Temple Mobility Master Plan Appendix A

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Appendix A: Stakeholder List and Meeting Notes

Appendix B: Public Meeting #1 Outreach and Materials

Appendix C: Public Meeting #2 Outreach and Materials

Appendix D: Public Hearing Outreach and Materials

Appendix E: Public Input

Appendix F: Website and E blast Usage Metrics

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Involvement Technical Report

Temple Mobility Master Plan

Public Involvement Technical Report

Appendix A: Stakeholder List and Meeting Notes



First Name Last Name Email

Area Agency on Aging George Losoya george.losoya@ctcog.org

Baylor Scott & White Hospital Keller Matthews Keller.Matthews@BSWHealth.org, Baylor, Scott & White Health Andrejs Avots-Avotins Andrejs.AvotsAvotins@BSWHealth.org

Bell County Human Services Tama Shaw

Bell County Office of Emergency Management Michael Harmon michael.harmon@bellcounty.texas.gov

Belton ISD Matt Smith michael.morgan@bisd.net

Belton ISD Vickie Tubbs vickie.tubbs@bisd.net

BNSF Railway Company Michael Williams mike.williams@bnsf.com

Central Counties Services Johnnie Wardell

Central Texas Christian Schools (CTCS) schoolinfo@ctcs.flywheelstaging.com

Central Texas Housing Consortium Barbara Bozon bbozon@cthc.org

Citizens for Progress Sonjanette Crossley sonjanette49@gmail.com

Creeks at Deerfield HOA John Kiella

Crestview Neighborhood Coalition Zoe Grant zgrant@zoeswings.org

CTLC Ministries Christine (Chris) Ballard jhornsby74@sbcglobal.net

Eight Street Baptist Church

Families in Crisis William Hall edficinc@earthlink.net

Familiy Promise Rucker Preston

Feed my Sheep Staci Masson

Fikes Raymond Smith rwsmith@fikesinc.com

Grace Temple Ministries

Greyhound Bus

Habitat for Humanity Ken Cates

HEB Retail Service Center Michele Schneider Taylor schneider.michele@heb.com

Hill Country Community Action Assn. Linda Morris templersvp@hccaa.com

Hill Country Transit District Darrell Burtner dburtner@takethehop.com

HOA Contact Tom Brautigan tom.brty@gmail.com

HOCTIL Peggy Cosner peggy.cosner@hoctilc.org

Holy Trinity Catholic High School Susan Terry holytrin@sbcglobal.net

Impact Temple Church

Jack Hilliard Distributing Jim Schwartz jschwartz@jhbud.com

Kiella Real Estate Group John Kiella JKiella@Kiella.com

Love of Christ Food Pantry AC Blunt Mclane Inc Robert Merriam robert.merriam@mclaneco.com

Midtown Neighborhood Coalition Paulino Castillo paulino@texaslibertyins.com

New Day Fellowship Church

Omega Builders John Howe john.howe@omegabuilders.com

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of the Angels Maternity Shelter Georgette Greenwood olams@att.net Parks Board Mike Pilkington mpilkington@pilkingtonhomes.com

PFG Performance Food Group Frank Case frank.case@pfgc.com

Priority Charter Schools

Saint Vincent Depaul Caitlyn West

Salvation Army Shelter David Beckham

St. Luke's Catholic Church

St. Mary's Catholic Church

Taylor's Valley Baptist Church

Temple Area Builders Association Marty Janczak Marty.Janczak@tahb.org

Temple Bible Church

Temple Chamber of Commerce Rod Henry rod@templechamber.com

Temple Charter Academy

Temple College Christina Ponce christina.ponce@templejc.edu

Temple Economic Development Corporation Scott Connell sconnell@templeedc.com

Temple ISD Amy Scopac amy.scopac@tisd.org

Tour Temple Matt Briggs matt.briggs@tourtemple.com

TxDOT Waco District Victor Goebel Victor.Goebel@txdot.gov

TxDOT Waco District Jake Smith Jacob.Smith@txdot.gov

UnIncluded Club Doree Collins doree.collins@unincluded.org

United Way Stephanie O'banion alyson.mcmillan@uwct.org

Vista Community Church Dave Jeffreys dave@thevista.tv

Vista Community Church Matt Irvine matt@thevista.tv

WalMart Distribution Center Warren Hine warren.g.hine@gmail.com

Wayman Chapel AME Church

Wilsonart International Victor Lam victor.lam@wilsonart.com

Workforce Solutions of Central Texas Charley Ayres charleya@workforcelink.com

Brooklawn Birdcreek Neighborhood Association Beimer Ryan ryancbeimer@gmail.com>

Temple Mobility Master Plan Stakeholder List

City of Temple MMP Stakeholder Meeting

Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Time: 5:00 pm

Location: Virtual Microsoft Teams Meeting

Invitees: City of Temple Project Managers: Richard Wilson, Jason Deckman

Stakeholders: Area Agency on Aging, Baylor Scott & White Hospital, Bell County Human Services, Bell County Office of Emergency Management, Belton ISD, BNSF Railway Company, Central Counties Services , Central Texas Christian Schools (CTCS), Central Texas Housing Consortium, Citizens for Progress, Creeks at Deerfield HOA, Crestview Neighborhood Coalition , CTLC Ministries, Eight Street Baptist Church , Families in Crisis, Family Promise, Feed my Sheep, Fikes, Grace Temple Ministries , Greyhound Bus, Habitat for Humanity, HEB Retail Service Center, Hill Country Community Action Assn., Hill Country Transit District, HOA Contact, HOCTIL, Holy Trinity Catholic High School, Impact Temple Church , Jack Hilliard Distributing, Kiella Real Estate Group, Love of Christ Food Pantry, Mclane Inc, Midtown Neighborhood Coalition , New Day Fellowship Church , Omega Builders, Our Lady of Guadalupe , Our Lady of the Angels Maternity Shelter, Parks Board, PFG Performance Food Group, Priority Charter Schools, Saint Vincent Depaul, Salvation Army Shelter, St. Luke's Catholic Church , St. Mary's Catholic Church , Taylor's Valley Baptist Church , Temple Area Builders Association, Temple Bible Church , Temple Chamber of Commerce, Temple Charter Academy, Temple College, Temple Economic Development Corporation, Temple ISD, Tour Temple, TxDOT Waco District, UnIncluded Club, United Way, Vista Community Church , WalMart Distribution Center, Wayman Chapel AME Church, Wilsonart International, Workforce Solutions of Central Texas

ATG Project Team: Jim Harvey, Jory Dille, Trae Sutton, David Patrick, Susan Chavez, Catrine Machi, Emma Martinez

Attendees: Andrejs E M.D. Avots Avotins, Amy Scopac, Jake Smith, Heather Bates, Bruce Leonhardt, Raymond Smith, Marty Janczak, Charley Ayres, George Losoya, Kenny Henderson, Nancy Glover, Richard Wilson, Jon. D. Hetzel, Michael W. Harmon, Crossley Sonjanette, Don Bond, Ed Mills, David Patrick, Susan Chavez, John Kiella, Mike Pilkington, Paulino Castillo, Trae Sutton, Gloria Elder, Christina Ponce, Brynn Myers, Barbara Bozon, Catrine Machi, David Olson, Jason Deckman, Jim Harvey, Jory Dille, Emma Martinez

Meeting Objective: Introduce the Temple MMP to the Stakeholder and discuss project status, engage stakeholder feedback, discuss goals and objective and next steps.



Jim Harvey introduced himself as one of the consultants with Alliance Transportation Group (ATG), and he introduced the City of Temple project managers:

Richard Wilson City Engineer

Jason Deckman Senior Planner

Following brief introductions from Mr. Deckman and Mr. Wilson, Mr. Harvey explained how to use Microsoft Teams during the meeting. He discussed how to put questions into the Teams chat and how to “raise your hand,” and he also noted that people would need to turn their mic on to speak.

Meeting Agenda

Mr. Harvey went over the general format of the meeting on the Meeting Agenda slide. He said we would do a few more quick introductions, but then the majority of the meeting would be for engagement and discussion.

Who is Involved?

Mr. Harvey introduced the project team, including ATG, KPA, Garver and Machi Mobility. He then presented the chart that displayed all the different groups that are participating in the stakeholder engagement process city staff, homeowners associations, freight distribution, churches, non profits, etc. He explained the project team is looking at the transportation system as a resource that impacts all those different groups and that is why we wanted a diverse set of stakeholders.


Jory Dille (ATG) took over the presentation to start the stakeholder engagement section. He began by showing the timeline of the 18 month project and explaining that we are still in the public visioning phase of the process. Mr. Dille indicated stakeholders will have multiple meetings with many opportunities to provide input, and their feedback will be needed throughout the process.

Public Meetings

The public meetings coming up will start in mid May 2021. During today’s meeting, the project team is interested in getting feedback from the stakeholders, and that feedback will shape how and what we present at the public meeting. There may be certain areas or issues in Temple that we need to focus on, and we can bring that to the larger group in May. Mr. Dille reminded the stakeholders that there will be more opportunities for feedback after today’s meeting; this is a simple, informal kickoff meeting and it is just the beginning.

Live Feedback

Mr. Dille introduced an online survey poll for the stakeholders to participate in and asked stakeholders to provide their responses. A link to the survey was placed in the chat so everyone could find it conveniently. As people responded, Mr. Dille stepped through the results as they were coming in live. Mr. Harvey asked if everyone who wanted to have been able to respond and said that we could assist with technical difficulties if anyone was having them. The discussion that followed survey centered around the feedback stakeholders provided. A summary of the survey responses is attached, The following highlight a few initial results:

• Sitting in traffic is an issue.

• A lot of response indicated a need for more bike and pedestrian facilities.

• Freight does not seem to be an issue.

Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure

Susan Chavez (Garver) said she was interested to hear more about the responses to Question #2, since people said they needed more bike and pedestrian facilities in the city of Temple.

• John Kiella said that they haveve just now started having bike and ped infrastructure. It is new and still pretty disconnected. They are working on it, but they need more connectivity and more bike infrastructure to allow people to get across town.

• Barbara Bozon said that she was thinking a lot about downtown traffic in regard to bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Traffic can get really crazy in downtown and can sometimes be dangerous for people biking or walking. Some people who live downtown do not even have cars.

Mr. Dille asked if there are off street networks that already exist; perhaps they can connect to on street networks?

• John Kiella said the hospital has a really large group of cyclists, and they regularly bike on outdoor hike/bike trails. He noted that they would certainly benefit from better connections between hike and bike trails and the on street network.

• Paulino Castillo said he sees a lot of cyclists getting to and from work. He had a few technical difficulties toward the end of his comment, but he seemed to be wanting to convey that people do bike to work in Temple, although the people doing so may be in the minority.

Discussion on Survey Question Structure

• Charley Ayres said the question (Question #2) was too general, because he would say the automobile network is great, but other parts of the transportation system, such as the public transit network, is very poor.

o Mr. Dille said the questions and areas of focus will get narrower as we move along, but that is still great feedback in terms of the structure of the question. Mr. Harvey mentioned that the questions are designed to serve as a starting point for discussion as well, so hopefully we can parse out some of the more specific ideas Charley is referring to.

• John Kiella also said the question was too general, because he would have different opinions about different aspects of the transportation system in Temple. Mr. Dille asked him to rank each of the different systems, on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is great and 1 is really bad.

o Mr. Kiella gave the driving system in Temple a 4/5, because it is pretty good. However, he gave both the walking and biking networks a score of 2/5, because the connectivity is poor, and sidewalks are missing from some places. He did not actually provide a score for the transit system but conveyed that the transit system would receive a low score, and he emphasized that the transit system was one of his primary concerns for mobility in Temple.

o Mr. Deckman summarized Mr. Kiella’s thoughts and confirmed that the issues in Temple are specific to modes of transportation: transit and bike/ped infrastructure.

• Charley Ayres said, “When we talk about this survey, there does have to be some differentiation [between] transportation for leisure and transportation for work. Just one percent of the population might bike to work, but the percent of people biking for leisure is probably a lot more than that.” He also noted that we need to define “local” because about 40% of people

who work in Temple do not necessarily live in the city, so the project team needs to consider a regional approach.

• Per Mr. Dille’s prompting, Catrine Machi (from Machi Mobility) said that in terms of recreation vs work categories for biking, the two commonly overlap. In fact, they overlap so much, that planning an on street bike route for recreation is almost synonymous with planning a network for people to bike to work. For example, using the same bike network, you might be going to get ice cream with your kids, but you could also use the same bike lane to get to work at the ice cream shop. So, she would not worry two much about differentiating the two types of cyclists.

Public Transit System

Continuing the discussion about ranking the transportation systems in Temple, Mr. Kiella said, “The bus system is [effectively] non existent… the biggest thing we could get from this is learning how to get a bus system. We have a huge amount of underserved people who cannot get to [different places] in Temple. The biggest weakness right now is not having a bus.” Charley Ayres also agreed with John on needing improvement in the transit system.

• Brynn Meyers, City of Temple City Manager, mentioned she does not disagree with Mr. Kiella that the transit system is in need of improvement. However, she said, “John also mentioned the underserved population that needs to be able to ride the bus. But are those the only people we want to ride the bus?” Brynn posed the question: do we want people to be able to ride the bus to work in the future, or young professionals to go and get a drink after work on the bus? Depending on what the group wants, the bus system does not have to be only for lower income populations who NEED to ride the bus. She would like people to have a conversation about who the target riders will be.

A stakeholder who did not mention their name, mentioned that Uber has stepped in to help people get around in Temple, and a lot of people have started using it to get across town. It is not as expensive in a small town like Temple. That might be something they could discuss again.

• Ms. Machi noted that Denton County set a great precedent for micro transit. The county of Denton subsidizes rides with Uber / paratransit service, so that could be a micro transit option. Denton has worked with Uber/Lyft so that seniors can call and get a ride without using a cell phone app, making the service much more accessible.

• George Lossoya, tagging onto what Ms. Bozon has mentioned, said that the transit system can create accessibility issues for seniors. Even though we may have some transportation options, there are not a lot of accessible vehicles. Additionally, people may be able get to doctor’s appointments because they are eligible for a ride to the doctor through their healthcare provider but finding a ride to go shopping or see a friend would be much more difficult. Additionally, he shared an experience of helping seniors take transit, only to find that as soon as they got out of the vehicle the infrastructure was not accessible (i.e., the sidewalk after the bus stop ended, or there were uneven steps or sidewalks, etc.). So, the sidewalk connectivity and other accessible infrastructure around the public transit system is just as important.

Ms. Bozon, in response to Ms. Myers comment about choice riders vs. captive riders, said that her mom is older and really should not be driving. Despite her age, her mom is still able to drive and does so frequently, since it is the only way for her to get out of the house. Barbara emphasized that money is

not the issue for her mother, so it is not just lower income people that need to ride the bus; people may need to ride the bus for different reasons, such as being less able bodied or older like her mom. Without driving, Ms. Bozon’s mother would be homebound, so a more accessible way to access transit would be very beneficial for her.

Mike Pilkington noted a “chicken or the egg” conundrum about the transit system, saying that he was not sure if the transit system “doesn’t get used because it’s not very good, but it’s not very good because it doesn’t get used.” He mentioned that he had discussed the Uber system before on City Council, so that may be something that needs to be discussed again.

Ms. Myers noted that The City of Temple has engaged in a transit study that is nearing completion. Temple is currently served by the Hill Country Service District, and as the conversation today has also shown, the study has shown there is a gap in transit services. The City is in the process of considering making some changes to the transit district in which they currently reside. Temple may stay in the 9 county Hill Country Service District, they may create a new district for Temple and Belton, or they may create a new urban service provider for Temple, Belton, Copper’s Cove, etc. Those are discussions that are happening now. Mr. Dille thanked her for sharing and said we will definitely be incorporating that into the plan.

Mr. Dille noted that we are documenting all stakeholders’ comments and we will build on the content of this conversation in further meetings.

Freight Issues in Temple

Ms. Chavez asked to hear more about freight problems in Temple, which was one of the questions on the survey as well.

• George Losoya said that he has seen big trucks on small roads, and a lot of the wrecks he has seen on I 35 involve a freight truck.

• Mr. Kiella said that adequate storage parking at distribution centers is an issue for freight. A lot of companies are wanting to move to Temple, and where they can park their trucks overnight [truck safety parking] would be important to consider. Rail is an important component of freight in Temple and they looked at options for a multimodal site before, and there is a really good report the MMP project team could look at. There is a shortage of logistics companies in the area.

• Ms. Myers said that she thinks we need to plan for freight and make sure we are taking care of the movement of freight, but she does not think that freight is necessarily a problem.

Interactive Mapping Tool

Trae Sutton (KPA) began sharing his screen so the group could see the interactive map. Mr. Dille explained that we would send out the map for them to use after the meeting, and it would include instructions for how to use the map. Furthermore, Mr. Dille explained that the project team wanted to use this time to draw some of the trouble spots on the map so people could see how the map worked.

• Mr. Deckman shared that he built a similar map for the same purpose, to hear from people who are not in the planning profession. One comment was in reference to a sidewalk improvement that was drawn on the map, and as of this week, that project is going to be built all because

someone drew a line on the map. Mr. Deckman emphasized that we take people’s comments on the map very seriously, and that is why we ask for people to draw on it.

• Mr. Kiella asked if you can put a comment with the things you draw. Mr. Sutton walked through an example as Mr. Dille explained that a comment goes with each item drawn on the map. Users can draw points, lines, or areas. Trae showed an example of drawing a line on the map and then showed a comment box pop up. You can even add an image if you have a photo.

• Mr. Kiella also asked if you could see satellite view, and Trae showed them how. He also displayed how to show the legend and turn on and off layers.

Mr. Dille asked if there was anyone who had a comment they wanted to say before they had to drop off. There were just 5 minutes left in the meeting, but Mr. Dille reiterated that stakeholders can always add comments at any time to the map after we email it to the group. Mr. Deckman emphasized that now would be a good time to comment if anyone wanted to and said that this is the time to talk about things we might be missing.


Mr. Dille showed some of the goals of the other Temple plans, and many of them have connectivity as a goal identified. The project team wants to ensure we build off the good things that have been done before in other plans and take that into consideration as we create goals for the Temple MMP.

Mr. Deckman said we are not moving things or items; we are moving people. So, we need to consider how we move people to and from one another. Jim said that this is a good distinction between a mobility plan and just any other transportation plan.

Mr. Kiella asked when the planning window (horizon year) is. Mr. Harvey mentioned we have not defined the planning window, because there will be multiple horizon years short term goals for bike and ped is more useful, but also, they want to look toward a timeframe that is consistent with other TxDOT timelines in case any major infrastructure projects need to be funded.

Mr. Harvey wrapped up the next steps for the group:

• Send us your feedback on the map

• Tell us who we need to reach out to (who else should we be talking to)

• May 19th virtual public meeting with more time to provide input, project information similar to this meeting but with more details. So, encourage people to come!

Mr. Harvey let stakeholders know they can contact the project team at Temple.MMP@emailatg.com or contact Mr. Wilson and Mr. Deckman, whose contact information was listed on the slide. He also asked that if people were asked to participate in this meeting by someone else, especially if you joined by phone, please make sure we have your email address so we can send you updates.

Mr. Harvey noted that there will be a link to the website sent in the email so the group can stay informed. A copy of the presentation that you can share with others will be available on the website as well.

Continuation of Meeting Discussion

Initial Feedback

David Olson stayed on just to hear any follow up discussion. Mr. Harvey said that the project team will be sending out a survey to get feedback on what we could improve in the meeting.

Mr. Deckman said he was pleased that we got a variety of perspectives, but he would have liked to have heard more from stakeholders who did not attend or who attended but did not speak up during the meeting. Mr. Olson agreed, and said maybe they will respond in surveys.

Mr. Harvey said that even though some attendees did not contribute directly to the discussion, it is good that they were there because they heard everything that was said, and that will help them think about issues that they might not have otherwise considered or shared with their respective communities.

Mr. Harvey also noted that if we are not getting input from a particular stakeholder group, then we will consider additional outreach including the possibility of interviewing representatives one on one.


Mr. Harvey thanked everyone and ended the meeting at approximately 6:21 p.m.

[Attachment #1 Presentation]

[Attachment #2 Meeting Survey and Results]

City of Temple MMP Stakeholder Meeting TABA

Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Time: 11:00 am

Location: TABA Offices

Invitees: City of Temple Project Managers: Richard Wilson, Jason Deckman TABA Members

ATG Project Team: Jory Dille

Meeting Objective: Share project status and schedule and get stakeholder feedback on project vision, goals and objectives.

Agenda / Minutes

1. Presentation

Jason began presentation with brief overview of the plan and what the city expects to come of the plan Jory then stepped through the presentation starting with a video of a brief introduction from City Manager Brynn Myers, followed by information on the first public meeting, discussion on what is the MMP and what are the plans components, then a presentation of high level schedule and timeline, the stakeholders involved in the plan, what we have heard so far in terms of feedback and previous goals from other plans. The presentation wrapped up with discussion on next steps and how to make comments through email, comment cards, and the interactive map.

2. Questions and Comments

• Buses from HCTD block traffic at transit stops. Solution is to build lanes or turn outs.

• Synchronize the traffic lights!

“Transit is broken” Doesn’t need another report, we need real solution that we can implement. The community has made recommendations, but HCTD disregarded them.

• Adams/Central couplet, whether remains as 2 one way streets, traffic calming by routing freight trips around downtown, local truck deliveries only

• Freight should use Loop 363 (and Outer Loop when constructed), discussed access from “Crossroads 3PL Solutions” to reach expressways

• Need to identify and improve truck parking areas to reduce trucks parking on shoulders, especially in the industrial park

• Also mentioned I 14 future plans. Preferred route is on US 190, needs direct connects at I 35 @ Loop 363, construct main lanes to interstate standard

Pat Patterson

• Need to work on traffic flow at key intersections: Junctions w I 35, FM 93 @ S 31st, S 5th vicinity of Canyon Creek/Marlandwood and the overpass.

• We should be looking at TxDOT’s plans for future I 14

Josh Welch

• Is there data or modeling to show reduction of vehicle trips as a result of making neighborhoods more walkable? (quantify change in bike/pedestrian trips)

Overall goal (or challenge) Coordinate and cooperate with regional partners TxDOT, KTMPO, HCTD, BNSF/UP, Freight companies, development communities


• Transit

o The Hop should examine their stop locations and infrastructure for bus pull in/outs.

o Consider review of the route network.

o The Hop has funding concerns.

o MMP include implementable solutions to fix transit

• Freight

o Challenge for trucks getting around town, suggested sending on outerloop

o Identify truck parking

o Success working with BNSF, challenges working with UP

• Roadways

o I 14 Designation and Interstate Refer to route study report for history

o Direct connector from 35 to Loop 363

o Consider converting Adams and Central to two way streets

o Look at 93 and 35 during peak times

o Review Lake Road/2305

o Review 5th street

• Traffic

o Review signal timing in the city

• Active Transportation

o Review hike and bike trail to the loop near Baylor SW.

o Central and Adams for sidewalks

o Downtown and older parts of city have most challenges

Action Items

• Hold smaller focus group discussion with TABA Members, less than ten people, through plan development. Potential date would be early Fall 2021.

City of Temple MMP

Stakeholder Meeting

Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Time: 1:30 am

Location: Microsoft TEAMS

East Temple Neighborhood Initiative

Invitees: City of Temple Project Managers: Jason Deckman, Richard Wilson

ATG Project Team: Jory Dille, Jim Harvey, Chelsey Cooper, Emma Martinez, Susan Chavez, Leigh Mercer

East Temple Neighborhood Initiative Members

Total Attendees:

Gary Rapp, Facilitator

Craig Warrick

Nancy Glover, City of Temple

Deonta Davis, Make a Way Wellness

Kelly Atkinson, City of Temple Mary A. Gales

Katherine Loftin

Daisy Jayroe, Meredith Dunbar Early Childhood Academy

Ken Whipple Shaunese Minor

Rucker Preston, Family Promise Sarah Sewell

Stephanie Greger, City of Temple

Gill Hollie, Temple ISD

Michelle Garcia

Zoe Lewis, Zoe’s Wings

Ursula McNab

Nikki Murphy, Meredith Dunbar Early Childhood Academy

Meeting Objective: Share status of Master Mobility Plan (MMP) development, including existing conditions assessment and draft vision and goals, and get feedback on mobility challenges for residents on the east side of Temple.

Meeting Summary:

1. Introductions

Nancy Glover, City of Temple, initiated the meeting with a round of introductions. Nancy stated that this group represents a wide range of voices in the community and the team wanted to use this as a focus group for getting feedback for the plan.

2. Presentation

Jason Deckman, City of Temple, began the presentation with a brief overview of the plan and what the city expects to come of the plan. Jory Dille, Project Team, then stepped through the presentation starting with a video of a brief introduction from City Manager Brynn Myers (that was not able to be played due to technical difficulties), followed by a recap of public engagement efforts, an overview of the MMP and invited stakeholders, and a presentation of existing conditions data Susan Chavez, Project Team, presented the draft vision statement and nine draft goals of the MMP that were developed using stakeholder and public input, and in coordination with the City. She followed with information on next steps in the project and future opportunities to provide feedback, such as in the next Public Meeting

(January 2022). Jory Dille then walked through the online interactive map where stakeholders can draw in their feedback on areas of concern. Following this tutorial, the meeting opened to a discussion as an opportunity for stakeholders to comment and ask questions. The meeting wrapped up with a review of the project schedule by Jory. Target date for completion of the MMP is Summer 2022. Gary Rapp, Facilitator, thanked the team for presenting this information and for the discussion and requested the presentation to distribute to the group.

3. Discussion

Gary Rapp facilitated the discussion portion of the meeting. The following is a summary of discussion items and issues raised.

Deonta Davis

• On hot days, pick ups from some bus stops can be up to an hour or so apart; people are having to wait in the heat. Can we make any other means of transportation available? He understands that increasing buses to every 30 mins may be a funding issue. Can we investigate city wide or city sponsored rideshares?

• With expansion/development increasing on the east side, have they thought about increased traffic (like on Avenue H and 8th street)? Concerns about speed limit in area, particularly near churches and businesses that people frequently walk to.

• More HOP stations are needed near schools. Example: Ray Allen elementary is bussed from east to south side. This is an issue of the safety of kids getting home, especially when parents work/live far from the school.

• Access to the industrial park will be important; billboards are frequently advertising that businesses there are hiring. Concerns about the hours that buses would be able to run if the City were able to provide transit to the industrial park. CEOs/CFOs may have some influence here

• Is there public private partnership we could take advantage of?

• Instead of two loops could we do a hub and spoke type of bus system? He understands that funding may not be available for this.

• Regarding the industrial park providing access for people to get to work, could we do a special line that runs during peak hours? The industrial park is the biggest employment center for the east side.

• Provided anecdote about man who spent around $500 on Lyft per month to get to work until he could get a car – there is need. It was worth the Lyft because he could earn enough from work. In working with the homeless/working class, this is low bearing fruit because these are all people who aren’t unemployed for long and want to be working. Look into getting people up to the industrial park. Could we provide incentives for businesses to contribute to transportation?


• Transit –

o The HOP should consider relocating/adding stations that are closer to schools.

o Consider review of the route network – is efficiency of routes being maximized? Can additional buses be added to reduce stop wait times?

o Consider special/limited schedule bus lines that provide connection to the industrial park during peak hours/shift changes, which would include late hours.

Funding of such a line is a concern for City and HOP budget.

o Consider incentives for businesses who support mobility plan.

o Consider city sponsored rideshare program or similar, taking into account future technology/transportation developments.

o While consideration of HOP improvements was stressed by stakeholders, there are HOP funding concerns. The HOP recently initiated a technical committee to look at ways to improve service.

• Roadways

o Concerns about speed limit in area around Avenue H, particularly near churches and businesses that people frequently walk to.

• Traffic

o Concerns about increased traffic on Avenue H, 8th Street and surrounding area as expansion/development increases on the East side, including subdivision development.

Action Items

• Jory/Project Team to follow up with Preston Rucker on threshold numbers for high/low ridership based on ridership graphic from presentation.

• Project Team to provide a link to the presentation and recording, either via email or by posting to the project website so stakeholders can access

• Project Team to send out draft goals for feedback from stakeholders.

City of Temple MMP Stakeholder Meeting

Date: Thursday, 16, 2021

Time: 8:30 – 9:00 AM

Location: Virtual Teams Meeting

Invitees: City of Temple: Jason Deckman

ATG Project Team: Jory Dille, Emma Martinez, Chelsey Cooper, Susan Chavez

Stakeholders: Zoe Lewis Grant

Meeting Objective: Stakeholder Meeting with Zoe Lewis Grant, Founder and Executive Director of Zoe’s Wings Foundation, Inc.



Susan started the conversation by stating the purpose of the meeting and asked if Zoe was able to attend the East Temple Neighborhood Initiative (ETNI) meeting yesterday. Zoe said she was not able to attend the meeting, and Jason noted that he would make sure the presentation was uploaded to the website.

The project team introduced themselves. Susan mentioned that Nancy Glover gave us her contact information and said she would be a great person to talk to regarding mobility challenges on the east side of Temple. Jory asked Zoe to share what her core interests were to help guide conversation.


Zoe mentioned her overall concern is East Temple. As a neighborhood champion, she is deeply involved in the community. The things that are of concern include the following:

• There are 2 major exits in east Temple – one of them is the bridge and the other is over a railroad. They are not ADA accessible.

• There is very little transit and it doesn’t run very often.

• There are not very many sidewalks in East Temple; if there are, they are not well maintained and so those with wheelchairs may choose to use the street instead.

• There are no bike paths in east Temple.

• East Temple is a food desert; there is just one grocery store.

Jory affirmed many of Zoe’s concerns have been discussed by other stakeholders, and they are definitely something we are paying attention to as a project team. Discussion of these concerns are as follows:

Transit in Temple

Jory displayed a slide from the presentation given at the ETNI meeting showing ridership on the HOP Jory offered to send Zoe the report on the HOP and its ridership. Jason noted that they have had discussions with the HOP, and that the places that are showing as “high ridership” may be high because there are 5 riders instead of just 1 rider, which is still overall low ridership. Jason also said that the

ridership at the HOP dropped much less during COVID compared to the ridership of a lot of the bigger cities, but that may be just because there were less people using the transit service in the first place.

The bus route that stops at the H E B grocery store on the eastside was discussed and the fact that it is not convenient for east side residents because of the turnaround on the west side. Jason commented on the turnaround for Route 530; the reason it terminates in the place it does on the west side of Temple is unclear. Chelsey mentioned it may be because of the bus’s ability to make a right turn in that area.

Jory noted that the mobility plan will include recommendations for transit as well as all other modes. It’s a very broad plan, so it will be a guide for all transportation development in the future.

Food Deserts

Zoe stated that East Temple is a food desert. She stated that there is no grocery store in far east Temple; you have to go to the H E B next to I 35 or go all the way to the west side, so mobility is very important. Jory said that quality of life is a goal in the plan; the team hopes to connect transportation to important places like grocery stores, libraries, schools, etc. He pulled up the interactive map to discuss, and Zoe said she would utilize it to provide her input.

Zoe pointed out the H E B that people are going to (just east of I 35) is the only grocery store in east Temple and that is the highest ridership spot that was listed on the HOP. There have been rumors that they may shut down that H E B and turn it into an H E B plus located on the other side of the highway, which would be detrimental to residents on the east side. The other high ridership stop that was shown on the map was a Walmart.

Medical Transportation

Zoe stated that she is on the Patient Advocacy Board for Baylor Scott and White and that it has been discussed that people are missing their appointments because they don’t have transportation. Many patients may rely on family members to take them to the doctor’s office. Jory said that Baylor Scott and White is a point of interest for the team as well.

Also, the bus stop next to the hospital is located on the service road next to the hospital, and the walk to the hospital is uphill through grass on the medical campus. The bus stop would better serve the community if it was closer to the hospital entrance.

Industrial Area Connections

Zoe mentioned that there have been discussions of putting in a path from the east side to the industrial park, but a path to that area probably wouldn’t work for people in east Temple. The people who would be going to work in the industrial area would be coming and going late at night, and people don’t want to use a path at night; many people in east Temple are older adults or disabled and would have difficulty using the path

She discussed that ten foot sidewalks have recently been installed near the industrial park which seems unnecessary Zoe said she would rather save the money and put in a smaller sidewalk, allowing the money to be spent on some other items elsewhere. There is no bus to the industrial area, however there are jobs being created there, so a bus would likely be a better solution.

Active Transportation

Jory explained that they have looked into the data about sidewalks, as there was a sidewalk inventory completed about five years ago. That data is helpful, but it is not complete the team needs the information from people like Zoe to help us understand local context. Zoe mentioned the following areas of concern:

• Pedestrian Infrastructure Needed on 24th Street Bridge

The 24th street bridge needs to be fixed (not just patched), and it needs a pedestrian lane and a bike lane. People with strollers are crossing the bridge, but there is no pedestrian infrastructure. The bridge has four lanes, but the traffic on the bridge is not busy enough to necessitate four lanes. Most of the traffic crossing the bridge is moving one way. The bus stop nearby the 24th street bridge is on 24th and N Avenue.

• A Long Walk from East Temple to the Mall

To get to the mall, residents in east Temple are traversing a long and dangerous walk. They have to go around MLK and cross the D K Hodgen Loop with no pedestrian crossing. This is a very dangerous place to cross, and the grass may not be cut, so people are left walking in very high grass or they are just walking on the street. Zoe said the ideal solution would be an improved transit connection from east Temple to the mall, so people are not required to walk so far.

• Broken Sidewalks on Adams Street

Jason asked if there are areas that may not be represented in the data, but the area is clearly having “close calls” for injuries to pedestrians. Zoe said that Adams and N Martin Luther King has some broken sidewalks where people have to get off of the sidewalk, and then people have to walk along Adams Street to get into town. These sidewalks also have steps in them, which makes it really difficult for individuals with disabilities. Zoe noted that both sides of Adam are issues, but the north side is worse. Jason noted that there is a grant that will provide funding for some sidewalks near the area, but there will be more projects needed in this area.

