Pogo y Aguante Nº 30 (English Version)

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'In case there is any careless, contale people what is Aonikenk. In November this year will be 25 years that we come with Daniel (Carrasco) in this band. We are in Plaza Huincul, Province Neuquén. Recently our third official album was released called "Feel Metalero". We Heavy Metal, singing truths we have passed and happen to people in our area. -In Recent years were spinning much. How many dates They did this last year? Last year closed with 57 dates, we went through many provinces. Last year we had made 50. And this year and 14 have confirmed dates to start the year. -¿Les Is a province to know? Yes, we still have Misiones, San Luis. We played in Santa Cruz, Chubut, have traveled much our own province, Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Córdoba, Tucumán, Salta; We have been to almost all provinces presenting our proposal: a simple and direct message Heart made. From a small town as we went Plaza Huincul for the whole country to show our music. How did the people get? Did you know songs? There are people who, as you said, is neglected, but in every place People know the band, knows the songs. It's a great joy to arrive and they know who you are. From inside have always costs twice a band, release a record. Luckily, we were able to get everywhere, thanks to the desire I had since childhood and thanks to the metalheads that pay the entrance and buy the record so that one can keep playing.

He makes a couple of weeks re-released "Feel Metalero", did you recorded yet again? Yes, the album would come out on December 27; but like my dad had a health problem, not We could go to Buenos Aires to play the Theatre Flores. The album was released on January 7 and already You can get every record. Are completely re-recorded in Buenos Aires, what we had recorded in Plaza Huincul with sound and ugly cover art. Now could do everything better and with my son Juanchi Basualto. We were able to fulfill the dream have a record deal, since Icarus publishes and distributes the disc. We do not carry an armed disk so that they take out; We only had to go to record and deliver the master, and they took care of it reaches the country. Signed by three albums, this is the first and in 2016 we have to deliver the new disk.

'In this new edition of "Feel Metalero" have new songs ... If, four new songs: "Patria Wound", "Let Nomás Pattern", "From Neuquén "that was in the EP" The Gauchada "and" Return to the Land ". Invited to sing a theme Blade Diego Petru Grande, the song "No Forget "Rubén Patagonia also returns to sing" Cacique Yatel "as in the first "Feel Metalero"; fortunately, still singing the old and could record with us. We are very pleased with this edition, the are listening almost everyday because it sounds great. He makes a couple of years they are playing with Juanchi, your son. If Juanchi from 6 years so we went up to play a couple of songs, but officially debuted on October 6, 2012. It could record the EP "The Gauchada "in 2013 and now has her first album with us. Happy could walk with him and with my compadre. We always Juanchi wondered what were the dates and now you can experience firsthand. It also has its tribute to Almafuerte dog called Christian band. -¿Ya Have new material? We have three issues left out of "Feel Metalero", but over the year we will be preparing new songs. Greetings to you that while we wanted to make this note. People invite to babies go near to the dates. Grateful to the organizers and people we will see, because thanks to these people today which has Aonikenk to be, here in Patagonia. Thanks for the call and greetings to all metalheads.

Disc Reviews

by Sandra St. (Colombia) Introducing Elitania band from the city of Tepic, Nayarit state in Mexico, Founded in 2013, who debuted in January this year with its first album entitled Crystal Temples. You can define their sound as Symphonic Metal, with strong influences from bands like Therion and Tristania. It also highlights the influence of power symphonic metal, with a characteristic choral and orchestral treatments added to some similar epic interludes Luca Turilli. Crystal Temples introduces us to a story the so-called heroic majestic horns, violins and whistles. With respective baritone solos (Christopher) and mezzo (Carla), begins the story that leads to a coral explosion, feature found in each song of this production. Where the mermaids sing is a taciturn mythological tale landscapes, sheltered under the canopy of stars of eternal night. He continues a dense atmosphere started by a solitary piano melody. Since my last It is a nostalgic ballad, which recreates a sense of abandonment and hopes to recover. Children of the third sun encloses a potential higher harmonies orchestral shocking, typical of ancient sacred music, comparable in magnitude to a Greek tragedy carried music. Martial rhythm, Dragon Medea invited to "take up arms" and entering an argonautic adventure. With powerful riffs and growling vocals, we will take the road to the underworld, to admire the terrible god of darkness, Pluto. With a sumptuous orchestral prelude, we follow the call to recollection and is in the painful Agnus Dei, we found some Latin verses full of grief and imploring the divine mercy, that towards the end provide some sign of hope earthly.

