Ply Reporter Magazine December 2019 Preview

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Published on 10th December 2019



A Techno-Informative Magazine EDITORIAL & CORRESPONDENCE 40/76, LGF, C.R. Park, New Delhi - 110 019. Tel.: 011-4678 0023 Email : ADVERTISING Tel.: +91-9310612999, E-mail: CONTENT Tel.: +91-93106 12993 E-mail: SUBSCRIPTION / CIRCULATION Tel.: 011-46780023 Mob.: +91-93106 12995 / 2 E-mail: ACCOUNTS Tel.: +91-93106 12996 E-mail:

CONTENTS Regular Coloumn 20-22 Editorial 275 Horoscope

24-26 Apni Baat 276 Advertiser’s Index

News Watch 28 I Phenol Safeguard effect may

lsQxkMZ M~;wVh ds ckn egaxk gks ldrk gS] QsukWy

34 I Uttar Pradesh New Plywood

mÙkj çns'k esa ubZ IykbZoqM QSDVfj;k¡ % vkl ckdh ;k\

48 I Low RMC, helped big Players

dPps eky lLrs gksus ls cM+s Iys;lZ

50 I India initiates a probe on exports

,eMh,Q fu;kZr lfClMh ij Hkkjr] tkap 'kq:

52 I Face Veneer procurement may

cekZ vkSj ykvksl ls Qsl fofu;j dh vkod c<+us dh lEHkkouk

60 I American Hardwoods imports

Hkkjr esa vesfjdh gkMZoqM dk vk;kr c<+k

62 I CenturyPly’ profit Rs. 52 cr in July-

lsapqjh IykbZ dk ykHk tqykbZ&flracj frekgh esa 52 djksM+ #

64 I Greenply reports profit of

xzhuIykbZ dks nwljh frekgh esa 26-4 djksM+ :i, dk ykHk

see rising phenol price

Factories; Hope Alive OR… ?

to improve profit in 2nd Quarter dks equkQk c<+k subsidisation on MDF

improve from Burma and Laos grew in India Sept quarter

Rs 26.4cr in Q2

84 I Glitz, Glitter Galore : Shimmer

Range from AICA

TURNING POINTS OF 2019 146 I Timber: High Price, a Constant

fVEcj dh Åaph dher us iwjs lky j[kk ijs”kku

147 I UP Plywood Industry: New

;wih IykboqM m|ksx% u, ykblsal ij cuh jgh vfuf'prrk

148 I Organized Sector: Sales Grew,

laxfBr {ks= eas fcØh c<+h] ekftZu fxjk

150 I North based Plywood Industry

ukFkZ bafM;k esa can gqbZ dbZ IykboqM bdkbZ

152 I Laminate: Liner becomes the

ySfeusV% ykbuj cuk ladVekspd

154 I Face Veneer: Demand – Supply

Qsl fofu;j% ekax ,oa vkiwfrZ csesy

155 I MDF Plants Slogged, Yet to Back

,eMh,Q IykaV~l% vHkh VªSd ij vkuk ckdh

156 I Decorative Veneer –

MsdksjsfVo fofu;j dk vkd"kZ.k cjdjkj

158 I Birth of India Interior Retailing

IIR & bafM;k baVsfj;j fjVsfyax

Pain Point


Licenses face uncertainty Margins fell

Printed, published and owned by Pragat Dvivedi, Printed at Modest Graphics Pvt. Ltd., C-53, DDA Shed, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-I, New Delhi-110020 and published at F-1118, C.R. Park, New Delhi - 110 019. Editor Pragat Dvivedi The views expressed in the columns of ‘The Ply Reporter’ are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher & they accept no responsibility for them. No part of this magazine including advertisements designs, prepared by us or through us should be copied, reproduced or transmitted by anyone without prior written permission of the publisher. The Magazine is not responsible for the opinions & ideas presented on the following pages. All disputes regarding this magazine will be settled in Delhi (India) Jurisdiction only.


Witnessed Closures survival anchor mismatch On Track

Retains Charm (IIR)Platform

dh “kq:vkr






Amulya Mica 7 Wonder 1.25 mm Laminate Collections: A Perfect Match for Dream, Design & Decor

MANILAM, Huge Manufacturing Setup in UP





RMD Boards is a suitable wall paneling&Ceiling solutions, and its demand will grow, say dealers


144 | Loyal of AICA

269 | Technical Update

Effect Of Veneer Drying At Higher Temperature For Plywood Manufacturing

Mr Manoj Leelachand Oswal, Owner (proprietor) of L K Ply, Kolhapur S. C. Sahoo & B. N. Mohanty of Indian Plywood Industries Research &Training Institute (IPIRTI)






