Pilipino Express • Mar 16 2022

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Volume 18 • No. 6 • March 16 - 31, 2022 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Ivana Alawi

Mask mandate dropped Manitoba returns to “new normal”

8 8 Romel Chika, Nanay Cristy Fermin & Morly Alinio

In Manitoba, public health orders requiring masks in most public places ended on March 15. However, masks will continue to be required for all individuals attending a health-care facility, including visitors. As previously announced by deputy chief provincial public health officer Dr. Jazz Atwal, it’s because the province is now moving on to the endemic stage of its COVID-19 response. Since isolation orders are not in place for other types of infections, the public needs to “learn to live with COVID-19.” Schools and child-care facilities are encouraged to follow public health guidance but as of March 15, masks are no longer required for staff or students. See MASK p5

The COVID-19 pandemic is not over. With this relaxing of public health restrictions, the responsibility now lies on the individual to avoid getting infected.

Young Filipinos shape the future The future is unwritten. It is also right around the corner, with scores of young people around the world shaping it, improving it, and making it more equitable. Each year Britannica collates a list of young people under the age of 40 (as of January 2022), who have already left their mark on the present, and surely have much more invention, innovation, creation, and interpretation ahead of them. These young people work in many fields, embracing every corner and intersection of health and medicine, science and technology, business and entrepreneurship, social activism, and politics. They are people of ideas, framing the intellectual questions and concerns that will guide future thought. Unlike other lists or awards, these “Shapers of the Future” are not necessarily well-known, but they are certainly spurring incredible changes that will shape our futures. This year Britannica’s list of See FILIPINOS p6

The inclusion of four Filipinos in the Shapers of the Future list comes at the same time as Encyclopaedia Britannica donated 100 copies of its new one-volume children’s encyclopedia to the National Library of the Philippines.



MARCH 16 - 31, 2022

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022




“What is the fault of those young mothers and their children? We would have to possess a heart of stone in order to remain impassive and allow this havoc to continue, as rivers of blood and tears continue to flow…” – Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin (Andrea Tornielli: Vatican News Media. March 12, 2022.) “With pain in my heart, I join my voice to that of the common people, who implore an end to the war. In the name of God, let the cries of those who suffer be heard and let the bombings and attacks cease! Let there be a real and decisive focus on negotiation and let the humanitarian corridors be effective and safe. In the name of God, I ask you: stop the massacre!” – Pope Francis (Vatican News and Editorial: Sunday March 13, 2022.) “It seems everything…already done is still not enough… They want to kill even more…This is murder. Deliberate murder,” said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his impassioned message on Sunday March 6 on the 11th day of Putin’s war in Ukraine. Three days later, on Wednesday March 9, Russian bombs hit the maternity and children’s wards in a hospital in the city of Mariupol. “The air bomb on the maternity hospital is the final proof…that the genocide of Ukrainians is taking place,” said the Zelenskyy Excerpts from President Zelenskyy’s March 6 message • “Today is Forgiveness Sunday. A day when we always apologized. To each other. To all people. To God. But today, … many have not mentioned this day…Have not mentioned the obligatory words: “Forgive me.” And the obligatory answer: “God forgives, and I forgive.” These words seem to have lost their meaning today…After everything we went through. • We will not forgive the destroyed houses. We will not forgive the missile…today. And more than 500 other such missiles that hit our land…our people and children. We will not forgive the shooting of unarmed people. We. Will. Not. Forgive. Hundreds and hundreds of victims. Thousands and thousands of sufferings… instead of forgiveness, there will be a day of judgment. • A family was killed in Irpin today. A man, a woman and two children. Right on the road. As in the shooting club…The whole family…How many such families have died in Ukraine!” • Today …Russian bombs fell on a …maternity hospital in Mariupol. …What kind of country is this – the Russian Federation – which is afraid of hospitals and maternity hospitals and destroys them? • Today, we must be united in condemning this war crime of Russia, which reflects all the evil that the invaders brought to our


land…. • All destroyed cities. … Destroyed hospitals. Destroyed schools, churches, houses. And all the people killed. All the children killed. Vatican News wrote at the conclusion of Pope Francis’ Sunday Angelus in St. Peter Square on March 13: “The Pope expressed horror over the barbarity of the killing of children, innocents, and unarmed civilians, and called for an end to the unacceptable armed aggression before it reduces cities to cemeteries. In the name of God, I ask you: Stop the massacre!” Crossing a red line Atlantic Council senior fellow Michael Bociurkiw describes in his commentary, “If bombing a children’s hospital isn’t crossing a red line – what is? On Wednesday evening in Lviv, I was jolted awake by what I thought were nearby explosions. Instead, news alerts on my phone lit up with the unimaginable horror unfolding in the southern Ukrainian port city of Mariupol. A bomb had struck a hospital, destroying the maternity and children’s wards. Grainy images and video showed an Armageddon-like scene: vehicles on fire, the outside grounds singed and a crater large enough to accommodate two men head to toe. A dazed, bloodstained, pregnant woman was being led out by rescue workers. Three people died in the strike, and more than a dozen were injured – among them children, women, and doctors.” The World Health Organization has documented that at least 24 hospitals and medical facilities have been hit during this war. Humanitarian crisis Bociurkiw continued, “I’ve worked in many complex humanitarian emergencies before, but this is different for me. These are my people being injured and killed. I watch as large swaths of the land of my ancestors, introduced to me in childhood through Ukrainian folk songs and poems as a bucolic land of freedom fighters and brave dissidents, is being transformed into killing fields.” And he shared these heartwrenching stories of two mothers, “One Kyiv mother, Oksana, who endured a harrowing 47hour journey to a safe haven in western Ukraine texted me for help in evacuating her only son to the West. She wrote, ‘I am very horrified and I am in despair right now. I have no peace. I cry every hour of every day. I am very tired. I have lost the meaning of life. I beg you for help.’” “An Odessa mother, Katerina, tells me that while offers of western resettlement by countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom are welcome, it just isn’t a viable option for her. ‘I held on all these days and today I can’t stop crying. There is chaos in my head, and I don’t know how to

