Pilipino Express • Jun 1 2021

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Volume 17 • No. 11 • June 1 -15, 2021 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Sarah Geronimo

12 123rd Anniversary of Philippine Independence


Gabby Concepcion & Sanya Lopez

June 12, 2021

Philippines may consider gradual easing of restrictions As conditions in the Philippines continue to improve in most parts of Metro Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal, OCTA Research fellow Dr. Guido David said that the government may consider further easing of some restrictions in

the National Capital Region (NCR). These areas were under heightened general community quarantine status until May 31. OCTA Research is an independent interdisciplinary group composed of scientists, mostly from the University

Dr. Guido David

of the Philippines, with some contributors from the University of Santo Tomas and Providence College in the United States. David said that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) risk classification of the NCR has See PHILIPPINES p6



JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021




As we all continue to adjust to the uncertainties of this pandemic, disagreements between family members are happening more and more. On the news we see every day that not everyone agrees regarding social distancing and gatherings, mask wearing and vaccinations. And these disagreements happen within couples and families too. So much has changed from the way we celebrate occasions, go to work and school, and shop. People within the same family disagree on travel, whether to get vaccinated or see people outside of the household. There are many different factors that contribute towards these differences in opinion including: • Health concerns • Social needs • Job and financial reasons • Ability to cope and handle stress • Comfort level with risk-taking behaviour • Developmental age (e.g., kids and teens have different priorities compared to older adults) • Degree of concern for others • Importance placed on individual rights and freedoms • Political and religious influence People can end up dwelling on past hurts that lead to ongoing


resentment, anger and even hatred. If you think that this might be you, you may want to consider the personal cost of hanging onto grudges. A well-known Buddhist quote captures this idea: “Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” To illustrate, psychologist Elisha Goldstein (2010) asks us to try this experiment: “Think of someone in your life right now who you are absolutely holding a grudge against right now. There is no way you are willing to forgive this person right now for their actions. Picture that person and hold onto that unwillingness to forgive. Now, just observe what emotions are there. Anger, resentment, sadness? Also notice how you are holding your body right now, is it tense anywhere or feeling heavy? Now bring awareness to your thoughts; are they hateful and spiteful thoughts?” Experience how it feels to hold onto this grudge so tightly. Is there an effect on your body, for instance, heaviness in your chest or head? Do you avoid certain places or situations because the person might be there? Do you look for reasons to tell yourself that you

JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

Family feuds: Navigating conflict during the pandemic are better than that person? Even worse, do you constantly ruminate about how you can get revenge? Think about the physical and mental effort that you are investing and ask yourself: “Who is really suffering here?” Can you imagine the effect this will have if you carry it over weeks, months, even years? This mental stress could be related to future physical illness. It’s hard to know where to start the road to forgiveness, but it can help to: Put yourself in the other’s shoes Think about all the issues that the other must deal with. Are they stressed about work and finances due to the pandemic? Do they have health issues that amplify concerns about catching COVID-19? Also, do you really believe that the person wanted to hurt you? Perhaps they were forgetful or displayed bad judgment and did not mean to hurt others. Talk about the problem When appropriate, tell the other person about your feelings. In a calm voice, use “I” messages (e.g. “I felt really scared when I

found out you were around people that don’t always wear masks,” rather than, “You” messages which can feel accusatory (e.g. “You were completely out of line”). If it does not feel right to talk in person, then try it in written form. Sometimes, writing a letter can give us time to sort out our thoughts. If they read it first without you there, it can give them time to think about their response. Set boundaries Tell the other person what is acceptable to you, and what is not. For example, if your mother does not want to get vaccinated and wants to visit your kids and you feel uncomfortable about this, let her know. You may be worried about hurting her feelings, but if said in a kind but firm manner, she may see where you are coming from. For example, try saying, “I really respect your opinion because you are a great mother, but I will parent my kids in a way that feels right to me.” Get support Confide in one or two people who you trust. Avoid telling multiple people because you may be crossing the line into gossip, which is not far from the act of getting revenge. Find someone who is not judgmental, who can help you to see things in a different light. The goal is to talk through and decrease anger, sadness, and worry. Understand what forgiveness is Forgiveness does not mean that you condone the act or that you forgot about what happened. It doesn’t even necessarily mean that you want to go back to the way things were. In fact, forgiveness can happen within and not require that anything even be said to the other person. What is most important is that you release feelings of anger, blame, resentment, or vengeance so that you can move on with your life and feel better physically, emotionally, and mentally. One of the most powerful quotes that truly captures the essence of forgiveness was said by Lily Tomlin: “Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past.” Looking at the act of forgiveness in this way provides us with the hope of a better present and future, and it frees us from past hurts. But it is not something that is just handed to us. We must work toward forgiveness and truly desire it in our hearts. Let’s not let long-term resentment be another outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

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JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

There is every reason to believe that Canada is intent on meeting its ambitious goals of 400,000 landings in 2021 despite the rise in COVID infections in Canada, especially variants. While there are more vaccines arriving to insulate our vulnerable population, there is also the challenge of an economic recovery from the pandemic and a federal election later in the year looming large in the minds of our federal political parties and the electorate at large. We need to control the pandemic but Manitoba remains one of the leading provinces in the spread of COVID-19, especially the variants. One way to ensure economic recovery, public confidence, and to change the trajectory for the province, for the country, for the political fortunes of the governing Liberal party and individual Canadians, is through immigration changes. The country is moving to control the virus spread inside Canada through a vaccine campaign, social distancing and mask wearing, as well as limiting entrants to the Canada from world hot spots such as India at present and Europe and the United States in the past. The effect of


making admissions from foreign countries harder has been to limit immigration to Canada to record lows in 2020. Canada made a conscious choice of meeting its ambitious targets for 2020 by rectifying the situation regarding the spread of the COVID virus but also by accelerating the process of permanent residency for foreign workers, students and visitors inside the country. The challenge is both to attract applicants from abroad as well as encourage those inside Canada not to leave. First, there is good news about the numbers who have been vaccinated inside Canada and also with the projected opening of the country’s border to foreign entrants by the summertime. This is especially true of persons travelling north from the United States. Canada has traditionally opened its borders to Americans. There is every reason to believe the Canadian government and the Biden administration in the US are moving towards a relaxation of border crossing and a resumption of economic activity for the countries of North American, which includes immigration under CUSA (formerly NAFTA) for


Immigration to Canada is connected to the pandemic temporary workers and company transfers. The opening of the Canada/US border expected by summer would be one of the first indicators of the normalizing of relations with foreign lands and the movement of not only of goods but also workers and visitors. Canada is currently adjusting to the restrictions on foreign travel by placing priority on Express Entry applicants who are inside Canada and meet the stated requirements of the Canadian Experience Class. The numbers of invitations from those applying from outside the country under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) are expected to increase with the relaxation of entry requirements and the opening of borders. Another noticeable change has been the recent changes to enhance the chances for temporary foreign workers and international student graduates, such as the recent announcement of the 90,000 priority spots. There have never been more opportunities for recent graduates and persons who have worked legally at least

one year inside Canada. Even visitors who were in the country before August 2020 can obtain a work permit from inside Canada if they have an approved job offer (LMIA or Labour Market Impact Assessment). According to the sources quoted in Canada Immigration News, we can expect a number of other positive changes in immigration processing in the near future. This will include the introduction of the Municipal Nominee Program (MNP), the waiving of fees for Canadian citizenship applications, the opening of the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) for 2021 and the Immigration Levels Plan for 2022-2024. Minister Mendicino shall continue with the government’s plan to reach and exceed the projected 400,000 landings for 2021. Immigration remains one of the achievements of the government and something they hope to showcase for an autumn election (possibly September of this year). It is time for applicants to make themselves aware of the chances in immigration programs,

especially those introduce by the minister under his Public Policy discretion, which can be readily introduced without passing changes in the Immigration Act or Regulations through parliament. But first there is a series of causeand-effect changes that must occur, such as vaccination rates going up, infections and spread of the pandemic going down, borders reopening and economic activity and immigration landings increasing. All of these things are expected to take place by the autumn, just in time for a federal election to determine if the Liberals can change their status from a minority government to a majority. Stay tuned and aware of the changes. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Immigration Canada and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with Immigration Connexion International Ltd. Contact him at 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.