Greenlam Connect




Event Watch

190 | Action TESA gave the Indian Panel

192 | Bhutantuff unveils its brand new, office in Saraswati Vihar, New Delhi

194 | Archidply Participated In Exhibition Cum Seminar In Guwahati

195 | Dolby Mica Launches their

196 | Crossbond Acp Distributors On

198 | Tajpuria launches its 0.8 mm in a

200 | Srg Organizes Trip For Architects

202 | CPL supported Business Conclave

226 | G Décor launched its huge PVC

Industry its first ‘Studio On wheels.’

display gallery at Pune

And Interior Designers At Bali

Four Days Trip To Istanbul

Momentum – 2019 held in Surat

glittering ceremony at lucknow

Edge-band Tape range in Delhi




Pragat Dvivedi, Founder Editor


We know, that ‘short core plywood’ can not match Full core, or a ‘dipping colored’ COMMERCIAL grade can not match genuine 710 BWR phenolic plywood or a NON MAT ply cant match strength and durability of a genuine ‘CALIBRATED composed FULL CORE ply standard. But market bargains, and force trade to compare ‘cucumber to apple’. Not Comparing apple to apple product, and selling cheap quality by claiming the same is nothing but duping a customer, who will eventually know and never trust the plywood as a product in coming time. lowly cutting its own tree branch where they are actually sitting.

Today, producing inferior quality material to survive, is justified by industry people and selling those low quality products are smartly justified and demanded by dealers, by terming ‘market is very slow and bad’. But we all know, that selling duplicate PF or any mix wood, untreated ardu, rubber core will become a nightmare for the consumer after a couple of years if a dealer is not telling the truth of the quality or cheating a customer in name/faith of the retail counter. The fierce competetion has impacted the quality of plywood, laminate up to grave extent which is extremely benefitting other substitues and readymade furniture culture. Unfortunately but true, i have not been able to remember many companies/brands in even other sectors e.g Electrical, Wires, cables & switches, Plumbing materials and Bathroom fittings, Sanitary or home appliance, Electronics or Automobile. Even the Machinery & equipment makers did not survive by selling cheap or poor quality. Even the builders who made very cheap flats by offering ‘below the cost or at par flats’ are finally gone. Chinese products in India have been the biggest example, where items were priced according to importers demand and which finally led to ‘lost of trust of unbranded chinese products’. That is the reason why Japan, US & Europe companies invested in China. They didn’t wish to cheat their customers. We buy our phones, bags and many items made in China, Bangladesh, Vietnam but actually we buy the brands who have retained quality and trust. Plywood, laminate, door makers need to undertand that come 2023, many more industries and shops will not be around just because they lacked the action plan to compete on basis of honestly. The same is unfortunately more true in case of dealers. Today a plywood is sold at Rs 35 and at Rs 55 too. Both “types” claim to be best. The dealer who opt to prefer the cheaper one, despite of knowing that it is not the same quality. He has a justification i.e MARGIN & market COMPETETION’ because he buys cheap and sell equally near to the costlier quality by convincing the customer. We know, that ‘short core plywood’ can not match Full core, or a ‘dipping colored’ COMMERCIAL grade can not match genuine 710 BWR phenolic plywood or a NON MAT ply cant match strength and durability of a genuine ‘CALIBRATED composed FULL CORE ply standard. But market bargains, and force trade to compare ‘cucumber to apple’. Not Comparing apple to apple product, and selling cheap quality by claiming the same is nothing but duping a customer, who will eventually know and never trust the plywood as a product in coming time. lowly cutting its own tree branch where they are actually sitting. Our surveys still find, the strongly placed brands are all based on quality and standard products that are costlier but still growing. We all need profits and cash flow which is not possible without product quality, longer battle plan and comittment. Ofcourse journey is long, it is a marathon not a 100 meter race. Cheap and best is an illusion, best comes at cost, cheap comes after compromise on quality.One need to find the balance, and history shows “Balance is always found by quality makers and quality sellers”.

