Inari-Saariselkä 2014-2015

Page 1

Two tales:

From Deutschland to Sámiland

p. 20


Easy ways to hike

in Nature p. 26

Get into the swing of action-

it´s all happening in the North

p. 10

CONTENTS Welcome to Lapland Inari Saariselkä

Changing of the Seasons

Easy Ways to Hike in Nature page 26 Raps from the Fells and Lakes

page 3 Into the Saariselkä Wilds with a Sámi Reindeer Herder page 4 Lapland for Dummies page 6 Top 10 Sights page 8 Get into the Swing of Action – It’s All Happening in the North!

page 14 Design and Genuine Handcrafts from Lapland page 18 Two Tales from Deutschland to Sámiland page 20

page 30 Annual Arctic Events page 33 Northern Lapland Service Listing

Mighty Lakes and Golden Rivers

page 36

page 10 2

page 24 Inari Saariselkä

Far North – Above Ordinary!

Welcome to












here are few corners of the world where you can experience so much during a single visit as in Northernmost Lapland. Our broad palette of destinations combines high-quality and modern services with well-organised opportunities for recreation and experience. All this in a setting of pristine wilderness, an unspoiled natural environment and thriving original livelihoods. We have many unique tourism specialities and activities to offer. Gain new ex-

periences in Lapland, conquer Europe’s northern edge at the North Cape, enjoy the midnight sun on an Arctic fell in summer, or be enchanted by the aurora borealis in an ink-blue sky in the winter. Try for example fishing, gold panning, mountain biking, trekking, canoeing and other exciting activities! Saariselkä Resort Saariselkä is a compact village by the Urho Kekkonen National Park and surrounded by fell highlands. The bestknown of Saariselkä’s fells is Kaunispää at a height of 438 metres, which can be easily conquered on foot, by car or ski lift. Saariselkä is a cluster of services and activities, yet only a couple of steps from the peace and tranquillity of the wilderness. You don’t need a car in Saariselkä: everything from the ski centre to nature trails, spa, hotels and restaurants are all within walking distance. Thanks to good travel connections, other unique destinations of Northern Lapland are also easy to reach. There are 13,500 beds in Saariselkä alone. Throughout the rest of Northern Lapland region there is a large

supply of accommodation from the hotels to lakeside cottages. How to get there Inari-Saariselkä tourism region and Northern Lapland has quick direct flight connections from Helsinki to Ivalo airport, from where there is a bus connection to Saariselkä. If you want to travel to Saariselkä and Northern Lapland with your own car or bus, Highway 4 from Helsinki will take you all the way there. Ivalo Airport is the northernmost airport in Finland and Lapland’s oldest tourist airport. More than 120,000 passengers pass through the Lapinhelmi (Pearl of Lapland) terminal every year. The gold fields of Tankavaara, the fells of Saariselkä, Lake Inarijärvi and the world famous salmon rivers beckon travellers to the quiet of the wilderness. It is easy to get to northern Norway or Murmansk from Ivalo. The coastal voyager Hurtigruten cruises to Kirkenes in Norway, which is located half a day’s drive from Inari-Saariselkä tourism region.


Into the

saariselkä wilds with a Sámi reindeer herder The wilderness is Timo Palonoja’s workplace. It was his workplace years ago, and it still is, now that he runs the JoikuKotsamo adventures and safaris in the Saariselkä region. TEXT Helena Sahavirta PHOTOS Helena Sahavirta, MR Translation Susan Sinisalo


hen the Northern Lights rise on the arctic sky, the fells are like a huge theatre,’ he says. Visitors to Joiku-Kotsamo are taken by reindeer or snowmobile out into the fells to wonder at the lights. And during the evening the lights can also be admired over coffee brewed over a camp fire. Palonoja knows that the silence and peace of the wilderness is a mystical and sometimes even frightening experience for many city folk, as is the unhurried way of life. ‘We leave our watches at home when we go out into the wilds,’ he insists. The Joiku-Kotsamo reindeer bucks also pull the tourist sleds for daytime excursions lasting a few hours – for coffee or lunch in the fells, for example, or for tourists wishing to take their reindeer driving test. If they prefer, visitors can choose a shorter trip by snowmobile,


Inari Saariselkä

but the longer, two-day safaris head further afield and include a sauna bath and a night spent at the Wolf-Kota hut on the upper reaches of the River Sotajoki. ‘The arctic darkness and cold are real experiences for tourists,’ says Palonoja. But the safari guides always make sure that their guests are suitably dressed. Four years’ persuasion Timo Palonoja used to earn his living from reindeer herding. This brought him into direct contact with tourism, for in the 1960s, there were stalls selling reindeer hides and antlers by the roadside in the north. His wife, Armi, later went to work in Saariselkä and on request began yoiking to tourists, having learnt this Sámi vocal art as a young girl. It was she who suggested that they should start an activities business. ‘I took a lot of persuading,’ he has to admit. Armi spent four years working on

him before he gave in and Joiku-Kotsamo was established in 1990. ‘I wasn’t at all keen at first. I had a herder’s attitude: you don’t pander to tourists,’ he laughs. He has since changed his mind, and has nothing against having his photo taken or, all in all, entertaining his guests. To do this – to entertain his guests – he has two properties out in the wilds. The larger one, Joic-Kota, is accessible by snowmobile or car and is a setting rich in atmosphere for occasions out in the wilds. The log cabin can accommodate 150 guests round an open fire for dinner and entertainments and is therefore the perfect venue for, say a wedding reception or birthday party. In the yard is an enclosure for the magnificently-antlered reindeer being trained by Palonoja to pull sleds or as ‘tame’ lichen-fed reindeer. The smaller cabin, Wolf-Kota, is further away up the river, about 30 km from Saariselkä. It also has a cabin where guests can stay the night. Twenty years out with the reindeer Reindeer herding seemed a natural career choice for Timo Palonoja. His grandfather moved to Finnish Lap-

‘Time irons out the creases.’ - Timo Palonoja

land from Norway in 1852, when the border between Finland and Norway closed and forced families to stop grazing their herds across the border. His grandfather was a Sámi reindeer nomad, and so was his father, Niila Magga, into whose family Timo was born 60 years ago in September. Niila Magga’s family lived in a village now drowned by the Lokka artificial reservoir. When the water rose, the family moved to Sodankylä, and on to Vuotso when Timo was four. There were, however, so many Maggas in Vuotso that Timo’s father changed the family’s name to Palonoja. As a young man, Timo had a job as a geological research assistant and earned money in summer by planting trees. For a while after completing his compulsory military service, he worked as a forester. ‘Reindeer husbandry was, at that time, in a state of transition. Reindeer were herded and there were no fixed boundaries between herding cooperatives in the way there are today.’ Timo Palonoja herded in the wilds for a couple of decades. He met his wife, Armi, at around

the age of 20 and the young couple started their life together in a little room in his father’s attic. They moved into the reindeer farm they had built in Vuotso in the early 1980s and four children were born to them: three boys and a girl. And they already have three grandchildren. Almost the only one of his kind in Lapland Timo Palonoja is an unusual tourist entrepreneur in many ways: both Sámi and herder, and there are not many in Lapland, or especially not ones who fetch their guests from the airport, entertain them for a week and take them back to the airport. They also fetch their safari guests from wherever they are staying and make sure they are warmly dressed, be it for a reindeer, husky or snowmobile safari. The reindeer round-ups and calving seasons tie the herders so much, he says, that they have virtually no time at all to exploit the tourist trade. Added to which, tourism is an alien culture to

the Sámis and therefore demands a new way of thinking. Authentic, quality services and products that harm others as little as possible – therein lies Timo Palonoja’s recipe for success. And it obviously works, because most of Joiku-Kotsamo’s clients nowadays come from abroad. Though Timo no longer has time to go out herding, reindeer still mean a lot to him, to his ‘spiritual well-being’. The reindeer round-ups and calf branding are a chance for him to relax, because then he doesn’t need to watch the clock. And the dinners he serves at Joiku-Kotsamo need so much reindeer meat that his own herd cannot supply enough and he has to buy in as well. ‘Time irons out the creases,’ he is often heard to say. This is something he learnt in the couple of decades he was involved in politics. ‘It gave me a perspective on things and has helped me in the tourist business, too.’ 5

