Gosh... Kind of a lot has happened since we last talked. Reminisce with me if you will. The day was May 23rd, 2020, we were two months into our supposed three week national COVID shutdown. Not only was the theater world wondering how it would survive, the entertainment industry as a whole was reeling. Disney World itself was shut down!
Bracing ourselves for the newest piece of bad news every time the phone would ring, we tenuously answered, “Hello, Pittsburgh Musical Theater...”
“Hey, when are you gonna do Evil Dead again?”
There is NO stopping this fandom! You asked. We answered. Bigger and better! More talent! More laughs! And yes ... More blood!
All walks of life come out to this show, some prefer a safe seat far from the legendary “splatter zone,” others beg for more fake blood to be sloshed on their intentionally worn,
white clothing. Evil Dead the Musical toes the perfect line between camp, slasher gore, and traditional musical theater. Well…let’s be honest, it often crosses the line with reckless abandon, smirking through the fourth wall every chance it gets!
Those familiar with the films will find a night of homages. Those who haven’t seen them will see a surprisingly cohesive story (all things considered, ha!) with some of the most hummable tunes in recent memory. All of this is thanks to the incredible production team here at PMT who make all the music and mayhem happen every night!
I couldn’t be happier to bring Evil Dead back to life at PMT. We’re thrilled that you decided to join us!
“We’ve died twice before, now we’re back for more. You can’t kill the dead!”
PMT has been an anchor in the musical theatre industry in the Pittsburgh region. Professional Productions feature local creative talent both on stage and in backstage roles. Truly unique and unmatched in the city, these productions also support PMT’s mission to provide mentorship and integrated opportunities with students of PMT Conservatory, creating a community of belonging and enhancing the vibrancy of our region.
Patrons can enjoy Professional Productions in multiple performance venues including the historic Broadway style Byham Theater in the Cultural District, and PMT’s own OffBroadway style Gargaro Theater in the West End.
Nick Mitchell Director, Evil Dead the Musical Pittsburgh Musical Theater
Please enjoy!
assisTaNT DireCTor Emmy Masteller
props MasTer Amber Kocher souND DesigNer Brendan McGhee CosTuMe DesigNer Amy Ursiny
proDuCTioN sTage MaNager Gemma Williamson*
TeCHNiCaL DireCTor Jonathan T. Sage proDuCer Colleen Doyno
CHoreograpHer Jerreme Rodriguez
MusiC DireCTor Dr. Francesca Tortorello seT DesigNer Tucker Topel LigHTiNg DesigNer Eve Bandi, Todd Nonn Makeup, Wig, & speCiaL FX DesigNer Christopher Patrick assisTaNT sTage MaNager Joseph Robert Fedore* DireCTor Nick Mitchell
eviL DeaD THe MusiCaL is produced by special arrangement with DRAMATIC PUBLISHING, Woodstock, Illinois. www.dramaticpublishing.com
“Cabin in the Woods” Ash, Linda, Scott, Shelly, & Cheryl
“Housewares Employee” Ash & Linda
“It Won’t Let Us Leave” Cheryl
“Look Who’s Evil Now” Cheryl & Shelly
“What the F*ck Was That?” Ash & Scott
“Join Us” Cheryl, Moose, & House Spirits
“Good Old Reliable Jake” Jake, Annie, & Ed
“Housewares Employee (Reprise)” Ash & Linda
“I’m Not a Killer” Ash
“I’m Not a Killer (Reprise)” Ash
“Bit-Part Demon” Ed
“All the Men in My Life Keep
Getting Killed by Candarian Demons” Annie, Ash, & Jake
“Ode to an Accidental Stabbing” Jake & Annie
“Do the Necronomicon” Demons
“It’s Time” Ash & Company
“We Will Never Die” Demons
“Blew That Bitch Away” Company
asH Brett Goodnack* CHeryL Laura Barletta
aNNie / sHeLLy Callee Miles*
LiNDa Micaela Oliverio
sCoTT Brecken Newton Farrell*
Jake Charlie Thomson
eD Joseph Robert Fedore*
kNoWby, Moose & oTHer various DeMoNs Gavin Carnahan
sWiNgs & oTHer various DeMoNs
Jeff Johnston, Julia Kreutzer, Lucia Williams
asH - Brecken Newton Farrell*
sCoTT - Gavin Carnahan
aNNie - Lucia Williams
sHeLLy - Julia Kreutzer
eD - Jeff Johnston
LiNDa - Julia Kreutzer
CHeryL - Lucia Williams
Jake, kNoWby - Jeff Johnston
* denotes member of Actors’ Equity Association
Laura barLeTTa (CHeryL) is happy to be back on stage to reprise her role as Cheryl and to join this fabulous cast!
