creative Craft Show 18-19 The National Outdoor Expo 18-19 Naidex 23-26 The National Homebuilding & Renovating Show 24-25 Dyslexia Show 24-26 Practical Classics Classic Car & Restoration Show 25-26 TokFEST TOWN HALL & SYMPHONY HALL
02 The Dream of Gerontius: CBSO
Turin Brakes
support (TH)
Daniel Martinez Flamenco Company:
of Believing (TH)
Levellers: Acoustic Tour (SH)
Urzila Carlson: It's Personal (TH)
B:Classical 2022/23:
Schubert Piano Sonatas
Jurassic World in Concert: Film with Live Orchestra
and Sir Andrew Davis
Paul Lewis
Elgar &
Schumann: CBSO and Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla
Send your stories in to ENTERTAINMENT
l Resorts World Arena welcomes Peter Kay on the 23rd!

Leave PC At The Door For Spitting Image At The REP

Spitting Image 'Live On Stage' brings the TV show you remember from its hey day and puts it on stage, in a show that brings you tiny Tom Cruise, Queen on Queen, and an array of male genitals leading to an explosive end to the first half!

Featuring musical interludes and parodies that will have you humming them on the way out, an irreverence that will leave some people upset, and the most fantastical puppeteer

group that brings everything to life, Spitting Image is truly a wonder to behold.

With up to the minute information being portrayed in the show each night, including on the night we saw it, references to Nicola Sturgeon's resignation and becoming "truly independent", you can honestly say that no two shows will truly be the same.

Technically, the show is brilliant, with an impressive cast of celebrities, an interesting

storyline of Tom Cruise recruiting a crack team to save the fabric of the UK (a pair of disintegrating bloomers), to be thwarted by the "baddies"a number of current and ex world leaders and a Tory cabinet-cum-halloween that terrorises the group.

Sean Foley, Matt Forde and Al Murray have done a fantstic job of bringing this to the stage, with highly accurate impressions, top

quality writing (and re-writing) and a great all round package.

Spitting Image: Idiots Assemble is at Birmingham REP until the 11th March.

The Way Old Friends Do

Funny, touching and full of surprising twists and turns, The Way Old Friends Do follows Peter and Edward, old school friends who reconnect through Grindr of all things, who end up putting together a drag ABBA tribute act, 'Head

Over Heels'.

Written by Ian Hallard who plays Peter, and directed by Mark Gatiss (Mycroft from BBC's Sherlock), the show is funny from start to finish, with big laughs from the quick one liners and and quips.

The Brummie charm and Birmingham references were great touches, and the amazing set design and use of space was im-


James Bradshaw as Edward opposide Hallard is fantastic, allowing the flow of conversation to bounce delightfully, with Donna Berlin as the stage manager you don't want to mess with, Andrew Horton as an ABBA fan to keep your eyes on, and Rose Shalloo as the nervous Jodie.

Tariye Peterside stood in for Sara Crowe as Mrs Campbell, and gave such an amazing performance, the audience were hanging off her every word, waiting for the next perfectly delivered one liner.

It's a great laugh and certainly one to catch before it finishes its run at the Birmingham Rep on March 4. Page 32 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922 ENTERTAINMENT


The Dye & Durham Irish Law Awards 2023 acknowledge excellence and recognise the outstanding achievements and exemplary practices of leading law firms, legal practitioners and in-house legal teams across Ireland.

The Dye & Durham Irish Law Awards 2023 are judged by a panel of experts. All nominations received are sent to judges and reviewed according to set crite-

Education Minister To Address DIB Conference


New and exciting categories for 2023:

• Mental Health & Capacity Law Firm/Team/Lawyer of the Year

• Legal Educator of the Year

• Banking & Finance Legal Team/Lawyer of the Year,

• Pharma/Life Science Law firm/Lawyer of the Year.

• Richard Hammond, Chairperson of the Irish Law Awards Judging Panel & Martina Winters, Sales & Marketing Manager of Dye & Durham at the launch of the Dye & Durham Irish Law Awards 2023

Director of Dye & Durham, Brian Sweeney, says:

“We are delighted to sponsor the Irish Law Awards again this year. The legal industry has a crucial role to play in our society, and it is only fitting that we recognise and celebrate the dedication and outstanding contributions of these law firms, legal practitioners, and in-house legal teams who are making such an impact."

THE RECENTLY appointed government minister, Gillian Keegan MP, has been confirmed as the latest keynote speaker at the Downtown in Business ‘Change Makers Live 2023’ national conference. She has been confirmed as the latest keynote speaker at the national conference, which takes place at the award-winning Spine Building in Liverpool’s Knowledge Quarter on Thursday 2nd March.

Gillian was named as the Secretary of State for Education in October. Having started her own career as an apprentice, she has been a long-time advocate of education reform to help to fill the long-term challenges of skills gaps in the labour market.

The DIB Group chair and chief executive Frank McKenna said: “We are delighted that the minister has agreed to join what is an already impressive line-up of speakers. The event will generate ideas, discussion, and debate about how we can grow the economy in the future, how we deal with the new challenges of the 21st Century, and take advantage of new technologies, health and scientific advancement.

The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 - Page 33 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS Send your stories in to
BUSINESS AND FINANCE To Advertise 0208 865 1922
l Richard Hammond, Chairperson of the Irish Law Awards Judging Panel & Martina Winters, Sales & Marketing Manager of Dye & Durham at the launch of the Dye & Durham Irish Law Awards 2023

Celebrating the best of the regions

Gathered for this major, now well-established, annual black-tie awards show at Birmingham’s Vox Conference Centre, leading figures - especially those from the business-to-business sector – mingled, shared anecdotes and celebrated some of the UK’s top, ostensibly brilliantly-run business people

and enterprises, as the world continued to be pulled-up, “by the boot laces,” out of what has been a trying year or so, since the world was put on hold, and businesses were still recovering from the effects of Covid – and there after!

Organised by the ever-popular Ninder Johal, this year’s headline sponsors were Aerotyres powered by GB Tyres,

in Page 34 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS THE SIGNATURE AWARDS 2023 BIRMINGHAM To Advertise 0208 865 1922
l Business Person of the Year Craig McVoy (Turnkey) l L-R Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion - Steps to Work, Highly Commended Sponsored by Investec, SME of the Year - Sherbet Donkey Media, Enterprise of the Year - Petalite, Promoting Apprenticeships - BBC Apprentice Hub, Business l L-R Start Up - Desi City, Contribution to the Region - James Wong, Excellence in Real Estate - Fraser Stretton, Business of the Year - Lander Automotive, Excellence in Technology - Cellomatics Biosciences, Excellence Financial

regions businesses and entrepreneurs

who, in praising the Signature Awards, and its organiser, thrilled: “It was a pleasure to be headline sponsors and help celebrate the very best in business and those who have successfully driven their respective organisations forwards.”

Hosted by the irrepressible comedian and raquenter, Aaron James, this, the

Nachural Signature Awards continues to be at the head of its field, as it continues to acknowledge the importance of individuals, groups, organisations and businesses, both manufacturing and the service industries locally, nationally and worldwide.

The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 - Page 35 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS THE SIGNATURE AWARDS 2023 BIRMINGHAM Send your stories in to Business Woman of the Year - Dr Rupa Parmar (Midland Health), Community Excellence - The Jericho Foundation, International Business of the Year - Primo Dialler, Young Business Person of the Year Bilal Farooq (Greystone Solicitors) Services - HSBC UK, Excellence in Legal Services - Mackrell Solicitors, Innovative Business of the Year - Probuild 360
l Entrepreneur of the Year - Manny Athwal (School of Coding)

Adoption@Heart, the regional adoption agency for the Black Country, is appealing for more families to come forward to adopt a child into a safe, loving, and permanent home.

