Pilipino Express • Sep 16 2021

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Volume 17 • No. 18 • September 16 - 30, 2021 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Kim Chiu

10 10 Yen Santos & Paolo Contis

Leylah Fernandez A class act Canadian professional tennis player Leylah Fernandez returned to Montreal, September 14, bringing home a life-changing prize of $1.25-million US as the runner-up to British 18-yearold Emma Raducanu during the Grand Slam final at the 2021 US Open on September 11. She made history at the U.S. Open tennis championship when she became only the second Canadian woman ever to make it to the final. The fivefeet-four-inch-tall, 19-year-old Fernandez became an instant fan favourite. She defeated four seeded players along the way, including defending champion Naomi Osaka. Fernandez has charmed not only tennis fans internationally, but she has also captivated everyone around the world with her humility, poise, and maturity. Leylah Annie Fernandez was born in Montreal on September 6, 2002. She is of mixed descent. Her father and coach, Jorge Fernandez, is from Ecuador and her mother, Irene Fernandez, is a Filipino-Canadian. Her father, a former professional soccer player, coached Fernandez throughout her career. She has a younger sister, Bianca Jolie, also a tennis player. In one interview, Fernandez lovingly paid tribute to her parents when she said, “Through the years, my dad and my mom taught me to work hard and to fight for what you want. Nothing See LEYLAH p4

Leylah Fernandez (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021





SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

How inheritance is resolved in the Philippines In my last article, I wrote about the extension of the inheritance tax amnesty in the Philippines and why this was good news for those who want to settle their inheritance issues. This article will discuss the two basic ways by which Philippine property may be inherited: intestate or testate. Intestate inheritance is when there is no valid last will and testament, which apportions the estate. In the absence of a will, the estate of a deceased Filipino will be divided among the heirs according to the provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines. This is usually to the spouse, children, parents, siblings, or perhaps to cousins or other extended family. Testate inheritance is through a valid last will and testament. The testator writes out a will according to the legal forms of either Philippine or foreign law. The estate will then be allocated to the heirs named in this will. There are formal as well as substantive requirements for a will to be valid. On the formal side, the Civil Code has requirements for how a will is made and executed by a testator. The Civil Code allows two options: 1. a completely handwritten will, which is dated

LEYLAH... From page 1 will come easy. Same thing with life. I’ve seen them going through hardship and I like to take that as motivation for a tennis match.” Her father, Jorge, in a conference call with US Open reporters, acknowledged the Filipino community when he said, “I truly appreciate the Filipino community backing up Leylah… It’s so beautiful. I’m glad that they’ve embraced her. I hope that relationship can only grow

and signed by the testator; or 2. a typewritten, notarized will witnessed by three disinterested persons. An alternative is to make a will according to the formal requirements of the place where it was made, such as Canada. On the substantive side, a valid will must respect the limits that the Civil Code places on the testator’s freedom to apportion his or her estate. Among these limits is that portions of the estate must be reserved to compulsory heirs identified by law. Depending on the testator’s personal circumstances, these compulsory heirs may include the descendants, ascendants, or spouse. Failure to provide for compulsory heirs may result in the will being fully or partially invalid. (Although things will be different if the testator is no longer a Filipino citizen.) How is either intestate or testate inheritance put into effect? Intestate heirs must execute a notarized document called an extrajudicial settlement of the estate. In this document, they identify the properties covered by the estate and agree among themselves on how these are to be divided. Since the heirs may be scattered between the Philippines,

between her and her community.” Author Kristina Rutherford in her article on sportsnet.ca, On US Open run to stardom, Fernandez hit all the right notes — even in defeat, wrote a fitting description of Leylah Fernandez: “What an absolute star. A class act. A wonderful human being. This kid, the one who gave all the players cupcakes on her birthday earlier this week, hit all the right notes in her journey from relative unknown to household name, even when she was crushed by defeat.”

Leylah Fernandez with her family (Photo credit: Leylah’s FB)

Canada, and elsewhere, it is often practical for some of the heirs to empower another to sign the extrajudicial settlement on their behalf. The extrajudicial settlement may then be brought to the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Registers of Deeds, the banks, and other institutions to implement its terms and transfer the title or ownership of the assets to the heirs. An extrajudicial settlement is only possible if all the legal heirs are in unanimous agreement. If they are not, if even just one of them refuses to approve the agreement, then a case to settle the estate must be filed in court. A court case is also necessary when there is a last will and testament. This is called a probate case (or a reprobate if it is a foreign will). Probate is a court process that authenticates the will, proving to the court that it really is the last will and testament of the testator and that it complied with the formal requirements for a valid will. No will can transfer property unless it has undergone probate. The probate case is filed in the city or province where the testator resided or in which the property is located. Evidence to prove

the will’s authenticity must be presented in court. The court will weigh the evidence and rule on the validity of the will. The will’s executor shall implement the will after a favourable ruling and then submit a report to the court. How long will the court process take? This depends on several factors, such as how heavy the court docket is and whether any heirs file an opposition to the probate. Interestingly, a probate case can be instituted even while the testator is still alive. The testator himself or herself obtains a court ruling on his will’s validity during his or her lifetime. Of course, a will that the testator submitted for probate and personally affirmed in court is much more certain to be upheld by the judge. This shall spare the heirs of the trouble and cost of probating the will after his death, allowing them to implement the will’s provisions with far less inconvenience after the testator passes away. Atty. Francesco Britanico is a lawyer in the Philippines. He can be reached at francesco. britanico@lawyerphilippines. org and www.lawyerphilippines. org.

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021



The federal election and immigration In the midst of a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, Canadians are counting down to the federal election set for September 20, 2021. The political parties are presenting their positions on many issues, including immigration, in order to secure your vote. In Canada the major question about immigration is not if we should accept immigrants but how we can best welcome them. Canada has a long history of supporting humanitarian immigration and refugee resettlement. At this time, the minority Liberal government has been pursuing a policy of bringing in 400,000 plus new arrivals in 2021 to make up for the shortfall of arrivals in 2020 and to fuel the economic recovery following a reopening of the economy. There are unresolved issues such as the backlog in application processing, outdated technology, and indecision about what to do with the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) for 2021. These are only some of the issues at stake in the upcoming election. Some of the recommendations of the major parties on immigration are noted below. Liberal Party Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, which historically occupies a centrist position in the Canadian political landscape. The advantage or disadvantage for the Liberal party is that the voters can judge their words by their past six years in power, even as a minority government. The Liberal’s 2021 election platform for immigration has yet to be released but Trudeau has promised to resettle up to 20,000 Afghans if re-elected. This repeats his past promise made in the 2015 election to accept 25,000 Syrian refugees. He won the election that year by making the promise which he has since kept. The government’s response to the COVID pandemic has been praised by many. The Liberals have been actively engaged in improving immigration programs with the goal of 400,000 plus landings for 2021 – a realistic projection based on landing numbers to date. The immigration minister called for a modernization of the immigration system, which began earlier in the year. The party

