Pogo y Aguante 29 (English Version)

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" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">Idea s, Design, Production and Interviews

How are you? We are about to start a tour of Buenos Aires, more precisely in J. C. Peace and Escobar, presenting the third work of the band. -Contale People who do not know how, when and where the band formed Prime Minister was formed in 1995, at the age where Thrash was in decline. We had 15 years and Rubén Silveira, which until today is the drummer, decided start playing Thrash, Grindcore, of course with the influence of Metallica, Pantera, Slayer. We started here in Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos. We were rehearsing, many no wisdom; in the city there were musicians who understand the matter, had very rockers and bluesmen good, but what is Heavy Metal spike techniques were unknown, speed and battery. We learned in 1997 and recently went to the stage and from Hence we have the years of the band. We took our first album in 2003. We played recently with all the great bands that have come, we toured with Almafuerte; touch with O'Connor, Logos, Forks, Crazy Train, Larry Zabala, Adrian Barilari, Rata Blanca, with Pappo twice. Now we follow up with this new album called "Patriots"; we go to Buenos Aires and hopefully someday reach Piedra del Águila.

-Contanos How this new album, how was the composition, what they talk about the letters. "Patriots" is based on the most current. The composition began in 2014, but I had other letters thought it had to be updated. It relies heavily on what is the progress of a country and the decline of the IMF, the global economy trapping small countries that want progress, as the vulture funds. We also talked about the war in Gaza, Iraq, people who survived the repression of '76 and the Falklands. There are also themes that speak of one spirit, inner peace. Another song focuses on the path of good and not to wrinkle; how come Iorio says: "fulfills her dreams who resists". And how planned this year? Just finished talking with people from Jujuy, but first we present the disc in Entre Rios. Open the panorama to Buenos Aires because unfortunately the large percentage of Argentines over there. Previous years We toured Salta, Santa Fe, C贸rdoba, Corrientes, Entre Rios, and the truth that had not much impact on the shortage of people. In Buenos Aires was bigger because we have close and there are more people, there are many bands plus "competition".

How's the move heavy in Entre Rios? It's like everywhere. Only summon the great bands like Almafuerte, La Renga, but comes Horcas summons you as much 500 or 1000; Logos no hits 300 people, being what they are; Larry Zavala or speak. Rarely what is happening. We in our city 200 people convened in Entre Rios 100 people. The move is like everywhere: few metalheads, what little there is best but unfortunately one has to support the equipment, plus being a band of Heavy Metal. Send greetings to the people of Piedra del Aguila, from Prime Minister Victor "Pacha" Valdiviezo (Guitar and vocals), Ruben Silveira (drums) and Erasmo Satto (bass). We are very pleased that we call so far to report the under. Haunt hope there soon.

Write your reviews and send them to matiasmetal.rosembach@gma il.com Part of Pogo and Hold "



ANIBAL SUCRE its 10 songs

its 10 songs -ResistirĂŠ (Baron Rojo) -Infinite Dreams (Iron Maiden) Judas Rising (Judas Priest) -Dressed In White (King Diamond) 'The Sleeping Voice (Wizard of Oz) -Doomed By the Living Dead (Mercyful Fate) -The Guardian of Light (Rata Blanca) -Father Time (Stratovarius) -Leviathan (Yngwie Malmsteen) -Journey To the End (Windir)

Countr y: Coast Rica AGRESSIVE

PERFECTOR its 10 songs -Morbid Intentions to Kill (Suicidal Angels) -Angel (Judas Priest) -Dance Of Death (Iron Maiden) -Until Oyr Cross Paths Again (Kreator) -Black Sabbath (Black Sabbath) -Suicide And Redemption (Metallica) -Beer Presure (Municipal Waste) -Angel of Death (Slayer) -Hangar 18 (Megadeth) -Stairway To Heaven (Led Zeppelin)

-Aces High (Iron Maiden) -Chemical Warfare (Slayer) -Beneath The Remains (Sepultura) -Left Hand Path (Entombed) -Shine On your Crazy Diamond (Pink Floyd) -agent Orange (Sodom) -Walls Of Confinement (Napalm Death) -I Want You (The Beatles) -The Pestilence (Kreator) -Bloodlust (Venom)

Country: PANAM A

AYBAAL MISANTHROPE its 10 songs -At The Left Hand of God (Behemoth) -Black Dragon (Dissection) -Freezing Moon (Mayhem) -Bleeding Salvation (Belphegor) -Stellarvore (Watain) -Malfeitor (Watain) -Black Rites of Black Sahadows (A.M.S.G.) Or Satan O O Father Son (Behemoth) -to Her Darkness (In Soliture) -The Yonder Beckons (The Devil's Blood)