With an orchestrated melody warriors dyes, begins A place of nothingness, a biased energetic power metal song and folk Central, where tell us yearn for the return to place of origin, where no wishes earthly and the desire to merge into one with the universal essence. Just once more in an ethereal moment's rest on this record. This song we recites the loss of illusions, meant to distance themselves from bad memories and guilt; all this through this sad ballad led by baritone gives this piece an unfathomable feeling. Last breath It is the culmination of this production. It is the almost operatic drama of a impossible love. Notable moments are tenor duet (Rafael) and soprano (Yesenia) accompanied by a dreamy piano melody; It is a scene where the lovers crave together to forget the pain of loneliness. So is the mezzo-soprano duet (Carla) and baritone (Christopher), where desperately seeking fight for the reunion of the lovers, who are separated by the darkness of night, thus resulting in their surrender and death. Finally, with the intervention of the soprano (Yesenia) that is breathtaking, we that despite the decline of life, love is a feeling reborn and live for immortality.

Although in general the whole album is very well structured, balanced in terms of mixing and post-production, I believe that can be polished a little voices in As for parameters such as pitch and diction of letters. In spite of these details, this project seems to take a good direction for her guidance musical. It only remains to wish them every success in his career as a band. You can download the album for free on the following link: https://mega.co.nz/#!RgoHjLDQ!mr9pjliK834HUBcZSRotdH89hLUCk2KtwNJI aa3FdcY And keep your social networks: https://www.facebook.com/Elitaniaoficial https://www.reverbnation.com/Elitania

by Sandra St. (Colombia) This band from the region of NeuquĂŠn, Argentina, besides being local fee for this edition, it has also become a major musical discovery for me. Typically the formation of a metal band symphonic with female vocalist is typical of are some places in northern Europe and niche in the Netherlands and Scandinavia, predominantly in Finland. Here's a South American band, since its founding in 2007, includes influences music bands globally recognized as Epica, Nightwish and Sonata Arctica, and achieve create a unique style, enriched with progressive elements such as polyrhythms and heterogeneous melodic treatment, achieving very interesting contrasts aurally in each of his songs. Stresses vocalist Alejandra Barro with authentic lyrical timbre, versatile soprano and color surprised voice, which at times sounds similar to Simone Simmons. The songs are enriched with thematic contrasts, combined with Cutting epic melodies, dialogues and choral additions constitute a sound filigree the result is a powerful musical wave that captivates and delights your ears.

Ice Queen is opening the disc. A monologue of an ice queen trapped in their deepest thoughts, thinking about their feelings and emotions, despite his frozen heart. A kiss and a rose begins with a brief ballad accompanied on the piano. Then gives opening the song in question, which expresses the end of a love story. Fate's Introduction is the prelude to The Lonely Warrior's Fate with a sound bombastic and epic, deep orchestrations that will serve as backdrop to the story of warrior who wanders in search of his destiny. Heroes born dead is presented as a hymn which reveals immortality beyond death, that is forged with courage and honor during the course of life. Puppet girl It is a somewhat closer to reality story. Explains a relationship dependent and obsessive, in which a subject exerts dominance over the girl's story. It can be interpreted as a reflection on unhealthy relationships. My soul, my life It is an intimate and emotional power ballad, full of feelings ranging from loneliness to nostalgia. Surely allows Alejandra show more expressive of his voice, in addition to show off her vocal side.

Dark Desires is the title track to the album. It refers to the human need for free from mental bondage and their struggle to recover their welfare. Your own Being is an internal dialogue that seeks to call the search for a salvation of systematic control of society that is embodied in the wolf enduring a brutal ignorance. We Change, or We Die begins with a dense orchestral atmosphere that evokes very recurrent in the genre. oriental sounds It is a shock that calls empowered and take control of our lives, because it depends on the change, because the alternative is death; arguably, the death of the soul, humanity. Unforgotten wishes gets the melodic treatment to express a story longing for a past that is present through remembrance. To see the sun brings calm after the storm of passion listening to throughout the disc. This song brings a wave of optimism inspires believe in the light beyond the darkness. You can listen and buy this production Bandcamp, here the link: http://elessarband.bandcamp.com/album/dark-desires You can also follow in their social networks: https://www.facebook.com/ElessarBand https://twitter.com/ElessarBand

