Drip-feed your way to health Intravenous infusions are the hottest wellness trend
By Judy Isacoff An emerging trend in the wellness space promises
Among the most commonly requested infusions at
to help people rehydrate, replenish, and recover
the clinic in the Grand Pavilion Commercial Center,
with intravenous infusions of vitamins, minerals, and
according to Sandy, are named the Royal Flush and
nutrients that put a new bounce in their step.
the Megaboost.
The multibillion-dollar industry has adherents who
They combine vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,
swear by the various types of infusions available to
amino acids and electrolytes with other ingredients
relieve hangovers and jet lag, help with weight loss,
to boost immune function, increase energy, mental
promote wellness, and more.
clarity and overall health and wellbeing, according to
“The intravenous and intramuscular injection
information from REVIV.
process works by providing a dose of vitamins, minerals,
“I had the cold of my life the last few days. I was
antioxidants, amino acids and electrolytes,” according
full-on flu mode … so I decided to try the Royal Flush,
to information provided by Sandy Saad, operations
and wow! I woke up today a new woman,” client Jessica
supervisor at REVIV Cayman. “Infusions and injections
Mauer says in a written testimonial. “I could feel this
bypass the digestive tract, which allows the body to
working so quickly. I can’t believe what this treatment
absorb 100 percent of all nutrients and hydration.”
did for me in less than 24 hours.”