Laura first appeared at PMT as Kate Monster in Avenue Q in 2018 and joined the cast of Evil Dead in 2019. She has had the pleasure of working with Pittsburgh companies such as Stage 62, Little Lake, Off the Wall, Throughline, and MTAP. She is also part of the sketch comedy troupe, “The Harvey Wallbangers”. She most recently performed as Cindy Lou in The Marvelous Wonderettes (Stage 62). Credits also include: Janet Van De Graaf The Drowsy Chaperone (Stage 62); Cathy The Last 5 Years (Off the Wall); Olive... Putnam County Spelling Bee (Little Lake). Laura has been a huge fan of classic horror films since she was a little girl and she is hoping to pass on that love of scary things to her 3 boys, Matthew (6); Anthony (4); and Louis (1)…when they are a bit older of course! A big thank you to her husband Matt for always supporting her and working overtime to keep her family afloat while she is rehearsing and performing.
gaviN CarNaHaN (kNoWby, Moose & oTHer various DeMoNs u/s sCoTT) is ecstatic to be returning to his PMT home. Gavin is a graduate of Coastal Carolina University with a BFA in musical theatre. Other favorite performances include Dave Bukatinsky in The Full Monty, Bill Austin in Mamma Mia!, and Claude in HAIR. In his free time, Gavin enjoys bodybuilding, rapping/song writing, and barbershop quartet-ing! Follow my IG @GavinCarnahan or visit his website GavinEarlCarnahan.com!
breCkeN NeWToN FarreLL* (sCoTT, u/s asH) a fan of all things horror and paranormal, is thrilled to return to the PMT stage in this zombified production! Brecken was most recently seen as Jesus in PMT’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Other notable credits with the company include Quasimodo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Brecken is the lead singer for the rock band “Letters to Violet” and is also a private vocal coach. He would like to thank God, his family, and his friends for their unwavering support. Brecken dedicates his life’s work to his late grandparents, Elmer and Joanne Lauster, who loved nothing more than watching him perform. Isaiah 40:31
JosepH roberT FeDore* (eD, assisTaNT sTage MaNager) is thrilled to be a part of this production of Evil Dead. Pittsburgh born and raised, some of Joseph’s past credits include: You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown (Schroeder) Memphis (Gator), Forever Plaid (Frankie), Jesus Christ Superstar (Judas), Roberto Clemente (Arriba, Arriba! The Roberto Clemente Story), Scottsboro Boys (Eugene Williams), Rent (Angel). Joseph would like to thank his friends, family, and this fantastic cast and crew!
breTT gooDNaCk* (asH) is thrilled to be performing with such a killer cast and crew for his Pittsburgh Musical Theater - and Evil Dead - return. He is a lifetime Pittsburgher (where he received his J.D. from Duquesne Law), and now resides in the Strip District. He was most recently seen as Miles Gloriosus in South Park Theatre’s A Funny Thing Happened…. Credits also include: George Bailey, It’s A Wonderful Life (Bricolage Production Company); Black Stache, Peter and The Starcatcher (Stage 62); Victor Frankenstein, Frankenstein (Bricolage); Bob Wallace, White Christmas (Palisade Playhouse). When not moonlighting as an actor, Brett is a local comedic improviser, writer and performer, and occasionally, a certified anti-money laundering specialist. Special thanks as always to Forest, his dog (and best little buddy.)
