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New Member on the Honours Board
Master Photographer Joins PSNZ Honours Board
By Moira Blincoe LPSNZ
ON BEHALF OF PSNZ Council and the Honours Board it gives me great pleasure to announce the appointment of PSNZ Fellow and FIAP Master photographer Ann Bastion to the Honours Board.
Six members make up the Honours Board, each serving a term of three years. Ann takes up the ‘seat’ vacated by Meg Lipscombe FPSNZ following her completion of three years in July 2020.
Both Council and Bruce Girdwood FPSNZ Chair of the Honours Board were in unanimous agreement that Ann’s photographic abilities and personal credentials made her the right choice to complement the current board. She joins the assessment panel who next meet in Invercargill in March 2021.
Ann’s photographic accomplishments are extensive and she achieved her PSNZ honours distinctions in very quick succession. Not one to sit idle, she simultaneously pursued many FIAP distinctions with equal commitment. In early 2019 Ann quietly announced to me that she had been made a Master of Photography in the Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP). She is only the second New Zealand photographer to achieve this highly regarded and difficult to achieve status.
Ever the humble photographer, Ann said she was ‘quite thrilled’ when Bruce called her to invite her onto the Board and ‘didn’t need time to consider an answer’.
As a former member of the PSNZ Council, Ann continues to be the FIAP Liaison Officer and also provides ongoing consulting advice on the 4Nations competition to Council and Craig McKenzie, Councillor for National Competitions.
Congratulations Ann, your expertise and experience will be an asset to the Honours Board.
Remember submissions for 2021 Honours must be received by the secretary by 5pm on 28 February 2021. As Stephanie lives in Invercargill make sure that you courier your prints in plenty of time.