argued that record high numbers of arrivals are needed to fuel the economic recovery of the country. In 2017 the Liberals introduced a multi-year immigration levels plan so that the system can prepare for the increased landings. Some of the other initiatives include the Agri-Food pilot to attract foreign agri-food workers, a Rural and Northern Immigration pilot to attract newcomers to areas beyond the major population centres, and the Atlantic Immigration Pilot that helps Atlantic Canada employers hire foreign workers. Conservative Party The Conservatives, on the right of the political spectrum, have been the official opposition in parliament and leader Erin O’Toole is hopeful of replacing the Liberals as the party in power. The Conservative party has been out of office for several years but had a bad record on immigration under the former Harper government. The question voters can ask is whether O’Toole is fundamentally different from Harper or is he a return to the same. The Conservative immigration platform supports an immigration system that welcomes international entrepreneurs and workers as well as offering refuge to human rights defenders and other fleeing persecution as well as supporting the reunification of families. The Conservatives propose implementing an additional fee for accelerated processing. The expected revenues would offset the costs of improving and modernizing the immigration processing system. They support an efficient system to utilize the full potential of the immigration department. The party wants a world transparent department where all interactions between immigration officers and applicants are accessible to the applicants to ensure accountability in the system. The Conservatives support enhanced training for immigration staff to make then culturally aware and provide applicants with a chance to correct mistakes on their application submissions within an acceptable time frame. The Conservatives continue to support improved credential recognition of foreign education

and work experience, as stated in the 2015 campaign. The Conservatives oppose the current lottery system for the Parent and Grandparent Program in favour of first-come, first-served. They would qualify submissions by time submitted and by whether applicants would be providing childcare or family support, and by their language proficiency. Finally, the party promises more resources to process applications more quickly. The Conservatives recommend introducing measures to allow parents and grandparents to live in Canada for up to five years without permanent resident status and the applicants could extend their stay if they have purchased health insurance. New Democratic Party The New Democratic Party (NDP) is considered left of centre on the political spectrum and leader Jagmeet Singh is considered by many to be the most-popular candidate in this political campaign. They have not been in power so they cannot be measured by their immigration practices or policies. The NDP promises to end the caps imposed on Parent and Grandparent Program (PGP) and address the backlogs. They also support improving application processing and reducing backlogs. Like the Conservatives, the NDP supports and expansion of the credentials recognition program as an adjunct to skilled worker immigration and they want to get rid of the backlog of asylum seekers. Their intention is welcome and ambitious in scope but does not specify how to achieve this goal. The party is a strong advocate of pay equity and equal treatment for all applicants. They advocate an end to wage discrimination, which affects immigrant women in particular, and recommend the introduction of pay equity legislation. The party position on immigration puts emphasis on government intervention and legislation, which can be contrasted to that of the Conservatives, who support individual rights and actions of immigrant applicants and employers as opposed to government regulation. Bloc Québécois The fourth major party in Canada is the Quebec nationalist party, the Bloc Québécois. The Bloc is a centrist or left of centre

party and can be distinguished from the other parties by their regional nature and support of French language and culture rights, and a history of advocating independence for Quebec. The province of Quebec is distinct from all other provinces in Canada by having its own immigration program and department. They also have a history under former provincial leaders, such as Jacques Parizeau, of being openly hostile to immigrants as “the others,” who voted against breaking away from Canada. The party only runs candidates in Quebec ridings because the sovereignty of Quebec is at the heart of their party agenda. Since 2019 the leader has been Yves-Francois Blanchet. The Bloc believe that having an independent immigration system works to the advantage of Quebec. They advocate using anonymous resumes in public service positions to curb discrimination in the hiring process and want Canada to repeal the Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States. Their purpose is to curb irregular crossings at the Canada-US border for a more orderly reception of immigrants. They also want French-speaking refugees directed to be resettled

in Quebec. How you vote is up to you, but please take some time to make your decision. Measure the promises being made by the candidates and parties. Voting is our fundamental democratic right. Take a chance and vote. Yes, someone can promise you the moon and not deliver, but that is the nature of politics. If immigration is important to you, take a serious look at what the parties are saying and what they have done in the past. This article may be only the beginning of your research, but it is a reminder of the things you should look into. The material above does not answer in detail what the political parties and leaders are saying, but it is a start. My wish is that you all make an informed choice and vote. Good luck and good voting. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Immigration Canada and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with Immigration Connexion International Ltd. Contact him at 204-691-1166 or 204-2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.



SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

Back to school feng shui – Rearranging your child’s room can create greater success this school year

Every school year, parents and students dutifully trudge through the malls in search of the perfect sneaker or the cool new outfit for the coming school year. However, it’s unlikely that the new shoe or shirt will benefit them as much as a new design in the bedroom. That’s because a bedroom makeover will create new interest and energy – what feng shui calls “chi” – in the bedroom that will benefit a child. According to feng shui, the Chinese technique for design and arrangement, rooms that have good energy, or “chi”, create happier, well-adjusted children. Feng shui theories suggest that for a child’s room to have good “chi,” the room must follow certain guidelines such as that they must be restful, promote good relationships with others and generate good self-esteem. Perhaps most importantly, harmonious children’s bedrooms encourage good study habits and promote greater success in school. What does it take to promote greater success in school? According to feng shui, the following seven tips are key to creating rooms that inspire kids to study. 1. The room must have a desk. It sounds obvious, but many kids’ only workspace is either a bed, the bedroom floor, or the family dining table. Every child needs a suitable study area in the bedroom that includes a desk, chair, and a lamp. Children with study areas are more likely to

study. Better still, having a study area keeps all the schoolbooks and papers confined to the child’s room. Feng shui also believes it’s best for children to study facing the northeast, the direction of wisdom and learning. 2. Ground your kids. Buy your kids a globe to promote interest in geography and to help “ground” them and encourage them to study. Add a globe in the Northeast corner of the bedroom, if possible. 3. Create an achievement corner. Every child needs to have recognition for a job well done. A perfect way to gain this is to create an achievement corner on the South wall of the bedroom. According to feng shui, this is the recognition area and is a good place to pin up awards, papers with good grades, letters of recommendation, ribbons, or trophies. 4. Hang a crystal in the Northeast corner of the room. Crystals are used to make computer chips faster. Hang a crystal in the study location to create more “study” chi and to help sharpen the child’s ability to “process” or think! 5. Put your child in the command position. Avoid having children face a wall when studying because this represents an obstacle. They should be able to see the door when someone enters. 6. Display maps and other educational artwork. Maps are another way to ground

educational pursuits. They encourage “worldly” interest and curiosity, and they make suitable images for a child’s room. Avoid scary creatures, pictures depicting violence, or sad or dark subjects. 7. Eliminate TV from the bedroom. Sadly, many of today’s children have TVs in their bedrooms. This is a feng shui nono because it can make children much less likely to study and to fully rest. If your child doesn’t study as much as you would like and has a TV in the bedroom, ask yourself what is more important: television or adequate rest and education? 8. Shells and fish are symbols of education. Conch shells and koi or goldfish are excellent symbols of educational success. Place the conch shell in the Northeast corner of the bedroom. Or hang a picture of koi or goldfish in the Northeast corner. It is not recommended to keep live fish in the bedroom as water in the bedroom is associated with loss.