Lapland s e i m m u D r fo

TEXT TREVOR JONES photos Inari-Saariselkä Tourism Ltd, TREVOR JONES

”Thermals, thermals, where am I going to get thermals at this time of year?” ”This is 104.3 weather for Melbourne. Today will be hot, very hot, a maximum of 44 C° and no cool change in sight. Currently at 10:00 a.m. 34 C°. Now to take your mind off the heat, here’s some cool music...”


o off I go to the ’Kathmandu’ store who specialise in outdoor clothing. Fortunately, we do have a ski season in Australia albeit short but long enough for the store to stock thermals’ and other wintery things. On arrival at the Camberwell store there was a distinct lack of people around, and even less in the winter section. Guess they were already sitting under an air-conditioner. If there is one thing I hate, it’s being hot & bothered and trying to put on tight clothes; however, I was heading off to Lapland in less than a week so there was a degree


Inari Saariselkä

of urgency to find attire that would keep out an Arctic winter. So there I was on a ridiculously hot day trying on garments that are about as tight as your skin. The one positive note was that winter garments don’t sell well during an Australian summer so are ”On Sale!!” So with mission accomplished I headed home with the thought of packing but the heat defeated me for the day. Of course I did eventually get packed and made my combination of Emirates and Finnair flights to Helsinki for a one-night stand. My date was with Intersport and Stockmann to obtain the necessary survival gear. I was with a small group from Australia, some of

whom live in tropical northern Australia and Perth in the west, that have absolutely no need for winter gear at all. So a quick shopping trip in Helsinki was essential. I bought more thermals, silk gloves and merino socks. I might add that these were better quality and cheaper than I purchased at home. Arrival in Ivalo was exciting. Snow all around as you step off the aircraft and an exhilarating freshness in your nostrils. Making the way to the terminal was a low priority as most on-board were excited tourists and they were more interested in jumping around in the snow and taking pictures, with many taking ”Selfies” having the Finnair aircraft in

however usually with the same amount of success, which is not much. Drilling a hole in the ice was encouragingly difficult as the ice was so thick which was reassuring as I was standing on it. At a much slower pace a visit to the world-class Siida Sami Museum and Nature Centre which proudly shows off Sami culture is a must. Its combination the background. Within seconds phoof history, artefacts’, flora & fauna distographs would appear on ’Facebook’, plays’ and audio visual presentations are ’What’s app’ and other assorted social brilliant. Even the gift shop is well done. media for their family and friends to get As a complete contrast to petrol powequally as excited about. It took me 24 er our vehicles in the early evening were hours to beam the first photo back. My pulled by over-enthusiastic dogs. Husky daughter calls me ’A techo dinosaur’. dogs with vivid blue eyes. With snowThe first impression is often the lastmobiles the brake is on the left and the ing impression and the coach trip to accelerator is on the right of the hanSaariselka was one of those memodle-bars and the steering rable times. Whilst is obvious. With a dog sled I had expected lots of I had not expected to be evaporated into well.... Let’s just say ”Go” snow and ice I had not expected to be evapoa scene of a quintessential Christmas card. does have the require effect but ”Whoa! Stop!” does not. rated into a scene of a The wooden breaking sysquintessential Christmas card. En-route we stopped for like duvets, balaclavas, boots, helmet and tem eventually works but the steering is lunch at Joiku Kotsamo, Sami house giant sized gloves followed by a quick in the hands of the God’s or should I say for a hearty lunch, then a sleigh ride driving lesson. All good as we head out dogs? One minor spin out created chaos pulled by real reindeer. Other than my over Lake Inari to do a spot of ice fish- but so much fun and much laughter. Tobelief in Santa I had no idea you could ing. The wind chill made good reason for tal exhausted it was time to retire to the train reindeer. With light snow fall- wearing duvets and what was unbeliev- sauna in my room and then the bar of the ing it was surreal and the sleigh ride able is that the handle bars are heated. hotel to re-live the highlights of the day. And why were we in Lapland? To see provided for many laughs. Entering Only a few days ago I had the car air into Saariselka at dusk with its magi- conditioning blowing full blast on my the Northern Lights. And did we see cal lights and snow covered everything steering wheel just so I could touch it. In them? Actually ”No” but it makes a great Australia you fish in a lake and not on it, reason to come back. was fantastic. The next day we walked up to the Kaunispää summit restaurant to enjoy a highly anticipated toboggan run. On the incline, stopping every few metres to take photos of trees so laden with snow that it made them appear like fluffy cumulus clouds. On the 1.2km decline there was no time or ability to stop. What a pleasant evening at Petronella restaurant in Saariselka, wonderful ambience, great food and lovely wines, friendly service and topped off with a lovely walk back to our hotel. I wasn’t expected restaurants this good in the Arctic. A new day and two new adventures. Motorised and dog power a la Snowmobiles vs Husky’s. So off to the Snowmobile outfitters to put on blue suits built


Top 10


Autumn colors on River Ivalojoki Below left: Beautiful view from Kaunispää fell Below right: River Tenojoki is a famous salmon river.

TEXT Inari-Saariselkä Tourism Ltd photos Inari-Saariselkä Tourism Ltd, Gold Museum 8

Inari Saariselkä

Lake Inarijärvi and its surroundings are a good place to explore the wilderness-like nature of northern Lapland. Lake Inarijärvi cruises: M/Y Inari III goes to Ukko island on the Lake Inarijärvi regularly once a day in summer time. The cruise starts from the harbour next to Siida in Inari. SIIDA – The Sámi Museum and Northern Lapland Nature Centre in Inari. The joint exhibitions of the museum and nature centre will show how nature and people have adapted to the extreme conditions of the Northern environment River Ivalojoki (187 km) is famous for gold panning and -digging history. The river also offers great possibilities for hiking and canoeing. Ivalo village is situated by the river Ivalojoki. Ivalo is the administrative centre for the Municipality of Inari and the largest community.

Above left: Gold museum Above right: Siida, Sami museum and Nature Centre

Urho Kekkonen National Park offers great hiking opportunities during all seasons. In the Saariselkä Kiilopää region there are 200 km of marked hiking trails, of which 100 km are in the national park. Lemmenjoki National Park is the largest in Finland. Besides its nature conservation function, the park is of major importance for hiking and reindeer herding. Scheduled cruises are organised on the River Lemmenjoki during summer time. Tankavaara Gold Museum and Koilliskaira visitor’s centre is situated in Tankavaara, ca. 230 km north from Rovaniemi and ca. 30 km south from Saariselkä. Kaunispää Fell (437.8 m) can be reached by car from Highway 4. Kaunispää Fell is situated near Saariselkä resort. The Kaunispää summit can be reached either on foot or by car along the road. There is also Panoramic restaurant at the top of the Kaunispää fell. Kiilopää fell is situated 16 km from Saariselkä: 10 km south from Saariselkä and 6 km east from Kakslauttanen. Trails for hiking and cross-country skiing (a network of 190 kilometres in total) leave from Kiilopää centre’s main building. Some of the trails run through the Urho Kekkonen National Park. River Tenojoki is 360 km long and it flows as a borderline between Finland and Norway 256 km. The river is famous for its salmon. Tenontie, the most beautiful and the loveliest scenic road in Finland, should always be travelled slowly, enjoying the panoramic beauty of the countryside. The shores of the northern Arctic Ocean have numerous quaint fishing villages that are just a day trip away from Saariselkä and Inari. 9

Get into the

swing of action

– it’s all happening in the North! TEXT and PHOTOS Inari-Saariselkä Tourism Ltd


rrespective of whether you are an experienced hiker or just beginning to walk in nature, in the North you can count on memorable experiences of action all year round. The region is renowned for its high-quality programme services, well-organised nature safaris and outings. The excursions, carried out with professionalism and skill, guarantee you a safe way to move about in the Arctic environment whilst respecting its uniqueness. The northern nature with its changing seasons offers magnificent opportunities for many kinds of physical activity. Once it has acquired its cover of snow and ice, nature invites you to enjoy the winter sports of the North: skiing, skating or curling are ideal sports to try in an authentic setting, whilst slalom and snowboarding slopes are there for those who like the going fast. Our extensive wildernesses are also worth seeing – you can explore them by snowmobile or quad bike, or if you want to do it in a more traditional way, choose a husky or reindeer safari or roam the fells on horseback. You can succeed in surpassing yourself and measure your strength against nature by hiking safely on one of our many marked trails with an experienced guide to lead you, or making a canoe trip on one of our many kinds of water bodies, everything from the Arctic Ocean to the headwaters of the rivers that meander between the fells. 10

