Pilipino Express • Jan 1 2022

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Volume 18 • No. 1 • January 1 - 15 , 2022

Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Andi Eigenmann

10 10 Matteo Guidicelli & Sarah Geronimo

New restrictions, more testing, and better masks to fight Omicron With COVID-19 case numbers breaking record levels in Canada and around the world, Manitoba’s chief provincial public health officer Dr. Brent Roussin updated public health orders on December 28. Gathering sizes have been reduced and the sale of liquor has been limited to help curb community transmission and, hopefully, ease the strain on the health-care system as the Omicron variant continues to circulate in Manitoba. The additional restrictions mean gatherings must not exceed 50 per cent of the usual capacity of the space, or 250 people, whichever is less. This includes: • indoor and outdoor public gatherings; • restaurants, licensed premises, food courts and socials; • movie theatres and concert halls; • performing arts venues and outdoor ticketed performing arts events; • museums and art galleries; • outdoor and indoor sporting and recreational facilities, including dance schools and martial arts studios; See OMICRON p4



JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022

JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022





May a happy and blessed New Year be upon you! As we ring in 2022, some of us may be having a difficult time looking for the good in all the uncertainty. This last year brought on continued COVID-19 pandemic concerns, natural disasters due to climate change, and countless effects on employment, finances, and health for many. As of December 27, 2021, the John Hopkins University coronavirus tracker reports over 280 million cases of coronavirus worldwide with over 5.4 million global deaths. But do you know what else happened in 2021? Here are just a few good things: • Airlines operated its first commercial flight using 100 per cent sustainable aviation fuel for one of the aircraft’s two engines • The Oscars had their most diverse year in history, with Youn Yuh-jung winning Best

OMICRON... From page 1 • gyms, fitness centres and yoga studios; • indoor and outdoor ticketed sporting events; • indoor recreational businesses; • seasonal facilities and

JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022

Finding hope, peace and comfort in 2022

Supporting Actress and Chloe Zhao winning Best Director • Diversity in Hollywood was seen in blockbuster Marvel movies with Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and (spoiler alert!) Tagalog spoken in Spiderman: No Way Home • Electric vehicles outsold diesel for the first time in Europe • On the planet Mars, a NASA robot converted some of the carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere into oxygen • Human rights victories happened around the world with individuals and groups standing up for those who are oppressed, abused, and killed • Journalists Maria Ressa from the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov from Russia were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work on reporting the truth and exposing misuses of power So, as we look towards the

future, one of the best things that we can do for ourselves is to practice good coping skills that can get us through uncertain times. Here are a few ways to do just that and build resiliency: • Find a silver lining and look for the good things in your life (e.g., living in a first-world country, having free healthcare, having clean water to drink) • Practice mindfulness/ meditation and/or prayer daily, even just for five minutes. Selfcompassion meditations can be found at https://self-compassion. org/ • When feeling overwhelmed, break tasks or time down into manageable chunks (Instead of thinking, “I have to exercise for 30 minutes today”, break it down into “I will put on my workout clothes” then “I will put on my shoes,” then “I will put on a workout video”). Thinking

in terms of smaller tasks can increase motivation • Distract yourself from stressful thoughts in a healthy way (e.g., cook or bake, do a craft project, watch a funny movie, work on a puzzle) • Sit with your uncertainty for short periods of time by confiding in someone you trust or writing your thoughts down (you can choose to keep a journal or rip up the paper after you are done) • My prayer is that 2022 brings you peace, laughter, joy, and love! “I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be written.” – Juansen Dizon, poet and writer. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

events; • religious services and Indigenous cultural events; and • bingos, casinos and businesses with VLTs. In addition, liquor sales in restaurants and licensed premises must end at 10:00 p.m. daily. The changes are in effect until January 11, 2022.

Testing Self-administered rapid tests are now available for Manitobans at provincial testing sites to manage current and growing demand for COVID-19 testing. When an individual visits a testing site, the type of test they receive will now be based on their vaccination status. If they

are symptomatic and vaccinated, they will receive a take-home, selfadministered rapid test. If they are symptomatic and unvaccinated, they will receive a PCR test. If they are asymptomatic, high-risk, and unvaccinated, they may receive a PCR test and a take-home, selfadministered rapid test, and they may be referred for monoclonal antibody treatment. Only those who test positive on a rapid test will get a follow-up PCR test to confirm the result. Those who test positive on a follow-up PCR test, will be contacted by a public health official who will provide information about isolation and also help determine if the individual meets the criteria for monoclonal antibodies treatment. Manitobans who are seeking a COVID-19 test for out-of-province travel purposes should not attend provincial testing sites. Rather, they should seek out a private provider. KN95 masks The Manitoba government has partnered with Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries (MBLL) to make KN95 masks available at liquor marts and casinos. Wearing a mask has been shown to be very effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and KN95 masks have been shown to be more effective than cloth or procedure masks as they fit better and provide a high level of filtration. Manitobans can ask for and receive a box of masks at no cost from any Manitoba Liquor Mart in Winnipeg or one of the MBLLoperated casinos, liquor marts and liquor vendors across Manitoba. Source: Manitoba Government


JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022



Canada sets a record in yearly landings We have been tracking the number of landings in Canada for several months. The question has always been whether Canada can meet the ambitious targets set for the calendar year. After the disappointments of 2020, Canada had to do something to make up the shortfall in landings to help with the economic recovery. The COVID pandemic is far from over, but the recovery plan is continuing. It is time for the government and especially the department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC) to take their bows. The yearly target has been met and exceeded. The headlines should read Canada has landed over 400,000 new permanent residence for the only the second time since the 1867 Confederation. The country has set a new record for permanent residence landings, but the numbers need some explanation. Prior to the onset of the pandemic, Canada had set and failed to meet the goal of 341,000 for 2020. It was disappointing but not surprising, given the width and breadth of the pandemic, that 2020 witnessed only 184,000. This can be readily understood in terms of travel restrictions, closed borders and quarantines. These conditions improved throughout 2021 and there was hope of an economic turnaround, not just for Canada but the world at large. Things have improved but now are worsening with the onset of yet another variant, Omicron, which is more contagious and afflicts both vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. The former, thankfully, appear to less at risk of serious illness, but the consequences of restrictions and deaths are always present. IRCC was able to set new records with landings, but the measure is not exactly the same as previous years, such as 2020. It should be noted that landings do not necessarily equate to admissions. There are landings of those entering from abroad but also those who are already in the country, such as foreign students, international foreign workers and application from others inside the country, such as family class members, humanitarian and compassionate applicants and

others. Prior to the pandemic, most new immigrants came from overseas. One consequence of the travel restrictions and dangers of infection from abroad is that IRCC focused on finding creative ways to transition those in the country to permanent status as a way to increase our population and provide the manpower needed to fuel economic recovery. The rationale is that the country could overcome the disruption in the manpower supply from COVID by landing those who were already inside the country. Persons who chose Canada to visit, to study or to work are readily available and the country needs only to adjust processing and programs to achieve these goals. Yes, they do work, and the proof is in the landings. IRCC does have the capacity to redesign programs, even on a temporary basis, to increase the number of landings. The Express Entry draws in 2021 reflect this change with major increases in the number of Canada Experience Class (CEC) candidates who were landed. The six major streams introduced in the year contributed to 90,000 international students and foreign workers landing inside the country. The new immigration minister, Sean Fraser, spoke in positive terms about immigration goals heading into 2022. “Last year we set an ambitious goal. Today, we achieved it,” proclaimed the minister. “This is a historic moment for our country, as we welcome the highest number of newcomers in a century. I want to thank all the employees in my department, especially our operations sector, who made this possible. Canada is built on immigration, and we will continue to safely welcome the immigrants that Canada needs to succeed. I can’t wait to see the incredible contributions that our 401,000 new neighbours make in communities across the country.” Minister Fraser speaks for all who applaud creative ways to keep temporary residents in Canada and attract more from abroad. Canada can look positively to meet the Immigration Levels Plan 2021-2023, of 411,000 in

2022 and 421,000 in 2023. It is possible that the department will announce even higher numbers for the next two operational years in the new Immigration Levels Plan to be announced in February 2022. Now if only the variants, including Omicron, would be

better controlled. We can always pray for a better future. Happy New Year. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Immigration Canada

and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with Immigration Connexion International Ltd. Contact him at 204-691-1166 or 204-2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.



JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022

The Water Tiger traits and qualities for 2022 The third sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the tiger is a symbol of passion, power, and growth. Although it is represented by the late winter, the tiger is the first sign of spring, when buds and green grass bursts forth from the ground, and so, too, does the tiger. The rabbit and dragon are the other two zodiac signs of spring, but it is the tiger that fearlessly moves forward through the season and pounces into spring. The tiger’s western zodiac sign equivalent is the sign of Aquarius, the thinker and mover of men and minds. You might not think of the tiger this way, but they are highly analytical and careful thinkers. The tiger is represented by the wood element. As a such, this makes the tiger very active, vibrant, and full of life. The New Moon is ruled by the Tiger, Rabbit, and Dragon as these are the spring signs when the earth begins to renew itself. Year of the Water Tiger: February 1, 2022 - January 21, 2023 Tiger traits Tigers are affectionate, loyal, sincere and love to have a good time. They will give all they can of themselves and will take up humanitarian efforts (much like his Aquarian equivalent). A tiger likes to set the pace for his life and does not like being told how he must live. If pressure is applied to a tiger, the tiger may lash out impulsively, and then beg for forgiveness afterward. A tiger is a born leader and is ambitious but loving. Ask a tiger what they think, and you will get unvarnished candor. His authenticity and frankness can be disarming at times. Generous and giving, the tiger is very sweet and makes a doting parent. A mother tiger will always be a fun and joy to be around and look fashionable too. Her house will be impeccable and beautifully decorated. Often, the tiger can take over the family life, telling everyone what to do. And while they’re usually right, they also ensure that the needs of everyone are seen to and that all are taken care of in their dutiful tiger way. Tigers are uncompromising They live according to their own inner code and make upstanding and trustworthy leaders. Just look at the long reign of Queen Elizabeth, a very famous tiger, who adores two animals: horses and her Welsh Corgi dogs. Besides the animals, these two are also the zodiac signs that are compatible with her own. Tigers are the epitome of bravery and never back down. Tigers are romantic and very seductive and give of themselves wholly. There are no half measures with a tiger in anything in life.

The tiger has a friend in the horse and dog, and his secret friend is the pig. A tiger’s enemy is the monkey, and the lesser enemy of the tiger is the snake. So, while this is a good year for friends of the tiger, namely pigs, dogs, and horses, the enemy of the tiger, the monkey, and the sign that creates what’s called a “fire penalty”, the snake, may have some downsides particularly with health this year. In control Of all the signs of the tiger, such as wood tiger, fire tiger, or metal tiger, it is the water tiger who can show restraint, calm demeanor and who can adapt and do the right thing for everyone, not just themselves. Sensitive, caring, and intuitive, the water tiger possesses a calm that other tigers don’t always show. The tiger sign is also at once as shy and reclusive (they notably live solitary lives), and in a flash is a showman who’s bold and egocentric and enjoys basking in the limelight. The tiger loves being king of the jungle, which is a more apt description than his cousin the lion who’s usually crowned with that moniker. That’s because, unlike lions, tigers do live in jungles. And in cold forests in Siberia. This is a cat with stamina and range far beyond his other cousins with their climate and ranging limitations. Oh, and did I mention this cat positively loves water? The water tiger is intelligent, comes up with new ideas and solutions, and tries to put others at ease, having the greatest selfcontrol of all the tiger signs. Their downfall? Procrastination and indecision (and isn’t that true for all of us?). A tiger can drag his heels and wring his hands with the best of them. And water tigers are no exception. But once a tiger is ready to act, it is quick and decisive. What can you learn from the tiger? Don’t let indecision rule your year. Act. This year, I am hoping and praying and counting on the water element to make calmer heads prevail and to put the needs and higher ideals of all mankind, nature, and the environment – in short, all of existence – ahead of pride and arrogance. Tiger qualities to adopt in your life this year Each year, we can take an energetic lesson from the zodiac sign of the year. The tiger has many wonderful qualities that we can use to help us in the year ahead — and that help us manage better and more effectively. In 2021, the ox year kept us just keeping on, but the tiger is ready to act, and act swiftly. You can feel the speed building for this

year ahead here in the fall of 2021 as I write this. There’s a lesson for the Year of the Tiger: don’t waffle, don’t dilly dally, and don’t sit on your hands. If you want to do something, DO IT NOW. Act decisively, and potently. Last year, the ox would gladly sit in the lotus position and could be hard as a bull to move. Not the tiger. It’s time to get moving again and building new inroads and exploring new things in your life, business, and relationships. A whole new energy will be opening up in 2022. All signs can benefit from the tiger energy and take on some of this sign’s most positive qualities. These tiger qualities are ones any signs can apply to the year ahead. Tiger & career. Be committed A tiger may procrastinate or be indecisive, but once they commit, nothing will stop them. Think of that with your life this year. At work, make an entrance. Ask for what you’re worth. Quit playing and start that business. Look for jobs that have real potential. Forget the FREE in freelance. Your salad days are over. It’s time for clients and customers to pay up, and you are way past getting your due. Have you fully committed to investing? The time is now. Get it set up and make regular contributions to your retirement or investment accounts. Are you ready to eliminate debt? Take advantage of opportunities that come this year and wipe it out once and for all. Relationship teetering for years? Go all in or cut it off. Health needs fall to the bottom of your to-do list? Make YOU the top to-do! Tiger & money. Look for growth potential As a wood animal, look for investments that are small, overlooked, undervalued, or just starting out. They are the acorns that will grow into mighty oaks that grow and grow. Let that be your mantra. Research thoroughly and when you’re ready to make your move, pounce. IPOs are often a good place to get in on the ground floor, just do your research first so you are confident. Many times, at the IPO, the price will be high and then come down in the first week… so patience, like the tiger has, is a good quality. Tiger & health Take care of your health and your immune system. In health, your liver is the central organ responsible for repairing damaged cells in your body. Watch over consumption of alcohol, medications, and lowering your consumption of fats and sugars. Try to avoid all processed foods and foods that

are fried. The liver could be compromised this year as many people are suffering from liver difficulties from being overweight, ingesting harmful foods, and upping their intake of alcohol. Look for more updates and a rise in conditions such as NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis), another condition often related to a poor diet full of processed and fried foods, especially those with trans fats (bye bye burritos and French fries). Tiger & love. Add more togetherness In a relationship, it’s easy to be annoyed by petty things, but don’t let those small things spoil what you have. Try to bring more romance your relationship and strengthen the bonds that go past who left whose socks on the floor again. When you’re together, be like a tiger and be all in. Avoid looking at your phone or being distracted. When you’re together, be fully

together. Find things that unite you and that give you a sense of purpose as a couple or as a family. This could be anything from planning a big trip or a renovation, or just gardening together. Put loving attention on your hands and fingers. They’re expressive and they’re the body part associated with the tiger. A nice shoulder rub, holding hands in bed, and soft caresses go a long way in a relationship. Those tender feelings can make you feel like purring and are a way to add more sensuality to your relationship. Kathryn Weber has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Her witty, no-nonsense style appeals to audiences, making her a popular speaker and radio show guest. She is often called on by media to explain feng shui in down-to-earth terms, and has been featured in Seventeen, First for Women, Faces, Conceive, Martial Arts Professional, and Natural Health magazines, and on websites around the world.

JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022



Searching for adventure in a global pandemic Nice to see you all again! It’s been a few months since I’ve written a Pilipino Express article. To say I’ve been busy is a gross understatement. School boards across the country have been very busy adding COVID health and safety measures to their already busy lives. In April, I was appointed to a Government of B.C. COVID-19 rapid response team covering Vancouver Island. I have been working closely with medical health officers, school board leadership, and environmental health officials. It’s been a great adventure and continues to this day. My biggest challenge was to find the right balance between two jobs and my home life. To put it into perspective, I had only six days off from mid-August 2021 to the winter break. I lost my evenings and weekends during that stint, and I wasn’t sure how I could sustain that level of work in the long term. Thankfully some new measures and processes have been put in place and it looks like I’ll have a better work-life balance in 2022.

How was your 2021? Did it fly by like mine did? What are your New Year’s resolutions? As I do every year, I like to head into a new year with the intention of staying healthy and visiting the gym regularly. No problem, right? Wrong. The gyms in B.C. have been closed until midJanuary. (At time of writing, the Government of B.C. announced enhanced COVID-19 restrictions and may have changed as you read this). Not one to let these ever-changing health restrictions dampen my mood, I sought a solution – daily walks with whomever is willing! It seems the only thing safe for us to do these days are outdoor adventures. Sadly, we don’t get the same snowfall accumulation as you do in Manitoba, therefore any skiing, snowboarding, or tobogganing is out of the question, unless we head to the mountains. I have to resort to walks and hikes. Thankfully, there is an abundance of options around my area. I also had the bonus of having my “Nay” coming out for Christmas and New Year this year. That’s

right, I’ve finally convinced my mom to come out and visit after four long years of being away from Nanaimo! Two of those years were during COVID, so I can’t really blame her for not visiting those years. We have lived on the West Coast for almost seven years now and it is quite easy to forget the natural beauty this area has to offer. It isn’t until someone visits that I remember just how special this part of the world is. My mom is never shy to tell us that the weather is so nice and that walking outside all year round is a blessing. For me, taking any walk with my mom is a blessing, doesn’t matter where we are. So here we are. We just finished a 75-minute walk around the neighbourhood with stops at the ocean along the way. Today, Gavin joined us for the little adventure. Next up, maybe a walk among the massive old growth forests around the island. Who knows, if there are no further restrictions, maybe we’ll visit Butchart Gardens in Victoria to see their Christmas light decorations among their already impressive green spaces.

These constant restrictions due to problematic variants, like Omicron, may continue to challenge us for years to come and it can be extremely disheartening. I found myself feeling down on the days the government made new announcements, but I’ll

continue to seek out these safe adventures with whomever is willing. It’s the best we can do for now. I hope you have a Happy New Year! Dale manages the communications department for a school district in B.C.

My Mom with Gavin

Taking a stroll in beautiful Nanaimo B.C.



JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022

Salon De Manila III is here to serve beauty in 2022 Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder. And beauty salons are ready to lend a beautifying hand. Following public health guidelines, Salon De Manila III, operating inside the PhilippineCanadian Centre of Manitoba on Keewatin Street, remains open to its valued customers. The salon under the ownership and management of entrepreneur couple, Nap and Nena Ebora, ensures that the premises are kept clean, and everyone inside the salon are masked and socially distant. Mr. Ebora has experience in many different fields – the food industry, distribution, funeral prearrangement, and since summer of 2021, he has taken on the beauty business. Pilipino Express: When did you assume ownership of Salon De Manila? Nap Ebora: My wife and I assumed the ownership of Salon

De Manila III on August 1, 2020. As seniors ourselves, and to celebrate the New Year, we are still offering the seniors in our community 15 per cent discount for their haircut. PE: Did you face any difficulties in operating the salon? NE: As a seasoned entrepreneur, I know that challenges are normal. What we didn’t expect was the pandemic to hit us. As a man of faith, I believe that there are opportunities in every difficulty in life. As a retired couple who are still called to serve the community, through our hair salon, we are still encouraged to make our environment a better place by making them feel better through the services we have at Salon de Manila III. PE: How are your employees? NE: We are excited for you to meet our committed and passionate hairstylists. Expect that they will make you feel safe, and better with the services we offer

at the salon. Their experience, expertise, loyalty, and willingness to be of service to our community is what makes the new Salon de Manila III special. PE: Tell us about the services at Salon De Manila III? NE: We are open Tuesday to Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Sundays at 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We welcome walk-ins but encourage everyone to call us for an appointment. Our services include cut, hair and make-up, perm, hair colour, hair re-bonding, ear piercing, and barber’s cut for all ages. We are closed on Mondays. PE: Have you ever thought of changing the name of the salon? NE: We continue to use the name of Salon de Manila III because it is already well-known here in Winnipeg. We are so proud to represent the Filipino salon. We offer many Filipino styles for hair, and it makes us feel good to be given an opportunity to help with

what our kababayans need and want. We believe in building a good relationship with our employees and customers. It is our greatest pride and honour to operate Salon de Manila and serve the Filipino and other communities. PE: Do you have any message to our readers? NE: We wish everyone a Happy New Year. My wife and I are both blessed to be blessings to

others. In my own experience, it’s not only about making money; it’s all about caring, loving, giving, accepting, and forgiving. Before you can learn to help and support others you must first learn to love and care. We are so grateful to God’s goodness and faithfulness, and we want to express that gratitude through our generosity to others. – By Lucille Nolasco/EZJ

JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022






Ang pagtanggap ng kaniyang mga magulang sa relasyon nila ni Matteo Guidicelli ang kukumpleto sa kaligayahan ni Sarah Geronimo. Hindi na siguro ganoon kainit ang galit ng kaniyang Mommy Divine sa lihim nilang pagpapakasal ni Matteo pero hanggang ngayo’y hindi pa rin sila tanggap nito. Masakit naman talaga para sa magulang ang aksiyon ng kaniyang anak na itinago sa kanila pero may pamimilian ba naman sina Matteo at Sarah noong mga panahong ‘yon? Hingin nila ang basbas ay hindi naman ibibigay sa kanila kaya itinago na lang nila ang kaganapan sa pamilya ni Sarah. Ang tanong—ano pa ba ang kailangang gawin ni Sarah, ilabas na natin sa argumento si Matteo, para mapatawad siya nina Daddy Delfin at Mommy Divine? Ang nawala bang buslo ng biyaya sa kanila ang iniintindi ng mag-asawa? Hindi pa ba naman sapat ang napakalaking

naitulong sa kanila ni Sarah na habampanahon na lang na kanta nang kanta para sa kanilang kabuhayan? Nagkaroon sila ng mga negosyo, nakapagpatayo sila ng mga gusali, pinag-aral pa ni Sarah ang kaniyang mga kapatid sa ibang bansa. May kulang pa ba doon? Napakasuwerte nila sa pagkakaroon ng isang mabait, mapuso at mabuting anak kay Sarah. Kung ibang anak lang siya ay baka matagal na niyang tinalikuran ang kaniyang pamilya para sa personal niyang kaligayahan. Pero ginawa ba ‘yon ni Sarah? Ang sabi ay kaya raw tiisin ng anak ang kaniyang magulang pero ang magulang ay hindi kayang tikisin-tiisin ang kaniyang anak. Baligtad. Sobra-sobra na ang biyayang ibinigay sa kanila ng gintong boses ni Sarah. Lahat ng pangarap ng pamilya ay ginawang totoo ni Sarah. See CRISTY p13

JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022

• Sarah Geronimo – Di pa rin napapatawad ng magulang • Winwyn Marquez – Anim na buwan nang buntis • Angeline Quinto – Mukha raw tumaya sa maling kabayo? • Kris Aquino – Kakambal na ang kontrobersiya • Angel Locsin – Ipinahamak ni Kris Aquino • Willie Revillame – Nagbigay ng tulong sa mga nasalanta ng bagyo • Alden Richards – Sa wakas, nakawala rin sa hawla • Andi Eigenmann – Itinuring na ikalawang bahay ang Siargao • Marvin Agustin – Inako ang pagkakamali • Allan K at Ahron Villena – May namamagitan?

