Pilipino Express • Dec 2021

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Volume 17 • No. 23 • December 1 - 15 , 2021 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Yassi Pressman

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Omicron variant of COVID-19 in Canada On Sunday, November 28, the Ontario government reported that there were two confirmed first cases of the Omicron coronavirus variant in Ottawa. As of Tuesday, November 30, there are now at least six cases in Canada. The new variant of concern was first reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) from South Africa on November 24, 2021. It is now raising alarm around the world, causing a wave of new travel restrictions in Canada, United States, and other countries. In a statement released Sunday, federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said the confirmation of two omicron cases is a signal that the country’s monitoring system is working but to expect more cases of the variant. “As the monitoring and testing continues with provinces and territories, it is expected that other See OMICRON p4

Scientifically accurate atomic model of the external structure of SARS-CoV-2. Each “ball” is an atom [Wikipedia]

IKEA Philippines is open Largest in the world

Tom Rodriguez, Jasmine Curtis-Smith & Alden Richards

Story on page 19. Photo credit: SM Mall of Asia Official FB page



DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021





DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

What’s on your wish list? Another year has gone by, and I find myself wondering, “Where did 2021 go?” Even with ongoing concerns about the pandemic, life is continuing as we adjust, adapt, and go about our lives. With the holiday season fast approaching, many of us want to close out another year with a sense of meaning, peace, and hope. And for the second year in a row, there must be considerations for safety. According to www. gov.mb.ca, current public health guidelines state: Manitobans, and those visiting from out of province, are strongly encouraged to focus on the fundamentals to help stop the spread of COVID-19. This includes: • Staying home if you’re sick, even if your symptoms are only mild. • Washing/sanitizing your hands frequently. • Covering your cough. • Practicing physical distancing when you are with people outside of your household. • Wearing a mask in indoor public spaces, or in other situations required by public health orders, and recommended outdoors where you cannot physically distance. • Get the COVID-19 vaccine at a location near you. For full details on what fully vaccinated Manitobans and unvaccinated Manitoban must abide by, visit https://www.gov.

OMICRON... From page 1 cases of this variant will be found in Canada… I know that this new variant may seem concerning,” he said. He added that existing

mb.ca/covid19/holiday-season. html. Let’s shift our focus back to what brings us meaning, peace, and hope this holiday season. So much focus can be on finding the right presents, making the perfect dinner, and putting up beautiful decorations. But what I have noticed in my counselling career, is that what really matters are the relationships with others. I’ve heard many stories of emotional pain that come from times of disagreements or misunderstandings with family or friends. And I’ve also heard stories of kindness, gratefulness, and forgiveness. At the end of these stories of hurt and love, people hardly ever tell me that they wish for a material gift from someone. If I had to sum it up, the ultimate wish list would actually be quality time. Quality time Children may say that they want the latest game console or clothing trend. But as adults, when they look back to their childhoods, they often tell me that they wish their parents had talked to them more. If a loved one has died, spouses, parents, children, and close friends will often wish that they had “just one more minute” with that person. Knowing this, what would you choose to focus on this season? One thing on your list could be to go for a walk with a loved one or call them to chat.

vaccines and public health measures will help to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The Public Health Agency of Canada said border measures could change as the situation develops. It has issued a travel

Kind gestures An expensive present is hardly ever as meaningful as a gift or gesture that takes a lot of thought. Preparing breakfast in bed for someone, shovelling a neighbour’s driveway, dropping off frozen meals, or offering to babysit can go a long way. Attention With work, school, and family commitments, it can be hard to find time to give someone attention. There are so many distractions in our lives that calling someone to say, “Hello, how are you doing?” can seem like an impossible feat. One tip that one spouse told me is that he tries to send at least three texts to his wife every day that say, “Thinking of you” or “I hope you’re having a good day.” One parent I know leaves “I love you” notes in her kids’ lunch kits. It’s always the little things that mean the most. Silence When we have conversations with people, most of the time we are in our own heads planning what our next words are going to be, rather than fully paying attention to what the person is saying. We often prepare our next point of debate or words of advice or a story of “when that happened to me.” But the truth is, people feel better when they feel understood and heard. When feelings are validated rather than ignored or minimized, people can move forward from a problem more easily. So, when someone is telling you about their day or a dilemma,

make a conscious effort not to say much. Look them in the eyes and offer a smile of encouragement. Let them talk. It may mean more to say, “Wow that’s sounds so hard,” rather than “What you should really do is this…” Words of love Expressing love never has to be complicated. The simplest phrases can mean the world to someone if they are heartfelt, and these include: • “I love you.” • “I’m sorry.” • “I’m proud of you.” • “I’m here for you.” • “I’m listening.” • “I understand.” • A hug. Sometimes, no words are called for at all. When we see a distressed child, we instinctively know what to do. We will pick them up, hold them and tell them that everything will be okay. Yet somewhere along the way, we sometimes forget how to console adults. We try to give advice or worse, words of shame or guilt. Putting aside the “I told you so” and just giving that loved one a hug could be all that they need. So, as you plan out your Christmas shopping list this year, it may be worthwhile to give these ideas a thought. Not only could you be giving a more meaningful gift this year, but you might also be receiving one in return too. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

advisory asking all Canadians not to travel to southern Africa for the time being. It indicated that the Government of Canada will continue to assess the evolving situation and adjust border measures as required. At this early stage, little is known about whether the new variant is more transmissible or dangerous than others. Dr. Aileen Marty, an infectious disease expert with Florida International University, said that studies are being done, and it is unclear right now if the variant is deadlier than the Delta variant. She said it is best not to let your guard down, especially when going out and about this holiday season. As with other variants, the WHO and experts say that the most important things people can do to protect themselves are the same as they have been throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: follow public health measures. The WHO recommends that people continue to keep enclosed spaces well ventilated, avoid crowding and close contact, wear well-fitting masks, clean hands frequently,

and get vaccinated. Philippines On November 26, the Philippines suspended flights from South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Eswatini, and Mozambique until December 15 to prevent possible entry of the Omicron variant. The government is still discussing whether more nations should be included on the country’s temporary ban list due to the threat of the new variant. In the wake of the threat, the government is also eyeing the re-implementation of a policy that requires the mandatory use of face shields in public places. Sec. Carlito Galvez Jr said the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) chairman and Department of Health Secretary, Francisco Duque III, already favours this idea. On November 15, President Duterte approved the recommendation of the IATF to lift the mandatory use of face shields – effectively making it voluntary – in areas under Alert Level 1 to 3. So far, Galvez said the Philippines has yet to record a case of the Omicron variant.

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

Immigration practitioners and applicants alike have grown frustrated with the long delays in the processing of immigration applications during the pandemic. If you are thinking it’s only me, then step back and examine the report published in CIC News. The news outlet was able to obtain accurate information about the number of applications in IRCC’s inventory as of October 27, 2021, and it confirms the bad news we have grown accustomed to over the past two years. A roundup of their findings shows that 548,000 permanent residence applications, which include economic, family, refugee, and humanitarian class applicants, are currently in the backlog of nearly 1.8 million immigration applications. The total number also includes 776,000 temporary residence applications, including study permits, work permits, temporary resident visas, and visitor extensions. Citizenship applications in the backlog


comprise 458,000 of the 1,792,000 total applications in the inventory. The IRCC numbers show that the reported backlog has grown by nearly 350,000 since July. An Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship departmental spokesman admitted that the backlog is something that applicants are now facing, “Ongoing international travel restrictions, border restrictions, limited operational capacity overseas and the inability on the part of clients to obtain documentation due to COVID-19 have created barriers within the processing continuum. This hinders IRCC’s ability to finalize applications, creating delays that are outside IRCC’s control.” The spokesperson also acknowledged that the department itself has added to the delays faced by applicants: “Despite our effects, we know that some applicants have experienced considerable wait times with the processing of their applications,


Immigration backlog reaches 1.8 million applications and we continue to work as hard as possible to reduce processing times. We thank them for their patience and understanding at this moment, and we look forward to welcome them to Canada.” One has only to thank the department for reducing the much-reported backlog of Confirmation of Permanent Residence document holders and welcoming them to Canada in 2021. There is also positive news on the processing of applications during the pandemic. Between January and September 2021, 337,000 applications for permanent residence have been processed. In the same period, 1.5 million temporary residence applications have been processed compared to nearly 1,.7 million in 2020. In the same January to September 2021 period, 134,000 citizenship applications have been processed, which represents an improvement over the 80,000

processed in 2020. The processing has increased but the current numbers also include submissions during the same operational year – more out but more coming in. It is important for departmental spokespersons to disclose real numbers, current backlogs, and to acknowledge their efforts to address the issue. We, as Canadians, are often defined by our understanding and patience. These are some of our most admirable traits and, hopefully, things will improve in the short term as IRCC adjusts to the reality of achieving a balance between protecting the country from the pandemic and practicing due diligence and growing the

economy, unifying families, and responding to international human rights needs. As a country, we are so much more than merely an engine of economic growth. The country has multiple immigration objectives and a responsibility to attend to them all. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Immigration Canada and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with Immigration Connexion International Ltd. Contact him at 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.



DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

New pediatric vaccine approved. But why only now? On Friday November 19, Health Canada approved the pediatric formulation of PfizerBioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for kids 5 to 11 years of age. A momentous day, indeed! It has been nearly a year since the adult version of the vaccine received emergency use authorization and about half-ayear since adolescents as young as 12 were added to the vaccineeligible pool. Thus, we have reason to be thankful – a pediatric vaccine is finally available in the True North country. But, why only now in Canada? In fact, a similar question might also be asked: What took so long for the U.S. to grant its own approval to the pediatric vaccine? Hopefully, analysis of these questions would give our readers not only specific answers but also – and more importantly – a better understanding and appreciation of double-blind vaccine clinical trials, particularly in infants and children, their results and their value in helping us make informed decisions about their safety, efficacy and quality. Also, insights gained from consideration of these queries should help build trust and trustworthiness and motivate vaccine acceptance. Importance of vaccine availability and perception of delay First, let me summarize the observations that relate to the importance of the vaccine for kids 5 to 11 years of age and the implied concerns related to its non-availability: 1. Occurrence of new cases for most of the fourth pandemic wave has been highest in this specific age group; 2. Reduction in infection rates and outbreak-associated cases among older children aged 12 to 17 years following vaccination was notable; 3. Serious disease, including inflammation in the heart, lungs, and brain as well as long-term complications and deaths – although still less frequent than in adults – has occurred; 4. Infections within this age group increase intergenerational exposure; 5. Children in this age group congregate in large settings and events. Schools, day-care centres, celebrations, school work, team sports, and other social events are priorities for children, and they should not be hindered by fear of exposure or source of transmission; 6. Pandemic control measures have disproportionately adversely affected children’s physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing; 7. Waiting a significant period for a vaccine has amplified children’s lingering fears and continuing harms;

8. Reducing transmission reduces continuing circulation of the virus and emergence of variants of concern; 9. Increasing the total population pool of the vaccinated hastens attainment of community immunity; and 10. Immunizing this age group would help in eventually controlling the pandemic. Second, let me summarize the reasons for a perception of preventable delay in having in Canada the pediatric vaccine for this age-specific group: 1. Canada and the world have had at least a two-year experience of success with the adult formulation, not only in adults but also in adolescents as young as 12, from clinical trials and surveillance data of realworld utilization; 2. It has already received full licensing approval for marketing the product with its brand name Comirnaty; 3. It has met the high standards required for evidence of safety, efficacy, and quality; and 4. It has widely received a high level of public confidence as reflected in its acceptance (per cent of vaccinated population). So remarkably high was the level of confidence engendered that, reportedly, “some parents, pediatricians, and scientists (in the U.S.) began debating whether it could be administered “offlabel.” That is, to administer a government-approved vaccine to another population age group in a different dosage such as to the much younger non-eligible kids than what it was approved for. Briefly considered, but the feasibility was swiftly cast aside. This was not surprising since the U.S. regulatory process is deemed the world’s strictest in granting emergency use authorization to new drugs and vaccines. Likewise, the Canadian regulatory process is as strict and comprehensive as it is independent. Thus, it was equally not surprising that we experienced the nearly three-week delay from October 29 when the U.S. gave its initial green light to the pediatric formulation and November 2 when the approval process was fully completed to November 19 when Canada announced its own approval. Understanding pediatric clinical trials The science essay Why kids need their own COVID-19 vaccine trials by science writer Sarah Elizabeth Richards (National Geographic. February 19, 2021) and the vaccine blog When will children and adolescents be vaccinated against COVID-19? by Professors Anna Durbin, William Moss, Kawsar Talaat, and Ruth A. Karron (Department of International Health, Center for Immunization Research, and

the International Vaccine Access Center. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health and Medicine. Coronavirus Resource Center. February 25, 2021) jointly provide me with the backgrounder and references for my analysis of the question: Why only now in Canada for the Pfizer COVID-19 pediatric vaccine for kids 5-11? Science writer Richards opened her essay with the story of librarian Megan Egbert and her two daughters ages 12 and 14 who promptly agreed, upon hearing about the recruitment drive for volunteers to join a COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial. While the daughters became instant “mini celebrities” in their school following their first jabs and were applauded by hundreds in the social media as “brave young ladies,” the mother received the message that she is “using the kids as guinea pigs…it’s not for teens until it’s been tested.” This type of message illustrates the well-known puzzling question in doing clinical trials in children on medical drugs and vaccines. As Richards has aptly emphasized: “How can scientists know the vaccines are safe for children unless they test them on actual children? And if children can benefit from the vaccine and play an important role in establishing herd immunity, why have pharmaceutical companies waited to study them? To this I add a related question: Why do vaccine manufacturers start their clinical trials in children, in contrast to adults, in staggered age groups (also called as “age de-escalation” strategy), starting with the adolescents (12 to 17 years of age) and gradually going to infancy (5 -11 years; 2-4 years; and 6 months – under 2 years)? Children are not just small adults Answers to these questions require an acknowledgment that children do have different body metabolism, as Professor Anna Durbin and her colleagues at Johns Hopkins University would like to remind us. Children’s development and maturity are ongoing processes. Below is a list of reasons why children need their own clinical trials. 1. Foremost, government regulatory agencies as in Canada and the U.S. require that vaccines be independently studied in children for a number of reasons: a. Their immune systems are still maturing and may react to the COVID virus differently; b. They may have side effects or adverse reactions that do not occur in adults; c. They might respond better or worse; and d. They may need a childspecific formulation and dosage schedule unique to the different age-subgroups. 2. Also, researchers could

“Watch out, COVID-19”/ “Tiens-toi bien, COVID-19” – The Quebec government’s ad campaign tries to get kids the vaccine by using humour. SOURCE: Quebec build on the results obtained in adult study; that is, if proof of efficacy from studies in adults is solid, pediatric clinical trials could focus more on safety and immune response; thus, clinical trials may not require as large a study as in adults; 3. Clinical trials in children must be low risk and offer a clear potential for benefits, that is, kids ought to be protected from unnecessary risk. That is why, institutional research ethics committees are created and review research proposals for compliance with the principles and integrity of governing participation in pediatric clinical trials. Pediatric clinical trials are more challenging Frequent appointments for monitoring (interviews, blood tests), dutiful record-keeping of signs and symptoms that may or may not develop for many weeks and months, and telemedicine visits do impose a heavy burden on research participants. Their parents may require access to daycare centres and transportation, and may find it difficult to juggle their schedules between their jobs and research visits. Put all these together and you develop a clear picture of why pediatric clinical trials of vaccines can be most challenging. Although they are reimbursed for expenses, participants may not be paid except for a modest honorarium. Indeed, both parents and children really need to connect with the research project. They need to develop a deep sense of “emotional connection” – a sense of purpose and altruism – to enrol and remain in the clinical trials. They really deserve our deep appreciation. And I am pleased to share, if I may, that I have been privileged to see participants’ altruistic engagement during my pre-retirement years. Give children a say in vaccination In its summary statement, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI. November 19, 2021) issued this guidance: “It is essential that children and their caregivers are supported and

respected during the decisionmaking process, so they are able to make an informed decision about COVID19 vaccination.” (I discussed the formulation and related information about the new pediatric vaccine in my previous article – see Pilipino Expess / Medisina at Politika. Nov 16, 2021.) The following day, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau echoed the same sentiment in his National Child Day statement. “Today, …we celebrate the rights of children, …We know that vaccines are one of the most effective ways to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities from COVID-19. Children under the age of 12 have waited patiently…now, children between the ages of five and 11 will be able to get vaccinated …the government will continue … to ensure parents and guardians are supported in making informed decisions on COVID-19 vaccination.” Indeed, children want to have a say. They want to “be partners, not pawns,” as Canada continues its fight against the COVID-19 virus and its variants of concern. Summation Immunization is a story of medical success. The availability of the new Pfizer pediatric COVID-19 vaccine – the first ever approved in Canada – is a welcome addition to our public health tools to help control the pandemic. Immunization of children 5 to 11 years of age – the age group that has the highest occurrence rates of new COVID-19 cases for the most part of the pandemic fourth wave – is timely, indeed. Particularly as the newest variant of concern, Omicron, appears to be starting its global journey. It took a while for the pediatric vaccine to make its way to Canada, in fact, even to the U.S. Now we understand and appreciate why the temporal route was long. Children must have their own independent clinical trials and only when the potential for benefits – to citizens and country – far outweigh the See VACCINE p7