Anecdotally, Zoe said she really appreciated the sidewalk on 31st street that should have been done years ago.

Jory wrapped up the meeting by reiterating that the team appreciates Zoe’s feedback. Meeting adjourned around 9:18 a.m.

City of Temple MMP Stakeholder Meeting

Date: Monday, September 20, 2021

Time: 1:00 to 2:00 PM

Location: Virtual Teams Meeting

Invitees: City of Temple: Richard Wilson, Jason Deckman, Nancy Glover, ATG Project Team: Jory Dille, Jim Harvey, Emma Martinez, Chelsey Cooper, Susan Chavez

Stakeholders: Nikki Murphy

Meeting Objective: Meeting with Nikki Murphy, Principal, Meridith Dunbar Early Childhood Academy



The project team introduced themselves. Susan started the conversation by stating the purpose of the meeting and asked if Nikki was able to attend the East Temple Neighborhood Initiative (ETNI) meeting. Nikki said she was not able to attend the meeting and that she was somewhat familiar with the Mobility Master Plan (MMP) effort but would appreciate a little more information. Jason noted that he would make sure the ETNI presentation was uploaded to the website. Jory briefly went over the PowerPoint presentation to give Nikki a primer for what the MMP is.


A discussion of mobility challenges followed the presentation.

Question: What are some challenges for the people at your school / in the neighborhood?

Keeping the Car Pickup Line to a Minimum

• Nikki added bus transportation for pre k students this year. This used to be the biggest challenge to car pickup lines (because there was no option for bussing pre k students) but adding buses for them has had a huge impact. The car line has decreased. Also, Nikki doesn’t anticipate losing the funding for that pre k bus transportation, because the option to bus starting in pre k has helped enrollment.

• Nikki cleared out parking spaces near the front of the school so parents can walk up and get their children instead of having to load children in the car (which is more time consuming). This has also helped decrease the car pickup line.

• The school recently was required to put in a fire lane, which they also utilize as a bus lane. This has helped mitigate congestion, along with Nikki’s decision to separate the car traffic and bus traffic.

Mobility Issues in the Neighborhood

• Issues catching the HOP; transit is not easy to use

If you want to go anywhere, it’s not easy to get there without a car. Example: Going to SAFECO requires crossing a bridge

• Old signage on the streets in the neighborhood around the school that needs to be replaced

• Dangerous intersection

o 30th and East Avenue J going to the left is a dangerous intersection, which is why Nikki changed the way traffic moves around the school

• Maintenance: The roads in the area are very poorly kept huge potholes in front of the school.

Bike/Ped Specific Issues

• Sidewalks also need maintenance

• No sidewalk to the adjacent neighborhood, but there is a path through the field

• Parents with strollers will walk from the Old Wayman Manor neighborhood, occasionally they will go through that field path and sometimes walk in the street

• Crossings

o 30th and K no crossing, but traffic is usually slow there when kids need to cross the street

o 30th and East Avenue J there’s a crosswalk, and it can become a congested area


• Beautification of the Campus

o Hoping to improve some of the amenities on the campus

o Nikki said they need some more trashcans in the area; littering is an issue since there is nowhere to put trash as students walk from school to the convenient store/ nearby neighborhood

City of Temple MMP Stakeholder Discussion Meeting – Chamber of Commerce

Date: Tuesday February 22, 2022

Time: 11:30AM to 1:30 PM

Location: Virtual Teams Meeting

Invitees: City of Temple: Richard Wilson, Jason Deckman

ATG Project Team: Jory Dille, Chelsey Cooper

Stakeholders: John Kiella, Tommy Stinson, Sonjanette Crossley, Rod Henry, Whitney Therist, A. Avots Avotins, Charley Ayres, Adrian Cannady

Meeting Objective: Meeting with Temple Chamber of Commerce to discuss project findings to date and gather additional feedback to carry into recommendations.


The following summarizes the conversation held during the stakeholder discussion meeting with the Temple Chamber of Commerce. The notes capture questions, recommendations, and general statements provided during and after the PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint was a reduced version of that given at Public Meeting #2 held in January 2022.


• Public Engagement The group expressed curiosity in understanding the overall feedback themes when looking across the various platforms for comment. The Team confirmed this type of analysis would be included in the Public Engagement Outreach Summary and applied to plan recommendations where applicable. Additionally, there was discussion on number of comments and how many comments received were made by one individual or multiple. The project team will look into the number of unique comments received.

• Transit Access to the right locations and at the right time is the observed challenge, especially regarding access to care. Different incentives have been used in the past (e.g., gas cards, grant funding, etc.) without success. Major themes on transit access include access to jobs, care, and groceries.

The group would like to see more discussion as it relates to potential micro mobility solutions (e.g. shuttle vans).

Baylor Scott & White would be interested in setting up follow up meetings to discuss internal and near to campus transportation options.

While discussing the Transit Vision, there was a recommendation to relocate the transit transfer station from the current location in downtown to/near the AMTRAK station.

• Traffic/Roadway Continuous flow (roundabout) intersections were received positively by this group. The following are recommendations of potential locations where they would be interested in seeing continuous flow intersections implemented.


o Sparta and Stonehollow

o Ave U & 5th

o MLK & where it goes from 4 lanes to 2 over by the VA  Examples have been drawn up at this location and will be shared with the city.

o 5th street & I 14 

Existing the off ramp and traversing to the back of the college

The Project Team will consider additional discussion regarding "continuous flow corridors" and the value of creating the symmetry of intersection design throughout the network

MLK was called out as being a high visibility street in the future that special attention needs to be paid to.

• Active It was noted that the current Apache project (sidewalks/hike & bike) does not connect into Adams and that this is a missed opportunity from the group’s standpoint.

There was a recommendation to consider using policy similar to that in Austin where the city implements sidewalk fees to help get funding for retrofitting sidewalks in older communities

The group mentioned a need for a city staff person dedicated to sidewalk infrastructure needs related to closing gaps and adding connections.

More hike and bike trails are needed. Crushed granite can serve as a feasible more cost friendly approach.

The bicycle club “Women on Wheel” from Scott & White bike club was mentioned as a potential stakeholder to involve in future meetings.

• General There was a request to see an outline of the chapters and sub chapters that will be used in the Final Report of the Master Mobility Plan.

Travel into/out of the airport is expected to increase as the new medical schools becomes more established. Currently have a lot of charter jets for patients; expect an increate with medical school personnel, speakers, etc.

Regarding the freight element of the plan, the group would be interested in seeing a truck routes plan that diverts truck traffic from downtown using the loop.

Recommendations to consider:

• Adopt a policy into the planning/engineering departments to require looking at the MMP as part of their review process before approval.

• Consider developing an advocacy group or a committee for active transportation

of Temple
Stakeholder Discussion Meeting 2/22/22 2

Temple Mobility Master Plan

Public Involvement Technical Report

Appendix B: Public Meeting #1 Outreach and Materials


Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #1 Sign-in Sheet for Virtual Meeting May 19, 2021

1 4/29/21 10:48:07 4/29/21 10:50:27 Christopher McCormack 917 North 5th St. 254-760-5049 christopher.mccormack@Temple Chamber of Commerce/Central Counties

2 5/8/21 18:40:48 5/8/21 18:41:30 Nyongai M 1114 N 5th St 254-239-6061 Nyongai@utexas.edu Biking

3 5/13/21 21:04:34 5/13/21 21:05:56 Lori Walker 905 E Central Ave 254-654-9579 ldwalker16@live.com Myself Flyer

4 5/14/21 23:19:30 5/14/21 23:20:02 Madeeha Drissi 2030 Hayes St Temple TX 2149097519 madeehamian@yahoo.c Residents Social media

5 5/15/21 0:19:11 5/15/21 0:20:30 Kristina Tidwell 601 Twin Oaks Dr. #1105 5124613158 Racersfavorite101@gma Myself Social media

6 5/15/21 0:52:55 5/15/21 0:55:12 chris wright 412 s 15th Temple Tx 7652542319906

Chrstwrg4@gmail.com Myself Social media

7 5/16/21 5:20:41 5/16/21 5:22:17 Dionely Rodriguez 3214 Camellia cr 2544936038 Ndvic@hotmail.com Social media

8 5/17/21 15:02:18 5/17/21 15:03:16 Lynne Tolmachoff 1411 Amber Dawn Drive, 530-632-1682 ltolmachoff@gmail.com email

9 5/17/21 15:03:05 5/17/21 15:03:50 Beth 1518 south 39th street hello.kitty423@yahoo.co Myself Email

10 5/17/21 15:03:09 5/17/21 15:04:12 Tom Brautigan 920 Villa Lugano Dr. Belto254-913-8944 tom.brty@gmail.com HOA Email

11 5/17/21 15:03:22 5/17/21 15:04:13 Allan Einboden 302 Mikey Ln 2549133627 einboden@mac.com Temple Parks Foundation, Keep Temple Beaemail

12 5/17/21 15:06:34 5/17/21 15:07:21 Tim Davis 1106 N. 13th Temple, Tex254-913-1871 timdavis_tba@yahoo.co Self email

Thomasp99@mac.com Thomas parenteau Web site

13 5/17/21 15:05:22 5/17/21 15:07:32 Thomasp99@mac.com 10510 bell mountain driv 2817692284

14 5/17/21 15:08:56 5/17/21 15:10:29 joseph fanelli 703 Devin dr 832-492-5901 jfitexas@aol.com Utility bill 15 5/17/21 15:09:48 5/17/21 15:11:02 Sandra Russell 1817 Cedar Lane 254-780-0075 rus2sand@aol.com Myself Social media 16 5/17/21 15:10:58 5/17/21 15:11:23 Teresita A Powitzky 2204 Deerfield Dr. 2549314901 castillo1246@yahoo.com Email

17 5/17/21 15:18:00 5/17/21 15:20:09 Traci Young 2602 S 39th St #107 Tem 4802265407

Tracilee53@gmail.com myself Email 18 5/17/21 15:27:39 5/17/21 15:28:39 Chuck Bondurant 501 Cherokee Dr 9159203993

chuck.bondurant@gmail Myself email 19 5/17/21 15:29:04 5/17/21 15:30:30 Joe Ramirez 1102 N 6th St 979 900 9393

joeramirez1201@gmail.c Myself IPHONE 20 5/17/21 15:28:11 5/17/21 15:39:23 Gregory Gregg 1119 S 4th St 2545341608 glg30yrs@yahoo.com Myself Utility bill 21 5/17/21 15:43:21 5/17/21 15:44:59 Linda Rapp 2501 Canyon Cliff Drive 7138982013 Gerapp@aol.com East Temple Neighborhood Initiative Newspaper ad 22 5/17/21 15:55:36 5/17/21 15:57:05 Mark Barned 2433 Canyon Creek Dr 2546241456 Markbarnes2433@gmail Me Utility bill 23 5/17/21 16:14:47 5/17/21 16:15:45 Michele Martine 2020 N 15th Street 512-934-7985 mdmartine01@gmail.com Word of mouth 24 5/17/21 16:25:32 5/17/21 16:26:33 Leilani Collins 7108 Cameron Park Rd U 254-534-1426 onlybyhisgrace77@gmai myself Utility bill 25 5/17/21 16:27:13 5/17/21 16:31:05 Andrea Spurling 507 Marlandwood Rd #8 2543168406 SpurlingAndrea@gmail.com 26 5/17/21 16:38:03 5/17/21 16:39:34 Lisa Roberts 6276 W Adams Ave 254-421-5946 lisar@statesiderow.com Stateside Right of Way City of Temple email 27 5/17/21 16:53:52 5/17/21 16:55:20 Darrel Scott 3809 Mockingbird Ln 5125850871 msgt78602@yahoo.com Myself Email 28 5/17/21 16:53:28 5/17/21 17:02:10 Stephanie Phillips 3214 Bonham Avenue 2545636247 slp34safari@gmail.com Self Email 29 5/17/21 17:04:52 5/17/21 17:05:30 Williamettia Satterfield-S 5906 Blackstone Dr 7739362572 Bws2412@yahoo.com My family Social media 30 5/17/21 17:10:39 5/17/21 17:12:29 Byron Baird 3103 Legend Oaks Blvd, B972-672-9041 byron@rancholago.com Rancho Lago Development, Inc. email notice 31 5/17/21 17:17:01 5/17/21 17:18:33 Matthew Jackson 3010 ira young dr #206 5124351679 matthew_k_jackson@ya N/A Social media 32 5/17/21 17:23:22 5/17/21 17:24:52 Julia Dodd 3802 Executive Dr. Temp 254-231-3423 juliedtx@aol.com Myself Social media 33 5/17/21 17:33:32 5/17/21 17:34:24 Mike Gonzales 105 Oakcreek Dr Temple 504-957-6316 Speedygon10@aol.com Self Social media 34 5/17/21 17:47:57 5/17/21 17:49:20 Kay Price 1507 N 7th St Ardea@sncglobal.net Social media 35 5/17/21 18:26:28 5/17/21 18:27:57 Monique Mills 5511 Legacy Oaks Dr 9035393067 milano91@att.net Myself and my family Social media 36 5/17/21 19:48:21 5/17/21 19:49:10 Jonah Sutherlun 1618 S 15th St 4057088910 jsutherlun@gmail.com Myself and Sutherlun Family Investments L Email 37 5/17/21 20:31:21 5/17/21 20:32:12 Brendon Hogan 4319 Stonehill Ct, Temple8306439440 brendonhogan2475@gm myself email 38 5/17/21 21:27:52 5/17/21 21:28:52 Eileen Fredette 4109 Rock Court 214-315-3518 edfred145@gmail.com residents, teachers, parents, families 39 5/17/21 21:28:34 5/17/21 21:29:57 Zoe Rascoe 1900 N 13th Street 254-913-1013 zoe.rascoe@gmail.com Keep Temple Beautiful City of Temple email 40 5/17/21 21:42:24 5/17/21 21:43:29 Craig Walker 11201 Boudreaux Road/A2547602368 cwalker905@sbcglobal.n Myself Social media 41 5/17/21 22:28:42 5/17/21 22:29:42 Lorna Brockette 7119 Sun Valley Dr., Tem 2549138207 Smilyntx@gmail.com Me Social media 42 5/17/21 22:31:54 5/17/21 22:33:54 Rayford K Brown 3702 Jaguar Trl, Temple T254.718.4910 ltcrkbrown@gmail.com Self eMail 43 5/17/21 22:31:31 5/17/21 22:34:26 Jim Cross 512 Christine St Troy, Tx 254-913-2816 Jtctroy@aol.com Self 44 5/17/21 22:34:08 5/17/21 22:35:06 Kathleen S Brown 3702 Jaguar Trl 76504 2547605623 ksbmtbc@hot.rr.com Self eMail 45 5/18/21 4:35:19 5/18/21 4:37:51 Sharon Glockzin 1823 S 49th St, Temple, T713-582-0602 sdglock@gmail.com self Social media 46 5/18/21 5:46:00 5/18/21 5:48:45 Gordon Mobley 254-780-5001 mobley1@aimail.net self email 47 5/18/21 7:48:09 5/18/21 7:49:44 Jeff Scharp 101 N MainSt 254-298-5603 jscharp@templetx.gov email 48 5/18/21 8:13:16 5/18/21 8:14:27 David Stone 2510 S. 31st 254-624-4010 davidhstone@gmail.com Temple Daily Telegram and myself email from City 49 5/18/21 8:25:37 5/18/21 8:27:38 Hiba Malik 322 Stonehouse Lane, Te 4694509918 hiba.t.malik@hotmail.com City of Temple email 50 5/18/21 9:12:04 5/18/21 9:13:27 Garry Sisco 9815 River Land Ct 2142130062 gsisco8844@yahoo.com me (and maybe my wife) email from city 51 5/18/21 9:19:30 5/18/21 9:20:46 Kenneth Spencer 3310 Magnolia Blvd Tem 5125290142 mrkenspencer@yahoo.coMe Email 52 5/18/21 9:54:15 5/18/21 9:55:34 Zoe Grant 712 S 32nd Street, Temp 2544217930 zgrant@zoeswings.org Crestview District Word of mouth 53 5/18/21 10:10:25 5/18/21 10:11:50 Christopher McCormack 917 North 5th St. 254-760-5049 christopher.mccormack@Central Counties Newspaper ad 54 5/18/21 11:20:53 5/18/21 11:22:30 kirk boren 4119 old waco road 254-749-0333 kirkborens62@gmail.commyself email 55 5/18/21 13:43:11 5/18/21 13:44:25 Tami Annable 2317 Warwicke Court 845-548-9558 tamia@templebioscienceTemple Health and Bioscience District Flyer 56 5/18/21 15:35:21 5/18/21 15:36:50 Judy Morales 1005 South 13th St. 254-760-9763 moralessjudy@gmail.comCFP, Inc. 57 5/18/21 16:48:17 5/18/21 17:01:25 Robert & Lisa Reeve 11230 Whiterock Drive, T 2546244097 lisareeve04@yahoo.com Scott & White Cycling Club Word of mouth 58 5/18/21 17:49:28 5/18/21 17:50:06 David 217 E Walker Ave Nixshatto@gmail.com Social media 59 5/19/21 7:24:27 5/19/21 7:26:40 David Chastang 4414 Cactus Trail 254-771-3638 dchastang@hot.rr.com NAMI Temple Area email 60 5/19/21 7:46:02 5/19/21 7:48:07 Gloria Fuentes 904 , S 33rd St 432 5537310 yoya0654@yahoo.com Self Email 61 5/19/21 9:24:01 5/19/21 9:25:07 Desiree green 802 concord dr unit a, te 254-718-5843 Desipitre@yahoo.com Temple Social media 62 5/19/21 10:58:05 5/19/21 11:00:06 Ryan Beimer 2601 Brooklawn Drive Te 254-721-3749 ryancbeimer@gmail.com Ryan Beimer & Brooklawn Birdcreek Neighb Word of mouth 63 5/19/21 11:02:12 5/19/21 11:03:03 Catherine Halfmann 12800 Moffat Road Tem 254-760-1493 halfmannrealestate@gm Jubilee Homes email from city 64 5/19/21 12:00:05 5/19/21 12:06:14 Cynthia Havard 408 Park place Lane 2547218512 cahavard8@gmail.com 65 5/19/21 12:28:11 5/19/21 12:29:23 Sharon B. Sharonbarnes15@gmail. Potential Home Buyer Temple Text on Phone 66 5/17/21 15:20:00 5/19/21 12:57:35 Nirmalendu Patra 76502 nbp@akosmic.com self email from City of Temple 67 5/19/21 12:59:18 5/19/21 13:02:31 Mary Collier 7912 Honeysuckle Temp 254-760-2077 mcollier@cornerstonega Myself - a 30 + years Resident of Temple Social media 68 5/19/21 13:52:00 5/19/21 13:52:43 Tasha 1207 osage rd 7374440228 tashaextra@yahoo.com Email 69 5/19/21 14:48:08 5/19/21 14:50:05 Sharron Klinchuk 1222 Jamestown Dr. Tem254-721-5682 Sharronklinchuk@gmail. Hertiage place Social media 70 5/19/21 14:58:33 5/19/21 15:00:08 Bogosi Pilane 1410 N 11th St mokgatlakgabo@gmail.c Self Email 71 5/19/21 15:50:55 5/19/21 15:51:50 Crystal Kohlhaas 7914 Dudleys Draw Dr 2547605038 kohlhaas.c@gmail.com Me Social media 72 5/19/21 16:21:29 5/19/21 16:25:01 Linda Wilson 801 South 22nd Street 254 654 8700 wilsonlindaa130@gmail.com Social media 73 5/19/21 17:16:51 5/19/21 17:17:58 Jeremy Krauss 3106 White Oak Drive, Te254-913-7774 jdkrauss@swbell.net Myself Word of mouth 74 5/19/21 17:17:44 5/19/21 17:18:26 Tommy Holton 603 N. 7th 2816915063 Holtontommy@gmail.co Self Word of mouth 75 5/19/21 17:23:10 5/19/21 17:24:04 Tim Davis 1106 N. 13th 2549131871 timdavis_tba@yahoo.co Self email 76 5/19/21 17:25:31 5/19/21 17:27:04 Terry Reeves P. O. Box 217 San Saba, 325-372-4677 treeves@takethehop.comHill Country Transit District 77 5/19/21 17:26:39 5/19/21 17:27:43 Dan Elder 13 S 2nd Street, Temple, 2543142004 Dan.elder@tourtemple.c Temple Scooter Company Word of mouth 78 5/19/21 17:29:47 5/19/21 17:30:35 Kathy kruger 4209 fox trail 254.718.9038 Kfmay1959@gmail.com Me Social media 79 5/19/21 17:31:59 5/19/21 17:33:10 Elizabeth Lewis 6819 Jupiter 254-760-7730 rlewis14@hot.rr.com Flyer 80 5/22/21 21:28:30 5/22/21 21:29:15 Jeremie 6588 Pegasus Dr 2547180412 Pittsje@sbcglobal.net Me Social media

ID Start time Completion time Name2 Address Phone # Email2 Representing How did you hear about the meeting?
to the public meeting! Fill out the welcome survey!
what to expect: Tell Us About Yourself Project Team Presents Provide Feedback Project Team Presents Q + A Fill out a mini survey to help us get to know you. Learn what a mobility plan is, and what it means for Temple. Tell us what matters
mobility in Temple. Learn about next steps and opportunities to provide input. Ask questions and speak with the project team directly. START HERE (scanme) https://forms.office.com/ r/CvRJAqsTT9 OR,typethislinkinto yourinternetbrowser:
most to

Mobility Master Plan

Virtual Public Meeting #1 – May 19, 2021

Video Conference Instructions

• The meeting menu bar is on your device’s screen and enables attendees to engage through camera, microphone, and written text

• Please mute your phone and computer microphones to begin

• Click Chat to access chat box during the meeting

• At any time during the meeting, you may type a question or comment in the chat box

• At set times, the project team will invite you to unmute your mic to ask a question or make a comment.

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 3

Project Background and Information

Mobility Master Plan

Public Meeting #1

Agenda Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 5 Provide Information on the Temple Mobility Master Plan Presentation and Engagement Next Steps and Q+A
of the Public
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 7 Provide information about the MMP Discuss goals and objectives Gather input about the community’s interests
Meeting (we are here

Public Engagement Efforts

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 8
is a Mobility Master Plan? Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 9 Unifying Community Strategic Progressive Multimodal Transportation Plan Active Transportation Plan Conceptual Transit Plan Capital Improvement Plan and Implementation “A strategic plan to improve the movement of people and goods in a community.”
Timeline Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 10

Public Meeting Schedule

#1 #2

May 2021 Jan 2022

Provide information about the project, discuss goals and objectives, and gather input about what is of interest to the community.

Present the existing systems analysis and gather input on issues or challenges with existing systems.

Present the draft MMP and gather input on potential modifications. #3 May 2022

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 11


Invited Agencies



Mobility Master Plan - Stakeholder Workshop #1 12
Area Agency on Aging Eight Street Baptist Church HOCTIL Parks Board Temple College Baylor Scott & White Hospital Families in Crisis Holy Trinity Catholic High School PFG Performance Food Group Temple Economic Development Corporation Bell County Human Services Family Promise Impact Temple Church Priority Charter Schools Temple ISD Bell County Office of Emergency Management Feed my Sheep Jack Hilliard Distributing Saint Vincent Depaul Tour Temple Belton ISD Fikes Kiella Real Estate Group Salvation Army Shelter TxDOT Waco District BNSF Railway Company Grace Temple Ministries Love of Christ Food Pantry St. Luke's Catholic Church UnIncluded Club Central Counties Services Greyhound Bus Mclane Inc St. Mary's Catholic Church United Way Texas Christian Schools (CTCS) Habitat for Humanity Midtown Neighborhood Coalition Taylor's Valley Baptist Church Vista Community Church Texas Housing Consortium HEB Retail Service Center New Day Fellowship Church Temple Area Builders Association WalMart Distribution Center Citizens for Progress Hill Country Community Action Assn. Omega Builders Temple Bible Church Wayman Chapel AME Church Creeks at Deerfield HOA Hill Country Transit District Our Lady of Guadalupe Temple Chamber of Commerce Wilsonart International Crestview Neighborhood Coalition HOA Contact Our Lady of the Angels Maternity Shelter Temple Charter Academy Workforce Solutions of Central Texas CTLC Ministries
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 13 What We’ve Heard So Far Challenges • Sit in traffic too long • Difficulty getting across town • Transit difficult to use or not available Needs • More pedestrian/bike facilities • Safer pedestrian infrastructure • Handicap transportation, including accessible sidewalks and vehicles • More efficient and available transit system

Goals from Previous Plans

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 14

Audience Interaction and Feedback

Mobility Master Plan

Public Meeting #1

Short Survey 1. Click the link in the meeting chat box 2. Or visit https://forms.office.com/r/4yhAuWEfB9 3. Or scan this QR code with your mobile device Mobility Master Plan - Stakeholder Workshop #1 17

Next Steps and Feedback Opportunities

Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #1

Next Steps Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 19 Send in your feedback Stay engaged! Public Meeting #2 in January 2022
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 20
Written comments may be submitted by email to:
or mailed to: Alliance Transportation Group
Jim Harvey, AICP
TX 78758
An online comment form and printable version are available at
An interactive map with comment function is available online at
Submitting Comments
temple.mmp@emailatg.com •
11701 Stonehollow Dr., Ste.
templetx.gov/mobility •
• Richard E. Wilson, P.E., CFM Project Manager City Engineer rwilson@templetx.gov (254) 298-5667 Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #1 22 Contact Information • Jason Deckman Project Manager Senior Transportation Planner jdeckman@templetx.gov (254) 298-5668 Temple.MMP@emailatg.com

Mobility Master Plan

Public Meeting #1


Virtual Public Meeting Temple Mobility Master Plan

Live Online Event - May 19


Wednesday, May 19, 2021 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Visit the Virtual Meeting Website: templetx.gov/mobility

Contact Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for more information

The City of Temple is undertaking the development of a Mobility Master Plan (MMP) designed to produce a state-of-the-practice multimodal transportation system. The first public involvement meeting will be hosted online with a live event on Wednesday, May 19, 2021. The purpose of the Mobility Master Plan is to help guide development and implementation of a multimodal transportation system that can best serve the community as the city continues to grow. The city is conducting this public meeting to share information and gather input from you on what is of interest to the community regarding transportation and mobility.

SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the planning team at Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for further information.

ANTI-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The City of Temple is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory living and working environment for all members of the public and City employees. The City provides equal opportunity to all employees, applicants for employment, and the public regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The City will promptly investigate and resolve all complaints of discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), and related retaliation in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. The City’s response to allegations of discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation will be 1) prompt and equitable; 2) intended to prevent the recurrence of any harassment; and 3) intended to remedy its discriminatory effects, as appropriate. A substantiated allegation of such conduct will result in disciplinary action, up to and including separation from the City. Vendors, contractors and third parties who commit discrimination, harassment or related retaliation may have their relationship with the City terminated and their privileges of doing business with the City withdrawn. Please contact the office of the City Manger at 254-298-5600 to file a complaint.

Reunión virtual Plan maestro de movilidad en Temple

Transmisión de evento en vivo - 19 de mayo


miércoles 19 de mayo 2021 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Visite la página web de la reunión virtual: templetx.gov/mobility

Contacte Temple.MMP@emailatg.com para mas información

La ciudad de Temple tiene la tarea de elaborar un plan maestro de movilidad (mobility master plan MMP) diseñado para crear un sistema de transporte multimodal con infraestructura avanzada. La primera Reunión de Involucramiento Público se llevará a cabo en una reunión virtual. Será a través de un evento transmitido en vivo el miércoles 19 de mayo del 2021. El propósito del plan maestro de movilidad (mobility master plan) es guiar el desarrollo y la implementación de un sistema de transporte multimodal que servirá a la comunidad de la mejor manera al mismo tiempo que la ciudad continua creciendo. La ciudad realizará esta reunión pública para compartir información y recopilar detalles de ustedes sobre los puntos de interés comunitario en cuanto a temas de transporte y movilidad.

ADAPTACIONES ESPECIALES: Las solicitudes para las adaptaciones especiales o los servicios de traducción deben ser hechas cuarenta y ocho horas antes de esta reunión. Por favor, contacte al equipo de planificación por correo electrónico a Temple.MMP@emailatg.com para mas información.

AVISO DE NO DISCRIMINACIÓN: La ciudad de Temple se obliga a proporcionar un ambiente de trabajo y de vida seguro sin discriminación para toda la comunidad y empleados de la ciudad. La ciudad proporciona igualdad de oportunidades para todos los empleados, los solicitantes de empleo y el público. La ciudad garantiza que ninguna persona sea discriminada por su raza, sexo, religión, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, información genetica, condición de veterano, orientación sexual, o identidad de género. La Ciudad investigará y resolverá todas las quejas de discriminación, acoso (incluyendo el acoso sexual), y represalias relacionadas de acuerdo con las leyes federales y estatales aplicables. La respuesta de la ciudad a las acusaciones de discriminación, acoso y represalias relacionadas serán 1) rápida y equitativa; 2) destinado a prevenir la repetición de cualquier acoso; y 3) destinado a remediar sus efectos discriminatorios, según corresponda. Una alegación fundamentada de tal conducta resultará en una acción disciplinaria, hasta incluyendo la separación de la ciudad. Los vendedores, contratistas y terceros que cometan discriminación, acoso o represalias relacionadas pueden tener su relación y sus privilegios de hacer negocios con la ciudad terminadas. Contacte a la oficina de administración de la ciudad al 254-298-5600 para enviar una queja.

Virtual Public Meeting Temple Mobility Master Plan

Live Online Event

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.



The City of Temple is undertaking the development of a Mobility Master Plan (MMP) designed to produce a stateof-the-practice multimodal transportation system. The first public involvement meeting will be hosted online with a live event on Wednesday, May 19, 2021. The purpose of the Mobility Master Plan is to help guide development and implementation of a multimodal transportation system that can best serve the community as the city continues to grow. The city is conducting this public meeting to share information and gather input from you on what is of interest to the community regarding transportation and mobility.

SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the planning team at Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for further information.

ANTI-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The City of Temple is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory living and working environment for all members of the public and City employees. The City provides equal opportunity to all employees, applicants for employment, and the public regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The City will promptly investigate and resolve all complaints of discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), and related retaliation in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. The City’s response to allegations of discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation will be 1) prompt and equitable; 2) intended to prevent the recurrence of any harassment; and 3) intended to remedy its discriminatory effects, as appropriate. A substantiated allegation of such conduct will result in disciplinary action, up to and including separation from the City. Vendors, contractors and third parties who commit discrimination, harassment or related retaliation may have their relationship with the City terminated and their privileges of doing business with the City withdrawn. Please contact the office of the City Manger at 254-298-5600 to file a complaint.

Virtual Public Meeting - May 19 Temple Mobility Master Plan Live Online Event
May 19, 2021 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Reunión virtual 19 de mayo Plan maestro de movilidad en Temple
de evento en vivo miércoles 19 de mayo 2021 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

The City of Temple is undertaking the development of a Mobility Master Plan (MMP) designed to produce a state-of-thepractice multimodal transportation system. The first public involvement meeting will be hosted online with a live event on Wednesday, May 19, 2021. The purpose of the Mobility Master Plan is to help guide development and implementation of a multimodal transportation system that can best serve the community as the city continues to grow. The city is conducting this public meeting to share information and gather input from you on what is of interest to the community regarding transportation and mobility.

La ciudad de Temple tiene la tarea de elaborar un plan maestro de movilidad (mobility master plan MMP) diseñado para crear un sistema de transporte multimodal con infraestructura avanzada. La primera Reunión de Involucramiento Público se llevará a cabo en una reunión virtual. Será a través de un evento transmitido en vivo el miércoles 19 de mayo del 2021. El propósito del plan maestro de movilidad (mobility master plan) es guiar el desarrollo y la implementación de un sistema de transporte multimodal que servirá a la comunidad de la mejor manera al mismo tiempo que la ciudad continua creciendo. La ciudad realizará esta reunión pública para compartir información y recopilar detalles de ustedes sobre los puntos de interés comunitario en cuanto a temas de transporte y movilidad.

Contact Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for more information Contacte Temple.MMP@emailatg.com para mas información


WHAT: Virtual Public Involvement Meeting to present and discuss the City of Temple’s Mobility Master Plan and the city’s transportation needs.

WHEN: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

WHERE: Link to Virtual Meeting Website: templemmp.transportationplanroom.com

Contact Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for more information.

SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Requests for accommodations, language assistance for Limited English Proficient individuals, or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the planning team at Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for further information.

ANTI-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The City of Temple is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory living and working environment for all members of the public and City employees. The City provides equal opportunity to all employees, applicants for employment, and the public regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The City will promptly investigate and resolve all complaints of discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), and related retaliation in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.

The City’s response to allegations of discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation will be 1) prompt and equitable; 2) intended to prevent the recurrence of any harassment; and 3) intended to remedy its discriminatory effects, as appropriate. A substantiated allegation of such conduct will result in disciplinary action, up to and including separation from the City. Vendors, contractors and third parties who commit discrimination, harassment or related retaliation may have their relationship with the City terminated and their privileges of doing business with the City withdrawn. Please contact the office of the City Manger at 254-298-5600 to file a complaint.




Planning for mobility issues: Transportation modes for Temple discussed

More sidewalks, expanded bus services and shorter waits at trac lights were among comments made during a city of Temple Mobile Master Plan community meeting Wednesday.

1/25/22, 9:32 PM Planning for mobility issues: Transportation modes for Temple discussed | News | tdtnews.com
Workers level and square the structure for a section of the sidewalk Aug. 3 at the new entrance in front of Lamar Middle School in Temple. Nan Dickson/Telegram le

The meeting — held virtually via Zoom and Facebook Live — was designed to gather recommendations for improving all modes of transportation in Temple, including roadways, bicycle and walking trails and bus routes.

