Pilipino Express Apr 1 2022

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Volume 18 • No. 7 • April 1 - 15 , 2022 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Ana Jalandoni

Taal volcano erupts Phivolcs monitors restive volcano


Taal Volcano Taal volcano, which sits on an island surrounded by a lake in Batangas province, had a minor eruption on March 26, sending ash and steam hundreds of meters into the sky. The eruption was phreatomagmatic, meaning

molten rock came into contact with underground or surface water, said state volcanologists of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs). Taal is one of the world’s smallest active volcanoes.

As of March 30, volcanologists have allayed fears of a major eruption but continue to monitor the restless volcano. Based on Phivolcs’ seismic records and cameras, the activity See TAAL p4

Work begins for Immigration Advisory Council


Bea Alonzo & Alden Richards

Twenty Manitobans have been appointed to a new advisory council on immigration to recommend improvements to current immigration policies and programs, Advanced Education, Skills and Immigration Minister Jon Reyes and Immigration Advisory Council co-chair Lloyd Axworthy announced on March 28, 2022. “As we recover from the pandemic, we need to encourage economic growth, invest in education, training and job creation and support investment, and immigration is one part of this bold plan,” said Reyes. The Immigration Advisory Council, co-chaired by the minister and Lloyd Axworthy, will be reviewing the entire continuum of immigration, from promoting immigration to

Photo credit: Travel Manitoba retaining newcomers and work will begin immediately with a final report to be provided by the end of the year, noted Reyes. “This group is made up

of individuals with expertise related to immigration services, governance, economic development, analysis, project See WORK p4



APRIL 1 - 15, 2022

APRIL 1 - 15, 2022




WORK... From page 1 management and community integration,” said Axworthy. “I know they will provide clear recommendations and concrete actions to the Manitoba government later this year, and I’m excited to begin this work.” The work of the council will focus on: • building on promotion to attract and recruit more immigrants and business investors to the province; • streamlining the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, especially with regard to setting the right balance between the province’s regional labour market, economic development and community needs; and • fostering Manitoba’s settlement and integration programs and services, as well as foreign credential recognition programs, to encourage labour market attachment, improve foreign credential recognition and bolster immigrant retention. Immigration Advisory Council members: • Lana Adeleye-Olusae (Winnipeg), pastor and human resource consultant, and involved with the African Communities

PILIPINO EXPRESS of Manitoba and the Nigerian Association of Manitoba; • Andrea Aiello (Winnipeg), director of workforce development, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, and a human resources professional; • Yasmin Ali (Winnipeg), founding member and board president, Canadian Muslim Women’s Institute, and a fulltime community volunteer for more than 30 years; • Michael Benarroch (Winnipeg), president and vice-chancellor, University of Manitoba and professor of business administration, Asper School of Business; • Liz Choi (Winnipeg), chief executive officer of ECG Education Canada Group, a parent company of Robertson College, and chair of the board of directors, Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce; • Chad Friesen (Altona), president and chief executive officer, Friesens Corporation; • Annie Henry (Winnipeg), business development manager, Tourism Winnipeg, and member of various boards such as Enterprises Riel and Sport Tourism Canada; • Kerri Korabelnikov (West St. Paul), dean, School of

APRIL 1 - 15, 2022

Jon Reyes, Advanced Education, Skills and Immigration Minister

Lloyd Axworthy, Immigration Advisory Council co-chair

Education, Arts and Sciences, Red River College Polytech, with extensive experience in Englishlanguage training and pathways to employment serving newcomers and immigrants; • Shauna Labman (Winnipeg), associate professor of human rights, Global College, University of Winnipeg, and an active member of the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers; • Baerbel Langner (Winnipeg), in-house legal counsel, HyLife Foods, with more than 25 years of professional experience

in the area of citizenship and immigration law; • Shane Li (Winnipeg), chief executive officer and president, Red Leaf Capital, and president, North Forge East – North Forge Technology Exchange; • Dr. Ghulam Memon (Winnipeg), a family physician practicing in Winnipeg and president, Pakistan Winnipeg Society; • Debasish Mukherjee (Beausejour), a small business owner in Beausejour who is active in the Indian community

TAAL... From page 1 at the main crater was dominated by the upwelling of hot volcanic fluids in Taal Lake, which generated plumes 1,000 metres high that drifted southwest. This “magmatic unrest” prompted the agency to declare an Alert Level 3 and immediately order the evacuation of more than 1,100 persons living in lakeside communities near the volcano. The agency’s chief, Renato Solidum, said the activity was weaker than in January 2020, when Taal expelled ash 15 kilometres high and spewed redhot lava, devastating hundreds of homes, killing livestock, and sending thousands of displaced people into shelters. Solidum said there was no potential of a large explosive eruption similar to the 2020 eruption as of now. “Not yet, but we have to constantly monitor the volcano in more detail. If there will be more explosions, it will enhance the deep magma to rise.” Phivolcs warned that entering Taal Volcano Island, especially the vicinity of the main crater is strictly forbidden. The island

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ALEX CANLAPAN: Contributor/Photographer Columnists/Contributors: DALE BURGOS JB CASARES YVANNE CABALLERO



and is on the board of Beausejour Brokenhead Development Corporation; • Enver Naidoo (Brandon), executive director, Westman Immigrant Services, and cofounder, Interdisciplinary Immigration Research Network; • Rosanna Pancotto (Winnipeg), immigration consultant, Prairie Sky Immigration; • Gary Sarcida (Winnipeg), immigration lawyer, PKF Law, who currently sits on the board of the Winnipeg Art Gallery and the Manitoba Human Rights Adjudication Panel; • Paramjit Shahi (Winnipeg), president, Winnipeg South Community Centre, and also a business consultant and respected community leader; • Vicki Sinclair (Winnipeg), executive director, Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations, an umbrella organization for settlement service providers; • Bramwell Strain (Winnipeg), president and chief executive officer, Business Council of Manitoba; and • Denys Volkov (Winnipeg); executive director, Association of Manitoba Municipalities. Source: Manitoba Government

is deemed a permanent danger zone. Boating and other activities on Taal Lake are also prohibited. Local government officials have been advised to constantly assess and reinforce the preparedness of previously evacuated barangays around Taal Lake in case of renewed unrest. Located in the province of Batangas, the volcano is about 50 kilometres south of Manila. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the Philippines. Despite standing at only 311 meters (1,020 feet), it can be deadly. It is the second most active volcano in the country with 38 recorded eruptions. Several violent eruptions in the past have caused deaths on the island and the populated areas surrounding the lake, with an overall death toll of about 6,000. Because of its proximity to populated areas and its eruptive history, the volcano was designated a Decade Volcano, worthy of close study to prevent future natural disasters. Taal Volcano is part of a chain of volcanoes lining the western edge of the island of Luzon. All volcanoes in the Philippines are part of the Ring of Fire.

The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved. Annual subscription rate within Canada: $65.00. For advertising inquiries, call 204-956-7845, or e-mail: E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com.

