contents MAY 2019 5-7
News and regular columnists
Be Well at Nashville Public Library
Health & Welness Fest SHOW GUIDE
Chronic fatigue and your mitochondria
Natural products rooted in Nashville
Best natural, organic beauty alternatives
Is There a Way to Detect Oral Cancer in Early Stages?
Classified Listings
CONTACT US Nashville Health & Wellness Magazine can be found in nearly 1,000 Middle Tennessee medical facilities, including: hospitals, doctor, chiropractor and dental offices. Find a copy of your FREE Health & Wellness Magazine in Davidson, Rutherford, Sumner and Williamson Counties.
To get your article published and for ad rates, call 615-457-2816 Š Copyright MIDDLE TENESSEE HEALTH & WELLNESS Magazine 2017. All rights reserved. Any reproduction of the material in this magazine in whole or in part without written prior consent is prohibited. Articles and other material in this Magazine are not necessarily the views of MIDDLE TENESSEE HEALTH & WELLNESS Magazine. MIDDLE TENESSEE HEALTH & WELLNESS Magazine reserves the right to publish and edit, or not publish any material that is sent. MIDDLE TENESSEE HEALTH & WELLNESS Magazine will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. The information in MIDDLE TENESSEE HEALTH & WELLNESS Magazine should not be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Published by PHR Media LLC.
Paul Rowney Publisher 615-457-2816 Rachel Rowney Editor 615 457 2816 Scott Stubblefield Distribution Manager Sonny Grensing Graphic Design Cover image: Twigs and Roots. Image credit: Alysse Gafkjen
Connect with nature & yourself Nestled in the verdant forests of Tennessee’s Upper Cumberland, Isha Institute of Inner-sciences offers a much needed mountain retreat for all visitors. Founded and guided by Sadhguru, Isha Institute offers an array of programs.
Explore more than 10 miles of hiking trails, leading to dramatic waterfalls and breathtaking overlooks.
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Isha Institute of Inner-sciences
951 Isha Lane McMinnville, TN 37110 | (931) 668-1900
Free Yoga Day May 18, June 22
To Visit: For Groups: Open Daily 9am-5pm (CST)
Certificate of Excellence
For more news go to:
Essential Oils
Spring cleaning with natural ingredients
Millennials are drinking less than ever The negative effects of excess alcohol are well-established, and new findings suggest that as a result of this (and a focus on a healthier lifestyle) millennials are drinking less alcohol than ever. In recent months, there are have been multiple news outlets that have reported a significant decline in the amount of under 30s drinking heavily – if at all. According to an article within The Atlantic, “From 2015 through 2017, the most recent year for which data are available, the rate of Millennials who reported that they had consumed any amount of alcohol in the preceding month remained pretty steady, at more than 60 percent.” In addition to the hangovers, the decline in millennial drinking could also be attributed to how expensive it is as a hobby. Further, as millennials
are often reported to focus more on the experiential, and also their health, means that they are possibly turning away from established social drinking norms. The Wall Street Journal reported that the sale of nonalcoholic-beer has grown by 3.9% on average for the past five years, which makes it the fasting growing segment of the beer industry. The turn away from alcohol could also be compounded with the increasing legalization of cannabis in various parts of the United States. As reported in The Atlantic states: “A 2017 study found that in counties with legalized medicinal cannabis, alcohol sales dropped more than 12 percent when compared with similar counties without weed. Recreational legalization has the potential to bolster that effect by making cannabis products even more broadly accessible.”
How can you use essential oils in your spring cleaning routine? Regular contributor Sheila McGinnis offers her advice.
love this time of year to freshen up and deep clean the house after a long winter of hibernating inside. How about you? This is a time to raise the windows, put up the thick blankets, clean the pollen from windows, and taking time to deep clean areas that were neglected during the winter. One of those areas is my stove! After baking and cooking so much during the winter it truly is the one area that needs my attention. Have you ever bought an oven cleaner and the instructions say wear protective gloves, open windows, and don’t inhale? YIKES! Well, take them at their word because it’s toxic to breathe in. Below is a simple recipe that you’ll feel good about using. Natural oven cleaner • A quarter cup of liquid castile soap • Three quarters of a cup of baking soda • Five drops of tea tree essential oil (EO) • Five drops of orange esssential oil • Mix together and store in a glass container.
Turnip Truck to open in West Nashville
Nashville organic produce store Turnip Truck is set to open a new location later on this year. John Dyke, who founded the first Turnip Truck store in 2001, grew up on a farm in Tennessee. The stores prides itself on being ‘Nashville’s only full service, locally owned natural foods grocer’. There are currently two locations in East Nashville and in the Gulch. As reported in The Tennessean, Dyke outlined the ethos of the store. “We need to build more sustainable
Furniture Spray • A quarter of a cup of white vinegar • Half a cup of olive oil or grapeseed oil • 15-20 drops of lemon EO Now for the laundry! I may be the only one who enjoys doing laundry, but putting them away is a different story. There’s nothing like fresh sheets on your bed. So many of detergents around are not only full of chemicals and fragrances but are terrible for the environment, even the ones that say “fragrance-free.” This recipe doesn’t contain Borax which is a bit controversial in the natural world. I will say I have used it many times in my detergent and I have made it without. They both work great. This one also calls for Epsom salt which is a natural water softener so it will work as a fabric softener. You can also add vinegar to your rinse cycle as well. Laundry Detergent
• 16 oz (about four bars) of Castile To use just scrub onto the dirty surface fragrance-free soap and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes, take a damp cloth or sponge and wipe it up. If • Four lbs of baking soda you have stubborn areas add some of your • One box (3.7 lbs.) of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda used coffee grounds with the mixture for a “grittier” clean (may need to add a bit of • One container (3lbs) of OxiClean water to get the consistency right). for babies To clean the top of the stove make this • 28 oz of Epsom Salt (this is optional easy all-purpose cleaner (this recipe works if you want a fabric softener) great for windows as well countertops). Grate the soap into a fine powder (food processor works great for this and do one All purpose cleaner bar at a time). • Half a cup of white vinegar Pulse in the baking soda and add the other • One cup of distilled water ingredients and mix well. • Five drops of lavender EO • 10 drops of orange EO Use two tablespoons to each load (safe for • Five drops of tea tree EO HE machines). Let’s not forget the wood furniture, they Add a few drops of tea tree EO with the need a good cleaning too, and I won’t judge vinegar in the rinse cycle to help kill you if you don’t dust regularly (guilty). bacteria and give it a clean scent. To dry, Don’t use those store bought chemically utilize the sun! It’s free and makes clothes laden aerosol cans that smell like lemon, smell good, plus, the sun rays will brighten instead try this simple recipe. your whites!
farming in the local area. It’s better for the economy, it’s better for the environment, the food tastes so much better and it’s better at keeping our dollars in town.” Almost all of the produce in the store is organic, and as much as possible is locally-sourced. The store, which will be almost 15,000 square feet in size will be built between Sylvan Park and The Nations. The building will be designed by local architect Manuel Zeitlin and employ around 75 people. 5
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Medical cannabis bill fails in both the House and Senate
Natural treatments
Healthy Eating Goals
A legislative bill that looked to further legalize the use of marijuana in Tennessee has failed to progress in the House and the Senate. The bill included a significant expansion to access to medical marijuana, a measure allowing people who are taking part in FDA medical cannabis trials out-ofstate, to return to Tennessee with their medication, and also adding cancer and inflammatory bowel disease to the list of diseases and conditions that the marijuana law currently covers. One of the biggest advocates of the legislation is Senator Steve Dickerson, who is a doctor. Dickerson delayed the bill until 2020, telling the USA Today Network – Tennessee, “You can run a bill and have it defeated, or you can keep it alive… And practically speaking, we decided to keep it alive
Living well and achieving a healthy weight takes more than just restricting your diet, suggests Karina Hammer, Certified Holistic Wellness Coach.
etting health goals for the spring and summer goes far beyond shedding the few pounds that you gained under your winter sweater to now wiggle into your swimsuit. Weight loss is just one of the benefits of enjoying a healthy diet; it is actually more like a positive side effect of creating balance in your life. What most people don’t realize when they want to lose weight is that food is just one part of a much larger equation.
Soul-nourishing things come from areas in your life other than food, like relationships, career or life-purpose fulfillment, spirituality, and physical activity, to a name a few. If one of these ‘Core Foods’ is out of balance, it’s a common reflex to turn to food to fill the void. But what we know is that the fix is only temporary and it won’t truly nourish us. That’s why healthy living is more than just about food and exercise. As you make your commitment to living healthy, be sure to include in your intentions ways to nourish yourself in the process. Some examples of activities that you love in life might be: spending quality time with loved ones, quality time for yourself, exercise, relaxation, reading a good book, or doing nothing! — whatever speaks to your heart. The other big shift to make while embarking on healthy eating goals is to realize eating healthy does not mean starving or depriving yourself. Food is not about control, it’s about freedom and flexibility.
Does that sound like a new concept to you? If so, you have been dwelling in the old rules of dieting and restricting yourself until you go crazy. Food is a life-force that gives you energy and once you begin to let go of trying to control it and focus on how it nourishes you, your relationship with food will change…and so will your body. Forget about diets and eating boring foods. You should never resign yourself to eating food you don’t enjoy. Enjoy life, and enjoy your food!
and not have a defeat for perception more than anything.” There are currently 33 States where medical marijuana is legal, and the arguments for the legalization is growing in Tennessee, across both sides of the aisle. Dickerson is confident that the bill will move forward with more support. “I believe Tennessee will soon embrace medical cannabis, but unfortunately not soon enough for many of my patients, many of our friends and people in the audience.”
Juvenile detention center seeks fitness volunteers
As a Holistic Wellness Coach, my goal is to guide and support my clients to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing by taking the time to get to know themselves and their bodies better. If you need help achieving your health and wellness goals, I invite you to schedule a complimentary 30 minute health assessment at Karina Hammer is a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach, Co-Founder of Nashville Integrative Health, Co-Host of The Magnetic Heart Radio Show, experienced wellness educator and author. Specializing in digestive and vocal health. Karina is committed to helping people find wholeness along their healing journey; utilizing a holistic approach to wellness that includes nutritional, emotional and spiritual modalities to get to the root of their biggest health concerns and bring lasting transformation.
Davidson County juvenile detention center is asking for volunteers to workout with its youth residents. This is following a donation of various gym equipment to the center. Yolanda Hockett, assistant director of programs for the center, told News Channel 5 Nashville how thrilled the organization 6
was to receive this gift. “It feels wonderful that we have some people that are concerned about our youth and that we can work together and accomplish some things for our youth.” In order to qualify to volunteer, applicants must pass a screening, orientation, fingerprinting and background check, and be over the age of 21. There are various times during the week that you can volunteer, including: 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. or 2:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. The organization stresses that volunteers do not need to be certified trainers or fitness instructors to take part. Those interested are invited to contact Yolanda Hockett by calling 615-8628066 x 71004 or emailing
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New support for raising the smoking age
NashvilleHealth, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and CityHealth, has released new research that indicates a large portion of Tennesseans would support a move to raise the tobacco sale age to 21. The results show that 63 percent of Tennessee voters support raising the age individuals can buy tobacco from 18 to 21. Interestingly, 86 percent of the same group also believe that vaping products and e-cigarettes should also be included. When it comes to making all indoor public places smoke-free, 78 percent of voters agree that this should be made into state law.
Ask Dr Lisa
Caregiver stress and rejuvenation
NashvilleHealth’s founder, Senator Bill Frist, M.D. stressed the importance of legislation when it comes to tackling the negative impact of tobacco on health. “Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in Tennessee, yet 125,000 children alive today will still die from this behavior unless smoking rates decline. Studies show that raising the sale age for tobacco products will make a substantial difference, and these data show that Tennesseans are incredibly supportive.” The research hopes to influence the state’s policymakers to acknowledge the importance of increasing the tobacco sale age across the state. NashvilleHealth is an organization working to “create a culture of health and wellbeing by serving as a convener to open dialogue, align resources and build smart strategic partnerships to create a bold plan for health and wellbeing in Nashville.”