9. Make space for books and school materials. When kids come home from school they should have a place to put their backpacks and books. There should also be a place for them to hang coats and hats and take off shoes. If your kids put their books on the stairs this is especially important because anyone using the stairs will be stepping over the books. This symbolically puts education “under your feet.” Make sure books are not put on the stairs but have a regular “home” when the kids come in the door. 10. Activate the wisdom direction. The Northeast sector should be activated appropriately with a globe, a lamp, and/or a quartz crystal or geode. Other objects would include anything made of porcelain or earth, such as a vase. A rock collection is another excellent way to energize this sector. 11. Careful about what you place under the stairs. If you

have stairs in your home, you will want to make sure there is nothing there that can be harmful to your family. In particular, water located under stairs poses a threat to children in the home — and to their education. If the space under your stairs is open, try to close it up. If you can’t, then place a heavy object such as a statue here. If there is a closet located here, make sure it is filled with family possessions, such as holiday decorations, suitcases, or other household items. Avoid placing books in here, however, as this can cause studies to falter. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information visit www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021



Three things you can do to stop the spread of COVID-19 regardless of whether you’re vaccinated To maximize protection from the COVID-19 delta variant and limit the spread of COVID-19 to others, health experts continue to urge that people get vaccinated for COVID-19 and wear a mask indoors in public in areas of substantial or high transmission. Dr. Andrew Badley, chair of Mayo Clinic’s COVID-19 Task Force, shares three things you can do to stop the spread of COVID-19, regardless of

vaccination status: • If you’re exposed to or test positive for COVID-19, isolate to prevent the spread. • If you’re exposed to and diagnosed with COVID-19, seek care quickly. If you are treated for COVID-19, the amount of virus that you shed is less than if you’re not treated. • Do what you can do to prevent societal spread of COVID-19. You should get

vaccinated for COVID-19, wash your hands frequently and avoid congregant groups. Even those who aren’t vaccinated for COVID-19 can wash their hands frequently and avoid congregant groups. With school starting up and a lot of large outdoor events, such as fairs and festivals, taking place, many are looking for guidance on what is safe. Dr. Badley says he tailors his advice

to each patient, and he suggests approaching the question with a risk-benefit analysis. “If you have an underlying, immunosuppressive condition that makes you unlikely to respond to the vaccine, if you’re unvaccinated, or if you or a loved one at home have a high risk for serious complications from COVID, my advice to a friend or a loved one would be not to put yourself in situations where

there’s a high risk of exposure,” says Dr. Badley. “I’m hopeful that when we have spikes in cases, as we are having right now, that all people will together rise up and take all of those recommendations so that we can stop this current surge and really stop COVID in its tracks to get control of this pandemic.” Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network

Being vaccinated for COVID-19 means protection against more than severe illness Vaccination remains the best protection from COVID-19 infection. Like most vaccines, getting vaccinated for COVID-19 is not 100% perfect. But if vaccinated people do get sick or have a breakthrough infection, they are much less likely to be hospitalized or die than people who are not vaccinated. “When we look at the overall severe infection, breakthrough infections are extremely uncommon,” says Dr. Abinash Virk, a Mayo Clinic infectious

diseases physician. “When we look at mild or asymptomatic infections, they are a little bit more common. But when you take the big scheme of things and look at the number of vaccinated individuals that are positive compared to the unvaccinated individuals, it’s still substantially smaller than the unvaccinated.” Along with vaccination, masking is another way to help reduce COVID-19 infection. “We continue to recommend people to be a little bit cautious

in terms of their exposures. We know there’s a fair amount of delta infections in the community. It’s important to wear a mask when you’re in a crowded situation when you’re indoors. And of course, if you’re immunocompromised, we would recommend wearing a mask in all your activities where other people may be present,” says Dr. Virk. “And for those who are unvaccinated, they should definitely get vaccinated.”

An estimated 10%–15% of people infected with the virus develop long-haul COVID-19. Dr. Virk says another advantage of the vaccine is that it helps shorten and reduce symptoms. “A recent study has shown that when we compare vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals who get COVID, the patients who are vaccinated have a shorter duration of symptoms after they get COVID-19. The vaccination even shortens the duration

What to do if you have any Covid-19 symptoms Anyone who develops symptoms of Covid-19 should self-isolate and visit www. manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888315-9257 for health guidance on how to seek testing.

Symptoms may include: • Cough • Headache • Fever/ chills • Muscle aches • Sore throat/ hoarse voice • Shortness of breath/ breathing difficulties • Loss of taste or smell

• Vomiting, or diarrhea for more than 24 hours • Poor feeding if an infant • Runny nose • Fatigue • Nausea or loss of appetite • Conjunctivitis (pink eye) • Skin rash of unknown cause

While many people will develop only mild symptoms, some groups appear to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Those at higher risk typically develop more serious, even fatal, symptoms such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure.

of symptoms, compared to people who are not vaccinated. The likelihood that long-haul symptoms will also be less in the vaccinated is actually very good.” Getting vaccinated also protects people around you, particularly those who may be immunocompromised or who may not be eligible for vaccination, including young children. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network High risk groups include those: • 60 years of age and older • living with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart, renal or chronic lung conditions) • with weakened immune systems (e.g. cancer) Symptoms of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.



SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021




Pagkatapos nang tatlong Martes ay heto na uli para magpasabog ang Take It, Per Minute… Me Gano’n. Nag-text sa amin si Manay Lolit, kapag hindi pa raw pumayag si Salve Asis na mag-show kami ngayong tanghali ay magwawala na siya, matinding pagkaburyong na raw kasi ang inaabot niya sa bahay. Para sa isang tulad ni Kabsat na sanay na lumalabas ay napakatinding parusa ang pumirmi lang sa bahay. Ang Martes pa naman para sa kanya ang araw ng kalayaan dahil isinasabay niya na ang iba pa niyang mga lakad pagkatapos ng TIPMMG. Hindi na kami mapapagod sa pagsagot ngayon sa tanong ng mga kababayan natin mula sa iba-ibang bansa, maging dito sa atin, kung kailan babalik ang TIPMMG na itinuturing nilang happy pill ngayong pandemya. Ang dami-daming pasabog ngayong tanghali. Sa unang pagkakataon ay maririnig natin ang reaksiyon ni Manay Lolit tungkol sa paghihiwalay nina Paolo Contis at LJ Reyes.


Hindi kami naniniwalang wala siyang alam. Bilang manager ni Paolo ay siguradong nagtapat sa kanya ang aktor kung ano talaga ang naging dahilan ng paghihiwalay nila ni LJ. Kailangan ding magbigay ng opinyon si Manay Lolit tungkol sa pagbabati nina Lorna Tolentino at Rosanna Roces. Lalambot na rin kaya ang puso niya sa alibugha niyang dating alaga? At kami naman, inaasahan siyempre ng mga tagasuporta namin ang makasaysayang resbak namin sa mga kuwentong Jinkee Pacquiao, ayon kay Senador Manny ay mukhang mahal lang naman ang isinusuot ni Jinkee pero mura lang. Mamatey? Siyempre’y inaabangan din ng mga loyalista ng TIPMMG ang mga pasabog na blind item ni Mr. Fu na pinapangalanan ni Many Lolit! Lahat ng mga isyu ay sasagutin! Lahat ng mga kuwentong lihim ay pasasabugin! Walang iiwanang kontrobersiya ang Take It, Per Minute… Me Gano’n ngayong alas dose nang See CRISTY p13