APRIL 1 - 15, 2022



International travelers and ways to overcome criminal inadmissibility Canada is once again open for international travel. This ends the travel restrictions placed on foreign visitors in March 2020. We have seen restrictions lessened for fully vaccinated travelers. Effective April 1, 2022, fully vaccinated tourists do not need to complete COVID-19 tests before entering the country. This is good news, but visitors need to be aware of other entry requirements that still exist for persons who can be deemed inadmissible on criminality grounds. It is possible for prepare in advance in order to lessen the chances of Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) officers detaining you or someone you know at a port-of-entry. CBSA officers have the responsibility to screen travelers to ensure they comply with Canadian immigration law. If you have a criminal record, there is a chance CBSA officers can declare

you criminally inadmissible and refuse you admission. American visitors in particular should be aware that their passport is linked to their FBI background record, which CBSA have access to on their screens. It is best to honestly disclose information when asked but it does not hurt to be more aware about potential challenges based on criminality. Canada has a number of options available to foreign travels with a criminal past. The government provides travelers with different ways to overcome your criminal record and be able to enter the country. The country is not as forgiving as the Lord but has ways that individuals can be rehabilitated or apply if they do not pose a public safety risk to Canada. One option open is the Temporary Resident Permit (TRP). It is, as the name

suggests, a temporary solution for individuals with some criminality, if you can provide compelling reasons why your criminal record should be excused, if only for a temporary visit. Some of the more common reasons for requesting a TRP is for humanitarian and compassionate grounds, such as family visits and for business trips. This solution is temporary and a better option is to seek a permanent solution to the inadmissibility. Criminal Rehabilitation is a better way of addressing criminal inadmissibility. If Canada approved your rehabilitation application, your criminal record will no longer prevent you from visiting the country. But don’t commit any further crimes. You need to wait five years past the completion of your sentence, which includes

parole time, etc., before you can apply for rehabilitation. Note that the Canadian authorities assess your crime and sentence against the Canadian equivalent for the crime. The fee you pay for Criminal Rehabilitation will depend on the severity of your crime. The application fee for non-serious criminality is $200 and rises to $1,000 for serious criminality. If 10 years have lapsed since you served your sentence, then you can be “deemed rehabilitated.” If you are deemed rehabilitated, you are exempt from submitting an application for rehabilitation and paying the fees. You are advised to check with an immigration lawyer or consultant to find out if you qualify for deemed rehabilitation. The third option is a legal opinion provided by an

immigration lawyer, who can outline a summary of your criminal record and explain why you should be admitted to Canada. A legal opinion is recommended if you can be deemed rehabilitated or where you have been charged but not convicted of any crime, or a sentence has been deferred. It is worthwhile checking into your options. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Immigration Canada and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with Immigration Connexion International Ltd. Contact him at 204-691-1166 or 204-2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.

Getting better sleep Why it’s important for adults

The start of Daylight Savings Time (clock forward) for Manitobans was on March 13th and will end on November 6, 2022 (clock backward). It was very interesting to me how many people mentioned being tired and sleepy for about one week afterwards. For myself, I took a short nap in the evening twice that week, and I hardly ever need a nap. Continuing to use Daylight Savings Time in Canada is a controversial topic, and not all the provinces and territories use it. But whatever your opinion is, it highlights the importance of getting enough sleep in order to reach optimal physical and mental wellness. The Public Health Agency of Canada recommends that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. However, one in every four adults do not

get enough hours of sleep. Many people report that they have trouble falling or staying asleep, do not find their sleep refreshing, or have difficulty staying awake during the waking hours. Long term sleep deficiency can lead to chronic stress and poor mental health, which is why we should get the recommended hours of sleep each and every night. According to the Centre of Clinical Interventions, there are many steps that you can take to improve sleep hygiene. Taking these steps will improve the way you feel, physically and mentally. 1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including on weekends and vacation days. This regular rhythm will make you feel better. 2. Only go to bed when you actually feel tired or sleepy. 3. If you cannot fall asleep after 20 minutes, get up and do

something quiet and boring until you feel sleepy, then return to bed and try again. For example, sit quietly on the couch with the lights off. Avoid doing anything that is too stimulating or interesting and do not go on your phone, tablet, or turn on the TV because the light can wake you up even more. 4. Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol at least four to six hours before bedtime because these substances can interfere with the ability to fall asleep or could interfere with the quality of sleep. 5. Try not to use your bed for anything other than sleeping and sex. If you use your bed as a place to watch TV, eat, read, work on your laptop, pay bills, and other activities, your body and mind will have a hard time associating bed with sleep. 6. Avoid taking naps during the day to make sure that you are tired at bedtime. If you can’t make it through the day without a nap, make sure it is for less than one hour and before 3:00 p.m.

7. Develop a sleep routine. Some people find it relaxing to have a bath, read or meditate prior to going to bed. Keep a consistent pattern every night. 8. Do not watch the clock. Many people will frequently check the time if they cannot go to sleep not realizing that light can stimulate the senses and keep you awake. Also, this behaviour reinforces negative thoughts such as “I’ll never get to sleep” or “I can’t believe I’m still awake, this is terrible.” 9. Keep a sleep diary. This worksheet can be a useful way of making sure you have the right facts about your sleep, rather than making assumptions. Because a diary involves watching the clock (see point 8) it is a good idea to only use it for two weeks to get an idea of what is going on. Then in two months, compare and see how you are progressing. 10. Exercise. Regular exercise is a great practice for many reasons, including better sleep.

Try not to do heavy exercise in the four hours before bedtime other than stretching and light yoga. 11. Have a healthy, balanced diet. Some people find that a very empty stomach at bedtime is distracting, so it can be useful to have a light snack, but a heavy meal soon before bed can also interrupt sleep. 12. Keep the room comfortable, meaning that your sleep environment is quiet and cool in temperature. Black out curtains or an eye mask can block out morning light, while earplugs can help with noise. 13. Keep your daytime routine the same. Wake up at the planned time, even if sleep was bad the night before. Carry out all daytime activities as you had planned and do not avoid them because you feel tired. This can reinforce sleep disturbance. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.



APRIL 1 - 15, 2022

LBC EXPRESS opens air cargo service in Winnipeg LBC Mundial Cargo Corporation, one of the most recognized domestic delivery companies in the Philippines, opened its first Air Cargo agent in Winnipeg on March 6, 2022. LBC’s new air cargo agent is Jamora Travel & Tours, located at 884 Sargent Street in Winnipeg. Mon Solis of LBC Sales and Marketing opened the location during the launch. Jamora Travel and Tours proprietor Maya Especial welcomed guests and friends at the event. LBC has always assured its customers that the packages they send back home are delivered quickly, safely, and efficiently. The company is able to provide this much-needed high quality and essential service because it has a nationwide coverage of owned infrastructure that allows it to seamlessly process its shipments across boundaries and the regular COVID check points. LBC Express prides itself on world-wide coverage with offices all over Canada and North America, and a support network that is capable of delivering critical and essential service to its clients. So next time you go shopping at a mall, doing your groceries at the supermarket, or filling your prescriptions in a drugstore, be sure to pick up the items that you know will provide joy to the family members or friends you miss most back home. Pack those canned goods, multivitamins, handbags, mobile phones, tablet devices, jewellery, sports jackets – whatever – into any LBC box and then visit your friends at Jamora Travel & Tours, 884 Sargent Street. Bring the love back home! LBC cares, and will deliver the love, without delay.

