Jobs romania teacher booklet 5 gymnasium

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JOBS General Gymnasium

Ready for the JOB! Preparing for our job exploration

J obs Booklet No.


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5 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated, reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic (CD-ROM, Internet, etc.) or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). This applies worldwide. Co-ordination of production, design and editing of these teaching and learning materials was carried out in cooperation between the Ministry of National Education Bucharest and the Centre IPE - International Projects in Education at the PH Zurich. Zurich, Bucharest, Brasov, 2013 The publication was financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), who is the sole owner and possesses all right, title, and interest in and to all proprietary intellectual property. Authors: Wiltrud Weidinger, Martin Keller, Rolf Gollob Translation: Tania Mihu (Romanian); please insert the name (Hungarian); Illustration: Peti Wiskemann


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium

Teachers’ Booklet 5 (For the General Gymnasium)

Ready for the JOB! Preparing for our job exploration Students booklet

Practical hints for the teacher

Topic 1: Finding a company to explore Task 1: Where the jobs are!


Preparation work. And alternative.


Task 2: Deciding which business to explore 12

Taking the first step means: understanding the task!


Task 3: Forming a tandem team for the exploration task

Learning- and working in tandems


Showing interest


Task 1: Feedback: what do we know about the 20 the businesses?

Students rethink their actions


Task 2: Coordinating all the visits


Students collect and display their information 22A

Task 3: The difference between active exploring and just passive watching!


The students will be active explorers


What can students do during exploration and an alternative.



Task 4: Selecting the businesses we will contact 18

Topic 2: We learn to be explorers

Task 4: Preparing your exploration tasks 28

Topic 3: Let’s be concrete! Task 1: The main information in booklet 6


Booklet six: the workbook for the exploration! 32A

Task 2: Understand Booklet 6 better


Students need their peers as supporters.


Task 3: Let’s make a draft plan for our visits!


Preparation means producing ideas


Task 1: Working on details day by day


Patience and ideas


Task 2: Presenting your preparation


Classroom arrangement!



Quality feed back


Topic 4: Preparation Day by Day!

Questions for the evaluation

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium


Booklet 5 - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore Taking important steps together with a working partner Business The term „business“ has at least three usages. The singular usage means a particular organization. The generalized usage refers to a particular market sector „the music business“ or forms such as agribusiness. The broadest meaning encompasses all activity by the community of suppliers of goods and services.

Booklet 5 – Topic 1 - Task 1: Where the jobs are!

X (X) X 60’

The task: You know where businesses and jobs are located in your surroundings and you identify a pattern.

Classroom organisation: All the tables are put along the wall. The chairs are in a big circle in the classroom. In the centre there is a huge map of your town or your quarter prepared by a group of students or the teacher.

Procedure: 1) 2)

You bring in all the information you collected about work places and draw mark it on the map. (This information has been collected at the end of Booklet 4.) Help each other finding the roads and places where all the businesses are located.

Materials: - 6

Results of your preparation task from the last Topic of Booklet 4

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Preparation work. Preparing the map is a task you need to think of. Maybe you prepare it together with a group of students. This would give them an additional possibility. This helps also to make use of those who are faster then others or are skilled. It might be already a step in finding specific competences. Alternative It is simply possible, that in a remote area there is not much opportunities to explore so many different places. Or the students find a lot of reluctance approaching business owners. This could be a moment, where you organise a joint, well prepared business visit in form of a joint exploration. This is only a solution, if there is no other possibility. Finding a place to do an exploration is often not so easy. So the reluctance of students is normal. There are also many jobs in school, that could be explored. There are many men and women working in the public sector. All these professions are possibilities to be visited, explored and described.

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


Jobs are divided in different classifications. Try to mark all the proposals on the map with colours.

• services • industry • education • health • crafts • public management • social work •

Maybe you can define other classifications? Discuss the results. - Can we see a pattern? - Is this result random? - People we know (neighbours, relatives, parents): in which sectors do they work?


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore

Booklet 5 – Topic 1 - Task 2: Deciding which business to explore


The task: You sit in the circle around the huge job map in your classroom.


