2010 December Newsletter
Hi chums, well here we are again with another club year almost over bar the visit from the big man in the red suit bringing us some special shiny bits our bikes, or if you are really lucky maybe another a new pair of wheels. For myself, 2011 is going to be a very busy time on the work front with a lot of work related travel, so I will be taking a gap year out from standing for election to the committee at the forthcoming club AGM. With that the only thing left is for me to sign off as the 2010 Editor and Social Secretary and to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy biking New Year. Pete Batten
Page 1 - Front Page, Autumn Breakfast Run Page 2 - Forthcoming coming club events Page 3 – Message from the Chair Page 4 - PMCC Charity Support Guidelines Page 5 - Other stuff of interest Page 6 - PMCC Committee Guidelines
Plymouth Motorcycle Club
Editor: Pete Batten - Mob: 0787 905 1852 Email: battenpete@gmail.com
Hi guys and girls, You should receive your AGM pack in the post before the 20th December if it does not arrive by this time please email the current Vice Chairman Denis Callicott (deniscalli@msn.com) who will let me know. When the AGM pack arrives please read all the information contained in the pack as it gives a lot of info on how your club has been run and by who. Don’t forget the End of Year Rideout from Lee Mill Ind. Est. Meet at 12 noon, we leave 12.30pm. From myself and the rest of 2010 team we wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Ritch Bounds, Chairman Disclaimer. Disclaimer. The Plymouth Motorcycle Club wish to point out the club is not an official matchmaking agency and therefore are not to be held responsible for any financial costs incurred during the traditional courtship, this includes the wedding.
Monday 27th December 2010 END OF YEAR RIDEOUT To the “Inn on the Green” Paignton Sea Front From Lee Mill Ind. Est. Meet 1200 noon – Depart 1230
Monday 17th January 2011 Plymouth Motorcycle Club ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Plymouth City Bus Social Club 8pm Prompt Membership Cards Required
LEASE NOTE: The above is subject to change or cancellation so before making any travel arrangements check the above details are correct by visiting on the club website on: www.plymouthmcc.org.uk
MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR …. Hi everyone, The club Christmas party on 4th December was well attended with 130 people attending - the biggest number for a few years. The original venue shut down leaving us with little choice of an alternative, but we managed to get a booking with the Parkway Social Club. The venue has a different layout than we are used to but it worked relatively well. We used the conservatory to lay out the food using about eight tables so you can imagine the spread laid on. The evening was supposed to start at 7pm although people were arriving at 6.45pm - something I have never known happen before which gave us a good feeling. Preparations started at about 8am on Friday with myself and Sue collecting and delivering food for the rest of the team to cook on Saturday morning and then deliver to the venue. It took about 3 hours to prepare the Parkway for the party, what with setting up the food, blowing up balloons and retrieving them from the ceiling when the vertically challenged in the team let them go, and all the table decorations are put in place. Without the eight of us being there, it would never have been ready in time, especiallyas we needed to give the girls time to put their glad rags on. The evening went well with about 28 raffle prizes on offer and the food was a great hit. Everyone had plenty and said it was a brilliant buffet. This was the first time we used the DJ Chameleon and he was pretty good. For the second year running Pete Batten supplied us with slide show to help entertain us and this also shows the newer members what we have been up to over the years. As you may know we award a trophy to the Club Member of the Year, this year it went to Trevor Pridham — well done Trevor. Some club members have asked why we don't hold the party at Citybus Social club, well, the reason is that the venue is to small to fit us in. If you remember when we have a trader in to give us a talk and there are about 65 members in the hall it’s full — we would really struggle to have over 80 people , all the food and DJ as well, so we have to go elsewhere for this event. I would like to thank Sue, Allison, Pat, Sharon and Gill for the cooking, Steve, Denis, Roy for their help, Denis Secker, Liz Holmes, Pete Batten and Pete Tibbins for their help , Mike Grainger for sponsoring the Club member of the year award. John Shepherd and Vicky Pridham for donating prizes. Altogether great value for £5 a ticket. Ritch Bounds