L-R: Bob Especial, Maya Especial, Leah Gazan, MP Winnipeg Center, Malaya Marcelino MLA-Notre Dame and Mon Solis, Sales and Marketing - East Canada

Sweet 16 Each month when preparing my Pilipino Express article, I look at what is happening around the world. The biggest news right now is the war in Ukraine. Homes and lives have been destroyed and millions of refugees have fled the country. The war is ravaging the country and it is so very difficult to watch. This is probably why I struggled with a title for this month’s article, because March has not been a ‘sweet’ month for so many people around the world. In addition to the war, COVID-19 continues to affect people around the world. Now there is word that a new Omicron variant is emerging, this while we are lifting restrictions across Canada. For now, all looks good, but it’s good to know we have gotten enough practice to implement mask and vaccine mandates at a moment’s notice. The past two years have been difficult for so many, that is why I want to depart from what is in the headlines and focus on two celebrations for the Burgos Bunch. First, the youngest of the brood continues to grow into an amazing young woman. Bella celebrated her 16th birthday last month and we needed to make it very special! Elizabeth and I felt obligated to give her a really good one, not

only because it is her sweet 16, but because she was the first to celebrate a COVID birthday back in 2020. That year, there wasn’t much we could do. Restaurants were closed to in-person dining, and we weren’t able to buy her a proper present as the stores were only selling essential goods. That year we bought a few things from Amazon, that’s the best we could do. 2022 had to be better. A week before her birthday, we took a short trip over to Vancouver. Hopped on the ferry (costs us around $150 one way) and stayed at a hotel near Robson Street where there is a lot of great shopping and sight-seeing nearby. We splurged and ate at our favourite restaurants the two nights we were there. Overall, a really good visit, but I always forget how much traffic there is compared to little Nanaimo. I have learned to appreciate the slower pace of Vancouver Island. Fast forward to the anniversary of the day of her birth. She LOVES Montana’s Steakhouse, always has since she was little. Guess I wasn’t too surprised when she requested we eat there for dinner. They don’t make the birthday person wear the antler helmet anymore while they sing happy birthday. Probably stopped that during COVID. I was ok with that; those helmets were looking

nasty in recent years…ha ha. As for a present, what do you get a 16-year-old these days? We opted for something a bit different. My wife, Elizabeth, found a local entrepreneur who owns a limousine service. They offered to drive her and her friends around for a couple hours (to dinner and back) and decorates inside the vehicle, how cool is that?!? I think this birthday will make up for the past two COVID themed celebrations. Second reason to celebrate? One of the kids will be moving back to Nanaimo! William (our second oldest) decided to move back to Winnipeg in 2019. He was missing his friends and our oldest child (Johnny). There is much to love about Winnipeg, I don’t have to tell you, but it is nice that he decided to be close to us once again. In early March he flew out to visit and during his month-long stay, confirmed his desire to move to Vancouver Island. I don’t have to tell you how beautiful it is on the Island and am never surprised when someone says they want to move here. Moderate temperatures with barely any snow and if you are an outdoors person, there are hiking trails everywhere! He will be making the trek west sometime this month, who knows, as you read this, he may even be here already. While there is much to celebrate in the Burgos household, I will be taking many moments of reflection as families around the world continue to struggle due to the global pandemic, war,

Dale & Bella

William famine…the list goes on. Do take care everyone. Much love from the Burgos’.

Dale manages the communications department for a school district in B.C.

APRIL 1 - 15, 2022






Nakakalungkot ang nangyari kina Kit Thompson at Ana Jalandoni. Pinagpistahan ng buong bayan ang naganap na pananakit ng aktor sa kaniyang girlfriend. Anuman ang naging ugat ng pananakit, sabihin mang si Ana ang nagpasimula ng gulo, ay si Kit pa rin ang walang kadudadudang huhusgahan ng publiko sa naganap. Ano ba naman ang laban ng isang babae kumpara sa lakas ng isang lalaki? Brusko pa naman ang dating ni Kit, malalaki ang kaniyang kamao, kaya parang boksingerong napadapa na lang sa lona ang babae. Matatagalan pa bago makalimutan ng marami ang kaganapang ito. Hindi maganda ang resulta ng pananakit ni Kit. Mahabang panahon siyang huhusgahan ng mga kababayan natin. Sino ba naman ang hindi

maaawa sa isang babaeng sumarado ang mata nang dahil sa lakas ng suntok na tinanggap nito? Dalawang bagay ang maaaring maganap. Ang patawarin ni Ana si Kit dahil iyon ang dikta ng kaniyang puso. Ang ituloy ang kaso dahil iyon ang nararapat sa nangyari sa kaniya para mabigyan ito ng hustisya. Kasabihan nang duwag ang lalaking gumagamit ng lakas sa isang babae. Ang lalaking matapang ay humahanap ng kaniyang kasukat. Ang babae ay nirerespeto at hindi sinasaktan dahil larawan siya ng ating ina. Nakalimutan iyon ni Kit Thompson. Hindi siya singaw lang na biglang iniluwa sa mundo. Mayroon siyang ina. At si Ana Jalandoni ay isang babaeng kawangis ng kaniyang nanay. *** Kung may katotohanan ang kuwento na lumalambot na ang See CRISTY p9

APRIL 1 - 15, 2022

• Ana Jalandoni – Bugbog sarado kay Kit Thompson • Sarah Geronimo – Napakasuwerte sa asawang si Matteo • Willie Revillame – Malaki ang utang na loob sa GMA7 • Erich Gonzales at Mateo Lorenzo – Nagpakasal na • Alden Richards at Bea Alonzo – Bibida sa bagong serye ng GMA7 • Paolo Contis at Yen Santos – Di pa man umaamin, break na? • Troy Montero at Aubrey Miles – Magpapakasal na • Angelica Panganiban – Nagdadalantao na • Sharon Cuneta – Maraming tagahanga ang bumaklas na • Kris Aquino – Asikasuhin na lang dapat ang kalusugan • Carla Abellana – Maganda pero maldita na, taklesa pa • Ariel Rivera – Napagkakamalang suplado • Sen. Manny Pacquiao – Ipinahamak ang sarili

Kit Thompson & Ana Jalandoni

Willie Revillame

Sarah Geronimo & Matteo Guidicelli

Bea Alonzo & Alden Richards

Yen Santos & Paolo Contis

Erich Gonzales & husband Mateo Lorenzo (inset photo)

Troy Montero & Aubrey Miles

Angelica Panganiban & her boyfriend Gregg Homan

APRIL 1 - 15, 2022


CRISTY... From page 8 puso ng mga magulang ni Sarah Geronimo para sa kanila ni Matteo Guidicelli ay napakagandang balita nito na siguradong mas ikaliligaya ng mga tagahanga ng mag-asawa. Iba ngang gumamot ang panahon. Kailangan lang talagang maghintay, nakaiinip kung minsan, pero sa magandang istorya rin nagtatapos ang mga hindi pagkakaunawaan. Walang dapat ipag-alala sina Daddy Delfin at Mommy Divine sa kanilang manugang, mahal na mahal at iniingatan ni Matteo ang kanilang anak, napakasuwerte ni Sarah sa aktor. Sabi ng isang kaibigan naming kakilala rin ang mga magulang ni Sarah ay hindi na gaanong emosyonal si Mommy Divine. “Kumpara noon, e, parang tanggap na ni Mommy Divine ang pag-aasawa ni Sarah. Na dapat lang naman, sinasabi namin sa kaniya, dahil nasa wastong age na ang anak niya. “Iyong pagtatago lang siguro ng kasal ang masyado nilang dinamdam ni Daddy Delfin, pero kung ipinaalam naman iyon sa kanila, e, hindi rin naman sila papayag, di ba? “Pero napapansin namin na mas okey na si Mommy Divine ngayon, nakakatawa na nga siya nang malakas, unlike noon na parang pasan niya ang daigdig kapag nakikita namin siya. Sa kanila kami pumapakyaw ng mga gulay, malawak ang See CRISTY p11