According to Emma Martinez of Alliance Transportation Group, an Austin-based company that works with cities to develop mobile plan guidelines, Wednesday’s session was a big step for Temple.

“We are in the initial phase of this project,” she said. “We want recommendations and ideas from Temple residents so we can provide a vision for the future.”

Jason Deckman, a senior planner with the city of Temple, said a second public meeting will be held in January and the nal plan should be ready by summer 2022.

Deckman said the city has numerous plans that address different aspects of transportation, and some need to be updated. The Mobility Master Plan rolls those plans together.

“We needed a comprehensive transportation plan that meets the needs of drivers, delivery personnel, bicyclists, pedestrians and the disabled,” Deckman said. “A Mobility Master Plan will provide a bigger picture of those needs.”

The meeting provided residents with an opportunity to anonymously ask questions and make comments, and the recommendations poured in.

Many residents said Temple’s infrastructure isn’t keeping pace with growth, resulting in problems such as long waits at trac lights during peak driving times. Crossing town also is a tedious process, they said.

According to a quick survey of Temple residents attending the Zoom meeting, about 70 percent use private vehicles to get around, about 25 percent walk or ride a bike and about 5 percent ride the bus or use other means of transportation.

Several said bus service in Temple would be more popular if routes were expanded. Buses don’t serve some residential areas and places of employment, according to comments. And, some said buses aren’t a convenient means of transportation for people working late shifts.

Residents also said they would like to see more sidewalks and bike lanes, and safer ways to cross busy streets or highways. Poor lighting was cited as a hindrance to walking or riding a bike at night.

1/25/22, 9:32 PM Planning for mobility issues: Transportation modes for Temple discussed | News | tdtnews.com

Several comments were made about rental options for transportation such as bicycles or scooters. Rentals are popular in cities such as Austin, Galveston and Waco, and they should be considered in Temple, residents said.

Not all comments about rentals were positive, however. One person expressed concern about injuries and liability issues, and another person feared scooters could be more of an obstruction if left blocking sidewalks. Another resident said bikes and scooters don’t address mobility issues for Temple’s elderly population.

Lengthy delays at red lights and train crossings also were mentioned at least twice by residents.

“Trains often block streets near downtown for 20 or 30 minutes,” one person wrote. Another said delays caused by stopped trains are common on 49th Street near Sammons Park.

Several residents said Kegley Road is in dire need of renovation. The road is a major connector from Midway Drive and Interstate 35 to West Adams and Airport Road. The two-lane road is “a roller coaster” and full of turns, according to comments.

The need for additional sidewalks was a common wish, especially around schools.

Several residents said areas around Cater and Western Hills elementary schools can be dangerous for students who walk.

Increased business activity on Bird Creek and along a nearby section of Interstate 35 has resulted in more trac passing by Cater Elementary. Some residents commented that more sidewalks are needed in that area to keep children safe.

Some said Apache Drive in Western Hills needs to have a center turn lane so cars turning into the school don’t cause through trac to come to a standstill. Also, some said cars parking along Apache add to the congestion.

“More sidewalks might encourage more kids to walk to school, and that would ease some of the trac,” a resident commented.

Some comments were downright visionary. One said the city needs more parking lots, and the parking lots should have charging stations to prepare for cars of the future.

1/25/22, 9:32 PM Planning for mobility issues: Transportation modes for Temple discussed | News | tdtnews.com

Another said as Temple builds parking garages that skirt downtown, a trolley system could transport people to places of employment, to restaurants and bars, and to retail stores.

Also included in the Zoom comments was a call for advanced sensors at trac lights that would eliminate sitting at a red light when no other cars are in sight.

Several comments centered on getting to jobs in the industrial areas of Temple without a vehicle. Since there are existing rail lines going from downtown to industrial parks, one resident wondered if a commuter line could be developed to serve warehouses and manufacturing plants.

Another person remarked that commercial air service at Draughon-Miller Central Texas Regional Airport — and public transportation to and from the airport — would benet the city.

Deckman said Temple has several options for paying for transportation projects, including the use of capital improvement funds, and state and federal transportation grants.

9:32 PM Planning for mobility issues: Transportation modes for Temple discussed | News | tdtnews.com https://www.tdtnews.com/news/central_texas_news/article_a24df9c4-bb5d-11eb-a22c-bf48dee6f0c3.html

Temple Mobility Master Plan

Public Involvement Technical Report

Appendix C: Public Meeting #2 Outreach and Materials


First Name Last Name Email

1 Chris Haggard christopher.haggard@twc.texas.gov

2 John Williamson jjwilliamson5156@gmail.com

3 Ryan Olzack rolzack@gmail.com

4 Jim Harvey jharvey@emailatg.com

5 Gary Rapp gerapp52@gmail.com

6 mcollier mcollier@cornerstonegardensllp.com

7 Mike Lefner mlefner@hot.rr.com

8 Judy Morales moralessjudy@gmail.com

9 Emma Martinez emartinez@emailatg.com

10 Gloria Elder Gloria.elder@iCloud.com

11 Rhonda Roten rhondaroten@yahoo.com 12 David Stone ourtowntemple@gmail.com 13 Charlie Gamez advocareintemple@gmail.com

14 ELFIE RODRIGUEZ handebhuey@yahoo.com

15 Stacy Zemp Eastvegas@gmail.com

16 Wenda Elliott wendafulscrapbooks@earthlink.net

17 Christine Parks christine.parks@tisd.org

18 Jen Offen offen70@gmail.com

19 Robert Probe rprobe60@gmail.com

20 Lynn Fleming fgctexas21@gmail.com 21 lucinda seals lucinda.seals86@gmail.com 22 Linda Rapp gerapp@aol.com 23 Dan Elder Dan.elder@tourtemple.com 24 cindy cindybank@yahoo.com 25 Jory Dille jdille@emailatg.com 26 Jeffrey Sebestyen Sebestyenalias@outlook.com 27 Gary Jackson jacksong6424@gmail.com 28 April Ryan Glaser april@aprilryanglaser.com 29 Lindsay Francis lfrancis@templetx.gov 30 Lisa McCabe lisa.mccabe10@gmail.com 31 Paulino Castillo paulino@texaslibertyins.com 32 Sandra Creech sandra.creech@gmail.com 33 Brynn Myers bmyers@templetx.gov 34 Lynn Barrett Lrbarrett@templetx.gov 35 Alicia Dunn alicia.dunn@uwct.org 36 Bob van Til bvantil@beltontexas.gov 37 Catrine Machi catrine@machimobility.com 38 Lynn Fleming lynn.fleming99@gmail.com 39 Jordan Valentin jordan@sweettoothdigital.com

Temple MMP Public Meeting #2 Zoom Meeting Sign-in

ID Date Name2 Email2


Temple MMP Public Meeting #2 Zoom Meeting Registration through Templetx.gov/mobility

How did you hear about the meeting?

1 Friday, January 14, 2022 Michael Lenox mdlenox@comcast.net Myself Email

2 Friday, January 14, 2022 David Stone OurTownTemple@gmail.com Our Town Temple email

3 Friday, January 14, 2022 Bryan Daniel Bryan.r.daniel@gmail.com Temple Reinvestment Zone Email

4 Friday, January 14, 2022 JD McBride jeepguyjk@gmail.com myself Social media

5 Friday, January 14, 2022 Janice Zachary janice.zac03@gmail.com Temple resident Email

6 Friday, January 14, 2022 Andrejs Avots-Avotins aavots@gmail.com BSWH Email

7 Friday, January 14, 2022 andrew forrester andrew.forrester@bisd.net Belton ISD Transportation Email

8 Friday, January 14, 2022 Jessica Speer Jessica.Marie.Mccarthy@gmail.com Email

9 Friday, January 14, 2022 Sandra Sutherland suther06@sbcglobal.net Consumer Utility bill

10 Friday, January 14, 2022 Beverly & John Sciamanna Beverlysciamanna@gmail.com Public Email

11 Friday, January 14, 2022 Emily Harris emilyjharris@hotmail.com Myself, citizen of Temple Email

12 Friday, January 14, 2022 Isabelle Brogan isaolwen@gmail.com Self and family Email

13 Friday, January 14, 2022 Jeanetta peterson Jeanettapeterson@outlook.com Self Social media

14 Friday, January 14, 2022 Jeremy Jirasek cooljj82@yahoo.com Jirasek Realty Email

15 Friday, January 14, 2022 Nila Brown nbrown1410@yahoo.com Myself Email

16 Friday, January 14, 2022 Lisa McCabe Lisa.mccabe10@gmail.com Myself Email

17 Friday, January 14, 2022 Geary McCabe Geary.mccabe@gmail.com Sun country cycling Email

18 Friday, January 14, 2022 John Dykstra xerexa@gmail.com Self Email

19 Saturday, January 15, 2022 Zoe Grant zgrant@zoeswings.org Crestview District Email

20 Saturday, January 15, 2022 Bernatta Watkins bernettarwatkins@gmail.com Word of Faith Ministy Email

21 Saturday, January 15, 2022 Luann Chilson luchilson@yahoo.com Myself Email

22 Saturday, January 15, 2022 Jackson Reasoner jsreasoner@hotmail.com Email

23 Saturday, January 15, 2022 Julia leroux Jmleroux@sbcglobal.net Self Email

24 Saturday, January 15, 2022 Heidi Saul Heidi.Saul@yahoo.com Cyclists Social media

25 Saturday, January 15, 2022 Barbara Mattheu barbaramattheu@yahoo.com myself Email

26 Saturday, January 15, 2022 John Mattheu jmattheu@yahoo.com myself Email

27 Sunday, January 16, 2022 Catherine Marzilli Catarina_marzilli@yahoo.com Citizen Email

28 Sunday, January 16, 2022 Shellie VanUden shellie57701@outlook.com Myself Social media

29 Monday, January 17, 2022 Sherry Eller saeller219@att.net Community Email 30 Monday, January 17, 2022 Jaime Melendez muddyboots99@hotmail.com Myself Word of mouth 31 Tuesday, January 18, 2022 Christine Parks chritine.parks@tisd.org Temple ISD Email 32 Tuesday, January 18, 2022 Linda and Gary Rapp GERapp@aol.com East Temple Neighborhood Initiative Email 33 Tuesday, January 18, 2022 Toni House latoniahouse@hotmail.com self Email 34 Tuesday, January 18, 2022 Lisa Smith lisasmith@papergraphicsltd.com myself (and other wheel chair bound folks) Email 35 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Derek Czapnik dczapnik@takthehop.com Hill Country Transit District KTMPO 36 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Jack Van Wey traderjack1@mac.com myself Flyer 37 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Jordan Valentin Jordan@sweettoothdigital.com Wake Up Temple / Diversity Equity and Inclusion Commission Word of mouth 38 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Cynthia Bankston cindybank@yahoo.com self utility bill and email 39 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Paulino Castillo paulino@texaslibertyins.com Community city of Temple 40 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Alan amlytle65@gmail.com Self Word of mouth 41 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Charlie Gamez advocareintemple@gmail.com myself Email 42 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Chris Haggard christopher.haggard@twc.texas.gov Texas Workforce Commission - Vocational Rehabilitation (Central Texas) Word of mouth 43 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Gary Jackson jacksong6424@gmail.com Self Newspaper ad 44 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Jordan Valentin jordan@sweettoothdigital.com Wake Up Temple/DEI Commission Word of mouth 45 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Charlie Gamez advocareintemple@gmail.com myself and my family Email 46 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Rhonda Roten rhondaroten@yahoo.com Utility bill 47 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Robert Probe rprobe60@gmail.com myself Email 48 Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Melissa Perkins tembelpro@aol.com Self Email

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 Photos 1
to the public meeting! Fill out the welcome survey!
what to expect: Tell Us About Yourself Project Team Presents Provide Feedback Project Team Presents Q + A Fill out a mini survey to help us get to know you. Learn what a mobility plan is, and what it means for Temple. Tell us what matters
to you regarding mobility in Temple. Learn about next steps and opportunities to provide input. Ask questions and speak with the project team directly. START HERE (scanme) https://forms.office.com/ r/FG2HvZgunN ORtypethislinkinto yourinternetbrowser:
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 2
Mute or Unmute Microphone Start or Stop Video Open Chat Panel Raise Hand
Video Conference Instructions
• The meeting menu bar is on your device’s screen and enables attendees to engage through camera, microphone, and written text • Please mute your phone and computer microphones to begin • Click Chatto access chat box during the meeting • At any time during the meeting, you may type a question or comment in the chat box • At set times, the project team will invite you to unmute your microphone to ask a question or make a comment.

Mobility Master Plan

Public Meeting #2 – January 19, 2022

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 4
Next Steps Comprehensive System Assessment Review
Meeting Agenda
Project Schedule Public
Scenario Analysis Preliminary Recommendations
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 5
MMP Video Use the link to view the Temple MMP Introduction Video: https://vimeo.com/667855308/1191ff5be7
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 6
to Submit Your
is a Mobility Master Plan? Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 7 Unifying Community Strategic Progressive Multimodal Transportation Plan Active Transportation Plan Capital Improvement Plan and Implementation “Astrategicplantoimprovethemovementofpeople andgoodsinacommunity.” Conceptual Transit Plan
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 8
Temple Mobility Plan Report Active Transportation Plan Transit Vision Plan Thoroughfare
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 9
Project Schedule

Public Engagement Efforts

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 10
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 11 What We’ve Heard So Far CHALLENGES • Sit in traffic too long • Difficulty getting across town • Walking to work, school, or grocery stores • Transit difficult to use or not available • Accessibility NEEDS • More pedestrian/bike facilities • Safer pedestrian infrastructure • Handicap transportation, including accessible sidewalks and vehicles • More efficient and available transit system • Actionable Plan
Vision An inclusive and equitable multimodal transportation network that provides safe, well connected, mobility choices to the City of Temple. 12 Safety First Choices Connections Prosperity Fund and Implement Community Driven Mobility Maintain and Sustain Quality of Place Goals:

Comprehensive System Assessment Review

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 13

Comprehensive System Assessment


Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 14

Comprehensive System Assessment



Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 15

Comprehensive System Assessment



Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 16


TRANSIT EXISTING CONDITIONS Route 510 Ridership by Stop Route 530 Ridership by Stop Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2
18 ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION 15% 1% 24% 6% 33% 7% 14% EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD FAIR Sidewalk Condition in City of Temple Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 Comprehensive System Assessment

Comprehensive System Assessment


Level of Stress Active Crashes by Severity

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2

Existing Conditions Analysis


Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 20
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 21 Scenario Analysis Traffic Signal and Intersection Optimization Optimize traffic signals and intersection performance by identifying improvements to intersection with an LOS of D or lower. Systemwide Roadway Improvements Analyze and identify Improvements to roadway segments with an LOS of D or lower. Regional Connectors Add in improvements to major arterial roadways or higher to identify potential improvements to cross-town and regional trips. Scenario 1 Scenario 3 Scenario 2

Transit Vision

Active Transportation Improvements

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 22
Scenario Analysis
Review of additional access and transit mode choice improvements to communities. Focus on identifying route alternatives and approximate stop recommendations for underserved and socially vulnerable people.
Emerging Technology & TSMO Potential impacts (curbside management, parking restrictions/access, delivery) based on new policy or program recommendations for car sharing, bike sharing or scooter programs.
4 Scenario 6 Scenario 5
Analyze how the addition of active transportation facilities / infrastructure benefits the character of the community and the quality of place as well as the health and well-being of the community.
• Intersections • Signal Optimization • AM – 45 to 29 Intersections • PM – 55 to 39 Intersections • Operational and Planning Level Design Improvements • 31 Intersections upgraded from failing to a passing level-of-service Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 23 Preliminary Recommendations
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 24
Congestion and Level of Service Video Use the link to view the Traffic Congestion and Level of Service Video: https://vimeo.com/667856717/8f5b14982d
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 25 Preliminary Recommendations TRAFFIC CONGESTION AND LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Total Network Delay (hours) No-Build Opt Signal Timing Intersection Improvements Total Network Delay AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour AM % Change PM % Change No-Build 5,347.3 8,028.8 -Phase 1 Optimize Signal Timing 4,306.8 6,334.4 19% 21% Phase 2 Intersection Improvement 3,652.9 5,568.7 -15% -12% Total Reduction -1,694.4 -2,460.1 -46% -44%

Preliminary Recommendations


• Route and Stop Analysis Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 26

Preliminary Recommendations


Microtransit/Mobility Zones

Microtransit, or on-demand transit is comparable to a fixed route bus.

• Passengers walk to meet a vehicle at a ‘virtual bus stop’ that may be up to ¼ or ½ of a mile from their requested location.

• When booking a ride using the app, passengers will be able to clearly see a map showing the geographic zone in which service is offered.

• Requesting a trip beyond this zone is not possible, so passengers always know where the microtransit service is available.

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 27

Preliminary Recommendations


Micromobility and Shared Micromobility:

• Policy Recommendations can be broken down to different categories where this modality changes the current regulatory and physical landscape: their physical presence and usage data. May publications list best practices for regulating and engaging with micromobility companies, they are listed below in the Resources section.

• Pilot Programs:

• Pilot program utilizing emerging technologies to address transit needs. Review cities of similar scale as a model to look to for their pilot project work.

Curbside Management and ADA Accessibility:

• Standardize policies for the space between the sidewalks and streets to help the city understand, allocate, and manage curbside space more effectively. The management will inventory, optimize, and dedicate this space to maximize mobility, safety, and access for the wide variety of curb demands.

• Data:

• From NACTO: “Data is a Public Good: Cities require data from private vendors operating on city streets to ensure positive safety, equity, and mobility outcomes on streets and places in the public right-of-way.”1

1Managing Mobility Data, a joint product of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) and the International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA). Retrieved from https://nacto.org/managingmobilitydata/1

Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 28

Upcoming Recommendations


Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 29
Next Steps Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 30 Send in your feedback Stay engaged! Public Meeting #3 in May 2022

Provide Your Input Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 31
Written comments may be submitted at tonight’s meeting
or by email to:
or mailed to: Alliance Transportation Group
TX 78758
An online comment form and printable version are available at templetx.gov/mobility
An interactive map with comment function is available online at templetx.gov/mobility
temple.mmp@emailatg.com •
c/o Jim Harvey,
11701 Stonehollow Dr., Ste.
Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 32 GIS Mapping Tool Instructions Use the link to view the GIS Mapping Tool Instructions Video: https://vimeo.com/667852847/de0488f18d

Audience Interaction and Feedback

Mobility Master Plan

Public Meeting #2

• Richard E. Wilson, P.E., CFM Project Manager City Engineer rwilson@templetx.gov (254) 298-5667 Mobility Master Plan – Public Meeting #2 34 Contact Information • Jason Deckman Project Manager Senior Transportation Planner jdeckman@templetx.gov (254) 298-5668 Temple.MMP@emailatg.com
templetx.gov/mobility Temple.MMP@emailatg.com
Mobility Master Plan Public
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Submit Your Comments

There are a variety of ways available to you for providing input.

Fill out the comment form.

Write your comments on the handout and drop it in the comment box.

Fill out the survey.

Comment on the map.

Complete the survey and drop it in the comment box.

Leave your comments on the city map exhibit.

Complete the comment form on the project website: templetx.gov/mobility

Complete the survey with a provided laptop at the meeting. Use the QR code to complete the survey with your own device.

Leave your comments on the interactive map with a provided laptop at the meeting.

Leave your comments on the interactive map on the project website: templetx.gov/mobility


1 2 3

What is a Mobility Master Plan?

A strategic plan to improve the movement of people and goods in a community.

A mobility master plan, or MMP, is a strategic plan to improve the movement of people and goods in

product will be a document that serves as a blueprint for development of all modes of transportation as the City continues to grow. Here are a few key points to remember about the Temple MMP:

UNIFYING: Just like it brings all the different modes together, the MMP also brings goals together, unifying all transportation plans. The MMP will work with other city plans, not against them –ensuring the hard work that has already been done isn’t overlooked or contradicted.

COMMUNITY: One of the key identifying factors of an MMP is that it is built on the community’s vision. It would be impossible to create the Temple MMP without the community’s input.

STRATEGIC: Mobility master plans are strategic. They provide a vision for the future. Temple is growing fast and having a document that provides guidance for growing well can help ensure Temple is an awesome place to live for generations to come. An MMP can also help get funding for the projects Temple needs most, by identifying projects that can qualify for capital improvements funding.

MULTIMODAL: The MMP will include projects for all modes, including walking, biking, driving, and taking transit. Any method of getting around Temple that can address the mobility needs of residents and visitors will be in the plan.

Progressive Multimodal Transportation Plan Active Transportation Plan Conceptual Transit Plan Capital Improvement Plan and Implementation templetx.gov/mobility
Unifying Community Strategic
Elements of the Mobility Plan

Vision and Goals


An inclusive and equitable multimodal transportation network that provides safe, connected mobility choices to the City of Temple.


Safety First

fatalities and serious injuries for all modes on all public roads.



Develop an integrated transportation network that provides improved mobility for all modes, including active transportation and space for emerging technologies.



Develop a connected multimodal network providing accessible mobility options to serve the City across multiple modes and integrated with the surrounding land use.



Strengthen the economic prosperity of the city by improving transportation systems that promote:

+ Access to jobs for all residents regardless of their income level, age or mobility status.

+ Reliability of the workforce for employers.

+ Mobility hubs and shipping logistics by of goods by both rail and truck.


Fund and Implement

Identify short- and long-term action steps while pursuing revenue resources to build, maintain, and operate new and existing transportation infrastructure and services.


Community Driven

Partner with all community members and elevate the underrepresented voices to provide community based transportation solutions.



Provide a Multimodal Transportation System that safely takes people where they need/ want to go, in a timely manner, with a perceived sense of comfort.


Maintain and Sustain

Promote stewardship of a sustainable transportation system through strategic asset management and systems preservation.


Quality of Place

Promote place making through development of context sensitive complete streets design elements.

Timeline templetx.gov/mobility PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROCESS FEB 20212022 MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Ongoing Stakeholder and Public Feedback Stakeholder Workshop Public Meeting Public Meeting Public Meeting Stakeholder Workshop Stakeholder Workshop Stakeholder Workshop Conditions Analysis Final Report Plan Goals and Objectives Public Comment Period Scenario Planning Recommendations Plan Adoption Public Visioning Plan Development Draft Plan Final Plan We are here
Demographics templetx.gov/mobility Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON TempleETJBound ar y Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young Fm93 Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research 35 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Stillhouse Holl w ow Lak Lake 35 14 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area Percent Change in Population and Employment (2019-2045) 00.250.51 miles Population Employment Low High High
templetx.gov/mobility Demographics Demographic Overview of the City of Temple MMP Study Area 2019 Total Population 2045 Projected Population* 2018 Employment 2045 Projected Employment* 2019 Median Age 2019 HH Median Income 2019 Poverty Level 134,071179,88759,56498,5843855,98513% % Change in Population and Employment 2019 to 2045 % Housing + Transportation Costs of Area Median Income City of Temple and ETJ Population Pyramid (2019 and 2045) Source: ACS 5 YR (2019), Decennial Census (2010) City of Temple ETJ Population (2005 - 2045) Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 5 YR (2019) *Projected populations use TexPACK V 2.4 KT model
Safety templetx.gov/mobility Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON TempleETJBound ar y 35 14 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th MLK Wendland CharterOak Young Fm93 Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research Stillhouse Holl w ow Lak Lake 35 14 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area 243-842 143-242 53-142 12-52 0-11 5 Year Crash Count 00.250.51 miles Source: CRIS
Safety Active Transportation templetx.gov/mobility Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON TempleETJBound ar y Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young Fm93 Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research 35 14 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Stillhouse Hollow w Lake 35 14 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area Fatal Injury Suspected Serious Injury Suspected Minor Injury Possible Injury Not Injured Unknown Active Transportation Crash Severity 00.250.51 miles Source: CRIS
templetx.gov/mobility Safety Contributing Factors Crash Count Speeding2,263 Failed To Yield1,376 Erratic Driving915 Distracted Driving698 423 Improper Turning291 230 Animal On Road 126 No Data1,983 Other301 Contributing Factors Crash Count Distracted Driving31 Failed To Yield27 Erratic Driving13 Speeding10 4 3 Improper Passing2 Fatigued2 Impaired Visibility2 Improper Parking2 Improper Turning1 Road Rage1 No Data91 Other16 Top Ten Contributing Factors by Gross Count 2016-2020 Contributing Factors for Active Transportation Crashes 2016 – 2020 Crash Summary by Severity by Year 2016-2020 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 20162017201820192020 FatalinjurySuspectedseriousinjurySuspectedminorinjury PossibleinjuryNotinjuredUnknown Mode Split and Severity Outcomes 2016-2020 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Driver Passenger Pedestrian Bicyclist Motorcyclist MotorcyclePassenger Other Unknown PercentageSeveritybyUser Fatal SuspectedSeriousInjury PossibleInjury Non-SuspectedSeriousInjury NotInjured UnknownInjury
Traffic templetx.gov/mobility TempleETJBound ar y 35 14 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young Fm93 Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research Stillhouse Holl w ow Lak Lake 35 14 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area LOS A LOS B LOS C LOS D LOS E LOS F Level of Service 2015 00.250.51 miles
Traffic templetx.gov/mobility Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON TempleETJBound ar y Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young Fm93 Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research 35 14 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Stillhouse Holl w ow Lak Lake 35 14 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area 00.250.51 miles LOS A LOS B LOS C LOS D LOS E LOS F Level of Service 2045
Current Thoroughfare Network templetx.gov/mobility Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON TempleETJBound ar y Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young Fm93 Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research 35 14 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Stillhouse Hollow w Lake 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 35 14 190 US MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON FORT HOOD Lake Belton Stillhouse Hollow Lake Highway Major Arterial Minor Arterial Community Collector Neighborhood Collector Future Major Arterial Future Minor Arterial Future Community Collector Future Neighborhood Collector 2020 Thoroughfare Plan 00.250.51 miles 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area

Thoroughfare Cross Sections

Thoroughfare Class and R.O.W. Programming

One role of the Thoroughfare Plan is to guide the design and construction of street s to meet vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit demands of the community. As a means to promote consistency and equity in the application of resources and infrastructure, the thoroughfare plan has different class designations that reflect the corresponding demands.

Major Arterial


The City has undertaken a series of neighborhood district plans that have used the guidance from the City of Temple’s Comprehensive Plan 2020 to create context sensitive solutions for implementation of the Thoroughfare Plan. The corresponding cross section below highlight programing of the right-of-way and in a way that is intended meet the needs of all users for that respective class designation.

Community Collector

Midtown Neighborhood Plan: 25th Street

Minor Arterial Neighborhood Collector

6'-0" Planting Strip 6'-0" Planting Strip 5'-0" Sidewalk 5'-0" Sidewalk 12'-0" Turn Lane CL 95’-145’ Existing R.O.W. (2)12’-0” Travel Lanes (2)12’-0” Travel Lanes 10'-0" Sidepath 10'-0" Sidewalk 10'-0" Planting Strip 10'-0" Planting Strip 12'-0" Travel Lane 12'-0" Travel Lane 12'-0" Travel Lane 12'-0" Travel Lane CL 0' s R.O.W. '-0" Planting er '-0" Planting er '-0" Sidewalk '-0" Sidewalk 1'-0" Travel Lane 1'-0" Travel Lane CL CL 5'-0" Sidewalk 5'-0" Sidewalk 12’-0” Travel Lane 12’-0” Travel Lane 8’-0” Parking 8’-0” Planting Strip 8’-0” Planting Strip 8’-0” Parking 80’ Existing R.O.W.
Plan: 31st Street
Neighborhood Plan: Zenith Avenue
TMED Plan: 5th Street
Transit templetx.gov/mobility Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON TempleETJBound ar y Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young Fm93 Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research 35 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Stillhouse Holl w ow Lak Lake 35 14 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area Population and Employment Served 00.250.51 miles Quarter-Mile Stop Buffer Existing Hop Route Existing Hop Stops Amtrak Stations Population Employment Low High High
T templetx.gov/mobility Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON TempleETJBound ar y Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young Fm93 Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research 35 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Stillhouse Hollow w Lake 35 14 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area 0 - 1,231 1,232 - 2,094 2,095 - 3,365 3,366 - 5,851 5,852 - 10,723 TARGETED TRANSIT RIDERS DENSITY 00.250.51 miles
templetx.gov/mobility Transit Target Transit Riders Served Existing Routes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Key Findings Transit Market Served by Existing System Service Categories
Active Transportation templetx.gov/mobility Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON TempleETJBound ar y Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research 35 14 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Stillhouse Hollow w Lake 35 14 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area 00.250.51 miles 1 (Low Stress) 2 3 4 (High Stress) Bike Level of Stress
Active Transportation templetx.gov/mobility Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON TempleETJBound ar y Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young Fm93 Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research 35 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Stillhouse Holl w ow Lak Lake 35 14 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Low Low-Medium Medium-Low Medium Medium-High High-Medium High Potential Active Transportation Demand 00.250.51 miles 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area
Freight templetx.gov/mobility Lake Belton LeonRiver FORT HOOD FORT HOOD MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON TempleETJBound ar y Nugent Little River Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Shell AveR Apple Cider PrairieView Kegley AveM 25th Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young Old Howard Westfield Tower Adams Adams Airport 31st Berger CanyonCreek AveH Old Waco 3rd MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland 5th Central Witter Research 35 14 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Stillhouse Holl w ow Lak Lake 35 14 95 TEXAS 363 TEXAS 36 TEXAS 53 TEXAS 317 TEXAS 190 US Texas Railroad Texas Highway Freight Network Texas Rail and Freight 00.250.51 miles 1inch is equal to 2 miles Complete Study Area
Scenario Analysis templetx.gov/mobility Scenario Description: Outcome: Next Step: Scenario Description: Analyze and Outcome: Next Step: Scenario Description: Add in Outcome: Next Steps: Scenario 1Scenario 2Scenario 3 Current Thoroughfare Network templetx.gov/mobility MORGAN’S POINT RESORT BELTON m Nugent Rive Road Industrial BottomsEast Midway Ave AppleCider PrairieView Kegley Ave Mlk Wendland CharterOak Young m Howard Westfield Adams Adams Airport Berger CanyonCreek Old MooresMill Veterans Memorial Blackland Central Research 53 363 317 14 RESORT Highway Major Arterial Minor Arterial Community Collector Neighborhood Collector Future Major Arterial Future Community Collector Future Neighborhood Collector 2020 Thoroughfare Plan Complete Study Area
Analysis templetx.gov/mobility Transit Scenario Description: Utilize data Outcome: Next Steps: Active Transportation Scenario Description: Outcome: Next Steps: Emerging Technology Scenario Description: Outcome: Next Steps:

Public Meeting Temple Mobility Master Plan

January 19, 2022, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.


Join in-person at the Wilson Park Recreation Center or attend virtually Wednesday, January 19, 2022 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Visit the Virtual Meeting Website: templetx.gov/mobility

Contact Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for more information

The City of Temple is undertaking the development of a Mobility Master Plan (MMP) designed to produce a state-of-the-practice multimodal transportation system. The second public involvement meeting will be in person at the Wilson Park Recreation Center (2205 Curtis B. Elliot Dr.), as well as hosted virtually online (templetx.gov/mobility), on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. The purpose of the Mobility Master Plan is to help guide development and implementation of a multimodal transportation system that can best serve the community as the city continues to grow. The City is conducting this public meeting to share information and gather input from the community.

SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the planning team at Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for further information.

ANTI-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The City of Temple is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory living and working environment for all members of the public and City employees. The City provides equal opportunity to all employees, applicants for employment, and the public regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The City will promptly investigate and resolve all complaints of discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), and related retaliation in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. The City’s response to allegations of discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation will be 1) prompt and equitable; 2) intended to prevent the recurrence of any harassment; and 3) intended to remedy its discriminatory effects, as appropriate. A substantiated allegation of such conduct will result in disciplinary action, up to and including separation from the City. Vendors, contractors and third parties who commit discrimination, harassment or related retaliation may have their relationship with the City terminated and their privileges of doing business with the City withdrawn. Please contact the office of the City Manager at 254-298-5600 to file a complaint.

Reunión Pública

Plan maestro de movilidad en Temple 19 de enero del 2022 -

5:30 - 7:30 p.m.


Asista a la reunión en-persona en el Centro Recreativo Wilson Park o puede asistir virtualmente 19 de enero del 2022 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Visite la página web de la reunión virtual: templetx.gov/mobility

Para más información, contacte: Temple.MMP@emailatg.com

La ciudad de Temple tiene la tarea de elaborar un plan maestro de movilidad (mobility master plan MMP) diseñado para crear un sistema de transporte multimodal con infraestructura avanzada. La segunda Reunión de Involucramiento Público se llevará a cabo una reunión presencial en el Centro Recreativo Wilson Park (dirección: 2205 Curtis B. Elliot Dr.) o puede asistir virtualmente (enlace al sitio web: templetx.gov/mobility). La reunión será el miércoles 19 de enero del 2022. El propósito del plan maestro de movilidad (mobility master plan) es guiar el desarrollo y la implementación de un sistema de transporte multimodal que servirá a la comunidad de la mejor manera al mismo tiempo que la ciudad continua creciendo. La ciudad realizará esta reunión pública para compartir información y recopilar detalles de la comunidad.

ADAPTACIONES ESPECIALES: Las solicitudes para las adaptaciones especiales o los servicios de traducción deben ser hechas cuarenta y ocho horas antes de esta reunión. Por favor, contacte al equipo de planificación por correo electrónico a Temple.MMP@emailatg.com para mas información.