When you’re exhausted and burned out, it’s tough to do anything, let alone look after someone else. That’s why taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity, argues Dr Lisa Webb.
he demands of caregiving can be overwhelming, especially if you feel you have little control over the situation or you’re in over your head. If the stress of caregiving is left unchecked, it can take a toll on your health, relationships, and state of mind – eventually leading to exhaustion.
Caregiver stress and burnout: What you need to know:
Caring for a loved one can be very rewarding, but it also involves many stressors. Caregiver stress can be particularly harmful if it is typically a chronic, long-term challenge. It can be particularly disheartening when there’s little hope your family member will recover or improve for the longterm. That’s why managing the stress levels in your life is just as important as making sure your family member gets to their appointments or takes medication appropriately. Learn to recognize the signs of caregiver stress.
Gov. Lee has signed a gym tax repeal into law
The amusement tax that saw small gyms and fitness centers needing to pay a 10% tax has been repealed. Governor Bill Lee and the state legislature eliminated the tax in late April, in what was Lee’s first public signing of a bill. The law now repeals a $10
million amusement tax on gym memberships. “We all know that we are a state in this country that needs to improve the quality of the health of our citizens,” said Governor Lee, as reported by News Channel Nashville. “The vast majority of the cost of healthcare is associated with mostly preventable chronic disease. When people engage in healthy lifestyles, those diseases are reduced.” The tax cut will come into effect on 1 July 2019, and has been praised by local business owners across the state.
Common signs and symptoms of caregiver overstress: • You have much less energy than you once had • It seems like you catch every cold or flu that’s going around • You’re constantly exhausted, even after sleeping or taking a break • You neglect your own needs, either because you’re too busy or you don’t care anymore • Your life revolves around caregiving, but it gives you little satisfaction • You have trouble relaxing, even when help is available • You’re increasingly impatient and irritable with the person you’re caring for 7
Find ways to feel empowered:
Feeling powerless is the number one contributor to burnout and depression. No matter the situation, you aren’t powerless. This is especially true when it comes to your state of mind. Embrace your caregiving choice. Acknowledge that, despite any resentments or burdens you feel, you have made a conscious choice to provide care. Focus on the positive reasons behind that choice. Focus on the things you can control, focus on the way you choose to react to problems. Celebrate the small victories. If you start to feel discouraged, remind yourself that all your efforts matter. You don’t have to cure your loved one’s illness to make a difference. Don’t underestimate the importance of making your loved one feel more safe, comfortable, and loved!
Get the appreciation you need:
Feeling appreciated can go a long way toward not only accepting a stressful situation, but enjoying life more. Studies show that caregivers who feel appreciated experience greater physical and emotional health. Caregiving actually makes them happier and healthier, despite its demands. But what can you do if the person you’re caring for is no longer able to feel or show their appreciation for your time and efforts? Applaud your own efforts. If you need something more concrete, try making a list of all the ways your caregiving is making a positive difference.
Ask for help
Taking on all of the responsibilities of caregiving without regular breaks or assistance is a surefire recipe for burnout. Don’t try to do it all alone. For more help: contact Dr. Lisa M. Webb at the Body & Mind Consulting Associates Group:
Nashville Public Library
Be Well at Nashville Public Library The ‘Be Well at NPL’ program provides numerous health and wellness benefits to the Nashville community. Editor Rachel Rowney finds out more.
ith over 20 different branches of the Nashville Public Library across the city, these spaces are a vital place for community engagement. As well as offering the services typically expected of a library, such as borrowing books and access to the internet, there are a number of health and wellness programs provided for residents of Nashville as part of its ‘Be Well at NPL’ scheme. “Nashville Public Library is very committed to our community, and health and wellness really fall under that umbrella,” Elizabeth Roth, program coordinator of Be Well explains. “In general, libraries are very well poised to be addressing public health and informing the public. According to a national study, 37% of people – when they are online here at the library – are looking up health information. Public libraries also have more visitors each year than doctors do. So you’re reaching people in a community setting, really well, rather than within a clinical setting.” As the library is free to use, the services it provides are accessible to everyone within the community. The general public can utilize the internet service,
search databases with medical information, read books about healthcare and even attend classes each week. Elizabeth explains that about three years ago, Nashville Public Library studied the health indicators within the county and looked at where the opportunities were to improve the wellness of the population. Together with corporate partners, the library wanted to address the high rates of blood pressure, lack of physical exercise and poor mental health in the community.
“Each branch of the library is doing its own thing, looking at what is most meaningful for their community.”
“We focused on mental health, physical movement, and nutrition programs. Now we have 15 free yoga classes a week across our library system. We have a dietician who has developed a program that is specific for the library, which is addressing things such as ‘How do you cook for your family on a fixed income?’ or ‘How do you cook for yourself if you have different health conditions, like heart disease or diabetes?’ We are being very intentional and specific to our Nashville community needs, and creating healthcare around that,” says Elizabeth. The support from organizations has enabled the library to not just offer theoretical advice, but practical demonstrations of healthy living. “Through grants and funding, we have been able to purchase supplies, so our nutritionist has a portable kitchen that she takes around, meaning it is handson learning,” adds Elizabeth. “People are gaining cooking skills, in addition to the nutritional sides of things.” As there are so many different branches across Nashville, each one has adapted its programs to reflect the needs of its users; looking at which classes or programs are most popular or effective. 8
The various branches also focus on what matters most to those using its services. “Other library branches have done different things,” explains Elizabeth, “Such as celebrating mental health awareness with book displays and information about hotlines, counseling connections in the community, or promoting activities like relaxation coloring and crafting.” Although the library itself doesn’t offer mental health services, it can connect people with the facilities available to help them as much as they can, and support them on their journey. “Each branch is doing its own thing, looking at what is most meaningful for their community,” concludes Elizabeth. For more information on the various activities and information available from the Be Well program, visit Image credits: Nashville Public Library
SHOW GUIDE Vanderbilt Recreation & Wellness Center
June 1, 2019
INSIDE Workshop details and timetable
Meet the Author itinerary
Main stage activities 9
A-Z listing of Exhibitors & Vendors
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ou’ll find so many great ideas at this marvelous Fest. You’ll be spoilt for choice! It will be the biggest event of its kind in Nashville for years – and it’s going to be a great day out for everyone, whatever your age or interest. Alongside visiting the vendors, stop by and watch the entertainment on the huge main stage, listen to some of the top line workshops-or say hello to your favorite author. Workshops headlined by expert local speakers and presenters, packed full of motivational ideas, valuable advice, fascinating case studies and practical, helpful guidance for your Mind, Body, and Spirit. See full details of the workshops here. Meet and talk to your favorite author, buy a copy of their latest book and get it signed. Free entertainment on the Main Stage. Fun for everyone on the main stage in the Fest Hall, from Erin Oprea’s high octane, keep-fit session, to Puppy Pilates, to Railyard Fitness’ portable obstacle course experience. Plus, a lunchtime gig by up-andcoming country star Kylie Morgan!
1 2019
for an amazing day of fun, entertainment, information and advice about EVERY aspect of your health and wellness Over 150+ booths and vendors. A huge and exciting selection of vendors and exhibitors for you to see-all conveniently under one roof at the Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center.
Nashville Health & Wellness Fest Workshop Program June 1 2019
Full workshop details on Workshop presenter: Becca Stevens is an author, speaker, justice entrepreneur, Episcopal priest and founder of Thistle Farms, a community of women healing from prostitution, trafficking & addiction. Becca latest book, “Love Heals,” and workshop of the same name, reflects the guiding principle of her life.*
Motivational Speaker. Lauren brings holistic balance to the busy professional. Her coaching practice centers around helping individuals find work/life balance for increased happiness and heightened performance. In addition to her coaching practice, Lauren teaches yoga at multiple studios in the Nashville area and co-leads 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification Courses with Phoenix Yoga Teacher Training.*
Unbreakable: a complete guide to making
Discover a drug-free alternative for
Love Heals. 10.30 - 11.15am
your bones fracture proof at any age.
11.00 - 11.45am
Workshop presenter: Diane Mulloy, is the owner of Osteostrong of Nashville and Regional Director for Osteostrong Franchises in Tennessee. She has been certified as a Peer Educator by the American Bone Health Board. She is a graduate of Vanderbilt University.*
Fight back against smartphone and compulsive technology use!
Sanity is within reach:
Discover real-world strategies for taking back control. 11.45am-12.30pm Workshop presenter: Pete Dunlap, the founder of Digital Detangler. Pete has established himself as a leading voice in the movement for more humane technology, as the creator of ScrollStopper (a Chrome extension), author of Digital Detangler: A Guide to Mindful Technology Use, and a meditation teacher on Insight Timer.*
Why a lack of work/life balance is killing you – and how you can change that in three steps. 12.15 - 1.00pm Workshop Presenter: Lauren Zoeller: Lauren is a Whole Living Life Coach. Yoga Instructor.
Depression, Anxiety, ADHD. 1.00 -1.45pm
Workshop presenters: Dallas Shepard is the founder of Harmonized Brain Centers in Colorado Springs, CO & Sheri Rowney, founder of Harmonized Brain Centers in Nashville TN.*
Wholeness in Relationships: Balancing kindness, connection and a core sense of self. 1.30 - 2.15pm
Workshop presenter: Paris Goodyear-Brown Paris GoodyearBrown LCSW, RPT-S the founder and director of Nurture House, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Registered Play TherapistSupervisor with 20 years of experience in treating families in need. She has an international reputation as a dynamic speaker and an innovative clinician. She was one of the top speakers at the 2018 TEDx Conference in Nashville.*
Alzheimer’s Disease Here, Now, and where are we going? 2.15 - 3.00 pm Workshop presenter: KaTerri ‘Kate’ Kelly is the Program Manager for the Center for Cognitive Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She and a team of highly motivated researchers strive daily to “do
something unforgettable” by educating Tennesseans on the treatment, prevention, and trajectory of Alzheimer’s with the goal to one day alleviate the disease.* Sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association
Plant-Based & Powerful:
How one chef convinced Titan’s top players to become vegans 2.45 - 3.30pm Workshop presenter: Chef Charity Morgan has well over 15 years of experience, her calling to become a plant-based chef followed as a result of her family’s own transition. She currently provides vegan meal preparation to several NFL players.
Anxiety-no more! 3.30 - 4.15pm Workshop presenter: Cortney Edmondson, advocate, traumasurvivor and activist, will share her journey and equip attendees with the tools to fight against their anxiety. In addition to being a top motivational speaker, is also a State of Tennessee Certified Public Accountant. She was nominated as one of Nashville’s Top 30 Under 30 for her philanthropic efforts in Middle Tennessee.*
Optimizing your health through Nutrition. 4.00-4.45pm Workshop Presenter: Lacy Wright, RD, LDN, CLT. Advisory Board of The Heimerdinger Foundation, Meals 4 Health and Healing.* Sponsored by the Heimerdinger Foundation
* Book your place now. First 50 places FREE (plus Fest admission charge)
Save 30% - Book your tickets on line at:
Fitness 1440 has a unique business concept that allows franchise owners to operate a club for a fraction of the cost of the leading national brands! Founded in 2009 with the philosophy that each day is made of a perfectly matched set of 1440 minutes of opportunities, choices, and attitudes, Fitness 1440 has developed into one of the most unique ďŹ tness club concepts in the country. With member results at the forefront, and science as the driver, we are positioned for substantial growth throughout the state of Tennessee. If you want to be part of something fun, exciting and rewarding then Fitness 1440 is the right choice.
Nelson Boren
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Territories available in Tennessee Club amenities may include:
4110 North Mt. Juliet Rd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122
24hr Access Cardio Circuit Equipment Group Fitness Classes
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On-Stage Timetable Erin Oprea
Puppy Pilates
10:30-11:00am Join celebrity fitness trainer Erin on stage for her workout. There are limited spaces available and this will be popular, so, come early to avoid disappointment.