Countr y: Coast Send your tracklist to matiasmetal.rosembach@gmail.com Rica

Black Rock pen writes another chapter in the history of

Thanks for giving us the place to the people of Jason; is always good that people are update on the band. How was 2014 for Jason? 2014 was a busy year, we get our sixth studio album, "A New Start ". It was also a year of change, singer had change is a important figure after 20 years. We were able to finish the album, launch and present in vivo. We played more than 12 times a year, have the opportunity to playing live is the nicest thing you can move to a musician. We made the presentation disc here in Buenos Aires, we were in the "Metal For All". Luckily it was a busy year until the last days of December that touch every weekend. It was a year that we found smiling, happy to be alive. We made two music videos ("Ruge My Motor" and "Crossing the Sphinxes"). It was a year of many achievements for us.

-Contanos Of this "new beginning", the album and what it means for the band. Whenever you ask me, the new album is always what he likes the musician. This is our sixth album and first with Emmanuel Gerbam on vocals and Walter Maggio in guitar. Now we are two guitarists, it also brought a freshness to compositional level and sound. It's an album that gave us much joy because it was very well accepted by the public. All interviews and reviews were very good. He left "album of the year" in many magazines and radios; same "Vorterix Metal", the KNary Plan 4 said it is one of the best albums the year. It is a new album that comes fighting and encantรกndole people. 'What talk disk letters? They are varied, ranging from experiences that one passes as a human being. There are more spiritual and more earthly letters. "Black Blood" is the cry that hits the earth with all that we will throw up; "Ruge My Motor "speaks of motorcycles, of passion, of sex, is another post;

"Crossing the Sphinxes" which also has video is a spiritual theme, speaks of through an internal limit that sometimes we get unconsciously and were trapped in internal issues we think are external, and actually own Sphinx one gets. It is a more esoteric song, like "Dangerous Obsession" and "Reaching God" who speaks of finding God within. "Break the Chain" also speaks to cross the limits placed by society and ourselves. "Souls Rockeras "sings to the new blood Listening Heavy Metal, the kid who goes to a recital and he is passionate about this so cute style that is Heavy Metal. So it is quite varied disk. Pre-we produced 22 songs and 11 were our vote. The album was can be heard on the facebook page (Jason Metal), is also on YouTube whole disk. "Reaching God" also has video, and we'll make another videoclip more. Today happens all so visual and something that started experience. Jason had no music and you 3. We are pleased also why.

What gave and took from Jason change singer? Emmanuel is a singer with lots of energy, has heavy, heavier and more aggressive than the Tano voice. He brought a freshness and part singing interpretative and energy putting you live and the study. I think he did not remove anything. Some people You can tell he liked the Tano, but no people who say you do not like is Emmanuel in the band. When you listen to Iron Maiden lifetime with Bruce Dickinson and after the other appears that not even remember her name and I felt horrible. With Emmanuel it was not that, it is very difficult to change the singer because it is almost 90% of the sound of the band. Luckily it was very well accepted and live breaks. It was a blessing to find it. Despite the change, there is one show where people say they did not like. We are playing adding a lot and many people who had never heard us. Luckily the public tells us that we are on the correct side.

-A Me happened, hear the band long ago and this album I liked all other. Yes, it happens to us too. It is a very careful artistic level, level disk production sound mastering. We spent a lot time. We started with the Tano, Ochoa was later temporarily Matias nearly two years and finally recorded it Emmanuel. It took a long time to really be a great album. Always happens to us the new album is better than the last and I hope we continue to happen. Went growing through disks and this took a step further. The important thing is to follow grow as human, internally and externally, beings in every way. Is a satisfaction do best songs and best material to give our audience. How face 2015? Re pachorra haha. We started rehearsing next week and we have a show on 24 January in GEAR. We will give an acoustic-electric show. Electric started after unplugged and re-plugged to the end. It's something we tested last year and people liked it. It is a good idea. Trying to continue presenting the disc. Year

