Pilipino Express • Apr 2020

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Volume 16 • No. 7 • April 2020 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Angel Locsin

The Government of Canada is taking immediate action to protect Canadians and the economy from the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic. “No Canadian should have to worry about paying their rent or buying groceries during this difficult time. That is why we are taking the strong action needed to stabilize our economy and help those impacted by the COVID-19 virus. Together, we will get through this difficult time,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The government measures to be implemented are as follows: Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) To support workers and help businesses keep their employees, the government has proposed legislation to establish the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). This taxable benefit See CANADA p14

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Iza Calzado

Canada rushes help to families and business

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at a press conference in front of his residence at Rideau Cottage on the grounds of Rideau Hall in Ottawa. Photo credit: Justine Trudeau facebook.

Self-isolation mandatory for individuals entering Canada


Coco Martin

On March 25, 2020, Federal Minister of Health Patty Hajdu announced an Emergency Order under the Quarantine Act that requires any person entering Canada by air, sea or land to self-isolate for 14 days, whether or not they have symptoms of COVID-19. “The number of cases of COVID-19 is increasing daily – both at home and globally,” said Hajdu. “Earlier this month, we asked travellers entering Canada to self-isolate for 14 days to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. To protect the health and safety of returning Canadians and those who are around them, we are strengthening our measures at the border. Travellers returning to Canada will be subject to a mandatory 14-day self-isolation under the Quarantine Act.” The order is now fully implemented by the Canada Border Services Agency at all points of entry and anyone who fails to self-isolate will face a fine of up to $750,000 and/or imprisonment for six months. A person who causes a risk of imminent death or serious bodily harm to another person while wilfully or recklessly contravening the act or the regulations could be liable for a fine of up to $1,000,000 or imprisonment of up to three years, or to both. Spot checks are being conducted by the Government of Canada to verify compliance. All individuals permitted to enter Canada See SELF-ISOLATION p3

MHEL ELAGO (204) 955-4654







APRIL 2020

APRIL 2020

SELF-ISOLATION... From page 1 are subject to this order, with the exception of certain persons who cross the border regularly to ensure the continued flow of goods and services, and those who provide essential services. Individuals exempt from the order will still need to practice social distancing and self-monitoring and they must contact their local public health

PILIPINO EXPRESS authority if they feel sick. Individuals displaying symptoms of COVID-19 after arriving in Canada may not use public transportation to travel to their place of isolation. They also may not isolate in a place where they will be in contact with vulnerable people, such as seniors and individuals with underlying health conditions. SOURCE: Public Health Agency of Canada




APRIL 2020

Tech in the time of coronavirus One day in elementary school a classmate of mine brought a small handheld gadget to class that got us all agog. I no longer remember what it was but it was made of metal and had rotating wheels that he would manipulate to add and subtract numbers. Naturally we all wanted to try it, but the commotion the little thing made caught the attention of our teacher as she walked in. She approached our classmate, asked what the object was, and when she heard the answer she promptly confiscated it and sent the poor boy to the principal’s office. She then launched into a lecture on how we must not rely on a gadget like that and instead make sure we knew how to do our math in our head. The same thing happened a few years later when another classmate came into class with an electronic calculator, the first one we had ever seen. But soon after that, calculators became more and more ubiquitous, so much so that by the time I was in third year high school we were actually required to have calculators for subjects that dealt with numbers. In just a few years’ time such gadgets went from contraband to classroom essential. I am reminded of this these days as most countries lock down and people all over the world are told to stay home in a bid to prevent coronavirus from spreading. For many of us, it is still possible to work, do business, attend virtual classes, talk with people, and do a wide range of things using modern technology. And for the majority of those who are connected, the tool of choice is the mobile phone, which has become cheap enough for most everyone to own. But even up to the time the

pandemic was declared, I still had conversations with people who believed phones are a bane and should not be allowed for children. Some of the reasons I’ve heard are that kids don’t learn well with screens, their attention span gets shorter, they can get addicted to games, and more. I agree that phones (and tablets, for that matter) have their downside, but I’ve always thought these concerns were misplaced. Instead of seeing them as bad things that need to be kept away from children, they ought to be considered learning tools that can expand the minds of kids. It’s like the proverbial knife that can be either a tool or a weapon, depending on who wields it. And now that we are in the thick of community quarantines, we are seeing the importance of these gadgets and how they can, in fact, be useful tools. Children all over the world are now learning through their phones and tablets, and I see parents who had previously been wary of technology embracing it now and using it to their children’s benefit. Online learning tools are also popping up and parents are able to choose from a wide range that best suit their children. It’s not just in the area of education, of course. Many people had criticized technology for supposedly separating us from each other, but look what’s keeping us together now. Had it not been for social media, video calls, chats, emails, and even the old-fashioned phone call, we would all be sitting in miserable isolation inside our homes right now. Instead, we remain connected to each other as we use modern technology to talk to each other across the seas or across the street.

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EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

PAUL MORROW Art Director


Graphic Designer/Photographer

ALEX CANLAPAN Photographer •••••••••

The media are also finding that creative use of mobile technology has become necessary. For two weeks Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte conducted her daily live radio interviews from her home using a mobile phone because she had to be in isolation after being exposed to people who later tested positive for coronavirus. And the past few days even the anchors of the radio station had to air their shows from their homes as part of the city’s enforcement of community quarantine. Without mobile technology, such an arrangement would have been impossible, and media would have had to either expose themselves to the virus by going out or shut down their operations completely. And with correct information being key to the success in the fight against coronavirus, the latter is not an option.

Tech has its downside, of course. Children can be exposed to all the bad things the Internet offers, and even adults fall prey to the evils that lurk therein. Fake news certainly does proliferate online and many people still believe these things to the point of causing panic. But I believe these negatives are far outweighed by the positives at this time, and we can choose to use these tools to our disadvantage. Like it or not, the coronavirus pandemic is forcing us to prove technology’s value, and I believe we are succeeding. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Editor-InChief of the Davao City-based Mindanao Daily Mirror. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

A season of pause

COVID-19 has certainly taken us all on a rollercoaster ride, hasn’t it? Apart from frontline workers and those part of essential services, we have all been repeatedly asked to stay home in order to help #flattenthecurve. I am usually a very on-thego person with a full agenda of activities. Being at home almost all hours of the day, seven days a week is out of my comfort zone. I must admit; the first few days of quarantine were challenging for me to navigate. One of the concerns on my mind was, “how am I supposed to be productive during this time?” However,

this uneasiness only revealed to me just how much I needed this “pause button” in my life right now. I am re-discovering the importance of slowing down. During this season of pause, I have already learned many things. The following quotes encompass how I feel very well. They might just resonate with you as well: • “God is more interested in what He’s doing TO you then what He’s doing THROUGH you” • “Don’t forget that our primary role is still to be a human being, not a human doing.” • “Once she stopped rushing through life, she was amazed at

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how much more life she had time for” • “If you don’t even have 30 minutes to take a mindful break, you definitely need at least an hour” • “Your worth is not defined by your productivity” I want to encourage you to do some simple reflection and ask yourself, “How do I spend my time?” Whatever your answers are to that question, I hope they follow the general themes of joy, love, and peace. I hope that you can also find the beauty in slowing down your days simply by – being. I would like to leave you with a slow and beautiful moment to experience for yourself when you wake up tomorrow morning. Begin your day slowly by engaging your five senses: 1. Open your eyes and

bring your attention to finding something in your room that you may have not noticed in a while. If you make this part of a daily practice, make sure not to look at the same thing every morning. In ensuring you look for variety, this tells your mind that you are awakening to a different and new day. 2. Listen to the sounds around you. What do you hear? Do you hear sounds from the outside? Anything else? 3. Feel the comfort of your bed and surroundings. It’s a blessing that you have a place of rest. 4. Drink a nice glass of water and taste how it nourishes you and how dehydrated your body was from the hours spent asleep. 5. Take a deep the breath in and smell the air around you, knowing that with each breath you take, that is a sign of life.