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022

“The genocide of Ukrainians is taking place…” live on. This is my home. I look around me and don’t know how I can leave it all … all my friends are at war now. If I leave, I will betray them … like I gave up and don’t believe in them.’” Stories of two desperate mothers. I am sure there are hundreds, thousands and a million more mothers with similar agonizing feelings. Indeed, the scale of human dislocation and family separation is unfathomable. At this writing deadline, over 2.5 million, mainly the elderly people, women, and defenceless children, have taken refuge in neighbouring countries.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Ukraine’s Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) chairman Ruslan Stefanchuk, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine’s Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal after signing of the application for membership in the European Union during the war on 28 February 2022. Photo credit: Office of the President of Ukraine. – Wikipedia. Humanitarian groups help in the evacuation, provision of food and safe shelter, and attending to other health needs, physical, emotional, and psychological, including minimizing the trauma to children in particular. “The need for humanitarian assistance in Ukraine, that tormented country, is growing dramatically by the hour,” said Pope Francis on March 6 in Vatican City. On March 10, the International Committee of the Red Cross issued this alarming news: “Hundreds of thousands of people have no food, water, heat, electricity, or medical care.” On March 11, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron again asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to call an immediate ceasefire. The call is still unanswered. The Vatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, reiterated Pope Francis’ appeal for an immediate ceasefire and subsequent end to the war. He is still unheeded. “Above all, I plead for an end to armed attacks, for negotiations to prevail … and for a return to respect for international law,” echoed Pope Francis. He also thanked the journalists who risked their lives to provide the news. “Thank you, brothers and sisters, for this service, a service that allows us to be close to the

tragedy of that population and helps us assess the cruelty of a war.” Hope NATO finds the resolve, now! The situation in Ukraine remains tense and serious. While we can continue to pray and hope for peace, the world cannot allow the life of Ukraine and her people to be lost. The democratic world has the moral duty to stop the massacre of Ukraine and the genocide of her people. Time is of the essence. Putin’s imperial obsession cannot be allowed to go on. Putin is a global pariah, has no shame, and must be stopped. I hope NATO finds the resolve, now! Salve Ukraini and Glory to the World! Dr. Rey D. Pagtakhan, P.C., O.M., LL.D., Sc.D., M.D. M.Sc. is a retired lung specialist, professor of child health, author of articles and chapters in medical journals and textbooks, and a former health critic, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, and cabinet minister. He graduated from the University of the Philippines, did postgraduate training and studies at the Children’s Hospitals of Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, and spent a sabbatical year as Visiting Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Arizona Medical Center.

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022



IRCC responds to the war in Ukraine The war in Ukraine has taken over much of the headlines around the world. It dominates the news and discussion at the gas pumps. There are visible signs of the economic impact in front of our eyes. Canadians are not immune to the war. They have only to see the ever-increasing price at the gas pumps. In Manitoba the price of regular gas has soared to $1.83 per litre at this time with no end in sight for the escalating price. It will become increasingly harder to find Russian vodka at the Liquor Commission and foodstuffs in the market. We are confronted with the alternative news which proclaims Russia’s invading armies are “peace keepers” and the freely elected Ukrainian government as “fascist.” It does not matter that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a Jew. Putin is spending much time and effort spinning the truth. As the former United States President and Putin supporter said of Nazis protesting in the streets of America, “there are good people on both sides.” Not really, but if you say it long enough and consistently enough, some will believe you. The idea behind the charade of false news is to destroy the power of the press until down become up and wrong could be confused as right. This is the make-believe world of the oligarchs. Putin invades his neighbour without real provocation and claims he is saving the world against their alleged atrocities. It does not matter to the Russian leader if his forces target children’s hospitals.

MASK... From page 1 Physical distancing requirements and cohorts are also no longer required in these settings. The public health orders for isolation of individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 have now been removed. The orders are being transitioned to public health guidelines, similar to how other communicable diseases are managed. Isolation for COVID-19 is still advised in the following situations: • People with symptoms should

He would just have his propaganda people claim the children bombed themselves to make him look bad. The Canadian government has reacted like most of the Western World – in horror and anger at the incursion into a free Ukraine. It is hard to imagine the country remaining silent in face of such blatant aggression. Putin not only kills the innocent by the hundreds but insults the intelligence of the world by doing it in plain view and telling us to disbelieve our lying eyes. Some of us, this writer included, are products of earlier immigration from Ukraine. My mother’s parents immigrated to Manitoba 100 years ago and settled in Oak Hammock. My grandfather used the marshlands for hay to feed his cattle. But his reason for coming to the country was to get away from the Austro-Hungarian government that supported German aggression at the time. He came to Canada to enjoy the freedom of the country and Ukrainians, like other immigrants, have fought and died in defence not only of freedom in Canada but also as real peacekeepers in the Suez, in Cyprus, in Bosnia, and in Rwanda. What can we do as a country to help the innocent people of Ukraine? The first reaction is to put economic sanctions on the Russian government, on Putin himself, and his oligarchs. We are also developing plans to expand our humanitarian and compassionate assistance to Ukrainians displaced by the war. The number fleeing the country is now in the millions. IRCC has announced it

will create a Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel open to those fleeing the war zone. There is no limit to the number of displaced persons Canada will accept. It is an emergency response and as a country we do not limit our compassion. All Ukrainians will be able to apply, subject to background checks and security screening. Persons inside Canada will be extended a further two years. The government is promising processing of two weeks, and the refugees will be given priority processing. Immediate and extended family members of Canadians will be able to use a special family reunification pathway for permanent residence. The answer to the displacement of thousands of citizens is not to relocate them to safe countries such as Canada but this is part of our country’s response. The other is for Prime Minister Trudeau and his ministers to strategize our defence of other countries who border Russia. Poland, the Baltic countries and even Western Europe are in the path of Putin’s expansion and face an uncertain future. The logic of defending a Russian minority in any country sounds ridiculous, but how soon before Putin says that Canada is abusing Russian emigres in Dauphin, Manitoba? The details of Canada’s emergency programs will become public within the next few weeks as we send humanitarian and military aide to Ukraine to halt the Russian advance and ease the suffering. IRCC is working with our allies abroad and the

stay home and isolate for five days after symptoms start until they have no fever and other symptoms have improved over the past 24 hours; • Individuals who have tested positive but do not develop symptoms should isolate for five days from the date of the test; • Individuals should wear a wellfitting, well-made mask if they must have contact with other people while ill or when their isolation is finished for 10 days after the onset of symptoms or the test date if asymptomatic; and • People who have symptoms or test positive should avoid non-

essential visits with higher-risk people or at higher-risk settings for 10 days after the onset of their symptoms or test date if asymptomatic. The COVID-19 pandemic is not over. With this relaxing of public health restrictions, the responsibility now lies on the individual to avoid getting infected. People can continue to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by getting vaccinated, staying home when sick, assessing their risk and making decisions about using masks, physical distancing and other actions based on those risks.

Ukrainian Canadian Congress at home to institute measures to meet the Ukrainian population inside the embattled country and those displaced by the fighting. The federal government is working with the provinces and the territories in a united response and calling upon all Canadians for support. Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Sean Fraser said in announcing the measures on March 3, 2022, “I am inspired by the courage Ukrainians have displayed as they uphold the democratic ideals that we cherish in Canada. While they defend themselves against Putin’s costly war of aggression, we will provide safe haven to those who fled to protect themselves and their families. Canadians stand with Ukrainians in their time of need, and we will welcome them with open arms.” IRCC announced some quick facts about the crisis. Canadians can make inquiries at 613-3214243 with collect calls accepted. They can add “Ukraine 2022” to their messaging on the IRCC crisis web form to request priority for family and friends at risk. Since January, 6,100 Ukrainians have arrived in the country. All immigrants, refugees and visitors will be screened before admission to the country to ensure that they do not pose a threat to the health and safety of Canadians. The Minister has given permission to admit persons who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated into the country. IRCC is also waving fees for certain travel and immigration documents, including Canadian passports, permanent resident

travel documents, work and study permits. The department is also giving priority to adoptions as the number of children orphaned by the war continues to rise. IRCC has increased the number of staff abroad to handle the influx of more and more displaced persons. The department is doing what it can to make things easier for the innocent victims of the war. We can offer our support to the persons displaced by the war and our prayers for peace in Ukraine. The second of the Royal Commandments in the Bible and the Golden Rule is to love thy neighbours as thyself. This is something we as a country have practiced throughout time. Canada has stood up before for the displaced, for those in humanitarian need and once again Canada is there on the frontlines in Eastern Europe and at the negotiating table. It is to be hoped and prayed that the conflict can be resolved without continuing warfare and death. At least the country is taking some tangible steps to lessen the pain and the suffering. As a country we are involved in diplomacy, negotiations, relocation of the displaced and, true to our history, looking for ways to keep the peace in an uncertain world. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Immigration Canada and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with Immigration Connexion International Ltd. Contact him at 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.



