Pogo y Aguante Nº 18 (English Version)

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Pogo and Aglove 18 in this edition of "pogo and hold" we have the honor of presenting interviews eduardo ezcurra (truths outcasts) damián joint (dogma) and jesus almiron (salem) and more.

Ideas, Design, Production and Interviews: Matías Rosembach Cover: Orange Facebook: Veins Steel South Fm Facebook page: Pogo and Stamina E-mail: @ gmail.com matiasmetal.rosembach Telephone: (2942) 583579 / (299) 5527172

Message of resistance against the evil that stalks you, cry of rebellion against the big lie

From Piedra del Águila, Neuquén, Argentina Patagonia Rebelde

Interview with Damian Porro The note-we did earlier in the year you were a full with Dogma. Tell us what happened in that time. -With Dogma was Bruno de la Fuente in voice, Alexis Sambueza Pino on bass and on drums, me on the guitar. What happened is that, because of my work situation I had to move to Neuquén complicated and much the subject of the trials. I went to laburar at 5.30 or 6 morning and arrived at 7 pm, and I had to grab my car and travel 110 km to rehearse. He arrived at 9 and rehearse until 12, and I came back to Neuquen at 2 in the morning. It was a huge sacrifice, to the kids are also complicated because we are all laburantes not live music. Pino had a child and is being devoted to home to work. Dogma takes time to be spend, but it was all right with the boys, are all my friends and I'm grateful they gave the glove, but we had to make this change. Alexis Bruno and continue with Real Identity and cross was all right, not that we fight as usual. I thought I had to do a project it was "vehemently" but talking to Carlos Nahuel a metalhead Cutral Co, says "why do not you continue with Dogma there in Neuquén. Next year's 12th birthday and Dogma I thought it was good to follow. Martín Rodríguez joined the low battery and Martin Caceres who had already played with Bluebeard us when we went openers Tano Marciello. I think it was the best at this time to Dogma. We're rehearsing, preparing a demo with 4 songs that would be "barking disturbing", "Vehement" "Impact of Fire" which is an instrumental bonus track and certainly some of Almafuerte but always Dogma style.

-You told me that already have managed to burn the disc. I started writing to a study of a band neuquina Bat is reggae, but meets all the conditions we need to record. We will record the demo this study and the disc also. Once recorded it qu the disc, we will mastering "La Nave de Oseberg" in Buenos Aires. Precisely on August 17 went up Sierra Grande and talked to Marcelo Tommy is the Almafuerte coordinator. We closed some things to producing the album with him and that is the possibility that MTM we distribute. While we're going to be independent, will have more accessibility to distribute the discs, just way to "Renaciendo Through the Fallen" that was distributed to "the Imaginary Music". - Do they have scheduled dates? We are now rehearsing and trying to polish issues. The earliest date so far is with Almafuerte Cipolletti. It depends on the producers talked to Tommy and Marcelo Caputto and would like us to be. We already have a relationship friendship, we share the stage with them in Cutral Co, I did Almafuerte production when they went to Cutral Co. When Tano know him long ago, also recorded with us on the first disc. The second disc Tano Marciello is also invited, so surely meter guitars.

Now we are in a terrible force, we are all closer. I am writing many letters, composing, I am very stuck with the band and I'm in a very good time because I thought Dogma was not going to go somewhere but always reborn through falls. This would "Renaciendo to through the Fallen, Part 2 "haha. - Lyrics to now follow the theme before? Lyrics are varying. Today I have 28 years and I have the same head when I was 15 and started with Dogma. I went they grow, I will different things happening. Lyrics have a higher flight to which one lives, to the real; then one puts the touch crazy but we always go

Heavy rocked aimed at well. He changed the style of the band because I'm singing, do not get singer so I decided to sing it to proceed with the band. A future we have discarded incorporate some singer. Personally I like the singer who had the band "We are not Angels" and wanted to locate him to see if he copaba Dogma wave. To us we really like the style Clock makes us love a Dio for voice band wave. So if we want to prove some neuquino in Dogma, are testing and we'll see who's left. For now I'm singing I'm going to record the songs I; but I want to abocar more guitar, I'm a guitarist. Now I got to sing for reasons obvious, I'm trying to fly it. So far I have not said that I am neither good nor bad, so as I say give anything mace.