OUR HEALTH Feeling tired? Physical activity can help Need an energy boost? Skip the second cup of coffee and get moving! Most people can use an energy boost during the day. But instead of downing another cup of coffee, your best bet might be to get moving. Think there’s no way that moving more can do anything but leave you even more tired? Think again, researchers say: By being physically active instead of sitting and resting, you may cut your risk of feeling tired nearly in half. You may feel a bit fatigued after physical activity, but in a good way! Overall, regular exercise – or just moving your body – gives you more energy throughout the day,

helps you feel focused and able to complete tasks more efficiently. Another important benefit is that physical activity is a moodbooster. Exercise helps your body produce more endorphins, your brain’s feel-good chemicals. Although this function is often referred to as a runner’s high, other types of physical activity besides running can give you this feeling, too. Physical activity can also improve how well you sleep, yet another benefit that will give you more energy during the day. Ready to feel more energized?

Start with these tips • Make it a daily habit to move more. If you’re not currently active, start gradually by taking a walk around the block. • If you already have an exercise routine, think of ways to make it a little more challenging. Simply taking a short jog or bike ride at a low or moderate intensity can affect how you feel and perform. • At work, set an alarm to remind yourself to stand up from your desk every hour and touch your toes, stretch your arms, legs

and back. March in place for a minute. Make it a point to take short breaks when you can to go outside, or walk the stairwell up and down a few floors even if you have only a couple minutes. Small, consistent efforts like these will help you feel rejuvenated and focused. Remember these tips when you find yourself sitting too much throughout the day or tempted to skip a workout. Exercise doesn’t have to be all or nothing — just start moving more and you’ll instantly feel the benefits – physically and mentally!

Healthy post-exercise rewards After you exercise, take a few minutes to sit down and relax. Reflect on what you’ve just accomplished and savour the positive feelings that exercise gives you. This type of internal reward can help you make a long-term commitment to regular exercise. External rewards can help, too. When you reach a long-range goal, treat yourself to a new pair of walking shoes or new tunes to enjoy while you exercise. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network



JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

Jose Rizal and the Filipino language Jose Rizal wrote most of his famous works in Spanish. Even his final farewell poem, Mi Ultimo Adios, was written in the language of his executioners. He was, after all, a man of his times when most educated Filipinos rarely wrote formally in their mother tongue. Over a century later, not much has changed except that the foreign language of choice is now English. But Rizal was not a malansang isda (stinking fish) who neglected his own language. Throughout his short life he worked to enrich Tagalog literature and to make it more accessible to ordinary people. He translated European stories into Tagalog such as Friedrich Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell and the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. He wrote a short Tagalog grammar and he also attempted to write his third novel in Tagalog, known today as Makamisa, but it was left unfinished when he was executed in 1896. While Rizal promoted indigenous literature, he also recognized the need to spread literacy among ordinary Filipinos. The first obstacle that Filipino children faced when learning to read and write, if they had the chance, was mastering the confusing method of spelling native words with the Spanish alphabet. Rizal got the idea to formulate better ways to spell Tagalog words using the modern alphabet after he read an 1884 essay by Trinidad Pardo de Tavera about the pre-colonial baybayin writing system. In an article published in La Solidaridad in April of 1890, Rizal wrote: “.. it occurred to me to do something to lighten the work and make easy the first attempts of children to learn by simplifying the orthography [spelling], introducing another more rational and more logical [method], which will be in harmony with the spirit

PHILIPPINES... From page 1 been downgraded to “moderate risk” from “high risk” due to a downtrend in COVID cases. Over the past week, Metro Manila’s seven-day average of new cases has decreased to less

of the language itself and of its sister languages …” Tagalog spelling at that time followed the rules of the Spanish alphabet, which does not use the letters k and w except in borrowed foreign words. To spell all the k syllables before Rizal’s time was not as straightforward as it is today – ka, ke, ki, ko, ku were spelled ca, que, qui, co, cu. This made learning Tagalog grammar much more difficult. One example in Rizal’s 1890 article was the word katay (to butcher). This was normally spelled catai but when the past tense was needed (butchered), the spelling changed radically to quinatai. By adopting the letter k, Tagalog spelling immediately became more consistent and logical. The past tense of katay was predictably kinatay. The g syllables had similar difficulties. Ga, ge gi, go and gu were spelled ga, gue, gui, go and gu. Rizal favoured dropping the letter u and using the letter h for the aspirated Spanish g; as in words like heneral. Rizal’s proposal to drop the letters c and q in favour of k did not please everybody, though. Some people accused him of being unpatriotic because the letter k was supposedly a German letter and at that time Germany and Spain were involved in a dispute over the ownership of the Caroline group of islands, east of the Philippines. But Rizal was not alone in his struggle. While he was developing his ideas for Tagalog spelling, two of his contemporaries were doing the same thing independently, and they even went further in their reforms. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera was the first to use the English form of the w in Tagalog writing in his 1887 essay Sanskrit in the Tagalog Language and Pedro Serrano Laktaw might have been the first to use the k, according to Rizal biographer, Austin Craig. Laktaw

published his Hispano-Tagalog dictionary in 1889 using the new spelling, including the k and the w and he even changed the spelling of his own name from Lactao to Laktaw. Rizal became an enthusiastic supporter of Tavera and Laktaw, calling their method, a “more perfect orthography,” and he gave them full credit for their ideas in his article of 1890. The addition of the letter w helped to simplify spelling, too. In the old spelling, the sound of w was represented by either o or u but in no particularly logical way. The word awa (mercy) was spelled aua but araw (sun or day) was spelled arao. The Pampanga town originally known as Wawa (river mouth) was spelled Guagua and like many place names and family names, the old Spanish spelling persists to this day. Not all the innovations were winners, though. In the 1880s the sound of ng was written as ng, with a tilde over the g˜. Rizal and Tavera agreed that this complex combination of characters had to be stripped down to only one letter as it was in the pre-colonial baybayin writing system. They proposed that the ng sound should be represented by the letter g alone with a tilde above it. Words such as magulang (parents) and marunong (knowledgeable) would have been spelled magulag˜ and marunog˜, but as we can see today, this idea did not survive. Jose Rizal did not overhaul Tagalog spelling single-handedly, but his prominence as a writer probably did the most to advance the reforms. Members of the Propaganda movement, including Mariano Ponce and Marcelo H. del Pilar, quickly adopted the new spelling. It was also integral to the identity of the revolutionary Katipunan society that was formed in 1892. The k was prominent in the group’s name, Kataas-taasang Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan and in the name of

than 1,100. “The positivity rate is now down to 10 per cent, the first time that we saw 10 per cent positivity rate in the NCR. These indicators are good. We believe that the national government could seriously consider easing some restrictions in the NCR while

keeping an eye on possible risk elements. We don’t recommend, of course, easing all the restrictions all at once,” he added. However, David said that while the situation is improving in NCR Plus, OCTA has observed a “spike” in COVID-19 cases in local government units (LGUs)

Jose Rizal, age 29, a studio photo taken in Madrid in 1890 their newspaper, Kalayaan, which lasted only one issue before the Spanish authorities shut down their printing press. The letter k was also featured in several Katipunan flags, both in its Latin form and as the pre-colonial baybayin character. Rizal’s writing, his exile and his execution inspired Filipinos to rebel against Spanish colonial rule, but the most tangible part of his legacy, which continues to affect the lives of Filipinos, is the way we spell Filipino words today.

Sources Rizal, Jose. “Sobre la Nueva Ortografia de la Lengua Tagala” in La Solidaridad, Vol II, 88-92. 15 April 1890. English translation from Miscellaneous Writing of Dr. Jose Rizal. NHI 1992. Rizal, Jose. Letter to Ferdinand Blumentritt, April 5, 1896. The Rizal – Blumentritt Correspondence. Vol. II 1890 – 1896. NHI 1992 Rosales, Antonio B.L. “Rizal, Father of Modern Tagalog” in Philippine Magazine. December 1936, January 1937.

outside the NCR. “We are now seeing increases in places like Davao City, Puerto Princesa, Bacolod, Iloilo City, and Cagayan de Oro, also General Santos,” he pointed out. OCTA has been pushing for the vaccination of 50 per cent of “high-risk” areas, which include the cities of Tuguegarao, Santiago, Baguio, Cainta, Cebu, and Imus, including Metro Manila, to achieve “herd containment.” These are the areas that, in 2021, have the highest average daily attack rate. Even if the trend is improving in the NCR, we can say that the threat is still there,” David said. David said 50 per cent is “good enough,” like in Israel which has since “gone back to a semblance of the old normal.”