FILIPINOS... From page 1 young mavericks includes four “Shapers” from the Philippines. One Shaper, Jessica de Torres (aged 35), studied environmental and sanitary engineering, including mine rehabilitation, at Batangas State University. She then specialized in the design of sanitary systems, including calculating water demand and other hydraulic issues that can be challenging where water is not always readily available. While working for a consultancy in Dubai, her projects included commercial blocks, hotels, and housing developments. For her work in plumbing engineering, de Torres was honoured at the 2020 Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Middle East Awards in Dubai. Of a field where women are still relatively rare, she says, “Gender dominance in the industry can serve as an inspiration for us women to work hard. As a woman, I know I can impart my knowledge and make a huge difference.” De Torres is joined by 18-yearold Maria Isabel Layson. After attending school in Singapore, Layson returned to the National High School in her native Iloilo City. During her advanced science studies, she discovered that an abundant berry called aratiles or sarisa, contains antioxidant compounds that combat diabetes. In 2019, when she was 16, she presented her findings at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. She won Best Individual Research in Life Science at the National Science and Technology Fair. Layson is now a student at the University of the Philippines Visayas in Iloilo City, where she also operates a bakery that makes keto-friendly pastries. After studying tourism at the University of the Philippines in Quezon City, Ragene Andrea Palma (aged 31) became interested in how Manila and other cities in south-eastern Asia were growing in response to population pressures and environmental change. She worked as a consultant to the U.S. Agency for International Development as a planner for disaster relief organizations. While in Singapore, she studied the nation’s widespread system of green spaces and how such a system could be introduced to her native city. Her blog, Little Miss Urbanite, has found many followers interested in social inequality, and other problems involved in urban planning. Rodney Perez (aged 32) studied food science at Visayas State University, on the island of Leyte, and then won a scholarship to Kyushu University, in Japan. At the University of the Philippines Los Baños he studied bacteriocins; naturally occurring toxins that can kill related strains of bacteria implicated in food poisoning. Perez is now working on technologies to introduce these bacteriocins as part of food packaging processes – for instance, replacing artificial and potentially

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022

LBC Air Cargo and Jamora Travel & Tours Grand Opening

Jessica de Torres - Recognized for her work in plumbing engineering; she was honoured at the 2020 Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Middle East Awards in Dubai.

L-r: Cecil “Bob” and Maya Especial, Owners; Leah Gazan, MP - Winnipeg Centre; Malaya Marcelino, MLA - Notre Dame and Mon Solis, LBC Sales and Marketing - East Canada

Maria Isabel Layson - During her advanced science studies, she discovered that an abundant berry called aratiles, contains antioxidant compounds that combat diabetes.

Ragene Andrea Palma – While in Singapore, she studied the nation’s widespread system of green spaces and how such a system could be introduced to her native city, Manila. Her blog, Little Miss Urbanite, has found many followers interested in social inequality, and other problems involved in urban planning.

Rodney Perez - He studied bacteriocins, the naturally occurring toxins that can kill related strains of bacteria implicated in food poisoning. He is now working on technologies to introduce these bacteriocins as part of food packaging processes.

Come and visit your friends at LBC Air Cargo and Jamora Travel & Tours. Now open to serve you at 884 Sargent Avenue harmful steroids in dairy products with helpful bacteria from lactic acid that combats mastitis in cattle. Perez is the first Filipino to have earned several honours for this work. Considering many health-related problems, Perez said, “With microbial technologies we are able to make these tiny microorganisms work for us.” The inclusion of four people from the Philippines in the Shapers of the Future list comes at the same time as Encyclopaedia Britannica donated 100 copies of its new onevolume children’s encyclopedia to the National Library of the Philippines. The books are to be made available through public libraries and bookmobile operations that serve remote areas of the country. The Britannica All New Kids Encyclopedia, edited by

world history author Christopher Lloyd, is a richly illustrated 424page compendium of knowledge to satisfy curious minds, packed full of reliable facts. In a statement, the National Library of the Philippines said, “The Britannica All-New Kids’ Encyclopedia will pique Filipino children’s interest and instil a love of reading at a young age. This beautiful one-volume encyclopedia will encourage our children to become keen readers and consumers of information.”

“Britannica is thrilled to support the Philippines National Library to promote the reading habits of our younger learners and potentially nurture future Shapers,” said Theodore Pappas, executive editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Our children’s encyclopedia is a wonderful book for early learners for sparking their curiosity about the wonders of the world, both big and small, and for readers in areas without easy access to the Internet or to new educational resources.”

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022




Si Ivana Alawi naman ang napagdidiskitahan ngayon ng mga walang magawa sa buhay na bashers. Tahimik lang ang seksing dalaga, ni hindi nga siya nakikisawsaw sa kung anuanong isyu, pero hindi pa rin siya nakaligtas. Ang pagba-vlog lang ang kaniyang tinututukan, gumagawa siya ng mga content na gustunggusto naman ng ating mga kababayan, hanggang sa umabot na sa 15 milyon ang kaniyang subscribers. Ang una naming napanood na vlog ni Ivana Alawi ay ang kaniyang paglalaba. Pero kakaibang paglalaba iyon. Nakabukaka siya na may pasilip sa manonood. May maniniwala ba namang wala silang washing machine? Siyempre’y wala, pero content niya iyon, diskarte niya, na milyun-milyon ang inabot na numero ng kaniyang vlog, panalung-panalo. Nagtatalo ngayon ang dalawang kampo tungkol kay Ivana. Sinasabi ng isa na hindi raw naman talaga siya galing sa mayamang pamilya. Kung totoo


raw na ganoon sila kayaman ay bakit nagtrabaho siya bilang promo girl? Pagtatanggol naman ng mga tagasuporta ni Ivana ay humiwalay kasi silang mag-iina sa kaniyang milyonaryong ama, namuhay nang marangal na silasila lang, hanggang sa muli siyang ipinatawag ng kaniyang tatay. Nakakasawa na raw ang mga content ni Ivana, pare-pareho na lang, yumaman na nga raw siya sa vlogging pero hindi pa siya kumuha ng staff na mag-iisip ng mga bago niyang ilalaman sa vlog niya. Nasa gitna pa rin ng aksiyon si Ivana Alawi, nakapanggugulo pa rin siya ng kamalayan, na ang ibig lang sabihin ay relevant siya. *** Masayang-masaya na naman ang mga tagasuporta ni Alden Richards dahil may aabangan silang serye ng Pambansang Bae kapareha ni Bea Alonzo. Oo nga naman, ibang-iba ang pagtutok sa telebisyon na walang serye si Alden, inaabangan talaga iyon ng publiko. Ibang putahe na naman ang gagawin nilang serye See CRISTY p10