Inari Saariselkä

Downhill Skiing Experience the thrill of downhill skiing and snowboarding in Finland’s northernmost ski centre. Having two fells, Saariselkä provides ski slope lovers with a total of 15 slopes of varying difficulty, a Freestyle Park for snowboarders and five ski lifts. While enjoying the slopes, you can fuel up with energy in one of the slope restaurants, not forgetting the after ski party following your day on the slopes. Cross-Country Skiing The skiing season of Northern Lapland is kind to skiers, as the skiing season normally lasts from October to May. The winding fell terrain and national parks facilitate a variety of skiing hikes for each day of your holiday. Within the Saariselkä area alone, there are 200 kilometres of well-maintained cross-country skiing tracks, 34 km of which are lit. Snowmobiling The thrill of speed and the glistening snowscapes beckon visitors to Lapland to try snowmobiling! In the Inari Municipality alone, there is 1000 kilometres of snowmobile tracks and routes. Local enterprises hire out snowmobiles and arrange guided safaris, allowing you to learn snowmobiling safely. Reindeer Safaris Savour a good helping of exoticism in a sleigh pulled by a reindeer and explore Lappish culture at the local reindeer farms. A number of companies arrange reindeer safaris of varying lengths, which are unforgettable lifetime experiences! Husky Safaris Experience the thrill of speed and fall in love with the spectacular passing snowscapes and cute huskies. There are a number of enterprises in the area that provide professionally organised and experience-rich husky safaris. Riding a husky team through the fell regions is an experience that gives plenty of memories to take home with you. Snowshoe hiking A good alternative to skiing is traversing the snow using snowshoes. This is a fun activity in the wintry Lappish terrain that can also be a good form of keep fit. Snowshoe hiking can be done almost anywhere, but you can find marked trails from at least Saariselkä and Kiilopää. Many companies in the region offer guided excursions and provide snowshoe hire. Spa and sauna The spa in Saariselkä is Europe’s, and probably the world’s northernmost spa. The spa is the perfect place to relax after a day full of outdoor activities. The pleasant pool area offers plenty to do for people of all ages, even enough for a full day of fun. Enjoy your time with the Jacuzzi and aqua massage, experience the wonderful pampering treatments and relax in the soothing warmth of the sauna. The Finnish sauna is a substantial part of Finnish culture. Sauna is the best place to relax with friends and family, and a place for physical and mental relaxation as well. There is sauna available in every hotel in the area.

Hiking and Excursions The well-marked routes of Northern Lapland ensure hiking is a successful experience, so you can concentrate on relaxation. There are countless hiking routes throughout the area, a few of which are presented here. Mountain Biking You can also travel the fell regions on a bike. There are plenty of routes in the terrain to choose from, ranging from more difficult rocky trails to easy forest roads. Naturally, you don’t need to bring your own bike along, as the local activity programme companies provide bicycles for hire and good advice for selecting the best route. Boating and Canoeing A peaceful canoeing trip on a calm lake, or shooting the rushing rapids at the mercy of the whitewater – the varying waterways of Northern Lapland beckon you to step in your boat. Canoeing and boat trips in the national park landscapes are definitely meaningful experiences. The best waters for canoeing can be found on Lake Inarijärvi or River Ivalojoki, with the latter having good canoeing routes.


Inari Saariselkä

Fishing Explore the fishing opportunities the region offers and find the best fishing spots. Please remember to purchase fishing permits and licences before your trip! The activity companies in the region also arrange guided fishing trips. In Northern Lapland, you can purchase fishing permits from the Metsähallitus customer service points in Saariselkä, Ivalo and Inari. Birdwatching Thanks to the numerous national parks and wilderness areas, the bird populations of Northern Lapland are very wide ranging, which makes the region a real paradise for birdwatchers. Easygoing day trips can be enjoyed in the Saariselkä terrain, also giving you plenty of opportunity to explore the species of the fell tops and riversides. Birdwatching towers can be found from Ilmakkijärvi in the Municipality of Sodankylä, in Inari, along the E4 highway at Peurasuvanto and the shores of Lake Sompiojärvi. The Arctic Ocean is located only about a three-hour drive away, a place where unique scenery opens up with unique bird species.

Gold Panning The first gold rush was experienced on the Ivalojoki River in 1869 – 1900. The Tankavaara gold area was discovered in 1936 by Aleksanteri Peltovuoma, or Sauva-Aslakki. Gold panning on the Lemmenjoki River began in 1945. In these areas, you will be able to experience gold panning with the right equipment and taught by a guide, while at the same time learning the interesting background to the search for gold in this way. In addition to a gold pan, you will need to have a bit of treasure hunter attitude – it could be you who finds the next big nugget of gold. Toboggan run Finland’s most thrilling toboggan run starts from the summit of Kaunispää. There’s plenty of time to enjoy speeding down the hill, as the distance to the bottom in the centre of the Saariselkä resort is 1.2 kilometres. You can borrow toboggans from many of the hotels and businesses in the resort.

Horse excursions Friendly neigh welcomes you for riding tour through fairy tale kind Lappish Nature the land of midnight sun, beautiful autumn colors and snow covered hills. Summery fells and many other arctic phenomenons offer you unique opportunity to enjoy happiness of riding and spectacular nature far north from an arctic circle year around. Northern Light tours In the northernmost reaches of Lapland, Northern Lights can be seen on almost every night that is dark and cloud-free. On average, the Northern Lights can be seen on 200 nights a year in northernmost Lapland. A number of companies arrange aurora safaris of varying lengths, which are unforgettable lifetime experiences! Check out the services: pages 37-43 | tel. +358 16 681 501 |


Changing of the

Seasons TEXT and photos INARI-SAARISELKÄ TourisM Ltd


Inari Saariselkä

The nature of Northern Lapland lives to the rhythm of the seasons, and the changing of the seasons is more distinct than anywhere else. In November following the arrival of snow, twilight falls upon the region covering the landscape in a blue tint that lasts a couple of months.

In the northernmost reaches of Lapland, the Northern Lights can be seen on almost every dark and cloud-free night.The best aurora season runs from late September to late March.



he wintertime temperatures vary greatly according to location. In low-lying ground such as Ivalo, the temperature can be -20°C, but at the same time 30 kilometres away on the Saariselkä fells the temperature can be -10°C. When traversing the fells, you should also take into consideration the wind which adds to the chill factor.

magical about summer in Lapland; an overnight fell hike or canoeing trip on the calm waters in the warm summer night are experiences beyond compare.

Nature and people alike take as much energy and light as they can get from the period of growth that lasts just a few months.

Polar Night In late autumn, Lapland welcomes the twilight period; a time when the sun doesn’t rise above the horizon at all during the day. This phenomenon, also known as the polar night, can last up to 51 days in the northernmost regions of Lapland. The darkness is, however, brightened by the snow cover, moon and flaming Northern Lights. Although the sun does not rise, the twilight time provides a beautiful shade for around four hours a day. In the moonshine, spectacular shades are projected over the snowscapes. In addition to the reflection of snow, the Northern Lights also brighten the night. The twilight gives the Lappish winter its own magical qualities. What could possibly be better than travelling in the fell highlands and enjoying the heavens coloured by the Northern Lights.

Nature and people alike take as much energy and light as they can get from the period of growth that lasts just a few months, building up reserves the take them through the winter months. There is something

Northern Lights The dance of a thousand colourful flames across the dark Lappish skies fascinates visitors from autumn through to early spring. In the polar regions, this phenomenon is created when the particles accelerated by the

Nightless Night In total contrast to the twilight, summer in Lapland sees sunshine in the middle of the night, as the sun doesn’t set below the horizon at all for over two months. The Midnight Sun gives summer in Lapland its own unique atmosphere while making night-time fishing and hiking possible in sunshine.