PLYMOUTH MOTORCYCLE CLUB - CHARITY SUPPORT GUIDELINES Nomination to support a charity All club supported registered charities (must be registered and not for a named person) are to be proposed annually at the AGM. Any club member proposing a charity at the AGM must have been a member of the club for the past 12 months and should give a brief overview to the membership present as to why their proposed charity event should be supported by the members. All charity nominations will be reviewed at the next available committee meeting. Executive Committee Charity selection Each charity proposed at an AGM will be reviewed by the executive committee at the next available committee meeting for final selection and approval of support of the club for that calendar year. The selected/non-selected charities and the AGM proposing club member will be informed in writing of the decision of the committee. The committee is empowered to nominate a proven club supported charity event from the previous club calendar year. Club supported charity event planning 1. A flyer about the charity event should be produced and reviewed by the committee no less than three (3) months prior to the date of the charity event, so as to give time for it to be advertised to club members and the public. 2. The facilities and local resources at the final destination need to be discussed by the committee at least two (2) months prior to the date of the charity event. 3. A copy of the proposed ride route should be given to the club Rideout Coordinator / Safety Officer at least (1) month prior to the charity event, to give them time to check the safety of the route and make any necessary changes. 4. The charity should be preferably a local one, with representatives who will be willing to assist PMCC with the collection of monies/ donations during the event, If a raffle is to accompany the ride the organiser would need to supply the prizes and sell raffle tickets on the day. All monies from the donations/raffle would be passed to the PMCC Club treasurer on the day to be counted and checked with the charity representative and presented to the charity at a club meeting as soon as possible after the event. 5. If food is to be supplied by the club representatives of the charity would be expected to help with set up, serving and clearing up afterwards. Hints and Tips Your short presentation to the AGM (approx 5 minutes) should include some history of the charity and reasons why you support it and why we should. Details you should know beforehand. Is it a local charity? When will it take place? Where will it start, go and finish? Do you have support from the charity as helpers?
Other stuff of interest Triumph RS Sprint 955i , Black Reg. 2002 Genuine reason for sale. Many extras.
Not Taxed or MOT’d at the moment but will be before I sell it. Come and have a look at this bike which is in very good condition and has one very careful owner. If you are interested, please contact Dave Pearson on 01752 492561.
1. Duties of the President. 1.1 To personally represent the club on social occasions and in club business contacts. 1.2 In the absence of the President, their duties shall devolve upon on the Life / ViceVice-President(s) if one is present. 1.3 To ensure that the clubs aims, objectives and policies are maintained by the Executive committee and the members alike. 1.4 To assist at committee meetings in offering guidance and support to the committee for the business and activities of the club. club. 1.5 To discuss with the Chairman and vice Chairman and to end the tenure of office any committee member not carrying out their their Committee Committee role properly with the aims, objectives and policies in mind. 2. Duties of the LifeLife-Vice President(s). 2.1 To perform the duties of the club President in their absence. 2.2 To offer guidance and support to the President on issues regarding club aims, objectives and policies. 3. Duties of the Chairman. 3.1 To chair all General and Executive committee meetings of the club during the membership year. 3.2 In the absence of the Chairman, their duties shall devolve upon the ViceVice-Chairman. 3.3 To ensure that all General and committee meetings are held in a proper manner and focusing on club aims, objectives and poli cies. policies. 4. Duties of the ViceVice-Chairman. 4.1 To perform the duties of the Chairman in their absence. 4.2 To offer guidance and support to the Chairman on issues regarding club business and policy issues. 5. Duties of the General Secretary. 5.1 To keep a true and correct record (minutes) of business at General and committee meetings. 5.2 To handle all official club business correspondence, under the guidance of the Executive committee. 5.3 To carry out all instructions of the General or committee meetings, and any other secretarial duties relating to their offic e. office. 