past and started writing songs for the next album. Hopefully we can Introducing the disc inside the country, everywhere you can. How do you see the national scene today? What question. I see the same. Improved things that obviously have to improve, as places to play. But the monopoly remains with managers that leave enter bands than their label. For example, in Cosquin Rock always play the same bands in the "Metal for all" too. Luckily in the "Metal For All" invite us, not the schedule we should by experience, this year we opened. Not much served us play there, but we served the press that came before the festival, so we remain. The girls bands have to continue selling tickets or putting silver that big bands touch myself included, changed that now we are the "band big "night. The obstacles were still 20 years ago. The Heavy Metal is not for many, thankfully, is not popular and it follows it does heart. Here touching Rata Blanca or Almafuerte there are plenty of people who will see; but if you play a band that's a escaloncito below (Crazy Train, JERIKO, Jason, LĂśrihen), there is a big gap. One is ten thousand and one thousand. It is difficult to bring people also do not know why. We will have to do better. Today everything passes through the image if you do not have a good video which represents the music, people do not looks like a band seriously. We got together with other bands and we shared show, we have made with Muttley, JERIKO Jezebel bands that are carrying the same amount of people we and thus carry more people and grow all bands that touch that night. We must fight, this is Heavy Metal.

Your radio show called "Veins of Steel" and has to do with that. A sword tempered that runs through our veins to not loosen or weaken. In summary the scene grows very slow. We still have to deal with the same obstacles, garcas them trying to fill their pockets with the effort of the bands. DEA little is changing, there are new producers and is making the picture. Greetings to all people. Matias Thanks for giving us the space for people to us know. A big hug for all NeuquĂŠn and south which has been home to us. We hope to return south to present this album. Happy New Year to all and to fight for Metal, for the good life and achieve happiness that is within us and seek out.

Heavy Metal in Piedra del Águila by Matias Rosembach

In the Plaza Gral. San Martín (13/12/2014) And one day the Metal rang Piedra del Aguila. The place was Plaza Gral. San Martín one Friday evening; the Guacho band snake in the during his live debut. The band formed 6 September 2014 by Diego "Tutay" Ancatruz (guitar) former guitarist Machake (defunct band, Metal pioneer in town), Faby "Blink" Torres (Drums) who were part of No Injuries (now Breaking the Silence, hardcore band) and Matias Rosembach (Voice). The band began his first show with the song "Blood for the King" of O'Connor, and continued with "To Be Free" and "screwing the World", also O'Connor. The center of the square was taken over by the metalheads of the town while sounding the classic "It Strange Spider" which resulted in the heavy version of "I, Canibal" popular song of Patricio Rey and Black Sabbath. With this song band completed the set 20 minutes they had given him, but after the words "now we pretend we're going to ask another," people responded and the band performed the song "Mutant Generation" of the Logos band. When I looked all over and at the insistence of the public the band decided to return to give closure Logos another song, this time chosen was "Do not Give Up". That was how the Metal rang again in Piedra del Águila, was what was needed.

In the Plaza Gral. San Martín (01/23/2015) The place is repeated, but this time the audience more than doubled what was Was at first presentation of the band that came to this recital organized by Municipality to be displayed again before metalheads present. Besides the songs displayed in the previous presentation, the band added classics like "Eskape" Visceral and "Symptom of Infection" of Malón. In the latter broke awaited pogo until singer band (ie, me) will jump off the stage. And unleashed the madness, was augmented by the final issues "Spanning all Limit" and "You Are the Security "classic Hermetic not resist further analysis.

How was 2014 for Lรถrihen? 2014 was a year where we returned to bow to start writing material for the 6th studio album Lรถrihen. It was a year that gave us many satisfactions; We were in the "Metal For All" and had an activity Regarding shows quite important. But the main thing is we started composing material to give life to the next album by the band. What is it you have so far on how to drive? What it Unlike earlier? "Yet I still Beating" is an album that was created in a very short period. Had odd notion turning, but basically was composed between November 2013 and February 2014. Produce pre-started and once that began to close the rhythm part, started to burn. Generally what is the finest creative work I like to develop in the study, advantage that we have the space to do so. We are now on stage finished recording the voices and start mixing.

Why they chose this name for the record? "Yet I still Beating" has to do with further sustained after so many many ups and downs and twists and turns that took the band. It also has to do with what that we all do in life, if sustained, receiving a blow or fall and rise again to keep doing what we like is music and continue releasing albums. In the lyrical part, is the album that fewer metaphors will have. It is a very direct drive, the message of the songs is straightforward; no meta-message, but the message is textual, the lyrics are explicit. The name did not need to be less well "yet I still Beating" closes all that concept. How is the composition Lรถrihen? I asked to compose songs, because that is how we handle from the beginning. In other discs there were more participation Juli (Barrett) in the rhythmic composition; this did not occur because it is an album that came out in little time and Juli was very bound to other projects. So he took the creative momentum and the disc was assembled that way. In the study we are Looking for boys to have more participation, but basically the record was created that way.

