The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022

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For All Your Ents News SEE PAGE 17

MAY 2022

Connecting Communities - Inspiring A New Generation


by Steve Williams

ith the year-long, worldwide celebrations in full swing, Jamaica’s 60th year of independence was marked with a special church service of vibrant colour, poignant reflection and a positive mindset for what the future holds. Held at the New Testament Church of God, in Lozells, Birmingham, some of the country’s leading figures – political, business, leadership and communities – gathered to pay their homage to the great achievements made, by those from the Diaspora and the country itself in the global market. The Phoenix Newspaper and Dr Marcia McLaughlin F.Birm.Soc were proud to greet Ministers Bartlett and Grange

as they arrived in Birmingham, home of Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games later this year. Under the theme, ‘Re-igniting a Nation for Greatness’, with attendees including The Honourable Edmund Bartlett CD, the Minister of Tourism, the Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, The Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange, Donovan White, Director of Tourism in Jamaica, High Commissioner of Jamaica (UK) Seth George Ramocan, Dr Marcia McLaughlin F.Birm.Soc, CEO/Editor In Chief of The Phoenix Newspaper, and Ms Beverly Lindsay OBE, OD, DL founder of the Diamond Travel travel agency, amongst those marking Jamaica’s Diamond Jubilee, plus representatives from the Armed Forces, the emergency services and Birmingham City Council.

Continued on Page 7

Positive, Inspirational Women Celebrated At Prestigious Awards - Page 9

Three Cheers For The Birmingham Cigar Club - Page 10

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llegal immigration is a problem that continues to affect many countries. Different strategies have been discussed or implemented to tackle this issue. For example, former USA president, Donald Trump, famously suggested building a wall to keep illegal immigrants out of the country. in Canada, a start-up visa programme has been established in an effort to attract highly skilled foreign entrepreneurs. In Japan, the government rolled out a new point-based system to rate immigrants. In Australia, People without a valid visa are considered unlawful— including children. Migrant children, especially asylum seekers, have been detained in immigration detention centres for months or even years. Now, controversially, the British government has announced a new policy to tackle the number of illegal immigrants crossing the English Channel to enter the country. Whilst this plan has been vigorously supported by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Home Secretary, Priti Patel, there have also been widespread criticism of this scheme by other government ministers. Can this plan solve or curb Britain’s illegal immigration problem? Britain’s problems with regard to illegal immigration was clearly seen in 2016 and was a major factor in the Brexit vote of that year. And, of course, Boris Johnson has been under pressure to deliver on his promise to ‘take back control’ of Britain's borders. Therefore, the government’s latest strategy means anyone who has arrived in Britain illegally since Jan. 1 2022, could be relocated to Rwanda. This, it is hoped, would disrupt the business model of people-smuggling gangs. According to the Prime Minister, this deal is based on the belief or understanding that Rwanda will have the capacity to resettle tens of thousands of people in the years ahead. The five-year trial, would result in many asylum seekers arriving in Britain through illegal means, to be given a one-way ticket to Rwanda. The migrants would be generally housed temporarily in hostels or hotels, in Kigali while their asylum claims are looked into. The Rwandan government spokeswoman, Yolande Makolo told Reuters, that once their claims are finalised they will be facilitated so they can be integrated into the Rwandan

WILL BRITAIN’S RWANDA IMMIGRATION EXPERIMENT STOP THE CROSSINGS? community. In effect, therefore, Rwanda would become like Britain’s ‘offshore territory for illegal immigrants’. Through this strategy Britain would be able to solve its problem of illegal immigrants coming into the country. Although Priti Patel, who said she expects the first ‘removals’ to take place this summer, and accused those dismissing her proposals of having no alternative suggestion for tackling record numbers of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats, a few alternatives seemed worthy of consideration. In the first place, why did the British government not consider a handful of partner countries in Europe, the Mediterranean as well as Africa, as safe stable states for the migrants? In other words, why not share the burden? One also has to consider whether a fairly poor country like Rwanda is suitably equipped to house

tens of thousands of migrants from diverse countries as: Afghanistan, Chad, Eritrea, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Another strategy might have been to set up many more specific buildings or stations dotted across the English south coast where illegal immigrants could be offered temporary housing and appropriate medical care and then transported back to their country of origin. Britain needs to be tougher on illegal immigrants, but the question is, how? It also has to be borne in mind that many of the immigrants crossing the channel are not from Africa. Therefore, Rwanda would feel like an alien territory for many of them. In 2021, for example, the BBC reported that Iranians made up 30% of small boat arrivals, according to the Home Office, while 21% were Iraqis, 11% Eritreans and 9% Syrians. In previous years,

Iranians have made up the vast majority of small boat arrivals - 80% in 2018, and 66% in 2019. However, there has been a greater mix of nationalities making the crossing since 2020. The British government also needs to consider the ethical concerns, as the veteran Tory MP Sir Roger Gale said, ‘shipping people abroad was treating them like ‘waste’. Former British Prime Minister, Theresa May has also expressed reservations about this immigration proposal. Immigration, whether legal or illegal, is a major global concern and needs greater global cooperation rather than unilateral short term decisions. We can only hope and pray that Rwanda does not experience social upheaval as a result of its agreement to help Britain solve its illegal immigration problem. Time will tell whether this policy will deter people from crossing the Channel into Britain.



The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 3


Don't miss our Commonwealth Supplement 'Get Set'

Check Out Page 41 For The Full Feature!

l Rich and family next to their narrowboat



floating upcycled jewellery maker arrived in the Black Country as Rich MacKenzie runs ‘by Bike & Boat’ and travels the waterways of the UK, making and selling his upcycled copper creations along the way. The 42-year-old, with his family and two furry friends, set up his workshop from his 60ft narrowboat moored on the canal in Dudley. He says: “We had a great welcome in the Black Country and I was looking forward to setting up my workshop to make some pieces of jewellery, and sell a few

whilst we were there. WHaving left Oxford at the start of winter, Dudley was our midway stop on our adventure of the canals of the UK, with our ultimate destination Llangollen in North Wales." Rich, who lives on the boat with his wife Jackie, 11-year-old son Bobby, 5-year-old daughter Fleur as well as their cat and 13-monthold rescue puppy, said trade was hit hard due to the pandemic. However, his mission to upcycle around the UK continued apace. He adds: "I make each item of copper jewellery to order so that it’s just right and fits the customer perfectly.

“Selling my products on demand works well as living on a canal boat we don’t have a great deal of room to keep a big stock of pieces. I usually use copper gifted to me from local plumbers we find on our travels to make my pieces of jewellery." His love of creating and travelling the UK started when he lost his father in 2020. He says: "When dad passed away, it hit me like a ton of bricks just how short life is. "Having a trade that I can do from the stern deck of the boat means that we can travel the UK’s canals and rivers to our heart’s content."

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A l Councillor Anne Millward, Mayor of Dudley visiting Merry Hill

Dudley Mayor Toured The Busy Merry Hill Centre And Learns About Its Bright Future THE BOROUGH’S first citizen chatted with key figures from the Merry Hill centre as part of the Made in Dudley Borough initiative. The centre boasts more than 200 shops and restaurants, almost 10,000 free car parking spaces, supports more than 8,000 jobs in the local economy and is a major destination for shoppers from across the region. There is a project already in place to bring the Midland Metro to the

centre as part of the extension of the rail system which will make it a major transport interchange too. Councillor Anne Millward, Mayor of Dudley, said: "This is already one of the biggest and most popular shopping destinations in the country and it is wonderful to hear about the ambition they have to build on that. People come from miles around to visit. It’s all so very positive and it was a real privilege to have a tour."

global group of mission-driven technologists, creatives, and community builders are set to launch a first-of-its-kind, non-fungible token (NFT) collection that merges investment opportunities, technology and gamification to protect the environment. The Aeternals co-founder Lucía Gallardo, a Honduran serial entrepreneur and experimenter, explained that The Aeternals, which will be available to collectors in the upcoming weeks, connects the non-profit sector with popular culture in an innovative and engaging way, opening up new opportunities for viability outside of the traditionally used fundraising mechanisms. Gallardo, also the founder of Emerge – a technology development lab building at the convergence of exponential technologies, sustainable development and re-imagined economic

incentive structures – believes properly designed Web3 projects can help reverse generational and cyclical inequality, whilst protecting and preserving the planet. “Impact can be an investable asset class,” she said, highlighting the project’s play-to-protect interactive game, which triggers the NFT in a collector’s wallet to blossom and evolve. Raised in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Gallardo, an MIT Innovator Under 35, has partnered with The Aeternals co-founder Trinidadian Shaun Khan of Digigo, an agency focused on innovating at the cutting edge of NFT design and delivery. Non-fungible tokens are a digital vehicle for transforming digital assets – including works of art and collectible items – into unique, traceable assets that can be verified and easily traded on the blockchain market.

Art Gallery Launches New Community Project After Securing Funding WOLVERHAMPTON ART Gallery has launched a new community project to enhance its arts educational offer after securing £60,000 in funding. ‘Making Space’ is about reimagining an exhibition space in the city centre gallery for collaboration, creativity and cohesion. Art gallery staff will work with schools, community groups, artists, families, young creatives and visitors to create an environment that provides a welcoming place for anyone in the city to come and use. This could involve a new look, practical set up, accessibility features and technology - but the final outcome will be decided by people who engage during the project. The Art Fund has granted the gallery £40,000 towards the project as part of its ‘Reimagine’ funding that enables organisations to look at new ways of working post Covid.

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Business & Finance Do Minority Ethnic Businesses Really Matter Today? A by Dr. Christopher A. Johnson

A WORCESTER TATTOO SHOP OPENS WITH HSBC UK FUNDING W est Midlands tattoo artist, Hanan Qattan, has secured a five-figure funding package from HSBC UK to open a new tattoo studio in Worcester town centre. The entrepreneur has used the funding to purchase a two level 1,200 sq. ft. property located in Worcester’s Reindeer Court Arcade to launch Fox and Fortune Tattoo. The support from HSBC UK has also allowed Hanan to apply

for planning permission to undertake renovation work to the listed building. Hanan has worked as a selfemployed tattoo artist in the area for eight years, building her client base and skills. The funding has allowed her to fulfil her goal of owning her own studio and means that Fox and Fortune can take on one full-time tattoo artist. The new property allows Hanan to run a private studio whilst renting out further commercial space, which will allow her to

take control of all the finances and run the business effectively for artists and clients alike. Hanan Qattan, Director at Fox and Fortune Tattoo, said: “HSBC UK has been instrumental in enabling the opening of Fox and Fortune Tattoo, which is now an asset for life, as I now own the property. “Our Relationship Manager at the bank, Vivek Joshi, has been incredible in taking the time to understand my business and my ambitions helping me to make

Dozens Of Submissions For WMCA Scheme To Help Give People Better Access To Nature A SCHEME offering financial support to help community groups and regional organisations looking to put more people in touch with nature has received dozens of applications. The West Midland Combined Authority’s (WMCA) Community Green Grants scheme has already seen more than 40 applications from across the region, with successful bidders able to use the grants to improve green spaces and enhance their local environment, especially in deprived communities. This can include a wide range of initiatives including planting trees, growing fruits and vegetables and turning unused land into pocket parks to increase local access.

The fund is a rolling grant with the judging panel hard at work assessing the bids. The panel is especially keen on applications from projects that include creative ways to increase biodiversity and promote

behavioural change on accessing green spaces. A decide on the first round of winners is due early this month. Jacqueline Homan, head of environment at WMCA, said: “We’re delighted to see plenty of

this a reality. I couldn’t be more grateful.” HSBC UK Area Director for East Midlands, Paul Armstrong, added: “HSBC UK is committed to helping small businesses, and we’re pleased to support Hanan as she builds Fox and Fortune. Purchasing the property gives her extra peace of mind as she works to grow her new business.” Fox and Fortune is a two women team of tattoo artists located in Worcester. It offers private appointments and consultations.

submissions for our Community Green Grants project which means people are keen to enjoy the benefits of nature on their doorstep. “I’m really looking forward to revealing the successful submissions and see how the projects improve our environment and increase the biodiversity of our region. I would encourage as many groups as possible to take advantage of the cash available and get their funding applications in.” The WMCA has set aside £725,000 for community groups, charities, community interest companies and environmental organisations that can show how their planned activities will have a positive impact on the environment. There are two levels of funding available: small grants of £3,000 - £25,000 and large grants of £25,000 - £100,000.

question that is rarely asked by mainstream when it comes to the recognition, acknowledgment and honour of this segment of the British population, by way of providing minority enterprise leaders with technical assistance and enterprise support. A recent open report confirmed that ethnic minority entrepreneurs are contributing up to £75 billion yearly to the UK. They make up a sixth of the 6 million businesses that are formally registered and employ approximately 3 million people as of 2020. In its ‘Minority Businesses Matter’ report, the Minority Supplier Development UK (MSDUK) revealed that eight of the country’s 23 private start-ups probably more than £740 million, were co-founded by minority entrepreneurs. More than 20 other firms were amongst the UK’s high ranking 100 fastest-growing entities (2019), also co-founded by minority business leaders. Aside of the formidable challenges by these enterprise purveyors, they maximised opportunities to trade in goods and services – customer-led (Figure 1). The authors of the MSDUK report also made several recommendations to tackle ongoing challenges affecting minority firms and the small firm sector overall. The

ward-wInnIng journalist, editor and publisher Dr Christopher Johnson writes his monthly column in The Phoenix aiming to inform, educate and entertain.

recommendations included the following, among others: • Tackling discrimination in the procurement system, starting with FTSE companies by encouraging them to open distribution and supplier chains to capable minority firms. • Central/Local Government authorities to integrate supplier diversity within procurement strategies. • Cultural, inter-ethnic ethnic fluency skills training for government officials, mainstream businesses and organisations, so they can appreciate minorities as equals. • Decision-makers must consider the interests of minority businesses in policy formulation and implementation. • Recognise minority business leaders as effective role models in mentoring succeeding generations of ethnic firms. • Improve engagement levels of minorities to assess and evaluate their economic and enterprise performance levels to the society. Since the MSDUK report, there have been other reports, mostly dealing with the problematisation of the ethnic minority firm sector. Importantly, annual reporting on minority ethnic firms in the UK are yet to reflect correct ethnic/interethnic differences in composition and type. It is a factor that requires more than rhetoric consideration, but regard.




Minority businesses lead in video games technology, small business finance, data privacy compliance and cybersecurity.


Over 20% of SMEs and 24.3% of African-led firms -engaged in process innovation compared to 14.8% of British or European types.


At post-Brexit level, minority firms contributed to £18.5 billion in external sales (2019/20), more than UK exports to Japan (£14.7 billion) in 2019.

Post-COVID Priority

Minority firms can support the government with its regeneration initiatives since over 20 of the 39 top 100 businesses in England alone, are outside London, are based in deprived areas.

Environmental Sustainability

Ethnic start-ups are also contributing to eco-friendly, appropriate and relevant solutions to issues such as bio gradable wet wipes and waste-water treatment. There is evidence suggesting that minority entrepreneurs aged 20-35 years, are also taking in active interest in business ecological affairs.

l Figure 1: Major features of Minority Businesses

(Source: ‘Minority Businesses Matter’, MSDUK February 2021)

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he 40th annual Women of the Year Luncheon & Awards took place on Friday, April 1st, returning after a short hiatus in a year that brings us the Commonwealth Games here in the UK, The Year of the Nurse & Midwife, and the 40th Anniversary of the Women of the Year event. Dr Marcia McLaughlin F.Birm. Soc was invited by Professor Paul Brown, Director, Government & Public Sector at EY as his guest along with some amazing diverse individuals including Melanie Palmer Chief Executive of Solihull BID, and Mark O'Sullivan Business Development Director of boxxedup. Held at The Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, the annual awards aim to promote positive female role models who provide inspiration across all areas of society and the business community. They encourage women to showcase their talents and celebrate their achievements to a nationwide audience. Suzanne Linton from Warwickshire was named Business Woman of the Year at this year’s ceremony, an award designed to celebrate the success of an individual making transformational changes within their organisation or sector.

