PinkPumps GLOBAL

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PinkPumps GLOBAL


13 | CelticSeer

The End of the World? 22 | Stacey Hanke

Change Your Communication for Greater Influence 40 | Sabine Schmelzer

Wishes, mission and goals

– where to invest your energy time

If I had a wish

I like my PinkPumps! PinkPumps GLOBAL com www.pinkpumpsopen.


6 | Sabine Schme


or powe r we Wome n wit r wome n h po olnig 18 | Martin Laschk

fOvercoming Sel g Tog eth er Dou bt– Wo rkin re To Achieve Mo 20 | Susanne Muelle


- Ou r “Wa lks of Life” Here” Jou rney Beg ins 24 | Birgit Medel



PinkPumps GLOBAL is the magazine for HER (and HIM). Diving into the world of women.

Cle ar of Clutter

For HER, with tips and ideas for the design of an individual way of life. For HIM, an opportunity to be better able to understand women. The goal: a cherishing interaction between men and women.


Imprint Publisher: Gabi Schendl-Gallhofer Sihlquai 14, CH-8134 Adliswil; 0041 (0)78 741 43 72 Editorial: Gabi Schendl-Gallhofer Layout, Typesetting: Image Source: License for use by Proofreading: Korrekturvertrieb, Published as a digital magazine ten times a year and sold online. PinkPumps OPEN is politically neutral and does not belong to any religious groups or sects. The magazine distances itself from the teachings of Hubbard (Scientology). Should any of the authors be a member of a sect, the readers are called upon to immediately report this to the editors. The authors themselves are responsible for the contents of their articles. The contents reflect the attitudes and the knowledge of the authors and are their responsibility. They are also responsible for respecting the rights of contents and photos and will be liable for any violations. This magazine sees itself as a mediator of knowledge. If attachments are illegally sent or articles changed through the link to the magazine, then this lies outside of the responsibility of the publisher and editor.

If I had a wish … What would you choose? Something material? Like a car, a house or holidays. Maybe you would wish for health, luck or satisfaction. Whatever it is, it is different for each of us, but something seems to be the same. It is the way you select your wish, it is the energy you put into your wish, which helps you your wish to become true. These things seem to be very important. Be inspired by all those wonderful tips and helpful thoughts in this issue of Pink Pumps GLOBAL. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best for 2013. Your

Gabi Schendl-Gallhofer

The name PinkPumps OPEN is copyrighted. The complete concept of “PinkPumps GLOBAL“ is copyrighted:

PinkPumps GLOBAL - 11|12



If I had a wish

From I to I


Martin Laschkolnig

The Power of Patience 10 Lisa Jimenez

“Wishes” 12

06 If you have ever heard about the law of attraction or any other wish-fulfilling modality that is out there, you have certainly heard about the first “I” in the title of my article this month – Intention.

Cecilia Illes

Busting the Superhero Myth


The Taste of Success Be Visible! Be Different! Be Contagious!


Gifts are great …


Lieutenant-Colonel (Retired) Chantal Fraser

Elidh Milnes

Bert Gronewold

“If I could make a wish” 30 Angela Weinberger


A lot of people have difficulties attuning to their own needs and expressing their wishes. Sometimes it’s because they themselves do not feel and recognize them. Sometimes it’s because recognizing and expressing their needs and wishes is associated with the fear of rejection and humiliation. Sometimes, because they are the caretakers of others and simply do not have the time to attune to themselves. Whatever the reason: needs and wishes are suppressed – and this is unhealthy.


I am fine 32 Karin Intveen

When Your Wannabe Wish Becomes Your Wake-up Call 36 Marinda Seisenberger

Wishes, mission and goals – where to invest your energy and time


Sabine Schmelzer

Put your wishes in a box! 42 Barbara Valenti

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Current Issue

“Pippi Longstocking” The Art of Dream Management 08

Heidi Röthlisberger

The End of the World? 13 CelticSeer

Change Your Communication for Greater Influence 22 Stacey Hanke

PinkPumps Global introduces a female entrepreneur 25 Vivre Poom from Estonia


As a small child, I loved the books of Astrid Lindgren, a Swedish children’s book author. My favorite book was “Pippi Longstocking”!

Paper of Sorrento 27 That’s life! 34 Giselle Rufer-Delance

WIN-WIN or GAIN MORE 38 Wolfgang Bönisch


“Charming Chats between Bits & Bytes” 16 Elisabeth Heinemann

Sikantis, the Society of Esteem 17 Cecilia Illes

Walks of Life 20 Susanne Müller

Thoughts for happiness 28 Sabine Osmanovic

Clear of Clutter 26 Birgit Medele

Managing Your Personal Brand 39 Lesley Everett

28 Are you aware of all the good things that happen to you every day? Learn to preserve these moments. Because this is a treasure no one can take from you, and it may help you in times when everything seems to go wrong.

Turning Into a Queen in 7 Steps 44 Susanne Blake

“Anja is washing up …” 45 Anja Thieme

December 2012 46 Celtic Seer

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If I had a wish

From I to I If you have ever heard about the law of attraction or any other wish-fulfilling modality that is out there, you have certainly heard about the first “I” in the title of my article this month – Intention.


f you have a firm intention, know exactly what you want and focus with unerring determination – voila, your wish will come true. Or so the theory goes. And don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of and believer in the law of attraction. Yet I have also noticed that it doesn’t always work in the way that people want it to work. In my opinion, it works all the time – even when it seemingly doesn’t. So what is the reason that we sometimes have the best intentions, the clearest focus on what we want and – also an important piece of the puzzle – are taking determined and consistent action and STILL it isn’t coming?


I have a theory. This theory might be disconcerting to some of the core beliefs that you hold about life. Perhaps this first “I”, the “I” in intention, might be the wrong starting point. Yes, the entirely wrong starting point. For you see, this “I” of intention is based entirely on the ego. A wonderful spiritual teacher, Sonia Choquette, has an interesting analogy. She compares life to a household and is asking her participants who should be running the household, the household dog or pet or the homeowner - you?

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If I had a wish

Now I can hear all those dog “owners” claiming that anyone with a dog in the house knows that the dog is running the show. That may be, but still, who is paying the utility bills or deciding on whether to change houses or not? That is you, isn’t it? Just like that, Sonia explains there is the ego and our true self which she refers to as “spirit”. You might call it the God consciousness, the higher self, the true self, the Buddha nature, or the enlightened self. The term doesn’t matter. In her opinion, most everyone here on earth has chosen to let the dog, the ego, run the household. Furthermore, if you watch the interactions of people, sometimes you just can’t avoid the impression that it really is two dogs barking and howling at each other over nothing, don’t you think? Don’t get me wrong, the ego is valuable and it is what it is. It has its strong sides and its weaknesses. But more often than not, we actually should command it to sit and shut up while the grown-ups are dealing with the matters at hand.

Second, find and, if necessary, schedule “me-time”. This is meant to be quiet time, where you bring the endless mental chatter of your ego to a halt. After a while, tuning into that state will be like a breath of fresh air. You can do this with meditation, or yoga, or any other activity that quiets the mind and brings you closer to inner peace. Lastly, be willing to be guided by inner hunches if they are accompanied by feelings of peace, tranquility, love, joy and appreciation. All of these are feelings that you are connecting to the source of who you really are. Be patient with yourself, after all we have learned to muffle the voice of our inspiration, also called intuition, so well. We all have intuition, and once you rediscover it and get reacquainted with it, you will be in the midst of a truly joyous reunion. It was never lost. It has always been there waiting for you. Give it a try. This planet needs way more inspired people. Why don’t you join us? It is so much fun. Life is good. What are you waiting for?

So what does this have to do with from I to “I”? Very simple – the first I as in intention is in an overwhelming quantity ego based. If we truly want to live a fulfilled life we need to make our transition to the second “I” as in INSPIRATION. Inspiration is based in spirit. Inspiration is the voice of the higher good for all involved. And please notice – this definitely includes YOU! Inspiration is the driving force that will allow you to live a 100% fulfilled existence which is true to your life’s purpose. But we are so used to the barking of the ego that we are having a hard time hearing the whisper of our inspired inner voice. And once you are living from inspiration rather than intention, you are fully embracing your life’s purpose and nothing in the world can stop the right things from falling into place to help you accomplish your mission. That is the time to truly give up all false modesty and claim the brilliance and greatness that is truly yours. This expression of brilliance is the reason you came to this planet. Dare to shine, you are worthy to do so.

So, how can we tune into that inner voice? First, as simplistic as it may seem, decide to do so! Re-affirm that choice consciously several times a day. For example you could say: “For the sake of the highest good for myself and all involved, I choose to hear inspiration from within loud and clear.” And obviously, at the very beginning there is not much that is loud and clear, so give yourself permission to make mistakes. After all, you didn’t learn to walk in a day either, did you?

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Martin Laschkolnig is an inspiring speaker on self-esteem, motivation and the transformative power of energy psychology. He is the European partner of Jack Canfield (known as the co-author of “Chicken Soup the Soul” and as the featured teacher in “The Secret”). Martin represents the International Council for Self-Esteem in Austria and serves on the board of the German Speakers Association. Connect with him on Facebook at

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Current Issue

“Pippi Longstocking” The Art of Dream Management! As a small child, I loved the books of Astrid Lindgren, a Swedish children’s book author. My favorite book was “Pippi Longstocking”!