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

• Take It, Per Minute... Me Gano’n – Balik na sa ere • Kim Chiu – May pinagdadaanang problema • Luis Manzano at Jessy Mendiola – Maganda ang kumbinasyon • Paolo Contis at Yen Santos – Isang linggo pala sa Baguio • Angel Locsin – Nag-aalala sa amang Covid-19 positive • Mahal – Maliit na tao pero malaki ang puso • Willie Revillame – Mistulang trumpo! • Vice Ganda – Humihingi ng hustisya • Nora Aunor – May malawak na bukirin sa Bicol • Manny Villar – May 335 billion pesos na kayamanan

Lolit Solis, Cristy Fermin & Mr. Fu

Kim Chiu

Yen Santos & Paolo Contis

Angel Locsin

Luis Manzano, Jessy Mendiola & Cong. Vilma Santos

Noeme Tesorero a.k.a. Mahal

GMA Network welcomes Xian Lim GMA Network introduces a new pairing that will definitely lure the Kapuso viewers in the upcoming primetime series Love. Die. Repeat – top-billed by Jennylyn Mercado and Xian Lim. In a brand new and out-ofthe-box concept, Jennylyn is bound to showcase her acting prowess as she takes on the role of Angela Zafra, a woman who is stuck reliving the day of her husband’s death over and over again. Known for the many hats he wears – an actor, model, host, and director – Xian is set to portray the character of Bernard Yuzon, Angela’s husband, a civil engineer who works in a company that renovates old houses. He plans See XIAN p13

Willie Revillame

Nora Aunor

Jennylyn Mercado & Xian Lim

Manny Villar

Vice Ganda

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021


GMA Artist Center encourages public to get vaccinated GMA Artist Center has been promoting the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine via the launch of the #FlexMoNa online awareness campaign last

August 19. Through this initiative, the talent arm of GMA Network aims to encourage action among See GMA p13




SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

GMA welcomes the new generation of world-class Kapuso talents Kapuso viewers witnessed a glimpse of Signed For Stardom, the biggest contract signing event spearheaded by GMA Artist Center, in the hit weekend variety show - AllOut Sundays last September 5. GMAAC talents have already

been recognized in various international competitions and festivals. Opening the All-Out Sundays special segment was a short glimpse of how the management has helped its existing artists wow the world in several different fields and various

prestigious award-giving bodies across countries. Aside from this, an exceptional song and dance number from the AyOS barkada including GMA Artist Center talents Julie Anne See STARDOM p13

Levince Sotto, Migs Villasis, Gab Yabut, Kimson Tan & Sebastian Pajarillo

Pauline Mendoza, Faye Lorenzo, Analyn Barro, Sherilyn Reyes Tan, Ashley Ortega, Therese Malvar, Lucho Ayala & Vaness Del Moral

Denise Barbacena & Sheemee Buenaobra

Martin Javier, Patricia Tumulak, Rain Matienzo, Luane Dy, & Chef Jose Sarasola

Carlo San Juan, Lei Angela, Ashley Alcayde, Bryce Eusebio, Coleen Paz, Shanelle Agustin, Jamir Zabarte & Gabrielle Hahn

Mark Herras

Saviour Ramos, Lala Vinzon, Julia Pascual, Alexandra Yap, Claire Castro & Sandro Muhlach

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

XIAN... From page 10

on starting his own business/ construction company for his family’s future. The talented actor voices his gratitude to the Kapuso Network for entrusting him the series, “It feels wonderful to be a part of this series na ‘Love. Die. Repeat’ and I feel grateful sa GMA Network na nabigyan nila ako ng pagkakataon to be part of this project.” Xian also expressed his enthusiasm to take on the role of Bernard and to work with new faces from the Network, “First page pa lang ng script, gustonggusto ko na. I’m a huge fan of the genre ng time loop. Unang basa ko pa lang ng script, tuwang-tuwa at excited na ako sa tatahakin ng characters naming lahat. I’ve worked with a couple of people already in this series but the rest of the cast, ngayon ko pa lang makakatrabaho. In terms of accepting the project, the material is really fun and exciting for everyone to watch. At the same time, noong nakita ko ‘yung mga makakasama kong artists, they look really fun to be with and magja-jive kaming lahat to make this project great.” It’s an exciting project indeed for both the Network and the lead stars as they headline this groundbreaking project with their fresh pairing for the very first time on the small screen.

STARDOM... From page 12 San Jose, Barbie Forteza, Rayver Cruz, Miguel Tanfelix, Aicelle Santos, Rita Daniela, Ken Chan, Gabbi Garcia, Ruru Madrid, Jessica Villarubin, Jeremiah Tiangco, Derrick Monasterio, Sanya Lopez, Bianca Umali, and Glaiza de Castro await its newest members! Throughout the years, the GMA Artist Center is always on the lookout for projects and collaborations, both local and international, where their artists could showcase their versatility in their chosen field of expertise. GMA Artist Center proudly sealed the contracts of various Kapuso talents in the said event namely Mark Herras, Pauline Mendoza, Ashley Ortega, Faye Lorenzo, Therese Malvar, Vaness Del Moral, Analyn Barro, Lucho Ayala, Sherilyn Reyes-Tan, Luane Dy, Jose Sarasola, Rain Matienzo, Martin Javier, Patricia Tumulak, Claire Castro, Alexandra Yap, Julia Pascual, Sandro Muhlach, Saviour Ramos, Lala Vinzon, Denise Barbacena, Shemee Buenaobra, Gab Yabut, Sebastian Pajarillo, Levince Sotto, Kimson Tan, Migs Villasis, Jamir Zabarte, Ashley Alcayde, Carlo San Juan, Lei Angela, Coleen Paz, Bryce Eusebio, Gabrielle Hahn, and Shanelle Agustin. This roster boasts of a variety of talents in the fields of acting, singing, dancing, and hosting, as well as showbiz royalties who are full of promising potential.



GMA... From page 11 Filipinos through the help of the artists by asking their fans to join the movement in preventing the spread of the virus. Using #FlexMoNa on social media, GMA Artist Center talents post their vaccination photos and tell their own stories on what made them decide to get vaccinated. According to GMA Artist Center Assistant Vice President for Talent Imaging and Marketing Simoun Ferrer, they’re hoping that this will help those who are still hesitant about getting the jab. “There is still a majority of Filipinos who are unwilling or hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccines for various reasons, like fear of side effects, waiting for their preferred brands, or some are intimidated by the whole process. With the emergence of new and more contagious COVID-19 variants, vaccination, aside from practicing safety protocols like wearing masks and social distancing, will help us reach herd immunity and prevent further spread of the disease.” Various Kapuso stars are

CRISTY... From page 10 tanghali sa nangungunang digital show. Baka nga pati ang sighting ng UFO sa Sorsogon at Bolinao, Pangasinan ay pakialaman na rin namin para lang mapasaya at malibang ang mga kababayan nating OFW na tatlong linggong naghintay sa kanilang paboritong libangan. Kitakits po tayo ngayong tanghali sa TIPMMG na napapanood sa pamamagitan ng FB page at You Tube channel ng Pilipino Star NGAYON. -o0oKailangan pang dumaan sa matinding kalungkutan si Kim Chiu para maniwala ang mas nakararami na totoo nga ang relasyon nila ni Xian Lim. Matagal na kasing pinagdududahan ang kanilang relasyon. Meron pa ngang lumabas na kuwento na kapag nandu’n ang mga reporters ay napaka-sweet nila, pero kapag nag-alisan na ang mga nag-interbyu sa kanila ay kani-kanya na sila ng lugar, hindi na nagpapansinan. Ginagamit lang daw ng binata si Kim, nakikisakay lang daw si Xian sa kasikatan ng dalaga, ganu’n daw ang panukat sa kanilang relasyon dati. Pero ngayong may pinagdadaanang problema si Kim sa kanyang career ay palaging nakabantay sa kanyang emosyon si Xian, positibo ang mga payo sa kanya ng aktor, ramdam na ramdam ng publiko ang kanyang pagmamahal kay Kim. Nakakagulat ang mga kuwentong naglulutangan kung bakit inaapuntahan nang matinding depresyon ngayon si Kim. May mga kasamahan daw siya sa It’s Showtime na nanglalaglag sa kanya. Tinatanggalan siya ng partisipasyon sa programa,

involved in #FlexMoNa including Alden Richards, Julie Anne San Jose, Sanya Lopez, Bianca Umali, Ken Chan, Gabbi Garcia, Khalil Ramos, Barbie