Working in partnership with the City of Wolverhampton Council, Dudley Council, Sandwell Children’s Trust and Walsall Council, it is calling for all those who are considering adoption, or would like some more information, to take the next step and get in touch.

Adopters are needed from all walks of life and families are particularly sought for older children, groups of brothers and sisters, children from an ethnic minority background, and children with additional needs.

There are some misconceptions around who can adopt, and many people mistakenly rule themselves out. Adoption@Heart wants to help combat those misconceptions to encourage more people to come forward and find out more.

Lots of people can adopt, whether they are single, living together, married, a same sex couple, have a disability, in employment or not working, or already have children.

Potential adopters must legally be a UK resident and have been so for at least 12 months, as well as being aged 21 or over. There is also no upper age limit.

Adoption@Heart’s Head of Service Lisa Preston said: “As a new year begins, we often find people enquire into adoption as they consider the year ahead.

“We are always looking for more parents who can give children a secure home; giving them lots of individual time, understanding and on-going support to help them reach their full potential.

"We need a diverse range of people from within the community, irrespective of gender, sexual



CCS Adoption Wins Agency Commendation

CCS ADOPTION was recently named as the recipient of the 2022 agency commendation award from New Family Social's LGBTQ+ adopter and foster carer members. The announcement came at the close what was the New Family Social's Adoption & Fostering Support Week for LGBTQ+ parents.

One LGBTQ+ adoptive parents nominating the agency said: “Throughout our whole adoption process CCS Adoption was so supportive. The staff went out of their way to help with the settlement of our children into our family.

“CCS Adoption provided specialist services to our family and ongoing support post adoption. We truly couldn't have asked for a better team of dedicated people.”

orientation, disability, ethnicity or whether they have a faith or not.

"People who could make really good adoptive parents are often put off because they wrongly think they are not eligible to

adopt and that it is a difficult process.

"We are asking for those people to get in touch to find out more about the adoption process before ruling themselves out.

"Being an adoptive parent can

Government Rolls Out New Children’s Social Care Strategy

bring challenges but can also be rewarding. So, we are asking anyone who has thought about adoption to get in touch or register for one of our information events to find out more and have a chat, as we are always here to support you

THE UK GOVERNMENT has set out how it plans to roll out changes to the children’s social care system in England, following a major independent review led by Josh MacAlister, alongside the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel into the tragic murders of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and Star Hobson, and that led by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

Responding to the plans, Adoption UK CEO Emily Frith said: “We welcome the principles in the plan, such as the focus on early support and investment in kinship and foster care in order to keep families together wherever we can. Investment in the social care

every step of the way.”

Many events are held virtually online, but face-to-face events are also available.

Accepting the award, CCS adoption's Emma Simpson said: “CCS is delighted and so proud to receive the 2022 New Family Social members' commendation award. We've been positively promoting and supporting our LGBTQ+ adopters for many years now, through our social group and staff champions and are so pleased that our adopters have voted for us in recognition of this work.”

workforce is also very welcome, allowing social workers to spend more time with families.

“But there is a mountain to climb to ensure every child gets the love and support they need throughout childhood. There is an urgent need for more investment in children’s social care - particularly given the impact of the global pandemic and the current cost of living crisis on children and families.”

Ms Frith continued: “Where it is not possible for children to live with their birth family, adoption is a vital option for children to grow up in loving families, but the plan barely mentions adoption, which risks perpetuating siloes within the care system between different

forms of permanence.” Adopter and former foster carer, Becky Brooks said: “I was a foster carer and fostered my children before adopting them.

“But they are still the same kids, irrespective of their legal status, with the same needs and the same potential. We must see care experience as a continuum and not as separate sets of children.”

The plan commits £200M to be spent on the reforms, which falls well short of the Review’s recommended £2.6BN over the next five years, meaning many of the plan’s ambitions will have to wait until the next spending round.

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Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Enki Medical practice, Birmingham: MBE for services of raising the quality of patient care & Healthcare across Birmingham, particularly the Handsworth community.

Paulette Bolton AKA “Birmingham’s Phenomenal Woman” as she is affectionately called, was an extraordinary nurse who single-handedly revolutionised the National Health Service and improved the quality of patient care in Birmingham UK.

Throughout Paulette's long career spanning over 55 years, not to mention her extensive voluntary work; she has become a role-model to countless health professionals, disadvantaged young people & community members.

Not only was Paulette the first afro-Caribbean nurse to ever be appointed as a Nurse Representative on the Board of the Ladywood Primary Care Group and the only nurse and female on the PCG Board when she was re-elected. Paulette was also one of the first Nurse Practitioners to qualify in the whole Heart of Birmingham Primary Care Group.

She played a pivotal role in helping to establish Enki Medical Practice from an initial size

of 200 patients to well over 5,000 and then went on to become the first Advance nurse practitioner to ever join Enki Medical Practice. She went on to become one of the first ever Nurse Prescribers in Birmingham. She also campaigned tirelessly for the rights of nurses and improved treatment of people who suffered with drug addiction, homelessness and mentally illness.

What makes Paulette’s achievements all the more remarkable is her selfless compassion for others and extra-ordinary strength of character to survive against enormous odds.

Paulette was born in West Moreland, Jamaica in 1951 during the year of a great hurricane. She was raised by her grandmother and sadly had to leave school at the tender age of nine to care for her on a full time basis when she became very ill.

Following the death of her grandmother when Paulette was just 10 years old she found herself all alone in the world.

To make matters worse, Paulette left Jamaica with very little formal education. However she refused to give up and taught herself to read and write.

When she arrived in England as a 15 year old girl during the 1960s she along with many other


FROM THE FIRST time meeting Paulette up until her recent passing she became like a Sister I would have loved to have, a caring, patient, nurturing and loving person

After a long time having suffered with illness and feeling as though there was no one to listen, along came Paulette and she changed our attitudes toward health care.

Paulette gave up her time to look after me, the community and eventually my late Husband.

Often she would miss her lunch or stay late after work taking time out to deal with not only our health challenges but the challenges of the community as a whole.

For a time there was no real connect at our surgery and where assurances had been made and neglected Paulette made promises and kept them.

The community has lost a treasure and we can only pray for more people like Paulette.

After loosing my Husband who Paulette was also dear to this loss

Norovirus Cases Increase Significantly In England

Caribbean people were met with suspicion, coldness and outright racial hostility. But she did not let this stop her and entered nursing in 1969.

Paulette dedicated her entire working life to drastically improve the quality of patient care within the most deprived areas of the Birmingham community and in 2020 Paulette was awarded an MBE and recognised in the Queen's Honours. Paulette sadly passed away peacefully after a short illness on 23/01/23 and this immeasurable loss is felt by thousands who loved her dearly across Birmingham and beyond.

“Paulette transformed a small general practice troubled by technical operational challenges & professional rivalries into a thriving highly effective new health centre.

"This health centre continues to flourish today in its primary care initiatives & responsibilities. This is an example of how Paulette was fundamentally able to change health care for the better.

"She made sure that the community in the area moved from having a sparse threatened service, to that of having the best facilities & health care possible." Dr Hilary Paniagua, Head of Doctoral studies & Research Fellowship

feels like loosing another family member. The extended families of her patients will feel it too as I know my family do as she has been the fond topic in my household throughout my husbands battle with cancer.

I believe everyone at the practice will feel this loss.

Paulette was a champion of the community and she will be missed dearly. Our thoughts & are with her Family.