How planned this 2015? For 2015 we have an important presentation at midyear in Vorterix it the official presentation of "Still Beating Sigo"; the idea is that the disc is in the street in March or April, to present it in the best way. Similarly, for two months ahead three songs come assay format, you can found on internet. They are songs that will be part of the disk, but with a rawer sound. -Contale People of your work in Virtual Studios. Virtual has provided a platform for a lot of bands on the national scene and Latin American. From the guys at Renacer, Peruvian band Lotus has recorded his last three albums with me, people of Azeroth comes from Mexico to disc burning; After Dreams, Drako Brujo, Traetormentas, chargered, Aonikenk, Great Blade, many bands of Patagonia have been recorded here and again, It is a situation that makes us very happy. Virtual work is to produce and accompany, advise the band in the studio to get a material to the height of a disc out. How do you see the national metal scene? A Heavy Metal scene I see well without create false expectations. I think it is as it should be. It is a difficult genre because unfortunately everything revolves around economics and is a genre where labura lung greatly. That makes growth is much slower than in other genres moving more money; I mean call, massiveness. That translates to entries can pay x amount of people to see a band of another kind. All that you get to the band to reinvest. What happens in this genre is 99.9% of the bands must have a job and devote their leisure time to have a heavy metal band; that makes it hard to professionalize and invest the time you need to take out a disk. So much we appreciate the bands here that take disks and remain confident remove a disc, beyond a few people out show. One would takes a long time to many things in the life of each, being with family, raising children. I know many people who devotes much time and money to buy a guitar, instead of dedicating it to something else. I know many musicians who have problems with his wife because instead of investing the money on leisure with family, invest in a good guitar and a good team. These are situations that have to do a genre that has a hard time to grow and be themselves. So you have to standing and cheering bands still releasing albums in Argentina, because the truth is that it is increasingly difficult, let alone if we put the issue of Piracy in the middle. If the big bands, selling 70,000 albums go to sell half, imagine the bands that sold 500 discs. A musician or a band you have wanted to keep investing time and money making records is more than laudable.

Thank you to you and all radio, fanzines and media who support this move, because we know that they do purely and simply for the love, and being in contact with the musicians of Latin American metal scene. Continue betting, because every one from his place and his bit makes this wheel turns slowly but rotate, and all continue enjoying the Heavy Metal in Latin America; for either 10, 15, 100 or 1,000. From which organized, the kid who knocks on leads his teams, the leading producer Interior bands Capital, the leading bands of Capital Interior; all part of a move that does not set its sights on economic, hence is authentic and will continue for many more years. So I thank you for the space.

Disc Reviews

by Matias Rosembach

After a relaxing intro, Osamenta wakes us with "Sons of Earth 'to start a new demonstration of power in disc shaped. No surprises, sounds Osamenta Osamenta: fast, brutal, not breaths, overwhelming. Frenzied guitar riffs and a double bass drum shattering create the perfect atmosphere for Petra violent voices. "To be here" becomes the sequel to "Our Place"; and "In the Line of Fire" gives the note of how melody mix, speed in a continuous change of pace. No metaphors, as direct as always, the lyrics go like Osamenta punch to the liver. "Border of a Dream" and "Epitaphs Gaps" are proof of this. A great album to be a worthy successor to "subversive" and Osamenta did ... again was needed. In the next edition of this magazine, interview Osamenta!

by Matias Rosembach From California, United States, I get this EP 6 songs that show a band mixing various styles, ranging from the Heavy Metal Grunge making scale at the Hard Rock with touches of Hardcore. The band achieved a good sound and songs that are not bad, including highlights "Spotlight", "Join the Rest" "Never Back Down", a great song that, for me, is the best of all. A modern band with classical roots that will make you move the wig. You're not going to regret listening to this EP. If these are the "ashes", the fire will be great \ m /

Write your reviews and send them to matiasmetal.rosembach@gmail.com Part of Pogo and Hold "

More News The American band will release their new album "Overture of Madness "next March 6 under the label Pure Steel with which he signed recently. A disk promises to be the best of this band that comes fighting from Pure Metal 80s.

Roaring Motor, Heavy Metal band ended neuquina recording what will be their first album, entitled "The Roar Engine ". Now if only the mixing process, while the band is scheduling dates to present to the public metalhead. From here strong performance at Motor !!!

Drawing by Anibal Sucre

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