Forteza, Jak Roberto, and many more. They all took to their personal social media accounts with their own stories and experiences of being vaccinated

in hopes of minimizing vaccine hesitancy and fighting against the emergence of more contagious COVID-19 variants in the country.

pinagdadamutan siya ng pagkakataong makapagsalita, para ano pa raw at kinuhang isa sa mga hosts sa noontime show si Kim? Maraming pinasasaya si Kim sa show, hindi kasi siya napipikon kahit pa inisin siya nang inisin ng kanyang mga kapwa hosts, napaka-game niya. At sa totoong buhay ay maganda ang puso ni Kim Chiu, nasubaybayan namin ang kanyang karera mula nang tanghalin siyang kampeon sa PBB, walang masamang tinapay para sa personalidad na ito. Sana’y malampasan niya ang kalungkutang ito, sana’y huwag magtagumpay ang mga taong nanglalaglag sa kanya, kung meron man. -o0oPuring-puri ng mga kaibigan namin si Jessy Mendiola. Ang kanilang pagpansin ay nasasaksihan din namin sa mga vlogs nila ni Luis Manzano na napapanood namin. Nang sumali na ang Star For All Seasons sa kanilang vlog na napaksayang panoorin ay mas lumulutang ang hindi pagiging mapapel ni Jessy. Simple lang siya, naghihintay ng kanyang pagkakataong magsalita, hindi siya maingay. Maganda ang kumbinasyon nila ng kanyang asawang si Lucky. Kung madaldal ang aktor ay kabaligtaran naman si Jessy. Ito ang pagsasamang magtatagal dahil ramdam na ramdam ang pagrerespetuhan nila sa isa’t isa. Sabi ng kaibigan namin, “Gustung-gusto ko si Jessy kapag nagba-vlog sila ni Congresswoman Vilma Santos , tahimik lang siya, sa likuran pa nga siya pumupuwesto. Kundi pa siya tanungin ng biyenan niya, e, hindi siya nakikipagsabayan. “Hindi siya nakikipag-agawan ng papel, naghihintay lang siya, akala ko kasi dati, e, maepal si

Jessy,” komento ng aming kausap. Sa bahay muna nina Senador Ralph at Congresswoman Vilma nakatira sina Luis at Jessy. Sama-sama muna sila ngayong pandemya. Pagba-vlog ang pinagkakaabalahan nila ngayon. At hindi na nagpapahuli sa balita ang mga kaibigan namin, alam na nila pati ang paboritong pagkain ni Luis, dahil mabubuhay pala ang aktor-TV host kahit tinola ang araw-araw nitong ulam. “Sinangag at fish naman ang paborito niyang breakfast, hindi pala mapili si Luis sa food, maganda ang ginawang pagdidisiplina sa kanya ni Vilma,” komento naman ng kaibigan naming matagal nang naninirahan sa UK. Ganu’n katindi ang naaabot ng social media. ‘Yun ang pinagkakalibangang tutukan ngayon ng mga kababayan nating nalulungkot-nabuburyong na sa ibang bansa. -o0oMay mga nagpapatunay na libre nang makipagrelasyon ngayon si Yen Santos. Ilang panahon na pala silang hiwalay ng milyonaryong businessman. May bago nang pag-ibig ang kanyang ex. Pinangalanan ng aming impormante kung sino ang milyonaryong businessman. Ang girlfriend nito ngayon ay isang magandang aktres na handa nang lumipad sa gagawin nitong proyekto. Balitang ang milyonaryong negosyante ang isa sa mga prodyuser ng aktres sa seryeng urong-sulong ang paggawa pero ngayon ay tuluoy na tuloy na. Ginawa nila ang pelikulang “A Faraway Land” sa napakagandang Faroe Islands. Parang postcard ang matulaing bansa na sakop ng Denmark. Malinis, kakaunti lang ang populasyon, maraming Pinoy na nakakapangasawa ng mga Faroese.

Sa ilang linggong itinakbo ng shooting ay mapang-imbita ang isla sa mga nalulungkot na kaluluwa. Siguro nga ay sa Faroe Islands nagsimula ang pagkakapalagayan ng loob niya Yen Santos at Paolo Contis. Nagyeyelo ang isla, nilalamig sila, ano pa ba ang unang maiisip ng dalawang taong sawi sa pagibig kundi ang magpaalpas ng init ng kanilang katawan? Kung wala mang nangyari sa kanila sa Faroe Islands ay hindi pa rin naman du’n matatapos ang lahat-lahat. Puwede nilang hanapin ang isa’t isa dito sa Pilipinas. At du’n na nga ipinanganak ang pagkikita nila sa Friendship Capital of The Philippines, ang Baguio, kung saan inamin ni Paolo na tinawagan niya si Yen para meron siyang makasamamakausap. Pero hindi lang pala isang araw ang kanilang pinagsaluhan, isang linggo, ayon sa inilabas na mga larawan ng mga tinaguriang Maritess. Ipinagtanggol ni Paolo si Yen, hindi raw ito ang dahilan ng paghihiwalay nila ni LJ Reyes, dahil bago pa sila nagkasama sa “A Faraway Land” ay matagal nang nagkakaroon ng problema ang kanilang relasyon. Tatlong beses na naming pinanonood ang pelikula nina Paolo at Yen sa direksiyon ni Veronica Velasco. May relasyon man o wala ang mga bumibida sa pelikula ay labas na kami. Paminsan-minsan lang kaming nakakapanood ng pelikulang napakaayos ng pagkakatahi ng istorya, ng isang kuwentong kinunan sa isang lugar na tunay na paraiso ang lokasyon, paulit-ulit pa rin naming panonoorin ang “A Faraway Land” na pinagbibidahan ng mga sensitibong artistang tulad nina Paolo Contis at Yen Santos. See CRISTY p16



SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

Manitoba Filipino Street Festival 2021

Photo credit: Manitoba Filipino Street Festival and Pinoy Photographers of Winnipeg

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021


Manitoba Filipino Street Festival 2021

Photo credit: Manitoba Filipino Street Festival and Pinoy Photographers of Winnipeg





