UWI Oct/ Nov 2016

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I t ’ sHI KI NG SEASON! Wher ewi l lyouexpl or e? Hol i dayGi f tGi vi ng MadeEasy

Me l l i n d aLa n i e r Mak i ngani mpac ti nt hebus i ne s swor l d andbe y ond!

OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016 •www. ul t i mat ewomani nt er nat i onal . com

A Singleton Promise

Singleton Moms™ is dedicated to nurturing single parents battling cancer and their minor children, by meeting the practical day-to-day needs of the entire family while providing hope for tomorrow.

Why we do what we do? 4

In 2009, 17,000 single parents were living with a cancer diagnosis in Arizona.


70% of the parents we serve have been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer


The average age of the parent we support is 36 years old


The annual cost to support a family of four is $10,200

Singleton Moms provides programs that focus on the practical day-to-day needs of the entire family while they are struggling through the single parent’s cancer crisis. These programs include financial support, delicious nutritious meals, house cleaning, most needed household items, emotional support and fun activities for the children.

Give us your promise; give our parents hope Community support is the bedrock of the Singleton Moms’ mission to meet the practical day-to-day needs of the entire family, while providing hope for tomorrow. For single parents undergoing active cancer treatment, monetary assistance is the most impactful way to make a difference. The Singleton Promise recurring donation program, which includes Gimmie Five, Grand Promise and Hope Guardian, helps us carry out our mission and reach more Arizona families through donor support.




up to $83/mo

up to $167/mo

and up




For the cost of a latte, you can help provide consistent, monthly support to our mission.

Monthly donations at just $84 and above, provide $1,000 in annual support to Singleton Moms’ families.

The Hope Guardian allows us to double our support and make a major difference in the lives of these families.

For more information visit www.singletonmoms.org. contact@singletonmoms.org | 480.818.5285 Singleton Moms is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Tax id #35-2280372

Featured on

Publisher’s Letter Are you getting ready for the holidays? Hopefully whatever part of the country you are in you are enjoying fabulous fall weather. In this issue we have Cover woman Mellinda Lanier; Making an impact in the business world. Also featured, a delicious weight loss coffee, Uniquely U Jewelry, Great holiday gifts, a beautiful clothing fashion line, Recipes from a favorite chef and much more! We love sharing success stories, and promoting everyday women. Connect with us today! We welcome women business owners on a path to success! We feature Non-profits, women owned businesses, products, services and some great recipes. Share with your friends and stay connected! I want to extend my appreciation to all of the true Ultimate Woman that I have the privilege to work and grow with women as a community empowering each other for success. Thank you! Success and Smiles, Brittany Ann Parrish C.E.O. and Founder Ultimate Woman International

About the Publisher: Brittany has been a resident of Phoenix for 17 years. With 2 Children and 2 grandchildren, “yea you heard me right; grandma” And loving every minute of it; She has learned the art of working for yourself. Recently college graduated, with a degree in Business and Marketing, Brittany has accomplished building a business that supports women business owners locally and nationwide. Growing her business with adding: Events, Radio, Writing a Book and More, all while helping other women grow their businesses. She states that her favorite part of her business is connecting like-minded women business owners everywhere. Some of her hobbies include, hiking, running with her dogs, hanging with the family, traveling and; last but not least shopping. She is thankful for her faith, loving and supporting fiancé and family. Moto: Never, Never give up! Keep Charging forward and don’t let anything stop you; Learn it! Live it! Love it! Brittany:) Editor L. Simone ………………………………... IT Support Henry Mickens ………………………………... Publisher / Marketing Brittany Parrish …………………………………..

Located in Peoria, Arizona All Rights Reserved 2016

We are Ultimate Women Entrepreneurs for Life ! Join us and meet some amazing like-minded women!

Visit us and join our newsletter www.ultimatewomaninternational.com


Contents 2 Singleton Moms

Supporting single parents with cancer

9 Are you looking for an Internship?

15 A splash of seed nutrition 20 Fall fashion with a kick! 24 A special cup of Joe 26 It’s Hiking Season 28 Delicious recipes by Darius Cooks

Special in this issue... Start your day with a special cup of Joe! Then check out some new styles of fashions, and Cover woman Mellinda Lanier- Making an Impact on the business world and beyond. Also, featuring our community of women empowering each other for success!

