PHHS Key Club | April + May 2021

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Apri l :

Venezi a Mej i a

T hr oughoutt he pr evi ousmont h and our t r ans i t i on t ot he new t er m,Venez i a has beencont i nui ngt os how herdedi cat i ont o KeyCl ubbyt ur ni nghercamer aondur i ng meet i ngsand par t i ci pat i ng i nt he event s wehol d.S hehasevenbeengoi ng t oour DCMsandchi mi ngi ni nt hechatwhens he can.I t ' seas yt os i mpl yt ypei naf ew wor ds orpr es st he but t ont ot ur nyourvi deo on, butnotever ybody doesi t ,s o we' r e ext r emel ygr at ef ulwhenVenez i adoes .S hei s al s oj us ta gr eatper s onover al land a f un per s on t ot al kt o!Bi g congr at st o herf or al s o bei ng our Di vi s i on May MOT M!



Mi chel l e Nguyen

Al t hough May wasver y bus y wi t ht es t sal l t hr oughoutt hemont h,Mi chel l econt i nuedt o at t endmanyofours er vi ceact i vi t i es ,di s pl ayi ng hercons t antcommi t ment .S eei ng member sl i ke Mi chel l e at event s when ex am s eas oni satahi ghands i gnupsar eatal ow hasbeenex t r emel ymot i vat i ngandi ns pi r i ng. Dur i ngoneofouri nper s onevent s ,t heHear t &S ol esRunPacketPi ckup,s heexhi bi t edKey Cl ub’ scor eval ues —l eader s hi p,i ncl us i venes s , char act erbui l di ng,andcar i ng—byr eachi ng outt ot heot hermember st hatpar t i ci pat edi n t heevent .S het r ul yr adi at espos i t i vi t yandan uns t oppabl e pas s i on f or Key Cl ub.

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