Inari Saariselkä

Mean temperatures: • January • February • March • April • May • June • July • August • September • October • November • December

-14.3°C -13.0°C -8.2°C -2.2°C +4.4°C +10.8°C +13.7°C +11.0°C +5.9°C -0.3°C -7.4°C -12.3°C

Earth’s magnetic field collide with air particles. You can see plenty of Northern Lights in Northern Lapland on a clear night. The occurrence of the Northern Lights is largely dependent on the Sun’s activity that fluctuates according to approximately an eleven-year cycle. In the northernmost reaches of Lapland, Northern Lights can be seen on almost every night that is dark and cloud-free. A cloudy sky makes it more difficult to see the Northern Lights, in the same way as they block the Midnight Sun during the summer. On average, the Northern Lights can be seen on 200 nights a year in northernmost Lapland. Northern Lights are usually seen from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. The best time for the Northern Lights is normally between 8 – 11 p.m. The darkening skies of early evening first sees one or two arcs of light slowly travelling in the east – west direction. After a couple of hours, the lights get brighter, enabling horizontal rays to be spotted. This is when you can see a brief, yet impressive sight: Northern Lights move at a very fast rate of up to 100 km a second. The central sky shows a Northern Lights corona, after which the flaming spectacle calms down.

What to Wear

in Winter in Lapland!

Base layer • This is the first layer you put on • long- thermal underwear Mid layer • This layer is to insulate • Suitable material is wool, fleece or similar The outer layer • This layer must be snow and wind proof and breathable to let heat and moisture escape. Gloves • Gloves or mittens are a necessity in winter Lapland. • As with trousers and jackets, gloves should also be waterproof and insulated. Boots • You need a pair of boots that are insulated and waterproof Hats • Keep your head covered and warm and make sure that your hat covers your ears.

Polar Night, or the time when the sun does not rise above the horizon at all is from 4 December – 8 January. Nightless Night, the time when the sun does not set below the horizon at all is from 22 May – 20 July.


Design and genuine handcrafts from Lapland

TEXT Inari-Saariselkä Tourism Ltd photos Inari-Saariselkä Tourism LTD, Kammigalleria, Inarin Hopea

In addition to a magnificent experience and a successful holiday, Inari-Saariselkä area also offers memorable souvenirs. Sami culture and tradition of the craft will be reflected in local crafts, art objects and jewelry, which can be purchased at many small boutiques and souvenir shops around Northern Lapland. Handicrafts, made from traditional, natural materials are exquisite and unique and make wonderful presents. Check out the handicraft shops: pages 37-43


Inari Saariselkä

Colourful Sámi belts

SAFARIS Of f Ho ice lid at ay Cl ub

Reindeer Safaris, Sami Culture Snowmobile and Husky Safaris Program packages for groups

+358 400 138 911


Two tales

from deutschland to Sámiland TEXT Kirsi Ukkonen, translation Susan Sinisalo photos Kirsi Ukkonen, Marion Arand

A lawyer right out in the wilds In autumn 2011, Marion Arand, a lawyer specialising in labour law, loaded up her 4x4 in the German town of Marburg and headed north for Menesjärvi in Inari. Her aim was to say goodbye to her former life and her partnership in a firm of lawyers. It was quite by accident that Marion hit on Menesjärvi, for she had spent a holiday at the Kultahovi in Inari about 18 months before. While there, she had got talking to the safari guides who are now the proprietors of the Korpikartano Hotel at Menesjärvi. The Korpikartano offered her a bed in return for some voluntary labour and this proved to be the first step on her journey towards a new life. Marion had lost her former appetite for a life revolving around work and money in the renowned university town of Marburg, so the decision to quit was easy. ‘I had two options: a convent or Lapland,’ she laughs. ‘I’m always sure my decisions are right. Once I’ve decided something, I don’t regret it or keep wondering whether I should have done differently.’ Even before she came to Finland, Marion had dreamt of having a dog of her own, but this would have been impossible for a busy career woman in Marburg. Once in Finland, she got herself two Siberian huskies, but in the process got more than she’d bargained for, because she also found a husband there at the Korpikartano – an Inari Sámi reindeer herder by the name of 20

Inari Saariselkä

Martti Kiviniemi. ‘I wasn’t dreaming of a husband – just a dog, but I got both,’ she grins. Having settled at Menesjärvi, Marion set about learning Finnish and can now get by with ease, though she sometimes finds speaking it exhausting. In the autumn she began training as a practical nurse and now faces a three-year stint before she’s qualified. Spellbinding winter The thing that enchants Marion most in Finland and Inari is the winter, the beauty of which she never tires of extolling. She often, she confesses, thinks that God must have been mad to send His son to Israel and not Lapland, because it’s so beautiful. Marion’s not troubled by the cold; she knows you just have to dress correctly. In winter, the dogs follow their mistress when she goes out skiing every day. She wouldn’t mind if winter were the only season. ‘I don’t find it dark in winter. The winter colours are incredibly beautiful. Autumn’s OK, but spring is muddy and in summer there are the mosquitoes. I’ll never get used to them, so I go to Germany in July for a holiday. ‘In Germany, I used to go out cycling and walking in the country, but I was never the sort who wanted to live in the middle of a forest,’ Marion muses. Yet Marion and Martti’s home is now right out in the wilds, overlooking Lake Menesjärvi. This is fine, because Marion enjoys the silent wilds and thinks winter is a wonderful time for lighting candles.

Winter is Marion´s favorite season.


Alex with his children Ilona and Matti.

From forester to craftsman Alexander Kopf was studying forestry at the University of Freiburg in Germany when he came to the Finnish University of Joensuu intending to spend one academic year there as an exchange student. But things turned out differently, because now, 14 years later, he’s sitting in the kitchen of a log house he has built with his own hands by a river at Solojärvi in Inari. With him are his 6-year-old twins Ilona and Matti and his wife Riina. After his exchange year, Alex, as he is usually called, was offered a research job for the summer in the Koli National Park and he leapt at the opportunity. In the end he decided to complete his degree in Finland. It was during this time that he met Riina, and the idea of staying on in Finland for longer began to take hold. The couple’s path to Inari has been far from straight. On qualifying as a forester, Alex spent six months in Namibia as assistant to a safari guide; he then trained as a wilderness guide and took a course in Finnish. His jobs as a guide led him via Kuhmo, Kuusamo and the Seitseminen National Park to Ivalo in autumn 2003. Riina got accepted for Metsähallitus’s nature services and is still working there. Alex’s enthusiasm for puukko sheath


Inari Saariselkä

knives and metal forging was kindled Alex says he notices the biggest culduring the wilderness guide course. Add tural differences in the Finns’ and the to this a pinch of the aptitude inherit- Germans’ attitude to nature: the Finns ed from his father and shared with his live close to nature but lack respect. brother (both employed in the build- This is manifest in the way they feel ing trade) and the result is a craftsman, compelled to get out into the countrycarpenter and side, but with restoration apvehicles and ‘I’m not the best prentice. Over machines. Rehunting-and-fishing guy cycling rubbish the years, Alex has developed he claims, a in Inari, but I don’t need is, into an expert question of attion vernacular to be – I can catch as tude and one to building whose which the Germuch fish as I need.’ craft can be adman mindset mired in various lends itself betprestigious restoration projects, such as ter than the Finnish. He has, he says, Kultala on the Ivalo River. He also took sometimes been criticised by Finns for an active part in hewing the logs for his being too meticulous. own house. Hunting and hiking, already his hobbies back in Germany, have continued Respect for nature in Finland, but his excursions here have The genuine log house on a sandy tended to follow his own paths, away mound at Solojärvi is made of materi- from the beaten track. ‘I’m not the best als as ecological as possible. A way of hunting-and-fishing guy in Inari, but I life that conserves nature is something don’t need to be – I can catch as much very close to the hearts of Riina, Alex fish as I need,’ he laughs. and their family. The primary source of ‘When I’ve been away somewhere, heat in the house is a huge baking ov- heading for Inari on the way back been; the household water is heated with gins to feel like coming home.’ Alex and wood, there is natural fibre as insulation his family have clearly found their own between the logs, and the house has a niche in their log cabin sheltered by pine compositing toilet. trees in the heart of Sámiland.