Whenever I send a big greeting to all the people of Stone Eagle and especially to you for making this work is a big passion we all feel. I congratulate you. This is great what you're doing for all bands. I ask to the metal real people's hand is placed on the heart and you see that you invest your time and expenses pocket. That when you esçntregues this fanzine people collaborate in this life because nobody gives us anything. Us we have to go out and earn laburar to handle. It is like Ricardo Iorio said "We do not charge a salary for being metalheads "and is an absolute truth. Then people like you to do this, we need the same metalheads collaborate and follow this move crecerer once and for all of mind. I ask that the metalerso, I know they know how is the wave and therefore we are all different, so we are metalheads; because we understand the world in which we live and we have our feet firmly on the ground; and especially have well-placed to succeed balls. Hence must support the Metal. When bands play is also Good to be paid the entrance, because they have to buy strings, sticks. We are in a time when inflation in the country is terrible and every time it costs more to get ahead, burn discs, make fanzines. I ask all the people of Piedra del à guila and everyone who reads this fanzine collaborate to move forward and that the distribution reaches across the country as it should be. I send you a hug and I appreciate the humility of "Veins of Steel" to call that I value truth and surely lots will be Nearby soon chatting and comentåndote on the side

Veins of Steel presents

LtoHistory of Heavy Metal

Part XVI: Year 1995

Hermetic-The Latest

On November 12 first touches Once in the stadium and recorded his works second live album that would be published in '95. They call it that because It is the last recording he made the band split after its last concert in Mar del Plata Novi Embre 18 a week ana Works after. After suspending the second recital in works for alleged Hepatitis B Iorio, then he would say that it was a excuse not to play and that the relationship between Iorio and the res Hermetic insostenible.Fue was the last record of the band Live, which showed some of his classics, beginning with "Wind Power" and ending with "I'm Around The Corner "

Hermetic-In Concert The other would double live album "In Concert Part I and II" is the edited Iorio. This showed a rawness that represented the spirit H, which predominated couplings and blunders by the band, not because it sounded so well as the other live CD they had taken.

Almafuerte-Mundo Guanaco Shortly after separation Hermetic, Iorio form Almafuerte next to Tano Marciello (from Va d e r a l D g or n) and drummer "Locomotive" Esposito who played with the band in early trials until he came Cardacci Claudio, former Animal (before they call A.N.I.M.A.L.). Iorio took the responsibility of being the lead singer of the band which was presented for the first time live on March 17, '95 when it showed new topics in Arpeggio Theatre Capital Federal. "It was not a reason amasijado my big dream, much cried Unexpected. Premeditated move away and they knew it, I became aside. Without stopping remembering yesterday, which was been and what could not be, keep trying by the Heavy Metal who get to feel my face sending of truths. " So Iorio, in the song "Jumbled a dream", gave his version of the separation of Hermetic and would start one of the biggest bands in the Metal Argentino, as he had done before with V8 and Hermetic. The name comes from the pseudonym Almafuerte poet and Master Pedro Bonifacio Palacios; it is the lyrics of the song "As the Oxen" Iorio letter found in the menu of drinks of a hotel and would be perfect for a topic to be compound while still in the H. As well as the issue, "said the Druggist to Drogador" that would start the disk or the classic "The Kid Tiger" (true story song made by Iorio which became the first music video of the band).

The first song they wrote together was Iorio and Tano "Zamba Resurrection" culminating the disk was called Mundo Guanaco and included classics like "Feel Indiano", "Vultures" the covers "Disappear" (tango Troilus and Castillo), "I'll wow '(V8) and" Of Payments of Time "(Larralde).

Malon-Combative Spirit

The 3 members of the H restates maintaining the form Mal贸n Hermetic style, to Carlos joins them in Kuadrado bass.

The lyrics were by O'Connor and Tano and talked about issues such as Aboriginal struggle like theme "Malon Mestizo" which had been composed for Hermetic or police repression on the theme "Easy Trigger". While response to "The Jumbled a Big Dream" came hand "Fable of the Ostrich and Wild Boar" The songs "Symptom of Infection" and "Punisher by Heritage "would be used to record the first two video. The album cover is inspired by the "Duck" Strunz.

Black-Eye Illusions Homeless First album of the band formed by Claudio Ferraro (guitar) Eduardo Tarascio (voice), Diego Gamarra (bass) and Daniel Zamora (B a t t e r a). The album included 7 songs which there is a clear influence bands like Hermetic.

Lethal-Tequila Effect

More albums:

It is the fourth album of the band. And although it did not reach the success of previous album, included topics became classics band as "Warriors", "Death TV "," Breaking the Silence " and an excellent version of the song Billy Bond "Leave the Sun"

Nepal-Ideology Nepal's second album that would become one of the best albums of Thrash National, a little more melodic that the first and great songs of the likes of "Realities", "Ideology" "Iron Walls" and "Cooling Wounds. " Basic disk.