Youth Contributors

Aksyon Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK)


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APRIL 2020

March 30, 2020: It’s Day120 of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although its official declaration was barely three weeks ago, the pandemic traces its beginning to the outbreak of pneumonia due to an unknown microbe in Wuhan, China on December 8, 2019. We now understand that while the team of medical scientists and doctors was still searching for the specific pathogen, it was already making its contagious travel even before it was identified and given its official name, “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)” and the respiratory illness named “coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).” Crossing the three-quartermillion mark To date, this globetrotting agent of acute respiratory distress and death has brought its virulence to more than threequarter-million people, and counting, across 177 countries. It has claimed the lives of 36,211 patients (4.79 per cent) from the 755,591 total population sickened. In five countries, patient-count has exceeded 50,000: USA –148,089; Italy – 101,739; Spain – 85,195; China – 82,198; and Germany – 63,929. Of whom 25,398 succumbed to the disease: USA – 2,599 (1.76 per cent); Italy – 11,591 (11.39 per cent); Spain – 7,340 (8.62 per cent); China – 3,308 (4.02 per cent); and Germany – 560 (0.88 per cent). The Philippines has reported 78 deaths (5.04 per cent) from its cumulative total of 1,546 patients. Canada’s situation and response Canada has 70 deceased (0.96 per cent) from its total of 7,288 patients sickened. Of whom, one (1.56 per cent) is from Manitoba’s 64 total patients. The number of deceased in the five provinces with the most number of patients are: Quebec – 25 (0.73 per cent) of 3,430 patients; Ontario – 23 (1.35 per cent) of 1,706 patients; British Columbia –17 (1.92 per cent) of 884 patients; Alberta – 3 (0.45 per cent) of 661; Newfoundland and Labrador – 1 (0.68 per cent) of 148 patients. All provinces have declared either a public health or state emergency or both for a14day duration, and extendable by some. These emergency declarations have put in place the public health tools of social distancing: an enforceable ban on mass gatherings, closure of recreational facilities, withdrawal of non-essential public services, limits to travel, home quarantine, stay-home directives, and directives to maintain a twometre distance between people. A breach of these measures incurs a fine and/or jail term. Health Minister Paddy


Hadju makes a weekly call to her provincial counterparts. This ensures the coordination and credibility of messaging, Canada-wide. The federal government has kept its option on the National Emergencies Act open. Meanwhile, it has focused on imposing two-week self isolation upon arrival from international travel; providing a vital economic and funding package for citizens, businesses and the medical research community; and reinforcing the need to stay home and maintain physical distancing. Clinical trials of drugs and a vaccine To my estimation, the many public measures that have been put into action, stressful as they are to citizens, have helped in the overall fight against this pandemic and have produced the desired results – slowing and suppressing the spread of the disease and a surge of patients. These results will prevent an overwhelming burden on our health care system and give us time as we wait for two therapeutic necessities – vaccine and drugs. A. Vaccine Vaccines to promote immunity against COVID-19 would be ideal to have, but they take time to develop and be widely available. “A vaccine trial in the US has now given a dose to its first participant…and might be available as early as Fall 2020,” the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases announced on March 17. Indeed, many projects in addition to this first one are ongoing. One hopes at least one succeeds, and soon be available. B. Drugs and other nonpharmaceutical treatments Meanwhile, we search for pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical compounds. One of the first reports on a potential clinical trial of an anti-viral drug in China came from Montreal researchers on February 28th. We have not heard of a progress report yet. Reportedly also, the US Food and Drug Administration is expediting clinical trials of a blood plasma treatment for patients seriously ill in New York. The hope is that the antibodies in the recovered person’s blood will help the patient. Rockefeller University scientists are trying to refine the process. “More than 500 clinical trials are already registered with the WHO…This is impressive but also concerning,” wrote Drs. Cheng, Lee, Tan and Murthy in the March 26, 2020 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Let me quote from their commentary, “Generating randomized trial


Clinical horizons for hope in the COVID-19 pandemic evidence to optimize treatment in the COVID-19 pandemic,” to emphasize some key points: “When faced with an unknown and frightening disease …some clinicians and patients will feel strongly compelled to try unproven therapies based on theory…animal models, clinical anecdotes…In the COVID-19 pandemic, experimental medications…have already been widely used…There is a strong ethical and clinical argument for replacing such “random” care with randomized care, in which patients are routinely randomly assigned to the most promising available option(s) or to control arm(s), so that evidence regarding the safest, most effective therapies may be generated in the shortest possible time…This strategy would allow clinicians to be satisfied that they are doing everything possible for their severely ill patients while contributing to new knowledge… Canada will start by evaluating lopinavir–ritonavir, compared with optimized supportive

care…. As the pandemic evolves, the temptation to use unproven medications will be tremendous, but Canadian clinicians must maintain a commitment to the rigorous gathering of scientific evidence… so that we may quickly improve outcomes for all patients with COVID-19 worldwide.” The four groups of drugs and combinations that have been chosen are: 1) remdesivir, 2) a combination of two drugs, lopinavir and ritonavir, 3) the two drugs plus interferon beta, and 4) hydroxychloroquine. The World Health Organization is coordinating this project. Ten countries are hosting the clinical trials. In the USA, New YorkPresbyterian and Columbia University Irving Medical Center, and the University of Minnesota are pursuing their own clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine: With many countries very quickly participating in robustly controlled randomized clinical trials, we could expect definitive results – effective and safe

drugs versus non-beneficial and harmful drugs – as early as a few months from today. These are our clinical horizons for hope. Hon. Dr. Rey D. Pagtakhan, P.C, O.M., LL.D., Sc.D., M.D., M.Sc. graduated from the University of the Philippines College of Medicine and the University of Manitoba (UM) Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research and trained at the St. Louis Children’s Hospital-Washington University Medical Center. He is a retired lung specialist and professor of pediatrics and child health from the Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine. As Canada’s former Secretary of State for Science, Research and Development, he made a presentation on “The Global Threat of Infectious Diseases” at the G-8 Countries’ Science Ministers and Advisors Group Meeting held on June 1315, 2003 in Berlin, Germany. reypagtakhan@mail.com.



APRIL 2020

IRCC takes special measures for COVID-19 Canada has been taking measures to control the impact of COVID-19. The government has taken steps to control admissions to Canada as well as immigration to the country. On March 15, 2020 IRCC also announced special measures to help temporary and permanent residents and applicants affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19). There are special restrictions and instructions in place for applicants from China, Iran and South Korea because of the virus. IRCC will also make allowances for disruptions caused by the coronavirus outbreak around the world. These disruptions could include visa application centre (VAC) closures; service disruptions at Canadian visa offices; travel plan disruptions; limited access to local government offices and limited access to a panel physician who can do the immigration medical examination.

Recommended changes include on line submissions of temporary resident visas, study permits and work permit applications rather than paper submissions at the VAC. When in doubt, check the information available online from IRCC and/ or your local visa section. The following are some general questions and answers regarding the changes in IRCC procedures caused by the virus. If you’ve been approved for permanent residence If your permanent residence application has been approved but you can’t travel to Canada before the Confirmation of Permanent Residence form expires, you can contact IRCC officials by using the IRCC web form to tell the departmental officials why you can’t travel, including travel restrictions, admission restrictions to Canada, and fears about exposure to COVID-19. The same opportunity applies

to persons whose Confirmation of Permanent Residence forms have recently expired. You must explain why you couldn’t travel. Permanent residence applicants inside Canada should be aware that starting March 16, 2020 there will be no more in-person appointments. Rather, candidates for landing will be interviewed by telephone. IRCC will contact you by email to let you know when your phone appointment will be. Use the IRCC web form if you need to update your contact information. If you’ve applied for temporary or permanent residence and are outside Canada IRCC assures applicants that they will not be refused if they cannot complete the next step due to the impact the coronavirus. This will apply to temporary resident visas, work permits, study permit and permanent residence applications. The next steps include a request for submission of passports or supporting documents,

such as police certificates. No application in process will be closed or refused due to a lack of documentation. IRCC will automatically give you 90 days to complete the steps. The submission of biometrics has been extended from 30 days to 90 days for compliance. If you change your mind and withdraw you application, you can notify immigration through the IRCC web form. You can receive a refund if the processing has not already started. If you are about to apply for permanent residence through Express Entry You must submit your application within 90 days of receiving your invitation to apply. If you are missing documents required for completeness because of disruptions related to the coronavirus, you can still submit your application. You must submit a letter explaining why you are missing documents. Your application will be put on hold until further notice.