Suzanne is the CEO of Freestyle, a tech agency that helps brands by creating strategy-first solutions made for tomorrow. The business offers a fullservice digital consultancy aiming to build better customer experiences and improve business performance. Established in 1996 as an early digital pioneer by its current owners, the business now employs 30 people. Suzanne said: “I’m absolutely delighted to be named Business Woman of the Year and it’s a real honour to be recognised in this way. "I’d like to thank Women of the Year for this wonderful accolade and for helping to shine a light on the achievements of women in business. "I admire the passion and dedication of all my fellow finalists and it’s been so inspiring to hear their stories and celebrate their work at this year’s ceremony.” The annual awards ceremony

welcomed over 600 professionals from the private and public sectors. Dr Sharon Redrobe OBE, CEO of Twycross Zoo and WOTY director, said: “We are so pleased to announce Suzanne Linton as our Business Woman of the Year, one of our most prestigious accolades. "Suzanne was shortlisted alongside seven other inspiring women of huge talent, skill and determination and this year’s ceremony has been a fantastic opportunity to celebrate their achievements and highlight their important work. "It’s so important to support and champion fellow women in business and Suzanne is a wonderful advocate for that.” All proceeds from this year’s Women of the Year Luncheon & Awards will go directly to charity, with just under £600,000 raised to date. For 2022, the event supported The Prince’s Trust: Women Supporting Women Initiative, a

passionate group of supporters who are committed to changing the lives of young women, and NHS Charities Together which continues to support our NHS in the life saving work that they do. The prestigious Women of Achievement award celebrates women who have shown extraordinary courage in extraordinary circumstances, as well as making a contribution to society. This year, the award was presented to the Women of the NHS in recognition of their unwavering dedication, commitment and compassion. An inspiring team of NHS workers collected the award, including nurses, midwives, consultants and surgeons from the Neonatal Ward at Liverpool Women’s Hospital and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, as well as twelve other NHS workers chosen by Chief Nursing Officer for England, Ruth May and her team from specialist areas including specialists in cancer treatment, physiotherapy, mental health support services, children’s services and many more. Many thanks goes out to Professor Paul Brown of EY who keeps the diversity conversation front and centre, allowing others to shine.

The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 9


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irmingham shows its true colours when people from right across the city come together to enjoy celebrations, and on Saturday 23rd April, 'The Twenty-Something Annual Dinner & AGM' of the Birmingham Cigar Club took place in the beautiful surroundings of Edgbaston Hall. The club is open to both smokers and non-smokers, but a commonality to all in attendance was a love of life and a desire to enjoy it to the fullest. Members come from a wide range of different backgrounds, with many having spent years working in the NHS. Whatever they do, they always strive to make Brum a better place. Apart from giving members a fantastic opportunity to remember great nights out through a series of trophies, this dinner and others that both Clubs regularly hold give members an excellent opportunity to support the local community. This year saw Deputy Mayor Yvonne Mosquito in attendance along with her consort, Nura Ali, both being warmly welcomed by the President of Birmingham Cigar Club, Robert J Gunn, and Hon Secretary Adrian de Redman. A delicious dinner of a hearty vegetable soup, chunky steak and kidney pie and roasts, and a finale of apple crumble with both ice cream and custard saw everyone in attendance well and truly stuffed by the time the port was rolled out for the loyal toast! Once dinner was completed, guests retired to enjoy their cigars, pipes and more in resplendant surroundings. The club is always looking for new members, and for more information on both the club and other upcoming events in the city, drop Adrian an email at



l Nura Ali, F.Birm.Soc., Dr Marcia Mclaughlin, F.Birm.Soc., Miss Elizabeth Phillips, Vice-President Birmingham Cigar Club, Councillor Yvonne Mosquito, Mr Robert Gunn, President, Birmingham Cigar Club.

l Dr Marcia with Mrs Madeleine Westlake and Mr Luke Doherty

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l Councillor Yvonne Mosquito, Lord Mayor's Deputy presents a member's silver badge to Miss Susan Crosthwaite, who was the first Vice-President of Birmingham Cigar Club.

l Mrs Jane Moody and Mr Adrian de Redman

l Dr Marcia and Mr Stanley Moody

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The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 11





he Phoenix Newspaper is proud, privileged, and humbled to announce it will be celebrating its Glittering 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner and Awards Presentation Ceremony, as well as Jamaica’s 60th Anniversary of Independence, and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Year at an exclusive venue in Accra, Ghana on the 30th September 2022. As a Commonwealth Newspaper, we are proud to celebrate with all the countries of the Commonwealth, most of which will have descended on Birmingham just a month prior for the fantastic Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, the home of The Phoenix Newspaper. In the year of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum

Jubilee, it’s fitting that her Commonwealth will be coming together for such an unforgettable event, and in the United Kingdom too! Once the festivities of the games are over, all roads will lead to Accra, to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee, and most importantly, to recognise the traditional Kings and Queens across Africa. For the first time this year the awards categories will not be up for public vote, as this year we will be awarding significant figures across Africa and the diaspora. On the night, it will be a glorious and spectacular enlightenment as the traditional Kings and Queens of Africa proceed in their glory to an occasion that is fitting for this special Jubilee year. They will be joined by world leaders, governors, high ranking military officials, dignitaries, specially

invited guests and of course our wonderful readers, supporters and friends coming together to share in the successes The Phoenix Newspaper has had over the last 10 years, as well as celebrate their legacy. In 2019, at the 9th Anniversary of The Phoenix Newspaper, the Jamaica High Commissioner, the Rt Hon George Ramocan made the announcement of the special relationship that Ghana has formed with the Government of Jamaica, and there is a similar agreement that has been reached between Jamaica and Nigeria. Ghana has one of the fastest growing economies in all of Africa, so it’s an auspicious time for us to bring the positivity of The Phoenix Newspaper to the region. We invite you to come to Africa, introducing “The Legacy Tour: Be Bold” – a 3 day conference from the 27th

- 29th September in Accra, Ghana, going back to where we started, showcasing the best that Ghana has to offer, with study tours, talks from our keynote speakers and many networking opportunities. In Ghana’s Year of Return 2019, President Nana AkufoAddo invited Africans in the diaspora to unite with Africans. Many Jamaicans took up the invitation during this time, and therefore we will be celebrating the continuation of the Year of Return by highlighting the existing, thriving Jamaican community in Ghana. This will be a continuation of the celebrations for Jamaica’s 60th Anniversary of Independence, with people invited to share in this conference and to hear from our Keynote speakers about the opportunities and investments that are available to them.

An opportunity for Birmingham and the West Midlands to seize the opportunity to connect and partner with Africans and the diaspora to continue the legacy of ‘Be Bold’. Regardless of your race, colour, creed, gender or sexuality, The Phoenix Newspaper is here to spread positive news about all people, combatting the overhyped and sensationalised news pushed by the rest of the mainstream media. Only by coming together in solidarity can we move forward in such uncertain times. The Phoenix has been promoting and celebrating the power that the diversity of our nation has, inclusive of all of the sectors that make Britain ‘Great’ for a decade, and while it wasn’t an easy journey for us by any means, we now have a publication that is accepted, trusted, and loved by people of all walks of life and nationalities. This is an awards ceremony that recognises diversity, inclusion and success from all sectors and walks of life, so this year make sure you don’t miss out. This will be a royal occasion with an exclusive audience of over 500 seated guests for a grand dinner and networking opportunity with the elite. There are sponsorship opportunities

for business and commerce to engage in. These opportunities will be beneficial to all participants.


Special legacy 3 day conference Be Bold!! Finale Celebration of Jamaica 60th Independence Celebration to be held at Movenpick Ambassador Hotel Accra Independence Avenue Ridge, Pmb Ct 343, Accra - Ghana. We are inviting individuals, entrepreneurs, local authorities, organisations, who have a vested interest in Africa to join us as we celebrate the Commonwealth, Connecting Communities to Inspire the Next Generation. For further information, or to express an interest, please email us at info@phoenixgalaawards. com or contact our PR Agent for more information and to get involved Victoria C. Sappor UK +447833821124 Ghana +233557561189 Social Media - FB and Instagram is Vikki Spyce


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ADOPTION & FOSTERING Government Want Children Taken Into Care To Be Fast-Tracked Into Permanent Adoption



eekly fostering allowances are designed to cover the full costs of looking after a child or young person in foster care. No foster

THE LARGEST PRIVATE suppliers of children's homes and foster care places in England, Wales and Scotland make excessive profits, says a watchdog. The UK has "sleepwalked" into a system where some vulnerable children do not get good care, says a Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) report. However, private providers say some of their services can cost less than their council equivalents. The CMA study into children's social care found large private sector providers of fostering services and children's homes appeared to be making higher profits in England and Wales than would be expected in a wellfunctioning market. This suggests councils are paying more than they should, particularly for fostering, the report found. The researchers found prices and profits of the largest private providers were materially higher than would be expected if the market was working well. Data on 15 large providers from 2016 to 2020 showed steady operating profit margins averaging 22.6%, and costs rising from £2,977 to £3,830 over the period, says the

carer should be out of pocket as a result of caring for a child on behalf of the state. In Wales, England and Northern Ireland there is a national minimum allowance and each

year in April, these allowances are uprated to reflect the increase in the cost of living. It has been well documented that this year, all families are facing unprecedented increases in their cost of living.

In April, inflation was set to peak at around 8 per cent, energy price caps will jump and National Insurance contributions rise. The Fostering Network's State of the Nation 2021 report found that over

a third of foster carers said that their allowances do not meet the full cost of looking after a child. This survey was carried out in Summer 2021. Governments and fostering services are urged that when they calculate the fostering allowance levels for April 2022 to 2023, to ensure they reflect the sharp increase in the cost of living and meet the full costs of caring for a child. In the longer term, governments across the UK should undertake a comprehensive review of the minimum levels of fostering allowances set in their respective countries using up to date evidence to ensure that they cover the full costs of looking after a child.

Report Highlights Children's Social Care Generating Excessive Profits report. Overall there is a shortage of appropriate places for lookedafter children, leading to some not getting the care they need, being placed far from schools and friends or separated from their siblings, says the CMA. The authors are particularly concerned about the financial stability of some children's homes in England and Wales which are financed through private equity firms with high levels of debt. "It is important to manage the risk of children's homes providers going bust and local authorities having to pick up the pieces," said CMA chief executive Andrea Coscelli. The report also recommends a warning system to assess the financial health of the hardest to replace private providers, and greater efforts to bring foster care in-house."

CHILDREN TAKEN into care will to be fast-tracked into permanent adoption away from their natural parents under Government plans to change the way vulnerable young people are looked after by the state. In a wide-ranging package of reforms ministers intend to change the law to make it clear that courts and social workers must always pursue adoption when it is in a child’s best interest. The move is expected to result in many more children being permanently adopted rather than being placed in foster homes in the hope that they could in future be re-united with their natural parents. However the plan faces strong opposition from social workers who claim the Government is pushing adoption to save money and have warned councils will feel compelled to meet centrally set targets, rather than acting in the best interests of children. Currently it can take up to 18 months for children in care to be adopted a time scale that ministers want to half. As part of the proposals the Government has also pledged to provide more support for adopted children and the parents who look after them. All adopted children will be entitled to counselling services until the age of 21 and will be given a designated teacher at school to look after their interests. In order to maximise the number of children being successfully adopted councils will be made to join regional adoption agencies while the length of time it takes for adoptions to go through will be monitored. Announcing the changes the Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, said: “For the first time ever, we are explicitly setting out how we will transform the lives of our most vulnerable children by making sure they get the opportunities they deserve,” “We cannot stand by while children spend months in care waiting for their new family, when loving parents are available. We cannot preside over a situation where adopted children are less likely to do well at school than their classmates."

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l Last year’s event, which took place online (from left) - Chamber CEO Henrietta Brealey, Jessica Uppal, Future Faces vice-president Kasim Choudhary, president Jaccy Datta, vice-president Sabah Hussain, former Future Faces manager Anna Assinder and host Gemma Hill.

Young Professionals Encouraged To Apply For Flagship Awards

YOUNG PROFESSIONALS are being encouraged to submit an application to win an award at the Future Faces Chamber of Commerce’s highly anticipated awards ceremony this summer. Celebrating the region’s young professionals and their achievements, the Future Faces Annual Dinner & Awards 2022 will take place at the ICC in Birmingham on Friday 26 August from 7pm. Following last year’s online ceremony, this year’s awards will see guests gather in person to recognise the plethora of young talent across the West Midlands and celebrate 10 years since the Future Faces Chamber was established. The overall winner of the awards will be crowned the Greater Birmingham Young Professional of the Year. Jodie-Lee Perks, Future Faces manager, said: “After two years of virtual awards ceremonies, we are delighted that 2022’s annual dinner will be in person and bigger than ever."

The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 13



o celebrate Global Intergenerational Week starting on 25th April, Percussion Play is highlighting the positive effects of intergenerational music-making and its ability to promote inclusive play and bring benefits to both young and elderly people. The goal of the week is to inspire individuals, groups, organizations, local/national government, to fully embrace intergenerational practice, connecting people of all ages especially the younger and older generations. It has been proven that when senior citizens take part in cross-generational learning activities with children and adolescents, it can help improve their physical, cognitive and social wellbeing. It can also enhance the quality of life of those suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia. Intergenerational play can also help senior citizens have a renewed sense of purpose, it can also help encourage both children and adults to explore new challenges.

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Research has shown a wider benefit to communities, helping build a sense of community place-making and improve relations between the elderly and the young. It has been proven in younger people that intergenerational play can accelerate the development of social skills, emotional processing, communication and help improve self-esteem. Percussion Play has created a range of beautiful outdoor musical instruments played across the world in schools, libraries, parks, hospitals, and senior living communities. From the popular Calypso Chimes to the Harmony Flowers. Percussion Play’s instruments are designed to bring people together to create uplifting music. Jody Ashfield, Founder, and MD of Percussion Play, said: “We are proud our instruments can help support intergenerational play and we encourage everyone to understand the important benefits intergenerational play can bring to both young people and the elderly."

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g n i t o Prom xcellence E

As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting the positive and inspirational individuals and organisations in our communities, The Phoenix Newspaper presents Promoting Excellence - a closer look at our role models, entrepreneurs, community figures and success stories.



University of Wolverhampton research academic has been appointed as the Group Chair of the IEEE UK and Ireland Blockchain Group. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing, and technology information around the globe. The IEEE UK and Ireland Blockchain Group was founded in November 2018 with the vision of an active and dynamic forum focused on member value. The

aim of the IEEE UK and Ireland Blockchain Group is to serve as a forum for professional networking, learning, and growth for our IEEE UK and Ireland members in the rapidly emerging Blockchain field and to organise events covering the start-of-the-art Blockchain technology and applications. Professor Prashant Pillai, Director at the University’s Cyber Quarter Midlands Centre for Cyber Security and Associate Dean for Research and Knowledge Exchange at the University has been appointed Group Chair. He said: “Blockchain, as a disruptive technology, is a multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary specialism. It is by far the most forward thinking, impactful, and

disruptive emerging technology family that the Future Directions Committee and the IEEE has sought to embrace. At the Cyber Centre we carry out a lot of research and development around Blockchain. We have had a few externally funded projects in this area, a granted patent and a University spin-out company, Cydon Ltd. “Distributed Ledger technologies including Blockchains have enormous applications across various sectors and it is a key research area for us and it’s fundamental that we engage with the wider community. IEEE groups like these provide an excellent forum for bringing all professionals in an area together."

Coventry University Professor Calls For Change Of Direction On Arts Education Funding COVENTRY UNIVERSITY’S Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Arts and Humanities has made an impassioned plea about the value of arts courses as the UK creative industries bounce back from the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking to the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, Professor Judith Mossman said recent changes to reduce government funding for arts courses were making the task of educating the next generation of creative workers harder. The creative industries are some of the fastest growing sectors in the economy – estimates suggesting they were worth £111.7bn in 2018 but have been one of the hardest hit by the pandemic. Research suggests rates of young people leaving the sector have been around 12 percentage points higher than the usually expected rates. But with the creative industries bouncing back, there is growing demand for talent and skills. Speaking after questioning from ten MPs, Professor Mossman said: “Being the UK City of Culture 2021

has transformed Coventry in terms of investment. Events like this can make a huge difference, including highlighting creative work that was already happening. Now it falls to everyone to ensure the next generation of creative workers have the best skills for the future – arts education cannot be forgotten.” Professor Mossman argued that the benefits of creative education are felt by everyone in a community and not just graduates. This comes at the same time as direct funding for the performing and creative arts subjects has been cut by 50 per cent. At Coventry University, the redevelopment of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities facilities which are planned to open later in 2022 will have a public gallery space, café and events atrium where students, staff and visiting artists can showcase their work to the community. The project provides a direct point of contact between the local community, the university, and its industries, allowing the city, its residents and visitors to engage with the creative work Coventry’s students are producing. During the

session, Professor Mossman also praised City of Culture organisers for staging a year’s worth of cultural events in Coventry, even during a global pandemic. The committee were interested in how to encourage more cultural events across the whole country. Coventry University was invited to give evidence to the cross-party group of MPs due to its role as a major education institution and a principal partner of the City of Culture. In a report published last week, the cross-party group called on the Government to have more of a strategy for its big cultural events including the Commonwealth Games, which will take place in Birmingham and Coventry this summer.