Classroom organisation: You sit in a circle around the huge job map in your classroom. 30’


1 ) On the floor you have a huge variety of existing jobs and businesses. Your teacher or your school even might have additional lists of possibilities. 2) You will have to decide now, which business you would like to explore. For this you need to find your partner, you will work now for many weeks! If there is a reason why you want to work alone, explain it to your teacher. You need to know though, that for this work it is excellent to have a partner! 3) You choose at least three possible businesses you might want to explore.

Materials: - Information on the classroom floor. - Additional lists of possible businesses to explore from the teacher - Booklet 5


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Taking the first step means: understanding the task! The students should understand, that this is now not about a dream job. This might not be easy to cope with. But it could be easier to sit next by a shoe maker or visit a bakery where real products are produced and sold then in a huge company where it might be difficult to understand the procedures.

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


Criteria for selecting a job:

- How far away is it from my home? - Are they producing, selling, delivering etc. so I can see something, explore something, describe something? - Is there a possibility I can experience some work myself? - Will my parents possibly allow me to go there?

The jobs/businesses I would like to explore. Use the huge map on the floor or additional information from your teacher and choose at least three:

Name of the company


What they produce/deliver/do

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore

Booklet 5 – Topic 1 - Task 3: Forming a tandem team for the exploration task


The task: You have formed a tandem and you know more about each other’s competences.

Classroom organisation: 30’

In the plenary, then in pairs

Procedure: 1 ) First you will have a discussion about the team work ahead 2) Then you will decide on your partner to work with for the next weeks. a. Your best friend is not always also the best partner for the work ahead. b. Do your competences match? c. Does he/she have competences you don’t have and you need? 3) Think first about your values and options (see next page). 4) The selection process is not easy, it might be also supported by your teacher. 5) Once your team is formed, you fill out some kind of cooperation contract and you and your teacher(s) will sign.

Materials: - Booklet 5


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Learning and working in tandems The decision for a partner is very important in this moment. They will cooperate for many weeks! If you support the decision it is not a bad idea, to bring strong students together with strong, and rather week with equals. Why? Otherwise the strong ones might get slowed down or do all the work and the weaker ones could feel bad or just cling to the partner. So students understand the importance of cooperation, it is suggested to have a short plenary discussion first about cooperation and possible supporting elements. Very important: the best friend might not be the best partner! There the roles might already be divided and they are used to spend mainly leisure time together. Here a quote for the matter: In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed. Charles Darwin

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


Criteria for forming a team

The tandem team you have created will work together for two months. You will:

- Prepare the JOB exploration - Conduct the JOB exploration itself - Prepare the exhibition of your results

The task of creating this team of two will be done together with your teacher(s). They might want to support you or have some conditions.

Support other (s) Work out time plans

give constructive criticism

Accept critcism ..........

What is a good team member?


Value the strengths of others Accept opinions Stick to agreed work


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore

Our Team:

Team members:

The motto for our collaboration:

A symbol for our team:

We all agree with this team.

Date and signatures of team members and teacher(s).

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore


Booklet 5 – Topic 1 - Task 4: Selecting the businesses we will contact


The task: You have decided which firms you will contact as new team in which order and you have written your letters of interest.

Classroom organisation: You work in the newly formed tandems.



1 ) You introduce to each other your lists of companies with your preferences. 2) You decide together on a list of three in the order of you interest and you learn about their address, phone etc. 3) You write a letter of interest to your business in which you ask for the permission to do your exploration 4) Then you send your letter (or you bring it personally) together with the official letter from your school.

Materials: - Letter of interest - Letter of permission from school - Individual list of preferred businesses from last task


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Showing interest Here you decide as a teacher whether you really want to invest time in developing the competences of the students: They need to decide. They need to discuss. They need to write their letter of interest. They need TIME!!! And not all of them are capable of doing it right away. You are the guide. You support them You empower them. But you do not do it for them! There are hints for a draft letter of interest. Every student team has to develop their own letter. This is very important! Students must find out about the business and the letter has to show this. Maybe you write a model together with them on the blackboard, on flipchart or on the computer via beamer. This is a letter to a not existing business to give some hints. Or you let them present their first drafts. Sometimes businesses only accept a handwritten letter, others want to see it in a computer layout. Usually business want to know, if this is an official school plan. So your school should prepare a letter signed by you or even the principal that gives a short explanation. A draft of such a letter you will find on the JOBS webpage.