AVISO DE NO DISCRIMINACIÓN: La ciudad de Temple se obliga a proporcionar un ambiente de trabajo y de vida seguro sin discriminación para toda la comunidad y empleados de la ciudad. La ciudad proporciona igualdad de oportunidades para todos los empleados, los solicitantes de empleo y el público. La ciudad garantiza que ninguna persona sea discriminada por su raza, sexo, religión, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, información genetica, condición de veterano, orientación sexual, o identidad de género. La Ciudad investigará y resolverá todas las quejas de discriminación, acoso (incluyendo el acoso sexual), y represalias relacionadas de acuerdo con las leyes federales y estatales aplicables. La respuesta de la ciudad a las acusaciones de discriminación, acoso y represalias relacionadas serán 1) rápida y equitativa; 2) destinado a prevenir la repetición de cualquier acoso; y 3) destinado a remediar sus efectos discriminatorios, según corresponda. Una alegación fundamentada de tal conducta resultará en una acción disciplinaria, hasta incluyendo la separación de la ciudad. Los vendedores, contratistas y terceros que cometan discriminación, acoso o represalias relacionadas pueden tener su relación y sus privilegios de hacer negocios con la ciudad terminadas. Contacte a la oficina de administración de la ciudad al 254-298-5600 para enviar una queja.

Public Meeting Temple Mobility Master Plan

Join in-person at Wilson Park Recreation Center or attend virtually

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.



The City of Temple is undertaking the development of a Mobility Master Plan (MMP) designed to produce a stateof-the-practice multimodal transportation system. The second public involvement meeting will be in person at the Wilson Park Recreation Center (2205 Curtis B. Elliot Dr.), as well as hosted virtually online (templetx.gov/mobility), on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. The purpose of the Mobility Master Plan is to help guide development and implementation of a multimodal transportation system that can best serve the community as the city continues to grow. The city is conducting this public meeting to share information and gather input from the community.

SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the planning team at Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for further information.

ANTI-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The City of Temple is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory living and working environment for all members of the public and City employees. The City provides equal opportunity to all employees, applicants for employment, and the public regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The City will promptly investigate and resolve all complaints of discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), and related retaliation in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. The City’s response to allegations of discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation will be 1) prompt and equitable; 2) intended to prevent the recurrence of any harassment; and 3) intended to remedy its discriminatory effects, as appropriate. A substantiated allegation of such conduct will result in disciplinary action, up to and including separation from the City. Vendors, contractors and third parties who commit discrimination, harassment or related retaliation may have their relationship with the City terminated and their privileges of doing business with the City withdrawn. Please contact the office of the City Manager at 254-298-5600 to file a complaint.

Reunión Pública Plan maestro de movilidad en Temple

Asista a la reunión en-persona en el Centro Recreativo Wilson Park o puede asistir virtualmente

19 de enero del 2022 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.



La ciudad de Temple tiene la tarea de elaborar un plan maestro de movilidad (mobility master plan MMP) diseñado para crear un sistema de transporte multimodal con infraestructura avanzada. La segunda Reunión de Involucramiento Público se llevará a cabo una reunión presencial en el Centro Recreativo Wilson Park (dirección: 2205 Curtis B. Elliot Dr.) o puede asistir virtualmente (enlace al sitio web: templetx.gov/mobility). La reunión será el miércoles 19 de enero del 2022. El propósito del plan maestro de movilidad (mobility master plan) es guiar el desarrollo y la implementación de un sistema de transporte multimodal que servirá a la comunidad de la mejor manera al mismo tiempo que la ciudad continua creciendo. La ciudad realizará esta reunión pública para compartir información y recopilar detalles de la comunidad.

Adaptaciones Especiales: Las solicitudes para las adaptaciones especiales o los servicios de traducción deben ser hechas cuarenta y ocho horas antes de esta reunión. Por favor, contacte al equipo de planificación por correo electrónico a Temple.MMP@emailatg.com para mas información AVISO DE NO DISCRIMINACIÓN: La ciudad de Temple se obliga a proporcionar un ambiente de trabajo y de vida seguro sin discriminación para toda la comunidad y empleados de la ciudad. La ciudad proporciona igualdad de oportunidades para todos los empleados, los solicitantes de empleo y el público. La ciudad garantiza que ninguna persona sea discriminada por su raza, sexo, religión, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, información genetica, condición de veterano, orientación sexual, o identidad de género. La Ciudad investigará y resolverá todas las quejas de discriminación, acoso (incluyendo el acoso sexual), y represalias relacionadas de acuerdo con las leyes federales y estatales aplicables. La respuesta de la ciudad a las acusaciones de discriminación, acoso y represalias relacionadas serán 1) rápida y equitativa; 2) destinado a prevenir la repetición de cualquier acoso; y 3) destinado a remediar sus efectos discriminatorios, según corresponda. Una alegación fundamentada de tal conducta resultará en una acción disciplinaria, hasta incluyendo la separación de la ciudad. Los vendedores, contratistas y terceros que cometan discriminación, acoso o represalias relacionadas pueden tener su relación y sus privilegios de hacer negocios con la ciudad terminadas. Contacte a la oficina de administración de la ciudad al 254-298-5600 para enviar una queja.

Public Meeting - Temple Mobility Master Plan January 19, 2022, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Join in-person at the Wilson Park Recreation Center or attend virtually templetx.gov/mobility Reunión Pública - Plan maestro de movilidad en Temple 19 de enero del 2022 - 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Asista a la reunión en-persona en el Centro Recreativo Wilson Park o puede asistir virtualmente

The City of Temple is undertaking the development of a Mobility Master Plan (MMP) designed to produce a state-of-thepractice multimodal transportation system. The second public involvement meeting will be in person at the Wilson Park Recreation Center (2205 Curtis B. Elliot Dr.), as well as hosted virtually online (templetx.gov/mobility), on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. The purpose of the Mobility Master Plan is to help guide development and implementation of a multimodal transportation system that can best serve the community as the city continues to grow. The city is conducting this public meeting to share information and gather input from the community.

La ciudad de Temple tiene la tarea de elaborar un plan maestro de movilidad (mobility master plan MMP) diseñado para crear un sistema de transporte multimodal con infraestructura avanzada. La segunda Reunión de Involucramiento Público se llevará a cabo una reunión presencial en el Centro Recreativo Wilson Park (dirección: 2205 Curtis B. Elliot Dr.) o puede asistir virtualmente (enlace al sitio web: templetx.gov/mobility). La reunión será el miércoles 19 de enero del 2022. El propósito del plan maestro de movilidad (mobility master plan) es guiar el desarrollo y la implementación de un sistema de transporte multimodal que servirá a la comunidad de la mejor manera al mismo tiempo que la ciudad continua creciendo. La ciudad realizará esta reunión pública para compartir información y recopilar detalles de la comunidad.

Contact Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for more information Contacte Temple.MMP@emailatg.com para más información



Public Involvement Meeting to present and discuss the City of Temple’s Mobility Master Plan and the City’s transportation needs.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. In-person at Wilson Park Recreation Center (2205 Curtis B. Elliot Dr.) or Attend Virtually with Link: templetx.gov/mobility

Contact Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for more information.

SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Requests for accommodations, language assistance for Limited English Proficient individuals, or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the planning team at Temple.MMP@emailatg.com for further information.

ANTI-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The City of Temple is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory living and working environment for all members of the public and City employees. The City provides equal opportunity to all employees, applicants for employment, and the public regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The City will promptly investigate and resolve all complaints of discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), and related retaliation in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. The City’s response to allegations of discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation will be 1) prompt and equitable; 2) intended to prevent the recurrence of any harassment; and 3) intended to remedy its discriminatory effects, as appropriate. A substantiated allegation of such conduct will result in disciplinary action, up to and including separation from the City. Vendors, contractors and third parties who commit discrimination, harassment or related retaliation may have their relationship with the City terminated and their privileges of doing business with the City withdrawn. Please contact the office of the City Manager at 254-298-5600 to file a complaint


Chavez, Susan W.

From: City of Temple <noreply@templetx.gov>

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 2:00 PM

To: Chavez, Susan W.

Subject: Mobility Master Plan: Take Our Survey!

View this email in your browser

still time to share your thoughts!
Take The Survey



Temple travel: City begins development of mobility master plan


For motorists in Temple, increased trac — especially when going west — is a frustrating reality.

With the city’s growing population, mainly to the west and south, traveling has become more dangerous for drivers and those using other means of transportation.

1/25/22, 9:29 PM
Temple travel: City begins development of mobility master plan |
| tdtnews.com https://www.tdtnews.com/news/central_texas_news/article_c8cf7fde-7c03-11ec-8da4-df84b1adeb77.html
section of Research Parkway in northwest Temple that was recently expanded as part of Temple’s North Outer Loop Project. Shane Monaco/Telegram

To help x these problems, city ocials and consultants held a public meeting Wednesday for the creation of a new mobility master plan. The plan, currently in its development phase, aims at suggesting actions and projects the city can do to make traveling easier and safer

Jason Deckman, senior transportation planner for Temple, said the city is not only looking at mobility for vehicles, but also for buses, bicycles and other forms of transportation.

“Everyone has a different need and a different way that they get around,” Deckman said. “We are going to try and be everything to everybody. We might fall short of that goal, but it won’t be for a lack of trying.”

Jory Dille, a consultant with Alliance Transportation Group, presented a large amount of the data gathered by the company at the meeting.

Dille said his rm already had identied many problem areas in the city and just now are working to gure out what projects to recommend. He said this is why the rm needs input from residents, detailing what areas they or the city might have missed.

Ocials said that besides current issues, they also are looking for areas where near-miss accidents have occurred.

Deckman said the city and consultants are looking for these areas because they are the projects that need to be xed before people get hurt.

“We want to nd those areas that are near misses and anyone with a lick of sense can look at and go, ‘That is an accident waiting to happen and we need to do something about it,’” Deckman said. “The data is not going to show accidents waiting to happen. But nding out where those problems are will let us maybe advance a sidewalk or bike lane project that is going to prevent that accident from ever happening.”

Some topics being looked at by the city currently include adjusting timings for the lights at intersections, increasing availability of public transit, adding more roads and widening existing roads.

Kiara Nowlin, spokeswoman for the city, said the proposed project to identify and x signal timings on stop lights around the city could move forward soon if funding is set aside.

1/25/22, 9:29
PM Temple travel: City begins development of mobility master plan | News | tdtnews.com https://www.tdtnews.com/news/central_texas_news/article_c8cf7fde-7c03-11ec-8da4-df84b1adeb77.html

The project would adjust the amount of time lights stay green or red during specic hours of the day, allowing for better trac ow. Currently, the city has identied 23 intersections that could benet from these adjustments.

City ocials said they will set the city’s transportation goals for the next 10 years so projects will be spread over that timeline. Some existing mobility projects, such as the city’s West and North Outer Loop projects, will be incorporated into this master plan.

A draft plan is expected to be presented sometime in March or April, along with a public comment period, followed by the nal plan between April and May.

For West Temple resident Mike Perrier, the main problem with the city’s proposed improvements is that they were not done earlier

Perrier pointed to the lack of bike lanes on some roads when they are on connected roads. He said it feels like there are many projects the city needs that it could have foreseen.

The fact the city is now looking toward the future, Perrier said, is at least a step in the right direction.

“We’ve got to do it some time, we can’t stay where we are at,” Perrier said. “There is always stuff that we’ve got to do. The city is mainly growing in West Temple, but South Temple is growing, too.”

Leivon Caddie, who works in utility installation, said he appreciates the work the city is doing to address growth even if it could have been done earlier

With utilities and road work often going concurrently, Caddie said he knows many of these projects will take a long time to even start, let alone complete. He said many don’t realize that these projects won’t be completed with a snap of their ngers.

“It is good to see that (the city) has a capital improvement plan because it is denitely needed,” Caddie said. “At the rate the city is growing, it has already reached the capacity of the infrastructure, so this is actually a good thing.”

City ocials said an online mapping tool that will allow residents to pinpoint areas in need of attention will be available until Feb. 11. Residents can go to templetx.gov/mobility.

Nowlin said those who have suggestions for projects, even after Feb. 11, still can contact the city

1/25/22, 9:29 PM
Temple travel: City begins development of mobility master plan | News | tdtnews.com https://www.tdtnews.com/news/central_texas_news/article_c8cf7fde-7c03-11ec-8da4-df84b1adeb77.html

Temple Mobility Master Plan

Public Involvement Technical Report

Appendix D: Public Hearing Outreach and Materials


Chavez, Susan W.

From: City of Temple <noreply@templetx.gov>

Sent: Friday, March 18, 2022 12:00 PM

To: Chavez, Susan W. Subject: Mobility Master Plan Update

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

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Mobility Master Plan Update


Review the Plan

Exciting news! We are compiling proposed content for the Mobility Master Plan. As chapters are prepared, drafts will be posted online, allowing the public to review the information and provide general feedback.

In May 2022, we will hold a public hearing to present the entire plan for approval, but we want to keep our residents updated on the plan’s development. We value the community’s input, so until the hearing, please email recommendations to temple.mmp@emailatg.com.

Together, we will create a Mobility Master Plan that will shape the future of ALL transportation modes in the City. For more information, visit templetx.gov/mobility.

Copyright (C) 2022 City of Temple. All rights reserved. You opted in to receive updates from our website www.templetx.gov.

Our mailing address is: City of Temple 2 N Main St Ste 209 Temple, TX 76501-7649

Add us to your address book

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From: City of Temple <noreply@templetx.gov>

Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 10:45 AM

To: Chavez, Susan W. Subject: April 2022 Newsletter

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

Chavez, Susan W.
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Extended Siren Test

As we reach the peak of severe weather season, our Emergency Management staff will be testing our outdoor emergency sirens this Saturday, April 2 at 11am. All 25 sirens will simultaneously sound for 3 minutes, which is the duration they would run in a real weather emergency event, like a tornado. While we are not anticipating a severe weather incident at this time, staying prepared is critical! Visit staysafetemple.com for preparation information and safety tips!

Mobility Master Plan

The City of Temple and Alliance Transportation Group, Inc. are compiling proposed content for the Mobility Master Plan. As chapters are prepared, drafts will be posted online, allowing the public to review the information. In May 2022, the City will host a public hearing to present the entire plan for approval. Anyone who would like to make recommendations or has questions about the plan can email temple.mmp@emailatg.com.


From: City of Temple <noreply@templetx.gov>

Sent: Sunday, May 1, 2022 4:00 PM

To: Chavez, Susan W. Subject: May 2022 Newsletter


Mobility Master Plan

The City of Temple and Alliance Transportation Group, Inc. are compiling

Chavez, Susan W.
in your
View this email

proposed content for the Mobility Master Plan. As chapters are prepared, drafts will be posted online, allowing the public to review the information. Later this year, the City will host a public hearing to present the entire plan for approval. Anyone with recommendations or questions about the plan can email temple.mmp@emailatg.com

Regular Collection on Memorial Day

Regular collection is scheduled for Memorial Day on Monday, May 30. Please remember to have your garbage, recycling, or brush and bulk out by 7 a.m. on Monday morning for collection. Visit templetx.gov/solidwaste for information on collection delays and schedules.


Friday - May 6 Mark your calendars for the next big party in Downtown Temple! Join us for a giant Cinco



From: City of Temple <noreply@templetx.gov>

Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 7:30 PM

To: Chavez, Susan W. Subject: June 2022 Newsletter


Mobility Master Plan

The City of Temple and Alliance Transportation Group, Inc. are compiling

Chavez, Susan W.
in your
View this email

proposed content for the Mobility Master Plan. As chapters are prepared, drafts will be posted online, allowing the public to review the information. On Thursday, June 16, the City will hold a public hearing to present the entire plan for approval. Anyone with recommendations or questions about the plan can email temple.mmp@emailatg.com

Regular Collection on Monday, June 20

While City offices will be closed in recognition of Juneteenth, regular collection is scheduled on Monday, June 20. Please remember to have your garbage, recycling, or brush and bulk out by 7 a.m. for collection. Visit templetx.gov/solidwaste for information on collection delays and schedules.



Chavez, Susan W.

From: City of Temple <noreply@templetx.gov>

Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 3:00 PM

To: Chavez, Susan W.

Subject: Mobility Master Plan Update: All Chapters Available For Review

View this email in your browser

Mobility Master Plan Update

All chapters are available online for review

Review the Plan

The City of Temple and Alliance Transportation Group, Inc. have uploaded all Mobility Master Plan chapters online for the public to review.

On Thursday, June 16, City staff will present the plan for approval during the public hearing section of the City Council meeting. Residents can also watch the meeting virtually.

For more information about the Mobility Master Plan, visit templetx.gov/mobility.

Copyright (C) 2022 City of Temple. All rights reserved. You opted in to receive updates from our website www.templetx.gov.

Our mailing address is: City of Temple 2 N Main St Ste 209 Temple, TX 76501-7649


Appendix E: Public Input

Temple Mobility Master Plan

Public Involvement Technical Report


It has already been said but not being able to get to Industrial on the bus makes it hard to get to work when a car has trouble.

It is hard to believe that traffic is an issue and that there is a significant portion of the population belives that alternative transportion is preferable to improving traditional vehicular transportation.

We should focus on improving the potholes on the roads before we add other modes of transportation.

There needs to be a comprehensive pedestrian / bike plan that coincides with the road system to ensure alternative options work for pedestrians and bikers. There needs to be a bike and scooter rental available. There needs to be special transportation for those with special needs.

There are absence of sidewalks, sidewalks that are not complete.

And reducing the time between buses showing up too. If I can walk somewhere in an hour or wait an hour for a bus. There is going to be a good chance I am walking weather willing.

It seems that few improvements have resulted from previous Bike-Pedestrian plans. I am curious what the city’s perception of progress is.

We have poor ridership for public transportation. What are the barriers? Is it just not the valued mode of transportation.

It has been proven in austin that scooters are more of a liability than a help in transportation. Has there been a study done/or evidence to show, that alternative transportation such as biking or scooters is desired by the population itself? What is your evidence to include a comprehensive bike plan."

Has the plan accounted for the recent addition of commercial Scooter rentals downtown

All major cities provide a rental option for transportation such as bikes and scooters. I have witnessed strong use of these options while visiting other cities.

I rarely have traffic related delays in Temple. Killeen and Belton have much more traffic delays by fr.

Bike rentals are useful. Scooters have been shown to increase injuries and block side walks. Especially in Temple where we have an increased elderly population, scooters seem more of an obstruction.

Are we big enough to even be thinking about rented mobilty?

Traffic issues are primarily I-35, 31st Street and 2305/Adams

I-35 through Temple creates traffic delays when the highway reduces from 4 lanes to 3 lanes after 363 South Loop. This impacts other feeders.

Consider eBikes, our firm is looking to offer electric bikes as the technology matures.

Any creative Uber like services for public transportation?

The industrial park poses many issues with access due to the highway barrier and railroad tracks.

And I don't know if this is the place for this but like twice a week a train will block a street for a good 20 to 30 min.

Tour Temple and Temple Scooter Company offer alternative transportation rental services right now

Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

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Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

Format Comment Received Date Comment Received
Temple MMP Public Meeting #1 Comments from Zoom Chat

It seems that a focus on improving traditional mass transportation such as buses may be the place to start, rather than looking to newer alternatives, as Temple, which is a growing city, has yet to reach a critical mass that may be needed to support the newer infrastructure.

I am retired. I commute to my home office. However, I volunteer in the community and have 2 businesses. In the am and about 3:30pm to 6 there is congestion at the intersection of i35 and fm93, at midway and Kegley. Plus Kegley is in need of a renovation.

Our culture favors more point to point transportation that is on demand verses the older versions of public transportation like buses.

Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

There is no walking trails for biking or walking south of fm 93 in the Valley Ranch area. There is one small park. Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

A barrier to micro mobility in the TMED is the buy in from the medical community, and having a tolerance for scooters on their campus

Transportation infrastructure isn’t keeping pace with rapid growth.

Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

Hospitals have been known for prefering scooters, due to the increas of patients that they receive due to injuries. Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

The VA community should be a priority for a constituency.

Also, the Eastside is a priority. A public meeting at Wilson Community Center would be key.

We are discussing government spending that is to benefit the entire population. If mobility for the elderly is an issue, then scooters and bikes are likely not to solve that issue.

I do. But I am a computer nerd. I'd say be active on Facebook and Twitter.

But folks gotta wanna know what is going on too.

I agree the ones who use the transportation are not heard on this venue.

Eighth St Baptist Church and New Day Fellowship would be great venues for meetings. Both are very community involved, and pre-pandemic Eighth St. held monthly community forums.

My wish would be to have more walking trails.

1 Gallon of gas is 33.7 kwhs of energy. A small sedan that would get 33.7 mpg would use 1 kwh/mile. A typical house, mine uses 29 kwh/day...every electric car that drives 100 miles a day uses the energy of 3 new houses. Buy a hybrid that does not load the grid but gets good economy.

Large retailers and facilities added to corridors should be required to add turning lanes to get visitors in and out with minimal impact to through traffic.

It is great to see the new sidewalks by 31st Street.

Thank you

We are fortunate to have many state highways through our area. However, grow leads to crossroads and traffic lights, which reduce transportation efficiency.

Downtown thought: as downtown becomes more vibrant, and outlying parking garages are built, a small “trolley” type shuttle that runs frequently during prime hours (lunchtime, after work) would help those who visit downtown and those who live there - which should be increasing!

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Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

Comment Format Comment Received Date Comment Received Temple MMP Public Meeting #1 Comments from Zoom Chat

We also need traffic sensing devices that turn red lights green when traffic allows so we aren’t sitting at a red light with no cross traffic whatever.

North Loop 363 from 53/ 36 to I-35 needs to be completed to reduce pressure on the south loop and Adams / Central area.

Mentioning Western Hills. Drivers are blocking Apache to turn left into the school in the morning and at 2:45 pm to 3:20. Can we restripe a turn lane or enforce no parking/stopping in the street?

There needs to be a fly over from the 363 South Loop and I-35.

Probably would be a great opportunity for discussion with City of Temple and Both School Districts served to discuss what TEA considers Hazardous routes.

At grade train crossing right outside Sammons Community Center/Pool. There can be a 20 minute wait. Between that and roads now ending at I-35,these great city facilities are now difficult to access (and need much better signage).

Blocked railroad crossings also interfere with emergency service such as fire and EMT.

Question about Western Hills & the new subdivision being built off of Hopi. What feedback was taken about the road openings & how is that going to affect the school flow?

The N-S bike lane on Hickory in Temple is well-designed, and heavily used; thanks for that!

Does this include plans to create commercial flights out of the airport, and public transportation to and from the airport if that occurs.

To address the problem of workers getting to industrial park areas, would a short passenger train line serve this need?

Will survey results be on the website tonight?

Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

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Kegley also needs to be improved. It’s a major connector between I35 and West Adams and Airport roads. Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

Thank you for doing this!

Thank you for soliciting our comments.

Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

Zoom Chat Box 5/19/2021

Comment Format Comment Received Date Comment Received Temple MMP Public Meeting #1 Comments from Zoom Chat

I am interested to know what plans will be in place to create infrastructure as we look forward to having more electric cars on the road. Will parking lots have charging stations?

Will a copy of these survey results be available?

Are neighborhood associations able to be involved in the Stakeholder Meetings?

I received information in our water bill about this initiative. I also received a transportation survey from TxDOT and ETC Institute. Do these two surveys/initiatives overlap?

I've seen a lot of focus on bikes, walking paths & buses which is all great but I'm wondering if there is a plan for a train system for those who commute on I-35 to alleviate some of that congestion? I know that involves more than Temple but it certainly affects Temple.

We will indeed be looking at the impact of future technologies on the transportation system and infrastructure. We will be sure to include charging stations when analyzing options. Thanks for the question.

Yes. We plan on keeping the survey open for the time being and the results will be part of the final plan.

Yes. Send an email to Temple.MMP@emailatg.com

This plan is separate from the TxDOT/ETC survey. However, we will be coordinating with them so they are cohesive. Thank you for the question.

Commuter rail such as you described will be reviewed as part of the Transit Plan for this project. We will be sure to identify the I-35 commute when reviewing options.

Q&A Box during public meeting 5/19/2021

Q&A Box during public meeting 5/19/2021

Q&A Box during public meeting 5/19/2021

Q&A Box during public meeting 5/19/2021

Q&A Box during public meeting 5/19/2021

Comment Response Format Comment Received Date Comment Received
Temple MMP Public Meeting #1 Comments from Zoom Q&A

Would like to see a shared use path (SUP) along this route [FM 2305 and FM 2271]. 5/17/2021

This route would connect two significant parks. Safe passage for cyclists would be new, on Kegley Road. 5/19/2021

Would like to see a shared use path (SUP) along this route [FM 817 (Charter Oak Dr.)] 5/17/2021

Shallowford is perpetually dangerous due to potholes and cracks. This is a route frequented by cyclists. 5/19/2021

Add Welcome to Temple sign like the one on the north end of town [I-35 at city limits]. 5/19/2021

Sidewalks to Cater. 5/19/2021

Birdcreek is in need of sidewalks/bike lanes to help safely connect residential, schools and commercial. As development has increased traffic has made this street unsafe for pedestrians. 5/19/2021

Commercial parking along a residential street decreasing access to the neighborhood. Curbs are needed along with better enforcement. 5/19/2021

Four way stop is needed here to help slow commerical and school traffic coming into the neighborhood [Birdcreek and Brooklawn]. 5/19/2021

Government Drive is listed as a public street yet has been closed by private interest without public notice. Street needs to be reopened. 5/19/2021

Exit moved back to here to help with Hopi Trail/service road congestion [HK Dodgen Loop]. 5/19/2021

New subdivision and impact on pedestrian movements/school traffic congestion [Hopi Trail] 5/19/2021

Traffic congestion issues at school let out (striping) [Apache Dr./Gila Trail] 5/19/2021

Public transportation to/out of airport. 5/19/2021

Bike path here [Industrial Blvd. east of Old Howard Rd]. 5/15/2021

Sidewalk improvements [Main St. downtown] 4/14/2021

Lack of sidewalks/safe pedestrian travel in this area [S. MLK, Jr. Drive and E. Avenue G]. 5/19/2021

Connector between the Summit Recreation Center, and East Temple and the soccer complex. 5/19/2021

Connecting bike paths south and north of Loop 363 requires joining traffic on South 5th St. where there is no bike lane. 5/19/2021

Safe bike path needed [S. 5th St. south of Waters Dairy Rd] 5/19/2021

Safe bike path needed [S. 5th St. south of Waters Dairy Rd to FM 436]] 5/19/2021

Electric street car service, 31st to Central to South 1st to Marlandwood, would connect the major entities in the city and lessen traffic. 5/19/2021

The sidewalk that extends from Bonham Middle School needs to be extended through Thornton Lane. Extending the sidewalk will not only benefit students but residents alike. 5/19/2021

Comment Received
Temple MMP Public Meeting #1 Interactive Map Comments

No Name Provided

I think we should put a bike lane down fifth. Lots of students, Scott and White and VA workers commute that way and having a safe way to travel, besides a vehicle, can improve overall health and reduce the carbon footprint of our city. I have been riding my bike in a lane, as there is no shoulder, and it is not very safe with how fast people drive and the traffic on that road. There is plenty of room if you just narrow the existing lanes some, which studies have shown slow down speeders and reduces crashes. The city could also take away from the center median some to add it.

We need more roundabouts! I think the city should work on slowly converting some of the heaviest traffic light and 4 way stop areas to roundabouts. There are plenty of studies to show that it reduces traffic, collisions and greenhouse gases (less sitting at lights) and it will save the citizens money from less gas consumption as they move throughout the city. 31st is a nightmare now but could be better with roundabouts instead of lights. Education on how to properly use them may need to be provided at first.

https://wsdot.wa.gov/Safety/roundabouts/benefits.htm https://www.iihs.org/topics/roundabouts




Tomorrow: Airport Ave and West Adams Mark left lane as left turn only and double solid middle divider. I get run over twice a week by people going to Airport Rd from the improperly marked left lane.

Loop 363 at West Adams overpass. Right lane should be marked right turn only and double line center line. watched a person go straight through at a high rate and I could see their gas tank and spare tire as they vaulted into the air rejoining the service road north of Adams.

One month from Wed: Submit plans for an exit from Loop 363 to the service road just past the railroad overpass and before Hopi Trail. This will take at least a couple hundred cars a day out of the gaggle at the lights over I-35. Especially with the construction development going on between Hopi, Dakota, Keller, and the Railroad. I look forward to suing the city over turning Keller Rd into a major access road and destroying my property value on the corner of Jaguar and Keller. I don't remember getting my impact statement? Apache, Keller, to 600 apartments? Starting a petition this week. I can see it now...15 speed bumps from Apache to Dakota on Keller. Enforce the law on Hopi and quit punishing the innocent.

Thank you for your comment regarding potential operational and safety improvements needed at intersections. Options for improving safety and mobility will be analyzed as we develop the MMP.

Thank you for the comments regarding potential improvements needed near Airport Ave, West Adams, and Loop 363. Options for improving mobility will be analyzed as we develop the MMP.

Online Comment Form 5/17/2021

I would like to commend TxDOT for achieving their goal of maximum delay for everyone at the lights on Adams at General Bruce N/S. Congratulations...we all wait forever and a day. (Equal delay, Equality, was the goal stated in the TDT about 9 months ago.) 10 cars 12 hours a day idling one minute is 5 car days a day waiting at those lights. 1/2 gal per hour per car 60 gals of gas a day. Ship it to VA...they'll pay $6 a gallon for it. Buy us an overpass with the money. Not to mention the 15 man days lost to waiting (8 hour shifts)

How will these projects will be funded? I am concerned that much of the money will come from the Federal Government: that puts strings on everything you do, and what happens when the Feds run out of money/print so much that everything collapses?

I think that we need to, at the very least, have viable sidewalks everywhere in town. It would promote health by making it easier for people to opt to take that half mile walk to the gas station instead of driving.

To address the morning traffic congestion on the service road east/south bound between airport road and Adams, or 2305, WHY, isn't there an on ramp to the loop in between to help with the traffic congestion. Where the service road and the exit ramp from 2305 meet there is always an accident right there. Traffic is sometimes backed up ALL the way to airport road. Seems very simple and inexpensive to knock down the concrete barrier and paint 2 yellow lines to designate an on ramp to the loop! This would eliminate two things the traffic and the accidents, but I know it has to be much more difficult than that, Right!!!

Options for improving mobility will be analyzed as we develop the MMP, including potential improvements to intersection operations.

Online Comment Form 5/17/2021

Funding options for improvements will be examined in the MMP and a capital improvments plan will be included.

Thank you for your comment regarding the need for sidewalks throughout the City. Pedestrian improvements will be anlayzed during development of the MMP.

Online Comment Form 5/19/2021

Online Comment Form 5/19/2021

Thank you for your comment regarding congestion near Airport Road, Adams, and FM 2305. Options for improving safety and mobility will be analyzed as we develop the MMP.

Online Comment Form 5/25/2021

Response Format
Received Date Comment Received
Brendon Hogan Thank you for your comment regarding the potential location for bike lanes. We will be looking at options for bike and pedestrian improvements as we develop the MMP. Online Comment Form 5/17/2021 Brendon Hogan Online Comment Form 5/17/2021 Rayford Brown Rayford Brown Kathleen Brown Virgil Canady Temple MMP Public Meeting #1 Online Comments

Date Name (optional) Email (optional) Comment

01/19/22 Jordan Valentin jordan@sweettoothdigital.com

01/21/22 Toni House latoniahouse@hotmail.com


I would just like to suggest adding input from the TISD Student Advisory Board. A number of students are involved in extracurricular activities and may have trouble finding transportation outside of normal school bus hours. I'm sure Dr. Ott would happily facilitate a discussion with student leaders.

I registered to attend the 2nd meeting virtually, but never received a confirmation email and was not able to access the meeting through the website. I have reviewed the meeting materials.

It would be nice to have bike and walking areas so people did not have to ride or walk on the streets. No more roundabouts. The one at the high school was a waster of tax payer money. Yes, it is pretty but does it really help with traffic? More like a place waiting to have an accident. At the light by Panera's and across from S&W people do not enforce that the far right lane is only for turning. Need a larger sign as the rule breaker gets in that lane and proceeds through light as the rule abiding person is trying to get over so they can turn at CVS.

01/25/22 Samuel Anderson mrseanderdon@aol.com Let's city stop crime building up as city build up be great city in central Texas. As well take care of senior & Veterans

01/25/22 Donald Cotti cottidon@yahoo.com

How can I find out more about the Outer Loop on the East Side? Specifically when will residents and business owners out there be contacted and what is the compensation for the land and homes. I have a business at 5650 Bottoms Road, Temple. Thank you.

01/25/22 more sidewalks in the north end of town would be nice.

01/25/22 Kay Guedea kguedea@hot.rr.com Leave Central and Adams alone. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THEM TO 2 WAY TRAFFIC

01/25/22 Kent Dutton Kdutton771@aol.com We need sidewalks in Temple...

01/25/22 Joshua Peterson japeter76@yahoo.com

I have lived in Temple all 45 years of my life. I am pleased to know that the City of Temple is taking the taking the time and effort to plan and invest in our city's growth. Thank you for soliciting input and feedback from the public.

01/25/22 None

01/25/22 Nancy L. Wood nltwitch.wood@gmail.com

Public transportation on the west side that could take us seniors to hospital & drs would be great! And the kids to the show, bowling etc could help with the traffic ( especially if it’s affordable for seniors/kids)

01/25/22 Ryan Colburn ryancolb@swbell.net Connecting existing City parks via bike lanes would be an asset to the plan.

01/25/22 Marlene King mking1545@yahoo.com Thank you for talking time to consider upcoming problems.


01/25/22 Randall Gibson randstuff4u@yahoo.com

It would be nice to see active assistance from the City and the Council to get TXDOT to make improvements to Hwy 93 for citizens safety in accessing the only means to go any direction. We don't have alternate streets to take and during high traffic times this is an alternate route for I-35 traffic. It's horrible. A 7 minute drive takes over 20 minutes each morning.

Stonehaven Dr in South Temple (off 5th st) is too long not have speed humps installed. Traffic is extremely busy and fast during the peak hours. With only one stop sign, the cars are picking up speed the further south they travel.

01/25/22 Nicole Fultz nffultz@gmail.com Thank you for doing this.