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LIFE IS RETURNING to normal following the COVID years, but what has been a constant during this time is our love of books. People have turned to much-loved authors and in particular crime books and this high level of interest is continuing. Sherlock Holmes remains a fascinating and enduring character in the history of British crime writing and the retelling of the stories through blockbuster films and award winning TV series is a testament to this. Mike Bryan, Director of publishers Baker Street Press, takes up the story: ‘There has always been a high level of interest in the ‘consulting detective’ and we felt the time was right to launch the ‘Sherlock Holmes Deluxe Classics Series’. “This collection of nine hardback books is a retro-inspired full set of Arthur Conan Doyle’s wonderful tales of Holmes at work,” he commented.

l Dr Sara Fontani (left) and Lemur

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team of University of Wolverhampton academics is working to improve the welfare and captive reproduction of primates across Europe – and the first phase of the project is now complete. Dr Sara Fontani, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow from the University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering Animal Behaviour & Wildlife Conservation group, has successfully completed the first phase of her project, The Enriched Primate, at Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust – Jersey Zoo. Under the supervision of Dr Stefano Vaglio, a University Reader in Animal Behaviour, she conducted the first detailed chemical analyses of vaginal secretions in gentle lemurs (Hapalemur alaotrensis). She compared vaginal odour signals in breeding and nonbreeding periods to identify chemical signature that convey information about female sexual

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receptivity and fertility. Stefano and Sara aim to use chemical communication to trigger olfactory and mating behaviours to enhance breeding success in captive conditions in such a critically endangered species of lemur. Sara said: “Gentle lemurs are one of the 25 most endangered primate species in the world, and they currently suffer from low reproductive rates in captivity. “We are very excited, as we will be able to start the second phase of the project shortly. We are going to test an innovative scent enrichment based on the fertility signal of the female, which we hope will have a positive impact on the lemurs’ well-being and reproductive success in captivity.” This project has been codesigned with Gale Glendewar (Jersey Zoo), the coordinator of the gentle lemur ex-situ programme (EEP), a population management programme for animals of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) that aims to maintain captive healthy populations and maximise genetic diversity. Lemurs are native to Madagascar where there are around 100 species, all endangered. 87 per cent of forest there is gone now due to traditional ways of agriculture which are not sustainable.


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by Steve Williams

he made worldwide news when she was filmed leading here colleagues in taking a knee, in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder, outside Boston Police Headquarters, in a show of solidarity with the thousands of protestors who were rallying at a demonstration. Organised by Violence In

Boston Inc. and Black Lives Matter Boston, the protesters stood behind a barrier set up at the station where they called for officers stationed outside to take a knee. Some of the officers did. “Protesters just wanted to know you were listening to them,” said Officer Kim Tavares. After hearing them chanting “George Floyd! George Floyd!” her fellow officers went out, fully protected, in response. She, on the

other hand, went out wearing her regular gear – and no helmet. “As they were chanting, I too was chanting ‘George Floyd, George Floyd under my mask,” she recalls. They all said take a knee. But I said “no, let’s all take a knee.” I ‘kill people with kindness’. With her parents from Cape Verde Islands, in Africa, and raised in Duxbury, in Boston, Kim has been a member of the Boston

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soul that’s about to take Kim into another sphere – in her ‘other’ life. “I’ve been in this (music) industry for 25 years,” mother-oftwo, Kim, recalls. “I’ve also been in band in 90s doing weddings, parties, and other gigs. “I had to be hands-on in the music business and I learned to not be desperate. I always knew my time would come.”

Police Department for 19 years - as a street patrol officer for 17-years, before now working in Media Relations. “Despite all,” she recalls, “you still have to show them love. “All police officers don’t think the same. Black lives do matter,” she said.

And “love” is the key for the multi-facetted Kim, who has also forged a hugely successful singing career, and has just returned to the US following the promotional tour for her recently-released single, ‘Tired (Do You Here Me)’ (Digital Jukebox Records) – a tight and melodic blend of R&B, funk and

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“In both my policing and singing careers, I have learned to be grounded and persistent. I know that the music industry is all about gimmicks. “I’ve been successful. My success is here in the middle and being appreciated”. She went on: “I’ve learned the business without selling my soul. And I’ve never abused my voice”. She said that she wanted to find a way to share a message of unity and peace during such a tumultuous time. Self-taught singer, Officer Tavares says she just wants to share a message of unity and peace - in Boston and around the world. She recently performed her new single at the Birmingham Powerhouse All Dayer Reunion, at the Loft Lounge From keeping the peace, to taking the music industry by storm, there’s no stopping Kim any time soon. That’s why she is a woman of unbounded excellence.



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MAY 2022



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Capes At The Ready… MCM Comic Con Is Back


he wait is over, MCM Comic Con, the ultimate celebration of pop culture, is back with bang with three hotly anticipated shows rolling into London twice, in May and October, and rounding off with Birmingham in November. The first MCM, the UK’s most exciting pop culture event, will be soaring into London’s ExCeL as soon as 27th – 29th May, with plenty to explore at this year’s jam-packed programme of celebrity talent, unforgettable panels from the best in the business, exclusive previews, live performances, independent creators and more – with this year’s tickets sponsored by and feature artwork from the award-winning open-world action RPG Genshin Impact. MCM Comic Con May will see the return of the awesome MCM Fringe Stage, offering a smorgasbord of incredible live music, laugh out loud

comedy and performing arts all in the great outdoors. Be transported back to the 19th Century with Old Time Sailors singing the very best Sea Shanty’s fit for the seafaring life. Talented MCM fans can showcase the star within by wowing the crowd in MCM’s very own Talent Show. For K-pop fans, anime enthusiasts and manga masters, delve into the Pop Asia section. For role-playing fans, OutsideXbox and DM Johnny Chiodini will return with another unforgettable live Oxventure D&D adventure. And, for the budding artists, Artist Alley will have independent talented creators, for tips and some new favourite comics and artwork. For ultimate alter-ego fantasy at Cosplay Central, the limits of outfit creations knows no bounds. The best of the best can show off their skills and take to the main stage for the Cosplay Central

Crown Championships, or cosplayers of all experiences are welcome to enter the Cosplay Masquerade. For those still learning, there’ll be unbeatable panels offering the best tips and techniques for kick-ass costumes and the unique Cosplay Hospital to fix any unplanned outfit mishaps. Best of all, MCM Comic Con is full of likeminded fans who are just like you. And there’s time to do it all again with MCM Comic Con hitting London’s ExCeL again on 28th – 30th October and NEC Birmingham on 12th – 13th November. Jenny Martin, Event Director at MCM Comic Con said: “Welcome home, fans! We can’t wait to bring MCM Comic Con back to you next month. As our first show draws even closer, we’ll be announcing our line-up of celebrity guests, panels and never before seen surprises to the programme… grab your tickets and watch this space.”

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o celebrate, the majority of acts on the 2022 bill are returning festival favourites. Joining the heavy weight line up of headliners Bryan Adams, James Blunt, The Darkness, The Waterboys, Ronan Keating & Jools Holland will be; Mica Paris, The Magic Numbers, Altered Images & The Christians with the usual tasty selection of folk, blues & alternative artists such as Alice Russell, Get Cape Wear Cape Fly, William The Conqueror, Ferris & Sylvester, Andy Fairweather Lowe, Amy Montgomery, Beans on Toast & many more. Loved by locals, Cornbury is one of the longest running festivals in the heart of Oxfordshire, attracting 20,000 people each year for the last 17 years, retaining the friendly community atmosphere of a village fete that just happens to have some of the biggest International names in music performing on the main stage. Known to be one of the safest festivals in the UK, with entertainment for all the family, its musical heritage is one of all round appeal, suited to all ages and tastes, which is what has

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given the festival its loyal and long standing reputation in its beautiful Cotswolds setting. Starting in 2004 at Cornbury Park and moving to Great Tew in 2011, Cornbury has produced a host of amazing headliners including; Amy Winehouse, Joe Cocker, Elvis Costello, Robert Plant, Paul Simon, The Faces, Ray Davies and many, many more. Hugh Phillimore, the festivals Independent promoter has this to say on the festivals final event: “2017 had been intended as our last festival, but our customers encouraged us to continue, so we did! “However, having to postpone the festival in both 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic has taken its toll and we have had to move on. We couldn’t leave without one last farewell, so, there will be fireworks, there will be feasts and there will be tears before bedtime, but we intend to make this year one hell of a party as we plan to go out with a bang!” Cornbury Music Festival runs from 8-10 July at Great Tew Park, near Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire.

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by Victoria Sappor

n the 14th of April, The Legacy Center of Excellence in Newtown opened its doors to the youth of Birmingham and surrounding areas within the West Midlands. The event was sponsored by Clarion Futures and saw employers from various local business sectors with the likes of the NEC Group, Commonwealth Games team, participate in the Job Fair, recruiting for the most anticipated games of 2022. Keith Shayaam-Smith, CEO of The Legacy Center of Excellence was proud to see many employers with job vacancies and a large number of people who attended to find out and apply for job opportunities, learn how to write CV’s and to “change their lives”. Abigail Shervington, the lead community engagement manager of the Commonwealth Games 2022 said “We want to make it easier for people to find out how they can get involved with the Games and to chat with their local Community Engagement Manager about the opportunities available to their communities.” She emphasized on promoting the ‘ray of drop’ opportunities that have been made available to the community and which sectors are available to the youth from within the organizing committee as well as their various contractors. The successful event had over 400 people attend and engage in the need to find out about skills, employment advice, and job availability. Ms Shervington went on to highlight the need to break down barriers of getting people into employment after the COVID-19 pandemic.

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There were several well accomplished medalists supporting the event and also shed light on the benefits of getting involved in National and International events. Ama Agbeze, who was captain of Team England at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games in Australia, Kofi Josephs, a British Basketball player were present and advocating for the Commonwealth Games in its importance. Birmingham City Council had a stall from which they dispensed some vital information regarding the benefit system, financial aid,

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debt advice, food banks and the likes. It would seem one of the main focuses of BCC is to mobilize the local community into becoming more engaging before, during and after the Commonwealth Games. Mrs Blondel Cluff CBE, chair of the National Lottery Community Fund gave a well received discussion on the aid available to the young people through the National Lottery Fund and when the next application process was starting. She went on to advise on the eligibility and the ease of navigating through the application process.



A Curious Visit To New Street Station

VISITORS TO BIRMINGHAM New Street may have spotted a rather curious sight when Christopher Boone and his pet rat Toby paid a visit to the station. The duo was seen exploring the concourse and checking out the timetable. Director Marianne Elliott’s ‘extraordinary and unmissable’ (Time) smash hit production brings Mark Haddon’s best-selling novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time to thrilling life on stage. Fifteen-year-old Christopher has an extraordinary brain. He is exceptional at maths, while everyday life presents some barriers. He has never ventured alone beyond the end of his road, he detests being touched and he distrusts strangers. When he falls under suspicion for killing his neighbour’s dog, it takes him on a journey that upturns his world.

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reakdancing magician and finalist of Britain’s Got Talent 2020, Magical Bones is taking his new magic show Black Magic back on the road following an impressive sold-out run at the 2019 Edinburgh Festival Fringe. This tour encompasses some rescheduled dates from his 2020 tour along with the new shows. Black Magic challenges the connotations usually associated with this term and the show culminates with a tribute to the Black Magician Henry Box Brown, a 19th century slave from Virginia who escaped to freedom at the age of 33 in 1849 by arranging to have himself shipped inside a wooden crate to abolitionists in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Bones is a unique performer, so expect to be taken on an aweinspiring journey that includes the coolest breakdance moves, back-flipping card tricks and of course jaw-dropping street magic. Magical Bones started his career as a professional hiphop dancer and was given the nickname ‘Bones’ because of his hard-hitting dance style. He went on to establish himself as one of the most respected figures within the UK hip-hop scene, working with some of the biggest names in the music industry including Madonna, Alicia Keys and PlanB, and is the featured dancer in the music video for Mint Royale’s number 1 smash hit single, Singin’ In the Rain. Combining his dance skills with his magic talent is now the focus of his time, and he

has since gone on to make it to the finals of 2020’s Britain’s Got Talent, star in the Impossible magic show tour and in London’s West End, feature in Sky’s TV series Around The World in 80 Tricks, appear on the CW’s Penn & Teller: Fool Us in the USA, Crackerjack on CBBC and ITV’s This Morning. He also closed BBC One’s coverage of the BAFTA Aw a r d s ceremony.

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Food & Fine Dining Midlands tourists can enjoy Tipton-made Mad O’Rourkes pies on the Welsh coast


hose visiting the Welsh coast from the Midlands this sunny Easter weekend will be able to enjoy a taste of home with pies made in the heart of the Black Country, thanks to a venture by Mad O’Rourkes Pie Factory. Iconic dishes such as the Posh ‘n’ Becks (steak and stilton); Wham Bam, Thank You Lamb (minted lamb), and the Andy Murray (curry pie) are being sold at a pub on the seafront at Aberdovey - a popular destination for holidaymakers from the Midlands, given it is one of their nearest coastal getaways. Owner of The Britannia Inn, Dieter Botchett, said he chose to sell the iconic pies as he wanted to offer an ‘instantly recognisable’ much-loved brand to the many tourists from the region - and that the Mad O’Rourkes pies pair especially well with the Midland beer they sell on tap from Marstons. And he says the response has been overwhelming - with tourists

being delighted and surprised they are able to enjoy a pie made in Tipton on the Welsh coast. “I was looking for a brand that would sit well with our customers that come from the Midlands,” said Dieter, aged 58.

“Midland pies sit very well with us, as the Mad O’Rourkes brand is instantly recognisable. The pies are selling really well. We rotate the different flavours they offer, but the steak and stilton, the minted lamb and the vegetarian

Eeny Meeny Beeny have been very popular.” Dieter is no stranger to the West Midlands, having worked as a sales executive for Banks’s Brewery for around eight years, before moving to Aberdovey in 1989. The Aberdovey business venture is the latest way in which pielovers across the UK are getting their hands on the famous pastry treats from Black Country landmark Mad O’Rourkes, after the firm started up its Pies by Post scheme in lockdown, sending out its renowned pies to Black Country expats and pie aficionados all over Britain. “We’re delighted to be filling tourists’ tummies with our delicious, handmade pies,” said Mad O’Rourkes owner Peter Towler. “Like many Midland folk, we spend a lot of time in Aberdovey, so we’re thrilled to be able to share our high quality food with the tourists and Welsh folk there.” The pies are being sold at 17thcentury coaching inn The Britannia Inn which is located on the idyllic Sea View Terrace, overlooking the Aberdovey Harbour. When it comes to great grub, 60-year-old Peter Towler knows his stuff. He has been in the food industry all his life, being the son of a baker - and has spent 30 years managing and owning the Hurst Street-based Pie Factory, so when it comes to the finest pastry and delicious fillings, he’s your man.

UK Theme Park Launches World’s First Edible Ride AWARD-WINNING theme park, Fantasy Island, owned by leading UK entertainment company, Mellors Group, has launched the world’s first edible ride. The 'Cuthbert the Caterpillar' ride is now covered in deliciously, gooey chocolate, just like it's famous friend Colin. Guests visiting the park will be the first to experience the swinging adventure of Cuthbert the Caterpillar, whilst also taking a bite, or two. Fantasy Island also hosts 30+ rides and rollercoasters which aren’t edible yet, including the thrilling Dodgems, and the high-

adrenaline Wild River Rapids. Paige Harris, Head of Marketing at Fantasy Island, said: “We’re really pleased to be the first theme park around the world to launch an edible ride. Fantasy Island prides itself on offering the ultimate fun for every age. “Plates and cutlery will be handed out to our guests today too, so they can enjoy our tasty caterpillar with absolute ease.” And with wristband tickets as low as £20, Fantasy Island theme park is the UK hotspot for family fun during the school holidays.

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The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 23

Birmingham Powerhouse All-Dayer Reunion Pt.3 adding to growth of nothing but music by Steve Williams


he third edition of the Birmingham Powerhouse All-Dayer Reunion gave further proof of its ever-growing popularity as, despite its lastminute travails, they came from near, far and even further afield, to be part of today’s memories of how it was…yesterday! It was again a packed venue as this time, The Loft Lounge, was the – last-minute – venue for serious party people of yesteryear… and today. With Jazz-Fusion, Broken-Beats and Deep House again the genres of choice, this all-night set was another memorable gig – to add to the previous two incumbencies – pre and post the Covid lockdowns. With Colin Curtis, Chris Reid,

Kenny B, Andy Ward, Sean McCabe, Lord Byron, Neal Pinnock, Robbie J, The Mexx, Simon ‘Schoolboy’ Phillips and again, the man himself, organiser and promoter of the Reunions, Tony ‘Frenchie’ Quaile, all keeping three packed rooms constantly in a vibe that you would have to go far and wide to equal, this ‘All Dayer Reunion’ all-nighter enhanced its popularity amongst the old and the new. And, this time around, US soul and funk sensation, Kim Tavares was a very special guest performer as she wowed the already pulsating crowd with a selection of tunes – which included her newly-released tune; ‘Tired (Do You Hear Me)’. She, in her own inimitable style, almost single-handedly took the event to another stratosphere.