JeFF JoHNsToN (sWiNg) is ecstatic to be making his PMT debut to join this incredible production of Evil Dead! By day, Jeff is a Licensed Professional Counselor. Jeff’s favorite roles include the title role in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Emcee (Cabaret), Barfee (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee), Fred Casely (Chicago), and Robert (Boeing Boeing). Locally, he has worked with Stage 62, Split Stage Productions, The Strand Theatre, Little Lake Theatre, South Park Theatre and The Theatre Factory. Next up, Jeff will be Officer Lockstock in Stage 62’s production of Urinetown!
JuLia kreuTzer (sWiNg) (she/her) is thrilled to be returning to the PMT team this fall. She holds a BA from the University of Pittsburgh where she studied theatre arts, English writing,
and political science, working to intersect art and advocacy through performance, directing, and dramaturgy. Her dramaturgical work centers on the global efficacy of camp theatre as a means to bolster marginalized communities. Some favorite credits include directing Why We Have a Body (University of Pittsburgh), Music Intern / Swing in A Man of No Importance (Front Porch Theatricals), directing Collective Rage: A Play in 5 Betties (University of Pittsburgh), and Baker’s Wife in Into the Woods (University of Pittsburgh). This spring, she will assistant direct Morning Reckoning at the New Hazlett Theater.
CaLLee MiLes* (aNNie / sHeLLy, FigHT CapTaiN) and now for something completely different… After making her PMT debut as Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar, Callee Miles returns but this time with more blood and less clothing. Off Broadway/NYC credits include Horatio in Hamlet (Hamlet Isn’t Dead), Dyanne in Million Dollar Quartet (The Argyle Theatre), Amanda in David’s Play (New York Fringe Festival), as well as performances at the world famous 54 Below. Pittsburgh: Anne Lovely in A Bold Stroke for a Wife (PICT), Juliet in An Improbable Fiction (PICT). LA: Elmire in Tartuffe (Ghost Players Theatre Company). Other favorite credits include Les Misérables (Eponine), Gypsy (Louise), Much Ado About Nothing (Beatrice). Love and thanks to family, friends, Dame Willow, and my sun and Skye. Matthew 19:26. callee-miles.com
MiCaeLa oLiverio (LiNDa) is ecstatic to be joining the rest of the talented cast of Evil Dead for her PMT debut! Mic is a NYC based actor, but has loved spending some time in the ‘burgh these past few
weeks. Most recently, Mic appeared as Dee in the new pop-rock musical, Prospect Hill, in New York City. She has also had the pleasure of performing for companies such as: The Producer’s Club (A Sketch of New York), Fresh Brewed Productions (The Wright Brothers), and off-broadway at the Players Theater (A Christmas Carol). Mic would like to thank the entire production team at PMT and would like to tell her fellow Evil Dead castmates to break a leg! (or all of their limbs…..)
CHarLie THoMsoN (Jake) is so excited to be involved in his first PMT production! He is a recent graduate of Point Park University’s Acting program. Some previous credits include, Curtains (Oscar), Kings of Delancey Lane (Matt), and PUFFS (J.Finch). He has experience working with The Second City as well as The Uprights Citizens Brigade. He wants to thank PMT for this opportunity as well as his family, friends, and partner for their continued support.
LuCia WiLLiaMs (sWiNg) is thrilled to be making her Pittsburgh Musical Theater debut with Evil Dead. Lucia was last seen as Carrie Pipperidge in Carousel, Mrs. Wormwood in Matilda, Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd, and Jackie in Grey Gardens. Lucia would like to thank the cast, crew, and creative team for making this experience so memorable and fun! She would also like to thank her family for always supporting her no matter what. This performance is for you, Nonnie and Nonno!