Pragat Dvivedi Founder Editor

Mail to “”, ( M) 9310612991.




dkSu fVdsxk\ & lLrk ;k xq.korkA


ge lHkh tkurs gS fd “kkWVZ dksj ls cuh IykbZ] Qqy dksj okyh ds leku ugha gks ldrh] dyMZ dh gqbZ def”kZ;y IykbZ] 710 ih,QxzsM dh IykbZ ugha gks ldrh gS] fcuk eSVokyh IykbZ] dHkh Hkh dSfyczsVsM IykbZ ugha gks ldrh gSA ysfdu cktkj esa ckjxsu gksrk gS] vkSj yksx [khjs ds jsV esa] lsc dh ekax djrs gSaA csgrj DokfyVh okys izksMDV dks rjthguk nsdj] lLrh DokfyVh dks csgrj crk dj cspuk] xzkgdksa dks èkks[kk nsus tSlk gSA ,sls esa xzkgdksa dh fo”oluh;rk] IykboqM ls de gksxh] vkSj bl rjg dk d``R; mlh rjg ls gS] tSls ftl isM+ dh Mkyh ij vki cSBs gSa] mlh dks dkV jgsa gSaA

vkt dy] cktkj esa fVds jgus ds fy, lLrh DokfyVh dk izkM s DV cukuk] mls cgqr gh prqjkbZ ds lkFk MhylZ dks nsuk] vkSj bu lc phtksa dks ;s dgdj mfpr Bgjk fn;k tkrk gS fd cktkj esa cgqr eank gS] cktkj cgqr [kjkc gS ;k cktkj esa ekax ugha gSA ysfdu ge lHkh ;s tkurs gSa fd udyh ih,Q cspuk ;k fdlh feDloqM ;k vuVªhVsVvkjMw ;k jcjoqM ds dksjfofu;j ls cus IykboqM dks cspuk] vkus okys nks lkyksa esa ,d liuk lkfcr gksus okykgS] D;ksfa d MhylZ@jhVsylZ] vc vius nqdku dh xqMfoy ds cy ij] lLrh xq.kork okyh IykbZ cspdj] yacs le; rd lPpkbZ dks Nqikdj] /kks[kk ugha ns ldrs gSAa xykdkV izfrLi/kkZ dh otg ls vc lLrh DokfyVh okys IykboqM o ysfeusV dk vU; oSDyfid esVfs j;y vkSj jsfMesM QuhZpj ls xgjk /kDdk yxus okyk gSA nqHkkZX; ls ysfdu ;s lp gS] vkSj eSua s Hkh ,slh dbZ daifu;ka dks ns[kk gS] c”kZrs oks vU; lsDVj tSls bysfDVªdy] okW;j] dscy ;k fLop] iyafcx o ckFk esVfs j;y] lsuVs jh o gkse ,Iyk;all s ] vkWVkseksckby] e”khujh] vU; ;a= vkfn ds gks]a ftUgas lLrh DokfyVh dk esVfs j;y cukus dk [kkfe;ktk Hkqxruk iM+k gS] vkSj mUgsa can gksuk iM+k gSA ;gka rd dh lLrs DokfyVh ds ?kj cukus okys fcYMlZ tks LkLrk ?kj cspas gS]a mUgsa Hkh viuk dkjksckj lesVuk iM+k gSA ;gha ugha geus dbZ pkbuht lLrs izkM s DV Hkh cktkj esa ns[ksa ga]S xzkgdkas esa mudh fo”oluh;rk de gksrh gS] vkSj varr% vk;ksrdksa dks bldk [kkfe;ktk Hkqxruk gksrk gS] ;gha dkj.k gS fd vesfjdk] ;qjksi vkSj tkiku dh daifu;k¡ lLrs izkM s DV cukus ds fy, phu esa fuos”k djrh gS] D;kafd os vius ns”k ds xzkgdksa dks /kks[kk ugha nsuk pkgrh] ftUgsa flQZ DokfyVh izkM s DV ysuk gksrk gSA ge dbZ ,sls izkM s DV] tSlQ s ksu] cSx] vkfn phu] ckaXykns”k] fo;ruke esa cus gq, [kjhnrs gS]a ysfdu oSlkczkM a [kjhnuk ilan djrs gS]a ftldh DokfyVh dks ysdj cktkj esa vPNh fo”oluh;rk gksrh gSA IykboqM] ysfeusV] Mksj fuekZrkvksa dks ;g vPNs ls le> ysuk pkfg, fd lky 2023 rd os daifu;ka o nqdkusa vki ds vkl ikl ugha fn[ksx a h] ftu ds ikl bekunkjh ls csgrj ,D”ku Iyku dk vHkko gksxkA vkt cktkj esa 35 :- vkSj 55 :- dh IykbZ fcdrh gS] nksukas rjg ds mRiknd bls csgrj izkM s DV crkrs gSAa Mhyj] 35 : okyhIykbZ [kjhnrk gS] c”krsZ mls irk gksrk gS fd ;s 55 :- okyh ls fuEu DokfyVh dk gSA oks rdZ ;s nsrk gS fd cktkj esa dM+h izfrLi/kkZ gS] ekftZu de gS]a gkykafd cktkj esa og egaxh okyh IykbZ ds jsV esa gh xzkgd dks eky csp nsrk gSA ge lHkh tkurs gS fd “kkWVZ dksj ls cuh IykbZ] Qqy dksj okyh ds leku ugha gks ldrh] dyMZ dh gqbZ def”kZ;y IykbZ] 710 ih,QxzM s dh IykbZ ugha gks ldrh gS] fcuk eSVokyh IykbZ] dHkh Hkh dSfyczVs M s IykbZ ugha gks ldrh gSA ysfdu cktkj esa ckjxsu gksrk gS] vkSj yksx [khjs ds jsV es]a lsc dh ekax djrs gSAa csgrj DokfyVh okys izkM s DV dks rjthguk nsdj] lLrh DokfyVh dks csgrj crk dj cspuk] xzkgdksa dks èkks[kk nsus tSlk gSA ,sls esa xzkgdksa dh fo”oluh;rk] IykboqM ls de gksxh] vkSj bl rjg dk d`R` ; mlh rjg ls gS] tSls ftl isM+ dh Mkyh ij vki cSBs gS]a mlh dks dkV jgsa gSAa gekjk losZ ;s crkrk gS fd oSls czkM a tks DokfyVh o LVSM a MZ izkM s DV cukrsa gS]a os csgrj o etcwrh fLFkfr gS] Hkys gh oks egaxs gks]a ysfdu os xzkFs k dj jgsa gSAa ge lHkh dks izkfs QV vkSj csgrj dS”k Q~y ~ ks dh t:jr gS] ysfdu ;s rHkh laHko gS] tc vPNh izkM s DV DokfyVh] csgrj xzkFs k Iyku vkSj dfeVesVa ds lkFk dke djsAa gkykfd ;s ;k=k yach gS] vkSj ;g ,d esjkFku dh rjg gS] ukfd 100 ehVj jslA lLrk o csgrj] ,d lkFk ikuk] ,d liuk dh rjg gksrk gS] D;ksfa d csgrj ikus ds fy, T;knk [kpZ djuk gksrk gS] vkSj lLrk ikus ds fy, DokfyVh ls le>kSrk djuk iM+rk gSA lHkh dks ,d lary q u cuk, j[kus dh t:jr gS] vkSj bfrgkl xokg gS fd lary q u rHkh cusxk] tc DokfyVh cukus vkSj DokfyVh cspus okys ,d lkFk feydj dke djsAas [kwc i<+]s [kwc c<+As