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Current Issue


ippi is a nine year-old girl and lives with her monkey and a horse in her house, the Villa Villekulla. There are no adults around her. She is incredibly strong, so strong that she is able to lift policemen with her bare hands. Pippi is a very unconventional girl, virtually ignorant to any appropriate etiquette, and she overrides all the rules one must normally accept and attend to. She says what she thinks and does whatever she gets into her head to do, but always with a certain lightness, friendliness and never done at the expense of others’ feelings. This funny girl was one of my biggest role models when I was young. When we are small, so many things are still possible. Our whole life is there to be filled. Like an exciting book in front of us, full of adventures, open and very fascinating. Knowing that “Pippi” can do it gives every little person tremendous power and support.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we as adults could possess a bit of Pippi’s free spirit?

How often do we fulfill expectations we don’t like? How often do we stick to rules, patterns and habits which haven’t been valid for such a long time? Do you say sentences like: I’ve missed the boat. It’s too late for me. It doesn’t make sense. I am too old or too young. It takes too much time or too much money. It’s not realistic. I am not in the position to do this. I do not have any right to think differently. As adults we still have dreams, different ones, of course. Big ones, small ones. Traveling around the world, building a small house in the mountains, living in the Mediterranean, being healthier, having sunshine all year long. Some of us dream of a sabbatical, some want more time, more self-determination. Others are dreaming of an ideal partner, of family, of being their own boss. Or we might have dreams we never shared with anyone, very secret ones. In order to achieve your dreams, write them down on a piece of paper. Create a mind map, tape your thoughts, go for a walk and imagine that your dreams might come true. Start with tiny little steps, day by day, engage a friend or a coach who will help you to take your thoughts into actions and believe in your dreams. Every brilliant invention was a dream at the beginning. Sometimes it might take too much time and effort to really achieve a special dream in reality. In this case, why not do it just mentally? We call those dreams “daydreams”. Daydreams are beautiful because they give us such a great powerful feeling. We don’t have to have the realistic experience in order to have a great dream. And there are no limits in the world of daydreams. Everything is possible. The crazier the better. Give yourself a short break every day and use it for dreamtime! Think back to the times when you were a little child. When you were dreaming about pirates and princesses, heroes and wild animals, about enthralling adventures. Allow yourself a bit more phantasy every day. Give yourself permission to have more spontaneity in your life. And, here and there, just ignore some of the rules of our society, and enjoy. Be courageous like Pippi!

Heidi Röthlisberger Heidi has been an internationally recognized Life Coach (Master Certified Coach) for 10 years and works only on the phone. If you want to have a free complimentary session, just send her an e-mail or call her directly: +41 61 534 17 08. You will find more information on her website:

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If I had a wish

The Power of Patience Are you like me and do you want your dream to be manifested NOW? Do you find yourself creating drama, struggle and doubt when your goals aren’t realized fast enough? The Universal Truth about achievement is “Success is a Process”. Period. Get that into your thick skull and receive it in your heart. The sooner you accept this truth, the more powerful you will be in your service to others, the more fun you will have, and, ironically, the “quicker” you’ll attract results. Several weeks ago I taught this principle to my Coaching Clients on a group call, and the results have been extraordinary! When you can LET GO and surrender to the process; when you release your attachment to your goals, you create an ability to see things you would have missed. Take this principle to heart today and you open a portal for the Supernatural to guide, direct and empower you and the REALITY of your dreams.

Creating Success is A Process. The Law of Gestations says, “Ideas, Goals and Desires are spiritual seeds and they always move into a form or physical results.” In other words, “Your goals WILL manifest. You dreams WILL happen.” The problem with this Universal Truth is that most of us plant seeds (ideas, goals and dreams) and, if we don’t see a plant within a short period of time, we dig up the seed to see what’s wrong! Or, we leave that seed and go plant another one!


Have you ever done that? When you can accept that Success is A Process and your goals WILL manifest in due time, you will be able to stay focused on and maintain motivation in creating them.

Consider this: A human baby takes about 42 weeks to grow to full term. A carrot seed takes about 72 days. Chicken eggs take about 21 days to hatch. A caterpillar takes 10 days to 3 weeks to turn into a butterfly. Knowing that the PROCESS is happening, even if you can’t “see” the result, is an important aspect to Creating Success. Success is a process. CREATE a powerful STAND for the seeds you’ve planted and choose to “Fall in Love” with the PROCESS of Creation! (The Law of Gestation). Choose to release struggle, frustration and doubt and TAKE ON your new way of being… Faith! Power! Intention! …KNOWING that from the seeds you have planted, your goals and desires WILL come to fruition. Here’s the Process I taught my Coaching Clients that gave them such great results:

4 Steps to Creating What you Desire: Step #1: Decide what you want and Write it Down and Make a Vision Board. Decision means “to CUT OFF”. Be bold. Be

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If I had a wish

brave. Make a decision. FOCUS intention. Plant the seed you REALLY want and know with certainty that you WILL harvest the seed when you have cultivated it. Step #2: Feel the emotion. Act as if. Act as if you already possess the things pictured on your vision board—the house, the car, the dream partner, or results in your business. Say, “this” is already mine. State your goals in the present tense like you have already achieved them. “I am so happy and grateful for…” “I am the owner of an ocean front home!” “The leader of a profitable organization with 100,000 people or more!” “I am the #1 salesman in my company.” Step #3: Choose Your “Way of Being” Leadership! You are the Leader you’re waiting for! Look at your Vision Board and ask yourself, “Who does this person living this life need to be?” Ways Of Being: I am grateful, leader, inspiration, joy, generous, focus, contribution, energy! Create your ‘way of being’ every day: Mine is, “I am Global Leadership and I make a difference!” Step #4: Obey Inspired Action! You will receive a “call to action” this week. My coaching for you is to “obey it!” Take

action. When you “obey” the inspired action, the next step will be given to you. “The universe likes speed. Don’t delay. Don’t second guess. Don’t doubt. When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, when the intuitive nudge from within is there, act. That’s your job. And that’s all you have to do.” --Dr. Joe Vitale CREATE a powerful STAND for the seeds you’ve planted and Choose to “Fall in Love” with the PROCESS of Creation! (The Law of Gestation). Choose to release struggle, frustration and doubt and TAKE ON your new way of being… Faith! Power! Intention! … KNOWING that the seeds you have planted (your goals and desires) WILL come to fruition. If you want more education on this important topic, get a copy of, “Conquer Fear!” Go to: and order your copy today! LISA

Lisa Jimenez M.Ed. Lisa Jimenez has helped thousands of people break through fear and self-limiting beliefs to get into ACTION and achieve their goals. As an international speaker and business coach, her expertise is helping people retrain the brain and create the mind-set they need to build a successful business and life. Lisa’s best-selling books “Conquer Fear!” and “Don’t Mess With the Princess!” have sold over a quarter million copies and are published in 7 languages. She’s best known for her Mastermind Retreats Discover what Lisa can do for you at:

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If I had a wish


„Wishes“ ©Cecilia Illes Acrylic on paper, 9 x 12 in (22,8 x 30,5 cm), $130 (excl. shipping costs)

Cecilia Illes Synesthesia painter. Through her synesthesian ability she sees words and numbers in colors. She perceives names as entire pictures that she expresses through her unique style of painting. Her artwork exhibits paintings of names, words and birthdays, as well as abstract interpretations of landscapes and emotions. She accepts commissions for paintings.

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Current Issue

The End of the World? The prediction that the end of the World will take place on December 21, 2012 according to the Mayan calendar is most lightly a misunderstanding but rather it is a time of transition from the world as we know it today to another. Since this article is looking at this transition from an astrological viewpoint, I will try and clarify some of the signposts that indicate such a transition. The first interesting thing to note is that the Winter Solstice will take place later on the same day at 11:12 am, UT. However, this article will focus mainly on mundane astrology which is widely believed to be oldest branch of astrology and chiefly concerned with world events and world affairs. In particular the cycle I believe to be strongly associated with the Mayan prophesy is that of the two outer planets, Uranus which is currently traveling through Aries and Pluto which is moving through Capricorn. Uranus entered Aries in June 2010 and leaves in January 2019. It takes 84 years to complete an entire journey through the 12 signs. Pluto moved into Capricorn in November of 2008 and will exit November 2024. It takes 247 years to go through the 12 signs. This should give you a sense of how long and the impact these cycles can have on world affairs. Uranus is a planet that represents uniqueness, rebelliousness and innovation, whilst Pluto is associated with revolutions, coercion, transformation, sexuality/reproduction, and other people’s money, taxes, insurance, gangsters and bankers. These two outer planets retrograde yearly and will square (90° apart) each other from 2010 – 2016 and will be in an exact square to each other 7 times over this period. Planets that square each other tend to stir things up and create a lot of tension. Now that you have a little understanding of the meanings of Uranus and Pluto, the mass uprisings in the middle-east, coupled with the financial meltdowns of the western world and the economic rise of the developing BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries are a reflection of this particular square. These trends will continue to escalate and evolve till boundaries have been broken and certain hierarchies and power structures are forced to innovate and transform themselves or die. Some of us have the political will and freedom to chart our own course despite the difficulties, though for some, these changes also represent opportunities. It’s all in the way you choose to view the world. The geo-political landscape as we know it today is undergoing huge changes whether they be precipitated by uprisings and struggles, financial greed gone awry, or via mother- nature.

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These changes will vary from one country to another and at different rates. Some will appear out of sync. As to the personal impact of this particular square, it may behoove you to make an appointment with a trusted astrologer. My colleague and fellow astrologer, Susanne Glaser, who writes for the German version of this publication, could be of assistance to you in this matter. My website is currently being revamped and so my contact details can be found by visiting my Facebook page – CelticSeer. You will receive an answer within 24-48 hours. I hope this article helps in some small way to shed light on our current predicament and disperses any preconceived notion that the end of the world is near, but rather the end of the world as we know it is at an END. After the chaos of 2012 which adds up to a 5 numerically, we get some relief in 2013 which totals 6, a number which represents harmony. Wishing all the readers of this publication, love, light, peace, happiness and may you be kept safe and out of harms-way especially over the holiday season.