Other artists performing that night included Em Cee, Charmaine X and Georgie B And that was despite the aforementioned ‘travails’, which was led by the last-mute change from the original Players Bar venue (it closed down a day before the Reunion was due). For Quaile to keep the Night alive, deserves commendation. “I was pleased with the turnout at The Loft Lounge,” he said, “and again the feed-back since has been as fantastic as could be. “The support has been phenomenal. I will always be gratefull for the understanding and support following the closure of The Players Bar and am already looking forward to the next edition.”

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Xhosa Cole returns to iconic Grosvenor Road


rosvenor Road Studios, formerly the renowned Hollick & Taylor Studios, has been Birmingham’s best keep secret for over sixty years and now music lovers have the chance to step inside to hear live music. Xhosa Cole, the acclaimed 24 year-old saxophonist who won the BBC Young Jazz Musician of the Year in 2018, will perform an exclusive gig at Grosvenor Road Studios, featuring saxophonist James Romaine. Having first played the tenor sax at Ladywood Community School of Music, founded by legendary jazz musician Andy Hamilton, Xhosa has established himself among the long legacy of Birmingham saxophonists including Soweto Kinch and Shabaka Hutchings. In 2021 he completed his inaugural 23 date UK tour. James Romaine is a 24-yearold Saxophonist, composer and bandleader living in Birmingham. He graduated from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in

2019 where he studied under the tutelage of highly respected musicians and educators; Mike Williams, John O’Gallagher, Jean Toussaint and Andy Panayi. Currently, James is coming to the end of a nationwide tour with NYJO, as part of the Celebrating Amy Winehouse project. He also performs regularly around Birmingham leading his own ensembles and as an in-demand sideman in numerous projects. “We're gassed to have the amazing Saxophonist James Romaine joining us for this gig,”

Xhosa said. “Clear your diaries... this is going to being an epic event!” Grosvenor Road Studios was acquired by Black Voices in 2003 with the support of Arts Council England. Over the last six decades many firsts have been recorded there including all the original sound effects for Gerry Anderson’s Thunderbirds Are Go, the fabulous brass band rendition of Brighouse and Ratrick’s Floral Dance and the first Brum Beat album, Jasper Carrott’s Funky Moped.


RIT Award-winning, multi-platinum selling musician George Ezra has debuted his hugely infectious new single ‘Green Green Grass,’ the second song to be lifted from his forthcoming new album Gold Rush Kid, due for release on 10 June via Columbia Records. The single arrives alongside the announcement of a huge nationwide UK arena tour, scheduled for September and October, following George’s special show at London’s Finsbury Park in July. ‘Green Green Grass’ is an irresistibly joyful song about making the best of things, even when it might feel like the worst of things are afoot: “Green green grass, blue blue sky, you better throw a party on the day that I

die.” “I was on holiday in St Lucia with a few friends at Christmas 2018, with two of my closest mates from home,” explains George. “We were in this beach bar, drinking homemade rum punch and Piton, the local lager, flip-flopping between the two, pissing about with three local guys who worked there. And this music started up, three streets back from the sea. “After about half an hour, I had to go see what it was. And there was a street party going on, with three different sound systems, people cooking in the street. "I asked a woman what was going on and she told me it was a funeral – for three people. They were celebrating three lives! I thought: that is not how we do this at home. And it’s really beautiful.”

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@PhoenixNewsUK ‘Green Green Grass’ follows the euphoric first single and album opener ‘Anyone For You,’ which continues to climb the UK Official Singles Chart and is the number one song at UK radio, with A-list rotation across all major stations. George debuted both songs to a rapturous reception at his recent intimate gigs in London, Manchester and Edinburgh “The Gold Rush Kid? That’s me,” says George, reflecting on the title of his third record – a 12-strong suite of marvellous, transporting, elevational songs, that more than anything “sound like me. That’s what ties them together.” After two blockbuster albums – Wa n t e d O n

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ENTERTAINMENT Voyage (2014) and Staying At Tamara’s (2018), both of which reached number 1 in the UK and sold millions around the world, and the latter of which earned him his first number 1 single in ‘Shotgun’ and won him the 2019 Brit Award for British Male Solo Artist – it was time to return to heart and hearth, with an album written and produced entirely in London with longstanding collaborator Joel Pott. Following the release of Gold Rush Kid, Ezra will play his biggest headline show to date, a special all day event at London’s Finsbury Park on 17 July 2022. Joining George at his first live show in almost three years will be special guests Blossoms, Holly Humberstone, Mimi Webb, The Big Moon, Mychelle and the London International Gospel Choir. Tickets are available via Ticketmaster. With a full nationwide UK arena tour to follow in September and October, George will be beginning at Liverpool M&S Bank Arena on 13 September and taking in 11 shows, finishing at Sheffield FlyDSA Arena on 2 October. Alongside the tour announcement, George has partnered with YouTube Music to be their Sustainability Partner for 2022. He says: “I am conscious that creating, touring and promoting a record has an impact on the environment, so I am delighted to announce I will

be working with YouTube Music as their Sustainability Partner for 2022. They have very generously provided a significant financial contribution to support a cause of my choosing; this is going to be The National Trust, who are working hard to reverse the decline in nature and reduce the impact of climate change by planting trees and restoring landscapes. Together, we’ll directly use this money to plant 17,000 trees across the UK.” The National Trust has committed to planting or establishing 20 million trees covering an area the size of Birmingham as part of their plan to become net zero by 2030. The carbon benefits from the 17,000 trees will go towards the charity’s own net zero ambitions. National Trust Director General Hilary McGrady said: “We are enormously grateful to George for this donation, and it serves as an important reminder that only by a collective will and everyone playing their part will we help reverse some of the impacts of climate change and help the nation to reach net zero. “This gift represents an important step as part of our ambition to try and tackle the effects of climate change. We are planting the trees in the right places to maximise the impact they will have in locking in carbon.”

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New Painting Captures Black Sabbath’s Heavy Metal Bench In Birmingham


new painting that looks down on the canal over the Black Sabbath bench on Broad Street has been created by local artist Paula Gabb. The artwork captures the view from the Barajee Indian restaurant which lies opposite the ‘heavy metal’ bench and features visitors admiring what has become a major landmark for tourists to Birmingham. Paula, who is also the founder

of Birmingham Art Zone, has even picked out Westside BID’s logo on the right-hand side of the bench. She said: “I am inspired by my passion in my home city of Birmingham, where the beauty of the historic architecture reminds me of the city’s past. “This inspires me to capture the city streets and I take a particular interest in the history, local landscapes and landmarks. The Black Sabbath bench has always been one of those things that I

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wanted to capture in a painting and I was thrilled when it was in the view from the Barajee. “The painting just captures everything I wanted – the length of the canal, the edge of Brindleyplace and the lovely bench which is in such a great spot on the canal bridge.” Paula explained that her work is inspired by how the great impressionism painters captured the light of their images without detail but with bold colours.


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The Mighty Diamond Legacy To Live On JUST FOUR DAYS after lead singer, Donald ‘Tabby Diamond’ Shaw, was killed, Reggae group Mighty Diamonds, lost a second member after singer Fitzroy ‘Bunny Diamond’ Simpson passed away at an undisclosed hospital after a long battle with diabetes. He had reportedly been battling diabetes for several years. St. Andrew South Police investigated whether a gang conflict led to the shooting of Shaw, which left two people

dead including Tabby Diamond, the lead singer of the legendary trio. The 67-year-old, and another man identified as Owen Beckford, were killed when a gunman opened fire on a group outside a shop. “I can’t deal with this… it’s tough,” said the Jamaica Association of Vintage Artistes and Affiliates (JAVAA) chair, Frankie Campbell. “Two of the Mighty Diamonds has passed away in four days. “To lose Tabby and Bunny so close together was a hard thing to deal with.”

ollowing its successful launch last summer, McDonald’s have announced the longawaited return of McSpicy to restaurants across the UK and Ireland from April. This fans’ favourite features a spicy chicken breast fillet topped with crunchy cool lettuce and mayo between toasted sesame seed buns – it’s a sure-fire hit which will be music to the ears of fans across the nation who have been demanding its return to the menu. McDonald’s knows that spice is subjective. There are those with mouths of steel who can devour the spiciest of chillies without breaking a sweat – and others who are clamouring for the nearest glass of milk. To celebrate the iconic burger’s return and encourage people to get involved in the #McSpicyDebate, McDonald’s polled the nation to examine the relationship between these spice lovers and haters and their lifestyle choices revealing thrill-seeking spice


lovers are more likely to go to bed late, have been fired from a job and travelled to more than 10 countries. The spice detractors on the other hand are more likely to be

described as the ‘sensible one’ by friends, prefer nights in over a night out and like to go to bed early. Almost one in three spice lovers were found to brag about how much spice they can tolerate – with Londoners being the worst offenders and the South West the most humble. Spice love also appears to run in your genes with those who like spice being significantly more likely to have spice loving parents. The study of 1,000 British adults also found those who always order the hottest dish are ‘lovers’ in all aspects of life – being significantly more likely to vote Romance films are their favourite. McSpicy will be joined on the menu by returning favourites including the Grand Big Mac, Grand Big Mac with Bacon, Cheesy Garlic Bites and Flake Raspberry & Flake Chocolate McFlurry for the limited six-week window.

Meet First Guests For London MCM Comic Con

MCM COMIC CON has announced the first guests that will be hitting the London show this Month. They have reveal that anime royalty and cast of My Hero Academia, actors Justin Briner, Clifford Chapin, Aaron Roberts, Trina Nishamura, Kirsten McGuire and Kyle Phillips will all be meeting and greeting fans for photograph and autograph opportunities. Ultimate British Pro wrestling champions and stars Bullit, Alexander Roth, Simon Millar, Claudia Bradstone, Charlie Biggs

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and Clive Jackson will be letting guests in on all the top tips and tricks for becoming a wrestling superstar at their exciting panel. For all the bookworms, literary legends Laura Sebastian, Lucy Holland, Rym Kechacha, T.L. Huchu, Will Carver, Eve Smith, Matt Wesolowski, J.M. Miro and Samantha Shannon will be gracing the MCM floor with exclusive panels and book signings. And YouTube sensation TomSka will also be joining the star studded line-up, ready to meet and greet fans at his very own booth.



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Girl Power Arrives At Curve Theatre With ‘Aidy The Awesome’ AIDY IS A NORMAL 8-yearold girl… or so she thinks! One day she discovers a family secret that changes everything. Aidy and her granny embark on an adventure that turns their world upside down at Curve, Leicester from on the weekend of the 30th April. They even begin to question what normal is. After all, who wants to be normal when you can be SUPER! Aidy the Awesome is a stunning aerial theatre show for all the family to enjoy. Watch the performers literally fly, zoom and spin through the air. Aimed at 3-8 year olds and their families, the show intends to highlight to young women that they too can be strong, resilient and empowered and the superheroes in their own


Sing for the City: Join the University Commonwealth Choir


ocal residents are invited to join students and staff of the University of Birmingham to share and perform music by popular and rock artists connected to the region. You don’t need to read music, just be ready to sing your heart out and enjoy performing the music of our city. Choir leader Mariana Rosas will teach you the music from artists including ELO, Black Sabbath, Duran Duran, Laura Mvula, Fine Young Cannibals, and UB40. The choir will perform as part of the annual University Summer Festival of Music in June and will be popping up across the city as the Commonwealth Games approach. The University of Birmingham Music and Concerts Sing for the City is on now until 14 June, 7.30 - 9.30pm at the Elgar Concert Hall, Birmingham.

stories! Hannah, Director and Creative Producer of Aidy the Awesome said: “We are really excited to be taking Aidy out on tour across the UK after the show was made during the pandemic but is yet to be performed live." Hannah continued; “According to the Guardian- children’s media and books are packed with gender stereotypes: princesses waiting for Prince Charming, fairies dressed in pink, and heroic characters that are almost invariably male. “So, we are keen to explore stories in which girls are protagonists in alternative feisty, funny and strong roles. We want to break down the princess archetype and offer young girls different role models to aspire to.”

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A Year Of Excellence At Rolls-Royce Motor Cars London ONE YEAR HAS passed since Rolls-Royce Motor Cars opened the doors to its flagship residence in Mayfair and in that time Rolls-Royce Motor Cars London has offered media, patrons and friends of RollsRoyce truly unforgettable experiences both at the residence and at a number of noteworthy locations across the UK. From exclusive parties and events, to showcasing the pinnacle of contemporary craft for London Craft Week, RollsRoyce Motor Cars London has enjoyed a remarkable first year in its new location, in Berkeley Street, W1. Part of the ongoing success of Rolls-Royce is its in depth understanding the unique world in which its clients live. Rolls-Royce clientele are part of an illustrious community that only expects the best of the best from the brands they interact with, and Rolls-Royce takes great pride in knowing all their clients personally. The company’s relationship with clients goes above and beyond a mere transaction, gradually becoming, a hyperpersonalised, close relationship characterised by high-touch encounters and memorable experiences, during which clients are invited to draw closer to the brand.

V12 Vantage Returns


or fifteen years the V12 Vantage has boldly represented Aston Martin’s passion for performance. Fast and fierce in equal measure, successive iterations of these great cars have formed an iconic bloodline. One built around the premise of fitting the most compact and driver-focussed model with the largest and most potent series production engine. With

this unique lineage nearing its end, Aston Martin is proud to introduce the fastest, fiercest and most dynamically accomplished of them all; the new V12 Vantage. With production of the V12 Vantage strictly limited to 333 examples globally, this final edition celebrates the end of an epic era in fitting style. The ultimate expression of extreme performance and driver-focussed thrills, this remarkable machine

mixes blistering straightline speed and scintillating handling with spectacular looks and enviable exclusivity: An extremely enticing proposition. So enticing, that since V12 Vantage was confirmed in December last year, Aston Martin have seen unprecedented demand for this future icon with all examples sold ahead of release and an oversubscribed register of interest eagerly waiting in the wings.

Aston Martin Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said of the V12 Vantage: “Every great sportscar brand has a hero car. For Aston Martin in more recent years that car has been the V12 Vantage. Right from the moment the first V12 Vantage RS Concept was shown back in 2007 our customers and fans around the world fell in love with the idea of fitting our biggest engine into our smallest and most sporting model. The recipe has

been refined over the years with great success, but the essence has remained the same. Now it is time to bring this bloodline to a close, fittingly with the most spectacular example yet – the fastest, most powerful and most dynamically capable V12 Vantage ever. A celebration of its forebears and an embodiment of Aston Martin’s intensifying focus on driving dynamics, it ensures the V12 Vantage goes out on the highest of highs”.

UK’s First Full-Sized Autonomous Bus Takes To The Roads

THE UK’S first full-sized autonomous bus will take to the roads of Scotland for the first time this week as live testing begins for project CAVForth. Stagecoach, in partnership with Fusion Processing, Alexander Dennis and Transport Scotland, will be carrying out on-road testing* of the autonomous bus over the next two weeks in preparation for the launch of the CAVForth pilot service in late summer. The Project CAVForth pilot, which is jointly funded by the UK Government’s Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) will see five single-deck autonomous buses operating at SAE Level 4 over the Forth Road Bridge between

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Ferrytoll Park and Ride in Fife and the Edinburgh Park Train and Tram interchange. The buses are fitted with Fusion Processing’s ground-breaking sensor and control technology, CAVstar, that enables them to run on pre-selected roads without the safety driver having to intervene or take control. The buses will provide a service capable of carrying up to 36 passengers over the 14 miles across the bridge, with capacity for over 10,000 passengers a week. The on-road testing in Scotland follows successful depot-based trials, track testing and virtual simulation where the buses have been put through their paces to fine tune the autonomous drive systems.