CRISTY... From page 13 -o0oNapakatinding suntok sa dibdib ni Angel Locsin ang pagiging positibo sa COVID-19 ng kanyang amang si Mang Angel Colmenares sa edad na nobenta’y kuwatro. Nasubaybayan namin ang mga pahayag ni Angel tungkol sa kanyang ama, kapag magkasama sila ay hindi sapat na naririnig lang ni Mang Angel ang kanyang boses, hinahaplos-haplos siya sa mukha nito nang paulit-ulit. Pinanghihinayangan niya ang pagkakataong lumipas na baka maaari pang nakakita ang kanyang ama pero hindi ‘yun naganap dahil wala pa silang sapat na naiipon para sa operasyon. Nang magkaroon na siya ng paraan ay huli na ang lahat, hindi na mapapaoperahan ang kanyang ama, dahil sa pagkakaedad. Kayang magpakatapang ni Angel sa maraming giyera sa kanyang buhay pero kapag pamilya na niya ang sangkot, lalo na ang kanyang ama, pakiramdam niya ay baldado siya. Kung kayang mahalin ni Angel Locsin ang mga kababayan

nating nagdarahop, kung meron siyang bukal na puso sa pagtulong sa mga naaapi at nangangailangan nating kababayan, sampung doble nu’n ang pagmamahal niya kay Mang Angel. “Makita ko lang siya, marinig ko lang ang boses niya, mahaplos lang niya ako, matapang na uli ako. Ang dami-dami kong naeengkuwentrong problema at challenges, pero kinakaya ko. “Papa ko ang pinaghuhugutan ko ng lakas, napakatapang niya,” naaalala pa naming pahayag ni Angel sa isang panayam. Napakasakit sa kanya ng naganap sa kanyang ama. Mahabang panahon na itong bulag, walang kalaban-laban, harinawang maligtasan ni Mang Angel ang paghamong ito sa kanilang buhay. At harinawang mahimasmasan ang mga taong sa halip na manalangin para sa ama ni Angel ay naghahamon pa ng debate. Hindi ito ang panahon para sa pag-aaway, simpatya at pagmamahal ang kailangan hindi lang ng pamilya Colmenares, kundi ng buong bayan. Hindi krimen ang malayang pagpansin at pag-oopinyon, nagbabayad ng kanyang buwis


NO. 377

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Tuligsain 8. Ligalig 11. Ilista 14. Pinaani 16. Bino 17. Tigil 18. Notang musikal 19. Habol 20. Simbolo ng arsenic 21. Kaya 23. Unlapi 25. Sagisag 28. Silong 29. Aangat 30. Hahalakhakan PABABA 2. Uri ng kahoy 3. Iwas 4. Siyasat 5. Isama 6. Napasabay 7. Namimihasa

9. Hindi papasok 10. Uri ng saging 12. Magkakagulang 13. Sisigla 15. Katulong 22. Uri ng kahoy 24. Dadamba 26. Suot ng magtatapos 27. Amen


si Angel Locsin, ‘yun ang pasaporteng nagbibigay sa kanya para magsalita. -o0oMakulay na mahirap ang pinagdaanang buhay ng komedyanteng si Mahal bago siya pumanaw. Palaging una sa kanyang mga prayoridad ang kanilang pamilya. Lumaki kasi siya sa hirap, gusto niyang mabago ang antas ng kanilang kabuhayan, na natupad niya naman. Nu’ng mga panahong kasagsagan ng popularidad nila ni Mura sa MTB ay nagkaroon pa ‘yun ng bonus na mga pelikula at programa sa telebisyon. Maigsi lang ang kanilang papel, mga undercover agents kunwari sila na nalulusutan ang mga kalaban dahil sa kanilang kaliitan, hindi kalakihan ang kanilang talent fee. Nag-away nu’n ang tatay ni Mahal at ang kanyang manager, saan daw ba napupunta ang suweldo ni Mahal, ang damidami niyang trabaho pero maliit lang ang kanyang kinikita? Sabi ng manager, “Siyempre naman po, bumibili rin kami ng mga damit niya, pasturyosa po ang anak n’yo, magagarang dami at sapatos ang binibili niya. Kumakain din po siya, marami rin siyang personal na kailangan, pero kayong pamilya niya ang inuuna ni Mahal.” Sagot ng tatay ni Mahal, “Gaano na lang ba ang magagastos niya sa mga personal niyang gusto? Ang gown niya, isang yarda lang, sobra pa! Ang pagkain niya, parang kaing-pusa lang naman ang kaya niya!” Umiyak si Mahal. Hindi lang niya masabi sa tatay niya, pero ang kanyang katwiran, dapat lang namang bumili siya ng gusto niya. Siya naman ang nagtatrabaho, siya naman ang nagpupuyat at nagpapakapagod, kaya gusto rin niyang maramdaman ang pinagpapaguran niya. Maliit si Mahal pero malaki ang kanyang puso. Minsan nga ay wala siyang kapera-pera, kahit kasusuweldo lang, dahil pamilya nila ang kanyang inuuna.

Nu’ng matumal na ang kanyang trabaho ay siya pa ang tumatawag sa mga show promoters, iniaalok niya ang kanyang sarili para sa mga palabas sa probinsiya, para rin sa kanyang pamilya ang dahilan nu’n. Naririnig nating humahagikhik nang napakatining si Mahal. Parang wala siyang problemang bitbit, parang para kay Mahal ay laro lang ang buhay at walang kalungkutan, pero sa likod nu’n ay ang pag-aalala niya sa kapakanan ng kanyang pamilya. Minsan ay kinausap niya kami, may hawak siyang papel, “Mama, palitan mo na lang ito ng cash, kailangan ng papa ko, masyakit, walang pambayad sa ospital.” Pink slip ‘yun ng suweldo niya sa ABS-CBN, labinglimang araw pa ang kailangan niyang hintayin para maging tseke at cash, pero kailangan na niyang papalitan para sa maysakit niyang ama. -o0oNagmistulang trumpo nitong mga huling linggo si Willie Revillame. Mula sa Wil Tower ay dalawang linggo silang nag-show sa Puerto Galera. Sinamantala niya na rin ang pagbibigay ng ayuda sa mga lokal ng isla. Pagkatapos ay balik na naman sila sa studio ng GMA-7, tuloy na naman ang pamamahagi niya ng tulong sa Wowowin-TutokTo-Win, ginawan niya talaga ng paraan na hindi tumigil ang pagsahimpapawid ng kanyang programa sa panahong nakataas ang ECQ. “Hindi naman bumubukol ang hirap. Lahat ng paraan talaga, ginawa namin. From Pampanga sa Clark, to Puerto Galera, awa ng Diyos, e, nairaos naman ng team namin ang mga shows. “Napakalaki lang talaga ng ginastos ng production pero ayos lang, marinig ko lang ang sigawan ng mga tinatawagan ko, masayang-masaya na ako,” unang sabi ni Willie. Para siyang malaking puno na maraming kulisap na nakakapit sa kanyang mga sanga at dahon sa