Ultimate Woman International

Referrals are an important part of the growth of your business! How do you obtain and manage your referrals?

Be excellent at your job. Customers come from excellent customer service just like anything else. When you find a restaurant, service or something that you like you want to share it with others. So just like that when you provide superior service others will be referring their friends and family to you.

Don’t be afraid to not accept a referral. Now of course you love to know that you are a rock star at your business and you are, however not everyone is a good fit for you. Take a good assessment of them; their needs and wants, then determine if you and your services will be able to keep them as “Lifer Clients”. This will build strong relationships.

Don’t treat a referral like a cold call. A referral has now become your warm market. Begin your conversation with a friendly tone and ask questions to get to know them. This will be beneficial in helping them and you.

Develop and cultivate a referral mindset. The golden rule really applies here, treat others the way you want to be treated. Sharing is caring. To get referrals give referrals! Bring good contacts into your inner circle of networks and they will feel inclined to do the same. It’s ok to ask for referrals. In most cases others are thinking the same thing.

Ultimate Woman International

Now that you have serviced your clients… I’m sure that you have done the best job and you can so how what. Simply say to your clients I hope that I have provided an amazing service for you… who do you know that would benefit from my services? Would you mind introducing us? Also I am here to help. I’m sure I know a few people that would be able to use your service as well. Use your memory jogger.

Now let’s talk about a referral system. Now that you have provided a great service, get and give referrals, then promote others to your network, maintain client retention and do it all over again. All these are needed to grow your business. How many active social relations can you maintain? From family, friends and running a business you can get overwhelmed. So how do you juggle all of these?

Have a CRM system. This that allows you to enter all of you contacts and organize them by industry and continued follow up. This type of system will keep you organized and help you stay on your game. As the old saying goes “work smarter not harder” so having a system that can help you manage and grow your business and referral contacts with ease.

Have others spread the word about you. A referral may not always come from someone that you have done business with. Sometimes you are recommended from another person that see you as a good fit for them. Be sure to thank the one that has recommended you! Be a part of a community of women that believe in you and your product or service!

Ultimate Woman International

A Community of Women Empowering Each Other For Success! Come Join us‌ Meetup group http://www.meetup.com/UltimateWomen-Entrepreneurs-for-Life/

You can learn more about us at www.ultimatewomaninternational.com Find a path, Embrace the journey and Blaze the trail!

Brittany Ann Parrish

Ultimate Woman International

Interns wanted, great opportunity

We are looking for Interns! We are a Woman’s Digital Magazine and More. We need people Local, National and International, join us! The Fields of Internships available are: Copy Editors, Graphic Artists Social Media Manager, Food and Fashion Writers Adverting Sales Manager, This is a great opportunity to learn the field of your study. These positions are universal in the career of your choice. You will be able to increase your portfolio, while building meaningful business relationships. Ultimate Woman International works with Women Businesses, and Organizations all over the Country. It is for this reason that we are able to provide relevant and interesting content. As we grow our staff will grow. If you are Interested in interviewing for a position email your contact info to ultimatewomaninternational@gmail.com Interns will receive a written letter of recommendation at the end of their Internship. Sales is a commission base paid internship. Learn more about us‌ www.ultimatewomaninternational.com Start training for your dream career today!

Ultimate Woman International

Meet Cover Woman Mellinda Lanier Making an Impact in the business world!

Mellinda Lanier is a seasoned executive with over 25 years’ experience in Corporate America as a business consultant, International speaker and business plan expert.

She is the President of ML Consulting, where she has helped hundreds of clients grow their business by focusing on driving both revenue uplift and cost reduction. She specializes in helping organizations reduce customer churn, increase customer share-of-profit, improve customer experiences, and reduce costs associated with customer care. Mellinda also helps many local entrepreneur business owners grow their business. Mellinda has written sales and marketing manuals for Corporate American, to teach sales reps how to build profitable sales pipelines, customer retention strategies and how to gain financial freedom. Her books have helped generate millions in increased revenue for the companies. She is also the published author of The 30 Day Business Plan for Increase.