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pair of driving enthusiasts from Coventry are again joining real life Wacky Racers from across the UK on this summer's Monte Carlo or Bust Rally and are encouraging like-minded thrill seekers to join them at the start line. Mark Clements and Georgina Peters will be burning rubber in a car worth less than £500 for over 1000 miles to Monte Carlo via France, Switzerland and Italy in a Top Gear-style challenge. The world famous rally challenges car enthusiasts to source a banger car for less than £500 and take part in a variety of hilarious challenges along the way competing for points and prizes. Teams are encouraged to raise money for a local charity of their choice and can share their progress with supporters back home via live GPS tracking. Inspired by the classic Paramount film, the 3-day crusade will see over 100 of the finest British bangers celebrate the end of travel restrictions related to the pandemic by visiting some of Europe's most exciting locations and experience spectacular roads with backdrops of sun, sea, sand and snow. Participants in the last event in 2019 event raised over £150,000 for UK charities. Mark comments: “We first took part in the event in 2019, racing our beautiful banger all

CAR COLOUR names are becoming so ridiculous, that Brits can’t tell the difference between their Norfolk Mustards and their Elephant Breaths. And even as BMW unveiled its colour changing concept at CES in Las Vegas, consumers still can’t distinguish between a car colour and a decorative paint. A survey by Leasing. com research found that the descriptions provided by automotive manufacturers have become so ethereal as to become baffling. Almost two thirds (61%) think Norfolk Mustard is a wall paint, when in fact it’s a colour developed by Lotus for its sports cars. More than half (54%) believe the same for Mystic Olive Green, one of Hyundai’s palettes. Other examples include BMW’s Thunder Night (67% guessed incorrectly that it was a wall paint) and Lexus’ Truffle Mica


Colossal 6x6 Hennessey Mammoth Thunders Off Production Line HENNESSEY, THE Texas-based hypercar manufacturer and highperformance vehicle creator, has started building its biggest ever truck, the 1,012 bhp, 283-inch (719 cm) long Hennessey Mammoth 1000 6x6 TRX. At almost seven feet high and 88 inches wide, the enormous 6x6 pickup truck dwarfs ordinary cars and trucks. It has the power to match its presence, with Hennessey’s engineers boosting performance of the stock Dodge Ram TRX engine by more than 300 horsepower to 1,012 bhp. The torque needed to propel the monster truck is enhanced similarly, totaling 969 lb-ft (1,314 Nm) after a 319 lb-ft (433 Nm) uplift by Hennessey. Alongside performance upgrades, the new truck features a mountain of off-road kit from locking rear axles and Bilstein suspension, to 20-inch wheels clad in 37-inch off-road tires. The 6x6 Mammoth builds on the base Ram TRX adding a third axle, extending the truck’s length by more than four feet and creating a cavernous load-space.

the way to Monte Carlo and she didn't miss a beat. "We're back this year and laying down the challenge to the good people of Coventry to join us on another amazing adventure. “This is a brilliant opportunity

to get your team into gear and experience some of the greatest roads in Europe in some of worst cars from the UK!" The Monte Carlo or Bust Rally takes place in June 2022 and more information can be found on the event website.

A Shade Too Far?

also saw 46% baffled and bemused. BMW recently announced its new concept car, the iX Flow, which has the ability to literally change colours. The ‘E ink’ technology is specially designed within a body wrap of the car allowing for seamless colour changes.

Katherine Templar Lewis, Creative Neurologists, says that however fancy some of the colours become, everyday drivers choose vehicle colours based on how they as individuals want to be perceived by society.

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Rosalía announces her Motomami World Tour GRAMMY AND EIGHTTIME Latin Grammy-award winning artist Rosalía has announced her first ever global outing – Motomami World Tour – a massive 46 show run across 15 countries this year. Produced by Live Nation, the Motomami World Tour kicks off in July in Almería, Spain at Recinto Ferial de Almeria making stops in Barcelona, Madrid, Mexico City, São Paulo, Santiago, New York, Toronto, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Milan, Amsterdam, London and more before wrapping in Paris, France at Accor Arena on December 18th. The tour will celebrate her highly acclaimed new album Motomami and, along with many of her already well-known groundbreaking hits, bring its vision to life, for fans around the world. After an intensive threeyear creative process filled with incredible attention to artistic

detail, and wide global media picks that already established it as “One of the Most Anticipated Albums of 2022,” it delivered an expansive, out of the box album that looks to erase previous conventional lines defining different cultures, genres, gender roles and more – providing a deeply personal modern musical duality self portrait of a strong, innovative, and proudly feminine young woman taking us on a seductive and multifaceted musical journey. The album’s March 18th release was met with an immense ‘Five Star” critical response; “A Masterpiece… One of the most ambitious albums of the decade — regardless of genre… The most thrilling, forward-thinking music we’re likely to hear all year”… representing what is new and exciting about pop music.”


The West Midlands revealed as a region of crime and police TV show lovers


hether it’s Line of Duty or Luther, residents in the West Midlands have confessed that crime and police dramas are their number one pick when streaming TV shows. The findings, as revealed by TalkTalk, showed that the region might be lacking a touch of romance, as only a fifth (19 per cent) admitted to watching romantic comedies with their partner. However, despite their lacking desire to watch rom coms, more than half (57 per cent) of people surveyed said they enjoy watching TV with their partners every day. TV streaming fans in Solihull will be pleased to know that TalkTalk’s ultrafast, ultra-reliable Future Fibre packages are now available in the local area from only £32 a month - saving £431 vs BT, Virgin Media, and EE over 18 months. This is a real gamechanger for busy households, as Future Fibre users can stream all their favourite shows in ultra-HD without the hassle of the picture quality dropping or loading wheel appearing - even with multiple

people online, as 75 devices can be connected at once. Becki Smith, General Manager of Future Fibre at TalkTalk, said: “Modern households are now full of tech that requires ultrafast and ultra-reliable connectivity, so we’re delighted to bring the UK’s latest full fibre and Wi-Fi 6 technology to residents in Solihull with our new Future Fibre and Amazon eero packages.” Future Fibre uses the UK’s

fastest, most reliable technology. With speeds right up to 900Mb/s, it’s up to 23x faster than standard fibre. Standard fibre runs partially through old copper cables via a roadside green cabinet, whereas full fibre broadband connects directly to the home, meaning it isn’t affected by factors such as the weather. All Future Fibre plans include at least one award-winning Amazon eero 6 series mesh Wi-Fi

device to support superior speeds, boost efficiency and tackle WiFi blank spots so users can enjoy streaming from anywhere in the house. The full fibre expansion across Solihull is being undertaken in conjunction with CityFibre and Openreach to deliver the latest broadband technology to customers.

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WELcoming the return of insomnia! I nsomnia Gaming Festival roared back to Birmingham’s NEC last month, providing a one-stop shop for gaming, merchandise, tech, cosplay and community. Unfortunately with the covid pandemic still a very fresh memory, Insomnia 68 couldn’t hold a candle to it’s last outing, Insomnia 65. While there was still a lot to do and see over the 4 days it took over the NEC, everything was scaled down, and felt less grand than the last outing. That being said, #i68 was still a great festival, with some killer indie titles on show including

CrossPlanet, and a number of newer games including Lego Star Was: The Skywalker Saga and Mario Party Superstars. Virtual Reality made a splash at i68, with even the British Army and Navy having a presence once again this year, the former coming equipped with a full size actual tank! Usage of Oculus Quest headsets for the Army, and an Oculus Rift S for the Navy gave access to a number of great VR titles, including the Navy’s flight simulator. Beyond the show floor, Insomnia is a giant LAN party where you can bring your own computer and play, including a number of multiplayer games as

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groups available, and a handful of tournaments. It’s not just for digital gamers either, Tabletop gaming had a large presence with spaces for playing as well as purchasing a wide range of games. One of the great aspects of Gaming Festivals like Insomnia is the chance to meet up with friends, clans, guilds and content creators, from YouTube, Twitch, TikTok and more, and there were a number of great meet and greets with some of the hottest talent. Insomnia 69 (nice) will be from the 26-28th August 2022, and tickets are available now for the ‘SUMMER OF #i69!’

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Fantastic Negrito Delivers An Urgent Message On American Identity And Perseverance FANTASTIC NEGRITO (neé Xavier Dphrepaulezz) reveals “Trudoo,” the “chase scene” in the movie that is his forthcoming visual album White Jesus Black Problems, out June 3 via Storefront Records. On the third single from his multi-media project, the threetime Grammy-winning singer, songwriter, and activist finds himself reflecting on the part of the human mind and spirit that wants to survive in spite of everything. White Jesus Black Problems is based on the true story of Negrito’s seventh-generation white Scottish grandmother (Grandma Gallamore), an indentured servant, living in a common-law marriage with his seventh-generation African American enslaved grandfather (Grandfather Courage); in open defiance of the racist, separatist, laws of 1750s colonial Virginia. ‘Trudoo’' is a song of celebration.


It’s about being cheered on by the voices of your ancestors and loved ones in your mind. Negrito is deeply linked to his seventh-gen grandparents, despite the apparent distance and time that separates them; their voices still aid him from succumbing to the negative forces in this world telling him to give up or let himself down.


he Backstreet Boys, one of the best-selling bands of all time, have today announced UK and European Autumn dates for their DNA World Tour. The announcement includes a huge run of shows across Germany and a very special UK exclusive date at The O2, London. The group last performed for audiences across Europe in 2019, selling over 350K tickets. Produced by Live Nation, the DNA World Tour will kick off on the Las Vegas Strip this weekend with four shows at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace on April 8th, 9th, 15th, and 16th. To help people forced to flee their homes in Ukraine and supporting the extraordinary examples of solidarity shown across the world, Backstreet Boys will contribute a portion of ticket sales from their DNA World Tour 2022 to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. This contribution will protect and assist refugees and displaced people in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. The band also released the first episode of their new docu-series Making Of The DNA Tour, giving fans an inside look of

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Backstreet Boys announce UK & European dates for DNA World Tour 2022

the preparation for their highlyanticipated world tour. DNA World Tour 2022 (Europe + UK) 03/10 - Lisbon, Portugal – Altice Arena 04/10 - Madrid, Spain - WiZink Center 06/10 - Barcelona, Spain – Palau Sant Jori 09/10 Amsterdam, Netherlands - Ziggo Dome 12/10 - Berlin, Germany -

Mercedes-Benz Arena 15/10 - Hannover, Germany ZAG Arena 18/10 - Mannheim, Germany SAP Arena 20/10 - Munich, Germany Olympiahalle 22/10 - Bologna, Italy - Unipol Arena 25/10 - Hamburg, Germany Barclays 27/10 - Zurich, Switzerland Hallenstadion


29/10 - Krakow, Poland Tauron Arena 30/10 - Leipzig, Germany QUARTERBACK Immobilien ARENA 31/10 - Cologne, Germany Lanxess Arena 02/11 - Budapest, Hungary Budapest Sports Arena 04/11 - Dortmund, Germany Westfalenhallen 06/11 – London, UK - The O2





l The President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo enjoying the celebrations

l The President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo with Dr Marcia McLaughlin F.Birm.Soc

l Dr Marcia McLaughlin F.Birm.Soc

n Sunday April 3rd, the Ghana Tourism Authority, under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture and the Ghana High Commission UK, invited the world to have a "Taste of Ghana" at the Destination Ghana campaign launch event at the Canary Riverside Plaza Hotel. The President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo was in attendance, with the Ghana High Commissioner H.E Papa OwusuAnkomah alongside distinguished guests such as Harriet Thompson, British High Commissioner to Ghana, and Baroness Hoey of Lylehill and Rathlin, UK Trade Envoy to Ghana, as they addressed an interested audience eager to find out more about Destination Ghana. The “Destination Ghana" project has the objective of inviting and welcoming the rest of the world to visit Ghana. Following from the success of the Year of Return, President Akufo-Addo made note of the growth of leisure tourism, offering varied opportunities to visitors to the region. "Ghana has an abundance of these offerings, and that is what we are here to present to the world, using our historical connection with the United Kingdom as a launchpad," said President AkufoAddo, "we can turn the tourism and hospitality industry into a major tool for the positive transformation of the Ghanaian economy, and into a win-win situation for investors". "Ghana is not only gifted with a rich culture, but is also the best place for doing business in West Africa, as well as the safest and most stable country in the Region, with a governance system that rests on the separation of powers, with an

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independent Judiciary promoting accountability in public life, and that respects the rule of law, human rights and the principles of democratic accountability. Indeed, she has been for several years the recipient of the largest foreign direct investments in West Africa." Hospitality and Beverage sector SME’s are also very important to Destination Ghana, with funds being directly injected into supporting them, following ongoing negotiations with the World Bank. "This forty-million-dollar ($40 million) project is expected to position the tourism and hospitality sectors as key drivers of social and economic development. Some of the benefits that the project is expected to bring are an enriched access to Ghana's tourism market, better provision of tourism products and services, and the upgrading of skills in the labour force in the tourism, arts, and culture sector.” With the launch of Destination Ghana, Ghana needs not only the

l Traditional Royalty was in attendance

l The President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo with the Ghana High Commissioner H.E Papa Owusu-Ankomah alongside distinguished guests such as Harriet Thompson, British High Commissioner to Ghana, and Baroness Hoey of Lylehill and Rathlin, UK Trade Envoy to Ghana

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support of the estimated 1 million tourists annually from the UK and Europe, but the support of business partners the world over. "I have made my contribution by lifting, a week ago, virtually all the COVID-19 restrictions, including the opening of all Ghana's borders, to enhance movements in and out of Ghana, whilst still maintaining the hygiene protocols, like the wearing of face masks at indoor gatherings," he explained. "I want to invite you, here in London and Britain, Europe and the rest of the world, to the centre of the world, where longitude zero degrees crosses latitude zero degrees; where the bright sunshine enriches the quality of the skin and bodies of all; where music, dance and culture not only create fun, but also excite the body, soul and mind for spiritual growth. Indeed, I welcome you to Ghana, the centre of the world, to enjoy our famed hospitality, and take advantage of our favourable investment climate.”

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Joel Dommett Donates Fabulous Suits From The Masked Singer To Raise Funds For Brain Tumour Support JOEL IS DONATING two of his high class bespoke suits, tailored by top London designer Joshua Kane, as the prizes in an online raffle. So for just £5 per ticket anyone can have the chance to win one of the stunning suits worn by Joel on the show. The online raffle will launch on Saturday 2nd April and tickets can be bought up until midnight on Monday 18thApril, with the lucky winners being announced the next day. The suits on offer are two of Joel’s favourites from the show – a Champagne Silk ‘Darcy’ Tux suit and ‘The Knight’ 3-Tailors Jacquard Burgundy suit, each valued at over £2,000. This is the second time that Joel’s Masked Singer Suit Raffle has run – last year Joel was hoping to sell at least 1,000 tickets and more than achieved that, raising £16,000 in total. This year he’s aiming to beat that and raise £20,000 which would fund a Support Professional, trained by Brain Tumour Support to provide a consistent point of contact and invaluable practical and emotional support for up to 128 families over the course of a year.



he University of Wo l v e r h a m p t o n is working in partnership with the City of Wolverhampton Council to deliver the # Wo l v e s We l l b e i n g a n d M e programme, which will provide insight into the mental health and wellbeing of people and communities across the city. To help understand local views, people across the city are asked to complete a mental health and wellbeing survey. The study is for people aged 16+ who live, work or study in Wolverhampton. It takes around 15 minutes to complete, and all responses are anonymous and will be stored

confidentially.  Anyone who completes the survey can also enter into a prize draw to be in with a chance of winning up to £150 of vouchers. Clare Dickens MBE, Academic Lead for Mental Health and Wellbeing at the University of Wolverhampton, said: “This project is just one of the many shining examples of how the University works in partnership with the City of Wolverhampton Council to serve the community in which the University has a physical presence. It aligns perfectly to one of the pillars of our new student mental health and wellbeing strategy for the

University, a development also supported by public health colleagues, which will yield many opportunities for students.”    Principal Public Health Specialist at the City of Wolverhampton Council, Dr Jamie Annakin, said: “This programme of work is vital in helping us understand the views of local people and communities, providing insight into how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on people’s lives, and the things people now feel are important in ensuring they can feel good and function well within our city.”    The #WolvesWellbeingandMe programme will look to explore

the experiences of different population groups during the Covid-19 pandemic and consider the things that have challenged their wellbeing and the resources people have drawn upon to stay well.   A video about this work is available at: Empowering Communities Project # Wo l v e s We l l b e i n g a n d M e . This work also supports the University’s recently launched Student Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy, where collaboration and working in partnership is a key pillar, alongside making use of relevant data and research.

Easter Treats For Children In Care And Care Leavers

RESIDENTS were invited to give generously and help make it an egg-stravagant Easter for the city's children in care and care leavers. The City of Wolverhampton Council was appealing for people to donate chocolate Easter eggs which it were then distribute to young people. Donations were made to the Reach Leaving Care Team, Old Heath Crescent, in Wednesfield. Jazmine Walker, Head of Service for Children and Young People in Care, saying: "Supporting children in care and care leavers is a key priority for the Council. In many cases, they will have experienced a tough start to their life, and we always want to make sure that they never miss out on the things that many of us take for granted. “We were looking to make this Easter one to remember for them all, by giving them some chocolate treats to enjoy. We were so pleased that people donated a chocolate egg or two."

