Plymouth Motorcycle Club – Constitution Page 1 of 2 Revised Jan 09. 1.
Name The organisation shall be known as the Plymouth Motorcycle Club. 2. Aims and Objectives. To hold regular meetings in a friendly atmosphere, and to foster friendship between club members. To promote safe and courteous motorcycling behaviour between other road users and the general public. To protect motorcycling interests and policies in conjunction with recognised national or European motorcycling organisations. To provide a healthy calendar of club events and to encourage club attendance at local, national and European motorcycling events. To participate in open dialogue or correspondence with local government and law enforcement bodies that may have an effect on motorcycling interests. 3. Membership and Subscriptions Members shall be entitled to vote in club affairs and activities at all general meetings. Membership application to be open to all motorcycling enthusiasts without discrimination. Honorary membership may be conferred after due consideration and election at a general meeting. Membership subscriptions shall be due on the 31st of January each year for a period of twelve (12) months. A member whose annual membership fee or further subscription is more than two (2) months in arrears shall be deemed to have resigned from the club. 4. Policy. The Club is an independent and non-profit making organisation. All Club charity fund raising shall be for recognised organisations and not for named individuals. The Club is controlled and run by the elected Executive committee on behalf of the paid-up members of the club. The Club May be a member or affiliated to national or European organisations with similar objectives, but shall not be under the control of such organisations. 5. Election to the Executive Committee. Candidates for election to the committee cannot be nominated for more than two (2) Executive committee positions. Committee Officers shall be duly elected annually at the AGM, which is to be held on the first club meeting in January. Members shall be able to stand for election to the committee after they have been a paid-up member in the last twelve (12) months. Those members standing for election should where possible submit a completed nomination form to the General Secretary at least fourteen (14) days before the notified Annual General Meeting. Candidates for election to the Executive committee will be required to attend and participate in the club monthly committee meetings 6. The Executive Committee. The Executive committee shall consist of a maximum of twelve (12) officers and a minimum of five (5). All committee positions shall be for a period of one (1) year, however an Executive committee member may present themselves for reelection. Any committee member failing to attend two (2) consecutive committee meetings without notifying the chairman in advance shall be deemed to have resigned from the committee. Shall consist of the following officers: Chairperson (1), Vice- Chairperson (1), Membership Secretary (1), Treasurer (1),Products Officer (1), General Secretary (1), Social Secretary (1), Editor (1), Ride-out Co-Ordinator (1), and four (3) Club committee members. 7. The Club Management. Management members shall not be entitled to vote at Executive committee meetings, but are able to vote as normal club members at General meetings. Management members shall be entitled to attend committee meetings for the purpose of offering guidance and support to the executive committee. The Membership shall appoint a President nominated at the Annual General Meeting who shall retire annually, but will be eligible to be re-appointed. The Membership may nominate Life Vice President(s) nominated at an AGM, these currently being Mike Grainger, Ron Densley, Michele Densley, Pete Batten. And Derek Wood. 8. Annual General Meeting. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in each year on the first club meeting in January, and the business shall be(a) Read and review minutes of the last Annual General Meeting. (b) Receive the annual reports from all committee officers for their past year. (c) Receive the annual balance sheet of the club accounts and balances. (d) Election of club officers. (e) To consider nominations for Life Time Honorary Membership and or Life Vice President(s). (f) Consider any other business. Membership subscription shall be determined at the AGM and be within one (1) month thereof. Any resolution or business requiring a vote shall be passed by a simple majority vote of members present by a show of hands. In the event of a tie in the voting the Chairperson of the AGM shall be entitled to one (1) casting vote. Nominations for the committee along with details of the Proposer and Seconder shall be handed in writing to the General Secretary. The committee for the coming year shall be the nominated persons, individually elected by a show of hands by those members present. All nominated persons shall have being paid up members for at least twelve (12) months before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Here more than two (2) nomination are received for the same post, nominees will be asked to address the meeting individually, prior to the casting of the votes for election. The committee shall arrange the club AGM each membership year, this being the 1st club meeting of January and giving members at least twenty one (21) days notice in writing. Continued overleaf.