Sharon Cuneta

Kris Aquino

Carla Abellana

Rey “PJ” Abellana

Ariel Rivera

Sen. Manny Pacquiao




APRIL 1 - 15, 2022

Dingdong Dantes is back as game master of Family Feud Bringing only bigtime entertainment and the best family bonding experience to Kapuso viewers, the world’s favourite game show is back on GMA Network with the Filipino franchise of Family Feud hosted by Kapuso actor Dingdong Dantes. “Noong ginawa ko siya noong 2009, nakamarka sa akin yung experience ko doon. Kumbaga, kahit sabihin natin na hindi ko na siya gawin ngayon, ‘yun yung isa sa mga pinaka-memorable

ko na trabaho dito sa Network na ito dahil binigyan nila ako ng chance to host Family Feud,” said Dingdong. Family Feud is one of the longest-running game shows in the world. Making the local version more unique and entertaining are the survey questions that the Pinoy viewers can easily relate to. “We have big shoes to fill dahil sobrang sikat siya all over the world and personally isa rin akong fan ng style ni Steve Harvey. See DINGDONG p11

Dingdong Dantes

APRIL 1 - 15, 2022

DINGDONG... From page 10 Pero siguro ang kagandahan dito, ‘yung mga tanong pa lang kasi very Pinoy na. Doon pa lang very relatable na kaya magiging super relaxed na lahat ng nanonood,” shared Dingdong. As he brings his charm, confidence, and natural talent to Family Feud, Dingdong reveals the fun side of hosting this widely popular game show, “Ang pagkakaiba talaga dito yung aspeto na kahit na sabihin natin na ako yung host o game master, e, naglalaro din kasi ako. Kumbaga, kahit nagpa-facilitate ako ng game, kahit ako mismo nakikisama ako sa laro e. Dahil sobrang saya kasi niya. Talagang enjoy siya.” The battle is on once more for two families of four as they try to outsmart each other in guessing the most popular answers to survey questions. The winning team will take home P100,000 plus another P100,000 if they win in the jackpot round. Meanwhile, the losing team will receive P50,000. Viewers will also get a chance to win cash prizes while watching and enjoying the show in the comforts of their homes with the Guess To Win promo. All Filipinos aged 18 years old and above and currently residing in the Philippines are allowed to join. Viewers abroad can also catch the program via GMA’s flagship international channel, GMA Pinoy TV. For the program guide, visit www.gmapinoytv.com.

CRISTY... From page 9 pataniman nila,” sabi ng aming kakuwentuhan. Harinawang magkatagpo na nga sina Sarah at Matteo at ang mga magulang na sobrang nasaktan nang mag-asawa ang kanilang anak. *** Nasa gitna pa rin ng laban si Willie Revillame. Lahat ng kilos niya ay binabantayan, lahat ng ginagawa niya ay tinututukan, napaka-relevant pa rin ng TV host. Ngayon pa lang siya naghahabol sa panahong hindi niya nakakasama ang kaniyang mga anak at apo, ngayon pa lang sana niya mareregaluhan ng pahinga ang kaniyang katawan, pero inip na inip na ang mga tagasuporta niya sa kaniyang pagbabaliktelebisyon. Hindi natiis ni Willie ang kaniyang mga tagahanga, ang mga kababayan nating itinuturing na siyang hulog ng langit, kaya mayroon pa rin siyang programang napapanood sa FB at You Tube sa pamamahagi niya ng ayuda. Dahil medyo may kaluwagan ang kaniyang oras mula noong hindi na siya pumirma ng kontrata sa GMA-7 ay nagkaroon siya ng panahong makapagpa-executive check-up. Hindi niya iyon nagagawa noong aktibo pa siya sa Wowowin, okupado ang kaniyang oras, ngayon lang niya natutukan ang kaniyang kalusugan. Dalawang polyps ang nasilip sa kaniyang bituka, kahit wala


naman siyang nararamdaman ay pinayuhan siya ng kaniyang mga doktor na kailangang tanggalin ang bukol sa kaniyang bituka, magpapaopera si Willie kung talagang kinakailangan. “Wala, kahit anong sign, wala akong nararamdaman, pero mayroon pala akong polyps. Ito iyong napapabayaan madalas ng mga tulad kong busy sa trabaho. Walang time palagi, walang bakanteng panahon, pero dapat, mayroon,” sabi pa ng TV host. Noong Lunes ay nagkita sila ni dating Senador Manny Villar at ng anak nitong si Paolo, marami silang pinagmitingan, pagkatapos kasi ng Mahal Na Araw ay marami na silang kailangang trabahuhin sa pagbubukas ng bago nilang network. Maraming masaya sa kanilang mga plano para sa AMBS, lalo na ang mga kaindustriyang nawalan ng trabaho, umaasa ang mga ito na panibagong pag-asa ang hatid sa kanila ng network ng mga Villar. Itinatawa na lang ni Willie ang kuwentong gusto na raw uli niyang bumalik sa GMA-7, nagsisisi na raw siya sa naging desisyon niyang bumitiw sa network, salat na salat iyon sa katotohanan. Madalas niyang kabalitaan ang mga ehekutibo ng istasyon, pati ang mga naging katrabaho niya sa network, pero walang usapin tungkol sa kaniyang pagbabalik. “Napakalaki ng utang na loob ko sa GMA-7, bibitbitin ko ang pasasalamat na iyon habambuhay,” sabi pa ni Willie Revillame. *** Napakaraming napapa-”Sana all” sa napakagandag regalo ng kapalaran kay Erich Gonzales. Hindi naman salapi ang simula at wakas ng buhay pero nang magsabog ng biyaya ang langit ay mukhang bukas pati ang bubong ng bahay niya para masalo ang lahat-lahat. Katatapos lang ng kasal nina Mateo Lorenzo at Erich Gonzales sa isang simpleng pagharap sa altar. Ayon sa aming impormante ay parang pampamilya at malalapit na kaibigan at kanegosyo lang ang ginanap na kasal. Sinabi rin nito na ang reception ay ginanap sa mismong tahanan ng mga Lorenzo sa Ayala-Alabang. Napakasimple, komento pa ng aming source, natapos ang kasalan na walang masyadong ingay. Bilyonaryo ang napangasawa ni Erich Gonzales, matagal na ang kanilang relasyon, pero hindi iyon ipinagmakaingay ng aktres. Binigyan niya ng kapribaduhan ang kanilang pagmamahalan. Anak si Mateo Lorenzo ng mag-asawang negosyante ng mga food chains, sila rin ang nakabili ng Hacienda Luisita ng mga Cojuangco, kung isa-isahin ang mga negosyo ng pamilya ng napangasawa ni Erich ay baka kapusin ang espasyong ito. Maraming maligaya para ka Erich, pero mas marami ang sumisigaw ng “Sana All!” sa napakaganda niyang kapalaran, sigurado na ang kinabukasan ngayon ng magandang aktres. *** Buhay na buhay na naman ang mga loyalista ni Alden Richards. Mayroon na naman kasi silang aabangang seryeng pagbibidahan

ng kanilang idolo katambal si Bea Alonzo. Matagal-tagal na ring wala silang pinagpupuyatang proyekto ng Pambansang Bae sa telebisyon, inip na sila, mabuti naman at magsisimula nang humarap sa mga camera ng Start-Up si Alden. Sa kasalukuyang panahon ay si Alden talaga ang pinakasikat sa kaniyang hanay. Napakasuwerteng personalidad, nakadalawang taong mahigit na ang pandemya, pero ni hindi niya naramdaman ang paghihirap sa paghanap ng trabaho ng kaniyan mga kapuwa artista. Napakaguwapo ni Alden, isang napakagandang aktres naman ang kaniyang katambal sa serye, nakakasabik nga namang mapanood na ang kanilang proyekto. Akala ng marami ay si John Lloyd Cruz ang makakatambal ni Bea sa paglipat nito sa GMA7, pero naisip siguro ng mga ehekutibo na mayroon naman silang aktor na sigurado nang magtatagumpay, kaya bakit pa nga naman sila susugal sa iba? Pelikula na ang kasunod ng gagawing serye nina Alden at Bea, ang Special Memory, ngayon pa lang ay nangangamoy malaking tagumpay na agad ang kanilang tambalan. *** Nang pumutok ang balitang hiwalay na sina Paolo Contis at Yen Santos ay isa lang ang naging komento ng publiko—hindi pa nga sila umaamin, break na agad? Wala pa nga namang umaamin sinuman kina Paolo at Yen tungkol