Otherwise, when you are able to provide the missing documents, they can be submitted via the IRCC web form. These questions and answers are not complete but can be a useful guide. If you have further questions, refer to the IRCC web page. Ensure that the applicant is always in status in Canada and keep immigration officials informed about changes in your case or failures to provide required documentation. The IRCC web form, in particular, is a useful tool. Stay calm, stay safe, but take precautions when dealing with immigration matters. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

It’s OK, I don’t bite Do you think, in the year 2120, people will be talking about COVID-19 (also known as novel coronavirus) in the same way we talk about the Spanish Flu from the early 1900s? To date, this virus has afflicted hundreds of thousands around the globe. In a matter of a few short months, we’ve lost loved ones and close friends. If you ask me, we’ll be talking about this for a really, really, long time. I would like to share my utmost condolences if you have lost someone due to this global pandemic. I am sorry for your loss. I would also like to stand up and applaud the many essential service workers who have been crucial in caring for our communities. Those who work in hospitals, first responders, gas station attendants and those working in our grocery stores – the list goes on. I know you are tired, but hang in there. We need you. Our world has been flipped upside down. One by one, we watched news of countries shutting down. It started with closures in China then Italy, Iran, Spain and the world followed suit. The world’s longest border between two countries (US and Canada) has essentially closed. Who would have thought we would be where we are today?

Thankfully, Canada acted quickly. We were told to stay home. We closed schools and kept to metres apart from others when we left our homes. For the most part, people listened. I had a tough conversation with one of the kids who asked to have friends over during spring break. I had to explain that even if you and I feel fine, we may have the virus and can pass it along to his friends. The same goes both ways. Were you someone that waited in line before Costco opened so that you could buy toilet paper or cleaning wipes? Through this hysteria, I was quite surprised how some people were outright criticizing people who had carts full of “essential goods.” I get their point, no one needs more than one pack of toilet paper if we are to be quarantined for two weeks. But is there a right way to act during these unprecedented times? No judgement here, I too purchased a bulk pack of TP, just in case. COVID-19 is relentless. It does not discriminate. It affects people of all colours, race and age. It also brought with it crashing stock markets, lay offs, loss of income and the closure of many companies. We will feel its affects for years to come. Since I am a glass-half-full kind of guy, I’m going to share

some of the positives that it brought. First, please don’t think I am making light of this terrible situation. I am not. But there have been some major changes in the way we now live our lives. My commute is the shortest it has ever been. I could literally wake up at 7:58 a.m. and still be in time for my 8 o’clock meeting. You guessed it – I am working from home. Or perhaps I am selfisolating at work? You’ll never know. Another positive? Gasoline prices in Manitoba are lower than what they were when I first started driving in 1991. Sadly, I live in BC, so that means I am still paying over a dollar per litre. Enjoy it while it lasts. What will it look like next week, next month or next year? Will this era of social and physical distancing change the way we stand in line at the bank or the grocery store? Will we be afraid to hug or shake hands? I’ve already noticed a difference when going for evening walks. Normally cheery people now keep their heads down and don’t say hello. It’s not like you’ll get coronavirus if you look me in the eye and smile, right? Once we emerge from these trying times, I will most likely return to my old ways. I will shake your hand, look you in the eye and say hello. It’s OK, I don’t bite, but excuse me while I get my hand sanitizer. Dale manages the communications department for a school district in B.C.

APRIL 2020



New COVID-19 work norms Professor Robert Kelly, also known as “BBC Dad” became a viral Internet sensation in 2017. Professor Kelly is an American political analyst on inter-Korean affairs and associate professor in political science at Pusan National University in Korea. You may recall the viral video clip of Professor Kelly struggling to concentrate during his live TV interview when his children innocently ambushed his home office. Currently, what does the majority of the workforce have in common with Professor Kelly? Many parents including myself are experiencing a new global work-from-home norm as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whatever the type of work you do, whether you are working on the front-lines or working from home, there are so many new norms that we must incorporate into our current lifestyle. Here are some tips to help you cope with some of the challenges

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, there lies so much uncertainty, worry and fear. Our routines have been disrupted and life is just not the same. But one thing that is certain is that we are all in this together. Our focus is on keeping our selves, our loved ones, neighbours, and communities as safe and healthy as possible. Seven steps towards physical and mental wellbeing 1. Be diligent with hand washing, physical distancing, and coughing into your upper sleeve and elbow. Avoid crowds and disinfect frequently used surfaces. Cancel or postpone non-essential travel and if you are sick, stay at home. For more information, go to: https://www.covid19manitoba. ca/ 2. Know that it is normal and valid to feel anxious, scared, panicked, angry, exhausted, lonely, and helpless. At other times, you might also feel generous and appreciative of others, and be assured by a sense of teamwork and co-operation in the community. • Everyone deals with heavy feelings differently, but it is important to acknowledge them. Try writing down your thoughts, talking to someone you trust, praying and meditating, going for a quick walk, cooking, doing a puzzle or an art project, cleaning and organizing, or exercising at home.

attributed to the pandemic: Loneliness in isolation In the effort to flatten the curve, public health officials have advised Canadians to selfisolate, work from home and stay home. While the situation is very stressful for everyone, it is normal to feel this way as it is a natural human response. However, in order to keep our sanity, we need to take steps to stay socially healthy. This may sound a bit peculiar, but we do not only go to work to earn a living; we also go to work to interact with people. I am not suggesting that we should visit our co-workers at home and hang out for coffee. There are other ways to stay connected while following the rule of social distancing – such us the use of several conferencing platforms like Zoom for example. Working from home For people who are mobile or who travel a lot, working remotely is an expectation and a normal way to perform their

• Try to find at least three things to be grateful for every day, no matter how big or small. For instance, you might think about the dedicated healthcare workers in Canada. Or you might appreciate the smile and wave you got from a neighbour. 3. Remember that you have been able to manage stress in the past. Even though this pandemic is a new situation, you have gotten through difficult times before. Draw upon these experiences. 4. Limit the sources of stress. For some, it is tempting to read and watch the news for most of the day. Limit the time you spend doing this. Keep your screen time to 1-2 hours per day, and turn off all TVs, phones, tablets and electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime. 5. Make self-care a priority. Drink enough water, eat healthy meals, wash your hands frequently, and exercise indoors. Take a quick walk to get fresh air. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, ensuring that you get enough sleep. Even if you are isolating at home, establish a routine for you and your family. 6. Stay connected with your loved ones through phone calls and video chats. If needed, reach out to resources such as health care providers, spiritual care providers and professional counsellors. Check in with anyone who might be isolated, and if you are healthy,

duties while physically away from work. There are many challenges associated with working from home because there are quite a few logistical requirements involved. It can include living conditions such as good personal working habits, space and technology. For a person who has never worked from home, it can be a logistical nightmare. Before you can start working from home, a dedicated space is important, whether that space means setting up your workstation in the living room, dining area or a spare bedroom. The setup looks different for each person, so you must figure out a dedicated workstation in your home that is compatible with your needs. Another thing to keep in mind is the importance of setting boundaries. A door would be nice to have, but not every person who works from home has this luxury. Some homes have an actual home office, but if one is not in place, it may