RECENTLY RELEASED UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) data shows a sharp increase in confirmed cases of Norovirus –the most common cause of vomiting and diarrhoea bugs. National surveillance data shows laboratory reports of the virus are 66% higher than the average at this time of year. The biggest increase in laboratory confirmed norovirus has been seen in the 65 and over age group. While high numbers of cases in this age group is expected at this time of year, these levels haven’t been seen in over a decade. In response to the increase in cases, UKHSA is reminding the public of the actions that they can take to reduce the spread of norovirus. Norovirus is highly infectious and is easily spread through contact with someone with the infection or with contaminated surfaces. One of the best ways to prevent the spread of norovirus is by practicing good hand hygiene. Most people will make a full recovery within 2-3 days but it is important to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, especially for the very young, elderly or those with weakened immune systems who are more at risk. The number of outbreaks caused by the vomiting bug have increased across all settings in recent weeks, including hospitals, schools and care homes, with the majority of outbreaks reported in care home settings.

The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 - Page 37 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS Send your stories in to HEALTH AND WELLBEING

Free Afternoon Tea For Memory Cafe Visitors

Visitors to the Valentines meeting of Bilston’s Memory Café enjoyed a free afternoon tea. The support group, for people living with dementia and their families, friends or carers, meets on the second Tuesday of every month at Bilston Sports and Social Club, Wellington Road, between noon and 2pm. Everyone who attended was able to enjoy a delicious afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes and a hot drink – all for free.

Councillor Linda Leach, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Adult Services, said: "Memory Cafés like our newest one at Bilston Sports and Social Club offer people living with dementia, and their families and carers, a couple

of hours of light relief, a chance to play some games, meet other people and associate with those who are dealing with this dreadful disease.

“Even better, visitors to the Bilston Memory Café, including family members and carers, could enjoy a delicious afternoon tea for free. I would strongly encourage people living with dementia, and family members and carers, to register to come along and join in the fun."

The Alzheimer's Society has granted Wolverhampton Dementia Friendly Community Status after recognising the work organisations within the Wolverhampton Dementia Action Alliance are doing to improve services for people living with dementia, and their families and carers.

Top Doctor Says Overweight Patients Can Undergo Safe

Knee Replacement Surgery

BEING OVERWEIGHT need not be an impediment to safe and successful knee replacement surgery as long as a patient’s body mass index (BMI) is not above 40 and he or she is not suffering from certain medical conditions.

Health City Cayman Islands

Chief Orthopaedic Surgeon and Joint Replacement Specialist Dr. Alwin Almeida, who is responsible for endoscopic treatments of joint diseases, said patients with a BMI of 40 or higher are generally advised to lose weight before surgery since overly obese persons are at a higher risk of surgical complications.

However, he added obesity is not an absolute contraindication to joint replacement surgery as several studies have shown that total knee replacement in patients with a BMI between 30 and 39 has been successful with acceptable complication rates.

Having more than 10 years of experience in arthroscopic procedures and joint replacements, he says an obese patient can have knee surgery but should be advised of the risk of complications such

as infections and early loosening of the implants. Also, the patient should be counselled to become more active after surgery to lose weight and lower the BMI. The orthopaedic specialist, who has a robust background in medical research and publishing, cautioned that obesity can lead to knee replacement failure if post-operative care and commitment to reducing BMI are not well managed, but a morbidly obese patient can have successful knee replacement once post-operative care is well managed. Dr. Almeida explained that those with knee sepsis, previously untreated or chronic osteomyelitis, an ongoing remote source of infection, and severe untreated or untreatable peripheral arterial disease are not recommended for surgery. Stressing the importance of maintaining a healthy body weight, Dr. Almeida said that weight loss prior to surgery can lead to shorter hospital stays and discharge to homes rather than to rehabilitation facilities. For people with a BMI over 40, he said there can also be a higher risk of aesthetic complications.

HEALTH AND WELLBEING To Advertise 0208 865 1922 Page 38 - The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS

New Centre To Support Vulnerable People To Be Named In Memory Of Former Councillor

A MUCH-LOVED former City of Wolverhampton councillor is to have a new centre supporting the city’s vulnerable people named in his memory.

The vacant Council-owned city centre building, Bond House, in Bond Street, will become known as Peter Bilson House - and is set to open its doors in spring 2023.

It is currently being transformed into additional accommodation and a space for multi-agency support for vulnerable people and people with a history of rough sleeping. Wolverhampton Housing and Homeless Service, P3, will lead operations.

Peter, who sadly passed away in February 2020, aged 66, was a councillor for the Bushbury South and Low Hill ward, and served Wolverhampton for nearly four decades after being first elected in 1982.

He was the Deputy Leader of the Council and as the Cabinet Member for City Assets and Housing was a major driving force in tackling the issue of homelessness and rough sleeping in the city.

He was also proud to serve as Mayor of Wolverhampton at the turn of the Millennium when city status was granted. Peter Bilson House will house 34 units of accommodation, including six accessible apartments, to become the location for the Single Persons Accommodation Project.

It will include emergency accommodation and settled accommodation units, and provide bespoke, multi-agency support for the vulnerable people living in the units.

This approach will allow people to live safe and independent lives with the backing of arms-length support as and when required.

Peter's widow, Nicky said: “Peter was committed to his role as a public servant and would be extremely proud and humbled to have his name on this new supported centre.

"It represents the principles and values he held dear and we are so very proud of all his achievements and the legacy he leaves.”


Anew law requiring businesses to offer mental health first aid training was presented to parliament by

Tory MP Dean Rusell.

The proposal follows data from Health and Safety England (HSE) which found that stress, depression, and anxiety accounted for half (51 per cent) of work-related illness last year.

Between 2021 and 2022, HSE found that mental illness accounted for 914,000 new or long-standing ill health.

HSE also found that in 2021/22, the effects of the coronavirus pandemic were found to be a major contributory factor to work related stress, depression, or anxiety.

Mental Health First Aid programs are currently being actively delivered in 24 countries, with over 5 million people world-wide having received training.

Mr Russell told the Commons that the move will lead to more people spotting the early signs of mental health issues in the workplace, stating that the training will “save lives”. Many businesses already offer mental health training to first aiders, but it is not a legal requirement.

On the proposal, Monica

Revealed: Black Women Up To Two Times More Likely To Be Diagnosed With Late-Stage Cancer

Shafaq, CEO at the Kaleidoscope Plus Group said:

“We welcome the proposal that businesses should offer mental health training for employees as a legal requirement and help remove the stigma that surrounds it. This is a step in the right direction, but it is only the beginning.”

Russell told MPs that the Bill will “simply mean that workers have a person to signpost them to the help and support they need, when they need it” and that it could limit the long-term impact of mental health on businesses and “prevent losing others in the future”.

“This will act as a vital demonstration from employers that they are committed to looking after their workforces physical and mental health, Monica Shafaq, added, “which are both incredibly important and undoubtedly linked.

“In reality, you are more likely to come across colleagues suffering with their emotional wellbeing than a colleague who is having a heart attack. It’s vital that it is embedded as part of wellbeing strategy so that this invaluable training forms part of a wider framework of support.”

BLACK WOMEN from Caribbean and African backgrounds are up to two times more likely to receive a late-stage diagnosis for some cancers than White British women in England, according to new analysis by Cancer Research UK and NHS Digital.

The review of cancer data from NHS Digital, published in BMJ Open, revealed that ethnicity is a significant factor in stage of diagnosis for women in England with breast, ovarian, uterine, nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and colon cancer, and for men with prostate cancer. The analysis showed that:

• Caribbean and African women are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with late-stage uterine cancer than White British women.

• Caribbean women are more likely to receive a late-stage diagnosis for NSCLC (62% more likely), ovarian (48%), colon (37%), and breast (27%), cancers than White British women.