izxr f}osnh Mail to “”, (M) 9310612991




Rajiv Parashar, Editor


It is true that india's Plywood Industry has always been concerned about face veneer economics, and Rs 24 is the sweet spot where quality matters. It means 2020 will be an interesting year to see whether Burma, Indonesia or Laos will regain, what they have lost to Okoume by offering suitable quality and price or they will let Okoume and Recon grow their market share as it has been during last 2 years? Which country to become important in Face veneer game will be a matter of curiosity.

The topic on face veneer has always been debated due to price and availability. Before 2013-14, the face veneer cost was below Rs 4.00 per sqft, which shot up to doubled after 2015. The face veneer procurement centers such as Burma, Laos and Vietnam were not much successful because of their respective government’s policies then. Although the Indian Plywood producers kept on searching avenues leading to 20% of demand met from logs coming from Soloman, P&G etc. After the trial & error in Gabon from 2014 to 16, the Indian plywood producers began to accept Okoume and Reckon face because the cost to input came as half compared to Gurjan. After a series of seminars organised by The Ply Reporter, the confidence of plywood industry increased and Okume face was accepted as a sustainable Face Veneer for plywood. That presently occupies approx. 25% of Indian Face Veneer market share, which has further come down after supply rised from Myanmar, Indonesia and China. In the meantime, Reckon Veneer dominates in Film Faced plywood market. Now since last few months, Indonesia gains as vital supply centre, thanks to price and quality supply in Gurjan Face Veneer. Indonesia Face Veneer prices are floating at 24 to 32 range that has given a sweet spot in current market. As a result Indian ports have been receiving approximately 200 containers from Indonesia. Now, report suggests that Burma too, can be a viable come back in Gurjan scene, because the prices of Gurjan logs are very reasonable and dropped to the levels of 600 dollar (half the price of last year) which is good news for Gurjan Face admirers. Face veneer mills located in Burma are excited and hope to improve Gurjan supply. News from Laos also indicates that local government may give access to veneer exports, hence the supply might improve from Laos in coming time. It is true that india's Plywood Industry has always been concerned about face veneer economics, and Rs 24 is the sweet spot where quality matters. It means 2020 will be an interesting year to see whether Burma, Indonesia or Laos will regain, what they have lost to Okoume by offering suitable quality and price or they will let Okoume and Recon grow their market share as it has been during last 2 years? Which country to become important in Face veneer game will be a matter of curiosity. This December has featured ‘Turning Point of 2019’, refreshing the major happenings of complete 2019 means memory as well as learning. The news reports on present status of Licenses of new wood based industry scenario, phenol, laminates, plywood, timber, face veneer etc are worth read, which you find only in Ply Reporter. Reports related to recent exhibitions held in Mumbai, Product launch from different houses, report of growing acceptance of RMD Boards for wall panel in India, are interesting read. Keep reading, keep sending your feed back!