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


The business we want to explore Our list of preferences:

Name of business 1 2 3 (4)

Who will deliver (or send) the letter?

When do we deliver the letter?

Do we need a personal meeting? With whom?

What are the next steps, if we get a negative answer?


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore

The structure of a letter:

Your address The address of the receiver Place and date

Title of the letter: Application for a business exploration visit as a ‌

Greeting / salutation (make sure you find out the name of the addressee)

1st paragraph: Your reason for writing this letter and your intention (what you want to do).

2nd paragraph Your (school) situation at the moment, favourite subjects etc.

3rd paragraph Your motivation for this job, possibly your favourite leisure activities and what you have already done to get to know this job better.

4th paragraph What you expect from the business exploration: your aims

5th paragraph Your suggestions, possible meeting dates and concluding sentence

Letter closing and signature

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore


An example of a letter:

A model for the letter of interest! A local name A local street A local city A local tel number

Name Address City of a company

Brasov, 16th March 20XX Application for a business exploration visit Dear Mrs XXX, Thank you for the information you gave me when I contacted you by telephone on the 5th January. I am writing this letter to apply for a business exploration visit. I am currently at school in XXX, XXX, in my second year of secondary school education at level A. My favourite subjects are Mathematics and Foreign Languages. I chose your business because I am very interested in fashion and I like to dress fashionably. I enjoy social contact with people from different walks of life. I received information from my teacher about the job of retail manager. During my JOBS lessons, I also researched various sectors in this line of work. My aim is to use the business exploration visit to familiarise myself with everyday work in the retail industry. If possible, I would also really like to gain some insight into how the men’s clothing section is run. My ideal dates for a business exploration are xxxx. I hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely,


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 1: Finding a company to explore

Booklet 5 - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers Understanding the difference between active and passive visits Active Learning When I learn actively, then I learn, because I am interested. I want to know. I want to see. I want to listen. And this is all for my own future

Booklet 5 – Topic 2 - Task 1: Feedback: What do we know about the businesses?


The task: You have contacted the businesses and you give a report on the result.

Classroom organisation: 20’

In pairs

Procedure: 1 ) With your partner, you describe what the business has decided. 2) You plan the next steps of gaining information together 3) You work on a new approach if necessary

Materials: - Booklet 5 - Personal notes from the information visit


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Students rethink their action Life skills means, students need to rethink, before they go on with next steps. We give them a few questions to discuss in small teams, maybe in tandems. You decide: • • • • • •

Which companies did you contact? In which way did you contact them? What were the reactions? What were the answers? Is there a need for further information? Do you need help? Which?

Be very attentive during the discussions in the small groups. Go quietly from group to group and support them if needed. You might also tell to some teams to get help from others, that were successful. Peer learning needs to be supported by YOU!!

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


Which companies did you contact? In which way?

What were the reactions?

What kind of help do you need now?

Of what were you afraid?


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers

Booklet 5 – Topic 2 - Task 2: Coordinating all the visits


The task: You need to know who is visiting whom. You coordinate!


Classroom organisation: X 20’

On the wall of the classroom, there is a list.

Procedure: 1 ) 2)

The teacher gives some of you the task of preparing a list with all the companies your class will be visiting, or maybe even your school if more than one class is working on the ‘JOBS’-Project Each group notes down the companies they have asked and mark if the company has given its ok.

Materials: - Empty poster paper


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Students collect and display their information Chalk and talk – This is an English expression that criticises the way, teaching takes place too often. One way of overcoming this is by collecting answers, ideas, comments in a participatory way. Here your students work with a list on flip-chart paper (or on the blackboard). When done on a flipchart or poster paper, it can be put up the classroom wall. Also on a overhead slide it can be written and displayed. You might even discuss different types of lists and students come up with new ideas. Important: invest the time in doing so. Only then, the students discuss, share and compare.

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page




Contact when?



