Stern Pissarro Gallery features in this online catalogue Abstract paintings by Contemporary French artist Lélia Pissarro.
Since the age of four, Lélia had been educated in an artistic environment by her father H. Claude Pissarro and grandfather Paulémile Pissarro. With the weight of such an artistic tradition within the family, Lélia carried the responsibility for upholding and extending the family legacy.
Abstraction represented a means by which to ‘cut the cord’, allowing Lélia to start her own journey into modern art. Working through a number of different series’, Lélia continuously strove for deeper levels of abstraction and minimalism. This led to new and innovative techniques whilst she also began incorporating new materials such as gold, wax and encaustic paint into her work. The title of the exhibition is inspired by Lélia’s journey and transformation in art, which became a true form of liberty of expression by breaking artistic conventions, like her great-grandfather before her.