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Voice For Our Black Elders

Am I A Burden Or A Joy?


ow there’s a question not many of us ask ourselves. I believe it’s a question we really need to start thinking about as soon as we acknowledge our status as an ‘Elder’. I have to say, I have many friends who are fighting to deny their ‘Elder’ status but a fact of life, unless we suffer some early misfortune, is we will all become an elder at some point in our lives. Over the last twelve months I have become increasingly aware of how much some elders rely on their children or grandchildren. Traditionally, I know there has always been an expectation that our dependency is a ‘right’, after all, we gave them life, love and support as children so they need to repay us when we reach a point of dependency, “once a man twice a child” right? Well, I think it’s time we re-evaluated that situation by taking step to reduce our dependency by putting our health first and putting plans in place to reduce the burden we could easily present to our youngers. The support we are entitled to, from the State, has never been inclusive enough to address our needs and now their intentions and intervention are going through significant change and financial reductions we are even more exposed to putting pressure, directly or indirectly, on our loved ones to provide our care and support service. Did you know, according to a report from Carers UK, “…10% of Carers in England are from the BAME community. Indian carers are the largest BAME group as 2.2% of all carers. Black Caribbean carers represent 0.9% of all carers or 44,402 carers. Every year, 180,000 BAME people become carers”. Now what does that mean for us as the Elders needing the care and support? I believe it means we take on the guilt and stress of realising we are putting our loved ones under the additional challenge to maintain some semblance of their own lives while trying to ‘fit us in’ to an already, in many instances’ stretch day. Believe me, I know our loved ones will take on the responsibility without question as many, not all, feel they owe us for giving them life. But,

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SLT Again Awarded Highest Accolade At The RoSPA 2022 Health and Safety Awards


LT (Sandwell Leisure Trust) has once again been awarded the highest possible accolade in the internationally-renowned Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) 2022 Health and Safety Awards. The Black Country-based charity - which still runs nine leisure facilities for Sandwell Council across the borough - has landed the coveted Order of Distinction (for 16 consecutive annual Gold Awards) and is the only Leisure Trust nationwide to ever achieve this distinction. Gold Awards are awarded for superior health and safety performance and excellence among companies that primarily offer services direct to guests and visitors – and this latest and 16th continuous accolade is for the period of January 01, 2021, to December 31, 2021.

l Lynda Bateman SLT Chair Lynda Bateman, Chair of The Trust’s Board, says: “The RoSPA Award is the most highly-respected health and safety accolade globally, so we’re extremely honoured again to be recognised as a world-leader in health and safety practice. “SLT was initially the first Leisure Trust to achieve the RoSPA Gold Award – and also the President’s

Award for 12 successive Golds – but to retain the award over 16 consecutive years and be the first Leisure Trust awarded the Order of Distinction, really does demonstrate the consistent high standards achieved by all staff at all the Trust’s facilities. Once again we thank and congratulate our teams that continue to work extra hard to monitor and maintain such

l Sherril Donaldson – NU:GEN CARE CIC what about those who do not feel that way and what happens when the care we need stretch into decades? It does not make for happy times for us or our carers and in some instances it makes for cases of neglect, emotional and physical cruelty. Many of you may be saying, “so what can be done about this potentially dire and dark future”. Well I think it is time we, those of us in the position to take action and do something, take ownership and responsibility to create facilities or supporting infrastructures to provide us with the care we may need and remove or reduce the burden on our children and/or grandchildren. There are a number of individuals and organisations working hard to create such facilities and supporting infrastructures. We need to be reaching out to them to see how we can help them move forward before we find ourselves in the position of watching our nearest and dearest struggle in their attempts to maintain our dignity in the most intimate and undignified positions and situations! If you would like to know more about the organisations I have mentioned, please get in touch and I would be more than happy to give you more details. Always, remember WE need to work together to identify our challenges and pressure points along with the existing organisations in a position to lead a movement to alleviate those challenges. So, I ask you to contact me with your thoughts on the way forward and topics for discussion in this column to ensure we change the landscape of care for our elders.

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a safe standard of services for all in Sandwell - especially in these most challenging of circumstances - to have safe and proper practices in place and also provide a COVIDsecure environment for staff, customers and visitors across all our sites.” The RoSPA Awards not only focus on commitment to accident and ill-health prevention, but occupational health and safety management systems, including practices like leadership and workforce involvement. It received over 2,000 entries from organisations around the world this year, reaching 7million+ employees, and is also the longestrunning industry awards scheme in the UK - recognising the best of the best and organisations that have gone the extra mile, raising the bar for the delivery of safety in the workplace.

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T Worcester Cathedral Secures Funding To Encourage Climate Action WORCESTER CATHEDRAL’S Eco Group is leading the green agenda, having secured National Lottery funding to encourage local people to join them in taking climate action. And now they are inviting the local community to come together for ‘Living Gently on the Earth’ - a series of community events, talks and workshops on caring for the planet and living a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Exploring faith, cooking, gardening, money matters, shopping and more, these events will culminate in a Big Green Family Fair in the Cathedral’s medieval cloisters in October. Thanks the National Lottery Community Fund as part of its ‘Together for our Planet’ initiative, the events are free to attend. The Vice-Dean of Worcester, Canon Stephen Edwards, said: “We are extremely grateful to have secured this funding and excited to be able to work with our community to build a legacy of ongoing climate action. “The National Lottery grants have been awarded to community-led projects that encourage everyone to get involved. “And our Eco Group aims to do just that! It is made up of volunteers from the community who have come together to take positive climate action. The Eco Group was instrumental in securing the funding; testament to their passion and commitment to climate action."

he DFL (Deutsche Fußball Liga), the World Jewish Congress and the Central Council of Jews in Germany held an all-day conference on combating antiSemitism. The ‘Anti-Semitism and Professional Football: Challenges, Opportunities, Network’ (Anti-Semitism’s und Profifußball: Herausforderungen, Chancen, Netzwerk), took place at Signal Iduna Park, home to Bundesliga club Borussia Dortmund, with representatives from clubs in the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2, Jewish organisations and communities, and other experts will taking part. Mahmut Özdemir (Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community), HansJoachim Watzke (Chair of the Management Board of Borussia Dortmund, Chair of the DFL Supervisory Board), Dr. Josef Schuster (President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany), Dr. Maram Stern (Executive Vice President of the WJC) and Dr Felix Klein (Federal Government Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the Fight against anti-Semitism) all talked with additional talks and workshops following. Raising awareness of antiSemitism and understanding how it manifests have become increasingly important, especially as it has surged in Germany. By examining such issues comprehensively and examining proven practices in anti-discrimination work, football clubs and associations can tailor their projects even more effectively. This was the starting point for the DFL, the World Jewish Congress and the Central Council of Jews in Germany at the conference. Last year, the DFL Members Assembly, the 36 clubs of the

Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2, unanimously decided to adopt the working definition of antiSemitism of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), opposing anti-Semitism in all its forms. A commonly accepted understanding of anti-Semitism is needed to fight it effectively. “The intention behind this conference was to build on them and to combine the efforts made so far in order to tackle hatred of Jews together for the long term,” Dr Josef Schuster, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said. Executive Vice President of the World Jewish Congress, Dr Maram Stern, said: “Football leagues, which have fans from all walks of life, are in a unique position to initiate


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discussions that benefit society as a whole.” Speaker of the DFL Executive Committee and DFL CEO,

Donata Hopfen, added: “Driven by their deepest conviction, the German professional clubs and the DFL have taken a stand

against anti-Semitism and for a living culture of remembrance for many years.”

Thousands Parade Through Coventry Streets For Vaisakhi

THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE took part in a Sikh parade through the streets of Coventry which also benefited a Ukrainian charity. The procession, known as Nagar Kirtan, drew about 10,000 people to take part as they celebrated the festival of Vaisakhi, organisers said. A donation ceremony started the event, with money given to a Ukrainian charity alongside British ones.

Gurdip Singh, one of the organisers, said: "We know how important it is to stand shoulder to shoulder with them." He added: "We wanted to support the Ukrainian community which is going through such dreadful times with the invasion of their country." The parade set off from the Gurdwara Guru Nanak Parkash, in Foleshill, and wound through the city's streets for about four hours before returning to the


same location. Five Sikhs in traditional attire led the parade, with others playing drums as the procession moved through Coventry. The parade also included several floats, with one carrying the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Sikh Holy Scriptures. Vaisakhi marks the start of the Sikh new year, the creation of Sikhism and the harvest festival in India.



First National Tourism Satellite Account launched in Zimbabwe

The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 37



I UNWTO has partnered with the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry (MECTHI) of Zimbabwe to launch the country’s first National Tourism Satellite Account (TSA). The Account shows the size and significance of the tourism sector for the Zimbabwean economy, based on the last available pre-COVID-19 data and on data gathered before the formal transition of national currency from US dollar into the Zimbabwean Dollar. The TSA revealed that tourism accounted for 4.25% of the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with a value of USD1.03 billion in 2018. In 2019 the sector accounted for 6.3% of GDP with a value of USD1.23 billion. At the same time, the data also shows that tourism accounted for 1.56% of national employment levels in 2018, with around 100 000 jobs supported and created. The TSA was produced as part of the Zimbabwe Destination

Development Program, a technical assistance program supported by International Finance Corporation (IFC). As well as recording the number of tourists visiting the country, the initiative also provides monetary and non-monetary tourism data related to demand and supply and measures the value of expenditure on goods and services across all types of tourism as well as the value of tourism-sector industries producing goods and/or services. The IFC’s Country Manager, Adamou Labara said: “These empirical findings highlight the opportunity for policymakers in Zimbabwe to support recovery of the tourism sector through stimulating traveller demand, and responsibly reducing barriers to entry”. By addressing information gaps and supporting a data-driven approach to policy development and investment decisions, the TSA should prove particularly relevant to Zimbabwe’s tourism sector.

t’s important for the history of the Caribbean region to accurately reflect the lives of the trailblazing men and women who should serve as inspirational heroes for our children to admire and emulate. One example is Dame Ruth Nita Barrow, the first female Governor General of Barbados and sister of Barbados’ founding father Errol Walton Barrow. This public servant and non-profit leader always made time to teach the next generation important life lessons, both by her living example and by her words. As the only female member of the Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons to visit South Africa to broker the transformation from apartheid to majority rule, her efforts and diplomacy inspired human rights advocates everywhere. The success of her South African panel eventually led to Nelson Mandela’s release and liberty for South Africa. Dame Nita also lent her efforts to issues closer to home, including the 1994 UN Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States in Barbados. As the convener of the Eminent Persons Group, she worked to ensure that world leaders understood that the issues of small islands fighting the onslaught of climate change were big issues for the rest of the world.

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Holiday and



Young People Offered Training To Travel More Independently



he St. Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA) has released its latest stay-over results, revealing March 2022 as the highest arrivals month since the restart of the industry from the Covid-19 pandemic, in addition to achieving top five performance status in the Caribbean.

Stay-over visitors for March 2022 were recorded at 32,110, (up 21% on the forecasted figure), with a total of 80,811 arrivals year to date (from January to March), marking a strong start to the year. This echoes the latest report from the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)* which confirmed the Caribbean region as leading the

world in the recovery of stopover arrivals. The region’s recovery rate sits at 61.5% comparing 2022 to 2019. This is almost double the total global rate of 32.9%. Saint Lucia is highlighted as one of the best performing destinations for 2022 so far, and is the only country in the Eastern Caribbean in the top five. The U.S. accounts for 56.2% of


total stay-over arrivals year to date in Saint Lucia – approximately 45,400 visitors. The UK is the island’s second largest market with 30.3% of total stay-over arrivals at almost 24,500, the highest share recorded for this market, even pre-pandemic. The Canadian market continues to show steady growth when compared to the same period for

Emerald Cruises’ latest river Star-Ship, Emerald Luna, sets sail for the first time


merald Luna has joined the Emerald Cruises award-winning fleet as the line’s ninth StarShip set sail from Amsterdam on an eight-day Holland and Belgium in Bloom river cruise. The launch comes as Emerald Cruises celebrates its 8th year of operations and the recommencement of its 2022 Europe river cruises. 180-guest Emerald Luna is a brand-new luxury, small river ship with innovative features and a contemporary design. From the three-tier atrium to the heated swimming pool that seamlessly transforms into a cinema, Emerald Luna has been meticulously

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2020 and 2021. The first quarter of 2022 reflects 6% of total visitor arrivals to the destination following the Covid-19 pandemic. Visitors from the Caribbean and the rest of the world account for 7% of overall arrivals.

designed to maximise space and guarantee comfort, ensuring that the journey is as memorable as the destination. Designed to dock directly in the heart of cities, town and villages that line rivers of central Europe, the river ship boasts spacious suites and staterooms, including the line’s innovative balcony design in most cabins – complete with decked area and ingenious open-air system. “Emerald Luna marks a new, exciting addition to our growing fleet – following closely from last month’s launch of our first-ever ocean-going superyacht, Emerald Azzurra” said David Winterton, global director of brand & marketing at Emerald Cruises. “With bookings remain strong for this spring and summer and with Europe continuing to be a popular destination for both newto-cruise and loyal guests, the launch of Emerald Luna allows

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he City of Wolverhampton Council has appointed its first Independent Travel Training Coordinator, to provide additional support to young people who face barriers to travelling on their own. The Independent Travel Training programme offers one-to-one supports to enable 11 to 19-year-olds to travel a specific route in a safe and responsible way on public transport. It is open to anyone who lives in Wolverhampton and either uses assisted transport or is eligible for travel assistance, and covers problem solving, personal safety, road safety and appropriate behaviour. The young person is provided with a free bus pass to use, and continuing support until they are confident enough to do the journey on their own. John Roseblade, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Interim Director for City Housing and Environment, said: "Being able to travel independently is key to giving young people with additional needs greater freedom to get around. “It not only improves their confidence and self-esteem but also opens up new opportunities to access education and social and leisure activities in other parts of the city. Young people have told us they want to become more independent and see being able to travel on their own as one way to achieve this goal. “Equally, parents want their children to be as independent as possible by the time they reach adulthood. By offering independent travel training, we are able to give people more choice about the way they travel." more of our guests than ever before to experience Europe’s rivers in our signature Emerald Cruises style.” Emerald Luna will be officially welcomed to the award-winning fleet at a christening ceremony in Amsterdam on 21 July by godmother, US travel industry advocate and educator Vanessa McGovern of Gifted Travel Network. Emerald Luna will join sister Star-Ships Emerald Sun, Emerald Sky, Emerald Star, Emerald Dawn and Emerald Destiny sailing the Rhine, Main, Moselle and Danube rivers in Europe. Emerald Cruises’ river fleet also includes the 132-guest Emerald Liberté sailing the Rhône and Saône Rivers in France, 112-guest Emerald Radiance sailing the Douro River in Portugal, and 84-guest Emerald Harmony sailing the Mekong River in Vietnam and Cambodia.



The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 39


l Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett (right) is presented with his award by Brett Tollman, CEO of The Travel Corporation

Minister Bartlett Inducted To Global Travel Hall Of Fame MINISTER OF TOURISM, Hon. Edmund Bartlett was honoured for his tireless work and dedication to Jamaica's tourism industry with an induction into the the Global Travel Hall Of Fame which “recognizes the highest achievers in the travel, hospitality, tourism and leisure sectors.” He is the first tourism leader from the Caribbean to receive the honour, which was bestowed upon him at The

CORENDON AIRLINES STARTS FLYING LONDON INTERNATIONAL FROM BRUM YOUTH SCIENCE FORUM C orendon Airlines, the European leisure carrier, has started flying from Birmingham Airport. Its fleet of 1New89-seat B737-800 aircraft are now operating flights twice a week to Dalaman and three times a week to Antalya. The departure to Antalya tookoff with a full plane of customers seeking some Turkish sun. Corendon, which is already on sale to Antalya and Dalaman for summer 2022, today announced it will extend its Antalya service into winter 2022/23.

Winter tickets will go on sale in the next few weeks. This extension reflects the popularity of the routes and the demand from Birmingham Airport. Paul Riches, Commercial representative of Corendon Airlines, said: “We are very excited to launch our service from Birmingham Airport. “We plan to increase our Birmingham flights to many other popular holiday destinations in the following seasons. We aim to provide holidaymakers direct and comfortable flights to sunny destinations and we are confident

our Birmingham flights will be successful in summer 2022 and beyond.” Aviation Director for Birmingham Airport, Tom Screen, said: “We are thrilled to welcome Corendon Airlines to Birmingham and are pleased initial sales numbers are strong. “This bodes well as the aviation sector gets back on its feet and the British public take to the skies once again after a two-year Covid-19 layoff. We look forward to developing the partnership with Corendon Airlines further in the coming years.”