• African women have higher odds of being diagnosed with late-stage ovarian (85% more likely), breast (71%), and colon (42%) cancers.

• Asian women, referring to those from Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani backgrounds, are more likely to receive late-stage ovarian (21% more likely) and breast (12%) cancer diagnoses.

• There were no significant differences found between Chinese and White British women.

The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 - Page 39 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS Send your stories in to HEALTH AND WELLBEING
l PIC - Cllr Peter Bilson

New Homes Launched In Manchester

ORLANDO REID has been appointed sole selling agent for Brunswick Mill – the new £75m residential development, in New Islington located to the east of Manchester’s popular Northern Quarter offering 153 residential apartments – including one-, twoand three-bedroom units.

Dating back to 1837, the repurposed Grade II Listed Victorian cotton mill building is a prominent local landmark on the skyline, situated in an attractive waterside location adjacent to the Ashton Canal, in the up-and-coming area of New Islington, Manchester.

Managing director at Orlando Reid, Baljit Arora, commented: “Apartments at Brunswick Mill are an obvious choice for investors looking for a good rental return. The development will be equally appealing to city commuters looking for a central location within an easy walk of the city centre.

“We are seeing an increasing influx of new tech companies choosing to come to Manchester and this is likely to spark additional interest from talented tech employees looking to settle in the area."


Property Planning, Architecture And Design Trio Set Off To A Flying Start

A TEAM OF property planning, architecture and design professionals is enjoying success, following their formation of collective services for landowners.

AMS Planning, HG2 Architects and Lloyd Harden Design have joined forces for their combined package, and in four months have collaborated on 25 projects across a range of sectors.

Spearheading this new integrated offering is AMS Planning – a business which has been trading in Yorkshire for more than a decade and specialises in winning planning permission for landowners, housing developers and farmers looking to maximise their land assets.

Following the launch of its Seedrs public crowdfunding round, online lettings platform has already achieved over 100% of its £850k funding target.

The target – which includes an initial raise of £750,000 from the MEIF Proof of Concept & Early Stage Fund, managed by Mercia and part of the Midlands Engine Investment Fund, and Mercia’s EIS funds – has now been uncapped, as the Seedrs campaign approaches its final week.

Jonathan Daines, Founder and CEO, lettingaproperty. com, says: “We are delighted with the appetite that has been shown for investment in as a result of our public crowdfunding campaign. Given the strong demand from investors, our board has unanimously agreed to extend our initial funding target.”

The business model has already resulted in impressive organic growth. The company manages more than 1,500 rental properties across England, Scotland and Wales and has seen 80% subscriber growth over the last two years.

This resulted in £1.1M revenue in 2022, £800,000 of which was recurring revenue from its fixed-fee subscriptions.

Detailed budget plans are in place, with a focus on driving marketing activity to further boost recurring revenue and capture greater market share.

Funds raised will also fuel the firm’s ambitious technology roadmap, while supporting the recruitment of specialist roles across the organisation.

“In the UK, one in five homes are rented”, Jonathan continues. “Traditionally, around 95% of these are let through high street agents, who can charge more than 15% of rental income in fees alone.

"There is growing demand, particularly during these tough economic times, for a lettings service that saves landlords money while providing greater visibility, control and financial protection. We are excited to be in a position to meet this growing demand.”

Having recently launched its new SaaS rental platform, enables landlords to efficiently manage the end-to-end letting process online.

The innovative platform includes digital wallets, OpenBanking, and instant messaging to support secure tenant-landlord communications. It also has built-in legal compliance, plus rent protection, giving landlords financial peace of mind.

In addition to founders Jonathan and Matthew Daines, the leadership team includes Kevin Neary, Founder of GameStop Group, Matthew Farrow, former Financial Director of Purplebricks, and Stephen Windsor of Mercia Asset Management. All have proven experience of rapidly scaling businesses, and are committed to the success of

Now offering its services nationwide, and as winner of the Build 2022 Design and Build Awards for the Most Creative Architectural & Planning Service, Managing Director Steve Hesmondhalgh has 35 years of industry experience and is an expert when it comes to helping his client market to execute their development project.

With an ambition to offer an integrated service, he’s joined forces with two respected firms – Lloyd Harden Design and HG2 Architects.

“This is a fantastic opportunity to grow our businesses and work together on exciting projects”, explains Steve. “Clients can get an unrivalled level of expertise across the development process, in an integrated offer that isn’t available elsewhere,”

He adds: “The strategic partnership brings the best in the industry together and offers all the specialist services which probably wouldn’t be achievable in one organisation. Our clients get advice they can trust all the way through their project and a consistent development journey.”

One of the areas the trio is exploring is the leisure sector, with the UK market showing significant growth since the pandemic.

Ben Duffield, Operations Director of Liberty Leisure Group, said:

“I am delighted with the collaboration. It gives me the best of both worlds. Great architectural design support alongside commercially astute planning advice.”

Since launching in October last year, the partnership has been working together on around 25 projects, with feedback from the market that the integrated offering is making a fundamental difference to how property development is managed.

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A400-year-old Bible taken to the New World by the founder of a Massachusetts town has sold for £20,000 at an east Belfast auction. It sold above its £5,000 to £10,000 valuation by Bloomfield Auctions.

Printed in 1615, it was taken to what is now the United States by Elizabeth Pole in 1633. The Geneva Bible was the first mechanically printed, mass-produced Bible available to the public. It was first published in 1560 - half a century before the King James Bible.

The Bible sold as part of a private collection from a gentleman's residence and was one of 389 lots that went under the hammer. Other items up for auction included an 1853 watercolour painting by Victorian artist Thomas Sidney Cooper which sold for £3,800. An oil painting by the same artist, from 1895, also sold for £8,000.

Bloomfield Auctions managing director, Karl Bennett, said: “The Geneva Bible had received interest from bidders in the United States as well as the United Kingdom and the sellers were absolutely delighted". There were six bids for the item overall, across internet, telephone and commission bids.

"I'm pleased for my vendors," he said. "I don't think they rated it for its importance. They just thought it was a general Bible, so

I think it'll be an absolute treat for them”. Mr Bennett would not say who had bought the item, but he revealed it had gone to a private collection.

The Bible was owned by Elizabeth Pole, who travelled with her brother on the Speedwell to the Plymouth Colony. Originally from Devon, she went on to found the town of Taunton in Massachusetts and is believed to be the

first woman to establish a town in North America.

The copy was printed by Robert Baker, printer to Elizabeth I and James I and VI. It was presented to Elizabeth's father, Sir William Pole, by the Archbishop of Canterbury in recognition of his services to the church and the poor of Devon.

When Elizabeth died, the Bible was returned to her fam-

Sikh Community Remembers The Late Pope Benedict XVI

AS THE WORLD gazed on St Peter’s Square for the funeral of Pope Benedict XVI, the Sikh community of Birmingham paid their condolences, fondly remembering their relationship with the Catholic Church.

Bhai Sahib, Bhai Mohinder Singh OBE KSG, Spiritual Leader of Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (GNNSJ) and Patron of the Nishkam Civic Association was amongst the many distinguished guests at the funeral to pay his respects personally.

The relationship between Bhai Sahib and Pope Benedict XVI was special, historic and will always be remembered fondly for many years to come. In April 2012, history was made in the Catholic Church, with the blessings of Pope Benedict XVI, during a special Mass and Investiture at Metropolitan Cathedral and Basilica of St Chad, Birmingham, of Bhai Sahib Bhai Dr Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia and Mr William Ozanne, as Knights of the Pontifical Order of Pope St Gregory the Great. The Most Reverend Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham, invested Bhai Sahib, Bhai Mohinder Singh with one of the highest Papal Awards.