“But definitely we want to target eventually a number as high as 75 per cent to achieve herd immunity if we can achieve that because, based on our calculations, 75 per cent is what we need,” he said. “Unfortunately, 75 per cent of the population is not realistic right now because children are not yet eligible to be vaccinated and they comprise almost 30 percent of the population. And then if we have, let’s say, 20 percent that is maybe strongly against vaccination. Of course, we have to educate them with an information drive. But we believe that 50 per cent is the fair target for vaccination. And then we can achieve a level of containment by doing so,” he added. Courtesy: Manila Bulletin

JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021



Why Rizal is the National Hero In an interview with Asuncion Lopez Bantug, Narcisa Rizal’s granddaughter, I was told that the young Jose Rizal was very conscious about his looks because he had a big head and a frail body and was small for his age. He was fascinated by stories of higantes and “great men” in history. Today, Rizal scholars who put this data in the context of psychoanalysis hypothesize that Rizal’s intellectual “gifts” were merely ways of making up for physical frailty. Psychohistory has yet to shake the foundations of Philippine historiography. In a previous column, I discussed the psychic in Rizal and how many of his dreams proved prophetic. Rizal himself admitted that “my dreams have always guided my actions.” Aside from the fact that psychohistory or even psychic research is frowned upon by many of our academic historians, I believe the main reason we refuse to see Rizal as a prophet is because viewing Rizal from this perspective will undoubtedly make him a “conscious hero” and thus diminish his stature. What do I mean by a “conscious hero?” It is clear from Rizal’s letters, diaries, and writings that he had planned his entire life down to the last detail. He did not

leave anything to chance, not even the choreography of his death. So, he wilfully became a hero. Another Rizal story that pops out of my notes today deals with a time when Rizal’s sisters found him in his bahay kubo behind the Calamba house, molding a clay statue of Napoleon (who was small and short like him). When teased about it, he is supposed to have said, “All right, guys, say what you want today because in the future, people will make monumentos for me!” I wonder what his sisters felt when they saw the Rizal monument rise on the Luneta, or when they officiated at the unveiling ceremonies of the other monuments to their brother that began to mushroom all over the archipelago? Jose Rizal had the last laugh. Rizal could have lived beyond December 30, 1896, if he had simply stayed out of the Philippines and its politics. If he remained in Hong Kong, then he would just be another forgotten expatriate Filipino doctor. Rizal, however, was different. You could say he had a death wish and this, for me, makes a “conscious hero” doubly brave, because unlike military heroes whose job description contains “death in battle,” Rizal was a quiet,

peaceful man who wilfully and calmly walked to his death for his convictions. Before his execution, his pulse rate was reputedly normal. How many people do you know who would die for their convictions if they could avoid it? In June 1892 Rizal left two sealed letters with a Portuguese friend “to be opened and published after my death.” In these letters Rizal explained to his family and his countrymen that he was returning to the Philippines to show by example that Filipinos knew how to die for principles. More important, Rizal addressed his countrymen, mostly “natives” or indios like you and me, as “Filipinos” at a time when the term was reserved for Spaniards born in the Philippines. Guided by the belief from childhood that he would not reach the age of 30, Rizal decided to return home against all odds. He probably thought he would be executed in 1892; he miscalculated and died in 1896 at the age of 35. This is the letter he wanted us to read, a letter that will illustrate to anti-Rizal advocates why Rizal is our national hero [all italics mine]: “The step that I have taken, or am about to take, is undoubtedly very risky, and it is unnecessary

to say that I have pondered on it a great deal. I know that everyone is opposed to it but I realize also that no one knows what goes on in my heart. I cannot live knowing that many are suffering unjust persecution because of me; I cannot live seeing my brothers [hermanos] and their large families persecuted like criminals. I prefer to face death and gladly give my life to free so many innocent persons from this unjust persecution. “I know that, at present, the future of my country gravitates in part around me; that with my death, many would rejoice, and that, consequently, many are longing for my end. But what am I to do? I have duties of conscience above all else; I have moral obligations toward the families who suffer, toward my aged parents whose sighs pierce my heart; I know that I alone, even my death, can make them happy by returning them to their country and the tranquillity of their home. My parents are all that I have, but my country has many sons still who can take it to advantage. “Moreover, I wish to show those who deny us patriotism that we know how to die for our duty and for our convictions. What matters death if one dies for what one loves, for one’s country and

for those whom he loves? “If I know that I were the only pillar of Philippine politics and if I were convinced that my countrymen were going to make use of my services, perhaps I would hesitate to take this step, but there are still others who can take my place, who can take my place to advantage. Furthermore, there are those who find me superfluous and in no need of my services, thus they reduce me to inaction. “I have always loved my poor country and I am sure that I shall love her until my last moment. Perhaps some people will be unjust to me; well, my future, my life, my joys, everything, I have sacrificed for love of her. Whatever my fate may be, I shall die blessing my country and wishing her the dawn of her redemption.” Source: Rizal Without the Overcoat by Ambeth R. Ocampo, Anvil Publishing. Ambeth Ocampo is a former Chairman of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines and an associate Professor in the Department of History, Ateneo de Manila University. He writes a widely read editorial page column, Looking Back, for the Philippine Daily Inquirer.



JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

Feng shui tips to help your house sell faster From determining pricing to having to keep a home “show ready,” marketing a house is always a challenge. And, just like inoculations, homeowners usually want to get the sale over as quickly as possible. Here are feng shui tips to help your house sell faster. 1. Engage the senses Prospective buyers must be engaged in every way possible. Use these ideas to engage the senses of buyers at your home. • Looks good: Beautify and make your home look welcoming. Use lots of horizontal space. Clear off all the tops of everything (dressers, counters, shelves). Draw the eye to the corner diagonal to the door to each room. This makes the room feel larger and makes buyers focus on a feng shui good luck area. It should also be refreshed with a deep, thorough cleaning and perhaps repainting. That fresh paint smells better and makes the house look revitalized. • Feels good: Make sure all entries and rooms can be entered easily and comfortably, and that there are no mirrors opposite any door. Keep your home from being “dead still” by keeping something moving, such as ceiling fans. • Sounds good: Place a fountain close to the front of the house or keep music playing at all times, especially in the northwest corner of the house. • Smells good: According to feng shui, earthy scents are the most appealing to the widest range of people. So, opt for cinnamon and pine scents rather than floral or vanilla scents. 2. Sales are made by first impressions, and they start at the front door The front door is the most important area of the house in feng shui. Keep it immaculate, with lights turned on in front at in the foyer, a new doormat, and have something flanking either side of the front door, such as two pots of lush, healthy plants and flowers. A fresh coat of paint can help activate your door. 3. Buy the new owners a gift To assist you over the mental hurdle of leaving, buy the new owners a small gift such as a new front door mat or crystal candy dish filled with chocolates because chocolate is excellent feng shui. 4. Correctly place your for-sale sign Make sure the “for sale” sign is to the right of the front door as you look at it. This is the yang, or energetic, side of the house.

5. Focus on the kitchen In feng shui, kitchens are prosperity and health areas. Insist on clear counters, clean, organized pantry, and wastebaskets and knives out of sight. Place a small, lush plant and jar full of cookies on the counter. 6. Make a welcoming vignette Have a table in the foyer or front room of the house, on the right as you enter the front door, with business cards, literature, a bowl of chocolates or cinnamon candies, and small vase of fresh flowers. Put this on a red-coloured cloth or with something red next to your details. Make sure business cards are in an acrylic holder so they are not “laying down” on the job. 7. Energize the helpful people sector The northwest corner of a home is considered the helpful people area – important for sales. Activate it with music playing here. 8. Get growing Make sure there are no plants touching the house (this draws energy away from the house), no spindly plants (it makes the house seem like it’s dying, too), and no dead plants whatsoever. Make sure your landscape is in great shape for improved curb appeal. 9. Remove 25 to 30 per cent of your belongings Think of this as a pre-move. Get a storage unit to help you start moving items out of the house and making more open, clear space. Paring down your belongings, especially those that are personal, like a baseball bat collection or wall of family photos, will help depersonalize your house, and bring in more open space. This is an important concept of feng shui. Sales are an element of fire, and air (open space) feeds fire. If the eyes of potential buyers see nothing but knick knacks and belongings covering every space, they won’t see your house because of the smothering effect of too much stuff in your home that smothers the fire element. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information visit www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

Sales are made by first impressions – and they start at the front door.

Remove 25 to 30 per cent of your belongings. Get a storage unit to help you

Focus on the kitchen.

JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021






Wala pang kasiguruhan kung tuluyan nang magpapaalam sa pag-aartista si Derek Ramsay, pero kung ang kasalukuyang panahon ang kunsiderasyon, ayaw na niyang humarap sa mga camera. Hindi iyon dahil sa kayangkaya niya namang mabuhay nang hindi na siya nagtatrabaho dahil mayaman ang kaniyang angkan, may mas mahalagang tinututukan ngayon ang hunk actor, ang kaligtasan ng kaniyang pamilya. May tinanggihan nang proyekto si Derek sa GMA-7, kung ano ang tunay na dahilan ay siya lang ang nakakaalam, nakasentro ngayon ang kaniyang panahon sa kaniyang mga magulang at sa kaniyang pakakasalang si Ellen Adarna. Sa kabila ng mga negatibong balita tungkol sa kanilang relasyon ay matindi ang disposisyon ni Derek, si Ellen Adarna ang gusto niyang iharap sa altar, wala nang sinumang makahahadlang doon. Dapat sana’y sa Agosto na

ang kanilang kasal, pero iuurong nila iyon nang ilan pang buwan, tatapusin muna ni Ellen ang kaniyang mga kompromiso dahil sa ibang bansa ang tuloy nila pagkatapos ng kasalan. Binulabog na naman ng mga bira at pagpuna si Ellen sa inilabas nitong video habang kinukunan ang kaniyang sarili na bra lang at underwear ang suot. Kasunod naman noon ang inilabas na larawan ni Derek na nagpapakita ng kaniyang puwet. Isa lang ang komento ng buong bayan, sila na nga talaga, pati ang takbo ng kanilang utak ay swak na swak. Tuloy ang kanilang kasal, tuloy rin ang pamamaalam muna ni Derek Ramsay sa pagaartista, tuloy ang kanilang pagmamahalan. *** May sobrang pinagkakaabalahan ngayon si Willie Revillame. Tapos na siya sa pagkahilig sa pagpapalipad See CRISTY p14

JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

• Derek Ramsay – Magpapaalam na sa showbiz? • John Lloyd Cruz at Andrea Torres – Magtatambal sa isang sitcom • Liza Soberano – Walang balak sumali sa beauty pageant • Angelica Panganiban – Ipinahamak ang sarili • First Yaya – Nag-last lock-in taping na • Sharon Cuneta – Nagsalita na tungkol sa US trip niya • Willie Revillame –Milyones ang naitulong sa PGH • Marjorie Barretto – Tahimik ang buhay • Diego Loyzaga – Walang paki sa amang si Cesar Montano? • Piolo Pascual –Masaya sa buhay niya ngayon • Julia Barretto –Super sinungaling! • Coco Martin – Maraming nagalit noong nagpabakuna • Robin Padilla – Di dapat tularan, nag-self-swab test

Derek Ramsay & Ellen Adarna

Liza Soberano

Willie Revillame

John Lloyd Cruz

Andrea Torres

Marjorie Barretto

Diego Loyzaga

Coco Martin

Piolo Pascual

Julia Barretto

Robin Padilla

Gabby Concepcion & Sanya Lopez

Sharon Cuneta

Angelica Panganiban

JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021






JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

Nolasco – Garrido wedding, May 29, 2021

The newlyweds Lucille Nolasco and Dale Garrido. Photos by Mark Godilano

Sarah and Matteo Guidicelli sing new G Diaries theme song Sarah and Matteo Guidicelli sing new G Diaries theme song Guidicelli power couple fans have something exciting to check out on Sunday mornings as Sarah and Matteo lend their voice to the new theme song of G Diaries, now in its eighth season. The song Sarah and Matteo interpret, Change the World Together was written and composed by Jenie Chan, and is also the title of G Diaries Season 8. G Diaries is a multiawarded TV program produced by ABS-CBN Foundation that See SARAH p13

As part of their fifth anniversary celebration, momshies Jolina MagdangalEscueta, Melai Cantiveros, and Karla Estrada will come together for the first time on the big screen as they star in the movie, Momshies Ang Soul Mo’y Akin!, which will be available outside

singles Panaginip by Kyle Echarri and Umaga by Arvey for the original soundtrack (OST) of the upcoming anthology series Click, Like, Share.

Kyle’s 2020 single Panaginip which he also wrote and co-produced will be the theme song of the first episode See CLICK p14

the Philippines via ktx.ph, iWantTFC, TFC IPTV Video On Demand (VOD), and now also on Upstream. In this family comedy film, Jolina, Melai, and Karla will give life to the characters of Karlene, Jolene, and Mylene, three women whose lives are See MOMSHIES p13

Karla Estrada

Matteo Guidicelli & Sarah Geronimo

Click, Like, Share soundtrack features Kyle, Sab, Arvey, and Angela Young singer-songwriters Angela Ken and SAB are dropping two new original songs Kontrol and Cancelled along with previously released

Momshies! Ang Soul Mo’y Akin!

Melai Cantiveros

Jolina Magdangal

Free romance movies on Youtube Super Stream Filipinos around the world will continue to enjoy bingeworthy entertainment and swoon-worthy love stories as ABS-CBN and Star Cinema give free access to 12 movies via YouTube Super Stream.

Join a life-changing road trip in Love You to the Stars and Back, where Julia Barretto and Joshua Garcia pick up memorable life and love lessons along the way. See ROMANCE p13

JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

SARAH... From page 12 features stories of love, hope and cooperation among local communities, and promotes advocacies on environment protection, child rights and development, area development, and sustainable ecotourism, among others. Matteo, a member of G Diaries’ G Squad (artists who support the advocacies of ABSCBN Foundation) has appeared in season 2’s La Mesa Ecopark episode with former Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Gina Lopez, and he was also featured at the Lulugayan Falls in Samar with Ernie Lopez in season 4. “The song has two versions – one is Michelle and Ernie’s, which we recorded with them in October 2020 and the most recent one is Sarah and Matteo’s, which they did this May,” shared Chan. Each version has its own personality, and both are very endearing. Sarah and Matteo’s version of the song is exclusive to the terrestrial and cable airing of G Diaries. All-new episodes for Season 8 air on the Kapamilya Channel on Sundays at 9:10 a.m., with replays on ANC and the Metro Channel. The chorus of the song is: Change the world together, we can make it better. Ikaw at ako, tayo ‘coz love is the answer. Change the world together, we can make it brighter, Let’s go, tayo na, tara na, let’s change it through love… together. Chan adds, “It is amazing how the message of G Diaries never gets old. From the time we were doing the show with Ms. Gina Lopez, until now that we are working with Ernie and Michelle Lopez, the theme has always revolved around working together and love. “We’ve done seven seasons with five different directors and over a hundred episodes, but our viewers continue to look forward to new episodes. G Diaries has a very positive vibe and a timely message of hope, and we are truly grateful that Sarah and Matteo agreed to be a part of this season.”

MOMSHIES... From page 12 about to change on the day they meet each other. Karlene is a rich businesswoman, Jolene is a popular influencer, and Mylene is an aspiring overseas worker. They seem happy with their lives, but when their souls accidentally switch and they try all possible ways to be back to their normal lives, they will realize that there is more than the life they know. Aside from the family and friendship story of the film, viewers should not miss how the momshies will portray each other: Karla will become Jolina, Jolina will become Melai, and Melai will become Karla.


This will surely be a fun family film that is set not only to bring laughter but also inspirational stories about friendship, family, self-love, and ultimately, empathy. Also part of the cast are Pia Moran, Francis Mata, Jason Francisco, Thou Reyes, Mitoy Yonting, JhaiHo, Juliana Parizcova Segovia, Manuel Chua, Miko Gallardo, and Eris Aragoza, under the direction of Easy Ferrer and produced by Star Cinema. Watch Momshies Ang Soul Mo’y Akin! on the iWantTFC app (iOs and Android) or on iwanttfc. com. Viewers can also enjoy watching on a bigger screen through select devices on VEWD, ROKU streaming devices, Android TV, select Samsung Smart TV models, Telstra TV for global users, and VIDAA for select countries. iWantTFC is also available via Chromecast and Airplay. For the complete list of compatible devices, signin instructions, and account activation, visit https://iwanttfc. com/help#tfc-on-smart-tv.


Martin and Lani in digital concert Martin Nievera and Lani Misalucha are gearing up for a grand vocal extravaganza in their star-studded digital concert titled New Day happening June 6 at 11:009 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (Manila time) on iWantTFC. At-home concertgoers can expect Martin and Lani to perform songs about hope and love, as

well as exciting performances by their special guests, Rey Valera, Nonoy Zuniga, and Marco Sison. Regular tickets are up for grabs for P1,200 or $24.99 US on iWantTFC. To watch the event, viewers simply need to download and log in to the iWantTFC’s mobile app or website using their e-mail address, mobile number, or

Facebook account. Happening at Solaire Resort & Casino’s The Theatre, New Day will be directed by Paolo Valenciano with Louie Ocampo as musical director. The concert will also be seen simultaneously in Winnipeg on June 5, 10:00 p.m. and June 6 at 7:00 a.m.