be difficult to set boundaries, especially when children are around. One challenge that most parents face is the difficulty of having to homeschool children while they work from home. The reality is that parents who provide education support will have longer days, as it is quite difficult to work and teach at the same time. So most parents end up either working early in the morning or late in the evening in order to fulfill their work responsibilities uninterrupted. With this in mind, it would be appropriate to make the employer aware of the reality that you face at home so that expectations and boundaries can be managed. Feelings of anxiety Those who are still able to work are quite fortunate. Many workers and self-employed individuals are experiencing a different type of anxiety. Long periods of anxiety may lead to mental un-wellness. Exercise and keep your body moving to

keep your mind pre-occupied and stay fit at the same time. One fun idea is to participate in workout sessions with your family or friends via Zoom. On the bright side, the COVID-19 situation is only temporary. While we don’t know when it will be resolved, we can only try to make the best of it. Engage in self-care by keeping yourself healthy and happy. Source: www.npr. org/2020/03/26/821881012/ there-he-goes-family-who-wentviral-on-bbc-returns-to-discussworking-from-home This article is intended for information purposes only and not to be considered as professional advice. Michele Majul-Ibarra, IPMA-ACP holds an Advanced Certified HR Professional Designation with the International Personnel Management Association. E-mail her at info@pilipinoexpress.com.

Together we stand: Getting through the COVID-19 pandemic offer to drop off groceries and supplies at their door. • In mid-April, Manitoba will launch the AbilitiCBT Digital Therapy Program where a professional therapist will help people with anxiety symptoms related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is accessible from home and free. For more information, go to: https:// manitoba.ca/covid19/bewell/ • On March 23, the Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba (ADAM) established a telephone support line at (204)

925-0040. People are invited to leave a message at this number and a representative will get back to them. • For people who are suicidal, in crisis and struggling to cope, call the 24/7 Klinic Crisis Line at (204) 786-8686. • The new provincial initiative www.HelpNextDoorMB.ca helps residents in greatest need, such as the elderly and disabled, to be safely matched with a volunteer and community support. Services include accessing groceries and medication, and snow clearing.

7. Stay informed. As mentioned, do not spend most of your day tuned into media broadcasts. Get your health information from reliable resources only such as: • www.sharedhealthmb.ca • www.canada.ca • World Health Organization: www.who.int Let’s stand together Canadians and get through this! Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.



APRIL 2020

Biological pollutants in the home Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is now necessary that we follow our health officials’ recommendations on social distancing and self-isolation. In doing so, we must ensure that our homes are healthy as each of us has a role in preventing the spread of the virus. Biological pollution is often attributed from exterior environments, but it can also be a problem where we least expect it, in the place we may have believed was invulnerable – our home. Research has shown that indoor air can be even more contaminated than outdoor air. Because of our cold climate, many Canadians stay indoors up to 90 per cent of their time, hence, increasing the risk of developing health problems to vulnerable people like infants, young children, the elderly, and those with chronic diseases. Biological pollutants are substances that come from living organisms. They encourage poor indoor air quality, which can cause several days absent from work, school, social gatherings, and medical visits. Biological pollutants are often invisible, can transmit through the air, and can even damage surfaces

inside and outside your house. The most common indoor biological pollutants are moulds, mildew, infectious bacteria, viruses, pollen, animal dander (microscopic scales from hair, pet furs, feathers, or skin), dust mites and cockroach parts. Many of these biological pollutants are inside every home and it is difficult to completely eliminate them all. Even a seemingly unblemished home may still permit the spread of biological pollutants. Biological pollutants may be found in a dirty furnace, dirty air-conditioner, dirty ducts, a bathroom without a vent or window, a kitchen without a vent or a window, a laundry area with an unvented dryer, an unventilated attic, a damp carpet on a basement floor, bedding, a closet beside an exterior wall, an unclean pet; and unattended water damage in walls and ceilings. Biological pollutants can trigger allergic reactions, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allergic rhinitis, and asthma. Among the common symptoms of health problems initiated by biological pollutants include watery eyes, shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing, dizziness,

tiredness, fever and digestive complications. Allergic reactions happen only after recurrent contact to a specific biological allergen but they may occur again after re-exposure, or after numerous exposures over time. There are two major causes that help generate conditions for growth of biological pollutants: nutrients and persistent moisture with poor air ventilation. Be aware of the presence of materials that contain nutrients that permit biological pollutants to grow such as dust, firewood, and construction materials (wood, wallboard and insulation). Inspect the condition of appliances that add moisture to the air such as humidifiers, propane heaters, washers, clothes dryers, dishwashers and gas stoves. Look for musty odours and moisture on hard surfaces, attics and crawlspaces, basements, bathrooms, carpets, heating and air-conditioning ducts, humidifiers and dehumidifiers. The quantity of moisture that the inside air can hold depends on the air temperature. During summer when the temperature is high, the air is humid and can hold more water. However, as the temperature drops during the winter season, the air becomes drier because it is less capable of carrying water than higher temperatures. This is the reason why, during winter season, moisture condenses on the cold surfaces of windows and poorly insulated exterior walls. • Repair leaks and seepage. Water leaks in plumbing pipes and washroom fixtures can provide a breeding ground for biological pollutants to grow. • Install a vapour barrier over dirt crawlspaces to prevent moisture from coming in from

the ground. Make sure that crawlspaces are dry and well ventilated. • Turn on bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans to move moisture to the exterior. • Pay special attention to carpet on basement floors as it can absorb moisture and serve as an abode for biological pollutants to grow. If you are installing carpet over a basement concrete floor, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier and sub-flooring to minimize moisture problem. • Have heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) units serviced and cleaned regularly, as these units may likewise become a source of biological pollutants if they are not properly maintained. • Remove mould from all affected walls, ceilings, and floors using cleaning chemicals that are easily available in most hardware and grocery stores. Paint, stain, varnish, or a

moisture-proof sealer should not be used to cover up the moulds, as they may just resurface. These are some simple and practical ways that you can do to help eradicate biological pollutants and prevet its reoccurrence. These recommendations are not exhaustive and may not be applicable to every house. Do your research and seek advice of professionals to determine the appropriate solutions for your house. Stay safe and may you and your family be free from biological pollutants. Norman Aceron Garcia, P.Eng. is an accredited professional in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design specializing in Building Design + Construction. In 2015, Norman founded Mr. Peg Property Inspections, a social enterprise that advocates green building design and climate change adaptation strategies.

MARCH 1 - 15, 2020





APRIL 2020

• ABS-CBN – Tuloy pa rin kahit naka-quarantine ang mga talents • Angel Locsin – Anghel na ipinadala ng langit sa mahihirap • Coco Martin – Pagtatanim ang dibersyon ngayong lockdown • Willie Revillame – Tuloy pa rin ang Wowowin kahit nasa Mindoro • Ellen Adarna – Itinulad sa “black hole” ang pagsasama nila ni JLC • Iza Calzado – Positive sa Covid-19, nagpapagaling pa • Kris Aquino – Mahina ang immune system, dapat mag-ingat • Virus ka lang, Pinoy ako! – Kaya natin ito! Eksaktong dalawang linggo na tayong nakapailalim sa enhanced community quarantine kahapon. Ganoon din kahaba ang panahon na hindi namin nasisilip ang langit dahil literal lang kaming nasa loob ng bahay. Sa mga tulad naming palaging abala sa trabaho sa labas ay napakahirap ng ganitong sitwasyon. Ang bagal-bagal ng oras. Nakakainip, nakakaburyong at iba pang mga terminong maaaring gamitin sa ganitong sitwasyon. Kung nagtanim nga kami ng kamote ay may talbos na ngayon. May pangsahog na sana kami sa sinigang na hindi na kailangang bumili pa sa palengke. Naka-house arrest din ngayon ang mga artista, pero nakagagawa ng paraan ang ABS-CBN na makapagtawid ng kanilang programa nang live sa pamamagitan ng Zoom, nasa kani-kanilang bahay lang ang mga singers at artista nila. Sa isang panahon na lalong kumakabog ang ating dibdib dahil sa padagdag nang padagdag na bilang ng mga kababayan nating dinadapuan ng mapamuksang virus ay masarap namang kahit paano’y malibang tayo sa pamamagitan ng pagkakantahan ng mga personalidad. Sabi nga ng kaibigan naming propesor, “For a change naman. Dalawang linggo na tayong pinanenerbiyos ng COVID-19, kaya malaking bagay ang ginagawa ng ABS-CBN.