Doctrine was formed in 1996, The band put together Marco SĂĄez (Bass), Miguel M o r e i r a (Vo z) and y or, then went summing the rest of the members, Always there were many changes. The band was classic metal facing, and left so you can listen to his records. The lyrics speak many things in life, in the very first album Christians, to Logos, or Finally v8, most Miguel lyrics made them. After the second album I started writing it most songs, and was different at all. I remember the first demo band recorded it in 98, in a study that was only 4 channels. We made copies on cassette, remember that covers the fotocopiĂĄbamos, lol, doing everything I could not remember all these things. We started playing in NeuquĂŠn, and surrounding cities, people We bought the demos in recis and hand to hand in the street, and that Crazy remember that in those years where aircond a Saturday downtown and you found yourself with rockers and metalheads friends, not like today is plagued by giles listening beautiful reagueton.Tengo memories of that time, there was really passionate people and places with mystique. In 2001 we recorded our first material in the study Mariano seminara, we sold many copies in two months

many copies in two months notice as our public grew remarkably, is crazy fall one day play in Rock and 300 people are doing pogo and singing the songs your band. This allowed us to get to know and play more. To "Crossing the Threshold" in 2004 we had already changed some members of the band, recorded the album in a studio half and half at home, the album was re well received by the public, many people got together, shared a lot of scenarios with other bands, we were supporting Logos, Forks, Serpentor, and a lot of other bands also played in CosquĂ­n Rock including dates, I have countless memories cornered all that span. We parted in 1996, I think we were in then wanted different things musically, each took his way and made history. In mid 2007 I returned from live in Bs.As and I met with Michael and Marco and decided to return with Doctrine, this time with new drummer and guitar ritmica.Tocamos until mid-2009, then by things inside of the band decided to leave, did some session then some s Sometimes, but only for play and nothing else. Doctrine in my life is one leg of a journey that left me all kinds of feelings, I enjoyed many things and also suffered other, but it was good to have lived.

12 own songs + 3 covers V8, Empire and Stryper

11 own songs. Re-released in 2007

MC: Here are a day after start making a new video clip for the new album, we were just talking about that. -Cuenten A little history Osamenta. Skeleton is formed approximately in '96. It was formed ages ago time, but there were some changes formation. In the early years the band experience and sought foothold in the scenarios, sharing dates with bands other localities, compose first songs and mature, because we were kids back then. With the passage of time and changes formation, the band took hold and is strengthened in 2004, where the band begins to do things more dedicated one way (the word no is "professional" because what we Passion moves is not a question of profession), a more serious way for last in time. We took the albums "Dreams without End" (2004), "Libertarian" (2008), "Subversive" (2011) and by the end of 2014 we took "Consumicidio" which is the fourth album. Throughout this time, the band played at many places; we are a band rotates much inside. We like to have a strong inside because bet a lot of people and the organizers of the interior, the kind of people and places usually do not usually get other bands, because what more we like and why we started this dream you places, meet people, touring the country. Always with the same goal: playing increasingly reach more more people, see new places, and productions we increasingly have better quality, better every day.

And they talk about "Consumicidio" how did? How was the composition? PL: On the composition I can tell you that as we are people with our occupations and our work, we try to compose each one by hand and then present the ideas to the rest, sending the demo of a song and the rest goes contributing ideas and lyrics. In this case, once we had a total of 12 songs more or less finished, we decided to record them in the same place we recorded "Subversive" because it had very good sound result; but change one little procedure because the recorded instruments us and went to studio to give the final polished sound and mixing and mastering. Thus, us

saved some money, because today a record out a lot silver. If you record everything in a studio, you get a lot of money. The composition took a little longer than usual because in the middle we had the outside the historic drummer, we had an interval with brother William (our guitarist) that made the shrimp a couple of months, and Matias joined Rios is the current drummer, that gave us plenty of air to face what comes. With respect to the lyrics, what themes they touch? 驴Metaphors, goblins? Haha M. C.: Haha, no. The themes of Osamenta, usually go for the same way it's been a pretty long time. The band has a critical stance on various issues happening in the country and the world. Obviously, social issues arise, political and historical, always focused from a where we treat that person will get the message and other than classic words or phrases common and that "politicians are corrupt". Do Not we fall into that facile and try to make a criticism to us as a society, criticize our neighbor, the person with whom we live; try generate some reflection, but rather lyrics direct, with a message arrives, it is combative but that invites reflection on a pile of issues and also makes you think about things the band poses, to see that at one point all we are responsible for the things that are happening in the country, what they have done wrong as a society. There are also issues that have to do with what happens inside us as individuals, what happens to us as musicians when playing out. The letters are so we live. No lyrics or fiction or issues that have not seen to anything with our identity. They talk about what has lived our class, the working class, our old, and issues that have always interested us.