11:30-12:30 pm Do you enjoy Pilates? Join this fun demonstration on stage, but please turn up in plenty of time, as only a limited number of people can participate. Please do NOT bring your own dog! Organized in conjunction with the Nashville Humane Association.
Kylie Morgan
Railyard Fitness
1:00-1:30pm A lovely lunchtime treat. Come and enjoy this up-andcoming country music star who will entertain you with an acoustic set.
3:00-4:00pm Try out Railyard Fitness’ obstacle course, which develops strength, balance, coordination, agility, flexibility, endurance, burns calories, and improves cardiovascular health and posture.
The schedule is subject to change.
Come and meet your favorite local author So many of Nashville’s most popular authors will be at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest. Why not pop along and say hello? You will be able to benefit from any show discounts available, be able to buy signed copies of books and maybe even try some tasty treats! Those already attending the Fest, include:
Dr. Tiffany Breeding Nutrition expert and author of The Metabolic Makeover 10.30 – 11.00
Pete Dunlap
Karman Meyer Author of Eat to Sleep 10.45 –11.15
Laura Lea Bryant Becca Stevens Author of over Holistic Chef and 10 books, including author of Love Heals and The The Balanced Way of Tea and Justice Cookbook 12.00 –12.30 11.15 –11.45
Dan DeFigio Author of Beating Sugar addiction 12.30 – 1.00
Erin Oprea Celebrity personal Fitness Trainer and author of The 4x4 Diet 12.45 – 1.15
1 2019
Admission Prices: Save 30% by booking in advance For general admission to the Health & Wellness Fest, author signings and main stage entertainment, tickets cost just $10 per person when booked in advance online. ($11 inc fees and tax) Children under 12 are admitted FREE. Admission on the day is $15. (Children under 12 FREE). Workshops: The first 50 tickets to each workshop are FREE, (plus Fest Admission Fee) – thereafter $10 per person. ($11 inc fees and tax). Please remember, each workshop has limited capacity. So, book now, to make sure you are not disappointed. There’s loads of FREE parking, too! Every visitor gets a FREE Fest Show guide.
Lee McCormick Virginia Harper
Alane Boyd
Author of: Author of several Author of Digital Detangler: books, his latest being Controlling A Guide to Mindful The Heart Crohn’s Disease: Technology Use Reconnection The Natural Way 1.30 – 2.00 Guidebook 2.30 – 3.00 2.15 – 2.45
Author of The Burger Fit Cookbook 3.00 – 3.30
Gigi Butler
Kassia Emily
Founder of Gigi’s Fiedor Cupcakes and Author of author of Cocina Holistica: The Secret Ingredient: Plant-Powered Recipes for Success in Recipes Inspired Business and Life by Guatemalan 3.45 – 4.15 Superfoods 4.15 – 4.45
Make sure you take advantage of the $5 saving and book your tickets in advance, using the online facility. A 30% discount is worth having!
The schedule is subject to change.
Save 30% - Book your tickets on line at:
1 2019
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest A
*** *** 12 South Wellness Tutor Booth 89 Specializing in hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, I am a herbalist and a modern day wellness and holistic lifestyle tutor. Additionally, I sell select handmade herbal products. 1213 Dallas Avenue, Nashville,TN 37212 615-260-8908. Email: AARP Booth 260 AARP serves as a resource for information and tools that help Tennesseans 50+ make the best decisions about their future, living life to the fullest. 150 4th Avenue North, Suite 1350, Nashville, TN 37219. 1-866-2957274. aarptennessee A New Leaf Workshops Booth 122 I teach 4 different hands-on workshops offering the opportunity to connect with nature, creating personal gardens in glass. Samples, examples, and signup dates available. Murfreesboro, TN 37129 205-612-0661 Email: Abby A Petty, Certified Classical Homeopath Booth 150 I treat people of all ages suffering from chronic illness including allergies, asthma, depression, diabetes, headaches, joint and muscular pain, and more, using homeopathic remedies. Nashville,TN 37211 615-635-1601 Email: Advanced Spine & Wellness, Chiropractic Booth 85 We will provide a free computerized spinal scan that assesses stress in your spine as well as a free chair massage. 176 Thompson Ln. Ste 102, Nashville TN 37211 615-739-5047 Email:
Agrin Health Booth 6 The Health eBiography is a next generation, ultra-secure technology platform that helps you analyze the health and fitness data from your favorite devices and apps giving you personalized insights to improve how you look, feel and perform. Nashville, TN, 37201 Email: Alive Booth 83 Alive is a non-profit company that focuses on end-of-life care. The company has a hospice, palliative care, grief, pediatric and training division. Alive is pleased to share The Gift Initiative - our workbook that gives direction on how to complete an advance directive. 1718 Patterson St, Nashville, TN 37203 615-327-1085 Email: Alzheimer’s Association Booth 163 The Alzheimer’s Association will host one of the breakout sessions, and the guest speaker presentation will focus on the life and journey of a caregiver. 478 Craighead Street, Suite 200, Nashville TN 37204 615-315-5877. Email: hahardin@alz. org. Amare Global Independent Wellness Partner Booth 108 Amare, The Mental Wellness Company is on a mission to bring a line of innovative supplements and create a holistic mental wellness platform that connects a purposedriven community of passionate people. PO Box 846, Goodlettsville, TN 37070 615-491-3190 Email: Amerigroup Real Solutions Booth 198 Amerigroup is a Medicare Advantage Plan that serves people on Medicare A & B. We have zero premium plans for both straight Medicare individuals and Dual Medicare/Medicaid.
Book your Booth today, 22 Century Blvd, Nashville, TN 37214 615-487-6409 Email: Anointing Touch — Young Living Essential Oils Booth 119 Kick toxic chemicals out of your home & body using therapeuticgrade essential oils! Register to win free products and get an awesome purple bag with useful info & samples. Rhonda & Ken Bever, Independent Distributors Nashville, TN, 37221 513- 266-5668 Email: Antonia Blue Star Energy Healer Booth 58 Experience deep relaxation, chakra clearing, healing and peace. Antonia Blue Star is a certified teacher of The Ataana Healing Method, a highly transformative, energy-healing modality. 205 W Hutchinson Dr, Smyrna, TN 37167 615-210-7578 Email: Apothecary Pharmacy Booth 109 We are a full-functioning pharmacy located in the Nashville Gulch offering self-care products, all-natural supplements, over-the-counter medicine, and prescription fulfillment. We will be presenting our full line of cbd products, essential oils, our medical grade skincare line, and our inhalable vitamin supplements. 226 11th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37203 615-645-9680 Email: info@ Arbonne International Booth 148 Arbonne offers certified vegan, cruelty-free, botanically-based nutrition and skincare. Products work synergistically to promote healthy living from the inside out. Free of gluten, dairy, soy. 12106 Hadden Hall Dr., Chesterfield, VA 23838
804-938-1198 Email: ATA Martial Arts Booth 156 We teach students how to look, listen, and pay attention while having fun doing martial arts. Adults have a fun and new way to exercise and learn Self Defense. 1724 Carothers pkwy suite 300, Brentwood, TN 37027 615-370-7027 Email: AXIALITY Studios Booth 201 Desk jobs, smart phones, and Netflix binges are a few of the ways our poor posture is causing headaches, neck and back pain for people of all ages. AXIALITY Studios is the first ELDOA studio in Nashville with the only ELDOA Trainer in TN. Come and see an ELDOA demo (every hour) and get a free postural assessment (offered on the half hour) – along with prizes you can win such a nalgene bottles, free consultations and ELDOA FIT classes. P.O Box 902, Franklin, TN 37065 256-656-0824 Email:
*** *** B. Ever Foxy Booth 15 The complete line of SeneGence anti-aging skin care and cosmetics including our famous LipSense lip color which is wax, gluten and leadfree and without GMO. 3820 Oakland Rd, Clarksville, TN 37040 931-572-8475 Email: Basics and Beyond fitness & nutrition. Booth 97 – Free guidebooks on nutrition, exercise, stress eating, sugar addiction. Nashville, Brentwood, Franklin, Antioch Nashville, TN, 37212 615-386-0434 Email:
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373-4488 for a Free Airway Consultation 1800 Mallory Lane, Brentwood, TN 37027
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest baby+co. Booth 3 Baby+Co. centers are specially designed state-of-the-art spaces with birth suites set up to ensure the safest and most enjoyable birthing experience. Our dedicated staff of certified nurse-midwives are highly educated, registered nurses with graduate degrees in midwifery. They have decades of experience supporting families through birth and are the heart and soul of Baby+Co. We locate our centers in close proximity to our hospital partners, giving you the best of both worlds and the choice of where to deliver. Your choice, your birth, your baby. 3212 West End Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203 615-320-2588 Email: msunbury@ https:// Banyan Healthcare, pllc Booth 79 Banyan Healthcare is an Integrative and Functional Medicine practice dedicated to helping restore health to those suffering form fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, neuropathy and autoimmune conditions. 5341 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 615-493-9608 Email: Better Life Hypnosis Booth 80 Marvin Wilkerson a Certified Consulting & Medical Hypnotist. An integrative therapist to guide people to their potential to heal their lives mentally, physically, emotionally and medically. 884 Holly Tree Gap Rd., Brentwood, TN. 37027 615-557-5667 Email: Bite Dentistry Booth 125 A revolutionary and holistic dental approach to sleep apnea and TMJ treatment utilizing the Vivos DNA appliance and Biorejuvenation dentistry. Wake up rested and pain free. 3212 West End Avenue Suite 301, Nashville, TN 37203 615-297-7440 Email:
Bloomsbury Farm Booth 127 Bloomsbury is a 400 acre GAP and organic certified farm providing wheatgrass and sprouts, fruits, herbs, and over 100 varieties of vegetables around Nashville. 9398 Del Thomas Rd., Smyrna, TN 37167 615-355-8525 Email: Book Publishing Company Booth 19 We have dozens of books on plant-based cooking and nutrition, alternative health and herbal remedies, living foods, and sustainable living. 415 Farm Road, Summertown, TN 38483 931-954-3571 Email: Branch & Blossom Booth 168 High quality, naturally crafted, paraben free lotion, body wash, rollon perfumes and room/body sprays scented with pure essential oils. PO Box 121365, Nashville, TN 37212 931-797-3038
*** *** Camp Gladiator Booth 154 Camp Gladiator is an outdoor group fitness program. Certified personal trainers lead 60 minute functional workouts that are challenging but can be tailored to an individuals fitness level. The fitness community is the BEST part of Camp Gladiator and you’ll not only get a great workout but make friends and connections along the way! 9185 Research Blvd, Austin, TX 78758 214-497-3392 Email: Carole Maier, Energy Healer Booth 10 Carole will be providing 20 minute energy healing sessions. She is a Certified Ataana Method Teacher and practitioner in good standing. Experience this cutting-edge healing modality for yourself and awaken your potential. 2819 Columbine Place, #4, Nashville, TN 37204 615-585-6389 Email:
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Book your Booth today, Cedar Tree Wellness Center Booth 87 Individual, couples/families, and group counseling for life transitions, mental health, and substance abuse issues. Additional wellness services on site include a nutritionist, massage therapists, energy worker, and yoga. 4623 Trousdale Dr, Nashville, TN 37204 615-301-8431 Email: Center for Cognitive Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center Booth 162 The Center for Cognitive Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center focuses on the education, prevention, and treatment of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease; providing annual memory screening and Alzheimer’s genetic screening at no cost. 1601 23rd Ave South, Nashville, TN 37212 615-875-0955 Email: ChiroCore Wellness Booths 157/158 To be discussed 360 Cool Springs Blvd., Ste100, Franklin, TN 37067 Clean Juice East Nashville Booth 136 We are a local juice bar! We’ll have our certified organic and cold pressed juices available to sample and purchase! 962 Woodland St, Nashville, TN 37206 615-772-1323 Email: Clean Juice, Green Hills Booth 94 100% organic Cold-pressed juices, Acai bowls and smoothies! 3904 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37075 951-347-5094 Cocontz Booth 12 Coconut Cultured Soft Serve: in cup, gluten free waffle cone, bowl or 1/2 coconut shell. Toppings: Cacao Hardshell, Toasted coconut butter, Caramel Date butter, BlueKiwi, Cookiedough. 817 W Arnold Wallen Way, Stockton MO 65785
Cooking with my Friends Booth 144 Cooking with my Friends is a video series featuring host Alane Boyd while she travels the world cooking healthy meals with chefs and home cooks Season 1 of Cooking with my Friends features Alane’s BurgerFit burgers. 114 N. Cedar, Cookeville, TN 38506 225-229-4356 Email: Crist Chiropractic Booth 134 We will be sharing information about the natural benefits of health with chiropractic care, answering questions, and having a discounted opportunity to come see how you personally could benefit. 2025 Mallory Lane, Franklin, TN 37067 615-771-0022 Email: Crunchi Booth 145 Toxin free and high performing skincare and cosmetic line. 228 Whaley Hill lane, Wartrace, TN 37183 570-764-3932 Email: Crossroads Chiropractic Booth 52 We are a neurologically based, family centered chiropractic center located in West Nashville. We will be offering complimentary neurological assessments for everyone at the event! 8078 Hwy 100, Nashville, TN 37221 615-378-7813 Email: Cultivate, PLLC Booth 5 Cultivate will be treating you to 20-minute acupuncture sessions for $20. Treatment will be focused on stress and anxiety relief. Essential oil and flower essence blends will also be available for purchase. 1211 4th Ave S, suite 110, Nashville, TN 37210 616-710-1274 www.