CelticSeer Catherine Thomas (nom de plume), is a native of Ireland, currently resides in Manhattan, and writes and operates her astrological practice under her brand name - CelticSeer . For more details, go to http://about. me/CelticSeer. She is available for both business and personal consultations via phone and Skype. She can also be found on twitter @CelticSeer. |

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If I had a wish

Busting the Superhero Myth Many women wish for work-life balance. As a woman who recently retired from a full career as a professional military officer, a wife, and the mother of three children still in elementary school, I would like to share the lessons I learned that helped me balance the demands of work and family.


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If I had a wish


veryone can achieve success and have a personal life. You have to know what is most important to you, and how you define success. It doesn’t matter how anybody else defines success. If you feel successful, then you are. This holds true for any aspirations you have. The dream of being an artist is just as valid as the dream of being a Chief Executive Officer, politician, General or homemaker. Whatever your chosen path, there is no such thing as a superhero; nobody has to do it all. A host of people support every successful person. While pursuing your path to success, the key is to play to your strengths. Do the things that you are best at and enjoy. I’m not advocating ignoring your responsibilities at work or at home. You have to meet your obligations to your employer! You should also share meaningful connections with your family and friends. However, you can’t do it all, nor should you try. Here are some practical tips on how to get things done.

Delegate: delegate tasks to people that suit their abilities, then train them and supervise them until they reach proficiency. Have the social butterfly at work organize your next training event. Teach your children important life skills; it is extremely rewarding watching them make the floors shine! Outsource: it’s acceptable to outsource things that are not critical to your definition of success, but that need to be done. Hire a lawyer to write your contracts, collaborate with another department at work; ask a neighbor to look after your pets while you are away, swap child or elder care services with a fellow entrepreneur. This allows you to concentrate on doing the things you truly enjoy. Let the little things go: each of us has to decide the relative importance of our activities to determine what we don’t need to do. Eating breakfast for dinner can sustain us on the busiest night of the week. Washing windows is something that can be done just before listing a house for sale. Rather than creating a culinary delight, it’s acceptable to supply the appropriate beverages for a potluck party. While seeking work-life balance, choose to follow the right path for you: in most fields there are accepted traditional paths to reach the top. Going after the position that interests you will help you achieve your goals. You’ll perform better in a role you enjoy and get the recognition to help you progress further. You don’t have to fit the corporate mold. You can also be the parent or spouse you want to be. If you know that you would not thrive as a full-time stay-at-home parent, build partnerships with family and friends, daycares, schools and neighbors to help raise your family. Think about how you spend your time, then use these tips to achieve the work-life balance you wish for!

Lieutenant-Colonel (Retired) Chantal Fraser Chantal Fraser founded Empowered Path Inc. after completing her career as a full time professional military human resources officer in the Canadian Forces. She leverages her leadership and communication skills to share stories helping organizations learn how to empower their people so that both the people and the organizations thrive.

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Charming Chats between Bits & Bytes

Digital Ambient Noise for Beginners

“On the one hand you can create a digital ambient noise by means of the backlink structure of your own websites, and on the other hand your Google author rank will be strengthened as well as your Klout-Score via Bing.” Isn’t it lovely? And haven’t you wanted to create digital ambient noise all your life? I have! It’s always been one of my greatest desires! But let’s be serious. The quote above was published in an online business magazine and certainly wasn’t meant to be read by John and Jane Doe. Nevertheless, such a sentence immediately causes – even in me, an Internet-savvy woman – the pure desire for a lonesome mountain shelter with an old baking oven, zero mobile reception and a once-weekly postal bus. And with a very well-built George Clooney look-alike who regularly stops by to graze his sheep on my meadows. However, this “monstrous sentence” offers me a great opportunity to chat a little with you about bits & bytes, dear reader. Digital ambient noise as it is meant above is a result of creating traffic on our website. We want as many people as possible to visit our homepage or online profile and to stay there for a while. If this is done by a remarkable amount of visitors and if the big search engines notice this traffic, then we refer to it as digital ambient noise. Unfortunately, people rarely get lost on our websites on purpose. And therefore, we use appropriate tools to show them “the right way”. One of them is a backlink, which means a link on another website that leads to ours. For example, when I link to PinkPumps Global on my own website, then this is a backlink from PPG’s perspective. And the more of them leading visitors to your own website, the better, because search engines like Google act on the assumption that a website is very important and worth being found when lots of others link to it.


But as always, it’s like in real life: it’s not only about the size… sorry, the quantity. There are other aspects to be considered as well, for example the thematic proximity. Imagine you are the owner of a globally trading online shoe store, offering only expensive pink pumps and similar things, when all of a sudden a regional DIY store located in a provincial backwater links his website to your luxury shoe store. It‘s very kind of him, no doubt, but in this case not only Google would notice that the thematic proximity between both of you is pretty concise. This backlink wouldn’t help your site at all to rank as highly as possible in the search results. Of course you have already realized that we are talking about search engine optimization (SEO), and a little bit about online branding as well. And because this is really exciting, we will continue our little chat on that topic in December. After all, we still want to know how to strengthen our Klout score via Bing, don’t we?

Elisabeth Heinemann is a professor for computer science, a keynote speaker, a cabaret artist and a book author. Since 2000, she supports people in developing their personal skills ( And because there is so much left to discover between “Bits & Bytes”, the lady professor started being on stage with her first cabaret programme in 2012.

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PinkPumps GLOBAL - 11|12

Sikantis, the Society of Esteem

Sikantis the Society of Esteem

– where wishes come true Sikantis is the idea of a society based on mutual esteem. On this basis people living in Sikantis can be sure that their wishes will be fulfilled.

We find that there are two basic wishes we all need to live a happy and fulfilled life.

We wish to be esteemed for who we are. Imagine that you receive full esteem for who you are. This is what citizens of Sikantis experience. They don’t need to achieve a certain wealth in order to be esteemed. They don’t need to have a recognized profession in order to be esteemed. They don’t need to deliver a performance in order to be esteemed. These are examples of our current society and the way esteem is given to us. In our society, we have to do something or to be somebody in order to receive esteem. In Sikantis, people receive esteem first. And this esteem is equally given to everyone. When we think about the true sense of esteem, we find that esteem can’t be bound to certain conditions. Esteem needs to be boundless and unconditional. So just for being here on Earth, just for being a person, people receive esteem and realize their fundamental life wishes. Receiving esteem for who we are makes it possible for us to grow a healthy and strong sense of self-esteem. It’s not about narcissism or egotism. It’s about a healthy self-love that also enables us to give esteem freely and joyfully on our part.

We wish to be esteemed for what we are doing. And now imagine that you receive full esteem for what you are doing! This is the other basic wish we have: we desire to do what we love to do and we want to receive esteem for doing it as good as we are able to do it.

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There are as many talents as there are people! Every person has their own unique abilities. Even if we looked at people of the same profession – let’s say physicians – we’d see differences in their ways of working and living. In Sikantis, people experience that their unique skills are as great as they are. There is no doubt that receiving unconditional esteem for what we are doing makes us feel good. It motivates us to continue doing it, and motivates us to get better at it. In Sikantis, the Society of Esteem, our two basic wishes for a happy and fulfilled life come true.

Cecilia Illes Theologian. She developed the idea of the Society of Esteem called Sikantis. Sikantis doesn’t recognize a hierarchy of values and bases its culture on mutual esteem. She has a blog called “Society of Esteem” and has published a book with the title “Richie und das Geheimnis der Ameisen” (only available in German) as hardcover and eBook on Amazon.

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If I had a wish

The Taste of Success Be Visible! Be Different! Be Contagious! 18

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If I had a wish


positive spirit. Set yourself up for the day by creating a happy atmosphere for the people you live with. As you go about your day, spread your fabulous presence among your colleagues and co-workers.

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This article should have convinced you that self-confidence is not solely in the hands of fate. Even when Lady Luck isn’t smiling, you are the person responsible for determining how confident you feel in any encounter. Ideas for promoting confidence range from the simple principles of understanding what causes confidence to wane to the techniques of visualization and positive self-talk. Adopt a ‘can-do’ attitude, use inspirational music to raise your game and any other trick you have in your self-belief toolbox. As Vince Lombardi said, “Confidence is contagious …but so is a lack of confidence.”

f I could grant women a wish, it would be stop hiding your fabulousness. Many women are loath to speak up about their skills and qualities, tending to play them down to be on the safe side. It’s a fact that when you perform any skill successfully, you generate confidence and become more willing to attempt more difficult tasks. So, ladies, go out into the world and volunteer to:

Organize an event Give a report Chair a working party Make a speech at a retirement or farewell party

Be visible! Be different! Believe in yourself! Confidence is related to personality and those who exude self-confidence across a range of contexts, e.g. work, socially and in sports, are confidence magnets. Positive self-talk affirms that you possess the abilities, attitudes and beliefs that are the building blocks of success. The statements you choose need to be vivid, should roll off the tongue, and be practiced well in advance. Most of all, they must be totally believable. You should use these as mantras particularly in low-confidence situations. I urge you to use TGIF! However, TGIF does not stand for Thank Goodness It’s Friday… oh no! Let me explain. I visit Australia each year, both for work and to visit our daughter Catriona. Last August she gave me a parting gift with the following instructions: “Do not use this where it is intended; Mum. Take it. Share it with your audiences. Tell them it’s a gift from both of us. Make a great story out of it. Get your delegates up on their feet in your own inimitable fashion…” Guessed what she gave me yet? Yes, a black apron emblazoned with Thank Goodness I’m fabulous! in white bold print. Smile at this page now! Shout aloud, Thank Goodness I’m fabulous! And mean it. I start each day by speaking kind thoughts to my mirror. I often say, “Hello Gorgeous!” And you can too. When you do, notice the “taste of success” in your mouth; seeing, hearing, feeling, and smelling your fabulous self. Notice exactly how you feel, so that you can reproduce this at will whenever your confidence is waning. Rest assured, not everyone will be so upbeat. Some will try to ambush your