Rajiv Parashar (I appreciate your feedback. Write at or SMS on 93106 12993)


viuh ckr


cekZ] baMksusf'k;k] xSckWu esa Qsl fofu;j fgLlsnkjh c<+kus dh tax!


Hkkjr dk IykboqM m|ksx ges'kk Qsl fofu;j dh dherksa dks ysdj ltx jgk gS] vkSj csgrj DokfyVh dk Qsl fofu;j vxj 24 #i;s ds jsat esa feyrk jgrk gSa] rks muds fy, ,d lgt fLFkfr cuh jgrh gSA bldk eryc ;g gS fd 2020 ;g ns[kus ds fy, ,d fnypLi o"kZ gksxk fd D;k cekZ] baMksusf'k;k ;k ykvksl vius iqjkus vkd"kZ.k gkfly dj ,d 24 : ds nk;js esa Qsl fofu;j eqgS;k djokus esa lQy gks ik,sax] tks mUgksaus mi;qä xq.koÙkk vkSj T;knk dher ds pyrs vksdwes ij f”kQ~V gksus ij etcwj dj fn;k Fkk ;k D;k vksdwes vkSj fjdkWu dks viuk cktkj fgLlsnkjh c<+kus esa lQy gkssxsa] tSlk fd fiNys 2 o"kksaZ ds nkSjku gqvk gS\ Qsl fofu;j ds [ksy esa dkSu lk ns'k egRoiw.kZ lkfcr gksxk] ;g mRlqdrk dk fo"k; cusxkA

