Pogo y Aguante Nº 10 (English Version)

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Pogo and Stamina 10 Hold IF MEN

Pogo and Stamina is honored to present an interview with one of the most important singers in the history of the National Metal. We also have the 8th part of The History of Heavy Metal, the Metal calendar, a CD tribute to 30 years of "Fighting for Metal" and a CD with songs that recall the blow military, 37 years of the same.

Ideas and Realization: Matias Rosembach Facebook: Veins Steel South Fm Facebook page: Pogo and Stamina E-Mail: matiasmetal.rosembach @ gmail.com Phones: 2942-583579 / 299-5527172

We are not a rebellion; we are much more than that! March 2013 - Piedra del Aguila-NeuquĂŠnArgentina Patagonia Rebelde Not for sale to masks

Abaddon "... But the rest of the people, who were not killed by these calamities, not now ceased to do evil they did, that they should not worship devils, and idols gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk ... " As legions up with thirst for battle, like a tsunami sweeping leaving nothing action will enter the army of Abaddon.

Among snakes people get lost in your magic worshiping the stone image and scarlet and in every prison there is a heart on fire crying in his soul for their salvation.

In Flames - drinking their diversion exalted - the cup of the angel of destruction Destruction

Seven trumpets announce the virtual plague two-thirds of the world decided not love and death. Which was followed in his vanity, rivalry continued in subjecting their children to the fire of his deviation.

Woe to those days! There will be another chance to love. Pour the offering of your heart and calls for a new direction No room for error in flames the vision of the angel Abaddon exalts

Ian (2012), from the album "New Order"

Song Useless So many years and the time did not erase the moment that afternoon in the sectional. Those guys looked like playing with your mother, weeping inconsolably: "That's two months I have not seen and those bastards say: Something will have done! ". Although you were very young then, did you know the same.

Son of a missing blood, street cries: trial and punishment. Red ink escrache wall, and the gases, and bull fighting. Listen, think; thinks, hears and says "It's not revenge, it is instinct without reason." the case moves to the feeling and this begins to cause all that I feel to be teen forever, it's like winning.

It is enough for today. it will be better than me and learn street of silence recognize that accomplices were also that pardon-our passive indecision and although life nobody is going to return, prevention is cure and fight is hopeless. the end of the day is more sincere than this useless song which is all that I have to be teen forever, it's like winning. Attaque (2000), the album "Insomnia Radio"

Raped Earth Dolores terror grows, more pigs booming claim to be serving the people inflames it goes ... You shoot them in cold blood, innocent souls fall. The Argentina shame is standing again! JUSTICE WILL, TO MY UNDERSTANDING, NO MATTER WHO IS THAT JUSTICE WILL ... A Christ least on the face of our land raped who gave achieve take off without hunger ... want to see us their slaves, no longer bend over your head though they sound their shots ... finished soon! JERIKO (1997), the album "Earth Raped"

News Nini went Carabajal Be reborn For musical matters, Nini Carabajal left Renacer after more than four years in the band. Renacer is looking for a new guitarist to record their next studio album.

Beto announces Zamarbide Logos separation For over two decades, the metalhead public, has been used to hearing big announcements to throughout our careers. Together, we have always our shared history and heritage. Today, without But we have to make public some of these ads never wish to give. Unfortunately, because of significant differences in the musical and artistic direction of our group, we forced to make the decision, together with Miguel Roldan not to pursue the career of Logos.

In recent years, and with great effort and enthusiasm we have brought our music to every corner of Argentina and Latin America. It has not been an easy road but full of emotions and life experiences that we have shared with our audience at every concert. Each small or large where each of you opened their doors and their hearts. By that, I through these lines to thank you from the bottom of my heart, sacrifice shared by our management Hurling Metal and every one of you who provided us allowed to be more and better. That fervor, that heat that was always present, remain in me as he has power, not to "give up" ever. The story is yet to written and though this is a farewell to Logos, are always leaving blank pages.