It is good to have an overview on all the business-contacts and about the success. On the wall of your classroom you should have such a list (on a flip chart paper or a poster at least this size). Decide in the whole class who shall prepare this. But all of you write in the list the businesses you have contacted and if you were successful of not. So for each team there might be more than one business on the list. Having such a list also helps not to interfere with each other


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers

Booklet 5 – Topic 2 - Task 3: The difference between active exploring and just passive watching


The task: You know more about your role as explorer. You describe it and you even be creative!

Classroom organisation: 40’

You work in your explorer team. You present the results.

Procedure: 1 ) 2) 3)

You fill the list next page about animals that have different ways of approaching the world around them. Take your time, find solutions, be creative! You might work together with the art teacher and prepare a little exhibition of collages, paintings or drawing. Use extra paper for this.

Materials: - Maybe journals, colours, scissors, drawing paper


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

The students will be active explorers Some students will be shy when it comes to exploring the business. They will have to learn to be curious, to be interested. To look, not to be shown. To listen, not to be told. To be interested, not just to receive information. By taking the tour in this task, they learn to distinguish. In the discussion they will also have to think about being polite and careful. It is not the safe school environment where mistakes - at worst - will only have the effect of bad grades. Here it is about real products and processes of production or selling or service. As much as possible also help them to use different ways expressing them selves. Art is a wonderful way. You might even do it yourself first or even together with your students. It is NOT a loss of time! Learning Through Art (LTA) is an approach, that cultivates student creativity by designing sustained, process-oriented art projects. They support learning across the curriculum. The program works either through collaboration between artist and teachers, art teachers and regular teachers or teachers themselves. Goal is to develop and facilitate art projects integrated into the school curriculum. See:

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


An explorer is not a passive consumer listening to anybody presenting anything. An active explorer wants to know, wants to see and wants to be informed. Try to figure out the differences between these two approaches:

Passive watching

Which animal represents which approach best? Draw an animal or look for a picture in a magazine, cut it out and glue it in here. Name the animal. Find at least three verbs that describe the two approaches. In your point of view, which colours represent the two approaches? Think of names of actors who are active explorers or passive consumers.

Give a short definition from your point of view.

An active explorer is a person, who...


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers

Active exploring

Additional task for interested students:

Collect magazines, newspapers, flyers etc. with pictures and photos in it. Look for pictures that could stand for activeness or passiveness. You might go on with pictures of animals or you might use also ‘passive’ or ‘active’ colours, landscapes, faces etc. Don’t forget: This is YOUR interpretation. So decide yourself!

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers


Booklet 5 – Topic 2 - Task 4: Preparing your exploration tasks


The task: You are better prepared for your days in the businesses


Classroom organisation: You work in your tandems 40’

Procedure: 1 ) 2) 3)

You learn about the four approaches: a. to observe b. to communicate c. to collect d. to collaborate Try to figure out what could match with the company you will explore. Use the tables on the next pages to get a clearer view

Materials: - Booklet 5


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

What can students do during exploration?

a) observe b) communicate c) collect d) collaborate

In booklet 6 all these tasks will be reported during exploration. This needs to be prepared and trained. It might be also for you somehow new, that students will not just be shown the business, the factory etc. by a member of the company. This approach is really different. Experience shows, that students are much more interested and learn more on the long run when they explore in the true meaning of the word. This needs to be prepared. One cannot walk in a business, a store, a factory and just invent exploration. Therefore we distinguish between four approaches: Observation, communication, collecting objects etc. collaborating wherever possible. Alternative As mentioned in Topic 1 task one, there might be the nee for am alternative approach. You might work in a very remote area or in a specific situation where individual exploration visits by the student tandems are not possible. Then you might have to come up with an alternative scenario. But again: it might be difficult for students to find an exploration place but not impossible. Support the students as intensive as possible to do so. By overcoming reluctance and difficulties they learn more then one can think. If there is really no other possibility you might have to organise a joint visit in a company, a business, a workplace. Make sure, that also for these visits the students are prepared to observe, communicate maybe even collect (information materials etc.). If they are well prepared, they are ready to ask questions, once they have the possibility. But for this, they need information, they need to prepare in small groups, they need to take paper and pencils along. Please avoid for such an alternative, that you students are just brought into a company as an unprepared group of tourists with no clue of what is going on. Teacher‘s Page


The four approaches and what we could do with them! Think about YOUR business that you will visit and try to imagine what can be done there‌ complete this list!