CoLLeeN DoyNo (eXeCuTive DireCTor, proDuCer) came to PMT in 1997 as a performer and faculty member. She then was named Conservatory Director in 2001 and added the additional title and responsibilities of General Manager in 2003. Ms. Doyno directed and choreographed countless shows for both the Professional and Conservatory theater companies. Several of these shows have been counted as the “Best of Pittsburgh” in the annual Pittsburgh Post-Gazette year in review; including the Conservatory Theater Company’s 2013 production of Miss Saigon, the first student show to be so honored. In 2013 Colleen’s achievements were recognized with the prestigious “Woman of Integrity” award and her commitment to mentoring young women into future leaders was honored when she was selected as a finalist for the 2013 “Athena” award. Ms. Doyno is a strong advocate for the development of the West End Community, which serves as PMT’s forever home. She has worked with Pittsburgh City Council, PA State and Allegheny County officials and the Mayor’s office to advance growth in the area. She has a deeply held belief in developing our children into healthy, self-assured, well-rounded individuals through the arts. This belief is at the heart of her educational philosophy and has guided the success of the conservatory under her direction. Colleen considers herself fiercely local and is dedicated to concentrating on the positive, found in each individual and each day that she faces. Many thanks to the never ending dedication of the PMT staff, the constant support of the PMT Board of Directors and the love of my amazing family.
NiCk MiTCHeLL (DireCTor) is thrilled to be directing this GROOVY musical theater comedy for Pittsburgh Musical Theater again! He has been an active director / performer in the Greater Pittsburgh Area since relocating from NYC ten years ago. In 2016, Nick was selected for a year-long Directing Observership with City Theatre where he assisted Tracy Brigden in directing the Pittsburgh premiere of Ironbound. Other directing highlights include: Bright Star (Front Porch Theatricals) Nunsense the Mega Musical (Pittsburgh Musical Theater), and the critically acclaimed productions of [title of show] (Company of Pittsburgh) and Assassins (Stage 62). Nick has worked for the past decade with the Pittsburgh CLO, initially with the Gallery of Heroes Tour, and more recently, as Assistant Director of CLO’s A Musical Christmas Carol. Favorite companies for whom he’s directed include Cup-A-Jo, 12 Peers, Heritage Players, South Park Theatre, and Americana Theatre in Plymouth, MA. Nick studied Musical Theater and Directing at Oklahoma City University. He is currently the resident director at Plum High School. Thanks to the whole PMT creative and executive team, and this fantastic cast!
eMMy MasTeLLer (assisTaNT DireCTor) is a director, performer and awardwinning dramaturg from Strafford, Vermont. She recently graduated from Point Park University with a degree in Theatre with concentrations in directing and dramaturgy and a Technical Theatre minor. She is ecstatic to be working at PMT for the first time! Recently, she was the Assistant Director for Puffs at the Pittsburgh CLO as well as Director of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Bridges Theatre Co. at Point Park University. She was also the dramaturg for a new play, Trials and Tribulations, at
the 2021 Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival for which she won the “Outstanding Dramaturgy” award. She is ecstatic to be working with PMT on Evil Dead! and is grateful to be working with such a wonderfully talented cast and crew. Huge thanks to Nick, Gemma, her partner, and her friends and family for their support. Enjoy the show!
Dr. FraNCesCa TorToreLLo, D.M.a. (MusiC DireCTor) is the Resident Music Director of Pittsburgh Musical Theater. Recent productions include Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, HAIR, Newsies, and The Sound of Music. She teaches multiple classes for the pre-college program in the PMT Conservatory. Dr. Tortorello is also an accomplished classical musician and performs with a variety of instrumentalists and singers. She frequently collaborates with members of the Pittsburgh Symphony. A dedicated teacher and coach, she has maintained an active piano teaching studio for the past twenty years. Dr. Tortorello began piano lessons at the age of four in her hometown of Mount Kisco, NY. She holds a Bachelors degree in Piano Performance from the Cleveland Institute of Music where she studied with Antonio PompaBaldi. She received a Masters degree and Professional Studies certificate in Collaborative Piano from CIM, studying with Virginia Weckstrom. She also earned a Doctorate in Collaborative Piano and Coaching at the University of Minnesota and studied with Timothy Lovelace. Francesca and her husband, Pittsburgh Symphony cellist Michael DeBruyn, have been performing as a professional duo since 2004.