Ultimate Woman International

Mellinda has written sales and marketing manuals for Corporate American, to teach sales reps how to build profitable sales pipelines, customer retention strategies and how to gain financial freedom. Her books have helped generate millions in increased revenue for the companies. She is also the published author of The 30 Day Business Plan for Increase. If you need help writing a master Business Plan, get the book that will get you focused while increasing your revenue; bit.ly/30daybpbook. Mellinda donates 100% of her books proceeds to charities. Mellinda is currently completing her Ph.D. in Philosophy, she enjoys working with Cancer and Kidney patients helping them and their families deal with the emotional side. She is the founder of Kidney Help Center of Arizona, a nonprofit organization that provides financial and emotional living support assistance to individuals with an end of life illness. In her spear time she travels, her passport is a few stamps away from being full. She enjoys gardening and noisy weekends with her nieces and nephews. You would not know she doesn’t have kids, because she always have a few with her on her down time. People always ask her, how do you relax? Mellinda says her way of relaxation is through meditation and focused breathing. Deep breathing helps your blood flow and it clears your mind. Connect with her: Twitter: @MellindaLanier Facebook: Mellinda Lanier E-mail: info@mellindalanier.com Website: www.mellindalanier.com

Wishing you business success, Mellinda Lanier

Ultimate Woman International

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Sun, Moon Stars Astrology Personal Growth thru Astrology

Have you ever wondered who you are, and why your unique. Do you have questions about what is going on in your life? Romance, Family, Work, Career? Get the answers through your Chart and Card reading! My readings are unique combining the tarot Ryder deck, Angel and Emotion card reading. Get insight into your personal situation. Call for your personal appointment today! Astrology is a tool in understanding yourself, therefore understanding others. It’s a path to personal growth and self development. What questions to you have? Get the Answers you seek!

www.sunmoonstarsastrology.com Deborah L. Petros 602-435-8916 For a fast response Please text me personalgrowththruastrology@gmail.com By appointment only Parties, Individual Readings Ultimate Woman International

A Special thanks from us to God, Our Community of Women, Our Advertisers, Contributors, partners, and Readers for the support of this magazine. Established in 2013 we are proud to enrich, inspire and bring together women business owners making a difference in their community. Find a Path. Embrace the Journey and Blaze the Trail. – Brittany Ann Parrish

Share the Spotlight With a Business Video blog! Brittany interviews women business owners and people who want to share their experiences and provide services or resources with you. We have a dedicated Youtube channel, where Brittany Ann gets valuable information that helps women with their daily lives. So look for Brittany out in the community, and be sure to check out our website and Youtube channel for the latest business videos. Follow Brittany at, Periscope: uwiwoman www.ultimatewomaninternational.com Check out the website with new Resources, Products and Services! Your success is driven by you!

Fall Fashion with a Kick!

Memory fabric– fits and balances different body shapes. Lightweight, wrinkle free, machine washable, travel easy apparel.

Comfortable and ready to wear!

Get your holiday fashion on!


OUR DREAM .. IS TO ENABLE YOURS Jane Kwa set up Northern Clover when she moved with her family to the U.S. Launched in Feb 2015, Our mission is simple - a singular focus on quality, style and value. Jane hails originally from Singapore.

Check out our array of styles and more at www.northernclover.com

JANE KWA, Founder & Daughter, CHLOE KWA, inspiration behind the Chloe Collection FASHION a lifestyle, BE your own boss HAVE FUN with friends PERKS of being a STYLE CONSULTANT Get started for as little as $249! 8361 E Evans Rd Ste 110 | Scottsdale AZ 85260 480.404.9117 | Info@northernclover.com | northernclover.com

Kimberly is helping people use their morning cup of Joe to feel better and lose weight Kimberly is the owner of Stellar App Software, an engineer and mom of quadruplets. Kimberly worked for over 10 years as an engineer for the Department of Defense. In 2001, she gave birth to quadruplets (all girls with two Identical) and her life was never the same. One of her girls, Makayla, was born with life threating health conditions, resulting in many hospitals stays during the quadruplet’s early years. After 12 brain surgeries her daughter is stable and doing well in high school. With 4 babies at home, returning to the 9 to 5 was not an option. She and her husband formed Stellar App Software 5 years ago and that is where much of her time has been spent. Ever since gaining over 100 pounds from complication with the pregnancy, she has struggled with her weight and self-image. Over the years she has done shakes, pills, shots, starvation and counting points. She would lose a few and gain some back. It was a frustration for sure. Ultimate Woman International

In 2015, she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. She knew it was time to get serious about losing weight. She eliminated sugar and starches, bought a fit bit and eventually lost a little weight but was still struggling. Then she was introduced to a product that changed her life. A speaker friend told her about a weight loss coffee that diminishes appetite, reduces sugar cravings, reduces sugar absorption, burns fat, elevates mood and promotes mental alertness and increases focus. She was skeptical at first but after receiving her samples and losing 3.5 pounds in the first 4 days, she was a believer.