01/25/22 Brendon Hogan brendonhogan2475@gmail.com

01/25/22 Dan Ford, Jr. fordjrd21@yahoo.com

01/25/22 Michael Fuller Mdf1994@aol.com

I would like for y'all to put in more bike lanes going to the VA and Scott and White. One down 5th, from 93 to Ave R would be perfect to help provide that as a safe option for those that work at the VA, this would also allow people to connect to the bike lane that goes to Scott and White. A bike lane on 31st is also needed. An attempt to get a bike lane to connect most areas to downtown would also be a great way to increase people going there. Also, working to replace stoplights with roundabouts will help reduce traffic and save gas and reduce pollution. People would need education of course on how to use them properly, but in the long term Temple could be an innovator in this field.

I have decided to just remain silent and let progress continue without my input. During that Zoom discussion I could tell my recommendations weren't being taken serious. I realized what I witnessed during the Zoom meeting was accurate once I seen old sidewalks being replaced with new sidewalks while east Temple have few to no sidewalks. I don't get it and I don't understand it. I am happy for the city of Temple, but yet disappointed in its level of commitment to beautifying the entire city! This is the way I see it. Sincerely, Dan Ford, Jr.

I feel a walkway/bike path on Adams is badly needed in order to cross the loop on the west side of town. On many occasions I see folks walking, running or biking across the overpass and there is very little room to do this safely. The only other option is a two mile walk around to Airport and back. There is a fairly high density of folks living on the east side of the loop that would benefit being able to walk or bike across to the expansive network of sidewalks, shops, and parks on the otherside. Thank you,

01/26/22 David Shadden shadden.david@yahoo.com

look at where the most accidents occur and fix that problem 1st then go from there. We are not California solve the transient problem, you do not have the authority to force RV and large trucks to be licensed nor bicycles. The biggest problem is our crime rate increasing focus on law enforcement and crime then we can worry about these little things.

01/26/22 Noel Johnson Stop eliminating parking. If you make people pay or issue tickets, they will stop coming downtown.

01/26/22 Roberta Amos ramos@fctinsurance.com None

01/26/22 David Marsh dgmarsh_hogger@yaoo.com Find the MONEY!!!!



More hike and bike trials, within 10 minute walk of all neighborhoods, 31st street either widen or time lights better at rush hours. Widening and make less rolling on Kelley, scooters with scooter/ bike lanes to avoid accidents.

The crosswalk that crosses Third Street at Walker Ave needs to be removed. Sideswalks between Lamar and Jefferson need to put in on both sides of Third Street, along with sidewalks from the light at the 7-11 to Jefferson on both sides. A large flashing stop sign at the crosswalk at Zenith in front of Jefferson needs tobe in place there for the protection of students walking to and from Jefferson in the morning and afternoon.

01/27/22 None 01/28/22 meacharr@gmail.com We need a traffic light on the East Loop and FM438 intersection. There is a terrible blind spot there when turning onto the loop from 438.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 Summary Memo Public Meeting #2 Comment Forms Attachment 1







Temple SW HK Dodgen Loop East needs to be 4 to 6 lanes. That will move traffice nicely around temple. SW HK Dodgen Loop West is already 4 lanes. WHY ISN'T EAST FINISHED?

Temple sW HK Dodgen Loop east needs to be 4 lanes. It was budgeted years ago for 4 lanes and the city has failed the community in completing this part of the loop. HK Dodgen Loop West is 4 lanes.

Temple sW HK Dodgen Loop east needs to be 4 lanes. It was budgeted years ago for 4 lanes and the city has failed the community in completing this part of the loop. HK Dodgen Loop West is 4 lanes

Temple sW HK Dodgen Loop east needs to be 4 lanes. It was budgeted years ago for 4 lanes and the city has failed the community in completing this part of the loop. HK Dodgen Loop West is 4 lanes

Temple sW HK Dodgen Loop east needs to be 4 lanes. It was budgeted years ago for 4 lanes and the city has failed the community in completing this part of the loop. HK Dodgen Loop West is 4 lanes

Temple sW HK Dodgen Loop east needs to be 4 lanes. It was budgeted years ago for 4 lanes and the city has failed the community in completing this part of the loop. HK Dodgen Loop West is 4 lanes

01/30/22 Shirley Gaines By Shirleygaines35@gmail.com I have been retired for 25 years but I still enjoy being aware of city of Temple Projects

As much as I don't like a lot of red lights, I request a traffic light be installed at the exit from Walmart on South 31st at Forest Trail. The traffic (especially at certain times and holidays) makes it extremely difficult to turn left or go forward from Forest Trail. I am amazed there are not more traffic accidents.

The STOP sign at the south end of HIckory should be changed to a CAUTION with flashing lights on the sign. There is no reason to stop for either lane of traffic. The preparation signage prior to the corner is very good to warn the driver of a sharp turn and also negates a need for a STOP sign.

The speed on Hickory should be upgraded to at least 35 mph and preferably 40 mph. Even 31st Street, which is the most congested in town, has a good 40 mph.

01/31/22 Gayle Farrow gfarrow@hot.rr.com


Thanks to all the Committees' members who work to keep our city a great place to live!

Focus on the problems we already have, rather than create new ones. Quit trying to make Temple be like Austin or one of the other undesirable cities nearby. Downtown could use more parking.

02/01/22 no comment



WHy is SW HK Dodgen Loop east only 2 lanes? And no overpasses? This is a huge bottleneck and needs to be finished. Fix the loop before building any new roads. These monies were allocated and the city has stolen the monies for other projects. Do a flyover north south to access the loop without having to stop at the bucees intersection. Any intelligent being can see this. But we're dealing with morons at the city

Why are there no overpasses on sw hk dodgen loop west? It is very dangerous to travel and enter the loop with the big trucks traveling even at 50 miles an hour. There are way too many blind spots. What are the plans to fix this? Also, SW HI dodgen loop east needs to be 4 lanes and have overpasses as well. where did the funds go that were supposed to build this? This was budgeted years ago!

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 Summary Memo Public Meeting #2 Comment Forms Attachment 1

Temple Mobility Master Plan

Public Meeting #2 - Map Station Comments

Comments were provided by the public at two Map Stations set up at the in person Public Meeting #2 on January 19, 2022. The public was encouraged to provide comments written on sticky notes or directly on the map. A list of those comments transcribed from the maps are provided below:

• Idea to extend West Central past 3rd street (downtown) going east bound to deal with conflict the current alignment poses downtown

• Add free right hand turn lane at W. Adams and NW HK Dodgen

• Add pedestrian & cyclist safety improvements at W. Adams and NW HK Dodgen

• Improved arterials system wide

• Bad intersection level of service and safety concerns at Adams/Central and I 35 (numerous comments)

• Needed pedestrian access across interstate at Adams/Central (East West connectivity)

• Getting off of bus at Temple College (route 510) is difficult - 1st Street near Marvin Felder Dr.

• Crossing interstate is difficult for cyclists on Adams/Central

• Road condition/pavement concerns on W Barton near 1st street, between library and funeral home

• Recommended roundabout at Old Waco Rd. and W. Adams

• Congestion issues coming off of Airport Rd. and Adams at the NW HK Dodgen Loop west of town.

• No sight distance at Industrial and Old Howard Rd.

• “Dirt too high” was noted at two locations – were these drainage concerns?

o Industrial and railroad crossings near Range Rd.

o Industrial Blvd. and NW HK Dodgen

• Recommended bus stop at Children’s Hospital

• The new signage near McDonalds and Arby’s at Adams and I 35 is confusing. Arrows and intended directionality end up being confusing.

• Right turn lanes needed at Old Waco and Hilliard Rd

• Northbound on Old Waco Rd. – the bicycle lane just ends. Hilliard had a bike lane before the improvement

• Sidewalk ending at Adams and the NW HK Dodgen Loop needs to extend west

• There is a merging issue northbound on the NW HK Dodgen Loop and Adams

• Desired downtown walkability, improved crosswalks

• Grocery store access from east of 3rd St.

• Need sidewalks on W Nugent Ln.

• Signalization needed to alert drivers of 1 way traffic at W Central and I 35

• Bad stoplight on S 57th St. and W. Scott St.

• Need turnaround to help with congestion at I 35 and NW HK Dodgen Loop southwest of town

• The new housing development near Wildflower Lane needs access to the NW HK Dodgen Loop. Currently all the traffic will be thrown into the Western Hills neighborhood street

• Return the 3rd street bus route or offer some other mode of transit to reach Temple town center area and 57th street medical offices, like a van, small bus, etc.

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?


2 01/19/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never 31st at Marlanwood Hickory More connections to desired destinations Downtown

3 01/19/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never 31st st

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

Someway to connect the west side to downtown. I live by the Walmart on W Adams and would enjoy riding my bike downtown. A few times a year By choice

Finish Canyon Creek park. Acquire land behind Episcopal Church and connect to Lions Park. Never don't use ride-share

Moore's mill and lower troy road Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

4 01/19/22 No 76508 76508 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

5 01/19/22 Yes 76502 76501 10-15 minutes Never Never

S 31st Street -- multiple intersections East side of Jackson Park neighborhood

Downtown shuttle + more connections and increased freaquency

Between East Temple and the Industrial Park at shift changed times. Jackson Park neighborhood

6 01/19/22 No 76501 20+ minutes Never Never N/A N/A Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/A N/A Never don't use ride-share

7 01/19/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a week Never

5th st at 190 entrance/exits & Adam Ave near 35 on the east side of Adams. N/a Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/a

East side of Hackson Oark neighborhood. North first street. More connections to desired destinations

8 01/19/22 Yes 76502 76501 10-15 minutes Never Never 31st street near the mall

9 01/19/22 No 76501 76504 20+ minutes

Our primary concern is for disadvantaged residents of East Temple. Our own circumstances are not reflective of their circumstances but there needs to be a bigger voice representing this constituency.

The trail along 5th st to connect downtown Never Out of necessity N/a

Around downtown- especially when parking garages are built. Out to dustrial Park from East Temple. Jackson Park to Miller Park. East Temple. To Wilson Park. A few times a year Out of necessity

A few times a month Daily 31st street from Ave h to the mall Street lights need to be adjusted to pedestrian More connections to desired destinations Staples mall area or the Walmart on Adams Ave H not just some of it A few times a week Out of necessity

My main concern is for our underserved population, who have trouble getting to jobs, appointments, etc. personally, can manage (although the downtown shuttle would be great).

10 01/19/22 No 76504 76504 5-10 minutes

11 01/19/22 No 76502 76502 10-15 minutes

A few times a year Never 29th street and Avenue C

A few times a year Never

Several. Why isn’t the city checking all roads and streets on a regular basis, especially in north Temple? An actual planned rail system

317 and lake pointe, pea ridge, all along Adam’s on the west side, getting on the loop at Adam’s Pea Ridge north

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Downtown, Baylor Scott & White and all hospitals, Market Square and all outdoor malls, a stopping point at most apartment complexes, all parks

Sidewalks along every thoroughfare, especially the length of 31st Street, 1st/3rd streets, Adams and Central; hike & bike should probably mimic sidewalks, plus each neighborhood should have a trail. A few times a year Out of necessity Thank you for looking into this.

More sidewalks in neighborhoods, more than just one side of a street. Never don't use ride-share

Please expand pea ridge, the line for Target elementary is so long and gets in the way of anyone using the road to not pick up their children. People pass who aren’t waiting and do so into oncoming traffic.


Anywhere on I-35. Especially after 5:00 when the sun is setting right in the eyes.

Increasing the frequency of service

Residential areas, employment/business districts (industrial park), grocery stores, healthcare facilities, education institutions, public service facilities (city hall, library, post office, workforce center, etc.).

Several. Specifically on Main Street headed toward the post office/Jackson Park Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/A

Connect ALL current public transportation (bus) stops with sidewalks, connect bus stops to areas in #10 above with sidewalks. Areas of focus should be 1st and 3rd Streets from the Loop to Adams, 5th Street from FM-93 to Ave R, 31st Street from FM-93 to Adams, Central Avenue from S. 3rd St to merge with Adams, Adams Avenue from S. 34th St to the Loop, Canyon Creek Dr, Waters Dairy Rd, Marlandwood Rd, Ave R, Ave M, Ave H, S. 57th St. Never don't use ride-share

Jackson Park neighborhood area is in desperate need of sidewalk improvements A few times a year By choice

Consider people with disabilities when planning improvements; for example, mobility impaired need sidewalks, visually impaired need public transportation.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code) How long is your commute to work or school? How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple? How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident? TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
01/19/22 No 76502 Retired Daily Never Kegley and W. Adams
12 01/19/22 No 76502
5-10 minutes A few times a
01/19/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

North 22nd turning left onto Adams More connections to desired destinations To West Adams to at least 317. East Temple everywhere.

minutes A few times a

15 01/19/22


Never West adams ave after the 14 overpass More connections to desired destinations

20+ minutes

16 01/19/22 Yes 76513

17 01/19/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes

few times a year Never 2305 Loop 36 Easier access to transit

A few times a year Never Adams @ Main 31st @ Ave M

would like public transit to be able to make more stops at hospitals and grocery stores. Especially over by Ferguson Park.

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

All retail zones should have bus access, sidewalks, crossing lights and lanes. Never don't use ride-share

would like to see more sidewalks over by the neighborhoods on the 317. A few times a year Out of necessity

Needed social service providers in the area of medical, behavioral health, healthy food, East temple Never don't use ride-share

5th street North of Tempe College Ave M Hartrick Bluff Increasing the frequency of service West side, downtown, Mall

18 01/19/22 No 76502 76504 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never 5th ST and Ave H Yes, The east temple corridor on Ave H. More connections to desired destinations

All new subdivisions required to have sidewalks an connection to trails A few times a year Out of necessity

Hospital, Scott and White locations to include clinics and main building on 31st. Sidewalks on Ave G Temple, TX. A few times a year By choice

often work with homeless families through Family Promise and a continual problem in obtaining employment is the lack of public transportation early in the morning, late at night and on weekends.

Will there be basketball courts installed at crossroads park???

More safe and affordable access to transportation for the under resourced so that they can reliably get to work, needed services and activities that most residents of Trmple enjoy.

help create ways to utilize the existing mobility.

19 01/19/22 Yes 76504 76501 5-10 minutes Daily Never

4 way stop at ave r and 3rd street by the art center for temple community college…. very scary!

The 4 way stop at the gas station behind T3 and The Gym has the oldest stop light in town. The intersection always makes me mad because traffic is only allowed to go from 1 direction at a time, and the light is on a timer instead of on a sensor. Horrible!!!! More connections to desired destinations

Sidewalks on ave m through q between 1st and 31st! Especially ave m A few times a year By choice

Friends I cannot stress how annoying that stoplight is. What street is that? 57th maybe. attended this event specifically because of how mad it makes me.

20 01/19/22 No 76502 A few times a month N/A

21 01/19/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never 9th and E Downs

Yes. Hogan Rd. & 317FM in Belton probably needs a signal to turn Left.Old Waco Rd needs repaving More connections to desired destinations

am disabled. The HOP does not come to my house at all. am STS qualified, but the Hop isn't coming to my area by S. Pea Ridge. would like Hogan road to be in their route plan so can make it to Dr. appointments, shopping, maybe even find a job! on Tarver Never Out of necessity

More connections to desired destinations Extend trails from downtown through historic district A few times a year Out of necessity

can't drive. My husband sleeps during the day, works night. just want accessible public transportation by me off Hogan Rd.

22 01/19/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes A few times a month Never

23 01/20/22

24 01/20/22

South 31st btw waters dairy and marlandwood. People cross the street all over. We need more crosswalks and enforcement of use! Not sure Medical center

South temple! Would love to see the old railroad track turned to hike and bike Never don't use ride-share

Every neighborhood should have sidewalks on both sides of the street. Never don't use ride-share

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
How long is your commute to work or school? How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple? How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident? TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
76504 15-20
14 01/19/22 No 76513
minutes A few times a month Never On West Adams
76502 1-5
No 76502 20+ minutes Never Never
Yes 76502 76513 15-20 minutes A
week A
Appreciate the progress we’ve made so far! Love the sidewalks! Need to make sure they aren’t weedy so they can be used easily. month
More connections to desired destinations W Adams to downtown and S 31st.
few times a
I-35, 363-Loop, Adams Ave, Central Ave, S 31st, just about on every major road in Temple, at least once a week. Yes, 363-Loop-Adams Ave Exit. Increasing the frequency of service Downtown, VA, Sports Complex in by Airport Road.
West Temple, many existing neighborhoods are lacking adequate sidewalks/hike and bike paths to major shopping or entertainment areas. This forces people to drive, even 1 or 2 miles. A few times a year Out of necessity


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

25 01/20/22 Yes 76501 10-15 minutes

A few times a year A few times a year

Adams and Central when cars going the wrong way. I35 north at Central exit is a mess.

The 800 to 1000 block of North 7th has been unaddressed for far too long. More connections to desired destinations

It should go to the industrial park and it should extend beyond the loop in West Temple. So much development on W Adams and yet, the HOP stops before all of it. In the future, it would be great if the HOP went down W Adams, turned left at 317 and connected to Belton. Transit for Temple College students taking night courses would be great. A route or routes that cut through mostly residential areas is needed if mobility areas are not implemented. Too many residents, the elderly and disabled live too far from current stops. Never don't use ride-share

26 01/20/22 No 76502 76501 5-10 minutes A few times a week Never Easier access to transit

The library and HEB. Currently, I believe the HOP goes to the library, but just don't have access to it the HOP from where live (unless want to cross the loop, which really would rather not do on foot).

The Friar's Creek trail could be extended a bit farther (though, its main issue is that it needs a lot of cleaning up). Sidewalks on 31st St are not consistent (in general, biking along that street is somewhat of a terror-filled activity, and crossing it, even at a crosswalk, is quite scary). Never don't use ride-share

love the idea of making public transit and walking/biking safer and more accessible. have a car, but would love to reduce my negative environmental impact by more frequently utilizing these modes of transportation. Currently, these aren't really great options, so would love to see changes in that direction.

27 01/21/22 No 76502 retired Never Never IH-35 & 190 access roads intersections

Haven't lived here long enough to make that determination

Easier access, more connections, increased frequency of service

Shopping Center at 3002 S 31st St, Downtown, shopping center at 27th & W. Adams, 605 SW HK Dodgen Loop

Neighborhood Streets, especially on streets that have or lead to bus stops. A few times a month Out of necessity

moved to Temple in September 2021 so am not yet very familiar with its roads and neighborhoods. My comments may change as I become more knowledgeable. 28 01/24/22

would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

My office is at Central Pointe Parkway. Nothing goes there. 31 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 15-20 minutes Never Never

corner of hickory rd and hemlock, at least once a week, no body will stop for the stop sign and cars are always racing down hickory yes, speed bumps and or lighted stop signs Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 32 01/25/22 No 76502 Disabled 1-5 minutes Never Never South Old Waco road Easier access to transit Never don't use ride-share 33 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 10-15 minutes Daily Never

All of old Waco, s pea ridge, poison oak. Also a road that runs between midway and the Cinemark movie theater. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Old Waco, s pea ridge, A few times a year don't use ride-share 34 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
No 76504 76502 10-15 minutes Never Never 25th and Adams More connections to desired destinations A few times a year By choice 29 01/25/22 No 76541 76501 20+ minutes Never Never I-35 I-35 Increasing the frequency of service A few times a year By choice 30 01/25/22 No 76502 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never 31st and the Loop Nothing
People coming in/out
7 11 on West Adams just
317 317
transit From
35 01/25/22 No 76501 76501 5-10 minutes A few times a month Never Adams
36 01/25/22 No 76502 Work out of town 20+ minutes A few times a week Never Yes all the time Yes several Nothing
option Na The
better. Never
use ride-share None 37 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never west adams ave Nothing
option A few times
year By
38 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never 2305 in front of Walmart Connections
39 01/25/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes Never Never Adams/Airport road No
N/a Never
of the
east of
and 2483
access to
West Temple to downtown
By choice
and 3rd needs a all way stop after 11 like the rest of the area Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option
don't use ride-share
would make it a viable/desirable
more hiking paths the
would make it a viable/desirable
to I-35
would make it a viable/desirable option
By choice
just drivers paying attention
would make it a viable/desirable option N/a
don't use ride-share


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

40 01/25/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

A few times a year Never

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

West Adams bridge over I35 near McDonalds by High School

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

West Adams bridge over I35 near McDonalds by High School Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

Never don't use ride-share

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 42 01/25/22 No 76501 76504 5-10 minutes A few times a week Never

41 01/25/22 No 76504 1-5 minutes Daily Never

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 43 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes

A few times a year Never Adams and 31st streets turn lanes. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Yes Never don't use ride-share

44 01/25/22 No 76502 76513 10-15 minutes Never Never

45 01/25/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes Daily Never

46 01/25/22 No 76501 76503 10-15 minutes Never Never

A few times a month Never

47 01/25/22 No 76513 76513 10-15 minutes

More options in west temple where housing is building up

Fifth Street and HK Dodgen Industrial Blvd and I-35 Service Rd (north bound) Fifth Street and HK Dodgen Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

More options in west temple where housing is building up. For young adult to be able to get to work or even Temple College who don’t have private transportation is important. A few times a year By choice

A few times a year By choice

On the loop and 36, on west Adams (multiple locations), Adams and 31st intersection, drivers going wrong direction on Adams by HEB See above Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

Pretty much any intersection on West Adams between Pea Ridge and Loop 363. The Adams/Hilliard Road intersection is particularly bad, for whatever reason. It seems like 31st street from around the mall down to Scott & White is also pretty problematic.

I'm not sure if there are any real improvements that can be made on West Adams, but it's starting to feel like the 45 mph speed limit may not be a safe speed in the area around Wal-Mart. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

We are near Miller Springs and would love a sidewalk that connects from our area to West Adams. We have to load up our bikes and drive to a parking lot to be able to ride because it's far too dangerous to try to navigate 2271 on the shoulder. A few times a year By choice

Removing existing parking DT to make parallel parking is bad for the downtown businesses, as it eliminates parking options, that were already limited. Perhaps it would have been better to build the parking garages, before reducing the number of parking spots.

48 01/25/22 Yes 76504 76504 5-10 minutes

49 01/25/22 No 76501 76504 15-20 minutes

50 01/25/22 No 76504 76513 20+ minutes

A few times a month Never

A few times a month Never

A few times a month Never

On 31st street at the intersection by church’s chicken.

Yes! West Avenue P and west Avenue M are in serious need of repair. They easily flood out when it rains and west avenue M is horrible due to Scott elementary. A lot of potholes and crumbling parts of the street. More connections to desired destinations

The exit to Adams from Loop 363 heading East, no one yields Kegley, but think that is getting fixed More connections to desired destinations

South 45th street between m and p. Huge traffic area Easier access to transit

Grocery stores and near the hospital

West avenue p from a 51st to s 31st. A lot of kids walk home from Scott and are having to walk in the road or along areas where many dogs are running around. Children have been caught climbing peoples fences and roaming into peoples backyards as well. A few times a year By choice

From Downtown to West or South Temple where other major restaurants and shops are. Along Adams, where there are sidewalks being Never Out of necessity

A few times a year Out of necessity

feel like I’m school zones the surrounding streets or streets in front of the school should have speed bumps. We live near Scott and people will speed until they are almost near the school zone. Especially when kids are going to and from school.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

52 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes

West Adams and Loop 205 -multiple times because people are trying to turn left from Loop 205 onto West Adams OR from West Adams onto Loop 205. The road needs to be divided here to prevent this. All they have to do is go down to Kegley to make the turns at the light!

Road from Loop 363 onto West Adams going West Bound. West Adams is 4 lanes. The folks coming from the Loop 363 Access road turning right onto West Adams should turn into the outside lane leaving the inside lane open for those turning left at the light at the same intersection from Ermine Trail onto West Adams. In addition that right hand turn from the access road needs to have CONCRETE BARRIERS placed on the area inside the white line to stop people from cutting it short and going inside those staying properly in the turn lane. I have almost been hit twice by idiots pulling inside me thinking they can take that lane while go to the other lane on West Adams. IT'S NOT A LANE! Better Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Not viable in West Temple

A few times a month Never Loop and 31st, Canyon Creek and 31st, Loop and 363 Loop and 31st!!!!

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Unsure as I see many good trails now. Maybe sidewalks down the South Side of West Adams completely. I know they are adding them as it builds up. But needed now in front of vacant lots. Never don't use ride-share

More hiking trails anywhere safe!! Never don't use ride-share

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

54 01/25/22 No 76502 Retired

A few times a month Never Prairie Trail in near Lake Point Community.

Loop, near Ira young drive... as traffic comes off the interstate, some cars try to cross over 2 lanes on Ira young drive Downtown. Change curbs back to the normal standard Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option There's no need for that here We have enough already Never don't use ride-share 56 01/25/22 No 76502 Retired A few times a year Never Yes south 31st Yes. 32st Nothing would make it a viable/desirable all over town...West Adams, South 31st, intersection near cracker barrel and Home depot yes absolutely Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option A few times a year By choice 61 01/25/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes Never Never Intersection of 1st and SE HK Dogen Loop.

option Never don't use ride-share The Intersection HK Dogen Loop and IH35. You should not have to exit and stop at a light to get on to the interstate. More connections to desired destinations n/a n/a Never don't use ride-share

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

More connections to desired destinations

No opinion Never don't use ride-share The downtown lights are in a horrible sequence especially the light at intersection N 9th St and W Adams Ave. 62 01/25/22 No 76504 Retired 1-5 minutes Never Never 2305 &lp363 All over Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 63 01/25/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes Never Never North 3rd and Upshaw near the 7-11. 31st and the loop. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
51 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes
week Never
A few times a
53 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a week Never
57 01/25/22 No 76504 76504 5-10 minutes A few times a week Never
58 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never West Adams
59 01/25/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes Never Never Down town at H E B parking lots Yes
Need traffic bumps in road ways around Lake Point Community. There are schools on Prairie Trail. One Middle School and One High School. It's a 40 MPH roadway but the speed limit is ignored. Even during school 25 MPH flashing lights drivers speed through these school zones. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 55 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 5-10 minutes Never Never ride-share No 60 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never
Norh 10th Street
over Never don't use

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

Everywhere. There are many neighborhoods without sidewalks. They City’s lack of leadership and code enforcement in the past and it’s effort to appease developers efforts to fill their pockets negated the building of sidewalks. Never don't use ride-share

All of a sudden transportation has become an issue. Now the taxpayers will have to pay extra to bring the city into this century. Shortsightedness in the past has it’s cost. 65 01/25/22

West Adams loop 363 yeild Old Waco. West Adams Turn lane Infront of new restaurants buildings west Adams Loop 363. Adams south bound merger daily

Airport road needs its own access road to loop 363 south bound.. Easier access to transit A few times a year Out of necessity

66 01/25/22 No 76504 76504 5-10 minutes A few times a month Never Many times Adams overpass in west temple. Midway onramp Safer West Temple Adams overpass A few times a month Out of necessity

1) First and Third Streets have become arteries. They need turn lanes not more sidewalks.

2) Temple needs timed traffic lights on major roads.

67 01/25/22 No 76504 76504 10-15 minutes Never Never 3rd Street & Adams Avenue

3) The ridiculous flash redred on central & first and red-yellow (after 11 or 12 pm) on Adams & first is dangerous and should have been fixed years ago. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Not necessary

68 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never West Adams and Old Waco Road.

69 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes

A few times a year A few times a year Forest Trail and 31st St.

70 01/25/22 No 76504 76504 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never

Synchronized lights on West Adams...left turn west bound from admas to old waco let more then 5 cars go n6 if a redight is ran

Nowhere. Invest in better traffic flow, timed lights, and turn lanes. Never don't use ride-share

The light at S Pea Ridge and W Adams intersection does not always turn green for those traveling on S Pea Ridge. More connections to desired destinations A few times a year Out of necessity

Yes. Traffic lights need to be synced. More connections to desired destinations Scott and White

Sidewalks is all neighborhoods. Difficult to walk safely. Never don't use ride-share

31st and HK Dodgen Loop, HKD Loop and 35 frontage road, 31st and Scott See above More connections to desired destinations Downtown, Target East Temple, near Blackland Never don't use ride-share

71 01/25/22 No 76502 20+ minutes A few times a month Never 31st every intersection 31st FM 93 Downtown FM 93 areas Never don't use ride-share

Repeat: Invest in better traffic flow, timed lights, and turn lanes.

72 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 15-20 minutes Never Never

73 01/25/22 No 76502 20+ minutes A few times a year Never

74 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Daily Never

Almost every day anywhere drive. On 5th street at the light on Marlandwood, West Adams daily. then 31st by Hospital. Not sure at the moment Lower transit fees n/a

feel more sidewalks need to be placed where there arent any for people who dont have vehicles can actually walk and not be in the road or peoples yards. Never don't use ride-share n/a

Pea Ridge needs to be wider and resurfaced Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Na Never don't use ride-share

Yes, often along the busy intersections along West Adams Avenue. N/A Easier access to transit A few times a year Out of necessity

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did
attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live?
do you work? (zip code) How long is your commute to work or school? How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple? How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident? TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
No 76502 Retired 1-5 minutes Never Never Everywhere Many Easier
64 01/25/22
access to transit
76508 20+ minutes A
No 76502

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

A few times a

363 at ramp down to feeder at Lake Belton/Adams rd ramp. West Adams in front of Dutch Brothers/Popeye/Arbys drive; West Adams at intersection of Old Waco Rd and in front of CEFCO. West Adams drive entering into Taco Bell, Panda Express and Burger King. All of these locations numerous times.

Yes, West Adams the Dutch Bros, Popeyes, Arbys, need road behind them connecting to Holy Trinity Drive so people can enter and exit with the light. 363 Feeder road needs to be narrowed to 1 lane with flashing red stop sign and traffic taking exit for Lake Belton/Adams need to have solid white line to keep them in left lane until past the side street by car dealership. Too many times the feeder does not yield and I've had to do a hard brake to keep from getting hit when coming off 363. Easier access to transit

Take a lesson from Tempe, AZ each subdivision (or area) have red bus, blue bus, yellow bus, etc which goes to the shopping areas. If you need to go to another part of the town you get off the colored bus, get on the city bus and it takes you to other areas in the city (college, medical facilities, etc). we have them in our area of west Temple. Never don't use ride-share

76 01/25/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never No North 9th & Adams Ave Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Historic District A few times a year By choice

We have 1 vehicle and it would be more feasible to participate in water aerobics or classes at Sammons Center if there was transit to those locations.

77 01/25/22 No 76502 Retired

A few times a year Never

In front of Tuscan Square on the big curve in South 31st Street. With curves to the left and the right on 31st Street and a 40 mph speed, it is quite dangerous to pull out of the shopping center on to 31st Street.

Midway between I-35 and Bonham Middle School needs to be redone again, as does Battle Drive between Midway and Arrowhead. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option wouldn't.

78 01/25/22 No 76504 Retired A few times a year A few times a week B,C & D

79 01/25/22 No 76502 76508 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never 31st as and Marlenwood.

80 01/25/22 No 76504 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a week Never Loop and Industrial

Sidewalks in my neighborhood so I don't have to walk on the streets. A few times a year By choice

My Dr's office Scott & White Westfield clinic on Honeysuckle A few times a month Out of necessity

On 31st and turning into Aldi's or Texell. Or Walmart. Congested area. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option A few times a year By choice

Getting the 363 Loop from Adams going South to I-35 More connections to desired destinations

Seniors that no longer drive it would help if they could call to be picked up and then drop off to Scott & White, to grocery store or Mail

would like a true running trail instead of having to go to Temple High with all the students A few times a year don't use ride-share

Street lights in neighborhoods. Communities built with sidewalks.

South 31st is getting very busy with new housing and traffic.

81 01/25/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes

A few times a month A few times a month All along West Adams Ave beginning after Kegley Drive South Kegley Road going toward South I-35 More connections to desired destinations

There aren’t any routes that cover the West Adams Ave past Spare Time bowling center. There should be a route to get to the Walmart located at 6801 W Adams Ave

More sidewalks are needed in the neighborhoods in Northeast Temple across from Ferguson park. Specifically, the neighborhood off of Fowler Road. A few times a year Out of necessity 82 01/25/22 No 76501 76501 10-15 minutes Never Never

Cutting across the loop 363 access road near Trade Place to jump on the on-ramp.

Adams and 363 Adams and 31st I-35

The intersection of Airport, Adams, I-35, and Central Avenue

NE Loop and E Young Ave. Curve and a hill makes it dangerous when crossing the intersection. All around Buc-ee's. Major issues in that area and more houses are coming to the area. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share Get connecting flights at our airport. 83 01/25/22 No 76513 76702 20+ minutes A few times a year Never

Kegley between Adams and Midway Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 84 01/25/22 No 76501 1-5 minutes Never Never Temple Many Never don't use ride-share

Take care of what you already have before moving on 85 01/25/22 No 76502 76513 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never 31st street near the McDonald’s

Midway, need a better way to get to Adams, need a better way to merge onto 35 from the loop (near Cracker Barrel) More connections to desired destinations Canyon creek area Never Out of necessity

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
75 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes
month Never



Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Wildflower to Scott /White SW toWildflower

90 01/25/22 No 76502

A few times a year Never

91 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never

Sidewalk from 2305/317 to downtown Temple . Never don't use ride-share

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Not sure if we need anymore. Never don't use ride-share

loop 363 and north exit to west Adams loop 363 and north exit to west Adams Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option hike and bike trails off the streets Never don't use ride-share

Traffic lights on Adams Ave, west of WalMart need to be smarter - not hold back 2550 cars on Adams when there is no cross traffic. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

92 01/25/22 No 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never More connections to desired destinations

A few times a year don't use ride-share

93 01/25/22 No 76502 76513 5-10 minutes A few times a month Never West Adams Ave some yield roadways need better signs More connections to desired destinations stores sidewalks everywhere Never don't use ride-share

Kelley at Adams, Adams and Waco North 317 at the new Terrace as it needs a turn off to the neighborhood.