Taken from the official website of Logos

I had a telephone conversation the evening of February 19 with Mario Ian, one of the most important musicians of the national metal scene. -Honored to have the interview with Mario Ian how are you, Mario? All right? - How are you Matthias? All right? Since Piedra del Ă guila me name? -Yes, Piedra del Ă guila- How great, so good! How nice place apart, right? -Yeah, you know her? Yes, I know something and the scenery is amazing -The earthly paradise haha Exactly, it's true -I would take the opportunity to talk about old times until now. Tell us a little about how you started musically. Did you start with Hellion or had any band before? -No. I started at age 9 to be into music because they say and at age 9 was my dream and knew it would be my purpose in my life to be in my music. At age 13 I did my first show and after the 16, 17 had a number of bands, I played in many places. I had a band 18 named Riff I played with Also, like the Riff side, Riff after he left, came nearly two years that I did that band. It is seen that they liked the name, because the cartels were in Capital of my band. After that band, at about age 20, we set Hellion and to 21 got my first album, "Hellion", the band was called the disc. It was an album very important at the time, had sold very well and was a band that had a lot people, carrying 3,000 or 4,000 people per show.

-What style did Hellion then? -Heavy Metal. It was one of the first two bands Heavy Metal of the country, along with V8. Moreover, rehearse together. Hellion and rehearsed in V8 same room. We knew. Ricardo came to trial Hellion sometimes, I went to test V8. We shared a little early in the race.


And from there jumped to Alakran. Can Alakran was already playing when you get in? -No. I got the album in '81 with Hellion and we broke up in '83. We spent three years with the band and had a personal problem between us. We parted and formed in '84 Alakran he had two albums and the band lasted until year '90. And in '93 I went to Rata Blanca.

-How did you get a Rat? How was the contact? Well, I know what Walter's first Heavy Metal era. He had a band called Red Dot. The better, we met Walter always. I was going to sing with Red Dot sometimes We were friends. I sometimes was on the tour bus with Rata Blanca, I climbed into micro and was leaving. That is because had a friendly relationship ten years. And when Barilari Walter left the band called me, I went to sing with them and offered the first week show and then started writing "Between Heaven and Hell. " We recorded the album in Spain. Then we had many differences of approach how to follow and I went in '97 White Rat. I was from '93 to '97, but I did the first two international tours. It was the first album recorded outside and played in several stages with international bands worldwide. That is, the international career Rata Blanca deposit, first because obviously they began to grow after internationally, but international first we did it together.

-And what is your opinion of the album "Between Heaven and Hell"? For me personally it is one of the best ever. Vos do you think?

-Look, has eight songs that are really very great songs are great songs. Rata Blanca sorry for do not touch any of bias, prejudice do not know what will be. But they are really important and songs with lyrics I think you are very strong and very important, thing Rat lyrics are not as expression and both have strong commitment as being the "Sky and Hell ", as does the first disc of Rat White also has very nice lyrics. The first Rata Blanca disk has, except for my taste "The Same Girl" and "Just to Love You" to me I do not like those letters. -But then there's "People of the South", "The Last Attack" ... Sure, "The latest attack", "Break the Spell", "Map", are profound lyrics. Those I enjoy. And in "Rainbow Warrior" there are also very good lyrics that I like. And "Between Heaven and Hell "had lyrics like" Under Control "," AIDS "," Inheritors of the Faith " "Obsession," "Jerusalem," Machine ". They are all letters that are good, are compromised. -The most powerful of all Rat disk. -In vivo. Live sounds very strong. The album would have liked to sound different, but Live the truth was impressive as it sounded. -A club must have been to see that. But Ian did shows with all these issues and I'll say it sounded. -Yeah I had the opportunity to see them live. -In NeuquĂŠn, right? -Yes, on Ruca Che Almafuerte and gallows. -I think it was a pretty good show that. -Yeah sounded "Obsession", "Inert Shadow of Love", a couple of songs from that album ... "Jerusalem" also. - What did you think of the band? -Not really live that is almost equal to the disk. -It's better. -And better too haha -It's better. With all humility, I say it sounded much better, because the band Ian yel sounded great album "Between Heaven and Hell" was not as good as the audio band Live. Rata Blanca Live Inclusive these issues made them sound better. -And then you left Rat, you came back to Alakran. -Also we are with Alakran, we made an album that came out last year, DVD and CD, which we are happy because it sounds perfect, this album sounds really great. And the band is preparing a new record, so God willing, next year will be a new and Alakran disk.