text Inari-Saariselkä Tourism Ltd, photos Inari-Saariselkä Tourism Ltd

Ahti, the God of the Sea and Fishing, is very generous in Northern Lapland, as the wide range of waterways facilitates a variety of different fishing styles, offering a catch of River Tenojoki salmon to the sizeable grayling and whitefish in Lake Inarijärvi. The mighty Lake Inarijärvi The Lake Inarijärvi is the second largest lake in Finland. It covers 1153 sq km area, at the deepest point the lake is 100 meters deep. Lake Inarijärvi has over 3000 islands. The most known islands are Ukonkivi, which was a sacrifal place of the sámi people, the graveyard island and island Korkia-Maura, where there is an ice cave inside a rock wall. The beautiful scenery of the archipelago is formed by barren rocky islands and old pine forests.The biggest rivers flowing into the Lake Inarijärvi are the river Juutuanjoki and river Ivalojoki. The river Paatsjoki flows down into the Arctic Ocean from the Lake Inarijärvi, through the area of Kola Peninsula. The most important fish are trout, white fish and arctic char. Lake Inarijärvi offers unforgettable fishing experiences in the middle of a rugged wilderness. 24

Inari Saariselkä

Lake Inarijärvi is one of a kind in Europe; there are few places where you can fish in as much peace as here. You can glide along the wide open mid-lake areas for days on end, taking in the unspoilt nature, without meeting a soul. Except for a few villages and abandoned cabins, the shores are unspoilt by buildings. The Kasariselkä area is more than 30 kilometres long and you cannot even see the opposite shore. Lake Inarijärvi is a rift lake with very deep water. The bottom formation is highly variable. Extensive island areas, shoals and bay areas are part of the scenery, complete with deep trenches found in the wide open mid-lake areas. Water quality in Lake Inarijärvi is excellent. The water is cold even in summer; mid-lake water temperatures generally remain below 15 degrees. The water is clear and drinkable. In northern parts

of the lake, you can see to a depth of 9 metres. Accommodation sites are available in Inari village and in other small villages close to the lake. Anglers taking a fishing trip on Lake Inarijärvi often camp in tents or stay in abandoned cabins. There are also two cabins available for advance booking in the lake area. The Golden River Ivalojoki River Ivalojoki (184 km) is famous for gold panning and –digging history. River Ivalojoki offers also great possibilities for hiking and canoeing. This Finland’s most famous gold river flows through the scene of the gold rush, which was a century ago, and the current gold digging areas. Gold diggers still work actively on their claims along the branches of the river. The colourful history of the river fascinates im-

River Ivalojoki is Finland’s most famous gold river

agination, and the scenery is at its most impressive before the river calms down to meander around the centre of Ivalo and in the estuary. Flowing into Lake Inarijärvi, River Ivalojoki forms a great estuary and a local bird paradise. The canoeing route of the River Ivalojoki is popular and varied. You can start from Ivalon Matti or from the village of Kuttura, and continue until the Lake Inarijärvi. The length of the route from Kuttura to Ivalo is 70 km. This route on the River Ivalojoki requires some previous canoeing experience. There are 30 rapids between Kuttura and Ivalo, and there is a 82,5 m difference in altitude altogether. Although the River Ivalojoki is rocky and shallow in the summer, canoeing this route is possible all year round. There are marked trails around the gold area of the River Ivalojoki. Europe´s best salmon river: The River Tenojoki The Utsjoki area is ideal for fishing and hiking enthusiasts. The River Tenojoki is one of Europe’s best salmon rivers and the area’s other rivers are also known for their plentiful fishing grounds The most beautiful road in Finland winds along the River Tenojoki from Karigasniemi to Utsjoki; tourists should acquaint themselves with the three Ailigas, the ‘Holy Fells’, which are situated

at the villages of Karigasniemi, Nuvvus and Utsjoki. As well as wonderful scenery and Sámi culture, Utsjoki offers tourists a wide range of activity programmes and nature tours throughout the year. The Kevo Nature Park is located in the Utsjoki district and currently covers 712 km².

River Lemmenjoki

River Juutuanjoki River Juutuanjoki is the rivLake Inarijärvi is the third largest lake in Finland er of the Inari Sámi peoand the largest lake in Sápmi. ple. It collects the waters of a large fell area. The rivers Menesjoki, Lemmenjoki, Vaskojoki and Kaamasjoki flow There are regular boat services on into River Juutuanjoki, which then the river during the summer. A marked runs into Lake Inarii and from there trail on the bank follows the course of to the Arctic Sea via River Paatsjoki. the river. Along River Juutuanjoki, the rapids The Ravadasjoki, with its gently slopRitakoski and Haapakoski are famous ing bed carved by glacial melt waters, among fly fishing enthusiasts. Jäniskoski is the largest of the River LemmenRapids is known for the fact that no- joki’s tributaries. The current does not body has been able to shoot these rapids become strong until very close to the without capsizing. On the nature trail mouth of the river, where the tribualong the river, visitors get to hear stories tary rushes through a ten-metre waabout this impressive river and about the terfall down into the Lemmenjoki. famous trout of Juutua. The falls and their rocky gorge, as well as the shapes resembling giants’ ketRiver Lemmenjoki tles grooved into its edges, have been Lemmenjoki River Valley is the 22-km- formed partly by glacial melt waters long river section between Njurkulahti and partly by the erosion caused by the and Kultasatama. present river. 25

Easy ways

to Hike in Nature text and maps Mets채hallitus photos Inari-Saariselk채 Tourism LTD


Inari Saariselk채


diverse network of hiking routes covers Northern Lapland and Saariselkä – offering suitable alternatives from smaller hikes to hikes that pose challenges. Take a moment to rest your feet and eyes along the easily traversable hiking routes and fill your backpacks with wild berries as a good store of vitamins for the winter.

The well-marked routes of Northern Lapland ensure hiking is a successful experience, so you can concentrate on relaxation. There are countless hiking routes throughout the area, a few of which are presented here.

Pielpajärvi Wilderness Church Trail (near Inari village) Pielpajärvi Wilderness Church Trail (=Pielpajärven erämaakirkon polku), 5 km, begins 3 km from the Northern Lapland Nature Centre, from the parking area on Sarviniementie road. The trail goes into a handsome old-growth forest, passing by forest lakes. In the end of the trail you will reach a natural meadow, on the edge of which there is the well-preserved Pielpajärvi Wilderness Church. Returning on the same trail makes a 10-km-long trip altogether. From the church begins another trail, which goes to Pielpavuono Fjord 3 km away. In Pielpavuono Fjord, there is a boat landing place and a campfire place with shelter. • Services: Puntsijärvi lean-to shelter; Pielpajärvi day trip hut and campfire site; Pielpavuono Lapp pole tent. The trail is marked with yellow marks on trees. • Sights: Lake Pielpajärvi Wilderness Church (The church, built in the winter village in 1760, is one of the oldest buildings in northern Lapland.) Lemmenjoki Nature Trail Lemmenjoki Nature Trail, 4,5 km, starts at Njurkulahti and follows the course of Lemmenjoki River. In the beginning of the trail, there are old pitfalls for the Wild Forest Reindeer and esker formations typical for the rivercourse. After a couple of kilometres, the trail turns east, and winds along in the hillocky pine forests back to its starting point. • Services: Campfire place and information boards Tuulijärvi Trail Tuulijärvi Trail 1,5 km Tuulijärvi is a wonderful hiking destination for families. The starting point for the trail is at Tuulispää Fell parking area about 9 km