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021



New research on Filipinos in Canada After a few years of researching and writing, and a little more researching and writing, I’m happy to let readers of the Pilipino Express know that I have recently released my short publication, Filipinos in Canada, through the Canadian Historical Association. This introductory booklet presents a summary history of the Filipino community in Canada, from the late 19th century to today. It is available for free in a PDF form, shared below. This work brings together in one piece up-to-date research on Filipinos in Canada. Some is my own research, including details on labour migration to Winnipeg (health professionals and garment workers); early immigration to Canada; and a summary of decades of other research by other scholars. This work is also presented as a gift to the Filipino community. As a researcher, I am indebted to the community for a number of reasons. First and foremost is how I have been welcomed and accepted as a non-Filipino. The warmth and kindness of the many friendships I’ve forged

VACCINE... From page 6 risks. That is, for an abundance of caution and care about our children whose say on matters that affect them shall be respected and protected. Better understanding of the ethical principles governing clinical trials of vaccines and the rigorous requirements for safety, efficacy, and quality that must be

through my years of engagement have deeply enriched my life. Second is a sense of gratitude I have for the sense of belonging that the community has extended to me. This includes the regular opportunity to write in the Pilipino Express. Filipinos, I have found, are generous in many things, including sharing their culture. Public festivals are aplenty, as are the opportunities to experience the culture. Third is the trust I have been given by many in the community who have participated in my research by sharing their life stories. I’ve written before on oral history and the importance of relationships in this work, and it’s humbling to be brought into the lives of participants. In sum, my research is a relationship, part of my ongoing engagement and inclusion in the Filipino community. This publication is a way of giving back, of sharing what I have learned with those who have helped me to shape it and to the community I have come to love. History is something that is lived, experienced, remembered, and shared. The history of Filipinos

met, and the subsequent review, recommendations, and guidance by NACI, all give parents and the children the basis for trust in the trustworthiness of this vaccine. We understand, too, why only now we have the Pfizer pediatric COVID-19 vaccine in Canada. Dr. Rey D. Pagtakhan, P.C., O.M., LL.D., Sc.D., M.D. M.Sc. is a retired lung specialist, professor of child health, author of articles and

in Canada and in Winnipeg is something that is shared amongst each and every community member, and it is to you all that I dedicate this work. I hope it is of much interest and use to those who read it. I’d also like to draw attention to research being conducted by my friend Joseph Lopez. Below I share research that he has conducted that shows how long Filipinos have been living in Canada. It reminds us that Filipinos have been part of Canada since its earliest days. Readings Filipinos in Canada: https://cha-shc.ca/_ uploads/6172d313bce1a.pdf Joseph Lopez: https://www. canadianfilipino.net/sections/ community/first-filipinocanadians-the-search-beginspart-1-of-4 Joseph Lopez: https:// jlopezmb.blogspot.com/2016/03/ first-filipinos-in-canada.html Jon Malek received his PhD from Western University and currently teaches history at the University of Manitoba. He is working on a book manuscript on the history of the Winnipeg Filipino community.

Brochure #38 in the CHA’s Immigration and Ethnicity in Canada Series, Filipinos in Canada written by Jon G. Malek, is now available online

chapters in medical journals and textbooks, and a former health critic, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, and cabinet minister, including Secretary of State for Science, Research and Development. He graduated from the University of

the Philippines, did postgraduate training and studies at the Children’s Hospitals of Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, and spent a sabbatical year as Visiting Professor of Pediatrics

at the University of Arizona Medical Center. In June 2003, he spoke on “The Global Threat of Infectious Diseases” at the G-8 Science Ministers/Advisors Carnegie Group Meeting in Berlin. Contact: reypagtakhan@ gmail.com



DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

The best colour in feng shui? The rainbow. There’s a lot of debate and discussion about colours in feng shui. Is red the best colour there is? Maybe it’s gold or ochre. On the other hand, black is the colour of deep wealth. But then there’s purple, ah, the colour confusion! Let’s look at the colours from a different perspective. Instead of concentrating on a single colour, let’s discuss them all and their role and meaning in feng shui. Black – the colour of deepest water that is stored, like the seas. It represents accumulated and stored wealth, limitless like the ocean. It also represents the kidney and ears, transformation, big business, and contemplation. Good to help overcome problems such as anger, selfishness, financial opportunity and protection from theft or fraud. Blue – the colour of shallow, flowing water and has similar associations as black. This is the colour of opportunity, generating wealth and is useful for growth, opportunity, salary raises and payments. Can be used to enhance health and wealth, forgetfulness, and calming anger, and improving mental acuity. Blue is also helpful for your spiritual growth. Red – the colour associated most with fame, social standing, family name, the heart, and eyes. Red is the colour of happiness, joy, and success in Chinese thought. This is the colour for auspicious events, it stimulates good chi and activates. Red can be used for selfishness, stubborn pride, argumentativeness, and lack of inertia, energy or being too passive. Red is useful for abundance and material possessions, social regard, patience, adding excitement and enthusiasm as well as improving self-esteem. Purple – the colour of nobility and royalty. This is the colour that can be used in any feng shui setting and sector, from fire and water sectors, metal, and earth to wood. Purple adds both the best aspects of the elements of fire and water and brings great success

and notoriety. It can be used for enhancing opportunity, your name, your confidence and for attracting investors and mentors. Lavender, the lighter shade of purple, also has the qualities in addition to helping you manage through stressful times and lifting your spirits. Yellow – the colour of earth and is regarded as a colour of power. Yellow is often referred to as the colour of wisdom, solidity, patience, and virtue. This colour helps ground someone who is too active, such as with ADHD, or someone who lacks concentration or frequently lies or cheats. Yellow is suitable for attracting relationships that are grounded and more serious versus frivolous or who has depressive tendencies. Green – the colour of small wood, such as leaves, this colour signifies growth, hope, and tranquillity. It emits healthy chi and is the colour that can help with low energy, depression, and infertility. Green is also calming and excellent for rigid personalities and stubbornness and improving self-acceptance. Greens can be used to bring new energy to your life, add happiness, intelligence, and creativity as well as good test performance and athletic ability. Pink – the lighter (yin) shade of red, pink has the added benefits of representing love, affection, happiness, and joy. This is a good colour for attracting love, improving your personal attractiveness, creating more joy and light-heartedness in your life and for steady enthusiasm. This is also true of other pink-related hues, such as burgundy or plum or nude. Nude or flesh-colour is seductive and sensual. Orange – the colour orange is a mix of red and yellow, of fire and earth, and represents the earth element. It combines the best qualities of these two elements such as happy success, joyful abundance and solid, contentedness. This is a good

All colours bring health, wealth, happiness

colour for insecurity, uncertainty, and lack of cheer. Brown – the colour most closely associated with the large wood of a tree, brown also represents big, long-term growth and stability. Brown is a good colour if you have problems with exaggeration or lying, rude or curt behaviour, oversensitivity, and can help you become more patient and increase solid growth. Gray – the colour of metal and movement. Gray can help cut through conflicts, is considered good for stubborn resistance and improving quick movement and thinking for problem solving. Use to enhance creativity and faithfulness, guarding against gossip. White – the colour of metal and representing heaven, white has many of the same similarities as grey. White is also very powerful and has the ability to overcome. To capture the attention, white is very yang and can grab the notice of others. Women executives are advised to wear the colour white to call attention to themselves and their ability. White represents clear cut beginnings and endings. Tan – the colour of earth element, represents stability and has much as the same characteristics that yellow and ochre have. It also signifies new possibilities, new ideas and is good for calming oversensitivity and building dependability. Gold metallic – this is the colour of the element of metal, and in particular, the metal gold. Considered the most precious metal element. Gold represents wealth, conductivity, ability to create more from less. Gold connotes prosperity and the yang, heavenly energy of the sun. Excellent when combined with red to represent wealth and the

material abundance and ease of life. Use this colour to cut through problems, add insights and provide illumination to problems. Silver metallic – this is the colour of the element of metal. It is also a precious metal and represents higher energies. As a conductor of energy, metal is excellent for representing movement, cutting through obstacles, improving stubbornness and wilfulness. Silver is the metal that represents the energy of the moon, a reflection of the sun’s radiance. Use silver when you need a soft release from problems, adding more creativity or insight and better understanding of underlying issues. The Rainbow – this is the single best colour there is — a combination of all of them. Rainbow energy in feng shui brings all the benefits of each of the colours to bear. Adding all the colours together creates a happy and balanced energy and boosts creativity. Think of the Chihuly glass installation in jellybean colours made famous at the Bellagio Casino in Las Vegas. Positioned right at the entrance, there is always a crowd here of happy, excited customers! Or consider

Ronald Reagan’s famous jellybean jar that made him one of the most popular presidents in decades. The rainbow colours are reminiscent of the rainbows we see in the sky. They could not be more harmonious as they are the joining of yin and yang – sun and rain! This is an excellent colour combination to use to improve your outlook, your creativity, initiative, and joy. Adding multi-colours to your life in clothing, your websites, work presentations and in your home environment ensures you bring all the best qualities of all the colours to bear in your life. Plus, with all that balanced, happy energy, you’re sure to reap the benefits that come with all the energies of each colour! Kathryn Weber has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice, and professional consultation. Her witty, no-nonsense style appeals to audiences, making her a popular speaker and radio show guest. She is often called on by media to explain feng shui in down-to-earth terms, and has been featured in Seventeen, First for Women, Faces, Conceive, Martial Arts Professional, and Natural Health magazines, and on websites around the world.