dher vkSj miyC/krk dks ysdj Qsl fofu;j ges'kk ppkZ dk fo"k; jgk gSA 2013&14 ls igys Qsl fofu;j dh IykboqM cukus esa ykxr [kpZ 4 :i, izfr oxZ QhV ls uhps gqvk djrk Fkk] tks 2015 ds ckn nksxquk c<+ x;kA LkkFk gh ml nkSjku cekZ] ykvksl] fo;ruke tSls ns”k Qsl fofu;j mRiknu dsaæ ds :i esa mHkjs] ysfdu ogka fd LFkkuh; ljdkj dh rRdkyhu uhfr ds dkj.k ;s T;knk lQy ugha gq,A gkykafd Hkkjrh; IykboqM fuekZrk Hkh ubZ txgksa dh ryk'k djrs jgs vkSj mUgksaus lksykseu] ih,aMth vkfn ls y‚x dk lQyrkiwoZd vk;kr fd;k] tks ;gka fd [kir dk yxHkx 20 çfr'kr FkkA 2014 ls 16 rd dbZ dksf'k'kksa ds ckn] Hkkjrh; IykboqM fuekZrkvksa us xsc‚u ls vk, vksdwes Qsl fofu;j dks Lohdkj fd;k D;ksafd blds pyrs xtZu ds eqdkcys Qsl fofu;j ykxr [kpZ vk/kk gks x;kA IykbZ fjiksVZj }kjk dbZ lsfeukj vk;ksftr fd;s tkus ds ckn IykboqM m|ksx dk fo'okl vksdwes Qsl ij c<+k vkSj ;g IykboqM ds fy, ,d lLVsuscy Qsl fofu;j ds :i esa Lohdkj fd;k x;kA ftldk vHkh Hkkjrh; Qsl fofu;j ekdsZV esa “ks;j rdjhcu „‡ Qhlnh fgLlsnkjh jgh] gkykafd E;kaekj] baMksusf'k;k] vkSj phu ls lIykbZ c<+us ds ckn vksdwes Qsl dh fgLlsnkjh ?kV xbZ gSA bl nkSjku fQYe Qsl IykboqM cukus ds fy, jsd‚u fofu;j iwjh rjg lQy jgk] vkSj fjdkWu us fQYe Qsl IykbZ ij ekuks dCtk dj fy;k gSA vc fiNys dqN eghukas ls xtZu Qsl fofu;j vPNh dher ij lIykbZ c<+us ls baMksusf'k;k ,d çeq[k Qsl fofu;j lIykbZ lsaVj cudh mHkj x;k gSA baMksusf'k;k Qsl fofu;j dh dhersa 24 ls 32 ds jsat ij py jgh gSa] ftlus ekStwnk cktkj dks viuh ,d idM+ cuk j[kh gS] ifj.kkeLo:i Hkkjrh; canjxkgksa ij baMksusf'k;k ls yxHkx 200 daVsuj izfr eghus vkrs gSaA vc] fjiksVZ ls irk pyrk gS fd cekZ Hkh xtZu esa okilh dj ldrk gS] D;ksafd xtZu y‚x dh dhersa cgqr gh mfpr nj ;kuh 600 M‚yj ¼fiNys o"kZ dh vk/kh dher½ ds Lrj rd fxj xbZ gSa tks fd xtZu Qsl ilan djus okyksa ds fy, vPNh [kcj gSA cekZ fLFkr Qsl fofu;j ;wfuV vc dkQh mRlkfgr gSa vkSj xtZu ds lIykbZ esa lq/kkj dh mEehn dj jgs gSA ykvksl ls feys lekpkj Hkh ladsr nsrk gS fd LFkkuh; ljdkj fofu;j fu;kZr dh vuqefr ns ldrh gS] blfy, vkus okys le; esa ykvksl ls Hkh vkiwfrZ esa lq/kkj gks ldrk gSA Hkkjr dk IykboqM m|ksx ges'kk Qsl fofu;j dh dherksa dks ysdj ltx jgk gS] vkSj csgrj DokfyVh dk Qsl fofu;j vxj 24 #i;s ds jsat esa feyrk jgrk gSa] rks muds fy, ,d lgt fLFkfr cuh jgrh gSA bldk eryc ;g gS fd 2020 ;g ns[kus ds fy, ,d fnypLi o"kZ gksxk fd D;k cekZ] baMksusf'k;k ;k ykvksl vius iqjkus vkd"kZ.k gkfly dj ,d 24 : ds nk;js esa Qsl fofu;j eqgS;k djokus esa lQy gks ik,sax] tks mUgksaus mi;qä xq.koÙkk vkSj T;knk dher ds pyrs vksdwes ij f”kQ~V gksus ij etcwj dj fn;k Fkk ;k D;k vksdwes vkSj fjd‚u dks viuk cktkj fgLlsnkjh c<+kus esa lQy gkssxsa] tSlk fd fiNys 2 o"kksaZ ds nkSjku gqvk gS\ Qsl fofu;j ds [ksy esa dkSu lk ns'k egRoiw.kZ lkfcr gksxk] ;g mRlqdrk dk fo"k; cusxkA fnlacj ds bl vad esa ^2019 dk VfuaZx i‚baV* çdkf'kr fd;k x;k gS] tks 2019 dh çeq[k ?kVukvksa dh ;kn rktk djus esa lgk;d gksaxs vkSj blls gesa lcd ysuk pkfg,A ydM+h vk/kkfjr ;wih esa u, ykblsal dk m|ksx ifj–';] fQuksy] ySfeusV] IykboqM] ydM+h] Qsl fofu;j vkfn dh orZeku fLFkfr ij lekpkj i<+us ;ksX; gSa] tks vkidks dsoy IykbZ fjiksVZj esa feyrh gSaA eqacbZ esa gky gh esa vk;ksftr çn'kZfu;ksa ls lacaf/kr fjiksVZ] fofHkUu çfr"Bkuksa dk çksMDV y‚Up] Hkkjr esa okWy iSuy ds fy, vkj,eMh cksMZ dh c<+rh Loh—fr ij çdkf'kr fjiksVZ] fnypLi gSaA i<+rs jgsa] vkSj viuk QhM cSd Hkstrs jgsa!

Rajiv Parashar (I appreciate your feedback. Write at or SMS on 93106 12993)



Greenlam Industries Ltd with their state-of-the-art facility and world class infrastructure equipped with latest machines, is a leading establishment providing complete surface solutions. Company’s focus remaines on architects, interior designers and other industry professionals like carpenters, contractors, etc. In relation to their excellence of professional expertise Greenlam recently invited a number of architects to their manufacturing unit at Nalagarh in HP. The architects were very much impressed and motivated after visiting the plant. Secondly, with approach to reach to the next level in customer service and product reach Greenlam continuously increasing their presence with product display under their SIS launch initiative. In line to this they have opened another showroom display at Pune which is much liked by the industry professionals in the region. With many efforts the company’s awareness drive for educating the industry professionals on their product line and latest offerings of innovative range of laminates and clad are continue.