You. Viewers can also watch a full concert without leaving the couch by streaming Sue Ramirez, Maris Racal, Loisa Andalio, and Krystel Fulgar’s One Music digital concert called Double Hearts on Star Music’s YouTube channel.

Binge-watch more teleserye highlights, movie supercuts, musical events, music videos, full online shows, snackable content, classics, and much more on the YouTube channels of ABS-CBN Entertainment, Star Cinema, Cinema One, Jeepney TV, Star Music, Black Sheep,

BGYO Official, Rise Artists Studio, Sinehub, Yey Channel, Knowledge Channel, and ABSCBN News. All of these may be enjoyed for free for a limited time by viewers worldwide on YouTube Super Stream. Subscribe now to ABS-CBN’s YouTube channels.

ROMANCE... From page 12 Viewers can stream Dahil Mahal na Mahal Kita, where Claudine Barretto and Rico Yan fight for their love against all odds, and Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo, where Judy Ann Santos and Ryan Agoncillo navigate the twists and turns of married life. Kindred souls are driven apart by harsh circumstances in Sarah Geronimo and Gerald Anderson’s Catch Me… I’m In Love, Anne Curtis and Sam Milby’s Babe, I Love You, and Erich Gonzales and Mario Maurer’s Suddenly It’s Magic. Star Cinema’s line-up also includes iconic Jolina Magdangal in Hey Babe, where she consults a fortune teller if Marvin Agustin is the one for her and Tunay na Tunay: Gets Mo? Gets Ko!, where she stars in her only action movie with Robin Padilla. Piolo Pascual turns on the charm as Angel Locsin’s childhood sweetheart in Love Me Again, and gets caught in a love triangle between Dawn Zulueta and Coleen Garcia in Love Me Tomorrow. Aside from love stories, viewers can also find comedies that will make them laugh out loud, such as This Guys In Love with U Mare starring Vice Ganda, Toni Gonzaga, and Luis Manzano, as well as Supahpapalicious, headlined by Vhong Navarro. Meanwhile, fans of Donny Pangilinan and Belle Mariano’s rising love team can get to know the He’s Into Her stars better by watching Reel Life and Compatibility Test on the Star Cinema YouTube channel. Those who are in the mood to binge-watch teleseryes can also find full episodes of ABS-CBN’s Sana Dalawa ang Puso (with English subtitles), Maging Sino Ka Man Book 1 and 2, Angelito: Batang Ama, Walang Hanggan, The Legal Wife, and Crazy for




JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

Bringing Darna, Captain Barbell, and Lastikman into the game Rules of Survival (ROS), the prevalent Battle Royale PC game developed by NetEase, has teamed up with the Philippines’ Ravelo Komiks Universe (RKU) in bringing three major comics characters Darna, Captain Barbell, and Lastikman into the game. The two-week licensed mobile game collaboration event was launched simultaneously on May 26 in the Philippines and Cambodia. By completing several missions in the specific training manual, ROS players can claim the free RKU superheroes’ iconic costumes and draw themed items and emoji for free from playing lottery events. ROS is also featuring more exclusives such as a themed sports car, a wingman, and powerful weapons from

these Pinoy superheroes. A brand-new interaction mode will be released during the collaboration period and players can seek supplementary skills associated with the superheroes’ extraordinary powers in different spots of the Ghillie Island. Overall, the new collaboration will bring more surprises and excitement to the players of Rules of Survival. ROS is a free-to-play multiplayer online game first released in November 2017. By October 2018, the game had reached 230 million players worldwide. ABS-CBN’s Ravelo Komiks Universe brings well-loved Pinoy superhero characters back to life featuring the creations of the legendary komiks writer, the late Mars Ravelo.

Fresh Take Many would agree that music transcends languages, which is proven by the music artists themselves when covering songs that click with them even it is written in a different language. These kinds of music and artists are what the upcoming ABSCBN music show Fresh Take will be featuring, with host Edward Barber, this June on MYX and TFC. “ABS-CBN has always advocated supporting new talents that have something new to offer. We are excited with the launch of Fresh Take, which will serve as a platform for the new breed of music artists in sharing their unique sound and talent to every music lover around the world,” said ABS-CBN Global Chief Operating Officer Aldrin Cerrado, who is behind the concept of Fresh Take. ABS-CBN Global Events and Experience Head Joseph Arnie Garcia adds, “Filipino music offers a different music palate, and through Fresh Take we will

be able to share this different music experience to every music lover around the world across ages and nationalities.” Fresh Take will be featuring the playlist-worthy singles of up-and-coming Filipino artists who will not only perform their latest singles but will also be sharing their passion for music and the stories behind their songs. “Filipinos are among the best performers around the world. We are excited to introduce these new artists

who we believe will surprise the world with their talent and music,” said Roxy Liquigan, Head of the ABS-CBN Music ecosystem. Adding to the refreshing vibe of the show is its host Edward Barber, who aside from acting is also musically inclined. Discover new music to add to your playlist and a fresh line-up of artists to follow through the upcoming music show Fresh Take, coming this June on MYX and TFC.

CLICK... From page 12 Reroute starring Kyle himself. Star Music artist SAB, with song writing credits from her music releases Always Stay The Same, Dancing in the Dark, and She, will debut her self-penned track Cancelled for the second episode with the same title starring Francine Diaz. Meanwhile, Arvey’s latest single Umaga, which he co-wrote with ABS-CBN Music creative director Jonathan Manalo, will up the tension in the Seth Fedelin episode Trending. Finally, Angela lends her original composition Kontrol for the series’ fourth episode Poser led by Andrea Brillantes. This follows the success of Angela’s debut single Ako Naman Muna which has 10 million Spotify streams and has over 5.5 million YouTube views for its music video. Click, Like, Share is an anthology series that will shed light on social media’s role in people’s lives, diving deeper on its potential harmful effects especially on teenagers such as bashing, cyberbullying, online harassment, and depression. It

will premiere on June 5 via KTX. ph, iWantTFC, and TFC IPTV, and will soon be available on Upstream. Get in the mood for responsible social media use by listening to the OST of Click, Like, Share on various digital music services.

CRISTY... From page 10 ng chopper, magaling na siya, wala na siyang kailangan pang patunayan. Bukod sa kaniyang programang Wowowin-Tutok To Win na araw-araw na nagbibigay ng ayuda sa ating mga kababayan ay aktibo ngayon ang kaniyang WBR (Wilfredo Buendia Revillame) Productions. Sayang nga naman ang pagkakataon, maraming personalidad na nangangailangan ng trabaho ngayong pandemya, kaya bakit hindi niya paganahin ang kaniyang produksiyon para siya makatulong? Ang una niyang talent ay si John Lloyd Cruz, pumirma na ng kontrata sa WBR si Lloydie, huwag na tayong magugulat kung isang araw ay plantsado na ang See CRISTY p15

JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

CRISTY... From page 14 gagawin nitong sitcom katambal si Andrea Torres. Magsasanib-puwersa ang WBR Productions at ang GMA-7 sa proyekto, isang popular na aktor pa ang nakatakdang mapasama sa mga talents ng WBR, si Direk Johnny Manahan ang katuwang niyang umaayos sa kontrata. Sa mga nakaplanong proyekto ni Willie para sa maraming personalidad ay ang kaniyang WBR Productions ang gagamitin niya, uupuan na nila ng GMA-7 ang mga gagawin nilang pelikula at programa, masayang-masaya ang aktor-TV host sa bago niyang pinagkakaabalahan. “Maraming nangangailangan ng trabaho ngayon, pero wala silang idea kung paano nila maipagpatuloy ang trabaho nila, kaya kung puwede naman tayong makatulong, bakit ang hindi? “Galing din ako sa ibabangibaba, sidekick lang ako noon ng mga bida, pero maraming taong nakatulong sa akin para matupad ang mga pangarap ko. Kumbaga, nakikita ko lang sa kanila ang sarili ko, kaya bakit naman tayo magdadamot?” pahayag ni Willie. Nag-break lang si Willie noong Sabado mula sa matinding practice sa pagda-drums noong makausap namin, iyon ang isa sa magiging highlights ng Mega Fiesta show na gaganapin sa Araneta Coliseum sa June 6, darating si John Lloyd Cruz sa espesyal na pagtatanghal ng ineendorso niyang kumpanya. “Nakakatuwa nga, si Direk Cathy Garcia-Molina ang pumayag na magdirek ng TVC ko. Pero hanggang doon lang ang puwede niyang gawin, may kontrata pa siya sa Star Cinema. “Gagawa lang siya ng project sa labas kung co-prod ng Star Cinema. Pero sa akin ang linyang ‘Sino ka man, nasaan ka man,’ naisip ko lang,” tumatawang kuwento ni Willie Revillame. ****** Nakakaawa naman si Liza Soberano, nauupakan nang wala naman siyang kaalam-alam, kasalanan iyon ng kaniyang mga posers sa Facebook. Mabuti na lang at maagap si Liza at ang kaniyang manager na si Ogie Diaz, agad nilang nilinaw na walang FB account ang magandang young actress, mga posers lang niya ang naglalabas ng mga pekeng posts. Nag-ugat iyon sa hindi pagpasok ni Rabiya Mateo sa Top 5, nagalit ang pekeng Liza Soberano, huwag daw mag-alala ang ating mga kababayan sa naging kapalaran ni Rabiya dahil sa susunod na taon ay siya na ang aakyat sa entablado ng Miss Universe. Siya na raw ang bahala, sabi pa ng poser ni Liza, kumbaga ay siya ang maghihiganti sa kaapihan ng ating kinatawang natalo sa labanan. May pitik ang mga salita, kumakagat, lumalabas na kayabang-yabang naman ng Liza Soberanong ito sa kaniyang mga sinabi. Kinagat naman iyon ng mga bashers ng young actress na naghihintay lang ng butas na