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022

• Ivana Alawi – 15 milyon na ang subscribers • Alden Richards at Bea Alonzo – May bagong serye • Dominic Roque at Bea Alonzo – Pinagpistahan ang retrato • Nadine Lustre – May karisma na kaniyang-kaniya lang • Tom Rodriguez at Carla Abellana – May third party sa hiwalayan? • Sharon Cuneta – Nagpadala sa kaniyang emosyon • Super Tekla at Donita Nose – Naghiwalay na • Ai Ai Delas Alas – Ipinagdasal and dating BFF na si Kris Aquino • Kris Aquino – Bumubuti na ang kalagayan • Angelica Panganiban – Nagdadalantao na nga ba? • Coco Martin at Julia Montes – Kasal na nga ba? • Nanay Cristy Fermin – May You Tube Channel na! • Diego Loyzaga at Barbie Imperial – Nagkabalikan na nga ba?

Ivana Alawi

Alden Richards & Bea Alonzo

Dominic Roque & Bea Alonzo

Nadine Lustre

Carla Abellana, Tom Rodriguez & Rey “PJ” Abellana (inset photo)

Angelica Panganiban

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022





MARCH 16 - 31, 2022

Watch! Mano Po Legacy: Her Big Boss GMA Network and Regal Entertainment offer another topnotch series that brings good vibes and kilig to viewers with Mano Po Legacy: Her Big Boss. The heartwarming program is headlined by three of the Network’s sought-after stars: Ken Chan as Richard Lim, Kelvin Miranda as Nestor Lorenzo and Bianca Umali as Irene Pacheco. Mano Po Legacy: Her Big Boss tells the story of a headstrong woman who tries to balance her career and her romantic life. Irene (Bianca) has her life planned out. In two years, she will marry her longtime perfect boyfriend Nestor (Kelvin) and move to Australia to join the rest of his family. But life takes a turn when Irene finds a job as assistant to Richard (Ken), a geeky Filipino Chinese businessman who needs to earn the trust of his father to head the family business. As the boss and his bubbly assistant work together, feelings change, and this causes confusion in Irene’s heart. Taking a shift from dramatic roles, Bianca admits being challenged with her first rom-com series, “It’s definitely a milestone for me. I’m used to doing heavy drama stories or characters and this one will be my very first full on romantic-comedy show. Nakaka-kaba because I can say that this is one of the most challenging roles ever.” Ken expresses his gratitude to GMA and Regal for entrusting him this project, “Sino ba naman See MANO PO p11

Ken Chan, Bianca Umali & Kelvin Miranda

Lime Aranya, Pokwang, Bianca Umali & Arlene Muhlach

CRISTY... From page 8

ni Bea, susukatin uli ang kanilang tambalan, kung nababagay ba sila sa isa’t isa. Sa biglang tingin ay oo naman, walang kuwestiyon sa kaguwapuhan at kagandahan ng mga bida, pareho rin silang mahusay umarte kaya panalungpanalo ang seryeng ito. Nagbitiw ng salita si Bea na si Alden ang isa sa mga dahilan kung bakit ginusto nitong maging Kapuso. Mabigat ang pahayag na iyon, pero at least, hindi sinabi ni Bea na number one nework ang GMA-7 kaya ito lumundag ng bakod. Sino ba naman ang tatangging makatambal ni Alden? Siya ang pinakasikat na aktor ng kaniyang panahon, kumikita ang kaniyang mga proyekto, kaya gusto siyempreng mabahiran ng suwerte ng makakapareha niya. Si Alden Richards ang personalidad na nginitian ng kapalaran ang karera pero hindi pinagbago ng kasikatan ang ugali. Nananatili siyang See CRISTY p11

Ai Ai Delas Alas

Kris Aquino

Romel Chika, Nanay Cristy Fermin & Morly Alinio

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022

MANO PO... From page 10 ang hindi mapa-proud kapag napasama ka sa Mano Po? I’m very happy, blessed and thankful. Talagang malaking tulong at

PILIPINO EXPRESS malaking bagay si Direk Easy (Ferrer) sa paghulma nung characters namin. Talagang ginaguide niya kami sa bawat eksena.” Meanwhile, Kelvin reveals how different his role is in the series, “Sa akin yung pinaka

Front: Haley Dizon & Sarah Edwards. Back: l-r: Phi Palmos, Jem Maicad, Blue Cailles & Tyrone Tan

naging challenge ko is kung papaano ko gagampanan yung pagiging mature. Kasi yung last na nagawa kong proyekto talagang napaka-impulsive nung character ko. Itong bagong character ko naman si Nestor Lorenzo, sobrang

PAGE 11 layo niya kumpara sa nakaraan.” Spicing up the lives of Bianca, Ken, and Kelvin in the series are Pokwang, Teejay Marquez, Ricardo Cepeda, Marina Benipayo, Arlene Muhlach as Adeng Pacheco, Sarah

Edwards, Haley Dizon, Sarah Holmes, Blue Cailes, Tyrone Tan, Jem Manicad, Phi Palmos, and Lime Aranya. Don’t miss Mano Po Legacy: Her Big Boss directed by Easy Ferrer via GMA Pinoy TV.

Ricardo Cepeda, Marina Benipayo, Ken Chan, Sarah Holmes & TJ Marquez

CRISTY... From page 10 mapagkumbaba, nakatapak ang mga paa sa lupa, walang kaereere. Siguradong ang mga ganoong papuri rin ang ating maririnig mula kay Bea Alonzo kapag nagsimula na ang kanilang trabaho. *** Pinagpistahan ng mga Marites ang isang retrato nina Dominic Roque at Bea Alonzo na ninakawan daw ng shot ng isang paparazzi habang naghahalikan sa ituktok ng isang gusali. Sila raw iyon, malayo lang ang kuha, pero sila ang nakunan ng larawan na naghahalikan. Kailangan pa bang gawing malaking isyu ang paghahalikan nina Dominic at Bea? Ang argumentong iyon ay pinatay na ng madalas na pagbabakasyong magkasama nina Dominic at Bea. Wala silang ibang kasama, sila lang dalawa, at kapag ganoon ay alangan namang isipin pa natin na naglalaro lang sila ng chess sa hotel room. Hindi natin sila pag-iisipang nag-i-scrabble lang, lalong hindi sila naglalaro lang ng jackstone, alam na this! Wala nang dapat pang pagtakahan, hindi na isyu kung nakunan man silang naghahalikan, dalawa-singko na lang nilang ginagawa iyon kapag magkasama sila. Sa napanood naming footage ng pagbabakasyon nila sa Palawan ay magkasama sila sa isang hotel room lang, sa pamamasyal sa isla, madalas humalik si Bea kay Dom. Ganoon din ang binata, pagkatapos nitong mag-”I love you” kay Bea ay kasunod na agad noon ang paghalik, kaya normal na lang sa kanila ang kissing. Pero hindi naman iyon paghahalikang pag-iisipan ng kabastusan ng makakakita, marespeto iyon, smack lang at hindi naman torrid. Mas malambing pa nga kung tutuusin si Bea kesa kay Dominic, siya ang sabi nang sabi ng “I love you” sa aktor, kasunod ang masuyong paghalik. Kissing? Hindi na bago iyon sa magkarelasyon. Agahan na nila