“Nalilibang tayo kahit paano, nawawala ang stress natin, iyon pa naman ang matinding kalaban ng katawan natin ngayon. Kapag stressful tayo, bumababa ang immunity natin. “Ang ganda ring makita ang mga performers na hindi nakamake-up, hindi kuntodo ang bihis, literal lang silang nasa bahay. Malalaman mo talaga kung sino ang natural na maganda at alipin ng make-up,” naglilibang na komento ni prop. Walang ipinagbabago ang boses ng Asia’s Songbird na si Regine Velasquez nasa gitna man siya ng entablado o basta nakaupo lang. Birit kung birit pa rin siya habang nasa piano naman si Ogie Alcasid na kumpleto sa technical rider sa kaniyang studio. Napakataas pa rin ng boses ni Regine, walang kadayadaya, tunog lang ng piano ang umaakumpanya sa kaniya. Sa ganoong pagkakataon natin mabibigyan ng kredito ang mga singers na walang pinipiling panahon sa pagpe-perform. *** Ang nakikita naming kawangis ng sikat na banyagang TV host na si Oprah Winfrey dito sa atin ay si Angel Locsin. Iniidolo namin si Aling Oprah dahil sa kagandahan ng kaniyang puso. Mas marami itong tinutulungan sa likod ng mga camera kesa sa hayagan nitong binibigyan ng ayuda sa kaniyang programa. See CRISTY p11

Kris Aquino

Angel Locsin

Angel Locsin with her fiancé Neil Arce

#UniTentWeStandPH :Campaign to help solve overcrowding in hospitals – Angel with her fundraising team to help frontliners

Coco Martin



MARCH 1 - 15, 2020

CRISTY... From page 10






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May pumutok na bulkan. At may Angel sa pagbabalangkas ng salot ngayon na pumupuksa nang mga pansamantalang tirahan ng nakaparaming buhay sa buong mga frontliners sa pagsugpo sa mundo. COVID-19. Sa lahat ng kalamidad at Ang kaligatasan ng mga sitwasyong nabanggit ay ramdam doktor, nurses, nursing aide at ng na ramdam ang mapusong iba pang mga kababayan nating presensiya ni Angel Locsin. Puso nagtatrabaho sa mga ospital ang niya ang nagdidikta sa pagtulong, kaniyang pinagmamalasakitan. SAVEna wala siya ni sa hinagap lang na Kakambal ng malasakit pangarap na maging lingkod- iyon ang mga pamilya ng mga RUST PROTECTION bayan, maligayang-maligaya ang frontliners na napakalaki ng $ kaniyang puso sa pagsisilbi posibilidad 324.95 sa MOST CARSna kapitan ng mikrobyo 31ST, 2016. mga nangangailangan. EXPIRES DECEMBER dahil sa kanaturalan sa pagtupad See CRISTY p12 Abalang-abala ngayon si

Paint Protection Film



Bahaghari ang kulay ng kaniyang buhay. Napakarami nitong paghamong nilampasan, ang masakit na panglilibak sa kaniya bilang Black American noong bata pa lang, pero ang mga SAVE karanasang iyon ang nagpatibay sa kaniyang dibdib sa paglaban sa buhay. Sabi ni Aling Oprah, ang $ 179.95 MOST CARS pinakamabisang armas sa EXPIRES DECEMBER 31ST, 2016. paglaban ay ang pagsesemyento ng palibot ng ating puso, kapag nga naman matibay na ang pundasyon ng ating dibdib ay wala na tayong hindi kakayanin. Ang bagyo ay magiging ambon na lang. Ang matinding lagnat ay magiging sinat na lang. Sinsero ang kaniyang pagtulong dahil mas matindi pa sa mga inilalapit na problema sa kaniya ang nagpatatag sa kaniyang damdamin. Iyong mula sa pusong pagtulong na ganoon ni Orah Winfrey ay nakikita namin ngayon kay Angel Locsin. Bagay na bagay sa dalaga ang kaniyang pangalan. Isa siyang anghel na walang pakpak na ipinadadala ng langit para sa mga kababayan nating kapuspalad at may matinding pangangailangan sa buhay. Ginagawa niya iyon nang bukal sa kaniyang kalooban, wala siyang pinipili, hindi selektibo ang kaniyang puso sa paghahandog ng *ON PRESENTATION OF YOUR ID OR BUSINESSCARD. VALID ONLY AT THE LOCATION MENTIONED ON mga biyaya. PRESENTATION ID OR WITHOUT BUSINESSCARD. VALIDAND ONLYCANNOT AT THE LOCATION MENTIONED ONANY THIS OTH DOC OFFERS SUBJECTOF TOYOUR CHANGE NOTICE BE COMBINED WITH Nagkaroon ng *ON giyera. Nangwasak ng buhay at OFFERS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER *ON PRESENTATION OF YOUR ID OR BUSINESSCARD. VALID CANNOT ONLY AT THE BE LOCATION MENTIONED ON THIS DOCUMENT. kabuhayan ang matinding bagyo. OFFERS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. Iza Calzado


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APRIL 2020

GMA shows now on Amazon Prime Filipinos all over the world can now watch their favourite Kapuso shows and artists via Amazon Prime Video. Below’s a list of some of the GMA’s top rated shows now available to Prime Video customers: • The One That Got Away—A story about three women — Alex (Lovi Poe), Zoe (Rhian Ramos) and Darcy (Max Collins), who formed an unlikely friendship after discovering that in different times in their lives, they were romantically linked with the same guy, Liam (Dennis Trillo). • Super Ma’am—starring Marian Rivera-Dantes as Minerva Henerala, a high school teacher who had lost her mother and sister to an archaeological accident many years ago. She had an encounter with winged creatures and shape shifters called Tamawo. Throughout the years, the Tamawo have made their way into the city and abducts children to feed on their energy. Minerva becomes “Super Ma’am ‘‘, a Tamawo hunter and saves the human world from them. • Juan Happy Love Story— starring Heart Evangelista (as Happy) and Dennis Trillo (as Juan dela Costa). The two meet each other when Juan rescues Happy from a thief. Their romance leads to a wedding. Their relationship with their families is opposed and the couple can’t have children on their own, so they decided to adopt one instead. • Beautiful Justice—featuring the heart-pounding stories of the unsung heroes of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), this action-drama series stars Gabbi Garcia (as Brie), Bea Binene (as Kitkat), and Yasmien Kurdi (as Alice).

• The Gift—Alden Richards once again showcases his acting calibre as he takes on the role of Sep—a visually impaired fruit vendor in Divisoria who discovers his ability to see the past and the future. ‘The Gift’ centers on hope, transformation, and inspiration. All these Kapuso shows and more are available in the following countries:

• United States, United gdom, Australia, New Zealand • Latin America: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela • Asia Pacific/ Oceania: British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei, Christmas

Island, Cocos Islands, Cook Islands, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Kiribati, Micronesia, Norfolk Island, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Pitcairn, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu Africa: Botswana, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda • Others: Anguilla,

Antarctica, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Bouvet Island, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Mauritius, Montserrat, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent And the Grenadines, South Georgia And the South Sandwich Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks And Caicos Islands, United States Minor Outlying Islands.