The Order of St Gregory is nor-

Installation of New Residentiary Canon at Worcester Cathedral

THE INSTALLATION of the Reverend Kimberly Bohan as the new residentiary Canon of Worcester Cathedral, took place at Evensong. She will be responsible for the Cathedral’s learning programme and historic Library, working alongside the Director of Learning, Dan Parnell, and Librarian, David Morrison, to promote the Cathedral’s learning programmes and the work of the Library, as essential parts of the Cathedral’s mission.

She will also be Chaplain of St Oswald’s Hospital, the almshouse in the Tything, which is an ancient part of the Cathedral foundation.

a rector of Holy Trinity, Dunoon, with St Paul's Rothesay, and St Martin's, Tighnabruaich; and then rector of St Mary's, Dunblane.

Since 2013, she has been rector of the Waltham Group in the Diocese of Lincoln and has served as Rural Dean of Haverstoe since 2020. In her time off, Kimberly enjoys walking by rivers, taking photographs, baking bread, and going to the theatre.

ily in Devon and it remained in the possession of the Pole-Carew family until the mid-20th century when it was sold to a collector from Northern Ireland.

Rev. Bohan grew up in the States and moved to Britain after studying in St Andrews. She was ordained in the Scottish Episcopal Church in 2003 and served her curacy in Glasgow. She was

Kimberly said: “I am honoured and delighted to have been appointed as a Residentiary Canon at Worcester Cathedral and Chaplain of St Oswald's Hospital. This role holds together 1,000 years of commitment to care and friendship at St Oswald's, with an even longer history of commitment to education, curiosity, and shared learning at the Cathedral."

mally bestowed on Catholics but in rare cases it is also conferred on non-Catholics in recognition of meritorious service to the Catholic Church and the exceptional example they have set in their communities and country.

The esteemed and respected relationship between GNNSJ and the Pontiff goes back over two decades when the first audience with The Holy See took place during the Christian ‘Year of Jubilation’ in May 2000. This meeting was arranged through the gracious assistance of William Ozanne KSG (Birmingham Archdiocesan Commission for Interreligious Dialogue). Bhai Sahib,

Bhai Mohinder Singh along with nine members of GNNSJ and one Greek Orthodox Christian, had a historic audience with His Holiness Pope John Paul II.

Following the resignation of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, Bhai Sahib, Bhai Mohinder Singh was privileged to be part of an international delegation invited to the Papal inauguration of Pope Francis held in March 2013 in St Peter’s Square.

“As people of faith”, Bhai Sahib said, “we must provide exemplar conduct to assist humanity during the challenging times the world faces”.

l The Bible owned by Elizabeth Pole who travelled to the United States in 1633 l Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh and Bill Ozanne meet with Pope Benedict

Holiday and Travel


Welsh holidaymakers are more likely to consider sustainability when booking a short break than our UK and European counterparts, according to new research from Tootbus.

A staggering almost two-thirds (59 per cent) say preserving the environment in their holiday destination is important, ahead of the UK as a whole (49 per cent) as well as the French and Belgians (42 per cent and 37 per cent respectively).

Tootbus, the city bus tour operator, has created a barometer to gauge how current attitudes to green issues are likely to shape travel trends in the future. More than three quarters (76 per cent) of Welsh city breakers also say that they are willing to choose sustainable modes of transport on a city break – walking, cycling, public transport. Being more eco-friendly is a priority for Welsh holidaymakers, and yet almost half (43 per cent) say the tourism operators in their country are not doing enough to promote sustainable tourism. Despite that, nearly two out of every three (62 per cent) people in Wales say that they pay attention to the environmental impact of their trips.

Tootbus, which offers planet-friendly tours of cities across the UK, including in Cardiff, as well as in France and Belgium, promotes loving and protecting our cities. Its journeys provide memorable travel experiences while remaining eco-friendly with clean air buses which are powered by biodiesel/euro 6. The sightseeing operator also launched the world’s first all-electric sightseeing bus in Brussels in 2021.

The Tootbus survey of 3,113 respondents (1,027 French, 1,036 Belgian, and 1,050 British) was undertaken by OpinionWay between 30 May and 7 June 2022, applying the procedures and rules of ISO 20252.

Montenegro Government Officially Joins WTN

WITH MEMBERS IN 129 countries, WTN (World Tourism Network) has become the voice for SMEs of the travel industry around the globe. Montenegro took a key role. The Minister of Economic Development and Tourism for the Republic of Montenegro, the Hon. Goran Đurović said why his country joined the WTN.

The minister said in a press statement: “Our vision, according to National Tourism Strategy, is to become a globally recognized destination up to 2025. I trust that WTN will assist us in reaching this goal.”

Hon. Goran Đurović said: “I welcome all WTN members to visit the last untouched pearl of Europe – Montenegro!” Montenegro is a European Country bordering Croatia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Serbia, and Albania.

This Balkan nation with rugged mountains, medieval villages, and a narrow strip of beaches along its Adriatic coastline is also a significant travel and tourism destination. The capital city is Podgorica.

TCHTA Benefiting From Its Strong Leadership

THE TURKS AND Caicos Islands is blessed with visionary hospitality leaders in government and the private sector whose combined efforts have helped to position the British Overseas Territory as one of the leading destinations in the Caribbean.

The Territory has seen continued growth and development of an attractive high-end tourism product throughout the years and has benefited from the steady leadership of one of the region’s leading hotel association executives.

Stacy Cox, a native of the Bahamas, has served as Chief Executive Officer of the 30-yearold Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA) since 2011.

As the lead executive of TCHTA, Cox represents her membership on matters affecting the Territory’s bread-andbutter tourism sector, locally, regionally, and internationally, and believes in the steady growth and promotion of a sustainable tourism product through education, awareness, and outreach.

Cox moved to the Turks and Caicos after enjoying success at Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas and later served as general manager at both Windsong Resort and Royal West Indies Resort in Providenciales. She volunteers her time for many causes in her community as well as with the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) and the Caribbean Society of Hotel Association Executives (CSHAE), where she served as president for three years.

The award-winning industry professional launched a social media page “Women in Tourism – Caribbean”, which has more than 13,000 followers on Facebook. Stacy’s life motto comes from the holy scriptures: “Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable – think on these things.” (Philippians 4:8).

One of her association’s priorities for 2023 is to promote wellness in Turks and Caicos and remove the stigma associated with mental illness, especially given the widespread impact and after-effects of the COVID pandemic.

Stacy Cox’s work in the Turks and Caicos Islands over the past 25 years has been nothing short of honourable and commendable.

The Bay of Kotor, resembling a fjord, is dotted with coastal churches and fortified towns such as Kotor and Herceg Novi. Durmitor National Park, home to bears and wolves, encompasses limestone peaks, glacial lakes, and 1,300m-deep Tara River Canyon. Montenegro has approximately 600,000 citizens. According to the Montenegro’s tourism website, it’s so small one could drive across it in the afternoon. Although a small country, it is incredibly diverse.

USVI’s Returning To CTO Recognised

THE RETURN OF the U.S. Virgin Islands to the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) was marked with an official tie-pinning activity during the organisation’s business meetings in Curaçao.

In the photograph, CTO’s Director of Membership Services Faye Gill affixes the CTO pin to USVI Commissioner of Tourism Joseph Boschulte. Looking on are Anguilla’s Minister of Tourism Haydn Hughes (left) and CTO Chairman Kenneth Bryan, who serves as the Minister of Tourism and Transport for the Cayman Islands.

The U.S. territory joins more than two dozen multicultural, multilingual country members as well as private sector allied members supporting the region’s tourism development agency.