What have prepared for this 2015? P.L.: We have some confirmed dates and other TBC. We have something for Buenos Aires, C贸rdoba, San Nicolas, surely return Rosario and hopefully be back to the south. We recently stayed in Cipolletti and Bariloche they were very nice experience, we Piedra del Aguila. The idea is to rotate with the disk where possible, where given a space to the band. Is generated something cute, because the fourth disk you have the possibility to build a list of songs interesting; for you know the band ends up being quite varied.

MC: Apart has just started the year the album was released in late 2014 and only now is beginning to distribute the album. We come from parties and vacation, we know that dates are difficult because people are in other plans. But as we enter the year, people return to their routines, to their work and also to get updated on what is happening in the world of music. I think that in March will be filling the year dates. So attentive to the web and facebook.-How see the national scene? M.C .: Complicated question. There are a variety of bands, there are a lot of offer bands. The call is not always good. In the area of Buenos Aires and Gran Buenos Aires you have a nice time to go, but you also have an offer two or three more dates, then people distributed; others have lost the habit of attending to the shows, stay in internet listening music. You can make an argument also about what are proposing instead. I do not think there much originality, is still copying some some models outside. Many of the bands new bands are rubbings already did two years ago or three years outside. That has long flight; has a fury little while but ends up stopping because, as fad, is short. To me that does not contribute too much. We have no bad response public, that way you could say that the scene is all right; but otherwise I know there shows that it should get well and not many people go. Or will a lot people see a band joke, and that to me makes me sound. PL: Another problem I see is that there is a boom tribute bands, tribute bands but not for kids Last strangers who want to entertain a while, if the consuming public, so good; the point is I see situations like the Roman Tano presenting its 25 years and returns to play all Hermetic issues and Malon, not out of it. Either the Tribute appears V8 for people who already have their successful and conveners bands. Those things do not I closed. It costs a lot to new bands and offering something new to stay afloat, because we are always locked in a past that was good but that was the past. Me seems perfect to listen and we agree that past that was great, because we were all born with V8 and Hermetic; but there comes a point where there that give rise to bands ranging emerging and have something new to show, because if those bands was not going to see no tomorrow are separated, why Who will play and release albums? Me da shame that it has very good musicians and

bands that are emerging, but it costs them because they do not receive the support they deserve. One sees that in the world there are a lot of new bands and people supports, and not all are doing covers of the glorious global bands that defined an era. I would also pass in Argentina, which support the new proposals and we do not run both those bands glorious that we all loved and not to forget, but no longer play both these cover because exhausted. M. C. From what we said recently, what we try to do as a band is situate in the midst of all this; not by intent, but because we many influences within the Metal but we have clear is that we make letters in Castilian so that it knows what we are saying; not discuss any abstract thing, but to be as direct as possible and perhaps harder. That old Metal fans and those who are listening Metal Newer listen to us, because the band has a bit of everything. The sure sound is more modern and safe it is violent, but the lyrics bring the tradition of what the National Metal in the sense of social criticism and not as the letters of the most modern Metal that speak of love relationships contentious and more banal issues.

PL: A salute to the people of the South, we know that there are people who just discovered the band or that they are discovering. Sometimes we get messages of support from who have just discovered the band and the truth that is re grosso. An greetings to the people of South and we're seeing soon. A big hug.


its 10 songs -The End (The Doors) -Phobophile (Cryptopsy) -I'm The Black Wizard (Emperor) -Ignorance, Confusion and Chaos (Annog Vnrama) -how Could I (Cynic) -Suicide Messiah (Black Label Society) -Love (Stapping Young Lad) Homicidal Retribution (Dying Fetus) -What May be Safely Written (Nile) -Stabwound (Necrophagist)

its 10 songs -NIB (Black Sabbath) -Refuse / Resist (Sepultura) -Vientos Power (Hermetic) -Killed By Death (Motรถrhead) -Hammer Smashed Face (Cannibal Corpse) -Angel of Death (Slayer) -Fucking Hostile (Pantera) -Chaos Is my Life (The Exploited) -Tornado Of Souls (Megadeth) -Fixed Suicide (Forks) * * Song originally composed by Lethal

its 10 songs Joan Crawford (Blue Oyster Cult) -Pleasure To Kill (Kreator) -Troops Of Doom (Sepultura) -Encased In Concrete (Cannibal Corpse) -Anesthesia (Cliff Burton) -2112 (Rush) -Pentagram (Pentagram) -A Fine Day to Die (Bathory) -Space Child (UFO) -Murder By Command (Epidemik)

For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing; but which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? " For since in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God to save believers by the foolishness of preaching. For Jews demand signs andPogo Greeks seek and Stamina ... wisdom;truths even in the back

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