To observe: - sketch - draw - photograph, take pictures - film - compile lists - write texts - describe hand gestures - ..... - ..... - ..... To communicate: - individual interviews - interviews about specific topics - .....

To collect: - products - promotional brochures / leaflets - raw material - company documents - facts and figures - ..... - ...... - ..... To collaborate: - support - help - imitate - produce - procure - ..... - ..... - .....


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers

To observe Key questions What or whom could we observe? Where could this be in the company? What are the time limits or the difficulties? What is interesting? Can we take pictures or make a video? If yes, what of? To communicate With whom could we talk? Which professions, jobs, work are they doing? Are there any limits we have to think of? What could be interesting? To collect What could we collect and take with us? Is this information material or also products, raw materials etc.? To work Thinking about the company: What could we work as? Whom do we ask? What did we need to know to be able to do it? Could it be dangerous? In which way?

Our first ideas

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 2: We learn to be explorers


Booklet 5 - Topic 3: Let’s be concrete! Getting to know your exploration tool: booklet 6 for the visit. From plan to action A plan is a plan and nothing more. So if you want to have results, you must turn your plans into real action. A well done action on the other hand needs a good planning. So plan and action are closely connected.

Booklet 5 – Topic 3 - Task 1: The main information in booklet 6


The task: You understand how booklet 6 is written and what you can do with it.

Classroom organisation: 45’

You sit in a big circle together with all the other students and with your teacher. You have booklet six with you.

Procedure: 1)

Go through booklet 6 silently for approx. 20 minutes to have a first impression. The following page: ‘Booklet 6 – My Exploration Diary!’ will help you for the discussion! 2) The following points need to be discussed in the plenary: a. You will take the booklet along with you to the exploration. How will you use it there? b. What makes the booklet interesting, special, new? c. Go through it together page by page: What questions do you have?

Materials: - Booklet 6


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 3: Let’s be concrete!

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Booklet six: the workbook for the exploration! Booklet six is the notebook and the exploration report. Students take it along to their exploration visits. Therefore, they need to know it well - very well! - At first, they take a good look at it. - They will find many empty pages and lines. - Many tasks hidden in it. If you organise the class in a big circle, you have the possibility to support the understanding of this booklet much better. Take your time and support the students also in being patient. The more questions can be answered, the more they understand their task later on. If you have prepared the alternative joint business visits make sure you think before, which pages can be used well also when your students explore as a group.

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


Booklet 6 – My Exploration Diary! Read booklet 6 and take you personal notes. This way you are prepared for the plenary discussion!

What makes the booklet interesting, special, new?

Go through it together page by page: What questions do you have? Page

Comment or question


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 3: Let’s be concrete!

Booklet 5 – Topic 3 - Task 2: Understand Booklet 6 better


The task: You understand booklet 6 by analysing it together with your tandem partner.

Classroom organisation: You sit at your desk together with your tandem partner.


Procedure: 1) 2)

You go through the booklet individually in your tandems supported by the worksheet. Make sure, you really understand the tasks and match them with your first ideas you have already for your exploration.

Materials: - Booklet 6


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 3: Let’s be concrete!

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Students need their peers as supporters. By now your students are trained in organising the classroom quiet and fast into the different working arrangements. Remember: there are different movie clips available to have a look on how to arrange the rooms. You might have a look together with the students. Experience show: the sitting arrangement has a big impact in the learning. Once your students are skilled, it will not disturb your classes at all anymore to go from circle to groups or to normal sitting arrangements. After the discussion with you, the students will read booklet 6 again in tandems at their desks. By doing so, they try to think ahead and try to imagine, what the will have to do when they are in the businesses for their exploration. Some might have difficulties with the comments. Important: they can be very personal. Here some examples:

For taking pictures I will have to ask my mother for her camera and I will have to learn how to use it well.

Will I do this interview with a take recorder? Should I use my cell phone for it?

I really am afraid of talking to these people. I will need some help.

Additionally to the examples in the students’ booklet you might write a few examples of comments on the black board to support.