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l Hospitality industry veteran, Stacy Cox


Curaçao, one of the Caribbean’s top performing tourism destinations, is playing host to leading tourism decision makers. Ruisandro Cijntje, Curaçao’s Minister of Economic Development, welcomed directors, ministers and commissioners of tourism to the multilingual island as delegates prepared to attend the Caribbean Tourism Organisation’s (CTO) first business meetings of the year.

The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) recently reported a record-breaking 489,558 stayover visitor arrivals in 2022, the first time Curaçao came close to the half-million mark.

“I am very pleased and proud that the CTO has chosen Curaçao as the venue for its business meetings,” said Minister Cijntje, who took the opportunity to share with delegates the island’s post-pandemic tourism success. He warned that while the tourism

Eco-Friendly Welsh Ahead Of The European Curve In Opting For Sustainable Breaks

industry in the Caribbean is expected to sustain its recovery, the pace is expected to be slower.

“Therefore, we must maximize the current impact that tourism has on the social and economic development of our countries,” he added, explaining that sharing knowledge and experiences creates better solutions to common challenges.

“United, we are a stronger tourism destination in the world,” he declared, while commending the regional organization for its work in promoting the Caribbean as the most desirable, year-round, warm weather destination.

In addition to the busy work agenda to be addressed by delegates, the CTB and the Ministry of Economic Development have prepared a warm welcome for delegates, including immersive experiences to learn more about Curaçao’s tourism product, including experiencing the spirit of Curaçao Carnival during their stay.

WELSH holidaymakers are more likely to consider sustainability when booking a short break than our UK and European counterparts, according to new research from Tootbus.

A staggering almost twothirds (59 per cent) say preserving the environment in their holiday destination is important, ahead of the UK as a whole (49 per cent) as well as the French and Belgians (42 per cent and 37 per cent respectively).

Tootbus, the city bus tour operator, has created a barometer to gauge how current attitudes to green issues are likely to shape travel trends in the future. More than three quarters (76 per cent) of Welsh city breakers also say that they are willing to choose sustainable modes of transport on a city break – walking, cycling, public transport.

The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 - Page 43 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS HOLIDAY AND TRAVEL Send your stories in to
Ruisandro Cijntje, Curaçao’s Minister of Economic Development


What if the best solution to your ongoing problem came from that one person you os tracised/alienated?

The great Marcus Garvey taught us that, “God and Na ture first made us what we are, and then out of our own creat ed genius we make ourselves what we want to be.”

The Solution Is... "Knowing What not to Waste" by

People, people, people… sociable ones, introverts, logical thinkers, numbers and statistics gurus, polyglots and punctilious workers - the capabilities and personalities of people are diverse. The extent to which our interactions with others is worthwhile, is largely dependent on our ability to understand who they are as individuals.

and groups raise awareness, provide resources and support for individuals and families affected by autism. Their work is a crucial link to assessment and appropriate intervention.

India celebrated its 74th Republic Day with a colourful parade displaying military might and cultural diversity. The public holiday marks the anniversary of India officially adopting its constitution, making it a sovereign republic. Its highlight is a parade which is held in capital city Delhi and telecast live across the country. Every year, the country also invites a foreign dignitary as the chief guest to the parade - this year, Egypt's president Abdul Fattah al-Sisi was the guest of honour.

Hundreds of people braved the January chill to watch the parade, which passes through the newly renovated Kartavya Path (formerly Rajpath). Soldiers from India's military regiments marched as India's president, prime minister and other

guests watched.

A contingent of 144 soldiers from the Egyptian armed forces also took part in the parade. Several marching contingents, including those of the navy, featured women. An all-women contingent of the Central Reserve Police Force was one of the highlights of this year's parade.

The Naval contingent featured six Agniveers - soldiers from the Indian army's new hiring scheme. The parade also showcased India's emphasis on manufacturing indigenous weapons. The British-era 25-pounder guns usually used for the traditional 21-gun salute to the President were replaced with 105mm field guns made in India.

Indian-made defence equipment and military systems were on display. Some regiments came astride

camels and horses, which were also decked up in colourful finery. There was an aerial show, with fleets of aircraft streaking across the sky in dazzling formations.

The spectacle then made way for elaborate floats or tableaux representing different Indian states. These are usually based on cultural or historical milestones the states want to highlight. The mood was celebratory as performers dance and wave their way through the crowds.

Different states and districts also conducted their own, smaller parades and cultural programmes. Several government departments also had their own tableaux showcasing India's achievements in the fields of agriculture and science and technology.

In this issue I will shine the spotlight on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects approximately 1 in 100 children worldwide, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is characterised by difficulties in social interaction, communication, and a rigid undertaking of repetitive behaviours. The presentation of the disorder is complex and varied. It can be debilitating in extreme cases. Notwithstanding persons with ASD can live fulfilling lives and contribute positively to society’s advancement with the right support and timely intervention.

Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that its symptoms and severity can vary greatly from person to person. Some individuals with autism are highly skilled in certain areas, such as music or math, while others may need support with daily activities. The exact cause of autism is not known, but research suggests that it is likely a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

People with autism often have difficulties with social skills, such as making eye contact, starting conversations, and understanding social cues (sarcasm being one). They may also have difficulty communicating, including nonverbal communication, such as gestures and facial expressions. In addition, people with autism may engage in repetitive behaviours, such as rocking, spinning, or arranging objects in a specific pattern.

Early diagnosis and intervention can greatly improve outcomes for individuals with autism, including social and communication skills and educational achievement. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on understanding and supporting individuals with autism. Advocacy through organisations

Unfortunately, there are many adults who have not had the benefit of assessment, diagnosis and intervention. To their detriment, they have been deemed weird, antisocial or picky for much of their lives. Their competences have not been optimally harnessed because their behaviours are not aligned within the context of societal norms. Timely intervention for many of those adults would have likely seen the use of Behaviour therapy, speech therapy, and educational interventions as single or joint approaches to providing support to them to optimise their contributions despite ASD. Allow me to explain what these therapies include.

Behaviour therapy focuses on teaching social and communication skills, while speech therapy helps individuals with language and communication difficulties. Educational interventions can include special education programs and accommodations in the classroom. Other approaches may involve medication to help manage symptoms such as irritability, aggression, and repetitive behaviours. There are also complementary therapies such sensory integration therapy which help individuals with autism process and respond to sensory information. These interventions when undertaken early can help people with ASD come to terms with their special needs as well as help them function optimally in an imperfect world.

Effective intervention for ASD, being a complex and varied disorder, will depend on the individual's specific needs and presentation because no single intervention plan works for all individuals. In fact, it is recommended that individuals with autism receive care from a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including a physician, behavioural therapist, speech therapist, and educational specialist, working in collaboration.

Despite the complexities and gaps in diagnosis, some adults have learnt how to mask idio-

syncrasies of which some were unaware were owing to ASD. They have adapted to societal expectations out of a need to maintain a livelihood with the support of others who chose to accept and acknowledge their worth despite their “uniqueness” – regardless of the cause. Choosing to embrace the positive contribution of a person who is unwavering for example, in his/her adherence to rules/standards is a decision to focus on how that character trait of an individual serves a positive end, rather than be pigeon-holed into looking at the negative effects only. Admittedly, being socially awkward is not generally desirable for friendships or other types of relationships. Similarly, someone who becomes aggressive when their routine is disrupted is not an easy conflict to manoeuvre. Regardless, everyone, whether a person with autism or not, has something to offer.