masisilip laban sa kaniya. Nakakaawang Liza, wala siyang FB account, pero binabash siya ngayon nang walang kalaban-laban. At mismong si Liza na ang nagsasabing wala siyang planong sumali sa mga beauty pageant. Noon pa ay marami nang kumakausap sa kaniyang manager para isali si Liza sa Bb. Pilipinas. Ang ganoon nga namang kagandahan at katalinuhan ay siguradong makalulusot at makapag-uuwi ng korona. Pero ayaw ni Liza, ayaw rin ni Ogie, kaya walang agent na nagtagumpay sa pagkuha sa dalaga. Iyon ba ang klase ng taong magyayabang at magbabanta pa para ipaghiganti si Rabiya? Ni wala ngang interes si Liza sa pagsali, kahit pa mayroon naman siyang karapatan, pero dahil lang sa isang poser na naglabas ng komento ay ganito na ang kaniyang mapapala? Napakaraming posers ng mga artista, maraming nagpapanggap na sila, kailangan talagang tiyakin muna ng kahit sino kung totoo bang kanila ang account. Mga peke sila! *** Nakakaawang Angelica Panganiban. Idinidighay niya ngayon ang napakapaklang ampalaya at apdo na ipinakakain sa kaniya ngayon sa social media dahil sa pagmamaldita niya sa pagpapa-swab ng kaniyang boyfriend na si Gregg Homan sa Red Cross-Subic. Dati nang maanghang ang dila ng aktres na ito, pero nakakita siya ng katapat ngayon sa kaniyang mga kuda, ang nakalaban niya ay ang mga frontliners na itinuturing na bayani ngayon ng ating bayan. Mayroon siyang talak na hindi raw namamansin ang mga frontliners sa Subic, mayroon siyang ipinost na inuna pa ang ibang magpapa-swab test kesa sa kanila, isang oras na raw silang naghihintay sa parking. Si Angelica mismo ang nagpahamak sa kaniyang sarili. Sumagot ang mga nakatalagang frontliners ng Red Cross-Subic na hindi naman pala kasali sa listahan ng mga magpapa-swab test ang kaniyang karelasyon, sa madaling salita ay sumingit lang ito, hindi prayoridad na askikasuhin agadagad. At naglabas ng ebidensiya ang isang frontliner na hindi sa tent naghihintay si Angelica, nasa van lang siya na may aircon, kaya hindi siya nakaranas na mainitan. Naging sobrang personal ang mga bira kay Angelica, pati ang hubog ng kaniyang katawan ay ibinato laban sa kaniya, ikinumpara siya sa sasakyang laspag na. Pati ang kaniyang pangalan ay ginamit na armas laban sa kaniya, may angel pa naman daw sa pangalan niya, pero hindi naman bagay sa kaniyang ugali. Reaksiyon ng anak-anakan naming si SOS, “Tama po, may angel nga sa name niya. Pero Panganiban ang apelyido niya, mapanganib si Angel!” *** Maraming malulungkot dahil nag-last lock-in taping na ang seryeng First Yaya na

pinagbibidahan nina Sanya Lopez at Gabby Concepcion. Hanggang one season na lang talaga ngayon ang mga serye ng GMA-7. Pang-thirteen weeks na lang lahat ang mga serye dahil umaaray sa laki ng gastos ang produksiyon. Sa pagpapatupad pa lang sa mga health protocols ay napakalaki na ng kinakaing budget, kapag sinabing lock-in ay wala na talagang mga artista at miyembro ng produksiyon na pinalalabas ang network, kaya napakasakit noon para sa istasyon. Kung kailan naman lulong na lulong na ang ating mga kababayan sa ikot ng kuwento ng First Yaya ay saka naman tatapusin na pala. Mabibitin ang manonood na nakatikim ng bagong putahe, sa isang panahon nga namang nakauumay na ang mga seryeng ilang taon nang umeere pero nand’yan pa rin, ay kakaiba ang First Yaya. Pero mag-iiwan ng marka ang seryeng ito, niyakap ng publiko ang kaniyang kuwento, magtatapos ang palabas na maliligaya ang lahat ng bahagi ng istoryang ito. At panahon ngayon ni Sanya Lopez, napamahal siya sa ating mga kababayan, pero hindi sila dapat malungkot dahil mayroon pang serye ang kanilang paboritong aktres kasama si Senador Bong Revilla – ang Agimat Ng Agila. *** Sa wakas ay nagsalita na si Sharon Cuneta mula sa Amerika sa pamamagitan ng kaniyang IG

para linawin ang mga pekeng isyung ibinabato laban sa kaniya maging sa kaniyang pamilya nang umalis siya. At kasama pa niya sa paglalive si Senador Kiko Pangilinan na bidang-bida sa istoryang nambugbog daw sa Megastar nang malaman nitong may mas batang boyfriend ang kaniyang misis. Totoong parang namatayan sa kahahagulgol si Sharon noong makausap namin dahil sa palpak na resulta ng kaniyang swab test ilang araw bago siya magpunta sa Amerika para gawin ang pelikulang pinagbibidahan ng sikat na komedyanteng si Jo Koy sa produksiyon ng Hollywood iconic director-producer na si Steven Spielberg. Paulit-ulit siyang nagpaswab test sa mga klinikang ibinigay mismo ng produksiyon ni Spielberg, puro negatibo ang resulta, pero may hinahabol na schedule ang grupo sa Canada. Bagsak na bagsak noon si Sharon, pakiramdam niya ay hindi lang siya namatayan, kundi ninakawan pa ng oportunidad na makapagtrabaho sa Hollywood na pangsorpresa sana niya sa kaniyang mga Sharonians. Nasa kaniya na ang script, nagbabatuhan na sila ng mga linya via Zoom, handang-handa na siya sa proyekto pero dahil sa kapalpakan ng iba ay nakawala sa kaniya ang isang hindi malilimutang marka sa kaniyang karera bilang aktres. Paulit-ulit kaming tine-text ni

PAGE 15 SOS, hinayang na hinayang ang aming anak-anakan sa nangyari, “Sobrang nakapanghihinayang po talaga ang project ni Sharon kasama ang Hollywood icon of icons na si Spielberg. “Pero ganoon po talaga ang buhay, ang maganda, ang acceptance niya sa nangyari. Malay po natin, baka naman may dumating na offer sa kaniya na ang magdidirek sa kaniya, e, sina Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino at James Camayroon,” positibong komento ni SOS. Malapit na naman ang eleksiyon, gumagana na ang makinarya ng ibang kampo para wasakin ang imahe ng kanilang makakalaban sa posisyon, kaya hindi na nagugulat ang magasawang Senator Kiko at Sharon sa mga lumulutang na pekeng kuwento tungkol sa kanilang relasyon. Paulit-ulit na pahayag ng Megastar kapag panahon ng halalan at tinitirador ang pangalan ng kaniyang mister, “Naku, napakatagal nang bumenta ng mga kuwentong ‘yan, tuwing eleksiyon na lang! “Magkakaiba lang ang taon, pero pareho-pareho lang ang mga paninira! Hindi na bago ‘yan!” natatawa na lang na reaksiyon ni Sharon Cuneta. *** Sa loob lang nang sampung minuto ay milyones agad ang nakalap na halaga ni Willie Revillame para maipangtulong See CRISTY p16



JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

Rise Up Stronger: The Road to NCAA Season 96 Get to know the athletes, the coaches, the teams, and what to expect this season as GMA Network via GMA Synergy unveils Rise Up Stronger: The Road to NCAA Season 96, airing everyday. Rise Up Stronger: The Road to NCAA Season 96 keeps sports fans entertained and warmed up in preparation for the country’s first athletic league’s return to the spotlight. Every day, they will get a chance to know the athletes joining this season as well as the other faces of the NCAA such as the coaches, sports luminaries, and outstanding alumni, who started their sports journey in the said league. Giving viewers their daily dose of everything and anything NCAA are hosts Martin Javier and Sophia Senoron. A familiar face in Philippine sportscasting, Martin is regarded as one of the best among sports commentators, anchors, and hosts of this generation. He has under his belt years of experience, determination, and hard work. Every inch a courteous man, Martin shines as a host with his adventurous personality, boyish charm, and natural wit. Like any athlete, Kapuso actress, model, and entrepreneur Sophia knows how to endure and triumph over pressure. A

CRISTY... From page 15 sa pagkasunog ng Philippine General Hospital. Apat na milyon ang nailambing niya sa kaniyang mga sponsors sa Wowowin-Tutok To Win, nakulangan siya sa halagang apat na milyon, kaya siya ang nagpuno para maging walong milyon ang tulong-donasyon nila sa PGH. Kuwento ni Willie nang magkausap kami, “Nakita ko kasi ang mga batang natutulog na lang sa corridor, awang-awa ako sa kanila, maysakit na nga, nasunog pa ang ospital. “Mabuti na lang at nailipat sila agad sa chapel, mabilis magdesisyon ang mga doktor ng PGH, kaya medyo umayos ang sitwasyon nila,” seryosong sabi ng aktor-TV host. Agad-agad siyang gumawa ng sarili niyang telethon, una niyang tinawagan si Sam Versoza at si RS Francisco, ang mga may-ari ng Luxxe White, hindi pa siya natatapos sa kaniyang paliwanag ay agad nang sumagot ang magkaibigan. Sumunod pa ang dalawang sponsors niya na agaran ding sumagot sa tig-isang milyong ayuda sa ospital. Nagbigay rin ang WR Productions niya nang isang milyon, sa sarili niyang bulsa ay nagdagdag pa siya nang apat na milyon, kaya nang sumunod na araw ay personal niyang ibinigay sa dalawang doktor ng PGH ang nalikom niyang tulong. Sabi ng kaibigan naming

champion debater and a beauty queen, Sophia became the first winner of Miss Multinational in 2018, besting 34 candidates from around the world. Sophia is set to win the viewers’ hearts with her outgoing and charming demeanour as co-host of Rise Up Stronger: The Road to NCAA Season 96. During the hosts’ reveal on 24 Oras on May 14, Martin and Sophia expressed their excitement on headlining the latest sports program about the country’s first collegiate athletic league. “Napakagandang liga nito, napakaraming magagaling na players na nanggaling dito. Ako ay natutuwa na narito rin ako sa bagong tahanan ng NCAA,” shared Martin. Meanwhile Sophia is no newbie when it comes to NCAA as she is an alumna of San Beda University. “It’s really close to home. It’s really close to my heart and I’m so grateful to be given this opportunity [to host],” she said. Rise Up Stronger: The Road to NCAA Season 96 promises to give sports fans the excitement of watching NCAA again soon on the Kapuso Network. “Iba kasi yung excitement pag sports, iba ‘yung nagagawa niya for people who are watching, iba ‘yung bonding,” said Sophia.

“Maraming firsts ‘to. Unang ligang collegiate na magreresume sa Pilipinas, maraming ipu-pull-off yung mga online games, online activities natin,” added Martin. For its pilot week, joining Martin and Sophia as well are Kapuso stars and personalities Derek Ramsay, Kyline Alcantara, Boobay, Kim de Leon, Chef JR Royol, Yasser Marta, Faye Lorenzo, and Elle Villanueva, among others. “As the NCAA’s new home, GMA Network is excited to show to our viewers here and abroad the world-class talent of our Filipino student athletes. And we at the Kapuso Network, especially the GMA Synergy team, are looking forward to sharing with our viewers our newest offering on GTV. Following health and safety protocols, Rise Up Stronger: The Road to NCAA Season 96 serves as our warm-up to the unique and special NCAA Season 96 and we hope NCAA fans will also look forward to the episodes we prepared for them every day,” said GMA Regional TV and Synergy First Vice President and Head Oliver Victor Amoroso. Catch Rise Up Stronger: The Road to NCAA Season 96 Sundays at 5:05 p.m., Saturdays at 4:30 p.m., and Mondays to Fridays at 2:45 p.m. on GTV.

Kapuso abroad can watch Rise Up Stronger: The Road to NCAA Season 96 via GMA Pinoy

TV and GMA News TV. Visit www.gmapinoytv.com/subscribe for more details.

tumawag, “May nakalaan nang isang upuan para kay Willie sa Senado sa susunod na eleksiyon. Napakaganda talaga ng puso niya.” Nang sabihin namin iyon kay Willie ay parang hindi niya naman kami pinansin, parang wala siyang narinig, deadma lang ang aktor-TV host. *** Positibo ang mga pinakawalang komento ni Marjorie Barretto tungkol sa kaniyang mga kapatid na sina Gretchen at Claudine. Hindi niya diretsong sinabing gusto na niyang magkabati-bati na sana sila pero ang kaniyang damdamin ang nagsabing hindi siya nagtatago ng galit sa kaniyang puso. Napakagandang postura ng sinabi ni Marjorie. Nasaktan siya, sobrang nasaktan sa ginawa sa kaniya nina Gretchen at Claudine, pero hindi niya iyon itinatago sa damdamin niya. Iyon nga siguro ang patotoo sa kuwento ng isang kaibigan namin na madalas nilang makita si Marjorie sa Adoration chapel. Taimtim na nagdarasal si Marj, matagal siyang nandoon, siguradong isa sa mga ipinagdarasal niya ay ang maging maayos na sana ang relasyon nilang magkakapatid. Napakaliit nga naman ng ating puso para kargahan pa ng galit at sama ng loob. At kapag nagagalit tayo ay ang may katawan ang nagdadala ng stress at depresyon. Sana nga, isang araw, ay matagpuan nilang magkakapatid ang pagpapatawad sa isa’t isa. Iisang sinapupunan lang naman

ang kanilang pinagmulan, buungbuo ang pagiging magkakapatid nila, kaya nakapanghihinayang kung magtatagal pa ang kanilang hidwaan. Tama ang ginagawa ni Marjorie, hindi siya nagpapakulong sa galit at sama ng loob, tuloy ang buhay para sa kaniya nang wala siyang sinasaktan at tinatapakan. At sa kanilang magkakapatid ay pinakatahimik ang buhay ni Marjorie. *** Maraming nagtatakanagtatanong—bakit daw wala ang pangalan ni Cesar Montano sa mga pinasalamatan ni Diego Loyzaga sa kaniyang ika-26 na kaarawan? Pinasalamatan ng guwapong aktor ang kaniyang mga tiyahin, pinsan at iba pa, pero wala talaga ang pangalan ni Cesar Montano na naging dahilan kung bakit siya isinipot sa mundo. Siguradong may mga mamba-bash kay Diego bilang isang walang utang na loob na anak. Hindi siya makaliligtas sa pagpuna kung bakit hindi niya isinama ang pangalan ng ama niya sa pasasalamat. Puwede rin bang baligtarin natin ang tanong? Si Cesar Montano dapat ang nakakaalam kung bakit wala ang pangalan nito sa mga pinasalamatan ni Diego? Ano ba kasi ang naging buhay sa poder nito ni Diego? Naging maayos ba ang kanilang samahan? Nang magdesisyon bang lumipat na sa pangangalaga ni Bing Loyzaga si Diego (nasa Australia pa noon si Teresa na nagtatrabaho