from the centre of Inari. To get to the starting point by car first take main road 4 from Inari in the direction of Ivalo. After about 6 km turn onto the gravel road leading to the top of Tuulispää Fell and follow the road for 2,5 km. Tuulijärvi Trail leads across level fell birch and pine forest in fell landscape. The return journey is along the same trail so the hike is 3 km in its entirety. • Services: Tuulijärvi lean-to shelter. The trail is marked on tree and poles with yellow squares. Tankavaara’s nature trails begin at Koilliskaira Visitor Centre. • Urpiainen Trail, 1 km, winds around the Visitor Centre grounds. The gravelled path is accessible by wheelchair and pram. • Koppelo Trail, 3 km, goes further into the quiet spruce forest. • Kuukkeli Trail, 6 km, rises through the spruce forest to Pikku-Tankavaara hill, which has a magnificent view of Nattastunturi Fells, the surrounding aapa bogs and the great fells of Saariselkä. The return route is through mire. • Geological Trail, 7 km, features the area’s geology, the area’s bedrock, the traces left in the area by the ice age as well as changes in surface formations. The beginning of the trail leads through forest landscape and climbs gradually to the slope of Jorpulipää. There is a rest spot on the shore of the beautiful Lake Koiranjuomalampi. From there, the trail leads to a hanging bog. The rest of the route follows Kuukkeli Circle Trail. The trail is circled clockwise. • Visitors learn about winter ecology and the crown snow load on the 1-km-long winter nature trail. There is a side path to a campfire site. The 3-km-long Koppelo Circle Trail, 6-kmlong Kuukkeli Circle Trail and 7-kmlong Geological Trail are marked as snowshoeing trails. Visitors may rent snowshoes from the Visitor Centre. • Services: There are a campfire site and Lapp pole tent by the Koppelo, Kuukkeli and Geological trails. There is a lean-to in the yard of the Visitor Centre. Packed meals can be eaten there in the company of a fearless Siberian jay.





Inari Saariselk채

Fill your backpacks with wild berries as a good store of vitamins for the winter. Kiilopää Nature Trails begin from the Fell Centre grounds. • Vasa Trail, 1 km, there are information boards for children along the trail and a campfire site. • Poro Trail, 3 km, runs along the slopes of Ahopää Fell by a reindeer fence. During winter this is marked as a snowshoeing trail. • Kiiruna Trail, 6 km, rises up into the fells. Visitors not only see the natural features of a fell, but also what the Ice Age left behind. During winter, this is marked as a snowshoeing trail. • Services: There is a campfire site near the starting point for the nature trails. Saariselkä Nature Trails begin by the River Luttojoki at the National Park gate. • Short trail, 2 km, winds along the lower slopes of the fells through wooded brook hollows. During winter, this is marked as a snowshoeing trail. • Long trail, 6 km, rises to the top of Iisakkipää Fell. Along this trail, traces of the Ice Age are forever present. During winter, this is marked as a snowshoeing trail. Futher information about the hiking trails: Kiehinen Customer Service Kelotie 1 / Siula 99830 Saariselkä, Finland Tel. +358 205 64 7200

Siida - The Sámi Museum and Nature Centre Inarintie 46 Tel. +358 205 64 7740

SÁMI MUSEUM AND NATURE CENTRE tel. 0400 898 212, Inarintie 46, 99870 Inari RESTAURANT SARRIT tel. 040 700 6485



Inari Saariselk채

text Helena Sahavirta translation Susan Sinisalo photoS Vesa Toppari, INARI-SAARISELKÄ TOURISM LTD

‘Listening to Nature, you discover your own nature,’ says 29-year-old Sámi rapper Ailu Valle. The fells and lakes of Northern Lapland travel with him, and from them he draws the words of his lyrics, the voice of his heart.



ilu released his debut disc, Dušši dušše duššat (No need to just perish), just under 18 months ago; it was the first rap disc in Northern Sámi to be released in Finland. He’s now working on a music video in Saami, a seven-track EP, and an LP scheduled for release in the autumn. For this he has received a grant from the Sámi Council. His debut disc told about Nature, but it also commented on social issues: the Western way of life, consumer culture, and clashes between Finnish and Saami culture. The second disc will be less critical and more positive. ‘I’ve been debating how to empower myself and others. I hope my texts will have a healing effect,’ he says. Reviving the Sámi language is also important, because he wants to show young Saamis in particular how many ways there are of using their mother tongue. Ailu Valle also raps in Finnish and English. ‘My raps in Finnish criticise society, and are sometimes psychological. They reflect what today’s young people are thinking.’ The rocky road to Sámi lyrics Rapping in Sámi is not easy, and the road to Sámi lyrics has been a rocky one. Ailu rapped at Travel Fair 2014 in Helsinki. ‘I thought at first that Sámi didn’t have words for what I want to say. But then I began to discover a message of my rap at lots of conferences, which, he says, His mother had lots of records at home: own and I realised that Sámi is, for me, shows that people today are aware of classical music, jazz, blues and rock. Ailu best for interpreting my feelings.’ the Saami language and culture. At the in fact took his first steps into the world The fact that the stress in Sámi is on al- Nordic Travel Fair in Helsinki in Janu- of music while still a child, singing with literation, whereas rap his sister onto a cassette plays with end rhymes, tape – and Elle-Maaret was something of a ‘I’ve been debating how to empower myself and will also have rhymes of problem. The budding own on the new disc. others. I hope my texts will have a healing effect.’ herThe musician accordingly Kaamasmukka picked out 35,000 Sáchildren went to school mi words with the help of a dictionary ary he did an impressive rap show on 30 kilometres away at Karigasniemi, near and began to discover rhymes. the Inari–Saariselkä Tourism Ltd. stand. the Norwegian border. It was there that Another thing that set him thinking Ailu learnt to rap; he was in the upper in the early days of his career was what Childhood in the wilds school and greatly struck by American the Sámi might have in common with Ailu Valle spent his childhood in the lit- Eminem and Finnish Fintelligens, later the people where rap was born, the black tle village of Kaamasmukka far out in Finnish Asa and Inari- Sámi Amoc. His poor or the big American cities. the wilds, near Kaktsavarri Fell and the childhood friends left school and became ‘For rap was born on the streets, as a upper reaches of the River Kaamasjoki. reindeer herders, but Ailu went on to the protest against the mainstream culture All the 20 or so families in the village Sámi high-school in Utsjoki. oppressive to the poor. But the Sámi are made their living from reindeer. ‘Languages interested me and I knew a minority under cross-pressure from Until they retired, Ailu’s father was a I had a gift for them.’ He then contintwo societies. This causes tension be- herder and his mother taught Finnish. ued at Oulu University and only has his tween the perspectives.’ His father spoke Sámi to Ailu and his lit- final thesis to finish before he’s a qualiAilu Valle lives in Inari and gigs all tle sister Elle-Maaret, his mother Finn- fied Sámi subject teacher. ‘I must have a over Finland, but most of all in the ish. The children thus grew up bilingual, bread-and-butter job; I can’t rap all my north. Nowadays he also gets invited to for which Ailu is grateful to his parents. life,’ he laughs.


Inari Saariselkä

Annual Arctic Events

Reindeer Championships in Inari 5-6 April 2014 Reindeer Championships are the crown event of the reindeer race season. They take place in the beautiful area of Lake Inarijärvi surrounded by the village, forests and hills. This culturally long-rooted event gathers reindeer herding families and travellers to enjoy a spring weekend in Inari. There is also a lasso throwing competition and an excellent opportunity to find favourites from the traditional handicrafts, taste delicious reindeer food or try out a ride with a reindeer. This eventful outdoor weekend is all about reindeer! Ijahis Idja (Nightless Night) is a Sámi music festival that takes place each August in Anár - Inari, Sápmi on the Finnish side. Ijahis idja is a festival celebrating the music of indigenous peoples and has been held in Inari since 2004. The event is the only music festival held in Finland that concentrates on Sámi music. Every year the event also includes guest performers from other indigenous backgrounds. This year’s Ijahis idja will be held on 15 – 17 August 2014 in and around the Sajos Sámi Cultural Centre in Inari.