17 Save 30% - Book your tickets on line at:
1 2019
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest
Curiogrove Booth 171 Seller of crystals, amethysts, citrines, fluorites, tourmalines, selenites, shungite, points, spheres, palm stones, tumbles, raw specimens, jewelry, and assorted metaphysical stones. PO Box 396, Pleasant View, TN 37146 615-417-6884 Email:
Digital Detangler Booth 131 Digital Detangler provides individuals, universities, and corporations with strategies and tools for finding healthy ways to use technology that support mental health and wellness. 227 Cumberland Circle, Nashville, TN 37214 336-926-2268 Email:
and be proactive with preventative care. I am a nurse practitioner sharing the information of essential oils from the purest company. Stop by booth for a sample and sign up for a wellness consult. Franklin, TN 37067 615-715-7875 Email:
Dixon Center of Chiropractic Booth 164 Located in the heart of Bellevue for the last 30 years, Dixon Center is Nashville’s one-stop-shop for principled chiropractic and traditional medical healthcare. 211 Old Hickory Boulevard, Nashville, TN 37221 615-646-1003 Email:
*** *** Earth Smarte Water Booth 13 We sell the worlds most awarded No-Salt whole house water filtration system, which supplies spring quality, alkaline water from every faucet of your home. 8407 Mahogany Ln, Knoxville, TN 37938 865-696-8823 Email:
DoTERRA Booth 92 DoTERRA Essential Oils was built on the mission of sharing the highest quality therapeutic grade essential oils with the world. I am a wellness advocate helping families to take action with their health
East Nashville Doulas Booth 55 Our professional doula agency provides birth & postpartum doula services and group & private childbirth classes in the metro Nashville area to all families.
*** *** Davis Holistic Chiropractic Center Booth 77 We will test visitors CBD products against our highly bio-active HeavenSentHemp whole hemp CBD extracts to show the superior difference real-time. We will also test FlorAlive® UNCUT Flower Essences to remove mental/emotional stress influences. 550 Rosedale Ave, Nashville TN, 37211 615-948-8457;;
1010 Elvira Avenue, Nashville, TN 37216 615-957-5871 Email: Eat Well Nashville Booth 143 Eat Well Nashville delivers fully prepared, fresh and healthy meals directly to your door once a week. No commitments, subscriptions, or cooking required! 500 Interstate Blvd. S., Suite #110, Nashville, TN 37210 615-431-3773 Email: Edible Nashville Booth 81 Edible Nashville, a food magazine… about people. Each issue spotlights the farmers, artisans, chefs, restaurants, home cooks and gardeners that have made Nashville as hot as our chicken. We are Nashville’s go-to food resource whether finding a restaurant or a great seasonal recipe. Published six times a year, we also host farm dinners and other events. Find us at and
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest superior workout experience is an extremely rewarding responsibility! Owning a FITNESS:1440 franchise can provide substantial ongoing income as well as a strong return on your investment. 411 Metroplex Drive, Nashville, TN 37211 615-454-6401 Email:
Book your Booth today, Elevate Wellness PLLC Booth 135 Dr. Orsburn, a physician with over 20 years experience in the medical field, provides Functional Medicine and Medical Acupuncture. Her holistic approach successfully treats many different conditions, including autoimmune and gut disorders, by finding and treating their root cause. 119 Seaboard Lane, Suite 401, Franklin, TN 37067 615-606-2808 EPIC YOGA Booth 140 EPIC is a place where you can carve out time to nourish yourself and find your edge through Yoga, Meditation, Teacher Training and Transformational Life Coaching. 782 Old Hickory Blvd Ste 205, Brentwood, TN 37027 615-730-8368 Email:
Ergonomic Wellness, LLC Booth 126 Provide ergonomic consults for workers in the office and light industry environments through assessment, consultation and recommended changes to equipment and work flow. 1103 Chelsey Ct, Brentwood, TN 37027 615-804-1141 Email:
Float Horizen Booth 91 Float Therapy - 60 minute private sessions. Salt Therapy Room, Wellness Events – Customized for you. Sound Bath – Himalayan Singing Bowls. CBD products – Pets and Humans. 1012 Russell St, Set 204, Nashville, TN 37206 615-490-8656 Email:
Everly Drink Mixes Booth 88 Everly makes sugar-free drink mixes with natural sweeteners that actually taste good. Our mission is to help you drink more water in a healthy way. PO Box 40722, Nashville, TN 37204 Email:
Fords Herbal & Doula Services Booth 103 Fords Herbal & Doula Services offers herbal and doula services. The herbal services include herbal consultations as well as products for
*** *** Fitness 1440 Nashville Booth 256 Changing lives and delivering a
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wellness, various ailments, skin, hair, face, etc. 900 Rosa L. Parks Blvd, Nashville, TN 37208 615-928-8842 Email: Chavonford@ Forever Living Products Booth 261 The World’s largest Aloe Company provides the purest organic aloe vera drinks (99.7%), aloe based and beehive products beneficial to your family’s health and your pets.. 1063 Woodbury Falls Drive, Nashville, TN 37221 615-602-7127 Email: Forward First Booth 17 Functional Medicine - Functional Coaching 2115 Yeaman Place No. 102, Nashville, TN 37206 859-753-8505
1 2019
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest
Frame Drum Wisdom Booth 75 Frame Drum Wisdom is dedicated to bringing the power of voice, sound vibration, music, and creative expression for well-being and healing back into the hands of individuals, their family, community and organizations they serve. Through the techniques of frame drum singing/ sounding, sound vibration massage and interactive sound circles, experience a profound, holistic, natural way to reduce stress and raise your energy on many levels. 308 Holly Hills Drive, Mount Juliet, TN 37122 615-812-1741 Email: Franklin Reiki, Sound Healing & Biofield Tuning Booth 196 Tuning fork energy healing & chakra balancing sessions as well as sacred sound healing instruments including gongs, singing bowls, frame drums & tuning forks for self-healing. 413 N Cardinal Ct, Franklin, TN 37067 615-474-3678, Email:
*** *** Get Your Trim OnCoaching by Kris Booth 104 I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Specialist, and Head Coach for Trim Healthy Mama. I offer health coaching services for women who need a breakthrough in their health journey and also for women who want to lose weight. I will showcase my programs and Trim Healthy Mama products. 1007 Paint Pony Tr, Pegram, TN 37143 615-945-1743 Email: Granite Test Prep Booth 115 When bright students don’t excel on standardized tests, Granite Prep offer’s a solution. Framed within the context of mindfulness, Granite Prep offers academic and college admissions support that help students overcome the intangibles of test taking (test anxiety/focus difficulties) and achieve their ambitions while building cognitive resilience. 1603 17th Ave South, Nashville, TN 37212 615-260-0077
Find l
er aga
BOOK APPOINTMENTS TODAY for adults, couples, teens, and kids
Book your Booth today, Email: Green Door Gourmet Booth 170 Green Door Gourmet will be presenting information on our Healthy Cooking & Wellness classes, Local Farm Box, lifestyle, and more! 7007 River Road Pike, Nashville, TN 37209 615-942-7169
*** *** Haelan Products, Inc Booth 11 Haelan 951® is an anti-cancer nutritional aid and was scientifically designed to address degenerative diseases through promoting the body’s own mechanisms of healing and immune system support. 5947 New Nashville Hwy, Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (800)542-3526 Email:
Harmonized Brain Centers, Nashville Booths 199/200 Suffering from Depression? Anxiety? ADHD? Concussion? Migraines? Using the proven and 95% effective LENS Neurofeedback therapy, Harmonized Brain Centers has helped 100s of people get their lives back to normal. Offices in Nashville, Colorado Springs & Denver. Come to our booth to find out more, or attend our workshop at 1.00pm. 197 Thompson Lane, Nashville, TN 37211 615-331-8762 Hazel House Holistic Healing Booth 114 Hazel House is a holistic, integrative center that uses a variety of natural therapeutic modalities to treat people affected by trauma, addiction, mental health concerns, and stress. 1503 16th Ave. S, Nashville, TN 37212 615-499-3062 Email:
We're at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest! Try BurgerFit at Booth 144
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The secret to how I’ve kept my 40 lb weight loss and got my family eating healthier by using ground meat and veggie recipes like you’ve never seen before. BurgerFit recipes work with keto, whole30, paleo, weight watchers, and many more.
1 2019
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest
Hempworx Booth 147 PURE-POTENT-EFFECTIVE. We have 11 incredible Hempworx Brand Hemp derived CBD products including for furbabies! CO2 Extracted. Grown on Kentucky family farm. Guaranteed! 355 Crosswinds Dr, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 615-500-5489 Email: Herban Market Booth 22 We will be showcasing Ultra Premium Olive Oils & Balsamics with food samples to highlight the use of these amazingly healthy and flavorful ingredients. 3078 Maddux Way, Ste 300, Franklin TN 37069 615-927-3241 Email: Home Fit Consulting, LLC Booth 120 HomeFit provides you with the personal attention of a professional fitness trainer or yoga instructor in the comfort of your own home or office.
330 Franklin Rd., Ste. 135A-163, Brentwood, TN 37027 855-934-3834 Home Instead Senior Care Booth 106 Non-medical CAREGiving services, including resources on Alzheimer’s disease, nutrition, and aging services. 2803 B. Foster Avenue, Nashville, TN 37210 615-831-2358
*** *** Ice Box Cryo Booth 165 We will be presenting cryotherapy services. We will be bringing with us an electric localized cryotherapy machine with us. Mobile Service: 615-838-8209 Email: Integrated Corporate Wellness Solutions LLC Booth 102 Well-Built Life Health Improvement Program. The Well-Built Life program is an effective way to improve
your overall health and wellbeing. Results simply require the consistent application of the guiding principles over time. We believe conistency is greater than perfection and our health improvement model promotes simple yet sustainable lifestyle changes. 52 Waterview Dr, Somerset, KY 42503 859-533-2205 Integrative Life Center Booth 257 Integrative Life Center is a dual diagnosis substance abuse, mental health and eating disorder treatment center offering a personalized, full continuum of care in the heart of Music City. 1104 16th Ave South, Nashville, TN 37212 615-891-2226 Intravenous Solutions Booth 20 Intravenous Solutions is dedicated to promoting overall health and wellness through IV hydration for overindulgence, skin wellness, headaches, fatigue and much more.