Matteo Guidicelli & Sarah Geronimo

Winwyn Marquez

Angeline Quinto

Angel Locsin & Neil Arce

Andi Eigenmann’s family

Kris Aquino

Allan K & Ahron Villena

Nadine Lustre

Alden Richards

Marvin Agustin

Willie Revillame

JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022





JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022

JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022



John Lloyd Cruz marks TV comeback in Happy ToGetHer Kapuso viewers around the world were thrilled to welcome the highly anticipated GMA comedy sitcom Happy ToGetHer that first aired on December 26. Multi-awarded actor, bankable leading man, and top-caliber endorser John Lloyd Cruz on his grand TV comeback top bills this much-awaited program. Aside from playing the lead role of Julian, a handsome mechanic and single dad who aspires to give his son a better future and finds his one true love, he is also a creative consultant for Happy ToGetHer. As he begins a new season in his life, the multitalented actor admitted that this new opportunity challenged him, “Siguro, mas malaking challenge na nasa bagong bakuran tayo. It’s challenging kasi nangangapa kaming grupo. Kaya napakasuwerte namin dahil iyong assistance, paggabay, at pagtulong ng GMA sa amin ay talagang hindi matatawaran.”

CRISTY... From page 10 Sabi nga ni prop, “Magpagawa man sila ng anak na katulad ni Sarah, e, wala silang makikita. Walang makakaduplika sa kabutihan bilang anak ni Sarah! “May sariling buhay ang anak nila, hindi nila dapat ikagalit ‘yon, lalo na’t ilampung taon naman silang pinagsilbihan noong anak nila! “Huwag na nilang bilangin ang pagkakamali ni Sarah, kung pagkakamali ngang maituturing ‘yon. Count their blessings na lang!” inis na komento ni prop. Amen. *** Kaya naman pala. Nang maging guest namin sa Cristy Ferminute si Alma Moreno ay diretso namin itong tinanong kung gaano katotoo ang umiikot na balitang nagdadalantao ang anak nila ni dating Mayor Joey Marquez na si Winwyn. “Ayokong magsalita. Siya na lang ang tanungin mo, aamin naman siya sa iyo,” paiwas na tugon ng maganda pa ring aktres sa kabila ng kaniyang pagkakaedad. Kuha na namin ‘yon. Alam na namin ang totoo. Kung hindi nagdadalantao ang kaniyang anak ay mabilis na makasasagot ng hindi si Ness. Si Winwyn na lang daw ang tanungin namin dahil pupunta naman siya sa presscon ng pelikulang Nelia na pinagbibidahan niya para sa MMFF. “Ayokong mag-comment. Basta, siya na lang ang tanungin n’yo, mas eksakto ang maibibigay niyang sagot,” sabi uli ng dakilang nanay ni Winwyn. Nasa ikaanim na buwan na ang dinadala ngayon ng actressbeauty queen, non-showbiz ang ama ng sanggol, mula noon hanggang ngayon ay hindi pinapangalanan ni Winwyn ang kaniyang karelasyon. Responsableng kapatid si Winwyn, bata pa lang siya ay

He added, “Yung opportunity na galing sa GMA executives, araw-araw namin ipinagpapasalamat. Sa bawat araw na nasa loob kami ng bubble, mayroon kaming opportunity na makapagtrabaho and we can all move forward from the current situation of our nation. Kaya punong-puno kami ng pasasalamat. In return, and gusto lang naman namin ay maibalik sa audience ‘yung favor na ibinibigay sa atin dito sa Kapuso Network.” GMA Network First Vice President for Program Management Jose Mari Abacan is confident the audience will love the show, “Nung nakuha ko na ‘yung mga na taped nilang episodes, talagang I am very, very confident na the Kapuso viewers will actually appreciate it. Matutuwa sila doon sa mga episodes na ginawa nila John Lloyd.” Director Edgar “Bobot”

Mortiz, who helms the sitcom, has nothing but good words to say to John Lloyd, “Involved na involved talaga si Lloydie hindi lang sa creatives. Nung nawalan na ng trabaho ang marami sa amin, nilapitan ko siya, sabi ko, “Lloydie, puwede ba tayong gumawa [ng show] para matulungan mo kami at ‘yung mga kasamahan natin?’ Tapos sabi niya, ‘ Sige, Direk. Kung makakatulong ako, babalik ako.’ ‘Yan ang unang-una naming ipagpapasalamat kay Lloydie.” According to Direk Bobot, preparations for the show took longer than expected because it must be special, “Tumagal ‘yung paghahanda namin dahil sa konsepto nung show. Gusto namin siyempre maiba naman ‘yung konsepto niya kaysa doon sa dating ginawa namin. Nandoon pa din ‘yung flavor na gusto namin, pero iba naman siya. Iba yung comedy namin. Makikita niyo na may touch ng John Lloyd.”

Happy ToGetHer is made even more comical with the star-studded cast led by Miles Ocampo as Liz, Jayson Gainza as Mike, Ashley Rivera as Pam, Jenzel Angeles as Rocky, Eric Nicolas as Anton, Janus del

Prado as TG, Kleggy Abaya as Kanor, Vito Quizon as Joey, Leo Bruno as Boss Oca, Wally Waley as Andy, and Carmi Martin as Nanay Pining. Don’t miss Happy ToGetHer on GMA Pinoy TV.

pinakikinabangan na siya ng kaniyang mga magulang sa pagaasikaso sa kaniyang mga kapatid, palatandaan na magiging mabuti rin siyang ina. *** Sunud-sunod ang mga kuwentong naglalabasan tungkol sa karelasyon at ama ng anak ni Angeline Quinto. Nonrev Pelayo Daquina ang pangalan ng card dealer, beinte sais anyos lang, at nakatira diumano sa may riles ng tren sa Sampaloc. Pero ang pinakamatindi ay ang kuwentong may girlfriend pa ang lalaki nang magkakilala sila ni Angeline, ito ang sinasabing junior ni Gerald Anderson sa panggo-ghosting, mula nang maging sila na ng magaling na singer ay hindi na ito nagpakita sa kaniyang naanakan. Kuwento pa ng isang source na nakakaalam sa kuwento, “Para siyang si Gerald Anderson, mula noong maging sila ni Angeline, e, hindi na siya nagpakita sa girlfriend niya! E, may anak sila! “May balita nga kami na one day, e, lalapit na ang girl sa programa ni Idol Raffy Tulfo para magreklamo!” malinaw na sabi pa ng aming source. Napakaraming naaawa ngayon kay Angeline Quinto, mukha raw tumaya sa maling kabayo ang magaling na singer, tamang pagibig daw sa maling panahon ang pinasok niya. Pero ang nagmamahal ay bingi at bulag sa kahit anong negatibong kuwento tungkol sa kaniyang minamahal. Hindi naman kasi maibibigay ng iba kay Angeline ang pagmamahal na nararamdaman niya mula sa kaniyang karelasyon. *** Marunong sa buhay si Angeline Quinto. Kahit anong klase ng trabaho ay papasukin niya basta kikita siya at wala siyang kahit sinong tinatapakan. Masipag si Angge, ganoon siya pinalaki ng kinagisnan niyang ina na si Mama Bob, basta marangal ang trabaho ay hindi