Logos-Generation Mutant Second album from one of the bands most important of ena esc national metal, perhaps the best drive it. Begins with theme "Arden in Heaven" that reflects the paradox of humanity spent millions and millions on discover cures for diseases but at the time spent in many millions pumps destroy the human being. It was the first record of the National Metal n be produced by a foreign producer who was Rudy Sarzo, giving it a more contemporary sound. "Decide for yourself" instead speaks of the influence of media in everyday life. Furthermore, This album featured the great songs "Who said?", "Fools" "Death without Gloria", "Far from Home", "Where Lurks the Wickedness "," Mutant Generation "and the intrumental" Juana Azurduy "

Vibrion-Diseased It would be a success for the band, as the lead to play several European countries. This success also earned him rebukes from a sector of the public and even some musicians who came to distributing leaflets against Vibrio, especially before the presentation Works with Kreator. Often success is considered a sin in the National Metal

JERIKO-JERIKO The first full-length album band. It was recorded between '93 and '95 but was not edited until 2004. The last record of the band along Walter Meza includes 9 issues 7 of which were included in the following discs. The remaining 2 not be heard until 2004. These themes were "You will live the Dream" and "The Return"

Sagrada accurate-Corruption The band was formed at the time by "German" on bass, "Katto" in robe, "Black" in 1st viola and "Pipa" in 2nd viola and voice; and edited this album with 7 songs of his own. Good Thrash

In Bluebeard Patagonian(Cipolletti) cold night in Cipolletti pure Thrash. The concurrency dyed black place slowly until

Metal rang the hand of local DMB (Dementia World Bastard), band I really qur surprised by its good sound, highly recommended band that raised the public with their issues and the occasional cover Slayer. Second place went to Spectral band heavy Gral Roca with a style a little power showed songs, and closed with "Outside the Law" Crazy Train. The last of the support bands It would be of NeuquĂŠn Prevails, Heavy Thrash band I was really liking it. His lyrics with a clear message and Direct sound is mixed with heavy, that they accounted for a version of "Free" in Fuck. The 3 bands are highly recommended. Now it was time everyone expected, climbed to Pagans stage to deliver the goods in the last edition of this magazine, an excellent show and "Sacrifice" began the thrashy show, followed by "Real Hell" and "paranoia" The pogo slowly untied between approximately 60 people were present.


The show was in the hands of classic "See you in hell" and "Creating Your Destiny", the band is shown solid and powerful ba led by "Dummy" in bass and vocals, accompanied by the Diego Farias power in gown while the magic out of Sergio guitars Signoretti AD and D to v i o p a. Averaged the show with "Death Justa "and" I Am Heathen "when the peak LLEA hand the great song "Burning Time" and "Phobia" Kreator great theme. Dying in the night thrashera Cipo, but before the end came another pleasant surprise when Pagans interpreted the classics by National Metal "I Devising the Fuga ". The classic "Dream" marked the end of a night of pure Thrash and announced the return Built with a lot of memories another great night of Metal

with "Dummy"

David and Sergio reading "Pogo and Stamina"

Pagans in Action

Tracklist: Sacrifice / infer Real / Paranoia / See you in Hell /

Creating your Destiny / Ni Dead / Solo Chaos / Death Justa /'m Pagano / My Legacy / Burning Time / Phobia (Kreator cover) / De Angeles Demons / I Devising Fugue (cover V8) / Dream. -

Interview with Eduardo Ezcurra How ripped in music? I started going to the 15 trials of each friends who did covers of punk and the Ramones, Those were my beginnings, but boy always ghacĂ­amos guitarreadas my hermana.Mi was the first band that I sang with them, with all the shame. And although I always liked the instruments, I I dedicated myself to sing because it was less trabajozo, I thought it was. In the end, I learned over time playing guitar, drums, bajo.A 16 years I entered the first punk rock band, were kids, do not know anything We made a Rock & Roll half punkeado, we were all Guns fans and one of the guitar players was a fan of Sex Pistols and we had that story. When we were growing formed another band that was HeavandRock and at that time Hermetic when I heard for the first time. An aunt of mine the called my mom saying I was on the radio, I think that story is known. After that I was in several bands Heavy, Thrash and many years of music today.

How did you get Mal贸n? When I played with Hermetic in '94 and knew the guys, but that date was that we played as support as a loop and when separated Herm茅tica the following year, I kept making dates with Malon and Almafuerte. I made 6 or 7 rounds as support Almafuerte and Mal贸n 5 or 6. When Mal贸n Visceral forms separated because I moved I grew up in La Plata and a friendship was formed with Tano and Carlitos (Kuadrado). I started going to rehearsals and every so recitals would sing some songs. When you decide to form Malon again called me and it was the entrance to Malon.