CRISTY... From page 11 ng propesyong sinumpaan nila. Nananawagan ang aktres sa kaniyang mga kapuwa artista at sa mga kababayan nating may sobra-sobra sa buhay. Mga teheras, kumot, unan, upuan at mga kagamitan sa pagtulog at pamamahinga ang kaniyang hinihiling. Naglalabas ng sarili niyang pera si Angel. Pinaghirapan niya ang halagang iyon sa pagpupuyat at pagpapagod sa pagiging artista. Hindi iyon mula sa ating buwis, personal niyang pinagsakripisyuhan ang perang ginagamit niya sa pagtulong, napakadakila ng puso ng dalagang ito. Sana’y marami pang Angel Locsin na ipinanganak sa mundo. Sana’y maging buhay na modelo siya ng mga taong punumpuno ang bulsa pero parang bilanggo naman na hindi malayang naglalabas ng mga biyaya. Sabi nga ni Aling Oprah, “We go as we come into this world. In the end, nothing is ours to keep.” ***

Willie Revillame Sa panahon ng enhanced community quarantine na pinaiiral ng ating pamahalaan ay inip na inip na ang maraming personalidad. Ngayon magkakaalaman kung sinu-sinong artista ang puwedeng maging kapaki-pakinabang ang panahon kapag ganitong hindi sila puwedeng lumabas ng bahay. Ang una naming naisip ay si Coco Martin. Sa tabing-tabi ng kaniyang mansiyon sa isang eksklusibong subdivision ay ginawa niyang taniman ng mga

gulay ang malaking lote. Kumanta ka man ng bahaykubo ay siguradong nandoon ang karamihan sa mga gulay na sinasabi sa piyesa. Napakaganda ng kaniyang gulayan, sariwangsariwa ang mga puno, dahil kapag may trabaho siya ay mayroon siyang itinatalagang mag-aalaga ng kaniyang mga pananim. Magsasaka talaga ang peg ng action star kapag nasa malawak na lote siya. Nakabota, naka-jacket, lahat ng dumadaan sa tapat ng

Ogie Alcasid & Regine Velasquez kaniyang bahay ay humihinto para makapagparetrato sa kaniya. Iyon ang pangtanggal niya ng stress, hindi biro ang papel na ginagampanan niya sa Ang Probinsyano, dahil bukod sa siya ang bida sa serye ay kasama pa rin siya sa creative team. Umaarte na siya ay nagdidirek pa, may kamay rin siya sa takbo ng istorya, kaya sa tatlong beses nilang taping sa bawat linggo ay talagang mauubusan na nga naman siya ng lakas at creative juices.

Kaya minabuti niyang gamitin ang kaniyang oras sa pagtatanim ng iba’t ibang gulay sa tabi ng kaniyang mansiyon. Malakingmalaki ang kaniyang pakinabang sa dibersiyong ginagawa niya. Libre na ang pangsahog nilang mga gulay sa ulam ay nakapagreregalo pa siya sa kaniyang mga kaibigan at kasamahang artista. Kaya ngayong nakapailalim tayo sa lockdown ay siguradong See CRISTY p13

APRIL 2020

CRISTY... From page 12 mas nadagdagan pa ang mga pananim ni Coco Martin. Marami siyang naka-stock na binhi, armado siya ng mga buto, nagagamit niya sa kapaki-pakinabang na paraan ang enhanced community quarantine. *** Kahit pinag-abutan ng enhanced community quarantine sa kaniyang beach house sa Puerto Galera si Willie Revillame ay hindi dahilan iyon para pigilan siyang mag-abot ng tulong sa ating mga kababayan. Sa pamamagitan ng Facebook at You Tube ay tuloy ang pagsahimpapawid ng Wowowin, tuloy-tuloy ang ginagawa niyang pagmamagandang-loob sa Mindoro, lalo na sa mga kababayan nating Mangyan. Ang pusong likas na matulungin ay hindi kayang harangan ng anumang unos at kalamidad. Hindi natutulog ang pusong mabuti. Kaya naman patuloy rin ang mga pagpapalang dumarating kay Willie, hindi niya lang kasi sinasarili ang kaniyang mga biyaya, ibinabahagi niya iyon sa mga nangangailangan. *** Ayaw magpakabog ni Ellen Adarna sa COVID-19 na sentro ng atensiyon ngayon ng buong mundo. Kung may mga rebelasyong inilalabas ang DOH at ang ating pamahalaan tungkol sa mapamuksang virus ay ganoon din ang Cebuanang aktres.


Wala siyang binabanggit na sinuman sa kaniyang mga kuwento, pero ang tatlong taon na tinutukoy niya ay ang inakala nating maliligayang araw nila ni John Lloyd Cruz, pero naging black hole pala. Sa biglang tingin ay parang walang pakialam sa mundo si Ellen Adarna, parang kahit virus ay matatakot na kumapit sa kaniya, pero sa pagmamatapang na iyon ng sexy star ay nakatago pala ang isang malaking kaduwagan. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit siya dumayo pa sa Bali, Indonesia para sumailalim sa dalawang linggong mental training. Ibang-iba na kasi ang kaniyang nararamdaman, naninigas na ang mga muscles niya at hindi na raw siya nakahihinga nang maayos, kaya iyak na lang ang nagagawa niya. Mabuti na lang at mas nauna ang pagpapagamot niya sa Indonesia kesa sa pagputok ng corona virus, ang mga dahilan kasing ikinukuwento niya ay katulad ng nararamdaman ng isang positibo sa COVID-19, mabuti na lang talaga. Ihinalintulad din ni Ellen ang kaniyang sarili sa isang robot. Dahil sa matinding depresyon na umatake sa kaniya ay inom lang siya nang inom ng tranquilizer, kaya tulog lang siya nang tulog, hindi na rin niya nakukuhang maligo. Ang mga kuwento ni Ellen ay walang ipinagkaiba sa istorya ng mga personalidad na umasa na lang sa gamot para makapagnakaw ng tulog. Downers ang tawag sa

ganoon. Sa mga kuwento ngayon ni Ellen Adarna ay ano kaya ang nararamdaman ni John Lloyd Cruz? Alangan namang magdenay pa sa kaniyang sarili ang aktor na hindi ito ang tinutukoy ng aktres sa black hole na klase ng buhay na kaniyang napasukan? Nakakalungkot lang isipin na ang akala ng buong mundo noon ay napakaligaya nilang dalawa, napakarami nilang isinakripisyo, dahil sa ngalan ng pag-ibig. Pero hindi naman pala ganoon kaayos at kaganda ang serye ng kanilang pagmamahalan ayon na rin sa mga rebelasyon ni Ellen Adarna. Sa simula ay paraiso ang kanilang pinagsaluhan, kaya nga may isang Elias sila ngayon, pero kung paniniwalaan natin ang mga rebelasyon ni Ellen Adarna ay iyon din pala ang pinakamadilim na bahagi ng kaniyang buhay. *** Positibo sa COVID-19 ang magaling na aktres na si Iza Calzado. Pero mas positibo pa siya kesa sa virus, ang pagiging positibo niyang iyon ang naging dahilan kaya tinanggalan siya agad ng respirator, maayos na ang kaniyang kalagayan ngayon. Sa halip na magpatalo sa matinding nerbiyos ay nakipagbiruan pa siya sa kaniyang manager, “Nasa akin ang Corona,” sabi niya kay anak-anakang Noel Ferrer. Ang sagot naman ng kaniyang manager, “Basta, walang turnover ceremonies ‘yan, ha?” Maraming See CRISTY p15