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021






Nasa gitna pa rin talaga ng aksiyon si Bea Alonzo. Sikat pa rin siya, mainit pa rin siya sa mata ng publiko, nasa gitna pa rin siya ng entablado. Anumang galaw niya ay pinapansin, kahit ano ang sabihin niya ay kinokontra, kaya ang isahang komento ng kaniyang mga tagasuporta ay relevant pa rin ang kanilang idolo. Sabi ng isa niyang basher, “Kung kailan ka tumanda, saka ka pa nagburles!” Sabi naman ng isa pang mapakla ang panlasa sa aktres, “Laylay na ang balat mo!” Tinitigan naming mabuti ang mga retratong naglalabasan ni Bea bilang pinakahuling tagapag-endorso ng isang inuming nakalalasing. Hindi siya hubo’t hubad. Nakadamit siya. Ang terminong pagbuburles ay ginagamit lamang sa walang kahit anong saplot sa katawan. Sinentruhan namin ang kaniyang bandang kilikili at braso na sinasabi ng basher na laylay na. Walang balat na nakalaylay. Napakakinis na at maayos tingnan ang kaniyang kabuuan. Napakagandang modelo ng inuming nakahihilo at

nakalalasing si Bea Alonzo. Mapanghalina ang kaniyang ganda. Sexy ang aktres sa kaniyang sariling paraan. Nasa gitna pa rin ng giyera si Bea Alonzo. Hinding-hindi totoong laos na siya kaya tinangap ang pag-eendorso ng alak. Marami pa siyang balang ipuputok. Galing sa hirap si Bea Alonzo. Hindi siya nahihiyang ikuwento na noong nag-aartista na siya ay puro hiram lang ang mga damit at sapatos na isnusuot niya. Kahit hatinggabi na ay kinakatok nila ng kaniyang ina ang bahay ng kanilang mga kaibigan para lang makapanghiram ng mga damit na isusuot niya sa taping. Kapag ganoong umabot sa sukdulan ang kahirapan ay natututong mag-ingat sa kaniyang kinikita ang kahit sino. Ginagawa niyang inspirasyon ang mga biyayang tinatanggap niya na nagdamot sa kaniya noong bata pa siya. Napakaganda ng resulta ng pagiging masinop ni Bea Alonzo. Napakarami na niyang naipupundar. Ang Beati Farm See CRISTY p12

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

• Bea Alonzo – Napakagandang modelo • The World Between Us – Nagbalik na sa ere • Kim Chiu – Binabash na naman sa social media • Jennylyn Mercado – Hirap sa pagbubuntis • Rayver Cruz at Janine Gutierrez – Hiwalay na • John Lloyd Cruz – Guwapo na, magaling pang aktor • Angel Locsin – Inilaglag ni Kris Aquino • JC Santos at Yassi Pressman – Mahusay ang pagganap • Claudine Barretto – Pinagtaasan lang ng kilay ng netizen • Daniel Padilla – Binash na naman sa social media • Manny Pacquiao at Chavit Singson – Umasim ang samahan

Bea Alonzo

Kim Chiu

Jasmine Curtis-Smith, Alden Richards & Tom Rodriguez John Lloyd Cruz

Angel Locsin Janine Gutierrez & Rayver Cruz

Jennylyn Mercado & Dennis Trillo

Rico Yan & Claudine Barretto and the old letter from Rico Yan

Governor Chavit Singson & Senator Manny Pacquiao

Daniel Padilla

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021





Making It In Canada Proudly FilipinoCanadian! Catch the inspiring journeys of Filipinos who made it in Canada in this new series – Making It In Canada on TFC and MYX. This multigenerational docu-series is produced through the support of the Government of Ontario and in partnership with PLACA (Philippine Legacy & Cultural Alliance). Making It In Canada shares the challenging yet aspirational journeys of Filipinos in Ontario. For its pilot episode, Making It In Canada shares

the amazing journey of the first Filipina elected as Member of Parliament, Rechie Aileen

Valdez. Catch her story and seven other Filipinos on Making It In Canada globally on iWantTFC and every Sunday at 7 pm on MYX on US cable and satellite and 8 p.m. on TFC both on cable and satellite across North & Latin America. Watch Making It In Canada, an MYX original series, that also airs simultaneously on TFC. https://app.iwanttfc.com yc6v9VjFklb Source: Rosary Saldana Escano’s FB page

CRISTY... From page 10 niya sa Zambales ay isang patunay ng kaniyang pagsisikap at pagsasakripisyo. Ilampung ektarya iyon na tinaniman nila ng mga puno ng mangga na napakaayos ng pagkakahilera. Mayroon din silang mga alagang hayop, palaisdaan, pinatayuan din niya ng mga bahay ang napakalawak na farm. Nasundan din namin ang kaniyang pa-house tour, hindi lang basta malaki ang kaniyang bahay, punumpuno iyon ng paintings at muwebles na hindi biro ang halaga. See CRISTY p13

JC Santos & Yassi Pressman

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

CRISTY... From page 12 Pangarap niya talaga ang magkaroon ng bahay kung saan magiging kumportable ang kaniyang pamilya. Binabalikan niya ang nakaraan na halos magkapalitan na sila ng mukha ng kaniyang ina at mga kapatid sa kaliitan ng kanilang tirahan. Kapag napagod na sa pag-aartista si Bea Alonzo at kapribaduhan na ang gusto niya ay siguradong hindi siya matutulad sa ibang artistang nagkamal ng salapi pero naghihirap ngayon. “Maraming taon po bago ko naipundar ang lahat ng mayroon ako ngayon, nabiyayaan lang po ako at iningatan ko naman ang pinaghihirapan ko. “Kulang po ang basta pasasalamat lang kay Lord sa naging resulta ng pagsisikap ko. Sobrang salamat talaga,” pahayag ng magandang aktres. *** Umiinit na uli ang mga eksena sa seryeng pinagbibidahan ni Alden Richards na nagbalik na uli sa himpapawid noong nakaraang Lunes. Maraming tumawag sa amin para lang sabihing parang hindi maganda para sa isang serye ang pagkakaroon ng season break. Bumababa ang entusiyasmo ng manonood, bagsak ang momentum, mayroon silang mga patotoo kung bakit. Isang tagahanga ni Alden ang nagsabi, “Binantayan namin ang social media, hindi nag-trending ang pagbabalik ng The World Between Us, samantalang dati, konting kibot lang, trending na agad sila! “Bigyan lang ng close-up si Alden na kitang-kia ang dimples niya, grabe na agad ang trending!” sabi nito. Napansin naman ng kausap naming direktor na kahit ang kaniyang mga kasambahay ay parang hindi na excited sa pagbabalik ng serye, may iba nang tinututukan ang mga ito, nakasingit ang ibang serye sa pansamantalang pagkawala sa ere ng TWBU. Pinatunayan ng direktor na talagang hindi magandang pinuputol ang serye sa kalagitnaan nito, hindi maganda ang resulta ng season break, sana raw ay nagmarka sa pamunuan ng GMA7 ang naging desisyon nila sa The World Between Us. Pero sa napanood naming episode noong Huwebes nang gabi ay umiinit na uli ang mga tagpo, maghihiganti na si Louie Asuncion sa ginawang kawalanghiyaan sa kaniya nina Tom at Sid, ganoon ang mga eksenang gustung-gusto ng mga tagahanga ni Alden. Halos wala nang pahinga ngayon sa pagtatrabaho ang Pambansang Bae dahil sa ibang bansa siya magbabakasyon ngayong Kapaskuhan kasama ang kaniyang pinsan. Sabi ng isang kaibigan naming businessman, “Tama iyon. Para na siyang makina sa pagtatrabaho sa buong taon, he should find time naman for himself. Pagbalik niya, bagong pahinga ang machine, handa na namang magtrabaho