Attorney Sal Panelo

Sharon Cuneta

iyon, pananghalian at hapunan. At may midnight snack pa. *** Mahabang panahon ang nawala sa pakikipaglaban ni Nadine Lustre sa pakikipagbanggaan sa Viva Films nang maisipan niyang umalis na sa kumpanya. Bumangga siya sa pader pero siya ang nabukulan. Nauwi rin sa maayos na usapan ang lahat, kinailangan niya pa ring gumawa ng pelikula sa Viva kung saan ipinanganak ang kaniyang karera, wala siyang ibang pamimilian. Maganda na rin iyon, hindi nabalagoong ang pinaghirapang career ni Nadine, walang puwedeng magsabing laos na siya dahil heto at nakikipaglaban pa rin ang dalaga. Kuwento ng mga kaibigan namin ay maganda raw ang trailer ng pelikulang Greed na pinagbibidahan ni Nadine. Nagpakita raw ng kaseksihan ang dalaga ay magaling pang umarte. “Alam n’yo, huwag lang maglukring-lukringan ang batang iyon, e, maaasahan siya sa pagarte! Magaling siya! Hindi man siya kagandahan, bawing-bawi naman iyon sa acting niya,” balita pa ng aming kausap. Totoo naman. May karisma si Nadine Lustre na kaniyangkaniya lang. *** Kinausap na pala ni Tom Rodriguez ang ama ni Carla

Abellana. Personal nitong sinadya si Rey “PJ” Abellana sa bahay para magpaliwanag tungkol sa hindi inaasahang paghihiwalay nila ng kaniyang misis. Maraming napag-usapan ang magbiyenan, binigyan ng importansiya ni Rey ang punto ng kaniyang manugang, pero sila ng kaniyang anak ay hanggang telepono lang ang komunikasyon at hindi pa sila nagkikita nang personal. Totoo bang may third party sa hiwalayan? Gaano katotoo na nahuli ni Carla si Tom sa pamamagitan ng tracking device na mayroon palang ibang pinagkakaabalahang babae si Tom? Sagot ng magaling na singeractor, “Hindi matatawag na third party iyon, e. One night stand lang ang nangyari. Dahil lalaki ako, naiintindihan ko si Tom. “Nangyayari talaga ang ganoon. Natutukso talaga ang lalaki. One night stand lang iyon, hindi third party. Hindi tama, pero hindi iyon matatawag na third party,” pagpapakatotoo ni Rey. May lumabas ding isyu tungkol sa malaking halagang nawala sa mag-asawa dahil sa pagtatangkang pumasok sa politika ni Tom pero sumamblay ito. Wala raw silang pinaguusapan tungkol sa pera, hindi raw nila naging paksa ang kuwentong may kinalaman sa pera, sumentro

Super Tekla & Donita Nose “Donekla in Tandem” lang sila sa nakapanghihinayang na hiwalayan ng mag-asawa. Pati ang kasarian ni Tom ay nadamay na rin sa isyu ng hiwalayan, lumutang ang istoryang kaduda-duda raw ang gender ng aktor, naniniwala ba si Rey na bakla ang kaniyang manugang? Diretsong sabi ni Rey, “Wala akong nakikitang ganoon kay Tom. Bilang isang straight, wala. Saka pitong taon muna silang naging magkarelasyon, kung kailan sila nagpakasal, saka magkakaroon ng ganyang

kuwento? “Matalino si Carla, hindi siya magiging Cum Laude kung mahina siya. Basta ang sabi ng anak ko, hayaan nating silang dalawa ang umayos ng problema nila,” pagtatapos ni Rey “PJ” Abellana na ang tunay na dahilan ng pagiging panauhin sa Cristy Ferminute ay ang promosyon ng kaniyang pelikulang Mamasapano. *** Nanghihinayang kami sa pagkakataong nagpadala si See CRISTY p12



MARCH 16 - 31, 2022

Women’s feng shui – Tips to protect the woman of the house The concept of chi is based on the idea that all energy is a combination of both positive and negative energies. But this definition doesn’t mean positive and negative in the sense of good or bad, but rather that it takes a plus and a minus charge on a battery or electric cable to create energy. So, it is in the universe. There are two universal energies that are at the foundation of all energy, and feng shui, too. Men are considered to be the positive charge, or energy, in feng shui. Their energy, called yang energy, is described as anything that is bright, hot, moving, loud, hard, fast, and colorful. By contrast, women’s energy in feng shui is called yin, and yin energy relates to the quiet, still, dark, soft, and cold. Even though that’s what women’s yin energy is described as it certainly doesn’t mean women are those things! Feng shui for women isn’t much different than feng shui for men, but there are some important distinctions that apply only to women. 1. Health and wealth of beauty. In China, there is a whole study of luck as it applies to one’s face. The complexion is first. A woman’s complexion is not only a source of beauty, but it is also considered a source of her wealth. Neglecting one’s looks and appearance doesn’t make a woman appear wealthy or attract wealth to her life. However, when a woman projects a fresh, smooth, and glowing complexion and appearance whatever her age, she attracts wealth. Oily or dry complexions can sometimes cause a lack of resources. Therefore, maintain your complexion with regular facials and a quality skincare regimen to look your best. 2. Look at yourself and your favourable direction daily. In maintaining your looks, makeup is always a nice option for making your skin look smoother, your lips fuller or

CRISTY... From page 11 Sharon Cuneta sa kaniyang emosyon. Kung pinag-isipan niyang mabuti at binalanse ang sitwasyon ay hindi sana siya nakakatanggap ngayon ng mga salitang ayaw niyang ibato laban sa kaniya. Napakasimple ng dahilan. At napakababaw kung tutuusin. Ang pagkanta ni Attorney Sal Panelo sa pinasikat niyang kanta na ginawa ng namayapang kompositor na si Willy Cruz. Kahit sa mga singing contest ay paboritong panlaban ng mga kalahok ang piyesang Sana’y Wala Nang Wakas. Tunay naman