New Grants to Boost Sustainable Tourism in the National Forest THE NATIONAL FOREST Company (NFC) is launching a new grants scheme to help fund projects aimed at establishing the National Forest as a sustainable destination for people to visit. The grants have been set up to support businesses with their continued recovery from the pandemic, and to encourage them to invest wisely now to create a greener future for the sector. Developing sustainable tourism aligns with the

National Forest's 25-year vision for the Forest to be a place where people and nature can work together to grow a positive future. Through these grants, the NFC aims to support organisations that share this vision and can put forward projects that help to develop the National Forest as a landmark sustainable tourism destination: inspired by the Forest, accessible to everyone, and responsive to the urgency of climate change.

Chesterfield Hotel in London on April 28th “It is really a humbling experience to be recognized in this manner and to be included as a member of such as revered group, more so because it recognizes not just my own contribution to the sector, but the fact that Jamaica stands out as a prime example of what can be achieved in tourism,” Minister Bartlett said.

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l Jeremy Richardson

Jeremy Richardson To Join Runwood Homes As Chief Executive Officer RUNWOOD HOMES have announced that Jeremy Richardson, the former Chief Executive of Four Seasons Health Care, will be joining the Group as Chief Executive Officer. Jeremy will take up his new role in early July. Gordon Sanders, Founder and current CEO of Runwood Homes, said: “On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am thrilled that Jeremy has agreed to join our business. We are pleased that we have secured the services of one of the sector’s leading Executives, and I have no doubt that under Jeremy’s leadership, the Group will continue to go from strength to strength.”

selection of new-build homes has gone on sale in the Castle Vale area of Birmingham for the first time in over a decade. Together with Birmingham City Council, leading developer Lovell Homes has launched The Point, a brand-new community of stunning properties for a variety of buyers. Situated just six miles north-east of Birmingham city centre, The Point offers a total of 123 homes that are ideal for first-time buyers and families seeking more space. The community benefits from a close proximity to the city centre with strong transport links via the M6 and by rail, as well as a selection of local shops and amenities including several primary schools and academies. Appointments can now be made to view the show homes at The Point, with two, three and four-bedroom plots available to reserve. Trish Foster, regional sales director for Lovell, said: “The Point has transformed the previously unused site into a bustling new community with highly sought-after homes to support Castle Vale’s expansion. “The site has been created with community at the forefront, offering an ideal location for easy work, life balance, and plenty of living space in the homes to reflect the changing needs of owners.



The bright and spacious properties have been thoughtfully designed to offer a haven for buyers with plenty of green areas around the site to enjoy too.”

The Point has been developed on the former site of Greenwood Academy, which has remained vacant since the school relocated to the other side of Farnborough

Road several years ago. Through regenerating the land, Lovell is bringing much-needed housing to the already vibrant area, which hasn’t benefited from any new developments in a decade. As part of Lovell’s ongoing commitment to creating a lasting legacy in the communities where it builds, The Point will cater to a

variety of housing needs, with 59 homes available to open market buyers and 40 homes available via Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust. Lovell has also worked with The Pioneer Group, which will be managing the 24 homes under the social housing provision for local people.

Housing Association Shares Top Tips For Moving Home With Pets APRIL IS NATIONAL Pet Month in the UK, and West Midlands housing association Bromford is marking the occasion by sharing their top tips for moving house with pets. Catherine Jarrett, Director of Sales and Marketing at Bromford, said: “At Bromford, we understand that pets are part of the family, which is why we wanted to share some tips to help them feel more comfortable during what can be a particularly stressful process for them.”

form of diffusers or be attached to your pet’s collar. Whichever option you use, it is best to start 24 hours before big changes like packing begin.

In the run up to the move, it is important not to make big changes to your pet’s routine. Whilst packing, try to stick to the same meal, walk and grooming times so as not to cause unnecessary stress.

Once the home is secure and the commotion has died down, it is time to allow your pet to explore their new home. Your pet will feel more comfortable if there are lots of things that smell familiar throughout, so try to place some items at their level. You can also make use of the calming scents and accompany them as they walk through the house.

Keep their routine the same

Use calming scents

Both cats and dogs respond strongly to pheromones, so making use of scents that make your pet feel calm is a great option. These can come in the

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Set up a safe area

On moving day, be sure to unpack your pets’ things first and find them a secure area where they can relax away from all the commotion. Having this area set up before they enter the home will also help them feel more assured, as they will recognise the smells from the previous home.

Allow them explore


The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 41



The Phoenix Newspaper Countdown To The Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Celebrating All Things Commonwealth Supplement Sponsored By

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Birmingham 2022 Search For BMX And Mountain Bikers BIRMINGHAM 2022 is looking for BMX and mountain bike riders from across the West Midlands to volunteer to be a part of the Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony. The Opening Ceremony will take place on the 28 July at the newly transformed Alexander Stadium in Perry Barr in front of a 30,000 capacity crowd. It will also be broadcast across the globe to millions of people. The BMX and mountain bike riders will join thousands of other local volunteers who have been going through auditions for the Ceremony, following the open call for local dancers and established choirs earlier in the year. The ceremonies for Birmingham 2022 are being created by some of the regions finest talent. The team is led by Executive Director, Steven Knight, the creator of Peaky Blinders, and it includes theatre director Iqbal Khan, award-winning writer Maeve Clarke and rapper Joshua 'RTKal' Holness.

his year’s Commonwealth Games will see the British Kabaddi League make an entrance in the UK, with tournaments set to take place over this month (April) in Birmingham as well as Manchester, Glasgow and Wolverhampton. Prem Singh, CEO of British Kabaddi, said: “We are delighted that so many people from different and diverse backgrounds have come together to present this amazing sports project. The BKL was created by the communities and will be used to promote positive community engagement and celebrate cultural diversity.” The League has been established by English and Scottish Kabaddi, with support from the West Midlands Growth Company Teams including the Birmingham Bulls who will compete alongside Wolverhampton Wolfpack, Walsall Hunters and Leicester Warriors, alongside London Lions, Edinburgh Eagles, Glasgow Unicorns and Manchester Raiders. Following the opening completion at Active Aldersley, in Wolverhampton, other Games schedule are: • Wolverhampton April 9-10, Active Aldersley, Wolverhampton • Manchester April 16-17, Oldham Leisure Centre, Oldham • Birmingham April 23-24, Nechells Wellbeing Centre, Birmingham • Glasgow May 30- April 1, Bellahouston Sports Centre,



Glasgow The sport Kabaddi is one of the fastest growing sports in the world and the second most popular sport in South Asia after cricket. Ashok Das, President of BKL and the World Kabaddi, said: “I have been involved with the sport

of Kabaddi for over 40 years and our Kabaddi family of Kabaddi playing nations is now 50 strong. “We have organised events all over the globe, but the BKL sets a benchmark for new Kabaddi league outside of India. The BKL will further empower us to reach

out and bring people together serving a common goal of promoting health and wellbeing. Nigel Huddleston, Minister for Sport and Tourism, said: “We’re delighted to be joining other major nations in establishing our first, competitive Kabaddi league. We

hope this new league, backed by the Birmingham 2022 Business and Tourism Programme and launching in the host region for this summer’s Commonwealth Games, goes from strength to strength.”

Rwanda - A Turnaround Country Leading The World In AI


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RWANDA IS A place to do business. For people looking for investment opportunities, a chance to fulfil back office support, digital and tech development, or customer experience services then this is a place to seriously consider. If there’s any country in the world where initial perception is totally contradicted by reality, then this is it. It’s close to other unsettled countries, it could be unstable, and infrastructure would, surely, be rudimentary. Rwanda, whose excellent coffee and tea are rightly revered around the world, has an economy that is rapidly transitioning from agriculture to manufacturing and, most significantly, to the service sector. And, it has now

launched its C4IR, becomes the first African country to launch centre dedicated to artificial intelligence, and says it will work with stakeholders around the world to design and pilot new approaches to technology governance that foster innovation in an inclusive and responsible manner”. Some of the projects that the C4IR is already working on are the country’s artificial intelligence (AI) policy and laws on the protection of personal data and privacy. At the launch of the centre, President Paul Kagame said: “This facility is the country’s pride.” He added: “It is evidence of how far it had advanced in the fields of science and technology.” Rwandan Minister of

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Information Communication Technology and Innovation, Paula Ingabire, added: “With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the rapid innovations witnessed during the Covid-19 pandemic, there is an increased urgency to develop digital and technological capacities to build more resilient systems for a healthier society and more sustainable economy.” He said: “The launch of this centre is enabled by investments that we, as a country, have been making in science and technology. I hope the centre will build on this by making the Fourth Industrial Revolution an equalising force, and contributing solutions to some of today’s most pressing challenges."



The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 43


Gold Medallist And Local Children Make A Drama Out Of Squash

Boxing Star, Fawaz, Continues To Fight For His Rights FROM BOXING for England several times at an international level, to signing sponsorship deals with Everlast, Sports Direct and MTK Global and winning his first professional fight earlier this year, Bilal Fawaz is still battling to legalise his status with the UK Home Office. Originally from Lagos, Nigeria, and becoming the ABA Champion in 2012, it has been agreed by both the Home Office and the Nigerian High Commission that he cannot be deported, but still will not be granted a UK passport or residency papers. Following his thundering victory against Vladimir Fleischhauer at Bethnal Green’s York Hall, broadcasted on Sky Sports in February, Fawaz has avoided homelessness due to the generosity of individuals who have helped pay his rent. He is currently unable to secure his own property for himself and his partner (an NHS worker) due to his ongoing case that also includes his wrongful imprisonment by the Home Office in 2019. Bilal says: “So many immigrants are accepted into the country with a minimal vetting. It seems insane that the Home Office accept that I can’t be deported and can fight for the UK, without actually granting me the right to be here. I just want to keep working hard and provide for my family.” The date of Bilal’s next fight is TBC.



ritish Army athletes helped put the lead venue for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games through its paces recently. The UK Midlands Army Athletics Championships were staged at the Alexander Stadium in Perry Barr, Birmingham. This was the first athletics event at the venue since its £72million redevelopment and was one of the designated test events for the stadium to receive the required safety capacity certificate. The Alexander Stadium will host Athletics and the Commonwealth Games opening and closing ceremonies. The Army Athletics Championships saw 350 military personnel, from Regular and Reserve Units across Wales, West Midlands and East Midlands, compete in track and field events.

Play Offs In Sight By Joan ‘LJ’ Hunter

VITALITY SUPERLEAGUE Netball reached the pivitol half way point in their season; the cumulated in a Spring Showdown Weekend over the

l Manchester Thunder Head Coach Karen Greig

Easter weekend, at Resort World Arena; Birmingham. This was a pivitol weekend for all the Franchises, as results would centre around which teams could make the top four for the Vitality Superleague Grand final weekend at the Copper Box Arena, London; on the 5th June 2022 Defending Champions Loughborough Lightning came into the weekend second in the table, behind the only team to have a defeated them this season; Manchester Thunder. Excited and devoted fans, packed their Easter eggs and packed the Resort World Arena, to support their teams, to see who would take the head to head games that would decide or bring teams closer to top four places. Injuries and the impact from positive Covid Tests, had impacted on most of the teams

Around a thousand spectators attended, made up of military personnel and their families, Birmingham City Council staff and families along with local residents and community groups. Colonel Paul “Shove” Gilby, Commander Army West Midlands, said: “It’s a great honour for our service personnel to be the first people using this track. Only a few weeks ago it was covered in diggers. It’s awesome and what a legacy for the Midlands.” Sergeant Danni Hodgkinson, 5 Medical Regiment, won the 800 metres yesterday finishing in a highly impressive two minutes 13 seconds, despite only recently recovering from a long-term achilles injury. She has represented England at 10K and 1500 metres and was the 2019 UK Armed Forces and Army Sports Woman of the Year.

Danni said: “I used to train here when I was doing a mental health degree with the Army and ran the British Championships here. It’s the first time I’ve been back. It’s a beautiful track. There’s something about a blue track that I find special, I don’t know why.” WO2 Musa Audu, 6 Battalion REME, was another elite Army athlete at the Alexander Stadium. Musa is the Army Track and Field assistant team manager and is a former Olympics bronze medalist, at the 2004 Athens Games, with Nigeria in the 4x400metre relay. Musa also ran in the Manchester and Australia Commonwealth Games and three times in the World Athletics Championships. The internationally famous Red Devils, the Army Parachute Display Team, jumped into the Alexander Stadium as part of the closing ceremony where

since the beginning season. Not coming at any good time in the life of a coach, who in each Franchise have lots riding on results. Manchester Thunder cemented their top of the league position with a double win over the weekend, beating Strathclyde Sirens 73-51 in the Saturday, and returned on Sunday to put up a master class performance, ending with the highest team score of the league so far, in their 80 - 30 goals win over Surrey Storm. Thunder under Head coach Karen Greig, and her Performance Director, former England Roses Head Coach, Tracey Neville; defended their 100% winning record with their team in formidable form. As they head to their next game, Captain Laura Malcolm when asked said "we are good form, and we are the ones to beat". In keeping with the 100 theme, "Congratulations", Karen Greig who will be her 100 game in

charge of Thunder, in their match against WASPS Netball, along with their International shooter, Malwi Queen Joyce Mvula; who will play her 100th game, having joined them in 2017. Current defending champions, Loughborough Lightning held on to their second place position but with much closer victory's over their opponents. Top two games of the weekend saw Welsh Franchise Celtic Dragons fondly known as the Green Army, get their second win of the season over win over Leeds Rhino's with a 55-51 win; much to all in the arena. The neutrals were willing Danielle Timuss-Morris and her newly formed Green Army, to their win, with excitement at both ends of the court, and a leadership performance from Captain Nia Jones; who was awarded Gilbert Player of the Match. The other game saw London Pulse go head to head with Saracens Mavericks. Having

the Army Cadet Forces Massed Bands performed. Craig Cooper, Birmingham City Council’s Programme Director for the Commonwealth Games, said: “Hosting the UK Midlands Army Athletics Championships at the redeveloped Alexander Stadium is a proud moment for Birmingham City Council. The stadium is truly world-class." The revamped Alexander Stadium will provide enhanced facilities for the local community and existing tenants to use for generations to come and will establish a new teaching base for Birmingham City University. The redevelopment will also make the venue the largest facility of its kind in the UK, giving Birmingham a golden opportunity to reaffirm its claim to be the national home of athletics.

both won their matches on the Saturday; the Sunday match up was a decider, as into who would have a stronger grip on that top place for the playoffs. London Pulse with one of the youngest teams in the Vitality Superleague, were victorious; with fine margins of success all over the court. Alicia Scholes, daughter of former England and Manchester United footballer, showed some of those inherited fine on the ball genes, was this

SQUASH GOLD medallist James Willstrop and children from inner city Birmingham schools will be creating a drama on the squash courts at the University of Birmingham with a brand-new play, Outside The Box. As the region gets ready for the Commonwealth Games, Outside The Box premieres as part of the Birmingham 2022 Festival at the end of May. Outside The Box is a celebration of the game of squash. Brought to life on three glass-walled courts, a cast of professional squash players, actors and school children explore the fascinating origins of the sport from a London prison to the mountains of Pakistan and beyond. The story of squash mirrors the evolution of the Commonwealth, and Outside The Box playfully explores this journey for families and young people. Squash is a physically demanding sport that is loved in countries the world over and Pakistani players of the illustrious ‘Khan Dynasty’ dominated it for many years. Outside The Box will pay tribute to their remarkable achievements, as well as uncovering the incredible struggles players like Maria Toorpakai, went through, just to be able to play the game. All performances of Outside The Box will include a star turn from British squash champion James Willstrop, who won Gold in the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

Gilbert Player of the Match. It was a fabulous weekend, fans were delighted to see the Franchise close up, volunteers had smiles on their faces and once again great hospitality at Resort World who will be home of the Commonwealth Games Netball. All matches for the rest of the season and tickets for the Super League Grand Final are available on

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Page 44 - The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022


Leading Nigerian Singer, Cobhams Asuquo, Says How He Hated His Own Voice COBHAMS ASUQUO is now one of Nigeria's leading music figures both for his production and singing, but he started his career behind the scenes because he didn't like the sound of his own voice. His tone is serious and measured when explaining his dislike of his own voice, almost as though he is describing someone else. That discomfort with the very thing he now showcases to his fans around the world was the major reason why he spent the first 13 years of his music career as a producer to some of Africa's biggest stars. Asuquo, 41, has worked with a string of Afro music stars, including Asa, on her hit 2007 album of the same name. As for his own music, which is a mix of soul, gospel, RnB and Afropop, his hit tracks include singles like We Plenti, One Hit and Ordinary People. He is eloquent and lucid when talking about his love for music, but on the topic of his unease with his voice, he loses some of his fluency and cannot fully explain it. He even goes so far as to use the word "hated", and then drifts off. "There was something about it that just didn't sit well with me," he says. It is a sentiment that is backed up by his best friend.