nang walang pahingahan.” *** Nakakaawa naman si Kim Chiu. Grabe ang tinatanggap niyang bashing ngayon dahil sa kinunan niyang kuwadro ni Bea Alonzo na tinanggal na sa pader ng ABS-CBN. Humahalakhak pa raw si Kim, tuwang-tuwa pa siya habang kinukunan iyon, kaya todotodo ang galit sa kaniya ng mga tagasuporta ni Bea. Maganda ang kalooban ni Kim sa pagkakakilala namin sa kaniya, walang masamang buto sa katawan ang dalaga, ano nga kaya ang nagtulak sa kaniya na kunan pa ang pagtatanggal ng kuwadro ni Bea sa pader ng ABS-CBN? Pati ang napakatagal na nilang naging relasyon ni Gerald Anderson ay nabubuklat pa ngayon. Marami nang nakarelasyon ang male personality pagkatapos nila pero pati iyon ay ipinamumukha pa ngayon kay Kim. Hindi pa raw siya nakapagmumove-on, si Gerald pa rin daw ang mahal niya, kaya sinaktan niya si Bea. Ang pinakamaganda sigurong dapat gawin ngayon ng mga artista ay huwag nang panghimasukan pa ang ginagawang paglipat ng network ng kanilang mga kasamahan sa Dos. Ipit si Kim. Tanungin man siya ngayon kung ano ang dahilan ng kaniyang ginawa ay hindi rin niya naman masasagot nang maayos. Lalo lang siyang mababash. Sabi ng isang basher ni Kim, “Huwag niyang sabihing bata pa siya kaya nadala lang siya ng emotion niya. Kitang-kita namang humahalakhak pa siya, ano iyon? Umalis na nga si Bea sa station nila, sinusundan pa rin niya para saktan?” Ganoon talaga ang magiging resulta ng kaniyang ginawa. Bakit kasi si Bea pa ang kinunan niya ng pag-aalis ng larawan sa pader, bakit hindi na lang ibang artista, kung kinakati talaga ang kamay niya? Ngayon pa namang panahon na ito, kahit ano na lang ay nagiging malaking isyu, kahit wala namang intensiyong hindi maganda ang gumawa. Lahat ay may kahulugan, lahat ay malaking kontrobersiya na, lahat ay binibigyan ng kakaibang kulay. *** Sa matinding pinagdaanang sakripisyo ni Jennylyn Mercado sa dinadala niyang binhi ngayon ng anak nila ni Dennis Trillo ay harinawang mairaos niya nang ligtas ang siyam na buwan niyang pagdadalantao. Aminado si Jennylyn na mahirap siyang mag-produce ng egg cells, may problema pa siya sa puso, kaya kinailangan nilang magpunta sa Las Vegas at sa Dallas para humanap ng surrogate mother. Tatlong beses sa isang araw ang kaniyang injection, napakarami pa niyang iniinom na gamot na pampakapit ng bata, kaya hirap na hirap si Jen. Umalis sila sa Dallas na may magandang resulta na ang gamutan, magpipirmahan na

lang sila ng kontrata ng surrogate mother, pero ipinaimbak na lang muna nila ang kanilang mga embryo para hintayin ang tamang panahon. Pagbalik nila ay nakaramdam ng kakaiba si Jennylyn, madali siyang mainis, konting bagay lang ay ikinagagalit na niya. Madalas silang magtalo ni Dennis nang wala namang dahilan kung tutuusin. Nasa lock-in taping na siya noon ng serye nila ni Xian Lim, noong maramdaman na niya ang madalas na pagsusuka ay nagpacheck-up na siya, pagkatapos mag-pregnancy test na positibo ang resulta. Kinailangan na niyang magpahinga, saka na ang trabaho sabi ni Dennis, silang mag-ina ang mahalaga. Si Dennis ang personal na nag-alaga kay Jen, ito ang nagluluto at naghahanda ng pagkain ng kaniyang misis, kasama rin ito ni Jen sa pagpapacheck-up. Threatened abortion ang kanilang iniiwasan, konting pisikal na gawin lang kasi ng aktres ay sumasakit na ang kaniyang puson, ang kaniyang pelvic area ay kumikirot din. Sabi ni Jen, “Napakasarap palang magbuntis na may kasama ka. Sobra ang pag-aasikaso sa akin ni Dennis, siya ang gumagawa ng lahat-lahat, nagpapasalamat talaga ako at nandito siya.” Napaaga ang kanilang pagpapakasal, isinabay na rin nila ang gender reveal ng kanilang anak sa araw ng kanilang kasal, pareho nilang gusto na sa panganganak ni Jen ay legal na legal na ang kanilang relasyon. *** Kung maraming personalidad na nagpapakasal ngayong pandemya ay marami ring mga artistang matagal nang magkarelasyon na

nagkakahiwalay. Masayang-malungkot ang ganoon, lalo na at pareho nilang ipinaglaban ang kanilang relasyon, pero sa wala rin naman pala iyon mauuwi. Maraming nanghihinayang sa relasyon nina Rayver Cruz at Janine Gutierrez. Sa isang panahon na ang akala ng marami ay matibay ang pundasyon ng kanilang pagmamahalan ay hindi pala. At parang hindi madaling tanggapin ang dahilan na nawalan na sila ng oras para sa isa’t isa, may kababawang katwiran iyon para sa mas nakararami, dahil ang mga tunay na nagmamahalan ay gumagawa ng panahon para sa kanilang relasyon. Baligtad ang naganap sa relasyon nina Rayver at Janine, sa halip na mas lumalim ang kanilang pagmamahalan dahil hindi sila gaanong nagkikita ay tumabang iyon, lumipad ang pagka-miss nila sa bawat isa. Doon pumasok ang mga pangalan nina Paulo Avelino at Julie Ann San Jose na mas madalas nilang nakakasama dahil sa kanilang mga proyekto. Naka-lock-in sina Janine at Paulo para sa kanilang serye, mas malapit ang tukso sa ganoong proseso, idagdag pa ang mga papel na ginagampanan nila bilang magkarelasyon na kinakikiligan ng kanilang mga tagasuporta. Hindi kami naniniwala sa dahilang wala na silang oras sa isa’t isa, sobrang babaw noon, dahil kung gusto ay may paraan at kung ayaw ay maraming dahilan. Hindi pa lang nagsasalita sina Rayver at Janine, naghihintay pa sila sa tamang pagkakataon, pero siguradong may mas malalim na pinaghuhugutan ang kanilang hiwalayan. Mas kapani-paniwala

PAGE 13 pa nga iyong katwiran na isang araw ay nagising na lang sila na hindi na pala sila masaya. Nagkapatung-patong na pala ang mga senaryong nagpalabnaw sa kanilang relasyon. Pero hindi pa rin iyon ipinanganak nang biglaan, untiunti iyon na naipon nang naipon, hanggang sa sumabog na ang bulkan. *** Nasa tamang puwesto ang dila ni John Lloyd Cruz sa panayan ni Jessica Soho. Walang halong pagyayabang, hindi makasarili, maganda ang daloy ng kaniyang pananalita. Magaling naman siyang mag-Ingles, pero ginamit niya ang ating wika, naging maayos tuloy ang mga bagay-bagay na gusto niyang makatawid sa publiko. Kunsabagay, sa totoong buhay naman ay mapagkumbaba si JLC, para ngang hindi niya nararamdaman kung gaano siya kasikat. Parang wala lang, magkukulit siya kung gusto niya, pantay-pantay lang ang tingin niya sa lahat. Mas ginamit ni John Lloyd ang tamang posisyon ng kaniyang dila nang mapagusapan na ang relasyon nina Derek Ramsay at Ellen Adarna. Aminado si Lloydie na maingat siya kapag sina Derek at Ellen na ang paksa. “Finally, she found the one,” patungkol niya kay Ellen kasunod ang isang magandang hiling para sa mga bagong kasal. Walang maibubutas ang kahit sino sa kaniyang mga sinabi. Kung palaging ganoon kay John Lloyd ang mga artistang hinihingan ng komento tungkol sa dati nilang karelasyon ay walang magiging gulo. Pupurihin pa nga sila dahil sa kabila ng naganap See CRISTY p15



DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

Health Sciences Centre Dialysis Unit, Christmas Party, at Max’s Restaurant, November 28

Francis C., Sheila, Sheryll P., Virginia B.

Event Organizers, Catherine V., Katrina P., Ginalyn D., Rovena L.

Mona B.