your eyes brighter. A wonderful way to enhance your looks is to apply makeup or use a makeup mirror in which you face one of your favoured directions. In this way, you look at yourself from a favourable direction as you dress for the day or before going to bed. A lighted makeup mirror is a wonderful feng shui activator for you and your life! 3. The superior sex. Which is it? In most instances, the breadwinner, or northwest sector, is always the most favoured position in feng shui. In many households that means the man is favoured because men most often are the breadwinners, but times have changed and that’s not always so. If the woman is the breadwinner, it is the southwest sector that is favoured above the northwest. Make sure the southwest sector is protected and enhanced with plenty of auspicious earth energy and fire energy, such as pretty candles or lighting. 4. Watch for items that can drain a woman’s energy. Although women love to receive flowers from admirers, plants are not beneficial for women. It’s critical that there are no oversized trees or plants in the southwest, northeast, or center sectors. Plants destroy earth and can create a tired, frustrated woman or one who has difficulties with her health or relationships. It’s almost a good idea to check for metal objects, too, in the southwest sector as these can drain the earth energy that supports the woman of the house. 5. Whose directions count? Another frequent lament is the question about whose kua directions to favour in the household. Again, whether male or female, the door facing direction and the bedroom location or sleeping direction is favoured based on who earns the most money. When it comes to gender politics, feng shui is decidedly

old-fashioned here and favours whoever brings home the paycheck regardless of whether that is a man or a woman. 6. Matriarch luck is vital. Whether a woman is single or married, it is important that matriarchal energy is enhanced. That’s done by favouring women’s earth energy. Sometimes women have stronger male energy by the fact that a bathroom is located in the southwest corner or that they sleep on the wrong side of the bed, taking over the man’s position (left side as you are lying in bed).

When this happens, single women may stay unmarried or the man falls out of the leadership role in the family, and at worst, breast cancer or other ailments can occur. Women must ensure that their energy is enhanced in the home by having enough feminine energy. Now, that doesn’t mean that you place doilies and rose-filled chintz everywhere. By contrast, it means that you protect the southwest corner of your home by adding earth or fire energy there. If this is your kitchen, enhance the earth energy in the southwest corner of the living room with crystals or strong lighting.

7. Protect the woman by representing earth elements symbolically. Whether it’s a painting of a mountain, a beautiful crystal vase, or even a large piece of furniture, it’s critical that your home has solid earth energy to protect and enhance a woman’s energy. A wonderful southwest activator is a set of six crystal balls. Six round smooth crystal balls represent the uniting of heaven (yang) and earth (yin) to create smooth, happy, and fulfilling relationships and an auspicious life for a woman. Pictures of large buildings or mountains behind a woman at her desk or

in the southwest corner will also ensure that she, who offers so much support to her family and co-workers and friends, is also supported and helped by others. Kathryn Weber has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Her witty, no-nonsense style appeals to audiences, making her a popular speaker and radio show guest. She is often called on by media to explain feng shui in down-to-earth terms, and has been featured in Seventeen, First for Women, Faces, Conceive, Martial Arts Professional, and Natural Health magazines, and on websites around the world.

kasing kapuri-puri ang tono at liriko ng awitin. Pero nang kantahin na iyon ng abogado sa isang okasyon ay pumalag si Sharon at nag-post ng kaniyang saloobin na hindi naging maganda sa panlasa ng mas nakararami nating kababayan. Sa isang iglap ay pinaratangan ang Megastar bilang maramot, OA, namemersonal at marami pang ibang masasakit na salita na siguradong inaarayan na niya ngayon. Hindi raw dapat kinanta ng abogadong kumandidatong senador sa partido ng PDP-Laban ang kaniyang kanta. Nakakahiya raw naman sa kaniya at sa nagcompose ng piyesa ang ginawa

nito. Humingi ng paumahin si Attorney Sal Panelo sa paggamit nito sa kanta, pero may kakambal na paliwanag iyon, na tumunaw sa puso ng ating mga kababayan at naghasik ng galit kay Sharon. Tuwing kinakanta pala ng abogado ang pinasikat na awitin ni Sharon ay parang nagbibigay ito ng pagpupugay sa kaniyang anak na si Carlo na may down syndrome na pumanaw na ilang taon ang nakararaan, umani iyon ng simpatya sa mga kababayan natin. At bumusina pala ang abogado sa Viva Records ni Vic de Rosario na tunay na may-ari ng piyesa dahil binili na ng kumpanya ang

rights at ownership ng Sanay Wala Nang Wakas. Kailangang maghinay-hinay si Sharon Cuneta sa pagpo-post. Ang mga namba-bash sa kaniya ngayon ay mga botante. Mga Pilipinong namimili pa lang ng mga nais nilang iluklok sa puwesto. Kabawasan para sa boto ng kaniyang asawa na tumatakbong vice-president ang maaaring ibunga ng wala sa lugar niyang sentimyento. Sayang. Sayang na sayang. Sana’y pinalampas na lang niya ang pagkanta ng abogado at hindi na niya ginawang malaking isyu. *** Hati ang reaksiyon ng publiko sa biglang paghihiwalay

nina Super Tekla at Donita Nose sa pagba-vlog. Maraming nanghihinayang dahil tatlong milyon na ang sumusubaybay sa kanila na napakalaking tulong sa kanilang kabuhayan. Siguro raw ay narindi na si Donita Nose sa pagiging iresponsable ni Super Tekla, may hangganan nga naman ang pagpapasensiya, kapag punumpuno ay kinakalos na. Tamad daw si Super Tekla, ayon pa kay Donita, kaya hindi naiwasang balikan ng marami ang mga kuwento noong kunin siyang co-host ni Willie Revillame sa Wowowin. May mga pagkakataon noon See CRISTY p13

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022

CRISTY... From page 12 na late nang dumarating si Super Tekla sa studio, ngarag na ngarag, nahuhuli pa siyang natutulog sa locker. Parang wala raw tulog ang komedyante, wasted ang dating, kaya nawala siya sa programa. Sabi naman ng isang nakikisimpatya kay Super Tekla ay masyado raw bossy si Donita Nose, matalak, kaya naririndi na rin si Super Tekla. Natural lang na magkaroon ng tuusan sa ganoong tambalan, kailangan kasing magdeliber ang bawat isa, hindi puwedeng magtamad-tamaran lang. Isang kaibigan ang tumawag sa amin, “Professional kasi si Donita Nose, alam niya ang pinapasok niya. Never siyang nale-late sa call time, alam na niya ang gagawin niya pagdating. “Talagang hindi sila magkakasundo ni Super Tekla, kalat ang utak ng isang iyon, magulo, walang direksiyon!” *** Kilalang-kilala namin ang puso ni Ai-Ai delas Alas. Hindi uso sa kaniyang bokabularyo ang kaplastikan. Kung ano ang nararamdaman niya ay iyon ang kaniyang sinasabi. Pero may kakambal na respeto iyon. Madalas niyang sabihin na hindi bale nang iilan lang ang kaniyang kaibigan, pero pilingpili naman, masaya na siya sa kakaunti lang. Naging mag-BFF sila ni Kris Aquino. Isang pagkakaibigan iyon na mas matindi pa sa parang magkapatid na. Namuhunan ng panahon si Ai-Ai sa pagkakaibigan nila ni Kris, kinambalan niya iyon ng tiwala at pagmamahal, pero isang araw ay winasak iyon ng panahon. Iniyakan nang matindi ni AiAi ang sitwasyon, inilaglag siya ni Kris, para lang mailigtas nito ang kaniyang sarili ay si Ai-Ai ang inilagay ng TV host sa sangkalan. Fast forward tayo. Hindi maayos ang pisikal na sitwasyon ni Kris ngayon. Maraming nagdarasal para malampasan ng TV host ang matinding paghamong ito sa kaniya. Walang sinasabi sa amin si AiAi, pero hindi na kailangan, alam namin sa aming puso na isa siya sa mga nagdarasal para bumuti ang kalagayan ni Kris na sa biglang tingin ay buto’t balat na lang ang itsura ngayon. Hindi na niya kailangang i-post pa ang kaniyang mensahe, hindi na rin niya kailangang ipagsigawan, sa pagkakilala namin sa Comedy Concert Queen ay ramdam naming isa siya sa mga nagdarasal ngayon para bumuti ang kalagayan ng kaniyang dating BFF. *** Maraming naging masaya at nakahinga nang maluwag sa pinakabagong post ni Kris Aquino. Dininig nga naman ang kanilang panalangin para sa maagang paggaling ng TV host. Ayon kay Kris, kapag naging maayos na rin ang pagdadaanan pa niyang gamutan ay saka na lang siya makabibiyahe papunta sa ibang bansa, iyon kasi ang habilin ng kaniyang mga doktor.