sa kanilang relasyon. Nakikita silang magkasamang kumakain, namamasyal at nagsisimba pero walang direktang pag-amin na nagmumula sa kanila. Magkaibigan lang daw sila, nagpunta lang sila sa Baguio City bilang friends, na pinagtaasan lang ng kilay ng ating mga kababayan. Pero fake news pala ang lumabas na kuwento dahil kailan lang ay may mga Marites na namang nakakita kina Paolo at Yen na magka-holding hands pang namamasyal sa isang sosyaling mall. Wala raw katotohanan ang napapabalita na hindi na sila nagkikita, parang mongha na nga raw ngayon si Yen na nasa bahay lang at ang tanging libangan ay ang pagbabasa ng libro, patuloy pa rin daw ang pagkikita ng dalawa. Friends lang daw sila, magkaibigan lang talaga, kaya ang sagot ng mga Marites na nasusundan ang kanilang mga galawan ay isigaw na lang nila iyon sa hangin. *** Salamat naman at pagkatapos nang 18 taon ay magpapakasal na sina Troy Montero at Aubrey Miles. May dalawa na silang anak, itinuturing na ring anak ni Troy ang anak ni Aubrey sa una niyang karelasyon, maayos ang kanilang pagsasama. Naaalala pa namin, dalawang dekada na ang nakararaan nang ilantad namin na mayroon nang anak si Aubrey kay JP Obligacion, ginawa kaming sinungaling ng aktres sa matigas

PAGE 11 niyang pagdedenay na walang katotohanan iyon. Maglalabas daw kami ng edidensiya, gawa-gawa lang daw namin ang kuwento, mabuti na lang at nakunan namin ng retrato ang bata habang nagsu-swimming sa tinitirhan niyang townhouse. Anim na taon pagkatapos ay napanood namin si Aubrey na humahagulgol sa isang talk show. Magkahalo ang luha at sipon ay inamin niya na mayroon na raw siyang anak, walong taon na noong panahong iyon ang batang lalaki, bendikasyon para sa amin ang kaniyang pagtatapat. Nagpainterbyu siya sa amin sa aming programa sa TV5, ang Paparazzi, nang magkaharap kami ay yumakap siya nang mahigpit kasabay ang panghihingi ng sorry. Natagalan lang ang kaniyang pag-amin pero ang mahalaga ay ang pagtanggap niya sa katotohanan na siya ang kinulang at hindi kami. Sa Amerika pa namin natalisod ang pagkakaroon ng anak ni Aubrey Miles. Kumakain kami sa isang restaurant nang may lumapit na nurses sa amin. Kilala raw ba namin si Aubrey Miles? Kapapanganak lang daw kasi, lalaki ang kaniyang anak, doon mismo sa ospital na pinagtatrabahuhan nila. Napakaliit ng mundo. Gagawa at gagawa ng paraan ang kapalaran para ilantad ang anumang itinatago. Tulad ng anak ni Aubrey Miles. *** Tanong ng mga kaibigan See CRISTY p12



APRIL 1 - 15, 2022

Feng shui mirror mistakes In feng shui, there are a lot of ways you can use mirrors to your advantage. Some of the most popular ways are to reflect a beautiful view, add more light to your room, or make the room look larger. But equally important are the ways not to use mirrors, or the feng shui mirror don’ts. The tips below cover some of the ways that mirrors are displayed that are considered bad feng shui and that could create more problems for your home and life. 1. Never reflect the door. A mirror should never be placed opposite a door or entrance. When they are, health and wealth can be drained, and opportunity pushed out the door. This is true of a residence or a business. Mirrors placed at the back of a store will draw more business in, but they should not be seen from the front of the store. There was once a bakery that had mirrors lining the back walls of the store that went out of business. Passersby on the street in front of the bakery could see the cars and people passing in the walls at the back of the store. Afterward, more bakeries and restaurants followed, and also went out of business. Finally, the mirrors were removed at the back wall, and the new bakery that moved in has been there for over five years.

CRISTY... From page 11 naming Marites, ano raw kaya ang ginawa ni Angelica Panganiban noong mga panahong nakikipagrelasyon siya nang hindi nagdadalantao? Huwag daw namang sabihing nakipaglaro lang ng jackstone si Angge nang maging magkarelasyon sila ni Derek Ramsay, ni John Lloyd Cruz, ni Carlo Aquino at ng iba pang nailihim sa publiko? Pills daw siguro ang dahilan para maiwasan ni Angelica ang pagdadalantao. Mayroon ding nagsabing may injection na para hindi magbunga ang paglipad sa alapaap ng kaligayahan ng magkarelasyon. Kay Gregg Homan lang nagdalantao si Angge, na kung tutuusin ay hindi pa naman niya katagalang nagiging boyfriend, kumpara kay Derek na umabot sila nang mahigit na anim na taon. Ngayon pa nga lang siguro nakahanda si Angelica para sa pagdadalantao. Na tama lang naman dahil hindi na siya bumabata. At siguro rin ay nakasisiguro na siya kay Gregg Homan. A baby is always a blessing. Kaya naman walang kasingligaya si Angelica Panganiban ngayong

Check reflections from multiple directions. Mirrors should not reflect a bathroom or a front door, but you may not even know they are unless you take in all the views. As an example, a house had a mirror over the fireplace that was opposite the front door, but only when you went to the second floor that was open to the living area could you tell that the mirror was reflecting the door. Be sure to check your mirrors from a variety of locations to ensure they don’t reflect the door, bathroom, or kitchen. 2. Never reflect the bed. When a bed is reflected in a mirror it can cause insomnia and restlessness. It can also double the number of people in the room, and in feng shui thought, that could mean relationship restlessness, and that could lead to infidelity. 3. Don’t reflect a fireplace or stove. Fire is the element of joy and helps us to stay warm and cook our food. However, reflected fire can introduce too much fire energy and that can cause anxiety, fatigue, and anger. That’s why it’s best to avoid placing mirrors to reflect the stove (a common feng shui recommendation that can cause problems), the kitchen, or a fireplace. 4. Avoid using mirror tiles or sets.