2817 West End Avenue, Suite 135, Nashville, TN 37203 615-393-6978 Island Of Wellness/ Divine Homeopathy Booth 111 Somaderm non-prescription homeopathic HGH gel helps restore youthful vitality, better sleep, muscle mass, fat loss, and more. KaiLani Harmonics crystal singing bowls for vibrational healing. PO Box 158934, Nashville, TN 37215 615-218-8286 Email:,
*** *** J Daron Clark, DMD, PC Booth 124 Conveniently located in Downtown Nashville, Downtown Dental caters to patients’ busy lifestyles with a full range of functional, general, cosmetic, laser, and physiologic dentistry. 101 Union St, Nashville TN 37201 615-254-1393
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A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest JB’s Wood & Whatnot Booth 16 Hand-crafted, shaker-inspired boxes and carriers as well as cutting boards, turned pens, and other wooden notions. Furniture choices include custom Windsor chairs and marquetry-topped tables. 3820 Oakland Rd, Clarksville, TN 37040 931-572-8475 Email: Juice Plus Booth 197 Whole Food nutrition made simple with an easy way to bridge the gap. 5525 Escalade Dr, Mount Juliet, TN 37122-8448 314-849-1995 Email:
*** *** Karina Hammer / Virginia Harper Booth 57 Karina Hammer, Certified Holistic Wellness Coach. Specializing in allergies and digestive health, Karina is committed to helping people find wholeness along their healing journey; utilizing a holistic approach to wellness that includes nutritional, emotional and spiritual modalities as a way to bring about balance in her clients’ lives. Virginia M. Harper is a transformational leader in natural healing of inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune conditions. She is the author of Controlling Crohn’s Disease the Natural Way and provides a residential handson approach to healing. With over 35 years of experience and internationally recognized, her education began with her own healing journey. Founder of You Can Heal meal at a time, she has designed a holistic and effective system of knowledge based on the science and the traditional/cultural influences of the brain and gut microbiome relationship. 615-646-2841 ***
L ***
L&C Products Booth 194 Frequency charged Bracelets which help protect your body from harmful electronic technology, while raising your body’s natural frequency to help with pain.
3546 Cainsville Rd, Lebanon, TN 37090 615-497-0099 Email: Landon Funk Yoga +Meditation Booth 190 We are dedicated to making you feel empowered and confident through restorative, power, traumainformed, and sculpt yoga classes as well as beginner and intermediate meditations. 2018 Natchez Trace, Nashville, TH 37212 615-424-9326 Email: Live in Love featuring Arbonne Booth 142 Services + Products for conscious living. Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Reiki + handmade local products for your mind, body + soul! 1306 Houchin Dr, Franklin, TN 37064 315-663-1416 Email: LIVE2PREVENT Booth 21 Health professionals dedicated to public education and awareness. We empower indi-viduals with the latest studies and testing on the market. We educate patients on safety issues, blood pressure screenings and we are happy to assist with medical issues or needs within our scope of practice. 205 E 29th St, Pittsburg, KS 66762 620-687-3824 Email: Local Table Magazine Booth 137 Over the last 12 years, Local Table Magazine has become “the guide” for local and visiting readers. It has been their quarterly source for finding all of the best things in food, farms, events, artisans, crafters and... we’ll just say it... Middle Tennessee! Whether a local or visitor, our readers are always looking for the best and most delicious experiences they can have in our great state – and Local Table has been their “easy-to-find, get the best info” guide, all the while. Come and collect our new Annual Guide from our Booth.
1 2019
Book your Booth today, Loden Vision Centers-Neurolens Booth 173 Have Headaches? Neck or eye strain? This can be caused by our brain compensating for slight misalignments in vision. Neurolens aligns vision to reduce these symptoms. 520 Rivergate Pkwy, Goodlettsville, TN 37072 615- 859-3937 Email: Loden Vision Centers-Lasik Booth 160 With the precision of new iDesign 2.0 refractive technology: better measurements = better results! Leave your glasses behind, and come say “I did it!” at Loden! 520 Rivergate Pkwy, Goodlettsville TN 37072 615-859-3937 Email:
*** *** Malibu Teeth Whitening – Nashville Booth 98 Malibu Teeth Whitening is a non-dental cosmetic laser teeth whitening service in 20, 40 and 60 minute sessions. By Appointment Only!!! 2821 Erica Place, Nashville, TN 37204 615-491-4701 malibuteethwhiteningnashville@ MedVantage Consulting Booth 78 A new standard in Cancer Prevention and Detection earlier than ever before possible. By understanding your genetic risk for hereditary cancer, you and your doctor can make more informed decisions about your healthcare. 409 Wauford Rd, Nashville, TN 37211 615-7274871 Email: stotty@medv22. com. Mental Health America of Middle Tennessee Booth 76 Mental Health America will provide free, confidential mental health screenings. Information will also be provided on available resources in the area for metal health training, education, workplace wellness, aging
services, prevention, and many other mental health resources. 446 Metroplex Dr., Suite A-224, Nashville, TN 37211 615-312-3113 Email: Middle Tennessee Dental Sleep Specialist, PLLC Booth 59 MTDSS offers Airway Therapy to improve your breathing during sleep. Whether you are diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, snore or have trouble breathing while sleeping we have option to open your airway to improve your sleep and your quality of life. More and more studies are showing direct correlation between poor breathing during sleep to many systematic health issues: ADHD, obesity, heart disease, and many more. 1800 Mallory Lane, Brentwood, TN 37027 615 373-4488 Email: Mission Health Center Booth 56 Mission Health Center empowers and equips families to take action towards creating abundant health and life through chiropractic adjustments, nutritional guidance and functional testing. 206 B Cool Springs Blvd, Ste 202, Franklin, TN, 37067 615-465-6642 Email: Modern Acupuncture Booth 129 We offer an approachable, natural pathway, validated by thousands of years of practice, to better health and well-being for all in a convenient, peaceful and modern location. In thirty minutes or less, experience healing, escape, relaxation, and a balancing of your body. In your hectic world, Modern Acupuncture Cool Springs in Brentwood near Nashville, is a necessary retreat into proven wellness. 1731 Mallory Lane St 109, Brentwood, TN 37027 615-953-1400 Email:
23 Save 30% - Book your tickets on line at:
1 2019
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest
Music City Healing Booth 167 Leslie Martin with Music City Healing, LLC offers holistic healing modalities - BWRT®- Therapy created to get fast long lasting results for many behavioral issues i.e. chronic stress, habits and fear without using a trance state or having to reveal intimate details. Past Life Regression Hypnosis - Certified by Brian Weiss, MD -Have you ever wanted to see a past life? This is both healing and eye opening! Other offerings - Hypnosis. Reiki Master and Quantum Light Energy Healing. 842 Dartmoor Lane, Franklin, TN 37064 615-600-7776 Email:
*** *** Nancy Stevens Coaching Booth 202 Providing 1:1 Life and Health Coaching. Featured Author “Embracing Authenticity” an anthology of inspiring stories.. Lifestyle Guest Speaker: (topics) Mindfulness& Health; Work/ LIfe/Balance Corporate & group- yoga teacher. 1759 Stillwater Circle, Brentwood, TN 37202 615-887-8208 Email: Nashville Academy of Reflexology Booth 100 NAR provides a training program to become a Registered Certified Reflexologist. Sign up at our booth to experience a 20 minute Foot Reflexology session ($20). P.O. Box 40193, Nashville, TN 37204 615-647-7244 nashvillereflexacademy@gmail. Nashvilles Astrologer Booth 159 Holistic counseling, hypnotherapy, Reiki master 3, Tibetan singing bowls for sale - crystals, and candles tools, to heal the body, mind and, spirit. 8 generations later still healing with NO MEDS. the intention always send love. 4113 Gallatin Pike, Nashville, TN 37216 615-944-9707 Email: Nashville Center for Alternative Therapy Booth 132 Holistic Healthcare Center in East Nashville, providing massage,
acupuncture, Reiki, mental health counseling, Enneagram Coaching, EFT/Tapping, Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation, workshops and a comprehensive Initial consultation to determine the best Alternative Therapy treatment plan for the client. 2623 Gallatin Pike, Nashville, TN 37216 615-485-2105 Email: Nashville Health and Wellness Magazine Booth TBA Now in its 8th year of publication the magazine is distributed to 20,000 readers each month via some 800 outlets plus Krogers, Whole Foods and Food Lion. Come and pick up the latest issue. 197 Thompson Lane, Nashville, TN 37211 615-457-2816 Email: Nashville Center for Trauma and Psychotherapy Booth 141 NCTP is a multidisciplinary center providing counseling and and trauma work to the Nashville community through individual, couples, and group therapy. 1801 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37203 615-268-3344 Email: Nashville Doula Services Booth 133 Supporting your birth with a personal connection and professional care. Explore our services and schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced doulas today. 3497 Chandler Cove Way, Cane Ridge, TN 37013 615-509-2018 Nashville Farmers Market Booth 152 The Nashville Farmers’ Market is located in the urban core of downtown Nashville. The yearround Market provides retail space to farmers, artisans, non-profits and small businesses. 900 Rosa L Parks Blvd, Nashville, TN 37208 615-880-2001 Email:
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest Nashville Running Company Booth 7 Specialty running store providing footwear, apparel, nutrition, hydration, etc for all types of runners! 820 Woodland St, Nashville, TN 37206 615-228-9191 Email: Nashville Sports Council Booth 139 Want to know more about the Nashville Sports Council? - We will have all the information about upcoming sporting events, our initiatives; Women in Sports & Young Professionals, and ways that you can get involved! 414 Union St, Nashville, TN 37219 615-743-3120 Email: Nurture House Booth 118 Wholeness in Relationships: Balancing Kindness, Connection and A Core Sense of Self In our high-speed, digital world it is hard to find and maintain healthy relationships. Good relationships
set us up to be our best selves, while unhealthy relationships can make us sick. Come learn about the need we all have for connected lifegiving relationships, how healthy boundaries give us freedom be kind, and how we protect our core sense of self while walking through life in intimate relationship with others. 232 3rd Avenue N, Franklin, TN 37064 615-651-3926 Email: NutriMost Brentwood Booth 60 Weight Loss clinic providing NutriMost system of weight loss that has a proven track record to not just starve you to lose pounds but helps you reset your weight set point by manipulating your metabolism. The high tech way to good health. 1800 Mallory Lane, Brentwood, TN 37027 615-373-4488
1 2019
Book your Booth today,
*** *** Odyssey Fitness Booth 84 Come check out our “Complete Wellness & Fitness Programs� for corporate wellness and residential communities. 8504 Calistoga Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 330-853-7522 Optimal Health Management Booth 161 OHM is a Natural Health, Wellness and Stress Management clinic that offers a unique perspective on health and lifestyle. Using Naturopathic principles, we focus on the primary underlying causes that prevent us from being our best. We offer a variety of services that slow down the aging process, restore natural health, and assist you in decreasing stress and toxicity while increasing vitality. 7456 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN 37209 615-308-1155 Email:
OsteoStrong of Nashville Booth 63 Osteostrong will be offering Free Bone Scans, Balance Tests and educational material about bone health at our booth as well as giving out free guest passes to all attendees. 6000 Highway 100, Nashville, TN 37205 615 651-8953 Email:
*** *** Perfect Memoirs Booth 82 Save your story for generations to come! Assistance in writing, design and publication of heritage memoir and family history books, treasured legacy gifts of love. No storefront because we come to your place of choice Nashville, TN 37211 615-417-8424 Email:
THE ULTIMATE BIOHACK FOR ALL AGES! LET US HELP YOU WITH... back and joint pain Bone Density Improvement sports performance injury prevention AND OVERALL SKELETAL AND MUSCULAR STRENGTH! Belle Meade 615.651.8953