Mahaba ang biyahe papunta sa Amerika kung saan niya ipagpapatuloy ang kaniyang pagpapagamot, sinisiguro lang ng kaniyang mga doktor dito na walang magiging aberya sa kaniyang biyahe, kaya lahat ng maaaring gawin pa dito ay tatapusin na muna nila. Ang kaniyang katawan ay manipis pa rin, hindi pa nadadagdagan ang kaniyang timbang, isang matinding pagaalala iyon para sa kaniyang mga tagasuporta dahil tuluy-tuloy ang pangangayayat niya. Ang mga allergies na lang niya ang sinisikap pang tuntunin ng mga espesyalista kung saan nanggagaling. Sobrang sensitibo ng kaniyang katawan, kaunting alikabok lang ay sapat na para maglabasan ang kaniyang allergy, kasunod ang pamamaga ng kaniyang mukha. Sana nga ay umayos na ang kaniyang kalusugan sa mga darating na araw, magkaroon na sana ng saysay ang kaniyang salapi para sa pagbabalik ng dati niyang sigla, iyon ang hiling ng ating mga kababayan. Palaging sinasabi ngayon ni Kris na hindi natin dapat unahan ang kalooban ng Diyos. Tamangtama ang kaniyang sinabi, ang ating mga hiling ay magaganap sa takdang oras, sa tanging tamang panahon na ipagkakaloob ng Diyos. *** Nagtatalu-talo ngayon ang mga Marites tungkol sa kalagayan ni Angelica Panganiban. May nakapansin kasi na medyo maluwag ang suot niyang blouse. Ang konklusyon ng nakapansin, nagdadalantao na si Angge sa kaniyang boyfriend na si Greg Homann, magkakaroon na ng produkto ang kanilang pagmamahalan. Pero uupuan na lang ba iyon nang paganoon ng kontrobersiyal na aktres? Napakadali niyang sabihin na agad-agad? Maluwag lang ang napili niyang isuot na blouse dahil maalinsangan ay buntis na siya agad? Hindi dapat bimbangin ni Angge ang mga nagbabantay sa kaniyang kalagayan dahil ang ibig sabihin lang noon ay nasa gitna pa rin siya ng aksiyon. Hindi pa kupas ang kaniyang ningning, relevant pa rin siyang pag-usapan, malayo pa siyang kambalan ng salitang laos. Halos sa lugar na ng kaniyang boyfriend naglalagi si Angelica, bumibiyahe na lang siya paMaynila kapag may trabaho siya, inaalagaan nang husto ngayon ni Angelica ang kaniyang personal na buhay. Kunsabagay, kahit naman sa mga dati niyang karelasyon ay napaka-hands-on ng atkres. Ikinukumpara nga siya sa geisha ng kaniyang mga kaibigan dahil konting-konti na lang ay parang alipin na siya kung magmahal. Pero siya iyon, ganoon ang kaniyang paraan para ipadama ang kaniyang pagmamahal, kani-kaniyang atake nga lang naman iyon. Walang pakialam si Angge sa sinasabi ng iba, basta gagawin niya ang gusto niya, isa si Angelica Panganiban sa iilang See CRISTY p14






NO. 389

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Punyagi 6. Pag-api 10. Alagang nangingitlog 11. Patay 12. Hinarap 13. Igawi 14. Maraming ginagawa 16. Laban 17. Pakiusap 18. Batay 22. Sukat ng butil 25. Ipisan 26. Ibilad sa araw 27. Isang likido 28. Munisipyo 29. Nasasangga 30. Supling 31. Sigla PABABA 2. Ikuwento 3. Kinasanayan 4. Gamit pamilang 5. Pangpatag 6. Taksil

7. Dalhin sa gilid 8. Ngayon 9. Ibalik 13. Isabog 15. Bubuyog 19. Uri ng kahoy 20. Igiling 21. Punit 22. Buwag 23. Paniniwala 24. Ampon


CRISTY... From page 13 artistang buo ang paninindigan at kinokompronta talaga ang mga isyung nagsasangkot sa kaniya. Pinatapang na siya ng panahon, pinanday na siya ng mga karanasang napakaaga niyang natikman, buung-buo na si Angelica Panganiban. *** Inuunahan na namin ang kuwentong ipinarating sa amin ng isang source. Hindi kami isandaang porsiyentong naniniwala sa istoryang dalawang taon nang kasal sina Coco Martin at Julia Montes. Matigas ang paninindigan ng nagbalita sa amin. Kasal na raw sina Coco at Julia at magkalive-in na sila ngayon sa isang subdivision sa Quezon City. Mas pinaniniwalaan namin ang ikalawang kuwento, alam namin ang tinutukoy na subdivision ng aming source, ilang ulit na kaming nakarating doon. Iyon din ang sinasabi ng mga kapitbahay ng action star, ilang taon nang nakatira sa kaniyang bahay si Julia Montes, kahit pa may bahay rin ang aktres sa nasabing lugar. At may isang bahagi pa ng kuwento na pinaniniwalaan namin, totoong-totoo iyon, kahit pa idinedenay nina Coco at Julia. Pero iyong isyu ng kasal? Hindi namin iyon pinaniniwalaan, kailangan pa muna naming makakita ng mga resibo bago namin sabihing totoo nga ang istorya, ang mga sangkot dapat sa kuwento ng kasal ang kailangang umamin. *** May You Tube Channel na po kami. Para sa mas maiinit na chika ay huwag n’yo pong kaligtaang i-like, i-share at i-subscribe ang Showbiz, Now Na! Ikalembang n’yo lang po ang notification bell para malaman n’yo kapag mayroon na kaming bagong chika kasama ang aming mga anak-anakang chikadora na sina Morly Alinio at Romel Chika. Pakiabangan din po ang gagawin naming one-on-one interview sa mga personalidad na

