IMA September 2015 Machinery

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Injection Moulding Asia Machinery

Husky: a toast to innovation in packaging Demand for bottled drinks in PET plastic is continuing to

as, to cite a few, simplified operation and fullyintegrated systems; cavity to cavity and shot to shot repeatability to yield more consistent and higher quality parts, at the same time, reducing variability further downstream in the beverage packaging line.

grow, according to a report by the US-based International Market Analysis Research and Consulting (IMARC) Group on the study of the global consumption of PET

Brewing solutions for beverages The company, which is dedicated to promoting innovation, specifically in packaging, has grown to become one of the industry’s primary suppliers of PET preform injection moulding solutions.

bottles. A leading equipment supplier in this sector is Husky Injection Molding Systems.


Gerardo Chiaia says that in Asia the demand for improved consumer use is driving innovative package designs and manufacturing solutions. “This is leading to the development of packages with added functionality that deliver consumer convenience and brand recognition, smaller sizes and more single serve portion controlled packages, as well as increased levels of customisation, including labelling, decorations, engraving, printing, colours, etc. There has also been a growing demand for liquid dairy products and milk based drinks, as well as an increasing preference for juices and special teas,” he adds

he injection moulding machine industry, which provides vital equipment in the segment of plastic processing, is also growing alongside this increasing demand. This machinery type accounts for 60% to 85% in developed countries, according to a new report by India-headquartered RnR Market Research, adding that key applications are mainly in the sectors of food and beverage packaging, as well as automotive, household appliances, building materials and electronic communications. Amongst the major global injection moulding system manufacturers that drive the growth in this segment is Husky Injection Molding Systems. A leading supplier of injection moulding equipment, headquartered in Bolton, Canada, Husky has manufacturing facilities located in Canada, the US, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, China, India and the Czech Republic. Husky’s broad range of equipment is used to produce an array of products for the beverage packaging, closures, thinwall packaging as well as medical and consumer electronics market. Husky designs, manufactures and integrates a comprehensive range of injection moulding equipment, including machines, moulds, hot runners and auxiliaries, for customers in more than 100 countries. According to the firm, its customers benefit from its expert support backed by over 35 years of experience in the market; and the diverse offerings ranging from preform injection moulding systems, preform design and development, barrier solutions, mould refurbishing and conversion, and factory planning. According to Husky, its systems are designed to deliver the highest productivity levels as well as lower production costs. Its preform solutions are said to pare down total part cost, thus yielding a higher return on investment. Other advantages can be drawn from cutting-edge features such

“Beverage packaging is a key business unit for Husky and we plan on continuing to grow the business through the ongoing development of innovative technologies that will improve quality and push the industry forward,” said Gerardo Chiaia, who was recently appointed President of Husky’s Global Beverage Packaging business, in an interview with PRA. Chiaia, who also previously held the VicePresident post of the division, has been with Husky for 21 years, having previously headed the Boltonbased firm’s Hot Runner and Controllers business, as well as Asia-Pacific Beverage Packaging. Leading on the innovation front of plastics processing machinery in beverage packaging, Husky continues to step up its game. Chiaia says that the company is continuously looking at how to provide customers with added-value solutions. “As an industry leader, we remain dedicated to innovation and ingenuity, and we are committed to continually offering solutions that not only push 1

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Injection Moulding Asia Machinery the industry forward, but create value for our customers.” He also goes on to say, “Our leading position has always been a function of the value we deliver through the development of solutions that increasingly help our customers lower resin costs, improve cycle times, increase part quality and reduce energy requirements. Such examples include continual improvements to our preform and closure moulding systems to make them more productive, intelligent and efficient; as well as the development of technologies to expand the uses of PET as a packaging material beyond the current applications, including sensitive products, juice, milk, food and large volume applications.”

Husky’s recently introduced multi-layer barrier technology, available as a module on its HyPET HPP5 system, was showcased at the NPE 2015 tradeshow that took place earlier this year in Orlando, Florida. This technology enables Husky to produce multi-layer preforms with a wide range of barrier content, even below 3%, while delivering up to 50% savings on barrier material costs for some applications and increasing system availability. Husky’s latest generation HyPET HPP5 system also includes its all-new self-cleaning mould technology feature, which can reduce mould cleaning from four hours down to a matter of seconds.

Remedy for healthcare applications New PET technologies for Asia Apart from the food and beverage segment, another Emerging markets in the Asian region are found to growth area is medical packaging, which market bolster the beverage packaging market through the analyst Visiongain said clinched a significant share coming years, according to a new report by the New in the nearly US$40 billion global packaging market York-based consulting firm Future Market Insights. in 2014. It projected a single-digit CAGR of 3.3% through Responding to this demand, Husky has 2025 to almost US$257,547.9 million for the overall strengthened its position in this market, marked by beverage packaging market, with the APAC region, its acquisition of Schöttli, a Swiss-based company excluding Japan, accounting for 25% of the market that is recognised as a leading medical and closure share in 2014. mould maker. Factors that are driving this growth include “Our recently formed Medical and Specialty the demand for innovative packaging designs Packaging business is a focus of growth for the and manufacturing solutions, which translate to company. The acquisition of Schöttli in 2013 has the development of added functionality (such as allowed us to learn and grow our medical business convenience, single serve or portion sizes, and by focusing on specific applications and developing brand recognition) to the packaging. mould technology that enables customers to bring Hot on the heels of this growth trend in the the highest quality medical products to market, region, Husky is delivering its innovations to including syringes, infusion/transfusion products, address the requirements. and diagnostic systems.” “To meet these needs, Husky is continuously Chiaia also says that Husky’s Speciality looking at ways Packaging “Husky’s latest generation HyPET HPP5 to improve the business design and grew system also includes its all-new selffunctionality naturally of packaging. cleaning mould technology feature, which from its We work Beverage can reduce mould cleaning from four hours Packaging closely with our customers business, and down to a matter of seconds...” to develop combined solutions that will help to improve not only how with its previous acquisition of KTW, Husky is their packages perform, but how their packages continuing to expand its capabilities in this market. can stand out on store shelves amongst their He adds, “This includes providing solutions for competitors,” says Chiaia. sports caps, edible oils, closures for food packaging Specifically citing PET, Chiaia explains, “We are and personal care products, and others.” also exploring technologies to expand the use of PET “My goal is to ensure we continue to work as a as a packaging material. One example is our recently trusted partner to understand our customers’ needs introduced multi-layer barrier technology, which and develop meaningful solutions to support their offers manufacturers new possibilities to explore growth,” concludes Chiaia, on his objectives at the PET as a packaging material for products requiring helm of the global beverage packaging division of enhanced barrier properties.” the company. 2 S E P T E M B E R 2 015

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