We should take the time to understand the uniqueness that resides in each of us. Whether we do so because of our awareness of the proliferation of undiagnosed special needs persons in our population or simply because we care about people – this act makes the world a better place. Adulthood, with its responsibilities and accountabilities, is not the time to discover or seek to craft an intervention for idiosyncrasies that manifest because of ASD – early diagnosis is the aim and this requires an alertness and care from all social contexts within society along the growth and development continuum.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is leading the way with technological advances, but, we still need people – we are social beings. The convenience of accessible information and predicting behaviour should not be just about the acquisition of knowledge but also about how we can use that knowledge to make our civilisation better to and for each other. Let’s challenge ourselves to commit to being driven to identify value in others, even those we consider difficult people and let us “never forget intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden.”

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A massive Phoenix CONGRATULATIONS to 18 and a half year old Immanuel Chigozirm Okoro, and Promise Chizaram Okoro. who have earned placed at K. O . Mbadiwe University, Imo State, Nigeria to study Architecture and Biochemistry respectively! May they continue to RISE like a Phoenix!


Africa’s fastest man Ferdinand Omanyala has graduated as a police constable in Kenya's police service. He was among 2,881 constables who graduated from the National Police College in an event presided over by President William Ruto.

The recruits finished the basic police training course among other courses on human rights, community policing, public order management, skills at arms, and countering violent extremism, according to the NPS (National Police Service).

Omanyala set the African 100m record of 9.77 seconds in September 2021. He became African champion in June 2022 becoming the second Kenyan to become continental champion over the distance. He now joins other top Kenyan athletes who are members of the police force.

Currently the African record holder and 8th fastest man of all-time in the 100 metres after clocking a time of 9.77, the Hamisi-born athlete said in a tweet: "It is an honour to serve the National Police Service and I promise to give my best as an athlete. I also understand that there is life after


The athlete joined the police force in 2021 after he agreed to compete in track events for the National Police Service (NPS). In a statement, the NPS said: “The 25-year-old sensational sprinter has taken up a new role that will see him represent the National Police Service in future track events.”

Joining the ranks of other elite athletes already serving in the National Police Service, such as David Rudisha, Joshua Kamworor, Vivian Cheruiyot, Julius Yego, and the iconic Ezekiel Kemboi, Omanyala will now be allowed

Hollywood Great, Elba, Celebrated On Africa Tour

HOLLYWOOD SUPERSTAR, Idris Elba OBE, went back to his roots as he spent some time travelling to Africa, which included a visit to Ghana, where he met with the president, Nana Akufo-Addo, as well as attending the first Akwasidae of the year - a 40-day traditional occasion observed every six weeks in Asanteman –at the Manhyia Palace.

With his wife, Sabrina, by his side, the London-raised star of ‘Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’ was very much part of the country’s traditional Akwasidae – a historic milestones in the Ashanti Kingdom, which pays homage to the Ashanti King, Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and Queen mother Asantehemaa Nana Konadu Yiadom III.

With both a Ghanaian and Sierre Leonean lineage, 50-year-old Idris, who is also celebrated for his starring role in the award-winning BBC drama series, Luther, appeared resplendent in his typically Ghanaian kente - a ceremonial hand-woven cloth - as he was reportedly followed by a camera crew as part of his upcoming film which highlights the need for the building of international-level film studios in

to represent the security forces in future athletics competitions.

the country, as well as attracting more filmmakers to West Africa as a whole.

In sharing a video of his meeting with the Ghanian president to his Instagram, Idris said:

“We've studied the models of obviously South Africa's incredible incentive package, and around Europe, obviously, Greece, Morocco, these are all places where they realize the value of the filmmaking dollar and have brought that policy into play.”

“It would be very beneficial”, he went on to say, “for us to show and to make an announcement to the world that Ghana is open for business, here are the steps, the policies are in place, and we have actually, bringing a film to our country, and we are going to put our money where our mouth is.” He also told the Ghanaian president that he intends for his current film to be a proof of concept.

According to a presidential aide, Elba – who has always illustrated his passion for helping the world's poorer countries through investment - is said to also be planning to open a film studio in Tanzania, after holding initial talks with President Samia Suluhu Hassan.

The Phoenix Newspaper - March 2023 - Page 45 @PhoenixNewsUK CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS OVERSEAS NEWS Send your stories in to SALEH & SONS 250 LOZELLS RD, BIRMINGHAM B19 1NP TEL : 0121 551 1736 Specialising in Caribbean Produce Fresh Meat & Vegetables


When LeBron James became the NBA's alltime leading scorer after his 38 points, for Los Angeles Lakers, in their 133-130 defeat by the Oklahoma City Thunder, he passed fellow-Laker legend, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's long-standing record of 38,387, set in 1989. James 38, broke the record with a fadeaway jumper at the end of the third quarter, finishing the match with a career total of 38,390. In front of a crowd including tennis legend John McEnroe, music stars Jay-Z, LL Cool J and Bad Bunny, boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr and actor Denzel Washington, Abdul-Jabbar ceremoniously handed over the ball to James to recognise his new record.

"To be able to be in the presence of a legend and great as Kareem, it means so much to me," LeBron said. "Everybody that has ever been a part of this run with me the last 20-plus years, I want to say thank you so much because I wouldn't be me without all you.

A four-time NBA and two-time Olympic champion, LeBron is in

his 20th season in the NBA, having been drafted first overall by hometown team the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2003. He joined the Miami Heat in 2010, winning two titles, before returning to

lead Cleveland to the only NBA title in their history in 2016. He has been with the Lakers since 2018 and helped them win the 2020 title, which was also the fourth time he has been named

Edgbaston Hosts Table Cricket Tournament For Region’s Schools

CHILDREN FROM special schools were in Edgbaston as Warwickshire hosted the county table cricket finals. Almost 50 pupils from five schools competed in a series of round robin matches at the Club’s indoor centre in the event which is specially designed to make cricket accessible to children with disabilities.

tic day, lots of fun with a competitive edge. Table cricket is a strategic game, lots of thought goes into positioning fielders on the table and where to bowl.

NBA finals MVP. He has won four regular season MVP titles and appeared in the NBA Finals 10 times.

Victoria Specialist Art School, Northfield, were crowned champions after winning all four of their matches and progress to a regional final in April, again staged at Edgbaston, for a chance to play in the national finals at Lords. Bears captain Will Rhodes plus first team players Alex Davies, Ethan Brookes, Liam Norwell and Craig Miles all took time out from training to join the action and meet the players.

Warwickshire Cricket Board Disability Development Officer, Rob Eynon, said: “It was a fantas-

“Table Cricket is so important as it gives young disabled people the opportunity to play and enjoy cricket in a way they wouldn’t have been able to before. It brings a lot of traditional cricket skills such as hand-eye coordination, understanding fielding positions but also it teaches the players about social skills which is a vital part of any team.”

Fairfax School in Sutton Coldfield finished runner-up and also progress to the regional final while students – aged from six- to 18-years-old – from Sherbourne Fields in Coventry, Wilson Stuart school, Birmingham, and Red Boots primary in Edgbaston also took part.

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l LeBron James posing with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar


UKA Statement On Transgender Participation In Athletics

UK ATHLETICS (UKA) has outlined its position relating to transgender participation in athletics in the UK.

The statement confirms the organisation’s preference for competition categories, but also outlines the key challenges in achieving this under current legislation. To view please see attached document.

UKA Chair Ian Beattie said: “Athletics is an incredibly inclusive sport, and we want it to be a welcoming environment for all to enjoy competing in. I cannot think of another sport that encompasses such a diverse community and it is something to be proud of. At the same time, we also have a duty to ensure fairness in competition in the women’s category.

“The statement we issued demonstrates the challenge UKA and other sporting governing bodies are faced with at this time. Therefore, we are calling for a change in legislation that will provide clarity for all and ensure the women’s category can be lawfully reserved for female at birth competitors.

“We would appeal to all those engaged in this discussion online to share their thoughts in a way that is respectful of the differing opinions and sensitive nature of the debate.”