94 01/25/22 No 76502 76513 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never All over Adams

95 01/25/22 No 76504 76502 10-15 minutes A few times a week Never General Bruce and nugent dr

Pea Ridge needs to be expanded by Lake point to Adams More connections to desired destinations

Easy access frequency of service more connections

North and South General Bruce Dr and Nugent - either flashing stop lights or lighted stop signs

96 01/25/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes Never Never

97 01/25/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes

North and South General Bruce Dr and Nugent East bound exit of SW H K Dodgen LP and S. 5th St. at the 5th street intersection

I'm not as big on progress as the next person. Sometimes I kind of miss the small town feel.

317 north of Adams to Lake Belton high and North Belton Middle School Never don't use ride-share Drive around at 4-6:00 if you can!

More sidewalks better lit streets and bigger brighter street name signs in neighborhoods older and new

A few times a month By choice

East bound exit of SW H K Dodgen LP and S. 5th St. at the 5th street intersectionneeds intersection control lights Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

A few times a week Never Ave G area people tend to run red lights. 31st entrance into HEB do not use so will not comment

98 01/25/22 No 76504


A few times a year Never

People merging from the exit ramp at West Adam's Avenue to get onto SW H K Dodgen Loop. Yes everywhere. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Water Dairy’s and south fifth is very dangerous for pedestrians. almost got hit there twice when crossing in crosswalk as vehicles turn without looking when cross light is on.


A few times a

North Temple, older part of town the sidewalks are in bad repair Never don't use ride-share

A sidewalk parallel W Nugent all the way down from John Paul Jones to the interstate feeder road would be nice. Heritage Place and Village could benefit from that sidewalk Never don't use ride-share

When exiting off loop by discount tire and mall and you have to turn right by Lowe’s, it is very hard to cross all three lanes of traffic. Never don't use ride-share

of south loop and 35 Increasing the frequency of service North and South 31st A few times a week By choice

At the intersection near Scott and white. A lot of the smaller streets.

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Never Every street, everyone is always speeding. Yes off of Martin Luther King Rd and 190 going South. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

We do not need more public transport. It would destroy the character of the area. More hiking trails and less bike lanes on the road. Never don't use ride-share

Off of Little River Academy and Martin Luther King Rd. Never don't use ride-share

Yes neighborhood parks/swimming pools in Subdivision Praire Ridge.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code) How long is your commute to work or school? How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple? How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC:
you seen
accident? TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT:
would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to
you in Temple? (Be
Where have
a "near-miss"
ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?
TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?
No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes Never Never Midway Dr
No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes Daily Never
TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions? 86 01/25/22
Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option
Nuget Never don't use ride-share 87 01/25/22
More connections to desired destinations All over the city All areas that don’t have these amenities. Never don't use ride-share
88 01/25/22
76502 76502 5-10 minutes A few times a year Never Adams ( Walmart, coffee place across from Walmart ) Kegley
More sidewalks would really be great To many people walking in the streets 89 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never S MLK and SE HK Dodgen loop
99 01/25/22 No 76502
Daily Never
100 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes Never Never South 31st Intersection
101 01/25/22 Yes 76502 76502 10-15 minutes Daily Never
20+ minutes


EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

a year don't use ride-share 105 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes Never Never

HK Dodgen feeder at Adam's exit Most of them Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never 106 01/25/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never

57th light, turning left onto the loop access road going east. It is a protected green turn arrow that people always run.

Azela and 31st St. Azela/Mall needs a protected turn onto 31st.

Marlanwood/31st.marlanwood needs a right turn lane to go right on 31st. More connections to desired destinations

Sidewalks needed from Juniper Drive on Forrest trail to oak creek park. A few times a month By choice

107 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 20+ minutes A few times a year Never More connections to desired destinations A few times a month By choice

108 01/25/22 No 76502 Never Yes, south 31st

yes, Waterford dr and s. 31st. sight lines coming off Waterford are restricted. also turning left off south bound s 31st onto Marlanwood. there is a grade change which causes people to go slow and hit their brakes. this causes a ripple effect and not as many people get through as could if traffic moved smoothly. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

The stop signs are not working at the 31st street Walmart, Wells Fargo, texell, McDonald's...personally witnessed accident. More connections to desired destinations

109 01/25/22 No 76501 Retired Never Never Walmart, wells Fargo on 31st.

Until security concerns can be addressed hike and bike trails are not going to be used. too many miscreants use them. Never don't use ride-share

So many times, many are waiting at intersections on a red light when no one is using the green light. fixing timing or having smart controllers that sense traffic would greatly increase productivity of existing roadways. With wireless sensors it seems like could retrofit controllers to see that no one is at north bound lane so cycle to next intersection. thank you for looking into this. South 31st is getting a lot more traffic with several new subdivisions on 31st and hwy FM 93

Lowe's, 31st Walmart, home Depot, Target, bestbuy, Ross shopping centers. Unsure A few times a year don't use ride-share

Traffic light at 31st wells Fargo, texell, Walmart intersection.

hike/bike trails in area south of Temple College and/or connection to trails of South 5th St. Fryers Creek park. Never don't use ride-share

more developed regional bus and/or rail service to/from nearby cities & towns, extending network of hike/biike trails, making sure traffic lights are timed properly (increase yellow light time or at least don't decrease it), promote Draughton Miller airport to one day have passenger flights to major hubs,

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses Date Did you
in-person meeting on January 19?
city do
code) How long is your commute to work or school? How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple? How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident? TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?
TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions? 103 01/25/22 No 76502 76548 20+ minutes A few times a month Never FM 93 and Hartricks Bluff road, Hartricks Bluff Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option A few times a year don't use ride-share 104 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a week Never West adams, by the Starbucks and Dutch bros Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option South temple! A few times
No 76501 76502 5-10 minutes Never Never
No 76504 76508 1-5 minutes A few times a week Never
West Adams 31st In front of Meridith Dunbar Historical District East side Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Not Central. Wasted money there. No walkers ever. Never don't use ride-share
Increasing the frequency of service
No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never West
A few
choice 113 01/25/22 No 76502 76504 15-20 minutes A few times a week Never West Adams and also South Temple feeding onto I-35. Old Waco Road South Pea Ridge Rd More connections to desired destinations Grocery stores, main hospital areas, etc. West
neighborhoods to connect to hike/bike trails. Never don't use ride-share 114 01/25/22 No 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never West adams Adam’s/Kegley Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Northwest Temple A few times a year By choice 115 01/25/22 No 76502 retired A few times a year Never West Adams at Loop 363. Kegley Road between I35 and West Adams. Please, get it finished! Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option 1. Downtown 2. Baylor Scott & White CDM, Clinic & Hospital 3. HEB stores. ? Never don't use ride-share No. 116 01/25/22 No 76502 76542 20+ minutes A few times a month Never West Adam's in front of the walmart exit between
and turning
turn left into there with the
the way
Adams & S 31st St Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Yes, to get that
off the streets.
times a year By
Adams new
both leople
left, and
trying to
Poison oak, with the addition of the new school the already bad road is getting worse, also battle drive continues to deteriorate and has begun flooding in rain Because of the routes have to take usually to Holland, academy, waco and killeen public is not usually an option Areas that have school bus stops, like Ridgeway road where there are a lot of kids every morning walking the road, but literally about 40 ft of sidewalk. Never Out of necessity


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

117 01/25/22 No 76502

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

A few times a week Never

118 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 10-15 minutes

119 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes

A few times a week Never

A few times a week Never

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

South 31st street at Azalea 31st street from 190 south to Waters Dairy

Old Waco and West Adams. People running red lights/arrows.

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option At present have no need for public transit

Waiting to see Kegley, the rest of Old Waco should be next. Both are key spokes in the I-35 to Hwy 36 wheel. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

Upgrade all existing sidewalks in the South Temple park; the disc golf portion of that park along Friars Creek. Never don't use ride-share

This is city is already better than any I’ve ever visited for bike and hike trails. Temple is more than awesome! Never don't use ride-share

More trails along green spaces and connecting to pepper creek trail A few times a year Out of necessity

120 01/25/22 No 76504 20+ minutes

121 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes

A few times a week Never

Adams and everywhere, Getting on the loop 363 from Adams, on the freeway getting off general bruce drive

Adams. You cannot have all those businesses funneling on to Adams. There is NO good way to get into Temple from west Temple. It used to be such a quick drive. The stop lights aren't timed and everyone is entering and slamming on their brakes. It's just craziness. We are considering moving out of the area because of the uncontrolled traffic in that area. It's as bad as living in a huge city. More connections to desired destinations

HEB, library, downtown, adams businesses, gym, work (Travis), target shopping center, walmart shopping center, mall

West Temple. There's more room out that direction and more people that would actually use them. A few times a year Out of necessity

A few times a month Never Pea ridge Pea ridge Increasing the frequency of service Never don't use ride-share

See above.

A few times a week Never

122 01/25/22 No 76513 Home 1-5 minutes

All up and down West Adams. It's too big now to have left turning allowed from side streets or parking lots. Also, some problem areas don't have a good way to get to a light for a protected left. Leaving Shirley's, leaving Sonic, leaving Fuzzy's.

Also lights at Adams and Hwy 35 intersection are terribly Timed. When trying to turn left through the intersection, it will often let you through one light only to stop at the next for no reason. No cross traffic starts, everyone is stopped for a while. More connections to desired destinations

123 01/25/22 No 76502 76513 15-20 minutes A few times a month Never W Adams Ave

124 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 15-20 minutes A few times a month Never

Add more like pepper creek trail, or like the walk trails in Belton (Chisolm Trail parkway, Harris Park along the creek,, Heritate Park, etc.) but snaking through west temple area. Right now only "bike trail" is down the sidewalk on West Adams - not a viable option with little kids. Never don't use ride-share

Old Waco Road. There are too many new houses and subdivisions there and that road is horrible for the amount of traffic that goes that travels on that road. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

The loop exit to the feeder road for lake Belton/west Adams. No one yields there. Need stop signs. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option West temple A few times a year By choice

Please, please invest in developing more bike/walk trails *away from* major roads. This is something that is easy to add when developing but sometimes impossible once the area is developed.

125 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never West Adams and Old Waco Rd

Old Waco Road South of Walmart until the Bell County Maintenance line is hazardous and a disgrace to us tax payers living down old Waco Road. The maintenance by the city is insufficient. The road is littered with pot holes, uneven pavement and crumbling edges. People are weaving from one side of the road to the other trying to dodge all the hazards.

would like to have side walks and bike trails down Old Waco Road BSW Hospital. Walmart. Target. Downtown Temple and Belton Old Waco Road Never don't use ride-share

Please fix Old Waco Road to include sidewalks and bike lanes.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses

Intersections of Adams + Central with 31st - all directions. Intersection of Ave. R with VA. 31st and the loop - all directions.

128 01/25/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes

129 01/25/22 No 76513 76544 5-10 minutes

A few times a year Never

Intersection on the south side of the bridge on H K Dodgen Loop and S 5th St.

More connections close to home.

Adams/Airport and I-35. Loop & Adams (cloverleaf)very congested/backed up. Loop (South) and I-35 very congested/backed up. think all of those intersections should have options for "flyovers" without lights. Lights should only be needed if going on the access road towards local businesses. Otherwise, should be able to switch highways without a light. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

Add more hike trails that are mostly shady. I love walking but it is too hot for me in summer unless there is shade. also prefer longer hiking trails. Pepper Creek Trail is nice. am a retired, older adult. Trails with restroom facilities are also important for those of us in this category. So many of the restrooms are locked. Never don't use ride-share

After I get to the age I can't drive I would love to be able to go downtown, to parks, to the mall/shopping areas, etc.

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions? 126

Any major thoroughfare: 31st (high school to 93), Adams (downtown to 2271), Central (31st to 8th), 3rd/1st (I-35 North to loop South), 5th (Ave R to 93) A few times a year By choice

Intersection on the south side of the bridge on H K Dodgen Loop and S 5th St. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option n/a

Convert the old railroad track found between 31st St and 5th St into a walk/hike/bike trail. Never don't use ride-share

A few times a week Never Never don't use ride-share

For public transit, perhaps consider piloting a "park n ride" from certain areas for high traffic events (Christmas parade, Bloomin Fest, Summer Sounds, Fireworks, Oktoberfest, etc) to decrease car/parking traffic in those areas and to introduce non-regular public transit users as a way to try to increase ridership

In my opinion, the connection between Old Waco road and Witter Road is greatly needed. This would directly connect the Northwest and South sides of Temple and help ease the congested intersection problem on FM93 and I-35.

130 01/25/22 Yes 76502 76501 10-15 minutes

A few times a year Never

A few times a week Never

131 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes

132 01/25/22 No 76502 Retired

A few times a month Never

The entire area where the Loop and Adams Ave connect literally in every direction.

West Adams, near all the new food businesses and Walmart.

Old Waco Road prior to any more developments coming. Hwy 93 before any new developments come in. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Downtown

The design of curb cuts is very bad. no Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option don't want that bus to take me any where.

Connecting west Temple to Downtown allowing biking or even safe running routes to/from. Better and safer sidewalks and trails connecting various areas to downtown. A few times a year By choice

The trails are not an investment., they are an expense.. Never don't use ride-share

57th and South Loop. One lane to turn left or go straight and one lane to turn right only. ONe lane is backed up for 2-3 blocks other lane has no traffic. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

133 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never yes yes More connections to desired destinations yes, 31st / watersdairy rd, 5th street Never don't use ride-share

The infrastructure (roads) need to be considered prior to approval of housing developments.....consider requiring a traffic analysis for all developments greater than 50 homes/units.

Become more frugal in your decisions to waste money, such as the Hawn hotel, massive city buildings.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
How long is your commute to work or school?
How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple? How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?
TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
No 76504
A few times a
Yes 76501 76504 5-10 minutes
127 01/25/22
A few times a
East and West
West Adams Ave
135 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes Never Never on 31st Street
No 76501 Daily A few times a year French
No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never Forest
134 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never
Starlight road meeting up with W. Adams Ave, can it be marked as two lanes and a left turning lane. That way traffic coming out of the neighborhood can still turn right as cars are lining up to turn left. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Rather drive would like to see the City invest in mountain bike trails. Maybe around the lake area Never don't use ride-share
Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option 3rd street by the schools A few times a year By choice
and 4th Northeast side of temple More connections to desired destinations west side east temple Never
trail and 31st Forest Trail and 31st Increasing the frequency of service A few times a month By choice

How long is your commute to work or school?



140 01/25/22 No 76504 Retired 20+ minutes

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

A few times a year Never

Everyday at the West Adams East bound ramp onto Loop 363.

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

Yes. Many surface streets have been dug up in Western Hills and never resurfaced. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

Loop 363 from the train overpass to Hopi Drive. A lot of people walk to work and there isn’t a sidewalk. Never don't use ride-share

Trying to get on the Loop 363 from exiting of Hwy36, with the traffic coming off Adams and Wildflower Addition, The traffic coming from Hwy 36 should have a on ramp, before coming into the traffic that is coming from Adams and Wildflower addition. Very congested traffic in the AM Monday -Friday. Not offered Never don't use ride-share

A few times a year Never 31st Street and the loop. (Near overpass. More connections to desired destinations

1) SW dodgen loop intersection with 35. In front of Cracker Barrel, heading west. The traffic at the red light is crazy. The line waiting for the red light is nuts. Firetrucks can’t even get through the congestion with lights and sirens.


142 01/25/22 No 76502 76504 5-10 minutes Never Never

Hilliard and adams….always an issue there.

Also, exit off the loop to turn on kuykendall…..no one ever yields on the access road. Have probably seen 6-10 near accidents.

Temple needs more on and off ramps from major Roads, You have to get off I-35 almost in Belton to be able to get to Target or anything in that area. More on and off ramps please

walk everywhere go, and most of my walking radius has no sidewalk. It should be a city ordnance that every block is surrounded by sidewalks. Never don't use ride-share

It's a shame Temple lost it's only taxi service. I'm old enough to remember when we had two, back in the 70's.

143 01/25/22 No 76502

A few times a week Never

2) midway drive is in very poor condition. Temporary fixes and band aids have been applied but the road is still in bad shape. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/a N/a A few times a month By choice

On first (I think), there is the really old light hanging by a cable….I ran the light more than once since it’s out of place compared to the others in town. More connections to desired destinations

Sidewalks are needed on Marlandwood Road — on both sides of 31st Street. The west side is a winding road and very dangerous for pedestrians, and yet it leads (could lead) many walkers to 31st Street for business/shopping needs. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Never Out of necessity

Sidewalks are needed on Marlandwood Road — on both sides of 31st Street. The west side is a winding road and very dangerous for pedestrians, and yet it leads (could lead) many walkers to 31st Street for business/shopping needs. A few times a year By choice

yes, in areas where there are none, possibly near other events/attractions

Great city and leadership. Thank you all for what you do.

We use ride-share and public transportation when we are traveling to larger cities where these are the norm. I’ve always heard the need for public transportation in the industrial park. .not sure if that’s still a current need or if it’s already been met.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
01/25/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes
01/25/22 No 76502 Retired 5-10 minutes A few times a month Never
01/25/22 76502 76502 10-15 minutes Never Daily
01/25/22 No 76502 78751 20+ minutes A few times a month Never
where there is road work being performed, limiting visibilty near a hill or curve Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option
like the farmers market. Areas where there are some trees, but not totally wooded for safety Never don't use ride-share 145 01/25/22 No 76502 Retired A few times a month Never Easier access to transit Baylor Scott and White, grocery store, mall, other stores, downtown 76502 zip code , bike and sidewalks along major streets Never don't use ride-share 146 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 15-20 minutes Never A few times a week Brooks Drive to Scott and White Never don't use ride-share Door to door Transportation for seniors that require rides to doctors, who do not drive. 147 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never 31st St and the corner where chick-fil-a and DQ light. Midway, alley way of cactus trial Easier access to transit None On waters dairy Never don't use ride-share


How long is your commute to work or school?



151 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Sidewalks on Midway from I-35 to S 1st A few times a year By choice Creation of Bike lanes on existing streets

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Baylor Scott and White

Shallowford West from Lions Park in Temple back up to Midway behind the car dealership is TERRIBLE. Pot holes. People run/walk/bike that road often and would say it is a MV/Ped/Bike accident waiting to happen.

probably would not use public transportation based on my address on the outskirts of town but do feel it is needed

Never don't use ride-share

152 01/25/22 No 76502 retired

A few times a year Never

south loop 363 and 1-35 junction: there is a turn around, people turning right both trying to get across three lanes quickly, plus the traffic coming straight through the lights. There is always someone ignoring the "yeild" signs posted.

The newest lights on 1-35 and Adams/Central as well as the 190 and 1st Street lights. They both have periods where all the lights are red so we all just sit there for a minute or so. All the other intersections have lights that stay green until the light for the next group of people. is ready to turn. So annoying when turning left off Adams and the Central light turns red but no one is going.

I've never used it, don't know how it works, what the schedules are, or how much it costs. Can't think of a reason I would want to use it though as my experience with public transportation is that it takes a long time to get anywhere and it is unwieldy to use

Yes, if we had more sidewalks, I suspect people would walk more. Never don't use ride-share

Sidewalks/bake paths: any of the main thorough fares. Some are starting to go in, but was shocked when moved here 10 years ago and you had to walk on the street or the grass to get anywhere. So difficult when trying to walk with a stroller near a busy street. I know people that bike to work, but have to drive in the main traffic lanes, so dangerous. I want to encourage people to bike places, but it is often not safe for them to do so.

A few times a year Never On service road in front of CVS

The on-off ramps on Loop 363 are dangerous. It's nearly impossible to exit the loop and then turn right on Lowe's Drive. Don't plan to use it unless I can no longer drive.

Yes, 2305 from Brooks Dr to Westfield Blvd needs a center raised median, with dedicated left turn lanes into the shopping areas. When you have cars in both directions competing for the center turn lane, surprising there are not more accidents. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Never don't use ride-share

Of course roads needs to be maintained but think most of our efforts need to be put into side walks in popular areas.

Never don't use ride-share

Everywhere. You have neighborhoods that don't connect to anything without having to get into the traffic lanes. Never don't use ride-share

93 and entire 31st St from hospital to 93 and down 93 to CTCS and to 5th St A few times a week By choice

genuinely hope citizens are listened to and improvements are made. Thanks for trying.

Need better traffic light management at 93 and I-35 with dedicated right turns onto access road to help with traffic back up at lights

think an easier path to get across West Adams in the West Temple area. Perhaps a pedestrian bridge or extra stop light. The same for 31st street near Baylor Scott and White.

traffic flow in Temple is good except for I-35. You need to control the vehicles entering I-35 because the I-35 vehicles must slow down for entering vehicles which cause unnecessary congestion

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
01/25/22 No 76502 Retired A few times a week Never
01/25/22 No 76502 Retired 1-5 minutes Never Never Adams and old Waco road Yes
01/25/22 No 76502 76502 10-15 minutes Never Never yes
153 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes A few times a month Never 2305 between Brooks Dr and Westfield Blvd.
154 01/25/22 No 76502 76508 10-15 minutes Never Never 93 and Dubois Rs Easier
access to transit Hospital and shopping
155 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never West Adams in the West Temple area. Yes. 363 and West Adams access road. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Downtown area. West Temple. Never
don't use
156 01/25/22 No 76549 Retired 1-5 minutes Never Never Never None Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Don't Use Never don't use ride-share
157 01/25/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never Central and north 3rd Southbound 31st between Scott and Market Place -lane shifts confuse drivers. More connections to desired destinations Scott and White Historic District Never don't use ride-share No 158 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a week Never Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share


160 01/25/22 No 76502

How long is your commute to work or school?

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

A few times a week Never 31st street, FM 93 31st and Azalea

A few times a month Never At Clinite Dr and West Adams and Clinite and Windy Point.

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

31st street, there are inactive train tracks that cross 31st that would make a wonderful walking trail/bike trail A few times a year don't use ride-share

Clinite and West Adams needs a light. Clinite and Windy Pt. needs a 4way stop. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

Thank you for investing in our city! We love parks and trails and sometimes go to Austin/Georgetown to take advantage of opportunities

161 01/25/22 No 76502 retired A few times a week Never West Adams!!!!! 31st street near the mall. Potholes on Hickory Road, Midway is always in need. More connections to desired destinations Scott and White, HEB

162 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes

A few times a year Never I-35; Pea Ridge Rd (North of W Adams) Pea Ridge; the road leading to Cornerstone Automotive Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

163 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a week Never

South 31st between Marlandwood Road and Water's Dairy Road

would like to see more trails where builders have not left it due to poor drainage. Also to see more sidewalks vs markings that supposedly share the street, since cars don't share. A few times a year By choice

Pea Ridge; the drainage easement that runs through Lake Pointe and Lake Point Crossing Never don't use ride-share

I am concerned by the building traffic on South 31st between the Loop and 93 as more and more homes and businesses build in the southern part of that area. Easier access to transit A few times a year By choice

Just my sincere encouragement to bring most needed change since you are working against a provincial mindset that I've marveled over for 40+ years.

164 01/25/22 No 76501 76528 20+ minutes Never Never Easier access to transit H E B, Mall, Movie Theaters. A few times a year By choice

165 01/25/22 No 76501 A few times a week Never Industrial & Loop French & 9th Do not need personally Historic District! Never don't use ride-share

166 01/25/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never 13th and W. Garfield Roads in the Historical District Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/a East and North Temple A few times a year By choice

It would be nice if Transit could pick up the elderly at their front door and take them to social locations so they are not cooped up and alone.

167 01/25/22 No 76542 76502 20+ minutes Never Never Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option No No Never don't use ride-share No

168 01/25/22 No 76501 retired A few times a year Never

Zenith and North 3rd. Adams and North 3rd making left turn from Central onto North 3rd. 31st and Marlandwood Azelea and 31st. easier access and more destinations

parks. Veterinarian office, Temple Vet clinic restaurants. downtown northside A few times a year Out of necessity

transportation has only recently been a problem for me. Am currently immobile.

169 01/25/22 No 76502 76513 15-20 minutes A few times a week Never

Every day on Highway 93 at all the intersections where people are turning left ... it's like a game of Frogger. The fence at Amy's attic is demolished often yet, nothing changes. Dubose and Highway 93 Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Highway 93, people are always walking on the roadway Never don't use ride-share

No more hike or bike trails. More side walks on North side and east side. Ppl are in the road in mobile scooters which is dangerous Never don't use ride-share

Highway 93 has been neglected by the City, no traffic enforcement, no pressure on TXDOT to do something to make it safer for those having to access it, meanwhile the traffic exceeds the speed limit and the traffic volume keeps increasing. Stop approving new subdivisions that have to access it if you can't get TXDOT on board to solve the access issues.

No more trails, build sidewalks in areas that have been neglected by every Mayor and city council

am strongly against parking meters downtown

Very Dangerous !!!!! Obstruction of view when pulling out onto Canyon Creek from Hartrick Bluff intersection due to high profile plants. Please plant low profile foliage at all intersections. Thank you.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple? How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident? TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
01/25/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes
01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never On
West Adams, at any intersection with no light The light on Scott blvd and 57. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Closer To the exact location am going, not far away
01/25/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes Never Never No
No Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option drive N/A Never don't use ride-share
172 01/25/22 No 76502 1-5 minutes Never A few times a week
Easier access to transit Shopping and Entertainment A few times a year Out of necessity

How long is your commute to work or school?

173 01/25/22 No 76504 76504 5-10 minutes

174 01/25/22 No 76501 76508 10-15 minutes

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

A few times a month Never 31st St. and Adam's Ave. Yes, several of them.

A few times a month Never N 9th and french

175 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never

On main streets such as the loop, 31st, adams, central, ave H, Ave M, R, T. Pea Ridge.

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

We have enough bike trails and sidewalks in town. A few times a year By choice

More connections to desired destinations Historic district A few times a year By choice

The freeze affected alot of roadways causing potholes, that are constantly needing to be re-filled. Pea Ridge is way to narrow and congested Easier access to transit Grocery stores, restaurants

By the lake. Places not near the homeless A few times a year By choice

176 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never Easier access to transit A few times a year Out of necessity

177 01/25/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option don't use ride-share

The only mobility plan that needs to be focused on at this point is fixing the traffic signals and intersections. If the lights were corrected it will create a better flow. Then you can do a survey to see where improvement is necessary.

The homeless or transient population is out of control. They takeover street corners and make it dangerous for women. They are usually more aggressive with females in cars by themselves.

178 01/25/22 No 76501 Waco 20+ minutes A few times a week Never Nowhere

The lights on Central and Adams when you cross I35 are not times well. I travel these roads at 5:00 in the morning and often have to wait a long time for no traffic. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option nowhere

As our city grows we need hike and bike trails! I would like to see the Georgetown trail that you talked about in the Parks bond come to fruition. As we grow in the South East quadrant we need trails and parks. We could put a hiking trail along the railroad on the North side of Temple near North 15th St that runs along the train tracks. Trails around Lake Belton maybe a collaboration with the city of Belton, wouldn't an interconnected trail be great. Improve the roads around Lions Park to make them more bike friendly and less bumpy. Lots of people like to ride the loop by Lions Park A few times a year By choice

yes, most drainage systems off 31st street make it very hard to exit. Marlandwood and 31st is particularly bad Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

Stop. And for Gods If you are going to do sidewalks make sure they they are next to the curb. Quit wasting water on a sprinkler system. Move the sidewalk next to the curb. Never don't use ride-share

My name is Hope Koch, my husband and served on the Parks committee. We love the idea of trails and we appreciate everything the City of Temple does for us. You all run a great city. Call us if you need anything 254760-8781

If you're going to utilize the Hop make sure there is an indentation in the road for the bus to pull into so cars behind don't have to sit and wait for 10 minutes for the bus to be loaded or unloaded. That is impeding the flow of traffic.

Again all new neighborhoods shouldn’t be approved unless they have sidewalks. And all existing neighborhoods need sidewalks

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
179 01/25/22 No 76502 76544 20+ minutes A few times
year Never South
31st street near mall
No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes Never Never
180 01/25/22
Old Waco Rd
Adams Old Waco Rd Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option
181 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes A few times a year Never Yes Marlandwood and 31st Street More connections to desired destinations
All new subdivisions should have sidewalks and Temple should spend money to put sidewalks in existing neighborhoods. It’s so dangerous taking kids for a walk and hate walking in the street because people drive so fast. A few times a year Out of necessity
182 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never no pea ridge do not use yes
183 01/25/22 No 76502 76504 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never West Adams Nothing would
option Never
184 01/25/22 No 76502 76508 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never 31st between hospital and canyon creek Red lights need to be synced on
for better flow of traffic Nothing
185 01/25/22 No 76501 76502 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never I35, entering and exiting the loop Nothing would
Never don't use ride-share no
make it
don't use ride-share
would make it a viable/desirable option N/a South temple near canyon creek A few times a year Out of necessity
make it a viable/desirable
Never don't use ride-share


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

186 01/25/22 No 76501 Never Never

187 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes

A few times a month Never On 31 and waters dairy

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Downtown and shopping areas.

Hartrick bluff needs to be widened from Waters dairy all the way to 93. Easier access to transit Adams and old Waco rd

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

Killen Kane needs sidewalks badly.Should have been done years ago! Never don't use ride-share

Sidewalks need to be on all major streets Never don't use ride-share

Need to bury electric utility lines, and provide alleges where there are none!

188 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes

A few times a year A few times a year

Adams and 31st, and a lot of red light runners on 31st and also 1st and 3rd st

Near Temple college there is a poorly designed roundabout. It allows 2 lanes cars to cross OVER the roundabout. have had near misses trying to use it correctly, but it is not signed. have seen the same roundabout in another area, again poorly designed and very dangerous. always go around the outside of the circle, will not cross the circle. It is dangerous to cross the circle. These two sections are not marked properly. More connections to desired destinations To Belton, Austin, round rock, Waco Never don't use ride-share Fix the unmarked roundabouts, please.

189 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never Hickory and hemlock

61st and Northwood Rd and Shadyhill and Northwood Rd. People rarely if ever obey stop signs or speed limits posted. In fact while talking with a neighbor, she actually pushed me for fear a car was going to hit us.

57th at the loop needs improvement. I wait at the light for a long time in the morning for no one. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Ramblewood. Near lions park. A problem with trails in temple is they are too far apart. should be able to jump on a trail from my neighborhood, not forced to drive to one. Not safe to get there on foot with busy traffic and no sidewalks. A few times a year By choice

190 01/25/22 No 76502 76502

01/25/22 No 76502

A few times a year Never

If additional stop signs are placed making Shadyhill and Northwood a 3 way stop, perhaps people would a least slow down and yield. Midway Drive No Pearidge Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Side walks along major road ways, such as 57th, Thornton Ln, portions of 31st are without sidewalks. The bike trail along 57th St is far to narrow to be safe. A rider could easily lose balance and end up in traffic. Never don't use ride-share 191

ridge and charter Hilliard and airport Hk dodgen and 31st All along West Adams

centers 31st street Never

193 01/25/22 No 76513 76501 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never 317 between West Adams and Airport Road Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option A few times a year By choice 194 01/25/22 No 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never Loop 363 and FM 438 Yes Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option A few times a year By choice 195 01/25/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never West Adams West Adams Starbucks, Walmart and Dutch Brothers Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option West Temple Never

don't use ride-share

Increase left turn lane times at intersections (particularly Old Waco and West Adams).

Widen South Pea Ridge at Charter Oak to include a left turn lane

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
76513 5-10 minutes
76508 20+ minutes
If I were to use it, grocery stores, Walmart, H-E-B ALDI’s even BigLots, hospitals and clinics, pharmacies, clothing stores. week
A few times a year Never Old Waco and W. Adams Old Waco.... Poison Oak Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 192 01/25/22 No 76502
A few times a
Ridge, especially between Old Waco and Charter Old Waco Road Poison Oak Midway Venus, Jupiter, Old Waco Dr Cleaner, safer, more stops
South Pea
Major areas- hospital and medical clinics, Major shopping
don't use ride-share
Right turn only signals and lanes at major intersections.
Level and pave older neighborhood streets that have seen significant increases in property taxes and no improvement in drainage and infrastructure


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

196 01/25/22 No 76502 76508 10-15 minutes

197 01/25/22 No 76504 Retired 1-5 minutes

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

A few times a year Never

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

All along West Adams from Kegley west to 317; too much growth without alternative routes have made 2305 a NIGHTMARE!!!! Yes

A few times a year Never Never

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

The intersection of 31st & Scott & White Drive, by Panera. More connections to desired destinations From near S&W to downtown areas.

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

West Adams from Kegley to 317 A few times a year Out of necessity

Hike & bike trails in south Temple would be nice, maybe near Hickory Road. Never don't use ride-share Nothing I can think of.

198 01/25/22 No 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never More connections to desired destinations A few times a month By choice

199 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes A few times a year Never

Light at 31st turning on to Loop by CVS. Different times of day and different days the turn/straight arrow goes to straight only and people do not notice. Also coming off Loop onto 57th Street there have been two times where someone from the middle lane, that is straight only, turns left onto the bridge and was in the left lane, which is left turn only

Pot holes that have been poorly repaired on Midway coming off Service Road of IH35 on way up hill by Bonham. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

200 01/25/22 No 76502 76508 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never n/a n/a Easier access to transit Downtown from west temple West side of temple Never don't use ride-share

201 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never Old Waco and Adams

202 01/25/22 No 76502 76513 10-15 minutes A few times a week Never West Adams

Entrance on to feeder at 363 and Adams Old Waco Road Easier access to transit To BS W Never Out of necessity

57th street and hk dodgen loop - this should be a doubles turn lane on to 57th More connections to desired destinations Shopping Walmart on west adams West temple A few times a year Out of necessity

203 01/25/22 No 76502 Unemploy ed 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never In Poison Oak Rd.