Skabmagovat Film Festival in January Skábmagovat – Indigenous Peoples’ Film Festival will present Sámi films and TV programs. Films will be shown in our Northern Lights Theater, which is rich in atmosphere: it is totally made of snow, with the sky as the roof. Films will also be presented in the auditoriums of Siida and the cultural center Sajos. Kaamosjazz – music under the Northern Lights The most northerly jazz festival in the European Union and one of the oldest in Finland, Kaamosjazz will run in 2014 from November 20th to 23rd. It is a festival with a long and chequered history. Jazz was first played in the fells of Finnish Lapland at Tankavaara in 1981, in a club-like milieu rich in atmosphere. Nowadays the concerts are held in several different locations; Saariselkä, Ivalo and Inari. More events:


Glass igloo village

Husky safari

Reindeer safari

Horse safari

Snowmobile safari

Santa Claus’ Celebration House

Cross country skiing

Ice-fishing safari

Log cabins

Aurora borealis from igloo

KEYS TO A SUCCESSFUL HOLIDAY You can explore nature in Lapland in countless ways: choose from a range of terrain types – on your own or on guided tours with professional guides. Guided snowmobile safaris, reindeer or dog sled in winter, canoeing and fishing trips, mountain biking and gold panning in summer are safe alternatives for the first timer. At the end of the day it’s wonderful to relax, plan future holidays and get a good night’s sleep. In Northern Lapland you can find accommodation for your trip to match your trip – whether you want to experience the silence of nature or enjoy the plentiful services on offer.


Camping area

Swimming pool

Snowmobile safaris or rental

Car rental

Karting or snow and ice karting



Fishing permits

Reindeer safaris

Gifts and souvenirs



Tourist information

Hunting permits

Husky safaris

Meeting services


Guide services

Downhill skiing

Snowshoe safaris or rental

Postal services


Cross country skiing

Mountain biking or rental Cross country ski rental



Boat rental

Gold panning

Nordic walking or pole rental

Wellbeing services

Hotel or other accomodation Cabin accomodation


Inari Saariselkä


Riding Canoeing or canoe rental Charter transportation


ARCTIC FRIENDS OY Tel. +358 400 733470 Saariselkä

CAFE-RESTAURANT KUUKKELI Tel. +358 16 668 741, +358 40 545 1349 Fax +358 16 668 680 Saariseläntie 1, 99830 Saariselkä

SAARISELKÄ TOURIST INFORMATION Tel.+358 40 168 7838 Saariselkä

ACCOMODATION AND RESTAURANTS HOLIDAY CLUB SAARISELKÄ Tel. +358 306 866 000 Fax +358 16 682 328 Saariseläntie 7, 99830 Saariselkä Remember also our Angry Birds Activity Park!

LAPLAND HOTEL RIEKONLINNA Tel. +358 16 559 4455 Fax +358 16 559 4456 Saariseläntie 13, 99830 Saariselkä

SANTA’S HOTEL TUNTURI Tel. +358 16 681 501 Fax +358 16 668 771 Lutontie 3, 99830 Saariselkä

APARTMENTS KUUKKELI Tel. +358 16 668 741 +358 40 545 1349 +358 44 363 6892 Fax +358 16 668 680 Honkapolku 8, 99830 Saariselkä /9

APARTMENTS SAARISELÄN MARJAMAJAT Tel. +358 40 589 0043 Saariselkä

FELL CENTRE KIILOPÄÄ Tel. +358 16 670 0700 Kiilopääntie 620, 99830 Saariselkä Also hiking equipment and geocaches.

HERRANTERTTU HOLIDAY HOMES Tel. +358 40 588 0785 Kristiina Toiviainen, Saariselkä

ARCTIC RESORT KAKSLAUTTANEN Tel. +358 16 667100 Fax +358 16 667168 Kakslauttanen, 99830 Saariselkä Also accomodation in glass and snow igloos.

HOTEL KIEPPI Tel. +358 16 554 4600 Fax +358 16 554 4700 Raitopolku 1, 99830 Saariselkä

Top Safaris / Hotel Laanihovi Tel. +358 40 506 2854 (Mobile), +358 16 667 033 (Safari Office), +358 45 652 5818 (Hotel Laanihovi)


KAUNISPÄÄ PANORAMA RESTAURANT HUIPPU Tel. +358 16 668 803 Kaunispää, 99830 Saariselkä www.kaunispaanhuippu.f

VILLA CASTILLO Tel. +358 40 082 25 27 Koivutie 11, 99830 Saariselkä

KELOPIRTTI HOLIDAY APARTMENTS Tel. +358 400 231 653 Koivupolku 4, 99830 Saariselkä


KULTAKELO HOLIDAY COTTAGE Tel. +358 451 384563 Mäntytie 10, 99830 Saariselkä

LAANILAN SAVOTTA Tel. +358 400 603 903 Laanila, 99830 Saariselkä

Laanila INN Tel. +358 400 239 868 Rovaniementie 3410, 99830 Saariselkä sleigh rides, winter swimming

LAPIN KUTSU HOLIDAY APARTMENTS Tel. +358 400 287 744 Kelotie 2/Siula, 99830 Saariselkä /lapinkutsu Also real estate agency. .


Inari Saariselkä

LAPIN LUMO HOLIDAY APARTMENTS Tel. +358 400 010 992 Näverniemi, 99800 Ivalo (Saariselkä)

LOMATÄHDET HOLIDAY STARS Tel. +358 45 235 7464 Saariselkä

MUOTKAN MAJA WILDERNESS LODGE Tel. +358 40 671 8337 +358 400 416 989 Muotkantie 204, 99830 Saariselkä

NORTH VILLAGE CENTRAL BOOKING AGENCY Tel. +358 16 554 0500 Fax +358 16 668 405 Honkapolku 2, 99830 Saariselkä

PIKKURIEKKO HOLIDAY APARTMENT Tel. +358 500 708 594 Revontulentie 2 A 4, 99830 Saariselkä

SAARISELÄN UNIPUUT HOLIDAY APARTMENTS Tel. +358 40 571 8891 +358 50 525 9035 Kelotie, 99830 Saariselkä

TUNTURIKOIVU AND TUNTURITUULI HOLIDAY APARTMENTS Tel. +358 17 465 2752 +358 400 674 721 Saariselkä

TUNTURIKUKSA HOLIDAY APARTMENT Tel.+358 400 623 602, +358 40 824 0282 Teerenpesue, Saariseläntie 5 99830 Saariselkä /tunturikuksa

RESTAURANT Petronella Tel. +358 16 668 930 Fax +358 16 668 990 Honkapolku 5, 99830 Saariselkä

RESTAURANT Pirkon Pirtti Tel. +358 16 668 050 Honkapolku 2, 99830 Saariselkä

SKAIDI COTTAGES Tel. +358 40 760 2255, +358 408497406 99830 Saariselkä

TUNTURIYÖ HOLIDAY APARTMENT Tel. +358 40 547 5630 Saariselkä

JOIKU-KOTSAMO SAFARIS Bookings / enquiries: Tel. +358 400 138 911 Saariseläntie 7, 99830 Saariselkä Check out our Dinner at the Reindeer Farm, with Sami Culture! /joikukotsamo

LAPLAND DELIGHT Tel. +358 40 572 2903 Sarviniementie 590, 99870 Inari Trubadur and musician services

LAPLAND SAFARIS Tel. +358 16 33 11280, +358 16 668 901 Fax +358 16 668 923 Saariseläntie 13, 99830 Saariselkä Also hiking clothing and equipment and kicksledges.

LUONTOLOMA PRO SAFARIS Tel.. +358 16 668 706 Fax +358 16 668 950 Lutontie 3, PL 30, 99831 Saariselkä /luontoloma Also hiking clothing and equipment and kicksledges.


PROGRAM SERVICES HUSKY & CO. Tel. +358 400 693 071, +358 50 413 1551 Vanhaseläntie 20, 99830 Saariselkä /huskyco

IVALO RIVER TRAVEL SERVICES Tel. +358 40 588 2831 Männiköntie 9, 99800 Ivalo

Saariselkä Wilderness Riding Tours Tel. + 358 400 161 296 Saariselkä, 99830 Saariselkä

Reindeer’s Travel’s Tel. + 358 50 363 1111

SKI SAARISELKÄ sport resort Tel. +358 16 668 882 PL 41, 99831 Saariselkä Also skiing rental and ski school.


TOP SAFARIS Tel. +358 40 506 2854 +358 45 2565 818 Top Safaris safari club, PL 20, 99830 Saariselkä. Also hiking clothing and equipment, fishing equipment, curling, scooters, kicksledges and property management.