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Eilidh Milnes - pronounced “Ay-lee” – is the motivational speaker known as ‘Captain Positive!’ and Vice President of the Professional Speaking Association UK. Eilidh is a teacher turned coach, columnist and award winning author. She has years of training and consultancy working with people from Aberdeen to Adelaide and available to speak worldwide. Useful Links: @eilidhmilnes LinkedIn Facebook Ezine Archive

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Walks of Life

What can you wish for when you are in a hurricane situation? –Sandy and Susanne in New York 20

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Walks of Life


e were all watching the news eagerly, waiting for the weather person to tell us how bad hurricane Sandy would be in New York City. We all knew from other hurricanes that we had to stay home, wait, follow instructions, and be patient. This time it was really scary and unusual. The winds were howling around my air conditioning unit as if there was no tomorrow. The sound felt like in a horror movie: At one point, I was afraid that the unit would fly away. I was standing next to it as if I wanted to stop it from falling. It was certainly securely drilled into the window but you truly never knew on that Monday night. I got a bit scared as I was also watching an episode of “The Mentalist” which was pretty violent and gory. This did not help to uplift my shaky morale!

Monday, I got up at 7 am and sneaked a look around my block. I was almost the only person in New York City, which is hard to believe. But then I saw a person with three dogs. Other than that the streets were pretty empty. It really felt like the calm before the storm. A few hours later, I was complying with the instructions to stay home. They even sent a text message that I should go to a shelter. I was a bit frightened as I would not have known where to go.

Waiting and being patient are not my two preferred and prominent strengths in my personal toolkit. I am very curious to say the least; I like to see and feel what is going on outside. When I am stuck at home I become antsy and get cabin fever. So when they said the storm would only begin around 2pm on

In a situation like that, you just wish to stay at home, be patient, and mostly safe. I can only imagine what people went through when they had to evacuate. I am now very pleased it is over and we can hopefully look forward to some normalcy in New York – if that ever exists.

During the day, I was assessing my options on what I could do so as not to get bored. Cleaning the apartment was not an option, as this is not my hobby, so it had to wait. Laundry: well, this I could not do because I had to go outside –like a vagabond– and the laundromat was closed! The next best option was working on the computer with the TV in the background. Thanks to power I had access to email, facebook and many websites. I spent countless hours communicating with people from all over the world who were worried about me in New York. I had to stop watching TV with the same pictures of the many awful and sad disasters caused by rain and high winds, otherwise I would have gone crazy. I was one of the lucky ones with power at all times, warm water, and at the end I was able to go outside to look and walk around on the tree situation. Since I don’t live close to the water or too close to many trees, my situation was fairly good. Close to Riverside Park, I saw many families with kids who were observing the debris of fallen trees. Many kids and parents were climbing on those logs to pass some fun time outside at last.

Susanne Mueller, MA. – “Walks of life” Originally from Switzerland, landed in New York, working for Swiss Airlines (Sales & Marketing); BA in Psychology, MA in Organizational Development & Leadership, Coaching Certification. Currently, she teaches “coaching” at New York University. In her rare spare time she is a running coach completing marathons & Half Ironman races. Her next walk is Mt. Kilimanjaro.

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Current Issue

Change Your Communication for Greater Influence


hen was the last time you made a change in HOW you communicate? What? You’ve never had a NEED to change? “I communicate all the time.” “I’ve been doing this for years and people tell me I’m a good communicator.” “The Boomers are old school and they need to learn how to communicate with me via text.” “The Xer’s, Y’s and Millennials just don’t understand how to communicate effectively.” Comments like these are even more reasons to read on. With change comes the unknown. Without change comes little to no improvement in our professional and personal lives. Most of us do not make changes because it’s not easy. When the changes you want to make are a must for you, you will fight tooth and nail to make it happen. How important is it to you to influence others through your communication? How bad do you want to be perceived as confident, credible and trustworthy? Making even a small change TODAY in how you communicate gets you closer to a whole new level of communicating with influence.

beyond just focusing on what works for you. The change I’m referring to requires you to click it; tap into what is important to your listener and communicate using their words, emotions and level of understanding. Click your idea to your listener’s problem by articulating your language in a way that provides them with solutions and opportunities. This is the moment in the conversation when you’ll begin to build trust and rapport. Position your ideas and message in such a way that your listener clicks in to act on what you have to say. Here is one easy change you can make that will allow you to connect more deeply with your listeners’ experience and expectations. Before and during your next conversation, take 5 minutes to tailor your message to your listener. The acronym KNOW will ensure you conduct powerful analysis in order to tailor your message to each specific meeting, presentation, virtual and face-to-face conversation and therefore increase the likelihood that you will influence action. Here’s what KNOW stands for:

You first need to reach a realization that says, “How I communicate with others is not OK with me. I know I’m better than this. I’m committed to do whatever it takes to make a change.” When you make the link to what you’re committed to and what you’re about, changes in your communication behavior will happen. We live in a diverse workforce, from The Boomers to Xers, Y’s and Millennials. Therefore, the change I’m referring to goes


K= Know: What does my listener know about my topic and what is their experience? A Boomer will have a different perspective on how to build a relationship based on their experience compared to a Millennial.

N= Need: What does my listener need to know to take action in the amount of time I have to present the message? A Boomer may want more detail to make a decision when a X’er only needs the take-aways that will really impact them.

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Current Issue

O= Opinion: What is my listener’s opinion on my subject? Everyone has their own opinion based on what they know and what they need to know. If you are unsure of the answer before your conversation then there are ways to gather this vital information. Ask open-ended questions at the beginning of the conversation in order to find out exactly what they know about your company, your products and services. What do they like about your competition and, most importantly, what areas of improvement are they hoping to see? This line of questioning can help you choose your opening words carefully. Within 30 seconds or less your listener should know what it is you want them to do and exactly what’s in it for them.

W= Who: Who are they? Dive deeper and ask: what do I want them to know about the topic? How will the action I want them to take benefit them? What are my listener’s goals? Why should my listeners be interested in this particular topic? KNOW will only take 5 minutes to walk through in your mind before you embark on a sales pitch or meeting. When meeting a brand new client it would be wise to expand W in order to dig a little bit deeper to tailor your behavior and plan to communicate and sell. » What pre-conceived notions do they have of you? » What has been their experience of your product or competition? » What do they want to change? » Taking the analysis to the next level will force you to think clearly about your clients’ wants. Even though you are selling the same product, every pitch should be different in order to suit that specific target. » Taking the time to walk through KNOW can make all the difference – whether it is with regard to presentations, sales pitches, or even the way you reply to emails. Put it into practice and watch your positive response rate increase. Changing your communication behavior includes four steps: awareness, understanding, acceptance and taking action.

Awareness A prerequisite for making a change is that you’re aware of your communication strengths, weaknesses and impact on

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others. To truly be aware you need to ask others to give you constructive feedback. What you become aware of might be unexpected and surprising.

Understanding This is the stage where you say, “A-ha! I understand what needs to be done to make the change I want to make.” You’ve reached a stage where you stop denying this change is needed and are willing to accept it. When the pain is great enough or if you haven’t seen results in a while, MAKE A CHANGE!

Acceptance During this stage, you accept this can be the new and improved way you communicate. You’re more open-minded, more interested in making the change and focused to move forward.

Taking Action This is where most people come to a HALT. What distinguishes a great communicator from an average communicator is this: Great communicators do what average communicators do not want to do. Take action today. Not tomorrow, not next week, but today to begin making changes, so that one year from today you’re not stuck in the same spot. Put your commitment to yourself in writing. Make a list of the changes you’re encountering now. Your list should include changes you’ve chosen, changes imposed on you, changes you look forward to, changes you have some anxiety about and so on. Which change listed above presents the most difficult challenge for you? What do you need to do differently?

Stacey Hanke is the founder and communication expert of Stacey Hanke Inc communication. In her book Yes You Can! She reveals practical and immediate skills and techniques to enhance verbal skills to influence others. Stacey helps individuals eliminate the static that plagues communicative delivery -- to persuade, sell, influence and effectively communicate face-to-face with a clear message. Learn more about Stacey at

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If I had a wish | Creative Zombie

Gifts are great … It’s wonderful to know that somebody is thinking of me, and taking the time to select and present something to me. Well, that is if this person seriously thought about it and the present didn’t obviously come from the surplus outlet. Whether it’s from the store downtown or from the creative part of their brain makes no difference. Going to the movies or theater together is a nice idea, for example. Cynics would probably invite their in-laws to see the “Day of the Dead” zombie movie. First of all, this would reflect the general mood, and second, it would probably be the last contact they initiate ... a gift for the giver, in other words. Gifts don’t necessarily have to cost a lot, just a bit of brain power. Why not try composing a poem, and declaiming it fervently. Tears are an incredibly beautiful reaction, be they caused by affection or laughter - depending on talent. Even a poorly drawn voucher for ten intimate massages from your partner is certainly better than a well purchased pressure cooker. Add to that a deed of gift for your heart and you can only win... except if you’re a surgeons spouse and your partner is a little slow.

Bert Gronewold Bert Gronewold worked as a policeman, before he went on for a second life as a cartoonist and illustrator. 2007 the born East Frisian started to blog and discovered the fun of vivisecting human weaknesses and failures sarcastically. 2010 this became “”, which is decorated with cartoons till today. * Graphikschlampe is a neologism which means “floozie of illustration”. In Germany we call people “floozie” - leaving gender aside - who suppress their idealism to earn their living. It is a sarcastic view on Gronewold’s neccessity to earn money with his artificial talent.