aMber koCHer (props MasTer) hails from Pittsburgh, with her husband, Kevin and son, Brody. She is a graduate of Clarion University and is the Props Master, Set Dresser, Jack-of-all-Trades Resident Artist and theater mom at PMT. Her most favorite credits with PMT include Evil Dead: The Musical, Disney’s Newsies, The Little Mermaid, Shrek, and more. Amber has been with the company since 2012, and is looking forward to many more seasons with PMT.
eve baNDi (LigHTiNg DesigNer) an alum of University of Pittsburgh (BA ’11) and University of Arizona (MFA ’16), she has been designing around Pittsburgh and elsewhere for over ten years now. She recently finished a year as Visiting Professor of Practice in Lighting Design at the University of Arizona. Select designs include The Mountaintop, Detroit ’67, Pipeline (Hattiloo Theatre, Memphis); Steel Magnolias, Appointment with Death (Gallery Players, Brooklyn); Silent Sky, The 39 Steps (South Park Theatre, Pittsburgh); The Hysteria of Dr. Faustus, The Maids, Measure for Measure (Seeing Place Theatre, NYC); Sunsum is Spirit (New Hazlett Theatre, Pittsburgh); Evil Dead: The Musical, ¡Viva Los Bastarditos! (No Name Players, Pittsburgh).
ToDD NoNN (LigHTiNg DesigNer) has spent many seasons working on productions with PMT. He is the Technical Director for all of Squonk Opera’s shows touring around the world, the Assistant Lighting Designer for all of Pittsburgh Opera’s performances at the Benedum, a stagehand with IATSE Local#3, and a Lighting Designer at RMU.
aMy ursiNy (CosTuMe DesigNer) is an experienced Costume Designer with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. During the
college semesters she can be found at Carnegie Mellon University teaching freshman to 3rd year graduates alike. Several times a year she can be found running costume competitions. She is excited to be working with PMT on her third production.
CHrisTopHer paTriCk (Makeup & Wig DesigNer) is a Journeyman Makeup Artist of I.A.T.S.E. Local 798 has worked in theater, film and commercials in the Pittsburgh region for the past 17 years. Christopher has loved helping bring PMT’s productions to life over the years and has fulfilled many design dreams with them including Hairspray, Dreamgirls, Hedwig and the Angry Inch and Evil Dead. His film work includes makeup on The Avengers, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Super 8, Archive 81, American Rust and the upcoming Rustin and The Pale Blue Eye.
geMMa WiLLiaMsoN* (proDuCTioN sTage MaNager) is “drop dead thrilled” to FINALLY drive this PMT favorite train! Favorite credits include: Jesus Christ Superstar, The Sound of Music, Legally Blonde, Les Miserables, Cinderella, Shrek, Sister Act, Annie, Beauty and the Beast, and Miss Saigon. Gemma has spent fourteen years in the PMT family, serving as Director of Production Operations and proud Actor’s Equity Member for PMT’s Professional Company and PMT Conservatory Productions. Gemma has been seen serving on the production teams at South Park Theatre, Robert Morris Colonial Theatre, Freedom Area High School, and Plum Borough High School. She would like to endlessly thank PMT’s Executive Team, the members of the American Federation of Musicians, and this GROOVY cast and creative team. She would like to especially thank her mom and Nick! (Who without our shared love of Evil Dead the Musical, may never have proposed.) Keep up with Gemma (and her production tattoos) by following @missgemmamitch. She dedicates this outrageous production to Kate. IYKYK.
TuCker TopeL (seT DesigNer) (He/Him) is a Pittsburgh based scenic designer and teaching artist, after growing up in the southern Wisconsin area. He is an alum of Point Park University. Tucker’s most recent local design credits include: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Mercyhurst University), 9 to 5 (Stage 62), Abduction The Musical (MTAP), Meanwhile (CSA Program at The New Hazlett Theater), and HOARD (off the WALL). He also works with local schools including Moon Area High School, Seneca Valley High School, and CAPA Pittsburgh 6-12.
