Annual Report to Executive & Council
The Pierce County Arts Commission Formed in 1985 to serve as a volunteer advisory group to Pierce County government. The commission is appointed for their interest, experience, and support of the arts.
THE COMMISSIONERS District 1 - Joyce Alvarez District 2 - Julio Jauregui District 3 - Codi Winans
District 4 - Philip Chang District 5 - Vacant District 6 - Vacant
Pierce County Arts Commission | Annual Report to Executive & Council 5.1.2022
District 7 - Kelly Johnson At Large - Brett Johnson At Large - Claudia Fornasiero
Pierce County Arts Commission OVERVIEW The Economic Development Department (EDD) manages the various programs related to the County’s arts programs, 1% for the Arts Fund, and the Arts Commission. This report features activities for 2021: 1% for the Arts Fund Rotating Art Collection Permanent Public Art Collection General Arts Program Art Grant Program Traffic Signal Box Art Wraps Regional High School Art School Award Program Economic Development Specialist - Arts
1% FOR THE ARTS FUND The mission of the 1% for the Arts Fund is to increase access to the arts for all Pierce County residents through a lasting legacy of publicly held artwork located in county-owned or countyleased facilities. Pierce County's 1% for the Arts ordinance (Ord #99-127S3) directs publicly-funded construction projects, with costs exceeding $100,000, to allocate one percent of the project budget for public art. The results of those projects are the County's Rotating Art Collection (110 pieces), and the Permanent Art Collection (15 pieces). The latest project, Chambers Creek Locks of Love, will bring the collection up to 16 pieces.
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Pierce County Arts Commission | Annual Report to Executive & Council 5.1.2022
Pierce County Arts Commission
GENERAL ARTS FUND: Traffic Signal Box Art Wraps
21 artworks 19 regional artists Call to Artists issued; 9.13.21 deadline Initial call to cover approximately 20 traffic signal boxes owned by Pierce County $500/selected artwork
GENERAL ARTS FUND: Art Grant Program Funded through EDD’s general fund to provide art grants in underserved areas of the County. In 2021, $23,000 in grants helped create this impact:
5 Projects reached more than 4,300 youth!
Lakewood Playhouse Poet's Journey School Tour Peninsula Hands on Arts Two Waters Arts Alliance Arts Education Program Fred Oldfield Western Heritage & Art Center- Art Camps
15 Youth art camps serving 150 students
Programming in 35 County schools
Pierce County Arts Commission | Annual Report to Executive & Council 5.1.2022
1,500 Art kits distributed to County students 3
Pierce County Arts Commission
GENERAL ARTS FUND: Regional High School Art Show Competition Program Competition open to students enrolled in grades 9-12 in any public or state-approved private school, as well as home-schooled students, in the Puget Sound Educational Service District (PSESD) region. Pierce County Arts Commissioners judge the Pierce County entries from the PSESD competition. Pierce County Executive Award Recipient
Pierce County Arts Commission Award Recipient
Pierce County Honorable Mention Award
Advanced to the State competition and won the InspireWA Award
Iris Rogel Title: Baby Leo Bonney Lake High School Grade 10
Elliot Carlsson Title: Bright Future Steilacoom High School Grade 11
Laurynn Riley Title: Mental Illness Bonney Lake High School Grade 11
Economic Development Specialist - Arts The Economic Development Specialist - Arts position is a part-time role that was created in November 2021. We are excited to introduce Kari Rinn, who joined the County in January 2022. This role will focus on creative sector retention, growth, and connection in addition to supporting the projects in this report. If additional information is needed, please contact a member of the EDD staff working with the Arts Programs and the Commission: Betty Capestany, Director 253.798.6926 Meet Kari Rinn! Valerie Coty, Administrative Assistant 253.798.7382 Kari Rinn, Economic Development Specialist - Arts 253-798-7365 Pierce County Arts Commission | Annual Report to Executive & Council 5.1.2022