dapat tinatanggihan. Ngayon ay pumasok na rin si Angeline sa online selling, kakambal na rin niya ngayon ang salitang “mine,” mahigit na apat na milyon ang kaniyang tagasubaybay. Tama naman ang kaniyang ideya, kung lilipat siya ng bahay ay kailangan niyang ihiwalay ang mga kailangan pa rin niyang dalhin at iiwanan na, kaya ibinebenta na niya ang mga kagamitang napakinabangan na niya pero puwede pa ring mapakinabangan ng mga bibili. Napanood namin ang kaniyang panayam noon, marami siyang damit na isang suot lang naman, masuwerte nang magamit niya nang higit pa. Magaganda pa ‘yon, pati ang mga sapatos niya, kaya talagang maraming bibili sa mga ibinebenta niya. Maraming artistang gumagawa ng ganoon, punumpuno na kasi ang kanilang closet, kaya mas magandang pagkakakitaan pa nila ang mga sobra-sobra nilang kagamitan. Ang online selling lang ni Angeline ang nabibigyan ng kulay ngayon dahil balitang maliit lang ang kinikita ng boyfriend niya, malapit na siyang manganak, kaya kailangan niyang paghandaan ‘yon. Maraming nakikisimpatya kay Angge, matinding sakripisyo ang kailangan niyang paghandaan sa pagdating ng kaniyang munting anghel, pero kung maligaya naman siya sa kaniyang pinasok ay wala nang magagawa ang mga nagmamahal at nagmamalasakit sa kaniya. *** Pinagkakaabalahan na naman ng mga bashers at trolls si Kris Aquino. Laman na naman siya ng social media. At sa timbangan ng mga komento ay mas marami ang namimintas sa TV host kesa sa mga pumupuri sa kaniya. Nag-ugat ang isyu sa pagsama niya kay VP Leni Robredo sa pagtulong sa mga binagyo sa Negros. Pinagsalita siya,

nagpaalala siya sa mga tagaroon na sana’y huwag makakalimutan ng mga lokal kung sino ang unang umayuda sa kanila, may tunog pangangampa niya ‘yon para sa iba. Ipino-post din ni Kris ang pagbibigay niya ng tulong. Para sa kaniyang mga bashers ay hindi na niya dapat ipinagmamakaingay pa ang mga ginagawa niya dahil nawawala ang indulhensiya. Pero tama rin naman ang katwiran ni Kris na kailangan niyang ipaalam ang ginagawa niyang pagtulong para pamarisan ng iba. May mga puso nga namang kailangang katukin nang katukin bago magbigay ng simpatya sa ating mga kababayan. Mayroon ngang mga pulitikong sumusuka ang bulsa sa dami ng pera pero walang pakialam sa pagtulong. Hindi bale nang amagin ang kanilang pera kesa sa mapakinabangan ng ibang nangangailangan. Kailangan na lang tanggapin ni Kris na kahit ano ang kaniyang gawin ay bibirahin pa rin siya. Huwag siyang tumulong at magtengang-kawali lang, siguradong iba-bash pa rin siya, kakambal na ni Kris ang kontrobersiya sa anumang desisyong gawin niya. Ang pinakamahalaga, ipinagmakaingay man niya ang pagtulong ay maraming bituka ang nagkaroon ng laman, libulibong pamilya ang kahit paano’y nabiyayaan. At tama, sarili niyang pera ang ginastos niya sa pagtulong, hindi nakaw na salapi ng bayan, kaya sabihin man niya sa publiko ang kaniyang pag-ayuda ay siya ang reyna ng kaniyang pera. Ang tanong—ang mga naninira ba kay Kris Aquino ay gumawa ng paraan kahit paano para magpagaan sa damdamin ng mga binagyo? *** Ipinahamak ni Kris Aquino si Angel Locsin. Ang aktres na matagal na panahon nang tumutulong nang tahimik lang

ay ipinagmakaingay ni Kris na nagbigay nang dalawang milyong piso sa opisina ni VP Leni Robredo bilang tulong sa mga kababayan nating sinalanta ng bagyo sa Katimugan. Komento ng iba ay tinanggalan ng indulhensiya ni Kris ang nakasanayan nang tahimik na pagtulong ni Angel. Dapat daw ay hindi nanguna si Kris sa ibinigay na ayuda ni Angel. Pero isiniwalat man o hindi ni Kris ang personal na pagtulong ni Angel ay todo ang papuri ng ating mga kababayan kay Angel. Sabi ng kaibigan naming propesor, “Look at Angel, wala siyang ginagawang project ngayon, pero heto, siya pa ang nangunang magbigay ng tulong sa mga binagyo. “‘Yon na kasi si Angel, she has a pure heart, hindi talaga siya makapapayag na hindi makatulong dahil ‘yon na ang naturalesa niya,” papuri sa aktres ni prop. Noong tutukan namin ang house tour nila ni Neil Arce ay may isang bahaging sumuntok sa aming kamalayan. Napakaganda ng kanilang bahay, kumpleto, may mga tirahan din ang kanilang mga alagang aso. Sabi ni Neil, “Nagulat ako, kailangang may sariling bahay rin daw ang mga walis niya at iba pang mga kagamitang panglinis. Oo nga naman, kung ang mga aso, e, may bahay, dapat, mayroon din ang mga walis niya!” Tuwang-tuwang binuksan ni Angel ang isang cabinet. Nandoon ang mga walis niyang maayos na nakasabit. Simple, pero mapuso, napakaparehas niya sa buhay. *** Iba ang lahing Pinoy. Sa kabila ng kalamidad, sa kabila ng pagdarahop, ay nakakaya pa rin nating ngumiti at magsaya. Ganoon daw ang matatapang na tao. Nakakatawa sa kabila ng lungkot. Buhay na buhay ang pagasa kahit pa wala nang makain. Nakukuha pang libangin ang ang See CRISTY p14

The cast of Happy Together: l-r: Carmi Martin, Vito Quizon, John Lloyd Cruz, Miles Ocampo and Ashley Rivera




JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022

Forever Young 2021 group Christmas get together

CRISTY... From page 13 sarili kahit wala nang bahay dahil inilipad ng bagyo. Ganoon na ganoon ang naganap nang personal na dalawin ni Willie Revillame ang mga binagyong probinsiya ng Surigao, Siargao at ang isla ng Dinagat. Hindi na talaga maitatago sa kahon ang TV host, kahit saan siya magpunta ay sinusundankinukuyog siya sa Katimugan na para bang bitbit niya ang kalderong may kanin para sa kanilang sikmura, hindi naman siya makapag-abot sa mga tagaroon mula sa kaniyang bulsa

dahil kapag nagsimula siya at namigay ay baka stampede na naman ang mangyari. “Mahirap, gustung-gusto kong mag-abot sa matatanda at bata, alam n’yo naman na napakalapit nila sa puso ko, pero hindi ko magawa! “Huwag daw, sabi ng mga nakapaligid sa akin na tagaroon, dahil kapag nag-umpisa akong namigay ng pera, siguradong magkakagulo. So, ang ginawa ko, ang mga mayors ang binigyan ko ng amount na maipangtutulong sa kanila,” kuwento ni Willie. Noong pauwi na raw siya sa Manila ay para pa rin siyang tulala, ayaw maalis sa isip niya ang

parang binombang kapaligirang nasaksihan niya, panay-panay ang dasal niya na sana’y makabangon agad ang mga kababayan natin sa Visayas at Mindanao. Maganda para sa mga personalidad ang personal na pagpunta sa mismong lugar ng kalamidad. Puwedeng maging reality check ‘yon para malaman nilang napakasuwerte nila sa buhay. Tulad ni Willie, bilyonaryo na siya, malaking patotoo ang mga nakikita niya kung gaano siya kapalad. Maraming salamat naman dahil marunong siyang magpahalaga sa kaniyang mga biyaya, ibinabahagi niya ‘yon sa