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

CRISTY... From page 13 ay maganda pa rin ang kanilang hangad para sa ex nila. Malalim kausap si JLC. Kahit sa mga ordinaryong panayam ay lumulutang talaga ang kaniyang talino. Hindi siya basta-basta nagbibitiw ng mga salitang makapananakit sa damdamin ng kaniyang kapwa. Nang pansamantala siyang magpahinga para namnamin ang pagiging pribadong tao niya ay isa lang ang sigaw ng ating mga kababayan. Siguradong may babalikan siyang trabaho kapag gusto na niya uli. Nasa GMA-7 na siya ngayon. Nakahanda nang magtrabaho. Babalikan na niya uli ang mundong minahal niya na mas nagmahal sa kaniya pabalik. Hindi lang kasi siya guwapo. Nag-iwan siya ng markang hindi maaaring kalimutan ng publiko. Magaling siyang aktor. May linamnam ang kaniyang pag-arte. May saysay. Hindi lahat ng mga artistang guwapo ay maituturing na aktor. Iyon ang napakalaking bentahe ng isang John Lloyd Cruz. *** Nalagay sa alanganin si Angel Locsin dahil lang sa pagpapadala niya ng mensaheng ipinost ni dating Mayor Herbert Bautista tungkol kay Kris Aquino. Nagmagandang-loob lang naman iyong tao na iparating sa kaniyang ate ang mensahe dahil walang Twitter account ito pero siya pa ngayon ang binabash. Tinatawag na Maritess ngayon si Angel, may nagsasabi ring laos na kasi siya, kaya ganyan na lang ang pinagtutuunan niya ng oras ngayon. Alas singko nang madaling-araw nang matanggap ni Kris ang mensahe ni Angel nang mag-CR ito, weird daw si Angel dahil nang sumagot ito ay gising pa rin si Angel, kasabay ang tanong kung puwede bang sabihin nitong siya ang nagpadala ng tweet? Nabasa iyon ng publiko, kaya agarang may mga nagkomento na nakakatakot magsalita kay Kris, dahil inilalaglag nito ang kaniyang source. Sabi ng isang source, “Ang matinding away nila ni Ai-Ai delas Alas, hindi ba ang panglalaglag niya ang dahilan? Kung anu-anong paninira kay James Yap ang isinusumbong niya, ano raw ba ang dapat niyang gawin? “Natural, mag-BFF sila, ang sinabi ni Ai-Ai, kung hindi na siya maligaya, e, isoli na lang niya si James sa biyenan niya! “Ayun! Noong nagkasundo sila ni James, e, inilaglag niya si Ai-Ai! Tinawagan ni James si Ai-Ai, bakit daw kung anu-ano ang isinusulsol niya kay Kris? Ganoon lang kasimple iyon, nakakatakot siya, ikaw na tumulong pa ang mapapasama!” madiing sabi ng aming source. At ngayon nga ay si


Angel Locsin din ang napasama. Kung anu-anong negatibong salita ang ipinakakain ngayon sa aktres, miyembro na raw siya ng tropa ni Maritess, samantalang wala namang negatibong intensiyon si Angel nang ipadala niya ang mensahe ni Mayor Herbert kay Kris. *** Kung gusto ninyong maglinis ng mga mata sa pamamagitan ng pagluha ay pakihanap po ninyo sa VivaMax ang pelikulang More Than Blue na pinagbibidahan nina JC Santos at Yassi Pressman. Makabuluhan ang proyekto sa direksiyon ni Nuel Crisostomo Naval. Walang sayang na eksena. Hindi rin mababalewala ang inyong panahon. Napakahusay nina JC at Yassi sa pagganap bilang matalik na magkaibigan na may lihim na pagmamahal sa isa’t isa. Istorya ito ng isang dakilang pag-iibigan sa kanilang sumpaan na hindi sila kailanman mag-iiwanan. Kahit kailan ay hindi binibigo ni JC Santos ang kaniyang manonood. Sa kaniyang simpleng pag-arte na punumpuno ng emosyon ay sinabi ng kaibigan naming napakapanood ng More Than Blue, “I didn’t cry a river. I cried an ocean.” Pinantayan ni Yassi ang pagganap ni JC, silang dalawa ang nagpapagalingan sa mga eksena, kaya ang manonood ang nabiyayaan sa kanilang husay sa pagganap. Napakahusay ng pagkakalatag ng istorya, nilaro pa ng editor ang mga noon at ngayon sa kanilang buhay, at noon pa man ay itinatangi na namin si Direk Nuel Naval sa paghawak ng pelikula. Sa isang eksena ay ihinahanda na ni JC si Yassi sa kaniyang pamamaalam dahil sa cancer. May taning na ang kaniyang buhay. Siya pa ang humanap ng lalaking magmamahal kay yassi kapag wala na siya (Diego Loyzaga). Sabi ni Yassi, “Huwag mo akong kakalimutan kahit saan ka magpunta, ha?” Lumuluhang sinagot iyon ni JC sa kaniyang isip lang, “Hindi lang kita hahanapin. Ipapakiusap pa kita sa Diyos.” “Naniniwala ka ba sa reincarnation?” tanong ni Yassi. Ang tugon ni JC, “Sige, magiging unan ako para palagi mo akong kayakap.” Tapos mo nang panoorin ang More Than Blue ay iyak ka pa rin nang iyak. Nag-uunahan pa rin sa pagbagsak ang sipon sa dalawang butas ng ilong mo sa sobrang lungkot. *** Dalawang isyu ang pinaputok ni Claudine Barretto. Una ay ang diumano’y pagpapabaya sa kaniya sa emergency room ng isang ospital. Ikalawa ay ang love note daw sa kaniya ng namayapang si Rico Yan noong magkarelasyon pa sila. Ang problema ay nagdalawang-isip ang ating mga kababayan na paniwalaan ang kaniyang mga posts. Alangan naman daw na hindi siya nakilala ng mga nurses

sa ER ng ospital na pinuntahan niya dahil sa sobrang sakit ng kaniyang tiyan. Dalawang oras daw siyang pinaghintay at wala raw doktor sa ER. Malaki naman talaga ang ipinagbago ng itsura ni Claudine Barretto ngayon. Para siyang siopao na sumobra ang pag-alsa dahil sa kaniyang katabaan. Pero makikilala pa rin siya sa kabila noon. At tama si prop, siguro raw ay inuna muna ng mga nurses ang mga pasyenteng totoong nangangailangan ng pagtutok, dahil si Claudine ay abalangabala sa kaniyang cellphone para sa IG post niya. Pinagdudahan ng mga netizens ang kaniyang sumbong tungkol sa ospital na binura rin naman niya agad. Isa pang pinagtaasan ng kilay na nauwi sa pamba-bash kay Claudine ay ang inilabas niyang love note daw sa kaniya ni Rico Yan noong mga huling taon ng dekada ‘90. Mahigit na dalawang dekada na ang love note, pero napansin ng mga Maritess na bagung-bago pa ang papel na ginamit, saka hindi raw naman ganoon ang handwriting ng

yumaong aktor ayon sa kaniyang mga tagasuporta. May katwiran doon si Claudine, si Rico raw talaga ang sumulat noon, ang tawag daw sa istilo ng pagkakasulat ay Assumption calligraphy penmanship. Pero sinigurado ng isa naming source na pinagtaasan lang ng kilay ng pamilya ni Rico ang pasabog ni Claudine. Sana raw ay patahimikin na lang niya ang kaluluwa ng aktor. At tandang-tanda pa namin. Mahal Na Araw nang makitang patay na ang aktor (March 28, 2002), noong mga panahong iyon ay si Raymart Santiago na ang kasama ni Claudine sa bahay ng kaniyang mga magulang sa Subic habang nagba-barbecue sila. Paano nangyaring magkarelasyon pa rin sila ni Rico nang pumanaw ang aktor? Sila na ni Raymart ang magkarelasyon noon. Pramis! *** Pinakakain ngayon ng ampalaya ng mga tagasuporta ni PRRD si Daniel Padilla. Nagugat iyon sa isang marahas na post ng aktor tungkol sa sinasabing bestfriend ni Pangulong

PAGE 15 Rodrigo Duterte na si Pastor Apollo Quiboloy na kinasuhan sa Amerika. “Isa-isa nang kinukuha ni satanas” ang maigsing post ni Daniel, wala siyang binanggit na pangalan, pero ipinost pala niya iyon pagkatapos ng news na inilabas ng ABS-CBN. Dahil doon ay puro pamba-bash ng DDS ang kailangang tanggapin ni Daniel. Dalawa sila ni Angel Locsin na pinaiinom ng apdo. Kung lalaliman ang pag-iisip ay ang pagkatanggal ng prangkisa ng network ang pinakaugat ng kanilang emosyon. Parehong lantad sa kanilang mga pahayag sina Daniel at Angel. At mauunawaan naman ang kanilang damdamin, sobrang naapektuhan sina Daniel at Angel sa pagkawala ng prangkisa ng kanilang network, buslo na pinagkukunan nila ng biyaya ang ABS-CBN. Direktang isinasangkot ng mga taga-ABS-CBN ang pastor na unang nakaengkuwentro ni Vice Ganda, nagkasagutan sila, hanggang sa magpakawala ng pahayag ang tagapamuno ng simbahan na isang araw ay hindi See CRISTY p17





NO. 382

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

PCCM election December 19 The Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba Inc. invites all its members, who are in good standing, to attend the PCCM Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors Election from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 19, 2021, in the PCCM’s Multi-Purpose Hall, 737 Keewatin St., in Winnipeg.