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Current Issue

PinkPumps GLOBAL introduces a female enterpreneur: In this issue, it is

Virve Poom. She lives in Estonia. Her business is called Astellaria. Astellaria Travel Agency specializes in garden trips as well as incoming and outgoing tours. They arrange travel packages to private gardens, flower fairs and plant nurseries in Estonia. They also offer trips to garden fairs and flower shows in other European countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Latvia, Belgium, France, Italy, Finland, Sweden etc.

1. How would you describe yourself in 4 words? Enthusiastic, positive, curious, friendly.

2. Please tell us something about your business. (A short description, what you are selling and offer) Astellaria Travel Agency specializes in garden trips in Europe as well as incoming and outgoing tours on the Estonian market. We started with escorted tours to private gardens, flower fairs and plant nurseries in Estonia, but soon enough saw demand for similar trips to other European countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Latvia, Belgium, France, Italy, Finland, Sweden etc.

3. What was your reason to decide to do this kind of business? 1990s in Estonia were a typical time to start one’s own business. That gives you independence as well as bringing new challenges. I was thinking of what exactly to do. I knew I liked to travel and liked gardens and garden design. I knew I liked people and communication. So I thought that the travel business would be best for me. I could really do for a living what I wanted to do in life.

4. Please tell us, what are your special talents and resources that make for a successful business? I try to prepare every trip very carefully. It’s very much like a travel boutique for green thumbs. I have to say I have a soft spot for my clients as we share a hobby and enjoy the same things.

5. Do you think women have special talents to be entrepreneurs? It seems to me that there is no big difference between men and women when it comes to having special talents as entrepreneurs. Maybe women act more cautiously than men and consider their risks and options more before getting started. But whether that is an advantage or not probably depends on the circumstances.

6. How is it for women who are entrepreneurs in your country? Women entrepreneurs own mostly small and medium-sized enterprises. There are few very big companies that belong to women in Estonia.

7. Is there something you really want to tell women? I would encourage everybody to find their calling, not to be afraid to start their own business and definitely to cooperate with others.

Thank you, Vivre.

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(Part II)

Clear of Clutter

Like all objects, clothes make great storytellers. They speak of our changing shapes, of holidays, weddings and funerals. Why hang on to costumes of past plays and long forgotten shows while we are already starring in that brand new production which started this morning? Any items in need of dry cleaning or alterations wait next to the front door to be taken care of and then come back in a wonderfully refreshed state. They move back into a wardrobe organized according to categories and colors, now featuring unheard of outfits created by matchmaking: previously untried combinations of trousers, top and accessory get to live on the same hanger, saving us time when we need to be ready in a hurry. Why do fabrics have to be either black, pinstriped, or a particularly dull shade of grey, brown or blue to qualify as “professional”? Who said we had to go on a color diet? Defiantly, we assault the senses with a turquoise handbag, accessorize in neon only and start a revolution. Blissfully unaware of the fashion police we run riot and introduce outrageous shades of pink and purple into the offices of this world! Any discussion about clothes sooner or later touches on the topic of weight; related issues of eating, overeating or not eating loom large. Often we cling to items because we insist on kidding ourselves that we could squeeze back into those skinny jeans in three (to thirteen) months time. Meanwhile, we are

broadcasting a message to body and self: “I don’t accept you as you are.” When our thinking revolves around kilos or body shapes, it might be an invitation to dig deeper. What is a priority, sensual delights or a certain number on the size label? Why turn self-prescribed fitness regimes into an additional stress factor where we ‘have to’ keep checking on recommended units of water, oxygen, mineral or carbohydrate intake? If we just are what we eat we had better stay away from nuts! Others will notice a few pounds more or less only if we insist on declaring it Top Priority. Clothes are great tools to feel at home in our body. Size labels are as reliable as lottery numbers but there are flattering cuts and patterns available for all shapes. Obsessing about a few inches more or less on the tush, tummy or whichever area we elected to fret about today, is to deny the gift of life. We have been given this glorious boneshaker of a body to ride around in for a few decades. A short lifetime long, we can make the most of its stunning features. One hundred trillion cells instantly communicate with one another so we may walk, see, run, laugh, cry, spin, think, taste, trip, fall, get up, perspire, hear, swim, giggle, hug and be hugged. Our bodies are temporary shelters for our soul and clothes-horses only on a part-time assignment. Their full-time job is being an energy field. Even if our scales will never get it, we are made of nothingness, of swinging, pulsating vibes! Next issue: Paper (part I)

Birgit Medele is a London based author, speaker, trainer and declutter expert. Her agency ‘Clear of Clutter‘ inspires clients, readers and audiences internationally to let go of things, thoughts and emotions that have turned into clutter. This column presents tips and insights on how to unburden yourself of ballast on all levels. Author of ‚Clear your Clutter – Manifest your Dreams!’ An initiation into the art of letting go.

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Current Issue

The paper of Sorrento This paper of Sorrento was created by BPW women (BusinessProfessionalWomen in a workshop held by Gabriele Schendl-Gallhofer ( at the BPW European Congress in Sorrento (Italy) 2012. The participants of this workshop are successful women. Together they create the paper of Sorrento, which supports women to be empowered and encouraged. We know this is is nothing new, but we have to say it over and over again to sway minds. Over the past few centuries, something happened. Women learned to be less worthy than men. And women have forgotten the female resources they have. This is our message:

Women, don’t accept humility – remember your female power and your female competences. Don’t think too much – trust in your own potential and intuition. Care for yourself – Love yourself – Be yourself – Find yourself – Trust yourself – Be your own special creation.

Be proud of yourself. These are things we participants of the workshop are proud of. This should help you to find your own things to be proud of : Connecting daughter and work – bearing children – being the first person with a BHD-carrier in my whole family – being proud to be different – being successful in my work – having chosen the right man – creating myself – feeling free while doing my projects – speaking four languages – doing a lot of things at the same time – being the BPW-president of Zurich. The leader of the workshop, Gabriele Schendl-Gallhofer, has one point to add: “The esteemed cooperation between men and women is the only proper, basic solution on which we can sensibly build for the next generations. So we need women who feel equal to men.” Finally, we want to share a quotation from Louise L. Hay with you : “It is time for women to overcome the barriers of self-limitation. Women can be much more than they ever imagined. They can lead a life in which their boldest dreams are fulfilled. ”

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Thoughts for happiness

Get the Pirate’s Treasure


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Thoughts for happiness

Are you aware of all the good things that happen to you every day? Learn to preserve these moments. Because this is a treasure no one can take from you, and it may help you in times when everything seems to go wrong.


uring my seminars I ask my participants the following question: „When was the last time you felt perfectly happy?“ Then everyone has to take a sheet of paper, and they have five minutes to write down every single moment of happiness they’ve had that day, from getting up until now. It is always exciting to watch the participants during this exercise. Most of them have absolutely no problem answering the first question. But it is totally different with the second one. Then I see people in front of me chewing the end of their pens or staring absentmindedly at the ceiling or out of the window. And there are always those who lean back in their chairs, closing the eyes; and within seconds, they have a smile on their faces. Usually these are also the participants who quickly start filling up their paper line by line. Up until now, I have never had a participant who did not find anything at all to write down. But there are papers with hardly any space left and others on which only a few words have been written.

How about you? Which kind of participant would you be?

reminds me of Christmas, candle light and cozy evenings reading a good book. You see, my chest itself is a treasure for me. In it I store many good memories: pictures of my children and my husband, love letters, diaries, the first book I co-authored, the first printed issue of Pink Pumps, some knick-knacks from my childhood and so on. From time to time, I take a look at these treasures. Especially when I am frustrated or in a bad mood. It’s so good to reminisce about happy moments from the past. And, magically, the day looks brighter and my mood lifts in an instant. Sometimes I am also reminded to call friends I haven’t talked to for a while or to visit my favourite place where I can find inspiration. There is a German song called “Momentensammler” which means collector of moments. And that’s exactly what I want you to become. Collect your happy moments, treasure them so that they keep you warm at times when everything seems to go wrong and it looks like nobody cares about you.

As for myself – I also practice this on a regular basis. There are days where my paper is filled with enjoyable moments and others where I hardly see that something good has happened at all. Overall I have more papers filled with good things than nearly empty ones. Would you like to know what is written on my sheet of paper? Send me an e-mail and you will get an example of one of my “papers of happiness”.

We all have our daily routines and we can easily overlook the good things that happen to us every day: the smile of our children in the morning, the warm and tender touch of our spouse when he/she kisses us good-bye, the unconditional affection of our pets, the cordiality of our colleagues or neighbours. Most of the time it is so normal for us to have all these things that we don’t see them as something wonderful and extraordinary. We only start to miss them when it is too late, when they are gone – sometimes forever.

For the days when everything seems dark and without sunshine, I have my treasure chest. It’s not made of wood like the ones you know from pirate movies. In fact, it’s an old sheet metal gingerbread chest. In my seminars I often have it with me to show it to my participants. I like it very much because it

I’d like to invite you to get your own treasure chest and fill it with your special memories. And – who knows – maybe it will also show you that giving others a happy moment turns into a happy moment for you, too. Simply start - Now!

Sabine Osmanovic is an expert for Personal Quality Management. Her trainings involve the topics Communication, Goal Setting, Motivation and Problem Solving. She coaches individuals as well as teams. Her main focus is to give her participants as much of a benefit as possible. According to her philosophy, “If you can dream it, you can do it!” She helps people make their dreams come true.