204 01/25/22 No 76502 20+ minutes

A few times a week Never

That entire road need to be paved again and need a sidewalk for easy access to Charter Oak Elementary School. Children can benefit from it by riding to school in their bicycles. Easier access to transit VA Hospital, grocery shopping (Walmart and HEB)

317/Open Prairie Dr Especially very dangerous when the high school kids are trying to cross ( there are no crossing guards) and cars run red light going 60+ 317/Open Prairie Pea Ridge Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option don’t use public transit

Sidewalk are not just very important but also safer in every housing community. All residents will benefit from it when walking, running, biking, or hiking. Never don't use ride-share No further comments.

We have ENOUGH trails As for sidewalks haven’t noticed anywhere that needs them that don’t already have it Never don't use ride-share

205 01/25/22 No

At the intersection of CLinite and Windy Pointe. It is in a growing neighborhood and the road exits infront of a bend that does not allow visibility and there is not a stop sign for traffic heading South on Clinite. At least once a week as I am heading to work am almost hit.

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

The West Adams exit off of the loop on the north bound side is not designed for the traffic it is getting. in addition to being congested, the yield sign is rarely observed. Easier access to transit

Don't invest in public transit. Rideshares have/will make it unnecessary for decades before Temple would be large enough to justify actual public transit.

Continue to build out Pepper Creek as the centerpiece for the city. Do more to make it beautiful and appealing, especially out toward the new Pepper Creek extension. A few times a year By choice

Downtown destinations for evening and weekend events would be nice.

Absolutely anywhere! Many of our trails run parallel with major roadways and this takes away from the experience. A few times a year By choice

Thank you for your efforts in trying to improve Temple!

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
76504 76579 10-15
minutes A few times a week Never
206 01/25/22 76502 76502 15-20 minutes A few times a week Never


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

A few times a month Never

207 01/25/22 No 76501 76504 5-10 minutes

Southbound I35 access road at Industrial intersection. Too many motorists in the second from left lane turn left when that is not a turning lane. Can we have better signage there, or paint direction signs on the road? Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option NA

A few times a year By choice

208 01/25/22 No 76501 76504 5-10 minutes

209 01/25/22 Yes 76502 76504 15-20 minutes

A few times a year Never H and 1st, H and 31st, G and 1st.

Most of the streets around Nugent from 3rd down to and including N 6th. To be completely honest, as my appraisal is being increased 10% every year due to the historic district, I am a bit irritated our roads in this area are as bad as they are. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option n/a

believe that every neighborhood should have sidewalks. I find it appalling that handicapped folks have to ride their scooters on the side of the street. Never don't use ride-share

A few times a month Never Highway 36 from cedar ridge to pepper creek trail, A few times a year don't use ride-share

210 01/25/22 No 76501 Retired 1-5 minutes

A few times a month Never I-35

I don't get out enough to really answer this question. Public transit doesn't come to my area. Grocery store and downtown

There aren't any in my area where can walk my dog except Miller Park and it's too dang hot, no shade trees, in the summer. Never don't use ride-share

211 01/25/22 No 76504 78701 20+ minutes A few times a year Never I-35 Frontage road & Loop 363 NW corner East side of town Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Western Hills A few times a year Out of necessity

212 01/25/22 No 76502 76513 10-15 minutes Never Never 31st street, loop 363 Midway, old Waco, kegley Increasing the frequency of service Downtown, west Adam's Every where A few times a year don't use ride-share

If public transport was available north of Jackson Park would use it and would be out of the house more often. I do have a car but I'd like to go downtown Temple in the evenings and I'm not comfortable driving at night.

213 01/25/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never

multiple intersections, people clearly running red lights. Mainly at very busy intersections, such as Old Waco and W Adams. Airport and Research is another intersection that due the speeds and people being in a hurry, when an accident happens, the injuries are significant(requiring being transported to the hospital.

I'd support reducing the speed on Airport due to the volume of traffic. It's proven that the slower people travel, accidents aren't as severe.

Some of the intersections, such as the one above(Old Waco/W Adams) has an issue in it's design when people are going southbound on Old Waco, thru the intersection, when there's alot of traffic, you can't see the northbound traffic that is wanting to turn westbound onto W Adams. The intersection should be better controlled by the lights to prevent the near misses or actual accidents that happen there. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/A

Southside of the roadway on W Adams, near Pea Ridge, Meadowbrook. Never don't use ride-share

The widening of W. Adams would be nice, because it's as bad or worse than S. 31st in the morning and in the evening when people are travelling to and from work.

Southeast down old 95 from 190 through 93 up blackland to 5th A few times a year Out of necessity

never seen a "nearmiss" in Temple. There is no need for improvements on the roads that travel. just prefer to travel throughout Temple in my vehicle. West Temple A few times a year By choice No

Please fix the road surfaces that are falling apart but are in areas where lots of new housing is going in.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
No 76502 76501 5-10 minutes A
year Never
214 01/25/22
215 01/25/22 No 76502 Fort Hood 20+ minutes A few times a year Never have
216 01/25/22 No 76502 78626 20+ minutes A few times a year Never Stonehollow and Meadowbrook Dr
217 01/25/22 No 76502 76502 10-15 minutes Never Never Poison oak and 317 Poison
Yes, need a pedestrian crossing from tractor supply side of 190 to cefco convenient store side of 190. For people with disabilities to make it across safely. More connections to desired destinations All roads to have routes Nothing
Pea Ridge and Adams
connections to desired destinations From the west side to downtown Established and lower income neighborhoods, in spots that don’t already have them. Never don't use ride-share
Oak, South Pea Ridge, Old Waco
would make it a viable/desirable option I’m not interested in public transit
Nowhere, invest in road improvement first. There’s a school on Poison Oak Road and the street surface is terrible. Car roadways are more important than hike and bike trails. Never don't use ride-share


EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

Low cost weekend explore with the kiddos, save gas money on weekends, my son can get around town independently with I'm busy

From Kennedy Powerll Elementary down to the inspection of 35 and Osage road A few times a year By choice N/A

Adams by the new coffee shop Increasing the frequency of service Work and home Bentwood subdivision. A few times a year By choice

Yes. All of 31st is a race track. Light canyon creek and 5th left turn works sometime. West Adam's too conjested and traffic too fast More connections to desired destinations Walmart west Adam's

222 01/25/22 No 76501 20+ minutes A few times a year Never 3rd and Central

223 01/25/22 No 76502 76513 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never

Public transportation vehicles need to have places to have bikes for those who bike, then ride.

Side walks needed. Bike trails not so much. Too much traffic for more bikes. A few times a year Out of necessity

North 7th between the Jackson drainage creek and Barton Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

224 01/26/22 No 76502 A few times a month Never More connections to desired destinations North Temple Never don't use ride-share

Temple needs to do a better job taking care of feeder streets that they created because of limited access. Left turn heb 31st is a mess

225 01/26/22 No 76502

Office located downtown drive all over the city. 10-15 minutes Never Never

South loop 363 and I-35 frontage roads (Cracker Barrel /IHOP)

Loop 363 & I-35 would be well served by a flyover linking loop 363 directly to S/B IH35. Traffic during the afternoons is terrible. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

A hike/bike trail to Temple Lake Park along Adams would be nice. Never don't use ride-share

226 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never S pea ridge and poison oak Poison oak Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

227 01/26/22 No 76502 76504 5-10 minutes A few times a year Never Never don't use ride-share

Exit off 363 onto service road between I35 and Adams Avenue

228 01/26/22 No 76502 Never Never

Exit off 363 onto service road between I35 and Adams Avenue Never don't use ride-share

Congestion is a problem due to lights during certain times. Public transportation gives people some more independence Ans this helps decrease depression and helps our local businesses. More connections to desired destinations

To all local Ans chain businesses and to Austin to the malls and round Rock outlet and Georgetown And to Harker heights . From some of the housing areas to the hospitals Hogan road pea ridge Never don't use ride-share

Public transportation would be amazing for young kids and for older adults And those who would rather not drive 230 01/26/22 No 76534 76501 15-20 minutes A few times a week Never

229 01/26/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes A few times a week A few times a month West adams Ans the loop

Going south on 31st street people are trying to turn into Walmart.

The traffic lights need to know when cars are at the intersection and let them go instead of waiting a whole cycle. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

From Jefferson to Lamar on 3rd Street. It is dangerous for student to walk between those two schools especially in the dark without side walks. Never don't use ride-share

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
long is your commute to work or school? How
do you use hike/bike trails in
How often
you use public transit in
there intersections
would make
Where have
seen a "near-miss" accident? TRAFFIC: Are
or roadways
option for you?
Where would you like
transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?
01/25/22 No 76502 76504 20+ minutes A few times a month Never West
No 76504 78723 20+ minutes A few times a week
TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions? 218
adams Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 219 01/25/22
220 01/25/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes Never Never None
221 01/25/22 No 76502 76513 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never Canyon creek and 31st
231 01/26/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes Never Never Midway Drive Nothing
232 01/26/22 No 76502 A few times a month Never Azalea and 31st several times Azalea and 31st Everywhere
233 01/26/22 No 76502 76569 20+ minutes A few times a year Never Old Waco no more extra taxes no where Niomore
234 01/26/22 No 76501 76504 5-10 minutes A few times a month A few times a year Yes. North 10th street. Easier access to transit A
235 01/26/22 No 76501 76504 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never 5th street and the Loop, 1st street and the loop, Waters Dairy and
would make it a viable/desirable
31st Street needs sidewalk along its entire length Never don't use ride-share
Never don't use ride-share
taxes. How about less
Never don't use ride-share Lopwer taxes.
few times a
By choice
31st street turn lane in not wide enough, Waters Dairy and 5th street turn lanes. The turn into the HEB on 31st street.
and Waters dairy, 31st and Watersdairy, 5th and the loop. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option A few times a year By choice



A few times a year Never 31st and central, loop 363 and young ave 31st and central. , loop 363 and young ave

I35 and Adams,i35 and central intersections, the lights are not synced properly. Sometime the lights skip a cycle where it does not turn green and the other side gets to go twice before yours turns green. Other times the lights on both sides stay red for long periods of time. I have input two requests before on track Temple and they get closing saying they're fixed but the problem is still there.

238 01/26/22

239 01/26/22 No 76661 76661 20+ minutes Never Never

240 01/26/22 No 76502 76544 20+ minutes

A few times a month Never Exit 294b Merge Corner of CVS and Wendy's

241 01/26/22 No 76504 76502 15-20 minutes A few times a month Never Anywhere on 31st or Adams.

242 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes

A few times a week Never Old Waco Road and Hogan

Time it takes over an hour for some trips that in a car take 5 minutes Downtown, Scott and White CDM, shopping

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

On the south side but the BIGGER issue for me is safety. lived in Seattle for 18 years and hiked every weekend since moving here I have been attacked by dogs running loose 5 times two times requiring hospitalization and extensive treatment for myself and my dog. Never don't use ride-share

All over the city, hike trails that are interesting, alot of the ones are plain, or boring Never don't use ride-share

Dogs running loose while the City Manager sits on her fat ass and does NOTHING is not acceptable. She needs to be fired. Why are dogs allowed to roam free attacking people in their own neighborhoods and front yards.

We called animal control about an aggressive dog who was trying to bite and attack people SEVEN TIMES and they never responded.

When he was back the next day called again and the woman who answered said "Gosh, we had over 20 calls about this dog and they still haven't been out?"

A few times a month Never

243 01/26/22 No 76502 76501 15-20 minutes

West Adams near the new Dutch Bros. Trying to make a left out of that area is a disaster waiting to happen.

More connections to desired destinations A few times a year Out of necessity

More connections to desired destinations

West Temple Walmart Target area all major supermarkets and shopping areas. Downtown events. Library. Parks. Walk bike hike trails. Industrial park...place of work. Schools. Temple collage Sidewalks...31st st. 57th st Need bike only trails Never don't use ride-share Bike storage along bike only trails

Increasing the frequency of service Downtown or other areas where parking can be challenging. Everywhere. Equal distribution of access for all. A few times a year By choice

Old Waco Road desperately needs improvements. People including police drive on the south-bound side of the road when going north. It's pretty bad. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option n/a

Old Waco Road near Hogan is one of the worst roads I've ever driven on. The "patches" are so horrible that people often drive on the opposite side of the road to try and spare their tires. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Hogan near the new housing development at Old Waco Road. A few times a year Out of necessity

A few times a year By choice

A few times a week Never

244 01/26/22 No 76502 1-5 minutes

Crossing 31st from Extraco to Hwy 93. Also coming on the south service road on 5th street close to Temple College. That road either needs to be closed or no left turn on to 5th street North towards TC. Force everyone to the new intersection towards the East. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Hike and Bike trail the crossing 31st where the old Belton railroad tracts are located. Never don't use ride-share

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
long is your commute to work or school? How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple? How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident? TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
01/26/22 No 76502 Austin 20+ minutes Never Never 31st 5th, 93
237 01/26/22 No 76501 76504 10-15 minutes


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

245 01/26/22 No 76504 76501 5-10 minutes

246 01/26/22 No 76502 Retired

A few times a year Never

The stop light in front Scott & White and Panera Bread. The far right lane is a turn lane but people continue to go straight and then cars try to get over once they go through the light. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

A few times a week Never 5th street and cross over bridge at 92

31st street - north bound lane making a left into HEB/Khols shopping center. The turn lane gets backed up in to the left lane causing a back up on 31th.

Lights on Pepper Creek Trail. It gets very dark very fast when the sun starts to go down. Never don't use ride-share

It a shame the city does not mandate builders to install sidewalks on every street. Never don't use ride-share

247 01/26/22 No 76502 78701 20+ minutes Never Never Easier access to transit Never don't use ride-share 248 01/26/22 No 76502 76501 5-10 minutes A few times a year Never Adams and 3rd Midway dr Easier access to transit Walmart Midway dr. A few times a month Out of necessity

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

Sammons Golf Couse is a big asset. It draws a lot of players from the surrounding areas, due to its central location. It would behoove the city to improve the couse.

No bus stops on midwsy or midway moble home park

250 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never

On 31st Street outside of Chick fil A. I have had several people almost hit me head on when am traveling north and turning left in the left turn lane onto Azalea drive. People cross the double line (that is the turn lane) early in order to get over to Chick fil A. A physical barrier (skinny cones) that protects this turn lane would be helpful. I am on my way to the children’s hospital when this happens. Overall, it is difficult navigating to the children’s hospital when you are approaching it from South Temple and heading north on 31st. St. More signage directing you to the hospital is needed.

Approach to the children’s hospital is difficult if you are approaching it from South Temple. Also, there is a lot of traffic backing up on Hwy 93 at 35 in the evening commute hours. I need to turn right/North onto 35 but the majority of traffic is trying to go straight to then get into the left lane to take 35 South. Increasing the frequency of service

Hike bike trail at the abandoned railway




People should be able to catch a bus every 15 minutes from designated locations.

People should be able to walk to Baylor Scott White from 57th St and Scott Boulevard.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
249 01/26/22 No 76502 76508 10-15 minutes Never Never Old Waco South
year 251 01/26/22 No 76501 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never 31st street All of them Have it come closer to Hillcrest Rd Scott and white appts. Shopping centers, grocery stores, restaurants Busiest streets need sidewalks as well as bike lanes. Any place where there is an apartment complex needs bike trails and hike trails. But all the streets in Temple need repaying asap Never don't use ride-share
in South Temple. A few times a
roads in
Roads are awful. Increase public parking downtown area.! 252 01/26/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never Adams Ave; Airport Road Adams is horrible Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option The Northside A few times a year By choice
253 01/26/22 No 76504 self employed 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never Moffat Rd and Highway 36 Yes Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/A Windmill
on residential streets! Would cut down the car theft!!
Farms subdivision on the way to the schools
don't use ride-share
254 01/26/22 No 76504 Retired A few times a month Never Intersections of Adams and and the Loop exits and entrances. Adams and Loop exits and entrances. Increasing the frequency of service
use of common sense when deciding on where changes need to be made. Why invest millions of dollars where no one uses the area"?
Ira Young Drive and M Streets (which locals treat as a main cut through to 57th and 31st Streets), Scott Boulevard and 57th Street. Never don't use ride-share
255 01/26/22 No 5181 FM 3117, Temple 76501 76504 5-10 minutes Never Never Ave M and 1st St poorly marked Nothing would
a viable/desirable option
make it
Never don't use ride-share

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

256 01/26/22 No 76502 78759 20+ minutes A few times a year Never 31st in front of walmart

Need center medians on 31st front of Walmart, McDonald’s and such. People are constantly pulling in front of u and letting people cross which leads to accidents Austin

257 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never Old Waco RD

258 01/26/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes Never Never

31st street. pulled out of a store parking lot and an oncoming car had to swerve to avoid me. It was my fault

259 01/26/22 No 76502 76501 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never

In front of 6042 Stonehaven. The rest of Stonehaven has sidewalks but not this small stripe. My mom broke her hip in June and can not walk outside because the traffic goes to fast along here. Also on hartrick bluff between canyon creek and waters fairy where the mailboxes are. Traffic flys and make getting the mail dangerous Never don't use ride-share

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/A N/A Never don't use ride-share

There are a couple of intersections where plants obscure good view of oncoming traffic Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option No opinion No opinion Never don't use ride-share

Public pools in better areas. For all to use not just low income.

260 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 20+ minutes Never Never

Between BSW area on 31st St and Twin Peaks Liquor. The forced exit from the loop and 1st street. Adams & Hwy 35 crossovers, Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

When the children's park requirement is waived with a new subdivision a sidewalk should be provided to the nearest public park. If that is not an option, maybe the requirement shouldn't be waived. Never don't use ride-share

Work on the timing of the traffic lights. This is a major cause of running red lights.

31st street in the Temple Mall area

Yes, traffic on Hwy 93 at the end of 31st street. There are several new subdivisions either in or going in along a 2-3 mile stretch both east and west of the intersection where 31st street dead-ends into Hwy 93. The road needs turning lanes and/or additional traffic lights, Hartrick Bluff Road and Hwy 93 is one of those dangerous intersections. The addition of 100's of homes off Hartrick south of 93 will create a huge traffic problem. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

261 01/26/22 No 76502 76501 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never Market and Morning Glory Old Waco, Kegley Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

all aaaeound schools. make it safe for our kids to get to school. Along Adams. A few times a year Out of necessity

Scooter downtown need to go. People are falling becasue of the horrible sidewalks. 262

Traffic lights should be timed together on major thoroughfares in Temple (31st St and West Adams). Today lights seem to work independently and you have a difficult time hitting more than one green light at a time. Larger cities move large amounts of traffic by timing a string of lights together. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
01/26/22 No 76502 76508 10-15 minutes A few times a week Never 31st Street between Baylor Scott & White all the way down to the Walgreens intersection
South Temple, perhaps abandoned railroad tracks or creating a free way similar to Pepper Creek parkway A few times a year By choice 263 01/26/22 No 76504 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never 31st St (actual accidents and near-misses) More connections to desired destinations HEB near Temple High School, Birdcreek Community Never don't use ride-share 264 01/26/22 No 76501
5-10 minutes Never Never 5th and ave t yes plenty Increasing the frequency of service no dont know to many places need the sidewalks Never don't use ride-share no


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

Poison oak and South Pea Ridge is a nightmare intersection. know they are re-doing Poison Oak but the progress has been excessively slow. I live is the Plains at Riverside phase 4 and all day every day we have people cutting through our neighborhood via that intersection onto Diamond Dove. These people speed and run stop signs. My husband was almost hit by someone speeding around the corner of Diamond Dove. The mailbox is around this corner. More connections to desired destinations

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

265 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never Yes.

266 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 10-15 minutes

A few times a month A few times a year

West Adams, south 31st, loop east of I-35, 5th at Temple college bridge off 190., to a few.

West Adams at Old Waco Rd., both ends of 5 th st bridge over hwy 190.

Rebuild the intersection of Kegley and Adams. More connections to desired destinations

From neighborhoods in West Temple to downtown. It would be amazing to be able to ride the bus to the library without a multiple miles walk.

wish our neighborhood had sidewalks. I wish the area around Poison Oak and South Pea Ridge had sidewalks. can see Charter Oak elementary from my house. Our neighborhood kids ride the bus when they could be walking. A few times a year By choice

Western Temple to downtownBS&W, TEMPLE COLLEGE All of them, sidewalks in the central core. Never don't use ride-share

Get old Waco rebuild DONE, ASAP, OR STOP Development on west side, current Old Waco Rd is falling apart with every rain.

267 01/26/22 Yes 76504 76513 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never

268 01/26/22 No 76502 Retired Never Never

Exit 302 and Central Ave (Bridge) This area need to display a ONE Way sign. People tend to make a left turn at the light.

Railroad area, need asphalt (bad) Ave M and 31st there are quite a few pot hole and need to be repaired.

Nugent / I35 Bridge need Flashing "red" on the Stop signs. Traffic tend to run right through the signs More connections to desired destinations Travel to the Killeen area

Nugent Ave, basically, all neighborhoods would benefit from these improvements Never don't use ride-share Add turn around lanes for the I35 / D.H. Dodgens loop area (bridge)

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

269 01/26/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes Never Never Easier access to transit

270 01/26/22 No 76502 76513 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never 31st Street and Azalea intersection of Canyon Creek and 5th Street

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option A few times a year By choice 271 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 20+ minutes A few times a month A few times a week Different places around the city. Yes.

Increasing the frequency of service Work, shopping, visit friends and family etc. believe that the city is pretty good in hike/bike trails. A few times a year Out of necessity

272 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never cannot remember. Yes. Lower transit fees

Church, the library, stores, the movies, restaurants and local parks. East Temple. Never don't use ride-share

think and believe that increasing and expanding the Public Transit/Transportation Services could create jobs,I think and believe it is very necessary with the growth and expansion of our City.

273 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes A few times a year Never

along S 31st street cross traffic lights are not protected arrow to turn only solid green, confusing/dangerous

Intersection of 93 westbound, particularly left turning/inside lane, and I35 Easier access to transit between downtown and outskirts downtown areas A few times a year By choice 274 01/26/22 No 76502 76501 5-10

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
minutes A few times a month Never All up and down West Adams Ave Historic district, Ave A-R east of I-H 35 More connections to desired destinations More hiking trails near S 5th St, sidewalks on 5th as well Never don't use ride-share 275 01/26/22 No 76501 76504 5-10 minutes Never Never Central and 31st when people go straight in turning lanes Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 276 01/26/22 No 76502 20+ minutes A few times a year Never Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 277 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes Never Never Blind curve on s. Pea ridge. Blind turn on charter oak by rr overpass. Pea ridge needs to be wider. Old Waco rd needs next phase started! Poison oak project needs to start! See above More connections to desired destinations All HEB’s & Walmart’s & all baylor S&W clinics Charter oak elementary. Bridge on poison oak should have walk ways A few times a month Out of necessity Many old streets need to be widen


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

278 01/26/22 No 76502 1-5 minutes

A few times a year Never

Adams avenue middle turning lanes Trail ridge /oak hills stop signs

All the roads near charter oak need to be replaced. Poison oak approaching south pea ridge is so narrow bumpy and dangerous when there are two cars. Also when driving on ridgeway to turn right onto hogan, it’s very hard to see oncoming traffic on the left. This year witnessed a student almost get hit by an oncoming car on hogan when he was let off the bus (it is not a 3 way stop) Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Everywhere! We walk the paths near the crossroads often but it’s a pain to load up multiple bikes to drive there first.

Walkways or trails by the charter oak elementary neighborhoods would be awesome! Never don't use ride-share

279 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 15-20 minutes

A few times a month Never

Turning south from east bound HWY 36 on to 317 into Belton. You can't see cars heading south on 317 as you merge to go south because of the raised terrain on the interchain. From heading south 317 to east bound HWY 36 to Gatesville there is a very small merge are to see cars heading east on 36. The east bound cares should be required to merge left after passing over bridge and before ramp enters 36 east from 317.

See above. Also add a right turn lane on HWY 36 when turning onto Hillard road. The shoulder is wide enough just make it a turn lane, It would help alleviate some of the backlog on HWY 36 heading east at that light Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share

280 01/26/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes Daily Never Yes Yes

281 01/26/22 No 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never ? S. Pea Ridge

282 01/27/22 No 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a month A few times a week Yes, on Central Avenue coming into downtown.

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option None 76502 A few times a month By choice

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option A few times a year don't use ride-share

Avenue M needs improvement from 57th Street to First Street. There needs to be sidewalks for folks More connections to desired destinations

sidewalks and hike/bike trails are important for old and young alike. These pathways allows for people to exercise normally in a safe environment. A few times a year don't use ride-share

283 01/27/22 No 76504 76501 5-10 minutes A few times a year Never

All over the city as people do not know how to drive. We have a major issue with not having enough police officers in our city to be able to conduct traffic enforcement. There is near-miss accidents with patrol vehicles. There is a major issue with staffing and the 8 hour schedule Officers are working. Just talk to chief Reynolds about the scheduling issues.

multiple roadway surfaces all over the city. There would be far to many to make a list Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

284 01/27/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes Never Never Canyon Creek and 31st W. Adams and Kegley

285 01/27/22 No 76502 76513 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never

A few times a year By choice

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Highway 93 to I-35 A few times a year By choice

Near the curve on South 31st, it's very hard to get in and out of that strip center with the Arnold Design firm, etc. Also FM 93 and Hartrick Bluff is becoming very congested. FM 93 needs a turn lane IMHO Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

think the city has done a great job overall. Miller Springs could benefit from removing the concrete debris and creating some green space or gardens in that open space before the trails A few times a year By choice

There has to be more police officers hired so traffic enforcement can be done. Patrol officers now do not have time or are too tired and burned out to conduct traffic stops for enforcement purposes.

If the lights on major roads (31st, 1st, AdamsEast and West) were synced properly traffic would flow MUCH better.

The no-shoulder on FM 93 is worrisome. Trucks go through their over the speed limit and there is no run off area. With the growth of homes along that cooridor, perhaps a flashing lights like this is near old 95 to put at Hartrick Bluff. love living in Temple!

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses

287 01/27/22 No 76502

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions? 286 01/27/22

Sidewalks on South 1st Lavendusky near HP Garcia Elementary…road needs repairs! More connections to desired destinations

Sidewalks on Adams, South 1st, North 3rd, Ave M (from 1st street to 57th street), South 57 from Ave M to Thornton Lane), Midway Drive Bike Trails on north side of town and east of downtown. A few times a year Out of necessity

1-5 minutes Never Never Do not need Never don't use ride-share Temple needs bike lanes for safer travel

288 01/27/22 No 76502 76502 10-15 minutes A few times a week Never

Everywhere in town - 31st and West Adams are the two main areas POISION OAK ROAD!!!!!!!!! Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option don't use public transit Never don't use ride-share

More lighted areas for instance Hogan RoadS. Pea Ridge on the large side walk that goes to Joe P. School - so many kids walk but it's not lighted. People speed through that area and run stop signs daily and don't even slow down in the school zone. I know they upped the cross walk guards but making sure sidewalks that are on busy roads have the lighting necessary to be safer.

289 01/27/22 76513 76501 20+ minutes Never Never

Synchronize the traffic signals on all arterials during peak traffic hours. 0530 to 0830 in the morning and 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the evening. Start with FM 2305, then South 31st, then South 1st, then SH 36. Let the traffic flow at a reasonable speed on the arterials. Less so on the cross streets. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

There should be a stop at the VA Clinic on I-35 at the old Town & Country Mall.

Sidewalk is a noun. Walkability is an adjective. What is the real goal? Sidewalks everywhere are definitely not the answer. Waste of money certainly in neighborhoods. Hike & bike trails are good. Consider connectivity with neighboring cities. Never don't use ride-share

Put the HOP bus stops in an indent or on a public easement off the street. When a HOP bus stops to pick up or drop off passengers, the entire right lane traffic stops for 3 to 5 minutes.

The HOP is using oversized busses for the amount of passenger traffic. Consider giving eligible riders debit cards for UBER.

290 01/27/22 No 76501 retired Never Never

291 01/27/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes

West Adams - Exit from the Church's Fried Chicken onto West Adams. Even trying to get into the "chicken lane" to head West is dangerous because of North-South traffic. Really need the short road that separates Church's and Sonic to be looped to Kegley. N/A Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/A N/A A few times a year don't use ride-share

A few times a month A few times a week

292 01/28/22 No 76501 Never

293 01/28/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes Never Never

Fossil Creek Road and Case Road; Case Road & Martin Luther King Drive

31st street, Adams, and Airport.

Yes, Case Road is to narrrow for traffic and is in need of Major repairs. Easier access to transit

To and from VA hospital to and from Scott & White Hospital; And Walmart

Kegley and Adams, intersections west of Kegley on Adams, all of south 31st street. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/a

Morning traffic Eastbound on Adams and Evening Westbound on Adams is rapidly becoming problematic due to no coordinated traffic lights. It is "stop & go" due to road sensors allowing cross-traffic to interrupt flow. It is aggravating trying to get to downtown Temple in the morning.

along Case Road ,and along 190 leanding to 1st street & 31st street businesses Never don't use ride-share To many to list here

Anywhere there isn’t a sidewalk. Never don't use ride-share

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code) How long is your commute to work or school? How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple? How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident? TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
No 76501 76504 5-10 minutes A few times a year Never 1st and Ave H as well as at Ave G and 1st


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

Buses go around cars parked to pick up kids at Lamar Middle School. Children walk in and out of the traffic to get to their parents cars to circumvent waiting for pick up and drop off. Children have fallen in the street and almost been run over. have written to the school, they don't really care what happens in the street, as it is not their property. Buses, Cars, Residents trying to leave their properties - it's a nightmare and an accident waiting to happen. When brought this up to the school they said they didn't see a problem, but put traffic directors out on some days. I still see kids running in and out, falling in the street. West Virginia Ave between 1st to 3rd is a nightmare, no sidewalks, two way road, why cant Lamar middle school school use third West Virginia Ave between 1st to 3rd

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

295 01/28/22 No 76502 76504 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never

Sidewalks and wider street - take from the school, they are causing the nightmare don't use public transit

Loop 363 service road, EB at the 31st ST light (many times)...Forest TR and 31st ST (many times)...Loop 363/Hwy 36 at the intersection by the TSC/CEFCO. all of Kegley RD, most of Midway DR, most of Ave M, Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

296 01/28/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never Intersections at 190 and I-35

A few times a month Never 31st St. and I-35. Any hightraffic area.

297 01/28/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes


The kids at Lamar middle school are at risk on 1st and Virginia Ave

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions? 294 01/28/22 No

You could start by identifying high-traffic areas that don't have sidewalks. Identify your needs first. A few times a year Out of necessity

This seems like a HUGE undertaking when the City can't maintain our current roadways and sidewalks; not to mention the horrific traffic light timings; just try getting all the way through town westbound on Adams AVE....ugh! Marvin Felder DR at S 1st ST is another light that USED to be on sensor and now it's on a timer. We frequently get caught at that light with NO ONE crossing 1st ST.

East Midway Dr. - potholes, rough Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option A few times a year Out of necessity

The I-35 & Airport intersection is a death trap, though that's technically the state's fault. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Temple isn't big enough for most people to need it. We just don't have real traffic.

You'd have to look at areas where the grass is worn down. don't know of another valid method, other than watching where people are walking. A few times a year Out of necessity

The time it takes to wait for public transportation out in the weather, is not worth the option when have the means to pay for a quick ride share option.

There's a danger here that we're going to create a great plan, in our minds, but that will constitute a misuse of taxpayer dollars since it's based in the mindset that "it would be great if things worked this way" rather than "here are the specific needs that people have expressed."

298 01/28/22 No 76502 20+ minutes Never A few times a week 31st street Yes Easier access to transit BSW Not interested A few times a week don't use ride-share Poor record for assisting seniors

Probably need another light or two along Highway 93 from 5th St

our sidewalk is too close to the house. Never don't use ride-share Enjoyed the community park events this summer...don't stop!

would make it a viable/desirable

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
76501 76501 1-5 minutes Never Never g
to 31st street; or make the road wider. I'm a teacher and assigned to 3 different schools; it would probably need to be rail with regular start/stop times. Downtown Temple; the different parks; major retails areas; Belton downtown 5th street; 31st street; along Highway 93; Never don't use ride-share 300 01/29/22 No 76501 76513 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never Downtown on Adams Street near the Santa Fe Park. Near the construction area is a problem but I would suggest more parking. Route information at pick up areas Invest in sidewalks;
301 01/29/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never Nothing
option All
302 01/29/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never 363 going onto West Adams Nothing would
option Downtown
303 01/29/22 No 76502 A few times a year Never To
to list Increasing
Restaurants A
304 01/30/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never W. Adams and
Pea Ridge Just
sure Increasing
To the
299 01/29/22 No 76502 76502 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never 305 01/30/22 No 76502 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never Yes
31st St and Marywood Dr; IH 35 frontage roads; Highway 93 @ various neighborhood entries A
over Never don't use ride-share
make it a viable/desirable
few times a year don't use ride-share
the frequency of service
few times a year By choice
the frequency of service
don't use ride-share
Easier access to transit
few times a year Out of necessity

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

Sidewalk on 2305 over dodgen loop

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

Exiting neighborhood S.Cedar Road crossing 2305 going to Sol.

Merging on 2305 eastbound to Dodgen Loop entrance. Na Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Na

Complete at least 1 full sidewalk on 2305 from Dodgen Loop to I35. Currently, the sidewalk is sporadic.

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions? 306

Love love love the trail on 2305 from old Waco road to Pepper Creek. I like to run it all the time. Never By choice

Can we begin to incorporate motorcycle parking and electric car stations.

307 01/31/22 No 76501 Never Never no

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

for the size of Temple, believe public transportation is a drain on city funds and should be terminated. Or greatly reduced to a very small Bus or van option and fees increased. With the options available with lyft and uber this seems like an outdated option. Would like to know the ridership rates, total then per trip, how many times do the buses run with no or low ridership. What was the total cost and how does that equate to per ride cost? Focus on downtown with future connections to parks and lakes A few times a month By choice

Does Temple have more a higher rate of accidents than Texas or National average? For the fatalities mentioned, were there other factors involved such as; intoxication, crossing traffic illegally, bad weather, or low visibility (overnight)?

there is no pick up near my house behind Jefferson, if there were would ride HEB, West Field Clinic Walmart NA A few times a year don't use ride-share

308 01/31/22 No 76501 A few times a year Never Loop 363 out by McLanes

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

Many need turn lanes and signals, especially Avenue H and First Street.