bilang flight attendant) ay naging maayos ba ang paghihiwalay nilang mag-ama? Pinsalamatan ni Diego ang kaniyang Tita Sunshine at mga kapatid sa ama, pero bakit wala ang pasasalamat niya kay Cesar, iyon ang napakalinaw na ebidensiyang hindi naging maayos ang pagtrato sa kaniya ni Cesar noong magsama sila sa isang bubong. Ang sarap-sarap sulatin at buklatin ang isang pangyayari sa pagitan ng mag-ama, ang nakakaalam lang noon ay ang magkapatid na Teresa at Bing, saka si Sunshine. Iyong senaryong iyon, tumanda man nang hukluban si Diego Loyzaga, ay nakapagkit pa rin sa kaniyang utak. Hindinghindi niya makakalimutan ang karanasang iyon na kulang na lang na bumaba ang Diyos para patunayang walang-wala siyang kasalanan. Magtatanong-maghahanap pa ba ngayon si Cesar Montano kung bakit wala ang kaniyang pangalan sa dami ng mga pinasalamatan ni Diego Loyzaga para malampasan ang mga naengkuwentro niyang pagsubok sa buhay? *** Para sa isang pamosong artistang tulad ni Piolo Pascual na tatlong dekada nang humaharap sa mga camera nang halos arawaraw ay napakaideyal ng kaniyang pribagong buhay ngayon. Nakapagpundar siya ng bahay na malayo sa ingay ng lunsod, malapit sa dagat at mga kabundukan, iyon ang pinapangarap ng mga

personalidad na sagad na sagad ang katawan sa pagtatrabaho. Paggising niya ay wala siyang hinahabol na oras para sa shooting at taping, kaniyang-kaniya ang maghapon at magdamag, kaya ang panahon ng guwapo pa ring aktor sa kabila ng kaniyang pagkakaedad ay naibabaling niya sa maraming produktibong bagay. Nag-aalaga siya ng mga manok, naghahalaman, umaakyat siya ng bundok na dati’y pinapangarap lang niya, nakapaglalayag siya sa dagat anumang oras na gustuhin niya, ganoon ang ikot ng kaniyang buhay ngayon. Minsan ay tinanong namin ang isang sikat na male personality kung ano ang plano nitong gawin kapag ang pamamahinga ay malapit na. Napakasimple ng kaniyang sagot. “Gusto kong magpatayo ng bahay na dagat ang una kong makikita sa paggising ko. Iyong wala akong iniintinding oras na hahabulin para sa trabaho. Ganoon ang gusto kong retirement kasama ang pamilya ko,” sabi ng pamosong aktor. At iyon ang klase ng buhay na mayroon ngayon si Piolo Pascual, nayayakap niya ang kalikasan, wala siyang stress dahil hindi na siya aktibo sa pagtatrabaho. Pero sana nga, sana’y huwag makalimutan ni Piolo ang personal niyang buhay, mayroon siyang pamilya pero iba pa rin ang buhay na magkasabay nilang inaalagaan ng kaniyang maybahay. Madalas niyang sabihin na gustung-gusto na niyang magasawa, pero ang tanong ng bayan, See CRISTY p17


JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021



NO. 370

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Magwagi 5. Nilulusob 12. Ipanakot 13. Ihabi 14. Gawi 16. Bighani 17. Tinuntungan 18. Magalang na sagot 19. Isdang pangmasa 21. Insulto 25. Linis 27. Batid 29. Ilista 31. Patalastas 32. Binibitinan

11. Tiya 15. Ibigay sa iba 18. Alagad ng batas 20. Lublob 21. Puting buhok 22. Biyaya 23. Tira 24. Away 26. Liping minorya 28. Batay 30. Simbolo ng arsenic 31. Tipo ng dugo


PABABA 1. Tingin 2. Reklamo 3. Lawit 4. Payat 6. Ihagis 7. Unlapi 8. Daluyong 9. Bino 10. Tiyo

What to do if you have any Covid-19 symptoms Anyone who develops symptoms of Covid-19 should self-isolate and visit www. manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888315-9257 for health guidance on how to seek testing. Symptoms may include: • Cough • Headache • Fever/ chills • Muscle aches • Sore throat/ hoarse voice • Shortness of breath/ breathing difficulties • Loss of taste or smell • Vomiting, or diarrhea for more than 24 hours • Poor feeding if an infant • Runny nose • Fatigue • Nausea or loss of appetite

• Conjunctivitis (pink eye) • Skin rash of unknown cause While many people will develop only mild symptoms, some groups appear to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Those at higher risk typically develop more serious, even fatal, symptoms such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure. High risk groups include those: • 60 years of age and older • living with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart, renal or chronic lung conditions) • with weakened immune systems (e.g. cancer) Symptoms of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.

CRISTY... From page 16 may nililigawan ba naman siya? *** Lahat na yata ng terminong puwedeng gamitin bilang pakahulugan sa pagiging sinungaling ay inilalapat na kay Julia Barretto. Ang dahilan, ang nananahimik na isaw, ang pagkaing-kalye na pinagpipistahan ng ating mga kababayan. Hindi kasi nag-iingat si Julia. Noong pinakakain siya ng kaniyang boyfriend na si Gerald Anderson sa vlog nito ay mayroon pa siyang pagkamutkamot ng ulo at linyang, “Sige, I’ll do it for you,” sabay kain ng isaw, na para siyang ilag na ilag sa nakadurong bituka ng baboy. Tinatawag siya ngayong pathological liar, chronic liar, super-sinungaling at kung anuano pang pangtukoy sa pagiging sinungaling. May nakahalughog kasi sa kaniyang video ilang taon na ang nakararaan na sarap na sarap pa siyang kumakain ng isaw kasama si Ronnie Alonte. Naku, minarkahan siya ng mga netizens, lalo na ng kaniyang mga bashers, pasosyal pa raw si Julia na kiyemekiyemeng hindi kumakain ng isaw pero sarap na sarap naman pala siya sa pagkaing-kalye na iyon? Bina-bash siya nang todo ngayon sa social media, ano pa raw ang hindi aaminin ni Julia, mayroon pa ba? Sabi ng isang basher, “Isaw nga lang, e, hindi pa

niya maamin na kumakain siya, aaminin pa ba niyang inekokan niya sa ulo si Joshua Garcia?” At may isa pa, “Ano pa ba ang isinubo niya sa bibig niya na aaminin niya? Natural, hindi rin niya aaminin iyon na tulad ng isaw!” Ang makasaysayang isaw… bow! *** Isang buhay na buhay na isyu talaga ngayon ang pagpapabakuna. Sa mundo ng pulitika ay pinagdedebatehan ang bakuna, hindi rin pakakabog ang mundo ng showbiz, maraming personalidad ang bina-bash dahil sa pagpapaturok ng vaccine. Habang sinusulat namin ang kolum na ito ay isang source na hindi nanununog at nangunguryente ang nagpadala sa amin ng impormasyon tungkol kay Coco Martin. “FYI, nagpabakuna na nuomg Huwebes si Coco Martin sa Barangay Greater Lagro. Maraming nagagalit at naghihimutok! “Napakatagal na raw nilang nagpalista at naghihintay na mabakunahan pero inunahan pa sila ni Coco. Hindi raw nila alam kung paano napasama si Coco sa A3 o iyong may comorbidity o may karamdaman. “Ang tanong ng mga tagaBarangay Greater Lagro, e, sumingit lang daw ba si Coco o may nagpasingit para mas mauna pa siyang mabakunahan? “Paano na raw ang mga senior citizens at ang mga PWD na ang

PAGE 17 tagal-tagal nang naghihintay kung ganyan naman ang labanan?” kumpletong mensahe ng aming source. Iyon ang kuwento tungkol sa pagpapabakuna ng action star. Wala kaming ideya kung anong sakit mayroon si Coco para mapasama siya sa listahan ng mga sakop ng A3. Ang alam lang naming depektong mayroon si Coco Martin, kung depekto mang maituturing iyon, ay ang pagkakaroon niya ng maigsing dila kaya mayroon siyang lisping. *** DOH na ang nagbigay ng anunsiyo, hindi dapat tularan ng ating mga kababayan si Robin Padilla na naglakas-loob na magself-swab test, delikado iyon. Ang may karapatan lang na magsagawa ng swab test ay ang mga lisensiyadong health workers, hindi binibigyan ng DOH ng kalayaan na gawin iyon ng walang alam, tulad ni Robin Padilla. Dahil may sinabi pa si Robin na kapag nakikiliti na raw ang ating utak ay ayos na ang swab test, ang dami-daming gumamit noon laban sa kaniyang pageeksperimento, matindi ang pamba-bash sa kaniya. Sabi ng isang nagkomento, “Okey lang ang kuda ni Robin, wala naman siyang nasundot na utak na makapagpapadelikado ng buhay niya, dahil wala naman siya noon!” Ahahay! – CSF



JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021

JUNE 1 - 15 , 2021





MAY 1 - 15 , 2021

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