Registration of PCCM membership

Registrant must: • Be at least 18 years old • Have ancestral origin in the Philippines • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in Canada • Be a resident of Manitoba • Pay an annual membership fee of $15.00 • Not have been suspended, expelled, or have resigned as member of the PCCM(Art. 2.5 (e) Constitution and By-laws

Application for candidacy as member of the PCCM board of directors

PAHALANG 1. Halalan 8. Ukit 10. Masamang biro 12. Uri ng kahoy 14. Lupigin 15. Naagribiyado 17. Tila 19. ______ mo sa bato. 21. Sulsol 23. Isang handog kay Jesus 26. Pakalatin 27. Panghalip 28. Marahil 29. Pang-ukol 31. Sinisindak

11. Isang katungkulan 13. Uri ng tela 16. Pigil 18. Gamit panggapas 20. Kuwentong-bayan 21. Kalbo 22. Taba ng alimango 24. Ihampas 25. Supling 29. Unlapi 30. Sigaw ng karatista


PABABA 2. Rehistro 3. Kaaway 4. Pang-ukol 5. Liping minorya 6. Awit papuri 7. Agila, halimbawa 9. Hindi kayo


Applicant must: • Be at least 18 years old • Have ancestral origin in the Philippines • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in Canada • Be a resident of Manitoba for at least three (3) years • Be a PCCM member in good standing • Police Clearance: official receipt showing his/her police clearance is accepted, provided a copy of the police clearance be furnished to election committee as soon as it arrives • Sealed Envelope: (a) application for candidacy, (b) police clearance, (c) proof of membership, and (d) photo ID • Has not been suspended, expelled, or resigned as a member of the PCCM board, Art. 4.1 (g) Constitution & by-laws Membership forms and applications for candidacy are available at the PCCM office, 737 Keewatin St. from Monday to Friday, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Deadline for submission of membership form, payment of registration fees, and application for candidacy as a member of the board of directors is on December 11, 2021, at 3:00 p.m.

Please bring one (1) photo ID for validation. For more details, contact Virgie P. Gayot, Election and Membership Chairman, E-mail: president@thenewpccm.ca Phone number: 204-960-6887

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021



Hindi na nakakatawa Laruan lang ang mga Pilipino ng halos lahat ng mga pulitiko. Binalikan ako ng isang kaibigan nang sinabi ko sa kaniya na natatawa ako sa komedyang nangyayari sa Pilipinas. Ang sabi niya: “Hindi na nakakatawa”. Tama nga naman siya. Hindi na nakakatawa ang patuloy na paglalaro ng mga pulitiko sa bansang Pilipinas. Sa mga pulitiko: Huwag na kayong magmalinis. Lahat kayo ay may mga sariling interes kung bakit kayo tumatakbo. Gusto ninyo ng power, control, impluwensya, gusto ninyong palawakin at palakasin ang inyong mga negosyo, gusto ninyong magnakaw, at kung anu-ano pang mga pansariling interes. Buong miyembro na ng inyong pamilya ay pulitiko. Wala ba kayong hiya? Wala ba kayong ibang

CRISTY... From page 15 na mararamdaman pa ng istasyon. Natural, hanggang ngayon ay bitbit ni Daniel Padilla ang senaryo, kaya nang sumambulat ang balitang kinasuhan sa Amerika ang pastor ay hindi niya napigilan ang kaniyang sarili sa pagkokomento. Pero tama rin naman ang punto ng mga kababayan natin. Hindi dapat binabanggit ang salitang satanas. Kailangang maingat tayo sa paggamit ng salitang iyon. Ang mga tagasuporta ng Kingdom Of Jesus Christ na pinamumunuan ni Pastor Apollo Quiboloy ay galit na galit din kay Daniel Padilla. Mapagpanggap daw na perpekto ang aktor. *** “Mauubos lang ang pera niya, matatalo pa siya!” iyon ang madiing pahayag na pinakawalan ni Governor Chavit Singson sa isang panayam patungkol kay Senador Manny Pacquiao. Sanggang-dikit sila dati. Kapag may laban ang Pambansang Kamao ay siguradong nasa boxing ring din ang pulitiko bilang tagasuporta niya. Kung bakit biglang umasim ang kanilang samahan ay sila-silang magkakaibigan lang ang tanging nakakaalam. Ayon sa isang source ay sobrang nasaktan si Governor Singson dahil sa ginawang pang-eetsa-puwera sa kaniya ni Pacman. Sulsol daw iyon ng mga taong nakapaikot ngayon sa senador-boksingero na pinakinggan niya naman. Isang source ang tumawag sa amin na mukhang magkukrus ang dila ng pulitiko. Kumpirmadong ibinebenta na ng mag-asawang Pacquiao ang kanilang mansiyon

alam kung hindi ang manloko ng kapuwa ninyo? Mula Lolo, lola, tatay, asawa, anak, kabit, apo, bodyguard...lahat na pinatakbo ninyo sa mga puwestong wala naman kayong kaalaman. Kulang na lang ay aso ang patakbuhin ninyo para lang manatili kayo sa puwesto. Ang sarap ninyong pagmumurahin. Pero, teka kahit murahin kayo ng ilang milyong beses ay sanay na rin kayo. Makapal kasi ang mga mukha ninyo at manhid na kayong lahat. Hindi na nakakatawa dahil ang mga pekeng journalists, pekeng historians, pekeng makabayan, pekeng leaders at marami pang pekeng tao ay naglipana sa baboy na baboy na social media. Wala ng respeto ang tao sa isa’t-isa. Hindi na nakakatawa ang polarisayon ng mga tao lalo na sa Pilipinas. Puwede naman tayong sa Forbes Park. Naka-post na iyon sa halagang 2.3 billion. Matagal nang ibinebenta ang mansiyon pero hanggang ngayo’y wala pang bumibili. Panahon ng pandemya, kahit mga bilyonaryo ay naghihigpit ng sinturon sa paglalabas ng pera, dahil hindi pa tiyak kung kailan talaga babalik sa kanormalan ang ating pamumuhay. Ilang taon na ang nakararaan ay ibinebenta na rin ng mga Pacquiao ang naturang mansiyon sa halagang 700M. Kung ang presyo ngayon ng bahay ay 2.3B na, napakalaki pa rin ng kanilang kikitain, tubonglugaw sila kung may bibili noon. Pero hindi ang halaga ng property ang pinagpipistahan ngayon kundi ang dahilan kung bakit nagbebenta na ng mga ariarian ang senador. Kahit kasi ang isang bahay nila sa GenSan ay ibinebenta na rin. Kinakapos na kaya siya ng puhunan sa pagtakbong pangulo? Nauubos na ba ang salapi ng bilyonaryong boksingero dahil sa kapapamudmod niya nang lilibuhin sa mga probinsiyang iniikutan niya? Isang source naman ang nagsabi sa amin na hindi raw naman halos natitirahan ng pamilya ang mansiyon sa Forbes Park dahil mas madalas silang mag-anak sa GenSan. Pero nandito sa Maynila ang sentro ng kampanya, mas magiging madalas dito ang senador, nandito ang aksiyon at ang kaniyang opisina sa Senado. “May iba pa silang properties dito, hindi rin halos nila natitirahan, una lang nilang gustong ibenta ang mansion nila sa Forbes Park dahil white elephant iyon. Nakatengga lang ang pera nila,” impormasyon pa ng aming kausap. Kopya. –CSF

patuloy na maging magkaibigan sa kabila ng ating mga pagkakaiba pero bakit dahil lang sa pagiging panatiko ng mga tao ay nagaaway na tayo? Sa palagay ba ninyo ipagtatanggol kayo ng mga pulitikong ipinaglalaban ninyo? Hindi na nakakatawa ang kagustuhan ng mga pulitiko na manatiling mahirap, mangmang at powerless ang mga Pilipino. Hindi papayag ang mga pulitiko na umunlad ang inyong mga buhay dahil wala na silang ma-uuto pagdating ng eleksyon. Tandaan ninyo ‘yan! Ang pundasyon ng lahat ng mga pulitiko ay ang patuloy na kahirapan at kamangmangan ng mga tao. Ginagamit lang kayo at mulat ang inyong mga matang nagpapagamit. Positibo ang ating kaugalian na pagiging palatawa pero may hangganan din ang pagtawa. Hindi na nakakatawa kung paulitulit na lang tayong ganito. Aasa, maghahalal ng leader at mabibigo. Paumanhin sa inyong lahat kung masyadong negatibo ang nakikita ko sa Philippine politics.