Ellen Adarna – Nagpunta sa Bali para mag-meditate



APRIL 2020

The view from New York

Former Winnipegger in American COVID epicentre Cat Navarro is a former Winnipegger who moved to New York upon graduating from Concordia University in Montreal to pursue her dream of working as a set designer in the film industry. Her hard work has paid off as she now gets contracted to work as a creative director in various film productions. In the past 10 years, Cat has established herself in the Big Apple, coming home to Winnipeg once a year to spend Christmas with her parents, Mano and Winnie Navarro, and brother, Martin. Pilipino Express asked Cat to describe what she is currently experiencing in New York, where COVID-19 is hitting the hardest in the United States. This is what she told us, in her own words. Since the PAUSE order went into effect on Sunday March 22nd, there has been a visible difference in the amount of people outside. People seem to be taking the warnings more seriously and making sure to maintain social distance. Although we are encouraged to stay home as much as possible, we are still able to go out for walks, or to the grocery store and pharmacy – while taking the necessary precautions. I’ve noticed more people wearing masks and gloves while in public places, presumably to help prevent the spread of their own germs. Many people have lost their jobs as a result of this situation – myself included – and some of these people will unfortunately have an extremely difficult time recovering financially. There is a lot of uncertainty, but from what I can see, some people have been showing a lot of support to their friends in need. Many people in New York have likened the situation now to what happened during 9/11. People came together to support each other, as everyone in the city had been affected in some way or another. We are all adapting to a new way of life – one where you check in on friends and family often, and nod or say hello to people you pass

CANADA... From page 1 would provide $2,000 a month for up to four months for workers who lose their income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CERB would be a simpler and more accessible combination of the previously announced Emergency Care Benefit and Emergency Support Benefit. The CERB would cover Canadians who have lost their job, are sick, quarantined, or taking care of someone who is sick with COVID-19, as well as working parents who must stay home without pay to care for children who are sick or at home because of school and daycare closures. The CERB would apply to wage earners, as well as contract workers and self-

on your way to the grocery store (while maintaining an acceptable six-foot distance). I’ve been invited to many Zoom or Google Hangouts “parties” where you have a drink in your own home in front of your computer webcam, while your friends all do the same. I’ve been reading the news more than ever and have been trying to understand how other cities have been handling the pandemic. Valuable lessons for Winnipeggers The best thing people can do to protect themselves is to protect their community and their healthcare system by social distancing and staying inside as much as possible. You may not be showing symptoms, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t carry the virus and spread it to people around you. I’ve heard many accounts from healthcare workers in NYC about the desperate conditions at hospitals over the past two weeks. The surge has already begun and we haven’t even hit our expected peak for the virus yet. They’re running out of beds, ventilators, and basic equipment like masks, gowns, and gloves. Doctors and nurses are being asked to reuse the same N95 mask for multiple days – even though in normal circumstances, they would use several of these masks in one day. With the spread of the virus happening so quickly, hospitals are in a dire state. I cannot stress enough the importance of protecting the healthcare system to prevent this from happening. The other thing you should do is stay informed – read the news from local, national, and global media, and make sure these are trusted and fact-based news sources. Be informed of what has happened and continues to happen in China, Italy, Iran, Europe, and now the U.S. Learn what you can from the situations happening all over the world to protect your own communities. Educate your friends and family on the importance of social distancing,

and the crises that are happening in other countries. New York is a tough city, and eventually we will make it through this. Even once the virus has been contained, it will still be a challenge to navigate how to move forward. Many people

will be financially devastated, and uncertainty will loom for many families. Even though at this point in time the official COVID-19 case count is still low in Manitoba, Winnipeg will undoubtedly have to go through some version of this as well. Every citizen will

have to come to the understanding that we all must follow the same precautions in order to flatten the curve. Although we do not know how bad the crisis will be in Winnipeg yet, the magnitude will depend on the choices you make today.

employed individuals who would not otherwise be eligible for Employment Insurance (EI). Additionally, workers who are still employed, but are not receiving income because of disruptions to their work situation due to COVID-19, would also qualify for the CERB. This would help businesses keep their employees while ensuring they preserve the ability to quickly resume operations as soon as it becomes possible. The EI system was not designed to process the unprecedented high volume of applications received in the past week. Given this situation, all Canadians who have ceased working due to COVID-19, whether they are EI-eligible or not, would be able to receive the CERB to ensure they have timely access to the income support they

need. Canadians who are already receiving EI regular and sickness benefits as of today would continue to receive their benefits and should not apply to the CERB. If their EI benefits end before October 3, 2020, they could apply for the CERB once their EI benefits cease, if they are unable to return to work due to COVID-19. Canadians who have already applied for EI and whose application has not yet been processed would not need to reapply. Canadians who are eligible for EI regular and sickness benefits would still be able to access their normal EI benefits, if still unemployed, after the 16-week period covered by the CERB. The government is working to get money into the pockets of

Canadians as quickly as possible. The portal for accessing the CERB would be available in early April. Canadians would begin to receive their CERB payments within 10 days of application. The CERB would be paid every four weeks and be available from March 15, 2020 until October 3, 2020. Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) The federal government announced on March 30 that it would provide a 75 per cent wage subsidy through a program called the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). Businesses whose revenues have decreased by at least 30 per cent because of COVID-19 will be eligible for the wage subsidy. All businesses whether “big or small” that meet this requirement, including non-profits

and charities, qualify for the wage subsidy regardless of their number of employees. For qualifying businesses, the federal government will pay up to 75 per cent of each employee’s wages on the first $58,700.The maximum wage subsidy is $847 per week per employee. The wage subsidy will be backdated to March 15, 2020. “We are trusting you to do the right thing,” said Trudeau, explaining that the program will rely on honour system. “If you think this is a system you can take advantage of or game, don’t. There will be serious consequences for those who do,” the Prime Minister warned, adding that there will be an oversight system to be put in place. The CEWS is expected to be See CANADA p15

Cat’s recent Skype interview with Marilee Caruso of CTV Winnipeg talking about “New York on pause”

The normally busy park outside Cat’s window is deserted due to New York’s PAUSE order.


APRIL 2020



Social distancing

Paano ba ang tamang paggawa nito? Tayo pong lahat ay may tungkulin sa pagpapabagal ng pagkalat ng COVID-19 sa ating komunidad. Tayo po ay hinihikayat na makiisa sa pagsunod sa social distancing upang matulungan ang ating pamahalaan na mabawasan ang epekto nito sa ating kapuwa at sa ating health care system. Ano ang mga hakbang para sundin ang social distancing? • Una, sundin ang dalawang metrong distansya sa mga pampublikong lugar gaya ng grocery stores, public transit, gas stations at restaurants. • Ikalawa, iwasang lumapit sa mga tao at makipag-usap sa mga pampublikong lugar na hihigit sa 10 minuto. Maaaring gamitin ang telepono o virtual meeting sa pakikipag-usap. • Ikatlo, iwasang bumati sa pamamagitan ng paghalik, pagyakap, pagkamay o pagmamano. Maaaring kumaway na lang muna sa mga panahong ito. • Ikaapat, i-disinpek [linising mabuti] ang mga frequently used surfaces [mga bagay na madalas hawakan] tulad ng door knobs, cellphones at light switches. • Ikalima, hangga’t maaari, manatili sa ating mga tahanan. Kung kinakangailang mamili, o