The Brazilian Football Confederation said that it sent a letter to FIFA calling for a crackdown on racism in the sport, after a series of incidents targeting players including Brazil star Vinicius Junior.

The CBF told AFP it had also addressed the letter to European football's governing body, UEFA, and the South American confederation, a.k.a. CONMEBOL, urging stronger action to fight racism and raise awareness about a problem that has long dogged the sport. The letter comes after an effigy of Vinicius Junior, who plays for Real Madrid, was found hung by the neck from a bridge near the Spanish club's training centre ahead of their recent derby against crosstown rivals Atletico Madrid.

The player -- who scored a goal in his team's 3-1 win that day -- was also the victim of racist slurs at a league match between the two clubs in September.

And Spain's High Council for Sport said Monday that Real Valladolid fans who racially insulted Vinicius

Junior during a match in December would be prosecuted for hate speech.

"It's essential to wage an absolutely firm fight against racism. Cases like the recent ones involving Vinicius Junior and so many other athletes are unacceptable," CBF president Ednaldo Rodrigues said at the opening of a FIFA seminar in Rio de Janeiro.

"It's reached a point that goes beyond attacking the victims' dignity to threaten their safety." Rodrigues, 68, is the first Black CBF president. He has made fighting racism a priority since taking the post in March 2022.

He, not long ago, met with Brazilian Justice Minister Flavio Dino to discuss the incident involving Vinicius Junior and fighting racism in football more generally, the CBF said. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who took office last month, has also made fighting racism a priority. The veteran leftist recently signed a bill into law increasing sentences for racial discrimination.

2022/23 UKA Futures Programme announced

UK Athletics announced the cohort of athletes on the Olympic and Paralympic Futures Programme for 2022/23, which is supported by Nike.

The Programme is a key step in the pathway to support athlete and coach development with the aim of progressing to become a successful senior athlete, and transition onto the World Class Programme (WCP) in the next cycle. The Pathway also looks to support those who have highlighted the potential to succeed at future Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Working closely with the Home Country Athletics Federations, the focus is on supporting aspects of the athletes/coaches

Individual Athlete Plan (IAP) and through a series of camps,

support staff, and experiences, provide athletes with the opportunities to develop the skills and abilities required for senior international success

The Pathway Programme has seen many successful graduates over the years, most recently including 2022 European 800m champion Keely Hodgkinson and Paralympic T20 1500m gold medallist Owen Miller. Those who have graduated onto the World Class Programme this year include European medallists Charlie Dobson and Ben Pattison.

Olympic Performance Pathway Manager, Dan Wagner said: “The Futures Programme continues to grow year on year, and we were pleased to see a number of athletes graduate this year, as well as see many earn their first Great Britain and Northern

Ireland vests. We recognise that many athletes and coaches are at different stages of their development within the Programme, so it is fundamental to understand their plan & environment and identify additional areas of support that could add value along that journey.”

Coral Nourrice, the Paralympic Pathway Manager, added: “We have seen a number of athletes progress from the Paralympic Futures Programme to the World Class Programme in recent years, and it has been encouraging to see athletes and coaches engaging with the support on offer to assist their journey in the sport. We look forward to working with the 2022/23 cohort through a series of camps to support their development.”

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New BBL CEO Signals Drive For Commercial Success And Fan Growth

AARON RADIN’S appointment as CEO comes at a crucial moment for the BBL (British Basketball League) as the league looks to accelerate its growth to achieve its full potential.

The move comes after compiling a successful track record across a 30-year professional career of increasingly senior-level positions at a multitude of sports, media and tech organisations such as the NBA, The Walt Disney Company, NBCUniversal and Meta.

And his extensive knowledge of the commercial landscape will help take the league to new heights.

“Aaron’s professional achievements, and passion for and understanding of the sport, make him the ideal leader to take British Basketball to the next level,” BBL Director, Lenz Balan said.

“His appointment highlights our commitment to accelerating the commercial growth of the BBL and the longer-term success of our clubs, players and partners both domestically and in Europe.”

Radin said: “I am thrilled to join the British Basketball League at this critical point in its history. Between the new investment of capital into the league, the creation of new broadcast partnerships and the return to European competition, the BBL is just beginning to deliver on its goal to generate joy for its fans and value for its marketing and distribution partners.

“I’ve been looking forward to working with the clubs, owners and investors, as we join forces to become one of the most competitive and exciting basketball leagues in the world.

"We are committed to continuing to attract the most talented players to the British Basketball League from across the globe, as well as providing a platform for British athletes to fulfil their potential here in the UK as well as on the global stage.”


Kick starting a big year for athletics, the World Athletics Indoor Tour, at the Utilita Arena Birmingham showcased some of the best athletes in the world, following two weekends of thrilling record-breaking entertainment for athletics fans.

With some of the world’s greats ready to tackle a newly-laid world-class track, including Ethiopian Women’s Indoor 1500 metres world record holder, Gudaf Tsegay, fellow-world indoor champion, American 60-metres hurdler, Grant Holloway, plus Brits Keely Hodgkinson, Dina Asher-Smith and Neil Gourley were also on hand to show-off their world class wares at this, the start of a promising athletics season.

"I was happy with my run”, said Asher-Smith, after beating fellow- Brit, Daryll Neita, in the 60metre sprint, “and excited for the outdoors.” After winning her

race, Hodgkinson said: “I felt capable of running faster, but nevertheless was happy to come away with another British record, whilst Gouldy, who won the men’s 1500, added: “The track and the surface is quick. It set me up nicely for the European’s.” Laura Muir claimed a fourth British win of the day in the women's 1,000m.

Other highlights saw Trinidad & Tobago's reigning world indoor 400m champion, Jereem Richards, take men’s 400m gold, United States' Grant Holloway produced the fastest time in winning the men's 60m hurdles Canada’s Alysha Newman winning the pole vault title, Marquis Dendy lit up the men’s long jump, with with his final attempt, whilst Commonwealth champion Hamish Kerr, of New Zealand, completed his perfect record with a second victory in the men’s high jump. Hodgkinson shaved two hundredths of a second off her own record.

The men’s para 60m Zac Shaw

claimed victory a week after settling for second on the same track at the UK Championships. The women’s para 60m saw Faye Olszowka stormed to her second victory in Birmingham in the space of a week. As is tradition in Birmingham, the best up-andcoming young talent getting the chance to step first on this newly-laid track saw four ClubConnect relays for under 13 and under 15 girls and boys.

It followed Ellie Baker setting a new championship record to win 1500m gold at the UK Athletics

Indoor Championships, during the previous weekend in Birmingham, as the 24-year-old broke Zola Budd's 1986 mark with a time of four minutes 6.73 seconds. Other highlights there saw Reece Prescod and, again, Daryll Neita claimed gold medals in the 60m. "It has been a really good day at the office," Prescod said.

Richard Akinyebo clinched men's 200m gold, Jazmin Sawyers won in the women's long jump, whilst Gourley took gold, again! Scott Lincoln secured his 15th British title in the men's

shot put while Sophie McKinna clinched her third indoor national crown.

William Grimsey became national high jump champion for the first time, Morgan Lake took gold in the women's event, Jude Bright-Davies win the men's triple jump, Sam Reardon clinched the men's 400m title, while Amarachi Pipi took women's gold. Guy Learmonth won his fourth UK indoor 800m title, Isabelle Boffey stormed to a maiden women's crown, James West secured his European spot with a win in the men's 3000m, Melissa Courtney-Bryant sealed her second British indoor 3000m title. Para-athlete Aled Davies broke his own world indoor shot put record, setting a new F42 best of 16.39m as he finished fifth competing against non-para competitors.

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