A solid mirror is great feng shui, but mirror sets that are hung with space in between look like the image of what is being reflected is being cut, so it’s best to avoid these. 5. Never place mirrors at the end of a hallway. Mirrors hung on a wall in a hallway are positive for slowing energy down and brightening a darkened space, but they should not be placed at the end of a hallway. Placed at the end of a hallway, mirrors often become distorted from a distance and add a creepy feeling. They can also be disarming to see a reflection of a person as you pass from one room to the next or when you see your image at night. 6. Avoid placing mirrors at the top or bottom of stairs. Whether placed at the top of the stairs or at the bottom, placing mirrors at either end of a staircase will be cutting off the image of a person and can be disorienting. At the bottom, they will cut off the image of the person coming down the stairs. At the top of the stairs, a mirror can push energy back down the stairs. 7. Never use feng shui mirrors. Pa Kua, bagua, or feng shui mirrors are often sold in feng shui shops. However, these mirrors emit strong energy and should not be displayed without the guidance of a qualified feng shui professional, and even then, only in very specific instances. Displaying these mirrors can often create bad luck for those who put them up, so it’s best to

avoid them. Kathryn Weber has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Her witty, no-nonsense style appeals to audiences, making her a popular speaker and radio

show guest. She is often called on by media to explain feng shui in down-to-earth terms, and has been featured in several magazines like Seventeen, Natural Health magazines, and on websites around the world.

dinadala na niya ang magiging produkto ng pagmamahalan nila ni Gregg Homan. Napakagandang biyaya. *** Naging napakasakit para kay Sharon Cuneta ang naging resulta ng pinakahuling isyung kinasangkutan niya. Hindi siguro niya inasahan na ang komento niya tungkol sa pagkanta ni Attorney Sal Panelo sa pinasikat niyang piyesa ay mag-imbita pala ng galit mula sa husgado ng bayan. Suyurin man natin ang You Tube ay siya ang laman. Basta may kinalaman sa showbiz, idagdag pa ang mga vlogs na pampulitika, ay talagang si Sharon ang dinidikdik. May isang vlogger pang nakabase sa Amerika ang panaypanay ang pagtawag sa kaniya na laos na, isa na raw siyang bituing walang ningning, kung iisa-isahin ng Megastar ang laman ng mga vlogs ngayon ay baka naisin na lang niyang magpunta sa ibang planeta. Pero ang pinakamatindi ay ang mga nagpapakilalang dati niyang tagahanga na dahil sa isyung ito ay bumaklas na. Ano raw ba ang nangyayari kay Sharon at lahat ng lang ay ikinaaalarma niya? Mayroon mang nagdedepensa sa kaniya ay konting-konti lang iyon kumpara sa mga nilalaman ng mga vlogs na siya talaga ang

dindapurak. Ang ma vloggers na makaBBM, grabe ang patutsada kay Sharon, talagang inupakan siya nang husto, iyong halos hindi na siya makabangon. Iyon ang sinasabi naming nakapanghihinayang. Nang dahil lang sa isyu ay parang nabura na ang lahat-lahat ng magagandang nagawa ni Sharon. Nabalewala na ang mga pinatunayan niya, nawalan na ng saysay ang kaniyang karera na hindi lang naman niya binuo nang magdamag, napakasakit. Mahusay ring tumayming si Attorney Sal Panelo, biglang nabuhay ang mga vlogs kung saan nito kinakana ang Sana’y Wala Nang Wakas ilang taon na ang nakararaan, kakambal ang kuwento ng namayapa nitong anak na may down syndrome. Ano ang aasahan natin? Underdog na underdog ang abogado, iniyakan ng mga kababayan natin ang kaniyang istorya, idagdag pa na binigyan ito ng libreng publisidad ni Sharon bilang kumakandidatong senador. Ang nangyari kay Sharon ay kapupulutan ng aral ng mga personalidad. Kung kaya namang palampasin na lang ang isang senaryo ay huwag nang bigyan pa ng panahon. Huwag sasagot nang galit.

Huwag magpo-post kapag malungkot at kulang sa tulog at pahinga para hindi sumasabit. *** Sunog na sunog si Kris Aquino nitong mga nakaraang araw hanggang ngayon. Kung iikutin natin ang mga vlogs sa You Tube ay puro siya ang laman. Hindi gagaling agad si Kris kapag pinanood niya ang mga vlogs na siya ang bumibida, magiging dagdag-stress iyon sa kaniya, dahil puro negatibo ang laman. May napanood kaming panayam sa isang may edad nang babae na nagpakilalang kaibigan ng mga namayapang magulang ni Kris. Maraming kuwento ang babae, hindi raw alam ni Kris ang kaniyang mga sinasabi, isinumpa raw si Kris. Sinabi naman ng isa pang tagaTarlac na kapanalig ni Mayor Cristy Angeles na napakadulas ng dila ni Kris sa paghuhusga kahit hindi naman niya alam ang kasaysayan ng pulitika sa kanilang probinsiya. Sabi ng babae, “Huwag na lang kayong tumutulong kung tinutunton n’yo naman! Gagawa kayo ng isang bagay na akala namin, e, mula sa puso n’yo, pero kinukuwenta n’yo naman! “Kapag may napansin kayong isang bagay, ipagmamakaingay

n’yo na, sisingilin n’yo, nasaan ang kusang-loob na pagtulong na sinasabi n’yo? Ugaling-ugali n’yo ang ganyan! “Ano ang utang na loob na kailangang tanawin sa inyo ni Mayor Angeles? Wala! Kahit katiting, wala! Si Mr. Danding Cojuangco ang dapat tanawan ng utang na loob ng pamilya, hindi kayo! “Napakabilis mong magpahiya sa tao, buwisit na buwisit ka pa! Ikaw ang nakakabuwisit dahil talak ka nang talak nang hindi mo naman alam ang katotohanan!” galit na sabi ng kapanalig ng mayora ng Tarlac City. Maging ang komedyanteTV host at kinatawan ngayon ng OWWA na si Arnell Ignacio ay bukas ang bibig sa pagpapaalala kay Kris. “Asikasuhin mo na lang, Kris, ang kalusugan mo. Ikaw naman ang nagpo-post para malaman ng publiko na nangangailangan ka ng gamutan. Paano ka gagaling kung ganyan na ikaw naman mismo ang hindi nagmamalasakit sa katawan mo? “Saka huwag na lang kayong tumutulong kung pagkatapos, e, sisingilin n’yo rin naman! Hindi maganda ang ganoon,” pahayag ni Arnelli. Si Kris ang lumalapit sa See CRISTY p13

APRIL 1 - 15, 2022



Ano ang kaya mong i-give up? Dahil sa sobrang taas ng presyo ng gasolina at patuloy na pagtaas ng mga bilihin ay nagkasundo ang aming pamilya na rebyuhin ang aming mga bayarin at i-give up ang mga hindi masyadong kailangan. Para matuto ang mga bagets sa fiscal management ay isinama namin sila sa discussion kung anu-ano ang dapat bawasan, ano ang mga bagay na dapat putulin o itigil at mga bagay na dapat ay i-minimize. Siyempre dapat follow the leader. Kaya pinangunahan ko ang savings program ng Lapuz family. Una kong itinigil ay ang aking monthly indoor at heated parking sa downtown. Although napaka-convenient nito ay maaari pa rin naman akong makarating sa office nang walang sasakyan. Kaya matik, I cancelled my monthly parking worth $200 plus per month. Balik sa bus ako na only worth $99 a month. $24.75 lang ang Monday to Friday pass. On top of that ay naka-save pa ako sa gasolina per week na ang average ay around $75.00 a week or tumataginting na $300 a month. Hindi man ako magaling sa arithmetic ay kita ko na agad ang tipid ng pagbabalik bus ni Batang North End. Alam naman ng marami na ang inyong lingkod ay maraming side gigs or hustles. Isa na rito ay ang ating grocery run or delivery service. Para makatipid ay ginawa ko na lang every Saturday ang aking full day delivery. Mababait naman at very supportive ang ating mga suki na okey lang sa kanila na tuwing Sabado lang nila makikita si Kuya at ang Kuya’s van. In this way, ay nakakapag-plano din sila ng mga orders bago dumating ang Sabado. Win-win situation para sa