mga nangangailangan, hindi siya naghihintay ng anumang balik. At ginagawa niya ang kabutihang ‘yon nang wala siyang inaambisyong upuan sa pamahalaan. Hindi siya pulitiko, Mabuti lang ang kaniyang puso, kaya mapuso siyang tumutulong sa mga pinahihirapan ng kalamidad. Para na naming naririnig ang komento ni SOS naming mahal, “Sana all.” *** Sa wakas ay nakawala rin sa hawla ng pagtatrabaho arawaraw si Alden Richards. Bago mag-Pasko ay nakaalis na sila ng kaniyang pinsan papuntang Amerika at babalik siya sa unang

linggo ng Enero. Ito ang pinakapremyo ng Pambansang Bae sa kaniyang sarili dahil sa buong taon niyang pagtatrabaho. Para nga naman siyang makina na walang pahinga. Sasamantalahin ni Alden ang kaniyang panahon sa pamamasyal at pakikipag-bonding sa kaniyang kapatid na lalaki na matagal nang nagtatrabaho-naninirahan sa Amerika. Sabi ng anak-anakan naming doktor, “Tama ang ginawa ni Alden, he has to give himself a break. Makatutulong ‘yon sa mental health niya. Hindi lang naman ang katawan natin ang See CRISTY p16


JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022



MFSF Fundraiser Raffle Draw, December 19

Manitoba Filipino Street Festival Board of Directors at Maples Community Centre with guests, Vangie Laxa Mance and Derek Dabee, Seven Oaks School Trustee

Ley Navarro congratulates Cristina Eusebio, Grand Prize winner of 2 round trip tickets to the Philippines

Congratulations to Nathan dela Cruz, winner of a 75” Smart TV donated by Vangie Lava Mance.

Congratulations to Elizabeth Casabal, Pilipino Express gift card winner

Amethyst Alexandria Frias 4th birthday celebration, December 2

The birthday girl, Amethyst Alexandria

L-r: dad Albert, mom Analyn, baby sister Amber and Amethyst

Ninong Richard and Ninong Issi

Amethyst’s family and friends




CRISTY... From page 14 kailangang alagaan, mahalaga ang nakatutok tayo sa mentel health natin. “Nagsisimula ‘yon sa pagkaburyong, sa anxiety, sa walang pahingang pag-iisip. Dapat talagang binibigyan natin ng chance ang utak natin na mapahinga,” sabi ni Dr. Dennis Sta. Ana. Wala man si Alden Richards ay nakakasama pa rin siya ng publiko sa kaniyang seryeng The World Between Us na palalim na nang palalim ang daloy ng istorya ngayon. Malapit nang mapanood ang rebelasyon tungkol sa pagkamatay ni Dina Bonnevie. Nagsisisihan na sina Tom Rodriguez at Sid Lucero. Babalik na sa piling ni Alden si Jasmine Curtis. Babaligtad na sa sinumpaang salaysay si Jaclyn Jose. Kaabang-abang ang bawat episode ng serye at tama ang sinabi ni Alden na hinding-hindi niya malilimutan ang seryeng ito na humamon sa kaniyang

kapasidad sa pag-arte. Maraming eksenang ramdam na ramdam ang husay sa pagganap ni Alden bukod pa sa napakaguwapo niya sa mga eksena. Makinis ang kaniyang mukha, sariwa ang kaniyang dating, kaya nagmumukhang matanda ang kaniyang kapareha. Sa susunod na taon ay nakasisiguro na si Alden Richards sa takbo ng kaniyang karera. Inaayos na ng GMA-7 ang mga proyektong gagawin niya kasama na ang pelikulang pagtatambalan nila ni Bea Alonzo. Mabait ang kapalaran kay Alden Richards. Isa siya sa iilang artistang hindi binigyan ng problema ng pandemya dahil siya ang sumusuko sa trabaho. Tama ka, SOS naming mahal, it pays to be humble, talented, handsome and loyal. Heto na. Nambubulabog ngayon ng mga kababayan natin sa Amerika si Alden Richards. Tawa nga kami nang tawa sa mga kaibigang nagtatawagan sa amin, mukhang ini-stalk nila ang Pambansang Bae, dahil alam ng mga ito kung saan siya


NO. 384

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Isang kayamanan 8. Pang-ukol 10. Ikopya 12. Gamit sa pagbilang 14. Mahina 15. Ibalik 17. Dalhin sa gilid 19. Ginapas 21. Kampi 23. Baluktot 26. Katunayan 27. Igat 28. Duwende 29. Kung 31. Samahan PABABA 2. Diwa 3. Lilukin 4. Pang-ukol 5. Libakin 6. Istorbo 7. Inakay 9. Guwapo 11. Paligid

13. Bihasa 16. Banaag 18. Disyembre, halimbawa 20. Mabutong prutas 21. Bighani 22. Ilista 24. Niyugyog 25. Tangay 29. 3.1416 30. Bulalas ni kabayan


masusundan para makita nang personal. Nagbibigay rin naman si Alden ng ilang detalye kung ano ang ginagawa niya sa Amerika habang nagbabakasyon at ‘yon ang sinusundan talaga ng mga kababayan natin. Sabi ng kaibigan naming dekada nang naninirahan sa LA, “Grabe ang pagiging mabait ng batang ‘yon! Kumakain sila ng mga friends niya sa isang Korean resto noong makita namin. Di ba, may mga artistang ayaw magpaabala habang kumakain? “Iba ang Alden Richards! Tumatayo pa siya para makipagusap at makipag-picture sa mga lumalapit sa kaniya! Ibang klase! Now, we know, kung bakit siya binigyan ng suwerte ni Lord,” papuri nito sa guwapong aktor. Mas guwapo raw si Alden sa personal kesa sa screen, dagdag pa ng aming kaibigan, pero ang sentrong papuri ng grupo ay ang pagiging mapagkumbaba ng pinakasikat na aktor ng kaniyang panahon. “Hindi siya namimili ng kakausapin, pinagbibigyan niya ang lahat ng lumalapit sa kaniya, tama ang mga kuwento mo. He’s so humble, napakasimple rin niya, parang hindi niya nararamdaman na sikat na sikat siya! “At ang dimples niya! Kung puwede ko lang tapyasin ‘yon sa pisngi niya, e, ginawa ko na sana!” CEO ng isang malaking kumpa niya sa LA ang kausap namin. Alam namin ang dahilan kung bakit ganoon na lang ang pagpuri at pagmamahal kay Alden ng aming mga kausap. Nagkaroon kasi sila

ng hindi kagandahang karanasan sa isang male personality na sikat din. Sa isang restaurant din ‘yon sa Los Angeles, maraming kasama ang male personality, nilapitan ito ng mga Pinoy na kumakain din. Nag-request ang mga ito ng pakikipag-selfie. “Remember? Bago niya kami pinagbigyan, tumingin muna siya sa mga kasama niya, alam mo ‘yong tawanang nakakainis? Tapos, tumayo nga siya, pero para siyang nabubuwisit! “Nagkamot siya ng ulo, ginulo ang buhok niya, tama bang ganoon ang gawin niya? Suplado! Kung hindi pa siya… huwag na nga!” tawa kami nang tawa sa senaryong ‘yon. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! *** Grabe ang pinsalang inabot ng ating mga kababayan sa Katimugan dahil sa matinding pananalanta ng bagyong Odette. Parang bagyong Yolanda ang pagkukumpara nila sa tindi ng hangin at ulan na ibinigay ni Odette. Daan-daan ang nawalan ng bahay at may mga buhay ring nawala dahil sa bagyo. Nagngangalit ang hangin, umaapaw ang tubig sa mga ilog at dagat, kaya laganap ang baha. Ang dinadayong isla ng Siargao, sa isang iglap ay nagmistulang ghost town, giba ang mga establisimyento, nakabuwal ang mga puno at bahay. Wala talaga tayong maipagmamalaki sa buhay na ito. Ang napakagandang isla ay isang malakas na bagyo lang pala ang

JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022 katapat. Buwan ang aabutin bago bumalik sa dati ang isla. Sa Cebu, sa Leyte, sa Bacolod, sa Bohol, sa halos lahat ng probinsiya ng Kabisayaan ay umatake ang bagyo na halos wala nang itinira sa ating mga kababayan doon. Sina Andi Eigenmann at Nadine Lustre na itinuturing nang ikalawang bahay nila ang Siargao ay panay-panay ang panawagan ngayon para matulungan ang mahal nilang isla. Salamat na lang dahil wala sila doon nang sumalakay sa kaniyang unang landfall ang bagyo. Pero paano nga naman ang mga nasalanta? Maraming pulitiko ang nangako ng kanilang pag-ayuda, buti na lang at kahit panahon ng pandemya ay malapit na ang eleksiyon, may mga kumakandidatong nangangako ng tulong. At kahit sa maliit nating kapasidad ay maaari tayong dumamay sa mga kababayan nating binagyo. Hindi naman kailangang malaki, ang maliliit na tulong kapag pinagsama-sama ay lilikha ng milagro, maraming mabibiyayaan. Totoong-totoo ang nakasulat sa Bibliya na kapag nahabag tayo sa mga dukha ay nagpapautang tayo sa Diyos. May balik man o wala ang kabutihang ginagawa natin ay nakalista ‘yon sa libro ng Panginoon. Harinawang makabangon agad ang mga probinsiyang sinalanta ng bagyo. Mahirap, walang kasinghirap ang mawalan See CRISTY p17

JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022




2022 is not 2020 too Halos anim na oras daw ang waiting period para sa COVID-19 tests sa mga drive-through sa Winnipeg. Underestimated di umano ang bilang ng mga COVID-19 cases at ayon sa mga datos, hindi maitatanggi na bumalik na naman tayo sa dating sitwasyon. Dalawang taon na tayong ganito. Ang sabi nga ng iba ang 2022 raw ay 2020 too. Huwag naman sana. Hindi ko na halos naramdaman ang paglipas ng 2021 dahil ito ay parang repetition din ng 2020. Mabigat ang 2020 personal para sa akin dahil sa taong ito ay binawian ng buhay ang aking Ama. Dito rin ako nahintong tumakbo at malaki ang naging epekto nito sa aking pisikal at mental na kalugusan. Hindi ko na iisa-isahin ang negatibong dulot ng pandemya sa ating buhay dahil lahat tayo ay may halos magkakaparehong kuwento. Ganumpaman, ang buhay ay nagpapatuloy at magpapatuloy. Hindi natin alam ang idudulot ng 2022 para sa ating lahat. Matatapos na kaya ang pandemya? May bagong virus na naman ba? Isa sa mga natutunan ko sa pandemyang ito ang pagiging laging handa sa anumang dumating na sitwasyon. Noong pumutok ang pandemya ay wala naman tayong karanasan dito. Hindi ito katulad ng lindol o sunog na mayroon tayong ginagawang mga drills at simulation. Mas makamandag ang COVID-19 dahil hindi ito nakikita nguni’t mabilis itong lumalaganap at patuloy na pumapatay ng buhay ng mga tao. Sabi ko sa aking bunsong anak na si Francis, kapag matanda

CRISTY... From page 16 ng bahay at kabuhayan, lalo ang mawalan ng mga mahal sa buhay. *** Bilang isang negsoyanteng lumalaban nang patas sa buhay ay kasalu-saludo ang pag-amin ni Marvin Agustin sa kaniyang pagkakamali. Kabaligtaran ng ibang nagnenegosyo ay agarang umamin ang aktor sa malaking sama ng loob na inabot ng ating mga kababayan sa kaniyang makasaysayang cochinillo. Ang mga naunang delivery ng kaniyang lechon ay maayos naman, pero nang kalaunan ay hindi na maganda ang produkto, kumunat na. Tuloy, sa unang pagkakataon mula nang magtayo siya ng restaurant, ay nakatanggap siya ng mga hindi kagandahang komento. Maganda lang daw pala sa picture ang lechon, produkto

ka na ay may maiku-kwento ka sa mga bata at sa iyong mga anak at apo tungkol sa karanasan mo sa 2020 pandemic. Hindi boring ang naging buhay mo sa mundo dahil naging bahagi ka ng pakikipaglaban dito. Ano nga ba ang naging blessings natin noong nakaraang dalawang taon? Para sa akin, madaling sagutin ito. The fact, na nagbabasa ka pa ng article na ito at humihinga ka pa ay isa ng napakalaking blessing. Yung pag-gising mo sa umaga na may pang-amoy ka pa at panglasa ay dapat mong ipagpasalamat. Ang mga simpleng bagay na normal mong ginagawa at nagagawa mo pa rin ay dapat lang na maging bahagi ng iyong pagpapasalamat. Ngayong 2022 ay umasa tayo ng panibagong buhay. Narito ang ilan sa aking mga hiling na mangyari sa 2022: 1. Matapos na sana ang pandemya. 2. Sa Winnipeg, mahalal sana ang Mayor, mga Konsehal at School Trustee na talagang may passion para maglingkod sa taumbayan. 3. Sa Pilipinas, sana hindi magpatuloy ang katangahan ng mga Pilipino sa pagpili ng iboboto sa eleksyon. 4. Sana ay makatakbo na akong muli sa mga marathons. 5. Sana yung mga may utang sa akin na feeling blessed lagi kung magpost sa FB ay magbayad na (at...hindi ito joke). Shout out kay _ _ _ _ _!!! Beep! Beep! 6. Sana mas lalo pa akong makapaglaan ng oras sa aking pamilya. 7. Sana ma-ipublish ko ang Batang North End book ngayong

lang daw ng hype ang kaniyang cochinillo, dahil nang kainin ng mga umorder ‘yon ay napakakunat na. Mayroon pang mga order na hindi na dumating, napabayaan ng staff ni Marvin ang kanilang mga kostumer na namumuti na ang mga mata sa paghihintay, lahat ‘yon ay ipinanghingi ng paumanhin ng aktor. Hindi lang naman kay Marvin nangyayari ang ganyang insidente, marami pang ibang restaurant na nagkakaroon din ng mga problema, nagkataon lang na kilala siyang artista kaya pinagpistahan ang kanilang pagkakamali. Noong nakaraang Pasko ay umorder ng isang bucket na fried chicken ang aming mga apo. Ayos na ang usapan nila ng food chain, ipadedeliber na lang daw, pero dumating ba? Wala mang lang pasintabi ang mga tauhan ng food chain na kinansela na pala ang order, hindi na raw kaya, inis na inis ang

taong ito. 8. Sana makapag compose ulit ako ng mga kanta. 9. Sana maging maayos ang kalusugan ng aking mga mahal sa buhay at nating lahat. 10. Sana patuloy pa akong makapag-sulat sa pitak na ito sa Pilipino Express. Epektibo sa akin na isinusulat ang mga dapat kong gawin. Ang checklist ng aking buhay ay napakahalaga. Sa taong 2022, hindi dapat nating i-deny na nandiyan pa ang threat ng COVID-19 pero dapat din tayong mag move forward

para sa pagbabago ng ating buhay. Gusto kong ibahagi sa inyo ang isinulat ni Mehmet Murat ildan, isang playwright at novelist na nagsabing: “The New Year is a painting not yet painted; a path not yet stepped on; a wing not yet taken off! Things haven’t happened as yet! Before the clock strikes twelve, remember that you are blessed with the ability to reshape your life!” Isang mapagpalang Bagong Taon ang sumaating lahat! Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar).

Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP). Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

aming mga apo. May tinanggap ba silang sorry kung bakit nagkaganoon ang oder nila? Wala! Kaya humahanga kami kay Marvin Agustin, inako niya ang pagkakamali, kasunod ang pangakong hindi na ‘yon mauulit. *** Hindi kinagat ng mga Marites ang paglilinaw ni Allan K na playtime lang daw ang namamgitan sa kanila ng hunk actor an si Ahron Villena. “It’s a prank!” ang sigaw ng magaling na komedyante-TV host. Pero parang pumasok lang ‘yon sa kaliwang tenga ng mas nakararami at lumabas din uli sa kanang tenga. Walang naniwala sa pahayag ni Allan K. Mas hitik ang bilang ng mga naniniwala na totoong mayroon silang relasyon, totoong nakaplano ang kanilang bakasyon sa Boracay, hindi playtime lang. Naging marahas ang paghusga kay Ahron, nakapagtataka pa raw

ba namang magkaroon sila nang biglaang relasyon ni Allan K, samantalang dati na naman siyang kilala sa pagpatol sa mga bading? Nagbalik-alaala pa nga ang ibang Marites na dati nang sumasama sa mayayamang beki si Ahron, tulad ng pagsama niya sa pagbabakasyon sa iba-ibang bansa ng mga rich businessmen, kaya may bago pa ba tungkol sa engkuwentro nila ni Allan K? Hindi nga naman sila magkakabarkada, hindi naman alam ng publiko na magkakaibigan sila, pagkatapos ay sasama si Ahron sa kanilang grupo nina Paolo Ballesteros?

Anuman ang ikatwiran nina Ahron at Allan tungkol sa bakasyon nila sa isla ay walang maniniwalang hindi sila magkarelasyon. Saka hindi maganda para sa hunk actor ang pagpayag sa mga prank-prank, nangyari na ang ganyan noon sa kanila ni Kakai Bautista, prank na naman ang sa kanila ng komedyante? Ano nga naman ‘yon? Hanggang sa pakikipag-playtime na lang ba ang hunk actor na ito? Saka mayroon na bang napabalitang babaeng karelasyon nang seryosohan si Ahron Villena? Teka lang naman! – CSF



JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Children and video games DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My son began virtual learning when the COVID-19 pandemic shut down our local school system. He is 14 and enjoys school online, so we have continued this. Unfortunately, my son’s only extracurricular activities are screen-based, as well. Should I limit his activities online, even though he’s doing well in school? ANSWER: In an increasingly digitalized world, where most people – even children – own electronic devices with screens, many parents worry about the effects of screen use on themselves and their children. To complicate matters, some screen time can be educational for children and support their social development. With the COVID-19 pandemic and stayat-home orders, many children and teens spent even more time playing video games to socialize with friends, since they couldn’t get together in person. With screens virtually everywhere, controlling a child’s screen time can be challenging. It’s difficult to avoid screens completely. However, excessive screen time can affect people’s mental, social and physical health. Too much screen time has been linked to: • Obesity. • Poor sleep or insomnia. • Behavioral problems, including impulsive actions. • Loss of social skills. • Violence. • Less time for play. • Eye strain. • Neck and back problems. • Anxiety. • Depression. • Difficulties with work or school. Many people have cried, laughed or been startled while watching a movie. This is because their brains process and react to the sensory input as if it were happening to them. This same type of engagement is possible when a person plays a video game. While gaming, a gamer’s

brain is processing the scenario as if it were real. If the game depicts a dangerous or violent situation, the gamers’ bodies react accordingly. Their fight-orflight response to that perceived danger is triggered by exposure to intense stimulation and violence in the game. Excessive video game use can lead to the brain being revved up in a constant state of hyperarousal. Hyperarousal looks different for each person, and it can include difficulties with paying attention, managing emotions, controlling impulses, following directions and tolerating frustration. Some adults or children struggle with expressing compassion and creativity, and they have a decreased interest in learning. This can lead to a lack of empathy for others, which can lead to violence. Also, kids who rely on screens and social media to interact with others typically feel lonelier than kids who interact in person. Chronic hyperarousal can have physical symptoms, as well, such as decreased immune function, irritability, jittery feelings, depression, and unstable blood sugar levels. In children, some can develop cravings for sweets while playing video games. Combined with the sedentary nature of gaming, children’s diet and weight can be negatively affected, as well. Sometimes children will even avoid stopping the game to go to the restroom, which can lead to hygiene issues. Similar to tobacco, alcohol or drugs, screen time or video games can become an addiction if it damages your health and relationships, and you are unable to control it. Some symptoms could include: • Having intense urges for screen time or to play video games, and these urges block out other thoughts. • Spending money on video games or screens, even though you can’t afford it. Cutting back on social or recreational activities because

Photo by Hershel Matibag of preference for screen time or video games. • Continuing to play video games or participate in screen time, even though you know it’s causing problems in your life, such as poor performance at school or work, or letting household responsibilities go. • Displaying signs of irritability, anxiety or anger when forced to stop playing, even for brief periods of time. • Lying to others about the extent of your use. • Needing more screen time over time to get the same level of enjoyment. • Neglecting your appearance, including lack of interest in grooming or clothing. If you are seeing any of these signs, it may be time to revisit your approach to your son’s behaviors and use of screens. You’ll need to decide how much media to let your child use each day and what’s appropriate based on your son’s reactions. Set reasonable limits for your child’s screen time and video game types, especially if your child’s use of screens hinders involvement in other activities. Also encourage active screen time over passive screen

time. Active screen time is when you interact with other people you know, or when you are cognitively or physically engaged. For example, play educational games, or games that require players to build something together — or fitness-type games that require movement while playing. Passive screen time includes watching screens with minimal cognitive engagement, such as scrolling through social media or watching online videos. Consider these tips: • Model healthy use of screens and video games. Consider unplugging when you first get home from work, at dinner and when driving. Model other methods of relaxation and entertainment, such as taking a walk, playing a game, having a dance party or reading a book. • Encourage a balance between screen time and activities that require in-person social interactions, such as family activities or extracurricular activities. • Create structured, screenfree times, such as during mealtimes, in the mornings and before bedtime. • Consider using apps that

control the length of time your child can use a device. • Keep screens out of bedrooms. • Require that all devices be charged outside of bedrooms at night. • Learn about the game rating categories and only allow your children to play video games suitable for their ages. If you’re concerned about a child or loved one’s use of screen time, consulting a behavioral or addictions specialist can help determine treatment options. — Fiona Swanson, Social Services, Mayo Clinic Health System in Mankato, Minnesota. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network


JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022



Max’s Restaurant Parol Making Contest winners

1st place Rainier Villanueva

2nd place Charinel Navoa

Consolation Prize - Johnny Ortizo

Consolation Prize - Eufrecina Juan

The distinctive homes of FORTUNE HOMES George Kwan founded Fortune Homes in 1989 as a custom home building company aimed at homeowners looking for a distinctive, one-of-a-kind home. Fortune Homes builds unique houses that push the boundaries of technology and sustainability, winning industry awards in the area of innovation. Fortune Homes is now considered one of the premier home builders in Winnipeg and is a long-standing member of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association and the Manitoba Home Builders’ Association. George Peralta Yturalde Kwan. George was born and raised in Pandan, Antique, the son of a well-known businessman and brother of three sisters. After finishing high school at Pandan Bay Institute, he enrolled at Colegio de San Juan de Letran in Manila where he majored

in Engineering for two years before switching to Business Administration. In 1974, at the height of martial law and following the death of his father, George immigrated to Canada where he joined his mother and two of his siblings. Almost immediately,

George started working at the University of Manitoba as a mainframe computer operator. He was eventually promoted to Computer Shift Supervisor before retiring in 2011 after 37 years of service. George now dedicates his time to Fortune Homes with his youngest son, Mark.

3rd place Allan Pamplona



JANUARY 1 - 15, 2022

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