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021 dami ng kanyang tinutulungan. Pero mula sa puso ang kanyang mga ginagawa. Ang pagmamahal niya sa kanyang mga katrabaho ay hindi nagsisimula at natatapos sa panahon lang ng serbisyo. Maraming staff niya ang nawala nang magbawas ang produksiyon. Pero ang mga mananahi, make-up artist at mga production staff na nawalan ng trabaho ay binibigyan pa rin niya ng buwanang ayuda. Katwiran ni Willie ay anong trabaho pa ang makikita ng mga may edad na niyang dating kasamahan? Hindi lang ‘yun. Maraming kababayan pa nating pinangakuan niya nang mahabaang tulong ang tinutupad niya. Pampagamot, pambili ng mga pangangailangan, hanggang sa pagpapalibing ay si Willie pa rin ang sumasagot. Marami rin kaming kilalang butas ang mga palad sa pagtulong, pero ibang-iba si Willie, ang pera ay hindi niya dinidiyos kungdi inaalipin. Ang kanyang katwiran ay hubad tayong ipinanganak kaya hubad din tayong aalis sa mundong ito. Komento ng isang kaibigan namin, “Everytime I watch Willie, all I see is his good heart. I don’t see anything bad in his eyes. Long life for someone like Willie who cares for everyone.” Amen. -o0oMakabuluhan ang mga huling posts at inilalabas na sentimyetno ni Vice Ganda. Hindi ‘yun tungkol sa pag-iibigan nila ni Ion Perez, hindi rin ‘yun tungkol sa pang-ookray niya sa kung sinu-sino, may malasakit at pagmamahal sa mga kababayan nating nagdarahop ang lumalabas sa kanyang bibig ngayon. Patama ‘yun nang direkta sa mga opisyal ng ating gobyerno na puro corrupt, hindi paglilingkod ang inaatupag, kundi ang pagkakamal ng salapi mula sa kaban ng ating bayan. Bilang taxpayer ay may karapatan si Vice Ganda at sinumang Pilipino na magsalita See CRISTY p17

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021



Bakit napakaimportante ang boto ng mga Pinoy sa Winnipeg North riding? Snap federal election sa Lunes, September 20th. Boboto na naman tayo ng mga members of parliament (MP) na kakatawan sa atin sa Ottawa. Dito rin malalaman kung magiging prime minister pa rin natin si Justin Trudeau o hindi na. Maraming hindi handa sa eleksiyong ito. Tinanong ko si Misis kung sino iboboto niya among the candidates sa Winnipeg North. Wala siyang sagot. Hindi siya handa at wala siyang panahon na makinig sa mga pangako ng mga pulitiko. Hindi ko siya masisisi. Maraming Canadians ang hindi handa sa eleksiyong ito. Biruin mo nga naman, sa kalagitnaan ng hindi matapostapos na pandemic ay magtatawag ka ng eleksiyon? Pagsasamantala ba ito o pagiging maka-sarili? If you follow federal politics ay masasakyan ninyo ang aking sinasabi. Anyway, andito na tayo, kaya dapat nating seryosohin ang pagkakataong itong ibinigay sa atin para pumili ng lider ng Canada. Ano ba ang dapat nating malaman sa federal elections? Si Monsignor Enrique Samson ng St. Peter’s Parish ay very vocal sa kaniyang stand on abortion, euthanasia at legalization ng marijuana. Katunayan, maraming beses kong nakita si Monsi sa harap ng Health Sciences Centre na may hawak na placard na prolife. Madalas din sa pulpito ay matapang niyang pinapa-alalahan

CRISTY... From page 16 tungkol sa mga nagaganap sa ating pamahalaan. Karapatan natin ‘yun bilang mga Pilipinong tumutupad sa pagbabayad ng buwis. Pera natin ‘yun. Kinabog na ng balwarte ng pulitika ang mundo ng showbiz, parang malaking palengke ngayon ang Senado sa pagiimbestiga tungkol sa kaliwa’t kanang katiwaliang nagaganap. Personalan pa ang kanilang mga birada, pintasan nang pintasan, nakakahilas pa namang tingnan ang mga lalaking bangayan nang bangayan on national television. Humihingi ng hustisya si Vice Ganda para sa mga naghihirap nating kababayan, pandemya pa naman ngayon, kaya ang biyayang dapat mapasakamay nila ay napupunta sa bulsa ng mga kurap na nagtatrabaho sa ating pamahalaan at ng kanilang mga galamay. Sa lahat ng kuda ni Vice Ganda ay ito ang gusto naming palakpakan nang napakalakas dahil may saysay at kabuluhan. Hindi sayang ang kanyang laway, siya ang nagiging boses ng mga kababayan nating api na hindi

ang kaniyang mga parishioners na magsuring mabuti kung sino ang dapat iboto. Magsuri. Tama si Monsi. Hindi dahil sa natulungan ka ng pulitiko sa mga immigration papers mo ay sapat na ito para iboto mo siya, hindi ba? Alaming mabuti kung ang mga polisiyang isinusulong ng mga partidong kinakatawan ng mga pulitikong ito ay naaayon sa iyong paniniwala at paninindigan. Trabaho ng mga public officials ang maglingkod sa bayan. Hindi tama na sisingilin nila kayo ng boto dahil “natulungan” nila kayo. Ang boto mo ay sagrado. Bumoto ayon sa iyong konsyensya. Huwag sayangin ang boto. Para sa mga kapitbahay ko sa Winnipeg North, sana ay bumoto tayong lahat. Wala akong iniendorsong kandidato. Ang hiling ko lang sa inyo ay maglaan kayo ng kahit kaunting panahon para alamin ang mga plataporma ng mga kandidato sa ating lugar. Ang mga official candidates sa ating lugar ay nakasulat sa ibaba in alphabetical order ayon sa kanilang first names. Naglagay din ako ng kanilang mga phone numbers na naka publish sa Elections Canada website, kung sakaling gusto ni n’yo silang tawagan at tanungin kung ano ang magagawa nila sa ating lugar at sa ating bansa. • Anas Kassem, Conservative Party of Canada - 431-478-1144 • Angela Brydges, Green Party of Canada – (phone number not kayang lumaban, nakakita si Juan dela Cruz ng tagasigaw. Maraming nag-iisip nating kababayan ang nagbubunyi sa mga isinisigaw ni Vice Ganda, pero meron ding mga mahina sa komprehensiyon na bira lang nang bira, ginagawa nilang pulutan ang sikat na komedyanteTV host ngayon. Pero nagpapakatotoo lang si Vice, pangmayorya ang kanyang laban, hindi lang para sa sarili niyang interes at kapakanan. At meron siyang karapatang sumigaw bilang isang Pilipinong nagbabayad ng kanyang buwis at mulat sa katotohanan. -o0oIlampung ektaryang lupain ang naipundar ng mga magulang ng Superstar nu’ng kasagsagan ng kanyang kasikatan. Pangsakahan ang mga lupain, umaani tauntaon, pero nang pumanaw na ang kanyang mga magulang ay wala nang nag-asikaso sa kanilang mga proyedad. Ngayon na lang naasikaso ni Nora Aunor ang malawak nilang bukirin sa Bicol, nagulat ang Superstar, may animnapung ektaryang ari-arian pala siya na hindi niya pinapansin nu’n. Hindi naging ugali ni Nora ang ipaglantaran ang kung anumang

available) • Kevin Lamoureux, Liberal Party of Canada – 204-218-8000 • Melissa Chung-Mowat, New Democratic Party – 204-891-7268 • Patrick Neilan, People’s Party of Canada – (phone number not available) • Robert Crooks, Communist Party of Canada – 204-898-6236 Ang incumbent MP sa Winnipeg North ay si Mang Kevin Lamoureux. Nakaupo siya since 2010. From 2004 to 2010 naman ay nakaupo bilang MLA sa riding na ito si Judy Wasylycia-Leis ng NDP. Ang tanong, mananatili kaya si Mang Kevin o babalik sa kulay orange ang Winnipeg North kung mananalo si Melissa ChungMowat? Andiyan din syempre ang iba pang mga kandidato na bibiyak sa boto ng lahat. May mga ugong-ugong na matunog din daw ang pangalan ng kandidato ng PPC na si Patrick Neilan. Totoo kaya ito? Ang Winnipeg North ay tinatawag na “riding to watch” itong darating na eleksiyon. Matatandaan na kamuntik nang matalo si Kevin ni Rebecca Blaikie ng NDP noong 2010 by-election nang 44 votes lang ang kaniyang naging lamang! Maulit kaya ang ganitong laban? Maging close match kaya ang laban ni Kevin kay Melissa o magtatambakan sila ng boto? Bilang mga Filipino-Canadian na naninirahan sa Winnipeg