CRISTY... From page 12 apoy. Siya ang nang-iimbita ng pagkasunog. Siya ang naghahanap ng away. Kapag nakahawak na siya ng mikropono ay wala nang direksiyon ang galaw ng kaniyang dila. Tama bang ikampanya niya sa negatibong paraan si dating Mayor Herbert Bautista? Nagpapakapagod ang aktor-pulitiko para sa pangangampanya sa pag-asang mananalo itong senador pero ano ang ginagawa ni Kris? Kinampanya niya ang mga Kakampink na huwag iboto si Bistek dahil sayang lang daw ang kanilang boto, hindi raw marunong tumupad sa kaniyang mga pangako si Mayor Herbert, maysakit pa siya nang lagay na ‘yan. May mga bumubulong na nga sa kaniya na huminto na sa pagsasalita, pero wala siyang pakialam, dakdak pa rin siya nang dakdak. Ang ipinunta raw ni Kris sa rally ay para suportahan si VP

akin at sa aking mga minamahal na suki. Pakitaas po ang kamay ng mga may TV cable service pa hanggang ngayon? Iilan na lang siguro ang mayroon nito dahil lahat halos ng mga gusto nating panoorin sa TV ay nasa Internet na for free or for a lower fee. Next na na-slash ay ang aming family prime subscription ng Spotify. Puwede pa rin namang makinig ng music or podcasts nang libre. Magtitiis lang nang konti sa mga ads. That’s OK. Kahit nga walang Spotify ayos pa rin. Nayari din ang Roblox subscription ni Francis, ang aming bunso. Ang mas maganda kong nakita dito ay hindi lamang ang savings kundi higit sa lahat ay ang pag-intindi ng aking mga anak kung paano dapat maging responsable sa paggastos. Marami pang mga household expenses ang aming pinag-aralan na kung tutuusin ay puwede talaga ma-adjust if not ay ma-give up. Bakit namin ginagawa ito? Hindi ito tungkol sa pagiging kuripot or pagiging mukhang pera. Ito ay ang pagiging good steward ng family resources at ang pagiging aware sa sitwasyon ng mundo. Walang question na ang mga expenses na aking ipinaubaya ay napaka-simple. Hindi ito ikamamatay or ito yung mas kilala sa tawag na first world issues or problems na big deal na sa atin pero kung tutuusin ay luxury at hindi ito talaga necessity. Isipin natin na habang naiinis tayo dahil nawala ng ilang minuto ang Internet connection ay nalalagot din ang hininga ng mga tao dahil sa giyera, namamatay ang mga pasyente sa mga ospital

dahil sa walang maayos na gamit; bumabagsak na lang sa gutom ang mga taong walang makain at marami pang ibang mga nakamamatay na sitwasyon ng buhay ng mga tao sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng mundo. Heto tayo. Problema natin yung snow na itinambak ng kapitbahay natin or ng city crew at naging sanhi ng windrows. Problema natin yung hindi dumating sa tamang oras yung inorder nating pagkain sa Skip the Dishes. Problema natin yung aso natin na may anxiety at hindi maiwang mag-isa. Problema natin yung hindi matuloy-tuloy at napurnadang cruise trip natin sa Carribean. Yung mga potholes sa kalye na nakakasira sa mga magaganda nating kotse? Ang dami nating problema, ano? The richer you are, the more worried you are. Totoo ito. Laging example ng buhay ko ang probinsya ng aking asawa, sa Lal-lo, Cagayan. Ilang beses lang ako nakarating doon pero dama ko ang kasimplehan ng buhay at pagiging totoong masaya at kuntento ng mga tao. Madaling sumaya kung ang measurement ng ating happiness ay hindi napakakomplikado. Therefore, set your own measurements na sa tingin mo ay attainable para madali kang sumaya. Simple lang, hindi ba? Isa pa, lahat ay nasa tamang panahon. Timing is very important sa lahat ng bagay. Huwag nating madaliin ang buhay dahil maiksi na nga ito. Kung magmamadali pa tayo, hindi na natin mai-enjoy ang pagiging buháy sa napaka-iksing buhay. Nabawasan ba ang pagkatao ko nang mag-bus ulit ako? Naging mukhang kakawa ba si Francis dahil wala na siyang Roblox

subscription? Pinaka-pobre ka na ba dahil wala ka ng cable TV? Minsan kailangan nating i-assess ang ating mga buhay kung masyado na ba tayong nasasanay sa mga bagay na hindi naman talaga importante. Kaya ba nating isakripisyo ang mga oras, bagay at pagkakataon para kahit sa kaunting panahon ay maging simple ulit ang buhay natin na dati namang hindi komplikado? Kung may dapat hindi tipirin, ito yung panahon natin na dapat nating ilaan kung saan nandoon ang puso natin. Nasaan ba yon? Baka naman yon ang naisakripisyo natin. Baka huli na kapag narealize natin na dapat pala ay mas naglaan tayo ng oras sa kaniya o sa kanila kaysa sa oras nating ginugol para sa mga bagay na wala pala namang tunay na halaga. Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang

Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng BataBatuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP). Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

Leni Robredo. Iyon ang sabi niya. Hindi ang manira ng mga taong sa kaniyang panlasa ay nakakabuwisit. Kung iyon nga ang kaniyang pakay ay hindi nakakopo ng boto si Kris para sa kaniyang minamanok, siya pa ang nambugaw palayo sa mga botante, dahil sa sobrang tabil ng kaniyang dila. Nakakaawa naman si Kris Aquino. Maysakit na siya at pupunta pa nga sa Amerika para matunton kung saan nagmumula at nag-uugat ang kaniyang mga sakit, pero punumpuno pa rin ng galit ang kaniyang puso, nagpapakastress siya na ipinagbabawal sa kaniya ng mga doktor. Pero dahil bratty nga si Kris, walang makapipigil sa kaniya, gagawin at sasabihin pa rin niya ang kaniyang gusto kahit pa makasasama iyon sa kaniyang pangkasalukuyang sitwasyong pisikal. *** Puwede nang ibilang nayon ang pangalan ni Carla Abellana sa mga artistang taklesa. Iyong arya

lang nang arya nang hindi muna nag-iisip nang maraming beses. Maraming ibinibigay na pruweba ang mga naiinis ngayong Marites sa kaniya. Maganda lang daw si Carla pero maldita. Taklesa pa. Sabi ng isang Marites, “Noong may faney na nagtanong sa kaniya kung becki ba si Tom Rodriguez, dahil yon ang natsitsismis, ni-like niya, di ba? Noong may nagtanong kung infidelity ba sa part ni Tom ang hiwalayan nila, ni-like din ni Carla!” naiinis nitong sabi. At ang huling pagkataklesa ni Carla ay noong linawin niya na hindi ibinebenta ang kaniyang condo unit nang dalawang milyon lang. Ipinaliwanag niya na binawasan lan ang presyo pero hindi ibinebenta nang palugi. Ang kaniyang huling sinabi ay isinalin pa raw niya sa Tagalog (Filipino) ang pagpapaliwanag para maraming makaintindi. Naku, nagwarla ang mga Marites sa sinabi niya, hindi lang pala siya taklesa kundi maldita pa! Kailangang alam ni Carla na