Wala kasi akong makitang matinong leader sa kasalukuyan, sorry. Sa kabila ng dumi ng pulitika at social media ay mahalaga siguro na magtuon tayo ng panahon sa kaya nating ayusin. Ayusin natin ang mga sarili. Kung maayos na natin ang ating mga sarili ay maari natin sigurong ayusin ang ating mga relasyon. Hindi aayos ang mundo kung hindi natin aayusin muna ang ating sarili. Huwag tayong umasa sa ibang tao lalo na sa mga pulitiko. Huwag maging panatiko. Tinanong ng isang estudyante ang isang life coach kung ano daw ang pinakamagandang career sa buhay. Ang akala ng estudyante ay tutugon ang life coach ng mga magigiting na career tulad ng doctor, engineer, abugado, teacher, etc. Sa halip tumugon ang life coach at nagsabing: “Be a good human being. There are a lot of opportunities in this area and very little competition.” Siguro nga kulang ang mundong ito ng mabubuting tao.

Hindi na nakakatawa ang patuloy na pagkawala ng mga mabubuting tao sa mundo. May choice naman tayo. Tatawa na lang ba tayo sa mga nangyayari sa ating buhay? Sorry Ka Freddie Aguilar, palagay ko kasi hindi sa lahat ng panahon ay tatawa na lang tayo. Ano, sabog lang? Sino ba tayo sa lipunan? Ang tumatawa, nagpapatawa o pinagtatawanan. Mamili kayo. Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng BataBatuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP). Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.




DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

Mental health and the holidays Q: Those who are vaccinated for COVID-19 may be planning family gatherings, gift exchanges and big meals this year. After last year, a lot of people are feeling more pressure to make this holiday season even better for their loved ones. Do you have any tips for coping with the stress of it all? A: Whenever something is important to those we love, we direct our energy toward creating the perfect experience for them. But often there are elements out of our control – including finances, past and present relationships, health, and current events – that interfere with our vision of the perfect holiday season. When we set high expectations, we can feel stressed and unhappy when we don’t meet them. We may feel as if we have let down the people we love most. “The key to coping this time of year is to set realistic expectations,” says Lisa Hardesty, licensed clinical health psychologist, Mayo Clinic Health System. “Remember that it’s the time you spend together and the memories that you make that are most important. That is what you will remember most.” • Don’t try to recreate ‘perfect’ holidays from years past. People change, and holidays can change right along with them. Make every season new and special in its own way. Reflect on the “lessons learned” from dealing with the pandemic and bring that sense of meaning into the holiday time. • Don’t take too much onto yourself. It’s a good idea to delegate and let people help. Ask your children to decorate the front yard with Christmas lights and give them free rein on how they want to do it. Ask your dinner guests to each bring a favourite dish over the holidays and share stories about those dishes. Enlist your partner’s help in wrapping presents. Even if it’s not done perfectly, it’s something you can do together, and you’ll be done in half the time. • Be gracious when dealing with uncomfortable events or relationships. We can only take responsibility for ourselves. Our friends, family and loved ones also have this responsibility. We don’t have control over their choices or

if they don’t choose what we think is “right.” This is where grace comes in. Focus on the people, the relationships, and the time-limited nature of the holiday season. • Be OK with moments of stress and negativity that can come up. It’s not realistic to think that the holiday season will be completely stress-free. The reality is that life is going on around us all the time. When difficult situations arise, acknowledge your feelings, try to be patient with yourself and others, and refocus your mind on the bigger picture: what you’re truly grateful for this holiday season. Grieving Q: The holidays have always been a stressful time for many of us. This year may be particularly tough to navigate for those affected by the pandemic in myriad ways. How can we help one another through this time of year? A: As more people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and restrictions have eased, there’s more of a celebratory spirit in the air with plans for family meals and holiday gatherings. With so much to look forward to, it may be easy to cast aside the trauma we’ve all endured and the grieving process over the past 18 months. Some of us have put important plans on pause, suffered financial burdens, and lost loved ones during the pandemic. Additionally, many people are coming out of isolation and slowly adapting to being around groups again, even if they are spending time with family. “Not only is it important to be mindful, respectful and patient with our friends and family who may be experiencing pain and grief this holiday season, but we should do so for ourselves,” says Lisa Hardesty, licensed clinical health psychologist, Mayo Clinic Health System. “It’s important this year to reflect on what we’ve endured, what we’ve learned and what we’re grateful for, and we should share those thoughts and feelings with our loved ones.” As our holiday traditions unfold in the coming weeks, be mindful that grief can be triggered by seeing and holding special artifacts, such as ornaments,

Christmas stockings, menorahs or special dishes reserved for important events. “These objects hold incredible meaning because of the memories we associate with them,” Dr. Hardesty says. Everyone’s feelings and mindset may be different, so here are some tips for navigating through the holidays: • Always lead with empathy. Allow a pause, acknowledge each other’s emotions, and reflect on what you are hearing without offering solutions. For example, you could say “I can imagine this has been difficult for you,” or “You are showing amazing strength as

you manage this challenge.” • Be mindful of your word choices. Avoid saying phrases such as, “Everything happens for a reason.” While well-intentioned, condolences like this minimize feelings and shut down the conversation. • Ask questions. Invite your loved ones to share memories and talk about their feelings. Foster an environment of open dialogue, even if those conversations lead to tears. Be open to staying with the emotions and sharing grief. • Understand that it’s OK to have a “Plan B” during the holidays. It’s perfectly acceptable

for someone to plan to attend a holiday party, for example, and then decide a gathering would be too overwhelming, whether that be due to fear of the virus, grief over a lost loved one, or any other mental health reason. A “Plan B” example could be for the two of you to have a one-on-one brunch the next morning instead. “Patience is key this year,” says Dr. Hardesty. “Be as kind to yourself as you are to those you love.” Lisa Hardesty, licensed clinical health psychologist, Mayo Clinic Health System. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021 The biggest IKEA store in the world opened its doors in the Mall of Asia, Pasay City, on Thursday, November 25, 2021. Covering almost 68,000 square metres (730,000 sq. ft.) on its five floors, IKEA Philippines is slightly larger than the Palace of Versailles and houses a huge showroom, dining area, warehouse, and a call centre to back up its e-commerce arm. Present during the ceremonial ribbon-cutting were the Swedish Ambassador to the Philippines Annika Thunborg, IKEA Philippines store manager Georg Platzer, Pasay City Rep. Antonino Calixto, Pasay City Mayor Imelda Calixto-Rubiano and SM Supermalls President Steven Tan. Also present were Philippine trade secretary Ramon Lopez and foreign minister Teodoro Locsin. The special guests were served IKEA’s famous Swedish meatballs with a special Pinoy touch – adobo sauce. “Our journey started in 2016 by visiting Filipino homes to ask what life at home means for them, and what can be done better,” Platzer said. “We found people



IKEA Philippines is open Largest in the world

that shared the love for family and their home with us and it certainly inspired us a lot. “After several years of preparation, we are finally ready now to live up to our vision of creating a better everyday life for the many people of the Philippines because we transferred our learnings into a beautiful store full of inspiring solutions,” he added. To adhere to safety protocols amid the COVID-19 pandemic, IKEA Philippines will only be receiving a limited number of people per day via an online booking system. Customers must wear masks and observe distancing. The Swedish firm currently has nine stores in Southeast Asia. Source: GMA News

Photo credit: SM Mall of Asia Official FB page

Lito Taruc, Celebration of Life, November 20 at the PCCM On November 20, Mrs. Hester Taruc, her children: Rebecca, Joseph, Jake, and Jovy May, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren, together with relatives and friends, honoured and celebrated the life of the late Lito Taruc who passed away on November 17, 2020. Lito’s brother Resty Taruc, with his wife Rose and their sons from Toronto,

flew to Winnipeg to be with the family to eulogize Lito. Robert Viray, Lou Fernandez, and Mr. Cornman were among those who also paid tribute to their dear departed friend. The event was held at the PCCM. Donna Arenas of CKJS 92.7FM and Joyce Catenza emceed the program.



DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2021

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