North, napakahalaga ng ating role sa botohang ito. Bakit po? Winnipeg North is the riding with the highest percentage of voters of Filipino ethnic origin, highest percentage of people belonging to the Filipino visible minority group and highest percentage of native speakers of Tagalog. Ang Winnipeg North ay parang “small Pinas” ng Canada! Nandito ang boses ng mga PinoyCanadians kaya’t dapat na tayo ay well-represented sa Ottawa. Sana ay naiinitindihan ni n’yo kung bakit ko hinihimok kayong lahat, lalo na ang mga taga-Winnipeg North na bumoto at huwag sayangin ang inyong partisipasyon sa demokratikong prosesong ito. Mayroon din kayong puwedeng gamiting tool na maaaring makatulong sa kung sino ang dapat iboto. Ito ay yung tinatawag na Vote Compass. Ito ay binuo ng mga political scientists na kung saan ay mabibigyan ang mga respondents ng guidance kung saang partido sila naka-align. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon dito ay puwede ninyong bisitahin ang https://votecompass.cbc.ca/ canada. Ano naman ang dapat nating malaman tungkol sa botohan? Narito ang ilang mga impormasyon mula sa Elections Canada (in Tagalog). Tiyaking nakarehistro ka para bumoto.

Abangan ang inyong card impormasyon ng botante sa koreo. Makikita mo rito kung saan at kailan ka makakaboto. Makipag-ugnayan sa Elections Canada kung ang iyong card ay: • May maling impormasyon • Hindi dumating nang Setyembre 10, 2021 Kung may katanungan kayo tungkol sa eleksiyong ito ay tumawag sa telepono bilang 1-800-463-6868 (toll-free po ito, walang bayad) or bisitahin ang kanilang website sa https:// elections.ca/home.aspx. Nakasalalay ang kinabukasan ng Canada sa ating mga boto. Huwag magpauto. Mag-aral, magsuri at bumoto! Isa pa, hindi paramihan ng signs ang eleksiyon. Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP). Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

meron siya, wala sa kanyang bokabularyo ang pagyayabang, pero kung kailangan niya nang ilabas para meron siyang mapatunayan ay ginagawa niya. Anuman ang mangyari, magputukan man ang lahat ng bulkan sa buong mundo, ay Superstar pa rin si Nora Aunor. Siya pa rin ang pinakamaningning na bituin kung ituring ng lahat. Inilabas niya ang ekta-ektarya

niyang lupain bilang sagot sa mga tanong kung paano na siya kapag tinalikuran na niya ang lokal na aliwan. Baka raw mamalimos na lang siya? Hindi na maghihirap ang Superstar. Sa lawak ng mga ariariang meron siya ay hindi na siya magugutom. Meron siyang sasandalan kapag huminto na siya sa pag-arte. Puwede niyang tutukan

ang pagsasaka, may mga kababayan siyang puwedeng pagkakatiwalaan para magtrabaho sa kanyang bukirin, sapat nang ikabuhay ang taunang ani niya ng palay. Kung gusto niya naming ibenta na ang kanyang mga lupain ay sigurado na ang kanyang kinabukasan, mamumuhay siya nang maalwan, hindi niya na See CRISTY p18



SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

St. Edward’s Mixed Bowling Drafting & Fun Golf Tournament

The 3rd ATP Tennis Tournament at Garden City Collegiate Tennis Courts

The recently concluded ATP (Adik sa Tennis Panghabangbuhay) Summer Tennis Finals on August 28th was an absolute success. It was held at the Garden City Collegiate Tennis Courts. Members and families of around 65 came to witness the 3-day event. Congratulations to Gem Matic and team for organizing the festivities filled with fun, food and prizes. It was a series of games between the White and Black Teams. In the end, Black Team won with a score of 14 - 10.

CRISTY... From page 17 kailangan ng ayuda ng kahit sino. Isang patotoo ito na may pinakinabangan si Nora Aunor sa kanyang pag-aartista. Hindi basta nalustay lang ang kanyang pinaghirapan at pinagpuyatan. May naipundar ang kanyang mga magulang mula sa kinita niya. Hindi nalusaw ang mga pangarap ng Superstar. Naiangat niya sa kahirapan ang kanyang pamilya at meron pang natira para sa kanyang kabuhayan. -o0o-

Inilabas na ng Forbes Magazine ang Unang Sampung (Top 10) pinakamayayamang Pilipino para sa kasalukuyang taon. Halos lahat ng pinangalanan ay mga Chinese businessman. Isang purong Pilipino lang ang napasama na umookupa sa ikalawang posisyon—si dating Senador Manny Villar sa kanilang ipong kayamanang 335 billion pesos. Ang kayamanan ng pamilya ay hindi biglaan, pinagtrabahuhan nila ‘yun nang maraming dekada, matinding sipag at pagtitiyaga ang naging puhunan nila bago

kinilala ang pamilya Villar bilang ikalawang pinakamayamang pamilya sa ating bansa. Matagal naming nakasama si Camille Villar sa TV5 nang maging co-host siya ni Willie Revillame, nakakasabay namin siyang tumutusok ng fishballs sa likod ng studio, katabi rin naming umuupo si Camille sa pasilyo. Ni anino ng isang anak ng bilyonaryo ay hindi namin nakita sa pagiging simple at mapagkumbaba ni Camille. Pati sa kanyang mga isinusuot ay hindi mo iisiping bilyonaryo ang kanilang pamilya.

Si DPWH Secretary Mark Villar ay ganu’n din kasimple, marespeto siya sa kanyang mga katrabaho, hindi mo rin makikita si Secretary Mark na iba sa iba. Isa lang siya sa marami, nakikihalubilo sa mga manggagawa, kahit pahimakas ng pagiging anak ng bilyonaryo minsan man ay hindi rin namin nakita sa kanya. Si Paolo na namamahala sa kanilang mga negosyo kahit minsan lang naming nakaharap ay sobrang simple rin, marunong makisama sa kanilang mga tauhan, napakagandang disiplina

ng kanilang mga magulang sa kanilang magkakapatid. Tanong ng isang kaibigan namin, paano raw kaya inuubos ang 335 billion, paanong paggastos daw kaya ang kailangang gawin ng isang pamilyang biniyayaan nang sobra-sobrang biyaya? Ganu’n nga yata ang mga tunay na bilyonaryo, hindi nagyayabang-naglalantad ng kung anumang yaman na meron sila, hindi nila kailangang magpapansin at magyabang dahil alam nila ang totoo nilang estado sa lipunan. – CSF

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021





SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

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