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


Booklet 6: Job exploration – what is important to us?

Example: Page

Short comment


If we want to make an interview we might have difficulties with the noise in thebig factory hall. We might need to see if we can sit in an extra room or office for this.


We will need to try out the camera well to know how to use it, so we will have good quality pictures. We need to discuss, which camera we will use and how we can print out the pictures.

Joint work in the tandem that will do the exploration together What looks interesting in Booklet 6? What would we like to do? Page


Comment or question

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 3: Let’s be concrete!

Booklet 5 – Topic 3 - Task 2: Let’s make a draft plan for our visits!

The task: X (45’) X (45’) 90’

You prepare a first draft plan of your four visits and present it to others in your class.

Classroom organisation: You start in your tandem team. Make sure the sitting arrangement suits your work. For the presentation in class your teacher will decide on the setting.

Procedure: 1) 2) 3)

First make a brainstorming using the list next page. For this you need to have some knowledge about the business you will explore. Start now to divide things you will like to do in the four fields for days 1 - 4. Just remember: this is a first draft plan, so you still can change. Present your draft plan to your classmates. Listen carefully to their ideas! They might give you ideas you did not have before!

Materials: - Booklet 5


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 3: Let’s be concrete!

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Preparation means producing ideas What students now draft will not be yet already their finished plan. It is their first ideas on what they could do. It is important to work on these proposals and ideas, because in this way, they start to imagine, what could be done during their several visits. At the end they might have to reduce a bit. That‘s good. Better then to be bored! Define tasks with possible time that is needed: Each visit-half day, the students might not be able to fulfil more than 2 to 4 tasks depending on the time. To interview somebody takes time. To take carefully pictures is a big task etc. And if they want to or are able to collaborate, then it takes half a day for sure. After a first brainstorming session, help them to become realistic.

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


Working on a first draft visiting plan

Now you will really start planning your four visits. This is very important. You cannot just walk in and look around. You need to have a plan of what you want to accomplish each day.

a) Observation: What do you want to see, to watch, to observe? b) Communication: To whom do you want to talk, whom do you want to interview? c) Collection: What could you collect? What objects, what information materials? d) Collaboration: What could you work yourself? Where could you help?

The list next page will help you to think again more about your possible tasks. Use also booklet 6!

Draw the Observation shop’s plan

Communica- Necessary tion training needed? Collection Promotion materials



Involve yourself in an activity within the shop (if you have the permission)

Documentation on the utility of the equipment Material satisfaction salary Describe all products you see

Photo (video) Marketing documenta- strategy tion

Working conditions

Specific signs Clients by gender and (warning, guiding, ad- age vertising etc.) Advantages/ Specific Management Marketing Work disadvantages tasks strategy description strategy (structure) Pictures of All the collected materials will be used to produce posters, the products/ daily reports, an exhibition services delivered Ask the em- Ask the Do everything carefully and very politely ployees how clients if you you can be of can help support them

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 3: Let’s be concrete!

Make a collage using fotos of the shop

Collect (and describe) activities

Our first visiting plan!

Visiting business / company Day 1 Date:

Day 2 Date:

Day 3 Date:

Day 4 Date:

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 3: Let’s be concrete!


Booklet 5 - Topic 4: Preparation Day by Day! The tandem teams make sure, they know and have all for the month to come by preparing day by day. Preparation A preparation is a way, one think carefully ahead. What needs to be ready? What could happen? What might I need? When you go for a hike you think about the food you might need, about the possibility of rain. What type of shoes will be suitable? Preparation for the exploration is different. But some elements are the same: the better prepared you are, the more you will enjoy it!

Booklet 5 – Topic 4 - Task 1 : Working on details day by day


The task: Now you go into details for planning each day.


Classroom organisation: 90’

You work in your tandems. You might sit at tables of four, so you could get support from another team if needed. If necessary, visit other teams and share your ideas and get new ones from the others.

Procedure: 1) 2) 3) 4)


With the notes you made during the last task and the feedback you got from your classmates, you now have more details and you can plan day by day. Maybe there is time and space for two, three or even four tasks during one day in your company. Go into all four approaches (observe, communicate, collect, work). You might talk to somebody from your business to be more realistic. If possible (if you chose a shop it is not a problem) you can visit the business again to look and observe what can be done. Do this in your free time. It is interesting!!