Green Hills 615.922.2656
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest Platinum Wellness Center Booth 105 Platinum Wellness Center-functional medicine/ozone treatments/ emotional release work 1019 N 1st, Pulaski, TN 38478 931-292-6377 Pruvit Booth113 Pruvit KETO//OS® (Ketone Operating System) is a revolutionary drink mix based on a proprietary ketone energy technology. It delivers advanced macro nutritionals and promotes optimized cellular regeneration, energy and longevity. 5121 Seward Rd, Brentwood, TN 37027 615-310-9771 Email: www. or Pruvit Booth 96 Helping people find better energy, focus, sleep, mood, muscle preservation and fat loss with pure therapeutic ketones. We have the most bio identical ketones available. 4747 Carlsbad Lane, Owensboro, KY 42303 270-302-4016 Email:
*** *** Quantum Light Shamanic Healing Booth 14 Jeff Crawford, “Nashville’s Shaman”, offers Shamanic Healing, Reconnective Healing®, Reiki, & Tarot Readings. Also see Amazonian Tribal Artistry, Charmed FIR Infrared Mats, & doTerra Oils! 2233 Smith Springs Rd, Nashville, TN 37217 615-848-8574
*** *** Railyard Fitness Booth 155 Manufacture and sales of the Railyard Portable Obstacle Course providing children, athletes, adults and seniors a fun and functional exercise experience improving global movement skills. 2032 Argo Ln, Nashville, TN 37211 1-877-787-0222 Email:
refinery wellness + aesthetics Booth 90 At Refinery, we are delivering healthcare differently. Owned & operated by Board Certified Nurse Practitioner Sarah England, Refinery offers Integrative Medicine + Aesthetics services. At Refinery, you can expect a plan, a partnership + a promise to work to uncover the root cause of your symptoms. Services include but are not limited to: gut testing + rehabilitation, hormone testing + balancing, non-toxic skincare, PRP for aesthetics, proper weight loss, metabolic detoxification, thyroid & fertility optimization. 109 Holiday Court, #C2, Franklin, TN 37067 615-457-8224 Email: Rejoice! Birth Services Booth 121 Rejoice! Birth Services offers support throughout pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and the postpartum period as birth doulas, postpartum doulas, childbirth educators, placenta specialists, and lactation counselors. Sponsors of the special area just for nursing mothers and families with babies. 115 Quail Drive, La Vergne, TN 37086 561-310-0540 Email: Resplendent Healing Booth 93 Marnie helps you achieve freedom from hormonal imbalances, headaches, digestive problems and allergies. She is a Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH) of the Council of Homeopathic Certification, which has qualified only 500 homeopaths in the U.S. and Canada. Marnie also supports her clients with Plant Stem Cells and nutritional counseling. 4235 Hillsboro Pike, Suite 300, Nashville, TN 37215 615-915-2344 Rodan + Fields Skincare Booth 95 Acne, Skin Firming, Skin Tightening, Sensitive Skin, Sun Damage, Hydration. Find Your Regimen. Take Control of Your Skin. Types: Wrinkle Control, Skin Discoloration, Acne Prevention, Sensitive Skin, Essentials. 604 Rambush Dr, Murfreesboro, TN 37128 513-535-8023 Email:
1 2019
Book your Booth today,
*** *** Sanctuary Functional Medicine Booth 8 We offer functional medicine whole person medical care, integrating the best of natural and conventional therapies to restore chronic illness to wellness. 120 Holiday Court, Suite 4, Franklin, TN 37064 423-416-8019 Email: Skin Solutions Dermatology Booth 195 Skin Solutions Dermatology is a medical and cosmetic dermatology practice that provides care to patients of all ages and backgrounds across Middle Tennessee. 200 Cool Springs Blvd., Franklin, TN 37067 615-771-7546 Sleep Apnea & TMJ Solutions Booth 1 Providing conservative and highly effective treatment options for sleep apnea, snoring or TMJ/jaw pain, and we are in-network with most medical insurance plans. 1177 Old Hickory Blvd, Suite 203, Brentwood, TN 37027 615-850-8445 Email: www. Southeast Psych Nashville Booth 101 Southeast Psych Nashville is an innovative psychology practice with a rockstar team of therapists who aim to get psychology into the hands of as many people as possible. 5409 Maryland Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 615-604-8036 Email: Sozo Thermography Booth 107 Thermography is a picture of your health. We use “Infrared Imaging” to see physiological changes, inflammation, and more. It’s FDA approved, painless and 100% safe! 7155 Nolensville Road, Nolensville, TN 37135 615-647-893
Steve Kravitz Physical Therapy Booth 138 Steve Kravitz Physical Therapy provides a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare in order to ensure the highest quality of care for our patients. Treatments are uniquely tailored to your specific needs and will primarily be hands-on manual therapy using the following techniques to restore optimum health. 2000 Glen Echo Road, Suite 209, Nashville, TN 37215 615-840-3281 Stretch Zone Booth 153 Practitioner assisted stretching to feel lighter, younger. Stretching increases range of motion and relieves stiffness ands soreness as well as enhancing physical & athletic skills. 4004 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215 615-922-2000 Email: Success By Health Booth 188 Ganoderma infused nutraceuticals and beverages: Black & Latte Coffee, Chai Tea, Hot chocolate, G-FYX, Essentials, G-Burn, G-Clear, G-Shield, Aller-G-Stop, Fruits & Veggies, Hemp/ CBD products. 302 W. Martin Rd, Adairville, KY 42202 270-847-0891 Summit Family Chiropractic Booth 130 We offer complimentary health evaluations using our state of the art technology to assess the nervous system to see how it’s functioning. Our booth is always really fun and informative! 11227 Lebanon Rd, Mount Juliet, TN 37122 615-583-9788
27 Save 30% - Book your tickets on line at:
1 2019
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest
*** *** Tennessee Fitness Spa Booth 128 Tennessee Fitness Spa offers a jumpstart to a healthier “you”. Enter your name for a chance to win a one-week stay for two! 299 Natural Bridge Park Rd, Waynesboro, TN 38485 931-722-5589 or 800-235-8365 Email: The Blooming Herbalist Apothecary, LLC Booth 166 341 Cornelius Way, Hendersonville, TN 37075. 502-599-4972 The Epps Group LLC Booth 110 COMPANY OVERVIEW:The world’s 1st complete and natural carbohydrate management system to reduce inflammation. VISION: To live in a world of minimized and managed inflammation, leading to improved health and prolonged useful life. MISSION :To educate people on the dangers of inflammation and provide
the natural scientifically tested solutions and lifestyle options. 911 Silkwood Cir, Nashville, TN 37221 615-554-5154 Email: The Heimerdinger Foundation Booth 117 Our nonprofit, The Heimerdinger Foundation, has as its signature program Meals 4 Health and Healing. Meals 4 Health and Healing, which provides nutrient-dense organic meals, free of charge, to residents of Davidson and Williamson Counties who are in cancer treatment, began operation in 2013. We are in our 6th year of service to our community and have served well over 60,000 meals to date. We serve beautiful, organic, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting foods that are colorful, seasoned with spices (no dairy, sugar, gluten), prepared by caring adult and teen volunteer hands, and delivered with love directly to clients’ homes. 4004 Hillsboro Pike, Suite 223-B, Nashville, TN 37215 615-730-5632 Email:
The Nature Of, LLC Booth 112 Holistic, specialized counseling and workshops for adults. Specialties: Anxiety/Depression, Trauma, Relationships, Self-worth, Personal Growth, Grief, Life Transition, Self-care 580 Franklin Rd., Suite 200, Franklin, TN 37069 615-389-6150 Email: The New Beginnings Center & TNB-Fitness Booth 149 The New Beginnings Center is a non-profit that provides scholarships for women, of all backgrounds, to attend a yearlong fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle coaching program. We take a holistic approach to changing a woman from the inside-out. TNB-Fitness is a women’s only boutique gym, providing a unique personalized and intelligent approach for developing strength and wellness. When you are a member of TNB-Fitness, 20% of
your membership fees are donated to The New Beginnings Center. 509 Craighead St., Suite 100, Nashville, TN 37204 615-957-3043 Email: & The Upper Room Booth 2 Quiet your mind, heal your body, and enliven your spirit through books, online courses, and events from The Upper Room. 1908 Grand Ave, Nashville, TN 37212 615-340-7525 Email: The Way Cafe Booth 262 Loose-leaf tea cafe providing vegan treats with wild infusions! We create intentional space for mental health breaks on The Way to a Unified Society. 699 W Main St Ste. 205, Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-600-1912 Email:
NO-TOX BEAUTY Reduces fine lines & softens wrinkles
Serenity Through Sound
Stimulates collagen Lifts and tones muscles Evens skin tone and texture Enhances skin hydration Improves beauty sleep
Experience The Power Of Sound In A Whole New Way! Learn how you can create a beautiful healing space for your family, clients, employees and the community you serve. Sound can be used to reduce stress, increase creativity and promote greater wellbeing. Consulting services and experiential programs available. Visit us at Booth #75 Contact: Karen Renée Robb | 615.812.1741
Stop by our booth for your chance to WIN A 24-TREATMENT COSMETIC PACKAGE COOL SPRINGS 1731 Mallory Lane St 109, Brentwood, TN | 615-552-1115 * The laws relating to the practice of acupuncture vary from state to state. Please visit for clinic ownership information, offer details and any state specific disclaimers. FRANCHISES AVAILABLE
A-Z listing of Vendors and Exhibitors at the Nashville Health and Wellness Fest Thistle Farms Booths 254/255 Thistle Farms’ mission is to HEAL, EMPOWER, and EMPLOY women survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction. 5122 Charlotte Ave, Nashville, TN 37209 615-298-1140 Email: True Acupuncture and Wellness Booth 146 True Acupuncture and Wellness (TAW) provides natural healing methods to improve health and wellness with individualized and compassionate care. - Acupuncture - Herbal Medicine - Chinese Bodywork Therapy (Tuina) - Cupping Therapy 1000 Physicians Way Suite 144, Franklin, TN 37067 615-975-7320 Email:
*** *** Vanderbilt Cosmetic Surgery Booth 4 Vanderbilt Cosmetic Surgery offers the latest in both invasive and non-invasive procedures including spa services at our new location in Brentwood. Our highly trained and skilled team of surgeons, nurses, nurse practitioners, and aestheticians will develop a customized plan to meet your needs. Call us today for a consultation. 343 Franklin Rd, Suite 108, Brentwood, TN 37027 615-936-2700 Email: Victoria Bailey–Thermography, Health and Wellness Booth 259 Our clinic offers radiation-free Thermography scans, as well as Assisted Lymphatic Therapy sessions and Biofeedback scans. All services are suitable for men, women and children. 106 Misson Ct, #501, Franklin, TN 37067 615-934-3121 Email:
1 2019
Book your Booth today, Vietgrill - Vietnamese Vegan Food Cuisine Booth 123 We serve Vietnamese Vegan Food such as Spring Roll (clear rice paper with Veggie), Vietnamese Sandwich and Asian Salad, Bubble Tea. Please check my facebook page for more info. 10541 Blakewood Dr, Knoxville,TN 37922 865-321-7592 Email: Wang Cataract & LASIK Center Booth 86 Dr. Wang, Harvard & MIT (MD); PhD (laser physics). We will have GRAND prizes of 50% that goes towards our 3D LASIK/SMILE surgeries! Visit our booth and receive a FREE vision surgical consultation! 1801 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37203 615-321-8881
Y ***
Your CBD Shop Booth 99 We offer high-quality, USHAcertified CBD oil. Ours is organic, non-GMO, and grown on Kentucky farms. Available in a wide variety of products for both humans and pets! Pure. Potent. Effective. Grown in Kentucky. Made in the USA. 205-706-9505 Email:
*** *** Zilis CBD Booth187 Zilis is a health and wellness company that offers a multitude of supplements as well as a Gold Standard CBD oil. Middletown, OH 45044 513-884-8573 Email:
Your birth. Your way. From health guidance and well-woman care to pregnancy, birth and beyond. We will be by your side every step of the way. Our collaborative midwife and physician team offers delivery in our birth centers and at partner hospitals.