She was then told how for $20, she could start her own “coffee” shop and help others lose weight and earn money too. She is over 35 pounds lighter and her blood work is the best it has been in over 15 years! She added the marketing of weight loss coffee as a business and it is helping her to afford those quadruplets. Free samples available by calling 602-549-0447. For more info on the business, watch this 4:40 min movie and take a tour. http://valentusmovie.com/quadmom or to find out more about the coffee bit.ly/buycoffeeslim SlimRoast is one of the most delicious and effective products of our time. Now, finally, a simple way to lose weight and feel great while doing something that you already enjoy, drinking coffee! You will love the taste of SlimRoast and most of all the great feeling of satiety, good mood, alertness and wellness! This is NOT just coffee, this is the product that will make you feel better, look better and put you on your way to a brand new slim YOU!

I love my new look. I feel Amazing! Here is how I did it! Let me know if I can help you! NOT JUST COFFEE: A Delicious Italian Dark Roast With a Powerful Weight Loss Formula Inside! INGREDIENTS

Natural dark roast arabica coffee Chlorogenic acid (Green Coffee) Garcinia Cambogia Green Tea L-Carnitine Ginseng Ultimate Woman International

Kimberly O’Bannon bit.ly/buycoffeeslim Phone/Text: (602) 549-0447


NO Sugar NO Artificial Sweeteners NO Chemicals NO Pesticides NO GMO's NO Preservatives

It’s Hiking Season!

This is one of my most favorite times of the year. From the upcoming holidays to the weather in our State is just fabulous. I have been hiking since I moved to this Sate almost 20 years ago. I love the beautiful and fascinating scenery that Is all over Arizona! There are so many trails to choose from. Just be sure to pick the one that best suits your fitness levels. They can be challenging! I would like to share with you some hiking tips that are sure to keep you safe, and hiking for many years to come. Ultimate Woman International

Hike at the right time of the year and know your limits. It amazes me how I see people hiking in the dead of the summer. The temperatures reach over 110 degrees on average for several months of the summer. Be kind to yourself and wait for the temperatures to lower. There are several mountains. I have hiked and I have learned to prepare myself for them. For Instance, Camelback mountain is very challenging. I will hike lower trails in preparation to achieve making it to the top. So get your body in shape for success!

Have a plan. Take time to have a plan of action! Where you are going, supplies that you will need, a buddy and be sure to let a few know where you are going and when to expect you once you have completed the mountain. It is important to have these things in place. It can be dangerous hiking. It can also be an amazing adventure. Scope out a few places to go hiking. Know your limits so you are not overexerting yourself and then put it in motion! Have fun! Protect yourself form the sun. Wear the right shoes, hat, sunscreen, and comfortable clothing. Also, consider the best shoes and a walking stick to keep your balance. I like to wear long sleeves, an hat, scarf around my neck, glasses and comfortable shoes. Invest in the gear you need! Enjoy a hike with your family! It is a great activity that keeps families close! What a great way to get some exercise and get family time in. So, find the mountain that you can all hike and get your supplies and go for it! The weather is perfect! What new mountain will you try? Where will you explore, and who will you take? Join the hiking movement! Ultimate Woman International

Stay hydrated! This is the most important. Tip of them all! Have many times have you heard horror stories of someone fainting on the mountain? I really fail to see what the problem is. Choose the best way for you to carry up water up the mountain. Treat yourself to the right equipment so you can walk freely and enjoy the hike. It can be quite exhausting the higher you climb. Don’t forget some light snacks like some granola bars . It will help you maintain and keep you momentum. If you get tired bed sure to rest. It’s worth the wait.