ULTIMA GIFT Tel. +358 40 728 8448, +358 400 165 448 Saariseläntie 13, 99831 Saariselkä ULTIMA JEWELRY Tel. +358 40 728 8448 Lutontie 16, 99831 Saariselkä

TRANSPORT AND TAXI SHOPPING AND SOUVENIRS GALLERY AND HANDICRAFTS LUMIKKO Tel. +358 40 767 2909 Kelotie 1/Siula, 99830 Saariselkä Also art and findings from the Arctic Ocean.

HIPPUPUOTI GIFT SHOP Tel. +358 40 525 6853 Kelotie 1/Siula, 99830 Saariselkä /hippupuoti

KIRSIN LAHJA & GABRIEL´S SHOP Tel. +358 40 509 52 18 Siula, 99830 Saariselkä

SKI WEAR LAILA HORSMA Tel. +358 400 837 128 Kelotie 1/Siula, 99830 Saariselkä High-guality and warm accessories for sport and leisure.

SUPERMARKET KUUKKELI Tel. +358 16 668 741 +358 40 545 1349 Fax +358 16 668 680 Saariseläntie 1, 99830 Saariselkä Also medicine cabinet.


Inari Saariselkä

KATAJAMAA TAXI Tel. +358 400 731 973 Saariselkä KOSKINEN TAXI Tel. +358 400 394 862 Saariselkä PAJARI TAXI AND BUS SERVICE Tel. +358 400 158 809 Saariselkä

KUKKOLAN BUSSIT BUS SERVICE Tel. +358 16 661 930, +358 400 696 678 +358 40 733 8134 Fax +358 16 661 385 Rantatie 19, 99800 Ivalo (Saariselkä)

TRANSPORT SERVICE LUONTOLOMA PRO SAFARIS Tel. +358 16 668 706, +358 50 330 2000 PL 30, 99831 Saariselkä

OTHER SERVICES MEDINARI OY Addresses: In Ivalo, Piiskuntie 5 In Saariselkä, Kelotie 1, Siula 1st floor. Reservations: +358 207 205 830 SAARISELÄN SANOMAT local newspaper Tel. +358 40 191 9919 SAARISELKÄ NYT -NEWSPAPER Tel. +358 40 574 5310


Read online :

MainosLinja Tel +358 400 153 277 Saariselkä Advertising materials services

THE SAMI CULTURAL CENTRE SAJOS Tel. +358 10 839 3109 Sajos, 99870 Inari

INARI VILLAGE ACCOMODATION, RESTAURANTS AND PROGRAM SERVICES GIELLAJOHKA Tel. +358 16 676 921, +358 40 738 6825, Karigasniementie 2920 99910 Kaamanen


INARIN POROPIRTIT cottages Tel. +358 400 339 502 +358 45 239 61 35 +358 40 515 26 58 Kittiläntie 1330, 99800 Ivalo (Inari)

URUNIEMI CAMPING Tel. +358 50 371 8826 Uruniementie 7, 99870 Inari

YOUTH & HOLIDAY CENTRE VASATOKKA Tel. +358 16 670 7960 Angelintie 696, 99870 Inari Also hiking equipment.

SIIDA - SAMI MUSEUM AND NATURE CENTRE Tel. +358 400 898 212 Fax +358 16 671 486 Inarintie 46, 99870 Inari

Metsähallitus, Nature centre Tel. +358 205 64 7740 Fax. +358 205 64 7750 RESTAURANT SARRIT Tel. +358 40 700 6485 Siida, Inarintie 46, 99870 Inari


SHOPPING AND SOUVENIRS INARI SILVER SHOP Tel. +358 16 671 333 +358 40 586 4975 Sillankorva, 99870 Inari

INARIN KUUKKELI SUPERMARKET Tel. +358 16 671 500 Fax +358 16 671 503 Inarintie 51, 99870 Inari Groceries, fuel and medicine cabinet.

OTHER SERVICES The Sámi Education Institute Tel. +358 40 723 7309 Fax + 16 671 426



TANKAVAARA SIGHTSEEING, PROGRAM SERVICE, accommodation and restaurants GOLD prospector MUSEUM Tel. + 358 16 626 171 99695 Tankavaara

KOILLISKAIRA VISITOR CENTRE Tel. +358 20 564 7251, Fax +358 20 564 7250 Tankavaarantie 11 B, 99695 Tankavaara PALTTO ADVENTURES ON THE RIVER LEMMENJOKI / ATELJEE HUOPAPIRTTI Tel. +358 16 673 413 +358 400 287 544 99885 Lemmenjoki

HOTEL KORPIKARTANO Tel. +35840 777 4339 Meneskartanontie 71 99870 Inari

REINDEER FARM Petri Mattus Tel. +358 400 193 950 Kortamo-oja, Kittiläntie 3070 99800 Ivalo

KAMMIGALLERY Tel. +358 40 744 3763 Lemmenjoentie 650 A 99885 Lemmenjoki

VALKEAPORO HOLIDAY VILLAGE Tel. +358 400 394 682 Lemmenjoentie 134 99800 Ivalo


Inari Saariselkä

Tankavaara Gold Village Tel. +358 16 626158 Tankavaarantie 11 A, 99695 Tankavaara

NELLIM ACCOMODATION, RESTAURANTS AND PROGRAM SERVICES wilderness hotel NELLIM Tel. +358 400 415 989 Nellimintie 4230, 99860 Nellim

SAFARI SERVICE Tel. +358 40 773 9142 Nellimintie 4204, 99860

IVALO TOURIST INFORMATION METSÄHALLITUS / IVALO CUSTOMER SERVICE POINT Tel. +358 20 564 7701, +358 20 564 7702 Fax. +358 20 564 7734 Ivalontie 10, 99800 Ivalo

ACCOMODATION, RESTAURANTS AND PROGRAM SERVICES HOTEL KULTAHIPPU Tel. +358 16 320 8800, Fax +358 16 662 510 Petsamontie 1, 99800 Ivalo

KAMISAK HUSKY & HORSE EXPEDITIONS Tel. +358 50 570 7871 Rovaniementie 915, 99800 Ivalo (Saariselkä),

DESIGN HOUSE IDOLI Tel. +358 40 569 2011, +358 400 197 181 Fax +358 16 667 710 Ukonjärvi, Ivalo, Guided exhibition, shop and ”Helmi”-glass lapp pole open on request for 4-12 persons groups.

LAPLAND HOTEL RIEKONLINNA, A CLASSIC DESTINATION Known for it s high stand ards, Lapland Ho tel Riekonlin n a provides ve rsatile servic es for holiday-m akers and conference guests alike . The range o f accommod ation include s quality ho liday apartments .

IVALO RIVER CAMPING Tel. +358 400 395 046 Kerttuojantie 1, 99800 Ivalo

OTHER SERVICES KUKKOLAN BUSSIT BUS SERVICES Tel. +358 16 661 930, +358 400 696 678 Fax +358 16 661 385 Rantatie 19, 99800 Ivalo (Saariselkä)

MEDINARI OY Addresses: In Ivalo, Piiskuntie 5 In Saariselkä, Kelotie 1, Siula 1st floor. Reservations: +358 207 205 830

st erves the be s t n ra u ta c s Our re nd and exoti la p a L in s e ith game dish Arctic Sea w e th m o fr s catche s many nal touch. A o ti a rn te in ce, n a om experien fr w o n k y d alrea rnmost , the northe a n n li n o k will ie R l in Finland, te o h e c n re confe ing for ccessful sett u s a e id v gs ro p ding meetin n a m e d t s o the m nces. and confere

UTSJOKI / NUORGAM ACCOMODATION, RESTAURANTS and program services NUORGAM HOLIDAY VILLAGE Tel. +358 400 294 669 Nuorgamintie 4401 A, 99990 Nuorgam Lomakeskus






How to get there Inari-Saariselkä area have quick flight connections from Helsinki direct to Ivalo, from which there is a bus connection to Saariselkä. If you want to come to Northern Lapland with your own car or bus, the road E75 will take you all the way here. Travelling by rail you can reach Rovaniemi and connect to a bus to Saariselkä, Ivalo and Inari.

Bus connections: /en/index.php

Flight connections:

CIRC LE 66 °

33’ 43’’

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