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 4: Preparation Day by Day!

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Patience and ideas You know your students well. You know which ones will need some extra support to be now careful and patient. This is not just done in a few minutes. It might even take some homework time. Support the students to know more about the business they visit. As described in the procedures for the students, they might have to learn more, visit once more just to know. This is work! And that‘s ok!

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


Visit 1 (Day 1)

Title of our task (what we will do)


What we have to prepare, what we have to take along, with whom we have to speak beforehand...

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 4: Preparation Day by Day!

How much time this could take

Visit 2 (Day 2)

Title of our task (what we will do)

What we have to prepare, what we have to take along, with whom we have to speak beforehand...

How much time this could take

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 4: Preparation Day by Day!


Visit 3 (Day 3)

Title of our task (what we will do)


What we have to prepare, what we have to take along, with whom we have to speak beforehand...

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 4: Preparation Day by Day!

How much time this could take

Visit 4 (Day 4)

Title of our task (what we will do)

What we have to prepare, what we have to take along, with whom we have to speak beforehand...

How much time this could take

JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 4: Preparation Day by Day!


Booklet 5 – Topic 4 - Task 2: Presenting your preparation

The task: You present your plan for your business exploration X

Classroom organisation: X 45’

All the teams are ready with all their materials and planning forms on their desk to show to others and to the teacher(s)

Procedure: 1) 2)

Now all should be ready for the next month. You present your planning to other tandem teams and to your teacher. The classroom is like a market place. You visit each other, you explain, you learn once more.

Materials: - Booklets 5 and 6 - Cameras, tape recorders, drawing materials etc.


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 4: Preparation Day by Day!

Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Classroom arrangement! A market place.. it says in the procedures for the students.. This can be a nice way of sharing ideas. As always: the way the classroom is arranged very often is important for the result. For a ‘market’ it might be good, to arrange the desks in a way, so everybody can visit everybody and discuss. Arranging this is not a loss of time! It is an investment in good learning!

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


Questions for the evaluation

You will be thinking and writing short texts about two themes: a ) contentwise, what you learnt, and b ) you as a learner, how you learnt. You find a series of questions, but you don’t have to answer them all! Probably you first make a list, or jot down some notes before starting writing here? Content: “Ready for the JOB” - What have you learnt about yourself, your strengths, interests, competences…? - Which aspect impressed you most? Why? - Which feedback impressed you most? Why? - Write a statement about what has become important to you. - What has surprised you? - What are you happy about? - Where do you see problems?


JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 4: Preparation Day by Day!

You as a learner - What have you learnt about the different work methods ? - Which method can you handle well, which needs further practice ? - Which situations during JOBS-lessons were the best for your learning ? - Which task in this booklet was the easiest, which the most fruitful for you ? - What helps you most in further learning situations ? - What has surprised you ? - What are you happy about ? - Where do you see problems ?

Feedback from the teacher:

Date and signature of the teacher: I have read and understood my teacher’s feedback. Date, my signature: JOBS Booklet 5 - General Gymnasium - Topic 4: Preparation Day by Day!


Practical hints:

Teacher’s page

Quality feed back For complex forms of learning, feedback maintains learner‘s motivation by keeping him on the task. One aspect of feedback that has been examined is the time delay between the learner‘s response and informative feedback. The correct learning should be immediately followed by a feedback; immediate knowledge of results helps the learner distinguish between the right and the wrong responses, and prevents the wrong associations from being unintentionally reinforced. Correct in our approach means: students have tried to give their own personal best. The results can be very different from student to student, but the individual student has taken steps from where he stands in his learning process. If these feedback pages from the teacher stay empty, then we cannot expect anything from the students either!

My preparation notes

Teacher‘s Page


The didactical elements of JOBS

1. Task-based-learning

2. From lecturer to facilitator

3. The art of waiting

4. Real time learning

5. Co-operative Learning

6. Differentiation and individual levels of quality

7. Goal-orientation

8. Formative Assessment

9. Creating an atmosphere of trust and respect

10. Diversity and heterogeneity

11. Orientation towards reality

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