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nguyen huynh phuong nhi

Hi guys! my name is Phuong Nhi This is my first steps in my journey of architecture. One by one, I step carefully to make my journey become memorable, stronger, more and more powerful. Sometime, I was too eager to win and make everything goes wrong. But after that, i realize and make it better.

1O/O4/1996 + 841639755969 student of Van Lang University

special subject: housing project:


rapid design:


from concept

pier lotus lake fields river pier


Fields become city, fields have uncomfortable to change the taste of water, from fresh water to salt water, without people, have been fallowed missing the feet now busy on city. Fields, which give up on rice. Soil under our feet have narrowed since day by day.

Those fields have grown us

housing project:

from concept

as the journey back to the chilhood of everyone. In there, we can see tree front the house, vegetable garden, stargazing every night and send those dream into the universe. Lead the child near to nature, close to the childhoods of their parents. Forget the everyday petty

study room

kid’s room

dining kitchen entrance/garage

rapid design:

from concept

meeting house h o u s ew i t hs k y l i g h tc ou r t y a r d garden of kids' book

second year has closed.

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