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If I had a wish


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If I had a wish

“If I could make a wish”


aving “three wishes” is a typical element of fairy tales and of random jokes, so when we talk about wishes, we sound a little like a pink princess in her castle waiting for her prince on a white stallion. A lot of books have been written about the power of wishes and wishful thinking. Some of the wishes might never become true, some wishes are very grand (like “world peace”) or are big dreams for “the bucket list”, but most of all, it’s the tiny little wishes that actually make us happy. You can practice working with your wishes, as often we tend to forget our wishes in the daily to-do-lists and other chores. One of the recommendations I give to my clients is to either have a “Make-a-wish” day every week where you take some time to reflect on and write down your wishes, or to have your “wish book” which is like a book from a fairy tale. You note down all your wishes in this book every day and you can browse through the book at any time. Yesterday I was running late for a train, so I wished to catch it and I caught it. Sometimes wishing is better than expecting the worst, which in this case would have been to miss the train and get home a lot later. However, this was only a small wish. I have some bigger ones, such as an apartment in Zurich-City. I wrote down that wish

about a year ago. Then suddenly I found the place, or it found me. Sometimes we tend to forget our own wishes and desires in the face of others’. When we define and write down our own wishes again, we become more independent, more secure about ourselves and we can better celebrate when one of our wishes has come true. Otherwise the wish just might be an instant gratification, like when you buy new shoes. After a few months, you forget about the happiness they gave you in the store. A wish in your book that was fulfilled will still put a smile on your face several months later.

Why is that? Because, unlike what we have been taught and have learnt over the years, a wish is voluntary. It is not a target that we work hard towards in order to achieve it, and we cannot say the wish was fulfilled through our effort. For example, the apartment came to me by chance. The train could have left on time. I had no control over my wish being fulfilled. That is why wishes and fairy tales are so connected. We are taken back to a time and place in our heart where we received the gifts of our surroundings with wide-eyed pleasure. When we learn to “wish” again, we are connecting with our inner child and our real self. We learn to be grateful for the beauty of life and what it offers us.

Angela Weinberger Has lived in Germany, Switzerland, the UK, India and Australia and recently started her own company, Global People Transitions GmbH. Here she offers her global mobility expertise, executive coaching and intercultural training. Angela also offers group coaching for women. You can find her on Twitter as @angieweinberger.

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If I had a wish

I am fine 32

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If I had a wish

A lot of people have difficulties attuning to their own needs and expressing their wishes. Sometimes it’s because they themselves do not feel and recognize them. Sometimes it’s because recognizing and expressing their needs and wishes is associated with the fear of rejection and humiliation. Sometimes, because they are the caretakers of others and simply do not have the time to attune to themselves. Whatever the reason: needs and wishes are suppressed – and this is unhealthy. Women especially are often the caretakers of their family, or their elderly parents, or their boss, or their neighbors, or the people in the club, or the dog, the cat... they are great at fulfilling wishes and acknowledging needs. They are the shoulder everyone cries on. But most of the time, they are not attentive to their own needs. But this is the basis for wishes.

Whatever comes up, look at it as if it were just an old memory. And then ask yourself: What if my partner’s lovingly meant question of “What do you want for Christmas?“ just triggered an old experience? What if all the unpleasant stuff in my stomach and all the crititical thoughts in my head have nothing to do with the person right in front of me?

The question “What do you wish for?“ strikes a nerve. On the one hand, there are needs and wishes. But on the other, they are overlaid by all the old layers that are wrapped around having needs and expressing them to the environment. And this can be painful. So we hurry to put a stop to this unpleasant state and quickly say “I am fine.“ But in fact, nothing is fine.

The fact is: “What do you want for Christmas?“ is a good question. Especially now. And without all the old associations, it’s an interesting one as well. So what will be your answer, if you do not follow the old thoughts and if you no longer put energy into the old emotions and sensations? What if you are as curious about your wishes as your partner is?

To wish is human First of all, I want to clarify something: having needs and expressing them to the environment is part of human nature. It is not a personal failure or a sign of weakness. We express our needs and wishes right from the moment when we are born, because, in the beginning, we simply have to. A baby’s fragile organism is completely dependent on the environment taking care of it. Crying for food, a new diaper, skin-to-skin contact and a smile is not the baby’s fault. It is simply the parent‘s job. The way the environment attunes to our early needs and wishes builds the foundation for how - in later times - we ourselves can attune to our needs and wishes. If we experienced scarcity, difficulties and deprivation, we learn to want no more than what is available and we get used to living with unmet needs. If we experienced joy, abundance and attunement, we learn to regulate and express our needs in a healthy and natural way.

What if I made a wish? What are your thoughts, meanings, judgements, emotions und sensations regarding wishes and having needs? Is there anger or fear? Or is there more resignation and sadness?

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Karin Intveen As a Somatic Coach she integrates the cognitive elements of NLP and Systemic Counselling with the newest insights from neurobiology. She specializes in self-regulation, burnout prophylaxis and deceleration.

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Current Issue

That’s life!

Seven questions to influencing women

Giselle Rufer-Delance, Switz

erland 2012 Enterprising Women of the Year Awards Giselle Rufer is one of the awardees

Giselle Rufer-Delance is a visionary in many ways. 20 years ago she had the inspiration to create a watch that symbo lize s “time for women”. Being a product ma nager by a famous Swiss Wa tch company she could not convince the management of her idea. So , she left and created Delance Swiss Wa tches for Women. A worldwi de rewarded entrepreneur, a passionate creator, an inspiring intern ational speaker, her mission on earth is to empower women.

1. How would you describe


lf in 4 words? Passionate, enthusiastic, pe rsistent and generous.

2. Please tell us somethin g about

your business. (A short description, what you are selling and offer) Delance Swiss Watch is made by women for wome n, a watch that represents unive rsal values, prestige, creati vit y and strength. Delance Sw iss Watch symbolizes tha t as a woman, we can be ALL tha t we want to BE in this life tim e. DELANCE is the only Sw iss watch company create d by a woman and that makes wa tches for women exclusive ly.

3. What was your reason to decide to do this kind of business?

I was a product manager for a renowned watch comp any and I had the idea to create a special watch for women. An d I could not convince the ma nagement, so I decided to do it myself and created the firs t and only Swiss watch co mpany created by a woman. I cre ated a ver y special watch which symbolizes the value of tim e for women and the value s that link all women all over the world.


4. Please tell us, what ar e talents and resources tha your special t make for a successful business?

I had a dream, and connect ed this dream with my passi on to create a beautiful taliswom an as an ode of the talent, the co urage and the creativity of wo men. If my passion is to cre ate , my mission is to empower women. By creating DELA NC E I could combine my passi on and my mission as well as my childhood dream. W hat ma de me able to overcome all the odds is that I am my comp any and my product. This gav e me the power to continue when I would have stopped , the enthusiasm to believe that I would find the way to suc cess, the assurance that my desti ny had called. The Delance watch is create d by and for women who ha ve a mighty and sacred task to perform on earth for all wo men.

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Current Issue

5. Do you think women ha ve special talents to be entrepreneurs?

Women are natural managers . They are used to thinking alo ng multiple lines, handling a lot of ver y different small tas ks at once, being interrupted every five minutes, dealing with people as well as with pro jects. They are not ver y wi llin g to take risks and lack self-c onfidence. That is why it is ver y important to empower the m, to accompany them as the y found startups.

6. How is it for women wh o are entrepreneurs in your country?

Switzerland is a ver y beautifu l country, with lakes, moun tains and grasslands, and it is ver y well organized. A good wife stays at home to look after the children, make good foo d and keep a perfect house. It is probably one of the reason s why the country is so prosperou s and stable. On the other ha nd, the percentage of women en trepreneurs is ver y low, pro bab ly due to the difficulty of comb ining work and family. You can imagine that the difficulty of being an entrepreneur is even

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greater. The opposition co mes from all sides and sup port does not exist. You have to find your own way and sup po rt yourself. Some fields are particularly difficult for wo men: banks, insurances and watch making; you have to prove and prove that you are credible. But I know that all over the world women face the same obsta cles. Thanks to us, the gre atest qualities of women are: pe rsistence, courage and the stubbornness and faith to mo ve for ward when everyone says give up.

7. Is there something you really want to tell women? I want to tell to women to be all that they can be, to belie ve in themselves, to discover the ir talents and to develop the m, to empower other women, an d most of all to convince at least one man to support our cau se. Sure, women need love, but they need empowerment and consideration even mo re. A happy wife makes a happy family.

T hank’s for answering tho se



If I had a wish

When Your Wannabe Wish Becomes Your Wake-up Call “You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.” Richard Bach


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If I had a wish


ou’ve got your sleeves rolled up and you’re ready to roll! The eternal pessimist is a distant memory for you and you’re finally going to do it! You “wanna be” your own boss and do your own thing. As you take those first steps on the way to living your dream, there may be moments when you wonder why you’re at the grindstone day and night, where your creativity wanes and you think it’s all been done before – when you realize that someone else is already doing it, thinking it, or even worse, has already done it and failed. You’ve chosen the color blue for your logo and then you see so many others have it too. And you change to green. And the same thing happens, so you take blue anyway. And then you go for multicolor stripes in your logo, as I did, and soon discover that someone else has that too. And again you want to change, because your corporate identity has to be original. You employ some marketing or positioning professionals – and that’s okay – and they come up with something especially for you, your very own brand! You feel content that what you have is unique and that part of the grueling slog of getting going has been mastered. It’s at times like these that I remember the words on a battered billboard I saw, driving somewhere through New England a few years ago.