PERRY BARR STATION NEARING COMPLETION AS CLADDING ADDED A bronze-coloured frieze depicting athletes in action has been installed on the front of the redeveloped Perry Barr railway station. The installation of new weathered effect cladding shows that the £30.9 million rebuilding project is nearing completion ready for opening later in the spring and in time to welcome visitors for this summer’s Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. It will, for years to come, provide a welcoming gateway to Perry Barr with modern facilities including lifts to the platform, ticket office, waiting area and customer toilets. The development, being led by Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) and the West Midlands Rail Executive (WMRE), includes the construction of an upgraded bus interchange outside the neighbouring One Stop Shopping Centre, which allows buses to pull in and out more efficiently than the previous layout. It is part of the wider £700+ million regeneration of Perry Barr, led by Birmingham City Council, with a new highways layout, thousands of new homes and public spaces also nearing completion. Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands and Birmingham City Council’s cabinet advisor for major transport projects Councillor Chaman Lal, visited the site to check on progress. The Mayor said: “With a new station, new Sprint bus route, a new bus interchange, and of course, cycling routes, residents

l Liam Brooker (WMRE), Cllr Chaman Lal (Birmingham City Council), Dawn Jevons (Galliford Try), Louise Brooke-Smith (GBS LEP) and Mayor Andy Street as well as visitors will have more options for their journeys than ever before. "These are changes that will benefit the local community for decades to come, leaving a legacy that lasts well beyond the Commonwealth Games.” Investment in public transport and active travel is a key part of plans to reduce traffic congestion and achieve the #wm2041 target of being a net zero region within 20 years. Cllr Lal said: “The new Perry

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Barr station looks fantastic, and I cannot wait for the day when thousands of fans are making their way through it on their way to watch the Commonwealth Games.” Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership board director, Louise Brooke-Smith, added: “It’s fantastic to see first-hand the progress on Perry Barr station. "Along with the bus interchange and wider improvements, the station has transformed this area

ahead of the Commonwealth Games. “Through our unique triple helix structure of working with local authorities, businesses and partners, we've invested £3.5 million into this major regeneration of Perry Barr. "After the Games, it will continue to benefit local people and businesses – creating better places for our communities and driving inclusive economic growth to support our local economy."

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Child Immunisation Programme Reaches Rohingya Refugee Children On Bhasan Char Island – UNICEF ROHINGYA REFUGEE children on Bhasan Char in Bangladesh are receiving vaccinations through a routine childhood immunisation programme. UNICEF provides technical and financial assistance to the Government of Bangladesh in support of childhood immunisations on Bhasan Char. While Rohingya refugee children have received some vaccinations since arriving on the island through two ad hoc campaigns, this week marks the inauguration of the first regular childhood immunisation programme on Bhasan Char. “We have no time to waste,” said George Laryea-Adjei, UNICEF Regional Director for South Asia. “Lost ground means lost lives. Rohingya refugee children on Bhasan Char need their childhood immunisations or the consequences can be deadly.” The UNICEF Regional Director joined Government health workers delivering child vaccinations during his visit to Bhasan Char on 20-21 April. Dr Md. Shamsul Haque, Line Director for Maternal Neonatal Child and Adolescent Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, said: “The routine childhood vaccination programme on Bhasan Char follows the Bangladesh Government’s national Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI). This includes vaccinations against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis-B, Hib, polio, pneumonia, tuberculosis, measles and rubella.”



The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 45



l Mahira Khan has been appointed as the British Asian Trust's Ambassador


t has been announced that world renowned Pakistani actress Mahira Khan has been appointed as the British Asian Trust’s latest Ambassador to support their work across South Asia. With almost 90% of people in need of mental health treatment having no access to any kind of support, she will support the British Asian Trust’s current Peace of Mind campaign which aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and needs in both Pakistan and Bangladesh. Having been the keynote speaker at the Trust’s recent Iftar event at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House in London, the Trust plans to scale

up its already successful work to build even more awareness, reach more people and provide more access to community-based healthcare, referrals and support. Marginalised children who have suffered severe trauma will be a priority. Richard Hawkes, Chief Executive of the British Asian Trust, said: “We are delighted to have Mahira Khan, one of Pakistan’s greatest superstars, join us as an Ambassador. “Her voice will be incredibly powerful in helping us to lift the silence on mental health and improve access to services in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The need in both countries is great and

we’re already having an impact on changing lives, we can’t do this work alone.” Mahira Khan said: “I am proud to be an Ambassador for the British Asian Trust and support their work in South Asia. Their mental health work in Pakistan has been ground-breaking, reaching millions of people but there is more to do. “Talking more about mental health, breaking the stigma around it and helping more people access support so they can have peace of mind is critical. No one should ever have to suffer in silence.” One in four people in Pakistan will experience mental health issues, but a lack of services means

there is only one psychiatrist per half million people, compared to one for every 10,000 people in the UK. Stigma associated with mental health also prevents people from seeking help, with the subject still taboo in many communities. In Bangladesh, suicide is the leading cause of death among Bangladeshi adolescents. Women and girls, especially those in rural communities, are particularly vulnerable. Most Bangladeshis have no access to mental health services, and they encounter stigma and social exclusion. Without appropriate support, mental health conditions can significantly

worsen a person’s wellbeing and their ability to maintain relationships, forcing them to become isolated and alone. They can also lead to alcohol and drug dependency, hospitalisation, severe depression and even suicide. In Pakistan, the Trust’s pioneering work in mental health has already reached 28 million people via SMS campaigns and social media activity. Over 46,000 people have attended mental health awareness, raising sessions in their communities and been screened for mental health issues. Training has also been provided to 2,000 frontline health practitioners in basic mental health awareness.

Gallery Prize Up For Grabs In Queen’s Jubilee Portrait Competition BUDDING ARTISTS from across Wolverhampton have the chance to get their work displayed in the city’s art gallery in a new competition to create a portrait of the Queen. City of Wolverhampton Council has launched the contest as part of the city’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations marking 70 years since Her Majesty became the monarch. The competition is open to all ages and portraits can be drawn, painted or even created digitally – the only criteria is that they must feature the Queen, be the entrant’s own work, the entrant must live in Wolverhampton and portraits must be no bigger than A3 in size. There are four categories: children under 7 years, children aged 7 to 11, children aged 12 to 18 years and adults. Entries need to be submitted by 4pm on Friday May 31. They will be judged by a panel including the Mayor of Wolverhampton, local radio personality Dicky Dodd and representatives from the West Midlands Lieutenancy, the city’s youth council and a local artist. The winners will see their work given pride of place on display in an exhibition at Wolverhampton Art Gallery.

PM Johnson Visits India To Strengthen Defence Ties PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson made his long-delayed trip to India in a bid to strengthen security ties with the country. Meeting his counterpart Narendra Modi in New Delhi, their talks focused on defence and trade. It was Johnson's first major trip to India as PM after previous visits were postponed due to Covid. The UK has been trying to persuade India to reduce its reliance on Moscow since Russia invaded Ukraine. Recently, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss visited India in an attempt to get the country to impose stronger sanctions against Russia and to cooperate more closely on

trade, defence, energy and food security. India has not criticised Russia directly since it invaded Ukraine and did not condemn the invasion at a United Nations vote on the issue. Johnson's trip also included a visit to Gujarat, India's fifth-largest state, where he announced a major investment in key industries in the UK and India, as well as new collaborations on science, health and technology. Ahead of his visit, the prime minister said: "As we face threats to our peace and prosperity from autocratic states, it is vital that democracies and friends stick together."

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he Phoenix Newspaper and Big Dave have devised, developed and produced a Next Generation Early Intervention Legacy Program titled the Seven Pillars Of Mutual Understanding & Friendship. This will contain seven key elements of life that are identified as major building blocks in the early development phase of our young people today which are Moral, Social, Cultural, Spiritual, Emotional, Functional and Inspirational. We have now put in place an alternative strategy Educational Campaign around the issues affecting children and young people on a daily basis and how those issues can manifest and affect them in so many ways and directions. This could lead to Negative Pathways and the wrong choices, influences and decisions in life. The Phoenix Newspaper in conjunction with Big Dave stands ready to help, to galvanise and pull together and to support children, young people and families in our Communities and the wider world. To contribute to their Health and Well-Being, Personal Safety and Mental Resilience


through enhanced engagement and interactive responses. So the Phoenix Newspaper and Big Dave will become known as a force for Good & Inspiration and a Pathway for Positive Behavioural Body & Mind Building Development.

Because if we want to change the world we must start with the children from an early age as an early intervention personal development learning program. So if we can start to equip the Next Generation with the key life skills needed to meet the growing

challenge of life in the 21st Century we can begin to change to make the world a better kind of place for us all. This program would go a long way to address and deliver positive outcomes on subjects such as Equality, Diversity, Humanity,

Respect, Protect, Connect which links the Seven Pillars of Mutual Understanding & Friendship with the Elements Of Life Program which builds around many social, environmental and personal safety challenges that surround us all today. From this program they will learn how to become Street Smart in their daily lives. So this Next Generation Early Intervention Legacy Program is a solution that is waiting to be delivered. Just like the global spectacular and Birmingham showcase event that will be the Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022 which as of now is less than 100 days away from when the world’s spotlight will be shone on Birmingham and its people who live here. The Phoenix Newspaper is a Media Partner to help to shine a light on Birmingham and the Athletic Sporting Event that is due to take place in the Alexander Stadium known as the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games. The sporting events and the build up of the Commonwealth Games will be covered by our Editorials which started with (On Your Marks) and has now reached the (Get Set) second stage which we are in and this will lead to the (Go) launch of the Common Games itself. This will give opportunities to the people of Birmingham and its Communities, to which this Newspaper serves to have a voice about what is happening in their city, in their name. After the events and activities have passed, the challenges overcome and the medals awarded

and the Closing Ceremony has concluded Birmingham will still want to be seen in a positive light that has been shone on our city. So the games must be seen to be leaving a legacy for the people to build upon the Positive Pathway that has been created from this event and to take advantage of the opportunities that have opened for our city, its population and Communities throughout. The Phoenix Newspaper already has a plan to encourage Business Growth and employment opportunities with the Phoenix Newspaper Social Impact Legacy Business Expo To Ghana later in the year as you will have read in the announcement. This will be our first footsteps into Africa and the Commonwealth to show the Best Of Birmingham, its workforce and its diverse population to show what Birmingham has to offer to the world. As part of this legacy we will unite with schools and organisations around the globe to link them together, just as the Commonwealth Games are designed to do and to build Friendships and Partnerships. Our Footsteps Into Africa Program begins with Ghana and will look to expand further across African Countries. This is open to all to become part of this exciting and forward looking venture that will surely impact upon our great city of Birmingham in various ways for whom Big Dave and the Phoenix Newspaper are proud to serve.

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The Phoenix Newspaper - May 2022 - Page 47



l Angella Okutoyi is the first Kenyan girl to win a match at a

junior grand slam event

Angella Okutoyi Shines As Kenya’s Rising Tennis Star

ANGELLA OKUTOYI, a budding tennis player from Kenya, made history by being the first Kenyan girl to win a match at a junior grand slam event at the 2021 Australian Open. It was the first time a Kenyan had competed in the Australian Open Juniors in 16 years, and it was just the second time a Kenyan female has competed in a Junior Grand Slam Tournament. Wanjiru Mbugua Karani, Secretary General of Tennis Kenya, told BBC Sports Africa that the government spent Ksh923,200 (USD8,000) on her airfare and other costs to the Australian Open. “It cost us roughly USD8,000 for her to play and travel in the Australian Open, and we’re talking about things like flight tickets, hotel, insurance, and

training,” Wanjiru Mbugua added. She said that it is tough for a player to become pro in the sport without traveling. Okutoyi said that when she first started playing tennis, she would sometimes go to practice without eating. She was quick to point out, however, that it is now the sport that provides supper for her and her family. Okutoyi, who began playing tennis when she was four years old, has won several awards in the African championships, allowing her to compete in the Australian Open. The 18-yearold tennis player said that her journey to the Australian Open allowed her to witness prominent tennis players such as Coco Gauf of the United States and Madison Keys, among others.


ngland bowler Anya Shrubsole, a key part of England's 2017 World Cup triumph, has retired from the international game. The 30-year-old played 173 games for her country across all formats, claiming 227 wickets, taking six wickets in England's dramatic World Cup final win over India at Lord's in 2017. "I feel immensely privileged to have been able to represent my country for the past 14 years," said Shrubsole. "To have been involved in women's cricket at a time of such growth has been an honour but it has become clear to me that it is moving forward faster than I can keep up with, so it is time for me to step away. Clare Connor, the ECB's managing director of women's cricket, paid tribute to Shrubsole's achievements since her debut against South Africa in August 2008, by saying: "For 14 years she has given everything for the team so it is fitting that her reasons for retiring are so selfless. "Her longevity, skill and impact with the new and old ball are

l England bowler Anya Shrubsole testament to her work ethic and commitment over so many years." Shrubsole was England's leading wicket-taker in the World Cup final earlier this month as her side attempted to defend their title. However, her figures of 3-46 with the ball could not prevent

England falling to a 71-run defeat by Australia in Christchurch. Five years previously, she was named Player of the Match in the 2017 final, taking the final wicket as England beat India by nine runs. The medium-pacer also took a hat-trick in the 2018 World

Twenty20, another campaign that ended in final defeat by Australia. She will captain Southern Brave in the Hundred this year as she continues her career in domestic cricket.

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Bears Announce New Production Team For Vitality Blast Match Days

WITH JUST SIX weeks to go until the opening game of this year’s Vitality Blast at Edgbaston, the Bears have confirmed members of a new off-field team to support the in-bowl experience and live stream for those tuning in at home. BBC Asian Network radio and television presenter Noreen Khan will be one of the hosts stepping onto the field, whilst supporters

can also watch six of Bears Vitality Blast games at Edgbaston from home in a new match day programme hosted BBC Test Match Special commentator and stand-up comedian Aatif Nawaz. Aatif will be joined by longstanding Bears commentator Adam Bridge, of BBC and talkSPORT, and match day guests including Issy Wong and Ian Bell.


ith 100 days to go until the Birmingham 2 0 2 2 Commonwealth Games begin, Paralympic swimmers and an Olympic diver tested out the facilities at the newly completed Sandwell Aquatics Centre. The brand-new, state-of-theart venue has been constructed in time for this summer’s major multi-sport event, where it will be in operation for all eleven days of sporting action. Once the Games is over it will be converted to a community leisure facility, so local club swimmers also joined celebrations, to test out the main 50m pool. Birmingham 2022, organisers of the Games which will see around 4,500 athletes from 72 nations and territories compete in 19 different sports and eight Para sports, also marked the 100day milestone with a final major release of tickets, with seats for every single sport back on sale. Paralympic swimming legend,

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Ellie Simmonds, who is also a Birmingham 2022 Board Member, visited the centre on Tuesday and highlighted why this was such a key moment for the Games: “With 100 days to go until the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games begin, it is fantastic news that the Sandwell Aquatics Centre is now complete, and it is amazing to be back here to see the finished facility. “This is an important and proud moment for everyone associated with Birmingham 2022 and having swimmers and divers in the pools for the very first time makes the Games feel very real. "We’ve also taken this opportunity to put tickets back on sale, but for sports like aquatics, which has been hugely popular during our ballots and general sale, tickets are limited, so I’d urge everyone to secure their seat right now.” The construction of the Sandwell Aquatics Centre, which is located in Smethwick, just a

few miles from Birmingham, has been overseen by Sandwell Council and Tony McGovern, Director of Regeneration & Growth said: “We are very proud to celebrate the completion of the state-of-the-art Sandwell Aquatics Centre in Smethwick. “This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our construction partners, who worked diligently throughout the project and a global pandemic to complete this venue on time and on budget. "We are incredibly excited to be part of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, which will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to celebrate Sandwell on a global stage as the proud host venue for the swimming, Para swimming and diving events for the Games." Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries said: "It is fantastic that with 100 days to go, Sandwell Aquatics Centre is ready for competition - completed on time and within budget. The venue


is just one of the ways in which Birmingham 2022 will level up access to sport and champion the best of the West Midlands to the world. It is not too late to snap up tickets for this sporting spectacular." Now that the Sandwell Aquatics Centre has been completed, the facility will stage a couple of events ahead of the Games. On 30 April a community swimming gala will be overseen at the venue by Sandwell Council and then from 20 May to 22 May Birmingham 2022 will stage a series of test events including swimming and diving training sessions, and a swimming competition. Tickets for every single sport at Birmingham 2022 went back on sale at 8am on 19 April, with prices starting from £8 for under 16s and £15 for adults. Tickets also include access to public transport in the local area on the day of your event.

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