Mouth watering Recipes Comfort Food at it’s best. We are pleased to feature the talented chef Darius Cooks. Food is a big part of our lives. And if you are like most you enjoy spending time in the kitchen whipping up some fabulous recipes. Check out these delicious recipes and more… at www.dariuscooks.com

6 Cheese Mac & Cheese By Darius Cooks Ingredients 6 cups of cooked pasta (elbow macaroni works best) 1 stick of butter

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

4 tablespoons of flour

2. Melt the butter.

2 cups of half and half

3. Then stir in the flour and cook for about 60 seconds while constantly stirring.

1 cup of heavy cream 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of pepper 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon of onion powder 4 cups of shredded cheese – your choice (for this, I used what I had left over Havarti, Parmesan, White Cheddar, Monterey Jack, Gouda, and Velveeta) 1/2 cup of sour cream *shredded cheese for topping

4. Add in half and half and heavy cream and continue to stir periodically while on high heat. When the mixture comes to a boil, it should start to thicken. 5. Fold in cheese, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and sour cream. 6. Allow the cheese to melt down into a smooth sauce. This should take about 3 minutes on low heat. 7. Mix with the cooked pasta and pour into a baking dish and top with more shredded cheese. 8. Bake until golden brown and bubbly. Enjoy warm!

Ultimate Woman international

Golden and gooey!

Recipe by www.dariuscooks.com Ultimate Woman international

Cornflake & Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops Who loves pork chops? Cornflakes have enhanced the taste of food for years! What a treat that melts in your mouth. This array of ingredients paired with the right wine will keep you wanting more. So, gather the family or a few friends and Cook on! This recipe is great for two or more.

Recipe by www.dariuscooks.com Ultimate Woman international

Cornflake & Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops Ingredients 4 center cut pork chops 1 cup of sour cream 1 cup of mayonnaise 1 teaspoon of onion powder 1 teaspoon of garlic powder 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon of dried basil 6 cups of crushed corn flakes 1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese 1 1/2 tablespoons of olive oil

Met Darius Cooks… Considering cooking to be simple, easy, and delicious, Darius Williams is the mastermind behind all things related to @DariusCooks. His work has been featured in various publications including Essence Magazine, BlackDoctor.org, TasteMade in America, and Food Network. Darius has appeared on the Food Network’s hit show “Cooking for Real” many times. The episodes repeat monthly! Learn more at www.dariuscooks.com

Ultimate Woman international

1. Preheat the oven to 350 2. degrees. 2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, mix together the mayo, sour cream, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, oregano, basil, and olive oil. Mix well and coat each of pork chops with the mixture. 3. Meanwhile, add the Parmesan and corn flakes to plastic food storage bag and toss each chop in the mixture to coat well. 4. Arrange each pork chop o nto a baking rack and roast in the oven for 25 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 155 degrees Fahrenheit. Enjoy warm!

A Delicious Dessert Anyone?

Here’s the recipe: Ingredients 1 box of French Vanilla flavored Jello pudding 1 cup of whole milk 1 container of cool whip 1 can of sweetened condensed milk 5 bananas, sliced Pepperidge Farm Chessman Butter Cookies Directions Mix jello pudding and milk together and let stand for just one minute. Add sweetened condensed milk and fold in the cool whip. Layer a glass with bananas, cookies, and the cream mixture. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours and enjoy. I had the pleasure of meeting Darius Cooks in Las Vegas. I am blessed to have met this entrepreneur ; who is taking it to the next level! His passion for food is a is brought to life in delicious recipes. What a treat! The food is amazing and have you got his cook book yet? He has a true talent with food and mixing the right ingredients blend together to have your mouth watering and wanting more. Thank you, Darius for you do and your great contribution to the food world and more! Success and Smiles, Brittany Ann Parrish Ultimate, Woman international Ultimate Woman international

Superior Nutrition It’s no secret that today’s convenience-driven, fast-paced lifestyle leaves little time to grocery shop and even less time to prepare well-balanced meals. It can be challenging to get the necessary nutrients your body needs.

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tea in every serving.

cups of tomatoes

•1 9 medium bananas to equal the amount of Riboflavin • 62 oz. of cheddar cheese to equal the amount of Vitamin B-12 • 5 large potatoes to equal the amount of Niacin • 61 cups of tomatoes to equal the amount of Folate • 2 large watermelons to equal the amount of Vitamin B-6 • 17 oz. of cherries to equal the ORAC value (antioxidants) • 37 medium mushrooms to equal the amount of Pantothenic Acid

19 bananas

55 eggs

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