3 chosen: easier access to transit, more connections to desired destinations, and increasing the frequency of service Center of downtown; all major shopping centers

Sidewalks so that it would be safer than walking on the street in late evening or early morning especially with children and pets. Never don't use ride-share

This has to do with schools. How about a bedroom tax on every new home bedroom. All funds to be used for new school as needed or expansion of existing. No money for salaries or any pay just buildings. have seen this used in other cities and it helped to lower the tax bill on houses for people.

really would like to see public transit come down to 3rd and Zenth. 309 01/31/22

Generally, I'm afraid rapid growth will overwhelm the few traffic arteries we have. I think we need much more public transit. We should consider light rail.

Bike lanes should all be much wider. All residential streets and sidewalks. Never don't use ride-share

(Survey submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).)

(Survey submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).)

There needs a better way for parents to pick up kids from school than long lines

In the past 2 years we have seen the impact that low health access can have on the community. Temple has multiple food deserts that need to be made accessible to lowincome communities. Transportation to all schools so that students and families can access the same resources that those with transportation can have. Also I think its important to encourage usage of trails, walking, etc. Maybe walking events that encourage city residents to leave their areas.

(Survey submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).)

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Daily Never
No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Daily Never
01/31/22 Yes 76504 Retired A few times a year Never
311 01/31/22 Yes 76502 Retired A few times a week Never Adams & the Loop 363 Central & 3rd On demand for handicap
Sidewalks/Bikes Never don't use ride-share
312 01/31/22 Yes 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a month Never Hickory/Hemlock intersection every day Easier access to transit
grocery stores, medical appointments, work
Children's hospital,
route to BS&W
use ride-share
Connecting Canyon Creek neighborhood bike
Hospital, Bonham
school Never don't


EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

I35 Frontage Rd Bridge/Adams - a car was turning into the 1-way traffic Luckily honked the horn enough to stop the driver Need Lg 1-way traffic signs in area

Yes I35 46 Dogens Blvd need quick turn-around laneshelps with traffic buildup.

Commercial Air Line Services Train Rail to Austin/Waco Areas Cross walks needed near Library area

(Survey submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).) 314

DO NOT change the "one-way" sections of Central & Adams Ave back to "two-way"!

(Survey submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).)


Outer Loop West should include an interchange @ Charter Oak Drive for both Temple & Belton traffic.

(Survey submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).) 317

in-person meeting (LCM).)

Temple has great roadways. The biggest issue is keeping up with growth.

319 01/31/22 Yes 76502 76502 15-20 minutes A few times a month Never Kegley & 36, 317 between Adams & 36

317 & Orion Pea Ridge from 36 to Charter Oaks Kegley from 36 to I35/Midway Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/A

Hwy 36 from 31st street to Airport South 31st Street to Downtown A few times a year By choice

Low income housing to employment centers. For example South B(???) to Temple (31st Street & 363) and Temple industrial park.

(Q. 13 survey response also checked "Out of necessity" (LCM).)



Never W Adams merging on to the Loop. Need Access from Airport Rd to the Loop. N/A A few times a year By choice (Submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).)

(Submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).) 320 01/31/22 Yes 76502 76502 10-15 minutes

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses Date Did you
the in-person
on January 19? Where
(zip code) Where
(zip code)
city do
How long is your commute to work or school? How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?
often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident? TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?
Yes 76504 76513 5-10 minutes
TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions? 313 01/31/22
A few times a
Chose 2 options - easier access to transit and more connections to desired destinations W Adams and Taylors Valley area W Adams - W Nugent Ave A few times a year By choice
Yes 76504 76502 15-20 minutes A few times a year Never
S. 31st St., south of Loop Loop & I35, Loop & Adams, Loop & Airport Rd. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option ? ? A few times a year By choice
Yes 76502 Retired Never Never South
315 01/31/22
31st Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Walmart Sidewalks with protective rails on all major streets Never don't use ride-share (Survey submitted at in-person meeting
Yes 76502 Retired Never Never Charter
316 01/31/22
Oak & Pea RidgeCharter Oak @ Riverside Trail Charter Oak @ Pea Ridge Charter Oak @ Riverside Trail
No 76502 76542 20+ minutes A few times a year Never West Adams (2305) almost daily Nothing
Yes 76502 all of temple 20+ minutes A few times a year Never Old waco Rd. closer
would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 318 01/31/22
to chrter
Charter oaks & old waco Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/A old waco Rd. A few times a year By choice (Submitted at
321 01/31/22 Yes 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Never Never Lake Rd & Kegley Big time Old Waco Rd & Kegley Rd Easier access to transit Scott & White Where the public needs it Never
322 01/31/22 Yes 76501 Retired Never Never N/A Grocery stores Hospitals Churches (I don't use, speaking for others who are not able to drive) N/A Never don't use ride-share 323 01/31/22 Yes 76502 Retired 15-20 minutes Never Never Everywhere Never don't use ride-share came because of downtown parking. 324 01/31/22 Yes 76502 76502 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never 31st traffic lights (All) Traffic lights need sensors (Better) Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option South 31st - continue the sidewalks etc Never don't use ride-share (Submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).) 325 01/31/22 No 76501 76508 15-20 minutes A few times a week Never Loop 363 by Buccees - Loop 363 by Garcia school. Yes Never don't use ride-share
street Sidewalk on East Adams.
meeting (LCM).) 326 01/31/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never West Adams in front of fast food row. People making a left turn into or out of those restaurants Old Waco & Adams - rt turn lane Research/Hillard & Adams rt turn lane West Temple Never don't use ride-share
Keep the public informed
better speaker system Could not hear (Submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).)
Fix sidewalk on 34th
do not
Traffic lights could be better timed & have newer ones. ie 57 & Scott Blvd. Almost had a wreck there when had a green light
turn right & a driver heading West on Scott
they had a protected left turn. They
(Hard copy survey although box is checked that they did not attend in-person (LCM).)


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

A few times a week Never

327 01/31/22 Yes 76504 N/A

Frontage road from Airport Rd to Adams Rd off the Loop Southbound worse then NB Airport Rd exit to 317 toward Moody or Belton Both bad Olaf Rd - Repairs have been patchwork

Westbound on 190 traffic exiting the loop has a yield sign. No one yields

328 01/31/22 Yes 76504 76504 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never

The westbound exit on the loop to FM 2305 Access road has a yeild signbut most do not yield

Selected 3 choiceseasier access to transit, more connections to desired destinations, and increasing the frequency of service. Also added to "Other": being able to access route info (LCM)

Twin Oaks Dr at Airport Rd to Temple Library, Sammons Golf Course/Sammons Rec Ctr, or the VA

On Adams between Olaf and Repley to extend 2305 Trail and allow more access to Pepper Creek trail A few times a year Out of necessity

People w/ online utility bills don't receive any mailers(?) -

Stop sign at Twin Oaks & Woodbridge or speed hump on Twin Oaks between Whispering & Woodbridge

(Submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).)

A few times a year By choice (Submitted at in-person meeting (LCM).)

Traffic is VERY DANGEROUS on Pea Ridge near Prairie View and also at Pea Ridge and Stone Hollow when people line up to pick up kids from school BLOCKING the road and people have to drive in ONCOMING traffic to get around the people blocking the road to pick up their kids from school. I have seen many near misses due to this situation.

329 01/31/22 No 76502 76502 1-5 minutes Daily Never

Again, Traffic is VERY DANGEROUS on Pea Ridge near Prairie View and also at Pea Ridge and Stone Hollow when people line up to pick up kids from school BLOCKING the road and people have to drive in ONCOMING traffic to get around the people blocking the road to pick up their kids from school. I have seen many near misses due to this situation. am not familiar with Temple public transit

am not familiar with the Temple Public Transit, but I think it would be helpful if it went to WalMart and other grocery stores if it does not currently. We LOVE the Pepper Creek Trail system and use it daily. Never don't use ride-share

The Pepper Creek Trail system is great and we love using it. And see that on the new roads being constructed in our area that there are bike lanes included and I think this is a great addition. I do however worry about the bike lanes being unprotected with no barriers to keep cars out. I have seen large road reflectors or reflector posts used in other cities to protect the bike lanes and that gives you a little more security and discourage cars. Overall think Temple is doing a great job with inclusive transportation options and trails on the west side of Temple.

330 02/01/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never 31st street near hospital Marlandwood and 31st prefer to walk if possible. Otherwise I use my car. Area between Scott and 31st A few times a year By choice

Need greater access for walkers and bikers. No just trails away from where life happens. More people would walk to things if safe. (I think). Some places are dangerous because of traffic. Some crossing “buttons” don’t worklike the one at Ave R and 31st. It is far from pleasant to walk where it is dangerous.

am a pediatric trauma surgeon. I am surprised that the sidewalk up 31st street was built right on the curb last year with no curb

Curb grass should always be considered to provide an extra

for those on the sidewalk. have seen too many people killed over the years from car encroachment onto the sidewalk or trip and fall into the roadway. These are potentially preventable with a little extra safety margin provided by curb grass.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
331 02/01/22 Yes 76502 76501 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never Adams and Old Waco, Adams and east of Walmart entrance Pea Ridge More connections to desired destinations West Temple to Downtown, at least on weekends or for special events Subdivision entrances and neighborhood collectors A few times a year don't use ride-share
02/01/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never Old Waco Road. Barnhardt Road. Easier access to transit A few times a year By choice
access to transit connections
density residendial communities. 333 02/01/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes A few times a month Never Morning Glory heading north turning into Market loop. The view to the left is obstructed by high wooden fencing. 31 St South to FM 93 intersection is a major eye sore. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option 1. FM 93 from 31st St East to Hartrick Bluff should have a bikeable sidewalk as there is no safe place to walk or bike from the neighborhoods along FM 93 in that area. 2. Abandoned rail road track railroad from Lion Junction Water Park West across 31st St would be a great hike/bike trail. A few times a year Out of necessity
Make the
walkable from high
safety margin


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

A few times a

A few times a

The intersection of Morning Glory and Market Loop. Many people travel north on Morning Glory to turn left on Market Loop to go to the McClean Children's Hospital. Because the fencing for a home is very close to the edge of the street, it is impossible to see cars coming without putting your vehicle out into the intersection. I've had a few near misses!

The intersection of FM93 and 31st is continually littered and overrun with weeds. That intersection is the main one from anyone coming from south into the main thoroughfare of the shopping/businesses of Temple. One idea is to see if local businesses want to adopt areas such as this. They can have a small sign with thier business name, in exchange they keep nice landscaping on the area. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option

y y and bikers. would LOVE to see more trails within the city. We often find ourselves traveling outside of Temple to find good trails. Cities that have many trails promote better health for it's citizens and get people outside! One area that would be a good walk/ bike path would be the unused railroad track that runs through Lions Junction. You could traverse a large part of the city by using that. It would be nice to see safe sidewalks or trails anywhere along FM93. Currently there is only one sidewalk section in front of Valor Estates. The sidewalk section on 31st by Deerfield street is dangerously close to the road. There is no buffer between the road and the sidewalk. It's too dangerous to bring my kids there on bikes. If they fell on their bike, they would be in the road. As I Never don't use ride-share

Rose bush in front of S & W Pharmacy need to to trimmed. The bushes are on an incline and they sometime need to be trimmed reguarly because I am in a small car and it becomes a safety hazard when the light changes in front of the Family dollar on Adams. More connections to desired destinations N/A N/A Never don't use ride-share 336

All intersections on FM 93 through Temple. There is speeding by all vehicles and excessive use by 18 wheelers avoiding the190/ I35 intersection. FM93 needs to be made a "No through trucks route" as well as enforcement of speeding and use of engine brakes Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option A few times a year By choice 337 02/02/22

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option No where South side of city A few times a year Out of necessity

Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option N/A won't use public transit. Northwest Temple as it is growing and developing rapidly. Never don't use ride-share

If you're wanting to make room for more traffic, put more lanes on the existing northeast loop 363. DO NOT MAKE A BRAND NEW ROAD on an already stressed electrical grid outside the east loop. Temple ISD doesn't want 2 high schools, so quit adding homes on the east side. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Between downtown areas and hospitals/stores.

31st street needs sidewalks and neighborhoods around 5th street need sidewalks. Never don't use ride-share

Let's make our city an enjoyable and desirable city to live in because there is access to safe and well kept bike/ walk/ hike trails!!

We need to have trails/hiking and biking areas in all areas of town and to connect the outer areas.

Yes. Finish the overpasses on the northwest loop 363 that were begun but never finished and create 2 extra lanes of traffic on the east loop 363. A third loop is not feasible and will just spark more developments that will create issues in the already stressed electrical grid. Power goes out often as it is anyway.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
334 02/01/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes
335 02/01/22 No 76501 76502 5-10 minutes Never Never N/A
No 76502 76545 20+ minutes Never
Never Intersections on FM 93 between Hwy 190 and I35
No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes A few times a month Never 93 between 5th and 31st. 93
338 02/02/22 No 76504 Retired A few times a year Never Yes, frequently. Yes
No 76501 76502 15-20 minutes Never Never I-35 and north loop 363
339 02/02/22
at the Bucee's entrance


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

Hartrick Bluff and Canyon Creek because shrubs are too tall and people cannot see; most of 1st st between W Ave U and the bridge at W Ave D due to people running lights; W Adams Ave around Walmart, Panda Express, etc because traffic is too heavy and there are too many turning points.

All new subdivisions are created with insufficient street pavement widths. Only one car can get through at a time and delivery vehicles will not deliver to homes because they can't make it down the street. Please make wider streets a standard. This is very frustrating. More connections to desired destinations

All city owned parks need a stop including parks and trails at the lake, Scott & White Children's Hospital, neighborhoods on the west side of town have no stops at all currently, closer bus stop to HEB on S 31st St. A stop needs to be added to the Mayborn Center and another on N 3rd St and W Virginia Ave, Hillcrest Cemetery and all other cemeteries in the city, at the airport.

g , collector, all local streets that people use for major ingress and egress. Many arterial and collector streets are still missing sections of sidewalks and people on motorized scooters or on foot travel in the streets instead and cause traffic issues. Add sidewalks to all of Canyon Creek Dr and Blackland, S 5th St from W Ave R to W FM 93, finish sidewalk from S 61st St to S 31st St along SW H K Dodgen Loop, MLKJ needs sidewalks, complete connect and add sidewalks to W and E Adams Ave all the way from Temple Lake Park to NE H K Dodgen Loop, make sidewalks ADA compliant, add sidewalks to Airport Rd, add sidewalks to Hickory Rd, add sidewalks/ complete on Midway Dr and connecting streets from SW H K Dodgen Loop to Interstate 35, add sidewalks around all schools for children who walk A few times a year By choice

Stop making new sidewalks twist and turn too much, they are not efficient for people who need sidewalks for travel around town and result in people walking through grass. Build sidewalks with all new subdivisions, especially on main roads. Add crosswalk signals for all 4 directions at an intersection and have all vehicular traffic stop when someone pushes to cross. Cars currently do not stop for pedestrians even when pedestrians have the right of way. Almost all intersections in Temple are missing pedestrian crosswalks and signals. Signals need to have sound added for visually impaired residents. Ramps need to be added at all intersections for all directions.

People do not cross at crosswalks because they are currently dangerous and there are no ramps for the directions in which people travel.


secondary thorough fairs; neighborhoods & parks Never don't use ride-share

Signage & landscaping that is installed at any intersection can impair the line of sight & vision for traffic entering & exiting streets, roadways, frontage, highways, etc. Property owners & the City should be responsible for ensuring & maintaining landscaping & signage that provides a clear view of all types of traffic at all intersections at all times. Thank you for your service. 342 02/04/22 No 76501

Never Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option Never don't use ride-share 343 02/05/22 No 76579

minutes Never Never More connections to desired destinations Never don't use ride-share

344 02/05/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes A few times a week Never Leaving windmill farms on to west Adams, turning left

Kegley is the main one and think it’s currently being fixed Easier access to transit

From my neighborhood to pepper creek, heritage park, and/or downtown Belton

First, thank you for the current addition of trails, they are fantastic! would like more hike/bike trails that connect west temple to downtown temple but that are off of west Adams. The road is very busy and it makes us nervous. A few times a year Out of necessity

would be more interest in improving current hike and bike trails with more trees/shade, than in adding new ones…if I had to choose

345 02/06/22 No 76502 76508 10-15 minutes Never Never

The feeder roads for HK Dodgen next to the hospital, specifically near the U-turn, mall entrance, Lowe's road entrance, and the turn from the feeder onto 5th.

All the lights have horrible timing. Many lights in Waco are timed such that if the driver is traveling the speed limit, the lights will turn green as they approach. This would be nice on 31st street. Additionally, the lights on Marlandwood and 31st have at some sensors that do not always detect cars exiting the Sam's club side of Marlandwood. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option n/a n/a Never don't use ride-share n/a

346 02/07/22 No 76504 76502 5-10 minutes A few times a year A few times a month

Make the route so that it goes in BOTH directions so people don’t have so long of a ride one way- especially if they are returning from getting groceries. Walmart; HEB; SS; Food stamp office. East side of town A few times a year Out of necessity

Consider East side when decisions are being made.

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
340 02/03/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes
A few times a week
02/03/22 No 76513 76504 20+ minutes Never Never
76533 15-20 minutes Never
76501 15-20


have witness several "nearmiss" accidents with cars, walkers and people on bikes thruout the City of Temple, mostly near the crossing in front of the CVS across the street from the hospital with people in wheelchairs trying to get across the busy street as well as the crossing her the KFC near the McDonald with people trying to cross from one side of the street to the other.

Yes - the intersections near the Cracker Barrel crossing towards the Target, walkers do not have anyway to cross the street and several accidents with cars trying to make the light and the other side not being able to see them at all. More connections to desired destinations

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

348 02/08/22 No 76501 20+ minutes A few times a year Never

349 02/09/22 No 76502 76502 5-10 minutes Daily Never

350 02/10/22 No 76502 76504 10-15 minutes A few times a year Never

Several locations such as to Bucee's, the Baseball park area the airport area, to Belton area only to name a few.

Having safe walking paths to the downtown area would help with promoting the events as well as having a bike lane or at lease wider side area for bikes. A few times a week By choice

Canyons creek S 31st Intersection; all along hwy 317 Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option S 31st St Never don't use ride-share

More connections to desired destinations Many places. Along major roads A few times a year By choice

Yes - with several of the industries growing in the area near Buc-ee's and many of the employees traveling from different areas of Temple, Belton and Killeen, it would be great to see a Ride-Share Program for the different shifts in order for people to travel safety to work.

Great job on work that’s been done! Thank you for your work in gathering community input.

Adding bike lanes for regular transit around town.

have seen near miss accidents on 31st and West Adams

most definitely the bridge on West Adams over Loop 363, going toward Bush's and Sonic Easier access to transit over the bridge onto West Adams

351 02/21/22 No 76501 RETIRED 11-2-21 1-5 minutes A few times a year A few times a week THRU OUT THE CITY. YES.

352 02/21/22 No 76501 Retired Never A few times a week

over the bridge onto West Adams, when people walk there they have to get in the street to oncoming traffic A few times a year Out of necessity

Increasing the frequency of service NORTH AND SOUTH TEMPLE Never don't use ride-share

Chose both: More connections to desired destinations, increasing the frequency of service (LCM) The larger HEB, the other Walmart, Target Parts of downtown just east of downtown. Never don't use ride-share

353 02/21/22 No 76501 N/A Never A few times a week None East Side Lower transit fees Doctor appointments Do not need A few times a month Out of necessity

feel for the safety of people walking onto the bridge to get to West Adams, there needs to be a sidewalk placed on that bridge.


(Submitted as a written copy (LCM).)

live on Main St. and walk my every day. It would be nice have a walking trail in this area.

No (Submitted as a written copy (LCM).)

354 02/21/22 No 76501 RETIRED Never Never NEVER ?

Chose 3: Easier access to transit, more connections to desired destinations, increasing the frequency of service (LCM) A few times a year Out of necessity (Submitted as a written copy (LCM).)

355 02/21/22 No 76501 NO Never Never (Submitted as a written copy (LCM).)

356 02/21/22 No 76501 Disabled Never A few times a week

357 02/21/22 No 76501 Retired Never Daily

Chose 2: More connections to desired destinations, increasing the frequency of service (LCM). would like to be able to go to Target some Never don't use ride-share

Chose 3: Lower transit fees, more connections to desired destinations, increasing frequency of service (LCM) TO THE WAL-MART OUT IN THE WEST ALONG 100 N. MAIN ST. Never don't use ride-share

to be able to go out Airport Rd to Wamart some instead of 31st

(Submitted as written form (LCM).)


(Submitted as written form (LCM).)

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19? Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
long is your commute to work or school? How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple? How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident? TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)
76504 76504 10-15
347 02/07/22 No
minutes A few times a


How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

Chose 4: Lower transit fees (wrote: seems cheaper to just drive.

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?


A few times a year A few times a year

Unsure which lane to be in to continue down W. Adams from W. Adams/31st Street. have sign but confusing. Especially if start from Library (3rd/Adams) and continue to W. Adams/Drain at E. Barton/N. Main on side of Kyle Bldg won't drain. Floods.

1) Road at 14 W. Barton Temple Ave (Hewell-Arney funeral home.) Needs repair. Poor condition.

2) W. Barton/3rd Street intersection repair 3) 111 N. Main Street curb needs repairing. $20 ticket given if park over curb but curb crumbling.

$1.00/short trip expensive. May have multiple trips/day.), easier access to transit, more connections to desired destinations, increasing the frequency of service (wrote: Weekend transit even van). Also wrote under "Other": Day pass like Austin; Maps more user friendly more detail. Don't know which bus stop goes to which bus. (LCM).

1) 6801 W. Adams and beyond. Need something to go down W. Adams 2) toward 2112 SW HK Dodgen Loop (Staples) temple 3) Target shopping area 3550 S. General Bruce DR 4) 2916 Country lane drive

1) Need walkover/sidewalk at overpass on W. Adams/363. Must walk over the overpass w/ traffic (Dangerous) near Ralph Wilson warehouse.

2) S. 1st 1,000 blk and W. Ave M sidewalk repair and added sidewalks.

3) Bike lane or sidewalks from VA Temple to downtown. Never don't use ride-share

1) Use a smaller bus or van to access route that was discontinued years ago and other places.

2) Rise share - Don't use due to safety concerns. Unsure how well employees vetted. Prefer taxi

3) Bus stops need to be smoke free. Need signs.

3) Check roads/sidewalks in East Temple. Black/Hispanic neighborhoods can be forgotten.

(Submitted as written form (LCM).)

359 02/21/22 No 76501 Retired 20+ minutes A few times a week Daily

East Adams and Main Street. 1st Street and Avenue U, 5th Street & Ave. U All of them

Chose "more connections to desired destinations" and also wrote under "Other": The 200 Bus needs to add H.K. Dodgen Loop to its departing and return route - Sitting in Killeen and Belton is wasting time

The sidewalk installs are great. Install as needed (Submitted as written form (LCM).) 360 02/24/22 No 76502 76501 10-15 minutes

200 departing & returning on HK Dodgen Loop Even every 2 hrs is better than nothing, West Temple to West Adams Walmart Ave H east & west from 25th St. to 1st St. A few times a year Out of necessity

Chose 3: easier access to transit, more connections to desired destinations, increasing the frequency of service (LCM) Hospital, schools, industrial park, retail businesses, church City-wide A few times a year By choice (Submitted as a written form (LCM)). 361 02/24/22 No 76504

don't use ride-share (Submitted as a written form (LCM)).

Chose 3: lower transit fees, more connections to desired destinations, increasing the frequency of service (LCM) Never don't use ride-share (Submitted as a written form (LCM)).

as a written form (LCM)).

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses
Date Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?
Where in the city do you live? (zip code) Where do you work? (zip code)
TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements? TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you? TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific) Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?
358 02/21/22 Yes
Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?
76501 Disabled
Never Never West Adams, 31st
5-10 minutes Never
20+ minutes A few times a week Never Never
362 02/24/22 No 76502 76501
a week Ave M & 31st St, Ave 6 & 3rd St Yes 31 street Ave K & pot holes on Adams & 8th St More connections to desired destinations 901 E Young Ave. 901 E Young Ave A few times a week Out of necessity
365 02/24/22 No 76504 76501 5-10 minutes Never Daily 1st & Ave H Scott & White Hospital Never don't use ride-share
366 02/24/22 No 76502 Retired 5-10 minutes A few times a week Never N/A Yes South Terrace Chose 3: easier access to transit, more connections to desired destinations, nothing would make it a viable/desirable option (LCM) N/A Waterford subdivision Never don't use ride-share (Submitted as a written form (LCM)). 367 02/24/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes A few times a week Never Coming off SW HK Dodgen Loop exiting by Garlyn Shelton Mazda Exiting SW HK Dodgen Loop by Garlyn Shelton Mazda Increasing the frequency of service Never don't use ride-share (Submitted as a written form (LCM)). 368 02/24/22 No 76504 76504 1-5 minutes A few times a year Never Corner of John Paul Jones and W. Adams Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option W. Nugent since more houses have been built in the area & a travel center on I 35 frontage Rd Nugent is busier. Never don't use ride-share (Submitted as a written form (LCM)).
363 02/24/22 No 76502 20+ minutes Never Never YES YES Never don't use ride-share (Submitted
364 02/24/22 No 76501 76501 1-5 minutes A few times a month A few times
(Submitted as a
form (LCM)).
(Submitted as a written form (LCM)).


Did you attend the in-person meeting on January 19?

Where in the city do you live? (zip code)

Where do you work? (zip code)

How long is your commute to work or school?

How often do you use hike/bike trails in Temple?

How often do you use public transit in Temple? TRAFFIC: Where have you seen a "near-miss" accident?

369 02/24/22 Yes 76504 Retired A few times a year Never

TRAFFIC: Are there intersections or roadways that need improvements?

TRANSIT: What would make public transit a viable or desirable option for you?

Chose 3: easier access to transit, more connections to desired destinations, increasing the frequency of service (LCM)

TRANSIT: Where would you like public transit to take you in Temple? (Be specific)

Need (illegible) to take people to jobs/specifically, (illegible) industrial area hospitals Need it on Saturday/ for 24hr service for shift workers

ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: Where would you like the City to invest in sidewalks and hike or bike trails?

East Ave G from 1st St to MLK South 24th St East Adams to Ave H Repair 1st St overpass to make it accessible

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Ho w often do you use ride-sharing (e.g., Uber or Lyft)?

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Do you use ride-share by choice or out of necessity? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions?

Many of the streets in the Olaf(?) neighborhoods needs repair/over lay(?)

(Submitted as a written form (LCM). A couple of spots were illegible (LCM)).

370 02/24/22 No 76501

Chose multiple: 76501, 76502, 76504, 76513 (LCM) 5-10 minutes Never Never

East bound on Adams on the west side of 363. People come over the hill and then rear-end cars racked up from the loop

371 02/24/22 No 76502 Retired A few times a week Never N/A

Missed stop signs throughout Avenue EAvenue O and MLK S 25th. Nothing would make it a viable/desirable option West Temple East of 25th A few times a year Out of necessity (Submitted as a written form (LCM)).

Chose 3: easier access to transit, more connections to desired destinations, increasing the frequency of service (LCM) Take people to hospitals Waterford Never don't use ride-share (Submitted as a written form (LCM)).

372 02/24/22 No 76504 N/A Never Never More connections to desired destinations Never don't use ride-share (Submitted as a written form (LCM)).

Temple Mobility Master Plan Public Meeting #2 - Survey Responses

Temple Mobility Master Plan

Public Involvement Technical Report

Appendix F: Website and E blast Usage Metrics

New users Apr 29 May 1 May 3 May 5 May 7 May 9 May 11 May 13 May 15 May 17 May 19 May 21 May 23 May 25 May 27 May 29 May 31 0 50 100 150 7 2 1 0 6 1 7 4 5 2 1 4 6 4 3 15 20 5 97 40 121 5 31 30 21 10 8 1 4 4 0 0 0 N e w u s e r s New users 465 Apr 29, 2021 May 31, 2021 ▼ Attendee Participation Temple MMP - Public Meeting #1 Virtual Public Meeting Website Analytics Views 1,665 User engagement 07:29:56 Sessions per user 1.49 Sessions 706 Top Pages Page title Views Views User engagement 1. Temple Mobility Master Plan Temple Mobility Master Plan 817 49.07% 03:22:03 2. Live Event Temple Mobility Master Plan 250 15.02% 01:24:09 3 Interactive Map Temple Mobility Master Plan 227 13 63% 01:05:09 4 Sign In Temple Mobility Master Plan 211 12 67% 00:51:25 5 Public Meeting #1 Material Temple Mobility Master Plan 60 3 6% 00:18:00 6. Submit a Comment Temple Mobility Master Plan 37 2.22% 00:07:29 7. Fill out the Survey Temple Mobility Master Plan 33 1.98% 00:16:36 8 Registration - Temple Mobility Master Plan 21 1 26% 00:04:03 Grand total 1,665 100% 07:29:56 ▼ 0 200 400 600 800 1K 1 2K user engagement scroll le download 1,136 244 41 Events user _engagement: Active website use for more than 10 seconds, or two or more pages viewed le download: Clicking on a link to view a le scroll: Times a page was scrolled to the bottom Engagement by City (IP Address) City New users 1 Temple 217 2 Austin 33 3. Roseville 31 4. (not set) 29 5 Belton 18 6 Dallas 17 7 Copperas Cove 11 Grand total 465 ▼ 1 10 < > mobile desktop tablet 38 7% 60 2% Devices
New users Jan 14 Jan 16 Jan 18 Jan 20 Jan 22 Jan 24 Jan 26 Jan 28 Jan 30 Feb 1 Feb 3 Feb 5 Feb 7 Feb 9 Feb 11 0 200 400 600 800 315 38 15 28 38 81 14 6 1 11 9 708 165 43 24 9 7 12 11 5 10 3 10 3 9 8 2 6 5 N e w u s e r s New users 1,596 Jan 14, 2022 Feb 11, 2022 ▼ Attendee Participation Views 2,704 User engagement 15:53:12 Sessions per user 1.18 Sessions 1,948 Top Pages Page Views Views Time Spent 1. Public Meeting #2 Temple Mobility Master Plan 1,485 54.92% 11:26:25 2 Temple Mobility Master Plan Temple Mobility Master Plan 581 21 49% 02:18:45 3 Sign In Form Temple Mobility Master Plan 366 13 54% 00:47:45 4 Interactive Map Temple Mobility Master Plan 188 6 95% 00:49:46 5. Public Meeting #1 Material Temple Mobility Master Plan 46 1.7% 00:30:23 6 (not set) 37 1 37% 00:00:00 7 Live Event Temple Mobility Master Plan 1 0 04% 00:00:08 Grand total 2,704 100% 15:53:12 ▼ User Acquisition Engagement by City (IP Address) City New users 1 Temple 534 2 Cheyenne 164 3 (not set) 77 4. Austin 76 5 Ashburn 68 6 San Antonio 66 7 Des Moines 62 8. Quincy 57 9. Los Angeles 52 10 Belton 43 11 Washington 33 12 Dallas 31 13. Clarksville 23 14. Copperas Cove 20 Grand total 1,596 ▼ desktop mobile tablet 40 1% 58.1% Devices Master COT Audience (direct) Zbfgfe DBG Bhevfadf m.facebook.com facebook.com others 13 1% 66 4% Temple MMP Public Meeting #2 Virtual Public Meeting Analytics
New users Mar 16 Mar 23 Mar 30 Apr 6 Apr 13 Apr 20 Apr 27 May 4 May 11 May 18 May 25 Jun 1 Jun 8 Jun 15 0 250 500 750 1K 1211 678 7939543618734813591272781914125113335031011182811655349637563343997221096140163054104425106134 172 79215345224021 921 247 86252512 N e w u s e r s New users 3,199 Mar 16, 2022 Jun 19, 2022 ▼ Attendee Participation Views 6,164 User engagement 26:49:53 Sessions per user 1.24 Sessions 4,015 Top Pages Page Views Views Time Spent 1. Mobility Master Plan (Draft) Temple Mobility Master Plan 4,109 66.66% 16:56:09 2 Temple Mobility Master Plan Temple Mobility Master Plan 1,295 21 01% 04:37:12 3 Interactive Map Temple Mobility Master Plan 505 8 19% 02:37:08 4 Public Meeting #2 Material Temple Mobility Master Plan 149 2 42% 01:55:14 5. Public Meeting #1 Material Temple Mobility Master Plan 89 1.44% 00:44:10 6 (not set) 17 0 28% 00:00:00 Grand total 6,164 100% 26:49:53 ▼ User Acquisition Engagement by City (IP Address) City New users 1 Temple 951 2 Dallas 272 3 Chicago 241 4. Ashburn 212 5 Austin 180 6 Cheyenne 142 7 (not set) 140 8. San Antonio 108 9. Des Moines 100 10 Quincy 94 11 Houston 54 12 New York 46 13. Washington 45 14. Waco 43 Grand total 3,199 ▼ desktop mobile tablet 44 2% 54% Devices (direct) Master COT Audience m.facebook.com templetx.gov lm.facebook.com others 16 3% 70.9% Temple MMP Document Views Virtual Public Meeting Analytics




Temple Mobility Master Plan E blast Communications Metrics
Master Plan Reminder Mobility Master Plan: Second Public Meeting Reminder Mobility Master Plan: Take Our Survey! Mobility Master Plan Update City Newsletter ‐ April 2022 City Newsletter ‐ May 2022 City Newsletter ‐ June 2022 Mobility Master Plan: All Chapters Available For Review

Metrics on views of video released online by City of Temple on June 1, 2022

Temple Mobility Master

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