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It said “you were born an original – don’t die a copy.” I can’t even remember who said it, but the impact of that message continues to strengthen my passion for diversity today. In the search for an original look, an original name and all the rest originality has to offer, we lose sight of the one thing that is given – the original us. What you decide to do is interwoven with just that – the original being that is you, and your diversity that will drive your development and secure your success. Every year thousands of hopefuls join the throngs of the wannabe singers and superstars in the TV auditions with similar-sounding names. They prepare, they copy, they do everything to look and sound JUST like the “original” singers. Though some of them come a really close second, that’s what they remain – a close second. In 2009, when Susan Boyle stepped on the stage in the TV show “Britain’s Got Talent”, her mousy-coloured hair not particularly well- styled for her performance and wearing her “simply satin Sunday dress”, she did the only thing she knew. She presented Susan Boyle and sang “I dreamed a dream” from the heart! Eyes filled with tears, arms sprouted goose flesh as her audience fell in love with her, and from that moment on, she could do no wrong. Neither the song nor the format was original – the only thing that was, was Susan Boyle. (Inspirational video of this life-changing performance on Make your wannabe wish your wake-up call to the diversity within you – to that part of you that is given to no one else. As Pablo Casals would put it: “The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn’t been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him.”

Marinda Seisenberger is a Speaker, Trainer, Coach and expert on MANAGING DIVERSITY. The native South African supports corporate clients to work successfully abroad and to reap the benefits of actively promoting and managing diversity in their organisations. She is convinced that diversity offers the flexibility and creativity we need to recreate the global economy for the 21st century.

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Current Issue

WIN-WIN or GAIN MORE? Sales people taking beta blockers before they negotiate with their customer. Attendees at a seminar showing signs of trauma connected to a certain brand name. Procurement managers blaming their supplier because of the games they play. And everything in the name of WIN-WIN! It seems like a paradigm. Everyone should aim for a WIN-WIN in any given negotiation. And any result has to be WIN-WIN. The problem is, paradigms are rarely scrutinized and sometimes they have been perverted. Suppliers are put under enormous pressure to give rebates. And then they should count this as a WIN for themselves, just because they survive. Service providers have to haggle against each other, and as a result they pay desperately for their stuff.

And everything is claimed as a WIN-WIN. But is it? In our own interest we should avoid putting lipstick on a pig or letting others sugarcoat our results. If WIN-WIN is no more than an empty notion, and if it avoids a fair battle for results, it’s worth nothing. May be we have to relearn that negotiation is about reciprocity, not only about giving. And yet, there are some books to show the way: GAIN MORE. They are named “Getting More“, “Gain the Edge“, “Flipnosis“ – scripts and tools to get the maximum out of your negotiations. In brief: “Set yourself an ambitious goal and then do everything to get there!“. Just splitting it one way, or getting more – what will you aim for in your next negotiation?

Wolfgang Bönisch The Master of Negotiation Arts. Saved 1 million through Ghost-Negotiation, a costumer successfully implemented 20% price increase after a negotiation training or a doubling of the daily fee during a coaching session.He is supporting businesses and entrepreneurs in multiple ways to improve their negotiation results.

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Managing Your Personal Brand

The First 7 Seconds …


ow often do you really think consciously about the first few seconds of impact that you make when you walk into a room? Answer is, probably hardly ever. You’re more concerned with who is going to be there, what to say first and the small talk you’re going to have to make, rather than thinking about the positive impact opportunity you have and the lasting impression you are going to leave. Fact is today that the first impression is even more powerful than we give it credit for. We live in a very image conscious, visual and fast-moving world, where we have to make decisions faster than ever, therefore we need to bring our sub-conscious awareness of our first impression up to our conscious minds and maximise this ideal opportunity.

There are 3 steps to a first impression: 1. What you look like 2. What you sound like 3. What you say Between 5-7 seconds is what it takes to make a first impression. First of all we take in the non-verbal communication – body language and dress & appearance. The eyes quickly scan this in. Recently studies have shown that within 10 milliseconds we have completed this initial scan and made some sort of judgement! Then when somebody starts to speak, it’s not so much the words they use at this stage, as the quality, impact and interest in the voice that we use to judge. Then if we like what we see and how we hear it, we hook into the content much more effectively, or not as the case might be. This is not a matter of image being more important than content – of course it’s not, we need the substance behind it – however, wherever I travel in the world and whatever business I work with, I always see more emphasis put on the content, whatever form that might take, and less on the delivery mech-

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anisms. If we can just get the balance more equal it becomes a very powerful business tool. I also call this a ‘halo or horns’ effect. Let me explain: if you have a positive first impression of somebody in a 5 minute conversation let’s say, then what you do, sub-consciously, is to take in other positive things you have heard about that person from other people, or have read about them, and the positive impression of them grows and gets stronger. The same happens if it’s a negative first impression – sub-consciously you will take in other negative things others say about them and the impression becomes even more negative. So it’s time to get more conscious of the initial impression you make - think about what it actually looks like when you enter a room. Good posture, appropriate dress, good eye contact, an air of confidence and a smile, are all great ways to start. This will make you appear more credible and people gravitate towards you more effectively. Try it and see. It is quite simply a matter of stopping for a second and thinking about the impression you will make before you enter the room and then it will become a habit over time. Today’s the day to start making the most of those vital first few seconds and taking more control of what people say about when you’ve left the room….

Lesley Everett is a leading Personal Branding Expert and author of Walking TALL – Key Steps to Total Image Impact, and the US version Drop Dead Brilliant (McGraw-Hill New York – 2007)

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If I had a wish

Wishes, mission and goals

– where to invest your energy and time

You have three wishes

Wishes versus goals

Do you know the fairytales where suddenly a fairy appears and offers you three wishes, and whatever you wish for will come true? What would you do, if you had this opportunity of free wishes? Could you imagine what you would wish for? Something for you personally or something for someone else or even for the world in general?

Free wishes belong to fairytales. Nowadays we speak about goals. Goals are something that you can work on. The results depend on you,, on your steps and activities, and not on the fairy or destiny.


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If I had a wish

Last weekend I attended a seminar and we learned about our mission, vision and beliefs. And then I had to write this article and my thoughts were: why not make a wish for my mission? It would be much easier - but I would depend completely on destiny. On the other hand, I have the knowledge to realize my mission and my goals on my own. One of the things I learnt at this seminar was: you need the same energy to live a bad life as to live a good life. It is always your decision where to invest your energy and time. After a seminar,what you implement and what steps you transfer to your daily life depends on you. It always starts with the first step. We mostly spend too long planning and then find several reasons why it won’t work. We prepare, try to make it perfect and at the end, the planning took too long, someone else took the idea, or all our energy was consumed in the planning phase.

My mission and vision I’ve made my decision: in future, I will focus on my mission of empowering women for leadership. This is my passion and I will create courses, webinars and keynote speeches on this topic, because this is my vision: if we have more women in decision making roles, we will have better workplaces, more profitability and more prosperity for a better world, as women think and act differently. With the collaboration of both genders, we will have more sustainable outcomes for a better future. Last year I created a website for this topic (, but I did not promote it enough. I always made excuses: it is too difficult, there are no companies who are interested in this topic, there is not really a need for it yet. Now I know these are all excuses coming from my beliefs and it is my decision to change that. My first step is to write this article and the next steps are already planned. And what is my goal? To make a keynote speech in front of an audience of 500 people at a large conference. I will invest my time and energy into this topic and goal. Where will you invest your time and energy?

Sabine Schmelzer To Empower Women is my passion. This is due my commitment to BPW Business and Professional Women since more than 10 years. Diversity means business - this is obvious through lots of research and studies. In my leadership trainings for women and as a key note speaker, I encourage women to be proud of their different skills and strengths.

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If I had a wish

Put your wishes in a box!


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If I had a wish

At the beginning of this year, there was one week where all my optimism vanished! I asked a very dear friend of mine what was going on, as I couldn’t understand what was happening. She’s a Feng Shui expert, Qi Gong Trainer, and traditional healer. According to the Chinese calendar, she said 2012 has a powerful and an abundant energetic field. Another strong belief regarding 2012 is that some people believe the world will come to an end, according to the Mayan calendar. So, she said, this year will be abundant but full of huge changes. I thought: “Here we go!”

We are now at the end of November: Yes, this year was abundant mixed with outstanding changes up until now! Going through massive changes sometimes makes us forget our wishes, our dreams or our visions. This can happen very easily. In my coaching practice, I often hear, especially from women, that they think they aren’t living their own life but that of somebody else. So what can you do to not forget your wishes, dreams or visions as your “battle” with changes?

Create your own MAGIC BOX! Step#1: Go and find a box you like. It can be a round, oval or square box, depending on what resonates with you. Feel it, smell it, touch it and listen to your heart: “Are you my box?” Take your time and make friends with it! After you have found your box, you have to find a place for it. This place should be clean, full of light and a place you like. After your box has its “home”, the next step is to let it become a super, premium, terrific and outstanding magical box!

Step#2: Go out and find material that gives your box the magic touch! This can be velvet, handmade paper, glitter stones, feathers, wood, shiny material, pearls or anything which resonates with you. Put all the materials close to your box and let them get in touch for few days! Step#3: Find time for yourself. Tune in to the box and the material. Connect with your future magic box. Meditate on what makes your box magical, and what is the magic of your box. Listen to your heart! I’m sure you’ll recall some great stories. Then start to decorate the box until you have the feeling that it is finished. This can be quick or sometimes it takes weeks. Take your time! Magic needs time! When you have the feeling that your magic box is ready, take the next step. Step#4: Write your wishes on small pieces of paper. For every wish, take one piece of paper. Fold it, roll it, or whatever feels good to you. Put it in the box. You can also put uplifting things in the box. Like a special coin, the tooth of your child, jewelry, a stone from your last holiday ... whatever resonates with you. From time to time check on your wishes. When they come true or are outdated, burn them, let them go and thank the universe. Take care of your MAGIC BOX! It will help you not to forget your wishes, dreams or visions in times of change!