CANADA... From page 14 available in the next few weeks. Support for individuals and families • Increasing the Canada Child Benefit The government will provide an extra $300 per child through the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) for 2019-20. This will mean approximately $550 more for the average family. This benefit will be delivered as part of the scheduled CCB payment in May. Those who already receive the Canada Child Benefit do not need to re-apply. • Special Goods and Services Tax (GST) credit payment The government will provide a one-time special payment by early May through the Goods and Services Tax credit for lowand modest-income families. The average additional benefit will be close to $400 for single individuals and close to $600 for couples. There is no need to apply for this payment. If you are eligible, you will get it automatically. • Extra time to file income tax returns The government is deferring the filing due date for the 2019 tax returns of individuals. For individuals (other than trusts), the return filing due date will be deferred until June 1, 2020. The government will also allow any new income tax balances due, or

gumamit ng public transit, piliin ang hindi mataong oras. Kung maaari ay magtrabaho sa bahay o work from home. • Ikaanim, iwasan ang mga sumusunod: ang pagbibiyahe; ang mga matataong lugar; at ang mga pagtitipon lalo na kung ikaw ay senior citizen o mayroong karamdaman. • Ikapito, kailangang magself-isolate o manatili sa bahay ng 14 na araw kung ikaw ay nabibilang sa mga sumusunod: ikaw ay bumiyahe sa Manitoba mula sa ibang probinsya o ibang bansa; nakisalamuha sa tao na mayroong COVID-19; at kung may sintomas ng respiratory illness. Tayong lahat ay may maiaambag sa mga panahong ito. Atin pong sundin ang social distancing at panatilihin po nating ligtas at malusog ang ating sarili, pamilya at komunidad. – Hango sa English version na isinulat ni Jessica Praznik ay Reuben Garang; isinalin sa wikang Pilipino ni Roselyn Advincula. Salamat sa Ethnocultural Council of Manitoba – Stronger Together Manitoba in partnership with Immigration Partnership Winnipeg at kay Roselyn Advincula. instalments, to be deferred until after August 31, 2020 without incurring interest or penalties. • Mortgage support Canadian banks have committed to work with their customers on a case-by-case basis to find solutions to help them manage hardships caused by COVID-19. Canadians who are impacted by COVID-19 and experiencing financial hardship as a result should contact their financial institution regarding flexibility for a mortgage deferral. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and other mortgage insurers offer tools to lenders that can assist homeowners who may be experiencing financial difficulty. These include payment deferral, loan re-amortization, capitalization of outstanding interest arrears and other eligible expenses, and special payment arrangements. Canada’s mortgage insurers are committed to providing homeowners with solutions to mitigate temporary financial hardship related to COVID-19. This includes permitting lenders to defer up to six monthly mortgage payments (interest and principal) for impacted borrowers. Deferred payments are added to the outstanding principal balance and subsequently repaid throughout the life of the mortgage. Source: Department of Finance Canada/Canada.ca

CRISTY... From page 13 salamat sa mga humiling para sa maagang pagbuti ng kundisyon ni Iza Calzado. Sabi nga ng kaibigan naming propesor na lantarang tagahanga ni Iza Calzado, “Napakaganda niya para mamatay.” Balik-tanong namin, bakit mga pangit lang ba ang dapat mamaalam, saka kami naghalakhakan na parang ang normal-normal ng ating kapaligiran ngayon. *** Si Kris Aquino ang palaging inuusisa sa amin ng marami kung kumusta ang kalagayan ngayon. Ang aktres-TV host din naman kasi ang matagal nang nagsasabi na may kahinaan ang kaniyang resistensiya sa mikrobyo. Auto immune system. Doon may problema si Kris kaba mabilis siyang tamaan ng allergy. Wala siyang matinding panlaban sa mga tinatawag na foreign bodies. Ang ganda-ganda ng mga bulaklak na ipinadadala sa kaniya ng mga kaibigan pero hindi man lang niya mahawakan. Bawal kasi sa kaniya ang pollen, agarang umaandar ang kaniyang allergy, mabilis na namamaga ang kaniyang mukha at hirap siyang huminga. At sa panahon ngayon na pinagdadaanan natin dahil sa mapamuksang COVID-19 ay

panay-panay ang payo ng DOH na kailangang patatagin natin ang ating resistensiya bilang panlaban sa virus. Sapat na tulog, balanseng pagkain, mga bitamina at dobleng pag-iingat-pag-aalaga sa ating sarili ang palaging ipinapayo ng mga dalubhasa. Kayang-kayang sustinihan ni Kris ang kaniyang sarili ng anumang bagay na maaaring magpatibay sa kaniyang resistensiya. Sa kayamanang mayroon siya ay hindi siya aatakihin ng virus dahil kayangkaya niyang sundin at gawin ang mga kailangan para mapaglabanan ang pandemic na COVID-19. At wala pang COVID-19 ay iyon na ang madalas naming sulatin, ang sana’y maging ligtas si Kris sa anumang karamdamang magpapabagsak sa kaniya, panalangin din ‘ yun ng kaniyang mga mahal na tagasuporta. Sana’y matibay na matibay na ang resistensiya ni Kris Aquino bilang armas ngayong matinding giyera sa COVID-19 ang lumulukob sa buong mundo. *** Sa gitna ng tensiyon ng buong bayan ngayon dahil sa COVID-19 ay hindi pa rin talaga bumabaklas sa mga kuwentong-artista ang marami nating kababayan. Komento ng isang kaibigan namin ay pambalanse raw nila ngayon sa sobrang pag-aalala at nerbiyos ang pagtutok pa rin sa

showbiz. Noong una ay tutok na tutok pa sila sa news tungkol sa virus, pero pakiramdam daw nila, habang ganoon ang kanilang pinanonood ay nakakaramdam sila ng panghihina ng katawan. Puwedeng totoo iyon, lalo na kung nerbiyoso ang nakatutok, pero kailangang mulat pa rin tayo sa nagaganap sa ating paligid para makaiwas tayo sa sakit. Maaaring kontra ang isang mensaheng tinanggap namin mula sa mga kaibigan pero ang pagiging positibo kasi sa pananaw sa buhay ay mas mabisa pa kung tutuusin kumpara sa mga anunsiyong naririnig natin. Mula sa isang psychologist ang mensahe na ganito ang sinasabi. Puwedeng paniwalaan ito at hindi, puwedeng iaplay at puwede ring dedmahin lang, pero ito ang punto ng mensahe. 1. Isolate yourself from news about the virus. (Everything we need to know, we already know). 2. Don’t look for additional information on the Internet, it would weaken your mental state. 3. Avoid sending fatalistic messages. Some people don’t have the same mental strength as you (Instead of helping, you could activate pathologies such as depression). 4. If possible, listen to music at home at a pleasant volume. Look for board games to entertain See CRISTY p18



APRIL 2020

APRIL 2020


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CRISTY... From page 15 children, tell stories and future plans. 5. Maintain discipline in the home by washing your hands, putting up a sign or alarm for everyone in the house. 6. Your positive mood will help protect your immune system, while negative thoughts have been shown to depress your immune system and make it weak against viruses. 7. Most importantly, firmly believe that this will pass and that the universe is in the hands of God. He is a God of love and not of punishment. Parang sitwasyon din ng ating pangkabuhayan showcase ang mensahe ng psychologist. Huwag daw nating sinasabing wala tayong pera, ang kailangan daw nating sabihin ay may parating, pero hindi pa lang natin hawak. Kailangang negatibo lang

APRIL 2020 tayo sa virus pero ang pagiging positibo sa buhay ay gumagawa ng magandang resulta sa ating buhay. Huwag tayong magpapatalo, kailangang lumaban tayo nang sabayan, kakambal pa rin ang pag-iingat at ang napakahalagang panalangin sa mga panahong ito na laganap ang salot sa buong mundo. Napakaraming unos na ng buhay ang pinagtagumpayan natin. Lindol, bagyo, sakit, giyera, pagputok ng bulkan at marami pang ibang kalamidad. Pero ibang-iba ang ating lahi, minolde tayo nang napakatibay, para tayong pusa na may siyam na buhay. “Virus ka lang, Pinoy ako!� sabi sa t-shirt na suot ng magigiting nating frontliners. Totoong-totoo, sa anumang larangan ay palaging wagi ang Pinoy, para tayong talbos ng kamote at sanga ng malunggay na kahit saan mo itanim ay agarang tumutubo. – CSF

APRIL 2020





APRIL 2020

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