JoNaTHaN T. sage (TeCHNiCaL DireCTor) has been with Pittsburgh Musical Theater for more than ten years and is excited to be part of another fabulous production. A Michigan State University alumnus, additional professional credits include The Boarshead Professional Theater in Lansing, Michigan and The Ohio Light Opera in Wooster, Ohio. Jonathan would like to thank his family for all of their love and support.
Pittsburgh Musical Theater is thankful for its generous individual donors, as well as foundation, corporate and government partners.
Donors acknowledged here made a gift to our operating and capital campaigns between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2022.
If your name is listed incorrectly or has been mistakenly omitted, please contact Allison Hannon, Director of Development, at (412) 539-0900 x236
$10,000 and Above
Allegheny County Regional Asset District
Ken and Colleen Doyno
Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust
FedEx Ground Heinz Endowments
Henry C. Frick Educational Fund of the Buhl Foundation
Henry L. Hillman Foundation
The Jack Buncher Foundation
Jendoco Construction Corporation
The Kuhn Family Laurel Foundation
PNC Charitable Trusts PA Council on the Arts
Peter C. Dozzi Family Foundation
Richard E. Rauh
$5,000 - $9,999
Bridgeway Capital
City of Pittsburgh Dollar Bank
Hefren-Tillotson, Inc.
Peoples Gas
$2,500 - $4,999
Cheryl Begandy Rochelle Lilien
The McQuillan Group
Joseph and Rosemary Mendel
The Schmidtetter Family
Stephen L. Yoset
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (2)
Michael and Jennifer Bails
Sandra Blaser
Adam and Jenny Birch
Matthew and Heather Clark
Kimberly C. Davis
Peter and Theresa Dozzi
Giant Eagle Foundation
Ken and Jane Gargaro Malinda Hallett
Alicia and Michael Klein
Paul and Shari McGill
The Vernon C. And Alvina B. Neal Fund
The Padnos Family In Memory of Jack Phinney The Skalski Family
$500 - $999
Anonymous (2)
Jonathan and Lyn Allen American Eagle Foundation
Larry and Rikki Berger
The Darke Family Marianne Downer
Jeremy Kahn
Ken and Linda Krynski
Charles and Joan Moff Nicholas and Dorothy Rescher
Theresa Sage John and Hollee Temple Michael Troiani
$250 - $499
Stephen Black
Steve Cuden
Kelly Cullen and Joe Allen
Willam Dodds and Allison Hannon
David and Judy Doyno
Brian and Karen Hannon
Eric and Lindsay Kalbfleisch
The Kocher Family
Greg Kander
The Opel Family
The Perman Family
Margaret Shuckett
Jennifer Shumar
Barry Tague
$100 - $249
Anonymous (5) Michael Accetta
Suzanne Alexander Kelly Andrachick
David Bokhour
The Booher Family Dorette Boylan Kristin Boyle
Emily Lynne Brooks
Gloria Caceres
John Clark, In Honor of Abigail Clark
Dr. Francesca Tortorello and Michael DeBruyn Andrew Dodds and Gina Velucci
Greg and Julie Dodds Amie Downs Ethan Eade Carmen Ellington
The Emmerling Family Mindy Frolich
Jan Glick
David and Marilou Gibbs Michael Gwin
Mary Grace Hannon
The Herbick Family John Hoglund Lenita Hoglund
Evan Hoover
Laureen Hurt
The Karashin Family Nina Khan
Susanne Lersch Nancyann Letterio
Cliff and Roseanne Levine
Larry Lozier, Jr. Patricia Lucot
The Lychack Family
The Marinacci Family Cecilia McCorkle Bonnie Mesing Penney Miller
Nick and Gemma Mitchell Nathan Ober Norman and Darlene Padnos
The Parsons Family Darryl Phillips
John and Marlene Ramsey
Greg Russak
Bob and Christine Senko Cara Shuckett
Paul and Bonnie Titus
The Toole Family
The Weisberg Family
The Weisfield Family Rachel Viehman
Bryan and Carol Young
We also wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to donors who made gifts up to $99. All PMT donors are recognized at pittsburghmusicals.com/honorroll
Thank you! We are so grateful for your support, which is critical to keeping PMT positioned as a cultural asset, community resource, and arts ambassador for the Pittsburgh community. Donations cover 35% of our operating costs annually, while each season Pittsburgh Musical Theater enriches the lives of over 35,000 art-lovers and families.