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Chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue and your mitochondria Do you suffer from chronic fatigue? Dr. Angelina Szuch, APRN of Banyan Healthcare explains why it’s vital to look at how your cells make energy in order to understand why you may feel fatigued.
verwhelming chronic fatigue is one of the biggest complaint’s patients have when they seek care from a Functional Medicine provider. The fatigue is not just bothersome — it can be so debilitating that it keeps people from completing even small everyday tasks. People with chronic fatigue are often told that the condition is in their head: they’re depressed, or that they are just plain lazy. Doctors frequently prescribe more exercise to boost energy levels — a recommendation impossible to implement if you are struggling just to get through the day. What we have recently learned is that, for many people, chronic fatigue isn’t in their head. It results from a dysfunction deep in their cells. If you suffer from relentless fatigue, know that it’s not a lack of motivation but possibly poor production of energy at the cellular level. To understand why fatigue is plaguing you in the first place, we must examine how your cells make energy. Your mitochondria are organelles that exist inside all of your cells and make energy. I like to think of the mitochondria as little engines. Your mitochondria work around the clock to convert sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids into a substance called adenosine triphosphate or ATP; ATP is the energy molecule of your body. Your cells use it for many biochemical jobs — from muscle contraction to hormone production. So your mitochondria are responsible for your energy levels. You need a constant supply of ATP to live. In fact, without it, you would die in seconds. Like the engine of your car uses a process called combustion to convert oxygen and fuel into energy, your mitochondria use a process called the Kreps Cycle to convert oxygen and nutrients into ATP. The Krebs Cycle is a complex dance of chemicals within the mitochondria in your cells. Anything that impedes that process can make you feel fatigued.
When patients come to our office frustrated by chronic fatigue, this is where we look first. We look for things known to impact the Krebs Cycle and cause impaired mitochondrial function. Some of those things include exposure to toxins or mold; diseases such as Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr or other herpes viruses, thyroid hormone abnormalities, gastrointestinal disorders, intestinal permeability (‘leaky gut’), multiple chronic conditions, and nutrient deficiencies. Fatigue is the main complaint of people who suffer from impaired mitochondrial function and decreased energy production. But there are other symptoms. You might also experience muscle aches or weakness, or intolerance to exercise. Digestive issues, impaired immune systems, or migraines can also be traced back to mitochondrial function. 33
The good news is that there is a simple urine test, called the organic acid test (OAT), that detects abnormalities in the Krebs Cycle. The Organic Acid Profile is like an emission test performed on your car. The exhaust is examined to see how efficiently the engine is burning fuel. Similarly, certain compounds called “organic acids” in your urine reveal the efficiency of your body’s machinery. The Organic Acid Test can also help give clues to what might cause your mitochondria to not be functioning optimally including signs of yeast or bacterial infections. Armed with this information we can develop a protocol to boost your energy right now while you address the underlying condition that caused your body to decrease energy production. Visit for more information.
Twigs and Roots
Natural products rooted in Nashville The two-woman team behind Twigs and Roots are passionate about their handcrafted products, and are committed to ensuring their range offers a natural alternative for their customers. Editor Rachel Rowney sits down with them to find out more. Image credit: Alysse Gafkjen
Claudia Lofton and Haylee Young are the Nashville women blazing a trail for natural products in the region.
ou know that feeling when you finally find a product that you love? You immediately go out and buy that item in bulk, praying it will never go out of stock. That is exactly what happened when Haylee Young came across the deodorant made by Nashville-based company Twigs and Roots. As a busy nurse practitioner, with a penchant for natural products and organic ingredients, she had searched and searched for her perfect deodorant. “When I found Twigs and Roots, I was so excited and it worked so well,” recalls Haylee. “I went back to buy it again and I was told that the founder was selling
the company, so I told her my story and was so passionate about it, I just said there weren’t a lot of good deodorants out there that are that effective.” This encounter led to Haylee, together with her friend Claudia Lofton purchasing Twigs and Roots, and the latest incarnation of the brand was launched. “When we took over, we pretty much immediately redid everything about it,” explains Claudia, a designer by trade. “The recipes were strong but we wanted to make it ours, so we went through a couple of rebrands, and now we’re really happy with it. It has come a long way.” 34
Twigs and Roots prides itself on being a smallbatch, Nashville brand that is helping its customers on their journey to embrace natural, non-toxic products. “We’re so happy that people are using natural products and they know the importance of doing that, especially for women. It’s vital to make the change to natural, and do anything you can to get those products and toxins off your body,” says Haylee, whose own experience with a health-scare prompted research into the side-effects of many common products we use on our bodies each day. “As women, we are putting on so much, from makeup, to lotion to what you wash with, there is so much stuff that we are exposing ourselves to. Your body can only detox so much,” she adds. If you turn to the ingredients list of many products you can buy in most stores, it is often full of names and chemicals that are barely understandable, which can be incredibly difficult to decipher. Each of the ingredients used in Twigs and Roots products are listed on its website, as well as an explanation of its purpose. There has been a noticeable shift in recent years towards a more natural way of life, as individuals become more attuned to the potential health implications of the modern beauty regime. “People are becoming more aware of how many products you use in a day and there are so many articles that have been written about how many chemicals we encounter. I think that people are taking the time to be mindful about what they are buying and putting on or in their body,” says Claudia. Twigs and Roots is committed to producing small batch, high-quality products, which are all made, poured and labeled at Claudia’s house in Nashville. Its current offering includes the firm favorite deodorants, as well as balms, salves, and powders for babies. “The Calendula balm is our most popular,” remarks Claudia. “I use it on my lips, my cuticles, I use it instead of Neosporin when I get minor cuts or burns. The calendula flower has lots of natural healing powers, and it’s anti-inflammatory.”
Twigs and Roots
Image credit: Heidi Wiitanen
The baby-centric products are in a lot about other products, but This is a love and a passion, and we support this type of product. popular demand at the stores that we want to focus on the products We want to have something available to people that we love, sell them, including The Getalong that we have right now and in East Nashville, as the natural making them so good.” and we want other people to love it too. ingredients mean that they can be Both Claudia and Haylee are used with cloth diapers. Haylee proud to be a part of the growing admits that becoming a mother further cemented is so encouraging. I want to provide this, even for wellness community in Nashville, especially one her interest in understanding what was in the ourselves as we love our products! And that’s why that has so many prominent women leading the products she was using. “Having a child does take it I like the idea of small batch, as it seems more charge. “The great thing about the health and to the next level. People become more conscious of intimate with better quality control,” says Haylee. wellness community is that there are so many what they are using, and people understand that we When they first took over the company, both sent women involved that are absolutely killing it. We have more access to information.” products to their friends and families for honest just want to support that as much as possible, we The brand is only currently available online responses about what worked and what didn’t. want to work together.” and in stores within the Nashville area, but the “The biggest change since then is that we have tried Another focus for the future is developing a popularity of the products does mean that Twigs to find more organic ingredients and make sure we more eco-conscious way to create and deliver the and Roots ships all over the country. “It’s crazy are more aware of where they are coming from. For products to customers. Despite both women work because you reach so many places,” says Haylee. our herbs and for our butter, we really use higher full-time in different jobs (they describe the brand “It happens when people have seen our products quality,” explains Haylee. as ‘Handcrafted with heart – and a whole lot of but they live in Florida or Washington, so order it However, both agree that the focus on the hustle’), they are excited about the opportunities there. It’s amazing to see where we ship to.” They best products has to be balanced with continuing that this brand will bring them. “The next thing do hope to grow the wholesale side of the business, to be affordable for their customers. “We are is finding something that is about making the acknowledging that rather than local Nashvillians always trying to keep our prices reasonable. With packaging more sustainable. We have always ordering online, it’s easier to pick up somewhere natural products and beauty in general, it’s kind of thought about how we can make it a replacement close to their homes. “People are excited to know becoming a ‘fad’ now – which is great as everybody [for the deodorants], or we can refill them. That us, and a lot of people here love our stuff, and they is swapping to natural stuff – but you’ll go into a has been Claudia’s thought from the moment we didn’t want to pay for shipping so then we really store and everything is so expensive. We have tried bought this company,” says Haylee. pushed to grow our wholesale side to get it in more to be conscious of that,” says Claudia. All of Twigs Twigs and Roots is a brand that represents and sites locally, so people could easily pick it up,” and Roots’ products are currently around $10. “We epitomizes the positive changes afoot in the beauty explains Claudia. don’t want to price anyone out,” agrees Haylee. “I industry. As Haylee concludes, “This is a love and The ongoing feedback that Twigs and Roots never want people to say ‘it’s too expensive I can’t a passion, and we support this type of product. We receive is what drives the brand forward. “To hear do it’. That is important for us. I want this to be able want to have something available to people that we from people that use our products and love them to make this available to everyone. We’ve thought love, and we want other people to love it too.” 35
Natural beauty
Best natural, organic beauty alternatives There are a number of brands that are creating natural products that feature organic ingredients, which are better for you and the planet. Here, we highlight some of the products that we have tried, tested and loved. Soothing and brightening sheet mask, Rawganic
Facial wipes, Rawganic
These are 100 percent vegan, cruelty-free, 99.9 percent natural origin and made from biodegradable organic cotton, this sheet mask is a great alternative to using other masks with plastic or non-degradable products. Sheet masks have grown in popularity recently, but are often covered in materials that aren’t good for your skin or for the planet.
Facial wipes are becoming a huge issue in sewers and drainage systems. If you still need these wipes in your beauty regime, the Rawganic facial wipes are biodegradable, vegan and cruelty-free, meaning there has been no animal testing in the process of making them.
Shampoo and Conditioner, Love Beauty and Planet
Lavender and Clary Sage Deodorant, Twigs and Roots
This brand, available at Target, has beautiful packaging with the bottles made up of 100 percent recycled plastic, and its products have no parabens or dyes. Love Beauty and Planet have a full range of beauty products available.
Natural and Nashville-based, this brand is offering great alternatives to traditional deodorants filled with toxins and chemicals. This product comprises calendula infused olive oil, natural shea and kokum butters, and clary sage and floral lavender essential oils. This is completely aluminum free and utilizes baking soda for odor prevention.
Bamboo toothbrush
Calendula salve, Twigs and Roots
Did you know that the plastic toothbrush you learned to brush your teeth with still exists somewhere on this planet? Plastic toothbrushes have been used for decades, and now there is a viable alternative! Bamboo Toothbrushes often have charcoal brushes, which have the extra benefit of being antimicrobial and aid in the whitening of teeth. We love Wowe’s ‘Organic Natural Bamboo Toothbrush’, especially as this brand pledges one percent of its profits to One Tree Planted, an organization that brings trees to areas that have experienced deforestation.
The Calendula flower has been used by botanists and herbalists for centuries, and this salve contains purely Calendula and beeswax. It can be used in various ways, from dry lips to cuticles. This salve proves that simple ingredients are often the most effective tools to alleviate dry or irritated skin. 36
Natural beauty
About Ursa Major Hoppin’ Fresh deodorant, Ursa Major
Fortifying face balm, Ursa Major
Ursa Major is a brand based in Vermont and is a result of their founders’ move towards a healthier, more natural lifestyle. This mint and eucalyptus flavored deodorant smells and feels fresh. It also doesn’t feature any toxic aluminum and is unisex. It also comes in a smaller size, which is convenient for travel and purses.
This hydrating serum moisturizes the skin without clogging pores, infused with lavender, lime, spearmint, and rosemary. Unlike many skin care products, this balm doesn’t use petrochemicals, parabens, synthetic fragrances or silicones.