Architects from Surat, Vadodara and Vapi recently visited Greenlam Industries’ Nalagarh plant. The plant team in presence of Factory Head – Mr. B.L Sharma was very generous to help the guests visit each section in continuance of acquainting them with all relevant

answers to their questions. The plant based in Himachal Pradesh has been operational since 2009 at Nalagarh in Solan district. Its production capacity is 8.68 million sheets. The plant is also equipped with display centre where all the products, which are being manufactured at









ith a lineage marked with innovation and excellence, Action TESA gave the Indian Panel Industry its first ‘Studio On wheels.’ 23rd November 2019, was the day when this meticulously designed marvel began its journey across India roads bringing to life the group’s philosophy to “Be an innovator, and not an imitator”. The company realised that in this busy world it’s tough for each and every customer across pan India to visit exhibitions and have first-hand information about the product offered by the company, its quality and intended usage. Although company representative/ Distributors/ Dealers/ Contractors & Carpenters are always making the customers aware about the products and it’s application but going one step furtherAction TESA thought of this innovative concept of connecting directly with the target audience and introduced an executive lounge “Studio On Wheels”. This executive lounge will travel across PAN India. This LIVE EXPERIENTIAL CENTREis designed to bring latest trends and innovation in the interior and building




solutions within the reach of end customers. This STATE-OF-ART INITIATIVE is intended not only to explore vast range of products offered by the company and but also an opportunity to witness the innovative applications of these future products thus uplifting the aura of your interiors. “We look forward this attempt of ours will help us in imparting the know-how of engineered panel products which are value for money, environment friendly and user friendly,” said Mr Ajay Agarwal, MD. Further the company also intend to connect with the fraternity of Architect, Interior Designer, Architecture Institution, Builders, PMC’s…..etc. to showcase the range of innovative products viz. HDHMR, HDHMR Door, AC-5 HDF Laminated Flooring, FR Grade MDF…. which meet international quality standards. Loaded with all the innovation and excellence, ‘Studio on Wheels’ is coming to your city. So get ready to experience all the goodness. See you soon.






rossbond organised a trip to Istanbul for its select distributors for 4 days from November 7 to 11, 2019 where all the distributors enjoyed the moment a lot. Crossbond, a brand from the house of Metro Group, is one of the leading manufacturers of ACP, HPL, Particle Boards, MDF, PVC laminates, Plywood, Veneer, Crystal UV and Edge Band Tape in India. Crossbond has been successfully delivering throughout the country with the support of its extensive distributor’s network and company warehouses. Parallel to the successful MDF Division, Crossbond has rolled out a series of ACP sheets resembling the variety of stones occurring in nature, under the name of True Stone. “We at Crossbond feel that our distributors play a very crucial role in our share of success. And for all of their

efforts and the trust which they have put in towards the growing success of entire products range throughout the country, we decided to thank them by organising and sponsoring a trip to Istanbul away from their daily stressful schedule,” said Mr Ram Agrawal, MD Metro Group. The team of 20 distributors along with the company representatives Mr. Rajann Madan, Vice President, Marketing and Mr Arvind Garg, Regional Marketing Manager started the tour on November 7. The company representatives took proper care and maintained safety for guests on tour. Their stay at Ramada Taksin Hotel, Istanbul; the dinner cruise; local sightseeing; visit to the blue mosque; shopping at Grand Bazaar were all taken care of by the company representatives. The tour was organized by SOTC Travels.


On the second day distributors took a tour to Hippodrome Square, Blue Mosque, Hagias Sophia, Topkapi Palace. After visiting the place Mr Ankit Agarwal, Sri Balaji Sales Corporation, Bangalore said, “The landscape was beautiful at the Blue Mosque. Experience at the Grand Bazaar, one of the largest and oldest covered markets was something rare and unique.” The third day began with driving to the Asian Part of Camlica Hill, which continued by boat to the biggest of the Prince’s Island “Buyukada”. “This was one of the best moments in my life. Witnessing the Prince’s biggest island on a horse carriage was in itself a royal feeling” said Mr Vinay Kedia of Agrawal Enterprises, Raipur. “We returned to India on November 11, and are more than just a team now. We shared our ideologies during the trip. Leading to better options to promote Crossbond ACP business in our respective regions,” said Mr Aditya Agrawal, Sahara International, Kochi. Mr Murtuza Kanchwala, Silver Aluminium, Nashik shared his experience and said, “This was a wonderful experience. I enjoyed our time at best. We would love to thank everyone at Crossbond for the hassle-free trip.” After enjoying the leisure of their journey, Mr Varinder Kumar from AV Marketing, Ludhiana, said, “Because of our busy schedule we don’t get some time for ourselves. But thanks to Crossbond for making everything so effortless for us.”