Barbara Valenti is a business facilitator for international projects and change management. She uses strength oriented and participative methods to help keep people and their organizations in balance. The core areas of her work are personal growth, Work-Life-Management and working in an international context. She is Austrian, currently living in Germany, and has more than 18 years of international experience.

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Current Issue

Turning Into a Queen in 7 Steps (Part III)


n our last issue you learned how to change your inner attitude within 15 seconds. “Never in a bad mood again” simply by tensing all muscles, putting a smile on your face and saying to yourself “yes, yes, yes, yes, yes”. So by now you are able to attract men by using a soft voice, by smiling, using your posture, behaving like former actress “Grace Kelly” and asking for help. Now you need to learn how to achieve your personal goals.

Step one First at all, it is important that you are in a happy mood. You need to create positive energy. If you feel angry, just do the exercise “never in a bad mood again”.

Step two Find a quiet and comfortable place. Sit down, take a pencil and a piece of paper. Now take your time and think about what you would really like to achieve. Write down goals and desires. Write your list without regard to limits. Then choose 10 goals or desires you like best. Number them from one to ten. Number one is the most desired goal and number ten the least. If you are not sure what to choose, wait for a moment. Close your eyes and listen to your inner feeling, your emotions. Some people call it inner voice or intuition. I call it emotional intelligence. Your emotional intelligence knows best.

Step three Write your most desired goal on a small piece of paper. Close your eyes and visualize it, in color if possible. Imagine that you have already achieved your goal. Create positive images of yourself. Feel the joy and happiness. Let this feeling get stronger and stronger.

Step four Carry this piece of paper with you wherever you go. It is important to look at it from time to time. So write a your goal on a couple of pieces of paper. Stick one of them on the mirror in your bathroom, for example, carry one in your wallet, leave one in your car etc., so you can look at them unconsciously. Now you know how to achieve goals. Try it out. You have nothing to lose, you can only win. In part four of our series you will be learning how to become more focused and balanced. You will experience that it only takes 5 minutes every day. Look forward to a step-by-step guide giving you more inner strength and balance. Take care and let me know about your personal progress. If you have any questions or comments, just send an email to: Good-bye for now, wishing you a great and enjoyable time. Yours, Susanne Blake

Susanne Blake Since 1997 Susanne Blake has been working as a consultant and life coach in an international context. With an international business background, she provides training with a practical approach. Her trainings are also available via telephone and Skype and meet the demands of junior- to chief-executives. Especially business women profit from her professional coaching.

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Anja is washing up …

How to wish for Prada Boots


et’s suppose that shooting stars really work. I would immediately forfeit my own wishes to the cosmos. Because whenever I see one, instead of thinking about Prada boots first, I wish for world peace and enlightenment for humanity. Not because I’m a do-gooder! I’m definitely not, or I wouldn’t even think about owning Prada boots. But: You don’t see a shooting star very often... so world peace would be a more rewarding wish than a best seller or a dress size 10 (I’d probably have to wish for worldwide hunger for that). Not all of us think so, and therefore nobody is safe from the spontaneous awakening of their unknown desires. When we settle down to watch a smart sitcom for women, our hard-won relaxation is rudely interrupted by tampon or wellness puffery. Incidentally, if a sitcom were broadcasted without interruption, I’d count that as wellness. And menstrual hygiene is essential anyway, even if the things don’t show up in a discreet case with a turquoise vintage-style vine. Nobody needs that. Nobody wants it, either.

However, most companies’ sales increase by 30% when they launch a “give away” campaign. Whether it’s a packet soup with a little salt scoop (welcome to my junk drawer!), cat food with a glittery logo purse (Careful! I have a cat and I’ll pay for it?!) or a cup with an ad for a railway company when you buy wholegrain bread (this synergy must have occurred to two coke heads sniffing their third line at five o’clock in the morning, right?). If we dare to watch an old horror movie at night with our 17 year-old son, the commercials suggest that energy drinks cancel out physics, and that parents must have nothing against cell phone contracts or credit cards without positive credit reports, since they’re allowing you to watch TV in the middle of the night! If you’re lucky, it’s just the whispers of a lady in a latex bodysuit promising you she’s COMPLETELY available for you, especially if the movie just featured somebody with a D cup shrieking for a hero while lying under a buzz saw. And that is called target audience analysis. That’s the reason I always wish for an incendiary charge when the lady at the gas station asks for my non-existant loyalty card, as if it were totally impossible to refuse to join my target community. But there is no escape. So when I last ordered something from my natural cosmetics shipper, I immediately got a “You might also be interested in” newsletter. Buying the “sensuous care mousse” on an aloe-base made me eligible for a 50% discount on all lingerie products, and my skin care line for mature skin led the good people to assume that buying Prada boots at an outlet price should fulfill all my desires. Wait a minute ... Prada boots? Crap, they caught me!

Anja Thieme, When her first novel was released Anja Thieme, born 1969 decided to work as a freelance writer. Through the column “Anja is washing-up” which will appear exclusively for PinkPumpsOpen she cleans up zeitgeist, morality and females’ daily grind. Twice a week, she is washing-up new issues on Facebook: / 166531296790652

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Celtic Seer

December 2012 The Solar eclipse in Scorpio last month was a doozy, especially for those who live on the northeastern seaboard of the USA. Hurricane Sandy was a very destructive force wiping out homes, businesses and towns, some clear off the map. It was fortunate that the death toll was low given the population of greater than 75 million people who were impacted by this storm. For many, rebuilding both physically and psychologically will be tough for weeks, months and even years ahead. The Moon opens in Cancer on December 1st, putting the emphasis on family, hearth and home. Mercury, planet of communication, sometimes known as the trickster, is now direct, and the planet Uranus will also be direct on December 14th.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Capricorn December 20 – January 19

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Aries March 20 - April 19


The only planet that is retrograde this month is Jupiter, and it will remain so till the end of January. The Euro continues to limp along and so there will be no startling news on that front till well into 2013.

The month opens up with the Sun opposing Jupiter, so it’s time for reviewing past achievements and taking stock of what would serve you best next. Try and keep your expenses in check early on. Mid-month, other opportunities for advancement may come from unexpected quarters and chance encounters.

You and your partner may initially be at odds but issues will resolve themselves quickly. Increased responsibilities on the work front are a distinct possibility, so you would be wise to conserve your energy, as there will be many demands made on your time.

This month opens up with a great deal of confusion and misunderstandings in the communication area; however, these will ease as the month progresses. There is one bright spark on the horizon; you may receive some unexpected money via a small bonus.

Pay attention to your dreams as they may very well point the way forward. Domestic matters weigh heavily on your mind. Your abode will see a lot of hustle and bustle over the holidays. Dealings with foreigners and foreign cultures will be high on your agenda.

Behind the scene issues dominate your activities this month. Access to credit and reviewing your insurance issues will be firmly on your mind. Your work area will be somewhat stressful and also demand much of your time and attention. Frivolity will not be high on your priority list this month.

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Celtic Seer

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Leo July 22 – August 22

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Libra September 23 – October 21

Scorpio October 22 – November 21

Your partner may lean heavily on you for support at the beginning of the month. However, in your career area your steadiness and perseverance in times of difficulty will be recognized and appreciated. There is a hint at some monetary compensation at a later date.

Old routines and your normal modus operandi are seriously coming under review. Jupiter, planet of good luck and fortune, is currently retrograde in your sign and rules partnerships, thus indicating that it might be wise to proceed slowly for now.

The home and the welfare of your children and partners are your chief concern this month. Pay attention to your intuition as it will serve you well in the month ahead. Unexpected opportunities or changes in the workplace may prove to be beneficial.

There is fun to be had later in the month, especially if you are involved with any groups or associations, though December may open on a somber note for many Leos. This is a good month to make appointments and see to health and dental issues. You may also find that home repairs incur some expense.

December is a busy month for you with lots of frenetic activity. Now that Mercury, your ruling planet, is no longer retrograde, make sure to have your car in good repair since you will be traveling a great deal, as your services and organizational talents are in great demand.

Financial issues weigh heavily on your mind and since it is year-end, making an appointment with your tax adviser would not go amiss. Tensions at home will gradually fade away mid-month, just in time for the holiday festivities. Partners may be a source of unexpected delights.

The solar eclipse that took place last month in your sign certainly made its presence felt on a lot of fronts. While it has given you pause for internal reflection, its impact will be felt for many years to come. Try not to give into internal stress; learn to take things at a slower pace.

CelticSeer Catherine Thomas (nom de plume), is a native of Ireland, currently resides in Manhattan, and writes and operates her astrological practice under her brand name - CelticSeer . For more details, go to She is available for both business and personal consultations via phone and Skype. She can also be found on twitter @CelticSeer. |

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Booklist Birgit Medele

Clear your Clutter - Manifest your dreams: An initiation into the art of letting go

Publisher: Edition Lichtland ISBN-10: 3942509245 Lesley Everett

Walking Tall: Key Steps to Total Image Impact

Publisher: Lesley Everett ISBN-10: 0954893506 Wolfgang Bönisch

The Art of Negotiation

Publisher: ISBN-10: 1446617653 Liza Jimenez

Don’t Mess With The Princess!

ISBN: 0-9705807-5-4 Eilidh Milnes

Confidence the 7 Keys to Your Happiness

Publisher: The Confidence Press ISBN-10: 0956633404


PinkPumps GLOBAL - 11|12

If I had a wish

Letterbox You want to discuss something, you have something interesting to tell us? Please write a mail to our letter-box. We are looking forward to your statements.

PinkPumps GLOBAL #04 February 25, 2013:

Solidarity Among Women – Wishful Thinking?

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