“We’re obsessive about the craft of making awesome natural skin and body care products, nothing less. We only launch a product once it checks all the boxes, no matter how long it takes. Is it clean? Is it effective? Does it offer a sublime experience? Most importantly, do we love it? We strive to formulate hard-working products that do more in less time so you can get out the door and enjoy what really counts. No complex, mandated multi-step routines here – just grab what you need and go. Plus, all of our products are great for all skin types and genders. We think the days of “beauty” or “grooming” are over.”
Dental Health
Is There a Way to Detect Oral Cancer in Early Stages? Over 40,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer every year, and sadly, the recovery rate is the worst out of all other forms of cancer, writes Jaime A. Romero Jr...
his is perhaps due to the fact that oral cancer is not usually discovered until it is late into the development stage. With ever improving technology, can oral surgeons hope to find ways to diagnose, and therefore treat, oral cancer in its early stages?
Patients Need to Be Made Aware of Early Signs and Risk Factors When oral cancer starts, it usually goes unnoticed by the patient for quite some time. The early stages of oral cancer are not painful until it has advanced into a noticeable tumor. Additionally, by the time patients are treated for the tumor, the cancer has developed and can cause secondary tumors after initial treatment. Patients who have had an encounter with oral cancer are 20 times more likely to develop a second type of cancer. Although symptoms are usually nonspecific and thus go unnoticed, oral cancer does create symptoms that everyone should be aware of. If you have had any of the following symptoms or are otherwise at risk, you should see an oral surgeon as soon as possible.
Symptoms of Oral Cancer: • White (leukoplakia) or red (erythroplakia) lesions in the mouth that do not heal within two weeks. • A lump or a notable thickening of the soft tissue in the mouth. • Feeling like something is caught in your throat, or difficulty chewing and swallowing. • Ear pain and difficulty moving the jaw; swelling of the jaw. • Difficulty moving the tongue, or unexplained numbness of the tongue.
If any of these symptoms develop and persist for more than two weeks, laboratory tests and clinical exams may be necessary for a diagnosis. Additionally, there are certain people that are more at risk for oral cancer. Anyone who is a heavy drinker or smoker is more prone to developing cancer of the mouth. Certain strains of HPV have been linked to oral cancer, and people over 40 may have an increased risk.
New Technology May Help With Early Detection Aside from a traditional examination of the mouth conducted by your doctor or oral surgeon, emerging technologies may hold promise for techniques in early diagnosis. Vital Staining and autoflourescence imaging may help to identify abnormal sections of the mucosal membranes. Newer imaging technology, like i-CAT scans, may also detect early signs of cancer, as these scans can show abnormalities in soft tissue, bones, and 38
blood vessels. Advancing technology, coupled with patient awareness, may hold some hope for the future of early diagnostics in oral cancer. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call Solace Oral Surgery at 615-320-1392, or visit us online at 1707 State St, Nashville, TN 37203
Classified Listings Call 615 457 2816, or email: to submit your listing Alternative Therapies Simply for the Health of It 313 Edenfield Court, Nashville, TN 37013 931-434-3395 Be Well Nashville, LLC Dr Leslie Shew, 615-669-7151 Providing hope and wellness through nutritional and natural solutions for adrenal fatigue, anxiety, intestinal challenges, allergies, stress and anti-aging.
Acupuncture Cultivate Acupuncture 1211 4th Ave South, STE 110, Nashville, TN 37210 Phone: 615-710-1274 www.cultivateacupuncture.cemter. We Specialize in Women’s Health and Most Commonly Treat: Fertility, Weight Loss, Anxiety/Stress/Depression, PMS/Menopause Symptoms, Digestive Issues, Allergies, Smoking Cessation, Auto-Immune Disorders. Franklin Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine 1311 W Main Street, Franklin, TN 37064 Phone: 615-419-7980 Email: Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine treats imbalances in the body and prevents them from turning into diseases. I have a particular interest in auto immune disorders. Modern Acupuncture Cool Springs 1731 Mallory Ln Suite # 109, Brentwood, TN 37027 Phone: (615) 395-5033 In thirty minutes or less, experience healing, escape, relaxation, and a balancing of your body. In your hectic world, Modern Acupuncture is a necessary retreat into proven wellness.
Anxiety Treatment Harmonized Brain Centers 197 Thompson Lane, Nashville, TN 37211 Phone: 615 331 8762 Email: Providers of LENS Neurofeedback therapy with a 95% success rate in helping with Anxiety and Depression
Attorney High Law Office David E. High, Attorney-at-Law 300 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 200 Nashville, TN 37201 Phone: 615-256-1000 Personal Injury Litigation: We handle serious personal injury cases, including auto collisions, truck wrecks and all serious personal injuries. We have over 35 years of litigation experience and are listed in Best Lawyers, Super Lawyers and a member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocacy Forum. Law Office of Jennifer Foster, PLLC Phone: 731-506-4006 Email: Social security, disability and SSI. Call the lawyer who is also a Nurse!
Cancer Care The Heimerdinger Foundation 4004 Hillsboro Pike, Suite 223-B, Nashville, TN 37215 Phone: 615-730-5632 Email: Providing nutrient-rich meals to people in cancer treatment, and educating our community about nutrition.
Chiropractor Roth Wellness and Chiropractic 600 Old Hickory Blvd., Suite 104, Nashville, TN 37209 Phone: 615-352-9379 Your journey to total wellness can begin today. Dr. Roth is a gifted healer helping patients achieve their best through chiropractic, laser and soft tissue therapies, weight loss, body sculpting, anti-aging, nutrition and more. The Foundry Chiropractor and Upper Cervical 305 E Trinity Lane, Suite 104 Nashville TN 37216 Email:
Concussion Therapy Harmonized Brain Centers 197 Thompson Lane Nashville, TN 37211 615 331 8762 Email: Providers of LENS Neurofeedback therapy with a 95% success rate in helping with Concussion and PTSD.
Counseling Body & Mind Consulting 524 Uptown Square Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Phone: 615-310-1491 To change your life and find greater happiness, focusing on approaches to change your body or your mind aren’t enough. We incorporate a unified approach that combines mind and body health.
Dental Services Sheats Endodontics Group Offices in Nashville, Murfreesboro, Franklin and Hendersonville Phone: 615-933-9999 For stress and worry free root canal and dental treatment. We are 5 star rated by over 560 of our clients.
Depression Therapy NeuroMed TMS Centers 1720 West End Ave., Suite 240, Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: 615-674-2702 Email: FDA Approved, non-medicated treatment for chronic depression.
Gyms YMCA The Y strengthens our community and creates a positive impact in our kids, adults, and families. The Y serves people through memberships and programs – regardless of age, income, or background – with a focus on youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
Healthy Eating Amy Hopeman Health Goods Market 992 Davidson Drive, Suite 102 Nashville, TN 37205 Phone: 888-503-3033 Retailer of Vegan, macrobiotic food and curated kitchen equipment. Community gatherer of healers, doctors, therapists and those interested in using food as medicine and lifestyle adjustments to promote health & wellness. Monthly group vegan cooking classes, lectures and in home cooking instruction available.
Holistic Health Float Nashville 2701 Greystone Road, Suite B Nashville TN 37204 Phone: 615-567-7222 • Pain relief and injury recovery • Detoxification • Deep relaxation • Enhanced creativity • Sports performance • Stronger immune system • Muscle and bone regeneration • Hair and skin health Float Horizen 1012 Russell Street, Suite 204 Nashville, TN 37206 Phone: 615-490-8656 Floating, Salt Therapy, Harmonic Sound Therapy (Sound Immersion). Chronic pain relief, strengthened immune system, muscle and bone regeneration, reduced risk of hypertension and anxiety and stress relief, enhanced creativity. In Harmony Center for Wellness Phone: 615-353-9393 Email: Providing holistic healing therapy, such as colonics, massage, infrared sauna, and heavy metal detox. Sound Health Alliance 413 N Cardinal Ct., Franklin, TN 37067 615-474-3678 Reiki Master, Sound Healer, BioAcoustic Practitioner. Benefits: anxiety and stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the body’s natural healing abilities (immune system), aids in better sleep and improves and maintains health, chronic pain relief.
Life Coach L -Wellness Comprehensive life coaching offered by a registered nurse currently working in the field of functional medicine. Maureen Doyle Coach, Author, Speaker Phone: 615-202-9261
Email: Maureen helps individuals take their life from good to great! Schedule a Complimentary Clarity Call.
Mental Health Body & Mind Consulting 524 Uptown Square Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Phone: 615-310-1491 To change your life and find greater happiness, focusing on approaches to change your body or your mind aren’t enough. We offer a unified approach that combine mind and body health. Harmonized Brain Centers 197 Thompson Lane, Nashville, TN 37211 Phone: 615 331 8762 Email: The non drug, non invasive 95% effective therapy for: Anxiety, Concussion, Migraines, Depression and ADHD.
Physical Therapy STAR Physical Therapy At STAR Physical Therapy, our foundational mission is “To Serve.” STAR’s industry-leading clinician education program ensures that our clinicians are equipped with the knowledge and the most innovative techniques to provide hands on, individualized care you deserve. See for a listing of our 60 plus locations. Our hands. Your health. Choose STAR. Steve Kravitz Physical Therapy 2000 Glen Echo Rd., Suite 209 Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: 615-840-3281 Email: Physical therapist specializing in cranio therapy and myofascial release for pain and wellness.
Reflexology Nashville Academy of Reflexology (NAR) 4825 Trousdale Drive, Suite 222 Nashville, TN 37220 School: 615-647-7244, NAR Spa 615-9870866 Email: We provide Reflexology Certification Career Training to become a Tennessee Registered Certified Reflexologist, a caring wellness career that makes a difference. Through our program, the public can receive Westernstyle foot and hand reflexology in our student Intern Clinic and our NAR Spa staffed by our professional graduates. We are pleased to help the public learn to make the connection to their entire body through the reflex areas in their feet and hands.
Serene Retreats at Swan Center 250 Maple Ln., Summertown, TN 38483 931-215-7516 Airbnb: Summertown TN – Uplifting Retreat at Swan Center. Inquire within. Ready to feed your soul’s longing? Nature inspires
transformation; we support your journey with sacred space, classes, sessions in creative and healing arts.
Wellness Centers Nerissa Aquina 1510 Lillian Street, Nashville, TN 37206 615-772-8469 Movement Outdoors, Dance Wellness and Outdoor Recreation Osteostrong Wellness Centers in Nashville Two locations: Belle Meade Phone: 615-651-8953 Greenhills 615-922-2656 OsteoStrong® is not a gym, diet, supplement, pharmaceutical, or a medical treatment. OsteoStrong® is a unique place where you can go to improve your overall health by focusing on the one thing we all have in common: a skeletal system. Sara Balcazar-Greene 615-879-3370 Health and Wellness Business Consulting and Coaching. Wellness Consulting 1451 Elm Hill Pike, Suite 316, Nashville, TN 37210 678-638-9994 Email: Thai Bodywork, Meditation, Yoga, Lifecoaching, Wellness-coaching, Reflexology, Reiki, Weight loss, Bodywork for releasing trauma.
Wellness Coach Ha.Le Mind & Body 2200 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: 615-415-0242 Email: Evidence based Health & Wellness company with classes, body work, melt method, somatic, and coaching. Karina Hammer Karina Hammer is an IAWP Certified Holistic Wellness Coach, dedicated to supporting busy professionals who suffer from chronic digestive issues overcome the confusion of what to eat every day. Schedule a 30 minute Heal Your Gut Assessment.
Yoga Soul to Sole Wellness Phone: 615-575-5778 Email: Yoga rehabilitation with a holistic approach. Teaching simplified yoga anatomy workshops, clinics and teacher training. Cassie O’Sullivan 2814 12th Ave. South, Nashville,TN 37210 Phone: 917-400-2175 Email: Yoga for spinal alignment, fractured vertebrae, herniations, and other things.
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