The tour started with the group reaching to Turkey and on the very first day itself for team building, two of our distributors from South India Mr Saurabh Goel (Sri Balaji Ply & Veneer, Hyderabad) and Mr Ravindra Jain (SS Global Impex, Chennai) joined hands to boost Crossbond team in the southern region through implementing joint marketing strategies.


Mr Salil Singla of Singla Traders after reaching Delhi said“It is great to be a part of the team comprising of people from various parts of the country. All the distributors were equally happy and were interacting with one another in friendly manner. Thank you Crossbond for uniting us.” Mr. Naman Gupta, New Delhi Hardware Store, Indore and Mr. Bharat Agarwal, Shree Shyam Sales, Jaipur concurred that this trip offered holistic learning and leadership opportunities. They were able to share and learn best practices to continuously grow their respective markets year over year. This was a memorable trip for all the 20 distributors who were the best amongst Crossbond’s network in India. The company feels it has achieved the prime motive of bringing their distributors closer, aiming at implementing a unified marketing strategy down the line. The company wishes every distributor the very best in their efforts to promote Crossbond ACP and allied products. The company wishes to plan another trip very soon in the coming year for the best performers of the year.







MD Boards manufactured in Dubai by Vogue International has been brought for the first time in India by Ventura Art Panels LLP. It is an Engineered GenNext material, which will certainly revolutionize the interior decoration industry with its outstanding features & functionalities. RMD recently showcased its product range at Mumbai exhibition, which was visited by Film stars Mr. Sanjay Khan, Mr. Zayed Khan and Mrs. Zarine Khan. On the occasion Mrs. Deena Prakash Dhariwal, Ms. Saakshi Prakash Dhariwal, Mr. Anupam Lunavat, Ms. Sanyukta Anupam Lunavat from RMD Boards and Mr. Ramesh Gandhi, Mr. Manish Maheshwari, Mrs. Rita Ramesh Gandhi, Mr. Rishabh Gandhi, Mr. Raunak Gandhi and the entire team from Ventura Art Panels were also present. “We have introduced RMD wall covering and wall panel which are fully manufactured by RMD (Manikchand Group), Dubai and have been imported from there only. These wall panels are base on honeycomb polypropylene foils and printing has been done in different designs like wooden, graphicals, veneer, stone, marvel. We can install it directly on wall with no requirement of wooden paneling for it. For its application cement glue and PU glue can be used. It can be installed at damp walls as it is totally water and termite proof as it is a plastic product. With it 90 degree bend is possible and can also be applied on different kind of elements. It has more than 60 designs available stock in all zones in India. Ventura family is very excited about this product,” said Mr Manish Maheshwari of Ventura.

“Its response is very good because everybody is not seeing something so life like marvel. People who are stone and tiles dealers also like it and say this is absolutely authentic. The material looks expensive but when the cost of application of natural materials and preparation, base, glue, labor cost time, policing for that application the RMD wall covering is much better. Its one sheet of 8x4 sq ft weighs only 10 kg which can be carried out to different places very easily. Its application process is also very fast. “We all believe that this is the ultimate future in wall cladding and ceiling application,” said Mr. Prashant Maheshwari of Ventura. RMD Board products is a result of relentless R&D endeavours, are available in different variants in terms of



applications, sizes, finishes, textures. RMD Board offers

and walls can be protected from moisture. It was also

unparalleled blend of Functionalities, Aesthetics and Ease

shown that the Boards can be directly pasted on old

of Installation with substantial savings in labour costs &

or existing tiles and rough plastered walls. A lavish

time costs. They are Light weight but strong, Waterproof,

Lounge area was created with wooden lumbers and

Termite proof, Scratchproof, Inert to most chemicals and

marble design sheets which gave a very grand look and

offer excellent sound absorption, weatherabilty and fire

feel. The highlight of the stall was the Backlit hanging

resistance (on demand). It can fetch good salvage value

Chandelier at the entrance Created entirely with RMD

and are recyclable.

boards which was a never seen before set up. It gave a

During the exhibition a live Shower area completely

clear idea about how well this product can be used for

made in RMD Boards with continues water fall was

backlit applications.

created to show the Waterproof property of the product.

The Guests spoke and praised about the Innovation and

Also a lift lobby was made in RMD Boards with 90

environment friendly features of the product. Everyone

degrees bending. RMD boards were pasted on DAMP

was stunned to know about the speed and ease of the

(moisture affected) wall to explain that it can be installed

Installation of RMD Boards.

R.N.I DEL BIL 2000/02574 Posted Regd No. DL(S)01/3391/2017-19 Licensed to Post without Pre-payment U(S)-15/2017-19

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