Reasons Aware

After we broke up for various reasons and form Reasons Aware with Tano. Then I had problems with drummer and I turned away.

Truths Outcasts

I was almost two years without playing because honestly Reasons Aware had been a dream come true for me and had not been me want d and play. Until you came around friends get me to improvise. They came for me a few times because I did not know nothing else, it was pretty renegade, until one day I yes and went. And when I got to rehearsal I grabbed nostalgia and euphoria, we started to rehearse and we went Truths Outcasts.

Outcasts Truths for me is all musical tastes detail making of images in literary phrases, dfinici贸n of expression of feeling alone, like in terms of drums and bass in the arrangements and cuts. It is trying to give the nicest thing one has. As I write letters Also, is the best thing to throw sing of life for to another at a difficult time maybe you can be served.

Do the compositions are all yours? Yes, lyrics and music. The boys were just beginning when I walked I. I started composing ideas that they can touch and then they would not compose because they feel very taste in musical compositions and literary level. Now are writing about issues and I am proud that have interpreetado which style of Truths Outcasts.

How did you feel the impact public with the disc "Resisting still dying"? Surprising, because it came to the whole countr and abroad. When we went to Bolivia for example, I was surprised; because in the first show, which was to suspend by legal issues, we find a lot of people who knew all topics and the place was filled. Everyone singing and really that's shocking because expected. One dream but it came true and illusory. Do not have too much explanation, is the feeling that transcends us. And one of me that I am a nationalist, expects the country to rebel against fears, against selfishness, against the things that leave you self-conscious and not be. And I always dreamed Metal join us, because it is the only tool musical that has the true essence of the struggle and resistance; and have found the answer and the feeling of the people for me it was glorious.

How is this band?

The album is coming out and we are the topics for the second disk. He will officially leave "Resist yet Dying", a record which is recorded years ago but the issue deserves for art. And while it was planned to be a double album because they were 24 subjects will simply go with 20 songs. I think in 10 or 15 since is on the street and, according to the distributor, in 40 days from that would be on sale throughout the country. Still, any order, but with a message and send the material. As we go playing, we go presenting topics the second disk. The new songs are a bit more thrasheados but follow the style of Truths Outcasts. The letters are somewhat clear, stronger ... haha are equal, as "masturbatory their faith" full sequence. I thank you all for being Heavy Metal and do continue I live. I remember several years ago back when I was on the cities and towns and less heavys saw, and I wanted to kill because I could not believe. When long hair and I stopped using all the hair cut, it was a very painful thing. But thanks to all who resist again. Resitir still dying that's the story. I want to thank all the people who listen Metal head is open and clear of system corruption. I send a big hug for you and everyone I read the magazine. I congratulate you for the effort you put for the Heavy is getting bigger. Congratulations on opening the mind and heart and give me a place to share and enthusiastic place.

Rata Blanca Cipolletti-Meet-In 8/23/13 The night of August 23 is met a dream, to see live for the first time the first Heavy Metal band which reached my ears. Although I arrived to watch a Nordic, formerly presented Tyrano and Serphika. The show started on time, taking the sample from the beginning professionalism of the band celebrated its 25th anniversary. The anxiety of people cut when it starts to sound "Journal of a Shade "unleashes euphoria contained in the public mind that did not stop jumping all night, continuing "endorphin". To this he followed the classic "only Amarte "and" Coming Home. " Each issue was an example of virtuosity, from Giardino up Moschen, since Sanchez up Scarcella and incomparable voice Barilari. While the show continued hand "Rain Purple "and" You're still in my dreams "

Among the topics of the first period, They performed "The MISM a Woman" "Nothing is Easy without your Love", "The Dreaming Gypsy "," Agord, the Witch " "Embracing the Rock & Roll" and "Chico Calljero "between songs ever There was no room for magic that flies guitar one of the best violeros country. The resistance was felt public each pogo, where you could see several generations of rockers heavy. The end will come when the band saw returns to the stage with "The Kingdom Forgotten, "you can imagine that pogo; followed by "Warrior Arco Iris " It was time for "Woman In Love" that resulted in the closing of "The Legend Fairy and the Magician ". A show the other end, as always Walter juggling the viola, plucking the strings and closing an unforgettable show.

