Volume 17 • No. 17 • September 1 -15, 2021 Publication Mailing Account #41721512
Yen Santos
Back to basics Manitoba brings back familiar pandemic rules along with vaccine passport
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Less than one month after relaxing pandemic restrictions in early August, Manitoba is now facing the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic with daily case counts topping 100 twice in the past week. The province brought back mandatory face masks in all indoor public spaces on August 28 and, starting September 3, will require people to be fully vaccinated to go to a concert, eat at a restaurant, or go out to see a movie. “The emergence of the delta variant has changed things significantly. Now, public health officials tell us the pandemic is one of the unimmunized and we must take these extra steps to protect the nearly 230,000 children who are not yet eligible for immunization,” said Health and Seniors Care Minister Audrey Gordon on August 2. “Manitoba’s vaccine passport benefit will help encourage greater vaccine uptake, which is necessary to protect our health-care system from the COVID-19 fourth wave.” People in all health regions of Manitoba must be fully immunized to participate in certain events and activities. They can use their
vaccine cards or digital passports to enter public places such as: • indoor and outdoor ticketed sporting events and concerts; • indoor theatre/dance/symphony events; • restaurants (indoor and patio dining); • nightclubs and all other licensed premises; • casinos, bingo halls and VLT lounges; • movie theatres; • fitness centres, gyms and indoor sporting and recreational facilities (excluding youth recreational sport); and • organized indoor group recrea-
tional classes and activities, and indoor recreational businesses. Children 11 and under who are not eligible to be immunized will be able to attend events and activities with a fully immunized adult. For those who work in places that now require vaccination, the deadline to be fully immunized is October 17. Designated employees who are not fully immunized or cannot provide proof of vaccination will need to undergo regular COVID-19 testing, up to three times a week for full-time employees, and provide proof of a negative test result before they can resume working.
“Dream big, for possibilities are endless”
Bea Alonzo & Dominic Roque
Tony Awards. Laurence Olivier Awards. The New York Innovative Theater Awards. These are only a few tributes given to exemplary artists, performers, and workers in the world of theatre. Here in Winnipeg, we have the Evie Awards, an annual theatre awards ceremony given in celebration and recognition of excellence in
the Winnipeg professional theatre community. Local singer, respected vocal coach, and ka-Pinay, Joy Lazo, was recently accorded an Honorary Evie Award. Each season the honorary awards recognize individuals who have made long-standing contributions to the theatre community in Winnipeg. Lucille Nolasco Garrido of Pilipino Express (PE) recently caught up with Joy Lazo (JL) who is currently busy with a new See JOY p5
Joy Lazo