Contact Allison Hannon at 412-539-0900 x236 or visit www.pittsburghmusicals.com/donate if you would like to join this list of generous supporters.
Director Nick Mitchell
Producer Colleen Doyno Music Director Dr. Francesca Tortorello
Production Stage Manager Gemma Williamson* Choreographer Jerreme Rodriguez
Props Master Amber Kocher
Set Designer Tucker Topel Sound Designer Brendan McGhee
Costume Designer Amy Ursiny Makeup, Wig, & Special FX Designer Christopher Patrick
Lighting Designer Eve Bandi, Todd Nonn Technical Director Jonathan T. Sage Assistant Director Emmy Masteller
Assistant Stage Manager Joseph Robert Fedore*
Fight Captain Callee Miles* Scenic Charge Kelsey Jamison, Amber Shuman
Caity Byers, Michael Fitsmaurice, Sophie Mehallick, Christina Mignella, Valeria Moran, MaKenzie Mueller, Kassy Sealy, Laura Smith, Kendall Smolenski, Jayden Solovey
Keys / Conductor Dr. Francesca Tortorello Guitar Dan Mihelarakis Drums PJ Gatch
THaNk you To our spoNsors:
* denotes member of Actors’ Equity Association
Pittsburgh Musical Theater (PMT) is a non-profit arts education organization committed to youth development. We cultivate a diverse creative community and future leaders with transferable life skills through a uniquely-designed convergence of training, mentorships, and professional
performances. In a nurturing environment that promotes wellness, safety, and freedom of expression, our integrated opportunities for young artists and local professionals create quality productions for all audiences, foster a community of belonging, and enhance the vibrancy of our region.
President Joseph F. Mendel
Vice President Stephen L. Yoset
Secretary Malinda Hallett
Treasurer Larry Berger
PMT Board of Directors: Adam Birch, Joanna Doven, Carmen Ellington, Kaitlyn Hendrickson, Michael D. Klein, Michael Kuhn, Rochelle Lilien, Denise Mosley, Tyson Sears
PMT Advisory Board: Dr. Ken Gargaro (Founder), Mary Gail Biebel, Stephen Black, Sandra M. Blaser, Jon Burnett, R. Yvonne Campos, Rich Cefalo, Bonita A. Cersosimo, Bruce I. Crocker, Evan Frazier, Hilda Pang Fu, David B. Gookin, Tim Hartman, Noah Himberger, Robert Kaiser, David J. Martin, Paul E. McGill, Ronald Ortiz, Gregg Perelman, Richard E. Rauh, Dorothy H. Rescher, Connie Schwartz, Doug Shields, Ron Skalski, Bruce Smith, Fred Sukitsch, Sherri Uram, Laura Zajdel
Ex Officio: State Representative Dan Deasy, Senator Wayne Fontana
Executive Director
Colleen Doyno
PMT Conservatory Director Quinn Patrick Shannon
Director of Production Operations Gemma Mitchell
Director of Development Allison Hannon
Marketing & Media Manager Lindsay Kalbfleisch Box Office & Audience Services Manager, Accessibility Coordinator Amber Kocher
Technical Director
Jonathan T. Sage
PMT Conservatory / Associate Technical Director, Health & Safety Coordinator Kevin Kocher
Director of Finance Kate Toole
Graphic Designer Brianna Booher
Resident Music Director
Dr. Francesca Tortorello
continued support of Pittsburgh Musical Theater