-To speak of Ian pointedly, is the band for you expires? Is the band that you wanted to go? -No, what happens is that Ian is something purely mine. So has my name. With I want to make records, but I will not stop Alakran side or any other project that sucitar can. While Ian has my name and message regarding my vision, I am also with Alakran and if tomorrow calls me a band that is really strong or my interest, I have no problem. I'm for generate what is good produced in the times. Obviously, this is my job, I do not work anything else. My job is lead singer and artistically be what I am I where you are, no matter if Ian, Alakran, Rata Blanca or band whatever. -Tell us a little about this album, "New Order." Do we say something that you can take to different to the previous and the like? Well, it is a conceptual work, as "In times of Redemption." It is then by that the names: "In times of Redemption" and, Once inside comes the redemption, an order comes. A new order means to order things after having a revelation about what within, what I experienced and what I'm living now. Say, something different, something new. Redemption is when something is redeemed, which was in darkness and light passes to figure things out. And Now I have to make this sort that learned, not only because it happens. This is a standard staff at national and world level. This is an individual and it is a nation. Not just about me, it is each person. It's something that should happen in our country. That is because we have an extremely messy country, there is disorder in any field that is the major problem we have as a country, the terrible disorder, not have an order, a balance to build things, but we have become a country where man is wolf to man; where political parties are still where if you do not agree with the ruling're an enemy, all that mess. -And the lyrics too, as they go hand in hand. -Exactly, because I'm trying to tell a story inside for the change inside is reflected in an outward change, from my place. That way I'm a small droplet water in the ocean, but a drop of water, without a single drop of water there is less ocean.


If you had to choose a theme of this album, what would it be? -None and all. I never left a song that excites me or does not have a strong content. I never put a song filler. I do not mean add a filler song, but the album complete when I feel like age I like tip to tip. I think "New Order" is a complete album, not has no songs and no filler filler letter, letters took one year make each topic. So imagine the disc has two and half years of work. No songs and no filler that I like more, children are like art. -The time taken to produce it is noticeable when you listen to the album, it was worth all the time we were waiting for the album because it's a terrible album. -I thank you, Matthias. I think so it is an album that took a long time and I want put in 20 years and be proud of, and that is what I search of a record, I know I did the right thing, I have not done in a hurry, nor fame, nor selfishness, nor by foolish ambitions or need to please, but I made because I wanted to leave a lasting artistically something that you listen to really stick to the heart and that's a job that takes a long time, no can be done just like that. -What is the formation of Ian today? -Today is Velocet guitar José, Román Montesi who also played guitar Becoming, with a band I was in Neuquén, was also in O'Connor, Leonardo Dobao that is the drummer who also played with Germán García Magnos and bassist Ian. -And Mario Ian haha And it had to be. -And what you have thought for the immediate future? -Start to present the album everywhere, mainly in Argentina. We are now waiting for a reply from Neuquén to go play. We are going around there. We shows is Gral Pico and some nearby cities. Neuquén is a place that band has to go, so hopefully soon be able to get a producer who wants us carry. Walked with Alakran last year there, with Rudy Sarzo and Alakran in General Roca that is not Neuquén, Río is Black, but walked around.

-Well Mario, is there anything you want people to comment? Anything you want to say? -Good. We hope to be in every city, as it possible to get presenting "New Order" is an album that we love having a lot of content, I hope the boys can access to hear it, I know they will do to the heart and mind well, the letters in Special. And the good side, we are ready to play in all parts of the country where call us and to take our music. I leave a hug to everyone in NeuquĂŠn mainly because all the people who listen to your program, Matthias. I wish you success also with your program, you're still growing and all the people who follow your program. So I want to leave a big hug to everyone.

Mario thank Ian for all the good vibes and endurance.

LtoHistory of Heavy Metal Part VIII: Year 1987 After separation of V8, El Argentino Metal band lost this year benchmark and not have great records, but some demos of bands that were already playing ago some time.

Today is not Today-Demon Plan The Disco Carpal new band was certainly one of the most popular albums of the year on the scene heavy our country, after the dissolution of bands as V8, Bloke and Hellion, had been a great vacuum.

Cries Mortal Retrosatรกn A great album with very good songs, but with the unique sound of the time. No wonder the quality of the band if it has note that had the likes of musicians Marcelo Bracalente (bass), Claudio Duliba (Guitar) - both form JERIKO years laterAlongside Luis Sanchez (drums), Hernรกn Battle (Guitar) and Ruben Cuenca in his voice.