5.4 To appoint another committee members to take minutes in their absence with the approval of the Executive committee. 6 Duties of the Treasurer. 6.1 To keep a record of and oversee all financial transaction matters of the club. 6.2 To record and maintain a listing of all club assets purchased during their tenure of office. 6.3 To record and maintain a detailed account of all monies received and paid out during their tenure of office. 6.4 To prepare a detailed balance sheet of club financial accounts for all Executive committee and General Meetings. 6.5 Where possible to bank ALL monies into the club’s authorised bank accounts within ten (10) working days of receipt thereof. thereof. 7. Duties of the Products Officer. 7.1 To purchase and sell club merchandise to club members at the agreed item price set but the Executive committee gs. 7.2 To present a club merchandise stock report at all Executive committee meetings and for listing club assets at General Meetin Meetings. 7.3 To ensure all receipts/invoices received in lieu of club merchandise are passed to the Treasurer within three (3) working days days of receipt thereof. 7.4 To organise the regular club fund raising raffles, all money raised on the day to be passed to the Treasurer for receipt and banking. 8. Duties of the Membership Secretary. 8.1 To ensure all club members personal contact details are not released into the public domain. 8.2 To present a membership status report at all Executive committee and General Meetings. 8.3 To appoint two other regular club members to carry membership forms on rideride-outs. 8.4 To issue a club membership card to all paidpaid-up members, which states the date of membership renewal. 8.5 To record and maintain a membership register of all paidpaid-up and lifelife-members personal contact details during their tenure of office. 9. Duties of the Social Secretary. 9.1 To present a club social event status report on past and planned events at all Executive committee and General Meetings. 9.2 Shall be responsible for the calendar of all club Social events during the membership year. 9.3 To actively partake in all social events and to liaise with club charity organizers. 9.4 Shall be responsible for the setting up and dismantling of the club stall at all club and charity events. 9.5 Is empowered under the guidance of the Executive committee to delegate within the club membership for additional support and resources to assist with club/charity social events. 9.6 Shall be responsible for appointing other committee members to cover for their own absences. 10. 10. Duties of the RideRide-out CoCo-ordinator. ordinator. 10.1 To ensure that all club and charity rideride-outs meet a safe and legal standard. 10.2 To liaise with local road traffic controlling organisations and law enforcement bodies as required. 10.3 To be responsible for emailing rideride-out routes to the club website and club forum. 10.4 To offer group riding and road craft training to members who are prepared to actively support club rideride-outs as Marshals. 10.5 Shall be responsible for appointing other Committee members with good Rideout Marshalling experience to cover for their own absences. 11. Duties of the Editor. 11.1 To ensue any matters of a controversial nature for publication have the approval of the Executive committee prior to public ation. publication. 11.2 To liaise with the club Social Secretary for the correctness and accuracy of the club newsletter content. 11.3 To produce a regular (every month during summer and bibi-monthly in winter) club newsletter for circulation to the paid up membership membership / club traders/club notice boards in shops and official event advertising material with the purpose of promoting the club calendar of event s. events. 12. Duties of the Safety Officer 12.1 To work under the supervision of the rideride-out coco-ordinator 12.2 To record all near misses and incidents during rideout’s 12.3 To assist the rideout coco-ordinator in ensuring all first aid, marshal training and safety equipment is kept up to date and a log to record this. 12.4 To liaise with governing bodies/BMF on any recommendations/safety related issues 13. Duties of Club Committee Members. 13.1 To actively participate in all club activities throughout the membership year thus ensuring feedback from club members is is discussed discussed at Executive Committee Meetings. 13.2 To bring to the attention at Executive Committee Meetings any issues that the General membership feels needs to be discusse d. discussed. 13.3 To organise the selling of raffle ticket on club nights and ensuring the treasurer gets the counted takings on the night. night. 13.4 To introduce NEW club members to other members and make them feel welcome. 13.5 To actively help and support the other Committee members in their own Committee roles and duties as requested