huwag sasagot kapag mainit ang ulo o galit. Huwag mangangako kapag masaya at huwag magdedesisyon kapag malungkot. Matalino naman siya, nagtapos nga siyang Magna Cum Laude sa isang prestihiyosong kolehiyo, kaya dapat ay alam ni Carla Abellana kung saan siya lulugar. *** Naiintindihan namin ang sitwasyong kinaroroonan ngayon ni Rey “PJ” Abellana. Damage control ang kailangan niyang gawin. Kailangan niyang bawiin ang mga una niyang deklarasyon dahil inaway siya ni Carla. Nang malaman ng kaniyang anak ang mga salitang binitiwan niya ay nagalit ito, bakit daw siya nagsalita, tuloy ay lumala ang problema nila ni Tom Rodriguez. Ano ang puwedeng gawin ni Rey para makabalanse sa damdamin ng nagalit niyang anak? Natural, damage control, kailangan niyang bawiin ang kaniyang mga pinakawalang impormasyon para mapagbigyan si Carla. Pero mayroon pa bang

maniniwala sa ginawang paglilinaw ni Rey? Maniniwala pa ba ang publiko sa kaniyang pagsasabing hindi naman natuloy ang one-night-stand na kinapalooban ni Tom? Tatllong araw pa ang pinalipas ni Rey bago niya sinabing hindi naman natuloy ang one-nightstand. Sa loob nang tatlong araw na iyon ay siguradong nagkapalitan sila ng mga salita ng kaniyang anak, masasakit na salita. Dati na namang hindi malapit si Carla sa kaniyang ama, nang maghiwalay sina Rey at Rhea ay naiwan si Carla at ang kaniyang kapatid sa poder ng nanay nila, inaasahan na ang ganitong senaryo sa pagitan ng mag-ama. *** Para kaming namamalakaya na sinuwerteng makahuli ng malaking isda kay Ariel Rivera. Naging panauhin namin siya sa Cristy Ferminute bilang bagong Jukeboss ng Sing-Galing ng TV5. Medya-medya lang ang pagtatanong namin ni Romel See CRISTY p14




CRISTY... From page 13 Chika sa magaling na singer-actor, kilala kasi siyang mapagpahalaga sa personal niyang buhay, kaya siya napagkakamalang suplado. Pero mukhang maganda ang gising ni Ariel noong araw na iyon, nagkuwento siya tungkol sa mga anak nila ni Geli de Belen na

nag-aaral-naninirahan sa Canada, emosyonal ang mga pahayag ni Ariel bilang ama. “Dinadalaw namin sila three times a year. Buti nga, may FaceTime na, nagkakausap kami palagi. Pero kapag pauwi na kami, masakit, malungkot, mahirap when your children are away,” sabi ni Ariel. May nag-text para magtanong.


NO. 390

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Semana Santa 5. Sobrang tibay 12. Istorbo 13. Tila 14. Lulan 15. Salakay 16. Sakop 20. Lumpo 24. Iluto sa mantika 25. Alipato 26. Paagusan 27. Kulam 28. Inisip 30. Irerespeto PABABA 1. Beri-beri 2. Ligalig 3. Uri ng kahoy 4. Dilig 6. Kaawa-awa 7. Pag-intindi 8. Unlapi 9. ____ Vegas 10. Kalokohan

11. Alyas 16. Kurba 17. Alog 18. Awit ng papuri 19. Pagapangan 20. Hapo 21. Ipasyal 22. Barkilyos 23. Uri ng laruan 29. Panghalip


Nagdadalawang-isip pa sana kaming itanong kay Ariel ang isyu pero siya mismo ang nagsabing handa siyang sagutin ang lahat ng tanong na ibabato sa kaniya. Bakit nga ba siya umalis sa Lunch Out Loud? Ang LOL na naging bahagi rin siya nang mahabang panahon? Diretsong pahayag ni Ariel, “It’s because of the budget. Luging-lugi na kasi ang producer, so instead na makadagdag pa ako sa pagkalugi, umalis na lang ako. “I don’t want to be a burden, lugi na kasi, mas mabuting magpaalam na lang ako. Hindi na nga ako nakapagpasalamat kay Cong. Albee Benitez, thank you, sir,” paglilinaw ni Ariel. Sa tatlong taping ng LOL nang lingguhan ay libre ang isang taping, dalawa lang ang bayad sa mga hosts, pero nagsabi uli ang produksiyon na kailangan uling bawasan ang kanilang talent fee. Iyon ang pagkakataong umalis na si Ariel Rivera dahil naaawa na siya sa malaking pagkalugi ng producer. Para makagaan ang produksiyon, para hindi na madagdagan pa ang sobra-sobrang

gastos, pero napakaliit lang ng balik. *** Hay, ipinahamak ni Senador Manny Pacquiao ang kaniyang sarili sa panayam sa kaniya nina Ted Failon at DJ Chacha sa Radyo Singko at OnePH. Sabi niya ay may mga kasamahan daw siyang senador na hindi pumipirma at sumasangayon sa maraming batas na kailangang pairalin sa ating bayan dahil sa kanilang mga personal na interes. Nalulungkot daw siya dahil maraming batas na makabubuti pero hindi pumapasa dahil nga sa pinaiiral na personal at pailalim na interes ng kaniyang mga kasamahan sa Senado. Natural, binulabog niya ang mga tagapakinig-tagapanood sa kaniyang sinabi, kaya hinamon siyang pangalanan kung sinusinong senador ang may vested interest. Ang kaniyang sagot ay pabayaan daw munang sumailalim sa due process ang mga senador na gusto niyang tukuyin, ang malinaw raw ay ipakukulong niya ang mga

APRIL 1 - 15, 2022

pulitikong corrupt kapag siya ay nanalo, tutuparin daw niya ang kaniyang pangako laban sa mga nagnanakaw sa kaban ng ating bayan. Si Senador Ping Lacson daw ang napipisil niyang manalo sa panguluhan labas sa kaniyang sarili. Ayaw na niyang pangalanan pa kung sinu-sino ang ayaw niyang makakuha sa pinakamataas na upuan, tama na raw na sinabi niyang si Senador Ping Lacon ang gusto niyang manalo, tapos! *** Gusto po naming magtawid ng pasasalamat nina Romel Chika at Morly Alinio ng pinakamasarap na pasasalamat sa mga kababayan nating napakabilis na yumakap at nagbigay tiwala sa “Showbiz, Now Na!” Lumalangoy po sa kaligayahan ngayon ang buong produksiyon ng aming You Tube Channel, kulang ang mga salita lang ng pasasalamat para ibalik sa napakaaga naming mataas na subscribers at views, maramingmaraming salamat po sa inyong suporta, tiwala at pagmamahal. –CSF

APRIL 1 - 15, 2022



Pinays Manitoba finalizes plans for recognition event Pinays Manitoba officers and members met on March 19 at Max’s Restaurant to discuss preparations for its upcoming event, the Pinays Manitoba Recognition Luncheon scheduled on May 28 at the PCCM.

It was also an opportunity for members to meet again in person after two years of virtual meetings. During the membership meeting, two Pinays, Alice Robles and Marita Salazar, won two tickets each to watch Lea

Salonga’s concert on April 6 at the Club Regent Casino. On May 28, five outstanding Filipino women will receive the Pinays Manitoba Trailblazer Award. From 2016 to 2020, Pinays Manitoba has given this

recognition to a number of very deserving Filipino women. Founded and incorporated in January 2016, Pinays Manitoba aspires to provide a resource within the community to assist and guide Filipino women of all ages.

One of its objectives is to honour Filipino women – trailblazers who have made outstanding contributions to the community. For more information and for tickets, please e-mail pinaysmb@ gmail.com

Pinays Manitoba president Araceli Ancheta (standing, 4th from right) presided over the meeting with fellow Pinays on March 19 at Max’s Restaurant.

Alice Robles and Marita Salazar won Lea Salonga concert tickets courtesy of Pilipino Express



APRIL 1 - 15, 2022

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