Tracklist: Diary of a Shadow / 71-06 (Endorphin) / only Amarte / Returning Home / Purple Rain / You're still in my dreams / The Same Woman / Nothing Is Easy without your Love / The Dream of the Gypsy / The Circle of Fire / Agord, the Witch / Embracing the R'n'R / Chico Street / Voices of the Sea / The Forgotten Kingdom / Warrior Rainbow / Female Lover / The Legend of Fairy and Wizard

Gustavo Cipriano Cipolletti-Meet-In 8/23/13

Once we left Meet we went to Bluebeard Metal night never ends. We find a show who performed the ex-vocalist of the legendary band The Alarm. Before they had done their the Odeon, Nasdrovia bands and tribute to Robert Halford Resurrection hand. It was time for Cipriano Gustavo to make up their tribute to the voices of the kids with Metal Antenor that amazed me. People all over the valley was present appointment to the Metal poguear with international Heavy Metal classics. The repertoire contained great versions of "Crazy Train" "Holy Diver", "Do not talk to Strangers" and "Wasting Love" between other great songs from bands like Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath and Dio played to perfection by the Antenor people by the great voice of Gustavo Cipriano that was paid for the photo. The show lasted until 6:00 am and a long day Metal end when it was time to take the turn payments to Piedra del Aguila. When Iron Maiden plays out "metalheads" up down stones, let the National Metal endurance.


Salem began in May 2010 with Gabriel Aguilar (drums) Mauro Zorruz煤a (bass), Jeremiah Hawkes (guitar) and Jesus Almir贸n (guitar and vocals). A few months later, Jeremiah away from the side and enters his replacement Luke Abate. and enter Perez Cristian in voice.

The News

We are now complicated because we walked singer ago a couple of weeks and we are in search of a singer.


Theto Thrash, but never had

make a classic Thrash goal square. Not despise the as Classic Thrash, but is a Trash tinged alia More than anything, we aim Heavy Metal is a mixture.


The topics are quite diverse. More than anything, we aim to the social, to dramas of each. Not transmit messages give up, keep giving forward.

Discogra We have a live demo phy was the first thing we get in the

2010.Despu茅s have the Demo Estudio2011 we recorded here in Lake Puelo and we recorded two songs in Lel goal Esque last year. The is to drive, a long produicci贸n

duration. We aimed, but we stopped the singer. We are laburando much and we will not let up. We are waiting for someone vanga We have scheduled the date Bariloche, Ruca Hue Metal Fest in January next year. The idea is to sharpened for that date. Greetings to you, it is good that there are people who play by under, is great. They are a great tool, a very important part of the scene.

Recommended Albums Aonikenk-La Gauchada The band presents this deuquina preview of what will be the new "Setir Metalero". Contains 6 songs: the heavy version of "The Gauchada" "Unpublished Poet", "Cacique Yatel", 2 new songs: "From NeuquĂŠn" and "Return to the Land" and closes with the Almafuerte cover of "My Credo"

Shit-Head to Head

The best trio in the country has a double disc with 16 first issues level between which is difficult choose the best. A disc loaded climates and melodies abound where distortion, the power of the coat and letters that hit the spot and moment. To listen again and again. Legendary and othe preferred.

Obsession-Nothing is The band formed by Juan Morales (robe) Impossible GĂśttig Diego (bass) and Diego Saade (viola and

vocals) This disc presents good Heavy / Rock 9 topics, among which stand out "Together this Stamina", "Nothing is Impossible" "Be Free", "Back to Start" and "The Uimbral" Cristian involving Bertoncelli "

Pogrom-Searing & Unity is The legendary Thrash / Death Strength Metal Devastation record this split along another well known band of the genre. The disc contains 7 new issues Devastation, including a cover of Pogrom and one of Plasmatics. June brings Pogrom of his subjects, among which include "Atrocity" Devastation.

The album features the participation of prominent musicians national scene: Javier "Canario" Compiano (Plan 4) Brenda Cuesta (Bloodparade), Facundo Coral (Crazy Train) and Paul Maggioni.

Triddana-Ripe for Great album of Folk Metal band. Rebellion 12 songs that blend melody

and demonstrate the potency and quality dede its five members, Paul Allen (bagpipe), Fernando Marty (bass) Juan Jose Fornes (guitar), Ranz (Battery) and the voice of Diego Valdez It highlights all the issues, but they named some that can be letter if never

heard: "Gone with the River", "The Dead End Verse" "All Souls Night", "Born in the Dark Age", "Men of Clay" "F akinga Wa r" and "F Tw lamesat iLight"

Send your material band matiasmetal.rosembach @ gmail.com

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