kontrobersiyal at pinag-uusapan. Ang lahat po n’yan ay matutukan n’yo sa Showbiz, Now Na! *** Pagkatapos mapanood sa aming You Tube Channel Showbiz, Now Na! ang paksang tinalakay namin nina Morly Alinio at Romel Chika tungkol sa nakaraang malalim na hidwaang namagitan sa mag-amang Cesar Montano at Diego Loyzaga ay hindi na kami pinatahimik ng mga nagsasalimbayang tanong. Ano raw ba ang ibig sabihin ng binitiwan naming salitang “something”? Matagal nang naganap ang hindi pagkakaunawaan ng mag-ama, pero tandang-tanda pa rin namin ang senaryo, mula sa pagtira sa bahay nina Cesar at Sunshine Cruz ay lumipat si Diego sa bahay ni Bing Loyzaga. Puwede nilang aminin o idenay, pero hindi kinaya ni Diego at ng kaniyang inang si Teresa Loyzaga ang paghusga ni Cesar na may napapansin itong kakaiba sa samahan ng kaniyang misis at anak, malaking away ang kinauwian noon. Pero sabi nga ay panahon ang pinakamagaling na doktor, walang gamot at operasyon na kailangan, lumalambot ang puso ng mga taong nagkasakitan ng kalooban. Si Diego ang unang gumawa ng hakbang sa pagkakasundo nilang mag-ama, pinuri ang guwapong aktor sa kaniyang ginawa, totoo namang ang magulang ay magulang at ang anak ay anak lang. Sana nga ay dito na magsimula ang pagbawi nilang mag-ama sa isang nakaraang pareho silang pinagdamutan para ipadama ang kanilang pagmamahalan. Marami silang kailangang bawiin, maraming kuwentuhang magamang nakalampas sa kanila, hindi pa huli ang panahon. *** Mahinahon ang sagot ni Diego Loyzaga sa tanong kung nagkabalikan ba sila ni Barbie Imperial. Kakambal na ng inunan ng guwapong aktor ang pagiging marespeto, maganda ang pagpapalaki sa kaniya ni Teresa Loyzaga, kaya pumili ng mga salitang suwabe lang si Diego.

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022 Tama ang kaniyang punto, puwede nga namang maging magkaibigan pa rin ang dating magkarelasyon, kung mayroon mang mga naging problema ay may maganda pa rin naman silang pinagsamahan ni Barbie. Ang mahalaga ay alam na nila ngayon ang kanilang posisyon, magkaibigan na lang sila, friends in talking terms. Maganda sana ang kanilang relasyon noong una, wala silang sinasayang na panahon para mapaligaya ang bawat isa, hanggang sa pinasok na ng kung anu-anong problema ang kanilang pagmamahalan. Naging sobrang selosa si Barbie, kapag hindi ito nabibigyan nang sapat na atensiyon ni Diego ay away na agad ang kauuwian noon, hanggang sa lumaki na ang gawak ng hindi nila pagkakaintindihan. Naging sunud-sunod ang trabaho noon ni Diego, by appointment na nga siguro ang kaniyang tulog at pahinga, sana man lang ay naisip ni Barbie na trabaho lang ang tinututukan ng binata. Pero kung babalikan ang mga nakaraang pakikipagrelasyon ni Barbie ay palaging ganoon ang istorya. Sobrang selosa ang dalaga. Mapagduda. Kaya wala itong nagtatagal na relasyon. May hangganan ang pasensiya, umaabot sa sukdulan ang tao, hanggang sa maputol na ang pisi ng kaniyang pang-unawa at pasensiya. Sabi ng isang source namin na may malalim na alam sa dating relasyon nina Diego at Barbie, “Sabihan ba naman niya si Diego na magpapakamatay siya, pati mga taong malalapit kay Diego, e, sinasabihan niyang tatalon siya sa hagdan, natural, matatakot ang lalaki sa mga sinasabi niya! “Walang lalaking gustong mabuhay sa takot, kaya nga tayo nakikipagrelasyon, e, para maging masaya tayo, di ba?” sabi ng aming impormante. Hindi pa hinog sa pakikipagrelasyon si Barbie Imperial. Bugso pa lang ng damdamin ang kaniyang nararamdaman. Marami pang kailangang matutuhan si Barbie sa pakikipagrelasyon. – CSF

MARCH 16 - 31, 2022



Homemade meat sauce Nag-iisip ka pa ba ng lutuing madali na, maaari pang pangmiryenda, pambaon, o maging panghandan? Boom! Siguradong mapapakanta ka ng Spaghetti song ng Sex Bomb dancers kapag ito ay sinubukan mong lutuin. Nais ko pong ibahagi sa inyo ang napakadali at simpleng paraan ng pagluluto ng homemade meat sauce na maaari ninyong ihalo sa kahit anong pasta na inyong ninanais. Prep time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Total Time: 35 minutes Servings: 8 to 10 Ingredients 800g ground meat (beef or pork) 50g minced garlic 300g mirepox (small diced onion, small diced carrots, small diced celery) 100g small diced red peppers 250g sliced red hotdog or weiners (optional) 4 cups tomato sauce 2 cups water ½ tbsp salt

½ tbsp ground pepper ¼ cup paprika ¼ cup brown sugar ½ cup soy sauce ¼ cup dried basil

Cooking oil 750g pasta (your choice – spaghetti, penne, macaroni at marami pang iba) Garnish Shredded cheese (your choice – parmesan, mozzarella, cheddar) Chopped parsley or fresh basil Paraan ng pagluluto Para sa pasta: 1. Magpakulo ng tubig sa inyong cooking pot. Lagyan ng mantika at asin. 2. Kapag kumukulo na ang tubig, ilagay ang inyong pasta. Haluin at lutuin ang pasta hanggang sa tamang texture nito (al dente). 3. Hanguin at itabi. Meat Sauce: 1. Isangkutsa ang ground meat hanggang maluto at kumatas ang sebo o taba nito. Pagkatapos ay salain ang nasangkutsang karne,

at itabi. 2. Simulan nang igisa ang mga diced onions, diced carrots, diced celery, diced red peppers at minced garlic. Ihalo ang itinabing nasangkutsang karne. 3. Timplahan ng ground pepper, salt, paprika, brown sugar at soy sauce. Idagdag ang nahiwang hotdog at haluing mabuti. 4. Pagkatapos ay ibuhos ang tubig at tomato sauce. 5. Lutuin hanggang kumulo ang mixture. Hayaan ito hanggang 15 minutes o hanggang sa lumapot ang sarsa nito. 6. Tikman at timplahan muli ayon sa inyong panlasa. Idagdag ang dried basil. At kapag husto na ay maaari n’yo na itong maging sauce sa napili ninyong pasta – spaghetti, penne, macaroni, at marami pang iba. Isang napakadali at simpleng pamamaraan ng pagluto ng meat sauce. Para sa inyong pamilya, mga kaibigan o maging sa inyong barangay. Sana po ay muli tayong nakatulong sa pagbabahagi ng ating quick and easy recipe ng mga lutuing nais nating masubukan. Muli, lagi po nating tatandaan, sikapin maging malikhain sa lutuing nais nating ihain. Enjoy and happy cooking! – Chef Alex



MARCH 16 - 31, 2022

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