In addition, this year the following demos were issued: Legion-Demo II (3 items)

Kamikaze-not stop me / Metal


Red Baron-No Man's Land

Anthrax-Among the Living

Anvil Strength of Steel-

Death-Scream Bloody Gore

Cliff'em All (Video)

Testamentet-The Legacy

Overkill-Taking Over

Manowar-Fighting the World

Helloween-Exodus-Pleasures of the Flesh Keepers of the Seven Keys


Kreator-Terrible Certainty


Sodom Persecution Mania-Black Sabbath-The Eternal Idol

The similarities of Heavy Metal

"TocĂĄ Metal, wimp" Granada (2010)

"Regime of Blood" MorthĂ­fera (2012)

Send your resemblance to the Metal:

matiasmetal.rosembach @ gmail.com

30 Years Fighting for Metal In March 1983 goes on sale the first disc which is a Argentine Metal classic through the ages. The training sought to cross Iorio and was: After the start, due to health problems, the "Chofa" Moreno, a young guitarist Osvaldo Civile, the tea from Bruges band. The accompanied drummer and singer Gustavo Rowek Alberto Zamarbide, both former W. C.

Sponsored by Norberto "Pappo" Napolitano, and had played in various venues, including the historic BARock in which "... and they die hippies" Iorio received and Boo detriment of the public, in its most comprehensive hippie. Showing a musical style almost unknown at the time a Heavy Metal influenced by Mot枚rhead and silver crosses Black Sabbath, is came closer to punk than what called "rock" in this country. Letters rebellious, studs, leather and disorsi贸n. In "Pogo and Stamina" We will make a brief comment on each of the nine hymns that shape the first great album of Metal in Latin America.

. 1 Destruction: Fast, powerful and forceful as the band itself. It was one of the first songs of the band and in the beginning "Final Judgment" was called. Already was in the air the strong tension of the imposing fury of this engine. Surely Argentine Metal anthem. The engine that was used for the intro of this theme is that of a Torino, as no V8 engine near the studies found.

2. Bloody Fates: Heavy Metal! With the cry that started this topic, as the name graph, has a bloody letter. Versioning by Baron Red for the tribute "V8 did not die." 3 If you Beating Fear. Longest dark disco theme with a Under previous letter. Contribute to this topic Lito Vitale on keyboards.

. 4 Angels of Darkness: Following the bloody lyric appears this topic with a style less dark and more punk than the previous two. I was versioned bands of different styles, as Serpentor, Larry Zabala and Attaque 77.

5. Metallic times: Metal burst time with V8 and among his letters, had to be some against the hippies. One of the fastest threads spectacular solo album that descose Civile in this great song.

. 6 Very Tired am: Another great classic of this disc, which again I do Civile mischief in dazzling arrangements with his viola. The letter talks about the everyday work yoke and corruption (force today).

7. Metallic Brigades: And if it bardear hippies, what better than this Metal anthem. Dedicated to people that followed people who were not demented equal to the hipponada of here ... "This you are unhappy, now your mind must hippie die ".

8. Torturer: The letter evokes a metaphor for a dentist, located in the time metaphors as this was the only way to refer to the dictatorship without be censored.

Hyena of Metal 9. If anyone could not miss this disc that was the Carpo. Norberto "Pappo" Napolitano first guitar in this topic is the fastest and short album with a duration that is less than 2 minutes.

"Pogo and Stamina" wants to honor this great album with a compiled versions of those songs that made history.

Mastodon releases its new album "Rock Rotten" (Fury Death and Resurrection of the music in these parts). The release of this album show that re revisits old issues of National Rock be held on Saturday 16 March in "The Roxy. " Entries include the CD.

Recommended Disco Anger Metal-Son of Fear: One of the new bands are giving talk is Metal Anger album with his priemer published recently and are you can download for free by dontpaymusic.com. Account with 13 songs, among which include "Son of Fear" "Losing Life", "The Insane" "Burning Babylon" and the instrumental "Wild Genes of Aurea". In some parts of this album reminded me of "The Sound of perseverance "Death and elsewhere there is some influence of Judas Priest.

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