Plymouth Motorcycle Club – Constitution. Page 2 of 2 Revised Jan 09,
The Chairperson of a meeting shall have a casting vote only and that only in a case of an equal tie of votes. All nominees who are proposed and seconded shall present themselves to the General meeting for the identification prior to voting. All nominees who are proposed and seconded shall declare prior to voting, any other committee positions they hold with other clubs or similar organisations. At General meetings all paid-up members present shall be entitled to one (1) vote, and no more upon any one (1) proposal. The Chairperson shall nominate at all General meetings two (2) independent vote counters neutral to the purpose of the meeting. Any paid-up member holding two (2) Executive committee offices shall be entitled to only one (1) vote, and no more upon any one (1) proposal. 10 Extra Ordinary General Meeting. 10.1 At least seven (7) days notice shall be given to all Executive committee members of any Extra Ordinary General Meeting. 10.2 Such a requisition for an Extra Ordinary General Meeting shall state therein the nature of the business for which the meeting is desired. 10.3 The General Secretary shall arrange for a written posted notice of the Extra Ordinary General Meeting, giving club members at least fourteen (14) days notice. 10.4 Shall be called by the Committee on receipt of a written application to the General Secretary and signed by no less than two thirds (2/3) of the paid up membership. 10.5 The Committee may also call for an Extra Ordinary General Meeting based on a written proposal to the General Secretary, which has been passed by a majority Executive Committee Vote. 11. Amendments to the rules and constitution. 11.1 The Rules and Constitution shall not be altered except at an Extra Ordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. 11.2 Amendments to the Rules and Constitution can only be made by the members at an Extra Ordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose, and must be passed by a majority vote. 12. Interpretation of Rules and Constitution. 12.1 The words ‘General Meeting’ as used in this Rules and Constitution is considered to be applicable to both an Annual General meeting and an Extra Ordinary General Meeting. 12.2 The Executive committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Rules and Constitution, and their decision on the interpretation shall be final and binding on the members 12.3 The words ‘Executive Committee’ refers to paid up members who have been duly elected to committee level and therefore en-powered by the membership to vote on club business Executive decisions on behalf of the members. 13. Bank Account. 13.1 All monies to be deposited within ten (10) working days of receipt by the treasurer or nominated person. 13.2 All monies shall be held in the name of ‘Plymouth Motorcycle Club’ and placed in a duly accredited bank, except petty cash. 13.3 For the purpose of the club’s accounts the financial shall be deemed to be one (1) month prior to the Annual General Meeting. 13.4 All cheques drawn against the Plymouth Motorcycle Club account(s) must require a minimum of two (2) Executive committee members’ signatures. 13.5 For the Annual General Meeting financial report two (2) club members not serving on the Executive committee will be selected to audit the club accounts and balance sheets. 13.6 There shall be four (4) committee members’ signatories for the club account(s) to ensure flexibility of the club business; no bank or credit cards are to be attached to the account(s). 14. Complaints Procedure. 14.1 Complaints concerning safety matters during club activities, discrimination or poor administration matters should be addressed to any committee member. 14.2 This procedure has been created to allow members to raise complaints about club issues. 15. Discipline. 15.1 Any disciplinary action carried out by the Executive committee will be formally reported to the club members. 15.2 Any member who resigns or is expelled shall not be able to claim any, or share any, of the club property or its assets. 16 Dissolution of the club. 16.1 The club shall not be dissolved except by a resolution of three quarters (3/4) of those present at an Extra Ordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose. 16.2 Fourteen (14) days notice of any proposed Extra Ordinary General Meeting for the dissolution of the club shall be given to all members in writing by the General Secretary. 16.3 In the event of dissolution, any remaining funds after satisfaction of all debits and liabilities shall be disposed of as decided by the members present at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting. ====================================================================================================
Guidelines for Charity Runs 1. If the person organising the charity ride is not a Plymouth Motorcycle Club member they should be requested to join the PMCC before it is agreed by the Executive Committee to do the ride. 2. A proposed flyer about the charity ride should be made by the organiser and subjected for approval by no less than two (2) months prior to the date of the ride, so as to give time for it to be advertised to club members and the public. 3. A proposed route and destination should be given to the Plymouth Motorcycle Club Marshals three (3) weeks prior to the charity ride to give them time to check the safety of the route and make any necessary changes. 4. All charity monies to be given to the Treasurer for banking purposes, on the day of the event.